Cowboy In The Mens Room
- 5 years ago
- 37
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In my senior year of college at UEC, I developed bone spurs in the vertebrae of my neck. I wasn't really surprised because dad and one of my elder brothers suffered from the same condition.
It wasn't ordinarily a problem but I quickly discovered the muscles I used to throw a football pulled on my neck enough to prevent me from throwing the long rifle like passes spectators loved to see. The medium to short range passes still looked good and we won games but about two thirds through the season, I started to throw a pass and dropped the ball. My hand had gone numb and I didn't realize it.
I had to have surgery to remove the most troublesome spurs. Some remained simply because of the complexity of removing them without interfering with my spinal cord. Eventually though, I would have to undergo surgery and have those removed also. Something I was not looking forward to.
My mom flew up to be with me during the surgery and we decided we still loved each other although she thought the girls that visited me were outrageous. To me they were just being their usually sexually aggressive selves. I believed their behavior was quite subdued but mom didn't.
When mom returned home, I was shocked dad called and said, "Hey Wes... Nobody gets pregnant until you get your Master's degree... Understand?" I grinned and replied, "Got ya dad! How have you been?" He said, "Fine just fine until your mom got home She's been worrying me to death about those women she saw that came to visit you."
I laughed, "I love you too dad. You don't need to worry, my girlfriend is too old to get pregnant." He was silent then exclaimed, "Damn Wes, how old is she?" I cackled, "It's Danielle dad! She's fifty-two." He exploded, "Danielle is fifty-two? Oh come on Wes, she couldn't be... could she?" I said, "She sure is dad."
He laughed hard then and said, "Now I am worried, hell she looks to be about thirty or maybe a little older. Shit boy... she's a dandy isn't she?" I answered, "She sure is dad..." he laughed again, "Well ok then... see you at thanksgiving?" I said, "Sure thing pop... "
The school didn't prohibit faculty/student dating, by the same token, they made strong suggestions to the faculty to avoid it if an affair became common knowledge. Danielle was never approached which led her to believe no one wanted to upset me, now we would see since I was going to be on the sidelines for several games while I recuperated and went through rehabilitation.
I went for physical therapy four times each week. My therapist was a sports therapist who had undergone additional training for jocks like myself. He was a guy named Tom Waltham.
One day I went for therapy and was told Tom had been called home back east due to a family emergency and would be gone several weeks. My new therapist was not a sports therapist or a guy. However, Tom had left detailed instructions on how to care for me.
Mia Yon was oriental and cute as a button. Tom always finished sessions with giving me a 'hot' full body massage. He was convinced it was an integral part of therapy and helped to relax the scar tissue forming at the incision site.
Mia said in her curious accent; "I can't do what Mr. Waltham does, I'm not strong enough but I will do what I can ok?"
Tom was a big guy like myself and jerked my upper body pretty hard when he was stretching 'long muscles' to help them relax.
I was nude with a towel over my privates when she began the massage, suddenly after I had begun to doze, she gasped. I opened my eyes to look at her and saw her staring at my crotch. I glanced down and realized I had one hell of a hard-on.
My cock had pinned the towel between it and my abdomen.
I grinned and decided to tease her, "Want some of that Miss Yon?" I asked with a leer. She turned away without answering then quickly turned back and smacked the head with a long piece of fiberglass used sometimes to strengthen weak joints under elastic bandages.
I cried, "Owwwwwww!" And lost my hard-on. I looked up at her and she said, "Yes but not here dummy." She pronounced dummy as 'do me'.
I grimaced, "Damn it! I didn't mean here Miss Yon!" She had blushed when she saw my cock but she deepened and whispered, "So sorry Mr. Carpenter. I thought..."
I grinned, "I know what you thought..." She smiled then and leaned down to kiss my cheek and handed me a slip of paper, she gave a soft laugh, "My address... come around seven if you want.
I read it and said, "I'll be there."
I took a bottle of wine and flowers to see Mia. She smiled and her eyes got big when she saw the gifts. "I didn't know you would bring gifts Mr. Carpenter." She simpered.
She offered me her cheek and said, "Now I'm very embarrassed, I thought you would want me ready for you so I took the liberty of wearing just this robe to receive you." I smiled reassuringly at her and said, "You look lovely Mia... I'm flattered you want me so badly." She dropped her eyes and whispered, "Yes I do Mr. Carpenter."
I said, "Please call me Wes won't you?" She nodded, "Yes sir, if you wish me too."
She took the flowers and wine then put the flowers in a vase and asked, "Shall we open the wine now?" I shook my head, "No not yet... let's visit shall we?"
She smiled and asked, "Something else then? A cola or iced tea perhaps?" I nodded, "Iced Tea sounds good."
She left and in a few minutes returned with a pitcher of tea and two glasses on a silver serving tray. "My favorite beverage!" I chortled she seemed shy when she said, "I hope you like the way I fix it."
I took a big drink and said, "Yes... very good Mia... excellent."
She sat down beside me and I took her hand in mine and caressed her knuckles gently before I asked, "Tell me about yourself won't you?" She nodded, "Well, I was born in Hong Kong and came here with my parents when I was three. My parents are both deceased now but I became a citizen nearly ten years ago. We, I, have family in mainland China but I haven't seen them for years. I hope to see them some day soon... I wish... " suddenly she stopped, "This feels like a date Wes. Is it?"
I very somberly said, "It's whatever you wish it to be Mia..." she nodded, "Ok it's a date then... I feel better now."
I said, "You weren't comfortable before?" She shook her head, "No I felt like a slut."
I laughed softly, "you certainly didn't look like one Mia... you looked like a lovely woman who knew what she wanted."
She smiled and said softly, "thank you Wes... you're nothing like the rumors say you are." I grinned, "Really? How so?" She shook her head, "You were described as wanting only one thing from a woman."
"Disappointed?" I asked she leaned back and took a deep breath... "No I'm not... In fact, I'm quite pleased to be here with you."
We chatted for a bit then Mia asked, "Am I boring you or disappointing you Wes?" I pretended to be thinking then said, "Only a little..." Her expression made me feel pity for her. I laughed, "Hey Mia, I was joking... I'm fine really." She looked at me carefully, "you sure? You're not just being nice?"
I said, "Tell you what, why don't you come over here and sit on my lop and we'll talk with you snuggled up to me. How's that sound?"
She slowly stood then very carefully sat down on my lap. I grinned, "Now I'll probably get hard but it's just because you're very pretty and smell really nice and of course you're probably soft and feel like a woman."
She was looking at me and nodding as I spoke before she sort of blinked and said, "now wait a minute... My god! That's the damnedest line I've ever heard and you make it sound so normal and so righteous... My god! "
Wes stifled a laugh and asked, "Well thank you, but think about it, why wouldn't I get hard? You're very pretty, smell terrific, and even though I'm sure you work out a lot, are no doubt soft and feminine where it counts. I would think you would be more concerned if I said: ("Now Mia, even though you'll be on my lap, looking great, feeling great, and smelling great, I'll control myself and not get at all excited.")
What would you think then?"
She looked at him and said, "I don't know what to say. What can I say?"
Wes grinned and wrinkled his nose at her. She giggled and thought, "Damn he is so handsome and sure of himself. Not what I always thought an ordinary man is at all."
She leaned back and snuggled into his chest for several silent moments then said, "Your penis is enormous... will it hurt me?" He shook his head, "Maybe a little... I'll be very gentle Mia."
They sat softly talking for several moments before Mia said, "The suspense is killing me Wes." He frowned, "What suspense?" "Waiting for you to make your move." She said simply.
He looked at her in shock, "You were waiting on me? I was waiting on you!"
She opened her mouth to speak and nothing came out... Finally she croaked, "Why would you be waiting on me?" He grinned, "Well... Simply because you started all this." She rose up and looked down into his eyes. There was no guile there, he was speaking honestly as he knew the truth to be.
She gasped, "how did I 'start it' as you say?" He pinched his lower lip, "By noticing I was hard and making an issue of it. You could have ignored me and asked me to roll over or something."
Mia cursed in Chinese then stood and commanded, "Get out! Leave this instant... you... you... self-aggrandizing prick!" Wes looked at her and suddenly weary with women in general, stood and started for the door wordlessly.
She stared at him as he walked towards the door then inhaled deeply, "Where are you going?" she asked He didn't turn and said simply, 'Home" she was wide eyed as she said, "Home! Damn it you can't go home!" He snorted, "Watch me!" and walked out the door.
Mia was devastated. She had told him to leave in the heat of anger and fucked up big time. Tears sprang from her eyes when she saw him cross the street in a few long strides, he wasn't bluffing, he was as gone as it gets.
Wes was tired when he arrived at his dorm room and crashed for a few hours until two a.m. He was ravenously hungry when he awakened and finished a sub and a half gallon milk jug in his fridge.
He dozed again and wakened at eight a.m. Checking his watch, he picked up the phone and dialed it.
Mia slept fitfully and had nightmares she was being abandoned by her parents in Hong Kong China. In her dream, she stood alone at three years old and wondered why her parents were leaving without her. She dreamt her mother said, "We told you to be ready to go when we were but you had your own schedule, so see what happens?"
Danielle had not planned on going to the office this morning. She had some shopping to do and wanted to see Wes if he was free today. Disturbing rumors had been whispered to her and she was very distraught.
The clock on her gas range said, "8:01", when the phone rang. She picked it up and smiled when Wes said, "Hi sweetie... got a minute?" Danielle smiled, "I always have time for my favorite beau honey! What's up sweetie?" She listened then said, "Oh really now! Well you just trot that bad boy over here and momma will whip that puppy into submission, the naughty thing."
The gas range clock indicated, "8:42" when she glanced at it as Wes plowed his big cock into her hungry cunt. He had called to ask her to breakfast but when he saw her all dressed up in a blouse and short tennis style skirt, he had growled and in one smooth move, pushed her panty leg aside and then ran his cock in her wet sleeve balls deep.
Wave after wave of orgasm swept over her then took her breath away again when she felt him pulse his rich cream inside her thirsty pussy. "Oh fuck honey! I love it when you shoot your sweet cream in my pussy baby. Damn I love your big hard cock in my cunt darling! God I really and truly do baby."
Mia walked in the physical therapy department of Edgemont hospital and was greeted by Tammy Burnett on the receptionist's desk. "Wes Carpenter called in and canceled his nine a.m. appointment and left a message for Lou, (the department head), he wanted a different therapist tomorrow. Looks like you lost a patient sweetie." she said cattily
Shame and anger caused Mia's face to flush beet red before she said, "Yes I know Tammy, I'm unable to do the massage therapy properly and was gonna tell Lou to find someone else for him." Tammy glanced at Mia with a disappointed look on her face and said, "Oh!" Mia was pleased she was able to think up that lie so quick and how truthful it sounded.
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I was visiting my sick aunt in Rapid City, SD. I was there a week, when one night at the supper table she suggested I drive down to Keystone, after all she wasn’t ill enough for me to be twenty-four-seven. She handed me a brochure and said, “It’s a trip back in time, on an authentic 1880 train, check it out, I know you’ll enjoy it. The train took one back in time to the old west, through the Black Hills of South Dakota from Keystone to Hill City and back. One could relax in coach, and watch the...
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All the characters portrayed in this story are at least eighteen years old. This story is fiction. * The Indian camp was just over the next hill. I had heard a lot of gun fire earlier in the afternoon coming from that direction. I crawled through the dust until I could see down the slope and into what was left of the camp. Bodies were everywhere. Most of the structures were torn down or on fire or both. I heard a woman’s scream followed by a shot. So, there were still some murderers left...
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Cavendish Young was a man on an adventure. He had, at his father’s request, gone up to Oxford and had stuck it for fully 7 weeks, though by the end of the first week he knew he could not stand being there. He still regretted that he had not then upped and left. Instead he had stuck out 6 more excruciatingly boring weeks. At 11 he had won a scholarship to the local Grammar school and had done well. He was clever, keen on sport and good to look at. That was what the school liked. Cleaver, his...
“So, I’ve arrived. What now?” Cavendish said to himself. He was alone in a vast city. At least they spoke English he had thought when he had docked, but so far he had heard Russian, Polish, German, French and something that might have been English but, spoken as it was by someone from the West of Ireland, it was impossible to be sure. He walked down a street looking for a cheap hotel, rounding a corner he came across a be-whiskered man backed against the building on the pavement. Two men...
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“So, Mrs Johnson, how can we enable you to clear the debts?” “Is there no work I could do? I would even work in the saloon” She phrased that badly, it made him bridle. He had little patience with the ‘holier than though’ superiority of these church going people. “My girls in the saloon are not the dregs Mrs Johnson. Frankly I doubt that you have the required skill or knowledge to carry a tray of drinks on each arm without spilling a drop.” “I did not mean to imply anything, forgive me.”...
It was night time; with the men at the head of the animals, Mrs O’Hara took a breath and started. “You should know, I am expecting again. I haven’t been checked, but I am sure. I can feel it, as I felt you. Two months” Mrs O’Hara started in on a difficult conversation. The girls calculated back and realised it had been the time they had settled for a short time, minding a farm whilst the family went back East. Their parents had risen late every day, and every night the creaking of their bed...
One of the Livonite families rebelled, the man said he would fight. Later the others would have a hearing and decide to expel them. Still, it meant there were 10 men with out of date weapons to help defend the band. Hank arranged them as best he could. Cavendish went to the O’Hara women, cowering behind their wagon. He gave Sinead the single shot. “Here, if any of them get this far, take off the safety catch. Not Now! The trigger is very sensitive. Then point it and pull the trigger. It...
The wagon train started up again the next day. It was painful for the injured, but all agreed that they should put some distance in, in case the bushwackers came back. Hank didn’t call them bushwackers, he called them frigging, mother-fucking, cock-sucking, minge-loving, shit-eating, pissheads. A description that turned a few women’s ears bright red. Others nodded. These women were starting to become independent. They did all hustle their children out of earshot though. They turned up the...
They slept peacefully that night. As expected, no-one thought of looking at the old ranch; had they done so they would have caught all three easily as they were all fast asleep. Cavendish woke to find the young girl curled up in his arms. She saw him for what he was, a decent man protecting her and her mother. Her mother saw him too – she saw the fuller picture of the decent man with normal libido; but she was grateful that his decency held sway where her daughter and she were concerned. She...
They had been there nearly year, the drift had gone further but there was still no sign of the gold; perhaps that was why McKinley hadn’t returned, perhaps he was thinking that she was on a losing streak and why invest? She’d give up soon, he hoped. The weather began to get colder, the animals fewer. They had a couple of wild meadows nearby and spent time cutting and sheeving the hay for winter feed. The first flakes of snow fell. “Conference time” said Mary whilst they were taking turns to...
Jesse, to her disgust, was still told she was too young to have sex with Cavendish. All of the other three agreed. There were physical reasons – “If you got pregnant you could be damaged when so young”; and emotional – “you’re so young, you don’t know what you want”. But of course this all just made her more determined. Finally a compromise was reached; under protest from both Marie and Jesse. Marie thought the compromise arrangement would be impossible for Cavendish to stick to; Jesse...
They began to make preparations, and then Jesse announced “No! I’m not going!” Marie: “But why Jesse? Surely you don’t want to stay here? It isn’t much better than where we started” She meant the town when they both nearly ended up as whores “You know why. Cavendish promised! I’m fourteen and still he’s refusing me. It’s not fair!” At one and the same time she was acting like a child refused a particular treat and demanding to be treated like a full-grown woman. “I’m not leaving!” Mary...
They boarded the train for the journey back to the east. All those who had made the journey by horse and wagon were enthralled by the prospect of whistling across the continent as fast as the wind. It would take only four weeks to travel from west to east coast. Nevertheless, they planned to break the journey. As Jesse put it (and had to be reminded that young ladies back East did not say such things) “sitting on a seat for four weeks would make my arse as sore as a new whore’s”. She felt...
“ALL ABORRRRDDD!” Shouted the conductor, theatrically and somewhat needlessly. Everyone who was travelling had long ago made sure they were on the train. It wasn’t like there would be another past that day. The engine complained, puffed and skidded the wheels; then gained a grip and they began to move out. At last they were moving away from the wild west towards the civilised east. Or, as Jesse and her new friend Melissa agreed they were moving from fun towards boredom, from excitement to...
She had written the letter and the return had been that they should meet at the Hotel Superior. Mrs Van Buren arrived alone “Father could not bring himself to come, he is an elder in the church and felt it might...” she left unsaid the fact that Mr Van Buren had said his own daughter’s return would bring shame on the family. “I understand Mama” Marie understood only too well “This is Jesse, you granddaughter, this is my dearest friend, Mary, and may I introduce you to Cavendish Young? The...
And so the final chapter appears of this journal. The ship sailed with two state rooms taken by the extended group of Cavendish Young, Mrs Mark Johnson, Mrs Mary Damson (promoted to Mrs by virtue of her pregnancy), and Miss Amelline Circumvia Deidre Collumba Brace. The two younger girls had been put into a double room with a sea view of their own. The female stewards appointed to the group were never sure who they would find in which room; but they both kept entirely quiet of this, as...
We were certain that our primary problem was acceptance from the family. To the best of my knowledge, incest had never been debated or discussed much less mentioned during family gatherings. The closest thing I could come up with was one time, Dave mentioned he thought mom was beautiful and I agreed. Mom was beautiful in those days Dave and I were teenagers. In the present though, she had aged and matured into a graceful woman who was matriarchal in behavior and quite beautiful except she...
Hanna is a college educated black woman from Georgia. She is a healthy 30 year old petite woman, 5'4" 105 pounds, beautiful brown eyes, black hair, and a sexy smile. Never married and no children since she had dedicated her life to school and work. She, like a lot of women, felt as if something was missing in her life. She is a supervisor at her work place controlling several employees and responsible for their actions. Even though she has to be a dominant person at work Hanna new her...
{This story takes place in the Old West. All characters are over 18} Robert Lee Jackson, who was later known as “Snake Jackson” was born in July 1862 on a small ranch just outside of Amarillo, Texas. His Daddy, wounded earlier in the war, struggled to support his wife and four children on the hardscrabble land. As the war ended, times got harder, but the Jackson family survived. Robert’s story really begins in the fall of 1880 when he was attending a one-room school six miles from his home. 19...
"Dance for me, Princesa. Pirouette, tiny dancer." And I twirl around the room, doing penchés, retirés, and Arabesques, giggling and spinning for my Daddy. Loving being his little one and dancing to please him. Pleasing him in every way I can. My arms are lifted into the second position and I go up on pointe. But I glance over along my arm, then cry out. "Daddy! Please, help me, Daddy. It's gone!" Shaking myself awake I reach over. Trying to touch my Daddy. I shiver with fear that he might...
FetishWendy went on another camp with the girls from her school. She couldn't say much about the sex that she was enjoying because of the solemn promises that she had made to us but she did say that her mum had had an implant inserted so that she was protected from getting pregnant and that she loved it when her boyfriend fucked her and filled her cunt with his cum. Her boyfriend was sometimes John, sometimes Tom or Jerry, but she was not about to tell anyone that. One of the girls said how...
Charlotte sat in a chair by the hotel pool with her red hair swept back in a ponytail, deeply involved in reading the newspaper. She wasn’t sure why she bothered. It was all bad news. But it helped pass the time. She took her eyes off the paper to grab a sip of her iced tea when she realized that she was not alone in the pool area. Across the way, there was a woman in a tiny bikini, setting a towel on her lounge chair. The woman made eye contact and waved, so Charlotte waved back. This...
BisexualThe chips weren't quite as crisp as they would have been earlier, and the fish's batter was stuck like glue to the butcher's paper. After few minutes, dressed haphazardly, our girls came out and we all ate our slightly soggy fish and chips together. They were looking like they were feeling guilty about something. Gae and I ignored it all and just ate the food. Stale chish and fips are vastly improved by additional lashings of dead horse and ginevar, especially when they're stale.* Next...
4. Two days after the all-nighter with King, the receptionist and his Twink-boy I returned to Dr. Heard’s office. The receptionist, Nancy, smiled and proudly showed off her swollen lips. Apparently King’s Twink took quite a liking to her and fucked her mouth so hard she’d earned a pair of fat lips. She said nothing about it to me because she knew I already knew what had taken place. She showed me into the office and brought me some tea to enjoy while Dr. Heard finished with his last...
I thought I would add another experience from my younger teen days. This relates to another fun time that I enjoyed with my elder brother Tony and some random builders watching us. Tony had been living in his own flat for a little while and we had continued having our regular fun sessions whenever we could get time together. On this occasion there were a group of workmen doing some building repairs on the block of flats opposite Tony's. I had been popping in to see him after school for...
We were to meet for coffee at a coffee house. There he seemed nice and asked me if I wanted to go to his motel room. I said yes and we went there. It was just across the driveway. I thought he was just a straight guy and no kinky stuff. Boy was I wrong. Once inside we started to make out. Kissing and hugging. I took his clothes off and started to suck his cut 7 inch cock. He started to tell me I was a good cocksucker. That he was going to make me his bitch. He smacked my ass. Not hard, but...
I have been a closet cross dresser since my early teens seeking my mother's panty hose and underwear I thought I had kept it well hidden when I turned twenty I got a place of my own I found it very hard to get my women's clothing since I didn't have the courage to go out in public which brings me to my story . a friend of moms named Sherri was bag ng problems with her old man and they had spot up she came to me and asked if she could move in and help with the rent I was all for it Sherri wes a...
“Hi Ray, be with you in a minute honey,” I say as my dreamboat of a lover comes into the diner. Finally I get the last table cleared and pocket the tip. Not too bad. Of course I do provide excellent service and my short shirt which shows off my pert ass plus my blouse showing the cleavage guys love to see certainly help. “Hey beautiful, how is my bitch tonight? Feeling frisky?” Ray asks with a smile that almost makes me wet. Being his bitch really turns me on. “Oh, darling, you know I’m...
Pamela had been widowed for over 2 years. A happy go, lucky woman, she had now become withdrawn and broody. She was always in deep thought and nothing could cheer her up. I tried to cheer her up and tried to motivate her to lead a normal life. Pamela was lost in her world and refused to be happy. Her company was becoming dreadful day by day and I started avoiding her. She got the hint and she called me and wanted to meet me. She came to meet me and for a change, she was smartly dressed, she was...
Incest"Damn it," I said aloud, breaking a long silence.I had been entranced in a jerk-off session in my car. On a seven-hour drive toward Bozeman, I needed a little relief because of a hard-on I had developed over the previous half-hour. Going through a town of probably a thousand people, I found a city park and pulled into what I thought was a quiet corner.I took a long look around to make sure I had privacy. Then I pulled out my cock and started to stroke with thoughts of long, dark-haired beauties...
I was in the middle of the thirteenth swat to Carly’s fine bottom when I heard a tap at the door. I rushed to answer it, and there was Natalie, who immediately grabbed me to give me a kiss on the lips before pushing her way inside and letting Armin crawl inside the bedroom on his knees. I was a bit stunned, even more so when Natalie grabbed the paddle that I used this time and swung it herself at her own sister’s tush. “Sorry, Sis, but I had to try it on you at least once. Here, babe, want...
We won a regional Emmy for our series on veterans. It was a big deal for the station, and we were ordered to attend. Jen was very excited, proud of our work. I didn’t tell her, but I already had four, from my time with the network. They were in a box somewhere. I came home the night before the ceremony and found it full. Seems her parents and most of her siblings had decided to surprise her by coming up to celebrate her success. There were two girls, early teens by their looks, splashing...
“My nephews will be coming tomorrow,” said Suresh one night as they both lay in bed exhausted after their lovemaking session. Anjali was running her hands over her lover’s chest hair playfully, her head resting on his biceps. She raised her eyebrows when her mind registered what he said. “What? Why?”, she asked, clearly not excited by this new development. Their arrangement was perfect till now; she would come to work for him in the evening and finish her work by nighttime. After that, they...
So many of you write, you send me emails. You ask, offering the fantasies of your own lives to me, thinking I am, I just might be..what is read in the words I write. I am none of those things, yet I am all of those things. So many years ago, I was a young man. I was strong, in shape, I ran and played, life was good. I enjoyed meeting girls, from the time I was very young on up until those I attracted were women. I was just 28 when my world crashed. Such a silly thing, feeling my oats, the...