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„Mann so ein Kackwetter“, fluchte Sarah und schaltete den Scheibenwischer auf die höchste Stufe, um den Schnee so gut wie möglich von der Windschutzscheibe runter zukriegen. Aber trotzdem hatte sie Schwierigkeiten, die tiefverschneite Straße vor sich noch auszumachen.
„Ist doch toll, dass es jetzt mal richtig schneit. Die Fahrt auf die Hütte hätten wir uns sonst sparen können“, meinte Melanie auf dem Beifahrersitz, die vor lauter Vorfreude auf das verlängerte Wochenende auf der Skihütte die Gefahren des plötzlichen Winterwetters nicht sah.
Hinten im Wagen saßen noch Regina und Eva, die aber schon eingeschlafen waren und sich nicht an der Diskussion beteiligen konnten. Die vier jungen Frauen hatten sich in der Sport AG der Universität kennengelernt. Alle waren leidenschaftliche Wintersportler und so beschlossen, ein gemeinsames Ski Wochenende zu verbringen.
Sarah war mit 28 Jahren die älteste. Sie war kurz vor dem ersten juristischen Staatsexamen und hatte lange blonde Haare und war 1,90 Meter groß. Durch den vielen Sport in der AG hatte sie einen sehr durchtrainierten Körper und feste, runde B-Cup Brüste.
Melanie war eine 25jährige Medizinstudentin. Mit ihrem dunklen lockigen Haaren, die sie von ihrem italienischen Vater geerbt hatte, bildete sie das optische Gegenstück zu Sarah. Durch ihren olivfarbenen Teint vervollständigte sich dieser Eindruck. Im Körperbau waren sich die beiden jungen Frauen aber ähnlich.
Regina studierte ebenfalls Jura, war mit ihren 20 Jahren aber in einem unteren Semester. Sie hatte reiche Eltern und war ein ziemlich verzogenes blondes Püppchen. Äußeres Zeichen dafür waren neben ihren teuren aber geschmackvollen Klamotten, die DD-Cup Brüste, die ihre Eltern ihr letztes Jahr zu Weihnachten geschenkt hatten.
Die jüngste der Gruppe war Eva, die mit 18 Jahren gerade von der Schule gekommen war, um Geschichte zu studieren. Mit ihren kurzen roten Haaren und den kleinen A-Cup Brüstchen sah sie sogar noch ein wenig jünger aus.
„Ja schon, aber wenn das so weiter geht, landen wir auch noch im Straßengraben“, entgegnete Sarah, „so wie der Typ da vorne“ und deutete auf den weißen Lieferwagen, der hinter einer Kurve auftauchte. Der Wagen war offensichtlich aus der Kurve getragen worden und lag nun schräg im Graben neben der Straße.
„Oh mein Gott! Das sieht ja schlimm aus. Lass uns lieber mal nachschauen, ob da jemand verletzt ist.“ Als angehende Ärztin wollte Melanie nicht riskieren, sich einen möglichen Patienten durch die Lappen gehen zu lassen.
Sarah stoppte den Wagen und weckte die beiden Mädels auf dem Rücksitz auf. Die vier stiegen aus und näherten sich dem Lieferwagen. Die Hecktür des Wagens war bei dem Unfall aufgesprungen. Im Laderaum befanden sich metallene Behälter von denen einige durch den Unfall aufgebrochen waren. Aus ihnen war eine durchsichtige Flüssigkeit ausgelaufen.
Regina rief mit ihrem Handy die Polizei an und meldete den Unfall, während Sarah und Melanie durch die Beifahrertür an den Fahrer des Wagens gelangten. Er war bewusstlos und hatte eine blutende Wunde am Kopf. Sie konnten ihn aus dem Wageninneren nach draußen ziehen. Melanie diagnostizierte bei ihm lediglich eine Gehirnerschütterung, nichts Ernstes.
Bald schon hörten die Mädchen Sirenen näherkommen. Neben der Polizei und einem Krankenwagen, näherte sich auch ein ziviler Geländewagen der Unfallstelle. Aus dem Geländewagen stieg eine junge Frau in einem weißen Arztkittel und kam auf die vier Studentinnen zu.
„Guten Tag meine Damen. Mein Name ist Dr. Tatjana Battenberg, ich arbeite in der Forschungsabteilung der Biopharm AG. Der Wagen, den Sie gefunden haben, sollte einige Proben von neuartigen Arzneiwirkstoffen zu einem unserer Laboratorien hier in der Gegend bringen. Da es den Anschein hat, dass einige der Behälter beschädigt worden sind und Sie eventuell mit biomorphogenen Substanzen in Berührung gekommen sind, würde ich Sie gerne zu einigen Untersuchungen mitnehmen.“
Die Mädchen schauten sich verdutzt an. Als sie sahen, dass die Rettungskräfte, die den Lieferwagen bargen alle Atemmasken und andere Schutzausrüstung trugen, wurde ihnen klar, dass sie sich in einer ernsten Lage befanden. Sie folgten Frau Dr. Battenberg in ihrem Wagen zum Labor der Biopharm AG, wo ihnen Blutproben abgenommen wurden und andere Tests vorgenommen wurden.
Nachdem sie einige Zeit warten mussten, kam Frau Dr. Battenberg mit den Ergebnissen zu ihnen.
„Meine Damen, ich kann ihnen sagen, dass Sie wohl Glück hatten. Es sind zwar einige der Substanzen, die bei dem Unfall ausgetreten sind, in die Luft übergegangen aber Sie haben anscheinend nur eine unbedeutende Menge aufgenommen. Daher sollten Sie keine Folgen der Exposition spüren. Falls Sie doch irgendwelche Veränderungen bei sich bemerken sollten, melden Sie sich bitte umgehend bei mir. Ich möchte Ihnen weiterhin auch noch im Namen von Biopharm Dank aussprechen und Ihnen eine kleine Anerkennung für Ihre Hilfsbereitschaft übergeben. Ich hoffe weiterhin, dass Sie diesen kleinen Vorfall für sich behalten.“
Sie gab den Mädels jeweils eine ihrer Visitenkarten zusammen mit je einem Scheck über tausend Euro. Alle vier Mädchen bedankten sich artig dafür.
Nach diesem unfreiwilligem Zwischenhalt machten sie sich wieder auf den Weg zur Skihütte. Da sich das Wetter mittlerweile beruhigt hatte, waren sie schnell an ihrem Ziel angelangt. Durch die vielen Verzögerungen war es aber nun schon Nacht geworden und nachdem sie ihre Sachen ausgepackt hatten, verzogen sie sich alle in ihre kleine Einzelkammer und schliefen rasch ein.
Sarah schlief tief und fest. Als sie am nächsten Morgen aufwachte, spürte sie einen großen Druck auf ihrer Blase und sie wankte schlaftrunken aus ihrer Kammer auf die Gemeinschafstoilette und schloss sich in einer Kabine ein.
Sie setzte sich auf die Schüssel und raffte ihr Nachthemd hoch, um zu pissen. Da erlebte sie den größten Schock ihres Lebens: Wo normalerweise ihre süße kleine Pussy war, hing nun ein großer, fetter Schwanz! Sarah blickte geschockt auf die Wurst zwischen ihren Beinen und war überzeugt, immer noch zu träumen. Sie fasste den dicken Penis mit beiden Händen an, wog und fühlte ihn mit ihren Fingern. Unter dem Penis fand sie auch noch zwei schwere, haarige Eier, die an ihr herabhingen. Ungläubig spielte sie mit dem neuen Fortsatz herum, zog die Vorhaut zurück und wieder nach vorne. Das Teil, das sei da fühlte, war genauso, wie sie es mochte: Schön hart und dick, mit einer glatten Haut. Solche Dinger holte sie sich gerne von den diversen Unifeten mit nach Hause.
Das Gefühl, dass beim Spiel mit der langen Latte entstand gefiel ihr und so machte sie weiter, bis ihr neuer Penis sich ganz versteifte. 25 Zentimeter Fleisch standen jetzt zwischen ihren Beinen hervor, die sie hemmungslos mit beiden Händen wichste. Mit einer Hand ging sie dann unter ihr Nachthemd an ihre festen Brüste und spielte an ihren Nippeln, um ihre Erregung noch zu steigern. Der Mix der beiden Stimuli war bald zu viel für Sarah: Ihr neuer Schwanz spritzte in hohem Bogen seinen Samen ab. Die Wichse flog mit solcher Wucht heraus, dass sie Sarah mitten ins Gesicht traf. Das Gefühl des warmen Samens in ihrem Gesicht, machte dem Mädchen endgültig klar, dass das hier kein Traum war. Ihr waren über Nacht ein großer, mächtiger Penis und ein Paar dicker Eier gewachsen und sie hatte keine Ahnung, wie das geschehen konnte.
Verwirrt wankte Sarah aus der Toilette. Sie musste mit jemandem über das reden, was ihr passiert war. Sie ging in die Gemeinschaftsküche, wo ihre drei Freundinnen bereits zusammensaßen. Eva saß heulend auf einem Stuhl, während die anderen beiden versuchten, sie zu trösten. Als Sarah eintrat und sie die Wichse auf ihrem Gesicht sahen, wussten sie, was los war.
„Du auch?“ Fragte Melanie.
„Ich denke schon. Habt Ihr alle auch….“, fragte Sarah zurück.
„Ja“, sagte sie, „wir haben jetzt alle fette Schwänze“, bestätigte Melanie und hob ihr Nachthemd hoch, um ihren neugewachsenen Penis zu zeigen, der ihr bis zu den Knien hing.
CHAPTER TWENTY ONE There was a loud, frantic, knocking on my door just as I was about to open my lunch beer. I limited myself to just one beer at lunch but it's a good one. An imported Pilsner from Germany. I was down to my last case and personal supplies wouldn't be coming in for at least two weeks. Thank God I hadn't opened it yet. I stashed it back in the little DC electric fridge and opened my office door. It was Trooper Beech. He saluted and I returned it. "What's up,...
TEAM SPIRIT: THE SECOND HALF By Meps98 CHAPTER SIX This week is dragging just as badly as the last. It's like I'm cramming a whole week of crap into just five days. Spending two days at Bob's doesn't make the other five any better. In some ways, they're worse than ever before. I don't care, it's worth it. Candi's found me a recipe insert from one of the magazines and at least half of them look interesting. I think Bob may have most of the ingredients in stock and I can pick...
Hi readers i’m a regular reader of this site i like this b/c i like this. I’m 22 male from mumbai. This was happened with me at age of 15 there was a 42 yrs old aunty she was my neighbor.uska nam malti hai uska figar 32-28-44 hai. Dikhne mai to wo bahut hi sundar hai.woh mere ghar ke samnewale flat me rahti hai isliye mera unke ghar aana jana tha. Ek din unka gaav ka koi karibi rishtedar off ho gaya to unka pati off se direct train se gaav janewale the or aunty ko train ka kuch malum nahi tha...
Hello, my dear sex story readers, It was almost three years since Sudha’s gang bang. Her brother Siva after two successive promotions is now a regional manager of the bank. All thanks to Sudha for sacrificing her body to the executive members. Tomorrow is her marriage and Siva have invited a whole lot of people for his sister’s wedding. There was an evening party at his house. Sudha was going to get married to Dileep, a relation from Mr.Gupta’s family. Mr.Gupta and his son-in-law Maanav made...
Incest"Greetings, greetings. Welcome to the Domina Flagrante," Chantelle gushed. She was a study in confidence, kissing cheeks and offering her hand to complete strangers. Whether they thought it was appropriate or not, many leaned down to kiss the back of it. Perhaps they thought it was some kind of pantomime, or maybe they just couldn't help themselves. Between her sense of theatre and her outrageous outfit, she commanded attention. The only thing missing was a crop in her hand. We got into a...
when you wake up... you find yourself... on your stomach... completely naked... without a stich on... your pants pulled off... socks and shoes gone... even your tee shirt is missing... "whut's duh mattuh white bitch?... yew bee worried 'bout no shirt... no shoes... end no suhvice?... wail... yew mightn' bee completely nekkid... but yew gonna bee duh won givin' us... awl duh suhvice wee gonna need"... and you realize... laying face down... that your legs... both legs... are spread wide...
Virginity Lost My name is Simon and in a series of stories I am going to tell the story of my unusual sex life. In this first instalment I will describe how I lost my virginity and was set on a course which has led to many sexual adventures. This story starts just over 40 years ago when I was 16 and a 5th form student at High School. I was a big lad, 6 foot 1 and with a solid build. I already had a place in the school’s 1st 15 Rugby team, something normally only open to 6th formers. However...
Our west-bound train wasn't as crowded as they could get later on a Sunday evening, and Julie and I quickly managed to get two end seats on their own, so that we were able to talk relatively privately. "Are you happy, my darling?" "Oh yes, that weekend was lovely. I really enjoyed last night's party, and lunch today was a real treat. The Baxter's don't seem like grown-ups at all - I wouldn't mind at all if they were my parents! Do you think they might want to adopt a daughter?" I...
I love telling true stories of my sex life so this is what happened today.Helens friend, who dosent know what were up to, came round today,what a cracking pair of tits shes got, always wanted to fuck her but being one of her brides maids i didnt know what Helen would say if i said "i would LOVE to fuck Jan.They sat in the lounge and had a few drinks talking of old times and the conversation started to move towards what men they have had.I could hear the conversation in the kitchen so went...
Join us for further adventures in The Fire And The Storm, Book Two of The Nexus Of Kellaran, available now; wherein it is seen that things are not proceeding as well as they appear to be, and; Mark loses his temper. Feel free to write me at [email protected] about anything, or to be added to my mailing list to be informed when I release new books in the future. Or Connect with me at my website: http://wayneedwardclarke.jigsy.com/ or my FaceBook page. Appendices for Blessings Of A...
As I said earlier, Susie and I discussed a multitude of different things as we finished our lunch.I could tell that Susie was still in a fairly high state of arousal as we went and paid our bill before making our way back to the car.I suddenly thought just what a luck lad I was, 18, fairly well-off financially and with a gorgeous little 16 year old schoolgirl holding my hand. Not only was this gorgeous little girl a schoolgirl - she was wearing her school uniform, proper school knickers...
FetishLinda’s husband Robert, had completed his overseas task and was now back in the bosom of his family. He’d found his family had gained a long lost ‘Uncle Brad’ and my presence was something he soon got use to and enjoyed. To make up for the time he had been away, Robert decided to take his wife Linda on a Golf Tournament tour in Scotland. And who better to watch over things in his absence than that reliable Uncle Brad! So off in a Cab they had gone, leaving me and Rachel together! But I was...
[All participants are eighteen or older (in this case just eighteen).]When did the plan to fuck my twin s!ster formulate?In truth, ninety percent of my stroke fantasies were of my gorgeous, bitch s!ster; ninety percent of those were revenge fantasies where I made her my little slut. Although I am a nerd and hardly a ladies' man, I have a sinister side. My fantasies range vastly on how I would make her my submissive little slut but they always include fucking her face, filling her cunt and...
Peeper's Punishment VII By PJD The ladies followed Lady Ann into the dining room, where they saw the dining table had been laid out awaiting their arrival. Lady Ann's servants stood prepared to wait on the assembled ladies, but what caught the ladies attention was a large steel cage in which a elderly plump sissy dressed in a white bra, white nylon panties, suspender belt, black nylon stockings and pink six inch high heeled shoes stood sobbing. The ladies surrounded the...
I sent both girls home on time that afternoon as jasmine had certainly worked over and above the call of duty two days ago and I wanted some peace and quiet for a change. I then spent the evening trying not to think about the happenings of the day. I tried to read a book but my thoughts kept interrupting me. Eventually I went to bed and thankfully fell asleep due no doubt to the excitement of the past two days.The next morning I woke just before the scheduled time for my morning cup of tea so I...
The club was dark, the music hot and the girls were everywhere. This was my first time at this place, I had heard that it was the best place to be on Friday night, so my buddy and I decided to check out the scene. I had been transferred to the mid-west area after a hurricane had devastated the office back home. Living out of a hotel room for a year was hard but the city was very progressive and eclectic with lots of hot looking MILF’s and girls around. As John and I sat having a drink and...
he blubbered some words to me in Spanish. then, he said in English ''go back to your country pig''. where do you thing we are I ,chuckled? I had brought thiss man over the border because when we were illegally trafficking some things his cartel hit us and stole our stuff I being the godfather had to find out where he hid it. realization hit him and terror crossed his face before he had a chance to speak I said,''yeah were in America and I want to know where you all hid or stuff...
9 Taylor turned and sprinted as fast as his legs would carry him through the gate of the water treatment plant shouting, “Gas.” While the sheriff and deputy both just stared at him confused, Whitaker turned and also ran towards the trunk of their SUV, wrenching the rear door. By the time Taylor got to them she’d already opened their NBC kit and started pulling out provisions. “Sheriff, do you have gas masks in your car?” “What the hell...” The deputy started to say before Taylor...
Jake rang the doorbell again, and stood there waiting for is girlfriend Anne to answer the door. He could hear the shower running and he knew that she must be in the shower. He decided just to barge on in, and hoped her roommate wasn’t home. He cracked the door and yelled, “Hello, Anne, Sarah, it's me, Jake.” He heard Sarah call from the bedroom, “Sorry I’m getting dressed I couldn’t come to the door. I just got out of the shower.” Sarah walked into the room then and she looked awesome as...
High Powered executive Cherie sometimes just has to break away from the office for some extracurricular relief at a place no one would expect. She is often still going on the phone with business when she shows up at the Glory Hole and sometimes even forgets to turn it off while having her fill. It’s a Monday at the good Ole GH and there is just one Dick for her but it is mighty fat and she is going to drain it for all it’s worth. She even finds some new ways to fuck the dick in her...
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Tiffany ran through the rain with abandon. The cooling precipitation was most welcome on her hot skin after these weeks of unbroken high temperatures. But the summer storm ending this interminable drought had caught her totally unaware. Her bra was left at home as yet another unwanted layer of uncomfortable clothing along with the summer coat which would now have protected her decency. Her ample boobs bounced as she ran, the once opaque formal white dress shirt clung like wet tissue-paper to...
The summer is almost over and Karlee is still upset about the recent split from her boyfriend. What makes it worse is that she will be having classes with him when she returns to school. It’s a good thing her crazy friends Abella and Keisha are going to will make sure this summer goes out on a high note. While they are chilling at a skate park, two hot guys show up and start to show off their moves. The girls day out soon changes to something a lot more fun when Abella decides to take this...
xmoviesforyouAt ninety miles an hour, I was glad the wind was deflected over my helmeted head. Trips on the bike were my favorite brand of relaxation. I hadn't worked in about a month, but I wasn't concerned. Something always came up. I had my Yamaha wound up on I10 coming east out of El Paso when the call came. The only phone I linked to my helmet was the little black work phone. After every job I had the number changed, only one guy ever had the number. I didn't even know his name, not his real name...
Themyscira, otherwise known as Paradise Island is a secluded island in the center of the Bermuda Triangle. No man has ever set foot onto the island as it was created as a land where women could live in peace and seclusion protected by the Olympians, specifically Hera and Athena. There are many women on the island and the society promotes a nudist centered world where everyone can be free with no fear of repercussions. This particular story focuses on the Amazonian female warriors but may...
Finch’s feet were sore and his lungs burned long before he was stuffed into the back of a large vehicle, his head covered with a sack. He knew his brother was with him for the first part of the rushed retreat by No Limits, but he had no way to know if the might have been separated. He was so tired that he didn’t fight the sleep which demanded his attention once the vehicle started moving. He woke to darkness, unsure at first if it was the bag on his head or not. Finch listened a moment. He...
Say thanks to Pepere for this one! Classics & truly befitting of most city, state & federal “leaders” we know. EXAMPLES FROM BRITISH MILITARY OFFICERS’ REPORTS (OERs) 1. His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity. 2. I would not breed from this Officer. 3. This man is depriving a village somewhere of its idiot. 4. This officer can be likened to a small puppy - he runs around excitedly, leaving little messes for other people to clean up. 5. This Officer is...
The chief looked up when Johannes stepped into his office. "Yes, Johannes, what is it?" When he saw Johannes had files in his hand, he gestured to a chair. Johannes sat down, placing the files on his lap. "Sir, I have new evidence in an old case." The colonel nodded. Johannes placed the top file on the colonel's desk. His boss opened the file and began examining the contents. "As we all do, over the past few months I've been taking some time to review old files — cases that are...
I was getting very frustrated with my local xhamster contacts trying to set up a meet. No takers! Today was beautiful and warm, so I decided to go to the park where I've seen action before. It's about an hour's drive from my home, but I was wanting to at least jack off with another man outdoors. The park is very large, but has a secluded area at the far end. Not very many people go there, except for (mostly) lonely men. I've never seen cops there. When I drove in there was only one car...
The sign over the door read ‘Riverwood Traders’. Simple and unimaginative, like the rest of the town seemed to be. Time to see what the locals know about Bleak Falls Barrow. I opened the door and walked in, right into the middle of an argument. A blonde Imperial woman wearing simple robes was standing in front of the counter, talking loudly to the man behind it. “Well, one of us HAS to do something!” she said. The man behind the counter shouted, “I said NO! No theatrics, no adventures, no...
MY PHONE RANG about half an hour before Lissa and I were ready to leave for my painting gig. “I’ll drive,” Clarice started. I’d noticed she never said hello when she called. It was like joining a conversation halfway through. “Give me your address and I’ll pick you up in twenty minutes.” “Uh, hi, Clarice. Lissa and I were going to drive over together. She’s my chaperone today.” “Good. I’ll pick you both up. What’s the address?” I stumbled through the address and she hung up before I...
Enjoy You stand at my back, lean in so I feel your rack. Pull my hands out of sight, I feel a handcuff closing tight. Be my slave tonight, I promise to treat you right. Your hands are cold, as you slip on the blindfold. You glide them down my back, all I can see is black. My knees feel week as you caress my ass cheek Squeezing my ass tight you whisper “I just might take a bite” Or maybe just a nibble as you pinch my nipple
Page 1. At last, with the persuasion of my hand gun, I'd forced her to take all her clothes off. Of course, she was reluctant, indignant and thought I must be kidding. It took her over an hour of wheedling and denial before she got it all out. All her natural and naked beauty, that was. I'd taken her to a private place, not so remote she couldn't hear the traffic passing from the throughway, but isolated enough she could scream her guts out and no one would care because no one could...
About four days had past since my last fuck when I heard from the same guy again. I bumped into him at some local shops and we got talking and I could tell by the bulge growing in his jeans that my presence was having an effect on him. He hinted that he could go a quickie and luckily I had what I needed in my bag. I asked where we could go and he said he would drive me to a spot he knows is always quiet. I agreed and we went to his car and he drove me to the carpark at a local park. He said...
Saturday Morning Through Sunday Mark had called me Saturday morning. He had been busy after his last talk with me, murdering Tuccos and had collected one more to talk to. He had reached some decisions, taken actions and alibied himself along the way. His wife was going to join Gracie and he wanted to bring both his captives to me. I gave him instructions for both. Marie flew to KC Saturday morning. There a ticket was waiting for her at the KC airport. She took a commuter flight to Des...
Rather than ride around looking for things to do, I grabbed the local tourist rag from a rack in front of the Inn and perused it for ideas beyond my broad brush approach. When we were driving back from the airport, I noticed Cattlemen's Bar & Casino, on Airport Road. If we ran out of ideas, I thought that might be fun diversion for an evening., We were definitely spending a day at the glacier, and maybe a long weekend lazing around in the hot tub, naked, and letting nature take its...
Charlie hated himself as he dragged her limp body to the back room. The pretty blue dress she was wearing was getting awfully dirty and he knew he could’ve caused her to get a concussion when he tackled her. Even for her size he had no problem moving her. He was 6’3” and was on a scholarship for football, he did weight training all the time. As he pulled her into the back he made sure to close the security door so she couldn’t escape. “Babe? Babe, wake up.” “Charlie? What happened?” she asked...
* * * * * The number on my caller ID wasn't in my contacts. I didn't owe anyone money, so I answered. “Hello?” “Is Jenny there? I have to talk to her,” a woman whispered. “There's no one here but me. I can barely hear you. Who is this?” “Oh my God, he's coming!” she hissed. “Please, I don't know what to do! I'm afraid he'll....” There was a loud crash, like a door being kicked in, and then a man's voice yelling, “You fuckin' whore! You worthless cunt! Who the...
It took a week to arrange a mutually agreeable time for Brad and Mike to return for another get together with my wife Beth. When last the boys were here Beth had a fantastic time and was really looking forward to a repeat performance. She had even told me she was going to take them straight to the bedroom where the y could really go at it. I was a little taken aback when I went to answer the door. There was Brad, Mike and two other good looking guys. Brad induced me to Chad and Dan who...
The only complaint I had was in the bedroom. John was alright in bed, but he didn't exactly set a world record in the sack. On top of that, he's about 5 1/2 inches in length. I can deal with it - and it is kinda thick, so that helps - but sometimes a girl wonders if there's "more" out there. I wasn't willing to consider an affair though. I do have some morals and standards. Although, I have to admit I did take a few glances when we'd have a hot repair man over. Last summer, we had a...
Sitting at her kitchen table drinking her coffee as she reads the morning paper, her routine is similar each day. In fact she makes sure to do the same things every morning; she doesn't like to be rushed. Reading one of the stories on the sports page, she jumps when her phone rings. Taking it from the counter, she answers without looking to see who it is."Hello?""Keira?""Yes, good morning Adam!" "Keira, I know this is last minute. But I would like to sneak away to Vegas with you for the...
Straight SexPaul had always been attracted to older proffessional women since a young age, the idea of an encounter with someone much his senior had always been has most focused fantasy and he never had much luck with girls his age in their late teens nor was he particularly attracted to them. When his parents separated he was living with his mother while his father brought his new partner into the original family home, after a few years it was decided that Paul should meet his dads new girlfriend who had...
First, Ashryn and I put Voss in a comfortable position- paralytic venom only lasted for 2d4 minutes, so he’d come around pretty quick. Then Ashryn used her last spell- which turned out to be Detect Magic, or rather, “The Starlit Eyes of the Arcane”, to scan around the room and check for any other fire snakes. I had no idea if “animals from an elemental plane who were otherwise totally normal in the context of that plane” counted as “magical” for the purposes of that spell, but it was worth a...
Palace of the Queen, Merka Planet Remza Universe Recta 9: Conference Room 4.6 Preliminary Strategy Discussion Attendees: Gen. Nastovor Sarajengus — Head of the Armed forces for the Azayal; Chairman. Adm. Maron Mergazengis — Chief admiral of the Azayal Fleet. Adm. Pawela Hage — Intelligence Chief combined forces. Jacob Peck — President of the Flock of the Una. Grefel Magoo — Director of Intelligence of the Una. Queen Mergal Ravengus — Queen of the Azayal. Lisirra Chamadar — Crown...
When younger my sexual desire used to throw up fantasies. My first recurring fantasy even before we married was to share my wife with other men. At first it Didn,t seem to be possible, but in the end it happened and more than once so it proved at Times fantasies can become reality. Another recurring fantasy from back in the late 1980s was my sexy wife as a very dirty stripper drawing the line at not much except at pissing which never turned either of us on. But it never looked like it would...
More from JudyLet me tell you a little more about my husband. He has been cuckolded for over 30 years. He actually has not fucked in that time. I do jerk him off every couple of weeks and fill him in on some of what I have done. I keep a lot to myself figuring he doesn’t need to know. His cock really is that small. 2 inches hard at best. It really is a lady clit. But he can shoot a long way when I play with it. I also love the fact that he has man tits. Would love it if I could get them to...
Hey! Whoever’s reading this, I’m Jeff, and this my story. Well, actually it’s not my whole story, that could take a while. Let’s just say this is a really interesting chapter from my story. If you want the rest of it, you’ll have to wait for someone to write a biography about me someday when I’m rich and famous… like that’ll ever happen right? Anyways, I was 16 when this happened. I was at the mall with a few of my friends, namely Mike, Michaela and Katie. It was around 5:30, and we were...
“What the fuck is going on here!” the black haired bear of a man screamed at the top of his lungs. He stood in the doorway with his hands on his hips, his face very red with his ever-growing anger. He didn’t like what he saw. Melinda still had her face pressed hard against Marlene’s open cunt. Both girls were covered with sweat, and Bernard could pick up the rich scent of lust in the air. The sadistic man had been looking for an excuse to sexually abuse the teenage girls anyway for a long...
IncestChapter NineI woke up late the next morning, almost noon. My body was sore from all of the use. It was a good soreness though. When I did finally get out of bed I found Jim out on the balcony, freshly showered with a towel wrapped around his waist. He had already eaten and was just enjoying the warm breeze off the water. He asked how I was feeling and I told him I was doing fine but thought I should take it easy today. He told me how hot I looked yesterday out on the golf course. I thanked him...
(Authoress's note: of course all disclaimers are still in place regarding characters etc. PLEASE DON'T READ THIS IS YOU HAVE AN AVERSION TO PEE SCENES AND EXTREME HUMILIATION. This is only a fantasy story XXX+. I only wish there is enough here to make each of you happy. To those who have given me constructive criticisms as well as those with praise thanks. Lauren Westley. ([email protected]) High School Dilemma Part Five By Lauren Westley As the car bounced around on old shocks...
Are you male or female? Male.Age? 30.At what age did you start masturbating? 13.How many times a week do you masturbate? 14 - 16 (Always at least twice a day).Do you always orgasm when you masturbate? Yes.How many times do you orgasm each time you play with yourself? At least once.Where do you masturbate:In bed? Yes.In the shower? Yes.In the bath? No.Outdoors? Yes.At work? Yes.Every room in the house? Yes.In a car while traveling along the interstate? Once, wouldnt recommend it if you have...
By : Jasi Hello friends its me Jasi from Gurgaon mene aapko apni pehali story may bataya ki kese mene indu ko chuda lgatar 7 days ab indu ka husband training karke bapis aa gaya tha tu indu or may yehi sucahte they ki kese chuda jaye ek din indu mere room may kayun ki rahul duty par tha or may apne room may so raha tha indu ne mere ko jagaya or boli ki tum yaha so rahe hu may such rahi thi ki tum mere room may aaoge mene kaha kanyu kaya bat hai tu boli tumhare lund ne Mere ko dewana bana diya...
While Erica eagerly opened up, Erin was so wise to treat her cat Tiger to a fresh portion of salmon sandwich, for whenever he would wake up. Which gave Erin some guaranteed quality time to watch what Pete would do to her dearest girlfriend.Erin was very glad for Erica that taking her blossom wouldn´t hurt much. While she secretly hoped, she could watch that sacred ceremony of her two turned-on dear sexy friends.Would Erin´s little prayers get rewarded?Erin knew from Peter´s earlier accounts...
I've been living with my girlfriend now for 6 months, and things have been great between us; not as much sex as I would like, but I jack off when I need to and being with her is great. I don't think I would have ever thought to stray, and certainly not who I strayed with, but it happened, and I've decided to put it down on paper to share. My older brother married his long time girlfriend last year, and she is great. Very cool to hang out with, sometimes a little snobbish, but she has a killer...
I was stood on the street corner looking at my phone in frustration. Twenty minutes after we were due to meet she finally sent me a text message to say she’d had a “better offer”, as cold as can be. She couldn’t even come up with something to let me down gently. Just a “better offer”. Jesus, getting back into the dating game was proving to be rough and painful blows to the ego! First time ever I had been stood-up…Forty-one shouldn’t be a difficult age to find someone new; I have interests, I...
Oral SexAs the evening draws near, Alma and Fiona both become nervous and excited. They try to hold a normal conversation between one another. After dinner, Alma takes a shower. She shaves her crotch and after that, debates on what clothes she should wear. She looks for something sexy as Dr. Carr had suggested. Because she has never really dated after taking care of her sister, Alma really doesn’t have much by way of sexy. Sure, she has had the occasionally one night stands, but that never really...
He had written in his profile on some gay socializing site that he was looking for mature tops or versatile had pinged him there and he immediately responded. Initially he was hesitant in sharing face pics and our chat used to be off and on. Within a months time the trust or passion or whatever built up some more and then we shared pics. He was and is average by looks. i mean at his age there are many boys who look even more sexy to my eyes. Immediately after pic exchange though, the call of...
GayFriday morning Courtney was really excited. She was up early with me and showered early saying she wanted to make sure Ralph and Silvia knew her dad was coming so the house would look perfect. Courtney was a bundle of nerves as Silvia served her some orange juice. Silvia leaned over and kissed Courtney gently, reassuring her that her dad would be as proud of her as she was sure he always was. While kissing Courtney, Silvia gently caressed Courtney's bare breast, which made her generous...