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To the people of Greenwall, the Des’Cantier family were the closest things to celebrities that anyone could be in such a small town. They were well-loved and admired by most of the townsfolk for as long as they had lived there for generations on end. However, these days when someone spoke the Des’Cantier name it was usually followed by a shake of the head or a solemn word of pity and melancholy.

The Des’Cantiers had a child named Caspen, and this child would always be considered nothing less than an omen by the people of Greenwall. His parents had bright blue eyes and golden hair that shone like the morning sun. The child, however, had hair and eyes of scarlet. And it wasn’t the sort of red hair that was natural for the people of this part of the world, it wasn’t coppery or fiery orange, this child had hair and eyes the color of blood from a fresh wound.

The child was prone to fits of rage, and his parents often had a difficult time controlling him, especially in public places. The young Caspen didn’t really seem to like other people that much, and as the boy got older the Des’Cantiers would rarely bring him out with them as they went about their daily duties.

Then tragedy struck, when Caspen was only sixteen his parents died of an illness they shared, and left everything to him. Caspen never seemed very mournful of his parents’ deaths, and in fact, even seemed happier. There were no shortage of rumors that the boy poisoned his parents to get his hands on the family’s fortune, and now he locks himself away in their old mansion and performs dark rituals with evil magic.

As it happens, nearly all of the things the people of the small village believe about the Des’Cantier family is false, and only the child knew the truth.

For starters, the boy was in fact a girl. It was true that she had a penis and was born with one, but the child had always known she was a girl. Secondly, her parents were not as generous and admirable as the townsfolk would believe. The girl’s father was abusive, and her mother neglectful. Neither would hear the girl’s pleas to be brought up like a girl, to wear girl’s clothes, collect dolls, and insist on calling her a girl in public. Instead, perhaps believing it to be a phase, they insisted on bringing her up as a boy. This was the cause of many of her childhood tantrums.

When she reached puberty, the situation got worse. She actually grew breasts, though they were small, they poked out awkwardly from the clothes she wore. Instead of giving in and deciding this was more than just fantasy, her parents made her stay in the house, refusing to let her go out in public at all.

It was only after they died, which truly was of illness, that the young girl finally felt free. Not a single tear from the girl was shed at their funeral. After all, they had never truly loved her, they loved Caspen, the boy they wanted her to be. It was after she finally had freedom that she began demanding others address her as a female, and she changed her name to Cassia.

The townsfolk did not believe her when she told them the truth about her parents, and certainly would not heed her wishes. Many believed her to be the cause of her own parents’ deaths after all, and even those that didn’t think that way instead agreed that she had been driven mad from grief, which was why she went around calling herself a girl. The few members of the village who obeyed her wishes were either scared of her or they simply did not want to argue.

Our story, rather unfortunately, begins here. In the village of Greenwall on a fateful day when the young Cassia, now eighteen years of age, would have her life changed forever.

Cassia Des’Cantier strode out of her front door. She was not in a good mood, which was not unusual for any day she had to leave the house on top of the hill and go down into the village, but today it was especially bad. She’d had a nightmare last night. She was trapped in a room without doors or windows, and the walls began to close in, suffocating her. This made her awake with a fright when she believed herself to be crushed, but also an anxious claustrophobic feeling as well. She was restless, and dissatisfied more than usual. She couldn’t even concentrate on her reading, her favorite hobby. The Des’Cantier library was large, and Cassia’s only solace was in the books within, most of which she had already read cover-to-cover.

As much as she would have loved to just shut herself away in the old ill-maintained manor for the rest of her life, she did need to eat, and a distant part of her thought getting a breath of fresh air would calm her nerves.

Cassia didn’t even get any joy from dressing up. The only feminine clothing she had was old garments from her late mother’s wardrobe, which held too many poor memories; and though the idea of going to the local tailor to have feminine clothing made had tickled her mind, the likely outcome would have been botched and hideous. After all Dannek Fairstream, the tailor in question, was one of the townsfolk of the staunch opinion that she had murdered her parents.

Today she settled on a plain-looking summer dress, as the weather was nice, but hadn’t bothered to do anything with her shoulder-length straight hair. Who would she really be impressing? The wicker basket swung from side to side in her hands as she made her way down the hill to the market, which was thankfully close to the manor.

The flagstone path that bisected the market street was easily the busiest in all of Greenwall. One one end of the street was the Des’Cantier Manor and on the other end, the gates to the town. Cassia made her way along the road, trying her best to ignore the stares and murmurs whenever one of the townsfolk noticed her.

“Look, it’s the Des’Cantier boy...”

“I heard he murdered his parents...”

“He’s wearing his mother’s clothes, too. Has he no shame?”

It took all of Cassia’s willpower not to turn and shout at them. She had already done that once before, and the result wasn’t really in her favor. It only seemed to solidify the idea in their minds that she was unstable. What she wouldn’t have given to be left alone. To be able to walk out in the streets without whispers, without judgement, confident and feeling like her true self.

She went to the fruit stall, a sign was displayed above it announcing a two-for-one deal on apples today. The stall owner, a portly man with a big, bushy beard but visible laugh lines and round cheeks, was grinning as he waved goodbye to a pair of customers as they left. Cassia rarely saw him without a smile on his face, with one clear exception, and that was when he saw her.

The moment he noticed her blood-red hair and pale skin, his smile faded away as though it had never been there, and it was replaced with a dire look, like he was dealing with a criminal now.

“What do you want, boy?” His voice was full of disgust. Cassia’s temple twitched at what he called her. She decided to let it go.

“I’d like ten apples, sir.” She said as pleasantly as she could.

“Fifty coppers.” He said, simply.

Cassia glanced at the sign announcing the two-for-one deal and then at the sign showing the prices. It should have been twenty-five coppers. “The sign says—”

“Fifty coppers, boy.” He repeated through gritted teeth. “If you don’t want ‘em, shove off.” He added impatiently.

She was getting angry, but bottled it for now, thinking it wasn’t worth the trouble. She reached into her coinpurse and produced five silver coins, which was the equivalent to what he was asking, and dropped them into his waiting palm, which he withdrew quickly, as though she were diseased. He then grabbed the worst-looking apples from his bunch and began tossing them into her basket one by one.

“Off you go, boy.” He gave her a nasty look, but she just turned away. Her cheeks were flush with anger as she carried on, her teeth gritted behind her pursed lips.

There were whispers following her again.

“A disgrace to his family name…”

“His parents must be turning in their graves…”

She continued on, trying her best to ignore them. She managed to get through three more shopkeepers, getting a loaf of bread that looked a day away from sprouting mold, a wheel of cheese that was nearly half the weight she asked for, and a dozen potatoes that looked like they were already almost powder.

“Truly disgusting…”

As she made her way through the street she couldn’t help but notice the crowds were getting thicker, and she almost felt like their whispering voices were closing in on her like the walls of the room in her dream.

“Fancies himself a girl? I wouldn’t let my daughter near him…”

She was practically pushing her way through the crowds, unsure if they were actually closing in around her or if she was moving more quickly through them without giving them a chance to make way. Her mouth was open in a toothy scowl as she ground her teeth together in rage.

“He’s a bloody freak. Heard he made a deal with evil spirits to get that chest.”

She’d had enough.

“I am a woman! And you will refer to me as such!” The words shot from her mouth almost entirely without her realizing. They came out much more demanding and imposing than she had intended. She stamped her foot angrily as she said this.

Something in the air shifted as she said this, and her whole body was tingling. The crowd stared at her for a moment, but then got very glassy looks in their eyes. She spied one of the town guards, who she was sure would accost her for the outburst, but even he had the same glazed and slightly surprised look in his eyes.

“Right you are, miss.” He said to her and then turned to continue on his path.

One by one, each person in the crowd began to repeat what the guard had said to her and then began walking away going about their business. There wasn’t a hint of venom in their tones, in fact she could only sense sincerity. It stuck out to her, because sincerity and integrity wasn’t a tone she was used to dealing with when it came to them.

She stood there, dumbfounded for a few moments, unable to believe what just happened. Pretty soon the crowds had shifted around enough that there were different people now. The whispers began again, and she started to move toward her manor again. Even though the whispers were still just as horrible, they were now referring to her as a woman, using female pronouns as she had demanded.

She was feeling a bit overwhelmed now, in addition to being angry, and so she continued down the road to her house on the hill. As she stormed up the cobble path leading to her front door, she couldn’t help but feel like she was being watched. When she had finally reached her destination, she slammed the door shut behind her and leaned on it, breathing deeply and trying to calm her temper. She made a mistake; the outburst would only make matters worse for her in the town now.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a rapping on her door.

She practically jumped away from it and stared. In the two years since her parents’ deaths, only three people had ever knocked on her door, and two of them had done so by mistake, thinking they were at the governor’s house.

Another series of knocks on the door echoed through the silent foyer.

Her anger was returning, it must have been someone from the village. She threw open the door. “Look, I don’t bother any of you people, so can you please just return the courtesy!?” She yelled. It was only after she had finished her request that she realized nobody was there.

“Down here!” A cheery voice sounded from below.

Cassia lowered her gaze and found herself face-to-face with what she at first believed to be a child. The person’s frame was certainly small, only standing about three and a half feet from the ground, but it had the proportions and appearance of a fully-grown adult woman including breasts with a distinctly visible cleavage line. She was dressed in royal blue robes with silver lining and silver embroidery at the edges. She had a hooded cape over her shoulders and head, which had similar patterning but was a slightly darker shade of blue. A mass of curly ginger hair flooded from the hood around her face, and her bright green eyes twinkled as they looked at her.

“Oh.” Cassia stared dumbfounded. She must have been looking at a halfling woman, she even had bare feet, a tradition of halflings.

“I know what you’re thinking, yep I’m a halfling. And to answer your next potential question, nope I’m not from the village, and my name is Lina Goodberry, professor of Evocation and Conjuration at the Indigo Quill Academy of Sorcery. Nice you meet you!” The halfling woman thrust her tiny hand up to shake hands with Cassia, who did so very hesitantly.

“Um, likewise. I’m—”

“Cassia Des’Cantier!” Lina finished for her. Cassia was frankly shocked that she had used that name and not Caspen like she was used to other people doing. “May I come in?” She asked, the halfling’s freckled cheeks bulging as she gave a big, toothy grin.

“Um, sure.” Cassia said, still in a state of shock.

Suddenly, the halfling vanished into a strange mist with a pop. Cassia was about to panic like she had lost her mind, but then heard the halfling’s high-pitched and energetic voice behind her.

“Wow! This place is huge!” Cassia whirled around to see Lina spinning in place in the center of the foyer. There was another pop and the short woman was now near one of the walls on her tiptoes running a finger on a vase perched on one of the pedestals. “Mighty dusty, though.” A distinctly darker line appeared where her finger touched, betraying just how dirty the surrounding surface was.

“So,” Cassia began after Lina popped between a few other decorations, “you’re a sorcerer then?”

The halfling popped in front of her to address her. “Aye! What gave it away?” She giggled.

Cassia had read about sorcerers, though there wasn’t much about them in her library. The few books she had on the subject were mostly about their various exploits, and collections of essays about why they should be feared. There wasn’t anything frightful about Lina, however. Her library contained nothing about how magic worked or what exactly sorcerers could do.

Cassia had dozens of questions burning in her mind about magic, but there was one question that seemed the most important to her. “What’s a sorceress doing in my house?” She asked.

Lina’s face betrayed a look of shock, her mouth turning into a small circle. “Oh! I haven’t told you yet, have I? Sorry, just got excited is all!” She reached into her hood and scratched the back of her head bashfully. “Well, if you weren’t aware, the kingdom of Faulka has outlawed the use of magic by anyone who isn’t a graduate of one of its magic academies.”

Cassia had heard this, but was struggling to imagine why it was relevant to why a halfling sorcerer was teleporting around her foyer. Instead of bringing this up, she assumed Lina would get to the point eventually and decided to just keep quiet.

“Well, you aren’t a graduate, and that was one hell of a spell you just cast.”

Cassia blinked. “Pardon?”

“In the street. You yelled and everyone just listened.”

“That was a spell? I-I didn’t mean to!” Cassia panicked and stuttered these words out.

Lina lifted a hand in the air to try and calm her. “There’s no need to worry, it didn’t hurt nobody, and it was a first offense. But I imagine that within a few fays there will be inquisitors crawling all over this town looking for you.”


“Anti-magic enforcers, they make sure there aren’t any stray sorcerers who aren’t accounted for. But no need to worry! That’s why I’m here. The divination professor at the Indigo Quill told our headmistress that you cast the spell as soon as you did. She had me warp here and chat with you.” Lina beamed at Cassia at the mention of herself.

Cassia’s head was spinning, this was a lot to take in. “Wait, so when the inquisitors find me what will they do?” She asked desperately.

“Well, if they get a hold of you they will process you at the capital, and send you to whatever academy they want. And let me tell you, you don’t want that. Most of the academies that the queen has set up are more like prisons than schools.” Panic was rising again in Cassia, and Lina seemed to notice this. “But that’s why I’m here. I said most were like that, but the Indigo Quill has been around longer than even the kingdom of Faulka! Our headmistress runs the school much better, but the inquisitors don’t like our academy, so the odds of you ending up there if the inquisitors catch you is pretty slim.

“That’s where I come in.” Her tone became distinctly more official. “After review of the magical prowess you have displayed, headmistress Valaryn would like to extend to you, Cassia Des’Cantier, her formal invitation to attend the Indigo Quill Academy for Sorcery effective immediately!”

Cassia stared dumbfounded at the halfling.

“You see,” Lina began after clearing her throat, “if our headmistress invites you to her school you don’t have to take the chance with the inquisitors.”

Cassia had actually understood that, she was stunned, however, because she was not used to anyone extending kindness to her under any circumstances.

“Do you accept?” Lina asked, breaking the awkward silence.

Cassia looked around at the dusty foyer of her parents’ home that she inherited. She tried desperately to scan her mental library for even a single good memory in this place. When she could not find a single one she said. “Yes.”

“Great!” Lina said jumping up into the air with joy in almost a childlike way. “Anything you need to pack?”

Cassia thought about all of the clothes, belonging to her mother. They didn’t fit her properly, and they were fairly ugly anyway. She thought about all the books in the library, she’d already read all the ones she cared about. She thought about her own room. The only thing that was in there was all the reminders of how insistent her parents had been that she be a boy.

“I don’t think so.” She said finally.

“Oh, even better! Take my hand then.” She once again extended her tiny arm for Cassia to take, and she did so slightly hesitantly.

Cassia suddenly felt like she had done a forward and backward somersault, as well as a cartwheel in both directions, all at the same time, and suddenly she was standing on a grassy hill with Lina, a single, ancient oak tree alongside them. She looked off into the distance and audibly gasped as she saw a gigantic grey castle surrounded by an oak forest. The golden light from a setting sun shining between two tall towers behind it. It looked like a painting.

“Welcome,” Lina began, “to the Indigo Quill Academy of Sorcery.”

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While the content of this site is not that weird, I still think that is one of the weirder sites I have visited so far. I understand now that this site is made for the phone users who enjoy browsing for pornographic content on their phones, but that was not the first thing I thought about when I opened this place… probably because I visited this site on my PC before I did on my phone.I think that it was quite obvious that the site is meant for your phone, or other similar...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Erotica X? First of all, I have to say that being a premium member of any site is a treat for itself. Sometimes I don't even understand how it's worth it for all these premium sites to offer up so much for so little. I'm talking about, a premium porn site that also offers access to HardX, DarkX, and LesbianX all for the price of one! This is what I'm talking about being a treat for itself. These sites are doing their best and are delivering the best so that we can get so damn much!...

Premium Porn For Women Sites
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Ah, vintage porn at Erotic Age! This term adopts a different meaning depending on who is reading it. See, porn or rather depictions of sexual acts has been around since the civilization of mankind. You’ve certainly seen them in sculptures, erotic artwork, and paintings going back hundreds of years. The human race has been perverted since the beginning of time. However, if I may give y’all fucks a bit of history, the first porn novel was published in 1748 and things pretty much went downhill...

Vintage Porn Sites
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Renderotica is the kind of adult site that would not have existed in the recent past. While porn has always existed, it was improbable for anyone to create their own pornographic content. But thanks to the advances in technology and platforms like Patreon giving fans the option to fund their favorite creators, it has never been easier to bring one’s porn ideas to life.This combination has given ordinary people the chance to create pornographic games, animated adult content, XXX comics, and so...

Premium Hentai Sites
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It's all about the balance! Too much fapping could make you go blind, but there is nothing worse than a case of blue balls. Too much hardcore shit will turn you into a grumpy fucker who won't be able to get it up to normal banging scenes…don't overdo it is the message. Exactly why I choose for today's review. It's time to infuse some subtlety into your hardcore life, and show you there's more to life than inserting a prick inside a shithole.Pour yourself a glass of wine and light...

Premium Female Masturbation Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Erotically Shocked

As I came home from the party after my wife I caught the most upsetting but at the same time the most erotically enjoyable sight I have seen. There should stood leaning over our sofa as he thrusted into her from behind. We had enjoyed a night at a friend´s house, you know dinner, drinks and some music. The group of us in our 30s and 40s had spend the early evening hours toasting glasses of prosecco while talking about sports, politics and more basically curing the world´s evils. My...

3 years ago
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Literotica The School Ch 02

The School Ch. 02byNeighbourhoodSuccubus©Author's Note: All characters are 18 and over.Zamuel couldn't wash away the bitter taste of Tulis' sperm no matter how much he washed his mouth with water and was set up to endure it for the ceremony when he went up a set of marble stairs as loud clacks of someone running in heels came from behind."Hey, wait!"He stopped and turned to see a curvaceous femboy in stockings, red high heels, a loose rose-coloured shirt and a black thong run up to him. He had...

4 years ago
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Literotica The School Ch 01

The School Ch. 01byNeighbourhoodSuccubus©Author's Note: All characters are 18 and over.*****Technology is marvelous. It allows the weak human body to transcend its limits and go far beyond. Star travel was possible, new alien races have been discovered and made friends of which only served to boost the already massive leaps of knowledge and technology humanity has made beforehand. State of the art medicine, genetic manipulation and many other means of choosing one's lifestyle became available...

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Shes Magical

It’s the middle of winter, you bring you freezing cold butt into the house. A long distance relationship has caused this as a result.The one time you get to see her and it is super cold outside. You’re over at her place. No one else is at home but you and her. All her roommates have left. You both have just arrived here after she came to get you from the airport. All she does is talk nonstop. She’s such a chatterbox. Two hours in a closed cramped space in the flight and the freezing cold...

3 years ago
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The woman is middle-aged. Forty-five, for those of you who can't relate to a character unless you have the exact number of times the earth has gone round the sun during their existence. She has wavy blonde hair, haunting blue eyes, and a face that most would describe as attractive, if not gorgeous. In a younger woman her looks might have been described as cute. On a woman her age, her face looks caring, friendly, even matronly. Her skin is smooth and pale, and she is always reminding herself...

3 years ago
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The woman is middle-aged. Forty-five, for those of you who can't relate to a character unless you have the exact number of times the earth has gone round the sun during their existence. She has wavy blonde hair, haunting blue eyes, and a face that most would describe as attractive, if not gorgeous. In a younger woman her looks might have been described as cute. On a woman her age, her face looks caring, friendly, even matronly. Her skin is smooth and pale, and she is always reminding herself...

2 years ago
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Their gazes are lockedFingers brush her hair Her head is bobbingHer lips are pouty and sweet Suddenly a soft voice says:“Swallow it, mom, please...” Her cheeks go big!Her eyes turn wide! Then they both knowThat there’s only oneTo continue reading this story you must be a member. Join for FREE here.

3 years ago
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Some right swipes are magical

After , she left for her hometown in a week as the WFH was declared to be indefinite for the time being. This started the dry phase in my life when I installed Tinder and used Omegle extensively. This part of the series is my encounter with Kyra on Tinder, my first match in the USA. For those who don’t know me, I’m Krish, a 27-year-old guy from Hyderabad. I am living in the united states and having the time of my life in the sexual department. Coming to this incident, the majority of it...

3 years ago
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Australian StoryChapter 41 Magical

Friday 19-Oct 2007 "You're going to score tonight!" Chris looked at Geno. Yeah, he probably was. In fact, given the way Shahia had been looking at him all day, it was almost certain. No. He recalled her comment about the kiss; she planned for it to be tonight. But still, he was annoyed by the way Geno had put it. So what that everyone knew that they were going to Phantom tonight. Shahia was excited beyond measure, and now she was certainly that exuberant outgoing life-of-the-party...

4 years ago
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The Beach Neighbor

This is a true story, though names and locations have been changed to protect privacy.We took a family trip to the beach this summer, my wife and k**s. With the covid lockdowns we were all going a bit crazy. We managed to find a cottage to rent right on the beach in a sleepy area, far from the usual crowds - perfect for a little socially distant vacationing. Our beach house was right next to a massive new 3 story house with a "just sold" sign out front. As we unloaded, a family pulled up in a...

2 years ago
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Creative fucking

Hello to all ISS readers. This is your one and only JJ. I had received tremendous feedback from you for my previous submissions, am totally delighted. Many of the readers have got in touch with me thru my personal mail id and have requested to keep posting more and more. One of the females who went thru the last submission GODDESS OF LOVE sent me her feedback and as a courtesy I had thanked her suddenly we exchanging mails and became very good friends. We chatted & chatted a couple of days back...

4 years ago
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My Sister and Her Friends Part 1

Warning #1: Long story. May take 90 minutes or more for both parts. Warning #2: First story I ever wrote, it is a grammatical mess! I have left it alone over the years and not fixed any of it. You don't have to comment that it's problematic, I know that. Warning #3: The buildup takes awhile, but hang in there! Thanks for checking it out! ) My Sister and Her Friends! ------------------------------ So I've been masturbating ever since I can remember. I thought I was a sex...

2 years ago
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Miss Universe Abducted

Now she tried to move her legs or arms. To her surprise she realized that not only could she barely move them, but she was completely naked and tied to a bed. Spread-eagled, she looked down and saw her ankles firmly bound with black tape to the foot of the bed. Her wrists were cuffed to the headboard, chafing her delicate skin. She looked around the bare concrete room with its cinder block walls and just a few dim bulbs overhead for lighting. A large full length mirror across from her seemed...

4 years ago
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Sassur ne keht me choda bahu ko

Hi dosto mai iss site ko kuch hi mahino se parna suru kiya hai mare kai dosto ne mujye is ISS site ke bare mai batiya tha vho is site ka reguler read kerte hai pichle 6-7 mahino se mai bhi is site ko daily parta hoon.sach mai mujye is site ki sari storie ko pardne me bhahut acha lagta hai.dosto is site ke jariye hanm apne sex life ki bathe sayer ker sekte hai eha meri pheli stroie hai ekdem sachi stroie jiss wajye se mane storie ke patroo ke naam badel diye hai.THO DOSTO OR samye na berbad...

4 years ago
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Bla Book 1 Target GirlChapter 4

Béla lay naked on the table in the Target Room, recovering from her orgiastic ordeal. There was cum in her ass and her pussy, as well as all over her stomach and back. It coated the inside of her mouth and throat. Her hair and face were speckled with it. This was the first time that she’d ever felt that her weekly gangbang was an ordeal. Her body was still tingling, a happy receptor of all of that wonderful, energizing cum, but she, herself, felt depressed and unfulfilled. She was glad there...

3 years ago
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Mom Son And Aunts 8211 Pt 1 8211 Beginning Mom Strokes Son8217s Cock

Hello friends, GrayWizard here back with another story. This one will be a long-series by me on between a mom, son and his aunts. Let’s begin with the first part. Raghunath was a businessman, he inherited his wealth from his father and forefathers. He was a perfect man who knew how to accumulate wealth and grow it. He was also a very romantic kind of person. Some may call him a womanizer and boy, could they be more right. When he was 25, Raghunath fell in love for the first time. Rajashree, a...

2 years ago
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Sigma Omega SigmaChapter 12

What seemed an eternity later... “It’s time,” I said as I pulled out of Moira, much to her satisfaction. Already, the Mayhem began in earnest, or at least the parts that I didn’t consciously instigate. Massive hailstones, acid rain, and incredible heat waves swept much of the globe. Volcanoes long dormant began erupting, earthquakes rumbled, We had to find shelter, which we did, for the sake of the mortals among us, what few there still were. I sealed as many as I could as quickly as I...

4 years ago
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The Concert

 This marvelous experience happened a couple of months ago when my wife Laura and I were at a rock concert at our favorite club. We hade gone there to see a local band that had gotten some hype in the press, and as we both like to go out and listen to music, this club had been a kind of favorite place. What's more, the new management of the club had consistently arranged good concerts, so it was almost as if you could go there no matter what band played there. We were far from alone in...

1 year ago
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MyPervyFamily Sofie Reyez Work Me Out Stepdaddy

GI Joey is just tryna head to the gym to get his pump on when his bratty stepdaughter Sofie Reyez stops him for some attention. This young Latina quickly flips things on her stepdad when she mentions he should stay home so she can give him head. You read that correctly, and Joey was just as shocked, believe me! Sofie promises to keep it on the down low and then quickly moves to grab her stepfather’s dick. Sofie was impressed with his large member and she eagerly shoved it in her mouth...

3 years ago
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The ProtectorChapter 27

I was going out the front door, heading for the garage, when it hit me. Something had been bothering me about this whole thing. None of this had started until the shooting at the barn. That made me wonder if Sally's mom had been approached and paid by the church to have her and her boyfriend grab Sally. Still, it just didn't make sense to me because I had done my little raid on the church years ago. I hadn't had any contact since then. I stopped and sat down on the porch to work this out...

2 years ago
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Pleasure Cruise Part 4

After the events of previous day off the ship, I had spent much of the day relaxing after waking mid morning. Wandering the ship had led to a well earned massage, a visit to the beautician and cocktails by the pool. Now, as the sun began to set, I considered my options for the evening. Since boarding three days ago, I had stumbled upon my own entertainment and was yet to take full advantage of everything that the cruise had to offer. Each cabin had a booklet outlining the many scheduled shows,...

Straight Sex
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Haileys Vacation Part 3

Hailey felt something hard pressing against her ass, and an unfamiliar warmth around her body. She opened her eyes to see a sleeping Rick holding her close and smiled. She realized the hard object was his cock. It wasn’t a dream, she thought happily, I really had sex last night with Rick. Rick’s eyes opened and he smiled. “Good morning beautiful.” “Good morning. Is that your cock I feel between my cheeks?” “Yeah.” “What a way to wake up!” Rick purred in her ear and stretched his legs. “Is that...

3 years ago
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MAU The Thule Incident Part 2

MAU: The Thule Incident Part 2 By Danielle J Author's note- This is the second installment of my latest MAU saga. I suggest you read MAU - The Thule Incident before starting on Part 2. You will find Part 1 at Fictionmania listed both under stories by Danielle J and by a category search for MAU stories. I must thank Steve Zink for his editing and hard work in preparing this story for publication. ***** As ordered, Major Koval returned to the interview room for the...

4 years ago
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Let me tell you about my slut b*o, Trey. He lives in Phoenix and I live in San Francisco. That's the way it's been since we met nearly ten years ago. Most people aren't able to count the times they've lunched with a friend, confided in each other about family and lovers, and walked their dogs together or helped load furniture in a truck for a move of address. With Trey, I'd say I've seen him less times than the amount of fingers I have on one hand. We don't even talk much. But in a world where...

3 years ago
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The Lover

As I walk into the bedroom, illuminated by the various sweet smelling candles that you purposefully collect I see the outline of your body sitting at your table. Standing back I admire the image, feeling how lucky I am having someone as beautiful as you are, your glorious curves illustrating the petite frame that is your body. You don’t notice me as I stand taking your beauty. For a few moments I stand back watching you. Trying to stay unnoticed as I approach you occupied by brushing your...

2 years ago
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Hollys StoryChapter 4

When I got home, daddy and Sarah were in the kitchen. Daddy introduced Sarah to me and Sarah gave me some wine. I know I was babbling on, I always do when I've had a drink, but because of all the excitement today I was talking all the more. Sarah asked me about my shopping trip and we talked about daddy and where they went on their night out. I really hit it off with her, she came across as lovely and I felt so happy for daddy. I was keen to try my new things on again, but even more than...

4 years ago
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Marys Discovery

Mary's Discovery - by: Trish Shaw Owing to the lack of thump-thump music through the wall Linda Write assumed that the students next door were out, when she got home from work. They had been her neighbours since the start of term in early September and at first she had resented their presence. However as she had got to know them she changed her mind and began to almost enjoy their madcap company. There were three of them sharing the house, Mike and Bob were third year art...

4 years ago
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FIlling my ass in Lake Placid

The clamps were tight, almost too tight. Nah, I LOVE them super tight. And the chain between them was just heavy enough to make them tug me. All the time. My stockings were thigh highs, sheer grey and so soft against my freshly shaven legs. Dark grey suede heels with open toes showing off my red nails, but only three inch because I can't walk well on higher ones. I was completely shaven and feeling very feminine, even though I knew that I didn't look very feminine, even with my makeup and wig....

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