Katelyn The Naughty Teenager Downstairs Part II
- 3 years ago
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Katelyn Haynes was having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year. It all started in March when the red-haired, green-eyed 22-year-old was an intern at an accounting firm. A man at the company had pulled her aside one day and asked her to dirty a pair of panties. Katelyn chose to report him to the company Vice President Deborah Stanley, which to her dismay ended up being an error. It turned out the man had made the request because he was being blackmailed by the VP for stealing from the company. Instead of losing her pet she produced a file on Katelyn.
The file showed the intern had been downloading music and films using the company’s computer. Worse, it also showed Katelyn had been frequenting BDSM porn sites while on the job. Ms. Stanley gave the girl a choice, submit along with the man or else she’d send the file to her intern adviser. It would likely result in Katelyn's expulsion. Desperate for a good review from the internship, to preserve her reputation, and not be expelled, she agreed to the terms.
Unfortunately, the VP put the final decision regarding Katelyn's fate in the hands of the man. To her shock, even after she shamefully stripped and offered to do anything, he refused. Even with her creamy, lightly freckled skin on display he chose to ruin her academically because he deemed it nobler than being sexually exploited.
Ms. Stanley sent the file. As Katelyn was leaving in tears the VP handed her a card and told her to call the number on it if she had difficulty getting her life together after the fallout.
Katelyn was expelled from school for violating the University Code of Conduct. The online student paper caught wind of Katelyn’s expulsion and published a story titled: “Student Expelled for Viewing BDSM at Internship.” The first Google hit on her name brought up the story as the first hit. She tried to go home, but her strict parents, ashamed, closed the door on her.
Now Katelyn works as a waitress in the city. She rarely dates, because whenever her date Googles her name it gets very awkward. She lives in a small two-bedroom apartment with Eliza, a girl she found through Craigslist. Eliza seemed nice enough when they first met, but since then has proven to be lazy, mean, and a borderline alcoholic. Ever since Eliza found out why Katelyn was expelled from school she’s given her the nickname, “Perv.”
Last weekend, Katelyn made the mistake of inviting co-workers to a party Eliza had planned in their apartment. The night was going well, but after Eliza reached the level of obnoxious drunk it all fell apart.
“Oh my God, Kate, you’re still a complete perv!” Katelyn heard Eliza yelling from down the hall. When she went to see what Eliza was yelling about she was horrified to find her roommate in her bedroom with a group of people looking at her computer screen. Eliza had told them about the article and followed up by going through Katelyn’s browser history and opening the sites.
When Eliza saw Katelyn standing in the doorway she laughed and turned the monitor in her direction. It was a video of a woman with her hands bound being fucked over a bar in front of a group of spectators. She was wet with spit and cum but had a greedy grin on her face. “You’re into some kinky shit, Perv!”
Katelyn felt like everyone in the room was laughing at her. It already made her feel ashamed when she gave into her urges and looked at those sites, but being outed, again, overwhelmed her with humiliation. “GET OUT!”
She grabbed her roommate by the hair and dragged her through the door. Eliza stumbled and fell in the hall but kept laughing. Everyone else in the room followed Katelyn’s order and filed out. When she was alone in her room she slammed the door, locked it, and broke down in tears.
Work became intolerable. Her co-workers had adopted the moniker “Perv” when talking to Katelyn off the restaurant floor. She thought about going to her boss, but the experience at the internship made her insecure about trusting authority figures. She couldn’t quit, because she was already tight on money and rent was due in a few days.
Finally, after about a little more than a week of dealing with the abuse at work, the restaurant owner called her into the back office before she went on break. Katelyn was a good employee and liked to keep her head down. She didn't interact with the owner often but he always seemed nice even if he occasionally stared at the women on the team a bit too long. He reminded her of Jimmy McGill from "Better Call Saul" after he goes into hiding as the manager of an Auntie Annie's pretzel shop. Similar mustache and glasses but a little bit rounder from taking too many samples in the kitchen.
"Lynn," he said and it made Katelyn bristle. He'd used 'Lynn' since her first day when he put it on her name tag. She corrected him and said she went by "Katelyn" or "Katie." He fixed the tag but continued to use "Lynn" because he thought it was funny, even four months later, and no matter how many times she asked him to stop. Eventually, she broke down and simply accepted it. He motions to the chair and Katelyn sits. "Lynn," he said again with an odd smile, "it's come to my attention that you've become a distraction to the rest of the team."
Katelyn sighs. She'd long worried the owner would find out the real reason she was let go from the internship. She had lied in the interview and said it was due to downloading music and videos on the company network. It was more of an omission than a lie. She simply left out the part about the browser history filled with BDSM porn. That and the attempt by the Vice President to blackmail her.
"I google all of my potential hires, Lynn," he continues. Here it comes, Katelyn thinks. "And I saw the article in your campus paper about why you were let go from the internship and why you left college. Honestly, it was part of the reason I hired you," he licks his lips creepily and his eyes roam from her face, down to her chest, and back up again. "Unfortunately, it seems the rest of the team has finally discovered your not very easy to hide secret...and so many more."
And many more? Katelyn starts to panic. Did one of her co-workers tell him about the party? Why would they do that?
"Tell me, Lynn, is this you?" He asks and turns the monitor of his computer to face him. Katelyn is horrified to see naked photos of herself on the screen. Her face is partially obscured by a Madri Gras mask. They were images she'd posted to RedditGW over the last few months whenever she was feeling low and needy for attention. She knew it was a bad idea but thought the mask would protect her. She was speechless but her facial expression told the whole story. What's worse, if he'd found those photos on Reddit he likely saw her exchanges on other parts of the site including the BDSM forum and her prompts on dirtypenpals.
"Hmmm," he continued, "I can tell. Your silence is an admission and, of course, the red hair combined with those full pouty, cock-" he coughs and interrupts himself "sorry, I mean those pouty, kissable lips are a dead giveaway. You have quite the browser history. No wonder your colleagues are talking about you."
"B-browser history," Katelyn stammers and averts her eyes toward the floor. Not wanting to see her naked body on the screen and ashamed to look at her boss.
"Oh yes," he continues "it seems Lydia somehow accessed your home computer's browser history, copied it, and sent it to everyone on the team. Damon was kind enough to forward it to me because he's concerned about you being bullied."
Katelyn's blood boils at the mention of Lydia's name. Lydia only started working at the restaurant a month ago and, even though Katelyn was perfectly nice to her, for some reason the new girl decided they had to be enemies. She'd always suspected Damon might be the reason. He was a sweet, handsome shift manager. Every girl who worked at the restaurant had a crush on him at some point, even Katelyn. And in recent weeks she began to suspect he might feel the same toward her. The only thing stopping her from making any move was her history and that google search of her name. Yet, she still flirted with him heavily, as did Lydia, but it was only Katelyn who seemed to receive flirtations back. Yeah, that was it, this was all jealousy. Damon hadn't been at the party, so he didn't see what happened but now he knew everything. EVERYTHING. Her cheeks burned as she wondered if this was her fate. To constantly be outed for her desires. What was wrong with her?
"Lynn, are you there?" He snaps his finger and Katelyn looks up breaking her spiral. "I forwarded you the email so you can see what your coworker had to say about you, but we need to think about your future at the restaurant."
"Fire Lydia!" Katelyn exclaims. The owner was startled by the sudden burst of emotion from the usually quiet girl.
"I can't do that. She's my niece. Besides, you're the problem here. You are a distraction to not only to my employees but also me. I can't unsee this," he says waving at the computer screen. Then he moves the mouse and brings up another photo. It's a picture of Katelyn, image cut off just above her nose so the viewers wouldn't see her eyes, flashing a butt plug in the restaurant bathroom mirror. She wore the plug to work only once as a dare. "As far as I know Lydia isn't bringing her kinks into the workplace. Did you really work an entire shift serving guests with a plug in your butthole?"
"Yes," for some reason she admits feeling small.
The owner makes a soft grunting sound when she responds. "I know you need this job, Lynn. Especially considering if you apply for anything else and they call for a reference I'll need to mention this incident."
Katelyn looks up in horror. Eyes wide, "no! you wouldn't! Please, you're right, I do need this job. I can fix it. I'll talk to Lydia. We can have a team meeting and I'll confess to everyone and apologize for being the way I am!"
Katelyn suddenly flinches as she feels the toe of a shoe sliding up her calf. She pulls her knees together. The owner laughs. "I'm sending you home early today, Lynn. And you're going to think about your future with this restaurant and how you'll..." his shoe pushes her knees apart "....convince me to let you stay on the payroll.
"I...I..." she stammers feeling the shoe try to find it's the way between her thighs. She pulls back in her chair.
"Shhh," he whispers. "Not another word. You'll walk out the door and come back for your shift in two days with a plan on how you'll make this right." He grins, "maybe your browser history can give you some ideas."
Katelyn doesn't need to hear anything else. She pushes back in the chair and away from his foot. As she does he slides his foot back under the desk and simply grins. She doesn't look at him while exiting the office. As she clocks out she sees Lydia exiting the kitchen.
"You bitch!" Katelyn says with fury in her eyes.
Lydia simply shrugs and pushes up her cheeks with a devilish smile. "Careful, Perv," she says, "don't let my uncle hear you using that kind of language while on the floor."
The red-haired ashamed girl huffs and turns to leave. As she's about to head out the door Lydia gets in one more jab: "Have fun humping your giant teddy bear tonight, hornball!" Katelyn's blood turns cold and she feels tears welling up in her eyes. She had forgotten all about the short humping object humping video she'd loaded to Pornhub after a night of too much wine alone in her bedroom. She was wearing a full bear mask she'd picked up at the local costume shop so her identity was concealed but, of course, anyone who had her browser history would be able to figure out it was her account. She'd always intended to take it down but every time she went to delete she'd watch it again and become overwhelmed with arousing humiliation.
She can't bring herself to go home. Life with her roommate hasn't improved since the party either and she can't help but wonder if Lydia sent her the email, too. Everyone knows her desires now. They're out in the open. Finding an empty park bench she opens the email on her phone and reads the message from Lydia to the entire restaurant team. All it says is "look at Pervs browser history! She's such a hornball! Those Reddit and Pornhub links are especially interesting. Totally NSFW! She's into EVERYTHING." Attached is a file containing a list of every web page she's visited over the last six months. Reading through the list she feels ashamed. Lydia was right. She was a pervert. She didn't know if she was actually into "everything" but she definitely explored so many kinks and spent so many nights in her room going deeper down kink-holes. Still. Even after everything that happened at college, she continues to struggle with her arousal and desires. And now she's exposed, again, but so much worse.
Katelyn feels the need to flee. She starts to pull out her credit cards to see if she has enough room to move away again. Try to start over. She seriously considers running away to another country. As she looks at her credit cards and counts her cash the card Ms. Stanley handed her on the first day of what would become months of humiliation and shame falls out.
She looks at the card. It was only a phone number and no words. In the lower right-hand corner were six additional numbers: 371113.
Katelyn was feeling desperate to change her life, but was she desperate enough to call an anonymous number provided to her by someone who tried to blackmail her? Should she run? Should she take the restaurant owner up on his offer?
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“Okay Tori, I understand you’re upset about Scott breaking up but you cant just stay in bed forever. Now get yourself cleaned up and I expect to see you down for lunch,” she said. I could tell she meant business so I waited on her to step out of my room and finally got up out of bed and headed to the bathroom for a shower. After getting out of the shower I decided to try to call Scott. I dialed his number but just got his voicemail. I decided to leave him a message, “Scott, this is...
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The doctor and a nurse came in to see me and asked my parents to step out of the room. He asked me was I trying to kill myself and I admitted I was. He told me that was a pretty extreme decision to make and asked me why I would want to end my life. I looked at him and the nurse and thought a minute then just said, “It’s very complicated.” “It usually is,” he replied then went on, “If you could break it down into little pieces what would be the worst part?” “I hurt my best friend...
I was a little surprised I wasn’t more upset but I was feeling numb again. Normally wearing the uniform energized me but I didn’t feel much of anything. Elizabeth was waiting for me when I walked into school and it was nice to see her in her practice uniform again. She seemed to command the hall when she walked in a cheerleading uniform. I felt like a little puppy tagging along behind her and maybe that is what I was. Who would I really be if it weren’t for Scott at first and Elizabeth...
I called her to make sure she made it home safe. “You made it home okay,” I asked? “Yeah,” she replied. “Thanks for having your mom take us,” I said. “No problem, sorry I didn’t just drive us myself,” she replied. “Don’t be silly Elizabeth, I totally understand,” I said. “Thanks,” she said. “You’re welcome good night,” I said. “Night, love you,” she said. “Love you too,” I said back. I hung up the phone and was still just so amazed by her. Again here she was apologizing...
One of the guys handed Scott a beer and he offered it to me but I tried to turn it down saying, “No Scott I can’t I’m pregnant.” “Its okay baby it wont hurt you,” he said and pushed the beer at me again. “Come on its just one,” he said holding the beer in front of me. I took hold of it but didn’t drink it and he was handed another and he took a big gulp. I then noticed music playing and it seemed to get louder as I began to listen. Scott then started dancing with me pushing and pulling...
At the JV game we were practically attached at the hip and it made me feel good that in front of others she treated me no different then she treated me in private. I thought I would be uncomfortable if I was off on my own so I made effort to stay close to her and she never resisted or tried to find space away from me. It also was nice that the cheerleader sponsor went to all three games, freshman, JV and varsity so we sat with him and he again spent time talking and coaching me pointing out...
Before bedtime Elizabeth called for me and invited me to go to another group session the next day. It would be Wednesday the day of the freshman game and I wanted to go to support my former squad but Elizabeth really wanted us to go to group. Considering what I had been through I gave in and agreed to go. I told her about the police being over and that I had told the police who the rapist was. She said she was very proud of me for that. I was very surprised that she didn’t ask me who it...
Then I felt them put what felt like a dog collar around my neck and I felt it pulled until I had to squat down. My wrists were untied and then I felt a pull and fell forward and I was on my hands and knees. I was then surprised when I felt a slap on my bottom. But not as horrible as the birthday spankings I had received but this time from a girl’s hand. One by one I felt a slap, then another slap over and over on my bottom. I heard giggles after a few of them and they got multiple spanks...
“You look beautiful Tori,” she said and placed my favorite breakfast French toast on the table for me with a fresh glass of milk. I can’t explain why but I felt sick swallowing each bite down and managed to drink half the milk and eat half of one of the two slices of French toast. I cut up the whole slice and pushed it around my plate for a while. My mother went upstairs to check on Sherri and I was able to clear my plate and washed the rest of my breakfast down the garbage disposal. ...
When I came out of the bathroom Elizabeth asked me how I was doing and I told her I was doing okay. She asked how my ribs were feeling and I told her they still hurt. She invited me to go downstairs to sit out on their back porch and have some lemonade and get my mind off of things and I thought that to be a good idea. She got the lemonade and her dog was outside playing and it was nice to watch him chase a ball as she threw it and it helped me get my mind off of things. I built up my...
Everything with Scott and I seemed to return to normal. We held hands walking around school and I ate lunch with him and the football team rather then Elizabeth. I was worried about this because I didn’t want to hurt her after all she had done to help me make cheerleader but I just couldn’t face her and figured she was mad at me anyway. And of course with it being Wednesday we had a freshman game that night. I was very happy when I saw Scott there and he sat close and waived at me...
I took a chance and called Scott and told him I couldn’t see him for the rest of the summer for now. He told me he was sorry I had gotten that drunk and that he didn’t realize I had drank that much. For some reason that felt not like the truth but I couldn’t remember anything so how could I argue. He didn’t seem to upset about me not being able to see me and told me we would work it out. So I was pretty disappointed and got very little new information from him. The rest of the day passed...
At the mall we had a really good time and laughed and shopped together all around the mall. Again I felt like my status in popularity soared thanks to my company as so many other school kids saw us together and many made a point to come talk to Elizabeth. She introduced me to so many guys and girls just introducing me as a friend who was starting at her school this upcoming year. She made it sound like I was new to the area, but I didn’t care as everyone seemed really nice to me and seemed...
It was almost lunch time when he woke up and he looked up at me and smiled and told me he loved me. He then got up out of bed and tugged me with him to his bathroom and turned on the shower. We showered together which I enjoyed very much. I think he was too spent to do anything sexual we just washed each other and then dried off. We got dressed again in his room and he made his bed again before we went downstairs. He fixed us sandwiches and chips and we had a nice lunch. After lunch he...
I finally made my decision and decided to go over there and give him a piece of my mind. I headed over there and got there right before 10 AM, more by accident then intention. He was standing there waiting and I couldn’t believe his nerve as he was holding one of the bikinis. “Are you out of your mind, I came here to tell you what an ass you are,” I yelled almost at the top of my lungs. Growing up our parents had told us that a lady does not swear like a sailor. They even went to the...
We both excelled in school, how could we not we had to get the better grades then one another and win the most awards. Sometimes, I’m not sure how my mother didn’t just kill us both, because it seemed constant. One thing I loved and was able to throw in her face was that even though she was 4 years older then me (technically three and a half) I ended up being only three grades behind her. My birthday fell on one of those months that let me start school younger then most kids and I rubbed...
Introduction: The following is the third chapter of the story as Tori continues to degrade herself to keep the boy she loves. Will she continue to fall for his games? How far will she go? Read more to find out. The next day I was surprised when I got a call from Lisa the girl who had made varsity cheerleader as a sophomore. She told me that she and a group of kids were going down to the lake and asked me did I want to come along. I thought about it and decided I could use a break from Scott and...
Introduction: The following chapter of this story is not intended to be erotic. If you have not read the previous chapters to this story you will likely not understand this chapter at all so please read the others first. I wrote this chapter as a necessary part of this story. The story will continue with further chapters and those will again be erotic but with the subject matter of this chapter it was not fitting. Thanks for your understanding. I didnt sleep very much that night. No sooner then...
Introduction: This story is very long and will take time to build the setting before it gets to the erotic part so if youre just looking for a quick thrill you may want to put this one off till you have time for a long read. But I do promise the perversion will continue to build as the story does. Hope you like. I think from the minute I was born I was in competition with my older sister. She beat me on this earth by four years and that in itself was frustrating for me. She of course was...
Introduction: This is the next chapter in the life of Tori. After finally telling the name of her rapist Tori learns more about the meaning of friendship but where does friendship end and a relationship begin? Again please if you have not read the other chapters of this story you will probably not enjoy this story so dont waste your time. This chapter is about friendship and trust and maybe the beginning of more then friendship read on to find out more. Fortunately it wasnt too much longer that...
Introduction: This is another chapter in the story about Tori who had just found out that her best friend was in the hospital after a sexual assault. This chapter will let you know more of what happened and will ask you to think more about who might be responsible for the assault. Read on and see what you think. . . . I opened my eyes and I was in the cabin on the bed surrounded by mirrors where I had gone with Scott and Sara. There lying next to me was Elizabeth and she smiled up at me with a...
Introduction: This is the next chapter of the story Tori, being amazed by her friend Elizabeths strength at dealing with her own rape feels more like a victim herself. She struggles more with depression and her parents worry it will affect the baby she is carrying. Nightmares continue and Tori is getting less and less sleep. But the police are already finding more evidence in who attacked Elizabeth. Who will be held responsible? What role did Scott play in Elizabeths attack? Read on to learn...
Introduction: This is the next chapter in the story of Tori the freshman cheerleader. Her life having taken such a drastic change ever since she had met her boyfriend Scott. Read on to see what happens next and think about what may occur in future chapters. Who will pay the price for the things that have been done? . . . I didnt know what was happening. All of the cheerleaders had gotten me up out of bed and had blindfolded me and had taken me down to a car. I was pushed into the car and off we...
Introduction: This is the next chapter in the life of Tori. This chapter will take two surprising paths as the depression medication begins to affect Tori in odd ways. I think this chapter will leave you stunned. I hope to have the next chapter written and posted soon after this one. Friday morning I woke up after sleeping pretty good. I sat up and thought about if I had a bad dream and I realized I had not. I wasnt 100% sure but I didnt think I dreamt at all. I got up and took my shower and...
Introduction: If you have not read the other chapters of this story you will likely not enjoy it so please read the other chapters before reading this one. This is the next chapter about Tori. After a rape, a break up with her boyfriend, finding out shes pregnant and getting closer with her best friend, the drama of the rapists arrest effects everyone. See what happens as the story continues. I think I slept better that night with Elizabeth then I had for weeks. I called my mother first thing...
Introduction: This is another chapter in the life Tori. This chapter will start out with an erotic scene but as it continues the tone of this chapter will change. I recommend a box of tissues and be prepared for different emotions. It is just another day in the life of a mixed up girl, who is learning lifes lessons the hard way. . . . I needed to go for a walk to clear my head so I threw on some clothes and headed out walking briskly. Im not sure why I ended up there but I found myself walking...
Introduction: Warning this story is turning darker. This is chapter 5 of the story of Tori a girl who thought she had found the love of her life in a popular senior. But he continues to use her for his and his friends pleasure. Be warned that this story is getting more violent and will involve date rape by more then one guy. Please do not continue if any of this will offend you. The next several days Scott had to work a lot of hours and also had to go with his mom to his grandmothers so I didnt...
Introduction: After surviving her rape and the medical exam at the hospital Tori continues her struggle to grow up. How much had she contributed to her own downfall? What responsibility did she have for the situation she found herself in? The story again returns to erotica as things began to happen to Tori again, but are they reality or nightmares, read on to find out. Sunday morning my mother told me the doctor had called Saturday night and had given her good news about my ribs. I did not have...
Introduction: The story continues with more inner battles for Tori. Wednesday morning I woke up and when I realized it was the day of another freshman football game I felt a little happiness as I knew I got to wear my practice uniform to school. I managed to get out of bed a little quicker then the last few days and took a shorter shower. My mom must have remembered too because when I got out of the shower my practice uniform was hanging up on the outside of the closet door freshly pressed...
Introduction: This is the forth chapter in this story as Tori finally begins to enjoy her sexual experiences. At the same time she begins to give into the fantasy of love and romance but as this chapter nears its end her boyfriend Scott again arranges another sexual experience with someone else, this time another girl. What will she think of herself now. The next morning I somehow convinced my mom to let me go to Scotts for breakfast. We had a really nice breakfast and a good visit with his...
Introduction: This is the most emotional chapter I have ever written. I actually have been torn if I should write the chapter or not but something keeps pulling me to show Elizabeths strength and determination and I feel that sharing her feelings will do so. This chapter is her own account of her sexual assault and is very intense. I have made a point to not put any important pieces to the story that will affect its outcome in this chapter in-case you chose to skip this chapter entirely....
Introduction: This is the next chapter in the story of Tori. After finally opening up about her feelings about all the things going on in her life, and beginning to face the difficult circumstances in her life will Tori begin to find a bit of happiness? Read on to find out. The last several weeks have been so crazy for me. I have been going to group twice a week and also attending a private session with a counselor once a week. My mom helped me find an OBGYN to help with the baby and we are...
Introduction: The following is the second chapter of the story as Tori continues to go against her own morality in order to be more popular then her older sister and to have the popular boy friend. How far will she degrade herself? Read more to find out. When I woke the next morning it didnt take long for me to remember what I had seen. Then I remembered my 10 oclock meeting and tried to decide what to do. Should I try to forget him, to never talk to him again, or should I go over there and...
The covid crysis i blame it , i would have never done thisyet iam wearing panty i just received and the cute diamond plug , feeling so freaking good walking plugged before i go home to sit on my bbc toyi was drunk when i order it, i had just fuck my ass in the shower with 2 of my finger and god did i wanted a cock to sit onalone all day doing not much i started watching sissy porm, a month later i was craving my toy most night until i just bought myself sissy stuff, getting more accustome to my...