Cowboy In The Mens Room
- 5 years ago
- 37
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I was flabbergasted to realize Coretta was on my mind a lot. I didn't understand it but after thinking about it decided to call her. I don't know what happened during my tribulations with Mia, but for some reason my little sister popped into my mind and wouldn't leave.
In fact, I began to realize I was thinking about her or rather missing her kind of like I missed Debra. The only thing I could think of was; "What the hell?" I was preparing my thesis for my masters and it got so bad; I finally gave up and called her.
Her sweet voice said, "Hello honey! What's on your mind bro?" I asked, "Did mom think it was strange I wanted to talk to you?" She was quiet a heartbeat then said, "Really? No she didn't say anything just that you wanted to talk to me. Didn't you talk to her or dad?"
I thought a couple of minutes while we chatted and finally said, "I don't know how to explain this Coretta, but I have to see you babe. Look! I'm in the middle of finals, could you fly up and visit with me for a while, maybe until I find out I passed?"
She asked, "Are you worried about graduating Wes?" I replied, "No... not at all as a matter of fact, I don't understand it myself but I have an intense desire to see you and spend some time with you."
I heard a sharp intake of breath, "really? Wow Wes... well gosh! Well Uhhhh... lets see, well I guess... I don't know of any reason I couldn't."
She was quiet a minute then said, "Gonna be close to your phone for a while?" I replied, "Yes honey! Gonna call back soon?" She sighed, "Yes I just want to talk to mom and dad first ok?"
Coretta put the phone in the cradle then went to talk to her parents. "Mom... Dad... I think Wes is in trouble... he wants me to come and stay with him until its time for him to come home. Mom did Wes sound ok to you when he called?" She watched her mom say, "Yes... yes he sounded ok, just anxious to talk to you is all."
Coretta blinked, "Anxious? Really?" Mrs. Carpenter arched her brows, "Well yes I think that's right... he didn't make much small talk and asked to talk to you right away."
She turned to look at her dad when he asked, "What did Wes say honey? Was he upset or seem worried?"
Tears sprang to Coretta's eyes, "No daddy, just that he missed me and wanted to spend some time with me."
Mr. Carpenter thought a moment, "Well he's under a lot of intense pressure. Maybe he needs family with him and since you've always loved each other so much he chose you honey."
That was the understatement of the century, Coretta had been in love with her big brother as long as she could remember. She alone knew it, but Wes was one of the reasons she didn't date much. None of the boys she dated came anywhere near to matching Wes.
Wes began to feel better when his dad called and told him Coretta was packing for an extended stay. "You doing ok Partner?" his dad asked. Wes replied, "Sure am dad, just tired from cramming and taking endless tests is all." His dad smiled, "I know son, kind of like round up time isn't it?" Wes laughed, "Round up makes a hell of a lot more sense. This is more like a Chinese fire drill." Wes was thinking 'cluster fuck' but wouldn't dare say it for his dad to hear.
Wes felt better knowing Coretta would soon be boarding her flight but for the life of him, he didn't know why. He loved his 'little' sister but it was wholesome brotherly love and he was slightly troubled he had made the call home to begin with.
On each side of labia minora are small glands called Bartholin's glands. Ordinarily, they are silent and only function when the female is sexually aroused.
Coretta's Bartholin's glands were working overtime as the big aircraft rose up and wove it's way through heavy traffic before finding it's heading for Denver. In three hours she would be in the warm loving arms of her hero and best friend.
I haven't mentioned it, but the Carpenter family of Sweethome Valley Ranch Oklahoma were 'old money'. It is true they had been cowboys and ranchers all their lives but they were also capitalists and on occasion, venture capitalists.
Not too awfully long ago, Wes' dad read about a young start-up company with new ideas about telecommunications had purchased a license agreement from a British company that had found a use for the existing copper wire systems being replaced slowly by optical fiber communications systems.
Mr. Carpenter methodically gathered all the information he could get his hands on then sent his eldest son Orville to England to talk to the inventor. Less than a week later, the start up company discovered they were suddenly flush and proceeded with plans to begin implementing the new copper wire equipment.
The Carpenter family had purchased forty-nine percent of their stock at three dollars thirty-eight cents per share. The last time anyone looked, it was up to twenty-two and an eighth steadily climbing. The new modems they rented to their customers regularly ran at five hundred twelve thousand bps.
They offered ISP service to their customers for six dollars per month unlimited usage. The first one hundred thousand subscribers were promised in writing they would be paying only two dollars per month whenever they passed the one million subscriber mark.
One hundred Twenty-five thousand people were indirectly or directly employed by the company within the first year. Mr. Carpenter added several million more to the Carpenter coffers. It was all because a little old bald-headed and weak-eyed mathematician and a physicist got into an argument over the United Kingdom telephone system in they shared.
Wes didn't find it hard to watch over most of the others' heads to see Coretta. Pretty soon he saw a lovely young woman with a very long Auburn pony tail bouncing as she exited into the terminal from the ramp. He got a mischievous thought and went into stalking mode to come up unseen behind her.
"Hey baby! Looking for anyone in particular?" He hissed into her shell like pink ear.
Coretta was suddenly covered with goosebumps then whimpered, "Just someone I love and have pined for so long I had almost given up ever seeing him again."
Wes' arms snaked around her and pulled her tight against his chest as he nuzzled and kissed her neck. Coretta turned slowly in his arms giving his hungry lips lots of neck and throat flesh before she was looking into his dark mysterious eyes.
She sighed, "Oh Wesley, it's so good to see you honey! God I've missed you so much darling! " The two briefly touched lips before they hugged each other so long Coretta gasped, "Gotta breathe sweetie!" Wes reluctantly relaxed so she could gulp in a big swig of air.
Wes never gave it a thought when she hugged his left arm and they retrieved her luggage before heading out and for home. His passing days were over now so it wasn't a big deal any longer.
He had traded the Jeep for a new Corvette so there was just barely enough room in the boot to load the luggage. They took off with a throaty sound of reined in power towards Coretta's new home.
Edgemont Colorado was a beautiful place to see anytime of year but spring was best. The mountains were liked thunderheads hanging low on the horizon in the distance as they rode. Coretta finally asked, "What the deal is bro? What's wrong honey?" She asked worriedly.
Wes blanched, "You'll think I'm nuts but the fact is, you just popped into my mind and refused to leave. I've been thinking about you all the time and can't seem to stop."
Coretta's heart leaped into her throat until she trusted herself to speak, "You too huh?" Wes blinked and jerked to look at her. He stared a heartbeat then croaked, "You been suffering the same way Sis?" She nodded, "Yeah! Weird ain't it?"
They arrived at the apartment and went inside where Wes showed her the room his room mate used to have, "this is yours... my room mate is gone now... make yourself at home."
Wes sat her luggage down then turned to go. Coretta turned to look at him then said, "What on earth are we gonna do honey! How will we ever explain this to the others?"
"Coretta I've been in love a couple of times to two very good women. But what I feel for you is ten times stronger and far deeper than anything I can put into words. God help me girl, what on earth can we do?" He asked hoarsely
Coretta fought the tears and cried softly, "Take it one day at a time darling. It's all we can do baby! I don't know what else to say my love."
Coretta moved into his loving arms and for the first time in a long time felt happy and optimistic about the future, it didn't make sense but Wes felt so good to her she couldn't think any other way or feel any other way. It was fate, destiny, all rolled up in the body and mind of two lovers.
After I graduated and received my degree in business administration, I returned home and the saddle again. I was thirty-three before I returned to school to work for my masters degree. I really didn't think I needed a 'Masters' degree but it was something dad had always wanted for me and so I did it to honor him.
Coretta was seventeen then, as pretty as a speckled pup and as refreshing as the desert in springtime. I was sixteen when she was born and more or less discovered that a younger sister could be a blessing or a curse. Cyrus and David were five and seven years respectfully younger than me so they never developed the relationship with Coretta that I did.
When the folks went to town to shop or spend the weekend, I was left in charge in those days and more often than not, found it necessary to protect Coretta from those two hellcats on a continuous basis.
When mom and dad were gone, Coretta and I became like Siamese twins and it appeared we were joined at the hip most days. Don't misunderstand, I love my brothers and sisters a lot, but Coretta etched a special place in my heart I reckon.
She was about eighteen when she rode into 'high' camp to tell me dad was bad sick and I needed to get back to the house. I hurriedly drug my tired aching ass up and saddled my old mare, 'Miss Twitchy'. Twitchy was as steady as a rock but her skin was constantly twitching even when there weren't any black flies or mosquitoes to bite her. I'm almost certain she felt them though.
We took off at a gallop for home and were making good time when Coretta's mount stumbled and fell breaking his foreleg. Coretta took a good fall but except for a bruise or two, was ok. We were too far from home and my damned radio battery was too weak to raise anyone to fly up in our helicopter and put him in a sling to take him home and repair his leg so I had to put him down.
Too many cloudy days had kept my solar charger from keeping the battery up so I put the muzzle of my Winchester.308 to his head after I covered his eyes with my bandana and said a prayer for him.
Coretta was devastated to lose her friend and trail companion of over four years. I gently helped her up into the saddle and mounted behind her. She leaned back against me and soon went to sleep to the gentle rocking gallop of Twitchy.
It was near noon when I reined in and stopped at a stream to let Twitchy rest and graze the sweet grass near the stream. Coretta hadn't said much but while she leaned back against a eucalyptus tree, she said, "Wes I don't mean to embarrass you but you recall the conversation we had about boys and the birds and the bees some time ago?" I nodded, "Yeppers, I shore do Miss Coretta!"
She studied me a minute or two while I waited silently, wondering where she was headed when she said, "I was just wondering, when you get a hard on and it's jamming my butt like that, does it mean you want to do more than just be my brother?"
I felt my face burn and said, "Whoa down now missy... " She cackled, "Oh come on Wes... I excite you don't I?"
I didn't know for sure but decided the best tack was to tell the truth. I swallowed hard and said, "Well you see, I love you a whole lot and well... I... it's... well damn it I love you and you're so soft and sweet you give me a hard on but that's all it is."
She grinned, "Wanna know something?" I gulped, "I don't know... almost afraid to say yes." She laughed real big and chortled, "You make me so wet... Look honey! God I'm drenched."
She had been sitting with her legs in front of her crossed at the ankles. She spread her legs and I saw the crotch of her jeans were truly drenched.
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All the characters portrayed in this story are at least eighteen years old. This story is fiction. * The Indian camp was just over the next hill. I had heard a lot of gun fire earlier in the afternoon coming from that direction. I crawled through the dust until I could see down the slope and into what was left of the camp. Bodies were everywhere. Most of the structures were torn down or on fire or both. I heard a woman’s scream followed by a shot. So, there were still some murderers left...
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Cavendish Young was a man on an adventure. He had, at his father’s request, gone up to Oxford and had stuck it for fully 7 weeks, though by the end of the first week he knew he could not stand being there. He still regretted that he had not then upped and left. Instead he had stuck out 6 more excruciatingly boring weeks. At 11 he had won a scholarship to the local Grammar school and had done well. He was clever, keen on sport and good to look at. That was what the school liked. Cleaver, his...
“So, I’ve arrived. What now?” Cavendish said to himself. He was alone in a vast city. At least they spoke English he had thought when he had docked, but so far he had heard Russian, Polish, German, French and something that might have been English but, spoken as it was by someone from the West of Ireland, it was impossible to be sure. He walked down a street looking for a cheap hotel, rounding a corner he came across a be-whiskered man backed against the building on the pavement. Two men...
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“So, Mrs Johnson, how can we enable you to clear the debts?” “Is there no work I could do? I would even work in the saloon” She phrased that badly, it made him bridle. He had little patience with the ‘holier than though’ superiority of these church going people. “My girls in the saloon are not the dregs Mrs Johnson. Frankly I doubt that you have the required skill or knowledge to carry a tray of drinks on each arm without spilling a drop.” “I did not mean to imply anything, forgive me.”...
It was night time; with the men at the head of the animals, Mrs O’Hara took a breath and started. “You should know, I am expecting again. I haven’t been checked, but I am sure. I can feel it, as I felt you. Two months” Mrs O’Hara started in on a difficult conversation. The girls calculated back and realised it had been the time they had settled for a short time, minding a farm whilst the family went back East. Their parents had risen late every day, and every night the creaking of their bed...
One of the Livonite families rebelled, the man said he would fight. Later the others would have a hearing and decide to expel them. Still, it meant there were 10 men with out of date weapons to help defend the band. Hank arranged them as best he could. Cavendish went to the O’Hara women, cowering behind their wagon. He gave Sinead the single shot. “Here, if any of them get this far, take off the safety catch. Not Now! The trigger is very sensitive. Then point it and pull the trigger. It...
The wagon train started up again the next day. It was painful for the injured, but all agreed that they should put some distance in, in case the bushwackers came back. Hank didn’t call them bushwackers, he called them frigging, mother-fucking, cock-sucking, minge-loving, shit-eating, pissheads. A description that turned a few women’s ears bright red. Others nodded. These women were starting to become independent. They did all hustle their children out of earshot though. They turned up the...
They slept peacefully that night. As expected, no-one thought of looking at the old ranch; had they done so they would have caught all three easily as they were all fast asleep. Cavendish woke to find the young girl curled up in his arms. She saw him for what he was, a decent man protecting her and her mother. Her mother saw him too – she saw the fuller picture of the decent man with normal libido; but she was grateful that his decency held sway where her daughter and she were concerned. She...
They had been there nearly year, the drift had gone further but there was still no sign of the gold; perhaps that was why McKinley hadn’t returned, perhaps he was thinking that she was on a losing streak and why invest? She’d give up soon, he hoped. The weather began to get colder, the animals fewer. They had a couple of wild meadows nearby and spent time cutting and sheeving the hay for winter feed. The first flakes of snow fell. “Conference time” said Mary whilst they were taking turns to...
Jesse, to her disgust, was still told she was too young to have sex with Cavendish. All of the other three agreed. There were physical reasons – “If you got pregnant you could be damaged when so young”; and emotional – “you’re so young, you don’t know what you want”. But of course this all just made her more determined. Finally a compromise was reached; under protest from both Marie and Jesse. Marie thought the compromise arrangement would be impossible for Cavendish to stick to; Jesse...
They began to make preparations, and then Jesse announced “No! I’m not going!” Marie: “But why Jesse? Surely you don’t want to stay here? It isn’t much better than where we started” She meant the town when they both nearly ended up as whores “You know why. Cavendish promised! I’m fourteen and still he’s refusing me. It’s not fair!” At one and the same time she was acting like a child refused a particular treat and demanding to be treated like a full-grown woman. “I’m not leaving!” Mary...
They boarded the train for the journey back to the east. All those who had made the journey by horse and wagon were enthralled by the prospect of whistling across the continent as fast as the wind. It would take only four weeks to travel from west to east coast. Nevertheless, they planned to break the journey. As Jesse put it (and had to be reminded that young ladies back East did not say such things) “sitting on a seat for four weeks would make my arse as sore as a new whore’s”. She felt...
“ALL ABORRRRDDD!” Shouted the conductor, theatrically and somewhat needlessly. Everyone who was travelling had long ago made sure they were on the train. It wasn’t like there would be another past that day. The engine complained, puffed and skidded the wheels; then gained a grip and they began to move out. At last they were moving away from the wild west towards the civilised east. Or, as Jesse and her new friend Melissa agreed they were moving from fun towards boredom, from excitement to...
She had written the letter and the return had been that they should meet at the Hotel Superior. Mrs Van Buren arrived alone “Father could not bring himself to come, he is an elder in the church and felt it might...” she left unsaid the fact that Mr Van Buren had said his own daughter’s return would bring shame on the family. “I understand Mama” Marie understood only too well “This is Jesse, you granddaughter, this is my dearest friend, Mary, and may I introduce you to Cavendish Young? The...
And so the final chapter appears of this journal. The ship sailed with two state rooms taken by the extended group of Cavendish Young, Mrs Mark Johnson, Mrs Mary Damson (promoted to Mrs by virtue of her pregnancy), and Miss Amelline Circumvia Deidre Collumba Brace. The two younger girls had been put into a double room with a sea view of their own. The female stewards appointed to the group were never sure who they would find in which room; but they both kept entirely quiet of this, as...
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We were certain that our primary problem was acceptance from the family. To the best of my knowledge, incest had never been debated or discussed much less mentioned during family gatherings. The closest thing I could come up with was one time, Dave mentioned he thought mom was beautiful and I agreed. Mom was beautiful in those days Dave and I were teenagers. In the present though, she had aged and matured into a graceful woman who was matriarchal in behavior and quite beautiful except she...
Hanna is a college educated black woman from Georgia. She is a healthy 30 year old petite woman, 5'4" 105 pounds, beautiful brown eyes, black hair, and a sexy smile. Never married and no children since she had dedicated her life to school and work. She, like a lot of women, felt as if something was missing in her life. She is a supervisor at her work place controlling several employees and responsible for their actions. Even though she has to be a dominant person at work Hanna new her...
{This story takes place in the Old West. All characters are over 18} Robert Lee Jackson, who was later known as “Snake Jackson” was born in July 1862 on a small ranch just outside of Amarillo, Texas. His Daddy, wounded earlier in the war, struggled to support his wife and four children on the hardscrabble land. As the war ended, times got harder, but the Jackson family survived. Robert’s story really begins in the fall of 1880 when he was attending a one-room school six miles from his home. 19...
It was the second day of school of my freshman year when I first kissed Suzi. I sat with her during lunch instead of my usual table, making Joey a little mad at me. At least he tried to make it look like it was anger, but I knew from his body language that he was really just plain jealous. I mean, here I was holding hands with the girl we all had discussed in detail what we thought she looked like naked. Suzi and I had three classes together. As it happened, they were the odd-numbered...
Lust and desire stabbed at her mind as Amelia pushed through crowded street. She had to force her gaze from men's crotches several time after the yearning seeped into her thoughts. Ever since Dremot 'corrupted' her, lustful desire had plagued her mind. A lingering need that cloud her thoughts. A growing crave for 'male seed'. The murky white secretion, pungent and bitter. The young hunter bit her lower lip after gulping down drool. More than a week had past since she had her fill of the...
After me & Sally's little encounter in the toilet, we had to cool things a bit so that I could actually get some work done when she was around. She still tended to dress in a subtlety revealing way though. Loose skirts cut to the knee that floated a little as she moved, that kind of thing. But eventually I finished up what I was doing (Hardwood Decked roof terrace with Cedar clad walls and benches, as it happens) and we would soon be parted. No more twice weekly flirtathon. However.. She...
When all else fails, there should at least be the possibility of having sex—any sex at all. It can be the quick sex that satisfies a tight schedule, or the slow and sultry kind of sex when nothing else is taking place that day, especially when the two people involved are unemployed and have nothing else to do but engage in sex. Or how about the type of rough and angry sex that follows a caustic argument or drawn-out fight that seems to last for days until the sex itself serves as a final...
(For anyone else feeling the hanky panky, feel free to add your own story/chapter blooper reel below.)
by REAL-RLMThe Big Country Barn:It was Friday night again, and, as usual, Steve Coulter was alone with nothing to do but watch TV and wait for Ellen to come home from her weekly "Wives' Night Out" with her three friends. Actually, Steve didn't mind. It gave him a good opportunity to do some wood working in his shop, surf the net, and occasionally, go out for a drink with one or two of his golfing friends. In addition, Ellen seemed much happier now that she had some time to spend doing female...
When you walk in a room you consume my every breath as I watch your every move when you walk across the room seeking your drop dead gorgeous fianc?Now that your wedding day is near I need to let you know just how much I need to have you if there may be a small chance for us. We are only friends, very close, but I’ve admired you from afar for years watching you with many women and I long to have you in my arms. Every night when I go to bed you are the last thing I think about. In my dreams...
The scene is upper New York state. A small sleepy town of quiet respectability. Outside of town, there is a small junior college. The time is autumn--Indian summer--and the trees have burst in a riot of color. Russets, reds, flaming oranges, and sun- bright yellows decorate the campus as leaves fall and whirl in the wind. There is the nipping hint of a cold winter to come in the air. Buzz Bierbeck, the football coach waits on the commons for his friend, Hank Morrison, history teacher, to join...
Diane and Peter are a retired couple who run a superb Guest House in Surrey. I have a client nearby and have stayed there so often that they've become friends. Their house is large and modern with a paddock and a reasonably sized private indoor pool. Usually this is not available to guests but fortunately I am one of the few exceptions. This is great for me, as I know neither Peter nor his wife used the pool in the evening, which leaves it free for my sole use. One evening I'd finished my...
It had been building for months, dare I say years. The once casual glances turning into lingering, lustful stares. What had previously been innocent and sweet embraces were now hugs and caresses that conveyed so much more. Things were definitely changing and they both knew it. It was if some higher power was at work and they were helpless to fight against it. For her part she had a better understanding than he did. After all she had realized her crush many years before. She tried to...
Let's be honest, let's just be honest. You are trying to revive something that is already dead. She was thinking to herself while she was watching her face in the mirror preparing it to do her makeup. On the other side of the room, you could see a bed lined with expensive lingerie she bought just for this occasion. Nice black corset that perfectly fit her waistline and made her boobs even perkier, sexy pair of lace panties which would make access to a certain body part easier and a pair of...
Quickie SexMy friend Stella never told me. She would pretend to be just as obsessed with guys as the rest of us at our all girls school. But she wasn't. Three weeks into my freshman year she wrote me a note during science class. "I have to tell you something." I wrote back "Tell me what?" "Promise you wont freak out" she said. "Ya just tell me" "I think I'm a lesbian." I failed to reply to her. The weeks went by and I tried to avoid her ,but it wasn't that I was disgusted, I just didn't know what to...
Mind Swapping Chapter 25 Friday morning, Tom and I ate a small breakfast and I dressed in a matching set of blue silk lace undies. A garter belt to hold up my black silk stockings, a pair of french cut panties and a demi brassiere that hooked in the back. I had selected a long sleeved blue silk blouse with a high collar of lace and lace trimmed cuffs. I wore a ankle length white skirt that buttoned all the way up the back. I left the buttons from the knee level down unbuttoned. I wore...
I met Mrs K when I was staying at my aunt's house one summer. At the time immediately before I met her, I was in a kind of down-hearted frame of mind. Shortly after I met her I was flying high on my own personal cloud. Now, I have a precise, precious memory of this beautiful, curvaceous woman of, I'd guess around her mid-fifties (it is rude to ask I've been told), with a warm smile and a kind heart, not to mention a ripe full figure and accommodating wet and warm mouth, pussy, and...
For my wife's 40th birthday a bunch of friends decided to have a happy hour for her. As a stay-at-home mom with 2 k**s the ladies decided that a "girls night out" was better than a family event.Since I wasn't invited I did not participate in the planning but at one point one of her friends asked me if I thought a stripper would be in order. I quickly agreed - the thought of that was hilarious.So when the day came my wife got dressed in a nice outfit - button down shirt, unbuttoned way down and...