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Part I

I’m Sara.

I'm about to turn 50, and all this began about a year-and-a-half ago. My husband, Sam, is 50, and we've been married for 25 years. Given that it’s consumed half my life, all in all, it's been a good marriage. 

Sam and I have two kids: my son Eric, who is now 21, a little 11-year-old girl named Emma.

As we got older, sex with Sam became more sporadic and, frankly, less satisfying, as I imagine it does for most couples. But in the fall of 2013, he had an accident that put him totally out of commission for several months.

Do I blame what happened on the fact that Sam and I didn’t have sex for a few months? I can’t really say that - I’d been unfaithful before. But did a lack of sex drive me to the ultimate act of infidelity? It’s possible.

I go to one or two conferences a year related to my work. On more than a few occasions I’ve found myself flirting - and more - with men. I told myself it wasn’t completely sinful because I rarely went “all the way.” There was oral, mutual masturbation, lots of dirty talk, and tons of petting and touching, but no penetration.

Nearly all of these “sexy time partners” have been guys around my age. I’ve almost exclusively played around with married men so that everybody is on the same page. This is strictly about short-term fun -  no falling in love, no phone calls at home, no meeting in between trips out of town. If we end up at the same conference next year, maybe we do it again, but no promises.

The fall of Sam’s accident, I went to a four-day conference across the country. The first night, a college kid at the hotel bar was flirting with me. Again, I usually stuck to older married professional types, but this kid kept me interested, and I found myself flirting right back. Before I knew it, he had his hand on my thigh, and I didn't stop him. I was horny as hell, and finally, I just looked at him and said, "Do want to fuck me?"

It floored him. He actually sputtered. I laughed, then took his hand and pushed it under my skirt so he could feel the heat coming from between my legs. I looked him dead in the eye and said, “I'm not kidding."

He kissed me in the elevator, and I reached down to touch him through his jeans. He was rock hard and seemed thick, and I’d already made up my mind that tonight would be one of those times the “no penetration” rule didn’t apply.

We were all over each other before the door to my room was fully closed. I pulled his t-shirt over his head and pushed him back onto the bed. Straddling him, I leaned down to kiss him again, running my hands over his smooth chest. He grabbed my ass roughly, and I ground down on his cock, my skirt already riding up nearly to my waist.

I broke our kiss long enough to lean up and make a big show of unbuttoning my blouse, removing it, then slowly taking off my bra as he watched. When it was fully off, he almost seemed to growl, ran his hands up my body to grope at my tits, and leaned up to kiss and suck my nipples. I reached behind me to fiddle with his jeans, but couldn’t get a good grip on the zipper. Finally, he bucked his hips, flipped me over, and began to dry hump me. My pussy was on fire, and when he finally unsnapped his pants and fished out his cock, I lifted my feet to try and push them off him. I was too clumsy to do it properly, and we both laughed as he shoved his pants and his underwear down, and a beautiful, thick cock came into view.

Now he was totally naked, but I still had on a skirt and panties. I told him to undress me, and he did it slowly while kissing my nipples, my tummy, the tops of my thighs. As young as he was, he was still damn good at this, and when he had me naked at last, I was soaked. I finally grabbed him by the hair and pulled his face into my pussy.

It was glorious, and that’s when IT happened. He was lapping at me expertly, and he looked up at me with a goofy-ass grin on his face.  

With his mussed dark hair, his blue eyes, and that goofy-ass grin, he looked so much like my son Eric that my heart skipped a beat. He immediately buried his face back into my pussy, and I came with a vengeance.

I could spend a whole lot of time telling you about how he fucked me, but I know that’s not really the story you’re here for, is it? You want to hear how I got from that night until that weekend when Eric finally took me; when I became an incest whore.

And you’re just going to have to wait.


Author’s Note

And so it began. Sara would always leave me like this. She’d build me up, then say she needed to go home for the day. Sometimes I get a brief message from her that night, just a hello. Sometime she’d pick right up where she left off the very next day. And sometimes she’d disappear for a week or more. That led me to believe that she might not be telling me a true tale at all, that she wasn’t a mother fucking her son at all, but that she was a middle-aged guy in a basement, jerking off as much as while writing as I was while reading. But, God, did I love it when she came back to tell me more. This time, she kept me waiting for three days, and then she just started writing as if it had been five minutes between messages.


Part II

Eric and I have always been close. I kid him that he's a momma's boy. He’s not clingy and strange as that label may imply, but rather affectionate and loving with me. He's very handsome, and I don’t just say that because I’m the mother he’d like to fuck.

Eric has always had girlfriends around, and they are invariably the sexy, popular girls. Truth be told, he’s a cocky little bastard about the girls he dates, and I didn't fool myself that he was still a virgin at 19. He came home disheveled and glowing often enough for me to recognize the look of a young guy who’d been fucking in the backseat of a car somewhere.

Truth be told, Eric was always a flirt, and he was not hesitant to flirt with me. As he got older, I enjoyed it more, and I was equally flirty with him. It all seemed fun and perfectly harmless, and even my husband would joke about it.

I should add that when I was in high school, I had a bit of a crush on my older brother. When I look back, I realize that Eric is a lot like him at that age - cocky, confident, good looking. As we got older, my brother was checking me out, and I was checking him out, and there was a definite sexual tension in the air. I won't go into a lot of details about that, and we never had sex, but I will say that we ended up “fooling around” a bit. 

Having had that relationship, I was always turned on by the incest fantasy, and I was a dirty girl. Back in the 1980s, it wasn't easy for a girl to find stimulating masturbation material after I found out how boring the bodice rippers my mom read were. My brother introduced me to dirty pulp books published by a company called Beeline. I’ve always liked my porn more literary than visual, and I devoured those books when I could get my hands on them. Of course, I was too embarrassed to buy them myself, and when my brother left for college and took his collection with him, I became an adept little shoplifter to feed my fantasies. 

There was more incest than you'd think in those little paperbacks. Most of it, of course, was written by men for men, and most of the stories I pilfered were of brothers and sisters. In order of popularity, it seemed it was brother/sister, followed by mothers and sons. Again, I think that’s because I’m sure the vast majority of those books were written by men. Every boy dreams of fucking his mother at some point in his life, right? And sisters are such a nearby, more available form of fantasy. In my experience, men seem less inclined to sexualize daughters and daughter-figures, although you horny bastards surely wouldn’t mind fucking any other nubile 18-year-old, would you?

Anyway, that’s a long way of saying taboo thoughts and incest have turned me on nearly as long as I can remember, so when the internet came along and I discovered Literotica, I was enthralled. Stories of brothers and sisters would make me cum harder and faster than anything else I read on the site, and I was constantly looking for new tales. I was never attracted to my own father (although I did often rub myself while listening to him and mom go at it some nights), and the concept of mothers and sons was just alien to me back then.

I do remember the first mother-son story I read. It was called “Built for One Thing” and after that, I was hooked. I fucked myself silly so many times to that story!

So - did I fuck that college kid instead of one of the other guys my age I’d fooled around with but never gone all the way because of some subconscious desire to explore that fantasy? Did it turn me on so much because I was already attracted to Eric in a completely inappropriate way?

It’s possible.

But whether the desire was there before that work trip, or if fucking a college kid was the proximate cause, things got even flirtier with my son and continued to escalate over the next several months.

By the time all this started, Eric was out of high school but still living at home. The plan was for him to attend a local community college for two years before transferring to his out-of-state dream. This left a lot more time in his schedule than in high school, and most of his classes were downtown near where my husband and I both work. The three of us would meet up for lunch a few times a week, and Eric would often stop by my office to visit. The younger ladies in the office - and plenty of the ones my age and older - were always happy to see him, and the little shit made it a point to flirt with all of them shamelessly.

Some days he and I would have lunch alone, and those came to be the days I liked best. We talked and talked about everything, and we’d end up touching a lot. Our knees would touch under the table; I’d reach over to stroke his arm while telling a story; he’d put his arm up on the back of a park bench we might be sharing, and he’d gently brush his fingers on the back of my neck. It was exactly the kind of touching you’d be doing with someone you were flirting with - or trying to seduce. 

Gradually, our hugs were tighter, and they lasted a lot longer. I started making excuses about not being able to meet my husband for lunch, and Eric and I would drive somewhere across town instead of walking to the places we’d usually go, so we could avoid running into my husband or other people we knew. I don’t think either of us planned it that way. We just naturally fell into finding more and more time to be together. It just became something special just for us, with a rhyme and a reason all its own.

Ever since he was a little boy, I’d go into Eric’s room to say goodnight and give him a kiss on the forehead or cheek. It was something natural, something he expected, and it didn’t stop just because he was no longer a little kid. But as this unacknowledged flirting got more intense, our nightly ritual did, too.

Eric would usually already be in bed under the covers when I’d come in. I’d stand in the doorway, and we’d chat a bit about our day or plans for tomorrow or whatever book he was reading. After a few minutes, I’d walk over to the bed, lean down and kiss him on his forehead, usually with a “Goodnite, kiddo,” thrown in.

First our nightly chats got a little longer. Before long, I was standing inside the door as we talked. A few weeks after that, I began sitting on the edge of his bed before leaning over to kiss him goodnight. I started letting my robe fall open, hoping he would look at me, or I’d go in without my robe and just a gown that would ride up my creamy thighs. 

Eric began to alter his habits as well for these nightly excursions. He started laying on top of the covers, not underneath them. In a tight t-shirt and thin running shorts, I could clearly see the outline of his cock. At some point, he stopped wearing the shirt at all, and I was without the robe more and more, and my hand might brush his chest when I kissed him. I started kissing him on the cheek like I’d done when he was a boy instead of on the forehead as I did when he became a teen. Those kisses lingered more, and moved closer to his mouth.

One night I went in wearing a tank top that I usually only wore to the gym. My breasts aren’t huge, but I have nice cleavage, and it was definitely on display in this. My nipples were hard, and I bent over to kiss him on his cheek and briefly touched his chest. Again, my touch and the kiss lingered a little longer than usual.

A couple of nights later, I got even bolder. I put on one of my husband's undershirts that is much looser on me. With no bra, I knew that when I leaned over, I’d be giving him a full view of my breasts. 

When I leaned in, I steadied my hand on his smooth, warm chest. I felt the neckline of the shirt fall open. My nipples were like pebbles, and he took a good long look. I brushed my lips against his cheek, pulled back, did it again. I ventured toward the corner of his mouth, and when I finally stood up, I glanced down and saw his cock straining against the thin fabric of his shorts.


Author’s Note

This time it was six weeks before I heard from Sara again, and just like last time, a message just popped up unexpectedly, continuing the narrative as if she’d never left off.


Part III

One night, the family met for dinner at a local Italian place. We sat in a booth, with my daughter and I sharing one side, while Eric sat directly across from me next to his dad. Even though we weren’t alone, I did something I’d started doing on our lunches together. I slipped off my shoe and rubbed it against his foot and calf.

When my husband got up and went to the men's room, I got even bolder, raising my foot and placing it on his knee. I’d never even gone that far when we were alone, much less with other family members around, but something compelled me to push it. Eric responded by reaching down to grasp my stockinged foot, rubbing his thumb over the sole while looking right in my eyes. When my husband returned, I quickly dropped my foot and slipped my shoe back on while Eric and I shared a secret smile. That night I didn’t go into his room to say goodnight, because I was too afraid of what I might do.

A couple of weeks later on a Friday, my husband made plans to have drinks with buddies after work. My youngest was with parents, so I texted Eric to see if he wanted to have dinner together at the same place. My heart fluttered as it felt like I was making a date.

It was a wonderful night. The flirting was overt, even in a place where people knew we were mother and son. We both knew we were treading on dangerous ground, and neither of us was flinching. 

Halfway through dinner, my husband called to say he was going to be later than planned. I smiled broadly at Eric, reaching across the table to stroke the back of his hand as I told his father to have fun and stay out as long as he liked.

I got a little tipsy at dinner and told Eric he'd have to drive. At the car, he came around to open my door like a gentleman, and just before I got in, I turned to face him. Standing very, very close, I put my hand on his chest, and said, "Thank you for a wonderful date." 

He did his typical little smirk and said, "That's what this was?" 

I said, "yes" and then just kissed him right on his lips. Long enough that it definitely wasn't motherly, but nothing too aggressive.

He seemed a little shocked and actually drew back a bit. I thought I'd ruined everything, but then he pulled me in for a hug, and he was hard. I felt him pressing against me, and if he would have asked, I would have sucked his cock right there.

He whispered, "I love you mom" and kissed me on the cheek. 

Eric was very quiet on the way home, but he did reach over and take my hand. We held hands just like lovers the whole ride, and when we got home he came around and opened the door for me again.

I thought I’d pushed too hard. I knew I needed to back off. I knew what my body - probably my heart - was telling me to do, but I also knew I had to be the adult that night.

I told him I was sort of drunk and better go to bed. Even though I knew he'd be a couple of hours probably, I told him his dad would be home soon. We could hear some of his friends at the house next door hanging out by their pool, so I suggested he go hang out, too. He hesitated at first but then said, "Yeah, that's probably a good idea, Mom." 

It took all I had not to scream "No, wait, I changed my mind, come upstairs and fuck me!" 

Eric spent the night out with friends the next night, but on Sunday night, I went into his room as I usually did. I’d put my robe on for the first time in a while when I went in because by now I was terrified of what might happen. I knew I wanted it to happen, and I was sure Eric felt the same way, but I guess part of me was still fighting it. I also knew that my husband was going to be away the next weekend, but I hadn’t shared that news with Eric yet. I wanted to surprise him with that tonight.

I was thinking about all this when Eric said, "I had a great time Friday, mom. I wish we'd had some alone time together this weekend."

I told him that we should plan another mom and son date night soon, and the look he gave me made my legs weak.

Then he startled me by saying, “Don’t tease me.”

“What?” I asked. “Tease you?”

“Yes,” he said, “don’t tease me that we can have a date again if we’re not going to do it.”

I knew then. I knew what we were doing, what we were going to do.

He reached out and touched my leg before I touched him, and when I put my hand on his sexy chest and bent to kiss him on his head, he shifted his face up just a fraction. I knew what he wanted, so I kissed him on the mouth like Friday night by the car.

This time was even longer, definitely not motherly. I grazed his lips with my tongue before breaking the kiss.

"I like your new kisses,"  Eric said.

“Yours, too," I whispered, then I swallowed hard and told him.

"Your dad will be gone this weekend. Will you take me on another date?"

He was so fucking cute when he answered, "Hell yeah!"

I laughed and started to pull away when he grabbed my arm. I looked at him and he said, “Make sure Emma spends the weekend with grandma and grandpa.”

I blushed, was flushed, was overheating, I don’t know what the fuck I was! But I said, “I will,” and almost ran to my bed.

That week was torture. I felt every emotion imaginable: excitement, terror, fear, anger, longing, desire, lust. I still don’t know how I held it together. I avoided Eric all day on Monday and most of the day on Tuesday. Finally on Tuesday night, I went into his room for our night-time ritual, and I felt like my body was on fire. Even with my husband and daughter there, I was losing control.

I was wearing a short black nightgown with my tits spilling out of it. He was on the bed again in his black running shorts and no shirt, and I could see how hard he was already. I leaned over, my hand caressing his chest before I kissed him, and he wrapped his arm loosely around my leg.

We stared right into each other's eyes, and I made no pretense of an innocent kiss on his forehead or cheek. I kissed his mouth and as soon as my mouth touched his, I felt his tongue on mine.

It was the most exhilarating kiss of my whole life. I’ve never felt that way when I kissed his father or any other man.

It was a hungry, probing, open-mouthed, tongue-dueling kiss that left me breathless, and I ended up on the bed with him. I straddled him, and I could feel his hard cock pressing against me. We weren’t just kissing - we were making out like lovers. Eric’s hands were on my ass, pushing up my gown, touching my panties, pulling me into him harder. I started grinding against him, and I wanted to fuck him so badly I thought I'd scream.

Somehow I came to my senses. My fucking husband was right down the hall, and while it wasn’t likely, he could have walked in any time. I broke our kiss, but Eric pulled me back down and our mouths crushed together again. 

It seemed like hours but was only minutes. I pushed back, and his cock was nestled right up against my pussy. It would have been so easy to reach down, grasp him, and guide him inside me. But I knew if I did, we wouldn’t stop, and I didn’t want our first time to be a hurried tumble in his bed. Finally, I tore myself away and looked into his eyes. 

“When your Dad leaves Friday afternoon, he won’t be back until late Sunday evening,” I said. “Do you have any plans after our dinner date?”

He smirked and said, “I’ll think of something.”

I kissed him again, scared my husband was going to find us any second, and then I finally got off him. I stood up, but leaned over to kiss him one more time, and that time I moved my hand down and touched his cock for the first time. He moaned, and I said, "I'm going to make you so happy Friday night." 

I finally tore myself away and walked down the hall. I went to my room, locked the door behind me, crawled up on the bed to my husband, and went down on him. He didn't know what hit him. As soon as he was hard, I just pulled my panties aside and put him in me. He came in about two minutes. Thankfully I was so worked up that I started cumming about 30 seconds before he did, and the whole time I was thinking about fucking my son in this same bed in three days.

I had to go out of town for work the next day and didn’t see Eric at all. I got home after midnight, and everyone including Eric was asleep. On Thursday, I had to leave before he was up, and he texted me to ask if I was avoiding him.

M: “No, just work.”

E: “You sure?”

M: “Yes...but what we did Tuesday was dangerous.”

E: “You started it, Mom.”

There was my cocky boy! I laughed and typed back.

M: “And next time I won’t stop!”

E: “Yeah, yeah.”

M: “Wait and see, mister! Your dad leaves tomorrow afternoon from his office. Your grandma is picking up Emma from school! You owe me a date.”

It went on like that all afternoon, between meetings, texting each other. It was like we were in high school planning for our parents to go out of town to throw a big party, only I was the parent, and the party I was planning involved fucking my son.

We both agreed that there’d be no goodnight kisses that night. We were so close to what we both wanted that we didn’t want to do anything to risk it, and I knew that if I went into his room that night, I could not have stopped myself from crawling into bed with him.

We also agreed that I’d leave for work before he got up. Denying myself the sight of him for most of the week was almost like edging. My body felt alive, electric, but the merest touch might have reduced me to a quivering mess.

I probably slept a total of 30 minutes on Thursday night, tossing and turning so much that even my husband, who usually sleeps like the dead, remarked on how restless I was. I finally got out of bed at 5:30 and went for a run to burn off some tension. By the time I was back, it was time to get my little girl up and off to school. I helped my husband pack for his weekend trip and that brought back the butterflies in my stomach, but I had it at least a little more under control.

As I showered, I thought about the weekend ahead. It took all my willpower not to get myself off in the shower, but I wanted my next orgasm to be with Eric. In just a few short hours, we would make love, and nothing mattered more than that.

I don’t know what I did at work that day. It floated by in a haze, and I’m sure people thought I’d lost my mind or was in an Ambien dream. The only thing that kept me going were little texts from Eric throughout the day, just saying hi, not teasing, no pictures or anything. When I got the message from my mom that she’d picked up my daughter from school, I finally told my assistant I wasn’t feeling well and was calling it a week.

I pulled into the driveway and saw Eric’s car. My heart fluttered, and I had to sit in my own car to collect myself for a moment. He was here. I was here. Just us. This was happening.

My hands trembled as I fumbled for my key to unlock the front door, and then it swung open. My beautiful, gorgeous son stood there smiling at me, and my knees almost buckled. I stepped inside and dropped my briefcase by the door. We stood for only a second looking at each other until Eric opened his arms and I fell into them.

With the years of budding interest, the months of growing attraction, the weeks of dangerous flirting, and the days of waiting, waiting, waiting, you’d have thought we’d have exploded with passion, like a romance novel or erotic story. But we just held each other for long minutes until I lifted my head to look into his eyes and our lips met. It was a soft, gentle kiss, and then our mouths opened and our hunger grew.

My tongue rolled over his, and our mouths were sealed together. I felt his hands roaming over me, but still, it was gentle, loving, not the torrid wave I might have expected. When he finally broke the kiss and smiled at me, I took his hand in mine and led him upstairs.

Later he told me that he’d assumed we were going to his room and that when he realized I was leading him to my own bed, he felt a surge of lust like nothing we’d experienced yet, and that was when the dam finally burst. As we swept across the threshold into the “marital chamber” - as he jokingly called it later that night - he took me into his arms again and his mouth claimed mine. He tugged at my blouse while I fumbled with his shirt. He unbuttoned me clumsily while I tried to pull his t-shirt over his head. I ran my hands over his bare chest as he reached under my skirt and began sliding my panties down. I stepped out of them willingly and led him to the bed.

Eric lay on his back and I stood back and tugged his jeans and briefs down. I saw his magnificent cock for the first time - so much longer and thicker than his father. My mouth watered. I reveled in his look as I unhooked my bra and showed him my tits. As I unzipped my skirt, he leaned up and rubbed his face against my taut nipples, and I shuddered with desire.

Skirt discarded, I tumbled on top of him, showering his face with kisses as he gripped my fleshy ass and pulled me hard against him. His cock felt like an iron bar against my stomach, and my pussy was on fire. I balanced myself with my left hand as I lifted my hips. I took him in my right hand, squeezing, and softly giving him two or three strokes. I positioned his gorgeous prick at my entrance, lowered myself, and slid him inside me. When I was fully impaled, I leaned down and just lay on him for a second.

“Mom,” he whispered.

“I know,” I replied. “I love you.”

I slowly began to roll my hips, adjusting to his size. I lifted up, then slid down, a little further up, further down, faster up, faster down, with each rise and fall. 

Eric started by grasping my hips, and then his hands went to my ass, squeezing, kneading, pulling me harder against him with each motion. He began moving his hips in concert with mine, increasing our contact, multiplying the passion we both felt.

Faster now. Harder. Faster.

I realized I was moaning, and Eric was grunting, punctuating each thrust. I looked as his face contorted with pleasure until he gasped:

“Mom, I’m gonna…”

“Yes, baby, do it...cum in me, cum for me, cum now lover,” I moaned.

I can’t describe the feeling that washed over as I felt him spasm inside me. His whole body convulsed as he cried out, “Mooooommmmm,” and I, too, exploded. 

I collapsed on Eric’s chest, and he wrapped me in his arms and rolled. Suddenly I was under him as he kissed my lips gently. He was shaking - we both were - and tears were rolling down the side of my face, trailing down to my neck. I looked into his eyes, and they were full as well. I smiled as he began to weep.

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Man: Please... my brother... and the village. Save them from Shishio's men... This man's village was a short distance away from Numazujuku on the Toukai Way. With a population of no more than twenty, it was a small village in a mountain valley, half wooded, half farmland. Called Shingetsu, it was an ordinary place until two years ago. (A little later. The little boy, Eiji, is propped up against a tree; Misao and Kenshin lean over him.) Misao: Wake up. Hey, wake up! (The boy's eyes...

1 year ago
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Zugzwang Part 1 ZonersChapter 7 Abandonment

I needed some air, so I decided to go for a walk, get away from that whole building, that whole scene. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts, sort some things out. Tears were running down my face. I was maybe a mile away when I got that tunnel vision, the little twinges that gave me warning another one was coming. I sat down on a bench, tried to act nonchalant as the women on the street all just kind of stopped for a few moments, and the men all got worried. I was worried, too; I looked...

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“Yes, I thought Orlando might be too expensive for a young couple. There’s a house a few miles from here that has been on the market for two years, so the price has dropped below the comps. It’s in great shape, move-in-ready, fully furnished, and affordable. I have to disclose that three people died in it, parents and their 20-year-old son. The leaking heater has been replaced. People say it’s haunted by their umm, friendly ghosts. If you don’t believe in that, it’s a steal. What do you...

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The haze hung from heaven like a rebuke, wreathing the entire compound with its chilly breath. His fingers stung as he dipped the bowl into the bucket to splash water on the car. He cracked and stretched them to remove the stiffness and he resumed wiping the windscreen, gingerly pulling back the wipers. The water sluiced around the glass edges taking with it the harmattan dust. "Ahh! "He particularly hated banging his numb knuckles against the rusty red tyre rims of the old Peugeot 405. The...

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Chapter 13 Used and abandoned

One Thursday he dropped me off at home and drove off. I sorted out my groceries and realised that a tray of eggs was missing. I began to put stuff in the freezer and into the larder cupboard, kicked off my shoes and slipped into a comfortable t-shirt and jogging bottoms. I had just put the kettle on for tea when there was a knock at the front door. Michael was standing on the step holding a box of eggs which he handed to me. I ushered him into the hallway. I think I burbled something about...

2 years ago
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Minara the Grojan WarChapter 7 Abandoned

Eight months later, Arron was ready to start the campaign against the Matherosians holding the southern province of Halcyon. He had spent the time bringing what was more or less an undisciplined rabble into a cohesive disciplined fighting unit. A trusted Captain, and troops from Halcyon, had replaced Arron's trained men at Harcross, so he had a core of trained, battle experienced men to help speed up the process. Jerros had remained his second in command. Morale was high and the men were...

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The Babysitters Promise

Donald and Marie Pleasure were quite happy with the babysitters that the agency sent them on a regular basis. The girls were all at least eighteen and not a single one of them was a virgin. The husband and wife team were not at all in favor of virgins for bedmates on an extended night of pleasure because they were too difficult to train quickly for maximum results. Unfortunately, the weekend was short-booked and there were no babysitters available to fill the Pleasure family needs on short...

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Infidelity Revisited Ch 02

Charmaine woke up the next morning and thought about the night before. Arousal welled up within her and she headed straight to the bathroom. A cold shower helped a little. However, she couldn’t take a cold shower all day long though, and thoughts of Ryan would not stay out of her head. She was horny. With Danny, if she had sex with him the day before, she often was fine with going another couple weeks without it. A nine and a half inch cock made all the difference. 6 o’clock could not come...

2 years ago
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Closing The Circle

I was six almost seven when I learned that James was not my real father. For the most part the bully of the school had left me alone most of the year but for some reason the day before school let out for the summer Randy had laid for me after class. He started shoving me and calling me names. I decided since I just had the one day left what the heck let him have his fun, but when he called me an *Indian Bastard* something snapped and I let him have both barrels. When the teachers separated us...

4 years ago
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Weapons Grade

Author's note: All the victim's names have been changed in order to protect them and the legal team of HuggleBugs have asked that all of their staff be identified by first names only. Weapons Grade By Samantha Jay (c) February 2002 It first reared it's head in the form of an email sent to Prue ****, the President of HuggleBugs and was treated as junk mail. It was followed up with a letter, which was addressed to Jennifer Jane **** and by the time it got to me, it was already...

3 years ago
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My Affair with the Queen 2

Five years later, Queen Isabella is still gorgeous and our affair is ongoing.Isabella knows that I love to see her wear her tiara, so I took this photo right after she sucked me off. The tiara serves to confirm the fact that I’m getting a blowjob from the Queen! Of course, she had to re-apply her lipstick, but her blowjob was wonderful.Angelica and I have given the Queen four grandsons with another one on the way. She still wears me out in bed most nights, and I still enjoy Isabella’s blowjobs...

2 years ago
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My Boss SlutChapter 4

Becky, my slut wife, had been telling me about her weekend with my boss, Mr. Williams. It made me so hard listening to her, she was going to let me fuck her. She was on her back on our bed, our marital bed. I didn't mind she was my boss' slut. She was much better in bed with me, too. My sex life was good now. And she was going to have the baby I could not give her. My boss was going to make her pregnant. "Come on, Bobby. Stick that little thing in me. Fuck me, Bobby. Fuck me." I crawled...

3 years ago
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Lilac Vengence

It was a punishment of spectacular design if I do say so myself. I can’t say that I’ve ever thought of vengeance and sex at the same time and managed a hard on. Honestly, it usually isn’t my kind of kink. My box of porno holds the erotic viewing pleasure of sexy MILF’s, innocently curious co-eds, blond nurses, and redheaded teachers looking for a dad to bend her over the desk. No S&M, no leather or bondage, golden showers, gangbangs, or feet fetishes. I’m vanilla with a twist of lemon (for the...

Quickie Sex
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Rekindled Heat Ch 01

Rachel Durand frowned, unconsciously chewing her lip as she stared at the math problem before her. The light was dim in the classroom, one lone desk lamp casting shadows on the walls around her slim form. Her eyebrows were pressed together as she studied the equation in the book, then the problem on the white board before her, and back to the book again. Substituting the numbers in, checking each step, and carefully doing the math next to each part of the equation, Rachel groaned and...

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An AllGirls School

Rubystone school for girl was founded a few decades ago, and it has always been a all girls school including the teachers but after some budget cuts the school board had no choice but to allow some cheaper male teachers to come teach at rubystone schools. Rubystone school is a private school with most all of the girls parents being very rich. The school is known for its great education but also its amazing sports programs mainly in volleyball. It’s the beginning of the first school year after...

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DchasChapter 31

Sabrina's group had just left for registration when the shuttle carrying Gillian's group, Julia, Alice and June arrived. When Courtney and Lana saw the shuttle approaching, they decided to wait. Once the shuttle door opened Julia and June stepped out, followed by Gillian's group. Courtney and Lana grinning said, "Welcome to the island of opportunity." Julia laughed and said, "Who came up with that?" "We just did. One of those, spur of the moment things. Does the resort have a...

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My first time

It was end of my semester at college. I was using Tinder to get a bit familiar with girls and with one of them I actually did. We talked a lot as I was already past my exams and one day, since we lived in same city, we decided to meet.Day of our meeting was nice, like almost every other of ending summer. She was living quite far from me, at the other side of town but I decided to take a walk and enjoy this afternoon as much as possible. Good thing that we exchanged phone numbers as I got few...

1 year ago
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Dukan Wali Bhabhi Part II

By : Sexysandy2011 Hi this is sandy me fir se meri kahani pesh kar raha hu ager pasand aai to pls mail kare Jaise ki app ne pada hoga meri pichli khahani me Dukan Wali Bhabhi uska dusra part hai Garmi ki chuti chal rahi thi tab bhabhi ne muje pucha ki mere goan chaloge kay to me foran tayar ho gaya q ki muje gaon bada acha lagta hai hum raat ke gadi me baithe aur 2re din dopher ko pouche waha par sirf bhabhi ki maa aur unke beta rahata hai bhabhi ki maa ko mene dekha to Lagta hi nahi tha ki o...

2 years ago
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Introduction: Just sit back and enjoy the ride! 19 MORE BUT FOR WHAT Jeff, it seems like youre more interested in your friends than in me. I wish we could see each other more. Maria, were together now. Why talk about that now. Lets enjoy the moment. I cant talk about it when youre not around. My best moments are with you, Maria, but we need to keep our other friendships strong too. Actually, Id like to take our friendship to the next level. Next level? What do you mean? We talk about...

2 years ago
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Blondie in Wonderland

I felt like Alice might have, finding myself in a kind of wonderland. Growing up in Oakland, Ca, well, a girl had a limited world view. My world was small, centered around 40 th Ave. Sure, I knew there was a much bigger world out there. Hell, I grew up dreaming of it, escaping through the pages of National Geographic to places far and wide. I even had my gramma’s tales, the few times she’d share them, of growing up in Lyon. Yeah, in my head, I’d visited Tuscany, the Amazon, New York, Jamaica,...

3 years ago
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After the Energists Mikes and Tempes NIS WeekChapter 13 Lets Get It On

NIS Day 5 – Morning - Medway High School 8:18am, Friday, November 2, 1979 “Hey, Cano. Why the Keytar and my Sweet Baby James?” I asked when I saw my ex-girlfriend come around the main hallway corner with her portable keyboard system, plus my 6-string acoustic guitar case. “Didn’t Tempe or Sammy say something to you?” Cano replied as she handed me my guitar case. “We wanted to surprise him, and all the guys,” Tempe quickly responded from beside the other three fully clothed NIS girls. “We...

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Ninas Abenteuer

Mein Name ist Nina, ich bin 23 Jahre jung. Mein Körper misst süße 152 cm, aber die haben es in sich. Meine langen pechschwarzen Haare sind seidig und legen sich glatt um meinen Kopf, meinen Hals und meine Schultern bis hin zu den Brüsten. Ich bin ein kleiner Fitnessfreak und für meinen Körper habe ich - wie mir gerne gesagt wird - Monstertitten. Meine Oberweite beträgt 75 D und zum Glück sind sie rund und straff. Meine Brustwarzen sind klein und hellbraun, meine Nippel ebenfalls. Meine kleinen...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Karter Foxxx The Cool Stepdad Lets It Slide

Karter Foxxx is a teen rebel without a care in the world. She acts super slutty on her social media and isn’t afraid for people to know it. She even started doing perverted things with her mom in the car right next to her. This has to stop, so mommy told stepdaddy that it was time he put his foot down. Obviously Karter didn’t want to hear it, so stepdad had to start playing hardball. He was going to confiscate her phone unless she did to him what she did for all the boys on social...

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GotMylf Kesha Ortega Venezuelan Vibrance

Curvy MILF Kesha Ortega comes to us straight from Venezuela, and she loves showing off her Latina curves to the world. Her fat tits and big ass pop right out of her lacy lingerie, and she bounces and sways like she is ready to take a big dick deep inside. By the time our stud shows up, she’s ready to grab onto his cock and work out all her desires. She slurps his boner and then twerks her ass while she bounces on his rod. Then, she strokes him to a creamy finish. Kesha has an insatiable sexual...

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Complex Family Ch 112

Edited by luvtaread As Brandon had expected, his once very friendly and semi-fatherly relationship with Leah broke down immediately after the discussion in his office. Weeks and months passed and there was still no progress, although Brandon made sure to make it clear to her that she was always welcome in his life and he did not blame her for being angry. To his surprise it appeared that she had not told Kara the truth either as she showed no signs of knowing the truth. Late one snowy evening...

3 years ago
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His big sister part 2

Pete called Mary."Hi Babe, I have a surprise for you,,guess what, Kate's in town. She had a few days leave and decided to come visit us as a surprise, how about that""Oh that's wonderful,,but where are we all going to sleep?". "Don't worry we'll sort something out, see you soon, about half an hour. Do you want me to bring anything home"."You better get some alcohol,,,If we're going to party dude. I'm sure Bett will like Kate, I'll tell her you're on your way". "Yes Kate's looking forward to...

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Coaching p1He felt horrible. Matt had never ended a practice early in his life. These girls were making a commitment to get better at volleyball and their parents were paying a lot of money, so he prided himself on making sure they got their money’s worth. But today, he had to make an exception to his rule. After all, if the girls had noticed the hard-on that was growing, he would have a whole new set of problems. While all of the girls had just turned 18 within the past few months, they were...

4 years ago
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Hunters Ch 01

**Writing Science Fiction was my first love at the age of 9. If it’s you’re cup of tea, please read, if it’s something you kind of enjoy, read on. If you hate it, let me know. Either way, don’t forget to vote, and if you have time, leave a comment, I actually really do read them!** The soft pulsating red glow of the low fuel light had passed from almost pleasant to down right annoying. The engine of the Mako started sputtering between Mars and the asteroid belt. For the last hour she’d been...

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BrownBunnies Jenna Foxx Fucking For a Spot on The Tour

Jenna Fox wants to desperately be the opening act on Slim Poke’s tour. She’ll do anything to get the spot. While at his very expensive mansion, Jenna decides to seduce him. She finds her way to the bathroom where she changed into her sexy lingerie. She walked out of the bathroom and stunned him with her beauty. From there, it was time to party. They moved straight to his bed where she quickly pulled his cock out and began to choke on it. Soon after, his big black cock penetrated her tiny little...

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special treatment

   Lucia was in her early thirties, a latin hipped brazilian living in Manchester.  Her neck had been giving her grief since she strated her new job a few months back.  Work insisted she go to see a doctor and then a physiotherapist, she didn't see the point but they were paying so what the hell.   When she arrived at the clinic after work she became even more pissed off when she rang the bell and there was no answer.  'fuck, what a waste of time' she thought as she turned to leave, 'hi there,...

Straight Sex
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The DefencemanChapter 33

Author's Note:This chapter is unedited by any other human so I probably did not catch every mistake. Read at your own peril. Monday morning dawned on a new month. I couldn't believe it was already December of 2008 and how much my life had changed. I looked down at my tiny Princess and gently moved her head off my chest onto her pillow and eased out of the bed. I grabbed a quick shower and got dressed quietly. After leaving her a note, I walked to the arena in the brisk cold of a Michigan...

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Beach Vacation I

---------------- The Close family: Beach Vacation I -------------Cast:Stepfather: FritzStepdaughter: EllenGrandson: MarkFritz had taken his young stepdaughter Ellen and her teenage son Mark to the beach for a holiday. On the drive to the beach, Fritz had suggested that they take a single motel room to save on expenses. Enjoying the wonderful weather, excited about her first vacation in months, Ellen agreed without hesitation. She hugely appreciated her stepfather taking her and her son on...

1 year ago
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Private Liya Silver Gets Hot In The Office

We love Liya Silver, and today we have the pleasure of being reunited with her once again in Private Specials, Mens’ Real Fantasies where the lucky Alberto Blanco will have his dream come true. This girl is an absolute stunner and you can watch her in action as she strips down showing off her incredible tattooed body before offering up her juicy pussy for a taste. Liya then puts those big natural tits to work with a blowjob and titfuck before enjoying an incredible fuck as she shakes, screams,...

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Melodic RedemptionChapter 44

Johanna's turn: Two more weeks. That's it. Two weeks! I will graduate college. Stoney says he's the first of his family to receive a college degree. For myself, both parents have degrees, Dad's masters includes four years from West Point, Mom's from Trinity College in Dublin. And now I'm getting ready to graduate here in Houston, Texas, US of A. Double major, too, music and business administration. I have that 'music' part nailed. I could take a position with the local symphony,...

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CFNM With Neighbourhood Maid 8211 Part I

Hi everyone. This is CFNM series stories which are non-sexual and it may not be interesting for all the readers. So please drop in suggestions so that I rethink. Hi This is from India. This all started when i was 20 years during holidays. Our neighbor are a working couple with a small school going girl. They have this cute 23 year old maid who does the whole work. She had a ok ok body not that great but good size boobs enough to satisfy a man. Our house backyard and the house i;s is adjacent...

1 year ago
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Private Eveline Dellai Seduced At The Park

Off Duty Therapist Alyssa Reece loves to hear the sexy stories of her clients and today Kristof Cale has come in to spill all the hot details of his encounter at the park with the stunning Eveline Dellai. Listen in and enjoy along with Alyssa on as Kristof takes the gorgeous Eveline back to his apartment where this young beauty reveals her petite sexy body ready for an intimate and passionate, first showing off her cock sucking and riding skills before offering up her pussy for...

4 years ago
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My Best Friends Dad

“I’m 18, and a senior at a parochial high school. I have a boyfriend. We’ve been with each other since I was 15. I actually lost my virginity to him.He is a year older than me. He graduated last year from public school. I love him so much. He’s always been good to me. He likes my friends, and Ilike his. I friended a new girl at our school. She was from out of state. I kinda felt bad for her. I just figured it would be so hard for me to leave the kids that I grew up with only one year left...

3 years ago
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Country Boy City GirlChapter 28

We pretty much spent the rest of summer vacation together, but that does not mean we were always fooling around. I knew I had a deadline for submitting new adventures, so I wrapped up the one that we had playtested and sent it off to Mr. Cummings, along with the issues we had encountered. The idea had been to try and reverse the usual scenario and had the players controlling various monsters and traps, and trying to wipe out a band of villains that was trying to invade and desecrate a temple....

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TheWhiteBoxxx Lea Guerlin Remote Orgasm

Exquisite beauty, Lea Guerlin lies bound hand and foot, and semi-nude in delicate black lace lingerie while Kristof Cale teases her wildly with his riding crop, expert hands, and remote control sex toys. First, he plays with her, arousing her desire before inserting the erotic device deep inside. The sensual beauty is helpless as he mercilessly controls the intensity of her orgasm. The restraints are never removed as she gratefully sucks her lover off and is then fully rewarded in a bout of...

4 years ago
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Legacy House

It was a very sad day when you heard the news. You're favorite relatives, eccentric Uncle Benny and his sister, your Aunt June, had passed on. Most of the family mumbled their good riddance's under their breath, even speculating that Benny & June were incestuous lovers. You didn't care though. Uncle Benny was a scientist and always around to help you with school and while Aunt June wasn't around as much, she always made time to sit and talk when she wasn't on one of her archaeological...

Mind Control
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My first sex

I left home when I started college and had to take a part-time job delivering advertising leaflets in order to pay my way.I had been doing the job for a couple of weeks when one houseowner, mowing his front lawn, asked me if I would like to do some Saturday gardening. He named the wage and I readily agreed.I started that Saturday and after a couple of hours Tom called me into the house where cakes and soft drinks were waiting. He said he had an appointment and he left his wife Terri to keep...

2 years ago
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Ilaria cursed her recklessness, she should have thought more carefully before accepting her uncle's proposal. She adored her uncle Andy, her mother’s younger brother, far from being an uncle, he was sort of a big brother to her, there being a mere 8 yrs difference between them. Her uncle asked her to pretend to be his girlfriend for a while so as to keep his ex girlfriend Michela at bay, a girl who had no intention of loosening her clutches, and seeing as he had nobody knocking at his door at...

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Playing with Alex

I've been toying with doing this for a while and find the buzz from 'exposing' some of my experiences to be incredibly exciting in itself.  All the more so as I'm not a 'flaunt it' type of girl in normal life.  More than once a new boyfriend as been taken by surprise once things get personal.  The following details a few events, but focuses on one of my most 'illicit' sides - playing with another girl.  I am to all intents and purposes completely straight, except to the very few who know.  Hope...

1 year ago
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Special Delivery Part One

It was Brian’s first week on the new job. He was fresh out of college and had just hired on with a well-known shipping company as a delivery driver. Wednesday morning he pulled into the parking lot of the distribution center, clocked in and picked up his delivery papers for that morning. He thumbed through them to get a feel for where he was headed that day and as he flipped through the pages, the business name, “Forbidden Pleasures” caught his eye. Forbidden Pleasures was an adult novelty...

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Lazy and Not Morning in Bed

Isabella could feel the warmth of the sun blanketing her body as the light slowly woke her from a very restful night. She enjoyed the feeling of the warm light and snuggled the soft body next to her. It took her a moment but she realized before long that she was not snuggling Ethan, and he was not even in bed. She started a bit before she remembered he had said something about having to go to a job early so instead she settled to enjoy snuggling Paula a bit more in the morning sun.Paula was...

Love Stories
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Mom Pleases Dad With A Surprise

Hi, my name is Kunal and this is a story about my mom pleasing dad by surprising him with sweet flavour of her honey. My mom name is kavita and she is a very hot and sexually charged woman of 45 years but looks younger in her late 30s, my dad’s name is kamal and he is 50 years old and satisfies all of mom’s sexual desires. One day mom decided to surprise dad with a great night of pleasure. So now straight to the story, it was Saturday night, mom and dad went to their bedroom after having...

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His Birthday Her Choice

His Birthday, Her Choice by A. P. Damien Note: I've used the name "Anita" for the bottom in this scene. The producer can substitute the usual stage name of the model who enacts the part.Scene 1: Interior, a corridor, evening. Anita is walking toward the camera. She is wearing "hot" clothes, the sort of thing a college girl might wear on a date when she has decided it's time to bring her boyfriend home for the night. Her midriff is bare. She walks past the camera.Shift to a view over her...

3 years ago
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Dream Came True With AnushaBhabhi Part 8211 5

Hi! It’s Madan here with the Final part. I apologize for the delay in posting story. Whole heartedly I thank you for the wonderful support. Every feedback means a lot to me!! I also thank Indian sex stories dot net for the wonderful platform. Special thanks for picking my story for Editors Pick! Back to the story!! Now Bhabhi was fallen in love and we both were waiting for the night eagerly. The evening I slept nicely and got up at 7 and freshen up. 7.15 PM Door knock!! It was my house owner...

2 years ago
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I had been dating Brittany for about a year, ever since her divorce had become final, and she had been living with me for about five months. It made sense, because I owned my own house already, and by that time Brit was spending most of her nights with me at my place anyway. Oh, by the way, I’m Jim — I guess formally, my name is James Ericson. For a thirty-something guy, I guess I’m doing alright. With an engineering undergrad degree and an MBA, I am one of the many folks out there working on...

1 year ago
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NewSensations Clara Trinity Asian Teen Schoolgirl Clara Loves Older Cock

Adorable tiny teen Asian schoolgirl Clara swung by to visit her boyfriend after class and his dad Michael lets her in to relax while she waits for his son to arrive. Luckily they had some time to chat it up when Michael learns Clara has had older cock on her mind. Michael has been dreaming of this as he licks up her sweet teen pussy juices, as she is spread wide on the chair, and then slowly squeezes his fat cock inside Clara’s tight hot pussy. Clara loved how big his cock felt deep...


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