Night Of The Tentacles free porn video

The school had been quarantined due to some viral outbreak, or so the voice over the intercom said. No one knew what was going on, but we just knew that we couldn't leave the school. Everyone tried to use their cellphones, but it appeared as if all of the cell towers had gone dark. This was no ordinary outbreak. Maybe the authorities wanted to reduce panic by restricting outside access, or maybe there was no one left to work the towers. Either way, the situation seemed to be more dire than the staff of the school made it out to be.
I looked around the classroom and saw students just as confused as I was. They were all murmuring and scratching their heads, trying to come up with explanations for the sudden departure from the norm when suddenly a student broke through the door. "They're here! Monsters! Everywhere!" He pointed towards the window and we all rushed over to see what he was talking about. There were too many people crowding around the window for me to see, but based on the gasps and the fear in the eyes of my classmates, I knew that something was very, very wrong. Within moments, students were running, shoving their way past each other to leave the room. That's when I finally got a good look at what was outside.
A multitude of men with tentacle-like appendages were slowly approaching the school. Well, to call them men was a bit generous. They had really been transformed into some hideous creatures, all different from the rest, but all shambling in the same way with the same direction in mind. That was when I began to panic. My heart pounded against my chest, that's when I heard my name called:

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