Amy Ch. 19 free porn video

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Three weeks later on a Saturday, the cast was readying for the road opening of West Side Story in Washington, D.C. just four days away.

The girls were taking a break and as usual Elsie, always the actress, was regaling Amy and Linda with the latest on her latest boyfriend.

‘We’re done,’ she said flatly. ‘I told Lorraine that he asked for her number. I just wasn’t psyched to assist this match, but the only thing more pathetic than girls mooning over uninterested guys are girls who sabotage other girls, even annoying ones, as part of some futile intra-sex competition. As usual, Lorraine spent several minutes obsessing over tan lines and diet. She’s bowstring-thin with auburn highlights — and don’t remind me Linda, I know Grady has this redhead fixation, but she’s no Firecrotch. This is a girl whose last boyfriend told me she wouldn’t scratch or massage his back because it would ruin her manicure. So let Grady have her and her listless leg-spreading.’

She threw her hands in the air to emphasize her next line. ‘Elsie’s sloppy seconds? Hmm, I don’t know if I like his nose,’ Lorraine said. ‘Which kills me because I love his nose and can think of plenty of places for it.’

She sighed adding to her little drama. ‘But I left Grady’s number with Lorraine before hanging up, fuck it, the bimbo can call him if she realizes her awesome luck.

Elsie looked directly at her two friends before continuing. ‘Anyway, I’ve hooked up with Mel again.’

Linda caught Amy’s eye and arched an eyebrow. Amy stifled a giggle, truly enjoying her moment with the two women.

Elsie went on. ‘Would you believe . . . I don’t know why I didn’t tell you this sooner, Linda, but Mel called from Club Med last Tuesday!’

Linda nudged Amy in the ribs with her elbow, as if to clue Amy in on Elsie’s next line.

‘I wanted to hear your voice,’ he said — and to make plans for Friday the day after I return.’ The shit reduced me to useless puddle of sap. I veered from toe-curling sex fantasies to sugary mental pix of couple-hood and back again for several hours.’

Linda was impressed: ‘You had what? One date and he’s asking you out from his Club Med vacation in the Caribbean?’

Elsie beamed at the two of them. ‘Yeah!’ she exclaimed and smacked her lips.

‘Jesus, Elsie,’ Linda said sarcastically, ‘If Mel had any more nerve, he could give my clitoris a run for its money.’

Elsie ignored the remark and continued on with her tale of the day. ‘So there I am, all buoyed up on Thursday ’cause we’re gonna meet in like in less than 24 hours, ya know?’

‘I’m feeling minimal pain when I practically mowed Grady down in the corridor. He began yapping about Lorraine again. So I bluntly informed him I’d already given Lorraine his number, told him the ball’s in her court. Grady tried to conceal his telltale face-fall and asked if I wanted to grab a latte somewhere. Told him I was on my way to meet a guy for dinner (never mind that it was my dad). I’ve no use for Lorraine’s ‘sloppy seconds,’ to borrow the charming girl’s phrase. Let Grady find some other consolation thighs.’

‘Ya know,’ Elsie opined reflectively, ‘I should really focus on my lines for today, but I just left Mel, who by the way, is cooked to a crisp from the Caribbean sun. So I’m decompressing. Last night he accompanied me to a photo exhibit I was dying to see, which scored major points because he’s no culture-vulture and simply wanted to make me happy. There was one mortifying moment, though: There we were, standing before a black-and-white, bird’s-eye-view nude photo of the artist’s lover, her face and breasts and tummy emerging proudly from the shadowy bedsheets. Mel’s behind me, his fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of my neck, when he remarked, at full volume: ‘She’s not that hot.’

‘Christ, he wasn’t even being ironic — he was dead serious! Everyone, including the gallery owner, shot us a look like we were beyond contempt, and I don’t blame them. I mean, he probably thinks the Mona Lisa has a dingy complexion. I know I sound like I’m unfairly harsh on the guy, but the incident underscored how disturbingly hung up on appearances he is. I mean, before that we watched the roller blader’s in the park, and Mel kept pointing out how this one had PMS — premature mammary sag — or how that one was packing the spandex with too much gut. He finally became so obnoxious that I told him I hoped he wasn’t spending this much energy secretly denouncing my flaws. He said I had nothing to worry about, because I’m as serious a gym rat as he is. Glad he wasn’t around a few years ago when I had my bout of exercise bulimia — his comments would’ve really cranked up my craziness.’

‘Anyway, after the gallery, we go to Mel’s place, and while we’re fooling around shirtless, Mel interrupts the proceedings to ask if I think he’s gotten more ripped over the past few weeks. I told him I hadn’t noticed, and when I explained that I didn’t feel ready to let things go any further tonight, he immediately hopped up to mix himself a protein drink. Oh, yeah, guy — if I’m not going for the mattress-springing, it must be because your lats can’t cut glass yet!’

Amy was sure Elsie had more to offer, but the choreographer waved them back with the other dancers and had them all run through their paces three times in rapid succession.

Amy, having finished her segment, wondered if they were feeling a time crunch here. Linda sauntered over to stand alongside Amy as the others number wound down.

‘I swear I’m gonna need oxygen after this number if we do it one more time.’

‘Tell me about it,’ Amy offered, by now feeling accepted by everyone in the cast. Although she suspected there were several cast members who didn’t like her one iota. Amy readily accepted that as part of being in the ‘Biz,’ as she was wont to say these days. She had found she had time and help from various members of the production team as well as the director to explore the inner dynamics and relationships between the characters. But the writing was so good that most of Amy’s scenes didn’t require that much work in order for them to be effective. But she worked through them just the same, sometimes finding it a little tedious, but more often finishing the day with a feeling of exhilaration at improving her performance level another notch.

The entire cast was now working at a collective rhythm. Amy found it a little odd, but very reassuring. She had learned from Anna, who had proven to be a sensational Maria, that sometimes that moment never materializes, and having attained it augured well for the musical when it opened.


Amy arrived back at John’s apartment hopeful that he would be there waiting for her. He had been out of town for several days and she missed him terribly. She was especially horny for it had been four nights without having had him enter her.

Eve was also out of town, visiting her grandmother, who worked as a maid in Cleveland, Ohio.

The doorman greeted Amy as was his custom, but this day he had a wider smile than usual as he said, ‘Evening, Miss Prentice,’ followed by a whispered, ‘Ya didn’t hear it from me, but Mr. Prentice is upstairs. He arrived an hour ago.’

‘Thank you! Elliott,’ she cried out joyfully and hugged him. Elliott watched as Amy took the elevator to her floor and then hastily made his way to the men’s room in the lobby to masturbate while he could still feel the imprint of her breasts on his chest.


‘It’s not fair John,’ Amy whispered contritely. ‘I’ve had three great climaxes since dinner . . . four if you count that horrible thing you did to me in the shower, and you’ve only had one. Tell me something I can do for you,’ she grinned wickedly and added, ‘My master.’

‘You should have more orgasms than me,’ John Prentice whispered back, ‘girls are designed that way. Guys are lucky to have two orgasms a day, maybe three. But girls can have multiple orgasms, th
ey can keep coming until they cannot stand another.’

‘Really?’ she said, surprised. ‘I’ve heard girls talk about multiple orgasms, but other than feeling absolutely wonderful, I didn’t think more than three was possible.’

‘How many did you just have?’ John inquired, already secure in the knowledge that it was probably four or more.’

‘Umm,’ Amy pretended to count them on her fingers, then went on to count her toes. Her giggles told him she was teasing.

‘Come on, how many?’ He prodded her with a finger to the ribs.

‘Ow! Don’t, that hurts!’ She blurted like a child might.

‘Answer me, come on, how many?’

‘Four! At least I think it was four, could it have been more?’

‘I don’t know,’ John replied, ‘You’re the one having them, shouldn’t you be counting? Or at least have an idea?’

‘Okay, it was four,’ she giggled, and gave him her winningest smile.

‘But I seem to have an easy time coming with you,’ Amy sighed, snuggling closer to him.

‘That’s because you’re my love slave. You’d be punished if you didn’t come for me,’ he joked. ‘Seriously, though, you come pretty easily for somebody with so little experience.’

‘Well, might that be because you make me feel so nasty and ever so sexy?’ Amy purred, contentedly. Then, as an afterthought, she added, ‘That was a very bad thing you did to me in the shower.’

‘You mean when I pushed my finger up your butt?’ John could sense Amy blushing in the darken bedroom.

‘Umm, you know, I can’t believe I let you do that to me!’

‘You didn’t let me do it. You’re my love slave, remember?’

‘Oh yes, I seem to remember taking that oath of servitude, but I didn’t sign anything and my agent told me that if it’s not signed . . .’ Amy made reference to the agent that John had introduced her to only the day before.

John shut her up with a kiss that grew in its intensity and it lasted quite a while.

Amy was smoldering when it ended and knew it had affected John the same way, for his appendage was growing ever larger against her thigh.

Her voice was dry with a thirst for sex. ‘I should be doing something to make you feel as wonderful as I feel,’ she said firmly and then took his finger and placed it between her fully ripened lips.

John groaned with the knowledge that Amy was rapidly headed for a meeting with several of his ‘other’ friends.

She moaned softly as she slid his finger quickly in and out of her mouth, reveling in the very texture of his flesh, sucking lightly, covering his digit with her saliva. Every third or fourth stroke Amy halted for a moment to lick the end of his finger in a circular motion.

Unbeknownst to Amy, John’s free hand was moving in another direction, a downward direction until his fingers became enmeshed in the still dampened tuft of hair just above her pussy. That brought a pleasurable moan to Amy’s lips and she lightly bit his finger, certain it would cause him no pain.

Playfully retaliating, he pulled his finger through a snag of tangled pubic hair causing Amy to moan a little louder and then hiss with pleasure as the finger slowly slipped inside her feathery-soft, juicy cunt. He worked the finger around her inner folds, gathering enough juice to make his finger slippery and then spread the moisture up the shallow groove of her pussy toward her clit. John settled into a steady rhythm, sliding his wet finger up and down her furrow, rubbing her pink clit ever so lightly with each passage.

Amy gasped and looked down between them. She gave a low moan as she watched his fingers disappear into the folds of her pussy, and then slowly reappear in the dim light. Her free hand reached down and grasped his arm, but she didn’t try to stop his hand from moving back and forth, back and forth.

His finger dropped from her mouth, for Amy’s jaw had fallen open as she entered a sexual stupor of sorts. She knew well enough where she was, but didn’t know how she had lost her sexual advantage over him. She had been so sure that he would be candy in her hands when the idea of sucking his finger crossed her mind. True, Amy was only eighteen, now and a young eighteen at that, but still, she had always been able to control her men . . . until John.

Amy squirmed slightly and moaned, ‘No, John!’ she hissed with an urgency that surprised him. ‘It’s not my TURN AGAIN!’

He reached out and took her left nipple between his thumb and forefinger and squeezed. Amy writhed with the pleasure that soared through her body.

After she finished moaning again, John whispered to her, ‘I say it IS your turn!’ Amy whimpered, closed her eyes, capitulating with his desire to bring her to yet another orgasm by leaning slowly forward until her forehead was resting on his shoulder, one hand on each of his knees.

He continued to finger her and a few short minutes later, Amy was laboring to capture sufficient air in her lungs to keep from blacking out. The pleasure was unbelievably good. John felt Amy was about to crest, for her breathing was labored, her breaths harsh and deep, and her hands still had his knees in a death grip.

He added two more fingers and felt her shudder. He plunged them into her furiously and the moments later the wave struck and Amy began grunting through her most powerful orgasm to date. Her hips were thrusting wildly and she turned her head and bit him hard on the neck. John straightened and grabbed a handful of her hair and, pulling her mouth away from him, looked down into her face – now twisted with a shameless pleasure. He kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth where it battled with her own eager, searching tongue as her orgasm continued to overwhelm her senses.

Moments later Amy broke the kiss to gasp desperately for air and brought her arms up, hugging John tightly around the neck. Within a minute her moans of pleasure began to subside and she laid her head on his shoulder, her breathing sounding harsh in his ear. John’s hand still cupped her sex, pressing softly, making only the tiniest of motions. After awhile, he fell back slowly, pulling Amy on top of him, and removed his hand from her warm, wet pussy. She looked down into his eyes.

‘Please fuck me, John!’ she pleaded, ‘I need you inside me NOW!’

John rolled on top of her and, lifting his upper body, reached between them for his manhood, now thick and throbbing. Amy spread her legs wide and instinctively tilted her hips up. He wet the head of his cock by rubbing it up and down her dripping slit, then fitted it into the mouth of her vagina.

‘NOW!’ she insisted, and he drove his entire weight down, spearing her to the hilt in one motion.

‘Ughhhhh!’ she grunted at the forceful impact.

Then it was his turn to groan as the slick warmth of her pussy encased his rampant prick.

Slowly he withdrew until just the head of his cock was inside her, then he dropped his weight again, impaling her, then slowly withdrew and did it again. Amy held her breath each time he made the slow withdrawal, then grunted as his ‘beautiful cock’ as she thought of it — split open her sensitive inner walls and the base of his cock pressed down on her straining clit. Amy began rocking her hips up to meet his assault, her hands locked on his upper arms.

John paused, but only to pull Amy’s legs up until her calves rested on his shoulders. The tilting of her body in this manner enabled him to attain an even deeper penetration, once this was accomplished he doubled the speed of his thrusts.

The feel of his urgent cock filling her then, pushing in to where pleasure is nearly pain, and soon she was uttering a high, ‘OH!’ each time his hips thumped home against her crotch.

‘OH! OH! OH! OH! OH!’ she cried, staring up at him wide-eyed.

‘Oh, I’m going to COME! She thought and wailed helplessly.

And finally she was arching up towards him, her hips thrusting, her eyes closed, her head thrown back. He could see her ful
l breasts jerk slightly each time he drove into her. Amy’s pussy seemed to squeeze his cock and the extra friction coupled with the excitement of watching her come brought him to the brink. His thrusts became even faster as he soared over the edge and began to burst inside her.

‘Come on baby!’

‘Come in me baby!’ She moaned coaxing him on.

Then Amy felt the change as his instrument of love suddenly swelled to even greater proportions and heard him cry out as his seed flowed into her pussy.

Her eyes opened and she began rolling her hips up to meet his. Suddenly Amy felt her release coming and finally the explosion that she felt the length of her body, in her brain, in her bones and veins, no boundaries, no borders right then between the two of them as lifted her to those heights from which she never wanted to leave, but did . . . eventually.

‘That’s right sweetie. Fill me up!’ she moaned, her voice a strained whisper as he collapsed forward onto her with a final cry, his hips still thrusting, although very weakly at this point.

Amy wrapped her arms and legs around him, soothing and caressing him with her hands, whispering in his ear. And he could feel her pussy lightly squeezing around his spent penis.

They lay that way for a long time, resting in an idyllic state. John finally rolled over so they were side by side, arms and legs still tangled, and they fell asleep.


The very next day Amy couldn’t wait to tell Linda and Elsie about her torrid love-making of the night before.

‘He felt like velvet in my mouth,’ she gushed, and both Linda and Elsie grew wet between the legs so enraptured was Amy in the retelling of what had transpired.

‘He kissed me raw for about a half hour and I couldn’t take anymore, he loved me until my hair was matted and my body dripping with sweat.’

‘My God, Amy!’ Elsie said, astonished that this young girl had had so many orgasms in one night and with one guy. ‘And it was, like just him? Not two or three guys taking turns?’

‘Elsie!’ Linda shouted and then realized that she was calling everyone’s attention to them. ‘I’m sorry Amy,’ she said, now whispering. ‘She shouldn’t have been so damn boisterous about it, ya know/’

‘It’s okay, I don’t mind. I feel so well fucked that I want the world to know so they can envy me.’

‘Well I for one envy the hell out of you,’ the cute blonde said.

‘I can see that,’ Amy giggled and pointed to Linda’s protruding nipples.

Elsie joined in the giggling, then said, ‘Seriously, since we’re telling stuff out of school here, why not tell Amy ’bout that time with Jeffie?’

‘Ya think?’ Linda replied, arching her eyebrows.

‘We got maybe twenty minutes left before the next part of rehearsal. Go on, tell her. If you forget something, I’ll fill in for ya.’

‘Jeffie?’ Amy mouthed to the girls.

‘Yeah,’ Elsie said, Jeffie, Jeff, what’s the difference?’

Linda jumped in with, ‘He’s a guy we both worked with a couple years ago when we spent half our time auditioning and the other half waiting tables at Marvin’s Grille, on 8th Avenue.’

‘Anyway,’ Elsie said, picking up the conversation, ‘Jeffie, Linda and me were having a couple of Apple Martini’s at Marvin’s after he’d closed for the night. I mean Jeffie closed the place up. There was no actual Marvin that I know of, you ever hear tell of him?’ She said, tossing the ball to Linda.

‘No, I think it was just a name the original owner picked when the place opened back in the early forties.’

‘Anyway,’ Elsie said, resuming her discourse, ‘we’re all half smashed and feeling good. At least I know I was,’ she glanced at Linda, who nodded and said, ‘Me too, go on.’

‘So someone mentioned the infamous ‘G’ Spot, I don’t recall if it was you Linda, or Jeffie. Does it matter?’

‘Nope,’ Linda said. ‘But you took exception to the remark as I recall.’

‘Did I ever,’ Elsie said and her eyes flashed with anger as she no doubt recalled the night in question.

‘And Jeffie laughed at you. Really pissed you off,’ Linda said and smiled at Amy.

‘Yeah, well I figured he was hittin’ on me, ya know?’ Elsie said. ‘I mean I’d had a couple of apples and I was no virgin, even way back then,’ she winked at Amy and that drew a knowing smile in return.

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Prom Night

Chris stood outside the bedroom for a minute before he decided to knock on the door. He was greeted with a shriek from his stepsister inside.“Is Brandon here already? I’m not ready!” Tory panicked as she scrambled to finish up her makeup.Chris cracked open the door a little bit before stepping in, “Calm down! It’s just me,” he said then entered the cluttered room of his seventeen-year-old stepsister. Tory was sitting at her desk with a whole beauty store worth of makeup laid out in front of...

1 year ago
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MomsTeachSex Aila Donovan Katie Kush Put Those Tits Away Young Lady

Katie Kush is just starting to really lean into her sexuality. She has been flirting hard with Codey Steele, who is the son of her dad’s boss. Katie knows that she’s playing with fire since it might impact her dad’s career if things go sour with Codey, but that’s what makes him even more fun to tease. She has offered to do Codey’s hair, and she really plays up her assets as she gives it a nice comb. There’s no bra to get in the way or her hard nipples and she...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Aubree Valentine Lexi Luna Now Its A Party

Lexi Luna has been trying to get her husband Ryan Mclane to have a threesome. Ryan keeps turning her down, so Lexi gets craftier and craftier. Today she has decked herself out in a hot little bathing suit with plenty of suntan lotion oiling up her soft skin. She has Aubree Valentine, the new girl in town, come on over for a Fourth of July barbeque wearing a barely-there bikini since she just knows Ryan will love Aubree’s tits. Lexi waits until the last moment to tell Ryan that...

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Rayne Ch 04

In the weeks that followed the engagement ball, Javonnie and Veronica were busy making arrangements their wedding. There were dresses for the bridesmaids, flowers, and of course, the finishing touches to Veronica’s wedding gown. Javonnie had asked Rayne to stand as his bestman and several of his closest friends, including Red, Tuff and Scotty, to act as groomsmen. Rayne had arranged for a night on the town the night before the wedding as a farewell to bachelorhood for Javonnie. But he had...

4 years ago
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First Lady pt1

It was a fresh but bright, late September evening when my "boyfriend", Dave, picked me up outside my house, I had told my mum I was going to do some refer work with Dave's daughter for a school project, (an excuse, once again provided by the devious mind of Dave), "I'll have her home by 10," he called to my mum as she waved me off.We drove for around fifteen minutes before pulling up outside a large detached property. The area was one that I didn't know at all. " Come on sunshine," said Dave,...

1 year ago
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A Thousand Words Part One

The Rake: "It's fascinating how the perception of people towards an activity, thought and sometimes even a person changes with a change in environment." At least, that is what Rhea contemplated as she walked the length of the art gallery, admiring and sometimes abhorring the paintings and photographs on display. The exhibits were based on the theme of the Seven Deadly Sins, and naturally, the section which saw the most foot traffic was 'Lust.' A topic which has been heavily frowned upon in...

3 years ago
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Jodis Fitness Training

Mistress closely inspects jodi?s body for traces of hair or stubble then places him in the kneeling stock selects a but ?????? Mistress closely inspects jodi?s body for traces of hair or stubble then places him in the kneeling stock selects a butt plug from her vast collection for jodi to wear for the day? the entire day. The plug is held in place by a thin chain goes around jodi?s waist, down through his ass cheeks through a ring in the plug then up between his legs where it?s locked...

2 years ago
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Paradise FoundChapter 9

“Does that mean that you know what is going on inside the alien’s structure?” “Yes, it does. At least I know what is going on wherever there is a functioning replicator.” “Why did the aliens build such a monster building? It seems to me that a series of smaller buildings would have been more reasonable.” “You are correct. The aliens did not build that structure after they arrived on Earth. They were in orbit beyond your Moon in their spaceship, which is what that structure is. There was an...

3 years ago
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Sleeping On Flight But With Whom

Hi all, this is Pradeep again after a long break with one really exciting story. It was 7 am and i was in the check in counter queue at the airport, my flight was in one hour and i was on a business trip. Behind me was this young lady waiting to check in. I nodded my head and said hello, she smiled and the first thing i noticed was her bust line which was really big. I would say about 38 even 40 inches. Now shes not a fat girl, but her bust line wow, caught my attention. She nodded and smiled...

1 year ago
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The Babymakers Jason and Derissa

It is the last weekday of the second week of the month of May. That meant graduations in numerous schools around the country. Among these were two certain individuals whose lives will change dramatically in the upcoming days. The dean called out the names of each graduating student one by one and handed them their well-earned diplomas. The important pieces of paper rolled up neatly and tied to a knot by a beautiful ribbon. Among them was... "DAVIS, DERISSA." From her seat rose a girl who had...

2 years ago
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By : Priyanandini അന്ന് അപ്പൂപ്പന്‍റെ ആണ്ട് ബലി ദിവസം ആയിരുന്നു .ഞാന്‍ ഒന്‍പതില്‍ പഠിക്കുന്ന സമയം .എല്ലാവരും അസ്ഥി കടലില്‍ ഒഴുക്കാന്‍ വീട്ടിലെ ചടങ്ങുകള്‍ക്ക് ശേഷം കടലില്‍ ഒഴുക്കന്‍ പോയി.എനിക്ക് ചെറിയ പനി ഉണ്ടായിരുന്നത് കാരണം എന്നെ കൊണ്ടുപോയില്ല .അവരെല്ലാവരും പോയി കഴിഞ്ഞപ്പൊളാണ് അങ്കിള്‍ വന്നത്. എന്നെ വീട്ടില്‍ ഒറ്റക്കിരുത്താണ്ട എന്ന് കരുതി അങ്കിളും പിന്നെ പോയില്ല. അങ്കിള്‍ വീട്ടില്‍ വരുമ്പോളൊക്കെ അങ്കിളിനു പ്രത്യേകം മുറിയുണ്ട്.അങ്കിള്‍ അകത്തു കയറി ടി .വി വെച്ചു കണ്ടുകൊണ്ടിരുന്നു .ഞാന്‍ ആ സമയം...

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Marthas Anal Adventure

Not long after sucking Jerry's cock in public and breaking her commercial sex barrier, Martha agreed with Chad to work the occasional shift in her brothel's rooms, rather than just at the desk. Most days, she was still behind the front desk, taking money, bringing water and coffee, lighting the cigarettes of customers waiting for their girl to be free. But, on a few occasions, she worked short shifts on quiet days, doing half hour quickie appointments with here-today-gone-tomorrow punters, just...

3 years ago
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HOTWIVES By Donna Williams As I showered off last nights bedroom romp, my mind kept going back to what John had fantasized about. It seemed that his particular fantasy came up more often than not, and it probably came up in his mind when he didn't vocalize it. I wondered? I had finished my shower, dried off and dressed in a pair of old sweats and bellyless T, when John finally woke. "Mornin' love," he groggily said. "My turn in the shower, eh?" "Yea, after last night I think you...

1 year ago
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Sex With Meghal

Hi my name is Rahul 26 years old and a frequent reader of the sex stories of this site now I would like to share my story with you all. I recently had hot sex with my very very distant cousin Meghal living in Delhi, we are not even said to be cousins and she is my great grandmother’s husband’smother’s sister in laws brother in law’s wife’s daughter’s husband’s brother in law’s grand daughter’s sister in law’s brother in law’s brother in law’s cousin. I am an orphan living in Chennai I don’t...

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Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. Always look both ways before crossing the pond. Beware of geeks bearing gifs. An answer known is a power broken. One man’s crisis is another man’s narcissism. This space to let. Preface:...

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The Widow Ch 20

Passion in James County XII The Widow By D.C. Roi Chapter twenty On the way back to the lake, the women steadfastly resisted every attempt the men made to find out which of them was going to get the surprise. As he and Joanne walked back to Fran’s house, Larry looked at the packages Joanne was carrying and wondered if he was the one who might be getting the surprise. She did have quite a few packages and, as they neared Fran’s house, he found himself looking forward to finding out what was...

2 years ago
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His Lucky Charm IIChapter 20 Settling Down

Berkshire, England, Spring 1866 Thornfield Abbey was a rather large property with some seven hundred acres of tillable land plus sizeable wooded areas. The old Abbey had been converted into a manor house under King James I, but in 1807 the last owner, the Hon. Rodney Wilberton, had built a new and roomy regency style manor house which had served as living quarters for his family. The old Abbey building had fallen into disuse and only the sturdy stone walls had saved it from...

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Fresh Off The BusChapter 4

Ann was in a daze as the taxi pulled up before her apartment. Her pussy hurt, her ass hurt, and her jaw was sore. Sperm dripped out of her pussy and ass, soaking the insides of her sweat pants. She paid the cab driver and entered her apartment. Ann sighed with relief when she locked the door behind her. She was nervous carrying around so much money in her pocket. Ann took out the big wad of money and counted it again. Fifty one hundred dollar bills were in her hand with more to come. Tyrone...

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Bryan and Amy Part 2

At this point, I couldn’t control myself. I have one hand jacking myself off at a furious pace and the other hand is on a vibrator that is rapidly going in and out of my sister’s pussy. I knew it wouldn’t be long before I exploded. Just then, my sister got up and pulled the vibrator out of her pussy. She turned around to face me. She took my hand off my cock and grabbed it. I let out another loud groan. She looked up at me and smiled. “I’ve always wanted to try this,” she said to me. I...

1 year ago
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How Me And Mom Got Kidnapped And How Mom Got Fucked In Our Home

Hi, I am Tom. I am from Kottayam. This happened while I was studying in 12th.My dad is having business abroad. I don’t have any siblings. So it’s just me and mom at home. Saying about my mom reenu. She was around 38 while this happened. Saying about mom, she was hot. Her figure was 38-28-44. When we go out I could see men staring at mom. It was a lovely sight. Mom used to wear sare. She usually wear low cut blowse and sleeveless sometimes. And more importantly she always wear the saree below...

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Transformations DiversityChapter 11

Walter had been taking care of the Charles' pool for as long as Faith could remember. Although Mercedes frowned on it, Faith had always enjoyed chatting with him while he worked. Walter was a story-teller, and he was able to hold her spellbound, even now that she was in college. For his part, he welcomed her attention, always amazed that a bitch like Mercedes could give birth to such a genuinely sweet person as Faith. Mercedes literally did not notice the presence of Walter or the numerous...

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Chewing Gum

I was a local town DJ. Venue wasn't the biggest on the town, but I gave it the best atmosphere by having a laugh with all the customers and playing popular dance music. Picking up girls was easy. I wasn't a bad looking lad and the job as the DJ made it simple to talk to any girl in the place. As they came for requests I could tell straight away what I could get away with. A kiss in return for a song or sometimes a lot more. The night I remember right now, started as an average night. The...

Quickie Sex
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The Tease at Work 1

I sat on my hands like I was told. It was the Friday before a holiday weekend, so the office was empty except for us, which was a good thing since the office was glass on three sides. It was only about 6:30, but the massive rainstorm that beat the windows made the world dark as night. In front of me she sat on her desk with her legs spread to either side of the desk. A trickle of liquid seeped from her pussy and pooled where her tight ass met the desk. Her shoes were on the floor somewhere,...

Straight Sex
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First Time With The School Slut Part 2

I sat up in my seat once he stopped the car. Eric was flustered with anxiety and arousal. He was shaking when he shifted the car into park. He then turned off the engine. I unbuckled my seatbelt as he stuffed his penis back in his shorts. I opened the door and turned to get out. I made sure my thong showed as I scooted my ass out of the seat. He got out of the car, sweetly took my hand, and escorted me quickly to the side door of his house. Like when he was turning off the car, he struggled to...

1 year ago
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Moment of Clarity

She stood in the hallway staring wordlessly at the suitcases, the laptop case, his briefcase. Piled up where she hadn't seen them when she walked in. She walked back into the den and looked at the man sitting in the shadows. "You are insane, Lyle. You are walking out on me and our two sons ... because of one fight! One stupid mistake I made while I was drunk a few hours ago. I didn't have sex with anyone. I didn't betray you. You are certifiable." When he didn't answer she started...

3 years ago
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A day of Fishing

"Hey Lils! I'm about to head out on the boat and do some fishing. Want to come?" "Sure! Let me throw my bikini on and grab a pole! I'll be out front when you get here!"I absolutely love fishing, so when my cousin Zack called me, I was not turning him down! It didn't hurt that he was really nice to look at, too. A day of fishing on the boat, with a blonde, tan, shirtless, hottie. I'm not complaining! Zack and I were never really close growing up, but since I moved back home, we have started to...

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Sean and the Bunny just a fuzzy thing

Sean grew excited, hearing the knocking at his front door. The escort agency had dispatched a new girl to answer his call tonight, and he eagerly looked forward to meeting her. Imagine his disappointed when he opened his front door and saw a bunny rabbit standing there.Had the agency that had been so reliable made some sort of mistake, sending him a bunny rabbit? She was very cute, he supposed; she had large brown eyes and smiled at him sweetly, innocently. She was a grey rabbit, with long...

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I never even asked for his name part 3

There were about half a dozen "cottages" in the area I lived. I'd lived there for years and had no idea that rivers of sperm were being spewed by grateful cocks on a daily basis, right within easy reach!I had two particular favourites. The best of the best was known (perhaps "renowned" is a better word?) far and wide as being a place that was 'worked' - that was parlance for a toilet where gay sex was available. It was particularly busy at lunch times and the office worker rush hour at around...

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How I Became a Hotwife Ch 05 MMMF Strip Poker

Just a short recap from the last chapter. I was being literally painted by my hubby’s old schoolmate, the artist for about several months. It was about three months after I had met the artist, my hubby and I were on the bed chatting and he asked, ‘Darling, do you remember you had met two of my friends, Simon and Robin? They had came to our place twice before just after our marriage, remember?’ I was trying to recall and so I replied, ‘Oh yes, I remember. What about them?’ ‘Oh nothing, they...

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His Idea Of A Perfect Valentines

I’m just getting over the rush of the holidays with Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years all piled up so close together. It’s nice they’re finally done with for the year. It’s been a long couple months, but now Valentine’s is tomorrow and I want it to be special. I told my boyfriend Luke I want to go all out and he said he would plan it all. I’m hoping he does just that. I’m Kasey and I’m 23 years old. I’m 5’5” with light brown golden hair that goes mid way down my back. I have soft green eyes...

Love Stories
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A Dangerous Legacy Pt 17

Telling everyone I had been hoarding secrets for several hours that could affect us all seemed daunting, but it seemed most understood. We were all high on the aristocratic food chain, even our lovers, so that wasn’t that hardest part. No, it was keeping the secret of my future son’s coloring to myself. Saying it now would only hurt my wolves and Malachai’s dragons. It was going to bad enough when it happened, but I could only pray that at that future date no wolves or dragons killed either...

4 years ago
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oh so naughty 2

Introduction: a repost because ythere seems to have been a problem with the first one That night I lay in bed, tossing and turning, punishing myself with guilt for what had happened. Who was I to try to corrupt this young girl, albeit she seemed willing enough? Her parents had befriended me (but then Liz didnt know how much I wanted to fuck her) and I was a lot older than Nancy. It was wrong and after a while I resolved that enough was enough. There would be no more incidents. With that, I...

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Just A Game lll My First Passive Handjob

Gigette my older cousin alway wear a thin sleeping tank top and she wears a soft cotton teen bra which she is not comfortable wearing at home, she told me when we were playing one time. She said it is just too hot and warm in our home and we are not really allowed to play outside. But her father wants her to wear and cover her maturing breast. A typical culture in Phils, being conservative as they say. Gigette is always complaining how much she sweat and feel unclean when we play. But when her...

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House of Empress Toya PT5

The House of Empress Toya pt5 The two bath maids were to stay the night too in the over sized bed of our empress, the bed could easily sleep twenty, with a spiral post at each corner and around the edges a silk see through curtain. The night was quite sleepless as empress Toya had all us perform a variety of sex acts either on her or on each other as she watched. “Tomorrow night I am giving a special party for some guest’s, I have chosen you along with a few others to attend and you will...

2 years ago
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My Chikni Asset

I am 29 years old now but back when I was younger I was cuter and more effeminate. My hair was silky, my skin was fairer and I was around 5’10 and maybe 140 pounds maybe less. I was skinny and shy and popular boys in my college used to tease me for many reasons. Most of all their reason was that my ass was big. Not the biggest but since my body was so skinny it stood out. The other thing was I had no hair on my body except of course under my arms and my crotch which I shaved regularly since I...

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