Hi, Honey free porn video

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Hi Honey! Copyright 2003 by Lorena Mae Hi Honey! It?s so good to hear from you! I just don?t hear from any of the old gang -- my life is so different now. The thought of even being in that tranny support group has just sort of vanished. You asked me some questions about my life now, about what it?s like since the change. Those are two different questions, you know. I?ve done a lot of growing in the past few years, and that?s where the biggest shifts happened. Who I was after the change isn?t who I am now. Maturity is a great thing, a great, great thing, and I couldn?t really grow up until I got to be who I am. All I can tell you is who I am now. My past, well, it?s real, but at a distance in a way that I never could have imagined back then. I mean, a thirteen year old can imagine being twenty-one, but actually being twenty-one is so much different than those imaginings. Do you know what I mean? I don?t think I could have ever told the person I used to be about who I am now. I just didn?t have the frame of reference. Oh, all this is getting just too heavy. Why don?t I just answer your questions? --What?s the best change? Hips. Having a great ass is just fabulous. It makes me feel centered in my sexuality, and it makes the guys hot. Boobs may catch their attention, but great hips are what keep it. When I?m dancing close with a guy, and their hand slides down to my ass, I love it, just love it. And when we are in bed and I pivot on that butt, opening deeper to them, it can just blow my mind, take me below my mind to very hot places. Add to that how a great ass (and the waist to go with it, of course) makes clothes look, and it?s really fun, I can even cross my legs easier now, not just because my legs are slimmer but because my hips are wider. You can learn a lot from "Basic Instinct", trust me. I mean it, honey. So much of my womanhood is centered in my hips. Get me on the dance floor at the Latin club in a great sheath skirt and heels, and I wouldn?t care if any guys were interested or not. Just release! (Of course, they are interested, and plenty. It turns out that the more wild and uninhibited you look the more guys get hot, but I bet you already know that.) --What don?t you miss? I don?t miss my penis, not at all. I mean, why -- there is always one at hand when you need one! What?s the joke -- penises are great except for the ugly lump on the end -- the man! (That?s not really fair. I love men, I really do. You really can see the point of men much easier when you are a woman. Complimentary is good.) I was never really cocky enough to use my penis all that well anyway. When you get a penis attached to a cocky guy, you can have a wonderful night, even if you wish he?d turn into a frappachino when you are though. --What was the hardest thing? The hardest thing was learning to go all the way. I?m not talking about having sex here, but about trusting that the choices worked. I kept thinking that if I went too far I would look silly, that people would laugh or tell me to cut it out, and that was really hard to get over. To find the center you have to swing the pendulum wide, to overshoot the mark and come back on it. You can never find your own center by creeping up on it from one side. I went overboard in sexy dress and makeup and guys, and I am so glad that I did, because now I have a much wider range of choices, and I know that what works best for me is much more sensuous and flirty that I would have imagined. I even flirt with women now, not because I want to sleep with them, but because it's so fun to just focus on your girlfriends and make them feel great. I know I love it when they do it to me! It was only by going all the way that I really could take the risks and make connections. I had to let go of the fears and go a little crazy to find a new way to be sane. --What do you miss? I miss having body strength. I mean, I wouldn?t trade it all for what I have now, but being able to just bull things around or feel you can physically handle an attacker was great. It let me walk secure in my manhood. Today, though, I am sure I can handle an attacker, through surprise or though getting help, and it?s nice to make guys feel better about themselves by helping me. --What?s the worst thing? Maintenance. Hair and nails and exercise and clothes all take time and effort, and while that can be fun, it becomes a chore. Rushing into the strip mall for a quick bikini wax is a chore. I know how to make taking care of myself a luxury -- a day at a spa, a night in with my robe and my face in a mask and hair in a towel -- but that is a rarity. You don?t get a luxurious time to get home from work and change for a date, but I love work (selling is so different now) and I love men and having men interested in me, so I do the work. And of course, there are a few days every month when you have to maintain your reproductive in top shape, and that?s not fun, but it?s nice to know that it will be there when I find the special man I want to have my babies with. --What?s the biggest surprise? Women compete. There is a much or more of a pecking order among women than among men, but it?s much more complicated. I had to learn to operate in women?s world, which girls learn from junior high. Who is friends with whom, whose feelings got hurt, and all that. It becomes important to communicate with women though your dress. Women read details a lot more than men do, so the designer of your scarf can count. Little changes in outfits make big difference to status and intent, and when you sell, that?s important stuff. I was a little taken aback the first time I was interested in some guy and then a friend set her cap to steal him away, but now I know that?s one way women keep score, show their prowess, set their place. Guys are not just lovers and companions, they are fashion accessories and badges of honor, too. All those backstabbing soap operas make much more sense to me now that I live in the same world that the actresses do. And they have such great clothes too, and they are always so polished. . . Sorry, I was drifting there. --What?s your biggest peeve? Well, I hate to tell you this, but its crossdressers. God, be a man or be a woman, but be good at what you do. Being a passive aggressive wuss waiting for someone else to make your fantasies come true is just icky. You can?t make a man happy if he doesn?t know who he is & what he wants, and isn?t willing to go & get it, and you can?t be happy with a man who can?t be happy. I tried to assist in the "gender community" after the change, but it was just too icky. They wanted me to fix them, but since I went out and found the magic to fix myself, I knew that they can only fix themselves. --What delights you? Orgasms. Well, orgasms and shoes. Orgasms are so different, so much a wave and not a point. They just rock you, and when you have the smell of some hot guy, you can get lost. Don?t be wrong, I love my drawer off sex toys, and you really can create bigger highs with them, but when you have the high and the guy together, it?s really sweet. And shoes, well you understand the draw to shoes. Now that I can fit into, can afford and have a place to wear fabulous shoes, I really love them. Really. --Best tip? Invest in good underwear. Good, high quality underwear makes you feel better, sexier and classier, but it also makes all your clothes look better, keeps your body firmer, and can really make guys hot. It last longer and wears better, and it?s definitely worth the investment. When the body hair is gone and you have all that skin, the underwear is an important part, right there, right, with you. Get good underwear. Get used to it -- you will feel comfortable wearing a thong, just keep at it. Good underwear. That?s a good tip. What else? Dance lessons are good. Learning to move in graceful ways is so important. I had to know the body, know what this body could do. Mostly it was aerobics, but I took some jazz lessons, and even spent a while taking belly dance. It was fun, even though I punched my fingers up badly sewing the beads to that bra. Hair. I can?t tell you how important having good hair is, for women, for men, for yourself. It is, as your mother told you, or would have told you if she knew you were a girl, your crowning glory. Just stay open, and be ready, and the more you are with other women, the more tips you will get. It?s easy. --What scares you? Lots of things scare me, but I didn?t get this far by letting my fear stop me. I really believe that we act out of fear, building walls, or act out of love, being open. Giving the call of love is the only way to make good things happen. Honey, as a woman, I need to surrender, to let people in. It?s not just letting men into my body, relaxing and opening to them to experience delight, its letting men and other women and children into my heart. It?s being melty, dropping the defenses, and acting out of love. The only way to get love is to give love. The only way to have people open to you is to open to them. The only way to have intimacy in your life is to be intimate. These are simple lessons, but until I went all the way, pushed the pendulum all the way out and found my own center I couldn?t possibly act in a loving, open and intimate way. My pleasure is very much in giving pleasure, but until I could receive pleasure, be in my own love, my own Eros, there is no way I could be in the love of others. You ask what I fear. I fear that I will crust up and start living from fear again, like those crossdressers I see. I fear that my heart will be broken one too many times and I will close it off, and that will close me off from the love in the world. I have to be smart, sure, but not at the cost of losing the feminine power it was so hard for me to find. I?m a woman, I?m a goddess, and that means that acting from the girl god space is the only way I can honor my creator. I can?t get all tough and distant or I lose connection with my most important thing, my own heart and its delights. I fear sometimes I will lose that open expression of an open heart. I lived so long without it that the memories still haunt me, being shamed into acting against my nature, locking myself up in a tiny closet all alone because being exposed meant being shamed. That?s what I fear. And that?s what I work everyday to move beyond. Sometimes I just go up and kiss someone who looks like they need it as a gift to myself, as a reminder that I once was someone who needed a kiss and now am someone who can give kisses with a smile and an open heart. Amen for that. I fear losing the open heart it took me so long to find. But I know that the way I lose it is to act from fear rather than love, so when that fear comes up, I just go out of my way to love, and you know, it seems to help. Gosh, I don?t know if you will understand any of that, but trust me honey, it's very true for me. --What would you like people who are like you were to know? I would like you to know that you have the magic inside of you. You can leave your current rut and write yourself a new story. I would like you to know how many people are on your side. That?s something I never could have believed when I was out there alone, but it is true. People want you to be successful and happy, because your success is a gift to the world. The more people who follow their hearts and who make their lives their own, the more others can be supported in their path to make their life their own. Your success really is a gift to the world. I would be a gift to me to know that your love is acting in the world, rather than your fear. Mark Twain said that you should be around great people because they make you feel great and feel capable of great things. Successful people have faith in success, in their success and in yours, and they know that a rising tide lifts all boats. Trust the magic in your heart, honey. Trust it even when the world says it is a lie, and I know that since you were very little the world has told you that what you knew about your heart is a lie. But you still know it, that knowledge still exists. I want you to know it?s never too late to blossom, to offer your beauty to the world, to open like a big old Georgia O? Keefe flower to all the wonderful things that can enter you and move your heart to higher places. Never stop striving for beauty, because beauty really can be magic. I?m not talking about fashion or fetish, I?m talking about beauty. They always had those parts in beauty books talking about cultivating an inner beauty, and I?d skip over that and get right to the makeup tips, but now I see the light. Please, please, trust in that magic I see in your heart. Trust that other people will see it too, if you open to them. That?s what I want to say. Follow the love in your heart, even the love of shoes, but all the love, not just the sexy bits. Love flowers and people and jokes and chocolate and everything will stay in balance and grow, not like when you love jerking off but hate being really touched. When you are more fully centered in yourself you are a gift to the world, even a gift to those who wanted to keep you in a pigeon hole for their use. Open their hearts by opening yours, help them to grow more balanced by taking away some of their props. Sing the song God taught you, honey. Sing out loud, sing out strong. Don?t worry that it?s not good enough for anyone else to hear, just sing, sing a song. (and thanks to Brian Mc Naught and Joe Rapposo for those words.) Is this enough? Is this what you wanted? Well, I suppose it?s what you are going to get. You can publish any of this you want, but please, keep my new name out off it. I have other things to do than deal with people who want me to heal them. But you, you can call anytime. And come to visit, eh? Maybe I can help your heart bloom a little bit too. Love you, love you. Smooch!

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Saturday nights were movie nights on campus. The campus film board would put together a single or double feature and show it in either the student union ballroom, or if it was a double feature, they would use one of the large lecture rooms in Kane Hall. So it was that Erin, Megan, Richard, Wendy, and Wendy's boyfriend Robert were walking across campus toward Red Square on Saturday evening. The first fat drops of rain had just started to fall, and the pace of the rain was picking up quickly....

3 years ago
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Dare Devil Pt 1

Daredevil This is only for the experienced who like to adventure. I recently discovered a new way to heighten my orgasms to an incredibly higher plateau. I masturbate 3-4 times a week and recently have gotten bolder. It all started when this sexy Latina moved next door to me in my building…she has these great legs and a fantastic set of tits. Most likely a 34-36D. She had jet black straight hair, beautiful brown eyes, and full lips that screamed Take ME! I saw her as she came up from outside...

4 years ago
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Chastity To Slutness 8211 Part 6

In last part you read that after fucking a private girl along with another colleague Vinod returned back to hotel room at around 10 of night and saw his mother having dinner. She was nude and another waiter ( third one ) was massaging boobs with one hand and with other hand palming and caressing cunt. Waiter boldly fondled her and telling that he will come back soon he went out with empty plates and containers. While sleeping Vinod enquired whether this waiter has fucked her ? She replied ‘No’...

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W poszukiwaniu brata

Masz na imię Jagoda, tydzień temu skończyłaś 18 lat. Jesteś piękną jasnowłosą dziewczyną o chabrowych oczach, długich nogach i pełnych piersiach. Mieszkasz w niewielkiej wiosce o nazwie Chłoszcze, ze swoim wujkiem i ciotką. Twój ojciec był żołnierzem w armii króla, w nagrodę za wierną służbę otrzymał sowitą nagrodę. Wydał ją na przeprowadzkę z miasta, gdzie mieszkaliście w dwóch pokojach z trzema innymi rodzinami, na wieś, w której mieszkał jego brat z żoną. Za otrzymane złoto zdołał wybudować...

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Jeanie 64 year old White Granny

What must I say I have a thing for older women, I have been attracted to older women as far back as I can remember. Most of my sexual experiences have been with older women, I don't know what it is, but older women are just sexy to me. I came across this older woman on okcupid who decided to message me one Wednesday morning. I thought I was getting trolled, and I decided to see where it went. It was obvious after texting for a few hours she wanted someone to fuck her good, while she was in town...

3 years ago
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Khoobsurat Pari Meri Baaho Mein 8211 Part 1

Hi friends, I am a fan of ISS stories and not very often but sometimes do read is stories.. It is very good to learn more about sex and also feels amazing and free time… Chaliye ab apani kahaani par aata hu.. This is true story, jo mere sath 2 saal pahale hui.. Mein ek badi it company me manager ki post par hu..Pahale me apane aapake baare me bata du..I am from north area and very descent and good looking guy… College ke dino me bada sharmila tha na ladkiyo se baat karna aur sirf apane career...

2 years ago
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It had been nearly a year since my high school graduation when I'd last seen my Aunt Eva, though in truth, I "saw" her nearly every day of my life. My Aunt, and my mother were identical twins. Even living hundreds of miles apart had never changed their near identical appearance. They'd worn their light brown hair in the same style for years, and neither had gained enough weight to look any different from one another. Though my mother always contributed her ability to maintain her...

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Priya8217s Sex Fantasies 8211 Part 2

Hi all. This is Priya again with auto-wala fantasy. I have received many mails about the review of my 1st story. Sorry guys, I wasn’t able to reply to every mail. But thanks to one and all for all the appreciations and suggestions. And guys please do not ask for my number and for chats. As the future parts(stories) are not related with maths or teacher I am changing my title but the part number continues as usual. After all the pleasure given by my maths teacher I was very much habituated to...

1 year ago
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"Are you absolutely sure you aren't taking anything, Robert?" "I'm quite sure, Dad. You know I've been to the doctors several times and she's confirmed that there's absolutely nothing unusual showing in my blood tests, hasn't she?" "True. That's except for the fact that your oestrogen levels are at the top end of the range for a boy of your age, although not beyond it." "So why do you keep asking me? You know I can't help it and the doc says it will probably go away when I get a...

3 years ago
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Wife is going to try modelingCuckold Style

It's pronounced same as Sharon and Shar sounds just like it does in the full name. I know I need some help and some more work possibly on this story but it is set up to run for a while and future chapters. This is the 1st of what I hope are many. *****Meet Sharyn and let's start the story, shall we?We were so at peace when we first married, I was working in the mortgage industry making a 6 figure income when I met the love of my life, Sharyn. I was mesmerized by her from head to toe. She is...

2 years ago
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Ashtons New Game

The card I found on my office desk said, “Room 783 at the Carrington Hotel at 7:30 sharp.” That was the only thing scribbled on the note Ashton left on my pillow. I had no idea what to expect. Ashton has been setting up these wild, sexy scenarios for us for over a year now. Each scenario playing on some fantasy that Ashton and I had shared. I scanned my brain trying to come up with clue of where this one was going. I came up empty.When we got married, she vowed that our sex life would never get...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 1 Journey StartChapter 12 Coitus Interruptus and Mnage

Some indeterminate time later, Dave felt his consciousness return. Pam was wrapped in his arms and he could feel her heart beating in synch with his. He kissed the part of her face that he could reach. She moved and their lips met in loving splendor. Pam softly said, “I love you.” Dave said, “I love you, too. That was spectacular.” Beside the two of them Alice and Owen clapped. “Great theater,” Alice said in a humorous tone. “I now know what we look like when we get really serious about...

3 years ago
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The truth about size

This story has two main options that start quite similar, but choose polar opposite paths. Each has unique fetishes and opportunities. There's no catalyst or unique starts, no magic, just biology. The path of the blessed: The power fantasy. I'll be straight with you, you're hung like a horse. Your dick is more addictive than cocaine and your cum is listed as a bio-weapon. To counter this you'll begin as the shy type, with bad luck and a lack of confidence. You'll start slow and have to earn...

4 years ago
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Wedding To Remember

It all began on my wedding day, not too long ago, on a clear summer day with the sun shining above. We were driving in a brand new limousine which with my considerable money, I could easily afford to rent for a week, plus pay a limo driver to take us to our destination. My new wife's name was Sarah Kellar and my name is Mike. We were both still wearing our wedding clothes; I with my texedo and she in a traditional two thousand dollar wedding dress and her veil making her look even more lovely...

1 year ago
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BethChapter 65

September 17, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, After breakfast, we girls were busy. Gracey and Liya set up the new house network. Rhee and Carol uploaded yesterday’s videos from their phones and Liya’s and, along with Heather, tracked down all other videos and photos that we were keeping, got them uploaded to permanent storage, and removed them from all other devices. I spent four hours catching up on more than two days in the diary. Dad and Sandy made a bunch of food for dinners this week. I missed...

1 year ago
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Shoplyfter Emily Right Case No 4207854

Case #4207854 – January 30th, 4:45 PM. Suspect is an adolescent female with bleach dyed hair. She is wearing a floral dress and has a combative demeanor upon escort to the backroom. The Loss Prevention Officer informs her that she has been observed stealing, and must submit to an inspection using a metal detector. He discovers a watch on her person and suspects her of concealing items inside her body. Advanced retrieval tactics are employed. The rest of this case is considered classified....

2 years ago
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A Thousand Years of PeaceChapter 10 The Smart Car

John was in the bank. It was Wednesday morning. It had been three days since the wedding, and he was still laughing as he remembered the scene. A large contingency dressed as Scottish Nobleman. Jenny looking like Marian from Robin Hood. John Nation dressed like what Hollywood portrayed as the head Indian chief should look like. It looked more like a costume party than a wedding. John was interrupted by a man coming into the bank. He had a bag and a note from the hardware store. This gold...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Carmen Caliente Natalia Starr Twin Trap Part One

Alexa Grace has a twin stepsister Natalia Starr. The competition between them never ends… until the day she learns about Alexa’s relationship with Carmen Caliente. The only thing the twins don’t compete over is boys. It drives Natalia nuts that Alexa’s never had a boyfriend she could steal. Alexa is still a virgin but Natalia is not. Today Alexa and Carmen are playing video games on the living room sofa. Carmen goes upstairs to the bathroom, away from prying eyes, so she...

1 year ago
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I was their bitch

Hi, Im Chris, Im 21, and Im a typical ladies man. Im tall, goodlooking, and have a huge dick. I have no problem getting any girl i want, but my secret is that I've been filling my fantasies with visions of being in a room, naked, with 4-5 sex-starved, big-dicked, badasses, and being shared amongst them, each having multiple turns to wear my ass out and shoot their load wherever they choose. It was my 21st birthday, so i went out right when i woke up at 10 am, and got a bottle of the Captain's...

Group Sex
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Dorm bottom One ndash two

With some effort I managed to open my mouth wide enough to handle the fatcock that was pushing its way towards my throat. With a gurgle and gag ortwo I manage to get about two thirds of the ass rammer down my throat. DamnI thought to myself this is going to take some work to handle. After acouple of deep breaths I took a deep swallow and started to work my waydown that massive pole. This time I managed to feel his curly hairs againstmy face. I worked him with my throat for a minute before I had...

2 years ago
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Zoea Alone And Forsaken

DG HEAR'S ENDING Now I had to decide: Would I be happier with Zoea in my life or better off to never see her again. I now had to make that choice. Well, readers, If you were Eric, what would you do? THE DARKNESS IS FALLING "The darkness is falling, the sky has turned gray. A hound in the distance has started to bay." - Alone and Forsaken, Hank Williams, Sr. During the dinner with Zoea, we didn't talk much. She certainly looked upset and her makeup was stained with what I could...

3 years ago
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Fall of The House of Lush

The fewer sets of eyes around, the less chance of being spotted by someone we knew. From the footbridge above the tracks I saw Heather step down from the train. Her overnight bag was slung casually over her shoulder and her eyes flitted about the tiny rural station scanning for a sight of me in the fading evening light. As she saw me a smile spread across her face, and she bounded up the stairs two at a time. She threw her arms around me and kissed me with a force that momentarily knocked me...

Wife Lovers
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What a WeekChapter 2

All day at school the ramifications of what was occurring between Mom and me ran round and round in my head - what was all this leading up to and was I getting the right answers to the questions that Mom's actions were asking? Did she in fact want to have sex with me and if so why? I was only an inexperienced boy and she seemed more that satisfied with what she and Dad had done. Maybe what we were doing was completely normal and happened between all mothers and sons as part of growing up....

1 year ago
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Sleep Well My Officer Im Your Hijazi Sweetheart

100% fiction! An Egyptian soldier in 2015 War against House of Saud & their Salafis clerics.With a Hejazi virgin of a secular family who loved Egypt and its secular values and hated House of Saud and their Salafis clerics. To the memory of Princess Misha'al bint Fahd al Saud He was asleep again. Masha-il put her book of Nizar Qabbani poems on the floor and looked to the bed, where he lay. Darkness covered the window in the tiny room, and beyond it, crisp hot air, fields of sand and heat, sandy...

Erotic Fiction

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