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If it hadn’t been for Hanson, I would have fallen onto the train tracks that Thursday morning. The crowd at platform three of the station had become impatient; services were delayed due to debris on the tracks after a storm the previous night. People shoved and jostled and glared at their phones and when someone pushed, the whole buzzing crowd pushed, moving as one angry wasps nest.

I can’t give a sensible explanation for why I liked to stand on the very edge of the platform, looking down at my shoes as I waited for the incoming rumble of the train. Force of habit, perhaps. Commuters have their idiosyncrasies. The way they order coffee. The way they drink coffee. The way they read newspapers, check timetables, yell into phones, mumble through rehearsals of work presentations.

There’s no hierarchy when waiting for a train. No special treatment for being small or having bags or being a woman. The pretence of politeness of course, but when push comes to shove, everybody shoves. I got more bruises from commuting for a week than I did the time I fell down a flight of stairs.

But that Thursday would have eclipsed all the elbowed ribs and coffee spillages, if fate hadn’t intervened. I stood there, looking down at my neatly painted nails in new Stuart Weitzman sandals. I found myself wishing I’d worn something less showy. But Gigi Hadid looked nice in them so why shouldn’t I? They’d cost too much to languish at the back of my wardrobe and besides, summer had begun to whisper warm, breezy promises. Sandals were in. Even ridiculously expensive sandals with fur trims and dangerously high stiletto heels.

I stood there, frowning down at my midnight blue nail polish and telling myself not to frown so as to avoid frown lines but unable to stop frowning at the thought of frown lines when the wasp nest surged and someone’s elbow hit the small of my back and all of a sudden I began to fall. The tracks blurred in front of me and that feeling of helplessness began to sweep as one stupid sandal tipped. Even then I found myself not praying to be saved, but for the heel of my sandal not to break. But Hanson caught me. I felt his hand around my upper arm, fingers digging in hard and hauling me back so I stumbled to safety.

Nobody else had even noticed. I stood dazed for a minute, made sure nothing (my footwear) was broken and let out a breath I didn’t even know I’d been holding.

“Thank you,” I said, too embarrassed to look at my saviour properly. “I – I shouldn’t have been standing so close to the edge. I’m such an idiot.”

“Hey, it’s fine.” Unflustered, the man gulped from his Costa cup. “Just – take care. Okay?”

I looked up at him then and blinked, unexpectedly recognising him. The details came to me fast, as though they’d been waiting to be unlocked. Hanson Blackburn. He looked the same, even ten years on from high school. The same stayed-up-too-late face. Tired eyes. Dark hair that had been pushed back enough times to understand its place.

Hanson from Art class. The guy who used up all the black paint and still managed to make his work look like it emitted light. Hanson who would have been expelled if his daddy hadn’t funded the extension to the science block. The same Hanson who threw the parties that still got raved about at reunions he never attended.

Memories that weren’t quite memories because I couldn’t always tell if what I thought had happened had actually happened. Even the softest edge of drunkenness blurs reality the next morning. The images and flashbacks – or fantasies of flashbacks – were grainy, sepia, sometimes black and white.

Hanson lived on Airedale Road, out of the city in the sprawling suburbs where the houses were detached and palatial with white porch columns. His parents went away a lot. And the parties came out whenever they were gone. Crazy parties. Strangers dancing with strangers. Girls making out in their underwear. Bottles and glasses clinking, contents swirling and splashing, sparkling somewhere between heat and ice.

Broken glass under broken high heels. Potato chips scrunched into the plush carpet. Cigarette ash. Smoke. So much smoke. Every kind of smoke. You could get high just from being in the room. Everyone seemed to have some form of cigarette between their lips or fingers, dangling in that almost professional way as rings of smoke blew up and hovered warily around the chandeliers.

“Hey!” I said, back on the overcrowded platform at the train station. “It’s been so long since we saw each other.”

I flushed even as I said it because the last time I’d seen him had been rather graphic, involving nudity, two girls and fleetingly embarrassed eye contact. But it didn’t matter because Hanson didn’t say anything. He blinked a couple of times and I felt even more embarrassed. He didn’t recognise me.

“Alessia,” I said. “From William Barden Academy? Class of – what – ’07? We were in Mr Jones’ art class?”

He blinked again and frowned at me.

“Alessia. I knew. Alessia Willow. I remember,” He switched his cardboard cup to his left hand and pulled me in for a hug. He smelled like smoke and coffee. “How the hell are you anyway? Aside from almost killing yourself, I mean.”

“Ah. Not bad.” I pulled away with some effort. “You?”

“Terrible,” he said but he smiled all the same. “Hey,” He frowned again. “Didn’t your hair used to be blonde?”

“Oh. Yeah. Long time ago.”

He smiled and my train eased into the station. A swarm of people began to make their way off.

“I have to go,” I said.

He caught my wrist.

“Hey, actually, I’m having a little – get-together tomorrow night. Why don’t you come by?”

It was my turn to blink.

“You’re still throwing mad parties?”

He shrugged.

“Not so mad anymore. But yeah. Hey,” He delved into his pocket and emerged with a marker pen. “Give me your number and -” He flicked the pen lid off and held out his forearm in invitation. “I’ll text you the details.”

I would have protested but people had started boarding the train and there was no time. I hastily wrote my number on his arm and handed the pen back to him.

“Sorry – I really have to go.” I started moving through the flurry of commuters.

“You’d better show up!” Hanson yelled after me. “You always were the life and soul of my parties!”

I waved at him, conscious that I’d begun to frown again.


Life and soul? Sarcasm, surely? I thought about him for the entire train ride. During the day and the next day too, thoughts of him kept flickering into my mind like a fire that refused to go out. We’d never been particularly close but I felt like we’d had a mutual kind of respect for one another.

He’d invite me to his parties. Not by text message. Instead, during Art class, the only subject we had together, he’d shadow me to the dried up oil paints and make small talk as he watched me try to extract yellow ochre from ancient tubes.

“You’ll come by tonight, won’t you? Everything fun is closed to us anyway. And there’ll be so many skater types. You know what I mean? But they bring decent booze.”

I’d long decided that he only invited me to make up the numbers. After all, the best parties have to have a requisite number of wallflowers and I most definitely fit the bill. When I inevitably turned up, he wouldn’t seem delighted to see me but would point out the good drinks and say something like;

“Enjoy yourself, anyway. Let your hair down, huh?”

He always managed to catch me off-guard that way. An offhand comment. As though my behaviour didn’t fit in with the rest of the house. And honestly, it didn’t. I didn’t make out with anyone. I didn’t smoke anything. I didn’t take off my clothes or get blindly drunk or fight. I felt like an observer. I didn’t really have a place there; I went because he asked me and because my friends went and although I could’ve stayed home and read a book, I’d have been able to hear my mom screwing her latest boyfriend and the sound was enough to put me off even the most enthralling psychological thriller.

So I’d go by the cinema, by the pubs I was too young to drink in and inexorably wind up at his sprawling mansion. I’d hear the party streets away; drawling, thumping music and loud, warm laughter; the kind that felt like an invitation.

It always started out on a high. Whooping and catcalling and hugging strangers and sloshing drinks and skateboarding down the stairs and people lighting cigarettes for each other but as the hours wore on, things would get too high, hit that note that made everything crack and start to come down, falling into arguments and messy fights and mascara tears and screeching tyres as people exited.


On Friday evening, I took a cab to the address Hanson had texted to me. 5A Patent Street happened to be a basement flat which didn’t make any sense until Hanson himself explained that the landlord had developed the basement into accommodation after the four floors above. He took my coat, pointed out the good drinks and disappeared.

The living space overflowed with people I’d never seen before. They seemed around my age but far more – hippy? Bohemian? I settled for avant-garde, sipped rum and coke and tried to put the ‘excellent communication skills’ on my CV to use.

Musicians, dancers, models, actors, writers, singers, photographers, artists. Girls with blue hair. Lots of people with tattoos. They didn’t work regular hours. They smoked a lot, raved about amateur theatre productions, new art gallery showings, castings, stage make-up and ‘artistry’. I would have found them pretentious if they hadn’t been so passionate.

The evening flew by in a smoky haze of telephone numbers, animated conversations and sensible drinking. It seemed like Hanson’s parties had matured a lot over ten years. Soon enough he’d be upgrading to champagne and hors d’oeuvres. I didn’t quite fit in but I didn’t feel it. Every time I considered leaving, it seemed rude to abruptly end a conversation and besides, I didn’t know where my coat had gone.

People began drifting out, organising cabs to nightclubs even though it seemed late enough to call it a night. Hanson had begun telling me about the obvious superiority of Costa over all other coffee chains (and over most independent cafes too) and I acted interested, hoping for a lull in his monologue to ask for my coat. There was no lull. He talked and talked. I’d never realised how talkative he was.

He kept talking, pausing only momentarily to exchange goodbyes with people who thanked him for the evening. I lost track when he started going into the details of Fairtrade coffee beans and instead found myself watching him talk in lieu of listening. Teeth. Mouth. He pushed his hair back even though it didn’t fall forward. A button-down shirt, open at the collar. A silver chain around his neck. It disappeared under his shirt so I couldn’t see if a pendant hung from it.

By the time he stopped to refill his drink, the flat had emptied.

“I should really get going,” I said, conscious of the sudden silence.

“Oh. No. Stick around,” He slugged lemonade into a glass and handed it to me before dropping onto the sofa. “It’s been way too long, Alessia. Sit down, huh?”

He had a funny way of saying my name, an almost grandiose exaggeration to the ‘s’ sound but he didn’t seem to do it on purpose. And if he did, it only made it sound prettier. I sat on the edge of the sofa.

“So, what do you do?” I asked.

He tried not to smile.

“I’m an artist.”

It made sense. He’d been an only child, after all. No siblings to follow, precious enough to his parents to make his dreams dwarf their expectations. Or maybe they just hadn’t particularly cared.

I smiled.

“Oh really?”

His mouth lifted reluctantly.

“Yes. Hey, you wanna see a picture I did of you?”

I blinked and swallowed a mouthful of lemonade hurriedly.


He set his glass down, reached for a stack of canvases stored under the coffee table and flipped one over to show me. There was a triangle painted on it. Black paint.

“Do you like it?” he asked.

I looked at him and he looked expectantly back at me.

I tried not to frown; tilted my head and tried to see the canvas objectively. The triangle looked perfectly triangular. But it was just a triangle.

“Well?” Hanson asked.

I cleared my throat.

“Uh – so is that like abstract?”

He turned away from me.

“You don’t like it,” His voice snagged. “Do you know how long that took me? I was up all night. And you don’t even like it?”

I looked at his profile in disbelief. He glared at the floor. Then pressed the thumb and forefinger of one hand to his eyes. I gazed at him incredulously. He didn’t speak. He made a small defeated sound in his throat.

“Of course I like it,” I reassured, touching his arm placatingly. “I – I just – I don’t quite get it. I’ve never been particularly into art. I think it’s great. Bold. Uh – like it’s simple at face value but then – uh-” I couldn’t think of anything more to say.

“Then?” He looked at me accusingly.

“I –uh,” The back of my neck felt hot. “I – and the more you look at it the more – the more you see?”

He started laughing. Tossed the canvas across the room. Grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

“You’re too nice for your own good,” He couldn’t stop laughing. “God! I’m so bad!”

I couldn’t look at him. My cheeks burned with embarrassment.

“I was only trying to be nice,” I sulked, snatching my hand away.

“I know,” He took a bent cigarette from his shirt pocket, brought it to his mouth but then started laughing again. “That’s what’s so funny.”

He lit the cigarette, looked at me and laughed harder, coughing out smoke. I bit hard on my lip so I wouldn’t smile.

“You’re just mean,” I sniffed. “Condescending.”

“Aw, c’mon!” He tried to stop laughing but failed. I watched as he swept a hand down his face and pressed it to his mouth. He couldn’t stop. His whole body shook. His leg was pressing against the coffee table and the glasses on top shook too, clinking into one another. He elbowed me, trying to make me join in. It was all I could do to contain myself. I breathed in through my nose, set down my glass and stood up.

“You’re the worst.” I said.

“Aw, don’t go!”

He caught my wrist and pulled me down but too far towards him so I ended up falling sideways onto his lap. He stopped laughing long enough to kiss me. He blew smoke into my mouth, and bit hard on my lip.

“I was only playing,” he said. He sucked on his cigarette again and blew the smoke into my face, his eyes never leaving mine.

I didn’t speak.

“Do you wanna fuck?” he asked. The question felt surprisingly soft and appropriate but I still didn’t say anything. I thought of him at the train station, his hand gripping my arm. What if? What if the train hadn’t been delayed? What if I hadn’t got pushed? What if I hadn’t lost my footing? Life hangs so precariously, so sensitive and with so many possible directions.

Hanson sucked on his cigarette and leaned forward to tap the burnt end into the ashtray. He put his hand on the small of my back so I wouldn’t fall off him and shifted so my legs were either side of his.

He sat back, took another drag on his cigarette and blew smoke out of the side of his mouth.

“Alessia Willow,” he said. “Alessia. That’s just about the prettiest name I’ve ever heard. Suits you just right.”

His free hand went out and caught my chin, tilting my head slightly towards the light on the ceiling.

“Yup,” he said. “They don’t give faces like that to everyone.”

I pulled away.

“You don’t have to say that.”

“I want to say it,” He dropped his cigarette butt into the ashtray. I shifted and his hand went out to rest on my leg.

“You didn’t answer my question,” he said.


He blinked.

“You don’t wanna fuck me?” He frowned. “Huh. Never heard that one before.”

His fingers tapped out a beat against my leg. We looked at each other. He smiled.

“I didn’t mean to kiss you just then.”

I swallowed. My mouth tasted like smoke and lemons.

“I didn’t mind.”

“But you still don’t wanna fuck me?”

“I don’t even know you.”

He cut his smile with a frown.

“Sure you do. The important stuff anyway. What more do you wanna know?”

I moved, intending to sit beside him but he caught my legs holding me in place. It seemed almost indecent to be there like that on top of him.


He leaned forward and kissed me again.

“What do need to know?” he asked. His mouth was warm and dry, his tongue trying to find its way past my lips. I didn’t let it in but he seemed content to kiss me anyhow.

“What’s your real job?” I asked.

He laughed against my mouth.

“Rude. But graphic designer. Wedding stationary etcetera. You?”

I flushed.

“I work for a – uh – kinda advertising thing.”

He frowned.

“Job title?”

I flushed harder.

“Uh – it’s silly. Kinda pretentious. You’ll laugh at me again.”

“Tell me. I promise not to laugh.”

I looked at his shoulder.

“Social media marketing coordinator.”

He didn’t laugh.

“So,” he breathed. “Are you still fucking that chess player?”

“Oliver went to Silicon Valley. Like ten years ago, Hanson.”

“Smart guy.”

“He was,” My eyes flicked up to his. “Are you still having threesomes?”

He didn’t flush. His eyes didn’t even leave mine.

“No. Not for a long time.”

“How long?”

He blew out a breath.

“Well – about – a month?”

I couldn’t tell if he was joking. His fingers walked from my knee up my leg, going under the skirt of my dress. He waited for me to push them away. I didn’t. He reached the very top of my leg and progressed inwards, fingertips brushing my underwear.

“So you don’t want to fuck me?”

He said it like it was a joke. It kind of was, especially with his fingers right there. He curled them inside my underwear and stroked. Everything felt tight. Hot. I wanted to close my legs but the way he looked at me somehow kept me in place. Lazily, he ran his fingertip over my clit. Everything clenched. My hands were curled into fists.

“You look so fucking pretty,” he said and he pushed his finger inside me. I tried not to make a sound. He pushed in another. I curled my fingers around his belt.

“Whatcha waiting for?” he asked. “Take it out.”

I didn’t know if he meant the belt or his cock and he didn’t elaborate. I caught the end of the belt, slid the stiff leather free and tugged it out of the loops. I undid the button on his jeans. He watched me the whole time.

I didn’t look at him once. I caught the small silver zip between my thumb and forefinger and tugged. The zipper stuck. It was one of those clunky, male ones; not delicate like they are on a dress. It kept sticking. I had to pinch the denim of his jeans lower down and hold it straight so the zip would slide easily.

His erection felt hard against my brushing fingers. He didn’t make a sound. All the while, his fingers were still inside me, stationary and comfortable like they had a place there. Even sex hadn’t ever felt so intimate and we were both still fully clothed.

“This doesn’t mean we’re going to fuck,” I said. I hated the way the word sounded from my mouth; I always kicked the ‘k’ and it came out woefully correct, like the way an online dictionary voice would say it.

Hanson raised an eyebrow but he still didn’t speak. He shifted beneath me, easing up a little to push his jeans down a fraction. He didn’t help much more. He waited until I got the nerve to reach into his boxers and touch him. He let out a slow breath when my fingertips first made contact. I had to use both hands to pull his cock free of his shorts.

“All this and you’re not gonna give it to me?” His voice was a groan.

I looked down at his erection in my hand.

“No.” I said.

“Yeah, you are,” The words hissed out of him as I stroked his hard length. “You’re gonna give me everything I want.”

My eyes flicked up to meet his and were trapped by his predatory gaze. I couldn’t look away. Rabbit. Headlights. The wrong phrase of course but the only one that fit. He didn’t blink. He sucked in a long breath. The heat coming off him felt dangerous. You’re gonna get burnt, little girl.

Did it matter anymore? Did anything matter after listless, painful relationships and a world falling apart? Did it matter at all when we were touching each other like it meant nothing? How could it matter when it felt so perfect?

“I save your life and you don’t even thank me?” he teased.

I blinked. “Thank you.”

“Isn’t your life worth more than two words?”

“Isn’t it worth more than a fuck?”

He didn’t answer. He looked down at my hand as my fingers swept over his cock. I touched him almost delicately, like I didn’t want to hurt him.

“Don’t squeeze it,” he warned. His fingers pushed deeper inside my snatch. “Don’t, Alessia.”

I couldn’t help myself. I squeezed.

“Fuck!” His cock moved, and his hips jerked. He snatched my hand away, fingers curled iron like around my wrist. He didn’t come though. He sucked in a long breath, eyes closed tight,

“You are – too much, Alessia.”

He moved unexpectedly, grasping my waist and pushing me down onto the sofa so he could move on top of me.

“Are you still saying no?”

I tried to think coherent thoughts

“Yes.” I said.

“What does that even mean?”

I didn’t answer because I didn’t know. He pushed my dress up, tugged down my underwear and was stopped in his tracks by my sandals. He tugged them off roughly like they weren’t worth two months savings and dropped them to the floor with my panties.

“This doesn’t count as fucking anyway,” he said, and he grasped my legs and swept his tongue hard over my snatch. He did everything deliberately; the way he held me in position, my legs raised and wide so his tongue could go as low as it wanted; the way he used his teeth; and even the way he spoke every so often, saying things I couldn’t even hear before his tongue swirled against me again.

Everything felt heated, wet and crucial. His tongue didn’t stop. It pushed and stroked and hovered until I felt like the wait would never be over.

“You still don’t wanna fuck?” he breathed. His breath was urgent against me. His lips moved upward over my stomach, his hands pushing up my dress until it wouldn’t go any further. He moved to kiss my mouth, his hands finding my tits and groping them roughly through the dress. He bit my lip until I gasped and then his tongue swept into my mouth even as his hand worked my snatch.

I pulled my mouth away from his so I could speak.

“I think I might change my mind,” I said. “If that’s okay.”

He didn’t reply. He kissed me even harder, his hands going down to grasp my legs, pulling them up and bending them at the knee. His body moved against mine, struggling to find the right position before I finally felt the head of his cock press against me.

“Say please,” he said.

I looked at him.

“Excuse me?”

He pushed against me a little.

“I can wait,” he said.

I blew out a breath. He pressed his forehead against mine. His chain hung down, the warm silver brushing against me.

“Please,” I said.

He smiled.

“You give me a dozen rejections and then one tiny please? You can do better than that, Alessia.”

He said my name like he always had done, dragging the ‘s’ into something fuller and more sexual. It made me feel so wanted, so different, so special.

“Please,” I said again. “Pretty please. Please please please.”

He pushed inside me unexpectedly, before more pleas had time to form in my mind. I gasped. He groaned, held himself there and sort of rocked against me, his face pressed into the arm of the sofa.

“You are so fucking – incredible,” he breathed.

I pushed up against him and he went deeper. The feeling of tight warmth radiated through me. He started moving before I could enjoy it. Each thrust felt like the first, stretching and possessive. His mouth found mine again and kissed it until all I could taste was smoke. My hands clawed at his back, tugging at his shirt. Each time he pushed inside me, I tilted my hips up as though in invitation. He went harder, like he was more sure of himself.

His name spilled out of my mouth and he made an appreciative sound which almost made me regret it. But I couldn’t help myself. Every time he bottomed out inside me, I couldn’t help saying his name and it only made him move with more determination. Harder. Harder. It went on until my legs ached from being held so tight and my body shuddered on the edge of orgasm. His hand dropped one of my legs and I curled it around him instinctively, even as his palm ground against my clit.

It was worth the wait. Pleasure spiked through me, raw and languorous. I curled closer to him, clenching hard around his throbbing cock until he finally groaned and jerked against me. Sweat, pleasure, breathlessness. For half a minute, nothing mattered but getting closer to him, feeling every aching stretch of bliss. He didn’t move for a while afterwards.

“I’m having a party tomorrow night,” he said, finally. “You wanna come?”

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I don't know where it started but a have this growing fetish to be with an older woman, I'm talking 55 and older. I think it started when they published pictures of Helen Mirren in a bikini. Damn…Then I noticed my favorite porn site had GILF video and from there I had a growing fetish to be with a GILF. Being curious, i placed a posting on a local personal site, reading; "42 chubby Latino looking for an older outgoing woman (55+) that needs her sexual desires met" I got a few hits,...

3 years ago
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The First CaseChapter 2

Being the youngest private detective ever licensed in Hawaii had its good and bad sides. I made money right away doing what I loved and discovered my precociousness. My mind acts like a safe cracker sensing the tumblers fall. With enough information, whether the information appears related or not, I can pull everything into coherency, discover the plot or sense the culprit. The bad side involved a certain lack of respect from my colleagues, except Sandy of course. The worst as far as getting...

1 year ago
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BangbrosClips Maya Bijou Nina Dolce MILF shares her husbands cock with the maid

Nina gets interrupted by her maid Maya Bijou and she quickly gets rough with her. We see Maya being placed against the wall as she gets fondle by Nina Dolci. They both get into it and we see them making out and start touching either before we get to see Maya going down on Nina. Nina’s husband walks in on them but doesn’t see anything and quickly steps out. Thats when the girls move to the floor and start scissoring each other and get caught by the guy. Nina quickly asks for his cock to be out...

3 years ago
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A Wife for the Making Part 4

As you're doing that I smile to think that it was my mother who started me down the road to becoming this girl in the mirror, and now you're finishing the job she abandoned. I watch us in the mirror as you begin to fuck me, my breasts hanging heavy and low, my earrings and my pendant all swaying in time to your thrusts. I lower myself onto my elbows so that as my breasts swing back and forth beneath me my nipples are just barely rubbing against the bed cover, sending little jolts of...

2 years ago
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Chapter III Turning Up the Temperature In The Kitchen

It’s been about a week since my birthday and I’m staring at my phone.Should I message her? I wonder to myself.I haven’t talked to Chelsea since my birthday. She said that she was busy with work for a few days and I don’t want to bother her. But what does 'a few days' mean?'Fuck it,' I say to myself. I pick up the phoneHey, what are you up to now? How’s work been? I click send.I have no idea what to expect or when she’ll reply. It’s 12:30pm on a Thursday afternoon so she’s undoubtedly...

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The Boy Who Lived Down The StreetPart Seven

Over the past year they’ve exchanged numerous letters back and forth, a five minute phone call probably once a month, if she got lucky. They used skype some; she saw changes in him, every time she saw him on the computer. Half the time he had a frown between his brows as he talked to her, he was worried, their conversations always brief and they always ended in I love you and stay safe. School was great, she was on the varsity cheer squad and next year she had a good chance as being...

2 years ago
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Nothing Gets Through Ch 04

Nothing Gets Through Ch. 04 © 2010 All Rights Reserved They stayed at the restaurant a while longer, then split up to go home. Karl, obviously infatuated with Deanne, offered to see her home. Dee didn't hesitate to accept. "Looks like it's you and me, kid," Dom said to Lani as he helped her on with her coat. They stepped outside and Lani shivered at the cold. The wind was still light, but the temperature had dropped. She pulled on her gloves and wished she'd brought a hat and scarf. "It is too...

Love Stories
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Hi iss readers, I m sham from punjab.I m 19 years old.I m wanted to share my first sex experience with you iss readers. This is a long time time before story when i was at the age 17 and i was then in school. I live in hostel in Delhi. In my summer holidays i go to my home town to spent my holidays. In my family we are three brother’s.Both are elder than me and both are married .Thier wife’s are very beautiful and sweet.when i reach home all members are very happy. Their face are glooming. My...

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Lillians Journey

Without a sound, the figure made its way through the dark shadows of the city. The figure stopped in its tracks, looking about to make sure it was alone before scaling a wall and climbing through an opened window. The figure is crouched on the floor, it's eyes searching the darkness just as a lamp is lit and all is revealed. "Just as perfect as always Lillian," says an attractive raven haired woman lying on a bed and wrapped in silks. Her manner of dress, and her curvaceous body, indicates that...

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Bath Time

When my niece rang and asked if she and her boyfriend could stay overnight while she was visiting the university for an interview, of course I agreed. I assumed it would be a drop-in visit on the day. So I asked what the planned date was, and she said it was a Monday, but they’d come up on the previous Friday. That way they could enjoy the weekend away from home; Monday would be her interview in the morning, and they’d head back late afternoon. At that point, I felt I couldn’t say no to them...

4 years ago
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It Just HappenedChapter 2 Veronica

"What brings you home, Ben?" my brother asked as he handed me the second beer. It had been opened. This was the part I had been dreading most. Where to begin? Should I start with the sad news that I was out of work, warn him that I had four credit card companies on my tail or should I appeal to his sympathy and tell him I had broken up with my girlfriend? I took a long swig of beer, stalling. Seeing that I was still pondering his questions, Ed struck again. "Any marriage plans on the...

2 years ago
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A New BeginningChapter 10

I awoke the following morning to the most wonderful sensation of Paula giving me oral sex. Glancing up, she whispered, "Morning bro," before sliding her lips over the tip and down the shaft whilst using her hand to manipulate me into cumming. It didn't take long either before ropes of my cum blasted into the back of Paula's throat and with a final flourish of running her tongue over the tip she pulled back and spat out my seed into a tissue. "Sorry, bro, love doing it, don't like the...

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 29 It Was All Lies and Deception

August, 1981, Milford, Ohio “The question I have for you, Jennifer Lynn Block, is simple, what are you going to do now?” She was quiet for several minutes, which allowed me to think. I let her stew in everything I said while I ran through it all in my mind. Fundamentally, it was the exact same situation I had been in a year ago — I didn’t WANT to fix the problem. It took the combined efforts of Doctor Mercer, Jennifer, Bethany, Stephanie, Joyce, Melanie, and Pete to get me to admit that...

2 years ago
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Just a SecChapter 10

Over the next couple of weeks, there would be several developments for which some or all of the employees at J.A.M. Aluminum would soon become partially or fully aware. Mr. Morris announced at one of the daily meetings that he and Gene Kennedy had decided to bring the nomination of Tim Davis to the panel for a vote to elevate him to the Senior VP vacancy left by Gavin Riggs’ ouster. The unanimous vote formally sealed that deal. They would begin consideration of replacement candidates to fill...

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Deborahs photo shoot with her daughterEveryone Lo

Deborah shook her head in despair when the instructor in her photography class gave her the assignment to do a series of nude shots. She had been taking the class for the past several months in hopes of getting a nice hobby that would get her mind off of the Barone family, which was driving her crazy. Especially Raymond. But she wrapped her mind around which she could get to do some nude shots. No one came to mind. Later that day as she was cleaning the house and she spied on Allie, her...

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Dancehall BBC

It's a short story on how I got fucked by a dance hall artist. I really like dance hall music. It has rhythm. it's colourful, and it's easy to get approach by guys. I can feel the size of all the guys dancing with me. But, above all, when there's a dance hall event or even soca event , it's mostly black guys and girls that go. I'm not talking about big artists that are known, but small artists that comes from Non black girls that go there are looking usually to meet black guys to have some fun...

2 years ago
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Young Bess Part Three

YOUNG BESS ? PART THREE By Jane Howard This little tale is reader driven, and your suggestions are taken most seriously. As you express your ideas in your reviews, I try to incorporate them into the story line provided that I can. New readers are invited to try Part Three, and if you like it to pick the story up from the beginning. This has all been such fun! Thanks so much to Bluto, Bruce, C-Monster, Jezzi, the fabulous Elaine, and other readers for your encouragement. Without...

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Mark 2 Batgirl Who Me

This story utilizes characters owned by DC/Time Warner/Warner Bros., and does so strictly in a not-for-profit, parody fanfic usage meant for the enjoyment of comic fans everywhere. Characters in this story are loosely based upon the Batman Adventures animated show, since in the comics Batman, Robin, Batgirl and Nightwing do not appear or work together. Consider it a sort of Elseworlds type story, not really set in any of the normal Bat realms. My imagination does not...

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What I Do When Im Alone

With the wife off to work today, I decide to indulge in my fetish. I wait a little bit till I know she is at work and it's upstairs I go. I take my computer with me to chat with friends and others I happen to meet in chat rooms. I lie down on my bed and start chatting with people and seeing which friends are on. It takes about an hour before I finally find someone to chat with. What follows is what I usually do when I find someone to chat with, this is no direct account of what happens, its...

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Our mean aunt Stacy

Our aunt Stacy was about thirty-five, single, and generally not much to look at. She stood five foot three, with a slender build but with a little bit of flab around her midsection. She had straight stringy brown hair that came about half way down her D-cup breasts. We’d not had much exposure to our aunt, and why she even agreed to take us in was beyond me; but there we were standing at the door of her tiny, run-down house. I knocked and moments later the door jerked open and we were...

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Six Times A DayPart 99 Hot For Teacher

Alan hurried to his first-period physics class and made it through the door just as the bell rang. As he sat down, he complimented himself that he'd gotten away with yet more outrageous behavior on the school grounds, and no one was the wiser. But the instant he sat in his seat, a sense of horror ran through him that something was dreadfully wrong. He could feel wetness on the backs of his upper thighs where they touched the seat, and his forearms on the desk were soaking in something both...

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Harding HouseChapter 8

Rachael Hooper was worried, her daughter, Kate, wasn't home. Although she was a headstrong young girl she knew her responsibilities, Rachael knew this, she also knew that Kate wasn't the type to blindly go with strangers, she smiled, Kate was more likely to cause them more harm than they would to her. No it was the fact that Kate wasn't home on time! Rachael looked at the fridge, as expected there was the envelope on there, Kate had moaned about this - it was something they'd...

1 year ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 8 Looking for a Base

For the rest of that voyage I treated Gina like a cross between a worthless fuckpig slave and my much-loved wife. As long as she was doing whatever I said I was nice to her. Any hesitation or backtalk, though, and I was rubbing her ass where she’d been spanked. At night, I made her sleep on top of me and both of us were naked. Any wiggling like she wanted my cock inside her got her ass popped. I’d told her that I’d do that when her ass stopped hurting, and trying it before then would just...

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Daddy and his girls final part

As the girls left the bedroom dressed in only bikini bottoms and a towel, but carrying clean vest tops, they heard the front door open. "It's only me" I shouted. "Course it is," Jenny said, "no one else has a key". "What are you two up to ?" I asked seeing my girls walk past wrapped in towels. "It's a lovely day, we're gonna top up our tans. Didn't think you'd be home yet " Jenny continued as she walked right past me towards the kitchen, and the back door. "Hello Daddy, " Sky said as she...

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Savage Heat

At ten thirty sharp, Valery turned down the volume of the loud disco music blasting thru the basement of the Rockburns suburban house, likewise the lights that had been flashing madly with the music mellowed and she turned down the speed of the strobes. The thirty members of the Thrill Seekers, denied their music and flashing light turn to look at her as she bends the mike toward her. “Thrill Seekers the time has come for that special entertainment that the Rockburns has arranged for...

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It’s nearly midnight and Aya thinks to herself that she should probably be getting some sleep, not standing on her balcony, and definitely not eating a popsicle while doing so. It’s too damn hot in the apartment tonight, though. The mid-summer humidity had licked an uncomfortable coat of sticky perspiration on her skin while she lay in bed. It made it impossible to sleep. For thirty minutes she had shifted and squirmed on the clammy sheets, her blanket and pillows tossed on the floor. It was...

Oral Sex
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The Trespasser

His POV It was a beautiful Summer day and I had decided to spend it working at my hunting land, cutting some trees that bent across the trails during an ice storm in the Winter. I was hiking down a trail through lush green Wisconsin woodland, listening to the songbirds and mentally apologizing to them for the ruckus I would soon be making. I had a chainsaw in hand and a hardhat on my head. But first, I had a different call of nature to answer to. I set the saw and hardhat down and stepped off...

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my fantasy shared

i was at my local where ive had many a crossdressing session, the area was rugged and wild just how i like it :) underneath my tracksuit bottoms were fishnet black tights with some very lacey and very naughty black suspenders.... Finished off with an extremely revealing gstring, i could feel it resting between my plump but small bum cheeks, that feeling is out this world it makes me incredibly horny especially when i strut about like a cheap tart rolling and flicking my hips. Underneath my...

4 years ago
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When lust takes ove

Alison closed the door behind her and left a sigh of disappointment as she watched out of the window to see the car disappear. Another attempt to date, another failure. Jake was a great guy, handsome , smart and successful but that wasn’t enough for Alison. In a couple of weeks it would be 7 years since her husband’s death but she still couldn’t find the strength to move on. She was a gorgeous woman, her juicy curvy body and her beautiful face were always the centre of attention everywhere she...

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A Womans vacation sex fantasy

Vacation Sex Is The Best     My life in New York City is stressful, so I was happy when my planned solo vacation to Cancun, Mexico finally arrived. Before I left, I took a moment to look in the mirror. I’m a 32-year-old, single woman who’s never been married and has no kids. I’m a brunette, 5-foot-5, and 105 pounds. I had a boob job a few years ago, and now I have nice C cups with perky nipples, that my friends always compliment me on. Since I love exercising outdoors, I’ve got a nice tan,...

Straight Sex
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Helpful HannahChapter 9

“Hannah,” my brother said with a serious look on his face, “we’ve got to talk.” I was in the process of unzipping my dress. I’d been wearing it all day, desperately waiting to get home, take it off, and show my brother the scorching-hot lingerie I’d been wearing underneath. Not that it was particularly well hidden - the dress barely ended below my red thong, and it showed off my tits quite generously. Still, there was something so hot about leading a “double life” - no one but my brother...

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Three into one does go

My name is Brian. I am a 32 years old. I stand about 6’ tall with dark brown hair, blue eyes and 180lbs. My wife Kayla and I have been married for almost 8 years now. She is 29, she stands about 5’5” with long brown hair, hazel eyes, weighs about 130 lbs. with a nice 38C cup chest, nice firm ass, even after having two k**s. My wife and I have always had a good sex life ever since we got married. She was a virgin when I met her, because she wanted to wait until marriage. She is always willing to...

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AllisonChapter 14

Ali and Bill were back in Los Angeles. Bill was meeting a banker downtown and Ali was going over her investment portfolio. She had just given Barbara Jamison some stock trades to execute when the phone rang. It was Jennifer Clifford. "Ali, welcome back! I just got a letter from my brother, Brian. What did you do to him? The little kid seems to be floating in the clouds. All he could talk about was Karen who, I gather, is a Swiss girl you introduced him to. Who's Karen?" "Your little...

2 years ago
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My virtual love making with beautiful Jodi Taylor

My virtual love making with beautiful Jodi TaylorThere were times, and I am sure it was my imagination, that she enjoyed teasing me by having sex while I was in the house.I am only human and have to admit that looking at Jodi's hot body turned me on like any red blooded canadian boy, but I never forgot that she was a porn star.So, this is where my story starts. Jodi Taylor the woman of my dreams. She is sexy, smart, loves sex, and has the most beautiful long white brown hair you have ever...

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Highway to Krell Bisexual EditionChapter 9 Free Love

Clayton was awoken by a sound, an intense, low frequency rumbling that shook his bones. At first he thought it was some kind of earthquake, but as he came to, he realized that it was coming from an adjacent recess. They were deep enough to hide a prone human from view, and so he sat up to peer over the lip, trying to work out what was going on. In the gloom he could make out the back and shoulders of a Krell, moving slowly, rhythmically. It must be Sleethe, the mating call was coming from...

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xxl hoodie

Author's note: This story is for everyone. There is no disclaimer. You can hear language like this on TV and you can get more sex in public. And remember: the moment that you zone out of a story and think about something else is usually the moment that an idea is presented to you- an idea that needs you to think about it. Of course, that's also what happens when a story gets convoluted and boring. Re-read and decide! This is for my friend Jen, from way back, and my friend Sarah,...

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Jesses Girl

I am looking in the mirror, now, as I was this morning. My shave is keen, my face moisturized, my hair immaculate. Green eyes are what she likes, so my colored contacts are in. I'm not a bad looking guy, even without all this primping. Hell, I never have problems meeting women, or convincing them to come home with me. People that say you need to be funny or a great dancer are full of shit. You have to look at them right, nod your head at the right parts of the conversation, and smile...

1 year ago
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Im The Office Fuck Toy

Introduction: (continues from How I Became a Fuck Toy) In the months since my long sordid night with Craig and Daryl my affair with my dads friend Dave had become more intense. He had purposely put me in the position where I had been mistaken for a hooker, and he found the results of his plan deeply arousing. I had gone from being his bit on the side to being his sexual play thing, a dirty fuck toy totally under his control to do with what he liked. With his wife he was a kind family man, with...

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Living in a Shared House

Over the years I have lived in a number of shared houses. Bills are a lot less than renting on your own and while there were a couple where personalities clashed to put it politely, most were fun and provided good company. The dynamics were different in each one. Generally the more women in the house, the tidier, the more men, the less likely problems with plumbing etc. Being ignored. One I was in was all male and surprisingly despite some of the problems with a couple of my housemates being...

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Strict Owners Daughter

My name is Angie. I’m 19, and a few months after starting work as a shop assistant in the local butcher’s, I was asked to witness a very exciting punishment of the Saturday delivery boy, Jim. He started doing deliveries each Saturday when he was 16, and even though he was younger than me, I quite fancied him. He was fit, attractive and had a sense of humour. The shop was owned by George Andrews, but really it was his very attractive daughter Janine who ran the place. Another young lad, Dave,...

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Charlie Plays Strip Blackjack

Charlie didn't know why she had agreed to play strip blackjack with her friends James and Sid after the party, but she was fairly certain that she wouldn't have if she hadn't just drunk two bottles of wine. Oh well, she thought. They'll probably give up when they have to take anything off, and neither of them could try anything while the other one was there anyway. Not that Charlie would mind James trying anything, she had kissed him once before when they were both drunk and she had wanted to...

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That Sitcom Show! Have you ever heard someone claim that we are currently living in a golden age of television? Douchebags that want to sound smart at parties like to point this out. “Oh, did you just binge the entirety of How I Met Your Mother on Hulu last month, Cindy? Interesting … We live in such a golden age of television.” The worst part? Cindy completely ate that bullshit up and that douchebag is probably getting laid after the party.What that douchebag is likely referring to, though,...

Premium Porn Parody Sites
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Running in the Wrong Neighborhood Gay

"Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing, white boy?" he demanded.I replied, "I'm just out for a run and I've seem to lost track of the time and which way I was headed. I was going to see if I could get some help.""Well you're not going to get any help from that house, no one is even home. And I wouldn't be hanging out here all by yourself if I were you." He says. "Why don't you come over here and I'll help you out, I don't think you want to tangle with those thugs." He pointed down the...

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ALTAR GIRL  BY DOROTHY STRANGELOVEThis is the story of Me and Him.He was The One, the love of my life and in his arms I knew complete love. He was wise and understanding and he knew of the need in me to be on my knees as his humble servant. I had loved him for many years and our friendship had grown into a deep love and with deep love comes the holiest of trust : Absolute Trust. He knew I had longed for years to have the kind of relationship where I could be 'owned' in the sense that all...

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Quiet Song

‘Baby! What are you trying to do to me? The guys are outside waiting! Jude will soon come in to see what I’ve got up to!’ the man groaned. ‘So? He’ll see that you’re with your wife, Mason!’ ‘I know, baby. But he might want what I have, and you know that I don’t like to share,’ the man wheedled. His wife laughed mirthlessly. She had heard this kind of thing many times before, just before her husband left her on her own for the day to be with his friends. She knew that some of these friends...

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End of Me

....I looked at him while I was standing in line for coffee, admiring his butt...He had a problem with his order and was asked to stand aside, I said "hi", and said "don't stress" and smiled at him.He asked if I'd join him, I said: "sure!"I told him what I did for a living, then he told ME! I was shocked to the CORE! I'd NEVER met a professional executioner before!I asked him, "How do you sleep at night"? "Very well, Thank-you" he replied.I asked: "You really put others to death?"HOW can you do...

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