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Hinterher wusste er nicht mehr, wann alles seinen Anfang genommen hatte. Eigentlich waren sie ein ganz normales Paar gewesen. Martin war überrascht gewesen, dass Sabine, hinter der sie auf der Uni alle her waren, sich ausgerechnet mit ihm auf der Party länger unterhalten haitte.

Die schöne Sabine: sie war ungefähr 1,75 groß, schwarze, kinnlange Haare, schön geschwungene Augenbrauen, irritierende, hellblaue Augen, eine scharf geschnittene Nase und ein kleiner Mund mit vollen Lippen. Sie hatte eine traumhafte Figur und verstand es immer, dies zur Geltung zu bringen. Alles, was sie trug, saß knalleng, die Blusen spannten sich über ihren festen, nicht zu großen Titten, ihre Röcke waren kurz und aus elastischem Material, dazu trug sie immer sehr hohe Schuhe, die für alle anderen Mädchen eine Herausforderung gewesen wären. Für Sabine nicht: Sie ging sehr sicher auf ihnen, fast könnte man sagen: respekteinflößend. Trug sie eine ausgewaschene Jeans, schnitt sie dermaßen in ihren Körper ein, dass man ihre Fotze zu sehen glaubte. Was anderen Mädchen peinlich gewesen wäre, hatte Sabine selbstbewusst zur Schau getragen.

Natürlich hatten es alle Womanizer der Uni bei ihr versucht. Aber aus welchen Gründen auch immer: Alle waren bei ihr abgeblitzt. Es waren Gerüchte gegangen, sie wäre eine Lesbe oder hätte irgendein anderes, tiefer liegendes Problem. Klar, die Jungs mussten sich eine Erklärung zurechtlegen, warum sie die schärfste Frau der Uni nicht ins Bett kriegten.

Und dann war da diese Party gewesen, und Sabine war auf ihn zugekommen, Martin hatte sich lange mit ihr unterhalten, sie hatten gemeinsam Schnaps aus der Flasche getrunken, und als es dann immer später geworden war, hatte Sabine die klassische Frage gestellt: "Zu dir oder zu mir?" Sie waren zu ihm gegangen, und Sabine hatte ihm eine Nacht beschert, an die er sich auch heute, nach fünf Jahren,

nicht erinnern konnte, ohne rot zu werden und einen harten Schwanz zu


Danach waren sie unzertrennlich gewesen, das seltsamste Gespann der Uni: Die schöne Sabine, feuchter Traum aller Männer und sicher auch mancher Frauen an der Uni, und Martin, der scheue, zurückhaltende Musterstudent. Er hatte kurz vor seinem Abschluss gestanden und bereits ein Jobangebot in der Tasche. Nach den Sommerferien war er nach Düsseldorf gezogen und hatte als Assistent der Geschäftsleitung angefangen.

Die Geschichte mit Sabine ging weiter: Wann immer er konnte, fuhr er zu ihr, um sie zu besuchen, und als er ihr die Nachricht überbrachte, er würde der jüngste Filialleiter werden, den das Unternehmen je gehabt hatte, war sie ihm in die Arme gefallen. Da hatte er sich getraut, sie zu fragen, ob sie ihn heiraten wolle. Sie hatte ihn angelächelt und "Ja" gesagt.

Alles hatte wahrscheinlich an dem Abend angefangen, als Martin im Bett, ganz wie gewohnt, seine Hand auf Sabines nackte Brust legte, und Sabine sagte: "Ich will, dass du mich fragst, Martin. Ich will nicht, dass du glaubst, ich bin immer verfügbar für dich." Martin hatte das noch für eines ihrer Sexspiele gehalten und gefragt: "Willst du... willst du das? Willst du mit mir schlafen?" Zur Antwort

hatte ihm Sabine den Rücken zugedreht und gesagt: "Nein. Will ich nicht." Natürlich hatte er sie sofort in Ruhe gelassen, ihm wäre nicht im Traum eingefallen, es an dem Abend noch einmal zu versuchen.

Am nächsten Abend hatte er wieder gefragt und wieder dieselbe vernichtende Antwort bekommen. Da hatte er sie dann gefragt, ob etwas wäre. Nein, es sei nichts, hatte sie geantwortet, sie habe nur einfach keine Lust. Enttäuscht war er neben ihr eingeschlafen.

So war das einige Nächte gegangen, dann hatte er aufgehört, sie zu fragen. Eines Nachts war er wachgeworden. Das Bett neben ihm war leer, und so hatte er sie leise gesucht im gerade frisch erstandenen kleinen Haus, das sie sich jetzt leisten konnten. Schließlich hatte er ein kleines Geräusch gehört aus einem der Zimmer, er hatte sich angeschlichen und durchs Schlüsselloch gespäht: Seine Frau hatte nackt und mit weit gespreizten Beinen auf dem Teppich gekniet und sich gerade einen riesigen schwarzen Dildo in ihre aufschmatzende Fotze geschoben. Er war geil von dem Anblick geworden und hatte sich angewichst, bevor er all seinen Mut zusammengenommen hatte und in das Zimmer gegangen war, mit seinem harten Schwanz in der Hand.

"Lass dich ficken.", hatte er gesagt, härter, als er das eigentlich vorgehabt hatte. Sabine hatte den dicken Dildo aus ihrer Fotze gezogen, es hatte ein lautes ploppendes Geräusch gemacht. Sie hatte ihn lang angesehen, ihn und seinen Schwanz, und dann hatte sie gelacht. Sie hatte laut gelacht und sich ohne einen weiteren Kommentar den Dildo wieder zwischen ihre inzwischen leicht geröteten und geschwollenen Fotzenlippen geschoben. Dann hatte sie begonnen, sich heftiger und fester damit zu wichsen als vorher. Sie fickte sich, und Martin war nichts anderes übrig geblieben, als sich wieder anzufassen, der Anblick war zu geil gewesen. In Windeseile hatte er abgespritzt und dabei aufgepasst, in seine hohle Hand zu spritzen, um sie nicht zu verärgern.

Sie hatte ihn nur lang angesehen und dann gesagt: "So, und jetzt raus hier." Sie hatte ihn einfach weggeschickt. Er hatte die Tür hinter sich zugezogen und war dann stehen geblieben. Durch das Schlüsselloch konnte er sehen, mit welcher Kraft, ja fast Brutalität sich Sabine den riesigen Plastikschwanz in ihre Fotze gerammt hatte. Und dann war sie gekommen: Laut, animalisch. Dabei hatte sie gespritzt, erst hatte Martin gedacht, sie würde pissen. Eins war sicher: SO war sie mit ihm noch nie gekommen. Niedergeschlagen war er ins Schlafzimmer zurück

gegangen, doch sie war in der Nacht nicht mehr zu ihm ins Bett gekommen.

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Mrs. Waxerman had never encountered this before. Her butt, definitely very sore from the stretching it’d received with the first penis she’d ever felt in it, had only been made to hurt even more when the second, larger penis had been forced in with only the lubricant from the first, plus the first man’s semen, to ease its way. Now, the two loads of semen wanted to escape. By the time Mrs. Waxerman had buttoned her blouse, her underwear was sticky with semen she’d been unable to contain in her...

2 years ago
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Soul in Isolation

I was 15 when my dad died, it was quite sudden, he had a heart attack whilst doing the gardening. I loved my dad more than anything, he was my world and when he died my world ended. Mum was just as devastated as I was, even after 20 years of marriage they still loved each other as much as when they first met. She struggled along without him for a while, but found it hard. She couldn't keep up the payments on the mortgage and pay my school fees, so I would have to leave the grammar school at...

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The New StartChapter 23 The Party

The original adults agreed to pull guard duty freeing the young adults and teenagers to have a party. The kids were put in bed for the night and the guard stations were manned. Eleven people sat at the tables in the cafeteria. In front of each was a glass containing a red liquid and a pill. They all wore white togas. They wrapped around their necks and formed an X that covered each breast. They crossed in another X at the small of the back and then another one at the front of their gentles...

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My brother Brandon and I Part 3 Having sex while mom is home

“Brandon is home already from hanging out with his friends?” Julie asked. “Yeah, he got home not longer after me. Which is surprising considering he’s normally home late on Tuesdays. What are we having for dinner?” Kathy asks. “I was thinking of making Lasagna if that’s okay with you guys”. Julie says as she sets down the groceries. “Can you grab the last couple things from the car? And I’ll start dinner”. They both look up at the ceiling as they hear the water shut off in the bathroom. I...

3 years ago
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Late Evening Jog Part One Revised

Officer Lori Hunt had just gotten off working a long shift in a small mid-west town where few things of note ever happens and everyone knows your name or at least your face. It was a hot June evening just after dusk. She was tense and wanted to unwind so she thought she would go for a jog then take a long bath to celebrate her week vacation starting tomorrow and she may even sleep in she thought to herself. She turned on the radio to listen to some country while she changed but instead...

2 years ago
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Seducing the hot married dad Unfinished curious to hear if anyone wants me to continue

It was a long day for Jonathan as he just spent half of the day at best friend Charlie's wedding. After the wedding him and Charlie spent time alone with each other at the bar, while Charlie's wife was with her friends. "You and Mary have been together for years now, does it ever get hard on you? Things with you and Mary seem so perfect." Jonathan laughed and replied, "Well sometimes it does get a little hard but all the years me and Mary have been together we haven't had any serious...

4 years ago
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SpaceChapter 20

That night around six I was moved into my own room in Leslie's home. The police and the doctor were close to make sure I was secure and had no bleeding. A bug was on the bedside lamp. It was an old one but still ones that were installed after the police came here. I unwrapped the device and called Mom and Leslie. When they came into the room I pointed out the bug. "We are infested. They may be Franks, Caputo's or the police. Let's give them to the police even if they are not...

4 years ago
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Dirk Turns Me Queer

Saturday evening, after a steamy fuck session between my wife and her biker-boy lover, Dirk, which I had the pleasure of observing, I stood naked before the two of them, also naked, as my wife explained our relationship to her lover.“Look at him,” she told Dirk, “Look at his little cock. You can see why he can’t possibly satisfy me.”She reached for Dirk’s semi-flaccid cock and rubbed it. Dirk gave me an arrogant look. Dirk stood six foot four. He was lean and muscular, with short-clipped blond...

4 years ago
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Frankies Story Ch 03

(This story interlocks with each chapter so if you come into this story other than the beginning then you may well scratch your head at some of the comments within this chapter. I’ve tried to make this a glimpse into the lives and lifestyle of three people. They chose to keep there lives private, isn’t it strange how life never lets that happen.) * Between both the girls and the doctor I was getting updates all through the day. The visit to the doctor resulted in an insane amount of...

1 year ago
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MomPOV Kalie Tattooed naughty swinger MILF

– 40 yrs old MILF – She was 22 when she did her first adult video in the 90’s – Then she became a mom and retired – Came out of retirement to work with MomPov – Her daughter is now getting into the porn industry – She does have a boyfriend who supports her fully doing porn – They are in the swinger lifestye so they fuck for a hobby – He loves watching his MILF GF get fucked – She loves fucking for the camera, great performance – She let me fuck her very tight asshole – You can tell she loves...

4 years ago
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The Vacation

My wife and I are packing for our vacation. We take one every year during the first week of June, to get away from work and relax. We usually take more extravagant vacations, but this year we decided to just go camping on a lake in a neighboring state. It would be a long drive, but it'd be a peaceful week. My wife, Brooke and I are both 29 years old, in good shape, her more so than me. She stands 5'6", platinum blonde hair, jogs daily, has flat, toned abs, toned arms and legs, a nice tight ass,...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Vivianne Desilva Bianca Bangs Sweet Lust

Vivianne gets woken up in the middle of the night by a strange noise coming from her bathroom and when she goes to investigate she finds her stepdaughter Bianca masturbating with her vibrator! Vivianne tells her off and forbids her to touch her sex toys again. Later that day, stepdad Miles comes back from work to discover Bianca masturbating again with the vibrator! He tells her off and goes to put the vibrator back in his place but he catches a whiff and gets turned on by his stepdaughter’s...

2 years ago
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Panipat Me Maa Or Beti Ki Mast Chudayi

Sabhi sexy larkiyo antiyo or bhabhiyo ko mera un ki chut ko chhukar parnam or sabhi bhaiyo ko dudi bhai ki jay ram ji dosto im dudi from haryana rohtak friend’s im doing c.m.s & e.d friend ab main khani ki trf aata hu dosto bat us samy ki h jab me 10th class me padta tha us samy mere ghar ki halt kuch thik nhi thi is liye me ek dukan par kaam karta tha or apni padayi bhi karta tha to dosto meri dukan ka malik bhut achha inshan tha usko mere upar pura yakin tha ek bar usne Apni dukan ki add ke...

4 years ago
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LoveLocked Infomercial 1

[Scene: Middle-class living room. Blue sectional sofa, hi-def TV, two chairs and ottomans in red leather, two end tables, one with large ceramic vase. Standing center are HUSBAND and WIFE, white, late 30s. He wears blue jeans and a polo. She wears a white sun dress and strappy sandals. Her long, sharp fingernails are painted fire-engine red. They are mid-fight.] Husband [pleading]: Please, please, just listen to me— Wife: No! Goddammit, I have had it! Get OUT! Husband: Look, I just...

4 years ago
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Friends and FamilyChapter 9 Jos ndash Part 1

Wednesday Morning and Day “Good morning,” Diana said quietly. “I want to go home,” I said. “OK. Go ahead and pack up your stuff. I’ll go and tell the girls that we’re leaving.” “I was hoping that you would let me borrow your car and that I could get out of everyone’s hair. You ladies can continue your vacation and one of them could drop you off to get your car at my apartment.” “Nonsense! I got you into this mess and I’ll drive you out of it.” “Diana, there is no reason to ruin your...

3 years ago
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Wednesday Master Ben did it to me today. He's not too bad, he only hit me twice and smiled once. He's fifteen, just a year older than me, so he finished too quickly. I'd only just started to get the nice feelings when he came. I'll need a new pencil soon, this one is getting too short. Friday Master Ian took me to his cabin today. I don't like him one bit. I think he's the one who killed Mom. He did it in my butt, which really hurt, and then made me suck his dick clean. Yuck. At least...

2 years ago
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Meri Biwi Neelam Ka Satyanash

Hello dosto Mera naam Ajay hai, meri shadi 3 saal pahley hui thi. Meri biwi bahut sundar hai jiska naam Neelam hai. Uski figure 34 28 34 hai. Mer sabhi dost mujhey bahut lucky mantey hain ki mujhey itni sundar biwi mil gayi. Lekin meri ek samsya hai. Asal main mera lund kwal 4 inch ka hai aur bahut patla hai. Isliye main shuruaat main shadi nahi karna chahta tha. Meri maa ne bahut sare rishtey dihaye lekin apni kamjori ke karan maine saare rishtey thukra diye. Lekin jab mainey Neelam ki photo...

3 years ago
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Meeting an old sexy friend

I am creeping up the age ladder now but this last weekend I was back in my home town in Bishops Stortford when I met the unmistakable beauty I had loved as a 21 year old, we hugged and kissed and with huge smiles decided to go for a coffee and catch up with the old days.We were both working at a research farm near the town, I had given up a carreer in the city and had recently joined the company and she (Toni) and I were always chatting at lunchtime. I had my 21st birthday party and the next...

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Mom and Big Tony

One night my mom came home wearing a skirt that exposed her butt cheeks. She took off her panties, sat down on the edge of the couch, spread her fat thighs and told me to EAT WHILE ITS HOT. All I could see was thick white cum covering her big hairy pussy. There was some of it hanging off of her huge three inch clit making it look like her little dick had cum. Before she could get upset I dove in face first and licked and sucked for all I was worth. In between my slurping I could hear telling me...

2 years ago
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A Binding RelationshipChapter 23

I find that I must have drifted off to sleep. It feels like it is darker in the room. I have no idea what time it is. The clock in the living room should chime out the time soon. I lay there listening waiting to hear my hero the clock chime out the time. I wait and wait. I hear nothing. I listen in the room and I swear that I hear someone breathing and close to me. I listen and stop breathing so I can hear. I finally have to take a breath. I can feel warm air close to my ear. But nothing, I...

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