Like Father Like Son
- 4 years ago
- 30
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There is a belief that if you want to know what a guy or girl will eventually look like, then you must meet their father or mother because according to the old adage, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
When my boyfriend and I started living together, I knew that this eventuality would soon arise. My boyfriend Cal, short for Calvin, as named after his father, had grown up on a farm and was a real farm boy at heart. He was large and stocky, and most people found it difficult to believe that he was actually gay. He was a total alpha and far stronger than he actually realised. When we had sex, I constantly had to remind him to take things easier, and often berated him for the bruises I had to endure as a result. He was a really great partner, however, so I always forgave him his roughness.
Sexually speaking, he was also a great lover but here again great care had to be taken when we made love. He was handsomely endowed, which I liked, but had a very uncomfortable cock that needed a great deal of lubrication. Apart from its above-average girth and oversized glans, Cal had the most rigid dick I had ever encountered. It was like a solid piece of wood and simply had no pliability. It protruded from his body at a slight upward angle and could easily support the weight of a towel without being pulled downward. As a result, the initial part of any sexual encounter was extremely uncomfortable and it literally felt like my rectum was being torn apart, despite the abundance of lubrication that was used.
When Cal got sexually excited, he was like a raging bull and I always had to beg him to slow down to allow me time to adjust to his inflexible dick. After the initial entry ordeal was over, thankfully things soon got very enjoyable. Getting to that point, nonetheless, was often problematically painful. What made matters worse, was that Cal was highly sexed and most days my arse felt like it had gone fifteen rounds in a heavyweight boxing match.
I was very lucky that an old buddy of mine was a pharmacist and was able to prescribe very good creams for my ongoing dilemma.
Cal’s parents knew he was gay and were apparently very cool with his sexual orientation. With Cal being an only child, I surmised that they had to be compliant, in the hope that he would finally return to and run the farm in the future, which he had put on the back burner temporarily, in order to experience a bit of the outside world. I was in no doubt, nonetheless, that he would eventually revert back to his roots.
In any case, even though I knew his parents were comfortable with his sexuality, I was still nervous when we headed to his home to spend a weeklong holiday with his folks.
Upon greeting them, they instantly assured me that they were not into formalities and insisted on me referring to them a Calvin and Martha. What blew me away instantly was the epiphany I had upon meeting his dad. It was as if I were looking at what Cal would look like in twenty years on and one hundred pounds heavier. Calvin, like his son, was handsome and extremely sexy, and I was overjoyed that the apple I lived with had not fallen too far from the tree.
Their greeting was extremely warm and after being hugged and kissed by his mom, his dad’s animated welcome followed. The hug I then got from his dad was sustained and sent an electrical shockwave throughout my body. I was instantly aroused and couldn’t believe how much his prolonged hug had turned me on. In particular, the musky odour of his embrace made my entire body tingle with horniness.
Cal had always exuded a strong masculine smell that I loved, and although he showered daily, he never masked his natural body essence with colognes and deodorants. Cal simply saw stuff like that as an unnecessary waste of money. Calvin’s smell, however, was like a greatly amplified version of his son’s aroma.
We had driven all day to get to the farm and having only arrived after six p.m., once we had put our luggage in our room we sat down to dinner shortly thereafter.
At dinner, the visual interaction I received from Calvin, began to both confuse and delight me. I was almost sure that he was definitely flirting with me. Exciting as it was, I had to keep reminding myself that he was, after all, my lover’s father.
Later, as we sat in the lounge, Calvin insisted that I sit next to him on the couch. He now constantly patted me on the knee or shoulder as we all chatted, continuing to send shivers through my body.
By the time we all went to bed, my mind was in a total spin. Although I was very horny, regrettably after the long drive Cal was exhausted and fell asleep instantly. As I lay next to him I couldn’t stop thinking about Calvin and what lay ahead during our holiday.
The following morning, when I got up at six, I excitedly made my way downstairs to the kitchen. I knew that Cal would not surface before nine o’clock because he hated getting up early and had reminded his dad of this fact at dinner the previous evening, emphasising that he was on holiday.
Like her son, Martha was also not an early riser and also seldom got out of bed before nine. Calvin, however, was up by five-thirty every day and always made his own daily breakfast.
Upon arriving in the kitchen, Calvin was enjoying a cup of coffee. Calvin now greeted me with a strong hug and an erotic good morning kiss that left me in no doubt that he had been coming on to me the previous evening.
“You’re a pretty little thing,” he said as our faces broke apart, before concluding, “In fact; you also smell as good as a ripe peach… my son is a lucky guy.”
“Thank you,” I coyly replied.
“Listen, Dean; as you heard last night, my sister-in-law has invited you guys for lunch today to see all the family et cetera. I can’t stand those boring fucks and never go with on these outings. Besides, being a farmer, I also have to work on Saturdays. May I suggest that you spare yourself the ordeal by electing to stay behind so that I can show you around the farm, among other things,” he concluded with a salacious look on his face.
“Sure,” I compliantly agreed.
“Coffee?” he now offered.
“That would be great,” I agreed.
As we sipped our coffee’s he asked, “So, is Cal any good in bed?”
“Yes, very,” I replied with a naughty smile.
“Well, in that case, later on when Cal and his mother leave, I’ll hopefully be showing you that he is a chip off the old block,” Calvin answered.
After placing his empty cup on the counter, he then said, “But there’s no harm in a little warm-up session before they leave for a walk, is there?”
He did not wait for an answer and instantly embraced and commenced ardently kissing me once more. I also now experienced an even more forceful embrace from Calvin. Cal was definitely his father’s son, I thought as this happened.
I was totally overcome by the rustic smell of his beard as our mouths mashed together. Cal had a short goatee, which I had always liked. The full beard of his father, however, was much more exciting.
Shortly, Calvin’s large hand slipped into the back of the shorts I was wearing before a forceful finger started prising my butt-hole open.
“I’m going to fuck the living shit out of you later,” he grunted as I gasped.
“Oh, Christ, I’d better stop before I get too carried away. We don’t want to tempt fate and get surprised by an unexpected early riser,” he ruefully grumbled.
To cool down, Calvin then suggested we take an early morning walk.
As we walked and chatted, I asked, “Have you always been bisexual?”
“Yes, but I’ve always preferred men,” he admitted, before continuing, “That’s why I never minded the fact that Cal is gay. When I was young, if my father found out that I was gay, he would’ve killed me. That’s why I simply did the straight thing, which I have never regretted,” he assuredly added.
After a thoughtful pause, Calvin then continued, “Luckily, there is a farmhand that works here during the week and whom I get to fuck frequently. You see that building over there,” he said pointing to a small building about two hundred yards away from the main house, “Well, that’s my workshop. That’s where I fuck him.”
“Oh,” I answered, before we now made our way there.
The neatly laid out workshop was well-organised, and there was a divan to the one side with a blanket covering it. “Is that where you commit your sins?” I asked with a mischievous smile.
I simply answered with a nodding chuckle. Calvin now again kissed me for a minute or so, but surprisingly didn’t take things further than that.
After returning to the main house he made a hearty breakfast for the two of us.
When the sleeping beauties finally joined us, Calvin told them about the decision that we had made earlier. Cal and Martha weren’t fazed by this; in fact, I could tell that Martha was rather pleased about the prospect of having Cal all to herself.
At around eleven, mother and son finally went on their way.
As Calvin and I waved them goodbye, he lustfully said, “Now I have you all to myself for five hours, and so we can really take our time.”
Upon walking back into the house he then suggested, “I know it’s early, but why don’t we kick thing off with a celebratory beer.”
“Cool,” I agreed.
With beers in hand, Calvin then said, “Okay, now let’s head for my fuck-shop… I mean workshop,” he said correcting himself with a hearty chuckle.
When we arrived in the workshop we instantly began to strip our clothes off. The heftier version of Cal was magnificent and I now couldn’t wait for Cal to begin the expansion to his father’s size. I could now also see that Cal’s cock was a carbon copy of his dad’s dick, which also appeared to be very rigid. The only noticeable difference between the two was that Calvin’s balls seemed larger and definitely hung lower than his son’s.
“So, what is the normal procedure with your farmhand?” I asked with an impish smile.
“Well, he calls me daddy… and he also likes it very rough,” Calvin said as he gripped hold of my arm and led me to the divan.
I was very pleased when I then saw him retrieving a tub of Vaseline off a shelf before opening it.
“What does daddy want?” I asked as he returned to the divan.
“Get on your stomach, Dean,” he growled.
Calvin now picked up a paddle from under the divan and commenced whacking my arse. The first two smacks were unpleasant and as I tried to jump up, his left hand firmly held me down before he recommenced spanking me. Amazingly, the stinging soon became unbelievably enjoyable.
"What if your son sees my bright red arse?” I uttered, as a new worry began to filter through my mind.
“Don’t let him. Just fuck with the light off tonight. In any case, by tonight your arse will have returned to its normal colour,” he assured me.
After finally putting the paddle down, Calvin began to coat his dick with Vaseline. As Calvin then nestled his body up behind my open legs that were dangling off the sides of the divan, he inquired, “Where did you get those bruises on your upper arms and hips from?”
“From your son,” Cal also likes it rough,” I answered.
“Ha, I’m pleased to hear that my son takes after his old man,” Calvin responded with a tone of pride in his voice.
As he now placed his dick-head on my portal he then proclaimed, “Now let’s find out if my son fucks as well as his old man.”
With a massive shove, a magnified version of my normal sexual routine now got underway. Amazingly, the spanking that I had just received substantially alleviated the pain of his forceful entry.
As I yelped Calvin gave an appreciative growl. “Fuck, yeah, that’s my favourite sound in the world,” he exulted, before adding, “I love it when a bitch squeals submissively.”
I now also got to experience a different approach from Cal’s thrusting, because Calvin preferred a far more irregular technique with longer pauses between each bullying plunge. When Calvin really got going, he then commenced pulling his dick all the way out of me, before his persecuting large cock-head once more blustered its way back into me. As one would expect, although acclimatising to the onslaught was strenuous initially, once Calvin got into his full stride, the pleasure made me inwardly admit that Cal still had a lot to learn in the technique or tantalising a sphincter. With his harrying hands moving up and down, from my neck, to my hips, to my shoulders, and then upper arms, I even began berating myself for possibly inhibiting Cal’s approach because of my constant whining.
Unlike Cal, Calvin didn’t take any prisoners and one was compelled to adhere to his demands. Consequently, Calvin was taking me beyond my normal vanilla parameters and I loved it. Much as I wanted Calvin to escalate his ‘abusive’ onslaught even more, I restrained myself. I really didn’t want Cal to find out that his father and I had been intimate, due to the traces of discolouration emanating from Calvin’s ardour.
With my body weak from blissful abuse, I had been turned into a simpering mass by the time Calvin finally unloaded into me. I had never been fucked more comprehensively in my lifetime.
After we returned to the house we had another beer with a leftover sausage from breakfast. Not long afterward, Calvin looked at me and said, “We had better get back to the workshop because there is lots more work to be done.”
I happily followed him back there.
Back in the workshop, I was soon on my back on the divan. After lowering himself onto me, I now got to experience the full weight of his body as he commenced fiercely kissing me.
“Jesus, if we lived alone your neck and shoulders would look sick after I am done with you,” Calvin grunted.
Much as I would have loved being bitten and orally abused, I was, nevertheless, pleased that he didn’t follow through on that threat. As he feverishly ground his knob into my crotch, Calvin’s mouth gave my head a very animated working over. With hair and spit coating my face, his grunts above all excited me incredibly. Added to this, his intoxicating odour had now begun to ferment even further, encasing us in the most amazing bubble of animalistic essence.
Very shortly, with his legs on either side of the divan and his feet on the floor supplying traction, Calvin placed my legs over his shoulders before shoving his cock into me once more. Initially in this position, Cal’s thrusting wasn’t too hectic to begin with. The added dynamic of him once more swamping my features with his hairy face was mind-blowing. This session, however, was longer-lasting and extremely passionate, which I absolutely loved.
On and on the grunting beast kept fucking me as I relished the most heavenly sexual encounter I could ever remember. I ecstatically wished that Cal could be watching, so he could learn how things were really done.
After an eternity of gratification, Calvin lifted his torso and really began hammering his knob into me savagely. As I ran my hands up his arms and let my fingers swim in his damp armpits, I started pleading with him to fuck me even harder. Calvin now went so totally berserk that I had to claw onto the fabric of the divan to avoid being pushed off the edge of it.
As he announced that he was going to cum, Calvin extracted his dick from my backside and lifted his body onto his outstretched legs as he manically tugged on his cock, before a deluge of spunk sprayed all over me as he unloaded.
With Calvin gasping with exhaustion, he started scooping up his jizz and feeding it to be. During this process, I also received a few hefty slaps to my face.
“We’d better get back to the house and shower before Martha and Cal get back,” Calvin then announced.
As we walked back to the house, I kept sniffing my fingers to inhale the marvellous ripeness of his armpits. Observing me doing so, Calvin said, “It looks like you enjoy my pong.”
“Fuck, yeah,” I replied with a smile.
Back in the house, he led me off to the shower in the spare bathroom. Apparently, he always used this shower because it was far larger than the one in the main bathroom, where a large bathtub took up a lot of the space.
As we got into the shower, I reached over to open the faucet mixer. Upon doing so, my hand was slapped away from the gadget.
As I looked at Calvin with a questioning gaze, he simply lifted his arms and placed his hands behind his head. No further explanation was needed before I plunged my face into the first of his armpits and commenced licking like crazy. Like a contented puppy I then eventually moved to the other armpit. As I did so I felt warm liquid spraying over my thigh.
“I always piss in the shower,” Calvin informed me with an impish smile.
“Me too,” I answered, before we began laughing and pissing all over one another.
Soon after we had showered, I returned to my room and put on a fresh t-shirt, before joining Calvin downstairs. We then sat in the lounge enjoying another beer and awaiting the return of Martha and Cal.
After they arrived and joined us, Cal asked, “Dean… weren’t you wearing a white t-shirt earlier?”
“Yeah, but after a long walk with your dad, I was very sweaty and decided to have a shower,” I replied.
“Did you also have your weekly shower?” Cal then asked his dad with a smirk on his face.
Calvin simply nodded with a defeated giggle.
“I hope that my son showers more often than he used to?” Martha then asked me picking up on the subject.
“Every day,” I replied.
“Wow, that’s good news. Cal and his dad were never poster boys for personal hygiene. Calvin still has to be told to shower when he really gets smelly,” she said with faux admonishment.
“It must have been quite a walk,” Cal then said looking at me, before qualifying, “Because your face still looks a little flushed.”
“Yeah… it was very hot,” I replied with a self-conscious smile.
That evening, we had a barbeque. Despite having been for lunch, Martha’s sister was apparently a really poor cook and so Cal and she hadn’t eaten very much at lunch.
Throughout the evening and before we got to bed by nine, Calvin kept slyly gazing at me salaciously. Exciting as it was, I was still rather nervous that Martha and Cal might pick up on this.
As we were lying in bed later, Cal said, “Well, it really looks like you and my dad have hit it off very well.”
“I really like your folks and I think your dad is amazing,” I replied with a warm smile.
“By the way, did you guys shower together in the spare bathroom?” Cal then asked.
“Well, we were in the bathroom together but I showered first,” I replied uncomfortably.
“That’s a relief,” Cal then responded.
Intrigued, I cautiously enquired, “Why do you ask?”
“Oh, it’s nothing, really,” he answered, before letting out a laugh.
“What’s so funny?” I asked.
“Well… when I was younger and dad and I showered together, we always had a piss fight in the shower, and I was afraid that you might have been initiated into his puerile sense of humour,” Cal sniggered.
“No, nothing like that, unfortunately, happened,” I quickly countered.
Cal now gave me a quizzical look.
Fearful that he may get the wrong impression and believe that I had the hots for his dad, which incidentally was the truth, I quickly said, “Your dad is a very sexy guy, and I am very pleased that you look like him. I am also happy to know what you will look like in twenty plus years from now... The piss thing sounds like fun, however”
“Mmm, I remember that comment,” after a brief pause he continued, “As far as the weight thing is concerned, I’d better start packing on the pounds,” Cal chuckled.
“Definitely!” I responded.
“Should I also start growing my beard longer like my dad’s?” Cal then asked.
“Absolutely!” I once more replied.
We did not have sex that night, because I asked for a rain check. Given the fact that I was exhausted after all the ‘walking’, I had done with his dad that day, I also added that the fresh air had possibly made me very drowsy. Cal wasn’t upset and said that he fully understood, but warned that I would have to make it up to him the following night.
The following morning Calvin didn’t even offer me coffee before we were on our way back to the workshop.
As we undressed, I pleaded, “No more spanking or slapping, please. Much as I like it, I really don’t want your son to find out about us.”
“Cool… but in that case, I’m going to take it out on your arse.” Calvin warned.
The fucking I got that morning was spectacular. I felt like a ragdoll in the hands of a mischievous child as I was tossed about and fucked from every angle. I also decided that henceforth, I would make sure that I didn’t inhibit Cal’s aggression in any way when we made love.
That night, when Cal and I had sex, he was amazed by my compliancy. What further astonished him was when I encouraged him to give full vent to his inclinations. We had the best fuck that Cal and I had ever enjoyed that night, and I was very pleased with his progress. Best of all, he also began to employ his father’s ‘all the way in and out’ thrusting technique, after I urge him to do so.
We were rather fortunate inasmuch as Martha always took sleeping pills and was therefore dead to the world once in bed. According to Cal, Calvin also slept very soundly and so we were able to get fairly carried away in the bedroom. The two bedrooms we used upstairs were on opposite sides of the house and with both doors closed, the sounds were greatly muted, or so we believed.
During my Monday morning session with Calvin, he chuckled as he told me that he had heard Cal and I going for it the night before, before saying how proud he was of his son.
That night, after we had all gone to bed, there was a knock at our bedroom door. Calvin then asked Cal to step into the passage for a quick chat. Upon returning into the room after a minute or so, Cal had a flabbergasted look on his face.
“What did your dad want?” I quickly enquired.
Cal then held up the paddle that Calvin had used on me in the workshop. “My dad gave this to me,” he said incredulously.
“Why?” I asked in disbelief.
“Well, he said that if I was going to spank you, I should do a proper job.”
“Oh, fuck, so he heard us,” I sniggered.
“He also said that my mother was already in dreamland and that we shouldn’t worry about her.”
We both now began to laugh.
The following morning in the workshop I fully understood Calvin’s generosity when he produced a second paddle. “Now we don’t have to hold back any longer,” he said with an evil grin.
For the next two days of our holiday, my morning and evening sessions continued with the two Calvins.
What happened on Wednesday morning, however, would turn out to be the most incredible and pleasant shocks of my life. Cal had also picked up on his dad’s flirting and become suspicious, and once Calvin and I got to the workshop and commenced or session, shortly Cal was peeping in the window of the workshop and watching us.
As normal, we had not bothered to lock the door of the workshop and after entering and quietly walking toward us, Cal’s voice gave us a huge shock when he spoke.
“So, I was right about my suspicions,” Cal uttered with a laugh.
What we would all also soon find out, was that Cal knew about his father’s enjoyment of men and of his ongoing misdemeanours with the staff that his dad employed.
Calvin and I almost had heart attacks as we looked at Cal in disbelief.
As Calvin and I began profusely apologising, Cal told us to shut up.
With a faux look of annoyance, Cal then said, “I’m not upset about what you guys are doing, I just fuckin’ pissed off that I wasn’t also invited.”
As Cal now began to laugh, Calvin joined in and then immediately suggested we get on with it.
“Oh, no, it’s not going to be as easy as that,” Cal pronounced, before adding, “Both of you are now going to be punished for excluding me.”
Calvin and I were then told to bend over and lean on the divan. After picking up the paddle, Cal then began to spank us, alternating between us and both our cheeks. He wasn’t playing games and really lay into us. As this happened, Cal and I looked at one another, and as we gasped our lips soon joined in a horny embrace.
Not long after, Cal threw the paddle aside and gripped hold of my hips tightly before he commenced fucking me. After pulling my torso up and moving slightly backward as he did so, Calvin now moved before me and started grinding his cock into my crotch. As Calvin’s arms wrapped around us and pulled Cal closer, Cal’s arms moved upward and soon his fingers were tweaking the shit out of my nipples. As I yelped, two mouths now toured my neck and head in a frenzied oral onslaught.
Next, Calvin did what he had been dying to do all along, as his mouth enclosed on my shoulder and he started biting me. This agonising ecstasy was soon amplified as Cal orally attacked my other shoulder. How they didn’t draw blood, I will never know.
The soreness from this assault catapulted me into another dimension of breath-taking torture. When Cal and Calvin also began constantly swapping body positions later, my anal, nipple, crotch mashing, and shoulder biting punishment scaled new heights. I was practically delirious as my two tormentors encased me in a threesome of carnal ecstasy, before we finally all unloaded.
During that day, I was slightly concerned about Cal’s real opinion on my episodes with his dad. Unable to hold back, I eventually asked, “I hope you are not upset about your dad and me.”
"Are you kidding? … I’m overjoyed. I wish we had visited here a lot sooner, because my dad has now broken you in properly for me. Just remember one thing, Dean… I won’t be holding back in future, no matter how much you whine,” he added with a cautionary warning.
For the next three days before departing on Saturday, we followed the same routine. At night the three of us also visited the workshop so that we didn’t have to worry about the possibility of Martha unexpectedly waking up. I was enjoying the best holiday of my lifetime.
On our final night together, the cherry on top of this delicious cake was served, when after returning to the house after our nightly session, Calvin got into bed with us. That’s when I witnessed Calvin and Cal really having an ardent kissing session as they feverously rubbed their crotches together. It was an unbelievably hot scene, but as neither one willing to fully submit to the other, I happily became the focus of their pent-up frustration. Fortunately, as one after the other Calvin then fucked me again, they continued kissing one another.
As we were driving home the following day, Cal looked at me and smilingly asked, “Well, I suppose you’ll want to visit the farm far more often from now on.”
“Oh, definitely,” I replied, with an even broader smile than his.
“By the way, my dad has long spoken about building a second home for me on the farm and said that he will now be doing so as soon as possible… How do you feel about becoming a farm girl?” Cal teasingly asked me.
“I would love it,” I answered unreservedly, before adding, “And then, I could possibly use the workshop to start a few hobbies.”
With a laugh, Cal then replied, “With my dad and me around, there’s only one hobby you’ll be taking up.”
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This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters in this story and any actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story is copyright 2019 by Ayn Ryan. Permission is hereby given to share this story on the World Wide Web, provided that (a) no charge of any kind, including, but not limited to, subscription fees, is made in connection with access to the story, (b) the story is reprinted in its entirety, including this notice, and (c) proper credit is...
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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...
It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...
Sex Like Real aka SLR VR! You’re ready for the future, aren’t you? Hell, you’re already living in the future. That’s why you’ve got your VR headset all set to pump hot sex directly into your eyeballs, letting you live the dream of fucking your favorite pornstars. Your only problem now is deciding which of the VR porn sites are worth your hard-earned spank money. Today, I’m going to take a look at Sex Like is fairly new to the sex movie industry, but so is VR tech....
VR Porn SitesI Like Comix! Do you like comics? That’s really more of a rhetorical question, because you probably wouldn’t be reading this review if you didn’t give a shit about them. More specifically, though, it’s porn comics you like, huh? Well, the aptly titled ILikeComix has exactly those, and they’d like your has been around in some form or another for the better part of a decade. The current domain wasn’t registered until 2018, but the archive stretches all the way back to...
Porn Comics SitesMom and dad divorced when I was still fairly young. I saw him every other weekend for a few months after that until he landed a new job out on the West coast. After that, I saw him once a year for a couple of weeks during the summer. Obviously we didn't spend a lot of time together, and because of that, we never were very close. Though I continued to get a card here and there from him on birthdays, or a parcel with presents in it around Christmas time, dad became for me nothing more than one...
Thank you for reading my story! I hope you enjoy it! This is only my second attempt at story writing so please be gentle and constructive criticism is welcome. Now, this story is not for everyone. It contains strong sexual scenes, incest and "very immoral" behavior. If this is not your cup of tea, you were warned. Thank you and please enjoy! My name is Reese Witherspoon and this is my story. It was a pleasant evening in late spring when I pulled my car into the driveway of my parents'...
Alex pulled up in front of the gated driveway. His little Toyota was diminished by thestone walls lined with statues. He felt a mix of fear and excitement course through hisslender body as he pulled up to the call box. Sure, this was just another yoga lesson, and the money would be good (he always charged a higher hourly rate for upscale clients), but he had never met this one. Almost all of his students were word of mouth: referrals from friends, other students, or teachers. This was an answer...
I have found that my mature wife is getting bolder the older she gets. She is more willing to talk about fantasies and much more willing to act on them. A few days ago we had overnight visitors. An old friend was driving through town taking his son to a nearby university so we invited them to stay. I had noticed that both of them checked out Marg’s tits and that she had left a couple buttons undone to show a little cleavage. This is something she is doing more often and something that I am...
Casey's mom had left at 5am that morning for a business trip and wouldn't be back for a few days. Casey was watching TV on the couch when his dad came inside. He had been working on a project in his wood shop for a while and just had to do some finishing touches today. He was in blue jeans, a tight t-shirt that showed off his muscles and work boots. Casey noticed his dad was hard when he came back in from working on his project. He sat on the couch next to Casey. “Hey Casey, can we...
"Good morning, Miss Anderson," Crius said in a formal tone. "Please, call me, Linda," I replied. "Only if you call me, Crius," he answered. The Titan God smiled, but I detected no warmth to it. "Okay, Crius." I returned his smile with some reservation. I couldn't put my finger on it, but I didn't feel at ease with him. When he had asked me out to breakfast, I had been tempted to say 'no', but my curiosity had gotten the better of me. "So, what can I do for you?" "Nothing,...
Fathers and Sons Adam looked down as he pushed his cock in and out of Alex's lovely smooth ass, her black stocking encased legs were rested on Adam's shoulders as he fucked her. Her stockinged legs were attached to a garter belt that framed her 4 inch clitty cock, over her chest was a padded black bra. Alex's face was made up sexly, Her skin was smoothed with foundation and power, Her eyes were lined with liquid liner and brown shadow tapered out to her thin eyebrows and her...
First of all Id like to begin by giving some background information on the various members of my family.Firstly there?s me probably best described as a poorly endowed wimp.There?s my 39 year old wife Sheila, her 59 year old Mother Ann, and completing the trio of females that live in my house my 19 year old Daughter Pam.Finally last but not least there?s my 18 year old Son Robert, who?s small in stature like me, and can sometimes by a bit unruly.My story begins in earnest some 2 years ago...
We will leave Danglars struggling with the demon of hatred, and endeavoring to insinuate in the ear of the shipowner some evil suspicions against his comrade, and follow Dantes, who, after having traversed La Canebiere, took the Rue de Noailles, and entering a small house, on the left of the Allees de Meillan, rapidly ascended four flights of a dark staircase, holding the baluster with one hand, while with the other he repressed the beatings of his heart, and paused before a half-open door,...
In the six months of her marriage, Katherine Dunrossiter had learned much of her husband’s household and way of life and had begun to suspect that her marriage had been a mistake. For one thing he was incredibly high-handed with the servants, indeed, with anyone of Irish blood. He taxed them unmercifully, worked them piteously, and was prone to chastise any errors, whether real or imagined, fiercely. Her attempts to alleviate the suffering she witnessed were only partially successful. The...
There are many studies and competing arguments out there taking both sides of the debate on whether bisexual and homosexual behaviors are due to nature or nurture. I’ll admit that I don’t know the definitive answer, but as you’ll learn in this story, I do have my suspicions that a significant part of it must be due to nature.My name is Ed, and at the time of this story my wife, Susan, and I were thirty-nine years old and living in an Atlanta suburb near where I grew up. My son, Jason, had just...
TabooFathers and SonsMy sister was getting married in Vegas and had invited my father even though Mom was dead set against it. Their divorce had not been amicable and it was years before my sister and I knew the reason for the divorce in the first place. Dad was gay.I am sure Mom still took that as an insult to her womanhood and even though she knew it was not a choice he had made she still would not let it go. My sister and I argued with her and pointed out he had always been a great father but...
"Damn I look good!" That's what I tell myself every time I get undressed and look into the mirror. My name is Meka. Two years ago it was Michael or as my family called me, Mikey. That's right, I'm your friendly neighborhood Tranny. Some like to say "Shemale", "Tranny", or for the sexy little Asians,"Ladyboys". In five minutes I will be arriving at my parents house in Atlanta, Ga. This will be the first time I've seen them in nearly two and a half years. And this will be my "coming out party"....
IncestM. Noirtier--for it was, indeed, he who entered--looked after the servant until the door was closed, and then, fearing, no doubt, that he might be overheard in the ante-chamber, he opened the door again, nor was the precaution useless, as appeared from the rapid retreat of Germain, who proved that he was not exempt from the sin which ruined our first parents. M. Noirtier then took the trouble to close and bolt the ante-chamber door, then that of the bed-chamber, and then extended his hand to...
"Are you doing well in school , son?" Ron asked. "Yes dad, got a A+ on my Health Final!" Drew said. Drew was the blood-born son of Ron. "That's great son! Speaking of health....can I talk to you about something?" Ron asked. "Anything, dad." Drew said. "Son, you're 16 years old. Now, we've had the...."biology" talk of sex, but...." Ron said, but he was interupted. "Woah, woah,'ve already explianed this." Drew said. "No, son, listen. Like I said, we're already had the scientific talk...
IncestWe first met Doug and his wife in 82 on a P&O cruise, coming from Adelaide gave us something in common and though we never went out of our way to meet up with them we seemed to always bump into each other on the ship or tourist trips. Doug and Beck were straight to the point that Sunday church services were obligatory even on the cruise, we found out later that was Beck more than Doug. After the cruise we went round to their home for dinner and drinks on occasion though saying grace wasn't...
Sometime in the past... There was light drizzle falling through the high dark clouds as the limo moved slowly down through the cemetery and by the graves of the hero's who were buried at Fort Rosecrans Veteran's Cemetery. John Richard sat in the rear of the limo with his mother Mary. The coffin, secured in its place in the black hearse directly in front of them contained the body of his father, John Richard Henry, Sr. The hearse pulled off the main road and drove down a side lane then came...
I was in the office of Harriet Jones Realty and had an itch that needed to be scratched. In other words, I was horny as hell. I had my hand down my skirt rubbing my pussy through my panties. Panties that were fast becoming very moist.I needed to get home and get my favorite vibrator, nicknamed Charlie, and get some much-needed relief fast. I made an I’m feeling bad excuse to Harriet and headed for the parking lot. I told Harriet, that if I felt better, I would be back that afternoon.As I headed...
IncestI was in the office of Harriet Jones Realty and had an itch that needed to be scratched. In other words, I was horny as hell. I had my hand down my skirt rubbing my pussy through my panties. Panties that were fast becoming very moist.I needed to get home and get my favorite vibrator, nicknamed Charlie, and get some much-needed relief fast. I made an I’m feeling bad excuse to Harriet and headed for the parking lot. I told Harriet, that if I felt better, I would be back that afternoon.As I headed...
Incest“All of this for a dog?” You might ask, and my response would be, “yes.” It felt as if my best friend had died, the feelings and emotions were strong and honest, and I could feel myself slipping each day deeper into suffocating darkness of desperation, depression, and despondency. Unfortunately, out of embarrassment and shame, I couldn’t bring myself to confide in anyone, and I sank deeper into this abyss . . . until Titan. Titan, in many ways, was like his sire, an extremely handsome dog,...
Jayson woke up on Thursday and realized that he had sixteen missed calls. They were all from his mom. He texted her and said that he had just woken up and she didn't reply. He laid there in the bed for another before the phone finally vibrated. " WHY CANT YOU ANSWER YOUR PHONE????" said the text. It was his mom. He simply replied with, " I was asleep sry". Another twenty minute rolled by and then the phone finally vibrated again. " Me and your father decided to spend the weekend in Aspen!!!!...
IncestBy: DamonX ([email protected]) I rested my head in my hands as I stared up at the clock. "3:48?" I muttered in disgust. I was twelve minutes away from beginning my weekend, but it seemed as though time was grinding to a halt. I had finished with my last client an hour earlier and was simply waiting out the rest of my shift. I groaned again and looked out over the gym. To further my disappointment there were not even any half decent women to look at. I dropped my head...
This story was motivated by the sight of a very pretty Indian college girl in an atrocious bikini at the pool this summer. Once it started though, it became an exploration of power exchange.All characters in this story are completely fictional.I welcome all suggestions and comments on the story. It’s not what might be considered ‘hot’ just yet. It’s because the explosive scene I have in mind will now appear in the 2nd chapter. It’s not written yet, but I will certainly work on it if there is...
VoyeurHello dosto, Ye meri pehli chudai story hai, main ISS ka regular reader hoon par maine kabhi socha nahi tha ki main khudki kahani likhunga, par itne stories padhne ke baad mujhe laga ki mujhe apni story bhi share karni chaiye.Iss kahani mein maine saare real name use kiye hai kyunki sirf naam pata reh ke sonam ko ya mujhe koi haani nahi hogi. Iss kahani mein main aur mere office ki colleague sonam dono shamil hai. Pehle main aapko apne baarein mein bata du, main 26 saal ka punjabi ladka hoon...
This is my first story, so i hope you like it… If you dont please give me advice! thanks!! My name is Kelly and this is the story about me and my cousins best friend Jayson. I was headed over to my cousins house one Friday which was common for me. I was best friends with the girl, Stacy (16) and her older brother was just like a brother to me, Dakota (18). Dakota constantly had hot friends coming over which made their house a common hang-out place for me. But my by far favorite of his...
Personalia: their origins and development [The following paper, ( amended from a talk given to the Rehome Historical Society, which later appeared in the "Journal of the Rehome Historical Society", issue no. 73), is a brief historical review by Robert Kempe, junior, of The Personalia from their ancient origin to their present interactions with the human race.] Author: Robert Kempe, eldest son of Governor Bob Kempe and his first wife Diane Enloe. Background of the author: My father has...
it was late at night and i sat there in my blue panties and black leggings and black tight shirt. there is this older black guy sitting next me naked, high and asleep. as i sat there i found my self wanting to suck his cock again. i heard him mumble in sleep saying "come on white boy suck my black dick" i leaned back over to him and kissed his soft cock and started making out with it. i treated like a tongue and french kissed it. i took his cock in my mouth and sucked on it until i felt it get...
Be advised this story is intentionally rife with POV shifts, misdirected adjectives, and other wanton misuse of literary convention. Please turn back now if such fripperiness gets on your nerves. Thanks. : ) L8. * The Adventures of Lionel & Sondra chapter one — watching TV ‘Television? But you never watch television. And you know I don’t either.’ Lionel was confused by Sondra’s request. Besides, she didn’t look like she wanted to spend an evening watching TV. What she looked like, was a)...
Three years back a friend of mine invited me & all our close friends for a get together at her house. She had arranged for a party on her terrace for her friends. I reached at the decided time. I met those whom I knew, because there were few whom I didn’t knew. After sometime the friend who had arranged the party introduced each & everyone to others so that all will comfortable. There i got introduced to a girl call soni (changed as she requested me to do so). She was pretty, long hair till her...
IncestThis was not the first time that I would be writing to you my friends but it would be good to hear back from fans of the female variety :-)It was a late summer evening and I had been busy trying to wrap up work at office. The eagerness was more with the anticipation of catching a glance of our new neighbor Soniya. They had moved recently to the same building and shared the same floor so but natural that my wife and I would extend a warm welcome to them and offer any help or support they need to...
Now, about Rosemary's social and sex life, first of all she didn't care much for socialising. Probably among her colleagues and friends were a few who would love to fuck her, but she just didn't think they were worth the trouble. The reason was that she got to know someone who was working for a sperm bank company. That entrepreneurial bitch had a sideline going. She ran a call-man outfit. This friend got some of the sperm donors to sell their sperm in a different way, so to speak. They were...
Dear Friends this is Bobby Bob here again. I am 37/m from Delhi. I am tall 6’1” and people say I am handsome. I am thankful to the ISS and the readers of ISS who have reverted back with a positive note. It was around 15 days back I met a very old friend Sonal nearly after 13 years. She was the receptionist there and I was into sales. We were very close friends and share our problems and happiness. She was a tall girl with nice features. We also got many opportunities to fondle with each other...
A few minutes later I am impressed and turned on as I flick through her pics. Most attractive size 12 brunette, average height, with a sexy smile. She has an all over sun tan, standing topless legs apart, hands on hips, wearing killer heels and dressed in crotchless black leather slacks. Modest, though attractive tits and I do like the way her pubic hair has been waxed. The third pic shows a rear view of her in the same leather slacks without any covering over her magnificent ass. “Did you...
A few minutes later I am impressed and turned on as I flick through her pics. Most attractive size 12 brunette, average height, with a sexy smile. She has an all over sun tan, standing topless, legs apart, hands on hips, wearing killer heels and dressed in crotch-less black leather slacks. Modest, though attractive tits and I do like the way her pubic hair has been waxed. The third pic shows a rear view of her in the same leather slacks without any covering over her magnificent ass. “Did you...
So back to my past, it’s 1985 and I have started collage. The occupation I was pursuing isn’t relevant, so I will not elaborate on it. My intention here is to share my sexual adventures with likeminded adults, like yourself, so I will not bore you with the irrelevant. I had broken things off with “Spankie, my first submissive girlfriend” (See story for details.) and was making a fresh start on life. What life I had anyway. You see, for those of you who...
At present Soni is married & has a beautiful daughter like her. We had sex after her marriage also, but the frequency has reduced. Anyway this time I will tell you my sex experience which took place because of Soni. She dint help me by purpose. But her act ended in helping me eventually. Soni still now have no idea about this. Because I feel that such relations are better when they are kept a secret.This is about having sex with a friend Neetu who had introduced me & Soni at her party....
Hi friends this is Deepthi again… this is my second story in ISS… Thanks to all of you for a Very good Response from u all… To the new one’s my 1st Story was First Lesbian Experience With Hostel Warden… No continuations for both are different stories…Coming to the story….. Life is going normal in the hostel and suddenly comes the Sonali Mam she was the only strict faculty in whole college she joined in the hostel suddenly and for my surprise she was my roommate too… My normal life was totally...
Lesbian“Try to understand, please,” she answered with a soft voice, “he only was a teen when he made the wrong choices and this is it. He needs help, his parents were not there when he needed them, we are his only hope.” This was back in June when my nephew Greg was soon going to be released from jail. It’s true, he only had some misdemeanor offenses, but I did not want him in my house. I agreed to give him some temporary shelter for no more than a month until he finds his way to a halfway house and...
There was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but opened it just the same. There stood my step-son’s fiancé: Alyson. They were to be married in three days. She was cute and we hit it off the first day we met. She stood about 5’5”, weighed about 120, and had a full “C” cup. It was those blue eyes and full lips that always had my attention.She came bounding into the foyer and told me that she had something that she wanted to talk with me about. I had been like a father to her from the...
TabooThere was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone but opened it just the same. There stood my step-son’s fiancé: Alyson. They were to be married in three days. She was cute and we hit it off the first day we met. She stood about 5’5”, weighed about 120, and had a full “C” cup. It was those blue eyes and full lips that always had my attention.She came bounding into the foyer and told me that she had something that she wanted to talk with me about. I had been like a father to her from the...
TabooHi this is Sonali my friend Paul wanted to post this story to other site but in between that I saw that he is sending story in which heroin is I but he still doesn’t know that I sent this story to ISS Michael picked Viplove and Sonali up in his car at ten o’clock that morning. “You understand,” he said as he drove them to the Supermarket, “that if you wish to become members of the club you have to do exactly what I tell you to do during the next twenty eight days?” Viplove and Sonali sat in...
I am a young guy. Middle class family, consist of four members. Me, father, young brother and mom. Father is physically disable for the last ten years. Mom is housewife. Her age is 40.I am 26 and only earner in the family. As mom is not getting sexual satisfaction for the last 10 years, I think she is very hungry to have it. I am a very well build guy. She always look at me. She wear sarees below her navel. Her boobs seems to me the largest in the world. After the age of twenty my only dream...