Sabine free porn video

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??????????? Sabine watched as the captive was dragged into the guardhouse, pulled across the step by the short chain strung between rusted manacles.? The revolutionary was bloody; her hands and knees and elbows had been scraped raw on the cobblestones as she was dragged to the station, and the wound above her eye, where Sabine had struck her with the carbine to end the shooting, still issued a stream of steady crimson.? Whoever she was, she?d been pretty once; not a true beauty, but her hair was the color of summer wheat and her eyes glowed like the sea on a cloudless day.? Her face was smooth, her shoulders unbowed and hands uncalloused.? She was an old girl, or a young woman; some spoiled guildsman?s brat, most likely, or a journeyman?s pampered toy.? Sabine, raised a gutter brat, who had fought and bit and scratched for every scrap of food until the Guard took her in, was disgusted.?

??????????? Stefan, who had been like a father to Sabine, who had taken her under his tutelage, who had held secret her sex until she could prove her place, was dead.? The woman?s last shot ? that desperate, flailing attack, brushed aside so easily ? had struck his throat.? Stefan hadn?t died quickly.? Unable to speak, unable to stop the blood, he had struggled uselessly against his fate while the Guard watched helplessly.?

??????????? ?She will be questioned,? Sabine spat through clenched teeth.? ?Take her to the back room.? Secure her.?

??????????? The revolutionary tried to gain her feet, intent upon marching with dignity to her torture.? Sabine swung a heavy leather boot around, connecting with the captive?s kneecap with a crunching sound.? The prisoner dropped again with a whimper.?

??????????? ?Crawl, slut.? You don?t get to walk in the footsteps of your betters.?

??????????? Despite the tears streaming down her cheeks, the woman looked up into Sabine?s eyes.? ?I won?t talk.? You?ll get nothing from me!?

??????????? Sabine stared back a moment; her chin length hair, black as midnight, fell forward to cover her face from all but the prisoner.? A smile curved her full lips, seductive in its cruelty, and hellfire lit her eyes with white flame.? Her voice was half Sabine, and half the demoness who hid within her soul.? ?Oh darling,? she breathed softly, ?I?m not going to make you talk.? I?m going to make you scream.??


??????????? Almost, when Sabine walked towards the high, windowless chamber in the rear of the guardhouse, almost they stopped her.? She was young; sixteen was barely old enough to accompany patrols, and this was a far more serious thing.? She was a woman; the nest of virtues, of goodness, of redemption.? She was Sabine, like a daughter to them all, or some tomboy sister.? But she was not that.? A look into her eyes and her fellow Guards stepped aside.? Something within her had broken, crumbled away from her soul to fall into the pits of Hell, and something new had appeared as though the demoness within her had drawn back a black curtain to reveal a part of Sabine untouched, unimagined ? and truly cruel.?

??????????? At first she merely watched, content to let Guenther perform the role that had so often in the past been his.? He was professional; he was calm, and unmoved.? He tied back his grey hair and rolled up his shirtsleeves, and set to work like a dentist.? His breathing never changed, he never looked away or let his brown-eyed gaze linger too long.? He dispassionately crushed things, and burned them, and tore them apart with iron tongs and dull grey knives.? The captive ? Petra ? began to talk, despite all her bravado.? She lied, of course.? Guenther listened to it all, making tiny, precise notations in a blood spattered journal, and when the story was complete, he began again, and then again.? Each time, the story changed; details cannot be remembered among the pain and stress, Guenther stated factually.? One simply cannot remember what to say.? The only way to get it right ? the only way to end the pain ? was to tell the truth.?

??????????? Finally, that was what she did.? Her father was a factor; he knew nothing of her involvement.? Her brother had gotten her into the resistance, which he?d made contact with while attending university.? Names followed; associates, friends, and finally even family: her cousins, her parents, even her younger sisters were implicated.? Most of those were untrue, of course; by that point she would say anything to stop the pain, to keep the fingers and teeth she still retained.? It was, as Guenther stated, almost an alchemical formula: A certain resistance met with so much force yields predictable and scientific results.?

??????????? At first, Sabine watched in paralyzed horror, unable to look away but nauseous from the smell of detached viciousness.? She threw up repeatedly, until nothing was left in her stomach.? Then she was in rapture; as the captive slowly became less and less human, it was?interesting?to watch the things done to her.? New facets of behavior and anatomy, secret and wicked ones, were opened to her.? Finally, however, it was boring; it left her unfulfilled, it left her seething and wanting.? It was too clinical; Guenther performed with the emotion of someone writing out mathematical equations.? Finally he finished wiping down his tools, tucked away the velvet lined cases and rose to leave.? Petra was left tied to a heavy wooden chair in the center of the room.?

??????????? ?What will we do with her?? Sabine asked hesitantly.? What do I want done with her?

??????????? Guenther shrugged.? ?She broke easily; I have no doubt she?ll survive to swing from the gallows tomorrow.?

??????????? Petra looked up at the words, tears appearing again.? She seemed to cry quite often.? Sabine watched her like a predator.? ?And if not???

??????????? ?The same fate.? No one cares if she?s still wriggling on the line, as long as the people have a corpse to show them justice is done.? Why do you ask??

??????????? ?Can I??? Sabine licked her lips, and almost gave it up; but the demoness stirred within her, and desire surged.? ?Can I play with her?? To learn your techniques, I mean?I need to practice.??

??????????? This time it was Guenther who was taken aback by words; belatedly, Sabine realized how horrible this duty was for him.? ?Play??? An interesting word.? I don?t think this anger is healthy for you, Sabine.? I think it?s devouring you.? Your eyes?you?re not the same girl we snuck in for drinks last night.?

??????????? ?I need?I need to let it out.? The anger, I mean.? She?she killed him, Guenther.? I need to do something.? ?She wrung her hands, and watched Petra like a kitten with a mouse, wondering if it would be allowed to pounce.? The captive, for her part, was struggling anew, reeking of fear of a new assault.?

??????????? Guenther paused, and a look of distaste crossed his face. ??Very well.? We?ve promised to teach you everything, after all?and we need another Guard experienced with this.? By dawn you?ll have lost your appetite, and I?d rather you regret this day forever than go out seeking what you think you?ve missed.? This,? he sat down and reopened the case of faded blue velvet to reveal rows of saws, knives and syringes, ?is a surgeon?s kit.??

??????????? Petra began to scream.


??????????? Guenther?s instruction was brief, but complete.? He detailed each tool in the kit, and Sabine learned he had once apprenticed as an apothecary.? There were other tools as well, ones no sane surgeon would use; some were clean and crisp enough they hardly seemed worn, others were dotted with rust and dulled from use.? She was told each name and made to memorize them.?

??????????? She learned their uses as well, although most of Guenther?s instruction was thinly veiled instruction in the medical arts: how to draw blood with metal syringe, as large as her two fists held together, and then how to inject a drug; how to amputate a finger, using a large and very sharp curved knife; how to tourniquet a larger limb and cleave it with a saw, severing it in a frenzy of motion lest the writhing make the cut irregular.?

??????????? Petra screamed at first, much louder than before; perhaps it made a difference in the pain, to know the one inflicting it enjoys the game.? Perhaps it was the horror of false hope ? of having surrendered to gain peace, only to begin anew.? In any case, she screamed, until finally her voice broke and all she could manage were ragged whimpers.?

??????????? Sabine enjoyed it all.? She smiled with each cut, grinning as her hands and chest and face were sprayed with viscous gore, her eyes shining brighter with each moment.? The smell was intoxicating, the miasma of blood, sweat, and?power.? The pain wouldn?t cure the hurt of losing Stefan, but it balanced it; it found equivalency and the strain of the uneven scales of justice ceased to pull at her heart.? And more: with each motion she gained control, gained domination; the woman beneath her moved as she wished, felt what she wanted, just so, begged like a supplicant and?worshipped her, worshipped Sabine with every word, every scream, every tear as the goddess of her small, horrible world.?

??????????? She learned something, then, that Guenther didn?t teach: the true art of torture.? It was one thing to inflict pain, to see the reaction; it was cold and logical and rational.? But it was the difference between one who paints wall, and one who paints portraits: the colors and tools were the same, application of a certain tincture resulted in a predictable shade, yes, but the artist creates something more: more than the mere sum of the palette, an interwoven mastery that creates something new in the beholder, a more complete and beautiful picture.?

??????????? Sabine was an artist.

??????????? She learned, as she worked, the subtle twists and turns to affect her victim precisely; she learned how to taunt Petra?s mind, not just her body, and how to tear apart her soul though barely touching her flesh.? Finally, she learned to make her victim love her, to make her give her deepest thanks for every new viciousness Sabine inflicted, knowing that it was better than what could have been done.? Perhaps Hell, too, works on equivalency, Sabine thought; and if a part of me has broken away and been cast to the demons, they have paid the bargain with a bit of themselves to take its place.?

??????????? She felt the power, the excitement, as pleasure.? With each new delight, each playful slice, she felt her wetness grow.? As Petra writhed in pain, so too did Sabine writhe in ecstatic shivers, until finally the prisoner failed.? As Petra screamed her last, her blood spilling across the floor, Sabine screamed with the little death, collapsing as she shook with her first orgasm.? The succubus within her looked on and smiled.


??????????? When she finally recovered, Sabine realized she was the only one in the room.? Guenther had left some time ago, with a deep sigh and much muttering.? Petra?s body was present, of course, but without its spirit to torment it was simply refuse to be displayed tomorrow.? It would make an impact: indeed, the soldiers of the revolution would remember it for many years to come, and speak of the ?Bloody Fourth? guardhouse as a precinct to be avoided at all costs, or avenged.?

??????????? For the moment, however, only one thing seemed important.? Sabine smiled wickedly as she wiped away the wetness that had flowed down her thighs.?

??????????? ?It?s time to fetch your sisters, love.?




Comments and Suggestions are invited: [email protected]

??????????? Sabine watched as the captive was dragged into the guardhouse, pulled across the step by the short chain strung between rusted manacles.? The revolutionary was bloody; her hands and knees and elbows had been scraped raw on the cobblestones as she was dragged to the station, and the wound above her eye, where Sabine had struck her with the carbine to end the shooting, still issued a stream of steady crimson.? Whoever she was, she?d been pretty once; not a true beauty, but her hair was the color of summer wheat and her eyes glowed like the sea on a cloudless day.? Her face was smooth, her shoulders unbowed and hands uncalloused.? She was an old girl, or a young woman; some spoiled guildsman?s brat, most likely, or a journeyman?s pampered toy.? Sabine, raised a gutter brat, who had fought and bit and scratched for every scrap of food until the Guard took her in, was disgusted.?

??????????? Stefan, who had been like a father to Sabine, who had taken her under his tutelage, who had held secret her sex until she could prove her place, was dead.? The woman?s last shot ? that desperate, flailing attack, brushed aside so easily ? had struck his throat.? Stefan hadn?t died quickly.? Unable to speak, unable to stop the blood, he had struggled uselessly against his fate while the Guard watched helplessly.?

??????????? ?She will be questioned,? Sabine spat through clenched teeth.? ?Take her to the back room.? Secure her.?

??????????? The revolutionary tried to gain her feet, intent upon marching with dignity to her torture.? Sabine swung a heavy leather boot around, connecting with the captive?s kneecap with a crunching sound.? The prisoner dropped again with a whimper.?

??????????? ?Crawl, slut.? You don?t get to walk in the footsteps of your betters.?

??????????? Despite the tears streaming down her cheeks, the woman looked up into Sabine?s eyes.? ?I won?t talk.? You?ll get nothing from me!?

??????????? Sabine stared back a moment; her chin length hair, black as midnight, fell forward to cover her face from all but the prisoner.? A smile curved her full lips, seductive in its cruelty, and hellfire lit her eyes with white flame.? Her voice was half Sabine, and half the demoness who hid within her soul.? ?Oh darling,? she breathed softly, ?I?m not going to make you talk.? I?m going to make you scream.??


??????????? Almost, when Sabine walked towards the high, windowless chamber in the rear of the guardhouse, almost they stopped her.? She was young; sixteen was barely old enough to accompany patrols, and this was a far more serious thing.? She was a woman; the nest of virtues, of goodness, of redemption.? She was Sabine, like a daughter to them all, or some tomboy sister.? But she was not that.? A look into her eyes and her fellow Guards stepped aside.? Something within her had broken, crumbled away from her soul to fall into the pits of Hell, and something new had appeared as though the demoness within her had drawn back a black curtain to reveal a part of Sabine untouched, unimagined ? and truly cruel.?

??????????? At first she merely watched, content to let Guenther perform the role that had so often in the past been his.? He was professional; he was calm, and unmoved.? He tied back his grey hair and rolled up his shirtsleeves, and set to work like a dentist.? His breathing never changed, he never looked away or let his brown-eyed gaze linger too long.? He dispassionately crushed things, and burned them, and tore them apart with iron tongs and dull grey knives.? The captive ? Petra ? began to talk, despite all her bravado.? She lied, of course.? Guenther listened to it all, making tiny, precise notations in a blood spattered journal, and when the story was complete, he began again, and then again.? Each time, the story changed; details cannot be remembered among the pain and stress, Guenther stated factually.? One simply cannot remember what to say.? The only way to get it right ? the only way to end the pain ? was to tell the truth.?

??????????? Finally, that was what she did.? Her father was a factor; he knew nothing of her involvement.? Her brother had gotten her into the resistance, which he?d made contact with while attending university.? Names followed; associates, friends, and finally even family: her cousins, her parents, even her younger sisters were implicated.? Most of those were untrue, of course; by that point she would say anything to stop the pain, to keep the fingers and teeth she still retained.? It was, as Guenther stated, almost an alchemical formula: A certain resistance met with so much force yields predictable and scientific results.?

??????????? At first, Sabine watched in paralyzed horror, unable to look away but nauseous from the smell of detached viciousness.? She threw up repeatedly, until nothing was left in her stomach.? Then she was in rapture; as the captive slowly became less and less human, it was?interesting?to watch the things done to her.? New facets of behavior and anatomy, secret and wicked ones, were opened to her.? Finally, however, it was boring; it left her unfulfilled, it left her seething and wanting.? It was too clinical; Guenther performed with the emotion of someone writing out mathematical equations.? Finally he finished wiping down his tools, tucked away the velvet lined cases and rose to leave.? Petra was left tied to a heavy wooden chair in the center of the room.?

??????????? ?What will we do with her?? Sabine asked hesitantly.? What do I want done with her?

??????????? Guenther shrugged.? ?She broke easily; I have no doubt she?ll survive to swing from the gallows tomorrow.?

??????????? Petra looked up at the words, tears appearing again.? She seemed to cry quite often.? Sabine watched her like a predator.? ?And if not???

??????????? ?The same fate.? No one cares if she?s still wriggling on the line, as long as the people have a corpse to show them justice is done.? Why do you ask??

??????????? ?Can I??? Sabine licked her lips, and almost gave it up; but the demoness stirred within her, and desire surged.? ?Can I play with her?? To learn your techniques, I mean?I need to practice.??

??????????? This time it was Guenther who was taken aback by words; belatedly, Sabine realized how horrible this duty was for him.? ?Play??? An interesting word.? I don?t think this anger is healthy for you, Sabine.? I think it?s devouring you.? Your eyes?you?re not the same girl we snuck in for drinks last night.?

??????????? ?I need?I need to let it out.? The anger, I mean.? She?she killed him, Guenther.? I need to do something.? ?She wrung her hands, and watched Petra like a kitten with a mouse, wondering if it would be allowed to pounce.? The captive, for her part, was struggling anew, reeking of fear of a new assault.?

??????????? Guenther paused, and a look of distaste crossed his face. ??Very well.? We?ve promised to teach you everything, after all?and we need another Guard experienced with this.? By dawn you?ll have lost your appetite, and I?d rather you regret this day forever than go out seeking what you think you?ve missed.? This,? he sat down and reopened the case of faded blue velvet to reveal rows of saws, knives and syringes, ?is a surgeon?s kit.??

??????????? Petra began to scream.


??????????? Guenther?s instruction was brief, but complete.? He detailed each tool in the kit, and Sabine learned he had once apprenticed as an apothecary.? There were other tools as well, ones no sane surgeon would use; some were clean and crisp enough they hardly seemed worn, others were dotted with rust and dulled from use.? She was told each name and made to memorize them.?

??????????? She learned their uses as well, although most of Guenther?s instruction was thinly veiled instruction in the medical arts: how to draw blood with metal syringe, as large as her two fists held together, and then how to inject a drug; how to amputate a finger, using a large and very sharp curved knife; how to tourniquet a larger limb and cleave it with a saw, severing it in a frenzy of motion lest the writhing make the cut irregular.?

??????????? Petra screamed at first, much louder than before; perhaps it made a difference in the pain, to know the one inflicting it enjoys the game.? Perhaps it was the horror of false hope ? of having surrendered to gain peace, only to begin anew.? In any case, she screamed, until finally her voice broke and all she could manage were ragged whimpers.?

??????????? Sabine enjoyed it all.? She smiled with each cut, grinning as her hands and chest and face were sprayed with viscous gore, her eyes shining brighter with each moment.? The smell was intoxicating, the miasma of blood, sweat, and?power.? The pain wouldn?t cure the hurt of losing Stefan, but it balanced it; it found equivalency and the strain of the uneven scales of justice ceased to pull at her heart.? And more: with each motion she gained control, gained domination; the woman beneath her moved as she wished, felt what she wanted, just so, begged like a supplicant and?worshipped her, worshipped Sabine with every word, every scream, every tear as the goddess of her small, horrible world.?

??????????? She learned something, then, that Guenther didn?t teach: the true art of torture.? It was one thing to inflict pain, to see the reaction; it was cold and logical and rational.? But it was the difference between one who paints wall, and one who paints portraits: the colors and tools were the same, application of a certain tincture resulted in a predictable shade, yes, but the artist creates something more: more than the mere sum of the palette, an interwoven mastery that creates something new in the beholder, a more complete and beautiful picture.?

??????????? Sabine was an artist.

??????????? She learned, as she worked, the subtle twists and turns to affect her victim precisely; she learned how to taunt Petra?s mind, not just her body, and how to tear apart her soul though barely touching her flesh.? Finally, she learned to make her victim love her, to make her give her deepest thanks for every new viciousness Sabine inflicted, knowing that it was better than what could have been done.? Perhaps Hell, too, works on equivalency, Sabine thought; and if a part of me has broken away and been cast to the demons, they have paid the bargain with a bit of themselves to take its place.?

??????????? She felt the power, the excitement, as pleasure.? With each new delight, each playful slice, she felt her wetness grow.? As Petra writhed in pain, so too did Sabine writhe in ecstatic shivers, until finally the prisoner failed.? As Petra screamed her last, her blood spilling across the floor, Sabine screamed with the little death, collapsing as she shook with her first orgasm.? The succubus within her looked on and smiled.


??????????? When she finally recovered, Sabine realized she was the only one in the room.? Guenther had left some time ago, with a deep sigh and much muttering.? Petra?s body was present, of course, but without its spirit to torment it was simply refuse to be displayed tomorrow.? It would make an impact: indeed, the soldiers of the revolution would remember it for many years to come, and speak of the ?Bloody Fourth? guardhouse as a precinct to be avoided at all costs, or avenged.?

??????????? For the moment, however, only one thing seemed important.? Sabine smiled wickedly as she wiped away the wetness that had flowed down her thighs.?

??????????? ?It?s time to fetch your sisters, love.?




Comments and Suggestions are invited: [email protected]


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Larry’s work on the antigravity device began in earnest the day after his announcement of intention to build it. Of course, he really didn’t have much chance to fail in his endeavor because he not only knew it was possible but he had already learned how to build one from Lander’s instructions. The big problem he had was to convince his companions he was doing original research in his attempts. It wouldn’t do for him to just build a device and have it work the first time. To that end, he and...

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I Dream of Sabrina

Characters copywrite ARCHIE COMICS I DREAM OF SABRINA BY PAUL G. JUTRAS It was a day with nowhere to go and nothing to do. With Hurricane Gloria reported coming to New England, Paul felt like he was in the way. His father friends on the rescue team getting info on their CB in the garage. With the winds already taking out the power Paul decide to shower and go to bed. "I dream of Sabrina with the long blonde hair." Paul sang in the shower. After putting on stripe pajamas...

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The Visitors

I heard the crash as the three men pushed through the door and locked it behind them. I raced to the forier and froze. The largest of the group held my wife from behind, one hand over her mouth, the other rubbing her breasts through her blouse as she struggled. The others met me as I entered, each with a pistol in hand."We know you won't do anything stupid," said the wiry blond teenager, as he smiled over his shoulder at my wife. His black partner stared at me with glazed eyes, the gun shaking...

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Adventures in House Sitting

I'm sorry this is a rough draft, which I still need to finish. When I was a Junior in college I had a sweet gig; house sitting for the wealthy family who liked to travel. The deal was that I was able to stay in their guest bedroom and in exchange, I was responsible for making sure nothing bad happened to the house while they were on vacation. It didn't pay very well, but I didn't really have to do anything and I got to stay in a huge house right on the shores of Lake Michigan. The house...

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Bua Ki Kamwali Ko Choda

Hello dosto mera naam virat hai main punjab ko belong karta but abhi delhi mein study karta hu..meri age 23 lund ka size pta ni but mota lamba hai satisfy k liye..   Dosto kahani bilkul nyi a main delhi mein study karta hu and meri bua b delhi rehti a. Toh jb b main free hota bua apni bua ke chla jata tha. Toh ye kahani 4mahine pehle start hui. Main apni bua ke ghar tha main first floor pe sota tha kyunki study ki vjaah se alag rehta tha. Toh ek din main soya hua meri thodi akh khuli toh dekha...

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Meeta Ko Office Aur Ghar Mein Choda 8211 Part 10

Mera naam raj sharma hanumangarh hai.Main iti krta hun.Ek young lady geeta jo bahut ameer thi uske saath sex ki ye kahani hai.Geeta apne peeher chali gai.Uski judwan bahan meeta ki panch din tak chudai ki kahani hai.Ye story number 9 hai…Koi bhabhi ya lady mujhe is id pr contect kare… Hum dono bahut khush the.Itne bade ghar mein sirf main aur hot meeta dono nange hi rahte.Sara din jo jee mein aata wo sab karte…Sath khate sath khelte sath masti krte.Mera jab jee krta main meeta ko pakad...

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The Adventures of Calvin Michael JohnsonChapter 25

Winter Term, 1977 Monday morning, school was back in session. The Christmas Break was over. I needed a vacation from my vacation. The uproar surrounding my pending lawsuit had quieted down. There weren’t any reporters screaming out questions or taking photographs around the school or trying to talk to me. Everyone close to me was curious as to how much I was going to receive from my lawsuit. I told them I was not sure. Finals were a week away, I had yet to hear from the school concerning if...

4 years ago
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The phone rang at my desk and I answered. 'I need you in my office now Samantha. I have some important dictation I need you to take down'. With that the phone was put down and I felt a sweet sensation between my legs which had now become familiar each time those words were spoken to me. I knew what awaited me behind my Master's office door!I knocked and he called me in. 'Lock the door behind you Samantha.' 'Yes Sir' I responded. I walked over to his desk and he took my hand and pulled me...

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The Irish Curse 2

The Irish Curse By Jena Corso Edited By Angela Meyers Part Two "Sorry," April whispered, holding her hand over her mouth, giggling. "I just can hardly wait." "I see that," replied Walter, rolling his eyes as he stared out the window. It was pretty quiet as the girls chatted and listened to music with their headphones on. Walter just day dreamed, trying to think of the positive things of being with the girls until finally the bus stopped. "Ok girls, single file please into...

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Sandy makes sex slaves

I’ve long had a fantasy about seeing my wife have sex with another, well-hung, man. Recently, I had the chance to realize this fantasy. My wife, Lavi, and I were working out at our gym. For about fifteen minutes she and I were the only ones there. Then, a young man whom we had never seen there before came in and started riding one of the exercise bikes while I kept working out at the bench and Lavi went from one Nautilus machine to the other. Lavi is 29. She is 5’8″, about 120 pounds, brunette....

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Bobbie the Bimbo Part 1

This is a work of fiction presented as simple entertainment for the reader. The characters portrayed here are entirely fictitious and should they resemble any actually persons, either living or dead, it is purely coincidental. The themes presented in this story are of an adult nature featuring but not limited to sex, lesbianism, homosexuality, transgenderism, domination, etc. Should such topics offend the reader, them please go else where for your entertainment as you will not like...

4 years ago
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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 83

It wasn’t easy for Olivia to make Mimi come; she was at an awkward angle, didn’t have the use of her hands, and couldn’t see a thing – not to mention that she kept getting distracted by Sylvia tanning her ass and thighs with the riding crop. But she eventually did it, and was rewarded with a very satisfying series of shuddering moans, along with fingernail marks on her shoulder that would remain visible for more than a week.Mimi took a minute to rest and pour herself a new glass of Champagne,...

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Undercover RoseChapter 78

I wondered again where the unknown assailants would be most likely to hit. If I were doing it, I might make the attack while 'The Girls' were on shore. I would only do it if I had some kind of support. I would need more manpower than just myself for sure. The Paki husband would be the most likely to manage some help from the Muslin community. But I couldn't count the Russian couple totally out of the picture. I doubted that either could mount an operation as quickly as it would have taken...

4 years ago
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Shreya My Engaged Crush 8211 Part I

Hi, Friends, I just wanted to quickly share this sex story that happened earlier in my life. I had just begun my life as a Software Engineer in Bangalore. There were a lot of girls, some which drew my interest, some with whom I flirted, some with whom I had some sexual relationships. This is about one such incident. Before I start, a quick word about me. I am an attractive slim/fit, 6-foot tall guy. I have had some girls fall for me without even me trying, so I already had some level of...

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Unwished for Gift Ch 08

Chapter 8 – Revelations Caitlyn withdrew from her family and Gabriel after the doctor came and spoke to her. Physically, she hadn’t moved but they knew she shut herself away mentally to deal with the news. It had shocked the family but they had accepted it while she was unconscious. It was a lot to absorb on top of her losing so many days, including Christmas. The best thing they could do for her now was to let her be. So they congregated outside her room and left her with Gabriel for the time...

4 years ago
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The Ishtar InvestigationChapter 3 At Home Reviewing the Case

As I left I decided to return to my pod for a short time. I had a small office there and over two years of working in Internal Affairs, I had developed a strong relationship with my AI. While it was still mostly a tool for running the machinery of the Confederation, my AI had become very good about linking communications for me if I wanted a quick answer. It was good as well in delving through the Confederation's data banks to find reports or memos that helped me in unraveling a case. The...

4 years ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 54 Pop Quiz

The weekend went all too quickly. On Saturday, the girls went to the movies and Sunday they took long electrifying rides on Grand Dad's dildos. Daddy even let Christi and Kathy have seconds while he made love to Mommy on the dining room table. But Monday morning came too soon, as it always does. Another school day, thought a sleepy Kathy as she shuffled to the breakfast table. "My, you're a drowsy puppy this morning," Mommy teased as she set a sparkling glass of orange juice before her...

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The Teacher

You just woke up and you decide to get up very quickly. You brush your hair and put it up in a ponytail. Your hair reaches just were your huge tits end. As you slide your thong off you relize your certain is open and when you look out you see a sexy stranger staring at you. You slide you bra down and rub your clint. His cock grows huge and you get turned on. You put on a dark blue thong. Then black shorts that show half your ass. And a black sweater crop top and no bra. The bus pulls up and you...

1 year ago
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From Chrysalis to ButterflyChapter 9

Guy was extremely complimentary of Marianne's dress. She had given him a glimpse before wrapping the Pashmina round her shoulders. He whispered his delight. "Are those two ties functional or decorative?" Marianne smiled. "Functional. I thought I would make it easy for you tonight. Undo those and you get your surprise." She blew him a kiss. He looked eager. "I can't wait." She was very flattered to see a lump grow in his trousers. Sylvie and Marianne sat together in the back of the...

2 years ago
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Adult bookstore round 2

The Adult bookstore where Nancy and I fucked turned out to be about half way between where I was living and my new girlfriend Mary. So we planned every now and then to meet there. Mary was 5 foot and 90 lbs with white, natural hair and very sexual. We had been in several threesomes with men and she loved it. I told her about this theatre and she was excited to go. We entered and the black gentleman that owned the place was there that afternoon. I had dropped by and visited with him before...

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Painting her face

Painting her face. It was late one night and after a number of drinks with my buddy James and his girl Samantha, when things started getting hot. The pretty naughty blonde that she was, and the more she drank the more naughty and experimental she would become. Our conversation soon was all sexual and I soon started feeling rather horny and wanting to fuck my friends pretty little blonde girl. Another drink went down as the sexual conversation continued and soon Samantha asked is it just me...

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Pre Monsoon Showers

This incident happened when I was 18 years old. Being my first experience, it is very memorable and special to me. Please provide your feedback to me at . I was living in Hyderabad those days with my parents. Our neighbours were Asad uncle (senior Central Govt official in his late 40’s) and his family. He, his wife (Samina aunty in her early 40’s) and their son Raouf was one year younger to me. They also had 2 daughters who were 5 & 4 years elder to Raouf. They both were married and were living...

1 year ago
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Meri Choot Laal Ki Mere Student Ne

Hi mera naam Sama hai aur ye meri doosri story hai aap k samnay.hamare ghar me hum teen log rehte hai. mere dad, meri mom, aur mai.jaisa k main nay aap ko apni pehli kahani mien bataya k hum Lahore k bohat populated area Rang Mehal mien rehtay ne apne aap ko ghar ke kaamo me uljha liya tha.papa business mien masroof rehtay.meray liye kisi k pass time he nahi tha siwaye mery tuition students k.main bohat khubsurat larki hoon mera figure 36,27, 38 yani bohat sexy hai.gora badan,lachakti...

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Setting myself up to be cuckolded by an Alpha male

Setting myself up to be cucked by an alpha male. I must admit our love making had taken a hit recently. It was mostly my fault, being to tired after working to much and my growing interest in online porn. Other people seemed to be having so much more interesting sex than me, and I envied them. My wife and I were both 43 and our sexlife had become stale. Sara was hot looking, but quite unadventurous in bed. Often if I brought up ideas during love making just to spice things up she would just...

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EvilAngel Victoria Voxxx DoubleAnal Threesome

In skimpy blue lingerie, sassy, natural-breasted Latina Victoria Voxxx prepares for a threesome with two big cocks by sliding a fat glass dildo up her tight rectum. Victoria shows off her blowjob skills on well-hung Markus Dupree and Mick Blue. The men take turns fucking her pussy and asshole, and they stuff her fore and aft in a lewd DP. If that’s not enough, they stretch Victoria’s bunghole via a nasty double-anal penetration! The brunette beauty sucks dick ass-to-mouth and...

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My Best Friends Daughter Part ITemptation

My Best Friend’s Daughter-Part One: Temptation John lived in Nottingham, between Manchester and Birmingham in the UK. At 43 John’s life was a bit of a mess and although he had a good legal practice and financial success he was just not very happy. There hadn’t been a serious woman for ages and John just didn’t seem to have the inclination or energy to go to clubs or anywhere and find “Mrs. Right”. Consequently it had been years since John had been on the receiving end of a wild fuckfest. John’s...

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A Family Of Incest Part 1

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional. This story contains extreme BDSM, degradation, incest and new levels of bondage. If you are not into that stuff, I would suggest you go back and read other stories else just enjoy. My English might not be up to mark but it is better than the other stories. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. This is a...

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Unplanned Sex With My Landlady

Hello friends.. My name is Vivaan and I’m an engineer from Allahabad, aged 26. The sex story I’m writing here revolves around my landlady when I was in college. There are few people who comes in our life’s whom we can friends with or we respect them due to their nature, behaviour and loving attitude.. She was one of them. A middle aged woman of age 38 approx who was a house wife and the landlord uncle was a government employee in bank. I was new to the state and in ma second year of engineering...

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Brutal Brothers 8211 Part 2

This is the continued part of my earlier story. Those who haven’t read my earlier story please read Brutal Brothers Part-1 (link on top) Suddenly the door opens and there was Sameer Rohan and Dinesh my all brother standing there. They were taken aback when they saw me naked and sucking my own brothers cock i was terrified by seen them my body started shivering and i stood up and covered my boobs with my hands and ran upstairs into my room and Raj did the same thing. I was so fucking terrified...

1 year ago
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Young Spies

Deep in the city, dressed more or less as a sailor, I toured some slimy taverns with my eyes and ears open. I was not learning much except that most places watered their rum. At a place called “David’s Flag” I knew the inn-keeper, and we exchanged lies for a bit. Then a brown-haired girl came to his shoulder, bobbed up and down and asked, “What now, sir?” in the accents of the West Country. She was a soft, young beauty, about shoulder high and dressed in a tattered gown, short corset and...

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A Winters Tale

Six weeks after their wedding, Ken and Laura arrived in Killington, Vermont. Ken in his early thirties loved skiing and Laura twenty-five was smitten by everything Ken did. They arrived late in the evening at Burlington International Airport and battled the snow to reach the ski resort. Immediately after checking in, the couple stepped into the outdoor hot spa.She braved the cold with her two-piece bikini and entered the hot tub jacuzzi. The force of the water literally bounced her light body...

4 years ago
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THE PAIN volume 1

As i came to my bus stop i remembered that it was the really wierd guy who i was serving in the bar about two days ago and was really flirtatious and really rude and pervy and i took great pleasure teasing him by talking about sex and letting him look down my top and even told him that i will come up to his room and have sex with him but never did as i was saving myself for my new vibrator when i got home. I sat on the bus i was looking forward to getting home and wanking myself silly over the...

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PenthouseGold Nadia White Curvy Milf Nadia White Seduces Driver

Nadia White is a super hot Penthouse Milf wearing a low cut, tight red dress that shows off her curves. She seduces her driver Tony Rubino by inviting him inside and makes it clear she needs to fuck. Kissing passionately, he fondles her big tits and uses his fingers and tongue to get her shaved pussy wet. The voluptuous vixen gives his huge shaft a messy blowjob before riding him, but she isn’t satisfied until he’s pounding her hard in doggystyle and blowing his load over her...

2 years ago
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Home On The Range Ch 08

FROM CHAPTER 7"Britt, I can't believe how far we've come since you've been here. You have changed my life dramatically and as I've said before, I still love your grandmother, but I think you are pulling up even with the love I share with you. In my wildest dreams I never would have imagined I could fall in love with another woman like I did with Maggie. But here we are, together and I have to tell you Britt, I am head over heels in love with you. You have brightened my life after such a crisis....

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Sex by starlight

Eighteen year old Ann left the house to meet her new boyfriend after she made sure her mom was asleep. He was twenty-one and discharged from the Navy. She found where he was parked and jumped in the car. Her mother said Jim was too old for her and she should date a boy her own age. 18 year old boys didn't compare to Jim. He was handsome and had a convertible. Jim drove to a secluded place and parked. Ann loved convertibles. She could see the stars. Ann's favorite subject was astronomy. She...

3 years ago
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Part 43 The Day is Here

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 43: The Day is Here It seems so strange that this day is here. It’s one of those days that always seem to be so far in the future that you don’t want to even think about it. Now that it is actually here, it seems like no big deal at all. It was the same in high school. The anticipation leads up to it, then it happens, and you wonder what all the fuss is about. College graduation day is today. Here I stood looking in the mirror at the person...

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Grandma true story PART II

PART IINext couple of days nothing happened, we didn't even talk. Grandpa was home most of the times and Grandma was acting as usual, doing her job with guest rooms, avoiding every opportunity to stay alone with me even for a moment. She wasn't even looking at me at this rare occasions that she was talking to me, asking me if I am hungry or about my friends…It was clear that she would prefer that I go out with my friends and after a day or two I did because even Grandpa was asking why am I home...

1 year ago
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Minxs Choice

She is in the attire of my preference. Short little mini skirt that is more than revealing, a tight tube top pushing her round fleshy breasts awkwardly upwards and almost falling out. Her make-up is dark and she is walking on heels that resemble stilts. I take a look at her succulent neckline and there is the collar that I placed on her 3 months ago, proudly owning the body that belongs to me now. I answer the door, not allowing her entry as yet. She greets as she has been taught, “Good...

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Family Inheritance Part 1

"We don't need to work, the inheritance covers that handsomely" Cynthia and Patrick were repeating the same lame discussion that they had chewed over every day for the last week. Cynthia threw her hands up in the air, she was fed up of his lies. " I know you have been screwing your new secretary, so why don't you just be honest". Patrick tried to pretend but he was sick of pretending. "Alright, it is true, Lucy and I are friendly, and I don't want to go with you to Wuthering...

2 years ago
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Brianna and Nicki

Weeks passed and Nicki and I became friends, though she'd gone through one boyfriend already, I knew we were never meant to have a relationship. The next semester I met Brianna. Tall, about 5' 8'' or 5' 9'', long brunette hair and a smile to die for. Though you couldn't really tell because of the conservative way she dressed, she had Gs. Yes people, this is not a lie, I couldn't believe it myself until I saw them, but she had G sized breasts. She was by no means fat, she ran track...

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A Story In a Hospital

Choose a character: Male: David Thompson Description: 6 feet tall Muscular body Handsome, Smart Race: undefined Occupation: undefined Sexual Organ: A 8 inches long dick with a 2 inches in radius shaft and a 5 inches diameter dick head. His dream/hope: Want to screw with all the beauty that work in the Koko Hospital Female: Jade Jackson Description: 5'-8" Athlete figure : 34C, 24, 36 A firm young tits that can withstand gravity without bra's support Heart-shaped tight...


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