My Nylon Goddess - Chapter 6 free porn video

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MY NYLON GODDESS - CHAPTER SIX What was I thinking? What on earth could I possibly have been thinking? A week after the party, I was still asking myself that question. I mean, the alcohol was certainly some kind of excuse. I didn't need the miserable hangover the following day to tell me that I'd had way too much to drink. And Shauna and Tessa had definitely put me up to it. But why oh why did I end up not just kissing a boy, but giving him a handjob? In the back seat of a car, of all places! The answer, of course, was that I hadn't been thinking at all - Alannah had. I was starting to believe that putting on makeup and girls' clothes was not just making me look and feel different, but be a different person. It was she who wanted to make out with Kevin, and play with his cock ... and taste his cum. It was she who coolly kissed him afterwards and walked back to the party, resisting all his efforts to get a phone number. And she who proudly told her girlfriends exactly what she had done, and accepted their congratulations. I would never have dared to do any of that. Or wanted to, even. Except that I had to face up to the fact that I was Alannah - or at least willing to be her. It was not that there weren't compensations. Since the party, Shauna had gone out of her way not just to be nice to me, but to be very public about it. We now walked to school together most days, and on the Tuesday night we'd gone to the movies and spent a lot of time kissing and cuddling in the back row. My relationship with the older girl was the talk of my classmates and I was suddenly very much cooler than I'd ever been. Of course I didn't tell them that I also wore her tights whenever I had the chance, or practised putting on makeup at her insistence ... The thing was that my life as Alan had immeasurably improved, even if my grades at school had unsurprisingly taken a hit. I felt and acted a lot more confident. It was just that while being Alannah was exhilarating, it was also taking me in directions I really wasn't sure about. Glancing at the clock, I noted with relief that it was nearly time to head round to meet Shauna. I had not been fully dressed since the party, and I was very much looking forward to an opportunity to become Alannah again - even if I was also a bit trepidatious about what she might decide to do. At the appointed time, I knocked on the door of the shed in Shauna's back garden that she used as both a study and a playroom. To my surprise, she was alone. "Tess not coming?" I asked, not hiding my disappointment. Apart from the fact that she did my makeup, I very much enjoyed the redhead's company. "She'll be along later," answered Shauna. The gleam in her eye suggested that something was going on, though I knew from experience not to quiz her. If my goddess wanted to fill me in, she would do so in her own sweet time. Besides, I was too busy enjoying the sight of her legs. As always, they were in black nylon, though her skirt was perhaps a little longer than usual. "Got a new uniform for you to try," she said, indicating a neatly folded pile of clothes. It turned out to be a black pinafore dress, with a very short skirt. I wore it with a white blouse, a striped tie and the same knee-high black socks and boots I had acquired for the party. I didn't recognise the uniform from any nearby school, but Shauna said she had found it in a secondhand clothing shop. She had thought it would look sexy on me, and it certainly did. The only thing missing was any underwear, but Shauna insisted that I wouldn't need it. It felt strange being in a skirt with my genitals hanging free underneath. At my goddess' urging, I also had a stab at doing my own make up. First I tied my hair into bunches, which would go very nicely with the straw boater that was also part of the uniform. Then I did what I could to put on a female face. The eyes weren't great, but I thought everything else looked pretty good. I went for a barbie pink lipstick that really stood out on me. Shauna thought it was fantastic. "Wow," she said, "that is so fucking hot! I'm sorry Alannah, but I think I'm going to have to ruin that right away ..." She pulled me into an embrace and gave me a long and passionate kiss. This didn't just disturb my lipstick, but the front of my dress - a situation that only got worse when she mischievously reached underneath it and gave my rapidly stiffening cock a gentle squeeze. "Oh my, Alannah," she giggled. "We're going to have to see what we can do about that nasty swelling you've got." She made me sit down on the couch, then straddled me. Sitting on my knees she kissed me deeply again, then said huskily, "You can unbutton my shirt if you like." With trembling hands I accepted the invitation and discovered to my astonishment and delight that she wasn't wearing a bra. Although I had both seen and tasted her pussy, in this very shed, I had never seen her naked tits before. They were a lot smaller than Tessa's, but where the redhead's hung down heavily these had a delicious upward tilt. They also seemed to beg for attention. "May I?" I asked. At Shauna's nod I gently stroked and fondled the targets of my fascination, then leaned forward to kiss them reverently. Ignoring the urgent messages I was getting from my straining cock, I worked patiently, using my mouth to worship one breast while I gently employed a hand to caress the other. I purposefully held off touching the nipples until I was sure I had licked and stroked everywhere else. When finally I brought one to my lips and lightly brushed my fingertips over the other, they were good and stiff - and Shauna was panting with desire. She lifted a hand and pushed my head hard into the boob I was licking. Taking the hint, I opened my mouth wide and took as much of it into my mouth as I could, using my tongue to lap at the nipple. My hand also abandoned subtlety and pawed at the other breast, grabbing and fondling it. This continued for a couple of minutes, until with a wrench Shauna freed herself from my grasp and stood up. With one fluent movement, she unzipped her skirt and stepped out of it - and I gasped at the sight it revealed. A bra was not the only thing she wasn't wearing - the list also included any knickers. But that wasn't what captured my attention. She didn't have tights on either. The black stockings on her long legs were attached to a lacy suspender belt, the contours of which framed her pubic hair. As I took in this astonishing vision, I had to drag my eyes upward to look at Shauna's flushed but triumphant face. "Told you there'd be a reward for what you did with Kevin, didn't I?" she said. "Pinched them from mum's drawer. You like?" "Oh god yes, are you kidding?" I answered, my eyes wide as I kept looking down at her legs, then back upwards. "They're beautiful. You are beautiful." That brought a smile. "Well, maybe," she said. Truth was, she did not have an especially pretty face. But she had a fantastic body and when she looked at me the way she was doing right now, I'd have taken her over any centrefold model from the magazines I had assiduously hidden in my bedroom. "But," she added, "I'm also feeling very horny. Time to put that pretty tongue of yours back to work, Alannah." She carefully stepped up onto the couch, feet either side of me, and then half squatted until her groin was in front of my face. Without any further ado I brought my head forward and started to lick her pussy. As I lapped at it, I felt a rush of fluid over my tongue and enjoyed the taste of her sweet juices. Once again, I took my time, working around her crack, only occasionally finding and probing her clitoris. As I did so, I ran my hands up and down her stockinged legs, delighting in the feel of the fabric and especially the transition at the top from taut nylon to soft creamy flesh. After a few minutes of this, I began to work more steadily on her little love button, feeling her stiffen as I did so. I was expecting to take her all the way to her orgasm, when she surprised me by pulling back and clambering back down to the floor. "Is everything all right?" I asked anxiously. "Oh shit yeah," she replied, "except I was about to come, and we can't have that." "Why on earth not?" I asked mystified, as she scurried over to find her bag. "Because," she said, returning with a little packet that she was busy tearing open, "I have other plans, okay?" Kneeling down in front of my open legs, she lifted up my skirt to reveal the rock hard shaft that had been making it look like a tent. I gasped as she took hold of my cock, stroked it a few times until the foreskin was well and truly clear of the purple head, and put a little ring of what looked like plastic on top of it. As she started to unroll the material and pull it downwards, the light bulb finally went on in my head. "Is that ...?" I asked. "Yup." "So we're going to ...?" "Right again. What is this, Twenty Questions?" Before I could reply, she finished her work, pulled my knees together, and once again straddled me, though this time with her feet on the ground. Working herself into position over my rampant member, now encased in what looked for all the world like cling film, she lowered herself until she was poised above me. "Just hold it still for me, will you?" she instructed. I used a hand to keep my shaft upright as she manoeuvred herself into place. I gasped as her groin rubbed against the head of my cock, its sensitivity dulled only slightly by the condom. Despite the unfamiliar sensations, I tried to hold as still as I could while Shauna searched for the right angle of entry. After a few miscues, she finally managed to position me where she wanted. Bending her knees, she slowly sat down. The feeling was incredible. I had thought that having a mouth clamped around my organ was heavenly. But this was something else again. The tightness of the constriction, the incredible warmth, the sensation of being inside another person - it all took my breath away. But when Shauna started to lift herself up and down ... we'll, I could have died and gone to heaven. But there was still more to enjoy. After the initial feeling of amazement at what was happening, I opened my eyes to seek the magnificent sight of Shauna's boobs jiggling right in front of me. Her superior height made it easy for me lean forward and resume my earlier licking and fondling, only now it was all a lot more frantic. The goddess herself responded by changing the angle of her thrusts, pressing her pelvis forward so that she was grinding against me as she rode my pole. Her breath quickened and we were both now moaning incoherently. I would like to say that I lasted a long time on my first contact with a girl's pussy. But I really didn't. Soon enough I was crying out and shooting my load, the climax as intense as any I'd experienced - though where all that cum had gone, I could not feel. Shauna herself made no move to stop, but kept riding me until she too was overtaken by a shuddering orgasm. As her cries subsided and she slumped down, with me still inside her, the throbbing of my penis matched by the post-climactic twitching of the muscles around her vagina, she clutched me to her chest and kissed the top of my head. We stayed in that position for a few minutes, until she wearily clambered off me. After a lot of fumbling, I was able to peel the condom off my now shrinking member. I turned it upside down, marvelling at how full of spunk it appeared to be. I caught Shauna's eye and for a minute we just stared at one another. Then we both grinned at the same time like idiots, and all of a sudden we were kissing and hugging one another, while I awkwardly held away from both of us the evidence of our lovemaking. Shauna handed me a tissue and I wrapped the condom up in it - then hugged her again. "Thank you," I said, making no effort to stem the tears in my eyes. "It was amazing. You are amazing." She gave me the warmest of smiles and then released me to find her blouse and skirt from where she'd left them on the floor. Throwing them onto a chair, she said: "Glad you enjoyed it. First one's not always that great, especially if you're with someone who doesn't know what they're doing. But luckily for you" - her grin widened - "I am not in that category." I relaxed back on the couch - but then leant forward again as a thought occurred. "Will we, you know, do that again some time?" She laughed at my plaintive voice, then her expression grew more serious. "With you as Alannah? Probably not ... But you looked so hot, and I'd promised you a reward after all. After this though, I think I'd prefer we kept our fun a little more ... girly, if you know what I mean." She held up a hand to forestall me from saying anything. "But I may let Alan get that far, okay? If he carries on being nice to me, that is. And does what he's told, right?" I nodded. It would have to be enough. Shauna was too much a free spirit to be tied down to one relationship, not now that she had so firmly, as she put it, "taken control" of her life. She definitely had a thing going with Tessa, and I suspected she might be seeing other boys as well - though she had insisted that her thing with Travis on the night of the party had just been "a bit of fun". Besides, she had just taken my virginity - and done so much more for me besides. So how could I possibly begrudge her anything? Besides, if she never spoke to me again, I would always have the memory of coming inside her sweet pussy, of gorging on her beautiful tits, of seeing her shapely legs in stockings and suspenders ... She slumped back down next to me on the couch and we held one another for a while, until eventually Shauna dragged herself upright. "Come on," she said, "Tess'll be here soon. You'd better go and repair your makeup, I've made quite a mess of it, I'm afraid." "A lot of it's on you," I pointed out. Shauna looked down at the pink lipstick smears that seemed to cover her breasts and giggled. "So it is," she said, and headed off to find a cloth. As we both cleaned up, I asked: "So, um, does Tessa know about this? I mean, about us ...?" Shauna nodded. "Yeah, I told her. Or at least that I was planning to do it. I mean, you might not have been able to get it up or something ..." I threw a used tissue at her, but missed. She giggled, but then her expression turned serious. "No secrets between the three of us, okay? We have fun, we can get it on with other people if we want - you know, boys, girls, whatever. But we tell each other, yeah?" I nodded solemnly to show my assent. We had just about got ourselves sorted, and Shauna was back in her clothes, when there was a knock on the door. "Ah, there's Tess," said Shauna. "Let her in, will you?" There was a kind of repressed excitement to her voice, and I wondered what she had in store for the three of us. Or, as it turned out, the four of us. Because when I opened the door to a grinning Tessa, she was not alone. She had a blonde girl with her who looked positively tiny in comparison to the statuesque redhead. She was wearing the same uniform that I was in, the straw hat obscuring all but a few strands of her hair. "Oh hi Alannah," Tessa greeted me, "say hello to Joanna!" "Hello Joanna," I said mechanically, holding the door open for the two girls. I glanced round at Shauna and gave her an irritated look that asked what had happened to "no secrets". She gave me an innocent "must have slipped my mind" expression in return. "Come on in Joanna" said Shauna. "Great to see you in your new outfit! Did you notice Alannah has one too? Although her skirt's a lot shorter than yours, I notice ... Anyway, why don't you sit down over there and take your hat off, so we can see your pretty face?" "Okay," said the girl in a very small voice. She sat down on the indicated chair, put her boater on the floor next to her, then looked at me and gave me a very nervous smile. I stared at her, then swung round to look first at Shauna and then Tessa. They were both struggling to contain their laughter. I looked back at Joanna and said as calmly as I could, remembering as always to use my Alannah voice rather than the slightly lower one that Alan habitually adopted: "I'm sorry sweetie, do you mind if I pop outside and have a quick word with Shauna? Just some big girls' business, yeah?" "Okay," said the little blonde. She seemed to realise something was wrong, but wasn't sure what. As I stalked out of the shed and Shauna followed me, she put her head down, as if there was something going on that she wasn't meant to see. Once we were outside in the cool twilight air, I rounded on Shauna. "That was John! From my school! The one you got me to find for you!" "So?" said Shauna, still grinning from ear to ear. "So you could have warned me she was going to be here tonight!" "I'm sorry babe," said my goddess, clearly trying to placate me, but then spoiling the effect by bursting into laughter. "But your face ... it was priceless!" "Yes, ha ha," I said bitterly. "But perhaps you might fill me in on some small details? You know, like, what she's doing here, where she got changed, does she know who I am - and does she know I'm really a boy?" "Now calm down," said Shauna, placing a hand on my arm, "I'm sorry we upset you, it was just a bit of fun, okay? Anyway, I told you we wanted another playmate, it just took a little while to persuade John that if did what he was told, he'd get to do some things he could only dream of otherwise." "Like seeing the two of you naked, I suppose?" I was still feeling bitter, and made no attempt to hide it. But Shauna took my reaction in her stride. "As it happens, no - or not yet anyway. But he did get a taste of our cunts. He's not as good as you, mind, but he's quite enthusiastic. And we did give him a nice little tug, after he let us dress him up. He does look adorable, doesn't he?" "Well, yes," I conceded. "But is he even old enough to come yet?" Shauna laughed again. "Oh yes, he's quite proud of his little cock -not that he's ever had anyone else touch it before. Well, not in that way, of course. Listen, are you feeling jealous Alannah?" "No," I protested. But my blushing cheeks were, as usual, giving me away. "Well, yes, I suppose I am rather." "Well, don't be," said Shauna firmly. "If I can put up with you making out with my girlfriend in a changing room, not to mention getting it on with a boy who I had my eye on, you can do the same, right? It's not as if I have any plans to let him do what you did a bit earlier. So chill out, okay?" "Okay," I said quietly, recognising the force of her arguments. I was being selfish, and I didn't have that right, given everything she'd done for me. Then a thought struck me. "Wait, you had your eye on Kevin?" "Well duh," answered Shauna. "He's funny and not bad looking - and a hell of a lot safer than that psychopath Chris. But I could see right away he fancied you, so fair enough. Kevin is all yours - if you want him, of course." "I'm still trying to figure that out," I said. "But look, back to Joanna. What does she know about me?" Shauna smiled magnanimously. She could see that she'd won the argument. "Well, she knows that you're a boy that we've dressed up - but she has no idea of what your real name is, where you go to school, or even that you know her. And Tessa dressed her up in my house - my folks are out this evening. She hasn't been out yet, as Joanna I mean. We thought you might take her out for a quick stroll, you know, to get her used to it?" I thought for a minute of saying no, but then remembered not only who was in charge, but also how much that I - as both Alan and Alannah - had been getting out of what was now a m?nage a quatre. It was time to give a little back. "Sure," I said. And so it was that just a short while later I found myself walking down a dimly lit street with what looked for all the world like a cute blonde schoolgirl - and a very anxious one too, judging by the way she was alternately casting panic-stricken looks around her and staring fixedly at the pavement. We ambled in silence for a few minutes, until I spoke up. "So, Joanna - that's a lovely name. Did you choose it, or did Shauna?" "It was Shauna," mumbled Joanna. More silence. It was broken only when I suddenly chuckled, then reached down and took my younger companion's hand. "What are you doing?" asked Joanna. "And why are you laughing?" She stopped walking and tried to pull her hand away, but I clung on to it. "I just realised," I explained, "that it was only a few weeks ago that I was walking along this very street with Shauna and Tessa, feeling exactly the way you do now - terrified that you'll be recognised as a boy, or spotted by someone you know." "Okay," said Joanna, "but why's that funny?" "I'm not laughing at you. It just struck me as pretty amazing that I could go in such a short time from feeling just like you do now, to giving it no thought at all." I stopped and considered that. "Well, okay," I conceded, "maybe I still am a little bit worried about being spotted. But I definitely feel a whole lot of better about it. And I realised I was being a bit selfish not to let you know about that and, you know, help you out a bit." Joanna seemed to accept that. As we resumed our stroll, she was content now to hold my hand. But she asked: "So you've been out more than once? Just walking around like this?" I laughed. "Oh, I've done a lot more than walk around. Tess took me shopping - in a department store, if you don't mind! And last time we went out to a pub, and then some boys took us to a party!" I left out the more exciting parts of those stories, thinking that now was not the time to reveal just how far I'd gone as Alannah. "Oh wow!" Joanna seemed to consider what I'd said, then added with a note of admiration. "I'm not surprised, you look like such a pretty girl. There's no way I'd have known if Shauna hadn't told me." I squeezed her hand. "Thank you sweetie, that's a lovely thing to say. But so are you, seriously." And it was true. Although the combination of the boater and the low light were currently obscuring her features, back in the shed I'd been impressed by how pretty she looked. My judgement in suggesting young John to Shauna had certainly been borne out. Tessa had, as always, excelled in softening his features and highlighting his attractive blue eyes. What had been a mop of hair had been tamed into an attractive bob, while a delicate shade of what I thought might be called coral had been used on his lips. The result was a girl with the beauty and fragility of a porcelain doll - but one that you would want to take to bed for all the wrong reasons ... "Thanks Alannah," replied the young blonde. I could sense rather than see her smile. "But listen, can ... can I ask you something?" "Of course," I said, "that's what girlfriends are for." That and sometimes a whole lot more, I thought. But I didn't say it. Joanna stopped and looked up at me. By the light from a nearby lamppost I could see her troubled expression. "Do you think," she said, clearly trying to choose her words carefully, "that there's something wrong with us? For dressing up as girls, I mean?" I smiled. "Depends. Do you like doing it?" Joanna blushed and nodded. "Well, there you go then. As long as you enjoy it, where's the harm?" "But what if we get found out?" The question might have been a plaintive one, but that didn't mean I could dismiss it. I puffed up my cheeks, then slowly blew out the air as I considered how best to respond. "Well," I said slowly, "that's certainly a worry, no getting round it. It makes it scary to go out like this, for sure. But also exciting ... Maybe the best way to think about it is, how do I make sure I don't get found out? What do I need to practice so that people won't know?" She seemed to ponder this, then surprised me by getting up on tiptoes to peck me on the cheek. It was a stretch, because our natural difference in heights was compounded by the fact that I was wearing heels and she was not. "Thanks Alannah," she said brightly. "That makes me feel better." "Glad to hear it," I responded. "Now, let's head down this road and we'll start making our way back. You should be grateful, by the way. The first time the girls took me out they made me go into a shop with them. I was so frightened I nearly wet my knickers!" "I bet," she said, wide-eyed. "So - we're not doing that tonight?" "Maybe next time," I said, and gave her hand another reassuring squeeze. We chatted amiably on the way back, the ice between us now well and truly broken. When we arrived back at the shed, I could hear music playing inside. I knocked loudly on the door, then heard muffled voices and what sounded like a giggle. "Who is it?" called Shauna. I glanced down at Joanna and rolled my eyes. "They're up to something, by the sound of it." I raised my voice. "It's the Nylon Patrol - we've come to check your stockings!" "Alannah!" hissed my companion. "Shauna's family might hear!" "They're out for the evening," I said dismissively, but I glanced all the same at the dark bulk of the house at the top of the garden. There were a couple of lights showing. "Shit! Maybe they're not ..." As I said that, however, there was more giggling from inside the shed and Shauna called for us to enter. I pushed the door open, stepped inside and then stopped dead. Joanna had to squeeze round me to get in. Then she too came to a halt. "Oh wow!" she said softly. We both stared at the incredible tableau before our eyes. Shauna was sitting on the couch, topless once more. Her legs were spread and her skirt lifted to reveal the stockings underneath - and the absence of any panties. Her pussy couldn't been seen - but only because Tessa had her head buried in it. Even over the pop music that was blaring from the stereo, we could hear the slurping sounds that the redhead was making. Unlike her partner, she seemed to be fully dressed. "Welcome to the show, girls!" called Shauna merrily, prompting a snort of laughter from between her legs. "Now Tess, you know what I've told you about trying to laugh while your mouth is full," admonished our goddess, trying but failing to keep a straight face herself. "You two," she barked to Joanna and myself, "go sit over there!" She indicated a couple of chairs which had plainly been positioned to let us watch the older girls do their thing. As we sat down, Tessa turned her head to give us a lascivious grin, then resumed her cunnilingus, positioning her head in such a way that we could see her tongue lapping at Shauna's glistening cunt. "Oh god," breathed Joanna. Glancing sideways, I could see her hand involuntarily clutching and rubbing at her groin through the pinafore dress. My own cock, unencumbered by any panties, was already standing proud. Shauna looked at us with a complacent smile. She clearly had us right where she wanted. "I think our girlfriends over there should give each other a hand. What do you reckon, Tess?" Tessa interrupted what she was doing to give us an appraising look, at the same time continuing to stroke her girlfriend's gaping slit. "Ooh yes," she said, nodding vigorously. "C'mon girls, time to get those nice big clitties of yours out." Obediently, I lifted my skirt to reveal my straining erection. I glanced sideways at Joanna, who was staring in awed fascination at the scene in front of her. "C'mon sweetie, you heard what they said." When she made no move, I gently reached over and lifted away her hand. "Get it out," I instructed. She stared at me for a minute with scared eyes, her cheeks red, then slowly pulled up her skirt until it was bunched around her waist. Fumbling inside a very cute pair of pink panties with a bunny design, she drew out a thin, pale penis that was smaller than mine, but just as hard. Joanna made no move to stop me as I took her hand and guided it to my shaft, nor when I took hold of hers. We turned and looked at one another for a minute. The young blonde's expression was intense but unreadable. Then, as one, we returned our gaze to the sight of Tessa once again applying her tongue to Shauna's pussy, while the goddess herself cupped and fondled her own pert breasts. And without a word, we began to stroke ... To be continued

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Greek Goddess (MtF TG, Goddess TF) By FoxFaceStories A Commission for aabcehm Part One: The Goddess Bathing Peter Skale was enjoying a trek through the forest, listening to the sights and sounds of nature all around him. A beautiful doe shifted to his right, flitting away at the slightest hint of his movement. He smiled, but it was the call of a nearby wood thrush that captured his attention. In his opinion as an amateur birdwatcher, the wood thrush had the most beautiful bird...

2 years ago
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Nylon Lover Ch 120

My earliest recollection of nylons is when I was very young (early 50's). My Aunt Helen, who lived with us, worked as a secretary at a trucking company, and as such, always wore dresses or skirts to work. I remember that when she got home from work, she'd sit on the couch and take her stockings and high heels off, and leave them there until she went to bed. I was fascinated with her legs, and I still remember exactly what they looked (and felt) like - she had great legs! She would hike...

1 year ago
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Goddess and Axe Spanking

Goddess was working while Axe was home alone and bored to tears. He turned on the laptop to sync his work “outlook” with their combined calendar. He scanned the page she had up on the screen. When he saw her favorite chat sites listed he was stunned. He looked at one site and couldn’t believe his eyes. He moved the cursor and clicked on the site. Within a moment he was in a ‘spanking’ room, feeling confused and shocked. The host seemed to be personable, as she asked his ASL and welcomed him....

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Meddling Goddess

This is something of an experiment in trying to write a supernatural story, hope you enjoy it. Meddling Goddess. by Trish. Having slipped away from the playful family entourage the entity know as the Goddess was bored and looking for mortal entertainment. She liked watching them, and although it was much harder now that machines also inhabited the material plain when the opportunity...

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"Goddess" A Short StoryBy Gentile---------"From Dallas, Texas, the flash apparently official. President Kennedy died at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time, 2 o'clock Eastern Standard Time, some 38 minutes ago."---------He'd submitted his short story to her. No request for a picture. No request for the compulsory autograph. He'd not sullied his correspondence with such request. Just the manuscript he'd labored on in a plain manila envelope. He'd expected no response. The sending of "Goddess" was his...

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Goddess Anuns slave camp

Goddess Anun’s slave camp Part one – Abduction in Pattaya As Simon’s taxi ate down the miles from Bangkok to the coastal resort of Pattaya the hypnotic wheel vibrations were making him drowsy. He was not sorry to be leaving the Big Mango (Bangkok); the city was polluted to the point where the traffic fumes made you catch your breath and your throat sore. However, that aside, he had enjoyed the incredible variety of food in the city and the Grand Palace was well worth seeing. He also couldn’t...

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Finding the inner goddess

Finding the inner goddess tg. (Disclaimer: this story contains male-to-female tf, some heavy sexual themes and graphic descriptions of genitalia. Don't read if this offends you.) "You should've seen her. She had great tits, and an ass to match. You listening?" a voice cut through the crowded din of the bar. "Huh?" Rick almost coughed up the beer he'd been drinking as he turned to the workmate who'd broken his concentration. "Linda. The girl Thomas was out with last...

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In the Service of the Goddess

In The Service of the Goddess By Siobhan "Stephanie dear, hurry up or you'll be late for school!" My mother called from the bottom of the stairs. I sighed deeply as I quickly blew out the candle I was using as part of my morning meditation. "Yes Mother, I'm coming!" I answered as I quickly checked myself over in my full-length mirror. I made a couple of final touch-ups to my hair with my brush and then grabbed my school bag off my desk and headed down to where my mother...

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Goddess Rhiannon

Goddess Rhiannon By Wholeman Direction The first part of this story is narrated as if from an outside observer. The next chapters are from the viewpoints of the indicated person. Collusion - Narrator "Hello?" Rhiannon said into the receiver of her cell phone. "Rhiannon, it's Dawn. We have this year's candidate. Where and when can we meet to discuss things?" Dawn Whitham asked. "I'm in the middle of teaching a class right now. I'll stop by your tattoo parlor on my way...

1 year ago
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Goddess Worship

Goddess Worship (Fm, Femdom, TV, SM, Watersports) By plugged_tv Warning: This file contains depictions of adult sexual situations, including sex, and bondage. If it is illegal for you to view this subject matter, or if you are under the age of 18 please do not view this file. If you find these situations unpleasant or offensive please do not view this file. The author takes no responsibility for any illegalities arising from the viewing of this file. The author retains...

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A Goddess Wants Part 2

Jae laid on her bed, her good boy's orgasm plastered all across her stomach. Her fingers played in the creamy warm seed, tracing lines in the cream and rubbing it all over. But her eyes never once left her good boy. In fact, her eyes went from loving, nurturing, and warm to bedroom eyes with a purpose."You disobeyed my rules," she said firmly."I know, my goddess," he said softly."You realize you have to make this up to your goddess?"He nodded solemnly.Jae sat up, cum still all over her mostly...

1 year ago
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Goddess introduces a friend into the bedroom

In a previous story we found Goddess and her Master discovering new experiences with a willing participant which was all engineered and planned by the Master. But this time Goddess has her turn, orchestrating a novel homecoming for her man, returning after 6 months at sea. The Master had a long but very tough summer sailing in the Mediterranean. The winds were strong and on the bow for most of the time. It had been frustrating taking shelter for days on end. He had started to feel the effects...

4 years ago
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Brigit Part 01 I meet the Goddess Brigit

Brigit Part 01***********************************************************Copyright Oggbashan June 2004The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.********************************************************** BRIGITI was driving to my cold lonely...

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The Legend of Goddess BAR

“There are no bad looking women; just some better than others.” And then there’s Goddess BAR. Beverly Ann Rakoski, aka Goddess BAR, is a California goddess principally associated with love, passion and sexual arousal. The name Rakoski is of Polish origin meaning whip or lash, but when combined as whiplash the word aptly describes most men’s condition after a passing of Goddess BAR. Beverly Finds a Keeper “Well, as the old saying goes, if the mountain won’t come to Mohamed.” There,...

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John And The Goddess

He watched with trepidation as she fiddled with the last morsel of her dessert. It was almost a cliché; a cherry, as red as her painted lips, and a perfect match for her striking dress. She twirled the ripened fruit on its stem, and placed it between her teeth. Her amused eyes were on his, gauging his reactions, as she bit through the skin, making him wince.His anticipation had been growing ever since they had arrived. Admiring glances had been cast toward the beautiful woman in the stunning...

Strap-On Sex
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Blessings of the Goddess

I'd originally intended to make this story a lot shorter, but after several problems at the start, the story just seemed to demand being made longer. I know that even more could be added at the end, but I decided to leave it where it was for now. Blessings of the Goddess By Morpheus Larry jangled the set of keys in his hand, carefully examining the old door in front of him, particularly the rusty padlock. Obviously not many people had been through there in awhile, which made...

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“From Dallas, Texas, the flash apparently official, President Kennedy died at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time, 2 o’clock Eastern Standard Time, some 38 minutes ago.” He’d submitted his short story to her. No request for a picture. No request for the compulsory autograph. He’d not sullied his correspondence with such. Just the manuscript he’d labored on in a plain manila envelope. He’d expected no response. The sending of “Goddess” was his reward. It took all he had to drop the envelope in the...

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The Rise Of The Futa Goddess

In an undisclosed part of the world a Goddess sat upon a throne shimmering with flawless golden tan skin with flowing ravenous red hair and built as the Goddess traced her hand down her tight stomach feeling the muscles sending shivers down to her thighs while the camera began to pan down to a golden tan rock-hard cock with pulsating veins while her cunt glistened with her slick womanly fluids… Where do I begin some say the Beginning is always a good place to start so where do I begin…? My name...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 42 The Goddessrsquos Perilous Offer

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Drakin Castle, the Haunted Forest Fear poured through my body as I faced Throwia. The Goddess of Strife and Suffering sauntered forward, her large breasts...

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The Serpent and the Goddess

Asiara grinned to hear the clank of her body guards’ armor as they marched beside her. They had all insisted on coming to this parlay fully armed in their thick suits of metallic scales and face covering helms, but as they walked through the rapidly approaching dusk, she couldn’t help but think that it far too warm and pleasant an evening to be trapped within such restrictive armor. Of course, on one hand, she could hardly blame them – they were about to walk into an enemy camp, enter the...

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Submissive Cum Laude Chapter 2 Goddess Brianna

It had been a few weeks since he and Bethany stopped seeing each other. They'd had many hot sessions together over the course of several months before parting amicably. Bethany had taken an interest in another submissive. While Alex missed the touch and taste of his first Femdom girlfriend, he didn't want to be clingy or get in the way of her fun. Besides, Alex was as eager to submit to other women as she was to dominate other men. Now that he had some experience in BDSM relationships, Alex...

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Goddess Initiation

A full moon hung heavy in the summer night sky. It was like a scene from a moviebut the reality of it was brought home to Graham by his heightened sense ofarousal and the majesty of the individuals before him. He had been selectedfrom a long list of applicants to witness a special ceremony like none other.The Southern Regional Obeah Society was having a rites of passage ceremonyfor one of its most exalted members. To the outside world, the organizationwas nothing more than a Black BDSM group...

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Nylon cocoon

Nylon cocoon Since an early age Jason had a mild facination with ladies hosiery. Unlike anything else the material was semi transparent and clingy. It made the wearers legs look different, softer, smoother, sleek and almost any colour you would want as well as masking blemishes. As he grew up he dated a few girls, girls that would regularly wear his favourite items (that is afterall partly why he dated them). Jason was now 26 and still single. He tended not to go out to...

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Last Goddess and her Last Worshipper

Prologue: Once upon a time, far away across the sea, there was a rich land. There were thick forests, green fields and silvery rivers. The soil was fertile and freely gave of its bounty to the people. The seas around the land were teeming with all kinds of fish. Gold, silver, copper and tin were readily available to be forged into beautiful jewelry and dangerous weapons. The residents of this favored land simply called themselves "The People." The People were farmers, fishermen, hunters,...

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The Goddess and the Bet

One night, we are out for an evening on the town. After a few drinks, we decide to have a little competition and bet between a game of darts, shuffleboard and pool. We decide the winnder of the bet gets to pick something they want for the evening and the other has to agree no matter what. It sounds fun and intriguing as we go forward. The first game is shuffleboard and neither of us is great at it but I’m able to squeak out a win and when it goes to darts, we play for a while and neither of us...

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The Goddess the Eunuch and the Harem

The Goddess, the Eunuch, and the Harem A cruel prince made a mistake when, Naively, he let a goddess, Dressed in nothing but a headdress, Join his harem, that she, his sin Against his women, could avenge. Many times, one might imagine, He regretted his decision, For, by it, he was sorely singed! She was beautiful, and, in truth, The prince, a jealous youth, proclaimed: "He who cuckolds me, and my name Taints, shall be repaid, tooth for tooth And eye for eye; those who defy My...

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Worshipping a Goddess ndash a pervrsquos steps to ecstasy

I’d never have dreamed it when I was younger, but I’ve managed to personally worship 4 Goddesses – and on two occasions my Goddess was accompanied by another Goddess. First of all, you need to know what a Goddess is, or rather who She is. Without that you’re never going to manage it. Second, read my ‘Perv’s Guide to Girl-Worship’ – failing to follow those steps is likely to mean your worship will be cut short. How do you find a Goddess? That depends I guess on exactly what it is you’re looking...

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My weekend with Goddess Riya and Goddess Anita

My Goddesses wanted to spend few days with me. So they decided to go for a weekend trip for 4 days to a nearby hill station, Mahabaleshwar. Only we 3 travelled to Mahabaleshwar. We reached there by 5:30 PM. Being a hill station it was quite cold there but my Goddesses asked me take off everything and stay naked until we left the room. It was 4/5 hours long journey so my Goddesses were tired, they asked me to give them a massage. And yess I was strictly kept in chastity. We then had late night...

2 years ago
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Saved By A Goddess

Tyler Dawson is a successful stunt coordinator for some of Hollywood's largest films until an accident at a remote location leads him to sacrificing his life to save an ancient goddess who he had mistaken for his beautiful wife. She offers to save his life but some sacrifices would have to be made in order to do so. If he had known, he might have said no but then again she might have said yes. Saved by a Goddess By StefB Chapter One Dani kissed me lovingly before she...

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Celtic Goddess

Hi I am here to share some of my fantasies, who I am and what I am is unimportant I’m sure lots of you will work it out, enjoy.     I woke this morning at 6.30 to the normal annoying buzz of my alarm; alone in the bed again, but that is not a problem. The point I have reached in my life has been hard fought and definitely worth it.   I had a normal, well normalish child hood I grew up in a small village on the edge of what was an heavy industrial area but the recession had...

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The Golden Goddess Returns

The Golden Goddess Returns Part 1It was very quiet in the thick carpeted hallway along Mahoney row of the big industrial company as a medium build man with salt and pepper hair moved along, glancing at the doorways as he walked slowly down the hall to the end office, marked as, ?Vice President Marketing. Miss Kay Sommers.?The door was open and he stood in the doorway listening to the conversation that the blonde headed woman was having while sitting with her back to the doorway. She wasn?t...

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Nylon footjob from wife

My wfie works at a place with a crazy (but awesome for my purposes) dress code. It requires women to either wear pants and a jacket or a skirt and a blouse. Since their air conditioning isn’t that great, coupled with people using space heaters at their desk anyways, it’s always hot. My wife, therefore, chooses the skirt choice, which also results in her wearing heels or wedges. In the winter it is even better, because if women wear a skirt, they have to wear nylons with them. For a heel/nylon...

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BayleyPatra Goddess Beside Me WWE Diva Fanfic

by Nikolai Blagov DCBO$$ from wrestlingffp.forumcommunity. netAnother first person POV story, especially for the Bayley fans here, who would enjoy this fanfic.You watch a horror movie all alone, as suddenly Bayley comes to you.Bayley: Hey… Whatcha watching?You: Oh, just watching some Friday The 13th.Bayley: Friday the 13th…...Odd title…...wait…..this isn’t a horror movie is it? I told you before how I feel about horror movies…You: Well, it’s not really….Bayley: It’s not? You promise? Scooch...

2 years ago
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The Sailor and the Sea Goddess who ruled him

Each fondle, sigh, and bat of her long eyelashes was leading the pirate to madness. Did she even KNOW? Warmth was now the very least of his problems; Calypso was like a blazing fire, searing all of his body, continually stoked within him by her ministrations. She shimmied into his lap gracefully, his hands sliding down to nestle in her falling chiton.Her thighs squeezed Ragetti snugly."Cozy?""Fabrizio, you are so smug. But yes…"At this Ragetti relaxed and let his eye lavish her form. It was...

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Geek GoddessChapter 3 Kevin

As I ran out of Amy's apartment and down the stairs, I realized that I left my books behind. I decided that there wasn't anything I really needed and hoped that Amy would bring the books to class on Tuesday. I walked over to my house and saw my roommate Walt laying around in the living room. I said "Hi," to Walt and walked toward the stairs. Walt laughed and said, "Why are you wearing the same clothes you had on yesterday? Spend the night with some hot babe, or did you just spend the...

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Helping the Goddess

HELPING THE GODDESS By Geneva A young Viking in the Varengian guard of the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire is accidentally changed to a woman by a spell he finds in ancient temple ruins. Haephera, a priestess of an ancient cult in the Genoria province of the empire, finds that they can be of mutual help. START Haephera looked out of her window onto the main street, then over to the market in the square, both bustling with throngs of people. Genoria's prosperity had brought many...

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Nylon does the Double

After years with the same partner I was getting a bit bored with it and was looking for something new to happen to me. I have always been obsessed with women in tights and after getting a computer I was able to find loads of porn involving nylon to satisfy my wanton lust for new fantasies. Then one day with my cock in hand and slowly rubbing my way to climax I, for some unknown reason, looked at some guy wearing tights and wanking into them. When he shot I came myself and I was amazed how horny...

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Venus Goddess of Love

Chapter 1: I Meet the Goddess “Venus, goddess of love?” I stared at the picture of the small figurine in the book I had borrowed from the library. “Nothing like the Venus de Milo I’ve seen in another book,” I thought. She was beautiful even if she didn’t have arms. This one had ballooning breasts, huge thighs and buttocks. Her hair covered her face like a woolly cap. I read the caption that told me that “Without fertile women, no primitive band of hunter gatherers could hope to survive.” ...

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As Always My Goddess

Author Notes: This is actually one of my first erotic stories ever written. It’s something I came up with when my last girlfriend asked me why I don’t write romantic poetry for her. Since I suck at poetry, this is what she got. (Yes, I have her permission to post it here.) That said, this story is actually quite sappy and there’s a ton of flowery language that I don’t ordinarily use. Otherwise, I’m happy with how it turned out and it’s a nice change of pace from my usual writings. ~~~~~ ...

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Goddess of the Moon

Goddess of the moon By Keterra Sands Copyright c 2000 by Keterra Sands all rights reserved [email protected] This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. This story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with changes of gender. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T. This is a story of ancient powers and magic. A young man sets out to find a fortune using...

2 years ago
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Club Goddess

Warning: Story is twisted and wrong. Certainly not suitable for immature eyes. I can't claim it is EXTREMELY original, as avid readers in this genre will recognize similar elements. But I have tried to make my fantasy a little different; hope you like it. Oh: and feel free to butcher me in the comments. I'm sure I deserve it, if only for the title. CLUB GODDESS By Philosopher1112 At the edge of downtown, towards the south where the bridge crossed the Thames, he first...

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My Nylon Goddess Chapter 2

MY NYLON GODDESS - CHAPTER TWO Note to readers: Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to continue this tale. I hope you enjoy the new episode! ================================== "Alannah." As I trudged down the street, school bag slung awkwardly over one shoulder, it wasn't just the books that weighed me down, or the reminder they gave me of the evening I would have to spend doing homework. I'd had a pretty miserable day, all up. There'd been the usual low-level bullying, nothing...

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Thorvik Kabot SuccubusSlayer in The Golden Webs Of The SpiderGoddess

Illuminated by torchlight, Thorvik Kabot's strong Nordic physique was an impressive sight and a testament to the purity of his lineage and breeding as he had the strong, battle-scarred muscled body of a barbarian with the chiseled facial features of a nobleman with a strong brow, prominent nose and striking blue eyes and a head of curly blonde hair. Thorvik's manner of dress was simple. Leather boots, loincloth and his shoulder-scabbard, which held the legendary succubi-slaying holy...

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Muscle encounters 9 Goddess Heather Clean up

Muscle Encounters 9- Goddess Heather Clean upBy lilguy Goddess Heather finds her slave didn't clean her house right and punishes him.www.goddessheather.comGoddess Heather came back from working out a gym for 2 hours. She had a tightwhite T shirt, clinging to her tight busty body. The shirt was showing off hertight abs, showing layers and layers of sculpted muscles. Her blond hair wascut short showing off her beautiful face and piercing eyes. The sleeves wereshort so people could see biceps....

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Gods of GardheChapter 5 For The Goddess

"You gotta admit one thing, Stan sure went out in style," Chad commented sourly after a careful search through their binoculars disclosed no signs of life amidst the wreckage. "Gilson may have thought he was getting the best of Stan, but it sure didn't do him a whole lot of good. I suppose that the explosion might have come from Gilson or one of his men screwin' up, but my guess is that Stan set it up somehow." "Yeah, but now we're stranded here! How are we gonna we get back home?"...

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Nylon Desire Ch 3

Ch: 3 Hours of PleasureI woke up the next morning and I was alone in the bed of the dungeon, and I started to think back to how much fun I had the night before. I looked down and rubbed my stocking clad legs and just laughed a little bit. I felt so dirty for doing what I did with Mr. Ducati, but I would never regret letting him fuck me and abuse me. My ass was a bit sore, but I would manage. I lay there for a little bit and then I get up and head towards the elevator to head up to find my...

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Goddess Rhiannon

Collusion - Narrator "Hello?" Rhiannon said into the receiver of her cell phone. "Rhiannon, it's Dawn. We have this year's candidate. Where and when can we meet to discuss things?" Dawn Whitham asked. "I'm in the middle of teaching a class right now. I'll stop by your tattoo parlor on my way home. Will that be soon enough?" Rhiannon asked, warily watching the children for signs of impending riotous behavior. "Sure, no great hurry. I'll see you then," Dawn hung up, went out to...

3 years ago
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Temple Of The Forbidden Goddess

THE THREE BANNERSThe sky was turning grim and grey with distant thunder and lightning. The three banners flew defiantly against the raging wind as armored spearmen began to assemble behind them. The iron-serpent, wolf and the bleeding lotus had finally come together to demolish the temple. The sound of war drums echoed as troops formed into battle lines. Archers took their positions behind the kneeling spearmen and armored cavalry rode forward to assemble near the flanks.Temple of the forbidden...

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The Desires of the Goddess Adelaide Part 3

Angel had dressed as smartly as she could to answer the call of the Goddess Adelaide. Now as she stood before the door of what she knew to be the Goddess’ special chamber, she wondered if a fitted black silk blouse, a tight black leather mini skirt and high heeled leather boots struck the right note. Perhaps she should have searched for something more humble. Her outfit might suggest she saw herself on an equal level to the Goddess, rather than as her possession, her slave. She bit her lower...

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Goddess Revenge

My Goddess had an untimely sexual, sensual yet unwanted visit from her spineless former fucktoy. She allowed this and that for fun but knew in the back of her mind she had revenge planned.He has a new girlfriend yet was entering the Goddess lair for brief primal release and lust fucks. His draw to her was purely sexual and she didn't understand why he would break into her apartment and forcefully take her just to feel that perfect pussy again and again. Yeah that Pussy is perfect, addictive and...

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