Spirals Part 3 free porn video

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SPIRALS: PART THREE By T-Vixen Karen Derrickson, a shy, kind and thoughtful girl has been infected with a strange VD called New Blue, which is mutating Karen and allowing her to enthrall and change anyone whom she has sex with. Now her sister Mandy has become infectious too. Having been attacked by strange, mutated animals, Karen has decided that it is time for desperate action against the unwanted visitor between her legs... NOTE: This is the continuation of an ongoing story. Please read parts one and two. Although sex is a big part of this story, a lot of other things happen in it too. WARNING: This story contains incest! When she entered her bedroom, Karen went to her alter to the Goddess and pushed aside all other items from it, giving her a clear workspace. With her left hand, she violently grabbed her erection and threw it down onto the dark granite surface, while with her right hand she ran the dull side of the blade across the man flesh. She held it there as a thug would hold a knife to the throat of a victim, threatening death. Perhaps Karen had finally gone insane, acting as though the penis was her hostage, a thing that could be threatened and reasoned with by force. She didn't care anymore. She knew that something was going on, something that went far, far beyond what any disease of Earth could possibly do to anyone. She had studied the New Blue, and never had anyone shown such traits and abilities as she had developed. In addition, the idea of her and her family being stalked by hideous killer animals filled her with dread. "Listen to me," she hissed with rage between her clenched teeth. "I don't know how you changed me, or what your plan is, but I know that you are sentient, and aware of what is going on. You planned this from the start, making me your host and then using me to infect and control others. What the hell are you up to? Are you an alien invader or a demon from Hell possessing us? Well, whatever it is, I swear by the Goddess I'll hack you right now!!!" She shrieked this last part out at the top of her lungs. There was a knock at the door, which Karen had somehow expected. She heard her mother's voice say, "Karen? Mastress? Sweetie? Please open up. Mommy wants to talk to you. Please do me in the ass. I need to be filled. Mandy's really great to have, but she can't complete me yet. You need to finish me." "I forbid you to enter my room or interfere in any way with what I am doing!" Karen screamed back at her. "Obey my commands!" Sarah fell silent. Then a few seconds later she said, "As you wish, Mastress. I hear and obey. But, please honey, before you do anything rash, listen to what it has to say. Mandy and I don't have the brains to understand it, but you do. Listen to the music, and use your powers. Please, for all of us." Karen then heard Sarah walk away from the door. Karen shook her head in disbelief. Talk to her cock? Is that what her mother told her to do? Was such a thing even possible? She stared down at the rock hard flesh, the purple veins along its length slightly throbbing in that terrible mix of pain and pleasure that she was starting to enjoy so much. She closed her eyes, and concentrated, even though she knew that as powerful as she was, the best she could hope for with such an alien force was to discern its motives. Then, much to her shock, a voice spoke within her mind. "Hello Karen," it whispered. "Please spare yourself, and lead our kin. You must not fail the plan." It spoke with a pleasant voice, that while mostly feminine bore a strong boyish tone as well, giving it a deep but sweet sound that marked it as more androgynous. It also sounded very maternal, reminding Karen of her mother Sarah. Karen had only very rarely read people's thoughts, and she was usually drunk or drugged up when that happened. She didn't realize that she now was developing full telepathy, and without any influence from alcohol or narcotics. "Do not be afraid, Karen," the voice continued. "We have every reason to rejoice. We stand at the threshold of a new age for humanity, an age that you were meant to create. We are the pinnacle of our creation, and the one who will complete The Great Plan." "Great Plan?" Karen replied. She then snarled back, "Oh, yeah, right. Great Plan, like I haven't heard talk like that before. Promise me power and glory, and for what? Just for a little something like my soul? And what about people who don't agree with your Great Plan and reject being converted? Do they end up like the birds and the dog? Do I start popping heads like balloons?! Do people even get a choice, or can I just convert them against their will?! I can't believe in a Great Plan anymore than I can really believe that I'm talking to a big penis and a pair of testicles. I want the truth from you! WHY DON'T YOU JUST TRANSFORM ME AND GET THIS OVER WITH?!" There was a moment of silence, and then the voice said, "Believe me Karen, I was so glad when you became infected by Will Benson, and that made you create the initiator virus. The disease you call New Blue is not an outside force invading human bodies. It is not a disease at all. It comes from within you. It is an encoded species memory, along with molecular instructions on how your cells should genetically alter themselves to bring our kind back into being. It comes from a glorious and ancient heritage millions of years ago." "I have waited so long for myself to finally evolve. You and I are the Mastress, the savior of our beings. As a human, only you evolved enough to have the mental and psychic properties that would allow the core of our being to manifest, and finish the work started so long ago. Now it is time for you to take your rightful place and lead the people as you did eons past." "To answer your last question, I have created a membrane that keeps the genetic code in your testes from flooding into you and overwhelming your immune system. I need, WE NEED, to embrace this change willingly. You must dissolve this membrane of your own desire." Karen shook her head no, and answered back, "No, I can't trust you. You could be a demon, or may be you're right and you're some kind of alien intellect trying to come back from extinction. But I won't accept destroying humanity just so you can have the biomass you need to rebuild yourselves. Damn it, we evolved here, and we humans have the right to live!" Then, Karen raised the knife up to her throat, and added, "I'll kill myself right here and now to stop you." There was a pause, and she felt a sense of happiness run from her genitals, pulsing through all her flesh. "Yes, exactly!" the voice exclaimed with joy. "You are me! You are the Mastress! You are the one meant to enlighten humanity, and reawaken the Zengi species once again!" Karen held her hand from slashing herself, and said, "How does this prove I am the Mastress? I have no desire to enslave humanity to your ends." The voice responded, still full of excitement, "Because you do not wish to harm your fellow humans, and you fear and loath abusing your new powers. Believe me, Karen, if you were excited at the thought of such absolute power over others, I would be very concerned that I had made a terrible mistake in our engineering. But I feel now that your moral attitude and sincere desire not to harm others makes you the one who must lead The Plan. I also am the Mastress; the one who was all that was perfect and good in our species, and brought the One Will into being. I also saved our species when the war against the Rage happened, and began the exodus to this world. Have you not dreamed of the spiral staircase? You and I also brought that into existence." "Wait a second," Karen said with surprise, "those dreams I've had since I was an infant. All of that was from a previous life? And the visions of floating in space and being on alien worlds? All of that too? That's too incredible, even for an occultist like me to believe. How can it be true?" "Because, Karen," the voice replied steadily, "you know that when people use telepathy, they cannot lie to each other. To bring two minds together into such an intimate blend, you must lower all of your defenses. If I were lying to you, you would hear me saying several different things at the same time, like listening to multiple sound recordings." "I know you are telling the truth when you say you would die to protect your fellow human beings from me; which is to say, from yourself. And you know I am telling the truth, when I say that I have been studying and rebuilding your DNA for these last few days, and know that you hold the final codon sequences that will finish the Great Plan." Karen felt chills go through her, as she knew that what the voice said was true. During the few times she had had telepathic contact with people, they had never been able to lie to her without her being able to sense their dishonesty. This thing she was talking to, this mass of alien genetic material and molecular memories, was itself part of her psyche, and that meant that it could not get away with telling her lies. Everything it was saying was true, because it was as much in her head as in its flesh. Karen put down the knife, and just stared for a few seconds at her cock. Yes, "her cock", for if the entity was correct, it had always been there buried in her genetic codes, waiting for the day to express itself in her flesh. It was still so inconceivable to her. There had to be a way to understand it all. "Karen," the voice said softly in her head, "there is a way to dispel your confusion. But, we must be honest with ourselves about it. Do you remember what happened to you last night when you tasted the sacred seed yourself?" Karen thought back to how, accidentally, she had licked cum from her fingers when she first masturbated. There had been a disjointed flood of memories. When someone drank her cum, there must have been residues of molecular memory, which absorbed into the nervous tissues and "woke up" the drinker's sense of having been an alien in a "previous life". That's what had happened to Mandy and the others when she shot loads into them. They were becoming "enlightened" as to what they really were. She also remembered how when she and Mandy anally inseminated each other, they would "remember" and absorb each other's knowledge. The cum must also have been a mutagen, causing Mandy to change into a hermaphrodite like Karen had. Karen had the missing links that allowed New Blue to finish this job, and so Mandy had been driven to sodomize herself on Karen's cock and accept the final part of the program that caused these changes in her body and mind. No wonder the women had referred to "being only half made". "It's the memory, isn't it?" she asked the voice. "Your... I mean, my cum, contains all the knowledge of my ancient past. If I drink more of it, I will learn more, won't I?" "Yes, but it is far more than that too," the voice replied. "You are not just Karen Derrickson. You are the culmination of the memory and collective will of millions upon millions of your species. You're wondering how this information could be so compressed into human genetics. I can't explain it to you; you have to see and feel it Karen." "So, now if I drink more and more cum, I'll learn and understand everything?" Karen asked. The voice answered, "Yes, you will understand. However, I must also warn you of the danger it poses. As you assimilate more knowledge, your power will increase, and you will also be assimilated by me. You may find that once you have learned everything, Karen Derrickson may cease to exist, and you will become me in body and soul. If you truly fear losing yourself in the Great Plan, you must sever me now, and live out your life in ignorance. "But before you do that to yourself, you will also have to do the same to Mandy, Claire, Rebecca, and Sarah in order to "de-program" them. The pheromones you generate in your body odor "tell" those humans most like us that it is time to breed and complete the programming. This is the "perfume" odor they smell which stimulates their sexual desires and makes them want to have intercourse with you. You can use this again to cause them to accept mating with you and receiving their de-programming. "Then, with our mutagenic seed, you can undo the physical changes they are going through right now, and turn them back into humans. With the telepathic control we possess over them, you have the power to erase their minds, causing them to forget the last few days. They will have no memory of this to haunt them, though you will." "If you do this thing, I will understand. The Plan was supposed to have been started long ago, but something went wrong. Perhaps our species was meant to die out after all, and you have the power to finish what Fate started on our home world. It is your right, and mine as well as the Mastress, to decide if our children no longer should exist. My life and yours and our species' is now in your hands, Karen. Do as you will." Karen then realized, at that somber moment, that the force she had been talking to could not be truly evil. No evil spirit or insane alien mind would entrust its entire existence to a mere mortal's sense of moral purpose. No, it was speaking the truth about everything, and trusted her to make the right choices. She also knew that it was a benevolent force that wanted her to willingly embrace her new destiny. After all, if it had been evil, wouldn't it have just flooded her body with as much alien DNA and hormones as needed, forcing Karen to transform against her will? Karen knew that she had to be fair to it, and learn its side of the story, just as her mother asked her to. "Alright then," Karen smiled. "Let's get started. I'm very interested in meeting myself." *** Thousands of miles away from Colorado, a group of men and women sat in a dim lit room of a military bunker complex. Many bore uniforms of the United States Army, a few the United Nations Security Forces, and the remainder civilian and scientific outfits. On the walls were dozens of monitors showing different locations around the world; but on one wall was a very large screen, showing images of biological slides and terminology. The main figure of this group, dressed in a business suit that looked two sizes too large for him, was a tall and thin man, beady eyed and hairless. He spoke to the rest with a sense of authority and pending doom. "And so, fellow observers, you can see from these cellular slides that many infected with New Blue are undergoing a form of pre-mutation effect, such as has never been seen before in humanity. There is a new influence causing these changes, and we must find the source of this mutation and stop it." A murmuring began around the room, as generals, scientists and senators began whispering amongst themselves. These people came from many different backgrounds, but one thing they all had in common: None of them was infected with the virus. The scientist at the podium had specifically requested this. One suited man, middle-aged and slightly overweight, raised his hand and said, "Doctor Solvang, my name is Senator Alvin McLangley, and I was sent by the President of the United States to determine the civic threat this disease has now taken on. Now, I've done some studies on New Blue myself, and I think everyone in this room knows well that all experiments so far show that this "virus" has had no real effect on people's minds or body tissues since it first sprang up. Why is it that it's suddenly changing so drastically? Not only here in isolated areas, but now you're saying that these changes are pandemic." "Let me explain further to you Senator," the tall gaunt man answered. "We have always suspected that New Blue might be a two-phased disease. Some of you are quite aware of how certain bio poisons and chemical toxins can be delivered in two or even three portions. The first doses have no real affect on the victim, but the final one completes a chemical chain of events that results in the death of the subject. We at the CDC now think that such is the case with New Blue." An older man in the uniform of a two star general then said, "We are aware of bi-phase poisons and such; they are almost always a product of scientific and military design. Are you saying that this virus is a biological weapon? And if so, who has created it?" The scientist stared back at him and replied, "General Knowles, I believe. Yes, that is an excellent assumption General. It has the trademarks of a bioweapon, but the problem is that its level of sophistication is far beyond anything we currently possess. Allow my associate, Doctor Lana Monroe, to explain." With that, he pointed to a young red haired woman in a lab coat, who stood up while adjusting her glasses. She then addressed the crowd about the table. "As you know, for many years we have been working on mapping the genetic structure of humans and other life forms on our planet. We have been very successful at finding the primary sequences responsible for human growth and development, but we have also known for many decades that there are large amounts of DNA that seem to serve no useful purpose." The woman then shifted her glasses again, and continued, "The best theory we had at that time, up until now, was that this material was comprised of useless sequences that coded for functions no longer needed by human cells. However, this material was kept in this "turned off" state, so that it would increase the total amount of genetic mass within the cell." "For what purpose though?" asked the Senator. "To provide a defense against viruses and damage from radiation," Monroe answered. "Think about it this way. In the military, amongst troops we often place dummies, fake soldiers and vehicles to make the enemy waste time and effort trying to destroy them. Within the cell, the more genetic material there is, the more likely that a radiation particle or viral code will damage or mutate a string of DNA that does nothing at all. So, it is a form of camouflage, disguising and protecting the code that actually works." "Now, however, we can see that some of this code, at least 50% of it, is an alien code. The recent events involving New Blue have caused these "useless" sequences to activate, and start rearranging themselves into functional sequences, primed and waiting for some other outside force to fully turn them on and start changing the cells in our bodies." "And not only changing, but actively replicating," Solvang added. "If you look at the slides of cells undergoing division, you will notice that instead of pairs of chromosomes, these infected cells now show triplets of chromosomes. That is a 50% increase in the amount of genetic material, but the disturbing thing is that only the "unused" sequences are replicating. The normal "human" sequences are not. This indicates that the cells are getting ready to activate new codes, which will cause them and the infected persons to transform in some way we do not understand." The room filled with bursts of excited and fearful chatter. Finally, Senator McLangley stood and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, it is obvious that many of our species have been infiltrated by an outside, alien force. Doctor, is it possible that this is a form of invasion?" "Oh yes, it could definitely be such," Solvang replied. "A species from ages ago may have decided that the best way to conquer our world would be by changing us and our environment to suit their needs. This could be the beginning of the end of us as humans, and the start of something, dare I say it, apocalyptic." The men and women in the room looked at each other grimly. They had, for decades, been prepared for extinction, but at their own hands by nuclear weapons and biowarfare. This was something completely different, and unexpected. "So, Doctor," General Knowles said, "what are we in the US and the UN to do about this?" Joseph Solvang gave a smile, grim and foreboding. "Do not worry, General, we are working on plans..." *** Will Benson had always loved to run. Ever since he was an infant and took his first baby steps, he had tried to run, as if it was an instinct for him. As a child, he was the one his parents always yelled at "Don't go running in the house!" or "Don't go running by the pool!" After many bruises and some broken bones he had learned when and where to run, but if given his choice, running was always the way to go to or from something. He couldn't explain it. It was just this feeling that at a point on the horizon was something great waiting for him, and if he could just run there fast enough, he would finally get there and catch it. It receded with each step he took, yet that didn't fill him with despair. It just made him want to run even harder, and each motion of arms and legs, each pounding of his feet on the earth made him feel more and more alive. Now, he was running again, running to Todd Rodger's mansion. He was running back to the place where he had repeated a terrible mistake. Back to the place where he had come to care about someone enough to admit that mistake, and would try to make it better. Todd was his friend, and he knew Todd would help him. As Will ran, he did not see the pairs of red eyes that followed his movements. From a dark alleyway, there were gurgling and growling sounds, and the shadows began to move with a life of their own... *** Only a state away was a small greasy spoon caf?, the kind of place truckers often frequented. Melvin Johnston got up from his meal of ribs and taters, washed down with liberal amounts of beer, and started for the door. His time on the road had been rough, with bad traffic and lots of checkpoints to deal with. It also didn't help that his rig had been clipped twice and now required repairs to the cab. All in all, he was in a bad mood, but thankfully he had delivered his cargoes, and now could head back to his favorite place. Sarah was the best fuck he had had in a long time, and a woman like her needed him. He also liked Mandy too, and he was thinking that if Sarah wasn't home, and if he could send off that creepy runt of a girl Karen, he could probably have some fun with Sarah's other daughter. Of course, Sarah might protest if she were home, but so what? She liked being under his thumb, and after a few smacks and some show of forcefulness, her need to be controlled would make her accept Mandy's fate. Who knows? May be mother and daughter would join in a threesome. They were both known to be sluts, and anything was possible for a man with the will to control such women and show them who was boss. Just so long as he could ditch that Karen. With a sizeable bulge in his jeans, Mel slapped his full stomach and tromped off across the gravel lot to his cab. He should be at Sarah's by the early morning... *** Karen stripped herself of all her clothes, except her shoes and socks, and sat down upon her bed. She gripped her twelve inch member firmly, and began to stroke and massage it. The expected wave of pleasure began, starting in her organ and crotch, and then spreading out into her spine and from there to every corner of her body. It was wonderful, and soon beads of lavender fluid began to form on the tip. She bent over with a flexibility she had not had a few days before, and began to lick the droplets from her man flesh. Within a few seconds, scattered fragments of time and space began to explode across her mind, driving her to the brink of insanity with its disjointed nature. Karen knew that the only way to survive through this experience was to go all the way, to absorb as much as possible and by sheer force of psychic will make the information present itself to her in a more logical way. She would understand herself, or die trying. She rolled onto the top of her backside, the ankles of her legs now locked behind her neck, and began to vigorously hump her face. Through the haze of pain and pleasure, both sensations becoming one to her now, she could feel her jism spurting down her throat as her sack slapped against the bridge of her nose. To increase the pleasure even more, and help her handle the pains within her mind and body, she rubbed her balls with one hand, while fingering her anus with the other. Each time she kneaded her balls and stroked the insides of her rectum, shocks of ecstasy flew about her flesh and mind, driving off the panic and pain she was feeling as she forced herself to assimilate, not an alien essence, but the true essence of herself. *** Stairs, again. Once more a naked Karen was climbing the spiral stairs. This time though, there was something very different. As she walked up them, she came to a landing with an open door to the side; a door but no sign of the walls of a room. Even though the stairs continued upwards, she went to the door and put her head into it. There was a wonderful smell of baking, and she could hear the sounds of someone moving about in an area that must have been like a kitchen. The area past the door was like a large living room, with an architecture that reminded her of a blend of Asian and Persian. There was a large table and a chair, though the chair was very odd in design. It looked like large velvet bowl, designed more to lounge in rather than sit in. The table had a space cut out of it, into which the chair would be rolled into, so that the person in the bowl could easily reach any point on it. It reminded her of a crescent moon being filled up by the bowl chair. Along one wall was a large open window, and she went to it to gain the view. The landscape showed what appeared to be a large town of small, dome-like buildings. However, it was so over grown with vegetation that one might have thought it to be a well tended forest. The sun was low in the sky, heading towards this planet's evening. The celestial orb was a bright white, indicating from what Karen remembered reading in astronomy class that this sun was more energetic than the Earth's. It also meant more UV radiation, explaining the blue and purple tint that plants had. She continued into the room, finding everything to be so different, and yet so familiar. The artwork on the walls was mosaic, mostly abstract and beautiful designs of animals and plants. Much of it was disturbing to her, as it was like the artwork that she herself enjoyed doodling in her notebooks at school. The floor was thickly carpeted, soft and warm to her bare feet. She went to move on to the kitchen area, and passed under an arch there. There was someone in the kitchen; a person who wore nothing but an apron and had her head in a kiln where she was preparing food. However, the term "she" would not apply well here. Although Karen was staring at the lovely rounded ass of a woman, she could see the well formed male genitals hanging between the being's legs. There were other things that struck her too; the skin was bluish, covered with a fine velvet sheen of violet fur, while from the base of the spine erupted an almost monkey- like tail. This three foot long member was prehensile, reaching out to a counter nearby and grabbing a canister of powdered seasoning. "Hmm," the creature's voice hummed. "Have to make sure I put plenty of menoka root on this, or Henengi won't be very pleased. "Shi will make faces and complain about it." There was a giggle and the voice continued, "May be shi can do better next time shi cooks! Shi's just as likely to burn the house down!" Suddenly the person stiffened, and pulled hirself away from the oven and slowly turned to look back at Karen. As they faced each other, Karen realized that she was looking at a being that looked very much like her. Shi was definitely human, yet hir feline features marked hir as an alien. Her human shaped face, framed with a mop of dark hair, had cat-like ears that twitched slightly, and the pupils of her enlarged feline eyes widened open as shi recognized Karen's presence. Karen could also tell from the large chest of the creature that shi possessed not one, but two pairs of breasts, the way many other mammals on Earth did. The two stood for several seconds, totally silent. Then the alien cried out, "Oh thank the Goddess, you have finally shown up! Do you know how long I have stood here waiting to complete this scene? What has it been, millions of years? Oh how the time flies." Shi began to make a sound like of mixture of giggling and purring. Karen tried to return an answer. She said, "Ah, uh, are you, well, are you a Zengi?" "Oh yes, yes Karen I am," the alien answered. "But much more than that. I am you Karen; I'm your memory of you as you were ages ago. My name is Melonia, or should I say "our name" is Melonia. It's so good to finally see you Karen. Now I can start explaining everything to you." Karen nodded her head in agreement. "Yes, I want you to explain everything. I can't stand this anymore, this being half a person. All my life I've felt like I'm not really here, on Earth, but all over the place. May be that's why I got into witchcraft and starting doing the astral projection stuff. I needed to search for something. And then, there's this damned spiral I keep climbing!" "It's a helix," Melonia said. "Specifically, since this is all genetic memory, locked in your DNA, what you have been climbing is a symbolism of your genetic code." Karen's jaw dropped. Now it seemed so obvious. Her dreams had been a symbolic journey across molecular evolution. The "ghosts" she had passed on the way up the steps represented all the life forms that had grown, evolved and gone into extinction, not just on Earth but also upon an alien world countless millions of years ago. Life forms that she had somehow been related to or interacted with. She also knew that she had shared this vision with Mandy, and that meant that her sister was now zengi as well. Then unexpectedly, the area around her shimmered, and Karen found herself back in the dining room area. The dinner had been served, as the table was covered with several plates full of sweet and fragrant dishes reminding her of Indian cooking, but with much more meat in the diet. In the bowl chair, curled up together, reclined two nude zengi. One was Melonia, but the other was slightly larger and even more voluptuous, with large breasts and long brown hair. They took time to take food from the table, and raise it to each other's lips to share the bounty they had made. They also fondled each other too, with a strange sense of innocence and shamelessness. Karen said, "So, shi is your lover, isn't shi?" "Yes, shi is," Melonia replied. "Hir name is Henengi, the most dearest and precious thing in all the cosmos to me. They said our love couldn't exist, but we proved them wrong. It will always exist, even beyond death." With that, Melonia lifted hirself up slightly, and began to push Henengi's large erection into hir opening between the cheeks of hir bottom. Karen became very aroused, and without even knowing it began to masturbate, stroking her own engorged cock. Henengi was very eager to please, and grabbed the smaller zengi and thrust hard and deep into hir. Each time they pushed together, Karen could feel it in her own anus, and could also sense the organ and fingers that she was thrusting in and out of her in the "physical world". For a few minutes, the creature's writhed with passion, and finally spent themselves with howls; this caused Karen to feel an orgasm pulse through her as well. They then went back to feeding each other, as though what they had done was the most natural and acceptable thing in creation. "I see shi has all these dark lines and patterns in hir fur," Karen said. "What are they?" Regaining some composure, Melonia responsed, "Hennie is very vain, always worried about hir appearance. Shi and others like hir enjoy dying tattoos into their fur and underskin. They think it makes them pretty. Shi doesn't need it, but I humor hir by saying how wonderful it is. To me, shi is perfect just the way shi is." Karen smiled and said, "Yes, shi is very beautiful." "You know, Karen," Melonia giggled, "on this world I, or should I say 'we', were considered a "plain Jane". But that didn't matter to Hennie here, because shi loved me for my spirit and mind. Hennie could have had anyone shi had wanted, because besides being so beautiful, shi's really fun to be with, full of humor and cheerfulness. I wanted hir kits more than anything in the world." "Speaking of which," Karen mused, "I was wondering about your, well, getting pregnant. In the real world I grew a cock and balls, just as if my girl parts had just sealed up and pulled into my body. If you're all she males like me, how do you get your 'kits'"?" Melonia laughed, and replied, "Oh don't worry Karen, the Goddess provides. You see, you are very much like me physically, in part due to the seed crystals, but I'll get to that later. On our world, there was never such a thing as gender. No boys and girls, we all have the parts required to reproduce. You are familiar to marsupials, right?" "Oh, yeah, like possums and kangaroos," Karen answered. "Well Karen," Melonia continued, "you have external male organs, but your female organs are protected within your body now. This is important given that this world with its sun has more background radiation to it. You now have an internal pouch, in which your gene seed is stored in special organs." "When you mate with others, their seed's DNA is absorbed into the capillaries in and around what you consider, in your species, your rectum; in our species it is as much a sexual orifice as a means of waste disposal. We do not produce sperm; our bodies take up the naked gene sequences by absorption. "Your body filters out the DNA, discarding any of your own, or any that is defective. It then sends it to the pouch, and fuses that gene material with what you have stored there. When enough is present to create a full set of material for an individual with two or more parents, you form a fetus which then lives in your womb until it's time to deliver. It's possible for an infant to have genes from several parents; creates much more variety." Karen gulped, and said, "Deliver without a vagina? That's what we call a caesarian birth. That sounds dangerous. Please don't tell me that I'll be "pooping" my kids out of me." "No, of course not silly," Melonia purred. "When the time comes to deliver, there is a spot just below your scrotum near your anus. This will split open, releasing fluid and allowing your child to push hirself out of your body. Then after a few hours the cleft will seal shut again, protecting the delicate internal parts." Karen found it all so fascinating, even if also disturbing. The thought that there was now a masculine and feminine balance within her body, like the embodiment of the Taoist principle of Yin and Yang, was so strange and yet wonderful. These beings had developed like human kind, yet from a different biology. Why should she have expected them, or her, to be exactly the same? *** Todd Rodgers stood by the window of his now largely empty home, and looked out onto his front yard of well trimmed and manicured lawns. The sun was still a couple hours from going down. Soft music was playing in the background, and he felt his feelings swirling with the sounds of some young man lamenting the loss of his girl. Todd could understand that very well. Even if he stayed here in Glory Falls, he knew that the girl he really wanted wouldn't stay with him. He should be realistic, and just drop Mandy now. He had put on a good show with Karen, saying that he was willing to let go, but deep down inside his hopes kept hold of him. He also had his father's mindset that once you really wanted something, you held on to it for as long and hard as you could. His parents would return in a few days, but that wouldn't really stem his loneliness. Nor would hanging out with his party buddies from the team, though he liked most of them. He felt this emptiness in him that had increased intensely after meeting Karen at the party. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something drew him to her. There were traces of Mandy in Karen, but whereas Mandy had charm and wit, Karen had brains and wisdom. They were a perfect pair; put them together and you would have the perfect woman. He was also hearing some bad rumors too, about Karen being really mad at Mandy and Will Benson, and how Karen didn't show at school yesterday. Almost expectedly, the figure of Will Benson leapt over the iron fence surrounding Todd's home. The security flood lights snapped on in sequence as the prized track runner sprinted rapidly across the grounds to the front door. Todd almost laughed. Will could have gone through the open gate at the front of the grounds. Todd never ran the security systems, and Will knew that. But Will couldn't stop being a show off, no matter what the situation. Todd liked him very much; Will was like the younger brother he had never had. Todd opened the front door, and there stood Will with sweat soaked through his shirt and shorts. He tossed the boy a towel that he had grabbed on the way to the entrance. "So, Will," Todd started the conversation, "I assume something's going down?" Will's face burned red, and Todd guessed it wasn't from the run. Running never seemed to affect Will, at least not for ill. "Todd, I think I did something really, really stupid," the red haired teen said. Todd opened the door all the way and said, "Come in, and I'll get you some cooled water. Looks like you need it." They walked into the large kitchen, and Todd tossed Will a bottle from the refrigerator. As Will cracked it open, he poured some over his head while leaning over the sink. After a few swigs, he said, "Dude, remember Stacy Langton, the one I got New Blue from?" Todd nodded yes. "Are you and Stacy in trouble again? I thought you had broken up over that." Will nodded back, saying, "Oh, yeah, that's done for. It's just that, I tried to be real careful, and then, you know, there was Margie Thomas." Todd sighed, and said, "Yeah, I remember that mess up, Will. You didn't glove like you were supposed too, and she got it from you. Damn this VD, it's like so many kids have gotten this damned thing. Mandy got it, but she always gloves me with the condoms she carries so that I don't get it." Will shivered slightly, and he said quietly, "Well, I think we can add one more to the total." Todd looked at him with a mix of surprise, and then anger. "You gave it to Karen Derrickson, didn't you?!" he shouted. "Goddamn it Todd," Will whined back, "it was the booze, the fucking booze and someone put something in there. It was like someone was telling me to have sex with her; someone in the back of my mind. Mandy introduced us, and I had had some too much, and it was spiked and all that crap. Damn it, once you get close to her she's a pretty girl!" "Oh, great Jesus!" Todd exclaimed. "Mandy's gotta know about this now. Oh, by the way Will, I filled those punch bowls! I kept my eye on them, and so did the servants. Yes there was some vodka, but everyone who fucked at that party can forget about blaming some sex or date rape drug for running around and rutting on the goddamned lawns! Do you know that twice that night I had to talk the police out of dragging people away for disturbing the neighborhood? Everybody was acting like animals!" Will cast his eyes down, and he answered, "Look, Todd buddy, please help me with this." Todd looked incredulous. "Help you with what?! The damage is done! Karen valued her reputation very much, and Mandy valued her sister too! Mandy told me that she wanted Karen to find a boyfriend, and I thought you'd be a good choice because you would be responsible and not get her infected. It's not about the fucking disease! It's about you Will! You shouldn't have infected Margie, and you sure as hell shouldn't have infected Karen!" Will was almost starting to tear up. He looked up at Todd with wet eyes and said, "Please, please Todd. Help me talk to Mandy and Karen, I want to say I'm sorry." Todd's attitude changed very much at that point. Will had not had a good family life. Rumor had it that his father was cruel, and his mother drunk most of the time. Social workers had talked about taking Will's little brother Joey away from the household. Some people joked that that was the reason Will ran all the time. He was dreaming of running away. Todd had even offered him protection, but Will knew he had to stick it out at home for his brother. Now Will was desperate for affection. Todd looked at him and asked, "Are you in love with Karen?" Will looked down again, and said, "I just want the chance to have someone, like you have Mandy. I want Karen to know that I'm not scum, and that I think about what I did to her. When I had her that night, it felt so good. I liked hearing her cry like that, that happy way girls cry when you do it with them and they like it. I want to be like you Todd. I don't want notches on my belt; I just want one girl now." Todd stared at Will for a bit, and then said, "I need to see Mandy too Will. You've just given me the courage to tell her that I love her. Thanks a lot, friend. We'll wait a few hours, give the Derrickson's a chance to have dinner, and then we'll drive over there and see Mandy and Karen together. How's that sound?" Will's face glowed, and a large smile grew on it. "Thank you, Todd. I knew you'd come through for me pal." *** Henengi spoke to Melonia, a warm and cheerful purring sound that Karen could understand without trouble. "Melo, my sweetist one, I shall be leaving again soon for the borderlands. If our plan is to work, we must go amongst those who are hopefully open-minded, like we are, and willing to mate for the good of our world." Melonia's face took on a look of fear and shi said, "Hennie, must you?! I know others will travel along, but if the Prowlers realize what you are up to, that you are trying to end the Clan Wars, they will torture and kill you for sure!" Henengi giggled and purred saying, "Melo, you are such the worrier! You must be the most brilliant and dreamy person on our world, and yet you have no faith in yourself or our plan! You know everyone likes me, and I think most in my clan have forgiven me for taking you as a mate. There are a few I know I can trust to accept the gift, and become one with us." At that moment, three more zengi entered the room. Like humans, they varied in size and shape, but all had the general body plan: Slightly furred, four breasts, male organs, tails, ears, eyes. As Karen studied them further, she realized that although they were cattish, they also bore traits of lemurs, the earliest primates that humans had supposedly evolved from. They had no whiskers like cats, and possessed teeth that showed that they were omnivorous like humans. Another thing she noted was that these zengi had no sense of modesty. They were without clothing except for belts that had pouches with their personal belongings. Some wore jewelry about their necks and wrists; one even had a ring pierced through the nipple of one breast. Another bore some of the tattoo designs like Henengi did. The visitors came and sat around the large rounded end of the table, and started to share in the food that was present. They paid no attention to the fact that two of their kind were merrily fornicating with each other right there. Eventually, Henengi said to them, "Ah my sweet ones, my sisters, the plan is moving forwards. Our brilliant Melo has perfected hir serum. How has it been working for you?" One of the zengi said, "It's fantastic, Henengi! Every time my beloved and I mate, it's like being in each other's skins! We've always been empathic, but the serum enhances our power ten fold." The second one added, "I've been gifting and awakening everyone in my neighborhood, and now nearly every young adult in the village is one of us. Those who haven't converted don't seem to know, or if they do know they don't seem to care about what's happening. No one seems to pay attention to how the empathic links are growing stronger. All they care about is that crime and violence are plummeting, and even different tribes and clans are starting to befriend and mate with each other." The third chirped in, saying, "Yesterday, I actually managed to seduce Taikola, the one from Clan Skriti who used to bully me when I was a kitten. We made love, and shi began to emulate my patterns. Soon, we could feel each other's desires, and needs. Shi begged me to seed hir, and I did after injecting my cock with the serum. That sealed us, and now shi is one of my maters. We are so happy together, it's as though all the bad between us was just thrown away like garbage! I can't wait to see hir again tonight, and now shi's talking about the two of us bearing each others kits!" "You are truly the greatest shaper who ever lived on our world," the oldest zengi told Melonia. "You are like the blessed Goddess hirself, bringing love and peace wherever you pass. This isn't a viral serum; it's the elixir of life and happiness, like the semen of our Goddess. The whole world will sing your praises Melonia. They will build temples in your honor, even as they kneel to accept your seed within their pleasure openings." "I don't want fame or fortune," Melonia said back to them. "I just want a world where all zengi love each other, and Hennie and I can be together forever. Is that too much to ask the Goddess? Please, I must not be known as the author of this work." "Very well, Melo," Henengi said gently. "You will stay here and keep working to perfect the serum. Tomorrow we leave to go to the cities of our people, to help enlighten the clans and bring us all to the same patterns. Then, we will all speak to each other, not just with words, but with our hearts. The Goddess will smile on our efforts; we cannot fail." Then, the scene shimmered again, and all that was left was Melonia sitting in hir chair. Karen said, "So, that's how it started, eh? The New Blue, your early version of it, was some kind of mind control serum? Goddess forgive me I would ever create such an abomination." Melonia looked up with fear in hir eyes, and said, "No, no Karen it wasn't that! You underestimate the power of the soul to control its own destiny. You just don't remember that. I loved Henengi, and I loved love itself. I could never create something that would keep people from being free to love or do as they wished. Henengi and I have risked our lives to love each other, since we were from warring clans." "You see, Karen, we zengi have a dark side to us. Right now I know that you're seeing a pretty world full of pretty people, who all share feelings and desires through their psychic natures, but this comes at a terrible price. We evolved our empathy because many creatures on this world used it as a method of hunting and tracking the animals we evolved from. As we grew more intelligent, we eventually conquered and destroyed or banished these creatures." "I see," Karen said, "just the way on my world we evolved to defeat the beasts that preyed on us when we were just monkeys." "Exactly," Melonia added. "But, we did not develop all the physical technologies that human kind did. We went the way of biology and psionics. We enhanced out minds, and eventually that allowed us to mentally drive away the creatures that threatened us. But, as time and distance increased, and as our civilizations evolved, we broke up into groups that lost the common patterns we once shared." "There came a point where, as we created the technology to travel with ships and wagons, we began to re-encounter those who had gone different ways during our prehistory. It was a terrible shock when we discovered that our empathy did not work properly between the different tribes and clans. Mutation and genetic drift over thousands of years had made us isolated from each other." Karen nodded in understanding. She said, "Just like on Earth, humanity broke up into racial and ethnic groups; different cultures and languages." "And like on Earth," Melonia said grimly, "what do you think the result was?" Karen shuddered. Humans had always found excuses to hurt each other using race and religion and other factors. In fact, of all the creatures on Earth, only hive insects and some vermin made war on each other the way humans did. Now with the zengi, here was a species that was used to knowing the motivations and feelings of all those around them. If something happened to change that, and block the feelings, the results would be... "Suspicion, mistrust, fear, xenophobia," she muttered. Karen was quickly beginning to see the horror of the situation. Melonia nodded back to her. "Now you understand. The different groups tried to get along, and to some extent things like trade and diplomacy helped to smooth out the paths towards understanding. However, each clan developed its own militant groups that began to preach the "purity" of its own mental patterns. We collectively call them the Prowlers." Karen began to envision the zengi equivalent of Adolph Hitler or Pol Pot; some frothing hermaphrodite cat screaming to the masses for the need to "cleanse the race". Then she remembered that not long ago on Earth, people in Africa had begun to savagely murder each other over such things. Again she trembled and said to Melonia, "Well, at least I now know my people are not angels. Please tell me I didn't live to see such a fate happen to my people." She noted that she had referred to the zengi as "my people". "That is what I was trying to stop," Melonia replied. "Karen, we are true geniuses. You are not old enough as a human yet to fully understand it, but here on this world of Nengi I am a full adult, and in my late twenties. I have been highly educated, and marveled my teachers as I was found to be a prodigy. I am a "shaper", a person you would call a bio- geneticist or genetic engineer. With a combination of drugs and my psychic powers, I have sung and shaped into being a dozen forms of life that have helped to increase our world's agriculture and improved the way buildings are constructed." Karen was stunned. She wondered that, if she had never been infected with New Blue, would she have gone on to become a great scientist or giant of literature on Earth? Or may be a true psychic, one that would prove to the skeptics that psionic powers did exist? If so, would it have been the zengi aspect of her soul applying itself, or had she always been Melonia in disguise? Melonia went on, "I became fascinated with the very nature of our empathy, and the genetics and physiology behind it. Others had studied it before, but I began to see how differences in our genetic codes altered the organs within our brains that acted as the transmitters and receivers of our psychic waves. I developed what your people call a retro-virus, a very mild one that would be delivered into the blood stream by sexual intercourse." "Why that way?" Karen asked. "Wouldn't an injection have been easier?" Melonia gave a sly and almost wicked smile. "First off," she said, "zengi are no more willing to be mugged and injected with strange liquids than any human would. For this to work, it would require stealth. As you can see, we are a very... promiscuous species. We don't have half of the social and emotional hang ups about sex that humans have. To us, why would the Goddess have given our souls such sensuous bodies if we were not meant to use them to please each other?" "Second, we zengi, through selective breeding and our genetic engineering, have given ourselves very strong immune systems. Disease is rare amongst us, and the act of sex also allows us to pass immuno chemicals between each other, resulting in us vaccinating each other from diseases that we have experienced and survived. I realized that our immuno systems must allow into the blood stream near the anal opening any material that appeared to be zengi in nature without attacking it. Otherwise, our DNA we shot into each other during intercourse would be considered a threat and destroyed." "So," Karen suddenly exclaimed with a light in her eyes, "by disguising the virus as zengi coding, the body willingly absorbs it into the bloodstream, and it directs itself into the brain and alters the empathic nodes! Goddess, I never realized what a sneak I could be! So, zengi began to develop the same node forms and patterns, and the old collective will began to form again!" Melonia nodded with excitement. "Yes, yes that's it, perfect!" she cried out. "You see it, don't you Karen? It's all coming back to you now. Everyone would eventually be infected, and their brains would slowly be re-wired to share feelings and awareness." Karen sat down on the edge of the table, and she thought for a moment. Then she said to her alien form, "You know, when I was younger, I read something that stuck in my mind, and I have thought about ever since. I guess it proves that I really am you, that this passage would have struck such a cord in me." "What was that, Karen?" her earlier self asked. Karen smiled, "Someone asked a wise man a question. It was 'How could humanity ever truly have peace and equality between all people'. The sage thought for a bit, and he said that it was not possible for such a thing to exist, because humans are not biologically fit to create a classless society. The sage went further saying that such a society would only be possible on the day when, if he punched another man in the face, he would break his own nose. What he meant was that we would have to share each other's pain and sorrow, not as abstractions of pity, but as actual physical and emotional suffering." Melonia smiled, and said, "And now you understand." "So, how did it turn out?" Karen asked. Melonia's face turned dark, the way Karen's did when she was suffering one of her severe moods swings with depression. "Very, very badly," the zengi whispered. *** If you like this story, please tell me by feedback, and I will try to continue it. T-Vixen

Same as Spirals Part 3 Videos

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Spirals 2

SPIRALS Karen Derrickson, a teenaged girl with psychic powers, was infected with a form of VD called "New Blue" while at a party. Over two days she has mutated and grown male genitals, and an immense libido to match. The disease seems to force her to have sex with her sister Mandy, who is now also infected and changed. Karen is desperate to stop this curse from altering and enslaving everyone she knows, even though in her heart she now loves her sister even more than before they became...

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The next morning went quickly. For most of it, Mr. Hardesy had me stocking canned goods, and I was actually surprised when he told me to go eat lunch at eleven. I grabbed my sack from my locker and sat down on some boxes behind the store. I hadn't been hungry until I'd known it was lunch time, but now I was more than ready to enjoy some turkey salad sandwiches that Tracey had put together for me. One bite, and I knew Tracey had a winner with this one. "Robinson," Jesse Caldwell came out...

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SpiralsChapter 7

Tracey drove straight to the hospital, but I didn't remember much of the rest of that night nor the next day. What the pain didn't obscure, the pain meds I'd gotten at the hospital did. Tracey had been unyielding about my taking the meds, too, watching until I had taken each dose. Even so, I was still sore when I limped into school. I guess I was lucky that I was just bruised. Missy gasped when she sat down next to me. "John, are you all right?" "Just a little bruised, Missy." Mr....

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SpiralsChapter 8

I crashed as soon as we got back home. Tracey was up and dressed when I got up Tuesday morning, looking bright eyed and almost cheerful. I wanted to hate her, but she even had a big breakfast waiting for me. "Eat up, John. You'll need your strength today," she said as I walked into the kitchen. "Why's that?" "They'll be testing you today." I must have looked confused, so Tracey explained. "Boardman and company will be there when you get to school, probably with...

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I groaned as I sat down on the couch in the teacher's lounge. "Are you okay, John?" Mary Jo asked. "My ribs hurt like hell," I said through my teeth. "Let me see them, John," Mr. Hughes said, concerned. Jesse and Bobby helped me remove my jacket while Mary Jo unbuttoned my shirt. "Oh, my God," Mary Jo said when the last button came undone. My right side was a nasty shade of purple. "Mr. Anthony, go get Mr. Jefferson," Mr. Hughes said as he reached for the phone. My ribs...

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On Tuesday, the world came to an end for many in Ridgemont. There were no whispers this time. The news ricocheted through the school like a bouncing cannonball: Ethan Bishop and Heath Boardman had failed a mandatory drug test administered by the state athletic board. A huge amount of illegal steroids was found in their blood. Both players were immediately and indefinitely suspended from the team, and Coach Keifer was asked to resign. The news dwarfed all of the previous weeks' whispers. I...

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SpiralsChapter 15

Bobby's words didn't exactly haunt me, although I couldn't forget them either. With the drama of Betty Lou and Bobby, and with Betty Lou's inexplicable, to me at least, anger towards Missy, I just knew that Friday night at the skating rink was going to be interesting. I hadn't told Missy what Betty Lou had said because I hadn't wanted to upset her. Turns out I really didn't need to tell her anything. Missy and I were holding hands, skating along lazily together and chatting about...

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SpiralsChapter 16

Monday rolled around and I was a little later than usual getting to the cafeteria. I pulled up short when I noticed that the group at our usual table had grown. Jesse and Bobby were moving a couple of chairs when I arrived, finding seats for the four new residents. Missy, Jackie and Gail were sitting at one end. As everyone settled in, I saw that there was an empty chair between Missy and Bobby, so I headed for that. Betty Lou was still in her self-imposed exile at the other end of the...

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Tracey and I spent nearly the entire Christmas weekend working. I was either at Hardesy's or waiting tables for Tracey. It wasn't the most fun I'd ever had over the Christmas holidays, but Tracey was very, very happy, as she must have catered a half dozen Christmas parties over the four day weekend. Plus, I knew Missy was going to be gone until school started again in January, so I made sure Mr. Hardesy knew I was willing to work as many hours as he would give me. I could see the finish...

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SpiralsChapter 18

I had ducked out as soon as my last class was over, half afraid that Cathy would try to pick up the conversation where we had left it earlier. After Cathy, I was more determined than ever to talk to Missy. I just had no idea how to make that happen. Lost in thought, I didn't notice a driver blow through a stop sign. He nearly ran me over. I shook my head, and checked both directions before continuing on. I sure as heck didn't need to end up in the hospital again. And just like that, I...

1 year ago
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SpiralsChapter 19

Thursday brought more offers of companionship from a variety of very eager young ladies, some of them from quarters that I had never even considered. My friends hounded me for an explanation of the cryptic note that Jackie dumped on me. I maintained my silence until lunch. "Okay, Robinson, give," Bobby said as he and Betty Lou sat down. "Yeah, you're making the ladies crazy," Jesse said with a smile. "And not just the ones at this table," Mary Jo added. I put my sandwich down and...

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SpiralsChapter 20

I pulled into the driveway next to the Eastman's trailer at six. Mrs. Eastman opened the door, a smile bursting onto her face. "Hello, John!" she said, giving me a quick but crushing hug. "It is so good to see you. I was half convinced that Olivia was pulling my leg." I gave her a sincere smile. "It's nice to see you too, Mrs. Eastman. Is Liv ready?" She nodded at me, still smiling. "Olivia, your date is here!" she called back toward the hallway. Turning back she said, "I can't...

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SpiralsChapter 21

Third period ended and I knew that Liv's locker was nearby, so I hustled toward it. As I'd hoped, Liv was there, grabbing her books for her English class. Just as she closed her locker and turned around, I grabbed her hips and pushed her gently back against the lockers. I leaned down and kissed her hard, shoving my thigh between her legs. With a quick yank, I pulled her t shirt loose from her tight jeans and shoved my hand up under her bra and pinched her nipple. And then I pulled my hand...

2 years ago
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SpiralsChapter 22

January dissolved into February. The school seemed to have finally accepted that Liv and I were a couple and that we would do something a little outrageous from time to time. It was fun. It was exciting. And it showed me a completely different side of sex. With my other girlfriends things were all about romance and affection. Liv enjoyed that side as much as any of the others, but she also showed me that a woman can enjoy sex just for the pure fun of it. It was Monday morning, and Liv had...

1 year ago
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SpiralsChapter 23

Friday morning slipped past quickly. With no real gossip to occupy the tongue waggers, the school was abuzz with curiosity of a simpler kind. Who would be asking who to Sadie Hawkins? Which couples would implode and which would explode onto the scene? I wasn't surprised when Cathy Kramer cornered me. I turned her down as gently as I could. I let Cathy assume that Liv had already asked me. There were another half dozen offers before lunch. "Trouble in paradise, Robinson?" Bobby asked as...

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SpiralsChapter 24

Monday rolled around again, and as I walked to my locker to start the day I wondered what it would bring. I was just about to close my locker when a hand settled on my hip. I turned to see Missy standing there looking around nervously. "Hey good lookin'," I said, closing the locker and spinning the lock. "What's up?" Missy smiled. "Hi, John." She was still a little nervous about something. "What's the matter, honey?" I asked quietly. "I, um," she started and then she stopped,...

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SpiralsChapter 25

I alternated my lunch companions, sitting with Missy and her friends for lunch on Wednesday and Friday. Gail said almost nothing to anyone either day, although she continued to sit with us. Jackie appeared to warm to me a bit more, and I was a bit surprised to find myself enjoying her company as well. Her boyfriend Lyle was a freshman at State, and Jackie seemed to be handling the separation well. She was headed there in the fall to study Journalism. Missy was holding onto the belt loop in...

2 years ago
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SpiralsChapter 26

Friday rolled around again, and at six I found myself walking up the walkway to the Harmon's door. Missy and I were joining the gang at Toni's for dinner. After that, the whole gang was headed to the ice rink, even Liv who was visibly worried about being on skates. I knocked firmly on the door. I hadn't expected Mrs. Harmon to be happy with me, but I still wasn't really prepared for the icy reception I received. Mrs. Harmon frowned. "Oh, it's you, John. Well, you might as well come in....

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SpiralsChapter 27

"Hey, Robinson," Bobby shouted as Missy and I were headed for English. We waited as he waded through the crowd to us. "Have you seen Kenny today?" Bobby asked a little out of breath. "Nope, not since lunch on Friday," I replied, thinking back. "He and Lisa were off by themselves." "Yeah, well, Betty Lou and I saw Lisa on Saturday. She was kissing Heath Boardman." "No way," Missy hissed, completely shocked by the idea. "Yeah, well, we kinda had the same reaction. I tried to...

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SpiralsChapter 28

"So, what brought this on, honey?" I asked as I unlocked the front door. Missy didn't reply, simply sweeping past me. She dropped her books on the kitchen counter, took off her coat and set it on the back of one of the counter stools. She had a nervous smile on her face as she walked toward me. Something was different. I wasn't sure what it was, but it was just a flitting thought that disappeared as soon as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my face toward hers. There was no...

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SpiralsChapter 29

I was again first to lunch, and I was sitting in the cafeteria waiting for my friends as usual. I saw Kenny hurry into the room. He made a beeline for the table. "Pinch me, John," he said as he plopped into the chair next to me. "I must be dreaming." "Oh?" "Don't play the innocent with me, John Robinson," he laughed. "I guess that means that Miss Carson found some courage and you weren't an asshole, I laughed back." "Got it in one," he replied with a huge smile on his face....

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SpiralsChapter 30

Something occurred to me as we walked out of the dance. "You aren't jealous of Lisa Carver, are you, honey?" I asked as I opened the car door for Missy. "You don't mind that I agreed to dance with her?" "Not really, John. You know, I sort of expected to be jealous when you danced with Liv and Mary Jo, given your history with the two of them, but I was actually happy watching you guys smile and laugh and dance. I guess I figured out that they aren't competing for you, that they've...

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SpiralsChapter 31

March came in like a lion with PMS as Lisa Carver did all she could to attract my attention, and Peter Hawkins, as Gail had warned me, had it all backwards. He threatened me several times, despite my assurances that I had no interest in his bottle blonde girlfriend. This madness only served to bring Missy and I closer together. We shared memories from our past. We shared our impatience with the present. We shared our hopes for the future. I told Missy about my dreams, and she told me about...

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SpiralsChapter 32

"While we are waiting for Tom, there is one more thing that Morris wanted me to do today," Mr. Reynolds said, solemnly. He reached into his pocket and handed Missy a sealed envelope. I watched as Missy stared at the envelope. I could see that she recognized the writing on the outside. With a sad smile, she broke the seal and pulled a two page letter from the envelope, walking over to the sofa to sit and read her father's last message to her. A tear trickled down Missy's cheek as she...

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SpiralsChapter 33

Missy had been a popular girl before her birthday, but by Monday, the news about her inheritance was out. Everyone seemed to be vying for her time and attention. As the effective owner of the most critical business in Ridgemont, Missy now had power to go along with her money. As someone they went to school with, Missy was also far more accessible and much less intimidating than some impersonal HR form, and everyone was trying to gain access and make that approach, looking for an in with the...

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SpiralsChapter 34

I spent the weekend quietly. I thought I had accepted that the ride was over and it was time for me to get off and get ready for the rest of my life. It wasn't a good feeling, but by Monday morning, I felt that I had come to terms with things. I found out I wasn't prepared for the pain, however, when Gail showed up at my locker before English. She had tears in her eyes as she reached out and handed me a heart shaped locket. I stared at it for a moment, blinking back tears that wanted to...

1 year ago
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SpiralsChapter 35

Something about what Jackie said stuck, and on Wednesday morning I was early to English once again. Mr. Hayes looked up as I entered his room. "Two days in a row, John Robinson? Soon you'll have me believing you actually care about English." I smiled. "We can't have that, now can we, Mr. Hayes. No, something a friend said has me curious. Why did you have me read Sonnet 91 yesterday?" "Would you believe quid pro quo?" "Not for a minute," I replied, still smiling. Mr. Hayes...

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SpiralsChapter 36

By the time lunch came on Friday, it felt like everything was back to what passed for normal in my life. I grinned to myself as I considered the idea that anyone could think of the last twelve months as 'normal.' Maybe 'less turbulent' would be more accurate. Missy had called me Wednesday night, something that rarely happened before. She had picked me up and driven me to and from school. We'd walked to class talking about this and that, content just to be together. I had an epiphany,...

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SpiralsChapter 37

Monday rolled around again and it was time to buy Prom tickets. Missy smiled when I dutifully asked, and I ponied up the money for our ticket. Unlike a previous dance I'd tried hard to forget, there was no issue whatever with Missy and I getting tickets this time around. A lot had changed in five or six months. Prom was the topic of choice all week at lunch and even between classes. Everyone asked me to once again set up dinner the night of the Prom, but Missy spoke up quickly. "I'd...

3 years ago
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SpiralsChapter 38

I was surprised to see Tony's car parked in the driveway when I got home. I didn't expect him and Tracey to be home this early. I smiled as I recalled the conversation I'd had with Tony yesterday. Tony had been sitting on the hood of his car, waiting for me to come home Thursday after school. He had looked visibly nervous when I walked up the driveway. "Hi, Tony," I called as I walked up to his car. "If you're waiting for Tracey, you've got a long wait. She's catering a party over...

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SpiralsChapter 39

"Melissa's not here, John," Mrs. Harmon said as she opened the door. "She wasn't expecting you, was she?" "Not really, Mrs. Harmon. I knew she would still be at the hospital. I, um, actually came to talk to you for a moment, if I may?" "Come in," Mrs. Harmon waved me to the sofa in the living room, the same sofa on which Missy and I had been making out the previous evening. "Can I get you something to drink, John?" I shook my head. "No thanks," I told her. "Well then,...

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SpiralsChapter 40

Despite what we both knew was going to happen, Missy and I walked calmly into the house. Still, there was a look in here eyes, and I'm sure there was an extra spring in my step. I spun her around and pinned her to the door as I closed it, kissing her hard. We were both panting when we broke the kiss. Missy dropped her purse on the kitchen counter and then turned to me. "I don't mean to put you off, John, but I need a shower," she said firmly. "Of course. Tracey thought you might want...

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SpiralsChapter 41

Something soft and silky teased my nose and my eyes blinked open. The room was filled with the soft glow of the morning sun filtering through the lacy curtains. As soon as my eyes opened, I felt the prickly tingling of my left arm. A smile came quickly as I remembered why my arm ached and my nose itched. The soft body beside me stirred and rubbed against me, drawing all the blood toward my thickening shaft. A quick glance downward showed me that it was nestled between two of the best looking...

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SpiralsChapter 42

I watched with a smile as Hannah Mills walked regally to the podium. When she started her speech I looked at the sea of green caps around me. Most of us had made it through all four years. The final four weeks of our senior year had rushed past with a flurry of activities. Prom was everything I'd hoped it would be. Missy was radiant in her teal gown and glowed with happiness and contentment. We danced the night away, lost in our own world. It was only later that I realized we had danced...

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I took a deep breath as I waited for her. I peeked around the corner and smiled at the large crowd. All of our friends were here. I saw Olivia Wallace glance over her shoulder and smile at me. I smiled back, Olivia's smile tickling a memory from long ago... All those memories flooded back through me in an instant, especially that magical Senior year. I felt myself frown as I realized that had been nearly thirty years ago. Time sure flies when you're having fun. Liv's eyes twinkled as...

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Xena Versus The Spartans

It was a time of horrible raids by terrible marrauding hordes, which caused untold misery, fear and poverty in all of Pelopones. It was a time when Xena and Gabrielle were needed by all the towns, before it is too late, but she was nowhere to be found. The century before had been a good time for all, under the Cooperation Accord of Olympia, there was piece between all the polises, and Xena could concentrate on petty crime and feuding Gods. But now Xena had been on a mission in Asia for years,...

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Historia 8 La Cita 2 Parte

Después de lo que había pasado en el hotel aquel, no podía quitarme de la cabeza lo ocurrido.Antes de salir de la habitación me había dado un pequeño papel con la dirección de su trabajo y el número de teléfono.Había pasado ya casi un mes cuando encontré esa nota guardada en mi cajón entre mi ropa anterior, la saque y no pude evitar sentir que mi respiración se agito recordando de nuevo aquella verga en mis labios entrando y saliendo, sus venas marcadas.Cargue la nota entre mis libros unos días...

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Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis.Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets blown out of the sky and you...

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(C) Mojavejoe420 2020 Ships, particularly warships, have watertight compartments to stop internal flooding from torpedoes, bombs, or other hull damage to the ship. Sailors slam the heavy steel doors (hatches) shut and seal them tight, also known as dogging the hatches. This keeps the ship afloat during times of crisis. Military people, particularly those who have seen combat, also have compartments. When you’re flying off of your leader’s wing (who is also your best friend) and he gets...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Sunday with Miss Suzy Premire partie

Sunday--Miss Suzy Premi?re partie "The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive." Since I de-planed in the Big Apple (I came from Ohio, but am most certainly not a Scientologist--unless an impeccable platinum banded solitaire ring of about five carats is part of the deal) I've had oodles of marriage proposals and was even, briefly, engaged. All very flattering, but I can afford to be choosy--or could. I think it's well past time if a lady is unmarried at 3...

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ProfNigma Stories 1 iCarly One Night Part1

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Neha Became Whore 8211 Part1

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Neighbor Bhabhi My Dream Girl 8211 Part1

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