Silver Pt. 04 free porn video

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*** If you are under the age of 18 or are not of legal age in your jurisdiction, please exit this story immediately ***

This story is for adults only and contains content that is sexual in nature.

This is part 04 in the ‘Silver’ series. I urge you to please peruse the pages of, ‘Silver Pt. 03.’ This story is fiction, but, it does contain versions of sexual experiences that I have shared with lovers throughout my life.

I welcome all of you to vote, comment, and leave suggestions with your thoughts on this story! Thanks to all of you for your votes, kind words, and yes, criticisms on the three previous parts!

*** A very special thank you must go out to ‘WickedInside’ for her editing skills and suggestions that made this story so much better! ***


Typical with most mornings, I felt a cold, wet, nose digging under my outstretched arm. ‘Misty, go lay down, girl,’ I groaned. Once again, Misty was having no such thing and repeated her action, this time with a shake of her collar. ‘OK, girl, I’m coming,’ I groaned again as I attempted to get out of bed.

‘Michael, let me get her,’ Marlene said in a groggy voice.

‘No, I’m alright, Sweetheart. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes.’

‘OK, but hurry, I want to snuggle.’

I slid out of bed and let Misty outside. I did the usual morning routine of giving her fresh water and a bowl of food before letting her back in. ‘Breakfast is served my dear,’ I said, as I gave her a scratch behind her soft ears.

I thought that while I was up, I would try to find the song that Marlene had mentioned last night. I opened my tablet and typed the name of the song into the search field. The tablet read the selections to me and it wasn’t long before my finger was double tapping on the play button.

An acoustic guitar played as the raspy voice of Stevie Nicks began to sing-

‘Every night that goes between

I feel a little less

As you slowly go away from me

This is only another test

Every night you do not come

Your softness fades away

Did I ever really care that much?

Is there anything left to say?

Every hour of fear I spend

My body tries to cry

Living through each empty night

A deadly calm inside.’

The song continued as I sat there and thought about how Marlene must have felt as the loneliness race through her body, when she watched Misty and me disappear around the corner on that cold, January morning when she first saw me. My heart dropped to my stomach as I could almost feel her emotions spilling out through the words of this song.

The song was close to ending-

‘So I try to say goodbye, my friend

I’d like to leave you with something warm

But never have I been a blue calm sea

I have always been a storm

Always been a storm

Ooh, always been a storm.’

***Storms, Artist: Fleetwood Mac, Album: Tusk (c) – WarnerBros. Records Inc

I closed the tablet after the song reached it’s completion and sat there with sorrow in my heart. ‘My poor Marlene, what has she been through?’ I thought.

I sat at the kitchen table and thought about the song that I had just heard. For some reason, my thoughts returned to the brief conversation that I had had with Marlene at dinner the previous night, regarding my father and his alcoholism. He had put my mom, younger sisters and me through pure hell. I placed my elbows on the table and folded my hands above the tablet. I rested my forehead onto my hands and my thoughts drifted back to my childhood. The memories were as clear as the day was new. The pictures and sounds from the past raced through my head and my body began nervously shaking as I relived the creulity that we had suffered.

‘Michael? are you alright, Sweetheart?’ Marlene asked, as she placed her hand on my back.

I hadn’t heard her enter the kitchen and Misty didn’t move as she sat next to me with her head on my lap. ‘I just listened to the song that you told me about,’ I said in a sorrowful voice.

‘Oh, it’s just a song,’ she softly said, as she rubbed my back and kissed the top of my head.

‘I’m sorry that you felt that way, Marlene,’ I replied.

‘Michael,the way that I felt, that feeling, that very first feeling was because of you. If you hadn’t appeared, I would have never been where I am today, and that is with you.’

‘Sweetheart, can you sit down?’ I asked.

Marlene pulled out a chair from the table and sat close to me. ‘Marlene, I told you about my dad last night, and how he was an alcoholic.’

‘Yes,’ she softly said.

‘He also abused my mom,’ I said next, in a empty voice.

The words echoed through my mind as if I had just yelled them from the top of a mountain, only this time, they were reverberating off of the kitchen walls and back into my head.

‘He abused my mom and I was the one who she constantly called out to help her,’ I said with little emotion. ‘I was only a child and on countless nights, I was the one who ran down the hallway to pull my father off of her.’

‘Michael…’ Marlene said, ‘Please, you don’t have to say anymore.’

‘It seemed to happen every night, even though it didn’t. I don’t know how my younger sisters and I made it through school, since we spent most of our childhood awake at night, shaking, and crying.’

I continued to tell her about the hellish life which we lived, and how we didn’t know what the days or nights were going to bring. I continued to tell her how we never wanted our friends to come to our house because of the secrets we hid.

‘Marlene, my father was a great guy when he wasn’t drinking, but nothing but a lousy, mean fucking bastard when he was,’ I said, for some reason defending his actions to this day. ‘You know, when I lost my sight, he was constantly there for me. He came to my house every day to check in on me and help me fix things around here.’

‘Is your dad still alive, Michael?’ she asked, as her hand continued to rub my back.

‘No, he passed away fourteen years ago.’

‘Oh, I’m sorry,’ she softly said.

‘Don’t be, Sweetheart, it was a blessing in disguise,’ I said with an ironic laugh. ‘Here is the thing that I just can’t get past,’ I said, ‘I loved my dad very much, but I felt the weight of the world lift from my shoulders the morning that I got the phone call telling me that he had died. I still live with that guilt., even though I finally could live with the comfort of knowing that he would never hurt anyone else again.’

Marlene lifted my head from my hands, took them into hers, and turned me to face her. She rubbed them softly before raising them up behind her neck. I ran my fingers up the back of her head into the base of her soft brown hair. She leaned in and kissed me tenderly and let out a sigh as my fingers continued up the back of her head.

‘Michael,’ she said softly, ‘I’m sorry about all of the terrible things that you went through in your life.’

I looked into Marlene’s eyes and could visualize the sadness that they showed. ‘Sweetheart, I’ll never know all of the things that you suffered, and if I could, I would take it all away and hold it myself,’ I replied. Our foreheads were resting against each other as we spoke. ‘Marlene, I understand though.’

‘Michael, you just don’t realize how special you are to me do you?’ she trembled.

‘Do you realize how much it means to feel special?’ I responded, as I took her beautiful face into my rough hands. ‘I haven’t felt special in a very long time, Sweetheart.’

We sat quietly together for awhile before Marlene gave me a kiss on the nose and said, ‘How about if we go back to bed and snuggle for awhile, Handsome.’

We walked back to the bedroom with Marlene leading the way. Crawling onto the bed, we fell into each other’s
arms, lying together, softly stroking and caressing each other. No words were spoken, but again, no words had to be spoken. Marlene was lying low on my chest and her long leg was draped over my thigh as we laid sideways against each other. And that is how we found ourselves two hours later when the sound of the phone woke us up.

‘Mmm…’ Marlene moaned into my chest. She nuzzled her face into me and reached up the back of my shirt and lightly tickled me with her long nails.

‘Mmm…’ I moaned in a long drawn out tone.

‘There goes that bear again,’ she laughed. ‘Why don’t you take this shirt off, Michael.’

I certainly didn’t need to be told that twice by a beautiful woman, especially when she was lying next to me. I discarded my shirt and dropped it to the floor. I began removing the t-shirt that she had worn to bed. ‘You are so sexy in my shirts,’ I said as I peeled the shirt over her head and threw it to the floor. ‘But then again, you would look sexy in an old paper bag,’ I stated, as we roled into each other once again.

She draped her leg over me, as I ran my hand down to the soft, round cheeks of her ass. ‘No panties, Marlene?’ I asked, as I slid my hand along her thigh and back up, over her ass, to her back.

‘Mmm, I was hoping to wake up to something warm and hard pressing into me from behind,’ she said as she sucked my nipple into her mouth. She began to grind her pussy into my thigh as she continued sucking on my nipple. I let out a pleasurable moan before sliding my hand back down the valley of her ass to the moist lips of her pussy. Marlene moaned louder, holding my nipple in her mouth as my finger began to slip between her smooth lips. She was laying too far down for me to insert my finger any deeper, so I gently rolled her onto her back. I slid down along side of her and sucked one of her stiff nipples between my lips. Marlene groaned and arched her back up, wanting me to take more of her into my mouth. I slid my finger down to the wet lips of her pussy and gently stroked their softness.

‘Michael, yes, that feels so good,’ she lightly whimpered.

I continued to slide my finger deeper with each gentle stroke until I reached her opening and pushed into her. Marlene raised her hips up to meet my invasion and moaned loudly, ‘Oh yes, that is so good, so good.’

I slid my finger deep inside and slowly withdrew it, pressing firmly against her warm, silky walls. I plunged into her once again, holding still, before withdrawing it again.

‘Oh God, Michael, yes, that feels so good… Please don’t stop…don’t…’

I continued to slowly fuck her pussy with my finger as Marlene raised up hard against me. She reached down and grabbed my hand, trying to push me in further. ‘Oh fuck, yes, Michael, fuck me…yes…God…yes.’

She began to help me quicken the pace of my finger in and out of her pussy, as she begged me not to stop. ‘Oh yes, I’m coming…Michael…yes…I’m coming…’

She withdrew my finger from her convulsing entrance and slid it hard onto her clit. ‘OH fuck yes…I’m…coming…yes…yes…’

Marlene bucked her hips up wildly as my finger slid along her extended clit. ‘Oh, Michael, yes, I’m coming, I’m…coming…oh…yes, God, yes.’

Marlene pressed me hard onto her, realeasing a gutteral moan as her orgasm streaked through her body. She stiffened as she continued to roughly rub my hand along her pussy, holding her ass high off of the bed. ‘Oh God, Michael…God…yes…yes…’

Marlene agressively humped her pussy onto my hand as a second orgasm ripped through her, dropping her to the bed, leaving her gasping heavily for air. her emotions overcame her as tears trickled down her face. She rolled into me and buried her face into my chest. ‘Why are you so nice to me? Why do you treat me like I’m something special? Why, Michael?’

‘Because you are special, Marlene. I would never think of treating you any other way. The bigger question that you should ask is, why wouldn’t I treat you that way?’

‘But, Michael, I don’t…’ she began.

‘Don’t you dare tell me that you don’t deserve it, Marlene. You, me, and the rest of the world deserved to be treated like we are special,’ I said, as I wiped the tears from her face. ‘C’mon, snuggle your butt into me, Sweetheart,’ I said to her, as I guided her around into me.

She wiggled back into my crotch, reached around and took my hand, brought it to her soft lips and repeatedly kissed it. ‘I’ll always treat you special too, Michael,’ she said as her kisses smothered my hand.

‘You already proved that to me,’ I replied.

Marlene brought my hand down to her breast and rubbed it over her erect nipple. ‘I’ll also never tell you to stop grabbing my tits, either,’ she giggled.

My cock twitched between the soft cheeks of her ass as she continued to run my hand across her tits. ‘Mmm, now that is what I was hoping to wake up to this morning,’ she moaned, reaching between her legs and grasping my cock and running it along her lips. ‘Time for something bigger than your finger to slide into me,’ she moaned as she began to insert my throbbing cock into her wet pussy.

I felt the head slip into her warm depths and I instinctively thrust my hips forward to further encourage it along it’s way. ‘Oh, Michael, I can feel you sliding into me,’ she moaned. she lifted her leg higher to give me better access and I pushed myself in deeper. ‘Michael, you are so deep,’ she gasped, as my pelvis strained against her soft cheeks. I began to withdrawl my shaft before slowly easing it back in against her velvet walls. As I held my cock deep inside of her, I guided her onto her stomach. Easier said, than done. Marlene moaned lowly as I rolled her onto her stomach, but objected when my cock fell from her pussy. ‘Easy there little girl, I’m not as young as I used to be,’ I laughed.

I spread Marlene’s legs as I knelt between them. I placed my hands along her hips and raised her onto her knees. As her ass pressed into my crotch, she let out a low growl. I gently pushed her shoulders down to the bed as her ass arched up higher into me. ‘Oh God, Michael, stick that cock of yours back in me,’ she moaned, as she reached back between her legs and grabbed my slick shaft.

‘You may want to hold onto the spindles of the headboard instead,’ I warned. Marlene’s hand released my cock and grabbed onto the spindles. I slid the head of my cock along her pussy lips until I found her opening and guided it slowly into her. Marlene gasped loudly as my shaft sank deep inside of her. I eased the length out to the head and slowly inserted it deeper as my pelvis pressed against her soft ass. Marlene let out a surprised gasp once again as my cock penetrated deepher into her depths.

‘Oh fuck, Michael, you are so deep, so fucking deep,’ she whimpered as she pressed back into me.

I rubbed my hands along her back and up to her shoulders and felt a glaze of sweat beginning to form. I drew my hands down along her sides and onto her hips as I backed halfway out of her. I pushed in hard, and heard the slap of my skin against her ass as I bottomed out inside. Marlene grunted as I repeatedly began to slam my shaft into her slick pussy. ‘C’mon, Michael, fuck, fuck me harder…harder,’ she begged, as she forced herself back into my thrusting cock. I grabbed her hips tighter and rammed my cock into her with hard, rapid thrusts. The slapping of our skin filled the room as Marlene begged and pleaded for me to fuck her harder. ‘Fuck me, fuck me, harder, yes, that’s it, yes, keep going,’ she wildly pleaded.

My cock was driving in and out of her pussy as Marlene gripped the rails. ‘God, yes, yes, I’m coming, I’m going to come,’ she wailed, as I kept driving into her. I could feel the sensation of an oncoming orgasm as I continued to repeatedly plunge into her. Marlene screamed out her orgasm, as she continued to thrust herself back onto my swollen cock. I could feel myself getting closer as Marlene buried her face into the ma
ttress. The sound of her orgasm was muffled into the bed as I felt the surge of cum rapidly building in my balls before I slammed deep into her one last time and shot jets of cum deep into her pussy. I cried out my orgasm as the spurts of cum continued to race through my cock, and I could hear Marlene’s muffled screams as I filled her convulsing pussy.

I leaned over onto her back and we fell to the bed together with my full weight sandwiching Marlene into the mattress. I reached under her outstretched arms and rolled the both of us onto our sides. We gasped for air as our sweaty bodies melted into each other. I held her tightly and promised her that I would never let her go.

‘Oh, Michael, I want you to hold me forever,’ she said, as she held onto my arms and squeezed them tightly.

I was trying to force the last drop of cum out as my cock spasmed inside of her. I couldn’t believe that I was still hard inside of Marlene and I felt the walls of her pussy contract around me.

‘Michael,’ she started, ‘That was unbelievable. I couldn’t stop coming, I didn’t think that it was ever going to end. There was a point when I didn’t hear anything and thought that I passed out for a second.’

‘Sweetheart, you are absolutely amazing,’ I said, still a bit winded from our love making. ‘I said it before and I’ll say it a million times more, you are absolutely beautiful.’

Marlene squeezed my arms again and said, ‘Thank you, Michael, thank you.’

It was noon by the time that we finally managed to get ourselves out of bed.

‘Are you hungry, Handsome?’ Marlene asked,as she came out of the bathroom after washing up.

‘For food?’ I asked with a grin.

The roled up towel hit me in the chest, as Marlene laughed and said, ‘Yes, food you nut!’

‘Well, I was just making sure that we were on the same page,’ I laughed. ‘This might sound strange, but do you feel like going over to the food court in the mall and grabbing a couple slices of pizza?’

‘Yeah, sure, why not,’ she replied. ‘Maybe we can walk around the mall afterwards and do some window shopping.’

‘Oh baby, this sounds like trouble,’ I said.

‘Oh, Michael, it’s not that bad,’ she sighed.

‘I didn’t mean trouble for me,’ I said with a big smile across my face.

‘No,’ I said,as Marlene began to ask me if I’ll ever stop. ‘Hey, why don’t you give your mom a call and see if she would like to come with us.’

‘Really? You want my mom to come with us?’ she replied in surprise.

‘Sure, why not?’ I answered.

Marlene called her mom and fifteen minutes later we were pulling into her driveway. Marlene told me that she was going to switch cars as she pulled the growling Mustang into the garage.

‘We’ll take the Infinity,’ she said, as she took my hand and walked me out of the garage, up the steps and into her mom’s house.

‘Mom, we’re here,’ Marlene yelled as we entered the house.

I heard a sweet voice in the distance say, ‘I know, I heard that car from the top of the street.’

‘Oh, mom, it’s not that loud,’ Marlene replied in exasperation.

Marlene’s mom came walking into the room and kissed her. ‘Mom, this is Michael.’

I held my hand out to greet Marlene’s mother. ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Cassidy,’ I said, in a bit of a nervous voice.

I felt a thin, soft hand grasp my hand and say, ‘Hi, where’s Misty?’

‘Mom!’ Marlene exclaimed in embarrassment.

‘Well, I thought that Misty was coming too,’ her mom said matter of factly.

‘Mom, please…’ Marlene exclaimed once again, this time with a bit of laughter in her voice.

I chimed in, ‘Well, she’s at home, but if it is alright with Marlene, we can pick her up and bring her.’

The embarrassed and exasperated Marlene agreed and we soon piled into her SUV and were off to my house to pick up the imfamous Misty. I explained the rules to Marlene’s mom about when she can talk to Misty and when she couldn’t. I explained that if Misty was in her harness, she was working and that she couldn’t talk to her or pet her.

‘Well, that doesn’t sound like much fun,’ Marlene’s mom said from the back seat.

‘Mom,’ Marlene exclaimed, ‘Listen to Michael. Misty is a working dog and there are rules that need to be followed.’

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________________________________________ Pouring a can of pea soup into the toilet and pretending it was vomit? No, he'd done that the last time. Ketchup on the nose, pretending it was blood? No, that one was just stupid. Faking a headache? Nope, his mum would just turn that around on him and tell him it was his own fault for staying up too late the previous night. Kaden Dursley sighed and sat up on his bed. He gazed out the window at the overcast sky. It was impossible to tell the time...

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Woman turns into a whore

It was just another trip to the mall, another mini shopping splurge. She'd spent a little longer walking around the mall than she'd thought, and was running late for a night out with the girls. Hurrying off the escalator while searching through her oversized bag for her car keys, Bree barely noticed the 2 men who fell in step on either side of her. She was jerked back to awareness when both her arms were grabbed and a menacing voice told her to keep quiet or bad things would happen.Shocked into...

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Mr and Mrs Jones

It was the first time I’d done this so I was beyond nervous, but also really excited. I had fantasised about it for years and decided that now was the time. I put a personal ad online, I was very descriptive about who and what I wanted, just writing the ad was thrilling, as I imagined someone horny as hell reading it and knowing that I was the one they needed.So, there I was at a swanky hotel bar ready to fulfil my fantasy. I’d spent ages deciding what to wear, I needed to come across as...

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Two SistersChapter 7 Second String

For a moment Sue lay there kind of in a stupor, the slimy oozings still extruding from her now empty vagina. Alice leaned over to look at her. She smiled seeing her laying there, her flawless breasts still heaving, and a near- gratified look on her lovely flushed face. As a matter of fact, Sue's entire body was blushing a deep glowing pink. "Did you like it, Sue?" "Yah, I've forgotten the beginning, and the end, thank goodness. That wasn't too great. Don't men have any consideration...

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Spank My Valentine Part IV

It was quite an eventful week. I cuckolded Malcolm on Tuesday night. On Wednesday, which was Julie’s day off, she rang me to tell me that she had ended her relationship with Paul and that he had moved out. She ended up spending the night with me. On Thursday night I went to a collaring ceremony taking Julie and Sally along with me and Saturday was Valentine's Day of course.Tuesday’s cuckolding was a spur of the moment thing. We had had some new stock in of ‘Be my Valentine’ baby-doll nightie...

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Mazya Baiko Chya Dudha Cha Chaha

Hello mitra ani maitrinino….!!!!! Me sid, me by profession ek doctor aahe ani me pune madhe rahoto. He aahe mazya aayushatli kadhi hi na visarnari gosta. Mala aadhi pasunch lactating milk kiva baichya stana madle doodh chye khup ved hote. Jasa jasa me human biology shikat gelo tasa tasa mala tya badal aajun aakarshan nirman zala. Mala big boobs far aavdtat pan me jeva jeva mazi fantasy konla confess karaycho teva maze friends mazya war hasyche. Me foreign madhe maza medical education complete...

1 year ago
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House On Fire

The document presented here was found by someone who asked to remain anonymous. I never met him (or her). I received it just the way it is in my mail one morning. I suspect the sender was a woman because there was a handwritten note enclosed, asking me to publish the story, even incomplete. The nature of the lack of an ending indicates the writer had more to say. It did leave the other shoe undropped. As it is, the story is compelling to read. If there are pages missing they don't detract...

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Kurt The Girl Emerging

THE WALTZ Once in a while our school would hold a winter dance. It didn't happen every year, and I didn't know why, but this year was a special one and the dance was would be held on Saturday between Christmas and New Years. It would be a formal affair, more formal than a senior prom. It's purpose was mostly not for entertainment but rather for the development of some social skills: such as for girls and boys being polite with each other, those little smiles with 'thanks' and...

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The FundraiserChapter 3

Another cigarette. Another cup of coffee. Craig laid there on the bed catching his breath. Even after blowing a big ass load in my mouth his cock never really went down. That’s one good thing about fucking teenagers. They reload pretty fast. Looking around I noticed that the men were all naked now and one of the other women had left. The one still there was the first one I had met and she was on the floor happily getting a cock rammed up her ass. Seemed to be taking it pretty well too. I had...

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The Azayal Book 5Chapter 2

Meeting the Royal Family “We will reach the planet Remza in ten minutes. I will fly you over Merka, the capital so you can get a feel of the city, and then we will land at the palace,” said Nora. “I will show you to your rooms and then take three of you; Jason, Razza, and Julia, to meet with my mother, a brother and a sister. The rest of you will meet them at dinner. We will have a family dinner, two hours after we land where you will meet my father, and the rest of the family. I expect no...

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ss Mom and Me Makes Three 3

So now I got behind my s****r, lifting her bottom up to expose the creamy target of her cunt, all slick and easily visible from behind. ‘Yeah, Jimmy!’ mom barked looking up at me as I knelt behind my s****r. ‘Fuck her! Slam it up inside her!’ ‘Aw shit!’ my s****r yelped, pulling her tongue away from mom as she felt my rigid thickness entering her body, filling her to the hilt. ‘Keep eating that pussy,’ mom insisted, pressing Amy’s face back against her snatch. And so my s****r resumed...

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Your choice

It was a weekend I had looked forward to for some time. My wife and her two teenage daughters from her previous marriage would be on a trip to Chicago for a 3-day holiday, leaving me alone in the house. Not that I wouldn't miss them, but it gave me a chance to indulge my own fantasy while they were shopping and going to a concert. I have cross-dressed since I was a teen, but with my marriage I put that behind me, at least that's what I told my wife, Lillian. Before we married, I told her...

4 years ago
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A Story In a Hospital

Choose a character: Male: David Thompson Description: 6 feet tall Muscular body Handsome, Smart Race: undefined Occupation: undefined Sexual Organ: A 8 inches long dick with a 2 inches in radius shaft and a 5 inches diameter dick head. His dream/hope: Want to screw with all the beauty that work in the Koko Hospital Female: Jade Jackson Description: 5'-8" Athlete figure : 34C, 24, 36 A firm young tits that can withstand gravity without bra's support Heart-shaped tight...

3 years ago
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Life the Gorland EditionChapter 3A Training Day 1

The sun shines directly in our faces as it rises from the east. Blinking I looked out the window and notice a small fishing boat cruising by. From where I am I can see of the three men in the boat though they haven't looked our way yet. I slow and quietly as possible awaken the other girls and we slide off the far side of the bed onto the floor. Flash. Looking to the hallway, I spot Mark snapping a picture of us hiding there. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he is thinking of...

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Sharing Her II III

He was at the bar as I’d hoped. It was our regular hangout, and I was hoping for an exciting night. We had talked more about getting together again, but hadn’t made it happen for quite awhile. The evening was pleasant, he and I were dressed casually, but nicely. My wife was wearing a dress, heels and sheer pantyhose. She often does her nails in red, and wears red lipstick with it. There is something about the red color that arouses the primal in men, it’s like a sexual neon sign saying “Come...

1 year ago
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SeeHimFuck Xxlayna Marie See Our 1st Half Asian Dude Fuck

Well-hung Korean David Lee makes his See H?️M Fuck debut this week and we paired HIM up with the lovely coed Xxlayna Marie (pronounced YUH-LAYNA) for today’s steamy update. After our wonderful director Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about HIM, David stands up and does a sexy striptease for Xxlayna before she gets HIM all lubed up ? making sure his girthy prick is slick and stiff. Xxlayna ? sniffs and licks ? both of David’s hairy armpits before allowing HIM to take a...

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FeathersChapter 3

"Already our child weighs heavy on me and slows my labors, my beloved." My darling wife Alta casually mentioned to me late one evening, just after mid-summer. "I sure that it does!" I congenially replied. Already her belly was quite swollen and she still had several months left before the child was due to be born. "Indeed, I'm quite falling behind in my labors! I have the animals to tend to, and most of the spring wool still to be cleaned, carded and spun, not to mention my knitting!...

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Ms Marca My Last Year of High School

    Ms Marca….My last Year of High School   Mother and I had been home from out Cayman trip for about 2 months and I was getting restless for some action other than what I had at school and with Mr. Wilson next door. I was still doing my part time modeling and had made one or two trips to the Dallas Mart to do some runway sessions.   Living in Fort Worth made it easy to drive the 30 miles and do a days work on a Saturday that paid a lot more than the mall.

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A Helping Hand

I wiped my hands clean with the old t-shirt I had for a rag as Lynn stood at the side of the car with a concerned look on her face."Don't worry," I assured her. "It's nothing major. I will get the parts and be back in an hour.""I can't afford much," she sighed. "If it's more than a hundred dollars I will have to wait until next payday.""Don't worry, I will be back shortly," I said as I walked to my car. "We can work something out."***As I finished the repair I had a hard time...

4 years ago
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The Struggle

Copyright© "Ouch!" the big woman yelped as my cock stabbed her squarely between her pussy and her anus. I backed off a little, struggling to keep from dropping her. We had been walking home in the dark when she said "Gol darn it, honey, I'm too horny to wait 'til we get there. You gotta put yore pole in me NOW, dammit! I wanna get fucked!" So I dragged her down the next dark alley and into a small setback between buildings, where I unzipped my pants and whipped out my charger. I...

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Neat N Naked 01 Athena

This is one of 26 stories in this series. Each is a standalone story with unique characters and actions. They can be read in any order since they do not have any plot points in common. Warning: This story contains adult content including exhibitionism, CMNF, fellatio, rim jobs, cunnilingus, and vaginal sex If you don't like these activities then please find another story more to your liking. 8========D "Neat ‘n Naked...where our girls suck better than Hoovers. How can we help you?"...

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Can You Help Me Find My Gspot

I love my boyfriend. I really do. I also love having sex with him. He was my first, and I don't have anything for comparison, but I'd say it's really good. The only problem is; I'm pretty sure I don't orgasm. I feel a little guilty sitting in the waiting room of a gynecologist, but I have questions, and no one else to ask."Jennifer?" The nurse calls, and I stand to follow her. They weigh all 110 pounds of me, check my vitals, and lead me to a room. I've never been to this specific office...

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Double TakeChapter 39

“Demigoddesses do NOT take public transportation. I’d rather die first.” —Nicky Drayden, The Prey of Gods SPRING BREAK WAS OVER, which meant there were only thirty-eight more classroom days until the end of the year. Eight weeks, less a couple of days off. In my Adult Roles and Responsibilities class, there was a big grid on the whiteboard that counted down the days with a big ‘X’ drawn through the number at the end of the day. That was when my class was, so we got to watch the red...

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Loving Lista

Lista and I started dating when she was 14 and I was 19, of course it started out with a lot of hand holding and kissing, and after a couple of weeks it evolved into simple making out and petting which we did all the time, at the beach, walking through the mall, at the movies, hanging out in one of our rooms, or sitting in the car after our dates. but things didn't get really physical between us till about 6 months into the relationship, about a week after her 15th birthday, We were hanging...

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The Freiburg ProjectChapter 27

In the late afternoon, Helen and Sandy sat on the balcony of her apartment, relaxing in the sun and talking over plans for the visit to Orange. The orange cat was off doing cat things. Her phone rang, and she looked at the display before answering. She looked at Sandy. "Sandy, it's Dumont. Can we record this?" Sandy went to the table by the door and retrieved his pocket computer, held it up and nodded, immediately starting to set up the connection. Helen answered the call. "Helen, this...

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Mummys true passion book two pregnancy days chapter three

Our trip to the Bahamas had taken three days so far and mum hadn’t told me how long our stay would last. We had done the full tourist program like diving and walking on the beach and we had visited a couple of shows and museums as well. Whenever we had done so mum had insisted on me to wear my cock ring. So whoever we had met on our short trips had seen my pride’s silhouette pushing through the fabrics of my pants. It seemed like I had tons of white cotton trousers and a never ending number...

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Lost Empire 18

"Yes Shelby?" Derrick answered, "Is it time already?" "Yes, though I am sure you know that they have been calling almost the whole time. The little I have heard the Duke person has been demanding you stand down and surrender." Shelby couldn't conceal the wide smile she had. "I think the Duke is acting more like a child than a noble." She giggled. "I believe it is because no one has ever had the position or the power to put him in his place. At this moment I am feeling that...

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Emily in the DarkChapter 7

We set out, following our, by now, familiar routine. We were walking along, making pretty good time, and Emily had fallen silent. I don’t know what it was, but something called me to see what she was up to. I was surprised to see two things in the moonlight: One, her blouse was hanging open, completely unbuttoned, and second that her breasts were uncovered, swaying with each step she took. I paused, and she came to me. Feigning innocence, she looked up at me. “What? Can’t a girl let her...

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“God yes,” Lisette moaned as her husband flicked his tongue in and out of her hole. The five-foot-ten-inch brown-skinned beauty grabbed his head with both of her hands and pushed his face deeper into her ass crack. As he made love to her tranny pussy, her body, all one hundred and forty-five pounds of it, squirmed. She wiggled in every direction effectively working the fitted satin sheets off of their California king size bed. Her barely functional clit stiffened. “Fuck...

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40 saal ki kunwari choot

Hi bhabiyon , ek baar muje mere boss ne apne ghar par bulwaya, kisi meeting ke bare me discuss karna tha. Jab main uske ghar per phauncha to wo wo kahin bahar jane ke liye ready tha. Mujhe dekhate hi wo bola, ki main abhi kise zaroori kaam se ja raha hoon, jaldi hi laut aaunga , tum mera yahi wait karna, mere boss kareeb 50 saal ya usase kuch jyada ke the. Main drawing room me baith kar uska wait karne laga. Tabhi uski wife, jo ki kareeb 40 saal ki hogi, waha aa gaye, our boli. Kuch chaiye?...

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Apartment 69

I'm told that everyone has their weaknesses and moments that they're not proud of. For years I had always assumed that mine was chocolate, but after the events of this story, I'm not so sure anymore. I should probably start with a few introductions. My name isn't Maria, but we'll go with that for now. I'm about average height for a Hispanic woman making me shorter than most the white girls I grew up with, with slightly broader hips than I'd like, and smaller breasts than I'd wish for. Though...

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Dance with Me

I still remember the exact moment that I fell in love with Owen. It wasn’t a gradual realisation or a slow slide into something new. It hit me hard and stayed with me, making the time I spent in his presence a combination of torturous and comforting from then onward. I’d been waiting for my turn to give a speech at his younger sister’s eighteenth birthday party, and although we’d never spoken about it he somehow knew the idea of being the centre of attention terrified me. While his dad took...

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Getting caught by the MIL IT Issues

A few weeks had passed since my last encounter with Rose, we had seen each other but in the company of others and everything had been fine, mostly she had kept herself to herself until I got a call from her asking if I could come and check her PC as it didnt seem to be working. I knew Rose didnt use it for much, solitaire, recipe's and the like so it was probably something simple.I arrived and got the standard peck on the cheek and she showed me through to the study where the computer was. Rose...

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Always Finding TroubleChapter 33

The five o'clock alarm was too early, but I remembered what I was going to do. I did the triple S, dressed and headed out to the air park. John arrived at almost the exact same time, with his ever-present smile on his face. He says just being near airplanes makes him happy. The night crew already had a 172 out on the tarmac ready for us. I went through the preflight checklist and we prepared to takeoff. The tower wasn't going to open till seven this morning so we went to the end of the...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 21

I spent that night in my former home, taking on Becky, Mom, Adela, Chloe, Marcie, Sarah, Gladys, Katrina, Alicia, Candace, Dawn, etc. in what some might call a “reverse gang-bang.” The old me, even at peak stamina, could never have achieved this, but the new me, the Lord Archon Mark Robert Smythe, well, I could do much that was impossible in the past. I had no male refractory period left at all by now. I fucked anyone who struck my fancy, men and women alike, and even let them penetrate me as...

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The Angry Whore Book 2Chapter 14 Henry Morgan

21 January, 1687 Afternoon Several of the crew went ashore and they were immediately beset by questioning buccaneers, it was from their very questions that they gathered exactly how matters stood, and they perceived that Port Royal was taking a turn at becoming a more lawful English port. Apparently a good number of upstanding citizens disliked the reputation the city had acquired, and so Henry Morgan, having obtained from the crown several new city defenses, declared that pirates no...

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Man I Hate Straight Guys IV

Man I Hate Straight Guys IV A Jimmie Johnson Original (A James Johnson Story) I claim this story as my own original work, and give all readers the right to repost it as they feel necessary and I ask to be credited if and when it is reproduced or copied I turned off the shower and dried myself off and wrapped the towel around me. I went and looked in the mirror, I’d never thought of myself as much of a stud, but after having had sex wit two hot studs, I don’t know if I can remain the same shy...

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