- 3 years ago
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ich habe nur einmal meine Freundin geteilt und das war auch nicht
wir waren im Kino. Früher haben wir im Kino immer rumgefummelt aber das
kam schon lange nicht mehr vor.
wir waren ab gesehen von einem Typ der sich seltsamer weiße direkt neben
meine Freundin setzte ganz alleine.
der film lief schon eine weile als sich meine Freundin auf einmal immer
fester in meinen arm krallte wie sie es sonst nur tut wenn sie kurz
vorm Orgasmus steht.
Als ich rüber sah und fragte was los sei sah ich erst das der Typ neben
uns meine Freundin fingerte und auch ihr Oberteil war hochgeschoben so
das ihre prallen brüste nackt waren und ihre harten Nippel geil hervor
standen sie hatte scheinbar gedacht das ich es war aber nach meiner
Reaktion schaute auch sie zur Seite und wir waren beide fassungslos als
wir sahen wie er seinen riesen Penis massierte während er mein schatz
Sein Penis war fast doppelt so lang und dick wie meiner und dazu auch
noch Kerzengerade. Wir konnten gar nicht Reagieren so überwältigt waren
wir von dem Anblick seines Penis und er nahm die hand meiner Freundin
und legte sie um seinen großen Schwanz. Meine Freundin war wie
weggetreten und Massierte seinen Penis ohne es selbst richtig zu
bemerken während er weiter mit schnellen fingern die geradezu
auslaufende scheide meiner Freundin bearbeitete.
Als meine Freundin von seinem Fingerspiel in ihrer scheide zu ihrem
Orgasmus getrieben wurde und er nur eine Sekunde nach ihr kam, stand er
während er spritze auf wobei ein paar große Spritzer seines Spermas auf
die zarte haut der nackten brüste meine Freundin landete und steckte
seinen steifen pulsierenden Penis in den mund meiner Freundin die immer
noch total fassungslos war. Ihr Mund der ein wenig offen stand wurde
von seinem Penis einfach ganz aufgedrückt und sie fing wie in Trance
und von selbst an seinen harten Penis zu saugen wobei sie sein ganzes
Sperma schluckte.
Als er fertig mit spritzen war und meine Freundin es grade so schaffte
alles zu schlucken zog er sie an den Armen hoch so das sie stand und
zog ihr dann das Oberteil nach oben weg. Einen BH hatte sie nicht an.
Danach zog er ihr auch den rock samt Tanga runter so das sie jetzt nur
noch ihre Flip Flops anhatte und ihm quasi meine nackte Freundin
komplett zu Benutzung bereit stand.
Sein riesen Penis stand immer noch wie eine eins ein ich vermute das er
irgend was genommen hatte um so ausdauernd zu sein und bei der menge
die er an Sperma spritze konnte man sich auch seinen teil denken
andererseits hatte er auch einen sehr großen Sack. Auf jeden Fall fing
er dann an die brüste meiner Freundin zu Massieren an ihren harten
Nippeln zu saugen und ihre nasse scheide weiter zu bearbeiten und sie
wohl aus Reflex seinen Penis weiter massierte und wir beide waren immer
noch neben uns.
Er setze meine Freundin auf die Sitzlehne vor uns küsste sie und fing an
Seine dicke Eichel zwischen ihren nassen Schamlippen auf und ab zu
reiben und schob seinen Penis dann mit einem ruck aber trotzdem sanft
in die tropfende Scheide meiner Freundin und schon alleine das ließ
ihren Körper wider erzittern und ihr zweiter Orgasmus brach in meiner
Freundin aus und obwohl er seinen Penis nicht ganz in meine Freundin
schob war er jetzt schon tiefer in meinem schatz drinnen als ich es je
sein würde.
Er fickte meine Freundin eine zeitlang ordentlich durch. Der Anblick
seines riesen Penis der schnell in die scheide meiner Freundin (die ich
vorher noch nie so nass gesehen habe) eindrang und sich ihr wider
entzog machte mich total geil und noch fassungsloser.
Meine Freundin kam durch das schnelle geficke seines großen Penis noch
zweimal und bevor er kam zog er seinen Penis aus meiner Freundin raus
und ich sah wie ihre scheide weit offen stand und leicht pulsierte. Er
setze sie wider neben mich nahm ihre hand und massierte so seien Penis
bis er wider kam im selben Moment kam ich langsam auch wider zur
Besinnung und wollte ihn von meiner Freundin wegschubsen dabei bekam
ich aber einen großen Spritzer seines Spermas ins Gesicht und auch in
den Mund wodurch ich mich ab wand. Dadurch das ich dann doch von ihm
abließ konnte er sein Sperma über den nackten Körper meiner Freundin
verteilen besonders viel landete auf ihren geilen brüsten und ihrer
nass glänzenden scheide aber auch bauch und Gesicht bekamen viel ab.
Nach dem er fertig war schein auch meine Freundin ganz langsam zu sich
zu kommen er begann aber auch schon wider seinen Penis in ihren mund zu
stecken und wider ihre scheide mit seinen fingern zu bearbeitete. dies
war in dieser Position auch nur möglich weil er einen so großen Penis
Ich wollte grade wider auf ihn zu stürmen als meine Freundin zu mir
rüber sah und blitz schnell meinen wegen der ganzen Situation hart
gewordenen Penis aus meiner Jogging Hose nahm und massierte ihn sofort
mit schnellen Bewegungen so wie ich es mag.
Durch das massieren meines Penis blitze es in meinem Körper und ich war
wie gelähmt. In diesem Moment sah ich auch das meine Freundin den
Penis dieses Typen mit einer Leidenschaft in ihrem mund bearbeitet die
ich noch nie bei ihr gesehen habe und dazu spielte sie auch noch an
seinem großen Hoden herum. auf einmal nahm sie seinen Penis kurz aus
ihrem mund schaute mich an und sagte ganz außer atmen:
Bitte schatz... lass....lass ihn.... es isst ist.. so
GEIL!!!...damit nahm sie seinen Penis wider in ihren Mund und saugte
sich die Seele aus dem heißen leib.
Ich war geschockt das zu hören und wollte ihn jetzt erst recht los
werden aber es sah so geil aus wie die nackten brüste meiner Freundin
von seinem Sperma bedeckt glänzten , wie leidenschaftlich sie diesen
riesigen zugegeben einfach geil aussehenden Penis saugte, dieser geile
Geruch nach Sex und natürlich die handarbeit meiner Freundin an meinem
Penis das ich mich nur noch in die Sitzlehnen krallte und es genoss.
Und auf einmal kamen wir alle drei zusammen. Er durch das gesauge meiner
Freundin an seinem Penis, sie durch seine schnellen Finger in ihrer
scheide und ich durch die geile Penis Massage meiner Freundin. Er
spritzte ihr wider eine reisen Ladung in den mund und sie kam mit dem
schlucken kaum hinterher sie zuckte total unkontrolliert und es schien
als sei es ihr stärkster Orgasmus überhaupt zu sein und ich spritzte
meine im vergleich zu seiner mickrigen Sperma Ladung auf ihre haare.
Der Typ packte seinen Schwanz erschöpft ein und verschwand so schnell er
konnte. meine Freundin zuckte noch weiter unter ihrem lang anhaltenden
Orgasmus und bearbeitet dadurch meinen Penis weiter. allerdings tat sie
das völlig unkontrolliert was bei einem jungen so kurz nachdem er
gekommen ist ja ebenfalls zu unkontrollierten Zuckungen führt. Ich
konnte diesem Typ also nicht mehr erreichen weil er meine Freundin mit
seinem Penis der viel großer und schöner ist als meiner so geil machte
und ihr so einen starken Orgasmus verschaffte das sie mich so
bearbeitete das ich nichts machen konnte und sie ihn so vor mir
Beim weiterbearbeiten meines Penis fingerte sie sich selbst weiter und
verteilte sie das viele Sperma das auf und um ihre scheide herum lag in
ihrer scheide. Als sie sich wider beruhigt hatte konnte auch ich mich
wider beruhigen.
Meine Freundin sah mich erschöpft an und ich fragte sie: ..was ist da
eben nur passiert? Sie sagte nichts. sie umarmte mich einfach und gab
mir einen tiefen Zungenkuss. Mit diesem Kuss verteile sie sein Sperma
in meinem mund und durch die Umarmung hatte sie auch auf meinen
Klamotten seinen Sperma verteilt und da meine Hose nur runtergezogen
war wurde besonders mein Penis mit seinem Sperma bedacht.
Um protestieren zu können schluckte ich im Reflex sein ganzes Sperma
runter und fragte dann noch mal wie das passieren konnte und sie
erklärte mir das es das mit abstand geilste war was sie je erlebt hat,
ich mit meinem kleinen Penis niemals an so etwas rankommen könnte und
sie mit sich jederzeit alles machen lassen würde was der Typ will
solange er einen so langen und dicken Penis hat.
Sei sagte auch das es sie noch zusätzlich total aufgegeilt hat das ich
dabei war und nichts dagegen tun konnte und ich weiß das er sie tausend
mal besser befriedigen konnte als ich.
Mine was when I was in the military. I was stationed overseas and went on a recreation center sponsored tour. Since I was alone recovering from a breakup with a girlfriend, I was assigned a roommate in the hotel we stayed.He was a 60 something Red Cross psychologist and I was 25. That evening in the room, I didn't really feel like talking, but he did. He offered me a glass of Johnny Walker Black and soon was paying me really nice compliments on my looks, my physique, and even my voice. I had...
Home from school one day I went to my room and full of pent up sexual tension began touching shaft then my head then massaging my balls. Soon my clothes were off and I lay on the bed my legs up and my hand rubbing my dick. That’s when I heard the door open and my grand mother announced she was home. I swore under my breath because I was so close to cumming. Rolling out of bed I figured the best way to finish myself off was to go in the bathroom where I could gain some privacy and so I...
Beatrice wandered contemplatively across the freshly grown lawns on the outermost level of the Intrepid. The space ship's restoration systems had at last made the level habitable although not everything had quite returned to the condition it had been before. New trees had been planted but were modest in comparison to those uprooted by the explosion. New villas had been constructed to replace those that had been destroyed. Animals had been relocated to replace those that had perished. The...
M watched the emotions displayed across her face and her body language. She was ok. Scared maybe, and a little unsure, but she wasn't really on edge. Good. That meant his ideas and plans were right on the money. As she laid there wondering what was next, M came to the bed and sat next to her. He told her to get back on all fours and present her ass and pussy. She immediately did as instructed, shaking with anticipation. One by one, their guests made hard and fast use of her pussy,...
After I kissed Ben good bye, I returned to the kitchen. John and I continued talking. Twenty minutes later Sherrie entered. She asked if Ben was still sleeping. I had told her that he had to leave, but that I would be staying another night. Her face lit up. She leaned in and kissed me while grabbing my tit. She grabbed a cup of coffee and joined the conversation. Sherrie was talking to John about getting food at the store. I had interrupted to let them know that I wanted to pick up a few things...
It was a Saturday night and Dale found himself hanging out with Marybeth once again. They weren’t exactly dating but they had become friendly and they enjoyed each other’s company. Their friendship had developed and strengthened after spending several weeks together on a school project.Now that the assignment was completed with rave reviews and a great grade, they continued seeing each other in social settings although their relationship had yet to be clearly defined. On this night, they were...
Our lovemaking was very tender and gentle that night. As Grandma requested, we didn't make a lot of noise. The next morning was a different story. Isidora woke me with a gentle kiss and a big surprise. "We should get married soon." She whispered in my ear. "Why is that?" I responded sleepily. "Because you're going to be a father. My monthly visitor hasn't come, and she's always very prompt." I did some quick mental arithmetic. I'm usually pretty bad with days and dates,...
My wife is very beautiful and has got a very attractive figure. Many a times I have noticed people eyeing the sexy figure hidden inside the thin materials of clothes. She usually wears sari or salwar suit. She is conservative in nature. So she never tries to wear sexy outfits. But even in traditional dresses she looks very hot. Her fair skin, big boobs and perfect ass always makes her the center of attraction. Recently I changed my job. We changed the city and moved to a new city in Gujarat. I...
Sally had been in school with me, but her parents emigrated to the states when we were in our teens and we had lost touch for years. I had remembered her as a very average skinny red head with bad skin, but great fun and a good friend. About two years ago she got in touch through social media, and on a trip to the states we finally reacquainted. She had got divorced and lived with her only daughter Jodie. We met for lunch on my last day of my business trip, with a couple of bottle of wine...
She was living every girl’s secret dirty fantasy. She was standing in the middle of a crowd of onlookers, trying to stop the madness while at the same time secretly and shamefully loving it. “Back off,” Matty was yelling, “she’s mine.” “Like hell she is,” Jake was yelling in reply as he pushed Matty. “Guys, just stop it,” she tried feebly to be heard over the noise. Matty was pissed- no way was he going to get pushed around in front of this entire crowd, especially in front of Jenna. He threw...
AnaliCarly/Victorious: Who I Did On My Summer Vacation Part 6The next couple days flew by for some people. Carly prepped and presented her iCarly presentation without Freddie or Sam, who were both moping around their individual cabins. Carly wasn't entirely sure why, but involved a bet against that weird angry girl from Hollywood Arts, and it ended with everyone breaking up. Carly was also a little sad not see Tori as much, who was cuddling up to Beck rather quickly. They were kinda awkward though....
Hi readers mera naam Nishant hai. I m 28 years.. mai kaafi handsom hu.. mere Penis ka size 8 ½ Inch hai or 2 ½ inch mota hai. or issi pahele maine kabhi kisi ke saath sex nahi kiya tha. mai abhi Mumbai – Andheri me raheta hu or ek MNC me Job karta ho.. mera email id Main aapko jo kahani sunane ja raha hu yeh meri sacchi kahani jo lag bag aaj se 3 saal pahele ghati hai.. tab mai 24 year ka or MBA ke second year me tha or us year me mere dad ne mujhe mere birth day per mobile phone...
I took my cock from Maggie’s bald pussy, and I lay beside her. As we lay together looking at each other, I must have fallen asleep. Then I heard a car pull into the rear of the house. Then I heard the car door open and close, with mum’s voice saying something. My eyes flew open to see Maggie’s was still closed. I quickly woke her up, saying our parent’s were home and she had to get back to her room. Maggie got up quickly, picked up her clothing and ran out of my room. I quickly got dressed...
For weeks, when work hadn't called in the evenings, Mike had faced an endless sea of boxes: packing boxes, moving boxes, unpacking boxes, finding more empty boxes, finding boxes that had been filled and misplaced. It was getting to the point where the only joy he found with boxes was the bonfires he made of the ones that he was done with. With any kind of luck, he and Kirsten would never have to move again, and maybe boxes could quit ruling his life. Even now, there were boxes waiting for...
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You ever had one of those days? I had received a grade of 53 on one of my papers, (also somehow managing to spell the professors name incorrectly), had a house guest from hell who would not leave, the possibility of getting mono from my roommate, (who had such a bad case that he had to go to the hospital) and had the Head Resident Advisor track me done because said house guest did not leave when they were supposed to, and confirm with me that they were indeed gone. Then, the next day, I...
This story is, unfortunately, fictional. It’s been inspired fully by my dreams. My name is Valentina, I’m 16, virgin (not sure if lucky for it), and. I’m not sure about my sexual orientation. I’m Argentinian, so I don’t speak English perfectly. I hope you can understand what I want to tell. It all started last year, October 24th, 2005. I saw her at a party, not for the first time though. She always went to my school, since I moved there in 2001, even to my grade, just another division. I had...
Day 2I must be dreaming? I feel a warm embrace, moving, sucking, licking my enlarging dick. I feel a hand on my sack, playing with my balls. The other is stroking the root of my shaft, soft fingers encircling my erection. I open my eyes, feeling the sensation becoming more tangible and not just a fleeting and dreamy excitement. In the dim red light of the alarm clock, I see a shadow bobbing at my waist. I find the light controls and illuminate the room just a little bit. I see Akari, between my...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI would like to relate the story of one of the best Halloween nights I had ever experienced.It occurred the year that I had auditioned and won the role of Count Dracula for a local amateur theater. I met her after the opening night performance, she introduced herself as April.Now with the exception of her long honey blond hair she bore a remarkable resemblance to famed Hammer movie star Barbara Steel. She told me how much she loved the play and my performance during our first meeting and we...
FetishHi, I'm Brian, a 25 year old in the Army, and this is a story about how my mother became my lover.My mother is 47 years old, 5'8, 140lbs, auburn hair, b-cup tits, and an ass perfect for grabbing. She had me young, at 22, and I was the oldest of four. My parents have been happily married for 27 years, but I knew their sex life was floundering from their interaction with one another and overhearing their conversations.I went home to visit my parents last summer while on leave from the Army. Like...
I had 2.5-day road trip ahead of me. The night before I headed out, I took a hot shower, shaved myself bare except for a little patch above my sissy clit, then laid out a blue matching thong panty, camisole and charged up my vibrating plug.In the morning I made sure my pussy was fresh, inserted the plug and proceeded to put on my lingerie before getting dressed and packing the car. One bonus of the pandemic is I let my normally short male hair grow out into a blonde wispy curly style. I drove...
Hi friends. Thanks for your lovely emails responding to my previous two stories. This time around I would be narrating my first sex encounter with my BF. Thanks for your lovely emails responding to my previous two stories. Manish bhaiya had explored the sexual desires of mine, but since he had to reside in Delhi had to visit only twice a year. The long waits for sex was very frustrating and only satisfaction I got was with my lesbian partner Simran until I met Raj, my first BF. The real...
ROMA BANI RANDI Hi everyone! Im a regular reader of the stories in here, and I really enjoyed some of them. Infact some of these stories added a lot of spice into me and my wife’s sex life. So I thought about writing about one of our hot sex adventures…… Roma aur meri shaadi ko 3 saal ho gaye the. Ab main 28 saal ka hoon aur Roma 26 saal ki. Woh pehle se hi bohot khule vichar rakhha karti thi, har cheez ke bare mein. Hum apne sex life ko bhi lekar bohot utsahit rehte the, aur hamesha kuchh na...
This is my first ever encounter and first ever reddit post as well.So I was playing games on this app where you get matched with random players and I got matched with her, let's call her Andrea. I sent her a "Hi", she replied after her turn and then the conversation continued with "How are you?", "Where are you from?" you know the drill. At the end of the game (she won) I asked her if she would like to play again. She said "Sure" and we became friends on the app.She is from France and does not...
Without the ring nothing more would have happened, it gave him strength, the strength of a lion and stamina. Cousins Jessica was bent over his cock up her ass and she was crying, begging "spank my ass as you butt fuck me Master, and he did, slapping her round ass as he took her anal tight little hole, Jessica was shaking and moaning, her bottom the tightest yet. Then he pushed inside Kitty's tight little bun, she was as tight as little Jane; and Kitty was moaning and telling him she loved...
I fucking hate coming home early. Girls just look so hott now a days that even a bend over to pick up something turns me on. Getting laid isnt hard for me, but getting laid by someone I want.. thats real hard.I try not to wack off between classes, but man, I think I am a current sexaholic. All I wanna do is fuck and fuck is all I want. I'm not so bad. Im pretty good looking with a medium muscular build and 8 inches long. So not to be conceited or anything, but im not so bad. The only thing I...
Incest100% fiction! I am a 43-year old successful businesswoman and professional who has a wonderful and handsome son, my only child, attending the state University and my alma mater. A few years back I had caught his father screwing one of my friends after I had returned home early from a business trip. To make it worse, I had returned early so that we could celebrate our anniversary. Instead of celebrating my anniversary with my husband, I celebrated alone with a few bottles of wine in a hotel...
Incest“Don’t cry Kelsey. Don’t cry it’s going to be okay.”“It hurts. It just hurts so bad.”“I know it hurts but it’s going to be okay. Really just be patient it will happen.”My poor sister was in anguish. She just found out it wasn’t possible for her to get pregnant. She had seen four different doctors and each of them had told her she wasn’t able to conceive. It was tragic and she could barely take the news. She had seen several of these doctors over the course of the last three years and the fourth...
ReluctanceCASEY?S CANINE COMPANION CASEY?S CANINE COMPANION Lydia disembarked from her BMW, shutting the door. She tossed her briefcase in the trunk, looking around nervously, as she?d never liked Casey?s neighborhood too much. A couple of young black boys, adorned in baseball hats and doo-rags, laughed in her direction. ?Whatchoo looking at, white ho?? one jeered, and Lydia flushed, looking at the ground. Every week she promised herself she wouldn?t come back. Her therapist had worked with...
Laura suffered through a curious mixture of emotions. She felt an exhausted but warm sense of well-being after her wild and fulfilling episodes in bed with Kim. Gosh, the girl can fuck, she thought. It's all she thinks of. But she also felt a throbbing, hollow emptiness over what had happened with Trina, on the sidewalk in front of her apartment house. Trina had clearly been hurt to see her with Kim. That was something, of course. She couldn't be hurt if she didn't care. But Laura was...
Let's say our neighbor is a hot slut she is always flirting with me and my wife acting all slutty and dressing slutty aswell .One day I was home and I looked out the window and saw Becky my neighbor out the back wearing only a gstring and platform heels ,so I kept watching as I stroke my cock all of a sudden she is staring right at me ,busted, I quickly close the blind and sit on the couch .Next thing there is a knock on the door it's Becky ."I saw you pulling your cock I'm here to do it for...
Hello all me mirza apni pehli chudayi ki kahani apse share kar ne wala hun it’s my own story happened dis year chalo story pe chaltey hai. My socha ni tha ki apni maami naam tha simran ko chodunga it’s like a dream come true simran maami ki age hi 32 aur unke 3 bacche b hi aur woh dikne me gori thi aur shape tha 36-28-36 aur thodi height km thi minimum size k boobs perfect hip aur back damm hot jab b wo chalti thi tight salwar ya nighty me uski chuttad idhar udhar tumke laga ti thi.Ok now story...
Emily here. Boy, this story just keeps getting better and better! I've told you about Paul and Sara, and how they've shared their home and bed with me. I've told you about their son Jeff, who I'm pretty sure will be my future husband (although he doesn't know that yet!). And I've told you about Elly, the woman who shared Paul and Sara's bed ten years ago and who now shares theirs and mine. They've all given me all the sex I need, which I appreciate, but they've also given me love and...
We’ve been friends for years. We know most of each other’s secrets, if not all. We’ve seen each other go through heartaches, and been there for each other. But tonight felt different. We went out for dinner, had a few drinks and talked. Some serious stuff, but mostly just daily life, like always. It wasn’t what we said that gave our time together a different mood. It was partly what wasn’t said, and partly the way you looked at me. And I guess the way I looked at you. It was almost as though...
It felt like a normal day. I went to work, the day moved by in centimeters, and I longed to come home to my husband. I couldn’t stand being away from him for more than a minute. I was so passionately in love with him, that even after 3 years of dating and marriage for 4, I still get the butterflies. Yes, even when he calls me. As plain as it is, we are young and in love.But on this particular day I wanted to hurry home before he did. It was his 26th birthday. He loved when I threw him parties...
“Keys. Ten minutes?” Jake called, poking his head into his sister’s room.Elena nodded briefly, barely looking up from her phone. She waited until Jake had left before smiling from behind a wall of blonde hair, pleased that she was already dressed provocatively in her hip hugging pencil skirt. She touched the soft grey pattern material that enclosed her fit body and pictured how she might find her brother.Elena spent the next ten minutes brushing her long blonde hair, applying discrete make up...
IncestI opened the door to a cuckold life style so now I have to live with it. It all started when I suggested that my wife give one of our friends a blow job. He was staying over after a party where heavy drinking was involved. Untill that night she had been the perfect wife. After having sex that night she was in love with having thicker cocks in her. My wife has read stories on line about how to cuckold your spouse. She has talked with the ladies in the office she works in about having sex outside...
Day 5 (11) –Duke, Terry and Tim The ringing phone jolted Lani from a sound sleep. Bleary-eyed, she squinted at the clock on her night table. Mother. Fucker. Three hours of sleep. Ugh. She picked up the handset. "Hello?" She groused. "Lani? It's Suki. I woke you, didn't I? I'm sorry." "Ugh, yeah. Three hours sleep. There was this one couple who couldn't get enough of me. Every time he came, she had to suck it out of me. Or lick it off me. Spent damn near the entire night in...
Ella was a skinny girl. She was only about a year and half younger than Amelia. She was still developing with almost B cup boobs and a small but fairly nice ass. She continued to walk in Amelia's room wearing some black compression tights and a white shirt with our schools name on the front. You could tell she was kind of debating whether to join in on what was happening or just leave us to our privacy. Amelia at this moment hopped off my dick and went over to her stunned sister, grabbed...
Koi khas mauka ya koi khas baat nahi thi par mere pati mere liye kuch sexy dress kharidna chahte the. Sham ko, unke oggice se wapas aane ke baad ham nazdeek ke shopping mall me gaye jo hamare ghar se kuch hi duri par tha. Mall nazdeek hone ki wajah se ham dono paidal hi jaa rahe the. Unhone bade pyar se mera hath pakad rakha tha aur ham chalte huye shopping mall me pahunch gaye. Main khus thi ki w mujhe sexy dress ka tohfa dena chahte the. Un ko pata tha ki mujhe sexy dress pahan na bahut...
Exotic 4K lets you know right in the title that they’ve got a little something more than the usual vanilla flavors you find on your typical paysite. Not that I have anything sexy white girls, who made their way into my masturbatory fantasies at least a dozen times this morning. Still, sometimes you get a craving for something different. Call it yellow fever, jungle fever, or whatever the fuck you want, but the symptoms include blue balls and an unquenchable thirst for dark skin and pink...
Premium Interracial Porn SitesSon’s College Friends Round 2After the time my son’s college friends snuck in on me in the shower and I sucked them off, I was at the grocery store getting some things when I felt a hand on my ass! Quickly I turned around to see Mitch and Robert standing there smiling at me. They asked what I was up to and I said that Hubby and Son were out of town again on a fishing trip at the coast for the weekend and I was just getting some things to eat. When I told them that I could see a light in both of...
There is an end to everything, to good things as well. (Chaucer 1374) Smart cookie that fellow. As it was with me and Amber. I spent several fabulous weeks with her, she showed me how to submit and how to value myself even when willingly placing myself beneath below another.But as with so many things real life gets in the way. I got a new job and needed to move, so we spent one last evening together. A wonderful meal followed by an even better night together.So here I am in lovely Georgia and...
MasturbationJerry and I had been friends since we were nine or 10 years old, we played together, and learned about girls together over the next couple years as we started puberty. Whenever we were alone together we would talk about girls and get so horny and masturbate together. I don't remember exactly when, but at some point we both became curious and began to wonder what it was like to touch another guys cock and so it began as we explored each other. We both found it very exciting to touch and play...
Several years ago I separated from my wife of almost twenty years with our daughter, Cassandra or Cassie for short, residing with myself and visiting my ex-wife on weekends. It wasn't a pleasant break-up but for her sake I didn't argue with Cassie for wanting to spend time with her mother. Cassie grew up to be a beautiful young woman, with top grades throughout high school, right up to senior year when she suddenly started to bring around one of her closest friends, called Amy.Amy, like my...
MasturbationIt all started when my sister moved back into my house. Her husband left her, so her and her daughter moved into my home, with my Mom brother and me.At first I was exited that she moved back in, she was 28, and I was 18. But then after a while my Mom gave her my room and I was stuck on the couch. But nevertheless we spend every second with each other. Weather it was hanging out at the mall, movies, or just at home. I started to develop a crush on her. When she went to work and I was home...
Lakeland Dark by dale10 Part One I know the infamous N. word has been under tremendous scrutiny of late. Whole groups of intelligent individuals of various colors and ethnic backgrounds have publicly declared the word off limits. While other action say that it is perfectly all right for African American rappers for instance to use the word, but white journalists or comedians may not. All of this is of great interest to me because of my knowledge of certain places where the word...
AN INDECENT AGREEMENTA DEVIANT EBOOK MINI-NOVELLA BY THE MARQUIS FAÇADECHAPTER FOUR It was almost seven thirty and Sondra hadn’t come home yet, so Kerry was beginning to get a bit nervous. Was the woman testing her to see how she’d handle things as a babysitter or had something happened to her? By seven forty five, she decided to call her. “Hello?” “Miss Hogan…it’s Kerry…I was just checking to make sure everything was okay.” “Oh hey…sorry…I know I said I’d be back by eight or so, but I sort...
My intense love of big women in my family starting with my grandmother then eventually my mother My SSBBW Grandmother This is really a true story. Growing up I always liked larger women. Petite women never done anything for me. I changed the names in this story to protect our identity. My name is Vince at the time I was 18 in my senior year in High School. I was always very shy. My mother always worked and traveled so I spent most of the time with my granmother Ethel near Birmingham Alabama. I...
IncestJessica's Story - Part 16 The day couldn't go quickly enough for Jessica and her sister Sandra. Their mom and aunt had made the long trip to Newcastle Upon Tyne to take their cousins back home, and from what they had been told, they would be gone a good while. "Why do they have to be out all day?" sulked Jessica. "They've got a long way to travel," said Helen. "Besides, I'm here." Maybe it was just that knowledge that bothered Jessica. Anne and Sally had been gone barely an...
Chapter 41. Barbara As I was leaving the resort parking lot I saw a woman sitting in her car with a look on her face that worried me. I circled around and stopped next to her. I was not surprised she had not noticed. She had a gun on the car seat next to her. I tapped the window and startled her but she did roll down her window. ‘Listen, I’m sorry to interrupt what you intend to do but I have a couple of pointers for you to consider. One, if you use that gun while in the car it will get...
CHAPTER 1 Tanner Carlton stood outside a brothel waiting for his friend Ted Lobb who’d decided to take the fifty buck early afternoon special. Tanner hadn’t gone in, afraid it would just be his luck for his dick to drop off as a result of some unthinkable misadventure. Unless the need for sex felt desperate he avoided going near women he didn’t know. He held the naïve belief that if he knew the woman everything would be fine. Besides he and Ted were homeward-bound so there was no desperate...
More than a Lodger…Part 8Laura was in bed reading her latest novel. She was lying on her stomach when Jerry entered the room after he said goodnight to Tom.Laura was naked and lying on top of the clothes.“Arse or pussy?” he asked.“Whatever you prefer,” replied Laura, “but be quick, I‘m tired and have a long day tomorrow.”It was all the affirmation that Jerry needed. He looked at her wonderful body and thought how lucky he was. He stripped off and entered the bathroom. Laura placed her book on...
Quickie Sex‘I worked my way back up kissing her breasts, biting each nipple gently and then kissed her as I pushed the head of my cock toward her juicy wet cunt. A slight push and my glans entered the eternal city. She was not as tight as Sarah is and I was able to push in much easier and much deeper. Her cunt was so hot and felt just so good. I thrust in and out of her slapping my body against her, her hand came down and she began rubbing her clit and in moments I could see that she was cumming’. I was...
Sleepwalking By Morpheus I was just a sophmore in high school when I discovered my unusual talent. One night I said good night to my Mom and Dad, same as every night, then said good night to my sister Annie, who was a year older than me, again like I did every night, and went to bed. Nothing at all unusuall. But when I was sleeping, I think I had a rather strange dream, though I couldn't remember what it was once I woke up. Only an odd sense of drifting, perhaps of...
Chloe Scott and her boyfriend have been talking about letting her sleep with someone else for a while now and it finally happened! Chloe went out with her friends while her boyfriend was out of town and a built black guy started to dance with her. He was so confident with himself that Chloe just knew he was going to fuck her. This became even more apparent when the guy told her he didn’t have anywhere to stay. Chloe invited him back to her place, and before she knew it he was taking her clothes...
xmoviesforyouThe Swimming PlacePart one .I was one of the hottest days on record and Meg Brown was relaxing at home.She had lived alone for almost a year and enjoyed the freedom it gave her .Simon had left leaving her the house and the courts had ordered him to pay Four hundred dollars a month in maintenance which was great but not enough to live as well as she had before.Meg was a legal secretary at the county court but could only work part time . Part time suited Meg fine as it gave her time to relax and...