My Nylon Goddess - Chapter 2 free porn video

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MY NYLON GODDESS - CHAPTER TWO Note to readers: Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to continue this tale. I hope you enjoy the new episode! ================================== "Alannah." As I trudged down the street, school bag slung awkwardly over one shoulder, it wasn't just the books that weighed me down, or the reminder they gave me of the evening I would have to spend doing homework. I'd had a pretty miserable day, all up. There'd been the usual low-level bullying, nothing to get too worried about, but depressing all the same. I'd got several answers wrong in a maths test, an uncharacteristic performance that had prompted my usually supportive teacher to trot out his finest Disappointed in You look. "Alannah!" And worst of all, I'd somehow managed to miss the bell at the end of lunchtime. Arriving ten minutes late to class wasn't usually regarded as a capital offence by the teachers - except for the one whose French class I'd been rude enough to disrupt. For which he gave me detention. So I was heading home a lot later than usual. In fact - "HEY, ALANNAH!" Startled from my brooding, I looked round to see a figure waving and walking towards me. I recognised her instantly. How could I not? I'd been thinking about her almost incessantly for the past three days - and, truth be told, for most of the last few weeks. She had indeed been the reason for my unusual level of distraction at school. It was Shauna, the girl next door, my Nylon Goddess. My worship of her had previously consisted of stealthily jerking off, while peeking down at her from my bedroom window. But it had suddenly and thrillingly progressed to something much more intimate. Imperiously summoned into the shed at the bottom of her garden, I had been treated to the sight of her pussy, hidden only by the tights that had so attracted me to her, then commanded to lick her out. And, as if bringing her to a screaming orgasm had not cemented her place in my personal pantheon, there was what happened next. Something I still couldn?t quite believe. She had forced me ? well, persuaded me ? to put on a pair of her tights, then wanked me off with her nylon-clad feet. And not just that. She had called me her girlfriend, rechristening me by adding an extra syllable to the name my parents had given me. A simple change that had transformed the bland, boyish Alan into the exciting, feminine version she had just called out in the middle of a suburban street ... I looked around. Nearby, a group of older boys, who from the look of their uniforms went to the same school as Shauna, were sniggering at me. I fervently hoped that they hadn?t heard what she had called me, but had simply been finding humour in my obvious surprise. But I was blushing furiously as she reached me. ?Hiya,? she said, an oddly intent expression on her face. ?You all right?? As she said this she reached out and lightly squeezed my arm. Behind her there was a hoot of laughter from the watching boys. Shauna?s expression darkened and she whirled round to look at them. ?That?s enough from you dickheads, you can just fuck off, okay?? The boys were as taken aback as I was by her vehemence. Much to my surprise, they moved off, though they kept glancing back and I could still hear what were obviously ribald comments passing between them as they turned the corner and were lost to sight. ?Fuckwits,? muttered Shauna, turning back to me. She laughed as she saw my expression. ?Don?t worry, I can handle them. They only think they?re hard. They know my boyfriend would beat seven kinds of shit out of them if they tried anything ... He?s a real headcase, even the teachers are frightened of him.? ?Your boyfriend?? I asked, my voice rather more of a squeak than I would have liked. That didn?t sound good at all. ?Well, ex-boyfriend,? she amended. ?We had a bit of a falling out when I wouldn?t let him, well ... let?s just say he wanted to go a bit further than I was ready for. So he?s going out with that slag Jane now, she?ll do anything. But he still looks out for me, we?re cool.? She grinned. ?Anyway, why do I need a boyfriend when I?ve got a new girlfriend to play with? Isn?t that right, Alannah?? ?Stop calling me that,? I hissed, looking around again anxiously. The few other people nearby didn?t seem to be paying us any attention, but that didn?t allay my concern. Shauna laughed again. Linking her arm in mine, she steered me across the road and into the alley that led to the adjoining houses in which we lived. ?What?s wrong with Alannah? I think it?s a lovely name. And you certainly seemed to like it when I called you that the other day. You know, when you put on my -? ?Look, just shut up, all right?? I said, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I tried to disengage my arm and get away from her, but she grabbed me and held me fast. I was pretty slender and a good few inches shorter than her, so she had little difficulty restraining me. ?Look, I?m sorry ... Alan,? she said, emphasising my name. But she didn?t look or sound at all sorry. She was dressed as usual in her school clothes, with a white shirt and navy blue jumper and skirt. The drabness of the outfit was enlivened only by the black nylon pantyhose that, as usual, had captured my attention. She caught my downwards glance and grinned. ?Bet you?d love to get my tights off, eh? So you can put them on yourself, right? Have you been thinking about how they feel? Does that make you all hard?? Her mocking grin gave the words an extra sting and I could feel myself redden further. I opened my mouth to issue a furious denial ... but something made me hold back. I glanced around and saw there was nobody within earshot as we approached our back gates. ?Yes,? I said, my voice low and intense. Not trusting myself to say anything further and conscious of the lump in my pants that I was struggling to conceal, I turned and stared into her eyes. They were green, I noticed for the first time, and perhaps the most attractive feature in what was otherwise a slightly squashed face. They sparkled now as she took in my admission. She held my gaze for a few seconds and then reached in and kissed me hard, mashing her lips against mine. Startled, I returned the kiss. A thrill went through me as I felt her tongue probe my mouth. After a moment she broke contact and inspected me, all trace of humour now vanished. She seemed to come to some kind of decision. ?My shed ? half an hour,? she said and stalked off. Half-stunned, I watched her go through the gate into her back garden. I shook myself and, checking again to see there was nobody around, made my way into my own house. As I did so, I reflected that I?d told her nothing less than the truth. Oh, I?d thought about Shauna and the sexy way she?d opened her legs and let me put my tongue to her moist crack. And I?d imagined myself doing so much more to her. But I?d also remembered how good her tights had felt on my legs, how turned on I?d been when she?d talked about making me her girlfriend ? and how dirty and ashamed and excited I?d felt when she forced me to lick up my own jizz. The fact was that although I?d spent the last few days dreaming about another encounter with my goddess, my fantasies had refused to just settle for an exploration of her body. Try as I might, I could not stop thinking of myself putting on her pantyhose ... and more. And every time I?d tugged myself to sweet release, it was not Shauna I was picturing in that beautiful black nylon ? but myself. For a while after letting myself into the empty house ? my parents would not be home from work until much later ? I tried to get some homework done. But I was far too distracted. Then I thought that maybe I shouldn?t go and see her at all ? I had too much work to do, surely she?d understand? But I quickly rejected that idea. If I didn?t go now, I might never get another opportunity. So I spent the best part of the next thirty minutes watching the clock, willing the hands to move faster. Eventually, after what seemed an eternity, the appointed time arrived. I trudged down the garden, out the back gate and then into the neighbouring property, my stomach churning and my head awhirl with possibilities I could only vaguely identify. Timidly, I knocked on the door of the shed which, as I knew from my last visit, Shauna used as a hangout. Her voice was clear and firm as she told me to enter. I tugged the door open, pulling it hard as it scraped across the hard ground. But I was only a couple of steps inside when I pulled up short. It was all I could do not to turn tail and run away. Shauna was not alone. The girl sitting next to her on the couch was wearing the same uniform, except she had white socks rather than the pantyhose I so adored on her companion. Where Shauna?s mousy brown hair was cut into a fairly short bob, hers was a luxuriant tangle of red curls that fell to her shoulders. Her face was, I thought, quite pretty, although it currently bore an anxious expression. She took one look at me, then cast her eyes down. ?Hi, come on in,? said Shauna brightly. When I made no move to enter, her tone became a little sharper. ?C?mon, don?t be shy, Tessa?s not going to bite, are you? Tessa, say hello.? As I reluctantly stepped inside the shed, the redhead glanced up at me again and mumbled a greeting. I closed the door behind me, then looked questioningly at Shauna. She shrugged her shoulders dismissively, but still answered. ?Tessa?s my best friend. I told her all about how much fun we had and how it could be even better if she joined in.? As I started to protest, she held up a hand to forestall me. ?I haven?t told anyone else, all right? And Tessa?s sworn to secrecy ? right Tess?? She glanced at the other girl, who nodded but still seemed unable to hold my gaze. ?Besides,? Shauna continued, ?there?s something that Tess is going to help you with ? something very special.? She giggled. I finally found my voice. ?So what?s that then?? But Shauna shook her head, still smiling. ?You?ll see! Now, clothes off please.? This last was said in a sing-song voice. I looked meaningfully at Tessa, then back at my goddess. ?I don?t think I -? She cut me off. ?No arguments, all right? We?re playing by my rules ? and besides, you do want to taste my slit again, don?t you? Here, feel how wet it is ...? She moved in close and, taking my unresisting hand, guided it under her skirt and pressed it between her legs. As she had done the last time I had been in here, she seemed to have discarded her panties, so that her crack was covered only by the taut fabric of her tights. She was right about being wet ? I could feel the dampness through the nylon. As she ground her pubis against my hand, she leaned in and nibbled my ear, her breath hot against her neck, As I moaned and came erect inside my pants, she disengaged my hand and stepped back. ?Clothes off,? she repeated, her tone now serious and urgent. All reticence forgotten,, I stripped off my garments and threw them aside. I hesitated for a moment with my underpants, but Shauna?s expression brooked no disobedience. As they came off, my modestly sized cock sprang to attention. ?Oooh, come and look at this Tessa!? As Shauna said this she took hold of my shaft and I gasped. Her cool hand made my inflamed member throb. She chuckled. ?You?d better be quick though, I don?t think he?s going to last long.? That was true enough. I?d been turned on all day just thinking about my goddess ? and having her handle my equipment was taking my arousal to a whole new level. ?Oh wow,? said another voice. I turned to find Tessa standing next to me. She was staring at my erection in fascination. From her expression, I guessed she?d never seen one before. ?Can ? can I touch it?? I was about to answer her hesitant question when I realised she wasn?t asking me. ?Sure,? said Shauna. I noticed she didn?t bother to seek my permission, although I was hardly going to object to a second girl fondling me. ?Give it a stroke ? and you can squeeze it as well, if you like.? I gasped again as Tessa?s hand replaced Shauna?s. She was timid at first, but Shauna ? who clearly had experience in this area ? showed her how to grasp the shaft and work the foreskin up and down over the engorged glans. As she got into a rhythm my breathing grew ragged and I felt the tension inside me build ? a sensation exacerbated when Shauna began to gently stroke my balls. ?I don?t think I can hold on!? I warned. Shauna was all cool efficiency. ?Here Tess ? put your other hand here,? she instructed, positioning her friend?s free hand so the palm was cupped over my cock. It was not a moment too soon. With a yell I shot a jet of cum into Tessa?s waiting hand, then a second, and a third. The girl squealed and let go of my cock, which bucked and jerked with the aftershock of my orgasm. Shauna grabbed it and milked the last few drops of its sticky load into her hand. Tessa was staring at her cum-covered hands. ?Shit,? she said. ?I know you told me about this, but ...? She looked both horrified and entranced. Shauna could scarcely contain her amusement, but I could also see that she realised this was a big deal for her friend. ?Boys are always a bit messy, but you get used to it,? she said in a reassuring tone. ?And they?re always soooo grateful. Aren?t you?? This last was directed to me. Sweaty, and still trembling from the force of my climax, I nodded. Shauna motioned towards the goo on Tessa?s hands. ?Why don?t you give it a taste?? Tessa looked up sharply. ?Go on,? urged Shauna, ?try it.? She lifted three fingers to her own mouth and deposited a dollop of my cum on her tongue. Then she swirled it around her mouth as if sampling a fine wine and made a show of swallowing it. ?Mmmm,? she said. ?Not bad ... not bad at all.? Tessa watched this performance open-mouthed. Slowly, looking at Shauna all the while for reassurance, she brought one of her hands up to her mouth. She sniffed the creamy substance and wrinkled up her nose. Then, hesitantly, she brought it her lips and extended the tip of her tongue. After a minute, clearly satisfied it was not poisonous, but probably unable to taste so minuscule an amount, she ingested some more. She shook her head, as if disappointed. ?Doesn?t taste of much ... maybe a bit salty?? she pronounced. Shauna laughed. ?Well, some people like it ... right Alannah?? She held her hand up to me and arched her eyebrows. I blushed, but the instruction was clear. I took her hand and carefully licked off what was left of my spunk. I couldn?t say I liked the taste particularly, but I could not deny my goddess. ?Now Tessa,? she commanded when I was finished. ?You can either get Alannah here to clean you up the way she just did for me ? or you can lick it up yourself. Either way though, I?ll want to see you two share some of it afterwards ? with your mouths.? She didn?t spare me a glance, clearly figuring ? correctly ? that I would do as I was told. But her eyes bored into her friend?s, as if daring her to say no. Something told me that this assertiveness was very new to Shauna, but a practice she was quickly coming to relish. Tessa flushed at the instruction, but after a few seconds dropped her eyes submissively. She looked at her sticky hands and then slowly lifted one to her own mouth, while reaching the other out to me. She didn?t look in my direction, but shivered as she felt me take the proffered hand and start running my tongue over it. I was careful to collect the residue of my seed in my mouth, rather than swallow it. It mixed with my saliva, but I could still feel its glutinous presence. Tessa finished cleaning her hand, then stood there, plainly undecided as to whether to take the next step. She glanced towards the door of the shed and I had a strong sense flight was imminent. But Shauna was having none of it. ?Come on Tess,? she said quietly. ?This is what you have to do if you want to play with my toys. My rules, right?? There was that intensity again ? and I shivered as I realised which ?toy? she was talking about. ?We haven?t got to the best bit yet, and you definitely want to stick around for that, believe me.? Tessa looked up at her friend, then down again. As if her muscles were moving of their own volition ? or perhaps Shauna?s ? she edged towards me. I stood stock still, not wanting to scare her off. I?d had one kiss already today and that brief experience had left me wanting more. But I wasn?t going to make the first move. Tessa leant in towards me, almost overbalancing, so hard was she trying to keep a distance from my naked body. That was okay with me ? but not Shauna. ?Put your arms around her, you idiot,? she muttered. I did as I was told, stepping in and awkwardly pulling Tessa into an embrace. She tensed right up and as I brought my mouth to hers she felt as responsive as a store dummy. And she still wasn?t looking at me. Our lips met and for a moment nothing happened. We stood there like statues, our mouths glued together but unyielding. An intake of breath behind me presaged some new intervention from my goddess. But before she could say anything I found the courage ? from where, I could not say ? to take matters into my own hands. My lips parted slightly and I cautiously extended my tongue. At the same time, I brought one hand down behind my partner and lightly stroked her bottom, through the wool skirt. ?That?s it,? Shauna said approvingly. For a moment there was no reaction. Then I felt Tessa?s mouth open, allowing me to slip my tongue inside, where it encountered her own. After a few seconds, she pulled back. I blinked and stared into an expression quite unlike the one I was expecting to see. She was looking right back at me, eyes wide open in wonder. And then she was kissing me again, every bit as fiercely as Shauna had done earlier. But this time her mouth was wide open and her body was moving in my arms, the hands that had hung slackly at her sides now gripping my torso and pulling me against her. I was suddenly conscious of the heavy mounds of flesh under her blouse and jumper. And of something else too ? the salty taste of my own cum, coating both our mouths as we freely mingled the sticky fluid we had each harvested. ?Feel her,? instructed Shauna, and I needed no explanation. My questing hand lifted Tessa?s skirt and reached underneath. As I pressed it between her legs, she splayed them wide to admit me, sinking down as she did so. I broke off from kissing her to concentrate on what had suddenly become a much more urgent mission. Slowly I pried her knickers free from her crack and slipped my fingers underneath the fabric. Her hair there was short and wiry, but nestled inside was the hidden prize, a hot, damp opening with little flaps of flesh. As I tentatively explored it I heard her moan and her hole all of a sudden went from damp to wet. I began to rub her and was rewarded with another groan. ?Right, enough of that,? said Shauna crisply. Two pairs of frustrated eyes turned to meet hers. My protest died on my lips as I saw her determined expression. Tessa, by contrast, seemed ready to argue the point, but Shauna rested a hand on her arm. ?Later, okay?? The redhead, her face flushed, bit her lip in vexation but nodded nonetheless. I withdrew my hand, the fingertips slick with Tessa?s juices. Unable to resist the temptation, I lifted them to my nose. The scent was strong ? unfamiliar, but by no means unpleasant. Shauna noticed what I had done and laughed. ?Smells sweet, doesn?t it?? She gave a meaningful glance downwards at my cock, which was already semi-hard again. ?Come on, let?s get you dressed before that thing gets in the way again.? ?Dressed?? I asked, as she turned away to rummage in a bag on the floor. I couldn?t help noticing that as she bent over her navy skirt rode up and gave him a sight of her nylon-clad thighs. My appendage hardened a little more. ?Sure,? she said, straightening up and tossing me an item of clothing that, unfurled, turned out to be a pair of panties. They were made of some kind of shiny black material, with lacy trims. ?Put them on,? she said as I looked at them dubiously. Her tone made it clear that resistance was not an option. As I stepped into them and pulled them up, I asked hesitantly: ?Are these yours?? Shauna shook her head. ?No, I only have boring white ones. I nicked these from my mum?s room.? She laughed at my shocked expression. ?Don?t worry, I ?ll wash them after we?re done ? she?ll never know.? I looked over at Tessa, who was watching this exchange with interest. She held my gaze for a second and then her face cracked into the first smile I had seen on her. I responded with a rueful grin and returned my attention to the panties. I had to admit they felt nice ? so smooth and soft against my crotch. But they weren?t exactly dampening my arousal ? and when Shauna gave me a pair of black tights to put on, the sensation of the nylon against my legs brought me back to full hardness. My erection strained against the silky material that imprisoned it, to the point where I was concerned I might tear the panties ? Shauna?s mother?s panties, I reminded myself with more than a twinge of shame. But somehow that made it even more exciting ? ?Oh for fuck?s sake,? exclaimed Shauna irritably, as she inspected the straining bulge. She yanked down both the top of the tights and the knickers, exposing my hard-on. She slapped it with the flat of her hand and I gave a surprised yelp. But the offending object remained as stiff as before. Shauna rolled her eyes and took hold of it. She started to wank it none too gently, still glaring at me. ?There?s got to be a better way,? she muttered. ?I?ll take care of it, if you like?? We both turned to look at Tessa, whose face was eager with anticipation. Shauna shrugged. With a thin smile she relinquished my cock. ?All yours,? she said and wandered off to sit on the couch. ?But don?t you dare get any jizz on those clothes, you hear?? Tessa seemed to have shed her diffidence like an unwanted cloak. She walked up to me, gave me a sweet kiss that suggested unfinished business, then sank to her knees and knelt in front of me. For one glorious moment I thought she was going to take me in her mouth. But then she brought two hands up to my shaft, gripped it firmly and began to pump. As she did so she stared up at me hungrily, all traces of any smile gone. The sight of her pretty, upturned face between my nylon- covered legs was intoxicating. I wanted to do nothing less than shoot my load all over her and soon enough I was tensing and preparing to do exactly that. But just as I released the first spurt, Tessa swayed her head out of the way. It went past her and spattered the front of an old display cabinet. The spunk clung to the yellowed glass and then slowly dribbled down and dripped to the floor. As she had seen Shauna do earlier, Tessa milked the last drops of cum from me and gathered them in her palm. Then, rising to her feet, she made me lick it off, looking almost dazed by her own daring. We stared at one another, the spell broken only when Shauna threw an old cloth at me. ?Clean it up,? she commanded, jerking her head at the mess I had made on the cabinet. After I had complied, she grabbed hold of my steadily shrinking member and tucked it down as far it would go between my legs, then pulled up the panties and tights again. She gave a satisfied nod. ?Now that that?s out of the way, let?s get on with it.? Returning to her bag, she pulled out a black, lacy bra, which evidently matched the knickers I already had on. ?And before you ask,? said Shauna sweetly, her good humour quire returned, ?yes, this is mum?s too.? I stared at the bra. For some reason, where putting on knickers and pantyhose had been exciting, this was starting to seem ... dangerous. Maybe a step further than I really wanted to take. ?Seriously?? I said to Shauna, hoping that she would recognise my reluctance, But if she did, she gave no sign of it. ?Of course,? she said. ?You do want to look like a girl, don?t you Alannah?? I wasn?t at all sure that I did. But after what my goddess had already done to and with me, I couldn?t deny her. On the other hand though, how on earth was I supposed to put this thing on? I wasn?t sure which way round it went, let alone how to fasten it. ?Here,? said Shauna, recognising my difficulty, ?like this.? She turned it the right way, showed me where to put my arms through and then took me through the tricky process of fastening the clasps behind my back. It took me several goes and I nearly dislocated my shoulders, but eventually the bra was sitting snugly in place. Shauna padded out the cups with rolled up socks, then handed me a white shirt. This was easier, even if the buttons were the wrong way round. When I finished doing them up, and donned a navy blue school jumper as well, I was amazed at how feminine the humps on the front of my chest looked. And the sensation only grew when Shauna reached round from behind me and fondled my ?boobs.? I blushed hotly as she bade Tessa do the same. Two more additions remained. A matching navy skirt completed my school uniform. It was a tight fit and, thrillingly, the hem sat some way above my knees. I assumed it was one that the taller Shauna had grown out of. Finally, there were the shoes ? black, fairly plain apart from a big gold buckle, and with low heels that were easy enough to manage but still felt very different to what I was used to. I thought (and hoped) that this was the end of the dressing up. But Shauna, as always, had other ideas. ?Your turn,? she said to Tessa in a bright tone. The redhead went and got her own bag, from which she produced a brush and a pair of ribbons. ?Let?s start with the hair,? she said, smiling at me. Clearly, our little encounter had not just left her feeling more confident, but broken any ice between us. As was currently fashionable with many boys, I had let my dark, straggly locks grow long, so that they fell down nearly to my shoulders. Tessa attacked them vigorously with her brush. I cried out with pain as she removed one particularly nasty tangle by ? or so it felt ? tearing the whole lot out by the roots. ?Oh stop grumbling Alannah,? she said in a tone of mild reproof. ?It?s your own fault for letting it get into this state.? A delicious shiver ran through me as I realised this was the first time she had used the name my goddess had bestowed on me. I couldn?t see exactly what she was doing, but by the time she had finished she had pulled my rebellious tresses into bunches and somehow fastened them into place. It felt odd, though not unpleasant, to feel my hair pulled taut in that way. What I was beginning to find uncomfortable was standing up. Even the modest heels I was wearing were making my calf muscles hurt a little, so unfamiliar was the strain on them. So I was grateful when I was led across the shed and told to sit down on the high-backed chair that Shauna evidently used when working at the desk. Tessa angled the lamp that had been providing much of the light in the shed so that it fell on my face, then pulled up another chair so that she was sitting opposite to me. She motioned for me to open my legs and edged her chair closer, As I complied, I couldn?t help noticing how my skirt rode up and revealed more of my thighs. The sight of them in the kind of pantyhose that had brought me so many climaxes when covertly watching Shauna caused my firmly tucked away cock to twitch and stir. However, that particular distraction was driven out of my mind when Tessa started daubing some kind of cream on my face. ?What?s that?? I asked, rather more sharply than I?d intended. ?Foundation,? she replied calmly. ?For your makeup.? She located a sponge and started using it to spread the cream over my cheeks and neck. ?Makeup?? This came out as a squeak and I tried to swivel to locate Shauna. With the lamp in my eyes I could see very little else in the shed. But Tessa slapped one of my exposed thighs sharply. ?Stay still,? she instructed. More surprised than hurt, I did as I was told and she continued her work. In the darkness beyond, I heard Shauna chuckle. ?Glad to see you?re getting the hang of this, Tess,? she said. ?And as for you Alannah, no need to worry, we?re not doing anything too dramatic. Just a little bit of paint to help your appearance. Just as well you haven?t got a beard yet!? I scowled at this, or would have done if Tess hadn?t been working around my eyes with some kind of pencil. As it happened, I had started growing facial hair, but the most recent of my (to date) very occasional shaves had come only yesterday, leaving my face pretty smooth. And truth be told, I was beginning to enjoy the smell and feel of the cosmetics. It was actually quite relaxing to sit still and be worked on in this way, with my mind occasionally drifting off to take in the sensation of the material that clothed my legs and groin. When Tessa produced a tube of lipstick and twisted it so that the pink tip emerged like a miniature phallus, I felt myself stiffen appreciably. She brought it close to my lips and the erection grew ? or tried to. The direction in which it was tucked back beneath me prevented it from expanding as it desired. I wanted to shift in my seat to relieve the pressure, but knew that I had to remain perfectly still. So as the lipstick was applied and my nostrils took in its unfamiliar scent, I had to suppress a shudder of simultaneous arousal and discomfort. When Tessa was finished she had me pucker my lips, then press them together. A tissue was lightly applied and then removed, leaving a faint pink imprint. With practised ease, the redhead applied the lipstick to her own lips, then handed it to Shauna, who did the same. Correctly interpreting my quizzical look, my goddess gave a thin smile. ?That?s for later,? she said, smacking her lips in the same way I?d just been instructed to do. She made no attempt to explain what she meant. ?Now then,? she said, ?stand up and let?s have a look at you.? I rose to my feet. Shauna looked me up and down, then beckoned to Tessa, who came and stood next to her. The two girls exchanged glances and then resumed their inspection, their faces impassive ? until all of a sudden Shauna burst out laughing. Tessa quickly followed suit. I frowned. ?Do ? do I look that bad?? My plaintive inquiry prompted another burst of giggles. When her mirth had subsided somewhat, Tessa dug around in her bag and pulled out a small case with a mirror inside the lid. Still smiling broadly, she handed it to me. ?Take a look,? she said. This set off a new round of laughter. Doing my best to ignore their chuckling, I angled the mirror and turned around until the light was illuminating my face, but not right in my eyes. I?m not sure quite what I was expecting to see, but it certainly wasn?t what was captured in the glass. A girl was staring back at me. A nervous girl, with a frozen expression like that of a startled deer, but a girl nonetheless. And not a bad looking one either. I could tell that it was a girl because of the hair, pulled back from the forehead and neatly tied up in bunches with red ribbons on either side of the head. And because of the liner around the big blue eyes. And especially because of the glistening pink lipstick. For a moment I honestly thought that this was some sort of trick, and turned the box over in my hand to see if it was some kind of projector. But it was just a makeup box with a mirror. And this time, as I brought the reflection back into focus, I could recognise myself ? but a self that I could not possibly have imagined. The hair looked so different, the complexion much paler and smoother, the eyes larger. And as for those lips ... I held the box a little further away from myself, angling it down this time to try and see the rest of my body. But it was hard to make anything out. ?Over here,? said Shauna. She led me to an old wardrobe in the corner of the shed, opening the door to reveal a mirror inside that went almost all the way to the floor. Even in the dimmer light, I could see that I wasn?t just a girl, but a schoolgirl, my uniform matching that of the other two ? except for my shoes being significantly smarter than Shauna?s dirty white pumps and more striking than Tessa?s more functional black boots. ?What do you think ... Alannah?? asked Tessa as she stood behind me. She had stopped laughing and something of her previous uncertainty had returned. I shook my head. ?It?s ... amazing.? It was hard to wrench my eyes off the astonishing reflection, but I turned to her and said softly: ?Thank you.? Her relief was clear as she smiled back at me. Taking half a step forward, I brought my lips towards hers. As they came into contact I kissed her softly, marvelling at the unfamiliar taste of the cosmetic that we each wore. I felt her hand come up and gently caress my cheek and I shivered again at the contact. The shaft imprisoned in my panties throbbed with renewed urgency. As we broke from our kiss, Shauna placed a hand on each of our shoulders and gently turned us around to face her. ?Now,? she said firmly, ?I think it?s time you did something to thank us, don?t you Alannah?? I nodded. She looked at Tessa. ?Ever been eaten out by a girl?? The redhead shook her head, her eyes wide. Shauna smiled. ?You?re going to love it. Come on.? And taking us each by the hand, my goddess led us over to the couch ... [To be continued]

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nylon group fun

First off, I have had full permission from the hosts to write about this, my introduction to nylon encasement, and also to a group of new friends, a friendship that I hope will blossom and continue well into the future.The rules were rather simple, turn up with sufficinet amount of nylon, no problem for me as I have way more than I need. The nylon should be no more than 50 denier. I purchased 6 pairs of tan 15 denier tights and 2 pairs of stockings of the same gague on my way home from work...

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All For My Goddess

special thanks to My Goddess @deegenerate for editing this for me and encurageing me to post this After laying out a blanket for goddess and get her laying out under the stars, I go get her some wine, and when I return she is laying knees bent, legs spread, rubbing her already soaked pussy. Taking her wine glass form me, she says, "Take me." I dive right in and start licking up all her juices, making me so hard. I finger her hole and nibble her clit. She is getting close, then she grabs my...

2 years ago
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Goddess Phyllis

Goddess Phyllis Goddess Phyllis  I remembered that face as soon as I saw her. Phyllis?s younger sister. I had been jerking off to her, Phyllis and their mother, Elly, since I was a teenager. I always imagined that Elly, starting at a very young age, taught her girls all about the power of sex and the pussy. How to use both to get anything you want. How to seduce a woman or man. I never imagined that all that was true, and then some. So, thirty years later, here I was with Karen,...

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Boris meets Goddess Persephone

And yet, Boris always believed he was in control. How fool of him, and to that he could only agree, bound and sweating as he was, on the floor in the men’s bathroom of the night club, eyes closed so he could pretend he was not anticipating the moment he’d be finally pimped out in real life by a woman he had never met in the flesh before tonight. *** It all began with a simple click, as it always does, doesn’t it? Your usual ?Follow? button on twitter, one of hundreds accounts of dominant women...

4 years ago
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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

REPAYING A DEBT TO GODDESS DANIELLEI live on a very large and secluded estate in Costa Rica, though I can't say that my life is easy, or that I'm sitting in the sun sipping a tall cool drink.  Quite the opposite actually. I had run afoul of the IRS and was $200,000 in tax debt. I was facing heavy fines and probable jail time which I was not prepared to serve. The only choice I felt I had was to call and ask a very wealthy acquaintance named Danielle, living in Costa Rica for help. I explained...

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Repaying a Debt to Goddess Danielle

I had been acquainted with Danielle through an ex girlfriend of mine for 3 years, but we were never close friends, but kept in touch and occasionally got together when she visited Los Angeles. She is extremely wealthy after inheriting over a billion dollars of family assets. Danielle is 31, dark haired and very curvy with beautiful facial features, a stunning ass and large natural breasts. Danielle is also a lesbian with multiple lovers whom she flies down to visit her or employs on her...

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Goddess Terries Tea Party

Goddess Terrie’s Tea PartyI can tell by the way she is humming Goddess is in an exceptionally good mood.  She smiles at me as I arrive home from various errands she sent me out to accomplish.  She walks over to me – one hand cups my crotch as she squeezes my balls through the fabric of my pants while the fingers of her other hand frame my chin as she gazes into my face.  She smiles as she feels my cock swell and grow responding to the ministrations my testicles are experiencing.  She leans and...

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Goddess By Robyn "All praise be to the goddess, now and forever..." "Amen..." It was the normal mid-day ritual at the monastery of Zurcam. As monks, we practiced an acute form of asceticism to the high goddess of love and virtue. The function of the mid-day ritual was to calm our hearts and prepare our minds for meditation on her holiness. For many of us, the ritual did not serve its function today. Today was a special day in the monastery. Today was the Feast of Eros!...

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Greek Goddess

Greek Goddess (MtF TG, Goddess TF) By FoxFaceStories A Commission for aabcehm Part One: The Goddess Bathing Peter Skale was enjoying a trek through the forest, listening to the sights and sounds of nature all around him. A beautiful doe shifted to his right, flitting away at the slightest hint of his movement. He smiled, but it was the call of a nearby wood thrush that captured his attention. In his opinion as an amateur birdwatcher, the wood thrush had the most beautiful bird...

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Nylon Lover Ch 120

My earliest recollection of nylons is when I was very young (early 50's). My Aunt Helen, who lived with us, worked as a secretary at a trucking company, and as such, always wore dresses or skirts to work. I remember that when she got home from work, she'd sit on the couch and take her stockings and high heels off, and leave them there until she went to bed. I was fascinated with her legs, and I still remember exactly what they looked (and felt) like - she had great legs! She would hike...

1 year ago
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Goddess and Axe Spanking

Goddess was working while Axe was home alone and bored to tears. He turned on the laptop to sync his work “outlook” with their combined calendar. He scanned the page she had up on the screen. When he saw her favorite chat sites listed he was stunned. He looked at one site and couldn’t believe his eyes. He moved the cursor and clicked on the site. Within a moment he was in a ‘spanking’ room, feeling confused and shocked. The host seemed to be personable, as she asked his ASL and welcomed him....

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Meddling Goddess

This is something of an experiment in trying to write a supernatural story, hope you enjoy it. Meddling Goddess. by Trish. Having slipped away from the playful family entourage the entity know as the Goddess was bored and looking for mortal entertainment. She liked watching them, and although it was much harder now that machines also inhabited the material plain when the opportunity...

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"Goddess" A Short StoryBy Gentile---------"From Dallas, Texas, the flash apparently official. President Kennedy died at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time, 2 o'clock Eastern Standard Time, some 38 minutes ago."---------He'd submitted his short story to her. No request for a picture. No request for the compulsory autograph. He'd not sullied his correspondence with such request. Just the manuscript he'd labored on in a plain manila envelope. He'd expected no response. The sending of "Goddess" was his...

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Goddess Anuns slave camp

Goddess Anun’s slave camp Part one – Abduction in Pattaya As Simon’s taxi ate down the miles from Bangkok to the coastal resort of Pattaya the hypnotic wheel vibrations were making him drowsy. He was not sorry to be leaving the Big Mango (Bangkok); the city was polluted to the point where the traffic fumes made you catch your breath and your throat sore. However, that aside, he had enjoyed the incredible variety of food in the city and the Grand Palace was well worth seeing. He also couldn’t...

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Finding the inner goddess

Finding the inner goddess tg. (Disclaimer: this story contains male-to-female tf, some heavy sexual themes and graphic descriptions of genitalia. Don't read if this offends you.) "You should've seen her. She had great tits, and an ass to match. You listening?" a voice cut through the crowded din of the bar. "Huh?" Rick almost coughed up the beer he'd been drinking as he turned to the workmate who'd broken his concentration. "Linda. The girl Thomas was out with last...

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In the Service of the Goddess

In The Service of the Goddess By Siobhan "Stephanie dear, hurry up or you'll be late for school!" My mother called from the bottom of the stairs. I sighed deeply as I quickly blew out the candle I was using as part of my morning meditation. "Yes Mother, I'm coming!" I answered as I quickly checked myself over in my full-length mirror. I made a couple of final touch-ups to my hair with my brush and then grabbed my school bag off my desk and headed down to where my mother...

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Goddess Rhiannon

Goddess Rhiannon By Wholeman Direction The first part of this story is narrated as if from an outside observer. The next chapters are from the viewpoints of the indicated person. Collusion - Narrator "Hello?" Rhiannon said into the receiver of her cell phone. "Rhiannon, it's Dawn. We have this year's candidate. Where and when can we meet to discuss things?" Dawn Whitham asked. "I'm in the middle of teaching a class right now. I'll stop by your tattoo parlor on my way...

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Goddess Worship

Goddess Worship (Fm, Femdom, TV, SM, Watersports) By plugged_tv Warning: This file contains depictions of adult sexual situations, including sex, and bondage. If it is illegal for you to view this subject matter, or if you are under the age of 18 please do not view this file. If you find these situations unpleasant or offensive please do not view this file. The author takes no responsibility for any illegalities arising from the viewing of this file. The author retains...

2 years ago
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A Goddess Wants Part 2

Jae laid on her bed, her good boy's orgasm plastered all across her stomach. Her fingers played in the creamy warm seed, tracing lines in the cream and rubbing it all over. But her eyes never once left her good boy. In fact, her eyes went from loving, nurturing, and warm to bedroom eyes with a purpose."You disobeyed my rules," she said firmly."I know, my goddess," he said softly."You realize you have to make this up to your goddess?"He nodded solemnly.Jae sat up, cum still all over her mostly...

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Goddess introduces a friend into the bedroom

In a previous story we found Goddess and her Master discovering new experiences with a willing participant which was all engineered and planned by the Master. But this time Goddess has her turn, orchestrating a novel homecoming for her man, returning after 6 months at sea. The Master had a long but very tough summer sailing in the Mediterranean. The winds were strong and on the bow for most of the time. It had been frustrating taking shelter for days on end. He had started to feel the effects...

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Brigit Part 01 I meet the Goddess Brigit

Brigit Part 01***********************************************************Copyright Oggbashan June 2004The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.********************************************************** BRIGITI was driving to my cold lonely...

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The Legend of Goddess BAR

“There are no bad looking women; just some better than others.” And then there’s Goddess BAR. Beverly Ann Rakoski, aka Goddess BAR, is a California goddess principally associated with love, passion and sexual arousal. The name Rakoski is of Polish origin meaning whip or lash, but when combined as whiplash the word aptly describes most men’s condition after a passing of Goddess BAR. Beverly Finds a Keeper “Well, as the old saying goes, if the mountain won’t come to Mohamed.” There,...

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John And The Goddess

He watched with trepidation as she fiddled with the last morsel of her dessert. It was almost a cliché; a cherry, as red as her painted lips, and a perfect match for her striking dress. She twirled the ripened fruit on its stem, and placed it between her teeth. Her amused eyes were on his, gauging his reactions, as she bit through the skin, making him wince.His anticipation had been growing ever since they had arrived. Admiring glances had been cast toward the beautiful woman in the stunning...

Strap-On Sex
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Blessings of the Goddess

I'd originally intended to make this story a lot shorter, but after several problems at the start, the story just seemed to demand being made longer. I know that even more could be added at the end, but I decided to leave it where it was for now. Blessings of the Goddess By Morpheus Larry jangled the set of keys in his hand, carefully examining the old door in front of him, particularly the rusty padlock. Obviously not many people had been through there in awhile, which made...

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“From Dallas, Texas, the flash apparently official, President Kennedy died at 1 p.m. Central Standard Time, 2 o’clock Eastern Standard Time, some 38 minutes ago.” He’d submitted his short story to her. No request for a picture. No request for the compulsory autograph. He’d not sullied his correspondence with such. Just the manuscript he’d labored on in a plain manila envelope. He’d expected no response. The sending of “Goddess” was his reward. It took all he had to drop the envelope in the...

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The Rise Of The Futa Goddess

In an undisclosed part of the world a Goddess sat upon a throne shimmering with flawless golden tan skin with flowing ravenous red hair and built as the Goddess traced her hand down her tight stomach feeling the muscles sending shivers down to her thighs while the camera began to pan down to a golden tan rock-hard cock with pulsating veins while her cunt glistened with her slick womanly fluids… Where do I begin some say the Beginning is always a good place to start so where do I begin…? My name...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 42 The Goddessrsquos Perilous Offer

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Drakin Castle, the Haunted Forest Fear poured through my body as I faced Throwia. The Goddess of Strife and Suffering sauntered forward, her large breasts...

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The Serpent and the Goddess

Asiara grinned to hear the clank of her body guards’ armor as they marched beside her. They had all insisted on coming to this parlay fully armed in their thick suits of metallic scales and face covering helms, but as they walked through the rapidly approaching dusk, she couldn’t help but think that it far too warm and pleasant an evening to be trapped within such restrictive armor. Of course, on one hand, she could hardly blame them – they were about to walk into an enemy camp, enter the...

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Submissive Cum Laude Chapter 2 Goddess Brianna

It had been a few weeks since he and Bethany stopped seeing each other. They'd had many hot sessions together over the course of several months before parting amicably. Bethany had taken an interest in another submissive. While Alex missed the touch and taste of his first Femdom girlfriend, he didn't want to be clingy or get in the way of her fun. Besides, Alex was as eager to submit to other women as she was to dominate other men. Now that he had some experience in BDSM relationships, Alex...

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Goddess Initiation

A full moon hung heavy in the summer night sky. It was like a scene from a moviebut the reality of it was brought home to Graham by his heightened sense ofarousal and the majesty of the individuals before him. He had been selectedfrom a long list of applicants to witness a special ceremony like none other.The Southern Regional Obeah Society was having a rites of passage ceremonyfor one of its most exalted members. To the outside world, the organizationwas nothing more than a Black BDSM group...

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Nylon cocoon

Nylon cocoon Since an early age Jason had a mild facination with ladies hosiery. Unlike anything else the material was semi transparent and clingy. It made the wearers legs look different, softer, smoother, sleek and almost any colour you would want as well as masking blemishes. As he grew up he dated a few girls, girls that would regularly wear his favourite items (that is afterall partly why he dated them). Jason was now 26 and still single. He tended not to go out to...

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Last Goddess and her Last Worshipper

Prologue: Once upon a time, far away across the sea, there was a rich land. There were thick forests, green fields and silvery rivers. The soil was fertile and freely gave of its bounty to the people. The seas around the land were teeming with all kinds of fish. Gold, silver, copper and tin were readily available to be forged into beautiful jewelry and dangerous weapons. The residents of this favored land simply called themselves "The People." The People were farmers, fishermen, hunters,...

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The Goddess and the Bet

One night, we are out for an evening on the town. After a few drinks, we decide to have a little competition and bet between a game of darts, shuffleboard and pool. We decide the winnder of the bet gets to pick something they want for the evening and the other has to agree no matter what. It sounds fun and intriguing as we go forward. The first game is shuffleboard and neither of us is great at it but I’m able to squeak out a win and when it goes to darts, we play for a while and neither of us...

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The Goddess the Eunuch and the Harem

The Goddess, the Eunuch, and the Harem A cruel prince made a mistake when, Naively, he let a goddess, Dressed in nothing but a headdress, Join his harem, that she, his sin Against his women, could avenge. Many times, one might imagine, He regretted his decision, For, by it, he was sorely singed! She was beautiful, and, in truth, The prince, a jealous youth, proclaimed: "He who cuckolds me, and my name Taints, shall be repaid, tooth for tooth And eye for eye; those who defy My...

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Worshipping a Goddess ndash a pervrsquos steps to ecstasy

I’d never have dreamed it when I was younger, but I’ve managed to personally worship 4 Goddesses – and on two occasions my Goddess was accompanied by another Goddess. First of all, you need to know what a Goddess is, or rather who She is. Without that you’re never going to manage it. Second, read my ‘Perv’s Guide to Girl-Worship’ – failing to follow those steps is likely to mean your worship will be cut short. How do you find a Goddess? That depends I guess on exactly what it is you’re looking...

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My weekend with Goddess Riya and Goddess Anita

My Goddesses wanted to spend few days with me. So they decided to go for a weekend trip for 4 days to a nearby hill station, Mahabaleshwar. Only we 3 travelled to Mahabaleshwar. We reached there by 5:30 PM. Being a hill station it was quite cold there but my Goddesses asked me take off everything and stay naked until we left the room. It was 4/5 hours long journey so my Goddesses were tired, they asked me to give them a massage. And yess I was strictly kept in chastity. We then had late night...

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Saved By A Goddess

Tyler Dawson is a successful stunt coordinator for some of Hollywood's largest films until an accident at a remote location leads him to sacrificing his life to save an ancient goddess who he had mistaken for his beautiful wife. She offers to save his life but some sacrifices would have to be made in order to do so. If he had known, he might have said no but then again she might have said yes. Saved by a Goddess By StefB Chapter One Dani kissed me lovingly before she...

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Celtic Goddess

Hi I am here to share some of my fantasies, who I am and what I am is unimportant I’m sure lots of you will work it out, enjoy.     I woke this morning at 6.30 to the normal annoying buzz of my alarm; alone in the bed again, but that is not a problem. The point I have reached in my life has been hard fought and definitely worth it.   I had a normal, well normalish child hood I grew up in a small village on the edge of what was an heavy industrial area but the recession had...

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The Golden Goddess Returns

The Golden Goddess Returns Part 1It was very quiet in the thick carpeted hallway along Mahoney row of the big industrial company as a medium build man with salt and pepper hair moved along, glancing at the doorways as he walked slowly down the hall to the end office, marked as, ?Vice President Marketing. Miss Kay Sommers.?The door was open and he stood in the doorway listening to the conversation that the blonde headed woman was having while sitting with her back to the doorway. She wasn?t...

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Nylon footjob from wife

My wfie works at a place with a crazy (but awesome for my purposes) dress code. It requires women to either wear pants and a jacket or a skirt and a blouse. Since their air conditioning isn’t that great, coupled with people using space heaters at their desk anyways, it’s always hot. My wife, therefore, chooses the skirt choice, which also results in her wearing heels or wedges. In the winter it is even better, because if women wear a skirt, they have to wear nylons with them. For a heel/nylon...

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BayleyPatra Goddess Beside Me WWE Diva Fanfic

by Nikolai Blagov DCBO$$ from wrestlingffp.forumcommunity. netAnother first person POV story, especially for the Bayley fans here, who would enjoy this fanfic.You watch a horror movie all alone, as suddenly Bayley comes to you.Bayley: Hey… Whatcha watching?You: Oh, just watching some Friday The 13th.Bayley: Friday the 13th…...Odd title…...wait…..this isn’t a horror movie is it? I told you before how I feel about horror movies…You: Well, it’s not really….Bayley: It’s not? You promise? Scooch...

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The Sailor and the Sea Goddess who ruled him

Each fondle, sigh, and bat of her long eyelashes was leading the pirate to madness. Did she even KNOW? Warmth was now the very least of his problems; Calypso was like a blazing fire, searing all of his body, continually stoked within him by her ministrations. She shimmied into his lap gracefully, his hands sliding down to nestle in her falling chiton.Her thighs squeezed Ragetti snugly."Cozy?""Fabrizio, you are so smug. But yes…"At this Ragetti relaxed and let his eye lavish her form. It was...

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Geek GoddessChapter 3 Kevin

As I ran out of Amy's apartment and down the stairs, I realized that I left my books behind. I decided that there wasn't anything I really needed and hoped that Amy would bring the books to class on Tuesday. I walked over to my house and saw my roommate Walt laying around in the living room. I said "Hi," to Walt and walked toward the stairs. Walt laughed and said, "Why are you wearing the same clothes you had on yesterday? Spend the night with some hot babe, or did you just spend the...

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Helping the Goddess

HELPING THE GODDESS By Geneva A young Viking in the Varengian guard of the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire is accidentally changed to a woman by a spell he finds in ancient temple ruins. Haephera, a priestess of an ancient cult in the Genoria province of the empire, finds that they can be of mutual help. START Haephera looked out of her window onto the main street, then over to the market in the square, both bustling with throngs of people. Genoria's prosperity had brought many...

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Nylon does the Double

After years with the same partner I was getting a bit bored with it and was looking for something new to happen to me. I have always been obsessed with women in tights and after getting a computer I was able to find loads of porn involving nylon to satisfy my wanton lust for new fantasies. Then one day with my cock in hand and slowly rubbing my way to climax I, for some unknown reason, looked at some guy wearing tights and wanking into them. When he shot I came myself and I was amazed how horny...

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Venus Goddess of Love

Chapter 1: I Meet the Goddess “Venus, goddess of love?” I stared at the picture of the small figurine in the book I had borrowed from the library. “Nothing like the Venus de Milo I’ve seen in another book,” I thought. She was beautiful even if she didn’t have arms. This one had ballooning breasts, huge thighs and buttocks. Her hair covered her face like a woolly cap. I read the caption that told me that “Without fertile women, no primitive band of hunter gatherers could hope to survive.” ...

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As Always My Goddess

Author Notes: This is actually one of my first erotic stories ever written. It’s something I came up with when my last girlfriend asked me why I don’t write romantic poetry for her. Since I suck at poetry, this is what she got. (Yes, I have her permission to post it here.) That said, this story is actually quite sappy and there’s a ton of flowery language that I don’t ordinarily use. Otherwise, I’m happy with how it turned out and it’s a nice change of pace from my usual writings. ~~~~~ ...

3 years ago
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Goddess of the Moon

Goddess of the moon By Keterra Sands Copyright c 2000 by Keterra Sands all rights reserved [email protected] This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons or events is unintended. This story contains adult situations, describes sexual activities, and deals with changes of gender. If such material upsets you, or if it's illegal for you to read this - DON'T. This is a story of ancient powers and magic. A young man sets out to find a fortune using...

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Club Goddess

Warning: Story is twisted and wrong. Certainly not suitable for immature eyes. I can't claim it is EXTREMELY original, as avid readers in this genre will recognize similar elements. But I have tried to make my fantasy a little different; hope you like it. Oh: and feel free to butcher me in the comments. I'm sure I deserve it, if only for the title. CLUB GODDESS By Philosopher1112 At the edge of downtown, towards the south where the bridge crossed the Thames, he first...

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Thorvik Kabot SuccubusSlayer in The Golden Webs Of The SpiderGoddess

Illuminated by torchlight, Thorvik Kabot's strong Nordic physique was an impressive sight and a testament to the purity of his lineage and breeding as he had the strong, battle-scarred muscled body of a barbarian with the chiseled facial features of a nobleman with a strong brow, prominent nose and striking blue eyes and a head of curly blonde hair. Thorvik's manner of dress was simple. Leather boots, loincloth and his shoulder-scabbard, which held the legendary succubi-slaying holy...

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Muscle encounters 9 Goddess Heather Clean up

Muscle Encounters 9- Goddess Heather Clean upBy lilguy Goddess Heather finds her slave didn't clean her house right and punishes him.www.goddessheather.comGoddess Heather came back from working out a gym for 2 hours. She had a tightwhite T shirt, clinging to her tight busty body. The shirt was showing off hertight abs, showing layers and layers of sculpted muscles. Her blond hair wascut short showing off her beautiful face and piercing eyes. The sleeves wereshort so people could see biceps....

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Gods of GardheChapter 5 For The Goddess

"You gotta admit one thing, Stan sure went out in style," Chad commented sourly after a careful search through their binoculars disclosed no signs of life amidst the wreckage. "Gilson may have thought he was getting the best of Stan, but it sure didn't do him a whole lot of good. I suppose that the explosion might have come from Gilson or one of his men screwin' up, but my guess is that Stan set it up somehow." "Yeah, but now we're stranded here! How are we gonna we get back home?"...

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Nylon Desire Ch 3

Ch: 3 Hours of PleasureI woke up the next morning and I was alone in the bed of the dungeon, and I started to think back to how much fun I had the night before. I looked down and rubbed my stocking clad legs and just laughed a little bit. I felt so dirty for doing what I did with Mr. Ducati, but I would never regret letting him fuck me and abuse me. My ass was a bit sore, but I would manage. I lay there for a little bit and then I get up and head towards the elevator to head up to find my...

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Goddess Rhiannon

Collusion - Narrator "Hello?" Rhiannon said into the receiver of her cell phone. "Rhiannon, it's Dawn. We have this year's candidate. Where and when can we meet to discuss things?" Dawn Whitham asked. "I'm in the middle of teaching a class right now. I'll stop by your tattoo parlor on my way home. Will that be soon enough?" Rhiannon asked, warily watching the children for signs of impending riotous behavior. "Sure, no great hurry. I'll see you then," Dawn hung up, went out to...

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Temple Of The Forbidden Goddess

THE THREE BANNERSThe sky was turning grim and grey with distant thunder and lightning. The three banners flew defiantly against the raging wind as armored spearmen began to assemble behind them. The iron-serpent, wolf and the bleeding lotus had finally come together to demolish the temple. The sound of war drums echoed as troops formed into battle lines. Archers took their positions behind the kneeling spearmen and armored cavalry rode forward to assemble near the flanks.Temple of the forbidden...

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The Desires of the Goddess Adelaide Part 3

Angel had dressed as smartly as she could to answer the call of the Goddess Adelaide. Now as she stood before the door of what she knew to be the Goddess’ special chamber, she wondered if a fitted black silk blouse, a tight black leather mini skirt and high heeled leather boots struck the right note. Perhaps she should have searched for something more humble. Her outfit might suggest she saw herself on an equal level to the Goddess, rather than as her possession, her slave. She bit her lower...

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Goddess Revenge

My Goddess had an untimely sexual, sensual yet unwanted visit from her spineless former fucktoy. She allowed this and that for fun but knew in the back of her mind she had revenge planned.He has a new girlfriend yet was entering the Goddess lair for brief primal release and lust fucks. His draw to her was purely sexual and she didn't understand why he would break into her apartment and forcefully take her just to feel that perfect pussy again and again. Yeah that Pussy is perfect, addictive and...

2 years ago
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Goddess Revenge

My Goddess had an untimely sexual, sensual yet unwanted visit from her spineless former fucktoy. She allowed this and that for fun but knew in the back of her mind she had revenge planned.He has a new girlfriend yet was entering the Goddess lair for brief primal release and lust fucks. His draw to her was purely sexual and she didn't understand why he would break into her apartment and forcefully take her just to feel that perfect pussy again and again. Yeah that Pussy is perfect, addictive...

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