- 3 years ago
- 29
- 0
??????????? Sabine watched as the captive was dragged into the guardhouse, pulled across the step by the short chain strung between rusted manacles.? The revolutionary was bloody; her hands and knees and elbows had been scraped raw on the cobblestones as she was dragged to the station, and the wound above her eye, where Sabine had struck her with the carbine to end the shooting, still issued a stream of steady crimson.? Whoever she was, she?d been pretty once; not a true beauty, but her hair was the color of summer wheat and her eyes glowed like the sea on a cloudless day.? Her face was smooth, her shoulders unbowed and hands uncalloused.? She was an old girl, or a young woman; some spoiled guildsman?s brat, most likely, or a journeyman?s pampered toy.? Sabine, raised a gutter brat, who had fought and bit and scratched for every scrap of food until the Guard took her in, was disgusted.?
??????????? Stefan, who had been like a father to Sabine, who had taken her under his tutelage, who had held secret her sex until she could prove her place, was dead.? The woman?s last shot ? that desperate, flailing attack, brushed aside so easily ? had struck his throat.? Stefan hadn?t died quickly.? Unable to speak, unable to stop the blood, he had struggled uselessly against his fate while the Guard watched helplessly.?
??????????? ?She will be questioned,? Sabine spat through clenched teeth.? ?Take her to the back room.? Secure her.?
??????????? The revolutionary tried to gain her feet, intent upon marching with dignity to her torture.? Sabine swung a heavy leather boot around, connecting with the captive?s kneecap with a crunching sound.? The prisoner dropped again with a whimper.?
??????????? ?Crawl, slut.? You don?t get to walk in the footsteps of your betters.?
??????????? Despite the tears streaming down her cheeks, the woman looked up into Sabine?s eyes.? ?I won?t talk.? You?ll get nothing from me!?
??????????? Sabine stared back a moment; her chin length hair, black as midnight, fell forward to cover her face from all but the prisoner.? A smile curved her full lips, seductive in its cruelty, and hellfire lit her eyes with white flame.? Her voice was half Sabine, and half the demoness who hid within her soul.? ?Oh darling,? she breathed softly, ?I?m not going to make you talk.? I?m going to make you scream.??
??????????? Almost, when Sabine walked towards the high, windowless chamber in the rear of the guardhouse, almost they stopped her.? She was young; sixteen was barely old enough to accompany patrols, and this was a far more serious thing.? She was a woman; the nest of virtues, of goodness, of redemption.? She was Sabine, like a daughter to them all, or some tomboy sister.? But she was not that.? A look into her eyes and her fellow Guards stepped aside.? Something within her had broken, crumbled away from her soul to fall into the pits of Hell, and something new had appeared as though the demoness within her had drawn back a black curtain to reveal a part of Sabine untouched, unimagined ? and truly cruel.?
??????????? At first she merely watched, content to let Guenther perform the role that had so often in the past been his.? He was professional; he was calm, and unmoved.? He tied back his grey hair and rolled up his shirtsleeves, and set to work like a dentist.? His breathing never changed, he never looked away or let his brown-eyed gaze linger too long.? He dispassionately crushed things, and burned them, and tore them apart with iron tongs and dull grey knives.? The captive ? Petra ? began to talk, despite all her bravado.? She lied, of course.? Guenther listened to it all, making tiny, precise notations in a blood spattered journal, and when the story was complete, he began again, and then again.? Each time, the story changed; details cannot be remembered among the pain and stress, Guenther stated factually.? One simply cannot remember what to say.? The only way to get it right ? the only way to end the pain ? was to tell the truth.?
??????????? Finally, that was what she did.? Her father was a factor; he knew nothing of her involvement.? Her brother had gotten her into the resistance, which he?d made contact with while attending university.? Names followed; associates, friends, and finally even family: her cousins, her parents, even her younger sisters were implicated.? Most of those were untrue, of course; by that point she would say anything to stop the pain, to keep the fingers and teeth she still retained.? It was, as Guenther stated, almost an alchemical formula: A certain resistance met with so much force yields predictable and scientific results.?
??????????? At first, Sabine watched in paralyzed horror, unable to look away but nauseous from the smell of detached viciousness.? She threw up repeatedly, until nothing was left in her stomach.? Then she was in rapture; as the captive slowly became less and less human, it was?interesting?to watch the things done to her.? New facets of behavior and anatomy, secret and wicked ones, were opened to her.? Finally, however, it was boring; it left her unfulfilled, it left her seething and wanting.? It was too clinical; Guenther performed with the emotion of someone writing out mathematical equations.? Finally he finished wiping down his tools, tucked away the velvet lined cases and rose to leave.? Petra was left tied to a heavy wooden chair in the center of the room.?
??????????? ?What will we do with her?? Sabine asked hesitantly.? What do I want done with her?
??????????? Guenther shrugged.? ?She broke easily; I have no doubt she?ll survive to swing from the gallows tomorrow.?
??????????? Petra looked up at the words, tears appearing again.? She seemed to cry quite often.? Sabine watched her like a predator.? ?And if not???
??????????? ?The same fate.? No one cares if she?s still wriggling on the line, as long as the people have a corpse to show them justice is done.? Why do you ask??
??????????? ?Can I??? Sabine licked her lips, and almost gave it up; but the demoness stirred within her, and desire surged.? ?Can I play with her?? To learn your techniques, I mean?I need to practice.??
??????????? This time it was Guenther who was taken aback by words; belatedly, Sabine realized how horrible this duty was for him.? ?Play??? An interesting word.? I don?t think this anger is healthy for you, Sabine.? I think it?s devouring you.? Your eyes?you?re not the same girl we snuck in for drinks last night.?
??????????? ?I need?I need to let it out.? The anger, I mean.? She?she killed him, Guenther.? I need to do something.? ?She wrung her hands, and watched Petra like a kitten with a mouse, wondering if it would be allowed to pounce.? The captive, for her part, was struggling anew, reeking of fear of a new assault.?
??????????? Guenther paused, and a look of distaste crossed his face. ??Very well.? We?ve promised to teach you everything, after all?and we need another Guard experienced with this.? By dawn you?ll have lost your appetite, and I?d rather you regret this day forever than go out seeking what you think you?ve missed.? This,? he sat down and reopened the case of faded blue velvet to reveal rows of saws, knives and syringes, ?is a surgeon?s kit.??
??????????? Petra began to scream.
??????????? Guenther?s instruction was brief, but complete.? He detailed each tool in the kit, and Sabine learned he had once apprenticed as an apothecary.? There were other tools as well, ones no sane surgeon would use; some were clean and crisp enough they hardly seemed worn, others were dotted with rust and dulled from use.? She was told each name and made to memorize them.?
??????????? She learned their uses as well, although most of Guenther?s instruction was thinly veiled instruction in the medical arts: how to draw blood with metal syringe, as large as her two fists held together, and then how to inject a drug; how to amputate a finger, using a large and very sharp curved knife; how to tourniquet a larger limb and cleave it with a saw, severing it in a frenzy of motion lest the writhing make the cut irregular.?
??????????? Petra screamed at first, much louder than before; perhaps it made a difference in the pain, to know the one inflicting it enjoys the game.? Perhaps it was the horror of false hope ? of having surrendered to gain peace, only to begin anew.? In any case, she screamed, until finally her voice broke and all she could manage were ragged whimpers.?
??????????? Sabine enjoyed it all.? She smiled with each cut, grinning as her hands and chest and face were sprayed with viscous gore, her eyes shining brighter with each moment.? The smell was intoxicating, the miasma of blood, sweat, and?power.? The pain wouldn?t cure the hurt of losing Stefan, but it balanced it; it found equivalency and the strain of the uneven scales of justice ceased to pull at her heart.? And more: with each motion she gained control, gained domination; the woman beneath her moved as she wished, felt what she wanted, just so, begged like a supplicant and?worshipped her, worshipped Sabine with every word, every scream, every tear as the goddess of her small, horrible world.?
??????????? She learned something, then, that Guenther didn?t teach: the true art of torture.? It was one thing to inflict pain, to see the reaction; it was cold and logical and rational.? But it was the difference between one who paints wall, and one who paints portraits: the colors and tools were the same, application of a certain tincture resulted in a predictable shade, yes, but the artist creates something more: more than the mere sum of the palette, an interwoven mastery that creates something new in the beholder, a more complete and beautiful picture.?
??????????? Sabine was an artist.
??????????? She learned, as she worked, the subtle twists and turns to affect her victim precisely; she learned how to taunt Petra?s mind, not just her body, and how to tear apart her soul though barely touching her flesh.? Finally, she learned to make her victim love her, to make her give her deepest thanks for every new viciousness Sabine inflicted, knowing that it was better than what could have been done.? Perhaps Hell, too, works on equivalency, Sabine thought; and if a part of me has broken away and been cast to the demons, they have paid the bargain with a bit of themselves to take its place.?
??????????? She felt the power, the excitement, as pleasure.? With each new delight, each playful slice, she felt her wetness grow.? As Petra writhed in pain, so too did Sabine writhe in ecstatic shivers, until finally the prisoner failed.? As Petra screamed her last, her blood spilling across the floor, Sabine screamed with the little death, collapsing as she shook with her first orgasm.? The succubus within her looked on and smiled.
??????????? When she finally recovered, Sabine realized she was the only one in the room.? Guenther had left some time ago, with a deep sigh and much muttering.? Petra?s body was present, of course, but without its spirit to torment it was simply refuse to be displayed tomorrow.? It would make an impact: indeed, the soldiers of the revolution would remember it for many years to come, and speak of the ?Bloody Fourth? guardhouse as a precinct to be avoided at all costs, or avenged.?
??????????? For the moment, however, only one thing seemed important.? Sabine smiled wickedly as she wiped away the wetness that had flowed down her thighs.?
??????????? ?It?s time to fetch your sisters, love.?
Comments and Suggestions are invited: [email protected]
??????????? Sabine
watched as the captive was dragged into the guardhouse, pulled across the step
by the short chain strung between rusted manacles.? The revolutionary was bloody; her hands and
knees and elbows had been scraped raw on the cobblestones as she was dragged to
the station, and the wound above her eye, where Sabine had struck her with the
carbine to end the shooting, still issued a stream of steady crimson.? Whoever she was, she?d been pretty once; not
a true beauty, but her hair was the color of summer wheat and her eyes glowed
like the sea on a cloudless day.? Her
face was smooth, her shoulders unbowed and hands uncalloused.? She was an old girl, or a young woman; some
spoiled guildsman?s brat, most likely, or a journeyman?s pampered toy.? Sabine, raised a
gutter brat, who had fought and bit and scratched for every scrap of food until
the Guard took her in, was disgusted.?
??????????? Stefan, who had been like a father to Sabine, who had taken her
under his tutelage, who had held secret her sex until she could prove her
place, was dead.? The woman?s last
shot ? that desperate, flailing attack, brushed aside so easily ? had struck
his throat.? Stefan hadn?t died
quickly.? Unable to speak, unable to stop
the blood, he had struggled uselessly against his fate while the Guard watched
??????????? ?She
will be questioned,? Sabine spat through clenched teeth.? ?Take her to the back room.? Secure her.?
??????????? The
revolutionary tried to gain her feet, intent upon marching with dignity to her
torture.? Sabine swung a heavy leather
boot around, connecting with the captive?s kneecap with a crunching sound.? The prisoner dropped again with a
??????????? ?Crawl,
slut.? You don?t get to walk in the
footsteps of your betters.?
??????????? Despite
the tears streaming down her cheeks, the woman looked up into Sabine?s
eyes.? ?I won?t talk.? You?ll get nothing from me!?
??????????? Sabine
stared back a moment; her chin length hair, black as
??????????? Almost,
when Sabine walked towards the high, windowless chamber in the rear of the
guardhouse, almost they stopped her.? She
was young; sixteen was barely old enough to accompany patrols, and this was a
far more serious thing.? She was a woman;
the nest of virtues, of goodness, of redemption.? She was Sabine, like a daughter to them all,
or some tomboy sister.? But she was not that.? A look into her eyes and her fellow Guards
stepped aside.? Something within her had
broken, crumbled away from her soul to fall into the pits of Hell, and something
new had appeared as though the demoness within her
had drawn back a black curtain to reveal a part of Sabine untouched, unimagined
? and truly cruel.?
??????????? At first
she merely watched, content to let Guenther perform the role that had so often
in the past been his.? He was
professional; he was calm, and unmoved.? He
tied back his grey hair and rolled up his shirtsleeves, and set to work like a
dentist.? His breathing never changed, he
never looked away or let his brown-eyed gaze linger too long.? He dispassionately crushed things, and burned
them, and tore them apart with iron tongs and dull grey knives.? The captive ?
??????????? Finally,
that was what she did.? Her father was a factor;
he knew nothing of her involvement.? Her
brother had gotten her into the resistance, which he?d made contact with while
attending university.? Names followed;
associates, friends, and finally even family: her cousins, her parents, even
her younger sisters were implicated.?
Most of those were untrue, of course; by that point she would say anything
to stop the pain, to keep the fingers and teeth she still retained.? It was, as Guenther stated, almost an
alchemical formula: A certain resistance met with so much force yields
predictable and scientific results.?
??????????? At
first, Sabine watched in paralyzed horror, unable to look away but nauseous
from the smell of detached viciousness.?
She threw up repeatedly, until nothing was left in her stomach.? Then she was in rapture; as the captive
slowly became less and less human, it was?interesting?to watch the things done
to her.? New facets of behavior and
anatomy, secret and wicked ones, were opened to
her.? Finally, however, it was boring; it
left her unfulfilled, it left her seething and wanting.? It was too clinical; Guenther performed with
the emotion of someone writing out mathematical equations.? Finally he finished wiping down his tools, tucked away the velvet lined cases and rose to
??????????? ?What
will we do with her?? Sabine asked hesitantly.?
What do I want done with her?
??????????? Guenther
shrugged.? ?She broke easily; I have no
doubt she?ll survive to swing from the gallows tomorrow.?
??????????? ?The same fate.? No
one cares if she?s still wriggling on the line, as long as the people have a
corpse to show them justice is done.? Why
do you ask??
??????????? ?Can I??? Sabine licked her
lips, and almost gave it up; but the demoness stirred
within her, and desire surged.? ?Can I
play with her?? To learn your techniques,
I mean?I need to practice.??
??????????? This
time it was Guenther who was taken aback by words; belatedly, Sabine realized
how horrible this duty was for him.? ?Play??? An interesting word.? I don?t think this anger is healthy for you,
Sabine.? I think it?s devouring you.? Your eyes?you?re not the same girl we snuck
in for drinks last night.?
??????????? ?I
need?I need to let it out.? The anger, I
mean.? She?she killed him, Guenther.? I need to do something.? ?She wrung her hands, and watched
??????????? Guenther
paused, and a look of distaste crossed his face. ??Very well.? We?ve promised to teach you everything, after
all?and we need another Guard experienced with this.? By dawn you?ll have lost your appetite, and
I?d rather you regret this day forever than go out seeking what you think
you?ve missed.? This,? he sat down and reopened
the case of faded blue velvet to reveal rows of saws, knives and syringes, ?is
a surgeon?s kit.??
??????????? Guenther?s
instruction was brief, but complete.? He
detailed each tool in the kit, and Sabine learned he had once apprenticed as an
apothecary.? There were other tools as
well, ones no sane surgeon would use; some were clean and crisp enough they
hardly seemed worn, others were dotted with rust and
dulled from use.? She was told each name
and made to memorize them.?
??????????? She
learned their uses as well, although most of Guenther?s instruction was thinly
veiled instruction in the medical arts: how to draw blood with metal syringe,
as large as her two fists held together, and then how to inject a drug; how to
amputate a finger, using a large and very sharp curved knife; how to tourniquet
a larger limb and cleave it with a saw, severing it in a frenzy of motion lest
the writhing make the cut irregular.?
??????????? Sabine
enjoyed it all.? She smiled with each
cut, grinning as her hands and chest and face were sprayed with viscous gore,
her eyes shining brighter with each moment.?
The smell was intoxicating, the miasma of blood, sweat, and?power.? The pain wouldn?t cure the hurt of losing
Stefan, but it balanced it; it found equivalency and the strain of the uneven
scales of justice ceased to pull at her heart.?
And more: with each motion she gained control, gained domination; the
woman beneath her moved as she wished, felt what she wanted, just so, begged
like a supplicant and?worshipped her, worshipped Sabine with every word, every
scream, every tear as the goddess of her small, horrible world.?
??????????? She
learned something, then, that Guenther didn?t teach: the true art of
torture.? It was one thing to inflict
pain, to see the reaction; it was cold and logical and rational.? But it was the difference between one who
paints wall, and one who paints portraits: the colors and tools were the same,
application of a certain tincture resulted in a predictable shade, yes, but the
artist creates something more: more than the mere sum of the palette, an
interwoven mastery that creates something new in the beholder, a more complete
and beautiful picture.?
??????????? Sabine
was an artist.
??????????? She
learned, as she worked, the subtle twists and turns to affect her victim
precisely; she learned how to taunt
??????????? She felt
the power, the excitement, as pleasure.?
With each new delight, each playful slice, she felt her wetness
grow.? As
??????????? When she
finally recovered, Sabine realized she was the only one in the room.? Guenther had left some time ago, with a deep
sigh and much muttering.?
??????????? For the
moment, however, only one thing seemed important.? Sabine smiled wickedly as she wiped away the
wetness that had flowed down her thighs.?
??????????? ?It?s
time to fetch your sisters, love.?
Comments and Suggestions are invited:
[email protected]
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“Seems like you didn’t need our help after all.” Shadow and the rest of the Council members were looking at me with a grim look, although there was a hint of amusement in the eyes of the ones, I was familiar with. Looking back at Frank and Frost, I could see that Frost had given up all signs of struggle, almost happy at being rescued from certain death at Frank’s hands. Frank, meanwhile, was struggling against the bindings that held him, enraged at being denied his revenge. I looked back at...
So the dish of the day my neighbor blathered endlessly about after he came home from work was that this friend was coming in town for a weekend before leaving to fly into his next destination for business. We’ll call his friend ‘Utah’. Utah is where his friend got transferred to for work and where he was trying to get transferred out of. ‘Utah’ was flying in on a Friday in two weeks. I was asked if I could let Utah in for him to his place, better, could I pick him up at the airport. Sure. I...
Written by my mom.Carrie felt the hand tighten around her neck, so she struggled harder. If she didn’t get free soon she knew what was in store for her. Everyone at work had told her that Jess was a lesbian and that she would hit on her and she scolded them and tried to befriend her, which lasted for about two months worth of being ogled like a piece of meat. She had not talked to her in a while when Jess had called her out of the blue with an apology, a peace offering and a chance to make...
My parents died in an accident when I was 8, my elder sister 13 and my elder brother 18. Both became everything for me then on. Bhaiyya and didi got married after four years. Till then, didi used to care of me like mother. Now bhabi took her place. Year or two passed on very happily for us. But unfortunately, bhaiyya expired of some unknown decease within two years of marriage. All requested bhabi to re-marry, but she refused. She did not want to be left alone.She asked me to share her room,...
IncestPut blonde stunner Anny Aurora together with all-American good looks stud Nathan Bronson, and whether you’re a man or woman you’re bound to get horny as fuck when you see the gorgeous couple get it on. Every XXX thing they do is as good as it can get to pure ecstatic perfection, from the way the Penthouse Pet devours his cock for a fantastic blowjob, to the way he takes his time pussy licking, and her orgasmic moans of pleasure as the sex goddess takes a deep drilling with his...
xmoviesforyouHi, friends, this is john a 28 yrs old boy, from Chennai but originally from Hyderabad. This is a true sex story happened when I was 19 years and no butter added for your smooth n spicy masturbation. I m currently working in an MNC. This incident is about how I fucked my dream aunty Saleema. She is my dad’s friends wife she also stays in the same society which I used to stay. Saleema is a typical south Indian Muslim lady with huge breast and ass. She’s 30 yrs old and mother of 2 kids, with a...
Incest** AUtHOR'S NOTE: based on the ratings, part 2 was a little disappointing. It was a transitional chapter, not a lot happened. I hope that this one more than makes up for it. ** Dinner and two glasses of wine did little to calm Peter down. The steak was overcooked and the dessert skimpy. The waitress was a bitch and on top of it all, there was a ticket underneath his wiper when he got back to the car. Lauren said little during or after the meal. She'd watched him change gradually...
Cursing, Danielle Yost kicked the door shut behind her, dropped her purse on the entry console table, and shoved her umbrella in the umbrella stand. "I hate my job. I hate this town," she muttered as she strode to her small kitchen and made herself a stiff drink. The old-fashioned answering machine connected to her kitchen phone flashed the number three. Probably hang ups from telemarketers, she thought, and in fact the first two messages were hung ups. The third interested her,...
FATHER OF THE BRIDE 3 ''MMMM. That was awesome baby.'' John said. He had just had one of the best fuck session with his sweet Gail. Talking Larry into letting her go with John on his business trip to North Carolina took some doing. The fact that she had to blow her husband the night before she left with her lover was something she thought best to keep from her father. ''Thank you daddy.'' She said in a low sad voice. Turning her over to face him, John can see the sadness in her beautiful green...
"It was a long time ago." I said, while trying to defend myself. "I no longer do the foolish things I did when I was in college." "of course not" said Richard, his eyes watching me as one does a spider hanging on its web in the corner of one's home. "But is true", I continued, "That is a part of my past that resides there. It shall never be a part of me again." "it's that so, said Richard. "You have been eyeing me for days now. as we have trained, I've observed you, watching the curve of my...
So I am getting my clit pierced in a couple of weeks and just wanted to hear from anyone that has one or what people think about them?
Blonde bombshell Kenna James has decided to swap her partner for Mike Mancini today and he can’t believe his luck when the horny swinger tells him he can do whatever he wants. He finally gets to have a taste of the gorgeous sex fiend’s perfect all-natural tits and juicy shaved pussy. After relishing in her sweet nectar, she gives him an amazing blowjob in return, and then it’s balls deep fucking in missionary, cowgirl, and doggy style until he cums all over the Penthouse...
xmoviesforyouI was just beginning my senior year with what seemed like the easiest class schedule. My girlfriend had just dumped me for some guy she met that was on Real World MTV. The first day of school I had a P.E. class to fill in some credits and to my surprise to new volleyball coach was this college graduate, about 24 years old. She was about 5’7”, 115lbs, 36C tits, long legs, and the tightest, roundest and firmest ass at school. I think she was Indian; she was just so damn fine. Everyday she wore...
Group SexHi friends I am Ryhan its not ma real name. But it’s the name I like most. Am 22 guy from Kerala doing ma final yr b-tech. This is a real story happened in ma life when am 16..i just finished ma 10th n join in plus one my class start on June 4th and ma brothers marriage was on June 8th. We have a maid that time. Her name is Sherina. She is 24 yr old. She is married and her husband in Tamil Nadu. At that time I am going to gym wit ma friends and have a well shaped body. Truly speaking me start...
I found myself standing, in a daze, looking down at the half-naked woman on my sofa, not quite knowing what to think. I had brought her into my house with no intention beyond getting her in out of the rain so she wouldn't catch her death of cold, but here I had found myself beginning to get sexually involved with her. Some part of me wondered where this was going, and whether it was a good idea at all. Another part of me was still thinking of her body, her smooth skin, her silky copper-brown...
MY NYLON GODDESS - CHAPTER SIX What was I thinking? What on earth could I possibly have been thinking? A week after the party, I was still asking myself that question. I mean, the alcohol was certainly some kind of excuse. I didn't need the miserable hangover the following day to tell me that I'd had way too much to drink. And Shauna and Tessa had definitely put me up to it. But why oh why did I end up not just kissing a boy, but giving him a handjob? In the back seat of a car, of...
I firmly believe a person knows when they have met the woman of their dreams. A reaction occurs that is clearly out of the range of normal everyday life. A mental or visual connection is established that cannot be denied. Some people believe that there is one person on this earth that was created just for them. I have spoken with people who have felt a tingling, developed goose bumps, or felt some other strange sensation run through their body. It can happen when you see a lady across the...
Still being a young man Evan was inexperienced enough to be amazed at how totally incomprehensible these wondrous beings called women can be to the average male. Being an intelligent young man he was smart enough to abide by the ancient wisdom, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." What amazed him more than anything else at this particular time was the seeming dichotomy of having two extremely submissive women with the need to breed suddenly take over and completely dominate his sexual...
FIGHT OR BE TIGHT? Jeff goes to Sean’s house after school the next day. They can’t stop talking about the game as they take a dip in the pool. Sean gets interrupted with a phone call. Answering the phone as he dries off, “Sean’s Web.” “Hi Sean! It’s Roxanne.” “Sounds like you’re in a good mood.” “Yeah. I talked to a friend about you dating a nudist.” “Oh! Go on, Roxanne.” “Her response shocked me. She talked the same way as you.” “How about that!” “Sean, it turns out...
Dr. Possible, Kim's mother, lifted the lid of the hamper and opened the door to the washing machine. She was surprised that the wash machine wasn't empty since everything she washed was promptly put in the dryer. Absently, Dr. Possible began pulling the fabric from the washer to put them in the dryer. She was surprised as she recognized Kim's "Valentine" sheets covered with red hearts, since these were not the sheets she had put on Kim's bed last week. Why would Kim change sheets in the...
Hello friends..!I am Dynu, working as software engineer in a pretty good MNC company of Hyderabad. I like chatting, making friends and moving closely with them and sharing all the good and bad. I am 28 years of age, my innate quality pulls me over here to write stories and help other. So please be free and comfortable with me by giving comments and chatting on my mail id: lovingdynu (at rate) for anything. I always expect new friends and new mails in my inbox It’s been so long since...
The horrible nightmare began one Saturday when Melanie decided to go jogging through a remote section of forest just outside of town. Normally, she performed this early morning ritual through her neighbourhood, but it was the height of the Summer, and she had the urge to get away from the traffic and smog. It was that fateful decision that led to the most horrifying day of her life, a day she would always remember. She wore her usual attire that morning - a grey tank top,...
There are two types of baths...I know I'm not alone in tickling myself with the water.I know, I know, I sound stupid but sometimes those juvenile names for self-love seem to stick. I can't help it. I never shed that stigma around sex, especially alone.I mean, I masturbated... who doesn't? But I could barely talk about sex let alone articulate to Rachel why I really needed a long soak...On the other side of the spectrum, my roommate had little problem shedding her clothes and playing with...
Monster SexMy name Raghuram Chandra. I am a senior financial manager in one of the reputed MNC. My age is 55 and I am a workaholic. I arranged for my son and wife to fuck as I wanted her to be satisfied by a man in the house. This is the story of what happened next. Then we reached home they didn’t care about me. They reached inside home holding each other. I parked the car went inside. As soon as I entered home, I heard the moans of my wife and my son in my bedroom. I knocked on the door. After 2 minutes...
IncestI have been working in the hotel for the season; it is a way to gain experience. I am an apprentice chef in the kitchen. As the season is within a few weeks of ending, there is a party laid on for the staff. The manageress is thirty-three and the daughter of the owner of the hotel. I had just turned eighteen at the beginning of the season, and I am looking forward to the night, as I know I can have a drink.A few weeks previously, I had been teased by some of the guys about “muff diving.” It was...
First Time“You're wearing my things again!” Brenda screamed when she came home early from community college and found me prancing around the house in one of her short skirts. “Take them off, you little pervert!” It wouldn't be nearly as bad if I were her little sister and trying on her clothes but I was her brother. But it wasn't as bad as it could be. I mean, if she knew what Tommy and I had been doing just two short hours ago, she'd really be pissed. Truthfully, Tommy and I had never really done...
CrossdressingI was still in my room blow drying my hair when I heard the door bell ring. “Is that Douglas? It’s not even time yet though! Is it?” I asked myself before looking at my cell phone and noticed that it was already six p.m. “He was right on time,” I thought, smiling. “Coming!” I yelled out while running to open the door. When I got to the door, I opened it and saw him standing there looking so handsome that my heart skipped a beat. “Hey,” he said, smiling. “Are you ready yet?” “Oh he is just...
I woke up way too early today. Dog was barking at some Jehovah’s Witnesses at the door. I was too exhausted to get up and answer the door, so I laid there and tried to fall back to sleep. It didn’t take me long to realize I wasn’t going to be sleeping anymore. ‘What the hell,’ I say to myself, ‘I have to check my mail anyone. Might as well check out a chat room’. I click until I find one in my area. Usually the chat room doesn’t matter. Just hang out and meet someone, and avoid those BOTS. It...
It was clear as soon as he entered her apartment that SHE was stoned out of her gourd. She sat on the edge of the bed rubbing her nose and nodding off. "I'm sorry, Joseph. I needed it." "It's okay darling, but I'm beginning behavioral therapy and will not make love to you when you're high. Did you call your father?" "Yes, and he was thrilled. We'll head down there tomorrow night. You better fuck me by then or I'll be nodding at the wheel." "I promise." "I'll be strong if...
My squad – ten of us – were going door to door looking for munitions in what appeared to be an abandoned Iraqi village. The company we were attached to had the pleasure of mortar rounds dropping around us from near this location about two hours earlier. I was the squad leader. There couldn't have been more than thirty or forty homes in the unnamed place. Most homes were one-room hovels with a pit in a corner that smelled like shit and urine, and that bred a million flies a minute. Five of...
Friday morning. I woke up, shit shower shave and get dressed in my new suit. Ashlee and Brenda put dresses on that made them look so good. Not sexy good, but sophisticated good. We piled into the jeep and headed downtown. Craig and I talked on the phone while I was heading downtown and we met at the parking lot across from the lottery building. The four of us walked together past all of the news trucks that were parked out front. As a matter of fact, every news agency in the country was...
The first day “Stand in front of me” as she sat on the coach with her knees pulled up and resting to the side. As I got up she leaned back letting her arms rest out on top of the couch pushing her breast forwardinto the tight sweater slightly stretching the fabric. As I stood in front of her, she looked me in the eyeswith a little grin and said “strip!” I hesitated, I kind of liked the idea but this was real. I started to feel embarrassed and kind ofstupid. Seeing that I was unsure she slowed...
Braylin Bailey dresses in a hot little black dress to go to a funeral, which she doesn’t see a problem with. Braylin’s stepbrother, Apollo Banks, has other thoughts. He tells Braylin that guys are going to try to take advantage of her. Instead of offering to change into something more demure, Braylin takes Apollo’s hand and puts it on her hot little twat as she describes all the things she thinks he’s afraid might happen. She finishes by making it clear that she has a...
xmoviesforyouEntry 1 part 1, 6/4/2286 Today has been one hell of a day. After months of being a slave to some lowlife group of raiders, I am finally free! Though my rescuer isn’t exactly what you’d expect him to be, not even in the slightest. I’ll start from the beginning... About three months ago me and my family were attacked by some raider scum who took us captive, they marched us back to their encampment and strapped those awful collars around our necks to keep us in line. After a week or so, my family...