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*** An Adult tale of Female Domination There is no coming to consciousness without pain.- Carl Jung The only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain.- Karl Marx *** The Dress. I awoke to the sound of her heels on the stair. It must have been the creak of the door that actually woke me, but it was the click of metal on the terracotta tiles that brought me to. The faint light from the open door surrounded her slender form like a glow to my light-starved eyes. Her face had that enigmatic...
FetishHe took the bus back from school as usual on a typical and boring Thursday with nothing particularly interesting or out of the ordinary happening at all. Tom sat at the back of the bus chewing his gum to the beat of the music that blared out of his headphones connected to his iPod. He stared out the window seeing the same sights that he saw every singing week day afternoon. He let out a gentle sigh as he glanced across at the rest of the people in the bus, after checking out every single fellow...
Mind ControlChapter 9 As I Was Going Up The Stair, I Met A Man That Wasn't There, He Wasn't There Again Today, I Wish, I Wish, He'd Go Away The Breech Of The Cannon When the international news broke that the planet was under attack from an unseen warrior, the story was only at first, covered lightly. What, after all were a few deaths in a distant country, and one that most around the globe mistrusted to begin with. Further, the news of deaths had become common place since the...
SPIRALS: PART FOUR By T-Vixen Karen Derrickson is a shy, kind and thoughtful girl who has recently discovered that she is the inheritor of an alien genetic code which is actually the physical and psychic remnants of an ancient alien species. Now she is in a deep trance, mediating with her previous, alien self and perhaps fighting for her very identity as a human being. Little does she know that many events are about to converge at her home...! NOTE: This is the continuation of an...
SPIRALS By T-Vixen Stairs. Again, she dreamed of stairs. A long spiral stair case, made of a beautiful, translucent blue crystal. The little girl in her pretty white gown skipped up the steps barefoot, following the endless turn of the corkscrew. Always going, always rising upwards, this stair case stretched across an endless sky of blue and white clouds, heading upwards into a great, golden light. The little girl just kept onwards, humming a song to herself she had known since...
SPIRALS: PART THREE By T-Vixen Karen Derrickson, a shy, kind and thoughtful girl has been infected with a strange VD called New Blue, which is mutating Karen and allowing her to enthrall and change anyone whom she has sex with. Now her sister Mandy has become infectious too. Having been attacked by strange, mutated animals, Karen has decided that it is time for desperate action against the unwanted visitor between her legs... NOTE: This is the continuation of an ongoing story....
SPIRALS Karen Derrickson, a teenaged girl with psychic powers, was infected with a form of VD called "New Blue" while at a party. Over two days she has mutated and grown male genitals, and an immense libido to match. The disease seems to force her to have sex with her sister Mandy, who is now also infected and changed. Karen is desperate to stop this curse from altering and enslaving everyone she knows, even though in her heart she now loves her sister even more than before they became...
SPIRALS: PART FIVE By T-Vixen In the Colorado town of Glory Falls, Karen Derrickson, now turning into the alien hermaphrodite known long ago as Mastress Melonia, is warring against the evil in hir soul. Meanwhile events continue to expand, as the US military, guided by a behind-the-scenes group of scientists, starts to mobilize to repel an "alien invasion". What will be the outcome of this? NOTE: This is the continuation of an ongoing science-fantasy story. Please read all...
Kim's Story — Kim awoke with a feeling of euphoria. She stretched and then opened her eyes. She was in a king size bed and lying on each side of her was two of her sex partners. What made these two so special was that they had the largest sex equipment of any of Kim's partners. One was the girls' former pediatrician, Gil Jeffries, and the other was his brother, Randy, a male stripper. They had picked her up at the house yesterday evening, taken her to Randy's apartment and fucked her...
When we left our story, I was still sitting in the bar trying to figure out whose story I believed. Was it Terry Sudcliffe's tale of humiliation and destruction, or was it, his brother, Bob's tale that Terry was a lunatic? I continued to sit at the bar and talked with the pretty bartender for some time after the two brothers had left. We couldn't make head or tail out of which story was the true one. I finally raised my hand across the bar and said, "Hi, I'm Doc to my friends." She...
It was about ten minutes to showtime. I’d be at the mosque in three minutes or so, although K-T would drop me off at the mall entrance and then proceed to another destination. We were making good time, because although some traffic kept moving, many cars just pulled to the side of the road wherever there was space near a mosque. Sometimes cars were abandoned in the middle of the road, blocking each other in. The police never made a fuss: after all, everyone was supposed to be praying. Men...
“Gavin! You have to get moving if you are going to get to McIntyre’s by noon.” “I got plenty of time, Mom. Don’t worry about it. I still don’t know what they want with me. Father usually takes care of all the legal matters. I never wanted to get involved with all that paperwork and such.” “I know. I know, but they insisted it was important. And don’t push that horse more than you have to.” “I don’t know why dad can’t at least go with me?” He posed it as a question, not a statement. “He...
Caroline summoned me to my office on Friday. My ticket for travelling the next Monday had just been arranged. I was actually discussing something with Daphne, which always takes a while, but Alice, her secretary, was quite clear: I was to report to the fourth flour at once. “Sorry about that, but I think you got the gist of it. Winston will certainly be able to flesh out the code. It will give you a chance to hang out together.” “I still want to know why you’re leaving,” said Daphne, trying...
During the day time when I was doing nothing in the office, I always logged in to ICQ and looked for gals to befriend and chat. I chanced upon this lady named Caterine, she was 24, staying in Singapore. So I decide to add her as a contact and surprisingly, she accepted and we began chatting online. I found out that she was a school teacher…Unlike chatting with others gal in different professions, this one was a school teacher and she always corrected my typing on grammar and spelling, etc. Like...
The rest of the week went by with no new incidents. Missy sat next to me in a few classes and even walked next to me between a few of them. People stopped commenting and accepted that Missy and I were now friends. At lunch, Missy went back to sitting with the rest of the cheerleaders. The world's axis tilted back toward what passed for normal around here. Friday came and went with little to recommend it. I showed up for the football game and sat with Bobby and our other friends. Some of us...
It was Monday again, I was running late, again, and the masses were in an uproar about something, again. As late as I was, though, I didn't have time to find out what. I barely made it to English on time. Amy Sue smiled as I hurried past her to sit next to Missy. I made it through the morning classes without finding out anything more. Bobby and Ken were arguing about something when I reached our usual table. "Fuck off, Anthony!" Bobby said, grabbing his tray and heading out of the...
By lunch time on Friday, things had settled down once again. The conversations had turned to how badly Ridgemont was going to crush Bayside. Bobby sat down as I was unwrapping my lunch, but I noticed he had no food of his own. "No lunch today?" I asked. "Betty Lou isn't going to be around for the weekend, so when she gets here we're going to eat outside and talk." "So are you two are together?" Bobby looked away, as if was uncertain or as if he was trying to figure out what to say...
The next morning went quickly. For most of it, Mr. Hardesy had me stocking canned goods, and I was actually surprised when he told me to go eat lunch at eleven. I grabbed my sack from my locker and sat down on some boxes behind the store. I hadn't been hungry until I'd known it was lunch time, but now I was more than ready to enjoy some turkey salad sandwiches that Tracey had put together for me. One bite, and I knew Tracey had a winner with this one. "Robinson," Jesse Caldwell came out...
I left the Caldwell's hungry and annoyed. All-state running back or not, Junior Bishop should not be treated like a god. I thought about how best to put a crimp in his style. I knew one way to get his attention, so when I got home I went straight to the telephone. "Hello, Mrs. Langley. It's John Robinson. May I speak with Missy, please?" Missy came to the phone right away. "Hi, John. What's up?" "I'm hungry, I'm tired and I'm ticked at your boyfriend, Junior. Would you like to...
Tracey drove straight to the hospital, but I didn't remember much of the rest of that night nor the next day. What the pain didn't obscure, the pain meds I'd gotten at the hospital did. Tracey had been unyielding about my taking the meds, too, watching until I had taken each dose. Even so, I was still sore when I limped into school. I guess I was lucky that I was just bruised. Missy gasped when she sat down next to me. "John, are you all right?" "Just a little bruised, Missy." Mr....
I crashed as soon as we got back home. Tracey was up and dressed when I got up Tuesday morning, looking bright eyed and almost cheerful. I wanted to hate her, but she even had a big breakfast waiting for me. "Eat up, John. You'll need your strength today," she said as I walked into the kitchen. "Why's that?" "They'll be testing you today." I must have looked confused, so Tracey explained. "Boardman and company will be there when you get to school, probably with...
News of the bared cheerleader backsides rocketed through the school Wednesday morning, possibly spurred on by the blurry photos of the two shapely asses that had been placed on every bulletin board in the school. I was not surprised when neither Missy nor Lisa showed up for English. There were no confrontations between my entourage and Junior's gang all day. Even Thursday passed with little more than a few barbs hurled across the cafeteria. School settled back into what passes for normal...
The two weeks before Homecoming flew past. The "in" crowd mostly ignored us. At least they did until lunch Homecoming Friday. The ten of us were eating and chatting when Candy Lewis and Lisa Carver stopped across from me, behind Missy. "I don't know how you and Missy got tickets to the dance tomorrow, John, but if I were you, I wouldn't show up," Lisa hinted. I didn't get a chance to even open my mouth. Mary Jo Mason looked around the table. "Did you hear something, Amy Sue? It kind...
I groaned as I sat down on the couch in the teacher's lounge. "Are you okay, John?" Mary Jo asked. "My ribs hurt like hell," I said through my teeth. "Let me see them, John," Mr. Hughes said, concerned. Jesse and Bobby helped me remove my jacket while Mary Jo unbuttoned my shirt. "Oh, my God," Mary Jo said when the last button came undone. My right side was a nasty shade of purple. "Mr. Anthony, go get Mr. Jefferson," Mr. Hughes said as he reached for the phone. My ribs...
The crack of dawn came early, my ribs still hurt, so with a sigh I rolled out of bed and into the shower. Rewrapping my ribs by myself afterwards was a bitch, but I managed, and after a quick bite, I headed for Hardesy's. I was almost there when I realized that Mr. Hardesy might be able to shed some light on things. His family had been the grocers in Ridgemont for generations. I was a few minutes early, but I didn't have to wait long till I saw Mr. Hardesy give me a wave as he turned the...
On Tuesday, the world came to an end for many in Ridgemont. There were no whispers this time. The news ricocheted through the school like a bouncing cannonball: Ethan Bishop and Heath Boardman had failed a mandatory drug test administered by the state athletic board. A huge amount of illegal steroids was found in their blood. Both players were immediately and indefinitely suspended from the team, and Coach Keifer was asked to resign. The news dwarfed all of the previous weeks' whispers. I...
The steroid scandal and the fall out from that had the school in turmoil. The "in" crowd was suddenly not so "In". Hawkins, Boardman and Bishop were suddenly pariahs, reviled by the same people that had lauded them as heroes just weeks earlier. The school was forced to forfeit any game they had been in, and the team finished the season with a 2-12 record, next to last in the region. Under suspicion by association, the school's basketball team had undergone intense scrutiny. Luckily,...
Bobby's words didn't exactly haunt me, although I couldn't forget them either. With the drama of Betty Lou and Bobby, and with Betty Lou's inexplicable, to me at least, anger towards Missy, I just knew that Friday night at the skating rink was going to be interesting. I hadn't told Missy what Betty Lou had said because I hadn't wanted to upset her. Turns out I really didn't need to tell her anything. Missy and I were holding hands, skating along lazily together and chatting about...
Monday rolled around and I was a little later than usual getting to the cafeteria. I pulled up short when I noticed that the group at our usual table had grown. Jesse and Bobby were moving a couple of chairs when I arrived, finding seats for the four new residents. Missy, Jackie and Gail were sitting at one end. As everyone settled in, I saw that there was an empty chair between Missy and Bobby, so I headed for that. Betty Lou was still in her self-imposed exile at the other end of the...
Tracey and I spent nearly the entire Christmas weekend working. I was either at Hardesy's or waiting tables for Tracey. It wasn't the most fun I'd ever had over the Christmas holidays, but Tracey was very, very happy, as she must have catered a half dozen Christmas parties over the four day weekend. Plus, I knew Missy was going to be gone until school started again in January, so I made sure Mr. Hardesy knew I was willing to work as many hours as he would give me. I could see the finish...
I had ducked out as soon as my last class was over, half afraid that Cathy would try to pick up the conversation where we had left it earlier. After Cathy, I was more determined than ever to talk to Missy. I just had no idea how to make that happen. Lost in thought, I didn't notice a driver blow through a stop sign. He nearly ran me over. I shook my head, and checked both directions before continuing on. I sure as heck didn't need to end up in the hospital again. And just like that, I...
Thursday brought more offers of companionship from a variety of very eager young ladies, some of them from quarters that I had never even considered. My friends hounded me for an explanation of the cryptic note that Jackie dumped on me. I maintained my silence until lunch. "Okay, Robinson, give," Bobby said as he and Betty Lou sat down. "Yeah, you're making the ladies crazy," Jesse said with a smile. "And not just the ones at this table," Mary Jo added. I put my sandwich down and...
I pulled into the driveway next to the Eastman's trailer at six. Mrs. Eastman opened the door, a smile bursting onto her face. "Hello, John!" she said, giving me a quick but crushing hug. "It is so good to see you. I was half convinced that Olivia was pulling my leg." I gave her a sincere smile. "It's nice to see you too, Mrs. Eastman. Is Liv ready?" She nodded at me, still smiling. "Olivia, your date is here!" she called back toward the hallway. Turning back she said, "I can't...
Third period ended and I knew that Liv's locker was nearby, so I hustled toward it. As I'd hoped, Liv was there, grabbing her books for her English class. Just as she closed her locker and turned around, I grabbed her hips and pushed her gently back against the lockers. I leaned down and kissed her hard, shoving my thigh between her legs. With a quick yank, I pulled her t shirt loose from her tight jeans and shoved my hand up under her bra and pinched her nipple. And then I pulled my hand...
January dissolved into February. The school seemed to have finally accepted that Liv and I were a couple and that we would do something a little outrageous from time to time. It was fun. It was exciting. And it showed me a completely different side of sex. With my other girlfriends things were all about romance and affection. Liv enjoyed that side as much as any of the others, but she also showed me that a woman can enjoy sex just for the pure fun of it. It was Monday morning, and Liv had...
Friday morning slipped past quickly. With no real gossip to occupy the tongue waggers, the school was abuzz with curiosity of a simpler kind. Who would be asking who to Sadie Hawkins? Which couples would implode and which would explode onto the scene? I wasn't surprised when Cathy Kramer cornered me. I turned her down as gently as I could. I let Cathy assume that Liv had already asked me. There were another half dozen offers before lunch. "Trouble in paradise, Robinson?" Bobby asked as...
Monday rolled around again, and as I walked to my locker to start the day I wondered what it would bring. I was just about to close my locker when a hand settled on my hip. I turned to see Missy standing there looking around nervously. "Hey good lookin'," I said, closing the locker and spinning the lock. "What's up?" Missy smiled. "Hi, John." She was still a little nervous about something. "What's the matter, honey?" I asked quietly. "I, um," she started and then she stopped,...
I alternated my lunch companions, sitting with Missy and her friends for lunch on Wednesday and Friday. Gail said almost nothing to anyone either day, although she continued to sit with us. Jackie appeared to warm to me a bit more, and I was a bit surprised to find myself enjoying her company as well. Her boyfriend Lyle was a freshman at State, and Jackie seemed to be handling the separation well. She was headed there in the fall to study Journalism. Missy was holding onto the belt loop in...
Friday rolled around again, and at six I found myself walking up the walkway to the Harmon's door. Missy and I were joining the gang at Toni's for dinner. After that, the whole gang was headed to the ice rink, even Liv who was visibly worried about being on skates. I knocked firmly on the door. I hadn't expected Mrs. Harmon to be happy with me, but I still wasn't really prepared for the icy reception I received. Mrs. Harmon frowned. "Oh, it's you, John. Well, you might as well come in....
"Hey, Robinson," Bobby shouted as Missy and I were headed for English. We waited as he waded through the crowd to us. "Have you seen Kenny today?" Bobby asked a little out of breath. "Nope, not since lunch on Friday," I replied, thinking back. "He and Lisa were off by themselves." "Yeah, well, Betty Lou and I saw Lisa on Saturday. She was kissing Heath Boardman." "No way," Missy hissed, completely shocked by the idea. "Yeah, well, we kinda had the same reaction. I tried to...
"So, what brought this on, honey?" I asked as I unlocked the front door. Missy didn't reply, simply sweeping past me. She dropped her books on the kitchen counter, took off her coat and set it on the back of one of the counter stools. She had a nervous smile on her face as she walked toward me. Something was different. I wasn't sure what it was, but it was just a flitting thought that disappeared as soon as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my face toward hers. There was no...
I was again first to lunch, and I was sitting in the cafeteria waiting for my friends as usual. I saw Kenny hurry into the room. He made a beeline for the table. "Pinch me, John," he said as he plopped into the chair next to me. "I must be dreaming." "Oh?" "Don't play the innocent with me, John Robinson," he laughed. "I guess that means that Miss Carson found some courage and you weren't an asshole, I laughed back." "Got it in one," he replied with a huge smile on his face....
Something occurred to me as we walked out of the dance. "You aren't jealous of Lisa Carver, are you, honey?" I asked as I opened the car door for Missy. "You don't mind that I agreed to dance with her?" "Not really, John. You know, I sort of expected to be jealous when you danced with Liv and Mary Jo, given your history with the two of them, but I was actually happy watching you guys smile and laugh and dance. I guess I figured out that they aren't competing for you, that they've...
March came in like a lion with PMS as Lisa Carver did all she could to attract my attention, and Peter Hawkins, as Gail had warned me, had it all backwards. He threatened me several times, despite my assurances that I had no interest in his bottle blonde girlfriend. This madness only served to bring Missy and I closer together. We shared memories from our past. We shared our impatience with the present. We shared our hopes for the future. I told Missy about my dreams, and she told me about...
"While we are waiting for Tom, there is one more thing that Morris wanted me to do today," Mr. Reynolds said, solemnly. He reached into his pocket and handed Missy a sealed envelope. I watched as Missy stared at the envelope. I could see that she recognized the writing on the outside. With a sad smile, she broke the seal and pulled a two page letter from the envelope, walking over to the sofa to sit and read her father's last message to her. A tear trickled down Missy's cheek as she...
Missy had been a popular girl before her birthday, but by Monday, the news about her inheritance was out. Everyone seemed to be vying for her time and attention. As the effective owner of the most critical business in Ridgemont, Missy now had power to go along with her money. As someone they went to school with, Missy was also far more accessible and much less intimidating than some impersonal HR form, and everyone was trying to gain access and make that approach, looking for an in with the...
I spent the weekend quietly. I thought I had accepted that the ride was over and it was time for me to get off and get ready for the rest of my life. It wasn't a good feeling, but by Monday morning, I felt that I had come to terms with things. I found out I wasn't prepared for the pain, however, when Gail showed up at my locker before English. She had tears in her eyes as she reached out and handed me a heart shaped locket. I stared at it for a moment, blinking back tears that wanted to...
Something about what Jackie said stuck, and on Wednesday morning I was early to English once again. Mr. Hayes looked up as I entered his room. "Two days in a row, John Robinson? Soon you'll have me believing you actually care about English." I smiled. "We can't have that, now can we, Mr. Hayes. No, something a friend said has me curious. Why did you have me read Sonnet 91 yesterday?" "Would you believe quid pro quo?" "Not for a minute," I replied, still smiling. Mr. Hayes...
By the time lunch came on Friday, it felt like everything was back to what passed for normal in my life. I grinned to myself as I considered the idea that anyone could think of the last twelve months as 'normal.' Maybe 'less turbulent' would be more accurate. Missy had called me Wednesday night, something that rarely happened before. She had picked me up and driven me to and from school. We'd walked to class talking about this and that, content just to be together. I had an epiphany,...
Monday rolled around again and it was time to buy Prom tickets. Missy smiled when I dutifully asked, and I ponied up the money for our ticket. Unlike a previous dance I'd tried hard to forget, there was no issue whatever with Missy and I getting tickets this time around. A lot had changed in five or six months. Prom was the topic of choice all week at lunch and even between classes. Everyone asked me to once again set up dinner the night of the Prom, but Missy spoke up quickly. "I'd...
I was surprised to see Tony's car parked in the driveway when I got home. I didn't expect him and Tracey to be home this early. I smiled as I recalled the conversation I'd had with Tony yesterday. Tony had been sitting on the hood of his car, waiting for me to come home Thursday after school. He had looked visibly nervous when I walked up the driveway. "Hi, Tony," I called as I walked up to his car. "If you're waiting for Tracey, you've got a long wait. She's catering a party over...
"Melissa's not here, John," Mrs. Harmon said as she opened the door. "She wasn't expecting you, was she?" "Not really, Mrs. Harmon. I knew she would still be at the hospital. I, um, actually came to talk to you for a moment, if I may?" "Come in," Mrs. Harmon waved me to the sofa in the living room, the same sofa on which Missy and I had been making out the previous evening. "Can I get you something to drink, John?" I shook my head. "No thanks," I told her. "Well then,...
Despite what we both knew was going to happen, Missy and I walked calmly into the house. Still, there was a look in here eyes, and I'm sure there was an extra spring in my step. I spun her around and pinned her to the door as I closed it, kissing her hard. We were both panting when we broke the kiss. Missy dropped her purse on the kitchen counter and then turned to me. "I don't mean to put you off, John, but I need a shower," she said firmly. "Of course. Tracey thought you might want...
Something soft and silky teased my nose and my eyes blinked open. The room was filled with the soft glow of the morning sun filtering through the lacy curtains. As soon as my eyes opened, I felt the prickly tingling of my left arm. A smile came quickly as I remembered why my arm ached and my nose itched. The soft body beside me stirred and rubbed against me, drawing all the blood toward my thickening shaft. A quick glance downward showed me that it was nestled between two of the best looking...
I watched with a smile as Hannah Mills walked regally to the podium. When she started her speech I looked at the sea of green caps around me. Most of us had made it through all four years. The final four weeks of our senior year had rushed past with a flurry of activities. Prom was everything I'd hoped it would be. Missy was radiant in her teal gown and glowed with happiness and contentment. We danced the night away, lost in our own world. It was only later that I realized we had danced...
I took a deep breath as I waited for her. I peeked around the corner and smiled at the large crowd. All of our friends were here. I saw Olivia Wallace glance over her shoulder and smile at me. I smiled back, Olivia's smile tickling a memory from long ago... All those memories flooded back through me in an instant, especially that magical Senior year. I felt myself frown as I realized that had been nearly thirty years ago. Time sure flies when you're having fun. Liv's eyes twinkled as...
Oh how the years have gone by and the things I have forgotten. One thing that had slipped my mind until recently was an old g/f had a fantasy of having sex with the strong possiblility of being caught. When we had met I only been with a couple of women and it was just plain old missionary style sex. When I met Terry I found myself in a whirlwind of sex. There was nothing that this woman wouldn't try or talk about trying. Her list of fantasies was quite long and impressive and we ticked them off...
Quickie SexTHE GIRL AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS: A short story by Tamsyn Fifteen-year-old Noah is having a pleasant day home alone, indulging in being able to enjoy crossdressing as his alter ego, Kirstie. When his father arrives home early from work, however, it is difficult to say who has the biggest shock. In biology the fight or flight response is the body's reaction to a sudden, acute stressor that is perceived to be dangerous. A neural response in the hypothalamus prompts the pituitary...