Dr. Erotic free porn video

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I had been a very successful Psychiatrist with a thriving practice for a number of years. I'd worked hard for those initials behind my name, John P. Edwards, M.D. And for a good many of those years, I really thought I was providing a worthwhile service. Then, Ms. Emily Fredrickson walked into my office.

When I'd initially begun my practice I had visions of treating people with some interesting neuroses, and really getting involved in some deep inner issues. What I found however was that I was seeing nothing more than a bunch of board lonely housewives with a lot of money, and nothing better to do than lie on a couch and vent. For the most part, none of them needed anything more than a little excitement in their lives, or at the minimum, a good hard fuck from someone other than their spouses. But this isn't exactly the kind of advice I was supposed to be giving them. So instead, I went through all the usual typical Dr. stuff to try and find out the 'why' they were feeling that way.

Most of my clients were referrals from other patients. All of who swore that I was one of the best, if not thee best in my field. When I first met Ms. Fredrickson I was already so busy treating and seeing people that I nearly turned her down sight unseen. However, at the prompting of one of the women I was counseling, who'd asked me as a BIG favor to take on one more client, I reluctantly agreed.

Once the initial preliminary's had been taken care of, I invited Ms. Fredrickson to make herself comfortable. Though I have both a chair and a couch, surprisingly the majority of my clients prefer to sit as opposed to lying down. Ms. Fredrickson, Emily, was in the minority and immediately crossed over to where the couch was, kicked off her shoes, hung up her jacket and laid down.

Emily was reasonably tall for a woman at just under six feet. She had coal black hair that was long, but had been pinned up giving her that professional woman's look that seemed so much in vogue these days. But the most startling feature had to be her eyes. I'd even attempted to try and figure out without asking, and thus seeming unprofessional on my part, in trying to determine if she was wearing contacts or not. Her eyes were the most beautiful cobalt blue I had ever seen. And with a milky white complexion, offset by those eyes and her unusually dark hair, she was with out a doubt one of the most striking women I had ever seen.

As I began delving into what some of her issues were, trying to get a feel for why it was that she thought I could help, I noticed as I sat slightly off to one side and behind her head that she would occasionally reach up and seemingly finger with the buttons on her blouse, one or twice even brushing her fingers across her nipples as we continued our discussion.

The thing that was odd was that there was nothing sexual in our discussion whatsoever. Everything we discussed or went over seemed to be either job related, or as I was already beginning to determine, as issues dealing with stress.

I'd barely noticed her the first time when I thought I had actually seen Emily finger one nipple. She'd continued talking to me, had already moved her hand away, but sure enough, there stood a very hard firm nipple protruding through the white business blouse she was wearing.

The discussion continued, and rather than sitting there taking notes as I usually did, I found instead that I was gazing at her more and more often, wondering if I had actually seen what I thought I had, and secondly, if she would do it again, which she did. The second time, she reached over and actually pinched her nipple through the material of her blouse, all the while continuing on with the mundane every day issues we are all faced with.

Frankly, I was truly puzzled for the first time since I'd been in practice as to what exactly WAS happening, and where all of this was leading. I'd only had one or two women actually proposition me during the course of my treatment with them. Neither of which I of course allowed anything to happen with, and not simply out of fear of losing my license. And it wasn't as though I wasn't attractive either. I've had my fair share of attractive looking women. And though I wasn't seeing anyone at the moment, I wasn't looking to get seriously involved with anyone.

Soon after that, our first session ended and Emily and I said our good-byes and scheduled an appointment for the next week without so much as a hint as to what had taken place or why. She remained calmly professional in her attitude and demeanor beyond that, and so we set up a weekly day for her continued therapy.

To my surprise, I found myself anxiously curious about our next meeting and could hardly wait until the day finally arrived. As before, Emily was similarly dressed with her hair once again done up in a tight bun behind her head. Taking her place upon the couch, we began.

As I began to review with her what we'd discussed the previous week, I found myself glancing over in her direction a little more frequently than normal. Once again there was nothing of a sexual nature even remotely discussed. Yet, I noticed that as Emily lie on the couch, she had bent one of her legs slightly which effectively hiked her skirt up a little more than what I felt was normal for trying to be simply comfortable.

In the next instant, I watched as Emily actually placed her hand down near her groin area, and as the subtle movement of her hand confirmed to me what she was doing, I watched saying nothing to her about it as she obviously began masturbating.

There was no change in her speech pattern to indicate she was becoming aroused or excited by what she was doing, almost as though she were playing with herself absentmindedly as she continued telling me about some of the more stressful situations she'd been having to deal with at work lately. The entire hour was consumed in this fashion, and I was once again left confused as well as curious as to what her motives and intentions truly were.

As the weeks came and went, our discussions remained professional. Yet with each passing week, Emily became bolder and bolder in her obvious masturbatory fantasy, if that's indeed what she was doing here. I, on the other hand refused to acknowledge what she was doing, or mention it. My thoughts being that this was some sort of test, or manipulation on her part which was the actual root of whatever problems she was actually dealing with. I was of the opinion that this blatant display of touching herself in front of me, all the while maintaining a total and complete professional-like conversation was finally going to result in one of those really interesting physiological evaluations that I had not had the opportunity to really get into up until now.

Admittedly, seeing this very beautiful woman lying on my couch, occasionally touching and caressing her breasts, or reaching down to bunch her skirt up, sliding her hand down inside her panties to finger herself was having its affect on me. I would find myself staring at her, forgetting what it was we'd been discussing for a moment, and worse, realizing that I would quite often be sitting there with a raging hard-on.

After nearly eight full weeks of this, I decided to change direction and confront her directly on the issue. Figuring that perhaps bringing it out in the open after all this time, that we'd finally begin discussing the real reason she was seeking therapy.

And... after the previous week I felt it was time anyway. It had been the first time that I'd seen Emily actually reach orgasm. And though I was fairly certain she hadn't faked it, I wasn't THAT positive she simply hadn't escalated this weird little game she was playing to a higher level, and I wasn't about to let her continue to try and control our sessions in this way any further without getting to the bottom of it.

I allowed Emily to make herself comfortable as she was now doing before each session began. She'd hung up her jacket, taken off her shoes, and had even reached up and undone a couple of the upper buttons on the blouse she was wearing. I waited until she'd positioned herself on the couch, expecting her to once again begin touching herself at any moment.

"Emily?" I began. "I think we need to discuss your masturbating during our sessions together."

For the first time she actually turned on her side and looked over the armrest at me. Something she'd never done before in all the weeks we'd been together. I saw a very wide, very beautiful smile spread across her face.

"Well Doc. It's about time. I was starting to wonder when you were finally going to ask me about it."

Frankly, I've had one or two patients in the past who've tried to put one over on me. But usually I figured it out long before they ever realized I had, and removed them from my active client list. In this instance however, I hadn't seen it coming, probably because I'd been so damn distracted by what had been going on, in addition to her being so fucking beautiful.

Emily had the upper hand for the time being, as I continued to ponder how I was going to respond to that. And the last thing I wanted to reveal to her was that she really was the one in control here at the moment.

She didn't give me the chance to respond as she suddenly sat up on the couch swinging her legs back around and placing them on the floor which put her facing me.

"It's very simple really. And don't feel bad that you were having trouble trying to figure out what was wrong with me. To be honest with you, nothing ever was."

"I'm not sure I understand." I told her truthfully. "Why don't you explain it to me?"

Emily reached up and pulled the pins from her luxurious black hair and allowed it to fall naturally well past her shoulders where it lay upon her breasts, highlighting the fullness of them and drawing my attention rather pointedly towards her chest.

"You see... I told my best friend Gail who's another patient of yours that I had this fantasy. Always have had it, but never had the opportunity or the inclination to ever do anything about it until I saw your picture on the back of one of the books you've written. When I learned that Gail was seeing you, I told her that I finally wanted to indulge myself, and finally get to enjoy my fantasy. Which basically was to simply masturbate in front of a good-looking Psychiatrist, knowing that he wouldn't or possibly couldn't do anything to try and involve himself with me. That wasn't apart of my fantasy... then."

I felt myself lean back, half expecting the chair to rock backwards, and then remembering it was a straight stiff-backed chair with no give. Emily saw the awkward movement and laughed.

Reaching up she began to slowly unbutton the remaining buttons of her blouse as she continued looking at me, smiling.

"It wasn't a matter of money for me obviously. I'd have paid any going rate just to satisfy this silly little desire of mine. Sitting here week after week, getting the courage to be able to lose my inhibitions, and allow myself to finally and completely enjoy myself in front of you as I've been doing, was worth every penny I've spent. So you see... there really isn't anything wrong with me. You've even told me so yourself in not so many words. Discussing the day-to-day issues, stress, work related problems, hell... we all go through and experience those. I'm no different. And I handle them just fine. But this was something I needed and have been wanting to do for as many years as I can remember."

Emily had finished undoing her blouse and now pulled it off allowing it to fall to the floor as she stood up off the couch.

"Listen Doc," she began in that almost too familiar expression she'd been using to address me of late. "I know a number of women who would love to simply tell someone about their fantasy's, about their dreams, kinks, quirks, desires, whatever, but without reproach, without recrimination, and without judgment. Sometimes just telling someone about some deep dark secret fantasy is as good as actually experiencing the fantasy itself. Only in my case... it was doing it, knowing all the while that you were watching me doing it, and wondering about it without ever saying anything. And especially after last week when I finally was able to achieve an orgasm in front of you, and then leaving afterwards without your ever saying a word to me about it. It simply couldn't have been any more perfect."

She stood in front of me now in her white lace bra, and began to pull down on the zipper of her skirt. I felt powerless to do or say anything, wanting to hear what she was telling me, and not wanting to. Stunned, and surprised that I could be so duped by this beautiful intelligent woman, and yet curiously pleased, flattered in a way... that I had been.

"So I guess this is our final session," she began.

I watched as she slowly pulled the zipper of her skirt down until she allowed it to fall down around her feet. Emily wasn't wearing any panties, just a garter holding up the sheer nylon stockings she'd been wearing. I didn't know if she'd planned on masturbating even more openly this week than she had the previous by the intimate lingerie she was wearing, but I now found myself rather disappointed that I had confronted her this early in the session.

"And please, don't be too upset with me. I know you really thought you were trying to help me, and you did! But just not in the way that you thought you were."

Emily now reached behind, unhooking her bra and allowed it to fall a slight ways down her arms before catching it and holding it against herself, the movement revealing just the tips of two very alluring looking areola's that peeked out of the top of that lacy garment so teasingly.

I was still sitting about as straight backed in my chair, as it was possible to do. I had an enormous erection at the moment, and almost looked down at myself, though I was almost afraid to look at what I would find there. Of all the days to wear beige slacks.

"So now that its over, and now that I won't be coming to see you as my therapist any more, I don't suppose you'd be interested in one more little fantasy of mine, would you?"

Emily let the bra fall. And I sat staring at two of the most precious, full rounded breasts I'd ever seen before in my life.

I don't even remember standing up when I did. About the only thing I did remember later was the curious wide-eyed look on Emily's face as I stood, and following her eyes as they moved down to where I knew my erection was bulging inside of my slacks. That and the obvious wet-spot that I also knew I was revealing to her. As I moved over towards my desk, I didn't even try to cover up my condition. And almost proudly I strode across the room and pushed the intercom button on my telephone.


"Yes Dr. Edwards." I heard Jamie respond in her business voice.

"Would you go ahead and pull Ms. Fredrickson's file? We've completed her therapy, so she will no longer be a patient here. Go ahead and bill her for the hour, but we're going to tie up some loose ends, so we'll be here for a while, but I won't charge her for the extra time ok?"

"Yes Dr." I heard her say again.

It wasn't unusual for me to do that with patients once in a while, so I was confident that Jamie wouldn't question anything. But as I continued to look over towards Emily who was once again sitting down on the couch and sensually caressing herself, I added.

"Oh Jamie? One more thing, when you're done with that, go ahead and take the rest of the afternoon off. I'll make sure to lock up everything."

There was a pregnant pause as I was almost sure there would be. It was rare that I allowed Jamie to go home early without previously planning for it. Perhaps it wasn't the wisest thing to do, and might even leave her wondering about it since she had access to patient files, and did all of my dictation. She knew of Emily's strange masturbation behavior, and might be putting the pieces together as we spoke. But I was allowing my cock to think for me at the moment, and almost laughed boyishly when Jamie finally responded back to me.

"Thank you Dr." Another pause, "Is there anything else?"

"No Jamie, that will be all."

I clicked off the intercom, turning and heading towards the couch.

Emily reached up; rubbing the wet-spot on my slacks, making it worse, and gently ran a sharp nail over the protruding bulge she found there. Standing above her, Emily then began to unfasten my belt as I in turn reached down and began to gently finger one of her amazingly hard nipples.

A second or two later with my cock finally free, I felt her warm succulent mouth envelop it and begin a therapy session designed to relieve a little stress that I'd been dealing with as of late.

"Well now that I'm no longer treating you," I said

Emily removed her mouth from my cock long enough to look up at me and interrupt what I was saying.

"That it's my turn to treat you for a change?"

I smiled back. "Well sort of, but I was about to tell you how beautiful a woman you really are. And that's not exactly something we usually tell our patients."

Emily knelt before me slowly stroking my slippery cock, and delighting me with the most exquisite sensations imaginable.

"So tell me Doc, just how many times DID you run off and masturbate after I'd left your office anyway?"

"Every time." I told her. "Every fucking time."

After Emily and I had thoroughly fucked each other's brains out, we lay together in a sweaty heap upon my leather couch.

"So Doc, what do you think of my idea anyway?"

"What?" I said, still trying to fight through the fugue I was in.

"You know, getting out of this "Shrink" business, and maybe getting into something a whole lot more interesting and exciting. Like what I was telling you about. Letting women, and maybe even men, come in and tell you all about their most secret intimate fantasy's. You could discuss them with them, maybe even give them some assurances that it's ok to wonder about things, no matter how kinky or bizarre they may be."

Emily sat up suddenly excited, the thoughts of my starting this kind of a business already giving her new ideas.

And all I could see was the gentle sway of her ripe luscious melons just settling back into place when she rose.

I wasn't seriously considering her ideas of course. But I wasn't quite ready for her to get up and simply walk out of my life either. Not without one more good-bye fuck at least.

"Well, I certainly couldn't work out of this office anymore," I left off saying.

"No, it wouldn't work here either." Emily said agreeing with me. And I was delighted to watch those perfect tits of hers happily agreeing with both of us.

"We'd have to find you a new location to work out of. Oh, and unless you're really attached to... Jamie is it?"

Dumbfounded, I sat looking at her and listening. She really was serious, and I was starting to think about it. Especially when she reached over in mid sentence and once again began stroking my cock back to life.

"Jamie... ah, no. Not really. She's a good administrative assistant, but I don't think she'd go in for taking that type of 'dick-tation'", I jokingly punned.

Emily laughed, squeezed my penis even tighter and began playing with it all the while continuing to talk to me.

"You know, my niece Daniel, 'Danny" we call her actually, would be perfect for the job! She's open minded, intelligent, so nothing would bother her at all. Plus... she knows how to keep a secret, trust me in that... I know. And most importantly, she's also very, very attractive. And that would go along way in helping you as well."

"Yeah... as in driving away the less attractive looking clients?" I asked her kiddingly.

Emily quit playing with my cock as though seriously pondering the dilemma I'd just given her.

"I was just kidding Emily."

"No... no, you might have a point there," she replied, though thankfully she began stroking me once again. Then her face brightened and she happily began jerking my cock up and down with the excitement of her solution. And suddenly... I was really happy about that too.

"I know! We just make sure she doesn't dress up too provocatively for work is all. You do want someone attractive sitting outside of your office. It say's something about YOUR virility. And you want to keep the customers coming back."

"And cumming." I joked once again, but not out of any effort on my part to be humorous. The point was, I was suddenly a little embarrassed as my cock began squirting streamer after streamer of hot pleasurable cum cream into the air.

"Hmmm," Emily said licking off her fingers. "Now we can REALLY have a nice long session together."

"What about what we were discussing?" I asked, biding for a little more time, after all, I'd just erupted in hugh explosion that would take me more than a mere few seconds to recover from.

"I've got a couple of pretty good property's I've been showing to people. One of which I think would be just perfect for you. I'll take you by there tomorrow and let you see it and tell me what you think. And tonight, I'll call Danny and have her set up an appointment with you."

"Maybe you'd better give me her number and we'll meet someplace. I'm not so sure that Jamie would appreciate meeting her replacement just yet."

"You know John," Emily said, using my name for the first time. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all."

Surprised, I looked at her questioningly. But she was grinning with a wonderfully mischievous look on her face.

"I might get a little jealous thinking of you fucking my niece."

"Oh? And why would I do that?" I asked her.

"When you see her, you'll know. And besides, you need to give her the proper interview to prove to yourself that she is the type of woman you're looking for, for this kind of business don't you?"

"I suppose," I said teasing her back. And was equally surprised to feel my cock twitch with renewed excitement over the prospect.

"Ahhhh, I thought that might interest you," she said taking my cock and placing it at the opening of her sex as she climbed over the top of me.

"Now Doc," Emily said, once again lapsing back into the old familiarities. "I think it's time you fucked me, and fuck me really long and hard this time. It might have to last me for a while."

Emily placed my reawaked prick into her sopping wet cunt and slid it into heaven.

"Let's play... Doctor!" She giggled happily.

So we did.

The next day we went out to look at possible locations. And two weeks after that, I moved in. Emily did all the interior design as well, giving the place a relaxed, cozy atmosphere, but a mysterious one too. She said it would help my clients to better imagine things and fantasize, and allow themselves the freedom to speak honestly and openly to me.

She was also right about Danny too. And though I hadn't fucked her... yet. I could see what she meant about her. Danny was young, but obviously experienced. She had long blonde hair that reached easily to her waist. Though her breasts certainly weren't nearly as large as Emily's, they were young, perky and stood up stiff and straight without any help at all from a bra. And though that would certainly change in a few years, I could only think that I might be lucky enough to enjoy the transfiguration from one admiration to another as they matured and took on that other look that I actually preferred.

I had interviewed Danny after giving considerable thought to just what type of business I was actually getting myself into. I decided to drop the M.D. after my name. For some reason, being a Sex Doctor wasn't quite what I had in mind when going through school. Additionally, I didn't display the many certificates I'd previously had hanging on my wall either. And though that had also been Emily's suggestion, I'd not planned on showing them anyway. The feeling was, that we didn't want the setting to appear too clinical, or too formal. The whole idea was to invite people to allow me to enter their most private thoughts and fantasies, and then let things sort of guide us from there.

To be honest, I really had no idea initially what to expect from all this. Nor did I think that it would be that easy to attract the type of clients that I wanted to either. I certainly didn't want just ANYONE coming into my office. I DID want normal every day people yes... but people who weren't exactly crazy, or morbidly neurotic walking in through the door.

I'd hired an additional staff to work off premise and do whatever research might be needed. That was mainly precautionary against any run-ins with the law, or people who might find my new line of work threatening for one reason or another. Everyone was to be thoroughly checked and verified before I took him or her on as clients. Confidentiality was primary, and everyone who worked for me would submit to periodic polygraph testing to ensure that client privileges were assured.

Once everything was in place, the hardest part remaining was to attract the type of people or individuals we were looking for, that... and trying to decide what I was going to call myself. I still hadn't figured that one out yet.

Emily had already contacted a few people she knew who were more than interested in that particular type of therapy. Word of mouth, and cautious referrals would give me a base to work with, but getting continual new clients would be a little more difficult. We decided to advertise in a largely underground student newspaper off campus. That would get the word out to the younger set. Emily had a few contacts in higher places, and would discreetly get the ball rolling in that direction. Even Danny had a few additional ideas to offer, so all in all things were pretty well set.

When Danny caught her first glimpse of the new office and where it was she'd be working, she was excited as hell and wandered through each and every one of the therapy-theme rooms that Emily had decorated and created. That WAS one of her ideas after all, and it made perfect sense. A different room for a different mood, and each one could be easily redecorated as we discovered which rooms worked better than others. Plus, it would keep everything fresh and interesting if we changed them around from time to time.

"This is so incredibly erotic!" Danny exclaimed appreciatively.

"I know what we'll call you." Emily said

"What?" I asked.

"Doctor Erotic! That's how we'll advertise you, and get the word out. Doc Erotic..." Emily said turning the thought once again in her mind, getting a feel for it.

"Yes... that might work." I agreed. "If nothing else, it will certainly tell people what I'm about, and hoping to accomplish won't it?"

"And, you still get to be a Doctor too!" Danny added.

Winking at her, "Yes... but I only play one in the office."

"That sounds naughty!" Danny quipped back. "But I always did like playing Doctor when I was a little girl."

"Damn!" Emily said somewhat alarmed.


"We SHOULD have designed ONE of the rooms to look like a Doctor's office at least! I never thought of that."

Laughing, I assured her. "Don't worry Emily, we've got plenty of time to think about redecorating. Let's see how the rooms we do have turn out first before we start worrying about changing them."

"I'll get started on the business cards." Danny suggested. "Oh... and we're going to need some horny looking letterhead and stationary too."

"Horny looking?" I asked looking at Emily.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure nothing gets printed up before we've both had a chance to look at it first ok?"

"Yeah, I could just see it. A picture of a cock standing there with a stethoscope hanging around it's little neck."

"You know, that's not such a bad idea." Emily said musing it over.

And it was about that time that I took her by the hand and led her back into the Blue Room, one of my personal favorites as I liked the soothing colors, like floating amongst the clouds and dreaming, sensually exploring and touching base with my own erotic desires and imaginations.

And besides, I was incredibly horny at the moment too.

"Where are the two of you headed off too?" Danny asked curiously.

"Ah, we were just about to try out one of the rooms," I replied honestly to her.

"Mind if I come?" She asked us.

"Come? Or Cum..." I replied winking.

"You might as well John. You knew it was going to happen sooner or later anyway."

"You don't mind?" I asked incredulously

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this for the world!" Emily shot back.

So together, the three of us entered into the Blue Room that had nothing more than a comfy chair for me to sit in when I was busy 'working', and a large cushiony air-mattress that appeared to be floating up off the floor as wisps of vaporous clouds seemingly floated about the room, all a result of some highly technical visual aids that had been incorporated into the design.

"Sit in your chair." Emily instructed me. "You might as well get used to it."

Taking Danny off to one side, I watched as she spoke to her, whispering and Danny's face suddenly lit up with surprise and a tiny bit of what I took to be embarrassment. But just as suddenly, she turned towards her aunt and began helping her to remove her clothing. Once Emily was undressed, she in turn began removing Danny's clothes until I was eventually treated to two perfect Angels standing there in front of me.

I had been a very successful Psychiatrist with a thriving practice for a number of years. I'd worked hard for those initials behind my name, John P. Edwards, M.D. And for a good many of those years, I really thought I was providing a worthwhile service. Then, Ms. Emily Fredrickson walked into my office.

When I'd initially begun my practice I had visions of treating people with some interesting neuroses, and really getting involved in some deep inner issues. What I found however was that I was seeing nothing more than a bunch of board lonely housewives with a lot of money, and nothing better to do than lie on a couch and vent. For the most part, none of them needed anything more than a little excitement in their lives, or at the minimum, a good hard fuck from someone other than their spouses. But this isn't exactly the kind of advice I was supposed to be giving them. So instead, I went through all the usual typical Dr. stuff to try and find out the 'why' they were feeling that way.

Most of my clients were referrals from other patients. All of who swore that I was one of the best, if not thee best in my field. When I first met Ms. Fredrickson I was already so busy treating and seeing people that I nearly turned her down sight unseen. However, at the prompting of one of the women I was counseling, who'd asked me as a BIG favor to take on one more client, I reluctantly agreed.

Once the initial preliminary's had been taken care of, I invited Ms. Fredrickson to make herself comfortable. Though I have both a chair and a couch, surprisingly the majority of my clients prefer to sit as opposed to lying down. Ms. Fredrickson, Emily, was in the minority and immediately crossed over to where the couch was, kicked off her shoes, hung up her jacket and laid down.

Emily was reasonably tall for a woman at just under six feet. She had coal black hair that was long, but had been pinned up giving her that professional woman's look that seemed so much in vogue these days. But the most startling feature had to be her eyes. I'd even attempted to try and figure out without asking, and thus seeming unprofessional on my part, in trying to determine if she was wearing contacts or not. Her eyes were the most beautiful cobalt blue I had ever seen. And with a milky white complexion, offset by those eyes and her unusually dark hair, she was with out a doubt one of the most striking women I had ever seen.

As I began delving into what some of her issues were, trying to get a feel for why it was that she thought I could help, I noticed as I sat slightly off to one side and behind her head that she would occasionally reach up and seemingly finger with the buttons on her blouse, one or twice even brushing her fingers across her nipples as we continued our discussion.

The thing that was odd was that there was nothing sexual in our discussion whatsoever. Everything we discussed or went over seemed to be either job related, or as I was already beginning to determine, as issues dealing with stress.

I'd barely noticed her the first time when I thought I had actually seen Emily finger one nipple. She'd continued talking to me, had already moved her hand away, but sure enough, there stood a very hard firm nipple protruding through the white business blouse she was wearing.

The discussion continued, and rather than sitting there taking notes as I usually did, I found instead that I was gazing at her more and more often, wondering if I had actually seen what I thought I had, and secondly, if she would do it again, which she did. The second time, she reached over and actually pinched her nipple through the material of her blouse, all the while continuing on with the mundane every day issues we are all faced with.

Frankly, I was truly puzzled for the first time since I'd been in practice as to what exactly WAS happening, and where all of this was leading. I'd only had one or two women actually proposition me during the course of my treatment with them. Neither of which I of course allowed anything to happen with, and not simply out of fear of losing my license. And it wasn't as though I wasn't attractive either. I've had my fair share of attractive looking women. And though I wasn't seeing anyone at the moment, I wasn't looking to get seriously involved with anyone.

Soon after that, our first session ended and Emily and I said our good-byes and scheduled an appointment for the next week without so much as a hint as to what had taken place or why. She remained calmly professional in her attitude and demeanor beyond that, and so we set up a weekly day for her continued therapy.

To my surprise, I found myself anxiously curious about our next meeting and could hardly wait until the day finally arrived. As before, Emily was similarly dressed with her hair once again done up in a tight bun behind her head. Taking her place upon the couch, we began.

As I began to review with her what we'd discussed the previous week, I found myself glancing over in her direction a little more frequently than normal. Once again there was nothing of a sexual nature even remotely discussed. Yet, I noticed that as Emily lie on the couch, she had bent one of her legs slightly which effectively hiked her skirt up a little more than what I felt was normal for trying to be simply comfortable.

In the next instant, I watched as Emily actually placed her hand down near her groin area, and as the subtle movement of her hand confirmed to me what she was doing, I watched saying nothing to her about it as she obviously began masturbating.

There was no change in her speech pattern to indicate she was becoming aroused or excited by what she was doing, almost as though she were playing with herself absentmindedly as she continued telling me about some of the more stressful situations she'd been having to deal with at work lately. The entire hour was consumed in this fashion, and I was once again left confused as well as curious as to what her motives and intentions truly were.

As the weeks came and went, our discussions remained professional. Yet with each passing week, Emily became bolder and bolder in her obvious masturbatory fantasy, if that's indeed what she was doing here. I, on the other hand refused to acknowledge what she was doing, or mention it. My thoughts being that this was some sort of test, or manipulation on her part which was the actual root of whatever problems she was actually dealing with. I was of the opinion that this blatant display of touching herself in front of me, all the while maintaining a total and complete professional-like conversation was finally going to result in one of those really interesting physiological evaluations that I had not had the opportunity to really get into up until now.

Admittedly, seeing this very beautiful woman lying on my couch, occasionally touching and caressing her breasts, or reaching down to bunch her skirt up, sliding her hand down inside her panties to finger herself was having its affect on me. I would find myself staring at her, forgetting what it was we'd been discussing for a moment, and worse, realizing that I would quite often be sitting there with a raging hard-on.

After nearly eight full weeks of this, I decided to change direction and confront her directly on the issue. Figuring that perhaps bringing it out in the open after all this time, that we'd finally begin discussing the real reason she was seeking therapy.

And... after the previous week I felt it was time anyway. It had been the first time that I'd seen Emily actually reach orgasm. And though I was fairly certain she hadn't faked it, I wasn't THAT positive she simply hadn't escalated this weird little game she was playing to a higher level, and I wasn't about to let her continue to try and control our sessions in this way any further without getting to the bottom of it.

I allowed Emily to make herself comfortable as she was now doing before each session began. She'd hung up her jacket, taken off her shoes, and had even reached up and undone a couple of the upper buttons on the blouse she was wearing. I waited until she'd positioned herself on the couch, expecting her to once again begin touching herself at any moment.

"Emily?" I began. "I think we need to discuss your masturbating during our sessions together."

For the first time she actually turned on her side and looked over the armrest at me. Something she'd never done before in all the weeks we'd been together. I saw a very wide, very beautiful smile spread across her face.

"Well Doc. It's about time. I was starting to wonder when you were finally going to ask me about it."

Frankly, I've had one or two patients in the past who've tried to put one over on me. But usually I figured it out long before they ever realized I had, and removed them from my active client list. In this instance however, I hadn't seen it coming, probably because I'd been so damn distracted by what had been going on, in addition to her being so fucking beautiful.

Emily had the upper hand for the time being, as I continued to ponder how I was going to respond to that. And the last thing I wanted to reveal to her was that she really was the one in control here at the moment.

She didn't give me the chance to respond as she suddenly sat up on the couch swinging her legs back around and placing them on the floor which put her facing me.

"It's very simple really. And don't feel bad that you were having trouble trying to figure out what was wrong with me. To be honest with you, nothing ever was."

"I'm not sure I understand." I told her truthfully. "Why don't you explain it to me?"

Emily reached up and pulled the pins from her luxurious black hair and allowed it to fall naturally well past her shoulders where it lay upon her breasts, highlighting the fullness of them and drawing my attention rather pointedly towards her chest.

"You see... I told my best friend Gail who's another patient of yours that I had this fantasy. Always have had it, but never had the opportunity or the inclination to ever do anything about it until I saw your picture on the back of one of the books you've written. When I learned that Gail was seeing you, I told her that I finally wanted to indulge myself, and finally get to enjoy my fantasy. Which basically was to simply masturbate in front of a good-looking Psychiatrist, knowing that he wouldn't or possibly couldn't do anything to try and involve himself with me. That wasn't apart of my fantasy... then."

I felt myself lean back, half expecting the chair to rock backwards, and then remembering it was a straight stiff-backed chair with no give. Emily saw the awkward movement and laughed.

Reaching up she began to slowly unbutton the remaining buttons of her blouse as she continued looking at me, smiling.

"It wasn't a matter of money for me obviously. I'd have paid any going rate just to satisfy this silly little desire of mine. Sitting here week after week, getting the courage to be able to lose my inhibitions, and allow myself to finally and completely enjoy myself in front of you as I've been doing, was worth every penny I've spent. So you see... there really isn't anything wrong with me. You've even told me so yourself in not so many words. Discussing the day-to-day issues, stress, work related problems, hell... we all go through and experience those. I'm no different. And I handle them just fine. But this was something I needed and have been wanting to do for as many years as I can remember."

Emily had finished undoing her blouse and now pulled it off allowing it to fall to the floor as she stood up off the couch.

"Listen Doc," she began in that almost too familiar expression she'd been using to address me of late. "I know a number of women who would love to simply tell someone about their fantasy's, about their dreams, kinks, quirks, desires, whatever, but without reproach, without recrimination, and without judgment. Sometimes just telling someone about some deep dark secret fantasy is as good as actually experiencing the fantasy itself. Only in my case... it was doing it, knowing all the while that you were watching me doing it, and wondering about it without ever saying anything. And especially after last week when I finally was able to achieve an orgasm in front of you, and then leaving afterwards without your ever saying a word to me about it. It simply couldn't have been any more perfect."

She stood in front of me now in her white lace bra, and began to pull down on the zipper of her skirt. I felt powerless to do or say anything, wanting to hear what she was telling me, and not wanting to. Stunned, and surprised that I could be so duped by this beautiful intelligent woman, and yet curiously pleased, flattered in a way... that I had been.

"So I guess this is our final session," she began.

I watched as she slowly pulled the zipper of her skirt down until she allowed it to fall down around her feet. Emily wasn't wearing any panties, just a garter holding up the sheer nylon stockings she'd been wearing. I didn't know if she'd planned on masturbating even more openly this week than she had the previous by the intimate lingerie she was wearing, but I now found myself rather disappointed that I had confronted her this early in the session.

"And please, don't be too upset with me. I know you really thought you were trying to help me, and you did! But just not in the way that you thought you were."

Emily now reached behind, unhooking her bra and allowed it to fall a slight ways down her arms before catching it and holding it against herself, the movement revealing just the tips of two very alluring looking areola's that peeked out of the top of that lacy garment so teasingly.

I was still sitting about as straight backed in my chair, as it was possible to do. I had an enormous erection at the moment, and almost looked down at myself, though I was almost afraid to look at what I would find there. Of all the days to wear beige slacks.

"So now that its over, and now that I won't be coming to see you as my therapist any more, I don't suppose you'd be interested in one more little fantasy of mine, would you?"

Emily let the bra fall. And I sat staring at two of the most precious, full rounded breasts I'd ever seen before in my life.

I don't even remember standing up when I did. About the only thing I did remember later was the curious wide-eyed look on Emily's face as I stood, and following her eyes as they moved down to where I knew my erection was bulging inside of my slacks. That and the obvious wet-spot that I also knew I was revealing to her. As I moved over towards my desk, I didn't even try to cover up my condition. And almost proudly I strode across the room and pushed the intercom button on my telephone.


"Yes Dr. Edwards." I heard Jamie respond in her business voice.

"Would you go ahead and pull Ms. Fredrickson's file? We've completed her therapy, so she will no longer be a patient here. Go ahead and bill her for the hour, but we're going to tie up some loose ends, so we'll be here for a while, but I won't charge her for the extra time ok?"

"Yes Dr." I heard her say again.

It wasn't unusual for me to do that with patients once in a while, so I was confident that Jamie wouldn't question anything. But as I continued to look over towards Emily who was once again sitting down on the couch and sensually caressing herself, I added.

"Oh Jamie? One more thing, when you're done with that, go ahead and take the rest of the afternoon off. I'll make sure to lock up everything."

There was a pregnant pause as I was almost sure there would be. It was rare that I allowed Jamie to go home early without previously planning for it. Perhaps it wasn't the wisest thing to do, and might even leave her wondering about it since she had access to patient files, and did all of my dictation. She knew of Emily's strange masturbation behavior, and might be putting the pieces together as we spoke. But I was allowing my cock to think for me at the moment, and almost laughed boyishly when Jamie finally responded back to me.

"Thank you Dr." Another pause, "Is there anything else?"

"No Jamie, that will be all."

I clicked off the intercom, turning and heading towards the couch.

Emily reached up; rubbing the wet-spot on my slacks, making it worse, and gently ran a sharp nail over the protruding bulge she found there. Standing above her, Emily then began to unfasten my belt as I in turn reached down and began to gently finger one of her amazingly hard nipples.

A second or two later with my cock finally free, I felt her warm succulent mouth envelop it and begin a therapy session designed to relieve a little stress that I'd been dealing with as of late.

"Well now that I'm no longer treating you," I said

Emily removed her mouth from my cock long enough to look up at me and interrupt what I was saying.

"That it's my turn to treat you for a change?"

I smiled back. "Well sort of, but I was about to tell you how beautiful a woman you really are. And that's not exactly something we usually tell our patients."

Emily knelt before me slowly stroking my slippery cock, and delighting me with the most exquisite sensations imaginable.

"So tell me Doc, just how many times DID you run off and masturbate after I'd left your office anyway?"

"Every time." I told her. "Every fucking time."

After Emily and I had thoroughly fucked each other's brains out, we lay together in a sweaty heap upon my leather couch.

"So Doc, what do you think of my idea anyway?"

"What?" I said, still trying to fight through the fugue I was in.

"You know, getting out of this "Shrink" business, and maybe getting into something a whole lot more interesting and exciting. Like what I was telling you about. Letting women, and maybe even men, come in and tell you all about their most secret intimate fantasy's. You could discuss them with them, maybe even give them some assurances that it's ok to wonder about things, no matter how kinky or bizarre they may be."

Emily sat up suddenly excited, the thoughts of my starting this kind of a business already giving her new ideas.

And all I could see was the gentle sway of her ripe luscious melons just settling back into place when she rose.

I wasn't seriously considering her ideas of course. But I wasn't quite ready for her to get up and simply walk out of my life either. Not without one more good-bye fuck at least.

"Well, I certainly couldn't work out of this office anymore," I left off saying.

"No, it wouldn't work here either." Emily said agreeing with me. And I was delighted to watch those perfect tits of hers happily agreeing with both of us.

"We'd have to find you a new location to work out of. Oh, and unless you're really attached to... Jamie is it?"

Dumbfounded, I sat looking at her and listening. She really was serious, and I was starting to think about it. Especially when she reached over in mid sentence and once again began stroking my cock back to life.

"Jamie... ah, no. Not really. She's a good administrative assistant, but I don't think she'd go in for taking that type of 'dick-tation'", I jokingly punned.

Emily laughed, squeezed my penis even tighter and began playing with it all the while continuing to talk to me.

"You know, my niece Daniel, 'Danny" we call her actually, would be perfect for the job! She's open minded, intelligent, so nothing would bother her at all. Plus... she knows how to keep a secret, trust me in that... I know. And most importantly, she's also very, very attractive. And that would go along way in helping you as well."

"Yeah... as in driving away the less attractive looking clients?" I asked her kiddingly.

Emily quit playing with my cock as though seriously pondering the dilemma I'd just given her.

"I was just kidding Emily."

"No... no, you might have a point there," she replied, though thankfully she began stroking me once again. Then her face brightened and she happily began jerking my cock up and down with the excitement of her solution. And suddenly... I was really happy about that too.

"I know! We just make sure she doesn't dress up too provocatively for work is all. You do want someone attractive sitting outside of your office. It say's something about YOUR virility. And you want to keep the customers coming back."

"And cumming." I joked once again, but not out of any effort on my part to be humorous. The point was, I was suddenly a little embarrassed as my cock began squirting streamer after streamer of hot pleasurable cum cream into the air.

"Hmmm," Emily said licking off her fingers. "Now we can REALLY have a nice long session together."

"What about what we were discussing?" I asked, biding for a little more time, after all, I'd just erupted in hugh explosion that would take me more than a mere few seconds to recover from.

"I've got a couple of pretty good property's I've been showing to people. One of which I think would be just perfect for you. I'll take you by there tomorrow and let you see it and tell me what you think. And tonight, I'll call Danny and have her set up an appointment with you."

"Maybe you'd better give me her number and we'll meet someplace. I'm not so sure that Jamie would appreciate meeting her replacement just yet."

"You know John," Emily said, using my name for the first time. "Maybe this isn't such a good idea after all."

Surprised, I looked at her questioningly. But she was grinning with a wonderfully mischievous look on her face.

"I might get a little jealous thinking of you fucking my niece."

"Oh? And why would I do that?" I asked her.

"When you see her, you'll know. And besides, you need to give her the proper interview to prove to yourself that she is the type of woman you're looking for, for this kind of business don't you?"

"I suppose," I said teasing her back. And was equally surprised to feel my cock twitch with renewed excitement over the prospect.

"Ahhhh, I thought that might interest you," she said taking my cock and placing it at the opening of her sex as she climbed over the top of me.

"Now Doc," Emily said, once again lapsing back into the old familiarities. "I think it's time you fucked me, and fuck me really long and hard this time. It might have to last me for a while."

Emily placed my reawaked prick into her sopping wet cunt and slid it into heaven.

"Let's play... Doctor!" She giggled happily.

So we did.

The next day we went out to look at possible locations. And two weeks after that, I moved in. Emily did all the interior design as well, giving the place a relaxed, cozy atmosphere, but a mysterious one too. She said it would help my clients to better imagine things and fantasize, and allow themselves the freedom to speak honestly and openly to me.

She was also right about Danny too. And though I hadn't fucked her... yet. I could see what she meant about her. Danny was young, but obviously experienced. She had long blonde hair that reached easily to her waist. Though her breasts certainly weren't nearly as large as Emily's, they were young, perky and stood up stiff and straight without any help at all from a bra. And though that would certainly change in a few years, I could only think that I might be lucky enough to enjoy the transfiguration from one admiration to another as they matured and took on that other look that I actually preferred.

I had interviewed Danny after giving considerable thought to just what type of business I was actually getting myself into. I decided to drop the M.D. after my name. For some reason, being a Sex Doctor wasn't quite what I had in mind when going through school. Additionally, I didn't display the many certificates I'd previously had hanging on my wall either. And though that had also been Emily's suggestion, I'd not planned on showing them anyway. The feeling was, that we didn't want the setting to appear too clinical, or too formal. The whole idea was to invite people to allow me to enter their most private thoughts and fantasies, and then let things sort of guide us from there.

To be honest, I really had no idea initially what to expect from all this. Nor did I think that it would be that easy to attract the type of clients that I wanted to either. I certainly didn't want just ANYONE coming into my office. I DID want normal every day people yes... but people who weren't exactly crazy, or morbidly neurotic walking in through the door.

I'd hired an additional staff to work off premise and do whatever research might be needed. That was mainly precautionary against any run-ins with the law, or people who might find my new line of work threatening for one reason or another. Everyone was to be thoroughly checked and verified before I took him or her on as clients. Confidentiality was primary, and everyone who worked for me would submit to periodic polygraph testing to ensure that client privileges were assured.

Once everything was in place, the hardest part remaining was to attract the type of people or individuals we were looking for, that... and trying to decide what I was going to call myself. I still hadn't figured that one out yet.

Emily had already contacted a few people she knew who were more than interested in that particular type of therapy. Word of mouth, and cautious referrals would give me a base to work with, but getting continual new clients would be a little more difficult. We decided to advertise in a largely underground student newspaper off campus. That would get the word out to the younger set. Emily had a few contacts in higher places, and would discreetly get the ball rolling in that direction. Even Danny had a few additional ideas to offer, so all in all things were pretty well set.

When Danny caught her first glimpse of the new office and where it was she'd be working, she was excited as hell and wandered through each and every one of the therapy-theme rooms that Emily had decorated and created. That WAS one of her ideas after all, and it made perfect sense. A different room for a different mood, and each one could be easily redecorated as we discovered which rooms worked better than others. Plus, it would keep everything fresh and interesting if we changed them around from time to time.

"This is so incredibly erotic!" Danny exclaimed appreciatively.

"I know what we'll call you." Emily said

"What?" I asked.

"Doctor Erotic! That's how we'll advertise you, and get the word out. Doc Erotic..." Emily said turning the thought once again in her mind, getting a feel for it.

"Yes... that might work." I agreed. "If nothing else, it will certainly tell people what I'm about, and hoping to accomplish won't it?"

"And, you still get to be a Doctor too!" Danny added.

Winking at her, "Yes... but I only play one in the office."

"That sounds naughty!" Danny quipped back. "But I always did like playing Doctor when I was a little girl."

"Damn!" Emily said somewhat alarmed.


"We SHOULD have designed ONE of the rooms to look like a Doctor's office at least! I never thought of that."

Laughing, I assured her. "Don't worry Emily, we've got plenty of time to think about redecorating. Let's see how the rooms we do have turn out first before we start worrying about changing them."

"I'll get started on the business cards." Danny suggested. "Oh... and we're going to need some horny looking letterhead and stationary too."

"Horny looking?" I asked looking at Emily.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure nothing gets printed up before we've both had a chance to look at it first ok?"

"Yeah, I could just see it. A picture of a cock standing there with a stethoscope hanging around it's little neck."

"You know, that's not such a bad idea." Emily said musing it over.

And it was about that time that I took her by the hand and led her back into the Blue Room, one of my personal favorites as I liked the soothing colors, like floating amongst the clouds and dreaming, sensually exploring and touching base with my own erotic desires and imaginations.

And besides, I was incredibly horny at the moment too.

"Where are the two of you headed off too?" Danny asked curiously.

"Ah, we were just about to try out one of the rooms," I replied honestly to her.

"Mind if I come?" She asked us.

"Come? Or Cum..." I replied winking.

"You might as well John. You knew it was going to happen sooner or later anyway."

"You don't mind?" I asked incredulously

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this for the world!" Emily shot back.

So together, the three of us entered into the Blue Room that had nothing more than a comfy chair for me to sit in when I was busy 'working', and a large cushiony air-mattress that appeared to be floating up off the floor as wisps of vaporous clouds seemingly floated about the room, all a result of some highly technical visual aids that had been incorporated into the design.

"Sit in your chair." Emily instructed me. "You might as well get used to it."

Taking Danny off to one side, I watched as she spoke to her, whispering and Danny's face suddenly lit up with surprise and a tiny bit of what I took to be embarrassment. But just as suddenly, she turned towards her aunt and began helping her to remove her clothing. Once Emily was undressed, she in turn began removing Danny's clothes until I was eventually treated to two perfect Angels standing there in front of me.


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Me resmi kuch din se bahut paresan thi aur us raat to mujhe nind hi nahi aa rhi.Karib tin baj chuke the lekin meri aankhe jaise kisi ka entezar kar rhi.Kisi tarah subah hua aur me toilet gae.Fir fresh ho k nasta banane lagi.Kuch der k bad mera husband varun utha aur roz ki tarah job k liye tayar hone laga.Varun ek bank me cashier tha.Me varun k liye nasta le k room me gae aur woh beth k nasta karne laga.Varun bola ki aaj raat ko ek party me jana h to tum tayar rehna.Thodi der k bad woh bank k...

4 years ago
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Why Irsquom a Slut Haleyrsquos Story pt1

I’ve always wanted to write about who I am and why I am who I am! This started from a doublelist post, as I wanted to explain why I was looking for who I am looking for! Story is true, and it gets better in chap 2!Bob,Thank you for sharing with me. It’s difficult to sort thru the BS on a “looking for sex” site...imagine that! My story is long, many twists and turns, like yours I suppose.My story starts very young. I was always a chronic masturbator, remember my mother taking me to the doctor...

3 years ago
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Morning Love

Every day has been like a dream for the past two years. A happy dream where everybody wakes up refreshed and ready for the next day. Today was like any other, waking up to Reveille after another restful night, Mark and Alycia stirred in the morning light that poured through the bedroom window. Today was Saturday and neither of them had anywhere to be at any particular time. Rolling over towards Mark, Alycia propped herself on her elbows and she leaned in and gently kissed his lips. He sleepily...

2 years ago
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Two DiariesChapter 8 Hell is Certain Other People

Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, It was hard to sleep worrying about Clara’s visit. The whole night, I tossed in bed, hoping she would be in one of her rare good moods. Unlike the twins, who were always about as nasty, Clara would very occasionally show me a little bit of kindness. On the other hand, when I caught her in a bad mood, she would get a lot meaner; worse than they could ever be, and more creative about it. I was doing my best not to think of it, but as the week passed it became...

1 year ago
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A Passionate Encounter With A Designer From Pub To Bed In Bangalore

Hello folks!! This is Pavan working in a reputed MNC in Bangalore and basically from Hyderabad. This is my second story in ISS and I am huge follower of this site. Infact I prefer this site more than any other porn sites as it is a platform for many of the realistic experiences which turns on anyone big time. I only say I’m a cute guy with decent looks and who respect women and their preferences a lot, no matter where it is. As i believe respecting women is the biggest trait any guy would need...

3 years ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 17

"So how am I supposed to address a Wizard?" Angelina asked with a bit of apprehension. "I imagine you would address him just as you have been addressing me," Dale replied. "But that was before I knew you were a Wizard. Now that I know, isn't it a bit disrespectful to not use some formal title or something?" she questioned. "Look at it this way: I'm still Dale to you Angelina, and if I wanted just anyone to know that I am a wizard or mage or whatever other name defines my...

2 years ago
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Sally And DukeChapter 6

As he entered the swinging door of the bank, Ray Denham was keeping his fingers crossed, mentally. In recent days he had come to understand that he was hoping to acquire the drugstore almost as much for his wife Sally's sake as for his own. At the party they had attended at the country club, she had been so different... and it was only then he had realized how routine and boring her life must have been since he brought her here to Quiggville. The excitement of an evening out had brought a...

2 years ago
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Corentin has been great in my neighborhood

After about a week of being stuck at the house I was needing to be fucked by someone besides my tiny dick fast fucking husband. The more I thought about it the wetter my fat pussy got my husband was standing at the window and I heard him say damn you're not the only one who's horny. Neighbor across the street is checking the mail wearing nothing but a tight shirt and a pair of panties which is all in her pussy. Bullshit I jumped up saying taking a look for my self & sure enough there she...

2 years ago
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Not Your Average JoeChapter 4 CIP Testing Time

"Joe, according to our records you have not submitted to CIP testing as yet?" the AI questioned. "That is correct. Since I just turned fourteen today, I really didn't see the point of taking it before now. My parents felt it would be better to wait until I'm older before getting tested," I explained. "While it's usually a good idea for young people to adhere to their parents' wishes, the decision of when to get tested is entirely up to you, as of today. "As I'm sure you are...

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Asian Mom Step Son

“How is it possible for one little girl to create this much mess!” I thought to myself while I spent another morning picking up clothe and trash from my daughter’s room. I loved my daughter Jessie, but she’s not a little k** anymore and needs to learn to clean up after herself. I looked around her room and was met with nothing but untidiness; her bed unmade with pillows on the floor and a bed sheet clinging on to dear life of her mattress, a desk covered from coloring books to magazine...

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WeFuckBlackGirls Sizi Sev 12042017

Sizi Sev has had a crush on her white boy neighbor ever since he moved into the neighborhood. When she saw the moving trucks in front of her place, Sizi realized it was now…or never. She’s wanted to fuck her hot neighbor for so long, and this is her chance. Sizi finds him in the backyard, stressed out of his mind, yelling into the phone. The movers screwed up, and Sizi knows this is the perfect time to help alleviate his stress! Sizi makes the first move, and it doesn’t take...

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Show Good Chapter 5 LOVE HIM

It seemed as if every time I made love to Cody a more sensitive and romantic guy emerged and once I had sex with him I couldn’t get enough. It was like a craving for Cheese Doritos where you start out with a modest handful, then your fingers get all sticky minutes later the sac is empty you’re on the ground in a cheese induced c*** with a fuck me smile dripping off your face. Yup! That about sums it up, every time I got a glimpse of Cody’s pecks, the curve in his back or his sweaty balls...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Kendra Spade Saints and Sinners

Kendra Spade fantasizes about how slutty a girl she can be. She is tired of being such a one man girl. She wants to branch out and get more cock. Bigger cock, darker meat. She dreams she sends out a message on social media for a gorgeous black man to show up at her house and let himself in. Once inside her room, he can do whatever he wants with her. Face-fuck her, pound her pussy, eat her asshole, jam his huge cock up her ass. Orgasm after orgasm awaits her as she is rewarded with a face full...

4 years ago
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The boys in the group Pt2

The boys in the group Pt2: The meeting...My first time was with my best friend, later known as my boyfriend named Mark. It happened by chance one day after scuool, back at his parents house and he told me to keep it a secret afterwards. Mark even made me promise not to tell any of the other boys in the group, afraid that they might over react so I didn't.We all started hanging out together as a group again during my last year in highh scuool. After a long while of Mark and me doing things in...

3 years ago
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my love affair with a younger man

About six months after I met him, we discussed the feeling that he had for me and I shared mine with him. I had thoughts that invaded my sleep most nights. Thoughts that I should never have had in the first place but you can’t control your thoughts. Just your actions. He told me that he had fantasized about me often when he was drifting off to sleep and had masturbated many times to them. I told him that, that was as far as they could go but I knew it wasn’t going to be...

1 year ago
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It finally Happened

I find myself staring thinking is this really happening, then low and behold the towel hits the floorIt's early October and I arrive home to an empty house. Some time to myself as my girlfriend Jane wont be home for a couple of hours, and both her mum and dad are out too. I decide to head to the garden and cut the grass before it gets dark. Half way through and I hear Jane's mum Julie pull up out front. A few moments later I notice her moving around in her bedroom window. Julie wasn't your...

1 year ago
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AshaChapter 5

Asha was delighted that her sex life was getting better by each day. That day itself she had been thrillingly fucked six times by three men; four of them by her own father. The next day would be Saturday. She started to think about her sister's husband. He was 47 and looked virile. She desired him. Saturday morning Asha woke up late. She was well rested. Thinking of all the fucking of the previous day, she got aroused. After lunch, she bathed and put on what Mr. Manish had bought for her,...

4 years ago
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Kristen And The Girls On A Retreat Part 1

I was walking towards Nina’s office and I saw Bernice coming. Her skirt was shorter than usual, and her blouse was tight-fitting. Her beautiful legs caught my attention as she was swaying lightly.“Good morning Bernice, you look lovely.”She leaned in to hug and kiss me on the cheek. I detected the faint odor of Nina’s perfume.“I am doing well and was coming from Nina’s office to drop off some papers. It is no secret that I just love eating her pussy first thing in the morning. It helps to keep...

3 years ago
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A Passion for Penny Chapter 2

A Passion for Penny – Chapter 2 © Suburban Sinner 2007   This is the continuing story of a true life affair between two close family friends. Its passionate beginning is told in my first story - A Passion for Penny – which has been more controversial than I had ever imagined it could be.For those who haven't read Part 1, Penny and I are both in our early forties, married (though not to each other) and each of us has two teenage children. Penny is a highly educated...

Wife Lovers
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Solarium in Winter 3 of 3

For the first time in months, Jackie was staying home Sunday night. She needed to be alone. Sipping her beer, she pointed the remote at the television and turned the sound up. Cheers filled her apartment, over scored only by the announcers’ halting sentences. Cam had been a great fuck and the addition of his little girlfriend or whatever she was to him was interesting. Dramatic and sexy. But never had she felt more lonely than when she went home alone that night. She hadn’t wanted Cam to...

Love Stories
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Rock the CradleChapter 2

Jasmine is standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom brushing her long hair, dressed in only a black lace bra and black lace panties. She stops to look over her tight body. She’s nearly an adult and almost out of high school. Speaking of adults, her mind slips to the day before in Mr. Thomas’ classroom. For a man over thirty, he is definitely hot! Ever since Uncle Markus, Jasmine has been into older men. Mr. Thomas wasn’t her first older man since her uncle, no way! She has seduced...

1 year ago
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The Shaw Family

?? ? ? ? ?The tea cup in my hand was probably worth more than my car in the driveway. It was a grand circular driveway of course. I loved the car though; it was an old old Chevy Cavalier, bright yellow. People on the street were always waving at me, trying to hail a cab. I felt popular. I got to hand it to the Shaw family, they were one good looking bunch of people. All three sons inherited their height, manner and masculine good looks from Dr. Donald Shaw, one of the world's most famous...

3 years ago
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Diaries of Ceres and Taliya Part Six

Oh, what a week it had been for me.   After getting a severe spanking for thinking contrary to Master John and Mistress Julia’s wishes [as if this girl knew what went on in the mind of a Dom/Domme!]   Mistress Denise spent a long time talking with my Master John.   They came to an agreement which was not to my liking: I had to spend more time being trained, or retrained, or whatever they wanted to call it.   Bottom line: I was being uprooted, leaving my home of the last seven months, and...

2 years ago
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Terror in the Snowstorm Ch 03

A further chapter in the story of the unlikely relationship between the beautiful blond heiress, Tara Hawthorne, and me, Seth Johnson, a poor kid from the wrong side of the tracks, during Christmas break in our sophomore year in college. At the time, Tara was nineteen, and I was twenty. You will have to read the first two parts of this story to understand this one. Warning: As is usually the case with my stories, this one is pretty long. ____________________ After I had gone soft in Tara’s...

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Quinceanera A Mind Meld Story

THE QUINCEANERA PARTY - A MIND MELD STORY BY JANICE (I meld to a Mexican girl having her Quinceanera, a Mexican ritual for girls on their fifteenth birthday; it is a sort of coming out party, or coming of age. For more information, look it up like I did. [Mind meld - Ron Baxter is a sixteen year old quadriplegic who has the power to enter peoples mind and either control them or just be a passenger, and just go...

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Julies Workplace Halloween Party

Julie was looking at herself in the mirror dressed in her skin tight leather cat woman suit. She looked very sexy in the costume checking out how the costume tightly squeezed her ass and was so tight you could see her camel-toe. Her breasts looked as if they were going to break the costume open at any moment due to it squeezing them so tightly. She wore black extra high heels which caused her butt and chest to stick out so far her body adopted a curvy S shape just when standing. Lastly, she put...

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Luna rubbed her eyes as she woke to the sun shining on her beautiful face. She slowly got up from her bed and headed toward her bathroom for a shower. Luna pulled her pajama top off exposing her soft firm tits and her large nipples. She pulled her tiny panties off and she looked at herself in the mirror. At the age of 18 she was beautiful her long blond hair almost looked white fell past her hips. Her big eyes were the brightest green anyone had ever seen she almost looked supernatural. She ran...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Jessa Rhodes Piper Perri Good Little Girl Part Five

Charity is back at her scheme, regardless of Mr. Chase’s threats. She knows his deepest darkest secret, and soon, Bookworm will too. Charity puts on a display for Bookworm, accusing her stepdad of attacking her, but bookworm knows she needs to find out the truth for herself. She barges into her stepdad’s room, to find him in the midst of blowing his load all over her mother’s photograph. She falls to her knees hoping the accusations can’t be true, and Mr. Chase just...

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A whole new world

Enter the name for the main character yourself. The score system is not fully implemented yet. Chapter 1: The Hospital John Doe opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was a flash of bright white light. It hurt. Where am I? What happened? He wondered. A few moments passed until his brain started to keep up. He remembered his birthday party. He was out in the backyard, playing some football/soccer with his friends as he got hit by the ball in the head. He must have blacked out. Damn it. I'm...

4 years ago
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Bleach sister revised

Hello. My name is Karin Kurosaki and I have problem. Lately I have been having strange feelings for my twin sister, Yuzu. I don't know when it started, but since it did it won't go away. We are both 12 years old, about 4'10”, black hair, blue eyes, and a chest that is just starting to form. It scares me, because every time I look at her now my heart skips a beat and I get these strange feelings between my legs, I don't understand it. I've never felt this way before and I'm not sure...

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Stranger falling in love with her daughter

I answered a Craigslist ad asking for help on adjusting to a woman’s husband’s request to start being nude. I suggested going to a local nude beach and check things out. That didn’t really fly. She said her husband wanted to be nude at home, in front of her and their daughter. Okay. That’s not unheard of. I asked if he walks around with a full erection. She said sometimes. But, mostly semi hard. I asked if her daughter knew about all this. She said they had the sex talk years ago. Besides she...

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DaftSex Art Porn

Ladies, have you ever felt that porn was just too hardcore for you these days? Does it feel that most of the porn is just catering to guys and their fantasies? Fear not, because there is some porn out there that I do think you’ll enjoy a lot. Specifically, I am talking about art porn and this is basically a genre of porn that is pretty close to what erotica has to offer. So, if you like erotica, you’re probably going to love art porn. You might even love it more than you like erotica. Art porn...

Porn for Women Sites
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Breeding Lord Ablington an heir

Tommy Goodfellow had stopped by on his way to Abbotsford on that Tuesday morning to tell us as he knew of my former acquaintance with Lady Ablington I felt a mixture of emotions. Lord Ablington had recently wooed and then married my childhood sweetheart one Miss Amy Merry of whom I remained immensely fond, one could not blame her, Ablington owned most of the village and plenty more besides while my family while not impoverished were some two to three classes lower them in the social...

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Total Woman Journal 04

Ned strolled the house, passing a couple of his attendees lounging in the living room. Their faces lit up at his entrance, freshly energized as he echoed their eager greetings. Ned felt his own palpable temptation to the girls’ eager reactions. They placed themselves in their most approachable postures and asked if there was anything, anything at all, that he needed. They had satisfied his initial meeting fantasy and were obviously competing for a sooner than scheduled follow up round. ‘Not...

1 year ago
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My Fall To Grace Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven - Dinner With Grace Once I assembled everything I needed from my house, I departed for Grace's apartment. Luckily, I was driving against the grain of the evening D.C. traffic, so it didn't take long to make the trip. Walter greeted me as I entered the lobby. "Good evening Danni," he called out cheerfully. "Ms. Andrews said you'd be by tonight. I'll take you up." We walked together across the lobby toward the elevator bank. "You and Ms. Andrews are spending a...

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Nikki My New Neighbour

 It was hard work for a single girl to move in on her own. She needed a man to help her. But wasn’t I too old?I was working nights, so I was in bed still regenerating myself for the night’s boring shift at the fun factory. Well that’s what the women there liked to call it. However, I was awoken by the sound of a large lorry reversing up my driveway.“Stand clear… vehicle reversing…”… shouted the automated voice from the lorry. The driver seemed to be having difficulty manoeuvring his vehicle...

Quickie Sex
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There Can Be Only One Chapter 10

There Can Be Only One Chapter 10I lay on the bed gently stroking my erect cock through the waistband of my shorts. I can’t believe the control I had got over mum…and so quickly. It had been less than 12 hours ago. I had switched on the computer, but with no intention of sending any e-mails. Even though I was enjoying my control over my mother, I had no intention of hurting her… she was my mother and I loved her as a son. The ten minutes seemed to last an eternity at the thought of what I would...

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Initium NovumChapter 4

Floyd and Freida met with Robert, telling him that even with the revised numbers the Ozone Layer was still letting way too much of the UV A&B rays reach Earth. If they were to wait for nature to correct the problem it could take decades. Even though the majority of the things that had caused the thinning of the Ozone Layer were no longer produced, the atmosphere was still loaded with CO2 and CFCs. The CO2 would be lowered significantly if the world temperature were lowered two to three...

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Honkytonk HeroChapter 24

As with every adversity he’d encountered since leaving the hospital, Tommy learned from his trip to Houston. He had answered the question he had about dealing with strangers, and he’d met some wonderful new friends. Sure, he’d had the misfortune to run into Roger Taylor, but his not being smart with people had nothing to do with what Taylor did. Heck, Taylor had even fooled Paloma, and his slender friend had known him for longer than a year. Ruth said that in bigger cities, more people got...

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forced to cross dress on Halloween

Halloween is a great reason to show your submissive side and cross dress for your mistress. Other than writing these articles and stories, I also enjoy dominating my partner.This Halloween was no exception and I wanted to share this exciting day with you. Below you will find a story that is heavily based on the events that took place in my house this year.***I could tell he was anxious. Informing him about the Halloween party raised a lot of questions on his end which I skillfully either...

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