Saved By A Goddess free porn video

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Tyler Dawson is a successful stunt coordinator for some of Hollywood's largest films until an accident at a remote location leads him to sacrificing his life to save an ancient goddess who he had mistaken for his beautiful wife. She offers to save his life but some sacrifices would have to be made in order to do so. If he had known, he might have said no but then again she might have said yes. Saved by a Goddess By StefB Chapter One Dani kissed me lovingly before she applied my lipstick. "Have a great night dear. You have no idea how hot right you look now. I may have to take you back to the trailer and ravage you." I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her closer. "You keep that up and you might have to, because I somehow doubt the director would be happy with what's about to poke out from my skirt." "Get a room!" laughed my best friend since grade school Ryan Crews from the next chair over. The small Italian man working on his makeup laughed and playfully slapped Ryan's shoulder. "Jealous much?" Ryan laughed again as he stared at my wife and me. "You know Gregorio, I think I am." Dani smirked and wrapped her arms around my neck as she gazed into my eyes while still talking to the best man at our wedding. "You can't have him Ryan. Tyler Dawson is all mine." Ryan's laughter became so loud it almost shook the makeup trailer. "Oh yes Mrs. Dawson, I spend many nights dreaming of Mister Tripod over there." Gregorio appeared confused. "Tripod?" As Ryan whispered something is Gregorio's ear, one of the director's assistants stuck her head in the door grinning at the way we were carrying on. "Okay guys. The van leaves in five minutes." Gregorio's face blushed slightly before he eyed me lustfully and winked at my wife. "Well that explains why she's always in such a good mood. Some bitches have all the luck." "Just adding the last touch up." Dani replied to the woman in the doorway while laughing at her coworker as she brushed the dark red lipstick across my lips. "See you in the morning. I love you." I smiled. "I love you too." Dani helped me from my chair and smoothed out the wrinkles from the tattered white silk spaghetti strap top and torn silver silk mini skirt. The feel of her touch over the smooth fabric covering my body was beginning to make me melt. I shivered in anticipation when she slipped her fingernail through one of the many holes torn into the top. She leaned in so only I could hear. "You have no idea how glad I am the woman you hired had to fly home at the last second. I missed seeing you like this." I laughed lightly. "I hope you know, you are the only reason I let Aaron talk me into doing this. He claims there is nobody else available at such notice but I'm sure I could have found someone. I personally think you paid her off to leave then conspired with Aaron to not find anyone else." Dani nuzzled her nose into my hair just behind my ear and let her tongue run along the edge. She knew that was my weak spot and would have my mind racing. "I'm devious but not that bad. I am glad you didn't find anyone. As soon as you get back I'm going to let you have cart blanche' to do with me as you will." I was brought out of my rather carnal thoughts when Ryan walked to my side and looked at Dani. "That's enough of that. The lesbian fantasy scene you two are showing is going to make it hard for me to work. I have to ask though, why are you smoothing out an outfit that looks like it's been worn a week? Sometimes movies make no sense. Why would a woman be dressed like that be out in the woods?" I shrugged. "Apparently 'my' boyfriend is an archeologist and 'I' was kidnapped from a club so he will be forced to assist the bad guys. What they don't know is, 'I' am a CIA operative trying to get close to him so they can locate a mysterious artifact. The scene today is where 'I' am trying to escape." Dani's eyebrows then wiggled a little before she added, "I'm smoothing everything because I know it drives Ty crazy and I want him to think about me all night." I laughed and pulled my wife in for another long kiss. "That's just mean. You know full well that not a moment goes by that I don't think about you my love." My wife wrapped her arms around me and lifted me off the ground. "That makes two of us, I love you. Be careful up there, I want you back in one piece." I nodded. "I love you too. Everything will be fine, you know me. I'm Mr. Careful." Dani set me back on the floor with worry etched in her beautiful eyes. "I have a bad feeling Ty. Promise me you will be back in the morning." I kissed her again and allowed all the love I felt for her to flow through my lips. "I promise baby, why didn't you tell me?" She shrugged. "I don't know, it was just a nagging feeling at first but it's gotten stronger." I learned long ago to trust my wife's feelings. "I wish I had known sooner. I'll put it off if you want." She laughed sadly. "And say what? 'Sorry I can't work today because my wife thinks I might get hurt.' You can't do that Ty. I'm sorry for saying anything just be careful." I rubbed her back trying to comfort her. "If your feeling is that strong I would but either way, you know I'm always careful." Dani kissed me again. "See you in the morning." Ryan interrupted our moment when he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Ready to go kick my ass loverboy?" I glanced up and smirked. "I'm always ready for that." As we made our way to the van Ryan shoved my shoulder. "You, my friend, are a lucky, lucky man. You and Dani are the perfect couple." I reached out and grabbed his arm to steady myself. It was difficult enough walking across the rough terrain. Add in wearing shoes with four- inch sticks not much larger than toothpicks for a heel and my friend knocking me off balance, it was near impossible. "Don't I know it!" Ryan glanced at the stilettos I had on my feet. "How do you keep from breaking those things or your ankles?" I laughed. "Lots of training my friend. These are super shoes. Wardrobe has reinforced the heel with steel so they'll be able to take the strain." Ryan nodded as he helped me in the van that was taking us out to a remote location high in the Unicoi Mountains of Eastern Tennessee. "At least with those on you are almost at eye level with your wife." I silently fumed at my friend's teasing. He knew I hated to be kidded about my height. I didn't need to be in the wrong state of mind before I performed a stunt so I stared out the window and thought of the first time I asked my wife out seven years ago when we were stuck on location on a beautiful tropical island... "How do your eyes change like that Tyler?" Dani asked with her sultry European accented voice that caused me to melt every time I heard it. I shrugged slightly. "I don't know. They have always done it. It doesn't matter what I wear, the color seems to adapt." "Does it bother you to work as a woman?" I laughed lightly; this was a question I had been asked many times. "Not anymore. It did at first but my skills make me unique. With my size it's either be a woman or a small teenage boy. Thankfully, lately there has been surge in young adult novels being made into movies so there is more of a call for kids in action movies." I normally didn't go into much detail but I always felt comfortable talking to Dani. "I mainly play boys since the union would never allow me to do this if there is a woman who can do what I do. Besides, the studios pay very good money for my skills." Dani nodded. "From what I've heard, your skills are impressive. Did you really develop your own style?" I smiled at the compliment. "Yes but it's no big deal. I guess all the bullying I endured along with my desire to stay away from home as much as possible really paid off. If not for that, I would have never become such an eager student." I started laughing. "I've made a lot of leading ladies and that vampire boy look like total bad asses." Dani joined me in laughter. "I guess you have. Break a leg today." I smiled as I removed the smock she placed around me so my costume wouldn't be ruined. "Thanks. Do you have any plans tonight?" Dani looked away nervously. "I guess you don't keep up with onset gossip do you?" My expression became puzzled as I stood and looked up at her. Danica Zoyra was gorgeous; She possessed an otherworldly beauty that would have intimidated me if I thought I actually had a real chance for a date. I knew she was so far out of my league that her appearance didn't intimidate me in the least. She stood almost six foot one in bare feet with a perpetual tan that made her skin appear as it was almost glowing. Her long dark brown hair was perfect with a shine even the best stylists in the world could only hope to achieve. But what really got to me were her eyes. She possessed the clearest violet eyes that would make a rainbow jealous that it could never produce a color so beautiful. Dani was friendly and easy to talk to and I genuinely enjoyed her company. I really just wanted to be friends. I shrugged. "I have learned from what's been said about me not to pay attention to gossip. I prefer to judge people for myself, not what someone said about them. Why do you ask?" She appeared deep in thought and I knew she had taken my invitation as a request for a date. Experience had taught me that most women didn't like the idea of dating a man that was only five foot five and only weighed in the neighborhood of one hundred twenty-five pounds. It didn't help my cause that I kept my hair long since it was easier than working in a wig during the summer, or that my features and body definitely leaned toward more feminine than masculine. What made matters worse was that for the scene I was shooting called for me to be dressed in a skin tight white tank top with fake boobs standing out on display and shaved legs sticking out of short cargo shorts. The fact my long red hair had been bleached blonde and was in a lengthy braid down my back didn't help my cause either. I liked Dani too much as a friend to allow her to suffer through thinking of a way to let me down gently. "I'm not asking you on a date or anything. I know you wouldn't go out with someone like me romantically. I just thought we could be friends. I mean we have so much in common, I don't know of anyone else around here that I can talk to about classic movies, good jazz or a great mystery novel. We are going to be stuck in this jungle for a few weeks more and since I get bored most nights, I figured you did too." I needed to undo the damage I had just done. "It just most of the stuntmen, except for Ryan, don't really know how to take me. He has night shots tonight and I don't like the idea of hiding out in the trailer alone. I've read everything I brought with me and I don't understand the language so it's hard to watch television. But it's cool, I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Dani appeared puzzled. "Why don't the stuntmen know how to take you?" I shrugged. "You know as well as I do that Hollywood isn't as progressive as they pretend to be. In their eyes I'm different. The guys don't understand why I don't mind working as a kid or a woman and they really hate that I usually make more than they do. I dress this way strictly for my job. I can't help how I look but I'm trying to make the best of a bad situation." I sighed and admitted one of my biggest faults. "If I'm being honest, I might be too sensitive to comments about my appearance and they really don't like it when a small man fights back. They especially don't like it when the person they are picking on then gets the better of them. Anyways, I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable. That was never my intention. I hope it doesn't affect our friendship." I turned to walk away when Dani grabbed my arm. "No wait; I'm the one who should apologize. I've always liked you but I'm so used to all the guys around here thinking I'm nothing more than an easy lay that added you to that group. Why don't we plan to do something after I remove your makeup tonight? Make sure you shower before you come back and we can leave from here." I smiled. "I'd like that. Thank you." I walked out to the location of filming with a renewed confidence and ended up having a great day because I knew I'd be able to spend time getting to know Dani better when we finished shooting for the day. The rational side of my mind had attempted to convince me over and over that this would be nothing more than two friends hanging out but the young, cocky and fearless side of me still held out hope that I actually had a chance at more. That night I returned to my trailer to make sure I was freshly clean and shaved. Most of the makeup had come off in the shower but there were still traces that Dani needed to remove. Since I had packed for comfort knowing we were in a tropical climate, all I had with me were tee shirts, tank tops and shorts. I picked out my best dark blue tee and a pair of khaki cargo shorts. I groaned and my cockiness disappeared as I looked in the mirror, even in boy clothes I still looked like a girl with my long blonde hair and the eyeliner I couldn't get off. With an admission that Dani would never be romantically interested in someone like me I approached the makeup trailer casually. I was pleasantly surprised when she greeted me with a deep lingering kiss that I returned with equal passion. "I've waited all day to do that." Dani said after we broke our embrace. Her kiss bewildered and bewitched me. It was everything I had ever hoped it would be and knew a single show of affection from her was like a man dying of thirst receiving only a single drop of water. I smiled. "I've waited a little longer than that if I'm being honest." She grabbed my hand and led me to the chair so she could remove the remnants of her work from the morning. "I could get lost in your eyes." She said as she gently wiped away the liner. I blushed slightly since I wasn't used to receiving positive comments on my appearance. "Thanks." Dani smiled as she started to reapply what she had just removed. I moved away until she bent down so her lips could meet mine. "Let me do this. I have an idea and want to see if I'm right. It will be fun and I promise you won't regret it." Her kisses were bending my will but I still wasn't sure. She could tell I wasn't convinced so her lips started working on my neck and ended with her nibbling on my earlobe. "You wear this everyday for work so what's the difference?" I stared at her for a moment, lost in the sea of lavender that were her eyes. "Go ahead." The smile that crossed her lips was so glorious that I knew I'd do anything she asked just for the chance to see it again as she giddily said, "Tonight's going to be so much fun." She turned me away from the mirror as she finished working on my face, which didn't take as long as usual before handing me another tee shirt and a pair of shorts. "Change into these for me." I remembered one of Ryan's mother's favorite sayings. "In for a penny, in for a pound." So I grabbed the garments and walked into the other room without complaint to change. I quickly noticed that the clothes were feminine. The top was light green and the shorts were very similar to the ones I was wearing only shorter and in a different cut. If I was about to walk out onto the set, I would not give it a second thought but the idea of wearing these for pleasure did not appeal to me. I tentatively stepped out and Dani squealed with delight as she started on my hair, which took a lot longer than usual. After she finally finished she led me to the full-length mirror. I gasped slightly when I saw the reflection. Dani had done my makeup very light, if not for the fact I had seen her apply it I wouldn't have known I was wearing any. My blonde hair was styled with light waves that fell to my shoulder blades. To anybody walking by I would appear as a flat chested, athletic young woman. I did not like what I was seeing as it only reinforced inner insecurities about not being seen as a real man. My father's words immediately echoed in my mind. "You should have been born a woman. You're too weak to ever make it as a man." Dani wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned down to kiss my neck. "I always wondered how a natural makeup would look on you. You're even prettier than I expected. I packed a dinner for us so we could go spend some time down at the beach. What do you think?" I shrugged nervously. "I don't like it. I catch enough hell as it is. What if someone sees me?" Dani smiled seductively over my shoulder into the mirror. "Nobody will see us and if they do you can just kick their ass if they say anything." She pulled my hair aside and her tongue ran from my neck to my ear. "It will be fun, I promise. Please say yes for me." I leaned my back into her front for support since her advances were rendering my knees worthless. If it were anyone other than the most beautiful woman I had ever seen trying to talk me into this I would have never allowed her put the makeup on much less wear the clothes. I glanced at her again and was again caught off guard by her perfection. "Let's go before I change my mind." Dani graced me with her glorious smile again as she grabbed my hand and led me to the door. Once we arrived at the beach Dani laid out a blanket and the food while I gathered beach wood and started a small fire. She pulled me into her lap as I walked back to her side and I laughed as she leaned down in for another kiss. I have never been a submissive person outside of my father's presence, quite the opposite actually. Many people had accused me of having little man syndrome since I was always quick to establish that there was more to me than my size but around this living embodiment of perfection I was, at least temporarily, willing to do anything she asked. Dani reached for a handful of grapes and held them just above my mouth teasing me while positioning my head between her ample breasts. I leaned up for a bite and she pulled them back further, laughing the entire time. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" I asked as she teased me again. Dani laughed. The sound of her laughter was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. "Yes, very much so but you don't seem to mind very much." I paused for a moment and considered her words. Dani appeared nervous and unsure when she saw how serious my expression was becoming. I smiled and reached up to caress her cheek. "If anyone else asked me to dress like this for fun and then teased me the way you have I would be beyond mad but with you I know it's not being done with malice. It just feels right in a weird way." Dani grinned and nodded her head. "Yes, feels right is a good way to say it. I have a confession. The gossip I told you about is people think I'm a lesbian." I stared up at her suddenly feeling very stupid and rather betrayed. "Is that why you did all this to me? As a game?" The gorgeous brunette shook her head adamantly. "Not at all. It seriously was just curiosity. I'm actually bi and you are almost the perfect blend of everything I find attractive in both sexes." I furrowed my brows. "Is that a compliment?" She laughed joyously and I imagined the sound closely resembled angels singing. "Very much so. I know you thought my hesitation this morning was because I didn't want to go out but it was the opposite. I've wanted to go out with you so badly that I was afraid. I just never thought you would be interested and it shocked me when you asked." I laughed. "Not interested? You have got to be kidding me." Her gorgeous eyes became serious. "I'm being truthful. Normally I only form an emotional bond with another woman but I feel a strong connection to you that I can't explain and I've felt it since I first met you." I nodded. "I felt it too but I always thought you were so far out of my league that I didn't even try. I honestly initially asked you out only as a friend so if tonight doesn't go any further it's been beyond my wildest dreams." Dani laughed and leaned down to kiss my forehead while her hand gently ran up and down my arm. "I can promise you that tonight will go farther, much, much farther." "You going to visit anybody since we're so close to home?" Ryan asked, snapping me from my thoughts. I shook my head. "No, it's not worth taking the chance. What about you? Is your dad still the sheriff?" Ryan nodded. "Yeah, I think the job will be his until he retires. He keeps asking me to move home so I can take his place whenever he decides to step down. I was like yeah right, as if I'd ever want to live there again." I laughed. "Preach on brother, I almost turned this job down since it's so close." Ryan agreed. "I know what you mean, the smartest thing we ever did was moving away from this back woods hell hole." Ryan and I had been best friends since I was eight and he was nine. He had seen samples of the abuse I endured over the years and was the one who talked me into moving to California when I was seventeen. His father assumed something was going on with me but my father was rich and had powerful friends, Ryan's father had his hands tied and legally could not help. When we moved away Ryan's parents helped pay for our trip. They told me if I stayed in our small eastern Tennessee town I would be wasting my life. I laughed. "I know right. Sounds like you went back though, you're starting to pick the accent back up. I swear I think my Mom must have cheated on Dad or something with the way he's always treated me. There's no way we carry the same blood." Ryan smirked. "Other than your hair, and skin tone. You are nothing like them." I sighed. "It seems the older I get, the more I look like them except I didn't get their height. It really sucks." He bumped his shoulder into mine. "I wouldn't worry too much. Dani seems to like it." His mentioning my wife made me smile. "Yeah she does. I don't know what she sees in me." Ryan laughed. "I've been wondering about that since you two first went out." I nodded. "Me too but what was it your father used to say about looking a gift horse in the mouth?" My best friend nodded and laughed harder. "I know right, don't do it. By the way, my parents say hi. When I went home yesterday Mom said your father has found religion and he's making your brothers go with him. Can you believe it?" I shook my head. "Not for a second. They have too much evil in them. Well, Dad does anyways." Ryan's brow arched slightly. "What about Jeb and Thomas?" I shrugged. "They weren't too bad I guess. I mean whenever we were alone, just us, they never really hurt me. It was almost like they were forced to be mean. Don't get me wrong, they were still mean but I think if not for Dad they would have been okay. Thomas usually ignored me while Jeb sometimes was overly nice in a creepy way." Another thought entered my mind since we were talking about family and I had no desire to continue discussing mine. "Do you ever hear from Evan?" Evan was Ryan's older brother. He moved away when he was sixteen after he and Ryan's father had a major falling out. Ryan has never told me what the fight was about but whatever it was, it affected his relationship with his family. They were never as close after Evan moved away. Ryan smiled. "Yeah, Evie is doing great." I looked over at him questionably. "Evie?" He laughed lightly. "It's my nickname for her." I became even more confused. "Her?" He sighed. "You wouldn't understand." I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Try me brother." He took a deep breath. "She was never happy as guy and knew she was meant to be a woman. I don't want to talk about it." I frowned. "You know you can talk to me about anything. I like to think I'm pretty open minded." He started to smile. "You are but this is a stretch for most people to understand." I laughed. "Have you noticed how I am dressed at the moment? Who am I to judge how a person lives their life?" Ryan pointed ahead of us as he joined me in laughter. "Looks like we're almost there. I don't know how you do it. After everything they did to you back then and even now you do whatever it takes to thrive. I don't think I'd be able to have a normal life." If he was trying to distract me, it worked as I nodded. "It's Dani, if not for her I'd probably be dead. You remember how much I used to drink and fight? I was on a very self-destructive path before she gave me focus. She made me want to be a better man, one worthy of her." The van pulled up to the location and stopped so we could get out. Ryan exited first and offered his hand to assist me. "You two give me hope. If a little squirt like you can find true love then I know someone as good looking as me can." I laughed. Ryan wasn't a bad looking guy I guess. I mean if you like guys that is. He stood a very muscular six foot three and had dirty blonde hair with rugged looks that should have had him working as an actor instead of a stuntman but he preferred to work in movies without the cost of his privacy. I always respected him for that. "Who said you are good looking?" I teased as I started walking toward the stunt coordinators tent. Ryan acted as if I wounded him. "You are the first woman to rebuff me." I rolled my eyes and Ryan smiled. "Oh yeah. I almost forgot." Chapter Two Keeping my wife's warning in mind, I walked around the set to make everything was how it needed to be. I laughed off all the friendly jabs about my appearance, even going so far as to flirt with a few unsuspecting crewmen only to disappoint them when I pointed out who I actually was. I noticed more cameras than usual around the set. I turned to my assistant stunt coordinator Dave Echols, who I had decided to let run things tonight so I could mainly focus on my part of what had to be filmed. "What's with all the extra equipment?" Dave was a couple of years older than myself but did not have quite as much experience as I did. If left to his own devices he tended to for overkill and made things needlessly complicated. I hoped I could teach him the less is more philosophy in time. He had the abilities to be great if he learned to tone it down. "It was a last minute decision boss. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but we only have one or two chances to get this before the sun completely sets and it looks like a storm is rolling in. I'm glad it's you and Ryan working this one cause it will make the odds of getting it in one take much better." I nodded. I wasn't worried since this was one of the easier stunts for me. "This is simple enough, it shouldn't be a problem." About thirty minutes later Ryan and I were standing on a large piece of flat rock at the edge of a small cliff where I would jump off to avoid my captors while Dave went over the plans one final time. "Okay Boss, when the director calls action, you and Ryan will do your thing. As soon as Ryan pulls his gun and you hear my signal you need to run to the mark and jump." A few moments later Ryan and I did our choreographed fight before Ryan pulled his prop gun as I heard Dave's instructions. I loved this part of the job. Nothing was quite a freeing as those few precious moments while I hurled myself toward the airbag waiting below. Right as I leapt over the edge, a bolt of lightning streaked next to me causing a loud boom in the area I was to land. In that moment, all the lights on the ground below me went dark and I suddenly found myself falling farther than I expected. Once my body once again made contact with something solid, I did a quick check and considered myself lucky that the air bag still did its job after such a drop. I was glad, if this had to happen, that it happened to me. It always bothered me whenever someone got hurt on a stunt I had coordinated, luckily that had not happened in years. I rolled over and attempted to look around but it was pitch black wherever I had fallen. As soon as I felt my way off the airbag and my feet hit firm ground, the room illuminated. I gasped when I realized I was in some type of ancient chamber. The artwork that lined the golden walls was stunning and the marble statues and stone throne were truly works of art. The tiles below my feet appeared to be a pink marble and possessed a golden glow where one stone met the next. "Why is this in the Unicoi Mountains?" I asked aloud as I looked around. A groaning sound behind me brought me from my admiration and I turned to see Dani lying on the floor unconscious and a large man crawling from underneath the rubble with a look of malice upon his face. I couldn't understand why she would be here but she was lying twenty feet away with a large gash on her forehead. "You thought you could hide from me here? You shall die old hag." The man seethed as he continued in her direction. I instinctively felt the dire need to protect my wife who was not regaining consciousness so I immediately leapt between them. "Leave her alone unless you wish to depart this life tonight." The man gracefully worked his way to his feet. Even in my line of work I had never seen a man so large. He had to stand at least six foot ten with large muscles covering every inch of his body. His long black hair fell straight down his back as his equally black eyes glared directly at me. His laughed was deep and sinister. He obviously didn't see me as a threat. Good. "What is one tiny whore going to do to me? Step out of my way and I might allow you to live long enough to pleasure me." He roared. I had forgotten how I was dressed and felt my anger spike as I started toward him. I paused after a single step as I remember what time, training and experience taught me, never allow my emotions to get the best of me when faced with a fight. I decided it would be best to force his emotions and that would, hopefully, allow him to make the mistake I almost made. I forced my laugh to be equally sinister but it didn't compare to his. "Pleasure you? From that tiny bulge in your pants big boy I doubt you could please a rodent." He quickly let me know that my plan was working when his body tensed. "Insolent woman, how dare you question my manhood!" He moved quickly to grab my arm. "I will show you how pleasing I can be." I spun out of his grasp and elbowed him in the ribs causing him to stumble as I led us away from my injured wife, hoping she would wake up and make her escape while I had him distracted. I waved my index finger toward the large angry man. "Tsk Tsk. A small package and clumsy to boot. You poor thing, no wonder you are so angry. I hope your friends haven't given you an awful nickname like Rat Dick since you are so small down there." He released a scream that made the walls shake. "No woman, much less a mortal one, talks to Adorious Dunamas with such insolence." He underestimated me again as he bent down to reach for me once more but I was able to surprise him with a palm to his nose that caused him to stagger backwards. I had learned from time I had spent filming in Greece that Dunamas meant power so I waved my hand in front of my nose to further taunt him. "That explains the powerful odor I'm smelling. You know Odorous, you could really use a shower." I smiled to further taunt him. "That's it isn't it? Your friends saw your tiny excuse for a penis one day in the shower and started calling you Rat Dick and ever since you avoid cleansing your body." "No woman has ever insulted my manhood." He yelled. I knew his anger was getting the best of him as he telegraphed his attack. I anticipated his large first coming toward my face and dodged it before I grabbed his arm and used his momentum to send him crashing into the cavern wall. I laughed as he pushed himself from the floor using a large rock to brace himself. "You know Odorous, you should really work on your balance." Before I knew what happened a small boulder was crashing into my lower body tossing me into the opposite wall of the cavern. I coughed and started pushing away the rock when Adorious' large hand wrapped around my neck and he pulled me to my knees. The angry giant dropped me to the floor while releasing his pants. I was starting to regret the way I taunted him as he pulled out the largest penis I had ever seen from his pants and stood above me. "I know just the thing to replace all that impertinence in your mouth. Let us see if you still want to offer insults once I have stretched you beyond your limits." I tried to move but my legs weren't cooperating. Before I had a chance to get away he bent down and forced his rather large member into my unwilling mouth. I attempted to back away but the pain radiating from my lower body along with the hold he placed on the back of my head was too great. I felt beside me for something to defend myself with and found my leg bent at a completely wrong angle. I traced it down and slipped off my reinforced stiletto, holding it like a hammer and biting down on his member with all the force I could muster. The scream he released reminded me of what must come from the gates of hell as he quickly lifted me so we were face to face. "You shall pay for that with your miserable life. I will break your puny neck with my bare hand." I quickly felt his grip tightening so in a last ditch effort I swung my shoe at the side of his head. The feel of the heel making contact was not what I was expecting. I thought it would make contact and bounce back in my hand but instead I felt it make contact and then continue, much like when you walk across what you think is solid ice only to find out just the top is frozen. He immediately released me and I gasped for breath as soon as my body met with the floor. I chanced a look at my attacker and saw him on the floor beside me with eyes wide open and blood seeping from around the stiletto heel of my shoe buried in his temple. I never imagined I would be capable of killing another person. I felt no remorse as I stared at his lifeless body. It was his own fault, had he not attacked my wife he would still be alive. Blood started to seep in Dani's direction across the floor and I had no idea if it belonged to Adorious or myself. It was probably both but it served to remind me that I needed to check on my love. I tried to stand but everything below my waist was a mangled mess. My legs were useless so I slowly and painfully pulled myself through the blood to my wife's side and noticed she was no longer breathing. I quickly rolled her to her back and started performing CPR. No matter how much I was hurting, I refused to let myself stop until she started to cough. I released a sigh of relief as I quickly sat her up. "Are you okay baby?" To my surprise the woman before me was not Dani. I realized it as soon as I looked into her eyes before she nodded. "Yes, thank you. I owe you my life." I shook my head. "No, you owe me nothing. I'm happy you survived." The woman gracefully rose to her feet and for the first time I really looked at her. She wasn't my wife but she was almost as stunning, my guess was that she had to be at least six foot two or so with flowing dark brown hair and large breasts that went beautifully with her ample curves. Instead of skin that almost glowed, this woman's skin glimmered a soft yellow radiance. Some might consider her even more beautiful but not me. Nobody would ever compare to my wife. Dani never discussed her family but this woman could be her twin. The woman looked around and noticed the large dead man across the room. She turned back to me with an expression of shock. "How did you kill him? I always believed the Thetans to be immortal." I shrugged. "Apparently not, since a well placed heel did the trick." Without thinking, I tried to stand but winced with pain before lying on my back. For the first time since everything started, I focused on myself and quickly realized how much damage Adorious had done. Everything from the waist down was a complete mess. I noticed my mouth was quickly filling with a metallic tasting liquid. I rolled to my side and coughed up entirely too much blood. With the adrenaline subsiding, the pain was becoming more than I could bear. There was little doubt in my mind that I would soon be dead. The woman knelt beside me and placed my head in her lap. "Fear not my savior. Everything will be fine if you allow me to save you." A single tear fell from my eye as I realized I might never see Dani again. "Please find my wife, Danica Zoyra Dawson, and thank her for loving me. Please tell her I will always love her." The woman appeared momentarily astounded before she smiled and ran her fingers through my hair to soothe me. The woman looked so remarkably like my true love it gave me a sense of peace. Her eyes were identical to my wife's except they were a slightly richer shade of purple and possessed a wisdom unlike any I had ever seen. "There will be no need. If you say yes to my gifts then you can tell her yourself." She gently said to me. "What do you mean?" Her peaceful expression helped calm my fears. "I can save you but it will come at a cost and you must grant me permission. You will sacrifice some things but gain many others. All you have to do is say yes and you will be back in the arms of your love soon." I knew I was standing at death's door. In a moment such as this you would think that many thoughts ran through my mind but truthfully I became focused on only one thing... I would give up anything for the chance to be with my wife again. I nodded. "Thank you, please save me." She closed my eyes with her soft fingertips. "I understand why my daughter loves you. She was wise to defy me, I never understood why she wanted to marry a human until now. You possess both compassion and the strong will required to tame my wild child. Sleep brave child and awake refreshed, ready to accept the gifts I grant you." Chapter Three "Talk to me Boss. Are you okay?" I heard my assistant's voice coming through my earpiece. I sat in stunned silence for a moment. I licked my lips and my mouth tasted like I had just finished eating fresh honey. I felt a strange charge running through my body. How did I get wherever I am? I searched my memory and all I could recall is jumping off the cliff. Everything afterwards was a blank. I looked to the hole in the ceiling and assumed I must have fallen in somehow. "Yeah Dave, I'll survive. Where am I? Get me out of here." I yelled since I knew I didn't have a mic for him to hear me. "Something went wrong when you landed. I can't explain it, I tripled checked everything. Don't move. We are moving the crane down so we can lift you out. I'm sorry Boss." He responded. I got to my feet and winced in pain as I tried to look around but there was little light. "Don't apologize, just drop a rope." "I can't take that chance Boss. You might have injured yourself." I ached all over. I felt like I did back when I bruised my ribs. I looked myself over and noticed gash on my leg. Although I was hurting, it was as if I were surprised to be in such good shape. "I promise I'll be fine. Just drop a light and some rope." A few minutes later a light dropped down illuminating the cavern. It fell gently to the floor before they raised it again so that it was barely above my head. I knew that was done on purpose so that they could judge the depth of the hole. With the cavern now lit I looked around. The drawings on the walls appeared as if they belonged to an ancient civilization. I was about to yell for Dave to call an archeologist when a majestic feminine voice spoke within my head. "My child, you saved my life and I will be eternally grateful but this place is not mine to expose. I ask that you not allow others to see the sights before you." In an instant my mind filled with the memories of what occurred along with many new ones. The room appeared very differently than it did earlier. Gone was the gold, the marble and the statues. In their place I noticed a stone bath and the altar nearby was beyond compare. There were odd scratches on the altar but I assumed they served a purpose and were a language I did not understand. I watched in amazement as the scratches slowly changed into a language I could read. My old life is freely given to serve the will of the Goddesses and the greater good. I bowed my head in reverence. "I understand my Goddess. I will protect your secret." The Goddess Zaria suddenly appeared before me and took my hand. "It is appropriate that your changes start in this temple as it is where the ancient ones gave others a new life. I must move on but I ask you to keep your acquaintances away. You must never share knowledge of this place with anyone without my permission." I shivered in the cold dark cave and my mind immediately went to Dani and how we never withheld secrets from one another. "Anyone Your Highness?" I could feel the peace and love in her voice and it warmed me instantly. She smiled as she gently stroked my cheek. "My child you may discuss what you have learned with your soul mate. I will come to you later as I wish to see her. I am sure the two of you will have questions as the gifts I have bestowed upon you emerge." I filled with elation as I gazed upon her extraordinary beauty. "Thank you my Goddess." I hesitated for a moment. I wanted to ask another question but didn't feel worthy of asking simply to satisfy human curiosity. Zaria smiled knowingly, as if she read my mind. "Whenever I feel the need to meditate, I reside within many ancient sites throughout the world. Some were once my temples and others, such as this, have long been forgotten. It is sometimes safer to reflect at a temple not my own as there are those who wish me harm. The guardians of these sites allow me their use under the condition that I do not expose them to others." I nodded in understanding. "Thank you for indulging my curiosity." Her finger found the bottom of my chin and she tilted my face so I could look into her eyes. "I left you with only enough injuries that it would not raise suspicions and allow time for the changes to take effect without unnecessary questions." She leaned forward to kiss my forehead. "Go my child and live a full life in my honor. I will call upon you again but in the meantime, do not waste what you have been given. Make me proud." I smiled again. "Yes my Goddess." She slowly disappeared and I jumped to reach the rope that held the light and slowly pulled myself to the surface. Once I reached ground level a lot of people stood around dumbfounded. I wanted to shield my eyes from all the spotlights shining down but didn't dare loosen my grip. "Don't just stare at me, give me a hand." I yelled to them. Next thing I knew two large hands grabbed me and lifted me out of the hole and into a bear hug. "Holy shit dude. You scared us all to death. I just knew you were dead." Ryan exclaimed. His grip was too tight on my already hurting ribs. "I'm not dead but I will be if you don't let me go. I can't breathe." My best friend sat me on the ground as someone else wrapped a blanket around me. "You don't look as bad as I thought you would. Are you okay?" I nodded. "I'll be fine. The air bag did its job but I think we might as well leave it down there, that thing is shredded." Dave ran to my side. "Oh my God Boss. Are you okay? How did you get out? I told you to wait." I laughed him off as the onset EMT checked me out. "I'll be fine, did you get the shot or do I need to do it again?" I winced slightly as the EMT pressed on my ribs. Dave laughed. "Ever the professional. Yes we got the shot. How did you get out already?" I pointed to line that disappeared into the hole. "I climbed up the rope you dropped to give me some light. " Dave's expression turned to shock. "Damn Boss, you are one tough SOB. How did you climb a rope over a hundred feet?" I turned to Ryan. "It wasn't that far was it?" They both nodded their head when Ryan replied. "You just pulled yourself up somewhere in the neighborhood of a football field using just your hands." The EMT stared at me in disbelief. "You climbed that far with two injured ribs?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Guess I'm in better shape than I thought." Dave pointed to a clearing. "I've got a chopper on the way to take you back down to get checked out." Ryan cautiously handed me his phone. "I called Dani as soon as everything happened. I don't have to tell you how upset she is." I knew my wife must being going out of her mind with worry. I quickly dialed her number. "How is he Ry?" Dani cried into the phone before it even finished the first ring. "I'm fine baby. I'm about to head back down right now." It was hard to understand what she was saying through her sobs. "Oh thank you Mother. I'm so happy to hear your voice. I told you I had a bad feeling. I don't know how I would survive if anything happened to you. Take your time coming down because I'd hate to have anything else happen. I'll take you to the medical trailer myself." I tried my best to soothe her but I knew my love well enough to know that she would be a nervous wreck until she saw me for herself. I heard the whoosh of the blades and knew my ride was close. "I'll be in your arms before you know it. They are going to chopper me out in a few minutes so you can meet me at the helipad. I love you Baby." "I love you too." I hit end on the phone before handing it back to Ryan. Something about being so near death made me want him to understand beyond a doubt how he was all the family I had. "Thanks bro. You know I... I... well this is not easy to say. You're all the family I've got besides Dani and I..." Ryan laughed as he rested his arm over my shoulder to lead me to the landing chopper. "I know Dude. You don't have to say it. I feel the same way." I stared out of the window of the helicopter thinking of when Dani and I first professed our love for one another. It was the night before shooting wrapped and we were on the same beach as our first date... "That was amazing." I exclaimed after I finally regained my breath after another round of passionate lovemaking. Dani rolled to her side and moved a few stray strands away from my face. "Calling it amazing doesn't do it justice." I leaned up to kissed her gently. "What would you call it?" Her face lit up into the smile I would walk across hot coals to see. "Life altering." I laughed. "Every moment I'm with you is that way for me." Her arms snaked around my waist and pulled me even closer. "It is for me as well." I started to frown. "Tomorrow is our last day here. What happens to us?" A small tear started to form in the corners of her gorgeous eyes. "I don't want to lose you." In the month we had been together she had made me realize there was more to life than hurt and anger. She made me a better man. I took her hand in mine. "I don't want to lose you either. I've fallen in love with you." She gasped and the small tears became larger. "I love you too." I smiled and attempted to kiss the droplets away. "We will figure it out. We are meant to be together." Dani started to fidget nervously. "I know this will sound bad all things considered but where do you live?" I laughed lightly. "I wanted to ask you the same thing. I live in Hermosa. I have an apartment close to the beach." "This is in America isn't it?" She asked. I nodded. "It's in California. I thought that's where you lived." She shook her head. "No, I live on a small island outside Greece but I travel so much with work that I have considered moving to the states. It might help working on American pictures." She sighed sadly before she continued. "I need to tell you something." Dani appeared nervous so I gently rubbed my thumb over the back of her hand. "What is it?" She looked me in the eyes. "I kinda live with a girl. I haven't talked to her since you and I became serious but I want you to know." I suddenly became fearful that I was about to lose the woman I was falling for. "Do you want this to just be a fling or something more?" Her expression became one of fierce passion. I recognized it because I felt the same about her. "This is already more than any relationship I've ever had. I'm ending it with her next time we talk." I breathed a sigh of relief. "Well, if you need a place to stay I have a king sized bed." Her eyes widened. "Are you serious?" I gently placed my lips on her forehead. "Never been more serious in my life. Will you do it?" She launched herself on top of me and covered my face with kisses. "Of course I will! I love you so much!" Dani kissed me again and again. "I almost turned down this job because I had a feeling something life altering would happen. I'm glad I ignored my inner voice because now I know not all change is bad." Mere words could never adequately describe how I felt in that moment as I wrapped my arms around her. "I love you too." I was brought from my thoughts when the landing pad came into view. I immediately saw my frantic wife pacing by the medical crew. I couldn't get out fast enough when we finally landed. Dani met me halfway across the field and her hands ran all over my body as if she had to make sure I was real. She quietly said. "Thank you Mother. My love is alive." Her tear filled eyes met mine. "I was so scared I had lost you." I hugged her tightly, ignoring the screaming pain it caused. "We both need to send a prayer to the Goddess." Dani continued to weep with joy as she held to me as if she needed my contact just to breathe. "I sent one as soon as Dave called and another after I knew you were alive. Come, let's get you checked out so I can take you home." I nodded as she guided me to the waiting medical crew. As we waited in the portable medical trailer Dani gasped as she pointed to my ankle. "How did you get that?" I looked down to see the most detailed and realistic tattoo of a sun rising behind a large tree I had even seen. I pulled my ankle closer so I could get a better look. The tiny leaves on the tree looked so real that I thought if I moved my leg quickly they would fall off. The sun was so brilliant that I could almost feel the radiance emitting from it and instinctively knew Zaria had given me her mark. "I'll tell you when we are totally alone. I have so much to tell you but not now." My loving wife nodded knowingly and something told me she understood the significance. Since many potentially dangerous stunts were being performed, the studio had arranged for a doctor specializing in emergency care to be onsite. I have known Dr Gabriel Simms since my first onset injury nine years ago when I was only nineteen years old. I smiled as soon as he entered the room. "Hey Doc. Can I go home?" He laughed and shook his head. "Hey Ty, not yet." He turned to my wife. "Hello Dani." Dani stood to greet him. "Hello Gabe. Is he going to live?" He looked over my chart and placed my x-rays in the lighted frame on the wall before returning his attention back to me. "Other than two cracked ribs and the nasty gash I need to stitch up, everything appears better than fine. You must take great care of your body." After he bandaged my ribs, Gabe sat beside me on a stool to work on my leg. He paused to look at my ankle. "Lovely tat Ty. I have never seen it's equal but I pictured you as more of a barbed wire type." Thankfully my lovely wife stepped in to save me when I couldn't think of a good excuse why I had it. I was shocked when she lifted the leg on her jeans to show an identical sunrise. "It was my idea Gabe. We decided to get matching tattoos." I glanced at her with furrowed brows. I knew her body intimately, how could I have never seen it before? She returned my glance with a slight shake of her head, which told me, we were in for a very long discussion after we got home. Gabe nodded as he placed the final stitch and placed a bandage over my wound. "You were fortunate. You should be hurt worse but thankfully you're not, which is amazing after the fall you had, but you're out of work for at least six weeks. That means everything. I know you Ty, you'll walk on set and jump in to help without thinking and will hurt yourself worse." He handed me a very large bottle of pills. "Here are some potent painkillers to take if you start hurting too much. Please let me know if you start feeling worse and I insist on checking you out again in five days." I frowned. "I told you I feel fine, great actually." Dani grabbed my hand. "You're lying. I can see you wince every time you move. I know you are trying to be tough but I bet you'll be singing a different tune in the morning. If the Doc says stay home then you need to stay home." Gabe laughed. "Listen to your wife Ty. You were lucky this time and I'm not letting you take any chances. I will allow you to attend meetings if they are in the office but you are banned from the set until you get my final clearance." I sighed loudly. "Your foot is down isn't it?" My lovely wife smiled and nodded as she handed me my clothes. "You know it baby but don't worry. I'll take good care of you. Let's go back to the trailer." I quickly dressed in the same silk top and skirt from earlier. I looked up at her and laughed. "You couldn't even bring my clothes with you?" Her voice started to break. "I was so terrified I lost you and then relieved you survived that my only thought was getting to you. I'm sorry." I pulled her into my arms. "I'm sorry baby, I was kidding. I'm here and you heard Gabe. I'm fine." Her arms wrapped around my waist gently as she buried her face in my hair. "I know but I was terrified. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." I tilted my head upward so our lips could meet. "Luckily you will never have to find out. Let's go home." She nodded as I led us out of the office and into the parking area. Our trailer was not that far away so I started walking in that direction before Dani pulled me toward one of the jeeps. "You shouldn't exert yourself." I knew better than to try arguing with her and walked over to the passenger side without complaint. Chapter Four Once we were within the confines of the small trailer provided by the studio I told my loving wife everything and explained how I received my new tattoo. As her expression changed, I became concerned that she could not believe such a fanciful tale. "You really killed a Thetan?" She asked with no small amount of awe in her voice. I shrugged. "I don't know what a Thetan is." "You said his name was Adorious, correct?" I nodded. "Yes, largest man I've ever seen with black hair, black eyes and an equally black heart. "And he almost raped you?" she asked with tears starting to form in the corners of her eyes. I nodded again. "Actually I kinda think forcing that huge thing in my mouth would be considered rape." Dani shuddered. "Yes you're right. I can't imagine what you went through." I sighed loudly and almost started to tear up myself. "Thankfully the Goddess saved me. You don't want to know how badly he hurt me. If not for her I wouldn't be here." My loving wife dropped to her knees and clasped her hands together. "Thank you Mother for returning my love safely to me. I am forever in your debt. I am truly sorry for any differences we had in the past. You have given me the greatest gift." Without warning or explanation our trailer filled with a bright light as I heard the Goddess speak. "All is forgiven my dear. I only ask one thing of you my daughter and that is you support your love during the difficult days ahead." I felt someone place their hands over my ears and all sound disappeared. I attempted to look behind me but I could not move my head. What I could best describe as a small electrical current flowed through me and all the pain in my body instantly eased. While I couldn't hear, I could still see quite well. I noticed my loving wife was intently listening while her eyes focused just above my head. First her beautiful mouth dropped in shock. "So he did that? I thought their kind were immortal." Her astonishment was soon replaced with her glorious smile. I could not hear what my wife was saying but reading her perfect lips was very easy. Her eyes opened wider than I had ever seen before she said, "I will always be here for him. We made a sacred vow of til death do us part." My body tensed as I saw a look of panic cross my love's face. "But Mother, was there no other way?" Dani nodded and I saw nothing but peace and elation as her lips moved. "Thank you Mother. Your gifts are many." She listened intently for a few moments more before saying, "Yes Mother. I would gladly do that even without your request. I will help him understand the changes." Dani's body stiffened as a tear of joy form in the corner of her perfectly violet eyes. "Thank you Mother for this glorious gift. I couldn't live without her." She listened again and her face fell and for the first time since the goddess arrived I sensed real fear from my wife. "Oh I could never do that Mother. Our relationship is one of equals. I almost lost her because of that, I will do anything you ask but I refuse to force her to do anything against her will. I made her a promise and I have never broken a promise to her. It will be her choice if we return to the island." She sat silent for a few more moments before she replied. "I understand. I will assist Callista in using her powers for the greater good. At what point may I inform her of what is to come?" Although I was trying to figure out who Callista was, I couldn't help but to chuckle lightly when Dani's eyes met mine before she said, "She has an idea of what is to come. I know my love well enough that I know she has read my lips while we have been speaking." After my tiny showing of emotion Zaria released her hold and I quickly stood with my head bowed. She gently lifted my chin so I would look upon her. Her smile was almost as breathtaking as that of my wife as she spoke to me. "You must not ask Danica what I said to her. You need to face what is to come with a clear mind and learn to accept my gifts without explanation or warning. I know you have developed a sense of what is to follow but as they occur, your love will be here to help you. Do you understand?" I nodded. "Yes My Goddess. Thank you for sharing your knowledge so that I am not alone." "Since you saved me and are also bonded with my daughter, I wish for you to call me by my name." My eyes widened. "Oh no Goddess. I could never show such disrespect." Her laugh sounded like angels singing and she appeared to have an idea. "You may also call me Mother if you wish." She nodded her head. "Yes, I like that idea. You will call me Mother from this point forward and I shall consider you as much my child as I do Danica." I smiled brightly. I had few memories of the woman who gave me life since she died before I turned six. "Yes Mother, I would like that very much." Zaria motioned for Dani to join my side as she smiled. "Cupid's aim was true when he set his sights on the two of you. I have never seen a more perfect match. Lately he has been making too many mistakes for my liking but his match of you both makes me willing to overlook past errors." Dani hugged me tightly at my waist. "Thank my cousin for us as well Mother." Zaria leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my cheek, "There is hope for the future after all. I cannot wait to see what is to come. It will not be easy and I won't always be there for you but first and foremost, trust in each other, and later you may bring in those you deem worthy. If you do that, you will never fail." Next she placed a kiss on Dani. "It is appropriate that one who already carries my blood in her veins would also love the one person strong enough to save me from certain death. You chose well and make me proud that you are my child. I am deeply sorry I was not a better mother to you, I will not fail you again." She gently wiped the tear that started to fall down Dani's cheek. "I must take my leave. Live well young ones. Love will carry you through anything that is to come. I will be watching from afar." Zaria appeared in a large circular white room. "That was kind of you." A feminine voice said behind her. Zaria turned to the beautiful Goddess with gray eyes. "Hello cousin. She has a warrior spirit and heart full of love. She sacrificed herself to save me, what would you have me do? I couldn't turn away the only human I have ever known to defeat a Thetan. I don't understand why our father allows Theos to live. He is jealous of our power." Athena shook her head. "Please cousin, I am not here to judge. I approve of what you have done but why not make the changes instantaneous in both body and mind? It would be far less traumatic for the human. That is what myself and others have done." Zaria waved her hand and a hole formed in the floor showing Tyler and Dani in their kitchenette. "I am providing some safeguards that will protect her identity but I must break her before she can truly excel." She continued to explain. "As you know, the duality of her mind will make her powerful. But by letting them deal with the changes together, their bond will become even stronger. Danica needs to understand the depth of her feelings and suffer the fear of loss while Callista needs to grow from her experiences and learn not to hold everything in. She feels as if she is not worthy of my daughter's affection so she takes on too much by herself." Athena looked down at the couple. "It is nice to see your child so happy. Isn't there another way?" Zaria shook her head. "Anything easily received is just as easily discarded. Callista has already suffered greatly in her life but my daughter has not. It pains me to think of causing Callista more pain but even if I told her what would follow, I know she would willingly accept it for the sake of her love. Danica does not yet realize the depth of her feelings. Her pride is too great, today was but a small taste and soon she will revert back to her prior stubbornness." Athena sighed. "Pride goes before the fall." Zaria nodded. "We have had our issues in the past but I am proud of how she has chosen to live her life. I knew it would be foolish to force her to live by our rules." Athena smiled. "You are wise, even if you aren't Greek." In a rather ungoddess like move, Zaria giggled and stuck out her tongue at her cousin. ` After Zaria departed I turned to the love of my life and grinned. "Aren't you supposed to guarding some hellhounds or am I mistaken?" Dani grinned. "Yeah, about that. My mother made that up after my sister Polly grew tired of dealing with all the death and wanted to live a life without fighting. Actually my family lives on the same island were you and I met. She allowed me to leave because I was supposed to be up with the sun and we both know I'm not exactly a morning person." "So there was no hellhound?" I asked. My wife laughed. "There was a hound but he wasn't mean. When we found him he was the cutest three-headed puppy you could ever hope to meet. Barnabus had allergies so it looked like he was snarling all the time but he really wasn't." I wanted to laugh with her but the weight of the conversation she had with her mother placed a heavy burden on my shoulders. "Why do I have the feeling I'm in for a rough few weeks?" I asked, addressing my fears. Dani smiled and pulled me into her arms. "It won't be that bad baby and don't worry. You have me and I'll take care of you." She directed us toward the kitchen. "Let me fix you something to eat." I couldn't help but to laugh. "Now I know I'm in trouble if you are offering to cook." Dani smirked at me. "Oh I'm not cooking. I was planning on making sandwiches." I playfully shoved her out of the way and dug through the small refrigerator. "I'm up to fixing us something to eat honey." Dani f

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The Serpent and the Goddess

Asiara grinned to hear the clank of her body guards’ armor as they marched beside her. They had all insisted on coming to this parlay fully armed in their thick suits of metallic scales and face covering helms, but as they walked through the rapidly approaching dusk, she couldn’t help but think that it far too warm and pleasant an evening to be trapped within such restrictive armor. Of course, on one hand, she could hardly blame them – they were about to walk into an enemy camp, enter the...

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Celtic Goddess

Hi I am here to share some of my fantasies, who I am and what I am is unimportant I’m sure lots of you will work it out, enjoy.     I woke this morning at 6.30 to the normal annoying buzz of my alarm; alone in the bed again, but that is not a problem. The point I have reached in my life has been hard fought and definitely worth it.   I had a normal, well normalish child hood I grew up in a small village on the edge of what was an heavy industrial area but the recession had...

2 years ago
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Helping the Goddess

HELPING THE GODDESS By Geneva A young Viking in the Varengian guard of the Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire is accidentally changed to a woman by a spell he finds in ancient temple ruins. Haephera, a priestess of an ancient cult in the Genoria province of the empire, finds that they can be of mutual help. START Haephera looked out of her window onto the main street, then over to the market in the square, both bustling with throngs of people. Genoria's prosperity had brought many...

1 year ago
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As Always My Goddess

Author Notes: This is actually one of my first erotic stories ever written. It’s something I came up with when my last girlfriend asked me why I don’t write romantic poetry for her. Since I suck at poetry, this is what she got. (Yes, I have her permission to post it here.) That said, this story is actually quite sappy and there’s a ton of flowery language that I don’t ordinarily use. Otherwise, I’m happy with how it turned out and it’s a nice change of pace from my usual writings. ~~~~~ ...

1 year ago
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Club Goddess

Warning: Story is twisted and wrong. Certainly not suitable for immature eyes. I can't claim it is EXTREMELY original, as avid readers in this genre will recognize similar elements. But I have tried to make my fantasy a little different; hope you like it. Oh: and feel free to butcher me in the comments. I'm sure I deserve it, if only for the title. CLUB GODDESS By Philosopher1112 At the edge of downtown, towards the south where the bridge crossed the Thames, he first...

4 years ago
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Thorvik Kabot SuccubusSlayer in The Golden Webs Of The SpiderGoddess

Illuminated by torchlight, Thorvik Kabot's strong Nordic physique was an impressive sight and a testament to the purity of his lineage and breeding as he had the strong, battle-scarred muscled body of a barbarian with the chiseled facial features of a nobleman with a strong brow, prominent nose and striking blue eyes and a head of curly blonde hair. Thorvik's manner of dress was simple. Leather boots, loincloth and his shoulder-scabbard, which held the legendary succubi-slaying holy...

2 years ago
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Gods of GardheChapter 5 For The Goddess

"You gotta admit one thing, Stan sure went out in style," Chad commented sourly after a careful search through their binoculars disclosed no signs of life amidst the wreckage. "Gilson may have thought he was getting the best of Stan, but it sure didn't do him a whole lot of good. I suppose that the explosion might have come from Gilson or one of his men screwin' up, but my guess is that Stan set it up somehow." "Yeah, but now we're stranded here! How are we gonna we get back home?"...

3 years ago
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Temple Of The Forbidden Goddess

THE THREE BANNERSThe sky was turning grim and grey with distant thunder and lightning. The three banners flew defiantly against the raging wind as armored spearmen began to assemble behind them. The iron-serpent, wolf and the bleeding lotus had finally come together to demolish the temple. The sound of war drums echoed as troops formed into battle lines. Archers took their positions behind the kneeling spearmen and armored cavalry rode forward to assemble near the flanks.Temple of the forbidden...

3 years ago
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Dream girl the birth of a Goddess

“Who are you talking to Chad?” Oh god theirs only one person I know with a voice louder than an opera singer, my best friend Stacey. “No one, I’m just talking to myself.” I barked embarrassed by my bad habit of talking to myself. “I was reading a post on Facebook.” With that gentle and warming smile of hers she just giggled and said, “Sure but did you know whenever you lie your voice gets low?” “Did you hear about that rumor that’s going around school?” I asked trying to change the...

2 years ago
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Golden Goddess

I serve a golden goddess. You look at my proud blue eyes, alabaster skin and raven hair, my taut body and high proud breasts and acknowledge that I am out of your league. You are right, and you are wrong. You are right, you may not have me. You are wrong, I am not standing high in my power and position, but lowest of the low; abject and devoted slave to my golden goddess.She shines in my eyes like fire and sunlight, the source of all warmth, light, love, hope, and worth. She towers above me,...

2 years ago
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Star Trek Hands of an Angry Goddess

This story is set in the world of the "Star Trek" television program, airing on NBC from 1966-69. "Star Trek" and its characters are registered trademarks of Paramount Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended in this not-for-profit fan fiction. This may be archived/posted anywhere; just give credit where credit is due. Thanks! Hands of an Angry Goddess By Pretzelgirl Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five year mission:...

3 years ago
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The ASMR Goddess

“Excuse me, is this seat taken?”Shawn shook back to reality, his attention pulled away from his phone to check his texts. Turning himself from his seat at the bar, he came face to face with an absolutely lovely vision of a woman. Long brown hair with bangs framed a truly beautiful face with bright, twinkling green eyes, full cheeks that gave way to the cutest hint of her dimples as she smiled sweetly. Add to that the red dress she wore and this woman was truly a vision. And then there was her...

Straight Sex
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Revenge of the Goddess

Revenge of the Goddess By Ricky Eternity had been quiet in the God's card room at The Home. It always was. Whenever someone new joined the group it was a nine eon's wonder, but since that meant the poor deity had lost so many followers he no longer had a place in the current pantheon of the real world it reminded the currant denizens of their own misfortune. The place was pretty nice, actually. A professional decorator would have been scandalized by the way the retired deities...

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Blossom Goddess

As my sleeveless sheath dress continued to stick to my body, I grumbled to myself about the season’s early heat wave and tried to fan myself for what must have been the hundredth time. ‘How could it be this warm after sundown?’ I thought. ‘Why am I sweating so much? And, of all the things to wear to my middle school reunion, why did I pick this dress?’ Ah yes, my trusty black sheath that showed just the right amount of shoulder and knee. It was the one dress that hid a multitude of sins and...

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The Sailor and the Sea Goddess

Each fondle, sigh, and bat of her long eyelashes was leading the pirate to madness. Did she even KNOW? Warmth was now the very least of his problems; Calypso was like a blazing fire, searing all of his body, continually stoked within him by her ministrations. She shimmied into his lap gracefully, his hands sliding down to nestle in her falling chiton.Her thighs squeezed Ragetti snugly."Cozy?""Fabrizio, you are so smug. But yes…"At this Ragetti relaxed and let his eye lavish her form. It was...

2 years ago
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A Holiday For The Goddess

Everything around me trembled and shook. My body was propelled back and forth, my arms tied behind my back so my face just plunged into a smelly and sandy carpet over and over again. A low humming sound, the sound of an engine I realized. I was in a lightless place, very tight, smelly, trembling dark place and I had no idea how I got here. I mean I remember being on my way to show a two-bedroom apartment to a newly wed couple, but then the wife never showed and after that everything is...

2 years ago
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AssScent of a Goddess

As I sit in the waiting lobby of a beautiful marbled complex, I look at the women around me.I'm surrounded by beauties of all shapes, colours and sizes.I know I look good, but these girls ranging between the ages of 18 - late 40s are all so beautiful.There's a beautiful marble fountain in the middle of the room emanating a calm soothing sound of flowing water, like a steady stream.It's intricately decorated with statues of Rubenesque women sitting on the faces of smaller men and women.Each...

1 year ago
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Kali Goddess

Another story from another contest -------------------------------------------------- I am so screwed, literally. I mean what the fuck was I thinking when I said and did what I did to her? I what- Oh, wait, sorry, you don't know what I'm talking about. Let me introduce myself, or should I say, what's left of me?. I am or rather was Robert Thompson. Just an average guy, I guess. I wanted to take a break from school, you know, get my hands in there for some practical experience. Plus, the...

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Maiden Goddess

Where is my cock Maiden the Goddess roars through the mansion. Her heels click, clack on the hard wood floors. The men and women in their various cages and rooms shiver with both excitement and a pang of fear. The leather clad warrior goddess, just back from the Bondage Ball Hollywood has had a night of fun and games and is ready to play. She has hundreds of rooms with hundreds of slaves, but she wants if only she can remember where she has stored him. Frustrated she retires to her...

3 years ago
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GoddessChapter 20 I Am a Goddess

"I AM A GODDESS, Sam. It's confirmed." "Yeah, Hebe?" "See, right here on my panties, 'You are a goddess.'" She laughed. "That's it, right?" "Right. Come here, goddess." By the time I'd finished with her, by the time I'd thoroughly worked her over and she'd conquered me in the end, she was truly a goddess, sweaty, splayed, breathless, and smiling. I kissed her, long and slow and sweet. "I love you, Goddess Hebe." She pulled me down for another kiss. When she...

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The Incidental Exhibitionist and the Accidental Voyeur in Garden of the Goddess

From the kitchen window in my little white house on the hill, as I fondly refer to it, I could see the bounty from my handiwork spanning across my isolated backyard.  On one side, my flower garden stretched like a colorful patchwork quilt along the six-foot-tall white picket fence all the way back to the towering oak tree in the far corner.  There, a new wooden swing hung from one of the thick branches above a large patch of soft green grass that I even managed to get to grow close to the...

Straight Sex
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Curse of the Goddess

‘Men are pigs,’ Jessica said to her friend Lily, who had just been left by her boyfriend. ‘And women are over-emotional. No offense, Tam.’ Lily shook her head, but was crying too much to say ‘none taken.’ Jessica gave her friend a hug. ‘There, there, sweetie. It’s going to be alright. Jonas was an idiot to leave you. Especially for that shallow, bitchy, unimaginative, foreign slut Katerina.’ Lily leaned on her, sobbing. Jessica looked over at the replica painting of the Birth of Venus. I will...

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Embracing the Goddess

It is a quiet night, but for the wind. The Santa Anas' have begun blowing, fanning the inevitable brush fires, leaving the air scented with smoke and desert sage. The last glow of sunlight is fading away and the half moon is already bright in its rising arc. In the broad alley, an elegant Asian woman is enjoying a leisurely evening stroll, her dogs leading the way.She would normally have continued up the crossing street to the main road, but the walks are littered with fallen debris already, so...

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My Friend8217s Mom My Goddess

Hey guys.. This is sam. At present my age is 19. I am from bhubaneswar, odisha. If you like the story mail me at Aunties and girls looking for sex and fun , feel free to contact. As I was saying I am from bhubaneswar. At present I am pursuing my btech 2nd year. Talking about me.. Fuck it.. Just know that I got a long dick(this statement was for the girls only).. Let’s be descriptive about the other sex. Honestly speaking I don’t know her name. She is my friend’s mom. And so I always call her...

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Courtneys Ebony Goddess

Courtney's Ebony Goddess Prologue "Courtney! Courtney, come here this instant!" Miss Tomyka sounded very impatient, so I knew I had better get out to the pool in a hurry! I stopped preparing her lunch and headed outside, stopping to check my reflection on the way out. My maid's cap was perched atop my head. My crisp black uniform fit perfectly, my cleavage spilling over the top of the ruffled bodice, and was offset beautifully by my little white...

3 years ago
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Wrath of the Old Goddess

The evening was peaceful, quiet, with the sea gently brushing the sandy beach on which sat a young girl of lavender skin and graceful long ears. Magwin liked to draw in the sand, it was fun to race against the tide to complete her marking before the water crept up and washed it away. Truth be told it was a rather boring way to spend the day, but it did pass the time. Magwin peaked over her shoulder and saw her mother and father sitting in front of their cottage up on the grass. They had...

3 years ago
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Green Eyes and the Goddess

Jesus. Her eyes. Those great big beautiful green eyes. God, she’s beautiful. The eyes of the goddess. Green eyes, clear as day, staring up at me, in all their beautiful innocence. She was tough, she had to be the way she grew up. She could beat the crap out of anyone who crossed her, but in those eyes it was a different story. In those eyes she was a little girl, asking for help, needing it badly. I’d been thinking about those eyes for months, they were burned into my brain. But here I was,...

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Playground Tales 6 An Orgy For Goddess

My friend from high school and I have a Friday tradition of going for drinks at a tiny little bar halfway between our apartments, and we try to aim to get there as early as we can. A typical Friday involves me leaving work and driving straight to Boytoy's apartment, starting the weekend off right by getting that huge cock into me. A 'quickie' with him is never a five minute frantic fuck though, no matter how little time I might say I have, he always takes his time and makes full use of a...

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Shemale Amazon Goddess

This story is based on a dream I had about shemale porn star Meghan Chevalier around 15 years ago.I'm sitting up in bed. There is an empty glass on the nightstand; I know that I have recently drunk whatever was in the glass. I'm wearing a light violet silk robe, and nothing else. It seems quite feminine. Then I realize that my body has become quite feminine as well. The fat I've been carrying around for years is gone and my waist has tapered down to about 27 inches. My legs are long and slim....

4 years ago
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Mummy My Potty Goddess

Hello everyone my name is aju and I’m working in a call center. This is a real true story that happened some time ago. It contains incest between me and my mother and also scat sex, if you don’t like these kinds of sexual acts please don’t read the story. I really never thought I would be sharing this experience of mine but one of my friends convinced me that this is a good idea. I think so too and here it goes. This is about my infatuation with my mother vaishnavi. She is 43 years old but...

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Goth Goddess

Goth Goddess By Sissy Maid Sapphire My weekend was winding up as most of them did, out on Sunday night with a couple of coworkers at a local dance club. It hosts different clubs each night and Sunday is its gothic night, called "Death and Darkness". I was dressed in a velvet shirt, PVC pants and my favorite 'Docs' and, knowing the code words of the bar, was sipping on my second absinthe and taking in the view of the dance floor. I smiled at the gorgeous women...

2 years ago
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Orgasm Of My Life With Neighbor Goddess

I am an average guy with decent looks. I have always been steeped up in studies so I didn’t have much interaction with girls during adolescence. During eleventh standard, a new family moved next doors. I have seen the kids hop around for a while but I have not seen their mother. Since it was my IIT preparation phase, so I didn’t notice much. I went with my life with usual pace. My first sighting of her…I remember distinctly- how would I not, I have masturbated so many time to it. I was...

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My Nylon Goddess

MY NYLON GODDESS This story is part autobiography, part fantasy. I haven't yet decided whether to continue it, but any feedback or suggestions would be very welcome! ================================ I stopped dead, hand still clamped around the head of my cock. Had she seen me? As she'd tilted her head to gaze up at the high window from which I was looking down into the garden, I had been nearing the point of orgasm. Instead of bobbing down out of sight as I would normally...

3 years ago
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The fallen Goddess

Prologue?This tribunal find the defendant Alice the Goddess of true love guilty of having emotional attachments to the human being Duncan from the village of Nashim and sentence her to be the property of Devlin god of carnal love. Her terms of service are to be determined by her new owner.?The words rang through Alice’s head as she shook her head in disbelief. This could not be happening! She looked at Devlin. He held a smug expression on his face as he smiled at her, his eyes slowly moving up...

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Sadistic Goddess

Following the his humiliation, her pathetic husband was comforted by the fact he was at least included in the sexual deviancy of his wife and I. Her and I decided to put and end to his wishful thinking. We decided to let him catch us in the act, we knew if he saw us fucking and taunting him behind his back would add to add to his humiliation and of course add to our sadistic sexual pleasure. With her powerful hands she held my head as i sucked and kissed her warm tits. I bit her luscious...

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Mature Sex Goddesses

Glenda saw the small announcement in the activities section of the newspaper. She didn’t have much else to do these days since her husband died. Her kids didn’t live close and she hadn’t made many friends. No hobbies to pass the time either. This was intriguing though. It read, “Mature Sex Goddess gathering on Wednesday evening”. An address that she surmised was a private home was given as well and an email to RSVP. “What the hell,” she thought. It would at least be interesting although she’d...

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Man Made Sex Goddess

“Where are we going Thomas?” She asked.“It is a secret, but I’m sure you will be quite satisfied when we get there. Also, it will be necessary to blindfold you before we arrive,” I responded.After a three-hour drive, in virtual silence, I said “It’s time to blindfold you Ellie.”You could feel Ellie tense up, as I applied the blindfold.The following will explain how Ellie and I had arrived on this unexplained trip.Ellie and I had been lovers for six months. She had been employed at my company...

Group Sex
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unsatisfied sex goddess

Our Society had organized a nine day dandiya(dance) night. I went on the last day and was enjoying the society members dancing suddenly I noticed a girl dancing in full rhythm and enjoying herself, she had a sexy figure, juicy boobs with cleavage exposed due to the garba costume and beautiful face, she was a Sexy Goddess. Suddenly I was pulled into dance by the secretary of the society and I too started dancing, as I being a good dancer I was enjoying dancing but thinking of this Goddess,...

1 year ago
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Ebony Goddess

Sorry that the opening to this is a little longer than I would like – but it’s important. I had just finished the 7th hole when the rain came. So I headed home when I noticed a well dressed black man standing in the rain while looking under the hood of his Mercedes. I stopped and asked if he needed any help. He said that he just needed a ride. He said, ‘I have to meet some clients at the Park Towers…and that’s the 2nd time that P.O.S. car has done that. Are you going anywhere near The Towers?’...

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My Goddess

I was seventeen when I first met Anna. She was sixteen at the time and just moved to Long Island from Canada for a few years earlier to be with her grandparents. She was in my high school as a junior while I was a senior. We barely knew each other then but I knew she was hot. She was a cute five-foot-six-inch black beauty that had long black hair, chocolate eyes, a nice ass and a beautiful face. She had a nice laugh but it was her breasts that I really liked about her when it came to her...

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Ebony Goddess

Sorry that the opening to this is a little longer than I would like - but it's important.I had just finished the 7th hole when the rain came. So I headed home when I noticed a well dressed black man standing in the rain while looking under the hood of his Mercedes. I stopped and asked if he needed any help. He said that he just needed a ride. He said, "I have to meet some clients at the Park Towers...and that's the 2nd time that P.O.S. car has done that. Are you going anywhere near The Towers?"...

4 years ago
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Pleasing A Viking Goddess

I was happy as Monk Alanus at the Monastery of Lindisfarne in 793 A.D., I was a large man by those times standing 6” 1” inches tall. I worked in the outer wheat fields of the monastery. The fields were right next to the nearby convent and at the time I frequently met Novice Jean when we were able to sneak away and spend some time together making love in the soft grass. Because of my large cock, word had spread around the convent and I had no shortage of “sinners” who enjoyed my ten inch organ....

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My girlfriend my goddess

She was dressed entirely in black. A figure-hugging long-sleeved t-shirt, black jeans, and black boots. She was wearing a 9 inch dildo which was being wafted in my direction. I was sat on the sofa in my boxers, my cock already growing to its maximum 5 inches. She had a smug smirk on her face, knowing full well that I was her little slut. 'Stand up' She commanded. I obeyed. 'Pull down your panties'. Of course I did, dropping them instantly, my cock sprung out and she grasped it, leading me to...

2 years ago
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A Slut and a Goddess

"Honey, I am home!" I heard the voice of my mother as she locked the door behind her.I quickly closed the fridge and and wiped my mouth clean of the delicious, cream filled cake that Robert had brought home earlier. I loved cakes and I loved Robert, my mother's boyfriend. About 15 years older than mom, Robert was a good, decent man with a steady job, a house and retirement plan. Even at age 11, I understood well why these things are important.For almost 2 years before mom met Robert, we lived...

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Sandhya 8211 The Sex Goddess

Hi this is Jose from Kerala and after writing my first story in ISS Love and Respect Leads to Sex) I got several responses from the readers some people asked about Reema some told me to write more about our relationship, some people asked whether I am having any other relationship like that. So I decided to answer all these questions through ISS. It was the first and last time with Reema, as I got a job in Mumbai after that incident also her husband now settled in Kerala. So this time I will...

4 years ago
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Unsatisfied Goddess

Hi Guys n Girls n especially to the mature women’s at ISS. This is a real story which actually happened with me. 3 years before we just shifted to our new flat at Thane, and we just settled that the Navratri festival came in. Our Society had organized a nine day dandiya night. I went on the last day and was enjoying the society members dancing suddenly I noticed a girl dancing in full rhythm and enjoying herself, she had a sexy figure, juicy boobs with cleavage exposed due to the Garba costume...

4 years ago
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Adventures of a sex Goddess

Adventures of a sex goddess CH 1 Strange things can happen when you combine a frightfully imaginative imagination with a horny teenage boy. Contains some interesting content. Heavy sexual content. I would say be careful, but if you have come to this website, you no longer have any innocence to what this sexual adventure is. In the dark, forbidding shadows and the bright, energetic sun, there was a being of the caliber of a god. It was ageless, created by nothing, and could do anything that...

2 years ago
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Courtneys Ebony Goddess

Prologue ‘Courtney! Courtney, come here this instant!’ Miss Tomyka sounded very impatient, so I knew I had better get out to the pool in a hurry! I stopped preparing her lunch and headed outside, stopping to check my reflection on the way out. My maid’s cap was perched atop my head. My crisp black uniform fit perfectly, my cleavage spilling over the top of the ruffled bodice, and was offset beautifully by my little white apron and the mounds of ruffled petticoats that bounced saucily as I...

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Fertility Goddess

Doctor Katia Alexandrov took a chair by the kidney shaped pool. Dozens of people lounged about it, families with young children, beautiful young women working upon their tans and buff young men, who were the object of her interests. But not for the usual reason. Looking over the edge of the e-reader, she scanned the area. Was he even here? Her target, Naval Lieutenant Zane Rogers. Tension drained from Katia’s neck and shoulders when she saw him chatting with two of his roommates at the far side...

3 years ago
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Sita the Indian Goddess

You won’t find much sex in this short tale, readers. But be polite, and read it anyway. Reactions, feedback are important to us struggling writers. ***** I want to share with you an experience I had last year, in summer. I was on one of my regular visits to family. One evening, I went to a very popular restaurant with a girlfriend. It was a fixed price, unlimited self service restaurant, with a choice of Indian, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and European food all laid out in warmed bins. You...

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Goddess By Lucifer Peters I saw her as a goddess in a summer dress, that summer by the lake. We swam beneath a platinum moon, plunging, naked through the cool dark void. Warm skin behind me, whispering, savoring the moment. Her breasts were like an electric shock as they crushed against my back, and she wrapped her arms around me from behind. I thought I was a good swimmer, but her kick felt incredibly powerful as she came up on me from behind. I could feel her bush pressed up against my...

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