A Twilight KnockoffChapter 15 free porn video

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Monday, Connor picked me up, though he wasn't driving the Spyder; instead, he pulled up in a little Honda Civic painted a dark red with no ostentatious adornments.

"My Pride is a little too conspicuous," he answered as I surveyed this car. "Besides, I'd likely have to mangle somebody if they scratched the paint; these country bumpkins don't know how to drive or park most of the time."

The skies were overcast, as usual, and the temperature dropped back down to its normal cold levels for the week, which just meant that I got to spend more time with Connor.

We attracted attention with his car, though not as much as his Spyder would have, and were subjected to astonished stares when he put his arm around me as we crossed the parking lot. I don't know why they were so surprised, rumors had been flying pretty good about us for a while.

The rest of his family climbed out of the Hum-Vee as we passed and he tightened his hold on me.

"I'm going to hell anyway, I might as well burn," he said quietly as his family stared, Morgan and Davis smiling, Chadwick in his usual zoned-out state. But Halibell's eyes blazed with fury as we passed, reminding me of an angry cat.

But they said nothing, not even Morgan, all week. Connor picked me up every morning and dropped me off after school, though he left me alone at work, for which I was grateful; I knew everyone in town probably knew about us but I really didn't want to make a fool out of myself in such a public place.

A couple of weeks passed and we became more comfortable with each other, though we still got stared at. It was now mid-March and, as our relationship strengthened, we decided to bring our families into it.

It was Saturday and Connor had decided that today I would meet his family. Rather than drag out the event, I asked him to stop by and meet Claire; getting things over with in one fell swoop was my logic. I asked Claire to stick around the house a little later than she normally would, though I didn't tell her why, making up some excuse or another that seemed innocent.

"Um, Aunt Claire?" I asked hesitantly as we finished washing our lunch dishes. "I was thinking that maybe you'd like to meet my boyfriend?" It wasn't like she didn't already know who I was dating, but I'd never posed this question, or come across this dilemma, even with my father. But then again, no other relationship had been like this.

"Sure; actually, I was wondering when you'd bring him around." She gazed at me, shrewd intelligence in her eyes. "That's why you wanted me to stick around?" I nodded and she smiled. "I wondered. Well, when will he be here?"

"How about now?" I heard the gentle rumble of his engine stop out front, easily made out for the lack of any other sounds in the house.

"You silly girl, why didn't you tell me earlier?" She was excited and nervous, like me. She quick-stepped to the front door as a solid knock sounded. I was right behind her, my face flushed with nerves and excitement.

She opened the door and there he was, tall, dark and brutally handsome in the weak sunlight, his outfit one of casual comfort but not dressy.

"Ms. Halbert," Connor's voice was oozing charm as he took a step forward and held out his hand. "I'm Connor Hawkins." He smiled and I rolled my eyes, already knowing what his smile could do to the unsuspecting.

"Nice to finally meet you," she said, a little breathless, clearing her throat before continuing. "Please, call me Claire. Would you like to come in?"

"Can't Aunt Claire," I already had my coat on and was darting around her, "we're meeting with his family for lunch." I was hoping that she wouldn't remember that we just had lunch, or maybe she figured I'd be too nervous to eat in their company. In either case, she ignored my slip.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Connor," she smiled at him and I told him to go on ahead of me.

"He's very handsome," she told me and I blushed. "I've never actually met any of the Hawkins kids. I'm glad you finally brought him around. He seems very sweet." She gave me a hug. "You look fine, so don't worry; I'm sure they'll love you." I was wearing a long-sleeved gray sweater, black slacks and some nice shoes I'd picked up on sale. She'd helped me French braid my hair and I'd applied a little eyeliner.

"What about dad?" I asked, my face dropping slightly.

"I'm sure he'll approve." Her smile, while genuine, was also strained. We hadn't heard from him in a couple of days and he hadn't answered his phone. "I'm sure he's just very busy; for that matter, he could have just misplaced his phone. Don't worry, go have fun."

"Thanks Aunt Claire." We shared another hug and I hurried out to the car, feeling nervous despite her assurances. "Do I look okay?" I asked as I buckled up, waving to Claire as we drove off.

"You look great," he said, grabbing my hand and kissing the back of it. We shared a smile as we passed out of Harpers Roe.

"So where are we going?" I asked, trying to get a grip on my wild emotions.

"My house." He glanced over at me quickly as my nervousness reached new heights, bordering on fear. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just thought that we'd be meeting somewhere not so private." I took a deep breath. "It will be okay though."

"You're afraid." His voice was quiet, but I could hear the sorrow.

"Yes." I stopped and thought about it. "NO! It's not because of what they are," I told him quickly, " I'm just afraid to embarrass you." He gave me a blank look. "I get clumsy and start babbling when I'm nervous and I don't want to make you look bad."

"You weren't that way at school," he pointed out, obviously not understanding.

"Yeah, well, that's different. I don't care about the kids at school, but I do care about making a good first impression."

He turned off the highway onto a driveway that was barely visible but for the mailbox. We followed its paved curves for what felt like a mile or two and I wondered how the Hum-Vee managed to navigate its way out.

"Very carefully," he told me and I could easily understand now why Connor usually drove.

Monster trees lined the long drive, overhanging all but the middle and so entwined that, except for the trunks, I couldn't tell where one ended and another began.

We came out of the trees suddenly, a ray of sunshine gracing the very large house set in the middle of an equally large field. We followed the pavement around to the side of the house, where the Hum-Vee shared space with Connor's Spyder, a beautiful Mustang, a Porsche and a few other cars in a very large garage.

"Wow," was all I could say. He tugged me outside and along the stone path to the large front door, complete with a dark wood wrap-around porch. The house itself was built from a sand-colored stone and looked sturdy enough to withstand just about anything nature could throw at it.

There were large windows covering the front of the house, though I was coming to think of it as a mansion, it was so vast. He pulled me inside with him and I felt nervous and out of place.

"Father," he called, "Mother, we're here." It was obviously a signal and just as obviously for my benefit; they would have known we were here the moment we hit the driveway.

Doctor Hawkins and a pretty woman walked into the entryway, which was larger than Claire's entire second story, from what looked to be the living room, judging from the furniture I glimpsed as they walked in.

"My dear young lady," Dr. Hawkins came forward and grabbed my hands, "you look lovely and, I dare say, a lot better than the last time I saw you." He gave me a brilliant smile and stepped back, releasing my hands. "This is my wife, Josephine." He gestured to the woman beside him and she, too, came forward, grabbing my hands. "You must call me Marcus." It was close to an order, so I nodded.

She was a little taller than my five foot four self, her skin once-golden, shimmering curtains of brown hair flowing down her back. Her face was round, her features in perfect proportions and she showed signs of age, like maybe she was turned later in life. She, too, had the vampire effect of bedazzlement, but she wasn't achingly beautiful, not like the rest of them; the only difference it made to me was that I didn't feel so out of place.

"Welcome," she told me, kissing each cheek, "we have been waiting." Her voice possessed an accent, but it was faint and I couldn't place it. There was more to her words than the obvious, like the time frame she was talking about was more along the lines of years not months.

I was feeling a little dazed when Morgan came bouncing down the stairs, the others standing at the top. I couldn't really see her but I could make out their excitement in the bright glowing of their eyes.

"We couldn't wait anymore," Morgan said as she claimed my hands as well, then hugged me. "I see what you mean," she spoke to Connor over my shoulder, sniffing my hair. Connor had given me special shampoo and soap to use and special detergent for my clothes and asked that I not use anything to scent myself with all week. He wanted to let his family understand what he meant by "untraceable".

Davis jumped straight over the banister and I let out a squeak when he hit the floor.

"Quit trying to scare her," Morgan released me and smacked him on the back of the head with a loud crack that echoed around the stone entryway. "Show off."

"I wasn't trying to," Davis replied, rubbing his head.

"He didn't really scare me," I told them, "I was afraid he'd hurt himself." I could see the mirth dancing in their eyes before they started laughing, the whole group relaxing.

Everyone came forward and held my hands in what I was beginning to think was a ritual, though Connor snarled softly when the boys sniffed me. His father twitched his lips and I heard a low buzzing sound, but Connor stopped.

"I know you know all of them already, but these are Davis, Morgan, Chadwick and Halibell," Josephine introduced them when they'd all greeted me, though Halibell did so with reluctance. "Marcus and I have heard about you, but its hard to believe." She glanced at Connor, who grabbed my hand.

I stared at all of them; they all looked so different than they did at school. Davis stood by Morgan, who kept smacking him, which looked like typical behavior. Halibell's scowl wasn't as deep as it usually was and she actually smiled at whatever caused Morgan to keep smacking her brother.

But the biggest change was Chadwick. He no longer stood with a vacant expression, rather his face was very animated and he, too, was amused by the others.

"Children," Marcus said and they stopped. "How about we move out of the doorway and into the living room?" The boys and Morgan took off, but Halibell didn't move.

"She stinks of fear," she said, her tone angry. "She can't love you if she fears you." She walked back up the stairs and slammed a door shut.

"I thought she was going to behave," Connor said through gritted teeth. "That was uncalled for."

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Halibell, among other things, thinks you're a threat," he told me.

"Because I'm human?" Marcus and Josephine looked down. "I'm not going to tell anybody, why would I?"

"Fame, fortune some unknown event in the future," Davis said as he and Chadwick came back.

"She won't," Morgan said, suddenly beside Josephine. "I've read her countless times and she will never betray us." She smiled at me. "Halibell will see that one day, just as everyone will come to see how important you are to us." She, too, went up the stairs after rounding up the boys.

"Does she see the future?" I asked, my eyes on the retreating figures.

"She has been known to have waking visions, but mostly she sees things about people," Marcus said softly. "Sometimes she knows what they mean, sometimes not. But she's never wrong."

"We're going to my room," Connor told them. I heard the buzzing sound again and watched his lips twitch. Marcus nodded, the sound came again and they went down a hall. He tugged my hand, which he still held, and led me up the stairs.

We passed two closed doors, stopping in front of a third. The hallway was done in grey-striped wallpaper with antique brass lamps hung between each dark-wood door.

He pushed open the door and ushered me through first, bumping into me when I stopped just inside.

His room seemed to take up more space than Claire's whole house laid flat, but the real shock was the outer walls: they were glass. From the plush carpet to the ceiling on the wall straight ahead, there was nothing to obstruct his view and a pair of sliding glass doors let out onto a deck on the left.

I took my eyes away from the view and looked around. The two interior walls, on the right and the wall with the door, were decorated with shelves filled to the brim with books and music. I sank into the dark blue carpet as I took a step forward, catching myself on the small table by the door. There was a large, four-post bed to the left, a pile of mismatched pillows and blankets in the far corner, a couch and table facing the landscape straight ahead and the largest stereo system I'd ever seen outside of a store dominating the center of the right wall.

"Wow," I whispered, almost expecting my voice to echo. I took a deep breath and felt myself relax as his scent filled my senses. I kicked off my shoes and scrunched my toes in the thick carpet as I walked farther into his room.

He tossed his keys on the table, kicked his shoes off and threw his coat on the coach. He was completely comfortable here and it was a sight to see. He went to his stereo and turned on some music; I didn't recognize it but I liked it.

"So, what do you think?" Connor asked me as I continued to gaze around his sanctum, his tone light, but his eyes revealing the importance of the question.

"Your home is beautiful," I began, "your parents are sweet and this room is awesome!" I twirled around laughing, my arms outstretched.

"They didn't frighten you?"

"Of course they did," I told him, "but I'll get used to it, won't I?" I stopped and stared at him. "I've never seen people who are so comfortable with themselves as you are. They are so vibrant and charismatic compared to what I've seen that it's a shock. Especially Chadwick. Why does he act like that anyway?"

"He's always been that way," Connor said with a shrug. "It has something to do with hearing everyone's thoughts, I suppose."

"How does he eat if he can read minds? Wouldn't that be kind of distracting?" I said without thinking, knowing that it was a tactless question, but I was curious.

"Oh, I'm sure it would be if our food was intelligent," Connor chuckled at my confused expression. "We call ourselves 'vegetarians'; we only feed on animals."

"Oh." I blushed with embarrassment, but how was I supposed to know?

"This world has become too advanced for us to feed off humans," he sat on the back of the couch as he spoke. "Marcus has taught us to survive off wild animals; its easier to hide and easier to live with. Some say its not as satisfying but those of us that know no different?" he shrugged.

"Let me get this straight," I started pacing; it helped my brain work. "No one in this house drinks human blood?" He nodded. "Isn't it hard to live around your natural prey and resist?"

"For some; mostly we just ignore them."

"And you've never been tempted?"

"Just once;" his eyes were glowing like amber when he looked at me.

"I'm not afraid," I told him and he smirked.

"You shouldn't have said that." He launched himself across the room and tackled me, knocking us onto the bed. Laughing, I weakly pushed at him, wrestling around until I made him fall off.

"Victory is mine!" I laughed, my arms above my head in triumph before he tackled me again. A few minutes later, weak from laughter, we collapsed and laid there, panting.

"I love you, Connor," I whispered to his chest.

"I've waited a century to hear those words," he said, just as quietly, and I propped myself up so I could see his face. I kissed him softly for a moment, my fingertips gently rubbing his cheek.

"You're welcome," I told him with a smile, then jumped when his door slammed open.

"Did we interrupt?" Morgan asked cheerfully, climbing up onto the bed with us.

"I sure hope so," Chadwick was right behind her, kicking the door closed before flopping across the foot bonelessly.

"I have a question?" I said to the intruders.

"Shoot," Chadwick rolled over so Morgan could stretch out beside him. It really was weird to see him so animated.

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Chapter 1: Chance Meeting in the BathroomUniversity is known as being a time for sexual awakenings and experimentation. It is often the time when people have their first sexual experience, or, when people try out various sexual acts and fantasies to determine what gets them off. Now I personally spent a lot of time in university, 7 years to be exact, going through both the regular four year degree stream and three years of graduate school. However, as you will know from a previous story, I...

4 years ago
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Mr Daffodil Finds Romance

(Okay, folks! Dag—Intrepid Reporter here. That's right. I'm back.) You no doubt remember, how after that ill-conceived attempt to interview Mr. Namby Pamby—I got fired! To paraphrase Mr. Jack Nicholson. 'They couldn't stand the truth!' (Don't rub it in—of course I haven't interviewed Mr. Nicholson. The guy gets hostile when you try to interrupt him at a basketball game!) I been out of work now for six months. No one wants to hire a guy they suspect might have been a little weak on...

2 years ago
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Am I Dreaming

Am I Dreaming? - By: Conrad Lee As I woke I heard a knock at the door, my roommate wasn't home so I pulled on my jeans and walked to the door answering it. The mail courier smiled at me as usual this time carrying a package, I furrowed my brow raising one eyebrow. "For me?" I asked confused as to who it was from. Nevertheless I signed for it. Oddly enough it was from Jaime. ?.. Wait a minute maybe I should start in the beginning. My name is Matthew Rawlins (Yes, like the...

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Yummy 10

DISCLAIMER: All characters are fictional, no relation to anyone living or dead, all are 18 or older. If you do not like sexually oriented material, LEAVE NOW.Jed sat down in the chair nervously. He wore shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops. He was at the doctor's office for his annual physical. He was 22.The doctor, Dr. Barry Tyne, came in. He was in his late 40's and dressed professionally. He locked the door, then wordlessly removed his doctor's coat, his slacks, exposing a hard cock in his...

3 years ago
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The Story of Ann Chapter 9 Becoming One with Jacks Group

Introduction: I learn some more of this man named Jack and the people he flies with in the Army reserves. The Story of Ann Chapter 9 Becoming One with Jacks Group Patty, George, Jack and I had another round of sex before Jack and I dressed and went to our own room. I was a little unsure of the nights events. I had enjoyed myself with Patty and with George however her words of I love you Jack, were still on my mind. Jack and I took off our clothes once more and climbed into bed. I cuddled up...

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Turning Point 0

Robert is about to arrive at a major turning point. Mary, Alma and Don are about to take Robert to a higher level. I lay down on the bed naked and with my cock standing straight up and throbbing. I was not sure what to expect and I was very nervous, excited and ready for most anything. Alma was on her knees on my right side, Mary and Don was on my left side. All three were looking down at me and smiling. Alma reached down and wrap her hand around my cock and started slowly stroking it....

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Хочу рассказать о необычном сексе, который оставил противоречивые впечатления.На прежней работе моей коллегой была одна симпатичная девчонка, Аня, которая сначала ко мне клеилась, но когда я ей объяснил, что мои вкусы - это парни, а девчонки для меня могут быть только подругами, она обиделась, и некоторое время со мной не общалась. Но позже обиды стёрлись, и мы действительно стали друзьями.Когда я сменил место работы, с Аней мы стали общаться меньше и в основном по телефону. Потом мы как-то...

4 years ago
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This is an original work by Zeb_Carter and is protected under copyright by U.S. copyright law.[center]---- Dee ----[/center]Her name was Darlene, but I called her Dee. For our whole life she was Dee to me, except for the time she was married to that guy whose last name was Davis, then she was Dee Dee, until the divorce when she took her maiden name back. Dee was my cousin. First cousin. We were close. Very close. Dee was six months older than me. We did everything together when we were...

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OHGirl Velvet Pregnant Porn

OHGirl:I bent over the bed, holding onto my stomach and tits as my current client drove his cock deep into my ass. He was my third customer of the day and my asshole had taken on all three of them. My pregnant belly didn’t keep the men from wanting blow jobs or from fucking me, but most of them wanted to take me anally, due to their uncomfortable feelings about fucking a pregnant hooker. I had been very busy lately and had grown used to having lots of anal sex, but I spent most of the time...

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Friends with benifits

It was the end of senior year in high school, and me and my friend (well just call her) Jen were finaly 18 and free to stay out late and do what ever we wanted. Earlier in sophmore year we had gone out but we never got seirous with our relationships. It took us a while to rebuild our friendship back up to where it now was, we would talk all the time, go shoping, eat, just hang out and have fun. It was great, but I still had some feelings about her and I figured she did too. One Friday after...

First Time
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Moms Perfect Daughter

The first time I saw Jen, I fell in love. That beautiful angelic face was difficult to ignore. I never really got to see the rest of her because she was in a cap and gown. We were both graduating from The University of Missouri. When I did see the rest of her in shorts and a cropped top, I was overwhelmed. There was no doubt I was going to let this beauty get away.We did have a whirlwind romance, and I proposed because I would be a fool to pass this by. We were married in a little church her...

2 years ago
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Third World War

This story as with all the others of mine may be posted to any free site. Pay sites are forbidden. Follow the Standard Disclaimer, 18 years or old, offended by TG Fiction, graphical natured stories and such. Don't read it. Else, enjoy. Third World War Charissa Michelle Copyright 2000 I will start by giving you the background on my story. It was in 2052 that the planetary war, or Third World War ended. It was all started by an accidental computer malfunction in 2038. It was...

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Annabelle Returns

I hadn't seen or heard from Annabelle for about two weeks. It was late on a Saturday afternoon that she and her husband walked past my home again. This time they didn't stop, and he completely avoided eye contact. But Annabelle, who was walking behind him, stared longingly. I raised my water bottle as if to toast her and watched as her nipples hardened through her skin-tight top. As she reached the end of my fence line, Annabelle mouthed, "Two hours."I assumed that meant that we'd be doing...

3 years ago
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The AcademyChapter 74

Gonzalo: Wednesday morning provided me with a situation unique to my function. Jasper Harmon taught sixth- and seventh-grade history and gym at the school. On Monday, he had taken on the Montoya family -- Hernando, his mate Consuela, and their thirteen-year-old concubine-tracked daughter Guadalupe -- but subsequent to that, there had been ... issues... "I know what I COULD do," Jasper told me, obviously frustrated, "but it's not something I WANT to." "What has happened, exactly?" I...

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My sexual awakening 2

“Come on… now fuck me… You’ll not have to worry about cumming in my cunt…as I take mala pills. This way, we can both try many different things. And remember, I have not been fucked for the past three months, bahut khuli hpo rahi hai meri phuddhi mein ” She laid down on the bed, and pulled me over her. In a flash I was between her legs. Taking my cock in her hand, she guided in into her cunt, but left it just touching her cunt lips. I could feel that they were soaking wet again. I pressed my...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Calls Me Daddy Now

My Dick Gets Rock Hard Jus Thinking Of Her...I remember our first nightIt started when we were in my room watching TV and she seemed a bit strange of course i didnt pay much attention...shes biologically my auntbut were only 8 years apart s0 i jus call her my older sisterAnyway...Shes clicking threw the channels when she suddenly comes to a porn movie it was softcore so we jus laughed...then she said "if only they had the ones where u actually see the dick go into the pussy"...so i pulled out a...

3 years ago
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SandcastlesChapter 38

Simone and I were kept for observation for 4 more days. Gertie visited every day. Shit, she did more than visit. She spent more than 6 hours a day with us, talking with Simone mostly. With her workload at the NIH, I began to realize just how important this was to her, that Simone be OK. I left them to their talks. I used the time to sleep, as I was awake at night, still on alert. I think Gertie knew that. I didn't look but I knew there was an inconspicuous guard watching our door 24 hours a...

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The Orderly

“Rob, Mr. Littleton’s diaper needs changing. Could you please take care of that and clean him up?” Rob cringed at the sound of Nurse Baker’s awful voice, for there was seldom anything positive uttered from her lips. Rob had been an overnight orderly at The Peaceful Valley Hospital for almost two years now, and the head nurse had been more like a jailer than a supervisor. She loved to dole menial tasks and impose petty torments, knowing there was nothing he could do but her bidding. He had...

Straight Sex
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Living Next Door to Heaven 3 What Were They ThinkingChapter 37 Living in a Fishbowl

Part VI: Saul Gordon’s Story SAUL: “Grandma, Grandma, Grandma. Grandpa, Grandpa!” We’d heard the back door slam and footsteps rush into the family room. Brian Junior flew from one to another as he greeted Marilyn, Anna, and Evelyn, then Sly and me. “Hi, everybody!” “My, you’ve grown so much!” I said. “Grandpa, I haven’t grown any since Christmas,” he laughed. “I think this is it. I’m never going to be a basketball star like Dad.” At that, Brian Senior walked into the room with Hannah...

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1Do You Have a Big Dick Why NotChapter 13

The next morning came way too fast for me. I was groggy. I awoke with Hayden sucking my cock and her pretty big eyes looking up at me. “I hope you don’t mind Master,” she dutifully asked me with a smile while holding my cock in her mouth. Mind? Waking up with my cock in her mouth getting washed and thoroughly licked was already the highlight of my day!! She could see from the look on my face I was ecstatic and she could feel my cock grow even harder between her puffy lips. She was my sex...

1 year ago
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Breaking in the New House III

I was pretty spent by the time Chris finished with me. I knew that we had the rest of the day- and night- to go, so I needed to revive myself. Chris had gone to clean up and I went to the cabinet and grabbed a handful of vitamins to get some energy back. My as was leaking Chris' latest deposit, so I headed to grab a shower. After showering and cleaning myself out, I went into the bedroom and found everyone asleep but Terri. She is so frigging hot! I love making love to her as much as I do to...

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Sex in the Campground Shower

The tent was up, sleeping bags rolled out.The campsite was arranged...tables, grill, food, ice chests...and the rest of our stuff was ready. Our camping week ends are always exciting and fun. The campground wasn't even half full. Maybe I should have listened to DJ that the weather would be too bad to go camping this early in the spring. But so far, it was glorious. The other campers had spaced themselves out quite well. There were two sites between ours and our neighbors. Which was a good...

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It’s hot, it’s warm, and it’s wet. Step into the golden shower with me and take a dive into the wild, wet world of piss porn. Don’t like it? Good, you can fuck off back to your boring ass vanilla porn. This is content for those out who dare to do something different. To follow the untrodden path. To walk the yellow brick road. Whether you love pissing on others, getting pissed on, drinking it, or are just curious to find out the truth about “squirting,” then you’ll find something to love at the...

Premium Scat & Piss Porn
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Having My WayPart15

My walls spasmed at the same time my lover erupted inside me. Our juices mingled as one. With one last stroke, he emptied everything he had into my waiting pussy; then, he collapsed on top of me. I was still trying to catch my breath when he covered my mouth with his, kissing me deeply."Oh, baby, that was the best," he said, as he pulled his lips from mine.I thought he would release me then and take my blindfold off, but he had one more surprise for me. I heard my drawer to the night stand open...

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The Little Dick Game 2

Story Summary – Jared wants to play the game again. Alex doesn’t. Previous Story Summary –Alex and his school friend discover a new game. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't be a dick with other...

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Make Yourself Comfortable

I knew when I left the house for the weekend that she was going to find the weed, to be honest, I didn't really care, but to avoid the possible embarrassment of her finding other things in her hunt I left it so it was easily found. What I had not expected was to find her splayed out on my bed with her eyes closed, headphones on and two fingers buried in her recently shaven pussy.Miranda, or MKD as she refers to herself, has lived with me a few months now, she is the cousin of a really close...

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Hermione and the Squid

She strolled down next to the lake to vent some steam by swimming. She laid her bags on the ground and hid them with an invisibility charm, so she would not be disturbed or teased. She kept her robes on so she could hide them in the water and placed the bubble head charm on herself and then dove into the water. It was cold, unseasonably so, but she quickly remedied that by using a warming charm on herself. She kicked fiercely through the water trying to get as far from land as possible,...

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A WellLived Life 3 Book 1 SuzanneChapter 22 Honoring My Dad

June 17, 2000, Chicago, Illinois Mid-afternoon on Saturday, Jesse, Albert, Nicholas, and I headed for Great Lakes for the ceremony the Navy men had arranged for my dad. Patrick was flying him and Matthew to Waukegan National Airport, and the Navy would pick them up and bring them to the base. Eduardo was bringing Michael to meet us as well, and a few other non-Navy guys would be in attendance with their kids. We arrived at RTC, showed our pass, and followed the directions given us by the...

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Movie Theatre Meeting Part 2

By the time I left home for work the next morning I had decided that I wasn’t going to meet Wayne, the name on the business card given me by the man at the theatre the previous afternoon. The excitement generated by our chance encounter in the movie theatre which had led me to fuck my wife three times the previous night had waned by the time I left for work, but by midday I was not only feeling horny again, but also curious, a sometimes dangerous circumstance. The address on the card was in one...

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Cheating Wives Leila Relapses Chapter 10

Delia thought of herself as a good wife with a shady past. She had her “slutty phase,” she called it. But it was normal. Didn’t most young women sow wild oats in college? But Delia had a measure of local fame concerning her past. She was a terrible student. She never passed a chance to party. She’d get led by the nose by horny college boys from one party to the next and got passed around like a soccer ball on a field of marathon sex play. She had no idea how many men she had been with and was...

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My First EverythingChapter 52

I waited until Saturday morning before I called her. I was home alone all day Friday, but I was too busy thinking about things to be bothered with actually talking to anyone. I was taking a mental inventory of the past two or three years. It wasn't an easy thing for me to do, because there was a lot for me to look at, and to be ashamed of. I had always given in to opportunity and temptation. More than that, I had gone out of my way to create these opportunities. If it felt good, I wanted to...

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