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I was relaxing on the beach one sunny afternoon. There was some pretty fantastic scenery wandering around and I was enjoying it. Mind you, it took a bit of effort to keep the old fellow under control so he wouldn't embarrass me.

A couple of the choicest bits of scenery were decorating a couple of towels quite close to me. I know what you're thinking - I chose that spot because of the scenery, but you're wrong. I was actually there first and they set up next to me while I was swimming, but I had no complaints.

The two items of perambulating scenery were blonde and brunette. Young and fit and nicely tanned, they were wearing bikinis that had enough material between the pair of them to make up one set of normal swimwear.

Now while I would have been quite happy to just sit there and stare at them I did have some sense of the social niceties, so nobly refrained from doing so. I was very much aware of them, despite that, and could hear their current discussion quite easily.

The discussion was about money. The brunette was apparently about a hundred short on her rent and didn't know how to come up with it. The blonde didn't see the problem.

"What does it matter if you're a few days late with some of it?" she asked with exasperation. "You're paying in advance, after all, and what you pay on time will put you well ahead."

"I know, but the landlord gets so snarky about it and he's got creepy eyes. I prefer to just pay it all on time and minimise my contact with him."

"Then why don't you just borrow the hundred from your parents or your boyfriend. I mean, you'll be paying it back in a couple of days, so they won't mind."

"Ha! My parents wouldn't mind but it would be stretching their budget and I don't like to ask them. As for Alex, he'd lend it to me but then expect to be screwed every day until I pay it back and even after that as a thank you. I do not want to find myself in a situation where I'm being perpetually fucked."

"I take it you're not particularly enamoured with sex," the blonde said with a laugh.

"I can take it or leave, but would prefer to leave it," was the reply.

"I've told you that it's just that Alex is a crappy lover," said blondie. "You should try someone else. That could be the answer you know."

"What could be?"

"Someone else. Pick up some guy and let him fuck you. Then sell him a sob story and get the hundred off him with promises to repay. Then it's sayonara stranger and here's your rent mister landlord."

"You have got to be joking," gasped the brunette. "That's prostitution."

"Only if you get caught," said the blonde confidently. "And who would ever know. I'll bet lots of girls do it."

"Sure they do. Have you ever done it?"

"I might have," said the blonde with a giggle, "but I'll never admit it."

The conversation lapsed at that stage as the girls turned on some music. I lay back thoughtfully, considering what I'd heard.

A little later the blonde got up, stretched, enjoyed the fact that a hundred eyes swivelled to watch her stretch, and then headed up the beach.

"I'm just going up to get some drinks," she called. "Won't be long."

Watching blondie walk away I waited a few moments and then spoke up.

"I'm someone else."

For a moment I thought my new friend hadn't heard me or intended to ignore me, but then she bit.

"I beg your pardon?" she said. It sounded more like 'how dare you speak to me', but the ice was broken.

I say up and looked at her, letting her see the admiration in my eyes.

"I overheard your conversation with your friend," I explained. "I'd just like to point out that I'm someone you don't currently know and may never meet again, but I have a hundred that I would willingly lend to an intimate friend."

She glared at me, flushed.

"You were eavesdropping on a private conversation," she said coldly. "Didn't you hear me veto that suggestion when you were snooping?"

"Um, no. You appeared a trifle reluctant but you didn't actually dismiss the idea. And you have been thinking about it but you're just not sure that it's right to take an unfair advantage of some poor sucker. That makes me perfect for the role of someone else."

"I was not thinking about it. And why does it make you perfect for the role, anyway?"

"You're not taking unfair advantage of me," I said simply. "I know damn well you intend to vanish with the money, so you won't be cheating me."

"Well, if you think I'm going to have sex with a stranger for money you've got rocks in your head. Forget it."

"Oh, the money is incidental," I said, dismissing a hundred dollars with an airy wave of my hand. "That's not why you're going to do it."

"I'm not going to do it at all," she snapped.

There was a short silence, but something was bugging her.

"Um, if I was going to do it, which I'm not, why would I be doing it?"

"Several reasons. The excitement of doing something that you know you shouldn't. Curiosity as to what it would be like with someone else. The feeling that you've scored one over your blonde friend, even if she doesn't know it. It'll be fun."

She gave me a look, the way women do, and returned to ignoring me.

After a few moments I got up and looked down at her.

"Let's take a walk," I suggested.

"A what?"

"A walk. It's where you place one foot in front of the other as you gently perambulate along the beach."

"Why?" A very suspicious girl.

"Why not? Get a little exercise. See the scenery. Watch the birds and see if you know their names. Come on. Up you get."

She gave a heavy sigh but rose to her feet. I didn't try to hold her hand. She wasn't ready for anything like that. We just ambled along, talking about trifles. Mind you, at one stage she did decide to test my knowledge of birdlife.

She was watching an osprey hovering, and asked me if I knew the various bird's names. I humbly admitted that I did.

"That one," she asked, pointing to the osprey.

"That's George," I told her. "He's waiting for Margaret to get back from the shop with a nice fresh fish."

She punched my arm. Would you believe it? Only just getting acquainted and she assaults me. And called me an idiot. There's no justice in this world.

We were now strolling past the car park where I, by a fortunate coincidence, had happened to park.

"That," I said, indicating my panel van, "is my transport. A very nice vehicle. As you can see from the way it's parked, we could sit comfortably at the back with the door open and watch the birds in comfort. We might even see Margaret bringing George his dinner."

I lightly touched her arm and steered her in the direction of the van. She was dragging her feet slightly, but she came, probably considering it safe enough. I lifted the rear door and dropped the tail gate. The van was nice and clean and I wasn't so gauche as to have a mattress in it. Mind you, there was a very nice piece of carpet on the floor.

We sat on the tailgate, and this time I did tell her a few of the bird types that we could see, starting with the osprey. After a few moments she began to relax again. At least, she relaxed right up to the point when I tried to be helpful.

"It is a bit warm here," I casually mentioned. "If you want to take off your top I won't mind."

Damn right I wouldn't mind, seeing as how her top was an itty bitty bikini top. She blushed.

"Better not," she muttered. "Someone might come past."

"Not really. I'm parked right on the edge. No real room behind. Just shuffle in a bit deeper and no-one will even know you're here."

"I'd better not," she said again, even though she did shuffle a little deeper into the van. "If I do you might get the wrong idea."

"Sweetheart, I already have the wrong idea, or the right one from my point of view."

I reached out and pushed those two skimpy triangles to either side, watching her nipples pop into view. I touched each nipple lightly.

"Take it off," I said, speaking more firmly.

She didn't look at me but she did unhook the top and let it fall.

"But I'm not taking off the bottoms," she insisted.

"That's OK," I said soothingly. "I can take those off easily enough. Now lie back."

Hands cupping her breasts I gently pressed and she sank slowly back onto the carpet, looking very nervous. As soon as she was lying back I hooked a hold of her bikini bottoms and started pulling them down. She grabbed and held them for a moment.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"Taking them off, like I said I would," I replied. "It will be easier if I take them down now."

A little tug and the bottoms came loose from her fingers and I finished drawing them off and tossing them to the side. Moments later my own shorts joined them. Her eyes stared at my erection and she went slightly pale and then blushed.

"I, um, I never agreed to have sex with you," she said defensively, hands now trying to cover breasts and pussy.

"Yes, you did," I told her. "You knew what would happen when I asked you to come for a walk."

I took her hands and pushed them to her sides, replacing them with mine. I watched her face as I massaged her mons and breasts, and I could see she was getting flushed. Her nipples were puckering, quite enjoying the attention they were getting.

I slid my hand down off her mons, just letting it rest where her legs were pressed tightly together. I didn't try to force her legs apart, just letting my hand rest there until she was ready.

I leaned over her until my lips were just touching hers. Then I asked an important question.

"What's your name?" I whispered.

"Cheryl," she said softly.

"Hullo, Cheryl. I'm Peter," I said and then I kissed her.

Just a brushing of lips to start with, deepening as the moments passed and she reciprocated. Some of the tenseness started to drain out of her, and I wasn't really surprised when her legs drifted slightly apart.

My hand started stoking back and forth along her inner thighs, just moving easily, but with the upward strokes approaching closer to her mound each time. Then my hand bumped into her pussy and sort of spread itself across it, covering it gently and softly squeezing.

To give Cheryl something extra to occupy her mind I let my lips leave her mouth and drift down until they were caressing her breasts. A little bit of gentle nibbling and sucking on her nipples and Cheryl was facing a war on two fronts as excitement started to ripple through her.

By now I was massaging her pussy quite firmly, squeezing and rubbing and tracing her slit, encouraging her mound to flower and her lips to part. Deciding it was time I started exploring deeper I split her attention again.

Cheryl knew I had an erection. She'd seen it when I dropped my shorts before she hastily looked elsewhere. Since then she'd managed to ignore it. Time to bring it back to her awareness. I shifted position slightly, at the same time dipping a finger in between her lips, exploring internally. The slight change of position meant that my erection was now pressed firmly against Cheryl's side.

Cheryl was squirming a little now, conscious of my finger inside her and also aware of my cock pressing against her. She wasn't able to concentrate on one or the other, both of them sending signals demanding her attention. It appeared that she decided to push my cock away as an unwanted distraction, but didn't make allowance for her own curiosity.

Her hand came around and pushed my cock aside, but instead of then withdrawing Cheryl closed her hand over me, holding me. I could feel her tentatively measuring me, first girth and then length. Her breath seemed to deepen slightly, but whether in dread or pleasure I didn't know. Whichever it was, she kept a tight hold on my cock.

Cheryl's pussy was nice and hot and wet. She was breathing hard and pressing her mound up against my hand while her breasts were being offered up for me to taste. She gave a small wail when my probing touch came too close to her clitoris, twisting about under my touch.

Little whimpering sounds were coming from her mouth when I start edging her legs further apart. I had to ease her hand away from my cock as I moved to position myself between her legs. She stared down at where my cock was now poised, threatening her, shaking her head slowly.

"I didn't say we would do this," she gasped, watching my cock press firmly against her pussy.

"True," I assented, holding myself poised, wanting to take her no matter what she said. "Do you want me to stop or to fuck you?"

"Ah god," she groaned, as my cock started to push her lips apart. "Do it. Fuck me. Oh, god, fuck me hard, please."

It would seem that she was ready and I pushed forward more firmly, feeling her soft flesh yielding to my hardness. She was hot and wet and tight and she felt marvellous. I pushed forward forcefully, making her passage yield to me, driving in up to the hilt, hearing her give a groan of pleasurable relief as I went.

I started slowly moving within her, pushing deep and then withdrawing, only to return with another long slow thrust. I was surprised to find that Cheryl just lay there, letting me do all the work. I paused.

She blinked, staring up at me.

"Why'd you stop," she asked.

"It appears that you're not ready to move with me. I'll wait until you're prepared to push up against me."

She looked a little confused. What the hell kind of lover was she used to?

"Come on," I coaxed. "Lift your hips and push up against me."

Hesitantly she did so, and I pushed firmly against her.

"Now relax," I said, pulling back, "and push."

For a few moments I coaxed her to respond. Her breathing deepened and her actions got firmer, then she was matching me as I took her. Still moving slowly, Cheryl was driving up to meet my lunges, which were still relatively gentle. I kicked it up a notch. Cheryl hesitated and then met me, pushing up harder and faster.

We continued at that pleasurable activity for a while, my hands on her breasts and my mouth covering hers. Wanting even more, I proceeded to kick into overdrive, driving in hard and fast. Cheryl was a live wire beneath me. She bucked frantically to meet me, her mouth wildly clashing with mine, her legs closing around me to help her pull me in while she roughly rubbed her breasts against my hands, her hands clinging to my shoulders.

I bounced against Cheryl, enjoying the movement of her nubile young body against mine. I took her hard and she answered, her cries of enthusiasm being swallowed. (I did not need someone coming to investigate.)

Quite frankly, I was ready to climax from the moment my cock slid into her, and it was a labour of love to prevent my coming too soon. (I loved the way she felt when my cock rasped along her passage.)

It was with a sense of pleasure and relief when I sensed that Cheryl was about to climax. I just relaxed and went for it, driving in for that final run just as hard and as fast as I could.

Cheryl shrieked, with her mouth still plastered to mine, fortunately, and went into a climax that just seemed to set her shaking, spasms seeming to be rippling through her. She was clamped onto me, milking me, and I was happy to let go and let her, each of us clinging to the other.

We lay there afterwards, both of us breathing hard. I recovered first and tidied myself and dressed, then sat back, just enjoying looking at Cheryl's nude figure. Eventually she sat up and looked at me.

She promptly closed her eyes and lay down again.

"Oh my god. I don't believe I just did that," she moaned. "What the hell happened."

"Apart from the fact that we got slightly better acquainted?" I asked.

She opened one eye so that she could give me the evil eye treatment, then closed it again.

"I don't think I can move," she moaned.

I keep a box of wet tissues in the van. It's surprising how often they come in handy. I grabbed a couple and started wiping Cheryl down with them.

"What are you doing," she grumbled, pushing my hands away.

"You're a little sweaty," I told her. "I'm just wiping the sweat off you." And some other assorted fluids but I didn't think it wise to mention them.

"Are you going to get dressed or just lie there tempting me to try again?" I asked.

Her eyes popped open and she grabbed for her bikini, apparently only just remembering that she was naked. Not that that bikini made all that much difference to the degree of nudity. Still, it fitted the legal definition of clothing, I guess.

As we strolled back towards where our things were I could see her wondering how to raise the matter of the hundred dollars. I made it easy for her. I'd seen her on the phone earlier. The phone had a case to protect the screen, so when we reached our things I asked if I could borrow it.

She burrowed through her things and I sent myself a message. At the same time I folded up a couple of fifties and slipped them into the case. It would have been nasty to stiff her on the money, and I could afford it. I stood at an angle that let her see me tuck the money in, but blondie couldn't. Cheryl was embarrassed and I could see she didn't want to take it, but she did need it. She was about to speak up but had the sense to just shut up when I gave her a warning glare.

I relaxed back on my towel and Cheryl did the same on hers. I could hear blondie starting in on Cheryl.

"Where'd you go? You just seemed to vanish. And who's he?"

"Ah, his name's Peter. We just went for a stroll down the beach. Peter was identifying the birds for me."

"Hm. Can't get into much trouble on a public beach, anyway, worse luck. Have you thought of trying to find a decent lover? I assure you that that boyfriend of yours is the pits."

"How would you know?" grumbled Cheryl. "As far as I know you've never actually bedded him. Have you?"

"Haven't and won't," said blondie cheerfully, "but I've heard rumours. So why not tell me what he's like?"

I saw Cheryl flick a glance towards me.

"Let's discuss it some other time. Too many big ears round here."

I blandly smiled at her, relaxing and enjoying the sun. I was new in the area, having just moved into a new unit a few days ago. As far as I was concerned I'd had a good day. I'd made the closer acquaintance of one of my new neighbours and I had her phone number. I wondered how she'd react when she found out where I lived

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"Hey!" Michael said as he saw me enter the studio.I smiled and greeted the director with a gigantic hug."Glad to see you aren't like the others," he said as he stared at my chest. "All these women getting reductions these days."I had worked with him on my previous interracial shoot; it had been almost a year since my first porn shoot. I was happy to work with him again. The last two were a pain to deal with, always wanting to change things. I knew with him at least all I had to do was show my...

1 year ago
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Relaxing my daughter from highschool

Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello there readers! My name is Jen and I have a daughter that just got out of high school; as you can imagine High school teens have their drama filled lives. My daughter Amie had just ended a 2yr relationship with her boyfriend Steve. Every now and then id hear them going at it and it sounded like he pounded her every night especially since sometimes she couldn’t find the strength to even go to school the next morning. I’m sure Steve was a nice guy...

4 years ago
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Boarding School

Sumnima Rai, a young and beautiful Nepalese girl was standing at the doors of what was to be her home for the next couple of months. It was barely her first day, yet her friend Garima had shown her around the grounds already. She knew it was going to be tough living away from home. Was she ready though? Sumnima herself was always considered among the most attractive girls. Very petite, short and slim, with a cute barely-visible butt, fairly long slender legs, raven-black hair going down to her...

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Discovering Irsquom a Cougar Part 6

On Saturday morning I woke up to the sound of Heather and Nate fucking like rabbits. It made me smile as I lay in bed and fingered my clit. I was really happy for both of them as I could tell they were going to make a great couple. Then I heard the sounds of groaning and giggles as Nate must have been cumming.I got up and went to the shower and cleaned up and then put on a pair of shorts and a blouse that let my cleavage be shown off. After dressing I went down to the kitchen to find Heather...

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The Awakening Chapters 7 and 8

The following day was Sunday and Jen and Matt took it easy. Jen said she was sore in places where she didn’t know she had muscles. For some reason a couple places on her sides, where she no longer got much exercise since she quit playing sports, were stiff and sore. Her pussy lips were a little raw from forcing Jo all over them while holding her head against it and fucking herself with Jo’s tongue. Matt smiled as they discussed it. “I’m not sore anywhere” he said jokingly. “Okay, smart...

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VictimVictorianChapter 7 Persuasions

Corky dreamed he was flying. Green, hilly countryside slipped away beneath him, heady excitement filled him. His mind reached upward and his frame followed without effort, proceeding with the effortless grace of a great fish of the open ocean. Gaining in confidence, he slid downward until he was brushing the treetops, banking from side to side for the sheer joy of his motion, reveling in the wind on his face, the gentle heat of the sun on his back. Then, with a jolt, he was brought up short....

4 years ago
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my sister

Hi guys if your into taboo or your sister you will envy me lol! im a 20 year old horny guy my sister is 4 years older than me so when i was growing up she was always 4 years old i see her boobs rise and her face blossom. my mum worked nights my sister worked and finished at 4 and i was at schol i finished at 3 so when she got home i was ready from shool and had a hard on. roll on 4 she would walk in she is a p.a she wears relly elegant cloths and wears galasses she is really sophisticated. so...

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Marys story Part 17

Sue was positioned face down in front of Paul. The legs of the frame separated her legs. Mary watched fascinated as Paul started on Sue’s next tattoo. It was low down, right between the buttocks and just above her anus. Mary knew from her own tattoo how much pain her friend was in, but there was no sound from her, just the relentless buzz of the tattoo machine. The gag was working well, and Mary could see her friend tensing against the straps, but she could not move.Suddenly, as more and more...

1 year ago
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Prohibited Ch 01

‘I need to see you, can we meet?’A text I was not expecting pinged on my phone Friday morning. Last time I spoke to Liam, almost a week ago, we decided enough was enough. We had taken too many risks already, we had to cool it before it got too out of hand and people got hurt. We agreed we didn’t want to hurt anyone. We hadn’t messaged each other as we had started to, all our messages had been on our mutual friends' group chat, the chat that contains our respective spouses. Everything back to...

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Nanban Udan Item Priyavai Oothom

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nanban udan sendru item priyavai eppadi oothom endra kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugirom. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar Krishna vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru nanban irukiraan avan peyar vimal vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Engal iruvarukum ore vayathu thaan aagugirathu. Naangal vegu naatkalaaga veliyil selalam tour ondru pogalam endru plan seithukondu irunthom. Apadi irukum pozhuthu en nanban veli naatil irunthu ipozhuthu thaan ooruku...

3 years ago
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The TravellerChapter 4 Sarha

Chris has surprised me with his actions; he doesn't depend on my knowledge of the Art but has appeared to have made his own version. It was on the train that I found out that he could manipulate the physical world without any problems, in my world we have the limitations of the body which defines our power, if he learnt that from the Black Scrolls then it would mean that anyone could be all powerful. Using the power from the train to revitalise his body and still retain enough presence of...

2 years ago
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A diner makes an unexpected friend of a young Chinese waitress

I was dining in a Chinese restaurant with a male companion. An acquaintance who had pestered me to go to dinner with him so many times that I finally relented. He was an interesting enough conversationalist, and the food was good, so I was glad I accepted. But he was flirting enough that I knew he was going to make a pass. Which I would try to sidestep gracefully; no interest there. I’m about 5 foot 5, 110 pounds, late 20’s. Mid-length brown hair and brown eyes. Slim, but a good...

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I Love You Mom And so on

1What was most repulsive about the debt crisis was that it did not level the country. If it had, then I could have at least been reassured in the thought that everyone was equally worse off, and that no one could say, 'Well, it could have been worse', because there would not have been a 'worse' to which one could compare their situation. Equality would come about not from some proletariat fidgeting but from banks draining the metaphorical nut sack of the middle class. And yet, as I closed...

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My Professor Fucked My Mom

Hi, everyone. My name is Tom. This sex story really happened two months back and it’s bit lengthy so please cooperate. I am now 21 years old. I am studying in a medical college in Coimbatore now. My family is from Kerala. My dad Jacob is having some business in Bahrain, he is 49 now. My mom Reenu is a housewife and she is 40 years old. I have a small sister Anu and she is one year old. Since I left to college, mom and Anu stays alone and we are going to rebuild our house. So my dad asked me to...

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Beauregard Duvahl a Southern GentlemanChapter 2

Beau rode into the little town of Gator Bayou late one afternoon. He didn't know it yet, but he had just crossed into Louisiana about three miles back. Of course, it made no difference to anybody but the locals, but they put a lot of store about which state they lived in. They were so far out in the boondocks that they had just gotten word that the war was over. It really made no difference to them, since most of the business of the town was made up of piracy and smuggling. It was hard to...

2 years ago
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Mistress Jodie Shows Nikki the Ropes

And she showed her the cuffs paddle crop dildos and all of her "toys"Im one of my storys I told how Mistress Jodie had asked me to help her dominate a women who was a true Masochist Nikki could take any type of pain and punishment and beg for more. Nikki had admitted to trying to dominate one of her coworkers and was severly punished for it. After she left Jodie told me that she had told Nikki that she would show her the correct way to dominate a man the next time she visited if she wanted....

4 years ago
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Navy Lesbians

There is something about the Navy and lesbians. I don't know what it is, maybe the appeal of being stuck with hundreds of other horny girls on a ship for months at a time, but damn there are a lot of lesbians in the Navy. Or bi girls, I don't know. All I know is that every time I go to the Naval Hospital, there are several girls that check me out. A few are local, but most are from somewhere else in the United States that are touring here or something.There's this one HM. The first time I saw...

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Ass fucking

Hi, I am Arvind, 37 married; I love to read sex stories used to read them in the fantasy mag now the circulation has stopped. I came across these stories 2 weeks back & was very eager to write my true exp with my 1’st encounter with a boy of 19 in Trivandrum. I was site in charge at my father’s construction site in ’96, I had 3 room house far from my site I had a full time cook Dinesh; he was a good cook & very caring. I used to sleep like a dead man after my dinner, it never used to be like...

4 years ago
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Morning has broken

It was 8am on a summers morning I woke up and looked at my beautiful girlfriend laying fast asleep on her back' I slid my hand down onto her pussy and started to rub her clit with my finger,she slightly opened her legs and my finger slid right the way in she was soaking wet,her nipples went hard I lent over ad started to gently suck one flicking lightly with my tounge.I heard her groan with pleasure as I felt my cock getting stiffer as she moaned even more,she whispered fuck me im so horny i...

1 year ago
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Megan is Daddys Little Cumslut Pt 2

Megan is Daddy's Little Cumslut - Pt. 2 The first week living with my new daddy went by so fast. On Friday morning I woke up and re-read the orders Daddy had given me at the start of the week: 7-8 a.m. Get in bathtub. Dress pretty for daddy and come downstairs. Suck daddy's cock under the table while he eats breakfast 8-10 a.m. Lay in Barbie bed and watch sissy hypnosis videos and brainwashing tapes 10-noon. Put on pink satin maid's dress and clean daddy's house 12-2....

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A Deadbeats Diary Older Woman who hadnt been laid in 19 years

So here goes my hopefully not too long and complicated true story. It was the spring of 2002. I was online in the local chat room for a bit of excitement while my girlfriend at the time was working the evening shift. Like many other horny young guys trying to get a bit on the side, I would begin a conversation with ASL - Age-Sex-Location. So this is how I met Freda. She responded to me by saying she was 42, female and living in a town that was located about 500 miles from where I was...

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Cleaning but first sex

Larna sighed as I ran my fingers over her wet bulging clit. "We're gonna have to fuck soon or the top of my head will blow," she laughed. Ever direct, Larna never left me, or anyone, in any doubt about what she wanted. Lying on a blanket in the grass behind my place the sun was hot on our bodies, not that I intended this but things happen!Earlier I'd collected Larna from her place to do her usual three hours of cleaning and clearing at mine. I lived like a typical bachelor so while clearing up...

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Dear sister

100% fiction! It's the last day of high school and I just turned 18 so to celebrate me and some friends go too Hooters. I get back home at 12:45 that nite and go to bed. The next day my mom and dad leave for a two week vacation. So I invite my Mark over well we get drunk off our ass. And my sister Sophy shows up and ends the party of two I go to bed. At about 2:30 the next afternoon I'm in my room on my computer when sophy walks in. She says hay Blake what do you want for lunch so I say pizza....

3 years ago
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Anna and the Secret Files 2

-- Anna And The Secret Files 2 --Our story began with my discovery of some very interesting files Anna's husband had left on a system, files he'd desperately needed me to delete. I'd deleted them, but I'd kept a copy .. because they were files of Anna having all sorts of sex! Showing them to her gave me the leverage to get her to give herself to me. Holding her naked in my lap, we watched a video together. We discussed some of the things we were watching, and I learned more about Anna's sex...

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Mere Pehla Sex Ki Kahani 8211 Part I

Hi Dosto How r u? mera name Aryan hai mai Gujarat ke ahmedabad city mai rehta hu meri umra 26 yers hai aur mai Iss ki kafi story padh chuka hu socha chalo aaj mai bhi apni pehli sex ki true story share karta hu aur sex ma mai bahut divana hu mai sex mai kutch bhi compromise nai karta to dosto ye story aapko acchi lage to pls. muje comment dijiyega ga aur kutch massage dene ho to mera emai address hai () If koi ladki mujse sex chatting karma chhati hai ya kutch sikhna chhati hai then add me on...

1 year ago
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HandsOnHardcore Chloe Hardcore DP At The Office

Chloé is blessed with two giant tits and we invite you to sit back and watch those hooters being jizzed all over in today’s Hardcore office threesome by the DDF Network. Yanick Shaft and Lutro get to bang that horny Slovakian babe’s tight wet pussy and asshole in an unforgettable office fuck orgy, loaded with ass to mouth action and some deep and neverending anal fucking. The brunette sweetie ordered a brand new sex toy online and when the delivery guy brings the package, she...

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Homecoming Ch 10

Props to Techsan for the editing job. Techsan, I am in awe of your patience and skills. Once again, I have to say that although Lt. Col. Vandervoort and his shattered ankle are entirely real, Daniel is pure fiction. For those of you who have stuck by this story, I thank you profusely for reading it and voting. For those of you just discovering this story, I’d ask you to read all the chapters and vote, vote, vote. Thanks again one and all. Chapter 10 Ste-Mere-Eglise, France, June 6, 1944 ...

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Thats how you get the discount

I wish you would be the woman I meet on my next site visit. You open the door wearing low cut clingy top. skirt slightly too short tight around your ass and high heels. I'm slightly stunned by the surprise of such a sexy Beauty answering the door and almost stammer as I introduce myself. You're having your basement finished so you invite me in to show me the way.You lead me down the stairs to the poorly lit basement,2x4 framing and not much else. As you walk around I drink you in. The wiggles...

3 years ago
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Page SixChapter 8

Page Six Last seen: Luke Brown, senior at prestigious Kingston School for Boys, at Zabar's buying ingredients for an Ice Box pie. Two days later, Thursday for those of you who didn't get into BC Calc, Emma's doorman buzzed up. Amanda was out with her family, as usual, leaving her no choice but to go home, and smoke cigarettes out her bedroom window for most of the afternoon. Her parents were both out getting ready to redo her room, the twins were at practice for their various sports...

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MylfXEvilAngel Adriana Checkik Adriana And Her Friends

In fancy lingerie and sheer stockings, slender goddess Adriana Chechik eagerly meets heavily hung businessmen Markus Dupree and Mick Blue for a nasty anal threesome. The brunette beauty gives their large cocks a drooling, gagging double blowjob. The men take turns stuffing her tight asshole until it gapes widely! Dirty Adriana rims their bungholes. Mick and Markus simultaneously stuff her cunt and butthole in a lewd double penetration, and she squirts in orgasm! The studs stretch...

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Accidental Cheating part II

Thank you for all your comments, I apologize for all the spelling errors and I plan on correcting them and writing out the 2 parts as one eventually. This is a true story as best as I remember it although I did change the names of those involved.. Thank you.. —————————- —————————- —————————- Lets have some fun.. was definitely the last thing I ever thought I would hear coming out of my wifes mouth, but I would never pass up this chance, it might not come again… I had just blown my load all over...

1 year ago
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Hybrid Apes

CNN — March 10th 9am — News Flash: Lear jet plane missing with twelve of the world’s tallest, most beautiful women on way to a calendar shoot in Hawaii. Most are basketball and netball players all about 7ft tall or more and a couple of tall models, all are known worldwide. These women are from seven different countries. Wide search is on. CNN — August 1st: Nearly 6 months since the Lear jet plane with twelve of the world’s tallest women and two crew members went missing. All hope has been...

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First sexual experience

In that period I had only one close friend that we were always together no matter what.We wanted to start exploring ourselves as we spend more and more time together,so we did that.First we started to look at some naked woman in the magazines and we were very horny.This was in the 90's so there was no internet and it was not easy as today to get some porn! After that I managed to sleepover at his house few times.This was way more interesting cause he had a TV in his room and we were watching...

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