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“Gennex” The sign just outside of the security pylons and fencing read in bold red letters, illuminated by low hanging LED lights that flickered on after 7 at night once the sun went down. Just pass the security detail and a football field sized parking lot was a five story building that looked too much like an old library than a genetics research facility, with grey brick walls polished and smoothed over to a shimmer even in the moonlight with Arcadian style pillars at the front double doors that slid open on proximity. A reception table greeted new arrivals not ten feet from the door, but tonight the secretary staff was replaced with the night shift security. A guard manning the front with two patrolling the five floors and fifty odd labs in the facility.

Gennex had made a name for itself in 2020 when it introduced a radical approach to modern day diseases and ailments, simply by means of cross species genetics as the solution. A retrovirus dubbed the Phage by its engineers would temporarily introduce foreign DNA into the subject and then tweak certain details about their genetic make-up before being flushed out a few days later, essentially returning the host to normal. Granted many geneticists would claim this would be an impossibility, after all DNA is self-replicating and any alterations would be permanent. The Phage was developed specifically to break down at the molecular level after 48 hours, after it dissolved the gap in the gene-code would reconnect the same way as the phage gene was introduced, returning the genetic code to its previous structure.

One such retrovirus was used in a treatment for multiple sclerosis; by introducing the genetic template of a blue shark's lower thalamus gland the patients started redeveloping previously damaged nerve tissue when his own hypothalamus started releasing myelin back into the afflicted areas. By 2022 diseases like MS, diabetes and even hepatitis were cured simply by adding a gene or two that would fizzle out after it ran its course. Naturally Gennex had become the top pharmaceutical corporation in the country and now had several labs like this one in just about every state.

But with success also came demand, many of Gennex's technicians and engineers were experimenting on various samples and gene types around the clock to see what else could be harnessed or altered to benefit mankind, and there were many financial backers who would like to see just how far they could go.

“Ugh... What time is it? Feels like I've been staring down this microscope forever now.” Squinting as he rubbed the bridge of his nose, Dr. Cal Strentum looked over to the clock, frowning as the hands read 1 in the morning. He and three other researchers had been working long hours on the same project, each one trying a different approach to obtain the same goal. It was the skeleton crew tonight so it was just them and a couple security guards keeping check with their rounds in the hallways, even so their work made it so they didn't needed to be bothered that much.

Their project was physical regeneration, a major project being funded by the War-Amp society and Veterans of America. They were all looking for inspiration from animal samples in either rapid healing or limb regeneration to put together, they had been at it for more than 4 months and so far their research had come up with very few if any positive results. Dr. Strentum himself was looking over cervidae genes. Deer, caribou and elk could grow and regrow antlers seasonally, the equivalent of growing the mass of a new arm or leg in the span of 2 months! His tests proved promising but offered little results as the gene sequences often died before they could be triggered by the retrovirus. And the ones that did bond had trouble during the calcification process, leaving a foamy mush where bone tissue would be.

Cal pulled away from the table and stretched his arms over his head, scratching his brown hair before sitting up to look at the others. Dr. Rebecca Chambers sipped from her mug as she read from a computer screen, the rings under her dark blue eyes telling him she was just as tired as he was as she blew a strand of her long red hair out of her field of vision. She was the same age as Dr. Strentum, around 32 years old, with long shapely legs and an impressive bust which she kept well hidden under her lab coat. On her end of the research she was working on reptile genetics with gecko and salamander DNA, trying to see if she could harness the regenerative traits in their genome and slap it onto the human strain. The results didn't pan out, none of the samples would bond to the human genome and when they were forced it caused even more damage than repair, leaving the cells cancerous and inert.

“Feeling time drag out too huh Cal?” called out Tina Simmons, a 30 year old genetics engineer the lab techs were joined with a month after they started. A little heavy set but not unattractive in her own right, Tina cricked her neck as she stood from her chair, trying to get the stiffness out of her back and limbs. She wore her black hair short with a bun at the back, making her look like a classic chubby librarian with sharp edged reading glasses completing the image. “How's your research going? Mine's still coming up negative.” Tina was working with rodent DNA. Mice and especially rats had an uncanny ability to regrow and regenerate hair, skin and cartilage far more rapidly than humans, especially with their higher metabolism. Yet her projects continued to fail time and time again. “The only thing I've managed to harness is the ability to regrow lost hair, nothing more extravagant than that.”

“Still nothing, and its been eight hours.” Groaning as Dr. Strentun too stood up he winced as his knees stiffened under him. “How about your end Michelle? Any good news?” Dr. Michelle Hilbert was the youngest of the researchers on the team at 27 years old. A mousy little thing that braided her blonde hair over her right shoulder. Flickering her green eyes she looked away from her own microscope with a look of pure exhaustion written on her features as she covered a yawn with her hand. Unlike the rest of them Michelle worked towards animals that could endure injury and trauma far better than humans, researching ursine and lupine genetics. Wolves and bears had an uncanny ability to clot wounds far quicker than humans and react to injury with little to no trauma, making it so they could take sever lacerations from competing predators and keep on moving. “I've had some success with the Kodiak DNA but it wouldn't offer benefits to human tissue once introduced.”

Sighing as Dr. Strenton lolled his head forward he took the samples he had in his tray and walked over to the centre table where they sterilized their work. “I guess we can try one more attempt at this before we leave for the night, at the very least we can get some overtime.” Sharing a moan of agreement the other three researchers moved to dispose of their samples, standing around a vial rotary as the latest batches of their combined works prepped up for another test. While they waited for their respected samples to prep, one of the vials cracked open from bellow seeping into the electronics of the device as the rotary spun faster and more violently. “Oh no quick, turn it off, turn it off!” Frantically searching for the plug Tina and Cal managed to grab it too late as a series of sparks shot from the machine's core right before the whole thing exploded, sending glass and shrapnel flying in every direction. The four doctors screamed in pain as they were all caught in the blast, flying back before being knocked out from the impact.


Moaning in pain Cal looked up from the floor, the lab was dark with the lights flickering after the explosion, lifting himself up with some effort he looked around for the others, finding them all shifting on the floor stirring back to consciousness after the accident. “Is everyone OK?” Asked Dr. Strentum, dragging himself over to help pick up Rebecca off the floor before seeing to the others. “Cal... My face... Hurts...” Grimacing at the sight Dr. Chambers she had glass shards imbedded in her cheek and forehead, looking down at himself he found the same stuck in his arm when he tried to cover his own face in the blast. Tina was gasping on the floor as she helped up a crying Michelle, attempting to pull a large shard of test tube from her chin and regretting it as it stung. “Is everyone OK?” Getting a nod from each one as they winced from their scrapes and cuts Cal stood up and looked for a phone. “We've got to report this to central, get a first-aid kit from the hall and treat these injuries.” Just before Tina could stand to do just that she gasped, clutching her chest as searing pain rushed through her.

“What’s wrong Tina?” Worried Cal as he went to her side just as he too lurched forward in intense pain, falling to his knees it was too much to bear. Rebecca and Michelle soon went through the same thing as they all fell back to the floor writhing to some inner torture. The sounds of crunching bone filled the room as the four cried out in pain, lifting his hand to his face Cal gasped as he saw the glass shards and bits fall out of his skin, the wounds healing up almost instantly before his eyes just as his skin began to darken with thick hair forming over his forearms. “Wha- what's going on?” Groaned Michelle gritting her teeth as she was hit with waves of pain and nausea, her heart booming in her chest as she felt her limbs spasm under her. Strangely she felt her cloths grow tight on her, her skirt constricting her legs just as the seams began to pop. Rolling onto her back she looked down to see the buttons on her blouse become tight as her chest actually grew out.

Rebecca gave a hoarse cry as the back of her lab coat split open, the sides of her pants soon sharing the same fate as her legs grew thicker, rearing up she tore open her sweater just to help herself breath. Her chest heaving to let in more air as her skin became covered in thick fur. Managing to stand she kicked off her shoes, the sickening sound of her toes cracking filled her ears as her feet stretched and changed under her. Looking at her hands she gasped through the agony as her finger nails grew thick and curved, hair spreading over her hands leaving her palms and fingertips bare. More tearing fabric met her lengthening ears as she grimaced from it all, leaning back to hold herself as the changes continued.

Tina pressed herself against the wall, groaning as she pulled off the remains of her lab coat and blouse. Her skirt had split down the side with the button threatening to pop while her bra creaked around her shoulders and back. She was covered head to toe with black fur, her face the only spot not covered in hair before her features twisted with pain, her mouth opening wide to let out a cry of agony just as her teeth began to sharpen into fangs, her incisors becoming more prominent than the others. With a snap her ruined skirt fell to the floor as her hips widened with growth, second later her bra and panties shared the same fate as she pulled the last of her clothes off of her. Arching her back she gave a throaty moan as her breasts swelled from her chest, filling up from a modest B to a hefty E cup in size, gasping as she felt their weight she was confused when her middle began to itch, rubbing her claws up her now hardening abs she gasped as she found two new pairs of breasts growing under her original ones, in seconds she now had six hefty E cup breasts wobbling with each heavy breath she took.

Cal grunted as he found the strength to stand again, his ruined cloths lay scattered at his feet as he now stood well over seven feet tall. His widened feet pushing him back up as his clawed hands gripped the counter top, howling in pain he lurched forward as his tailbone grew out. Lengthening out from behind him a tail had spouted above his straining underwear and rapidly grew out behind him. At first it was stubby, then it grew out to a foot, then a meter, two meters, then finally it slowed to over 10 feet long. The new appendage thickened as it curled and flicked behind him, becoming almost a fifth limb as he mentally controlled its direction just before Cal buckled down again in searing pain, collapsing to all fours as the growth and changes worsened. Clawing at his head he felt a pair of stubs rupture from above his forehead, those stubs grew out rapidly into horns that gnarled and curved out over his head, sweeping horizontally before curving back up into points.

Rebecca was gasping with agony as she leaned against the wall for support, her eight foot long tail thrashing behind her as she arched her back. The horns were painful but what came next proved searing as spiky growths pierced through the skin out of her back, growing out and curving back like ridges. “Please... Make it... Stop!” Tensing as her muscles spasm she felt each spike grow out between her shoulder blades, each growing less than a foot long as each new growth was small than the last. Eventually the pain stopped, the changes having run its course.

Picking themselves up one at a time the four altered beings took a frightened look at one another. Together they had transformed into some kind of monstrosity; each standing over eight feet tall with Cal being the tallest at nine feet tall, their bodies wrapped in thick fur, underneath that fur was corded muscle, their limbs and bodies solid with powerful muscle fibres that tensed under their skin. Their hands and feet had changed into sharp claws, along with a newly grown tail that was as long as they were tall, curving and twitching behind them as they got used to the strange sensation. Their backs had rows of spikes leading down to the base of their tail, the longest of which jutted out between their shoulder blades well over a foot long. Even their faces had changed; pearly whites had been replaced with sharp teeth and fangs, their eyes now sharp and bright with slits like a cat's while a pair of sweeping horns jutted from their heads. Their nose and mouth had joined into a flattened muzzle like that of a bison or cat. Standing naked the four researchers were too shocked to consider looking away, studying their shared appearance with morbid fascination and worry. Cal couldn't help but stare at the multiple breasts of his lab mates while they too could not stop looking at the bulging form at his waist. “What's happened to us...?” Shuddered Michelle, wrapping her muscular arms between her six breasts. “The samples... They were still active when the machine exploded.” Reasoned Tina as she looked over the table at the centre of the lab, accidentally stepping on her ruined glasses with her clawed toes. It surprised her that she didn't need them anymore, her vision better than 20/20 as the whole room became visible to her, even in the flickering lights.

“The shards of glass must have exposed us to the retroviruses we were working on... We've become some kind of hybrid.” Looking down at her hands Rebecca flexed her fingers, clenching her hands into fists and then opening them again. “Hybrids of what? What's in our system?” Cal looked over to the table as well and tried to remember what they had all been working on, picking up a beaker that had survived the blast he read the label, his eyes widening as it all came back to him. “Lupine, ursine, geckota, rodent and cervidae genes.” Looking to the three women standing in the room their eyes widened as they picked up where he was going. “We've become some kind of amalgam of wolf, bear, gecko, rat and deer, oh my god the blast must have made the RNA sequences in the phage stable enough to bond it all to our genome.”

“Wait!” Chimed in Michelle, pulling on her braided hair as she listened to all this. “This shouldn't even be possible, the Phage was meant to bond a small series of genes not entire base coding, the previous experiments in hybridizing DNA didn't work because it was all too much for the host DNA to hold together.” They knew it, they remembered the program. Gennex tried working on hybridization of animals in the past separate from cloning by tacking on the DNA of other animals onto a current one, the lab mice never survived the treatment. Picking up the tattered remains of her cloths Rebecca held it to her ample chest and sighed before dropping the torn fabric. “I don't know how this is possible either Michelle I DO know this, the phage has a life span of 48 hours after bonding, after that we'll be back to normal.”

“Two days? Two fucking days like THIS?!” Stepping back until she leaned against the wall the woman slowly collapsed to the floor, putting her hands to her face as she began to sob. “Two days...”


In total defeat the four scientists were forced to digest what they had become, Dr. Hilbert was against the corner of the room on the floor, crying into her clawed hands while Dr. Simmons and Dr. Chambers argued back and forth on why the phage wasn't working as engineered. Cal looked over to the blonde creature and knelt down to face her, his tail positioning itself so he could stand on his clawed toes. Placing his massive hand over her furry shoulder she cringed at his touch before relaxing under his soft grip. “Hey... Come on Michelle, pull it together, we can still fix this.” Seeing her finally lift her head up to see him eye to eye Dr. Strentum found her sniffing back more tears. “I'm hideous, a big hairy freak...” Frowning at the sight in front of him Cal lowered his hands to hers, calming her a bit as he rubbed his thumbs over her wrists. “You’re not hideous Michelle, this is just something... We're going to have to wait through before the retrovirus expires, you’re not alone in this we're here too.” Hearing the dark furred creature sooth her Michelle pulled away to wipe her tears, forcing a smile out of her fanged muzzle as she composed herself. “Can you stand up for me?”

Nodding as she was pulled up to stand she pushed off the wall too quickly and bumped into Cal, making him wrap his arms around her to steady herself as she pressed up against his barrel chest. Laughing a bit Cal held his breath as he felt Michelle's six breasts mashed against him, the woman nuzzling into his chest before pulling away to look him in the eye again. “You... Smell nice.” Feeling his heart pound in his chest he saw her lean up to bring her fanged lips closer to his just before a cough interrupted the two in their embrace. “Hey are you two alright?” Moving a few feet from each other the two scientists recomposed themselves as they turned to Rebecca and Tina. “Well good, Tina and I think that the best thing to do is inform the higher ups to get better treatment, I don't know why the phage did this but for now we're stuck like this until we can get some h-”

~BANG! ~

The loud gunshot rung out over the lab, Rebecca screaming as a bloody wound exploded through her right shoulder from behind, collapsing to the floor she reached up where she had been shot, curling into a foetal position on the floor. “STAY RIGHT THERE YOU FUCKING MOSTERS!” Behind her at the door a security guard stood his ground shaking like a leaf as he pulled back the hammer to his pistol. Waving the gun back and forth at the other three towering creatures in the lab. A deep growl filled the room, forcing the terrified man to square his attention at the biggest one at the back, for him everything happened so fast.

To Cal it was a red hazed blur as he barrelled over the table, taking a shot himself through the chest as he slammed into the guard with enough force to smash through the door frame and collide into the adjacent wall. With a roar he bit into the guard's shoulder, making him scream as blood sprayed the wall behind him. Grabbing his arm Cal shattered the bones in the man's wrist before pulling the arm clean off its socket, making the man drop the gun as Dr. Strentum pulled away panting, heaving his chest he stared down at the corpse sitting limp against the wall. Looking over his shoulder back at the others he looked down to see Rebecca standing back up. “Rebecca are you alright?” Growled Cal as he moved passed the ruined entrance to check on her. “I'm... I'm fine really, I know it hurt at first but now I barely notice it.” To everyone's surprise the exit wound in her shoulder was closing up, blood flow stemming almost instantly as scab tissue formed. In seconds the puckering red scab turned grey before cracking and flaking off like dandruff. The bullet wound was nowhere in sight, only clean smooth skin underneath thick fur over her shoulder, even the blood had dried up and disintegrated out of her fur.

A metal ping at the floor brought Cal's attention back to his own wound, the bullet now rolling on the ground at his feet as his chest healed the gunshot just as rapidly, in seconds the small scab had turned grey and flaked off revealing smooth skin and fur. “No scar... Total regeneration.” It worked, the accident that turned them into a twisted hybrid of animals had taken their best healing traits and amplified them. Rolling her healed shoulder Rebecca gawked at where the wound once was, amazed at her near instant recovery. Looking out into the hallway at the dead guard the quartet began to worry. “That guy was so freaked out he shot us at first glance... What do you guys think will happen if Gennex found us?” Stepping passed the three and out into the hallway Michelle knelt down to look at the corpse before frowning. “Why did you do that Cal?” Shaking his head Dr. Strentum wondered himself, his hands shaking after the realization he had just tore a man apart. “I-I don't know, he shot Dr. Chambers... Something in me just... Clicked.”

“We've got at least five different species of animal instincts coursing through us right now, there's no guarantee we're even safe around anyone anymore until we change back! I say we get out of here and get as far away from people as possible to mitigate this from happening again.” Looking to each other from Tina's offer, the group of scientists each slowly nodded before making a break for it down the hall to the stairwell. Opening the double doors to the stairs the four hybridized scientists were forced to crawl down on all fours to fit the narrow staircase single file. They made it to the emergency exit at the main floor, the red glow of the exit sign illuminating the narrow corridor leading out of the building. Slamming the door wide open with the back of her arm Rebecca squeezed herself out as best she could, having trouble with her sweeping horns.

One by one they exited the building before making a break for it to the fence line. The parking lot was well lit but empty since it was the weekend, the only cars in the lot were their own and the security staff inside. Hiding behind a glossy black van Michelle caught her reflection in the side window, tracing her clawed finger over her muzzle and nose, to her she looked like a wolf with sweeping horns curving back over her head, curving back like a question mark over each of her pointed ears. Opening her mouth she looked at the rows of sharp teeth and fangs lining her jaws before she swiftly shut her mouth closed. Finally reaching the fence Cal climbed over the 15 foot tall barrier, ignoring the stings of the barbed wire as his wounded claws healed. The others following suite as they stood on the other side leading out into the forest and freeway back out to the city. “Let’s get moving, we can keep low if we hide in the brush for a couple days.”

Just as the four made their way to the tree line Cal felt a hand grab his arm, turning he looked down to see Rebecca looking back at his face. “Thank you for trying to defend me.” Leaning up she kissed him on the lips, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she pressed against him, her six breasts mashing against his chest and abs. Separating the two joined Michelle and Tina, disappearing into the night.

Stepping through the trees the four disappeared into the night, not too long after the destroyed lab and dead security were found by another guard who radio called in to check on him. Gennex and the local authorities investigated the ruined lab for any evidence to determine what had happened. The conclusion was that an experiment destroyed the lab, creating an aberration that killed the four scientists and butchered the guard upon his arrival. Animal control were informed to look for anything near the facility's surrounding property when claw marks were found over the fence line to the far opposite of the parking lot entrance.

Letters of condolences were made to the families of Doctors Cal Strentum, Tina Simmons, Michelle Hilbert and Rebecca Chambers.

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We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing, wandering back and forth between this house and that one. The emotional toll of this all was coming down on us. Pap and I went back over for the third time and wandered around some more. It was hard to imagine why anyone had done this. We were going to the barn when Cletus came out and met us. "Pap, Steve." "Cletus," I said and Pap just nodded his head. "I think it might be a good idea if Connie and I stay in the bunkhouse. The animals are...

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The Emerald Genie Chapter 11

“What's the situation captain?” asked my best friend Mike. I, along with the rest of the Seattle FBI's RRU (Rapid Response Unit) were called in just a little over an hour ago after our captain informed us of a bank robbery in progress. “We have approximately eight heavily armed men and thirteen hostages. The silent alarm went off at 3:45 so we can assume they entered in just before that. They've tried to destroy all of the security cameras but seemed to have missed one. From what we...

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My Boss My SlutChapter 5

I took Amys hand and together we walked to her mothers bedroom. "Amy, lie on your back on the bed, and leave your clothes on, I want the pleasure of eating your pussy through your thong." "Aren't I going to suck you too?" Amy asked as she lowered herself onto the bed. "Yes, we will do a sixty nine, but first I want to just concentrate on your pussy, I've never kissed it or tasted it and I want to." Amy laid down on her back and spread her legs. Her skirt covered her thong, but her...

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Sians CousinsChapter 5

Julie slowly stood up from the floor next to the mattress, moving silently so as not to disturb the twins, and, still holding my hand tightly, led me naked out of her bedroom. As we closed the door behind us, and moved along the landing, we saw a quick flash of movement at the top of the stairs, and found Vee and Sian standing in the kitchen doorway when we got there, looking pink and guilty. "Have you done it? You were all making a lot of noise!" "We'll tell you everything later -...

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Brotherly Love0

Anyway, I was just getting done with my shift at the store when I noticed him. A man in his late twenties, short brown hair, and brown eyes. He was smoking outside the door, but he was walking me very closely. I turned to look at him and he gave me this weird smile. Pervert. I ignored him and continued walking to my car. It was about twelve at night and it was hard to see. The store parking lot had only one lamp post, which didn't give off enough light. But I managed to make my way to my...

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Jasons TaleChapter 17 Planning for War

Once we were alone with the door closed, Tony pulled out a piece of paper and slapped it down on the table. “Here, read this.” Huh? Fine, I’ll read it. “Let all who read this know that on this day I, King Tom of Hunter Island, do hereby install Lord Jason of Topeka as Baron Jayport, responsible for and with full authority over all lands, waters, forests, farms, towns, and all other resources within fifty miles of Jayport. This title shall be his and his descendants unto eternity, as long as...

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A crossdressers dream

It was another day in where i had to wait until very late for my wife to come home. We hadn't done it in many weeks, there was too much stress going on, and for her it's hurtful since her operation. We cuddle and share as many intimacies as possible, I cook and clean, so she doesn't need to do that when coming home. When I had a fulltime job, she did the same for me.My neighbor came with two friends. He has a houseboat of about thirty five feet, from which he fishes. Everything bigger then a...

2 years ago
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Maybe Im Gay Chapter 7 The End

We walked along the path by the Solent and it was quite windy. Andy walked with me and Bob and Tony were in front. Terry was behind us. Andy talked to me about cars and motor bikes and football. He had his arm round my shoulder and it felt goo. Then he said to me: - “Look kid you know whats gonna happen this afternoon” “Yeah” “What do you reckon will go on then?” “You lot are gonna fuck me, even Tony, he promised” “You sure you ok with that?” “Yeah, Bob has done me before,...

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The Ostler And The Lady Chapter Two Fun At The Fayre

Sunday had arrived at last, and the weather was set fair, for which Jack Wetherly was grateful. Aunt Rose had placed a breakfast of bread and dripping in front of him together with the tea, that only Aunt Rose could produce so stewed.Jack and his late father had lived with Aunt Rose, ever since his mother, who Jack was too young to remember, had died. Plump, always aproned, dolly sized, Rose was his mother’s sister and had been one of the more placid parts of his life.As she poured his tea Aunt...

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Didnt mean to go so far

I’ll start by telling you about how my husband and I, married for over 12 years, had begun to spice up our sex life in a few – well, unusual ways… It started with him suggesting that I be a bit more flirtatious at work, and then tell him about it. Now I have pretty big tits and I think I’m hot for a 47 year old woman! All the guys like me at work, and I’ve had more than my share of passes me at me, but now my hubby was encouraging me to return the favor! I had never been unfaithful to my...

3 years ago
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Ayushi On Top Ride For Whole Night

Hello doston , apka dost ashish raizada ek baar fir haazir hai apna ek naya sex kaand lekar. Ye incident ayushi aur mere bich hue sexual intercourse k bare mein hai. Kaise maine uske choot (pussy) ki marammat ki. Last 3 stories ka response boht satisfactory tha . Abhi story par aata hu. Iss pe story likhne k baad mujhe kuch naya karne ka man tha sex k liye . Isliye maine ek free ad posting site pe apna freindship and dating me apna account register kiya . Shuru shuru me koi response nahi tha...

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OyeLoca Scarlet So Much More

Scarlet may look like the innocent girl-next-door type as she strolls through the neighborhood, but she has a dirty side that she’s been saving just for us. We take the hot Latina back to our place and introduce her to our stud’s meaty cock as she changes out of her street clothes and puts on a cute leotard and a black leather skirt. She exposes her bouncy tits and kisses our stud passionately as her pussy starts to drip. After sucking his chico stick, she spreads her legs and takes a hard...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 61

I took them to my room. They were all still dressed for travel, which was sexy, but not the usual grade of slutty I had grown accustomed to. "Ok, Angels. Strip him. Slowly." The Angels looked at each other and smiled. "You want us to tease him for you?" Left asked. "We make him beg for you, yes?" Right added. I had to wonder for a moment if 'Angels' was the right name for them. "Yeah, ok. Let's see how that goes. Don't make it easy for them, Cutie." I sat comfortably against my...

3 years ago
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Birthday Treat

I was 21 a junior in college and my room mate of the past year moved back home. I was trying to find a new room mate when I met a older couple at work on night. I was a waiter and they were sitting in my section and some how we were talking about me needing a room mate when the lady said we have a spare room you should consider moving in with us. They gave me their number and told me to give them a call this weekend. On saturday morning I called them and they gave me directions. When I...

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TMWPOV Ofelia Trimble Sex as a cure for boredom

When it’s raining outside, petite brunette Ofelia Trimble gets bored at home. Therefore, her boyfriend suggests a couple of things they could do to keep themselves entertained. Of course, she understands what he means, because she wants it too. Ofelia flashes her beautiful grey eyes at him showing that she can’t hold back her sexual appetite any longer. She takes his big dick with her pouty pink lips and sucks it lovingly. Then she pulls her shorts down and lets his cock inside her juicy...

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MyPervyFamily Daisy Stone My Hot StepSister Daisy Gets Blackmailed into Fucking my Big Dick

My step-sister Daisy is so hot! But her room and clothes are always smelling like smoke. I burst into her room and find her about to smoke…. again. This time I am gonna tell on her, she always gets away with everything, well not this time. Daisy begs me not to tell, I ask her what’s in it for me? Daisy being a good slut offers me some head and pussy. How can I say no to that!? I love the way my step-sister bobs her head on my cock, almost gagging as it goes deep in her throat. I...

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COVID Exposure Part 1

COVID Exposure. Part 1 As COVID-19 was heating up as a pandemic, I was working for an international firm and constantly on the road, traveling primarily to Europe. I was in Paris when the President Trump announced closing our US boarders and terminating flights from overseas. I called my wife, Peggy, when I heard the news. I let her know I was working with the airlines and embassy to secure a flight home. Peggy stated that this must be really missing up "My Plans." I told her that...

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A Moulin Rouge Lesbian Foursome Ch 2

Back to the other duo again, Mya was now indeed lying on her back, stretched out, and Pink was stroking her hosed legs, as she was licking at the bottom of Mya’s feet. She tasted the nylon as her tongue slithered upwards, ’till her tongue was circling around Mya’s toes, starting from the little one, licking the bottom of them one by one, until she had come to Mya’s big toe, which she licked at quickly. She then took it in her mouth and sucked on the hose covered toe with audible smacking and...

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The WalletChapter 16

His stroking was slow and sensual. I felt totally full. Both the cocks were gaining girth as they stimulated each other in my channels. I was cumming continually because of their cocks inside me. I noticed Samantha moving behind him as he stroked. She put her arms around him and played with his nipples as she rubbed her melons on his skin. She gently pushed him over on me and he kissed me again. Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach and everything. Suddenly he was thrusting like a wild...

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Sister Kate8217s unwrapping

Hello ISS reader, Today I am going to tell you my best friend jimmy’s story. jimmy and I studied in same school in pune… I guess the best place to start is at the beginning. Kate was one of those girls in school that got the attention of most of the boys since the sixth grade when her breast suddenly popped right out of her chest. She was a little embarrassed by them the first day at school when all the boys stared and pointed like she was something from outer space or something. She wasn’t...

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Bi Menage a Trois

I had met Brenda on AOL in a Chat Room I had created. She was mid 50s with a body that wasa lot younger. She had these incredible tits that sure seemedreal and I could find no hints of scars. We chatted on lineand eventually she invited be her condo. I arrived and was quite impressed with her stunning beauty.We chatted awkwardly at first but soon sat together at hercomputer and surfed porn. She had accounts for all sortsof sites. Shortly that led us in her bed room. I hadbeen chatting and then...

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Ken 03 ndash Naked and Locked Out

It was the third time I had been with Ken. We hadn't done anything that night except listen to music with Ken reclining on the couch fully dressed, caressing my hair, and me sitting on the floor beside him naked. We did that more than anything else.Ken suddenly sat up and asked me if I had met his neighbour Tom yet."No." I said."He's a miserable old bastard, in his sixties, a bit doddery, lives alone and he's a shameless perv. He's ways perving on women in my pool.""I'll look forward to meeting...

4 years ago
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The First time I sucked a dick

I was 25, Had been looking online for awhile, Before this I had only recieved head twice. One amazing time in high school from a lovely girl who later became a psycho... Well not really, but at the time I thought so.Then a second time when I was on a drive home from visiting family and drove past a roadside adult video store, I had been reading the Squirt pages about the place for awhile and knew they had booths and there were usually guys looking to give head in there, I was horny so I figured...

2 years ago
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Behan ka whisper

Hello to all iss readers.main shekhar phir se aap logon ke liye ek mazedar incident le kar aaya hun.i hope u all gonna enjoy….after reading reply me on my id ….main ek 20 saal ka ladka hun.. Height 6” ft aur bhara hua jism.main incest sex par pura viswas rakhta hun.par bahut logon ko yeh pasand nahi hai wo log aage na padhe.jab agar parivar mein hi maa ,behan chachi ,cousin ,mami,bua ho to log bahar ja ke apne ikccha kyun pura kare.ghar pariwar mein kabhi na kabhi aisi ghatna aa jati hai jo aap...

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Enter SandmanChapter 6

I looked stunned but was I really stunned? Kelly took the look on my face as a sign of elation. She had a big smile on her face and had I been a lesser man I would have punched her right in the kisser. "Rog ... this is so unbelievable. I wanted to tell you sooner but I wanted to pass my 11 week mark first." Kelly then started prattling on about a nursery, baby shower and maternity leave. By then I had zoned out. There is nothing worse than being played for a fool except when you realize...

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The Way to ParadisePart 2

When we last left our story we had discovered how Jean d’Langham a young country boy from France had joined the French Imperial Army as a naïve and wide-eyed blond seventeen-year-old “to find his fortune”. Posted far from the center of power in Paris the young lad had, at first, been downcast. Soon Jean learned that living on the edges of an empire had its own unusual advantages. Jean was taken under the wing of a certain demanding young woman named Apolline Descartes and educated in the art of...

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Her Game Was Passion Ch 03

-one- Nothing much happened until that afternoon. Not a word from Lem Clemens, nor from anybody on the team. Nice bunch of people. Screw them all. If I got out of this I’d take Jackos’ job away from him. If I got out of this. Dr. William Sloane came. He was a fat quiet little man who seemed nervous. He kept reading the charts at the foot of my bed and papers about me in a folder he held in both hands and finally he told me I’d been given a sleeping electroencephalogram, but they weren’t quite...

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Priyanka Sex Goddess Showed Me Heaven

Hi friends, this is Rohan and I am back with another sex story that took me to heaven and now I am burning deep inside missing it every day. After my last sex experience I was left alone as my sex partner left me and I was looking around for sex for 6 month when I found another perfect girl to satisfy me and my burning urges. As u might remember me, I am Rahul a single guy living in NCR working in a software development company. In my previous job change, I got a job in a small company in...

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JulesJordan Dixie Lynn 18 Year Old Squirting Teen Dixie Lynn

Freckle-Faced Teen Dixie Lynn gets her pussy pounded by Manuel! Dixie is an 18-year-old cutie that’s brand new to the industry and is sure to make a splash with her blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She’s wearing a short plaid skirt with a tiny orange top and matching panties as Manuel examines every inch of her sexy body. He has her twerk for the camera so we can watch those ass cheeks jiggle then pulls out her tiny teen titties to show off her puffy young nipples. Dixie pulls down her...

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The Only Woman for Me

     I am watching TV when the phone rings. The name and number that pops up on the screen catches me completely off guard. I haven’t heard from Elaine in a couple of years. Not since we had ended our affair because she felt she had to give her marriage another shot. A few months later her husband got a job offer in another state and they moved away. I stare  at the name thinking it can’t really be the only woman I have ever really loved, can it?   “Hello.” I say answering the phone.   “Hey...

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Private Mary Rock Private Festival

In Private Specials, Horny Beauties 3, the sexy Mary Rock has decided to take a break from festivals this summer and instead she’s looking for a quiet beach to work out at alone. This beauty won’t be alone for long though, and soon enough she meets music producer Maximo Garcia who invites her over for private festival of their own… So watch all the action unfold right here on as Mary gets the party started with a gagging blowjob before going on to enjoy wild fuck that has...

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You almost didnt believe the rumors until tonight. According to local legend, there's an underground arena where cyberpunks from all walk of life gather to fight in high-stakes battles for glory and sexual satisfaction. The latter is hard to come by in Cybercity-69 since the Corporate Overlords outlawed natural genitalia, leaving only the rich and powerful to fuck at their leisure. Lower-class citizens are free to upgrade their crotch sockets by installing genital add-ons, but even the economy...

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How I Became A Slut

I hope you like my story. It’s mostly true. If I get some good responses I’ll continue it. I was excited moving into my dorm to start freshman year in college. It took a lot to convince Mom to let me go instead of staying home and going to the community college. She was worried about my safety. I pulled all the crime stats I could find and showed her that it was safer at the University than it was at home. She finally relented and let me go. I was not very experienced sexually when I left for...

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We Started Something and Now She Cannot Stop

This is difficult to write because I don’t know what to do and I can’t stop what’s already started. Here’s what happened. My mate and his wife told me to come round with my wife for a few drinks. Now Jen, my wife had never met Jim and Heather before but they seemed to hit it off really we and spent most of the evening chatting and giggling together in the kitchen, while me and Jim had a few beers and chatted in the lounge. Jen is 26 and fairly small size 8 but with perfect 34 b tits and a...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Mira Im Nervous But Excited

What’s up girl? Well we know one thing and that one thing is that you haven’t ever had good sex before. We also know that you’ve only had one boyfriend ever and his cock’s the only stiffy you’ve ever sucked or fucked. Another thing we know is that no guy, namely your EX, has ever given you an orgasm before and we think that in some parallel universe that makes you almost a virgin, almost. Well today is the day that your life changes because Tyler is going to pay a ton of attention to you...

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Heaven Can Wait

Your free hand begins to stroke my chest. Your fingers find a nipple and begin to tease. You know now the effect this will have. You remember.   You raise your head and find my ear with your mouth. You begin to suck the soft flesh and your tongue dances in and out.   My hands are free to roam over your body. Instead, I pull you closer. Your mouth excites me and I don’t want you to stop.   As I pull you closer, my arm drops and my hand searches for your skin. I...

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Malcolm in Her Middle

M A L C O L M I N H E R M I D D L E " Lois Comes Home Early " with Lois, Reese, Malcolm, and Dewey The favourite past time of the boys after they come home from school is watching television. Malcolm, Reese, and Dewey glue their eyes to the TV screen and their asses to the couch wasting the time away with Cartoon Network and Monster Trucks. As a responsible and good mother I wished they'd quietly read books or at least clean around the house. Well that afternoon I had...

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Adventures of Lionel Sondra

Be advised this story is intentionally rife with POV shifts, misdirected adjectives, and other wanton misuse of literary convention. Please turn back now if such fripperiness gets on your nerves. Thanks. : ) L8. * The Adventures of Lionel & Sondra chapter one — watching TV ‘Television? But you never watch television. And you know I don’t either.’ Lionel was confused by Sondra’s request. Besides, she didn’t look like she wanted to spend an evening watching TV. What she looked like, was a)...

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