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“Gavin! You have to get moving if you are going to get to McIntyre’s by noon.”

“I got plenty of time, Mom. Don’t worry about it. I still don’t know what they want with me. Father usually takes care of all the legal matters. I never wanted to get involved with all that paperwork and such.”

“I know. I know, but they insisted it was important. And don’t push that horse more than you have to.”

“I don’t know why dad can’t at least go with me?” He posed it as a question, not a statement.

“He insisted that this is a meeting that you must take by yourself. He has confidence in your ability to handle it.”

“That means that he knows what it is about. Why didn’t he tell me?”

“He has his reasons. I am sure you will be okay. That is, if you get there on time. Now get moving. It is a long way to Aberdeen.”

The stable hand had the gelding ready when he got there. It wasn’t the fastest horse, but it was the largest and able to handle Gavin’s size for the trip with no problem. Gavin was large even for a Scotsman, but there was not an ounce of fat on him. Like his father and his father’s father, he was solid and fearful to behold even at only twenty-five years. The full beard and unkempt sandy hair did nothing to mellow the image. He did make it to the offices of McIntyre Solicitors in time, but barely.

Fitz McIntyre was grossly overweight and was not ashamed to admit that he was suffering from severe gout. As odd as it may seem, having gout was a sort of status symbol among the gentry. His desk was quite large but the room was small and dank. Gavin waited patiently while he arranged and rearranged several piles of paper until he had them just right.

McIntyre cleared his throat a few times and then took a sip of what appeared to be tea, but Gavin was not sure. “Robert Erskine, your great uncle died last month and named you, Gavin Erskine, as his one and only heir. You are to assume full ownership and possession of all his properties and enterprises within the next ninety days, or they will be forfeit.”

Gavin was a bit shocked. “I am sorry Mister McIntyre, can you repeat all that and be a bit more explicit? I was not at all prepared for this and need a chance to absorb it.”

“It’s my fault Gavin. I tend to be a bit brisk at times. Do you know anything at all about your great uncle?”

“Only that he lived in Ireland, never married and had quite a bit of land. I know nothing about any enterprises that you mentioned.”

“Like your father, your great uncle was also a Laird, similar to an English Lord. He has a extremely large estate with a fine manor house. There are only five tenant houses, however the property has a large clay pit which is leased out to a London porcelain company and an extensive turpentine operation. The income from these two enterprises alone has allowed him to maintain the manor easily and to accumulate a very large bank account and trust which you also inherit.”

“It appears that it would be foolish for me not to take it over.”

“That is correct and I recommend that you make arrangements to get there a soon as you can.”

“Where exactly is this place?”

After a bit of scrambling about the desk top, McIntyre produced a small map. “It appears to be about ten kilometers north of Kenmare.”

“I never heard of it.”

“Neither did I, but I am sure you will be able to find it.”

Gavin spent the next hour filling out and signing papers. It was interesting that by the time he left Aberdeen, he was wealthier than his own father. Now all he had left to do was go to Ireland and take possession.

The ride home seemed to go a lot faster than the ride to town.

By the time he got home his father had told his mother about the inheritance. She gave him a hug and his dad shook his hand with a big grin on his face. Dad did not know any more about Robert or the estate. Gavin tried to talk him into going with him for the first time, but he refused.

They were just finishing up supper when his mother got a serious look on her face.

“Gavin. Tomorrow morning you are to go to see Elsbeth. She will be expecting you. I will have a basket of bread and spirits ready for you to take for her.”

“I don’t understand. Why do I have to go see her? I know that she is special, but what does it have to do with me?”

“Elsbeth came to see me six months ago and told me something was going to happen that concerned you, but not what. She made me promise that you would come see her.”

“Mom, she is a cailleach!”

“Hush! She is a seer. There is a difference. What ever you do, treat her with respect.”

She was waiting when he arrived. Her unique appearance made it difficult to estimate her age, but Gavin had known of her as long as he could remember. As children they would tell stories about her at night to scare each other.

“Good morning ma’am. My mother sends this basket.”

“Please thank her for me. Have a seat Gavin. I won’t keep you long.”

Most of the folks now used oil lamps, but ms Elsbeth was still using candles. Although it was daytime, the small windows in the cottage did not let in much light.

“Listen very carefully now Gavin. There are only two things that you must do when you arrive in Ireland. It is important that you do as I say even though you may think of me as a crazy old lady. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“You will marry one year after you arrive at your new home. Your bride will have raven black hair and will be spiteful as hell. You will recognize her as soon as you see her. You will have to tame her and keep her under control. Any questions?”

“Why would I want to marry such a shrew?”

“Because you will love each other. No matter what you do, you must stand by her. Do not lose her.”

“How will I know it is the right one?

“She will be tainted.”

“What does that mean?”

“I am not sure, but you will find out.”

Elsbeth poured two cups of tea and set out a plate of shortbread. Shortbread was a weakness of his and she must have known that.

“The second thing is a bit more complicated. You will naturally be growing some crops and your tenants will also. Under no circumstances will you allow your tenants to grow potatoes and you will not grow them yourself.”

“That doesn’t make sense. Everybody in Ireland grows potatoes. That is what most of them eat. Why would I deprive them of growing them?”

“I am not sure, but you must insist upon it. Have them grow turnips, beets, carrots, or what ever, but under no circumstances potatoes. If they want to eat potatoes, let them trade for them. They can eat them, but they can’t grown them.”

Gavin was reaching for his third shortbread cookie when he paused. “Any thing else I should know?”

“No, that is about it. Marry the galla with the black hair and don’t grow lumpers. Think you can remember that?”

He was laughing to himself as he ate the third cookie. Nothing made sense, but Elsbeth was never wrong. He wasn’t worried about the potato thing, but why would he marry a bitchy woman, and how was she tainted? What does ‘tainted’ even mean?

Gavin could have taken the ferry and traveled cross county to get to his estate, but he decided to go by ship to cut down on the land travel time. He quickly realized that it was a mistake and that he was not cut out for sea travel. He was traveling light, figuring that he could get anything that he needed after he arrived. From Kenmare, he decided that rather than buy a horse or rent a carriage he would walk to the manor. It was a bit further than he anticipated and he did not arrive until late afternoon. There were two stone pillars at the entrance to the estate. A brass plate with ‘Erskine’ was attached to one of them.

The stone manor house was larger than he imagined it would be. It was on top of a rise overlooking the five tenant houses below. Each of the clay structures looked to have about an acre of land allotted to it. One of them had a makeshift barn or stable in the rear.

“What is your business here?” He was not expecting the greeting.

Gavin hadn’t noticed where she came from, but she was impressive. A large woman with a no-nonsense air about her. Most of the ladies he noticed since arriving, had their hair long, but this one had hers tied up in a knot. She stood firm with her hands on her hips, waiting, no, demanding an answer.

“I have come a long way and I am here for my supper. How soon will it be ready?” He was interested to see how she responded to his quirky answer.

She paused momentarily and then a big grin crossed her face. “It is about time that you got here. Supper will be ready in twenty minutes. Please come in and I’ll get you some cider. Oh. Take off your shoes.”

The inside of the manor was a total contrast to the houses in the valley below. Everything was sparkling clean and in perfect condition. It appeared that no expense was spared building it.

“I am afraid you will have to do with cheese and sausages. I was expecting your arrival, but did not have enough information to plan a proper meal.”

Gavin followed her and sat at the kitchen table rather than in the dining room. She gave him an odd look, but continued getting a plate together.

“I am Sarah McClure. I have been the housekeeper here for twenty- seven years. Tomorrow morn I will explain everything to you as best as I can. Until then I suggest that you eat a bit and than rest. The next few days will be very hectic for you.”

“McClure is a Scottish name is it not?”

“In deed it is. Your Uncle would have it no other way. No more questions for now.”

Gavin was up early. He found himself fumbling around a bit in the unfamiliar kitchen, but eventually got himself a decent cup of tea. The morning dew was slowly burning off across the valley below. He stood on the porch and watched as Sarah McClure came out of the second tenant house, carrying a basket, and started the assent to the manor. For some reason he had thought that she would actually live in the house. A live-in house keeper made more sense to him. It was something he would have to look into.

“Good Morn, Sire. Are you surveying your domain?”

“Aye. But I have no idea what I am looking at or what I should be looking at.”

Sarah reached inside the basket and handed him a warm scone. “I’ll made you a spot of breakfast and then we will get you a few answers. Mike Rooney will be here shortly to give you a complete tour of the estate. You do ride, don’t you?”

He bit a good chunk out of the scone and gave a small chuckle at her ridiculous question. Of course he rode; he was a Scotsman.

Mike Rooney had lived at the manor for over ten years. He was in charge of all of the farming endeavors; that included the orchard, the main garden area and the field crops. He was allowed to sell all excess crops and split the cash return with the laird. He was very happy with the arrangement and apparently so was Gavin’s Great Uncle.

On the morning ride Gavin was able to see almost the entire estate. They started with the peat bog at the far rear of the property. Harvesting of the peat was leased and in return the estate got all the heating fuel it needed for the manor and the tenant houses, as well as a substantial monetary amount.

The turpentine grove was managed by Will Darcey who lived in another of the tenant houses. He employed several workers from the nearby village. The turpentine was shipped to a processing plant in Wales.

Mike did not take Gavin to the clay pit, but they did ride to the top of the hill overlooking the operation. It was a massive undertaking and it was totally run by a porcelain company from London. Gavin was relieved to hear that he would not have to concern himself with it.

Mike was particularly proud of the apple orchard. He grew Windsor Reds and Irish Peach apples. Gavin though that was an odd name for an apple. Most of the them were used for cider, which was pressed there on the laird.

Along side of the orchard was a large area where oats, corn, and hay was grown. To the south east side of the manor house was a large field with sheep and goats. They belonged to Will Darcey, who provided meat for the manor.

The main garden plot produced enough for the laird, with plenty extra for Rooney to sell.

They ended up at the stables. There were two plow horses, two riding horses, and four pit ponies. The riding horses and the ponies were seldom used. Gavin thanked Mike for the tour and headed back to the manor house. He had worked up a good thirst and was also ready for a bit of lunch.

Lunch consisted of a hardy stew with a bit of meat that he could not identify. It was good and filling and went well with the crusty bread.

“Master Gavin, do you a have a trunk or something coming with your clothing and such?” Since he chose to eat in the kitchen again, Sarah was able to discuss things with him as he ate.

“I only have what I brought with me. I figured that I would buy what I needed when I got here.”

“We will go to Kenmare tomorrow. It is market day and you will also be able to spend a bit of time taking care of banking business.”

“How do we go?”

“You do know how to drive a pony cart I take it?”

“I think I can handle it.”

“After you finish lunch we will review your tenants and their arrangements. You can adjust the terms as you feel necessary. They all had different agreements with your uncle.

“Wylie Hogan lives in the first house with his wife and two sons. He is the laird carpenter and general maintenance man. He also does work off the laird to make spending cash. His two grown sons work on their own doing whitewashing. They mostly work off the manor but also take care of the tenant houses and manor out buildings. He has been here for over ten years and your uncle was very happy with their arrangement.”

Gavin just gave her a small nod and she continued.

“Will Darcy and his wife are in the second cottage. He runs the turpentine operation and also raises sheep and goats that graze on the lower fields. Although your uncle did enjoy a nice beef steak every so often, he ate a lot of mutton and goat. The turpentine operation is very profitable. Darcey is able to make extra cash by regularly selling off some of the lambs and goats. Your uncle was also happy with this arrangement.”

Gavin nodded again and she continued.

“You met Mike this morning. He sells off all of the excess produce and splits the proceeds with the manor. He also handles the cider press operation and sales of the cider. His efforts provide for all the oats and hay we need. He is happy with the situation and so was your uncle.”

“My husband Rob and I live in the fourth house. Rob is a beekeeper and also makes candles. He sells the honey and the candles to two different dealers in Kenmare. Our children are both gone now and unfortunately Rob is getting a bit long in the tooth. I try and spend as much time with him as I can. That is why I no longer work at the manor full time. I would like to discuss my working arrangement with you a bit further, but that can wait until later.”

“William O’Reilly lives in the last house with his three daughters, Meg, Maeve and Clara. O’Reilly takes care of the stables and live stock. He also runs a small drayage business. Two of his daughters make artificial flowers and pastilles which they sell at the market in Kenmare. O’Reilly and your uncle did not get along too well and to be honest, I don’t know why he kept him on. He is a bit nasty and argumentative. His wife left him about ten years ago, we believe because of his bad attitude.” “You mentioned three daughters. What does the third one do?”

“Nothing as such. That is one of the reasons O’Reilly is so testy.”

“Do you care to explain that a bit?”

“Clara is a bastaird. About twenty years ago her mother, Mary, went to visit her folks in Dublin. While she was there she had an affair with a Portugese fisherman. She came back pregnant and when Clara was born with pitch black hair O’Reilly was furious. The other two have red hair like their father. From there on out, O’Reilly treated his wife and the bastaird like lepers. He never physically abused them, but there was no love or affection shown. That is how Clara was raised and is still affected by it. She was still young when her mother left and had to endure her father’s wraith ever since. She is a mean, bitter young girl.”

“Why didn’t Mary take Clara with her when she left?”

“The rumor is that she went to Moll’s Gap. It is not the best place to be with a young girl in tow.”

Sarah and Gavin were half way to Kenmare when they passed O’Reilly and his daughters on the road. His cart was loaded with honey, candles and produce to sell. The two perky gingers were sitting on the back of the cart chatting away. Walking several steps behind was O’Reilly’s bastaird. As soon as he saw her he knew that she was the one. Elsbeth was right again.

There was more money in the bank than Gavin could spend in his life time. Of course any number of things could happen that would wipe it out, but if he was true to his Scottish heritage of thriftiness he was set. Add to this the income from the ongoing endeavors and his children and children’s children would never have to worry. He celebrated the good news by purchasing an entire new wardrobe of the best that was available. Anything better would have to come from London or Dublin.

Sarah and he finished the day by walking through the market. They didn’t see O’Reilly, but his two favorite daughters seemed to be doing well selling their flowers and sweets. Clara was sitting at the side of the cart reading a paper back book of some type. She snapped her head up while he was staring at her. Their eyes met and neither of them looked away. Under normal circumstances, one or the other would advert their eyes, but not this time. She stood up and started towards him just as Sarah grabbed his arm.

“Not now, sire. This is not the time or place.” The tug on his sleeve broke the spell of the moment. He gave his future bride a small nod and backed away.

The paddy cart was loaded on the way home. What room was not taken up with new clothing was filled with biscuits and other goodies. Sarah was talking the whole way back, but did not say a word about Clara. It was as if she knew.

When Gavin came down for breakfast he found Clara in the kitchen with Sarah. The table was laid out with far more food than he could ever consume. He didn’t know if Sarah was trying to impress him or Clara. This time her eyes did not met his. She avoid looking at him to the point that it became obvious. He did notice that she was also glancing around the inside of the manor as if she had never been in it before. Gavin gave Sarah a slight imploring glance, trying to get some sort of idea of what she expected him to do next. It was a bit awkward for Clara and for him. Sarah seemed to think it was a bit funny and had a silly grin on her face. Finally he couldn’t take it any more.

“Clara!” Their eyes did meet, now. “Sit!” She sat, and as soon as she did, Sarah had a cup of tea in front of her.

Gavin preceded to fill his plate and eat, trying not to make a mess of it. He made liberal use of the napkin Sarah had provided, to keep his beard as clean as possible. Clara sipped her tea as she glanced back and forth between Sarah and Gavin, not knowing what to do, or what was expected of her. She was in the lairds house for the first time and she did not know why. She was not afraid, but was a bit unsettled. Sarah cleared the dishes away and sat down at the table with Clara and Gavin. She had her own cup of tea.

“Clara. I will be retiring very shorty and the master will need a housekeeper. I would like for you to take over for me. If you can agree to it, I will spend the next few months teaching you everything that you need to know. You will of course be living in the manor house full time and be available to him twenty-four hours a day. You can have one day off a week for personal affairs. Do you have any questions?”

“What exactly do I have to do?”

“Cleaning, cooking, laundry and what ever is necessary to keep the house running properly.”

“I don’t know him. He is a Scotsman. I don’t want to be in the house alone with him.”

Gavin, who had been sitting quietly, realized what Sarah was attempting and why. He was glad that she was able to do what he could not do, and wanted it to be successful. He reached down to his right ankle, remove something, and quickly placed it on the table in front of Clara.

“What is this?”

“This is my sgian dubh. It is sacred. It was given to me by my grandfather. It is my most valued possession.”

“It is an knife!”

“No, it is more than that, much more. You will keep in on you at all times. If at anytime you feel threaten in any manner, it will be there to protect you. With the sgian dubh you will be invincible. You will fear nothing.”

It was an odd smile that she gave him. As if what he said was a bit humorous. For some reason, she could relate to it, even though it was a bit preposterous.

“It sure looks like a knife.” Gavin just smiled as she put in on her lap.

“Okay. I will give it a try. I just have one more question. Why me? There are a lot of girls around that are far more qualified than I am.”

Gavin was at a loss for words. Sarah finally looked at him. “Gavin, say something.”

“You were different than the others. You looked liked good breeding stock.”

Clara sat with her mouth hanging open and Sarah started to giggle. Gavin quickly got out of his chair and left the room, kicking himself for blurting out such a stupid thing.

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Introduction: Frank turns up at last The week following the party my head was spinning, here I was 42 years old working for a dead end company in a dead end job with a wife that had suddenly gone completely mad, she had been having an affair and had seen her lover off to his new job with a orgy, would not let me fuck her but gave me head, and go out of her way to humiliate me, she only seemed to get her kicks whilst I was watching her fuck other men, all of whom seemed blessed with large cocks,...

2 years ago
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Carl And His Stepsister Marias Affair With Their Uncle Part 3

The weekend had finally arrived and I carefully planned a day of intimate time alone with Carl and Maria. We agreed use my bedroom and the king-sized bed, silk sheets, and subdued lighting to set the mood. They wanted to fuck and the mood setting was really for me. For our first time together, we agreed I would watch them and join in when ready. I was accustomed to being the voyeur anyway. The thought of having sex with them was surreal, yet exciting. On Saturday afternoon, we all entered my...

First Time
2 years ago
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Never Date Your Hair Stylist

Over time though, she moved to a different salon and I ended up trying other stylist. This lasted a few years, but eventually I ended up back with Lisa. I was excited to see her again and I was nervous to see her when I walked in the salon. She was still very pretty, but over the few years when i didn’t see her, she had put on some weight. I’m not sure why, maybe it was the break up with her ex boyfriend or maybe too much partying, or maybe both. In any case, she still had a very pretty...

3 years ago
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The Westhampton Womens Circle

Chapter 1: New In WesthamptonA New HomeLiz was particularly pleased with her new home. She still thought of herself as Liz rather than Elizabeth but maybe it was time to move on. Of course it had been a wrench moving away from the town where she and her husband had lived for so long out here to the ‘burbs’, but with Ben’s new job they couldn’t really have stayed where they were. And, of course, now that he was earning more they had been able to afford something bigger and in a nice part of...

1 year ago
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MyBabysittersClub Jillian Janson To Fuck A Babyscammer

Jillian Janson was not just a master babysitter, but also a master scammer. After her newest client left she began creeping around the house looking for something valuable to get her hands on. She stumbled across a credit card that looked like it had a high limit. She proceeded to buy as many shoes as she could and ship them to a discreet location. Before the transaction could even go through her client was notified by his bank. He cut his day short and rushed home to scold Jillian for her...

1 year ago
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Reddit Handjobs, aka r/Handjobs! I know many of you guys like blowjobs way more than you enjoy handjobs, but if we were to just give handjobs a shot at fascinating us, I think that most of us would feel more than grateful that handjobs exist. I don’t believe that these wonderful things get enough attention from people. So to compensate for that and perhaps give handjobs a little bit of love, I’m going to introduce you guys to a subreddit that is all about handjobs. It’s called, well,...

Reddit NSFW List
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The New Guy In The OfficeChapter 4 Matty

The next day at work one of the first people I saw was Sonia and as our eyes met she quickly looked away. Around nine Mary came over and sat down on the edge of my desk. "So, how did it go last night?" "What do you mean?" "I mean how did your evening with Sonia go?" "It was okay." "Just okay?" "Hey, what can I say. Sometimes things just don't click." "She wasn't any good in the sack huh?" "No, that wasn't it at all. We both enjoyed it, but I doubt that we will be...

2 years ago
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Daddys reawakening Chap 8

Introduction: This story is pure fiction. All characters depicted are 18+. Chapter 8 – Coping It had been 3 weeks since my older sister Jackie had moved in unexpectedly. There was lots of crying and she was very clingy and looking for constant attention and affirmation. I knew that she was dealing with a major life crisis, her husband had cheated on her, asked for a divorce, and kicked her out, and she found all of that out in one day. All of that news hit her like a ton of bricks, and she...

2 years ago
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Maya Them

After her divorce and living on her own, Maya, me, and my two friends got together for cum sessions many times. I couldn’t believe such an unselfish, dirty, sweet slut existed in India! I had to marry this whore and make her mine. A month into our married life, Maya got the itch to taste and smell new cocks. She asked me if I was ok with it. Man, that’s what I wanted her to do! I asked her how long she has had this desire, and she told me she has been sexually active with men from her hometown...

2 years ago
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Alice Does ItalyChapter 10

Economic growth was chugging along like a juggernaut, everywhere our traders went, there was a profit to be made. The Venus cult was becoming obscenely wealthy. Alice and I were struggling to find ways to spend our money in ways which would generate more growth. Of course, there were some people who claimed that we had gotten prosperous enough and longed for the old days. They conveniently forgot how miserable life had been for most people in the old days. We had already gotten the child...

3 years ago
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There Must Be A Mistake Ch 30

Note: All persons in this novel are fictitious. If you are looking for a great deal of explicit sexual activity, this story is not for you. Those scenes that are included will be evocative rather than just for the sake of sex itself. This story is for your reading pleasure. Its length is undetermined at this time, because I do not know where my mind will take me along the way. I hope you will stay with me during this journey until it reaches its inevitable conclusion. ***** 144. Dark...

4 years ago
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Agent X5 Trouble in ParadiseChapter 17

Di was done with massaging Sofia. She had made sure that her hands had explored every square centimeter of this girl's luscious body, except of the hot zone between her legs. If Sofia hadn't tensioned up when Di's hands had gone up Sofia's thighs, she would have massaged it as well, but for now, Di wanted to make sure that Sofia felt safe and comfortable with her. Both of them were still lying on Di's bed and facing each other. If people could see them, they would probably think that...

2 years ago
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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 34

8PHE0034 word count 5058 ******** Day 34, Sunday Chastity woke up in a mess of blood and other fluids. Ugh. She'd forgotten. The comforter was probably ruined. She pulled all the mess into the big room of the basement. She scrubbed clothes and towels and sheets with prewash in the deep sink. And set them to soak in the other half of the deep sink. She let the comforter soak, too. She'd wash it, send it out for professional cleaning if the stains didn't wash out. She...

1 year ago
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Harem King Levan pushed the splintering throne room doors aside, hearing them smash to the stone floor to either side of him as he strode through the room, bloody sword held firmly in his hand. The hall stretched fifty feet, with a dais at the other end sporting an elaborate stone throne, at the foot of which stood the aged ruler of this region, surrounded by his personal guard, all wielding their weapons shakily. “Turn aside, peons, lest you join your King in death,” Levan spoke loudly,...

2 years ago
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loosers wear panty

He wasnt joking, her cute bleue little bottom bikini was on the bed and he made it clear I lost and that was the deal''you hit the balls like a looser, you gonna put that on or no pool for you''''but mike....''''that was the deal, you lost and wear this or you can be naked its dark outside no one can see. its my pool its my rules''i put it on, feeling so tight and looking at my white bubble but being lift up by the bikini string , sliding deeper on my cracks until my cheecks spread the tissue...

2 years ago
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The Day With Ladies And Her

Hi guys this is my second story here. The whole story is a fantasy. Hope it will entertain you. Those who liked my story can tell me about it through mail.We can be friends. My mail id is com. Now let me get into the story I am Alan aged 23 from Kerala. I am presently in Kochi working in a small company. I live along with my friends in a house. I am a normal decent guy. I am not a drunkard nor a smoker. But I watch porn movies. Also sometimes I use to look at girls. But done nothing bad. I had...

3 years ago
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In the future the galaxy is a lawless place and nowhere is more lawless than Oblivian while the town of Oblivian is peaceful the planet itself is corrupt full of bandits and lowlives. The reason the place attracted such criminals aside from the obvious lawlessness is the promise of wealth as the planet is rich in the galaxies most valuable gem Diridium which can deactivate machines just by its proximity. This gem is quite useful for criminals looking to get by androids AI and security systems...

1 year ago
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Silent VigilChapter 7 Blood From a Stone

“Morning, Mister Lewis,” West said as Ethan entered through one of the revolving doors. Ethan was momentarily taken aback, but he reminded himself that this was what the gargoyle had promised, that nobody would even remember that Spencer had existed. It seemed a cruel fate, but it was not undeserved after what he had done. “Good morning, Mister West,” Ethan replied. He hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should risk pushing his luck, but he couldn’t relax until he was certain. “I see...

3 years ago
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Innnocently get in the closet

It was my third school change. With the girls did not take me wrong, but it was, just right. The boy was not more popular. Introvert, and in fact went unnoticed for most.Sometimes though, it was not like a typical bully for repeater, my shyness, and c***dlike, studying hard to put me eight.There was also a repeater, passing Olympian, peers and teachers,that was Juanjo, a boy, big boy of twenty, but looked twenty-five, stood out from the other students. Some not approached him, out of fear,...

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P I And MagicChapter 36

I found Svedra waiting for me, outside his tent. As soon as I arrived, he informed me we had a ceremony to attend. We walked to a small wooded hill that was located about half a mile from camp. As we got there, I could sense a difference in the very air around us. It was charged, somehow. I looked closely, and I could see solid greens and browns that were blended together to produce an aura. The feeling was of a soothing nature. We went deeper into the wood, and I found myself looking at...

1 year ago
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New Age

New Age by Wendy H "Well, it's about time," Dad said impatiently. He and I had been waiting for my Mom and my sister to get ready for dinner for what seemed like an eternity. "I swear, you women are all alike; you can never get ready on time!" Visibly angered, Mom retorted, "You have no idea what women go through for the sake of beauty!" "Yeah, Dad", Jenna, my sister, added. "Girls are expected to be pretty, and that takes time." I laughed derisively. "Well, it...

2 years ago
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An Unwanted Gift 8211 Part I


1 year ago
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My Life As Liz Part 1

Boys and girls, fasten your seatbelts, because I'm going to take you on a wild ride through my life. I'm Liz or Elizabeth, whichever you prefer. I prefer Liz, because Elizabeth just sounds too strict. But anyways, let's get back to what I wanted to tell you. I'm a college student, twenty years of age, and I will tell you about my crazy life. I'm a lesbian, but only technically, I guess. Maybe I'm bisexual, since I'm not turned off by guys, but I have always fancied girls more. There's just...

College Sex
3 years ago
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Best day of my life

The early morning sun began to shine brightly through our bedroom window- waking me up. I wasn’t much of a morning person until the first morning you and I woke up in each other’s arms. After that, I grew to love mornings. Our mornings were special. It was the one time of the day where we actually got to hold each other close and not be in a big hurry. All the cuddling and whispering as we each wake up. Except this morning, I woke up too late. Your scent still lingered in the air though......

2 years ago
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One Night Stand

I was at this same gender bar, drinking and listening to music. Another young man,close to my age sat down at my table and asked 'do you mind if I join you?' I looked at him as annoyed as I could muster and answered 'it would have been better if you ask before you took a seat!' With out a single word, he sized my right hand and guided it swiftly to his crotch. I was both taken by surprise and shocked to have in my grasp the longest thickest piece of man meat I ever had touched. My mouth fell...

4 years ago
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My husbands first business trip of the year

My husbands first business trip of the year part 1It was the first tuesday in Feb and that evening once my husband got home from work, he told me that on Thursday he would have to fly to Cape Town for 7 days of meetings and training, the first one start Friday morning. I was a little disappointed that he had to be away over the weekend but at the same time looking forward to having the time to see my lover Nick. I messaged Nick on the Wednesday asking him when he would be available and he...

1 year ago
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Caribbean Cruise Ch 04

This story is dedicated to a fellow author, sound critic, and good friend – sirhugs. Thanks for being there to help out, with ideas, suggestions and support, this one’s for you, mate! :D. Warning: This story is largely incest-orientated. If this genre is offensive to you, I strongly recommend that you do not continue any further. Please ensure that you have read the previous chapters of Caribbean Cruise before beginning this story, as this is a continuation of those postings. Thank-you, and I...

3 years ago
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Daddy Makes Sasha a Whore Part 1 rewrite

Introduction: This story involves some subject matter such as incest and rape that may offend some readers. If you are one of these readers please dont read this, just find a different story. It is purely fictional so if there is any resemblance to anyone or anything in real life it is coincidental. Part 1 He kissed me softly at first, I responded and he deepened the kiss. His tongue was flicking my bottom lip and I moaned. His hand slid up my stomach till it reached my breast, then he cupped...

1 year ago
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What if she wanted

What if she wanted?Prologue?What if she wanted to suffer permanent damage??The silence that followed was deafening. We all looked at Candy, stunned. She looked back. ?Yes, What if she did want to have it done to her? Why not? Why would you deny it to her??Candy, my girlfriend of two years, when among friends, had this endearing custom of thinking out loud, and elaborating her ideas for everyone to hear; I called it ?Thinking in front of her head? Sometimes it was cute; sometimes it was...

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Teen Porn Stars

Teen Porn Stars I am a high school mathematics teacher while my wife is an English teacher. We both teach the ninth grade where the students are all about fifteen to sixteen years old. They are freshmen and are the small fish in a very big pond. For some it is hard to adjust to it because just last year in junior high school they were the big fish in that very little pond. My wife and I run a little porn studio in our basement too. It is for a very select clientele, the kind that...

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Learning the Lifestyle Pt 2 It Continues

Seeing her smile, he asked, “Surprised?” “Surprised about what,” she questioned? Seeing that she didn’t what to offend him by making a sexist remark, he made it for her, “Surprised that a man can cook such a wonderful sauce that tastes like heaven?” Hoping that he hadn’t thought that of her, she answered back, “No, actually smarty pants, it tastes just like my grandfathers except that he puts pepperoni and black olives in his, called it Irish spaghetti. He learned to make it from an...

2 years ago
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The End Of The World

The newspaper, and other media have been broadcasting: “The End Of The World was coming on December 21, 2012. Now just imagine, the world is going to be destroyed and it’s your last day on Earth. Where would you go, what would you do, how will you spend your last day?"Corporal Joshua Beningham’s tour of duty in Iraq was coming to an end and he would be flying back home to the USA. However, since the news of the world ending; time seemed to be at a stand still, as if some unknown force was...

First Time
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A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 13

Rose’s mouth dropped open. ‘Poker? I thought it was just supposed to be a social sort of get-together.’ The three of them sat at the table in the loft surrounded by containers of the Chinese food that Rose had brought home. ‘Yeah,’ Kayla smiled, ‘That’s what it’ll be. It’s just going to have a poker game as the focal point, that’s all.’ Rose shook her head, ‘I haven’t played poker in donkey’s years. I doubt I can remember how. Why do you want me to go? I can take care of Jillian while you and...

3 years ago
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Invasion of the Buxom Babes from Planet BBW Big

I WROTE THIS HIGH AND HORNY AFTER WATCHING A LOT OF BBW PORNIt was a night like any other in the quiet little town of Washington DC, the lights were a bustle with life and the Capital Building had turned down for the night. The streets were dead quiet to the point where a pen would disturb the peace. However, there are much darker more sinister plans aloof with in the great capital of the US; for you see our own president, President Ripstudly, is working with Dr. Shlong on a new invention. The...

1 year ago
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I have a real love/hate relationship with social media sites like Facebook and Instagram. On the one hand, I enjoy perusing these sites with one hand as I enthusiastically appreciate the hot attention whores posting bikini shots and slutty selfies. On the other hand, I’m always getting banned for posting pictures of my giant dick. That’s why I’m so interested in what they’re doing over at Sharesome.Sharesome.com, which bills itself as The First Free Adult Social Network, was founded in 2018....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Aadhichu polikeda mone

Hi! Ella malayalee vayanakkarkkum vayanakkarikalkum ente namaskaaram. Enttammo o! Enthoru sukham, pattathiyude aa neyappa pooril aadichu kayattumbol; aa maathanga mulakalil onnu thottal pinneh parayukayum venda. Iyppol. 42 years, 5” 10” height, 42” chest, 80 kgs weight (9”x 4” size) ithu ennude thu; inni en pattathi yudethu 39 years, 5”7”, 42-32-38”, 77 kgs (venna niranjha ponthiya neyappam) 11 years munne widhva yayi., iyppol keralathil sthira thamasam, 2 sons + prayamaya amma ithryamannu...

2 years ago
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Tonya Harding SlaveGirlChapter 29

A few hours later, Tonya was still asleep when the Doctor and Nancy came back, wheeling a large metal frame into the room. The Doctor maneuvered the frame underneath the chair, then tilted it so that it was roughly parallel with her body. He went over to Tonya's right hand, and gently undid the strap from around it, pulling her hand up toward the frame's corner, and binding it in a wrist cuff. The same procedure was followed for her left hand, and then for both of her feet, until she was...

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