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Alex was slendering up to his office building, when he noticed something laying on the path in front of him. It was one of those blank note books with a fancy cover.
He looked around but saw no one obvious who could have dropped it, so he picked it up and thumbed through it.
Each page had been cut into thirds and each of the stripes had been drawn on with colorful pens. Every single stripe had been decorated with flowers and stars and frames and other little doodles - each one different. However they all featured the same text but written in different colors with different pens and even - as far as Alex could say - different handwritings: Free Sex.
Someone must have put many days of work into this, but then just lost it here.
Alex decided to drop it off at the front desk of the office building in case someone came looking for it. He stepped into the lobby and turned towards the counter. Behind it stood a young woman with long flowing blonde hair and a wide smile wearing a white blouse, its buttons straining against her large breasts.
"Can I help you?" she asked
"I, ... I, er, er", Alex stuttered, pushing the book over the counter, "I found this, er, outside."
"Cute", she said flicking through the book. Alex turned red.
While she was looking at one of the stripes a bit closer, she must have tugged at it too strongly, bcause suddenly she held the loose strip between her fingers.
"Darn", she looked grimm, "well, I guess I'll have to redeem it then." Shee stood up and started fiddeling with her skirt.
"What?" Alex asked stunned. He glanced over the counter and saw her hiking up skirt and pulling down her stockings.
"Come on around", she urged him, "I don't have all day."

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