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Cold was not a factor that much concerned the Personalia. Living in space automatically meant being able to cope with very cold temperatures: space is not warm as a rule, except near stars. Anyway, machines with computer-based brains tend to operate more efficiently at low temperatures, so the Personalia and the Machinations machine races were quite happy to function in such conditions.

Temperature variations however meant a lot to those who dwelt on the surface of planets. The main criteria for surface dwellers was that the temperature at surface level remain generally above the freezing point of water.

When surface people took to space, they had this basic environmental difficulty: the temperature inside one of their own ships was likely to be excessively hot due to insulation. Such insulation was aimed at preventing the heat leaving at a rate of knots, and conversely pushing up the ambient temperate to an uncomfortable level. One other factor influenced their ship design: radiation. At times, the gamma radiation from the central star was drastically beefed up by a solar flare. Solar flares can be dangerous to biological beings, and the only solution is to put as much mass as possible between the radiation and the beings. This can be done in a variety of ways, often requiring thick shielding which was heavy and thus expensive to deploy, or use the cheaper alternative of water, which was obtainable from asteroids and comets.

Thus the ideal spaceship would have lots of shielding on the side facing the star, and the other side would be free to radiate away surplus heat building up within the ship. One could envisage a spaceship with a large tank of water on one side and radiator fins on the other side. Such an imbalance could not survive a 180-degree turn, and probably not even a 90-degree swivel of the ship. The masses would also have to match, in order to prevent an imbalance in trim.

However, if there was a ring around the ship, and this ring could freely swing the water tank on a set of wheels or bearings; and always have its equivalent radiator fins on the opposite side, the problem was effectively solved. The side with the radiator fins could also be used as a fuel storage site, to help balance the masses. All that was then required was a light/radiation sensor, and a reaction mechanism. That mechanism would ensure that the water tank was always swivelled to be facing the star, no matter what the orientation was of the ship. That assumes the ship was in a an orbit round the star. If it was heading towards the star, the personnel compartment would need to be near the rear, and if the vessel was pointing outwards from the star, the personnel would need to be kept near the nose end.

It was complicated.

Alternatively, you could dispense with the whole problem by getting a ride on the ships of the Personalia. These machine Persons being entirely space living entities, mass was something they derived from asteroids. If the ship were big enough, its sheer bulk would provide enough mass to act as protection for biological beings who were passengers. You also saved on the cost of designing and constructing your own spaceships; spaceships probably lacking in some of the capabilities of the Personalia. One could go on.

Anyway, to continue this line of conjecture, travelling with the Personalia is faster, more comfortable, and a lot less hassle than anything that Earth could come up with at present. So live with it; don't knock it.

So we return to the point about temperature. Cold remains a problem for all planetary surface-dwellers when they get into space. But cold is not the same for the Personalia. They could cope with Arctic or Antarctic conditions. Or at least the Landerships could: Base ships are not designed for landing on a planet.

Another plus point for the Landerships: their anti-gravity capabilities. This means that in an icebound environment they can cope with crevasses, glacier movements, and even avalanches. That gives them an extra safety factor to play with. On top of that, snow and ice is simply a source of fuel for them. Their efficient internal nuclear reactors provide the electricity to dissociate water into hydrogen and oxygen, which get stored away as fuel and oxidiser for later.

This makes it sound as if the Personalia were way better at everything than us human beings. In some ways, this is true, but in other ways, the Personalia have their own drawbacks. They are slow in the matter of imagining new concepts, while they are magnificent in implementing these new ideas; at turning them into practical devices. They lack experience in the interaction between races. This comes from them being basically all the same person, each Person being a development from the original. Humans and other biological beings had lived for hundreds of thousands of years with the difficulty of interacting with different people, even their own spouses and children. This meant that we were fully prepared for the experience of interacting with other races encountered among the stars.

Yes, every human being is like a new race to every other human being. Mind you, being experienced in the complicated process of interacting doesn't mean we always opt for the right decision. Human history is littered with the debris of bad decisions in the form of wars of all kinds, from family feuds up to and including worldwide wars involving dozens of countries in a conflict lasting for years. However, we do get it right in many cases. There are myriad happy families, quite a few satisfied populations. A great deal of that success is down to the religious ideals that mankind sets up for itself from time to time.

Religion performs a service for mankind, as long as the religious teaching is based on toleration and love. The minute that religious authorities authorise antagonistic attitudes towards other people, and other religions, the consensus breaks down and the religion is subverted to our baser instincts; the instincts that we have spent hundreds of generations trying to avoid. On the family level, human history does not require the family to be religious, although such beliefs usually help cement the family together. The main requirement is commitment by both parties, and this can either be enhanced by love, or love may develop afterwards, as in the case of arranged marriages.

The planet Rehome, the first human colony planet, has its own unique approach to the subject of marriage. The first requirement is a written agreement by the parties concerned; a statement that they each enter the marriage freely and with permanence in mind. Getting out of such a marriage usually involves the departing partner giving up all rights to the family assets, but if the other partner has committed mental or physical violence, then it is the violator who suffers this penalty. Multiple-partner marriage is legal, but only where all parties to the marriage sign a similar undertaking; thus a second wife, or second husband, is only possible where the first spouse freely agrees to the new spouse being added, again with permanence intended.

The Rehome marriage law forces commitment on the partners. Marriage being a financial, emotional and social commitment, it is not entered into lightly. It requires a great deal of thought before anyone will willingly sign themselves into a union that punishes them should they fail to live up to that commitment.

The result is that couples take a longer time to get to know each other before embarking on marriage. Naturally, those who are not certain of their ability to commit often decide to live together until they can come to a decision on a permanent union.

But even that depends on the couple first discovering each other; and each exploring tentatively the link to another adult that might lead further. This first stage is much as it is on Earth, and varies from early friendships developing into a loving relationship, to what is referred to as "love at first sight". The latter is a ludicrous idea, for the person being viewed may be already married or in a loving relationship, and in any case may not reciprocate such feelings. It is more accurately, "lust at first sight"! Then there is the situation whereby a man or woman sees another person and feels attracted to him or her. That requires a degree of tact in approach, so as not to frighten away the object of your desire. If you are a policeman, or policewoman, and your attraction is to a suspect in a crime, things can be extremely delicate. Even when the suspect is cleared of suspicion, the ex-suspect is unlikely to be keen to chat to a former accuser.

This was the situation for Charles Addison, head of the detection branch of the Rehome Security Services. As such, he was one of Mrs Diane Kempe's deputies. He had a recognised police qualification from Earth, and a qualification in forensic studies to back it up.

The lady in the affair was Betty Farjeon, currently a waitress in the village store in a new settlement on Rehome. A brunette girl 160 cm in height, in her early twenties; slim-waisted with prominent breasts, blue eyes and a small mouth; she affected red lipstick and a forward way of speaking.

Charles, along with his boss Diane, had interviewed her initially at the store, along with a fellow employee. They later pulled Betty in for serious questioning once a link with the deceased man was discovered. It turned out that she was actually the intended victim of a scam; being set up to be accused of murder. Once the truth had been revealed, Charles escorted Betty back to her home and said goodbye. But that was work. Charles was fully conscious of the need to separate work and private life. He daren't make any overtures whilst it was a business matter.

Now was different. He had been encouraged by Diane to go and see Betty in his off-duty time, even if only to discover whether she was involved with any other man or woman. This was the point he was dreading, as he arrived on the train. Would she be willing to speak to him as woman to man, and ignore their previous involvement as murder suspect and investigating detective?

This worry was churning through his head as he left the railway station – not much more than a platform, with a shed as ticket office. Unusually, it had started to rain, just a light rain, but very wetting nonetheless. He had come prepared and was wearing his raincoat, but didn't have an umbrella with him.

Unsure whether she was at work or at home, he headed to the village store. He would ostensibly be there for a coffee after his long journey from Metropolis city. He stopped hesitantly outside the door, then stiffened his resolve and walked in, turning towards the catering area. Should Betty be on duty, she might be working in the kitchen today, rather than waitressing, for the girls there took turns at both duties.

He scanned the area with his eyes, without seeing her, so he walked to the central paydesk and asked the girl there, "Is Betty Farjeon on duty today?" She looked at him curiously. "Betty? No, she finished her shift and went home."

"Can you give me her address, please? Or at least her telephone number so I can tell her I am here?"

"Does she know you?" The girl was a trifle suspicious of his intentions. "Does she WANT to know you?"

Charles did his best:"We met recently, and I meant to bring along her contact details, but I left them in my file, back home. I didn't even put them in my phone." He looked so abject that the assistant felt sorry for him. He was like a lost puppy, she thought.

"We don't usually give out staff details to complete strangers. If you did meet her, you can describe her to me." She was testing his veracity. She got more than she expected.

"160 centimetres tall, early twenties, brunette, blue eyes, small mouth, and a gorgeous body – slim but curvaceous. She has a lovely voice and a wonderful face..." His eyes had glazed as he envisaged her.

Helen, the girl in the pay desk, could see that he was smitten and did indeed know her. She tried not to smile, and instead wrote down Betty's address and phone number. She slid it across to him, saying, "Here. You didn't get that from me, right?"

His face lit up with pleasure, and he smiled confidentially. "Thanks. I didn't get this from you; of course not!"

Charles looked at the address, and keyed it into his phone. He was rewarded with a map showing his present location and the location of the address. It was within easy walking distance, so he set off, despite the continuing drizzle outside. Ten minutes later, a rather wet and bedraggled Charles stood outside the door of a lodging house. The door was unlocked, so he opened it and stepped inside, looking around.

On one wall was a very basic directory, noting each apartment and the occupant's name. Beside each was a slide: IN/OUT, and against E. Farjeon the slide showed: IN. Noting which apartment number was hers, Charles went up the stairs to the next floor, and located the number. He stepped over to the door, and stopped. His heart was pounding. He told himself she probably had a boyfriend and would tell him to get lost. This was probably a fool's errand on his part. He considered turning back, then thought about what his boss, Mrs Kempe, would say about his self-confidence. He HAD to go through with this, he told himself. He rapped on the door with his knuckles, trying to make the knock sound confident. He waited.

After what felt like an eternity, the door swung back, and Betty Farjeon was there in front of him. He saw recognition in her eyes, along with a flash of fear. She clearly thought he was here on police business again. He raised a hand to forestall her. "Relax, Miss Farjeon. This is not an official visit."

She stopped worrying and relaxed a little. "What is it then? Something you forgot?"

"Not exactly forgot, Betty. It is more a matter of something which I could not bring up during our official discussions, as it was not relevant."

"Really? What might that be, Mr ... Addison, is it?"

"Addison, yes. I did not ask whether you were in any sort of relationship, with a man or woman. It was not directly relevant to the matter in hand, despite my wanting desperately to know the answer. I still do." He gulped, having said more than he had expected to say at this point. Betty looked at him again, suddenly aware of his drenched condition.

"Oh, you are wet! Please come in and take your coat off. I can get you a towel to dry your hair. I am not being very hospitable, am I?" She bustled about, taking his wet coat and hanging it in her hallway, then getting him the towel. She offered the towel to him, he muttered his thanks, and proceeded to rub his hair dry. Betty moved off again, this time to the kitchen, to put the kettle on. She returned, saying, "I've put the kettle on for a cup of tea – or coffee if you prefer – to warm you up." Charles declared that tea was fine by him.

Once he had dried his hair as best he could, she took the wet towel to add it to the lined basket for the wash, then came back to tell him to sit down. When he was seated, she said, "Now, Mr Addison, what were you saying when I noticed how wet you were? My attention was not on your words, unfortunately."

Charles suddenly became tongue-tied. "Ah, that is, I, ah, what I was saying was not terribly important. It was more in the way of a social enquiry, as to whether you had a boyfriend at the moment."

Betty suddenly registered his words, and stopped moving about. She spoke carefully: "As it happens, I don't have any closeness to a man or woman at the moment. Why do you ask, Mr Addison?"

"Oh, please, call me Charles. Even my boss calls me Charles."

"O.K., Charles it is. Why do you ask, Charles?"

"Um. I wanted to ask you out, but I wasn't sure if it was appropriate. You might have had a boyfriend who would object."

"How nice, Charles. But what do you mean by "ask me out"? Our little settlement only has the store as an eating-out place here, and I work there, as you very well know."

Charles was getting his second wind. "Well, if you haven't seen much of Metropolis, I wondered if I might take you there and show you around a bit. We could have a meal somewhere there. New restaurants are starting to spring up all over, as the population increases." He stopped, afraid that he was blathering on. He looked at Betty's face, hopefully.

"This is fairly sudden, Charles, ah, Mr Addison. To what do I owe this sudden enthusiasm for my company?"

"Oh, it isn't sudden. At least, it was sudden in the past, not now."

"You are not making sense. Care to explain?"

"I – that is, we – Mrs Kempe and I - came to interview the staff; those who had been on duty at the store at the time when the deceased gentleman had ordered his sandwiches. I was rather taken by you, but I couldn't show it; ... or rather, Mrs Kempe noticed that I was interested in you, and she reminded me that I was on duty; so I couldn't let you see that I found you very attractive."

"I see," said Betty, non-commitally. Charles decided to go on, come what may. "As long as you were one of the suspects, I daren't show any interest in you, personally; but now that the case is closed, I was hoping you would not be averse to seeing me socially."

"Socially?" Betty raised her eyebrows. "To what end, Mr Addison?"

"Well, that would be up to you, Betty. PLEASE call me Charles: Mr Addison is so formal."

"To what end, CHARLES? Are you looking for friendship, or are you interested in me sexually?"

Charles decided to tread carefully. "Well, both, in the longer term, if we both found each other compatible. At first, friends; but you ARE a gorgeous woman, I mean girl, so who knows where we might end up."

Betty looked pensive, tapping her lower lip with a forefinger. "When were you thinking of inviting me to Metropolis?"

"It is probably a little late today, but tomorrow would be fine with me. If you can get a day off, I have some flexitime due me."

"You are certainly rushing things, buster. The only way I can get a day off is if I can get another of the staff to cover for me. That means finding one who is not on the rota for tomorrow, and finding out if anyone is free to work for me instead. Fortunately, most of the data is in my phone." She fetched her phone from a table, keyed in for the store rotas, and examined them. "Hmm. Letitia is off tomorrow. Let's see if she is free." She keyed in a new number. "Hi, Letitia. It's me. Say, are you free tomorrow to take on my shift? This guy wants to take me to Metropolis so he can show me the sights."

Letitia's response was immediate. "Sure, honey. A guy, eh. Anyone I know?"

"Not unless you know some cops, Letty! This fellow is from Metropolis; took a shine to me when we met recently."

"Cop, Eh? Recently ... not the guy who tried to arrest you?"

"Yup. The same. He was much nicer when he found that I was innocent."

"You? Innocent?" Letitia laughed. "Oh well, okay. I'll fill in for you tomorrow, but you owe me one another time, Betty."

"Sure, Letty. No bother. Thanks again." She snapped the phone shut, and turned to Charles. "O.K., lover boy. You get to take me out for the day. Train fare included, I hope?"

Charles nodded. "Certainly. First train of the day. I shall have your ticket kept at the station here, for you to collect. Just scan it with your phone, to activate it. I will be at the other end of the line, ready to welcome you."

"Well, I have to wash my hair tonight, and the rain is off now, so I think you can take yourself back to Metropolis and sort out your day off. It should be interesting to see what you can do at short notice to impress me."

Charles was outside the door and on his way downstairs before the realisation sank in: she had agreed to a date with him! His heart thrilled. He had achieved his target for today. His delight buoyed him up all the way back to Metropolis. When he arrived, he picked up his phone again, and dialled the office: there was always someone on duty in case of emergencies. "Charles here. I need to take a day off tomorrow. Can you mark it down as flexitime owed, please, and I'll sort out the paperwork when I am next in the office?"

Next, before he went home, he needed to sort out the day tomorrow: decide his itinery. Where to eat with Betty; which pleasant spot down by the ocean he would use to get her in the mood for a kiss. Transport? Get a vehicle he didn't have to drive: splash out on a chauffeured cab, to show how much her presence meant to him. Clothes: Get dressed in his best clothes for this outing. Try to get a haircut first thing in the morning, so that he would be looking and feeling at his best when he met Betty at the station.

His excitement was completely overwhelming him, so he decided a bit of down to earth advice would not go amiss. He phoned the boss at her home. Mary answered the phone: "Governor's mansion. Can I help you?"

"Can I speak to Diane, please? This is Charles Addison."

Moments later, Diane said, "Charles? What brings you to ring at this hour? Nothing wrong, I hope?"

"No, boss. I have been to visit Betty Farjeon, and she is coming to spend the day with me in Metropolis, tomorrow, on a date! Can I ask you for whatever advice you can give me?"

Diane gave a little laugh of delight. "Wonderful, Charles. You finally plucked up the courage to ask her out! What do you need to know?"

"Boss, I am not used to taking a girl out. I want to hire a chauffeured car, and show Betty around Metropolis, take her to see the ocean, perhaps kiss her there. Does that sound all right, for a first date?"

"Charles, that sounds delicious. My only advice would be to prepare yourself to look your best. Haircut, fingernails trimmed nicely, hair brushed or combed neatly, properly pressed trousers, good suit or quality casual clothes. Make sure your shoes are polished too: you want her to see you in the best possible light. Have a small bouquet of flowers to give her when you meet; treat her to a meal in a good restaurant – not the Security Department canteen! Oh, and be sure to compliment her on her clothes, her hair, and her makeup: girls like to receive compliments; signs that you have noticed her preparations. Finally, if the forecast even suggests rain, have an umbrella to hand. If you shelter under an umbrella, you have a chance to get close to her: and tell her she smells nice – I hope she does!"

"Great, boss! That's what I wanted to hear. Wish me luck with her tomorrow. I have taken the day off from my flexitime surplus, just so you know."

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Lockdown Daughters Story 6

In the last story I wrote about Mum catching me with my tits out whilst I was on the Sex Forum and how somehow I had convinced her that I was checking for breast cancer lumps. This story picks up two weeks later. Over the previous two weeks my mind has been working overtime as to how far I could push Mum who you all know by now to be a frigid cow who hasn't had sex for many years. I have had a couple of lesbian experiences but my warped mind wanted to see if I could get Mum to do anything....

2 years ago
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Fucked My Classmate At Home

Hi this my first story in ISS. I am sharing my real experience which happened two months back. First of all I introduce myself. I am Sam 21 years of age, average body build and quite attractive living in Chennai. Let us move on to the story. My classmate name is Priya. She has a very good figure of 34-28-36. First it all started in fb then aft few days started chatting in mobile. This was going for some days. After some days our way of chatting changed we use to make dirty jokes and started sex...

4 years ago
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More public fun

I've discovered over the last few years the chance of getting caught being naughty is quite the turn-on, obviously. The thrill is incredible! Well, another new thing I've discovered is that if I take a standard girl's hair tie, I can wrap it around my clitty and balls twice and make quite the effective cock ring; it's tight enough to take a serious effect on just how hard and big my clitty gets and doesn't hurt, so yay! I went out and bought a bunch of different kinds to play with, and found I...

3 years ago
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Shamus JournalsChapter 45

I was right. Doris gave me hell about spending that much money on someone I didn't even know. I didn't say anything until we pulled up in front of the steakhouse they had chosen to eat at. I turned in the seat so I could face Doris and still be able to see Sandra and Jimmy as I spoke. She opened her mouth to say something and I just held up my hand for silence. "You been giving me hell since I left the music store. This time you shut your mouth and let me speak. I bought the pair of...

2 years ago
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Going GoneChapter 5

The women had spent some time socializing, getting to know each other a bit. "Shall we get started?" Jean Stevens asked. "Let's sit down." They seated themselves around a conference table, four on a side and Jean on the end. "As you know, the colony will be composed of nine townships, eight for those of us aboard and the one that's already there. You have all had experience educating children on Earth. You've all had the sleep training programs on the educational systems in the...

3 years ago
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Running from a Hard Place

Running from a Hard Place By Dana West Copyright 2009 I awoke in Maurice's embrace, his big nasty boner rubbing against my sissy ass made me feel like his little plaything. His arm was draped over my side and he was softly caressing my nipples which made me gasp with pleasure. He finally told me to get on my hands and knees with my little butt in the air. I was completely naked, whereas he had his underwear on, and he removed his big black penis from his boxers, covering both my...

3 years ago
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A Weird OneChapter 15

I was just walking out to the school parking lot when my phone chirped. It was Tasha and she called to tell me that she was running late. "It will probably be close to eight-thirty or nine before I get there." "Just give me a call on my cell when you get home and I'll be right over." At work I entered invoices into the computer until Marge told me to meet her in the basement in five minutes. When I got there I found Gloria waiting and by the time I had the door unlocked Marge was...

2 years ago
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Papa Ke Dosto Ne Didiko Choda

Hello friends… Kaise ho aap..? Aaj mai aapko meri randi behan dipali ki kahani batane jaa raha hu Dipali meri badi behan hai dikhane mai bahot hi sexy hai… Bade bade boobs badi gand … Aur chalte waqt gaand matakate hue chalti hai.. Sare muhalle ke ladake use chodna chahte they.. Bahot baar gali ke ladako ki baate bhi maine suni thi ke wo didi ke bare mai bol rahe they ke yaar…. Aisi randi muze mil gai na to mai to rat din ise chodate rahunga. To chalo mai kahani par aata hu. Darsal baat us...

2 years ago
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The Lifestyle Farmer

Author’s Note: Before you read this story you should understand that it is a work of fiction and total fantasy. Its main themes are of non-consensuality and human degradation of an uncompromising sort. If this does not appeal then PLEASE DO NOT READ IT. I would also like to emphasise that the events described in the story would be completely abhorrent to me if carried out in reality. Nor is it my intention to offend any particular group, preference or orientation with what I have written. It is...

3 years ago
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I Hope Youll Get Addicted

Me, I love raping some bitch more than anything. I love sticking it to them. Ramming my thick hard, thick 12 inch cock into some unwilling ass and pussy is the greatest thing in the world. It isn't so much the sex though that is damn fine, or even the way my cock feels, pulsing like it's going to explode deep in some dumb cunt's pussy; it's the power, the domination, the forcing of myself into the bitch's body, the violation of something so intimate to them. From the way you're...

2 years ago
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Racist wife loves bbc

My wife and I were married very young. After only a few months of marriage I started bringing up swinging. The first few time we talked about it she did not want to have anything to do with swinging. I was the only man she had been with before we married. After a while she started to warm up to the deal of swinging, but she did set some limits on what she would be willing to do. She did not want us having sex in our home town with anybody we knew. We would only swing together, in the same room....

3 years ago
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Ass Ambush pt 1

POV from a young athletic girlfriendYou are laying on the couch, watching TV. I come in behind you, silently, wearing only short white socks and sneakers, having stripped down to them after coming back from exercise class. I'm hot, sweaty, pungently ripe. Your head is near the arm of the couch and I quickly grab it to pull it back over the arm, at the same time stepping over it and placing my muscular thighs to your ears. You have been taken completely by surprise and can see nothing but the...

3 years ago
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Help Im In My Locker

Help I'm In My Locker I was just about the last one out of school that night. As I passed down the hallway I saw a puddle of water near one of the lockers. I placed my attach?ase on the floor to investigate the liquid. Apparently it made a noise and a soft nervous voice asked, “Is anyone out there?” I replied, “Yes, may I help you?” The small voice said, “I’m in my locker. Some of the girls bet me that I couldn’t fit inside and then they closed the door.” I asked, “What is...

2 years ago
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kneeling before an olderman for the first time

As a college student at the time living on my own for the first time i was enjoying my new freedom and exploring my sexual side freely for the first time. I had rented out a guest house fro the shool year for a very kind man. He was a widower in his late 60's. My rent was cheap and if i ever had a problem he was right there to help me out. Many nights when i had nothing to do we would have dinner together and enjoy conversation. One night after dinner and drinks durning conversation he made the...

3 years ago
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An Adventure in Minot Ch 01

I was on my annual trip to Canada, where my mother, a native Canadian, owned some property. We met up there each year to get away and do some necessary maintenance. It was also a great chance to be with my mother, who was getting on in years and lived too far from me for regular visits. So, I naturally looked forward to these trips north. My husband seldom accompanied me on these trips, being involved with his work, though sadly, I hardly missed him. Although he was a decent and kind man, he...

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Project Eldest SonChapter 4

Pounding on the front door at 0700 was what woke Abdul Sa’aslikah. He had been up late last night tending to investment portfolios that he managed. Abdul was very intelligent when it came to managing money. His education at Dartmouth had been well worth the effort to get him a student visa to attend college. He made it down stairs and opened the door to see a very tall man in a British Electrical Authority shirt holding a clipboard. “I’m sorry to wake you sir, I’m Danny from the BEA and...

4 years ago
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New Order of the AgesChapter 9

As for Olaf, he inquired after his bride, and after a short time of searching, he learned that she was with Dan. Entering the bedroom, he found her with Dan and his stepdaughter, which really put him in a nasty mood. Walking over to the mother, his own bride, he yanked her up by her hair and started slapping her face, at which point Dan sucker punched him and kicked him to the ground. The daughter, still partially dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, pulled her mother close and cradled her a...

2 years ago
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Chudai Chawl Ke Chutiyaape 8211 Part 2

Hello dosto. Ummeed hai aap logonko mera naam yaad hoga? Mera naam hai Deepak Mishra. Main ek lekhak hun. Aur agar aapko meri kahaniya pasand aaye to zaroor mujhe e-mail karke bataaiyega. Chalo! bohut bakwaas kar li apne baare me. Ab baat karte hai Chudai chawl ki. Mujhe abhi bhi vishwaas nahi hota ki main aisi jagah par rehta hun jahan din ho ya raat apko chudne ki awaaze sunai dengi. Kabhi-kabhi main ye sochta hun ki ye log kaam kab karte hai? Kal hi ki baat hai. Chudai Chawl ka sabse paise...

1 year ago
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JudgementsChapter 82

"So," Shawna said as she settled onto the couch. Her mother's eye was a deep purple, swollen and obviously painful, but it didn't hide the redness that spoke of an afternoon of tears. "So?" "So you said you were going to explain about Richard Travers." "Charlotte's not come down for me to tell her." "Lotty's gone out, about ten minutes after I left." "She's ... Where's she gone?" "She said she was going to stay with Sarah Bittern for the night." That set her mother...

2 years ago
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Sex With Divorcee Sister Of Boss

Though I have started writing, but I am still in dilemma that I should write my sexual experience or not, because in my perspective changing name can never be enough to hide the identity especially from the person with whom I got involved sexually and certainly if that person will read this, it will be disaster for me because this is about my sexual encounter with a sister of my boss, and worst impact of this will be, I will lose my job. Still with changed names I am starting to write down with...

1 year ago
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The Village of Agony and EcstasyCh 2 The Examination

Chapter 2-The Examination Bella cringed as she took her place in line to be displayed for the master that claimed her. She nodded at Raisa trying to reassure her that she was going to be okay. The piercing emerald eyes of the Master shot through her as Bella looked at him. He had a wicked grin on his face. "You know, little tiger, that I can request to see all of you right here in front of all these other men. I am going to do that, so prepare yourself. Maybe it will take some of the fire out...

2 years ago
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The Eighth Warden Book 3Chapter 30

Shavala accompanied the group that went back into the mountain, but peeled away when they reached the palace. She wanted to pay another visit to the room with the glowing mushrooms and moths, to take notes on the unusual lifeforms for her book. When she got there, though, she discovered to her dismay that the moths were lethargic, hardly showing any interest in the mage-light lantern she carried. Most didn’t even leave their perches. She set the lantern down so she could slip a finger...

1 year ago
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A Reluctant GunfighterChapter 8

I carried Mr. Waters to his bed and helped Barbara get his clothes off and make him as comfortable as possible. They did have some laudanum, so it was possible to relieve his discomfort. We all had to be careful that he did not take too much, since he did not want to become addicted to opium. Tony showed me around the ranch. I was only eight years older than Barbara's brother, but I felt like I was 20 years older than him. Barbara had told him that I had shot all but two of the men who were...

3 years ago
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Monica Part 2

I bolted upright. My heart was pounding and my cock was in Monica's hand. She was sitting on the edge of the bed slowly stroking me. "Shh, it's okay," she said soothingly, "it's just me." She smiled warmly looking down at my cock and then back into my eyes. "I couldn't resist any longer. I hope you don't mind..." Adrenalin was coursing through my veins, startled awake from my dream and my heart pounding in my chest like a child's toy drum. It took what seemed an eternity to get my bearings,...

Love Stories
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My Surfer Best Friend

My best friend named Brad and I had been friends since the first year of secondary school. We did everything together. We were both in our late twenties but I had been secretly in love with him since first year at college when we were eighteen. But I didn't want to be gay so I decided to date some girls and had sex with them. But I never had any satisfaction from them as all I ever seem to want was Brad. I was delighted when Brad suggested we join the gym together to get fit. After an hour in...

Gay Male
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EvilAngel Melissa Moore Sloppy Massage Slut Melissa

Hot, young Melissa Moore talks dirty, delivering a slippery body-to-body massage to well-hung client Toni Ribas. The adorable minx covers her natural boobs with handfuls of thick, slick gel lube and worships Toni’s hard cock in a wet blow job shot POV-style. She strokes his shaft with her lubricated bare feet! Melissa grinds her pussy on Toni’s prick while he slaps, chokes and dominates the lubricious slut in a passionate, silky, greasy fuck … climaxing with a hand job and a...

3 years ago
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The Coming Storm

“Explain to me, again, why I have to go on this camping trip with you?” Kat asked her boyfriend, Quinn. “Because I want to spend more time with you…,” he replied. “You know how much I detest camping, and what am I going to do while you and Scott are fishing?” she complained. “I already told you that Scott is bring Raven. You guys can keep each other company,” he said. “You know it is going to rain….this sucks,” she bitched. “Please?” Quinn asked. “Ok. Ok. I’ll go, but you owe me big time,...

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PRISCILLA’S FIRST CANINGDr. Stanton’s Philosophy and Practice of CaningEdited by AlexDear Reader:Some interest has been expressed in the recovery of documents surviving from what on might call the regime of Dr. Stanton, a Principle of St. Swithin’s School for Girls who pursued with remarkable enthusiasm a disciplinary policy of corporal punishment. So we will proceed to post Section II here. However, and precisely because of the interest aroused, we will take the opportunity to review the...

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Rogues Story Part Two Captivated

Rebecca stands on the raised platform in the ball room, wearing the electric blue silk dress her husband bought her as a gift from his last trip to India. The material clung to her small waist, and down over her curvaceous hips, it glided down her long legs to her ankle with a suggestive slit up to her thighs. Her long brown hair is pinned back exposing her neck, and her cheeks were flushed pink not just with the make-up she was wearing, but from the heat burning deep inside, that she had not...

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Forbidden love

I woke up with the most wonderful feeling next day. Even Kumar noticed that I was chirpier than usual. Gopal was exceptionally quite. He was trying to shun me and kept away from me. I was a bit annoyed, but by the same token I could understand that he was quite apprehensive after what happened the previous day. I waited until every one was out of the home. He was in the kitchen having his breakfast. I went and sat on a chair opposite to him. I had to some how or other break this impasse....

1 year ago
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Mother Of Invention

[/b]When I saw the advert in the local paper I was intrigued...MODEL REQUIRED FOR GLAMOROUS ENGINEERING SHOOT.What the feck is an engineering shoot,well Deena said I should ring,the thought of being a poor student for another Autumn was doing my head in.So I rang the number an elderly man answered, told me it was some lingerie and bikini modelling on motor bikes and other bits and bobs!Well he sounded nice, he told me he had M.S. and was confined to a wheelchair now.I decided to do it not out...

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Moms Girl Redux Part 10

Mom's Girl Redux Part 10 by Elizabeth Joanne Chapter 31 There wasn't much traffic out and the drive out was pleasant. As I drove along I thought about what I was leaving behind and what was ahead for me. Was I really going to be happy? I was walking away from the known and into the unknown. It has been over 6 months since I first went full time but up until now it had one new experience...

3 years ago
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Lusty Saturday Morning

I wake as the sun is rising, with a throbbing between my legs. I was having a sexy dream and my pussy is swollen and aching and wet. I roll over to look at my best friend sleeping beside me and smile. It’s so nice having him here. We don’t get to see each other as often as we used to, but this weekend I have him all to myself. He turns over in his sleep and his arm falls across my belly. The heat between my legs flares more strongly. I take his hand and guide his fingers down to my swollen...

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1st Time For Emma Part 4

I didn’t see much of Emma during the next four days as we both work and I usually don’t get home until about eight o’clock in the evening. When I did bump into her she was very quiet, moody and definitely not her usual chirpy and chatter self. I didn’t know if this was a reaction of embarrassment to me following our lovemaking or if it was just her having one of our standard female mood swings. She was never impolite to me during those few days, she still smiled and said hello but there was no...

1 year ago
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POLL Replacement for Ambers pink toy

My pink friend needs replacing very soon.She is my first dildo, hot pink in color, and has been thoroughly used (and abused) over the years. She has been to many places with me. Even to the beach! (Note: I call it a "she" because of her hot pink color.)Pictures of her can be found in our gallery: rubber that covers the button to control the speed or vibration has already worn out, exposing the true...

3 years ago
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No Law or Order

I'm the kind of guy who likes to think they have their life in check. I’ve always been ambitious and, from an early age, I had my future mapped out. That's what you get when you’re raised by a family of lawyers.I graduated with a first-class honours in Law and landed a job at a prestigious legal firm. Of course, I had the option of staying within the family practice but that wouldn't have been a challenge. By the age of thirty-two, I’d become known as one of the best barristers in England — an...

Office Sex
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Fucking a friend

Hello to all viewers and readers of asex Stories, I am pleased to publish & share my own true experience here with all of you desi lovers. I am a regular reader of the stories of asex stories and I decided to expose my own to you here too. The incident which I am going to tell about is pure and hundred percent true without any doubt & I hope it arouse all of you and cum finally. My name is nadeem, which is absolutely real instead of fake as others do. I am 27 & I am from the great city...

2 years ago
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slurred and dreamlike. No one heard her say that. She was alone in her small bedroom, laying naked in the dark, staring at the ceiling. She was only now slowly realizing that she'd awoken from her dream and that her left hand was softly cupping her pussy. She closed her eyes, not caring that she was awake, and continued thinking of Derek, the school bus driver. In her fantasy she was squatting over him naked, getting ready to press herself down onto his hard cock. She was...

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