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„Mann so ein Kackwetter“, fluchte Sarah und schaltete den Scheibenwischer auf die höchste Stufe, um den Schnee so gut wie möglich von der Windschutzscheibe runter zukriegen. Aber trotzdem hatte sie Schwierigkeiten, die tiefverschneite Straße vor sich noch auszumachen.
„Ist doch toll, dass es jetzt mal richtig schneit. Die Fahrt auf die Hütte hätten wir uns sonst sparen können“, meinte Melanie auf dem Beifahrersitz, die vor lauter Vorfreude auf das verlängerte Wochenende auf der Skihütte die Gefahren des plötzlichen Winterwetters nicht sah.
Hinten im Wagen saßen noch Regina und Eva, die aber schon eingeschlafen waren und sich nicht an der Diskussion beteiligen konnten. Die vier jungen Frauen hatten sich in der Sport AG der Universität kennengelernt. Alle waren leidenschaftliche Wintersportler und so beschlossen, ein gemeinsames Ski Wochenende zu verbringen.
Sarah war mit 28 Jahren die älteste. Sie war kurz vor dem ersten juristischen Staatsexamen und hatte lange blonde Haare und war 1,90 Meter groß. Durch den vielen Sport in der AG hatte sie einen sehr durchtrainierten Körper und feste, runde B-Cup Brüste.
Melanie war eine 25jährige Medizinstudentin. Mit ihrem dunklen lockigen Haaren, die sie von ihrem italienischen Vater geerbt hatte, bildete sie das optische Gegenstück zu Sarah. Durch ihren olivfarbenen Teint vervollständigte sich dieser Eindruck. Im Körperbau waren sich die beiden jungen Frauen aber ähnlich.
Regina studierte ebenfalls Jura, war mit ihren 20 Jahren aber in einem unteren Semester. Sie hatte reiche Eltern und war ein ziemlich verzogenes blondes Püppchen. Äußeres Zeichen dafür waren neben ihren teuren aber geschmackvollen Klamotten, die DD-Cup Brüste, die ihre Eltern ihr letztes Jahr zu Weihnachten geschenkt hatten.
Die jüngste der Gruppe war Eva, die mit 18 Jahren gerade von der Schule gekommen war, um Geschichte zu studieren. Mit ihren kurzen roten Haaren und den kleinen A-Cup Brüstchen sah sie sogar noch ein wenig jünger aus.
„Ja schon, aber wenn das so weiter geht, landen wir auch noch im Straßengraben“, entgegnete Sarah, „so wie der Typ da vorne“ und deutete auf den weißen Lieferwagen, der hinter einer Kurve auftauchte. Der Wagen war offensichtlich aus der Kurve getragen worden und lag nun schräg im Graben neben der Straße.
„Oh mein Gott! Das sieht ja schlimm aus. Lass uns lieber mal nachschauen, ob da jemand verletzt ist.“ Als angehende Ärztin wollte Melanie nicht riskieren, sich einen möglichen Patienten durch die Lappen gehen zu lassen.
Sarah stoppte den Wagen und weckte die beiden Mädels auf dem Rücksitz auf. Die vier stiegen aus und näherten sich dem Lieferwagen. Die Hecktür des Wagens war bei dem Unfall aufgesprungen. Im Laderaum befanden sich metallene Behälter von denen einige durch den Unfall aufgebrochen waren. Aus ihnen war eine durchsichtige Flüssigkeit ausgelaufen.
Regina rief mit ihrem Handy die Polizei an und meldete den Unfall, während Sarah und Melanie durch die Beifahrertür an den Fahrer des Wagens gelangten. Er war bewusstlos und hatte eine blutende Wunde am Kopf. Sie konnten ihn aus dem Wageninneren nach draußen ziehen. Melanie diagnostizierte bei ihm lediglich eine Gehirnerschütterung, nichts Ernstes.
Bald schon hörten die Mädchen Sirenen näherkommen. Neben der Polizei und einem Krankenwagen, näherte sich auch ein ziviler Geländewagen der Unfallstelle. Aus dem Geländewagen stieg eine junge Frau in einem weißen Arztkittel und kam auf die vier Studentinnen zu.
„Guten Tag meine Damen. Mein Name ist Dr. Tatjana Battenberg, ich arbeite in der Forschungsabteilung der Biopharm AG. Der Wagen, den Sie gefunden haben, sollte einige Proben von neuartigen Arzneiwirkstoffen zu einem unserer Laboratorien hier in der Gegend bringen. Da es den Anschein hat, dass einige der Behälter beschädigt worden sind und Sie eventuell mit biomorphogenen Substanzen in Berührung gekommen sind, würde ich Sie gerne zu einigen Untersuchungen mitnehmen.“
Die Mädchen schauten sich verdutzt an. Als sie sahen, dass die Rettungskräfte, die den Lieferwagen bargen alle Atemmasken und andere Schutzausrüstung trugen, wurde ihnen klar, dass sie sich in einer ernsten Lage befanden. Sie folgten Frau Dr. Battenberg in ihrem Wagen zum Labor der Biopharm AG, wo ihnen Blutproben abgenommen wurden und andere Tests vorgenommen wurden.
Nachdem sie einige Zeit warten mussten, kam Frau Dr. Battenberg mit den Ergebnissen zu ihnen.
„Meine Damen, ich kann ihnen sagen, dass Sie wohl Glück hatten. Es sind zwar einige der Substanzen, die bei dem Unfall ausgetreten sind, in die Luft übergegangen aber Sie haben anscheinend nur eine unbedeutende Menge aufgenommen. Daher sollten Sie keine Folgen der Exposition spüren. Falls Sie doch irgendwelche Veränderungen bei sich bemerken sollten, melden Sie sich bitte umgehend bei mir. Ich möchte Ihnen weiterhin auch noch im Namen von Biopharm Dank aussprechen und Ihnen eine kleine Anerkennung für Ihre Hilfsbereitschaft übergeben. Ich hoffe weiterhin, dass Sie diesen kleinen Vorfall für sich behalten.“
Sie gab den Mädels jeweils eine ihrer Visitenkarten zusammen mit je einem Scheck über tausend Euro. Alle vier Mädchen bedankten sich artig dafür.
Nach diesem unfreiwilligem Zwischenhalt machten sie sich wieder auf den Weg zur Skihütte. Da sich das Wetter mittlerweile beruhigt hatte, waren sie schnell an ihrem Ziel angelangt. Durch die vielen Verzögerungen war es aber nun schon Nacht geworden und nachdem sie ihre Sachen ausgepackt hatten, verzogen sie sich alle in ihre kleine Einzelkammer und schliefen rasch ein.
Sarah schlief tief und fest. Als sie am nächsten Morgen aufwachte, spürte sie einen großen Druck auf ihrer Blase und sie wankte schlaftrunken aus ihrer Kammer auf die Gemeinschafstoilette und schloss sich in einer Kabine ein.
Sie setzte sich auf die Schüssel und raffte ihr Nachthemd hoch, um zu pissen. Da erlebte sie den größten Schock ihres Lebens: Wo normalerweise ihre süße kleine Pussy war, hing nun ein großer, fetter Schwanz! Sarah blickte geschockt auf die Wurst zwischen ihren Beinen und war überzeugt, immer noch zu träumen. Sie fasste den dicken Penis mit beiden Händen an, wog und fühlte ihn mit ihren Fingern. Unter dem Penis fand sie auch noch zwei schwere, haarige Eier, die an ihr herabhingen. Ungläubig spielte sie mit dem neuen Fortsatz herum, zog die Vorhaut zurück und wieder nach vorne. Das Teil, das sei da fühlte, war genauso, wie sie es mochte: Schön hart und dick, mit einer glatten Haut. Solche Dinger holte sie sich gerne von den diversen Unifeten mit nach Hause.
Das Gefühl, dass beim Spiel mit der langen Latte entstand gefiel ihr und so machte sie weiter, bis ihr neuer Penis sich ganz versteifte. 25 Zentimeter Fleisch standen jetzt zwischen ihren Beinen hervor, die sie hemmungslos mit beiden Händen wichste. Mit einer Hand ging sie dann unter ihr Nachthemd an ihre festen Brüste und spielte an ihren Nippeln, um ihre Erregung noch zu steigern. Der Mix der beiden Stimuli war bald zu viel für Sarah: Ihr neuer Schwanz spritzte in hohem Bogen seinen Samen ab. Die Wichse flog mit solcher Wucht heraus, dass sie Sarah mitten ins Gesicht traf. Das Gefühl des warmen Samens in ihrem Gesicht, machte dem Mädchen endgültig klar, dass das hier kein Traum war. Ihr waren über Nacht ein großer, mächtiger Penis und ein Paar dicker Eier gewachsen und sie hatte keine Ahnung, wie das geschehen konnte.
Verwirrt wankte Sarah aus der Toilette. Sie musste mit jemandem über das reden, was ihr passiert war. Sie ging in die Gemeinschaftsküche, wo ihre drei Freundinnen bereits zusammensaßen. Eva saß heulend auf einem Stuhl, während die anderen beiden versuchten, sie zu trösten. Als Sarah eintrat und sie die Wichse auf ihrem Gesicht sahen, wussten sie, was los war.
„Du auch?“ Fragte Melanie.
„Ich denke schon. Habt Ihr alle auch….“, fragte Sarah zurück.
„Ja“, sagte sie, „wir haben jetzt alle fette Schwänze“, bestätigte Melanie und hob ihr Nachthemd hoch, um ihren neugewachsenen Penis zu zeigen, der ihr bis zu den Knien hing.
(true story)Last night I was craving to be fucked by my boyfriend. He worked overtime today & was exhausted. When we were all ready for sleep, I begged for his cock but he shut me down. I even said I would do all the work & even rub his back after..he was just too tired. So we both went to sleep. Now remember his younger sister sleeps above us on the top bunk. I woke up to switch sleeping positions and i feel him touch my ass. I didn't think anything of it, I though it was accident....
Benedict, Ben or Benny, Horton, Veronica, or Ronnie, Horton nee Parker: that's us. Both aged forty. Married going on fourteen years I guess. Happy? She is, I'm not, and for damn good reason: she's been cheating on me. And, not just cheating on me, but serial cheating on me, with at least four different men including my boss, and that for at least the last thirteen years; she admits to that long. And, I just found out about it today. Fuck! How did I find out? Well, that's the story, at least...
Several months of talking, begging and pleading, I agreed under three conditions. “First: If we do this there will be no turning back. Second: You will be in chastity permanently. After all---the way you’re talking I’ll be fucking others and not you. Third: I will have compleat control over who I want. Agreed?” After agreeing to the rules he went to shower and shave his private parts as I requested. In the bedroom, I tied each hand and foot to the four corners of the bed. “Remember! This...
"I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." WINSTON CHURCHILL "Our achievements leave class enemies breathless." LEONID BREZHNEV Martin Spencer (the name has been changed to protect the innocent) sits in his apartment watching some late night TV. A beautiful blonde actress is being interviewed by the host about her latest movie. "So can you set up the clip for us?" "Sure, Jamie. In this scene, I'm back from China and...
White women are overrated. And they’re not my standard of beauty. Black women are my standard of beauty. There, I said it. And I mean it with every fibre of my being. This is coming from me, Samuel Xavier. A proud bisexual Black man who’s bedded women and men of all races before coming to this shocking conclusion. I just wanted to let the world know how I feel. Seriously. After years of switching back and forth between male and female lovers, I discovered that the person most capable of loving...
I pull into my lunch dates driveway and turned off the car. I sit for a moment listening to the ticking sound of the hot exhaust and engine's metal expanding and contacting. It is peaceful as I listen to the soft outside sounds despite my anticipation to see her. I take a few deep breaths to maintain my composure before getting out and heading to the door. I am hungry for lunch and starved for her. I knock on the door and wait for a response. She is prompt and always waits near the door for me...
BDSMHello, Friends My Name is Andy, name changed i am 26 years old. This is the first time i am writing a story. This is a real incident happened with me long years back which i am going to narrate in my words today. Now let me not waste your time and start the story. Mai chahta hoo ki ye story mai hindi mai likhu taaki aap is story ka maza le sako aur feel karo ki is story mein main nahi aap hi chod rahe ho. To mai ab story start karta hoo. Mai 18 saal ka tha mujhe mere mama ke ghar jana bohot...
I left Tomas pouring over his maps, and continued on my way to find Alistair; after clearing the main hall, and stealing some bread, cheese, and another apple from a passing servant, I headed up towards his room. As I walked down the hall, munching on my snack, I heard talking; I paused just outside of Theron's open door. He was talking quietly with Blake, and I eavesdropped for a few minutes. "This is the letter A. Each letter makes a sound; this one can either sound like 'ahh' or like...
And…if you can believe this as well Max agreed to tell her exactly how he felt about her. Cynthia was a bit surprised but happy, and I was too, seeing as he was only 18 and Grace Templeton was 25. You think to yourself what 25 year old wants to be seen with an 18 year old? She has to be a little “messed up” upstairs. But weren’t they all? Weren’t Cynthia and Max messed up as well? Personally, yes, I thought. Yes they were. Even I was caught up in all of this a little. Honestly, well honestly, I...
“I am afraid I do not quite follow. I know that navigators are queerly helpful aboard ships – they cannot seem to sail without them. Further, I know that the navigator families own quite a deal of wealth. Navis Nobiline, the saying goes, never a day without a golden throne for the pocket and for the loo. But, well, I don’t see the connection between them and your cruise and the sailing and such.” Jon paused in his conversation to move a piece on the Regicide board set between him and Vynn....
About a month after Sarah kicked me to the curb I was sitting in a booth at the Denny's at Fourth and Hamilton when Gloria walked up and asked if I was alone and when I said that I was she asked if she could join me. I told her to take a seat and we talked. I found out that she was home for a week because of a death in her family and when she asked where my girlfriend was I told her that Sarah and I had split. I asked her how her love life was going and she told me that she didn't have a...
"mary kate?" said adam. "yeah i am over here" replied mary kate. mary kate was in her bedroom changing into something a little less wet. "can i come in yet?" asked adam. "jeez give me a friggin minute will you? i am changing." "what?? why are you changing? we are just going to..." mary kate walked out of her room and it became apparent to adam that she had lied to him.. a lot. she was no innocent little virgin girl... she was a full grown woman, and she knew how to do some crazy...
Introduction: A mother uses her sexual skills and body to negotiate her daughters prenuptual agreement SUZANNECLOSES THE DEAL CHAPTER 2 REVIEWING THE DIRTY SEX REPORT: When Stones balls were completely empty, he pulled out of Suzannes gasping, glistening wet mouth, released her head and dismounted from the back of the couch She lifted her head and watched him come around the sofa, while she choked and licked her well stretched, puffy from hard use, lips. He picked up her purse and handed...
Liz was confused. She was 18 years old and had so far, enjoyed a great relationship with her boyfriend, which had now lasted for two years. She loved him and she was loyal to him, apart from the two mishaps, which genuinely were not her fault.These mishaps confused Liz. She tried to put the thoughts of them at the back of her mind, but they kept on coming back. She often thought about them, and she liked the thoughts.The first one was when she had taken a lift home with two nightclub doormen...
Straight SexAshley Capistan and Jennifer Fergoski both celebrated their twenty-first birthday. Both girls were five-ten, both weighed the same, they both had strawberry blonde hair that hung straight to mid back. Both girls had 34-23-30 hourglass figures, nice round and firm C-cup breasts, and what many would call beautiful bubble butts. If one would put the two girls side by side, they would pass as twins! They were twins! Unfortunately the two girls were separated at birth, given up for adoption by a...
It was Friday afternoon, I was waiting for Linda to finish working so the festivities could begin. Nothing seemed to amuse me for more than a few minutes, I would try playing video games or reading a book but I kept thinking about what was going to happen in less than an hour. It didn't help that I had an erection that wouldn't go away, I had already jacked off twice today but I was still horny as hell. I felt like I was going to explode if I didn't blow my load soon so I decided to...
"He says he's too busy to see you." "That's not a problem. Tell him I'll be at his house tonight to discuss the matter with his wife whether he's there or not. Goodbye." She relayed the message as I turned and walked toward the door. "Wait! He didn't realize he had an appointment cancel. He can see you now." I almost laughed. He didn't know how important to me it was to protect the kids. Could I do a sufficient acting job to fool him? Hell, I had convinced Russian black...
It was one of the hottest days of the year and I was sitting in my air conditioned apartment staring at the computer screen trying to think of something erotic to write. But I was having the worst case of writer’s block of my career. I would start a story and then couldn’t finish because I just wasn’t inspired by the plot, the characters or the worst thing of all for an erotic writer- the sex. It was becoming frustrating but the only saving grace was that I had nothing to do outside and with a...
"Just a minute, mom! Be right down!" Christy yelled from her bed. She was already dressed and ready for school but had one leg of her jeans off so she could lay with her legs spread. Her pink lace panties - a choice made first thing after she woke up - were pulled to the side, allowing her fingers direct access to the furious rubbing that they were now performing. She couldn't help it. Every time she closed her eyes, the mental image of Charlie's cock, wavering through the water, was...
The Captain was much happier knowing that he wasn’t going to have to board a hostile ship from a small boat, and he had his force ready in seconds. As always, he reminded the Guardsmen that they were there to hold attackers off. The archers would do all the killing that needed to be done. As always, the approach seemed to take hours. We didn’t want to go fast, though, as there was no good way to slow down and a hard collision would damage both ships. When we got closer, I yelled “Ahoy the...
Hi friends, I am new to this Indian sex stories site . Myself ayush and I m studying in medical profession. I am not so handsome but I have one that thing which can satisfy any girl or aunty. Any unsatisfied girls, aunties can contact me on I will not show of my size but it can satisfy and last long enough. So coming to the story, it was my first day of college when I saw ankita.. She was sexiest girl I have ever seen till date. She was in her red salwar and a white apron whose buttons were...
Mat wakes up first, Abby’s arm draped across his body. He waits for the guilt to come, surprised when it doesn’t. Helping his sixteen-year-old reach orgasm is wrong and he knows it. Last night he let her watch him masturbate, which is also a big no-no, but doing these things with her makes him… Happy. Perhaps it’s because relations between them are forbidden. Everyone wants what they can’t have. But it’s more than him being turned on by her innocence.Maybe she doesn’t understand the gravity of...
IncestIt's been four months now since the Coronavirus lockdown came into effect and I have to say. I am so FUCKING SICK... of my family. We're quite well off, so in the beginning, we were just all laughing it off and eating regular meals. But then the food outlets began closing down, and my family was restricted to canned goods. After a week of that, I was begging for a steak. We lived in a gated community, in the upper east hills of the city with a small population of about fifty people. No...
10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle from the floor of the car park. 9. Wanked off in a used-condom after watching couple fuck in same car park. 8. Me and some mates took turns spunking into our friend's sister's dirty panties. >7. Snogged a woman at a party after two guy's had spunked in her mouth.
Jake wasn’t exactly a porn addict, but he certainly enjoyed it. He had never told his wife, Maxine, about this for fear of insulting her. It’s not that she was not attractive, not at all. Quite the opposite. From Trinidad and Tobago, her smooth dark skin only accentuated her amazing body, she stood 5’10’, wore a 34D cup and had a perfect ass. Rather, the problem was her routine in bed, she was somewhat…simple in bed. This was the reason why Jake had taken an interest in porn. On this...
The coach pulled out of the high school at exactly 7.30 am and Mr Smith settled himself into his seat 2 rows from the front behind Ray the driver. The kids were excited and very bubbly but Mr Smith knew from experience that they would settle quickly for the long drive to Dover.It was the yearly trip for year sevens to France and for Mr Smith it was the tenth year of running it. The school staff were always keen to be selected for it. It was fun and it was interesting.On this year's trip were...
MatureI had gone with my sexy girlfriend Helena to visit some old friends who had moved to a not so far town in the mid west. We both spent some nice days in the company of our good friends.When we returned, Helena and I were expecting to be alone during another day at home, since our husbands were outside on some business trips…But yet I wanted really to be at home as soon as I could; so, I tried to drive back during the night in a fast highway.It was a warm October night and the highway was almost...
It was quite possibly the busiest news day I had ever seen. Everyone was running around, trying to cover all the angles of the ever developing War on Iraq. I was sitting at my desk, talking to my various sources, and watching the coverage anchored by the networks senior anchor, Darien James. Darien had always been an idol of mine, the top journalist at the network since he had joined back in the 70's. He was only in his early 50's, but didn't look a day over 40. I was getting ready to go out...
Copyright© 2005 A lady with features cherubic Was famed for her area pubic. When they asked her its size She replied in surprise, "Are you speaking of square feet, or cubic?" Waking to the pain-filled glare of the mid-morning light streaming through a crack in my blinds was not something I enjoyed experiencing. Not when my head felt twice the size and ten times as heavy as normal from the drinking I had done the night before. I do remember going out to that pub, dancing with a host...
Hi everyone, I am Rishi from Delhi but currently residing alone at Guwahati, Assam, since I have been transferred here. I reside alone in a 2BHK Flat in a Posh Society. I am residing here since the last one year, but as you all know, no one knows each other in the Apartments, and to be precise, no one cares about tenants in particular. The story is of 2 months back, when some puja was celebrated in our society and even I was invited. As it was a sunday, i decided to go downstairs, just for time...
I was once told that it can be a dangerous thing to try it on with the boss's daughter. Mixing work and pleasure can be as troublesome as it can be rewarding. Turth was I always associated that kind of stuff with high flying executives who had a Ferrari in the car park. I'm nowhere near that kind of life. I'm a security guard who works in the gatehouse at a truck depot. I spend twelve hours a day signing trucks and cars in and out. That was where I met Kirsty, the daughter of the site manager....
Straight SexIt was a mid size town the heart of America, just big enough that there was bustle but small enough that most people knew each other. Anne lived in the better neighborhood, her husband owned his own company, one he had started just out of college and now he was on top in his field. Her children were grown and gone and Anne lived the life of retirement, her husband more than capable of supporting them. Her days were filled with tending to her flower gardens in the spring and summer and playing...
Maiden by Decree By Maggie Finson Chapter Four A Potential Sister-in-Law, Others, and a Royal Decree Or: What was I Thinking of When I agreed to this?!! He was almost used to being on horseback when they reached the palace gates and were ushered inside by respectful grooms, one of which helped him dismount. The man's hands on his waist as Deirdre was easily...
-------------------------------------------- There I was standing there in line waiting to get my schedule in the West Gym. My name is Sonny, and it was the week before I started my senior year. It was just going to be like any other year I went to register... Bring my paperwork, pick up my books, take a picture, get my schedule and pick up my ID with a student handbook. Blah. It was WAY to early in the morning.. Oh will you look at that... I got a reduced schedule (less than 7 classes), I...
“Well, Pamela, do you remember any of your dreams?” “Remember them? I can’t forget them.” [5 min. 36 sec] “Can you tell me one?” “They’re all the same. I’m lying in bed with my nightie pulled up. Strange men are looking at me.” “We’re almost out of time. We’ll talk about this next week.” “On our last visit, you were telling me about your dreams.” “Not really. I mean that I told you about the men looking at me. What I didn’t tell you is that I’m playing with myself.” “You’re...
Hello, sex story readers. It was a Friday night! I was dead tired due to the shifting scenes from Bhilai to Mumbai. I wanted a break. I wanted a drink. Moreover, I didn’t have any friends here, so I decided to go alone. I ended up at a club and since it was Friday night, it was fully packed! I went on to the bar table and ordered myself a drink and just looked here and there at others chilling and dancing and having a nice time, only till I saw a girl, not too short, long hair, bright face, and...
Long before the winter of '66 came upon her, Maryon had grown tired of the constant fucking and fooling at the Bare-Stud-Cats' meetings. She was of a mind that there should be a time and a place for everything while they seemed to find pleasure only in using the auxiliary cunts as a place for their pricks, and at any and all times. So bored had she become, indeed, that she hadn't attended a meeting since summer, though Sylvia constantly urged her to come along and share the fun whenever a...
I was a happy-go-lucky guy just ready to burst into song for absolutely no reason at all other than thinking about my undeserved good fortune to have a sister with a submissive and obedient nature and a pair of girlfriends who were oversexed identical twins. Of course, I had suffered the depths of despair with the breaking up with Tiffany, my little sister's best friend. That was a period I was trying my best to forget because I had become incredibly attached to the anally-oriented young...
Kindhearted and giving Farida was certainly not, thought Teti, for the thousandth time wondering how to make his beloved cousin open his eyes and see the woman that he loved so dearly for what she really was. A venomous and vengeful snake, ruthless, merciless, and pitiless backstabber would be more appropriate descriptions of his cousin’s wife. Spiteful and malicious, dangerous and unremorseful, fearless and fear inducing. She was deeply despised by any woman he had ever known that crossed her...
The music cut through the red-tinged light of the strip club, sending a shiver down my spine as we both entered. The man at the door - topless and in tight pants - had talked to Rachel for a short while, before gesturing at a tall, blonde woman who stood behind the bar. The woman was busy observing the rowdy patrons of "For Her Eyes Only", keeping a keen eye on proceedings, and not bothering to look in our direction. All the way over from the sports bar, I'd held on to the faint hope that the...
Exhibitionism(Dear readers this is a narration of the soft love that exists between two women incase your seeking hardcore sexual action please excuse) Hi readers, this is your JJ come back to entertain you with a steamy lesbian stuff. This happens in Chennai in fact just off the newly developed area off OMR. Two fascinating girls in their mid twenties who work for a Insurance BPO working in different shifts share a rented house. Bhagyashri & Sanjana both had looks that could kill or can I call gorgeous...
LesbianA K little sister Alyssia BabysitterI had been watching Paul and Nicole's two c***dren for a while. She wasvery pretty, about 5'8", nice legs and loved to show them off. She toweredover my 5'6' in her heels, Paul was about 6'1 or so, clean shaven and atrim wide shoulder athletic build, they made a very good looking couple.They would go out, she in a sexy dress and heels, and he in nice pants andshirt, or a suit sometimes dancing or parties I guess, I never reallycared. It was a cool gig, the...
Introduction: It was the end of my long internship at an advertising agency, and I was looking forward to the kicking off the summer the right way. I would have never believed what was in store for me My friend Roger was very well off on the financial side and was having a massive party at his dads private beach house down the countryside. Knowing Roger it would be over the top and very fancy looking. My names Andy. Im 25, have blue eyes and very light brown (nearly blonde) hair. Im pretty...
As her and Fiona drove towards downtown, Charley couldn’t help notice how lovely her friend looked behind the wheel. Her short blonde hair was spiked in a cute pixie cut, blue eyes sparkling with white eye shadow, her tight leopard print dress that zipped from top to bottom was slightly unzipped, her breasts struggling to escape the tight confines. She oozed confidence and sexuality. Charley felt another pang of self-consciousness and averted her eyes. The club was packed with a line...
“What’s up Mario? The guys want to have some pizza tonight, can you deliver?”, he asked. “I ‘ll be happy to,” I said, “what time? I work 4:30 - 8:30.” “That’s great, how about dinner around 7, can you do it? We need to prepare the “topping”, you know…and then you get here some time before 9, okay?” “Sure,” I answered feeling my cock getting hard, “call me to order around 6 and I bring you dinner.” Time flies and now it’s 6:40 and I am at Jake’s house doorstep ringing the bell. He opens...
I woke up early feeling very restless. Jake was out of town for the week working and I was on my own. It was supposed to be a hot one today so I decided to get some weeding done this morning before the sun heats up the afternoon. I threw on some shorts and a tank top, grabbed my gloves and headed outside. I finished my weeding by ten o’clock and was dripping with sweat. I needed to cool off so I decided to take a dip in the pond and get some sun. I rummaged through my drawer finding a skimpy...
Our session opens today with Cuckoldress Lauren Phillips in a frantic mood. She’s frantic because her Bulls are on their way over, and she likes being fucked on clean furniture. Her slave, Fluffy, isn’t doing a satisfactory job. All he has to do is clean the damn furniture to her liking…and the worthless loser can’t even do that correctly. Fluffy has his chastity device strapped on, and it’s electrified! That’s right…with the simple turn of the dial,...
xmoviesforyouChristine had made it! Within weeks of graduating high school, while all of her school friends had been readying themselves for college, Christine had landed a job in the city! Sure, her friends had all laughed and joked about ‘Chrissie’ (gawd, how she hated that name) working as a clerk at the local grocery store. Or worse, they would joke about her getting pregnant and married (in that order) and ending up living in a trailer park five years down the road, just as they were all completing...
it has been a while since i felt about someone the way i feel about katy. i have found myself able to let her into my life in a way that kind of surprised me. and i am happy that she feels relaxed enough here to stay over. sharing my space with another, never mind my bed, doesn’t come easily for me. i am naturally a bit of a loner, valuing my alone time, so having katy in my life is a leap of faith.i hear her turn in the next room and look up to see her. she has adjusted her position and i can...
Jeanette Brennan turned from the stove as Bob came staggering in with the laundry bag over his shoulder. "Wrong holiday, Santa. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving." "Funny." He dropped the bag on the couch before meeting her at the doorway. "I'm getting out of shape. Maybe I'll go back to working road construction next summer instead of office stuff." They kissed. "Tired of me already?" she asked. He kissed her again and reached for her breasts. "Pot's boiling," she said. He followed her...
Chapter 1 Veronica reclined in her seat as her private jet sped across country. Despite the air conditioning, her milky white skin was sweaty, and her face flushed a deep red. Veronica felt at the dampness of her face, and brought a hand up to brush away a bothersome lock of sweaty red hair. She sat with right leg crossed elegantly over left. Veronica clenched her pelvic muscles, feeling the resistance of the vibrating toy buried in her cunt.Veronica was not alone in the clean white...
This was my first morning at my new job, the combination of many years' study, firstly at college and than later at university; it was as a 2nd unit Cameraman with the 18 Plus Adult channel. My wife, Jenny, of three months was not ecstatic at my appointment, but as I have told her, a job's a job, we can't afford to be picky, not with all those bills to pay. Her beautiful body moved under me as I thrust into her wet pussy, although only five foot two, with a slight figure, she was very sexy...
This is the seventh part. Please read the previous parts to understand the story. I compare the woman in the story to actresses. So think of someone when you read this story. I will continue the story where I left. In the last part, my sister (Samantha- actress) and I were trying to seduce mom (Vidya Balan- actress), and it went well. I finger fucked mom in the bathroom, and she gave me a nice blowjob. I told everything to my sister, and she said we have to make our next step. Sis: Brother,...
IncestLucy woke up to a loud beeping noise coming from the opposite side of the bed. Sean woke up and reached over and tapped the alarm clock, silencing the alarm. Lucy thought it was obnoxiously loud, but she knew that Sean was a very deep sleeper. It made sense that he’d need something raucous to wake him up. But wasn’t today Sunday? She looked over at her phone, which was in a charging stand on the bedside table on her side of the bed. Yes, it was, indeed, Sunday. Sean said, ‘Rise and shine. I...
"Remember when these lessons used to be just for the two of us?" I ask Charlotte as we tie our shiny satin pointe shoes to our feet. "Barely," my BFF giggles. "Then again, who is it who's always saying 'you can never have too many friends'?" "Yes, yes, okay," I laugh as I return to the barre, flanked by over a dozen of my friends. As we run through the remainder of our steps, I smile as I muse on what Charlotte said, and how right she is, especially at this time of year. In exactly...
Robbie rushed in just as we were finishing the speed round of the day. I think Mrs. Conners was picking on me 'cause my topics were women shouldn't be allowed to serve in the military and women are too emotional to be president, especially once a month. Robbie nodded to Mrs. Conners but didn't offer any explanation. Robbie's got a wonderful face. It can be almost miraculously expressive when she sings or acts or as stoic as any Easter Island monolith when she's keeping her own counsel....
It’s time for Thanksgiving, and we have a mini party at Julie’s the Monday night before we leave. The vodka and tequila flow freely, and Kamiko and I do a fair amount of public making out. Julie’s found a decent guy named Chad and he’s totally cool with us practically getting it on in front of them, but Julie decides to give us some competition in the public affection and practically attacks him on the floor while we occupy the couch. The other party goers bail and we all come up for air. ‘So...
I was only nineteen and my world was over! One little clerical error and I was no longer eligible for the student loan I needed to get me through my next semester. I didn’t even have family that could help me. My mother was a waitress living paycheck to paycheck, and my father died when I was six. I had been in a daze of disbelief when I left the college’s office, where Mrs. Banks had broken the bad news. I had known the moment I walked in and saw that she was smiling at me with a look of...