Spirals 2 free porn video

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SPIRALS Karen Derrickson, a teenaged girl with psychic powers, was infected with a form of VD called "New Blue" while at a party. Over two days she has mutated and grown male genitals, and an immense libido to match. The disease seems to force her to have sex with her sister Mandy, who is now also infected and changed. Karen is desperate to stop this curse from altering and enslaving everyone she knows, even though in her heart she now loves her sister even more than before they became infected... NOTE: Please read the first part of this story, as this is a continuation. Part Two By T-Vixen After a quick lunch, which they both had made together, Karen prepared to leave for Doctor Goldstein's office. Karen and Mandy were both surprised at how much they ate. They both shared a large salad and a stack of tuna fish sandwiches between them, and felt as if they could have eaten more. Mandy even joked that she felt like she was "eating for two". Both girls then bathed and Karen relieved herself, noting that she had gotten quite used to now standing while urinating. There was no doubt that this was far more convenient than having to sit down. However, she disliked the fact that she now had to go around wearing no panties or other undergarments. The pressure from her huge package simply made it too uncomfortable to do so. Mandy kissed her goodbye at the door, and Karen then drove off in one of their two cars. Though she was only sixteen, Karen was considered very mature and had been easily granted a training license allowing her to go anywhere within a few miles of her home. The house wasn't too far from a medical plaza where the doctor's office was. Doctor Rebecca Goldstein was an old friend of their mother Sarah, and as a gynecologist she was considered an expert on female disorders and diseases. Karen knew that not only would Dr. Goldstein be the best to know what to do, but that she could be trusted to keep secrets about embarrassing situations. Her young nurse Claire Beaumont could be trusted too. Claire was very nice and pleasant, and Karen liked her a lot. In fact, Karen thought about Dr. Goldstein and Nurse Claire as she drove, her mind filling with images of them. Claire was young and slim, dark brown skin and long black hair done in corn rows like many young black women had. Rebecca was a tall and athletic woman in her late 30's, attractive despite her obsession with physical fitness and her muscular frame, with long black hair done up into a large bun at the back of her head. Karen's mouth began to water slightly as she imagined them naked, running their hands over her own bare body, and playing with her erection while studying it... There was a sudden screech of brakes, and Karen snapped back into the real world as she saw the looming form of an oncoming car. She deftly spun the wheel to throw herself back into the right lane where she belonged, and out of the left lane she had drifted into. The other driver gave her the one-fingered salute as they roared by each other. As Karen's pounding heart settled down, she also shook her head. Looking downwards, she noticed the throbbing erection that had made a tent of her long skirt. She pushed hard down on the man tool, forcing it back. By Goddess, she couldn't wait to get rid of this damned piece of meat. It was starting to affect her thought processes, and that was totally unacceptable. As Karen started to imagine knives, scalpels and razors, her genitals were filled with painful stabbing sensations. The organs began to twitch, as if the very thought of their physical removal was distressing them. Karen thought to herself "Oh ho! So, you don't like the thought of being removed, eh? Well tough shit, you invader! You are a very unwelcome visitor, and I will be glad to see the end of you!" With a nasty smirk on her face, she continued to drive onwards to the doctor's. *** Karen was heading towards the cluster of buildings that made up the Glory Falls Medical Center, enjoying the sense of warm weather and the smell of the newly clipped grass. More than her eyesight seemed to be improving, as she had noticed that her sense of smell and taste were getting stronger and more refined too. She also noticed that two birds singing nearby had just stopped doing so, even though she was no where near enough to startle them. Perhaps it was the stray dog that was padding around by the trees where she had parked her car. She wanted to keep the vehicle cool, and so had chosen to put her car out in the shade, farther away from the buildings. Besides, the walk would always do her good. As Karen entered the office, Claire Beaumont was right behind the reception desk, and smiled at Karen as she looked upwards. "Hello Karen," she said. "It's been a few months since your last visit. Your sister said you had an emergency. Well, lucky that we have a last minute opening. You know Dr. Goldstein usually has a half-day on Saturdays, but she was willing to stay late for you." Karen smiled back at Claire's grinning face and soft eyes. "Thank the Goddess she's still here Claire," she replied. "I'm really in trouble, and she's the only one who can deal with this." "Well, okay dear, she's waiting for you in exam room one," Claire told her. "By the way, that's a lovely perfume you're wearing; very sensuous. I also notice you're wearing contact lenses. You look good without glasses." "Thanks," Karen answered, puzzled by this statement as she was not wearing any perfume... and of course she didn't need glasses anymore anyways. Then she added, "Oh Claire, congratulations on your marriage! How long have you and Ray been together now?" "Ah, it's been three months now!" Claire answered back with a large smile. "It's hard to adapt, but he's worth it every inch of the way. I wouldn't have any other man in my life." "Wow, that's just great," Karen said as she returned the smile. "I'm really happy for you. I guess my prayers to the Goddess were answered. Well, I can't keep the doc waiting too long. See you soon Claire." Before seeing the doctor, Karen decided to use the bathroom again, this time to do what she hadn't started back at home. As she had her bowel movement, Karen was disturbed at its appearance. Her matter came out as a small handful of highly dense pellets, with practically no moisture other than a thin coating of clear fluid to help them expel out. Sudden changes like this could be a sign of terrible internal problems, so now Karen had yet another health worry to add to the object hanging from between her legs. As she cleaned herself, she noticed that the toilet paper had no dirt or residue on it. She knew that somehow, this new "sanitized" bowel situation was related to her case of New Blue, but for the life of her, she couldn't understand how or why. It may have seemed the sign of a terrible problem, but she began to think that having such a body function would actually be rather, well, convenient. The exam room was not unusual in appearance, the typical table being present near the middle of the floor. But, since Dr. Goldstein was a gynecologist, it did have several special stirrups for women to use for spreading their legs wide and allowing access to their openings. Karen shuddered slightly at the thought of being strapped into those contraptions, but she knew there would be no choice if a full exam was to be done. She wasn't wild about the various instruments laid out on the counters nearby either. Karen removed her clothes, except her socks, and put on the exam smock before sitting herself down onto the exam table. Just at that moment, the door opened, and in stepped a white frocked Rebecca Goldstein. She smiled warmly as she saw Karen, attempting to defuse the girl's obvious feelings of fear and stress. No one wanted to have happen to them what was about to happen, but Rebecca had an impeccable beside manner, and was highly thought of by many women in the community. Rebecca also really liked Karen, who to some extent reminded her of her own self when she was a teenager. "Ah, hello Karen," Rebecca said with her gentlest voice, "you looking very nice and healthy today. That's a very nice perfume you're wearing too. I noticed that you're not wearing your glasses, so I suppose Mandy or your mom talked you into contacts?" Karen took a deep breath, and replied, "Well doctor, my vision and that is all part of my problem. It's a really long story, and I've been going through all sorts of changes that I don't think have anything to do with puberty." Rebecca raised an eyebrow slightly, and said, "Mandy says you were quite upset and needed to see me today. It's a good thing she called early; I was able to move the schedule around to get you in at the end. She said you wanted to avoid anyone else knowing about your problem, so I made sure there weren't any other patients around to tell 'colorful' stories about you." Karen flinched, and she said, "How much did Mandy say about it, doctor?" Rebecca sat down next to her and answered, "Not much, but with many of the youngsters I see today, and some adults too, it wasn't hard to figure it out. When did it first start?" "Friday morning," Karen replied. She then went on to explain everything to Rebecca about Will Benton and the party, and how she first got the "itch". Rebecca just nodded her head as Karen went on, and then Karen added, "But, my case is very... different. Something's gone really wrong, and I need you to decide how I can get rid of this case of New Blue." Rebecca crossed her legs and looked thoughtful for a few seconds, and then said, "Well Karen, I know how intelligent you are, and I suspect that you spent time on Friday doing internet research on this disease. As you know, New Blue has not yet shown any signs of causing direct harm to people. It's becoming common in youngsters and adults, though rather rare in elderly people. Are you saying that your physical symptoms are more severe than the standards?" "Much, much more severe," Karen said, raising her eyes to the heavens. "Prepare to be shocked doctor." "Well then," the doctor said, "we'll approach this as best we can. Please sit up on the table, and I'll start with a general exam. Let's check your eyes and ears, then your heart and lungs." Rebecca took up some instruments, and peering into Karen's ears. "Hmm, interesting..." she murmured. She then took a light to Karen's eyes, and again the doctor seemed slightly baffled. "Karen," she said, "you're not wearing contacts, and the membranes in your ears are far larger than normal in a girl your age. When I shine light in your eyes, I can see a reflection, like the membranes in an animal with night vision. Did this all start just recently?" "Yes doctor," Karen answered sheepishly. "I woke up last night, and could see without the glasses, just like when I was a little kid, but only better. I guess my hearing is getting better too." Rebecca shook her head with disbelief, and said, "Okay, let's listen to your heart and lungs then." As Karen dropped the top of the smock, Rebecca gave a slight look of astonishment. She then reached down with the end of a stethoscope, and listened carefully. "Well Karen, your heart beat sounds excellent, though faster than I would expect, and stronger too. Have you been working out a lot lately?" Karen shook her head no, and asked, "Doctor, what else is wrong? You looked startled when I first opened my smock." "Karen," she answered, "have you been taking female hormones?" Karen again shook her head no. "Well dear, your breasts have increased in size dramatically from the last time I saw you. Given it's been over six months, and given your age, I would have expected some breast growth. But, you were originally a small B cup, and now you must be at least a large C. That's a tremendous amount of growth; not unheard of but unusual for a girl with your frame. Well, big breasts do run in your mother's family. I'll need Claire to bring your old measurement records, so I can do a comparison." Karen knew that she had been feeling more weight to her chest the last couple of days, but she had been too scared about her cock to pay that much attention to her original female equipment. Now that she looked carefully at her breasts, she realized that the doctor was right. Her whole figure was considerably more voluptuous than before, and reminded her of her sister. Could it be that she had absorbed some of Mandy's physical traits, along with her mental ones? Rebecca opened the door of the exam room, and called out to Claire to get her the files on Karen's stats. Karen was getting more and more scared, and this made her sweat, and this in turn made her smell even sweeter than normal. What the hell could be happening to her? It was as if she was becoming a whole new person. "Okay then," Rebecca said as she came back into the room, "I guess it's time to check out below. I'm sorry dear, but you know what that means." Karen sullenly nodded, and slid around on the top of the exam table to mount her feet into the stirrups. Rebecca went to the table, and took up a scope tube with which to examine Karen internally. Karen looked at her and said, "Doctor, you're not going to need that this time." Rebecca stared for a second, and then replied with a smile, "Don't worry dear, we'll start with the smallest first if you feel that uncomfortable." Karen only shook her head and said, "No, it won't fit. Believe me, it won't." Rebecca put on a pair of gloves and approached with the tool. Karen pulled up her smock, and for one of the very few times in her life, Rebecca Goldstein gasped with amazement. Try as she might, she could not stop staring for several seconds, until with a blush she looked over at Karen and said, "And, this happened, all over night? Something grew like this in only 24 hours?" "Less time than that," Karen answered. "I was doing my meditations around midnight, passed out, and awoke only a couple hours later with it. It's fully working too, doctor. It gets aroused, and it acts just like a guys' penis does." Karen couldn't imagine how she was going to explain to Rebecca how she had also transformed Mandy like this. "Fully functional, intact and complete with testes and scrotum... and on a previously pure genetic female," Rebecca almost whispered. "Absolutely amazing!" Karen noticed that the doctor was sniffing a lot, as if the sweet odor of her flesh was affecting the doctor's breathing. Karen added, "And that sweet smell, the perfume that everyone talks about; that's part of it too. I don't know why I smell that way all the time." Rebecca straightened up and tried to regain composure. She went back to the counter, and said, "I'm sorry dear, but we'll need tissue and liquid samples. I'll swab the area for traces of the odor you're talking about, and then I'll have to cut and remove small areas. It won't be pleasant at all, but I'll use some local rub anesthetic to reduce the pain. Does it have normal sensations?" "Oh yes, yes it does have the ability to feel things," Karen replied bluntly. "That's also part of the problem. Doctor Goldstein, how can we get rid of this? I've got to get rid of it!" The doctor sighed gently and responded, "Well dear, we need to test these samples and find out what exactly this flesh is, and then surgery will probably need to be necessary. Don't be afraid though; I have some friends who do excellent sex reassignment surgery for male to female trans sexuals. They would probably be the best for this type of situation." As Rebecca approached her with several tubes and some needles, Karen felt a sensation of pressure building up within her male organs. Her cock was becoming erect, even though the image of Rebecca at this point with those sharp implements was anything but sexually arousing. Rebecca sniffed a few more times, looking quite relaxed and calm for what she was about to do, and said, "Don't be scared dear, this will all work out well in the end." The doctor leaned down and examined the male genitalia. However, like the first time with Mandy, Karen found she was suddenly unable to move her limbs, nor could she use her voice. Her feet tightly gripped at the stirrups to spread her legs, as if to guarantee that her swollen organ would have an "open field of fire". She had become a passive observer of these events, and her cock and balls began to throb with a rhythm that she knew meant no good for the doctor. She tried to cry out a warning, but her mouth and larynx refused to cooperate. As the doctor gripped the ball sack and began to wipe with a special tissue, the sense of climax began to build up rapidly. With a groan escaping between clenched teeth, Karen erupted with pleasure, and a stream of viscous lavender spunk sprayed up into the gynecologist's face. It seemed to Karen that her own cock had deliberately directed the stream into Rebecca's eyes, nose and open mouth. Rebecca jumped back, gagging and coughing even as the liquid rapidly dissolved into her skin and mucus membranes. Sputtering, she turned to grab at some tissues by the sink and began wiping the excess from her face. Then she stopped, her body becoming more rigid. For about a minute, the doctor faced away from Karen, her breathing becoming more rapid and deep, and her fingers gripping the sides of the sink with ferocity as if fighting some internal battle within herself. Finally, with an immense shudder all through her body, Rebecca turned back to Karen. Karen knew immediately that something had happened to the doctor. She had a look of lust and delight on her face, much like Mandy did when she showed her sister her new penis. Rebecca smiled happily, licked her lips, and took the still hard cock into her hand. She then began to lick it up and down, running her tongue from the base of the ball sack up to the tip, when she lapped up the still bubbling fluids. Then Rebecca began to bob her head up and down, sucking hard on Karen's male flesh. Unable to resist, Karen could only moan again as another mass of hot cum spewed into Rebecca's mouth. Karen wondered how by the Goddess she could stop this insanity, even as a part of her wished it to continue on and on. Then the door swung open, and Nurse Claire stepped into the room. "Doctor," she began, "I was looking over Karen's previous... ahhh!!!" With total shock, Claire dropped the charts she was carrying, and stood dumbstruck at the sight of her employer giving head to a supposedly female patient. Without a word and in one fluid motion, Rebecca jumped up from Karen and lunged towards Claire. Rebecca may have been in her late thirties, but she had kept herself fit and was fast and strong, plus she was taller and heavier than Claire. She embraced the still stunned nurse, wrapping her arms around her so as to pin Claire's arms to her torso. She leaned forward and gave Claire a deep kiss, pushing her tongue into her open mouth, and with it the wad of jism she had not yet swallowed. Claire began to squeal and struggle as Rebecca's grip grew tighter. After several seconds, Claire's struggles began to weaken, and soon after she let out a muffled moan of pleasure as the liquids in her mouth began to affect her. Karen watched, horrified, as the two women pulled apart, each with a smile of joy on their faces. Then they embraced and kissed again, though this time Claire showed no signs of resistance at all. They ran their hands up and down each other's figures, groping and rubbing at their erogenous zones. As they finished their coupling, they both turned to Karen. The teenager watched as each woman took her turn suckling yet more cum from Karen's swollen member. Again and again Karen came hard for each of them, and the women licked up and swallowed her seed into themselves. Claire had even gone so far as to pull off her top and use her dark brown breasts to rub and tit fuck Karen. Both women giggled happily each time another bubbling jet of lavender sprayed up into their eager open mouths. Finally, just as Karen thought her balls would burst, the two women stopped, and gave sighs of joy. As Karen began to regain her speech and motion, Claire and Rebecca cleaned her well, and the doctor also took some blood and tissue samples, and of course samples of semen as well. "What? Why did you do that?" Karen groaned. She was too exhausted to fight them. "Shh, don't worry Mastress," Claire kissed her cheek, "we're going to take good care of you." "Yes indeed, Mastress," Doctor Goldstein added. "We're only concerned for your well being. We must make sure that you are fit and capable, and no harm ever comes to you. Too much is at stake." Karen shook her groggy head, and said, "What is at stake, doc? You don't make any sense." Rebecca tilted her head quizzically for a second, and then replied, "You know, Mastress, I don't know what is at stake. All I know is that Claire and I must serve and protect you, and that we are yours to command. It must be something wonderful, though, that is going to happen to you." Karen almost wept. She said, "Doctor, you've got to cure me. I can't go around enslaving people like this. It's wrong." Claire leaned forward and kissed Karen again, and said, "No Mastress, it's not wrong at all. Everything is all right. You'll see." "Yes, she's telling the truth," Rebecca continued. "You see, there's nothing wrong with you at all. Everything about you is nearly perfected. I don't understand how I know this, but you are evolving into something fantastic, and beyond human comprehension. And now, we and your sister Mandy are a part of it. We must help you complete your evolution." "You know about Mandy too?" Karen asked. "How? I didn't mention her." Claire responded, "We sense her presence, just as you sense all three of us. Please, Mastress, you're not finished yet." "She's right, Mastress," the doctor added. She was finishing up storing the test samples she had just taken from Karen. "You need to sodomize us both, and complete our programming." "NO!" Karen yelled out. "I won't do it!" Claire's face dissolved into a look of sorrow. "Oh please, please Mastress! Don't leave us unfinished! I have this big hollow spot in my mind, and only you can fill it!" "Yes Mastress," Rebecca said, her face bearing a scowl as she walked up beside Claire and put her arm around the young black woman's waist. "You owe it to us to finish what you started; it is your duty to your spawn. You cannot leave us half made. We will go insane if you don't complete our evolution." Karen felt like she was being mentally bombarded with the emotions of these two women. They were both genuinely upset and sincere in their desire to become Karen's thralls. The sensation created a terrible emotional pain in Karen's mind, and she felt this aching need to make them happy by bonding with them and ending their suffering. With a great big sigh, she said, "Okay, okay you two, I'll finish it. Lift your skirts and drop your panties, and bend over the exam table and we'll get this over with fast. Goddess, what am I going to do with three thralls now?" With an unexpected surge of energy, Karen rose up from the table and stood aside to ready herself, peeling her smock from her body. A medical exam table, even a padded one, is not a very comfortable place to have sexual activity, and all three women knew this. Claire placed several more pillows across the table, while Rebecca used the foot pedals to lower it down as far as it could go. Meanwhile, Karen stood nearby in just her socks, stroking her cock and preparing for the task at hand. As the two proto-thralls began to undress, Rebecca gave a slight knowing smile and said to Claire, "I have an idea to make this even more enjoyable. Instead of the two of us just being side by side, let's give our Mastress something more entertaining." Claire smiled in agreement as they then washed their anuses in preparation for their insemination. Naked, the doctor sat on the end of the exam table and lay down onto her back, pulling Claire onto her. The two women began to rub their breasts and cunts against each other, taking pleasure in their touch, smell and tastes. Rebecca then used her hands to pull open Claire's crack, leaving the nurse wide open. Taking the not so subtle hint, Karen positioned herself behind Claire, and proceeded to bury her organ into her tight and virgin hole. Apparently, Ray was not a "back door" type, but the lubricants helped to make the entry far less painful than it would normally be, and soon Karen was thrusting with lustful passion as Claire moaned and screamed happily. A few minutes and one orgasm later, Claire twitched and spasmed in the gentle embrace of Rebecca as Karen's hot seed finished up whatever process had begun earlier. Then, the two women rolled over to exchange places with Rebecca's bottom now having access. Despite her misgivings, Karen had to admit that she was really enjoying the method of enthralling others, even if she hated the results. There was a sense of immense primordial power, as if Karen were a creator goddess bringing new life into being. She plunged into Rebecca's flap with even more gusto than Claire, her eyes rolling up into her lids as she nearly passed out from the orgasm. And so, she completed the insemination and formed the bond with the gynecologist. "Whew!" Karen exclaimed, her head still swimming. "Wow, that was fantastic! You two are just great!" "Thank you Mastress," Claire replied. "We were glad to oblige. Now our service to you is complete and eternal." "Doctor, I've got to get home to Mandy now," Karen said. "Please study my samples as much as you can, and learn everything about this disease so I can get cured. Or if there's no cure, at least stop me from transmitting it to others." "I hear and obey your will," Rebecca answered. "However Mastress, I hope that this is incurable and you cannot stop infecting others. Why would you deny such heavenly bliss to the human race? Only by serving you can we know true happiness. Oh, by the way Mastress, please call me Becky from now on. Calling me doctor or Dr. Goldstein is far too formal." "Okay Becky," Karen said. "You are both great thralls, and part of me is glad I made you mine. But that's it; no more converts. I want you both to swear to me that you will do everything you can to stop this disease from spreading anymore. Especially you Claire; I know you might want to do something to Ray, but you mustn't." A look of disappointment came over the two women. Both simultaneously said, "Yes Mastress, we hear and obey your will. We swear to do all we can to stop the spread of this blessing to others." Karen could tell that they were not happy about her command, and deep inside they wished to have their own penises in order to spread the infection to others. Karen was frightened at how obedient and submissive her thralls were, but this sense of disappointment perhaps that showed that they had some will to disobey, though that gave Karen small comfort. *** As Karen left the doctor's office, she began the walk across the parking lot to her car. As she got about half way, her improved senses told her that something was wrong. In addition, her mind began to "feel" a presence, something very, very unpleasant. She turned about, and noticed that the dog she had seen before was stalking her. It was a large beast, probably a mongrel mix of Labrador and German Shepard, and it looked at her with a terrible intensity that made her skin crawl. She started to turn to ignore it, hoping that a false sense of bravado on her part would make the dog feel that she wouldn't make good prey. Suddenly, she was struck in the head by a mass of feathers and sharp beak. Immediately, another such blow hit her again, as she flayed her hands about to drive off two birds that were dive bombing her; the two birds that she had heard singing earlier. Karen saw the feathered fiends arc about sharply, coming in to assault her again, just as the dog broke into a lunging run at her. Its mouth opened, revealing a slobbering mass of razor sharp teeth no normal dog could have had. In its reddish glowing eyes was a look of absolute madness, and with terror Karen knew that the birds had attacked to distract her, so that the dog could tear her apart. Karen knew if she ran the rabid animal would rend her without mercy. She then did something she had never succeeded in doing before. As it approached her, she could make out the aura, the life force of the beast. Her own aura flared up, reaching out to meet the dog's and merging into it. She imagined it solidifying, like a brick wall, and then the dog suddenly was violently thrown aside as if it had just struck a solid object. However, this reprieve was short lived. The animal rebounded, throwing itself into her and sending her sprawling. Karen used her acrobatic training she had assimilated from Mandy, and rolled to her feet almost instantly. The dog came about, aiming for her throat as the birds struck at her head once more. Karen felt an intense anger rise inside her, like the feeling of a woman protecting her children, though she had no children of her own to protect. Summoning all her energy, she imagined invisible hands reaching out to the two birds, gripping their heads and crushing their insane and feeble brains. The two avian creatures dropped stone dead, struck down by brain hemorrhages. Turning her attention to the dog, her hands shot down and with surprised strength and speed she never guessed she had. She gripped it by the jowls and ears, holding the mutated and stinking mouth of death mere inches from her face. Karen glared calmly into the animal's eyes, and all she saw was rage and hatred of her. She went beyond those orbs, and into the beast's mind, finding almost nothing of a dog left in it. With a twisting wave of revulsion, Karen knew that this was no longer an animal, wild or otherwise, but a machine designed to kill and destroy. With an unexpected feeling of pity, she burned out the brainstem controls to the creature's heart and lungs. The dog died almost instantly, its organs shutting down and sending it into convulsions of death. Even then, it snapped and frothed at her, still trying to complete its murderous program. Karen held the dead animal to her chest, feeling an unimaginable mix of emotions. She was relieved that she had saved herself, and perhaps other people, from this mad animal. She was also terrified and amazed at the fact that with her will she could slay it, praying to the Goddess that she never, ever used such a power against a human being. Her heart was heavy with sorrow, as though killing was an alien thing, not just to Karen, who had never killed before. It was as if someone in Karen's mind was grieving over having been forced to take the life of another being. *** Karen was driving home, still shaken by her encounter with the dog, and the birds. But in addition to that, her head filled with strange sensations and feelings. There was a residue of the disappointment that was in the hearts of Becky and Claire, along with their joy at becoming her love slaves. Karen wondered how two grown women could so happily just throw away their will and independence in return for sexual pleasure? The virus must somehow be changing their minds, putting them into a constant state of arousal and hypnotic control. But Karen had studied self-hypnosis as part of her occult studies, and she knew that hypnosis could not make a person totally give up their own self-control, or make them do things they found morally repugnant. Whatever this was, it went way beyond hypnotic suggestion, as if there was an intelligence involved, possessing their bodies and controlling them. Karen shuddered as she realized that she was the host of this power, and probably possessed herself. How else could she explain her ability to enslave and kill other beings? It was time for an exorcism, even if it meant using a knife to do it... *** Karen drove up to her house, and noticed that the other car was parked different from before. Mandy must have gone somewhere that afternoon, perhaps to do some shopping. As Karen walked up to the front door, she began to develop a strange tingling in the back of her mind, and she knew that her sister was not alone in the house. In fact, the sensation was familiar to her, and the sudden recognition caused Karen to rush forward through the door and into the living room. There was Mandy sitting on the couch, naked and rubbing her breasts as she moaned with joy. Kneeling before her and sucking her dong was a nude woman nearly twice her age, well formed and attractive with Mandy's looks. Mandy thrusted up into the woman's face and squealed as she orgasmed, while the woman suckled and slurped up the stream of jism that had flowed into her mouth. Karen instinctively knew that it had not been the first time that afternoon that the woman had taken seed from Mandy. Mandy opened her eyes, and looked over at Karen. Her face glowed with happiness as she cried out, "Oh Mastress, you've returned! Isn't it wonderful? Sarah came home early, and now she's joining with us! I've seeded her three times already, but she just can't get enough cum in her!" A sense of nausea came over Karen as the older woman turned and looked at her with the same look she had already seen twice that day. With a slight burp, her mother licked Mandy's cum from her lips and said dreamily, "Oh, hello sweetie. The meetings let up early yesterday, so I got an early flight home. Mandy picked me up at the airport, and brought me back, and I just couldn't keep my hands off of her! She just smelled so good! I never realized how sexy you two are! Oh, by the way, I'm glad your eyes got fixed. Your breasts and ass are bigger too. I guess you're all grown up now." With a giggle she turned back to Mandy, and began to once again administer orally to her daughter's erection. Now Mandy was infectious too, or at least she could attract others to drink her essence the way Karen could. That also meant that soon Becky and Claire would start seducing others, if they didn't obey her commands not to. "Excuse me for a little bit," Karen said softly. "I need to go to my room for a while. Please don't bother me until I call you." "As you command Mastress," Mandy smiled. "Besides, Sarah and I are too busy now enjoying the new flesh you gave me." Karen noted that Mandy was no longer calling their mother "mom" like she normally did. It was really no surprise; since becoming "mastress" and slave, the normal family relations between sisters didn't exist anymore. Why would there be a difference between mothers and daughters? As Karen walked to her bedroom, she passed through the kitchen, and nonchalantly pulled a large carving knife from a set of cutlery hanging by the stove. She then felt a strange sense of panic come over her, and her cock and balls began to pulse wildly. "Oh yeah," she whispered to herself. "You'd better be afraid..." To be continued... If you like this story and want more, please tell me in your feedback. This story may go on for quite a while. Thank you. T-Vixen

Same as Spirals 2 Videos

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This is a fictitious story, which I have based on true accounts from friends, along with personal experience. This is not a hard sex story, and although it does contain graphic sexual descriptions; it is the continuation of a romantic tale, depicting the first experiences and the feelings experienced by many, many people, when confronted by sexual situations and sensations for the first time. It also contains first time sex for other characters. For those of you in the US, “fanny” is a pussy...

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corporate Desire

Hi readers, I am back with a bang to take the desires of a matured woman to the next level. It is all about the corporate life, the other side of the coin. This incident happened when Namitha, Anuska and I moved to an engineering college for campus recruitment. No doubt there were other members too; but we were the technical team. The college had already booked rooms in a 5-star hotel for different teams. I had to stay with them under a singe ceiling. I was a little hesitant to stay with two...

3 years ago
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An Unprofessional Massage

Her parents had been worried and pissed. She was 18 years old and she had broken her leg in her first year of college. “You’re not a kid anymore,” her mother had said. “Please at least act like an adult.” Her parents forced her to move back home, away from the dormitory. They were afraid of hurting herself or falling and no one being around to help. It was her second day at home and she was already hating it. Her parents were always hovering over her and she couldn’t get a moment alone....

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The OutsiderChapter 4

"My, don't you look the confused one!" Stated my mother as soon as I walked through the back door into the kitchen. At the time I thought that it was just mothers that had this instant insight into their son's minds, after all, I saw it regularly with my own mother and had heard other boys commenting about a similar ability. It wouldn't be long before I realised that it was the entire female half of the population that had this skill, it was just more honed in mothers. As expected, the...

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The Veterinarians Assistant

The young brunette had always relied on her looks to bunt life’s curveballs. In the aftermath of a one-night stand with some random ‘don’t worry, I’ll pull out’ college guy, she was still as beautiful as ever, with her hypnotic blue eyes and naturally plump lips. Some would argue the pregnancy had only enhanced her glow (perhaps meaning her breasts). She could even fool you from behind, having worked to retain her thin, athletic figure during the past 8 months, but her stupid dreams of...

2 years ago
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Feeling Her Pussy In Bus Journey

Hi All, Spoilers alert: No sex but my first experience touching pussy with her clothes on. Hello everybody. I’ve been a fan of ISS for quite some time and I love to read stories about sex starved housewives or single women. It has been my fantasy to share bed with ladies specially married ones. The story I’m going to narrate is my first experience of touching a pussy though with clothes on. Reach out to me at , if you want some sex chat & action I am Swatcatt69( thinking to start working as...

2 years ago
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SizzlePart 2

As Bill walked quickly down the gravel road leading to his house, he wanted to know if the rumour was true. Several thoughts were going through his mind at the same time. If it was true, it had to be bad genes from her mother's side of the family. No one in the Baker family tree had been cursed by MORFS. This disease had afflicted the sinful people of Earth for almost fifty years, but the Baker family had been faithful and pure. They had been spared the stigma of a cursed child, until...

3 years ago
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Mom with son

Hi this is Kumar I want to tell a story about my Chinna Amma and also her name is Sarala my name Kumar the story had happened recently when I was studying in lower classes my amma used to take me tuitions and they were three sisters all of them takes tuitions I was very keen to go tuitions because they all were friendly to me and my classes were over and I completed my studies and I become a graduate .and all the three were teachers they all got married with in that period of time one of them...

1 year ago
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Ruined Wife

I have been trying for the last few years to get my wife to have sex with another man. She said that she would never do anything like that. She did start to let me take nude pictures of her and of her playing with some of her toys. One night when I was talking to someone in an interracial chatroom when they ask me if i had any pictures of my wife. I had never thought about sharing them with anyone else. I started getting excited just thinking about someone else looking at her naked body. I knew...

3 years ago
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said confused the room went quiet there I saw my teacher bent over the desk with her panties to the side and a vibrato inside of her pussy. Her face flushed with red as I walked closer to her "Miss Emma what are u doing" I said grinning. "Ashley uh " she said stuttering, I leaned over the desk swirling my tongue with hers she pushed me away "Ashley we shouldn’t I’m your teach-" she said backing way. I walked closer to her trapping her in a nearby cornier " yeah a teacher that masturbates...

3 years ago
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Sweet torture

I unzip my skirt, shimmy it down across my hips, down to my ankles, and kick it off. I reach back and unhook my bra and drop it on the floor, freeing my breasts. My nipples stand up full and proud, chilled by the air and tense with arousal. I kick off my high heels, then pull down my panties. You take them from me and shove them in my mouth. You then push me backwards until I reach the bed, then you hold my shoulders and push me back on the bed. "Up." You command. I wiggle up on the bed...

4 years ago
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Pitch Dark

It burned in me, the pictures that the advert had etched so clearly in my mind and fed into my most primitive fantasy. Ignoring it didn't purge it, replacing it with other fantasies and amazing real-life sex didn't purge it, time didn't purge it. It flickered and burnt stronger for being ignored and my very desperation to suppress it was the fuel it needed to feed its wicked appetite.I had mentioned the ad to Patrick when I'd seen it online and he found it exciting too. We'd discussed the...

Straight Sex
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The Adventures of the Sicilian Twins Chapter 4

The sexually repressed Angelica was alone in bed that mid-week morning.The maid Maria had left her arms with a soul-searching kiss and a promise to use her tongue later that night in a way that she had never experienced before. The excitement of that possibility caused her ride the soft pillow the maid had decorated with her lipstick and her drool from her panting mouth. She had ridden a pillow at home and allowed her sister to prod and poke her tight teenaged bottom from above like a lover...

3 years ago
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Im a bit of an unusual girl Part 01

by Vanessa Evans Part 01 Hi, like it says in the title, I think that I’m a bit of an unusual, even weird girl. I’m definitely different to other girls my age. My name is Imogen and I’m quite slim, 160cm tall, dirty blonde, shoulder length hair, I weigh about 50 Kg and have 32A breasts with big nipples that one of my fuck buddies tell me he could hang his coat on. My labia is quite pronounced, I have virtually no inner labia and a clitoris that never seems to want to hide behind its hood. I...

2 years ago
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Hello Albert, it's good to see you. My God, you look handsome today. No need to blush. At seventeen, boys like you know how to take compliments. Would you like a glass of beer or wine or something before we go to work? No? Well, perhaps after. Why don't you just get undressed then. For today's session, we will start off naked right away.I swear, Albert, your body gets more beautiful every time I see you. I love your smooth brown chest and those nice nipples. You have the perfect body for a...

2 years ago
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My Sexy Elder Sister

This is my real experience with my own elder sister who is just one year older to me. We were living apart, she was living with our Maternal grand mother while I was living with our parents at the time. Our maternal grandparents did not have a son so my sister was staying with them to take care of her or rather they wanted some kids to always be with them so they do not feel lonely. My sister’s name is Ritu and she is one year elder to me, I am 23 and she is 22. She is fair not very tall but...

4 years ago
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Secretary for extra job

Hello there to all who have come in to read my story I am from Bangladesh my names Vromor aged 27 years and single. I am very friendly person to move along easily among the people. I owned a small business. This incident happens with me few months ago. Here I like to share with my ISS friends. As my business growing day by day, I need some extra hands for my help and maintain my office. So I appointed a secretary for help my works. Her name is Nisha (not real). Aged 24. She was married but her...

3 years ago
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Milking my exwife Angeliques huge tits

My Wife Angelique Marie, My Milk Cow Slut...Well me and Angelique had a dumb ass marriage where she tried to please me in anyway she possibly fuckin could. So I told her one afternoon to follow me into the living room I had a secret video tape I’d made of her without her ever knowing I’d made it and I wanted her to watch it with me. It was one of the many video’s I’d made of her after I’d d**gged her stupid fat ass a few weeks ago then took her over to my best friends dairy barn and hooked her...

3 years ago
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The Guest

Lila just got out of the shower and was naked in front of the the full length mirror as she put lotion on her body. She was a beautiful girl with a sexy full body. As she rubbed her body with the lotion she thought about the sexy man that was their house guest for a few days or maybe weeks. He was mature and muscular and had such a sexy look and he kept looking at Lila like he wanted her. She smiled and knew she also wanted him. Just then the door opened and the handsome sexy man walked in...

2 years ago
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She Tries To Forget Ch 23

Passion in James County XVI It was almost four hours before Ann and Martin finally were able to get on the road headed back to Jamestown. Ann was exhausted, and even though there were a million questions she wanted to ask Martin, she never got to. They weren’t even on the Interstate before she was sound asleep. Martin glanced over at the sleeping woman as he drove. ‘I wish I’d known what Melissa told me about Ann a long time ago,’ he thought. ‘Maybe…maybe if I’d known, none of this mess would...

2 years ago
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Sex Survey Females Firsts 1

I invite all my fine female dear readers to respond to this sweet sexy survey of their first time erotic experiences.I take my inspiration from a very successfull short blog, in terms of the ever growing number of responses it gets.I try to be a bit more precise in my private intimate inquiry, stating several sets of questions related to this subject.I hotly hope we will get to read loads of cunning comments from warm women wanting to share some sexy secrets!I often wonder how much women differ...

3 years ago
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Cleopatra Virus

It all started 3 months ago, although it never really made any headlines at the time. Only one paper reported it, putting the story at the back of the paper. Couple caught having sex in public, was the headline. Apparently, they had been having sex in the local mall. A guy pounding a voluptuous 18 year old in the food court, while hundreds of people watched the lewd act takes place. The police considered nothing of it, but they didn’t know what had transpired, or what it was going to...

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Angies An AdultChapter 15

“And so, we want to get formally married as soon as we can, Sam. How about it?” Angie turned to Samantha, who gave her a big grin now, while Ray fondled her naked tits. “Same here,” Yasu told her, as Jillian kissed him on the cheek. “A pity that polygamy isn’t legal,” Sven coughed, making Charles and Teresa blush. “My sentiments exactly,” Teresa admitted. “Yes, I agree. The love between you three is as sacred and beautiful as that between any two people, if you ask me. God’s love is...

1 year ago
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The Bet

It all started with a Bet.I was at a local bar drinking with a few friends and playing some harmless pool.There were four of us, we all worked a construction job together.It was on a Friday night we decided to have a little fun and get all the work we had been involved in out of our minds.We had been at this bar for about two hours playing pool and having a great time. We had played a few games when this lady asked if she could join in on the fun.We were all for this as she was a beautiful...

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Gay sex with studant

The bell rang and I watched as my students began to pile out of the classroom. I watched as the young boys play fought a few of them met my gaze they were from past conquests. The thing is I lust for young twinks. The reason I loved my job so much is because it made it extremely easy to seduce young hot ass. I am in my mid thirties with salt and pepper hair and green eyes. I have a muscular build and some stubble facial hair that framed my lips. I was about 6’4 and was fairly good looking. The...

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Khaandani Randiyaan 8211 Part 16

Dadaji bole, “Beti, Dev ki shadi ek toh inti jaldi hui. Usse humne dhang se pucha nahi tha ki tum usse pasand ho ya nahi. Isliye woh thoda gussa hai. Par tumse nahi, balki hum logon se.” Fir meri taraf aas se dekhte hue woh bole, “Tum usse thoda time do. Sab theek ho jayega.” Maine dadaji ki baat mante hue Dev ko kuch aur samay dene ka nishchay kar liya. Dadaji ko iss baat ka dilasa bhi diya ki main poori tarah se koshish karungi Dev ka pyar jitne ki. Kuch din baad dadaji 5-6 mahine ke liye kam...

2 years ago
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Woman8217s Decision 8211 Mohit And Purva

I am Purva a 28 year old working married woman living in Noida. I am from Himachal but did most of schooling in Delhi. I have lived in hostel since I was 14. I am the oldest of the three siblings. I had a younger sister and a brother. After completing my graduation I got a job in an advertising firm.(thankfully in delhi). I was a perfectly independent working women of Delhi. My mother got worried and started pestering me for marriage. Finally I gave in and told her about my expectations. She...

1 year ago
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Talon IGPT 6

Talon IGPT, 6 By: Malissa Madison Talon, Draconian Load Star Tracker Scout Training Transport Training Cadre: Serena Derrell, Commander, Draconian Mordina, Sub-Commander, Primary Driver, Draconian Lorissa, Sub-Commander, Navigator/Communications, Demonian Dante, Captain, Traffic Control and investigations, Terrellian Portellini, Lieutenant, Crowd Control, Lyconian Valdemere, Lieutenant, Reports and Forms, Terrellian Dove, Captain, Medical Officer, Orion Commander Serena...

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Whites vs Blacks Who Can Win the Interracial Sex Battle Part 1

It was a hot summer day in California. All these hot girls, so little time, Justin Thinks to himself. Now Justin isnt that great looking, but that doesnt matter because he is a black pornstar (He is well hung). Last week Justin got engaged to a black skater from Los Angeles, named Kitty. Kitty hates white guys, she couldnt imagine having sex with a white cracker. This is one of the reasons Justin likes her, he doesnt want his girl sleeping around with whites, he wants her assets all to himself...

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David had to fumble with the garage door opened, as one hand was busy playing in Brandi's sopping pussy while the other carefully steered his police cruiser. He turned off the engine and glanced at Brandi. Her skirt was up around her waist and she had a glazed look of lust and pleasure on her face as he slid his fingers back and forth rubbing her clit. She was massaging her breasts and was softly moaning almost meowing like a kitten. David withdrew his hand and smiled at her. "We're home,...

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Traveling Man

I’ll skip all the high school, couldn’t afford college so I joined the Army and go right to the meat of the story. I was working for a company in Michigan that did specialty work for the Ford Motor Company and by specialty I mean all sorts of weird shit. Things like Ford engineers would have us buy a certain competitors vehicle and cut sections out of it so they could study them. Things like a section of rocker panel, a section of the A post or floor pan. The weirdest thing we did was build...

1 year ago
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Employment Conditions I

"My name is Sonja, I haven't seen you before?" "I'm Dorothy, no I've just been hired. You?" "In here? Many times, It's the only way you can keep your job with this company and there is a depression out there, so you submit." They were both handcuffed side by side to a bar on a wall, forcing them to bend over displaying their naked rear charms to the room. "I work in the mail room and the personal manager told me when I was hired that these sessions with senior management were compulsory. He...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 327 Construction of Our Hilltop Home

January 1 to late-February, 2007 I won't bother describing the back-and-forth architectural design process we went through for our new home. It was interesting, and Julia had one of the absolute BEST times of her life, but it's really only the final design that matters. Constructing our new home was cool though, so I'll describe that. The Army Engineers had been heavily involved in our new home right from the beginning of the design stage because they had a great deal of...

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The Neighbour Lady 8211 Part 2

Email: I hope you readers enjoyed my experience in part 1 of the sex  story. I have received mails from readers of this website and thanks to you. You are my inspiration. So I went home that day in disbelief and couldn’t sleep properly. I didn’t know what was it that was disturbing me. I slept very late and hence woke up late and tired the next day. I was looking for Ragini everyday from then. Hoping to meet her in the morning or evening. So I took different trains everyday for a week. But...

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The Auction

Vivian stood behind the changing screen and looked at herself in the mirror and shook her head. She was more nervous this evening than the day she walked down the aisle and she knew it was probably apparent to anyone who cared to look at her. No matter how ready she thought she was every time she stood up her legs started trembling and she felt dizzy and she had to sit back down in the wooden folding chair. Even though her husband George was being very supportive of her, still she wasn't sure...

2 years ago
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Teenage Boy Has Sex With His Adult Neighbors Part One

I’ve always considered myself lucky to have been able to grow up in the same house with an imperfect, but stable, family. My parents have the types of careers that allow them to stay in one place. Dad owns an insurance agency in a suburb of Madison, Wisconsin, and Mom owns a beauty salon. I always felt bad for the kids in school who were uprooted every few years while their parents chased their nebulous corporate dreams.After I graduated from college I married a beautiful girl that I met there....

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Do Bhai Do Behan Aur Family

Story par aata hu hamara ghar agra me hain wahi thodi dur par mere mama ka ghar bhi hai, mera naam raju hain meri behan ka naam diya hain uska figure 32 28 34 hai bohat sexy maal hai meh aur mere mama ka ladka ek hi college me padte thy mere age 21 thi aur meri behan mujh se 2 saal choti hai mere mama k ladke ka naam harish hai wo dikhne me body builder hai aur me bhi uski behan nita bhi 19 saal ki kamseen pari hain, Ham aksar ghoone bahar jate thy movie dekhne, shopping ham charo bachpan se ek...

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The Good Boy

His name was Chris. That really all that can be really said about him of interest. He was a shy black male around 21 years old. He seems to have a youthful ness about him. He was still pretty naïve about the world He can best be describe as cute. He still had his baby face and slim build; He had a nice manner about him and a nice sense of humor. He seem quiet around people he didn't know but mostly happy a lot of the time. He seem to all ways help the other neighbors out with things namely 3...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 2 Dalliances

August 1, 1995, Chicago, Illinois “Steve, there’s a man in reception who says he urgently needs to see you. He won’t give his name, but says it’s an important financial matter and I’m quoting, ‘it would be in his best interest to talk to me.’ Do you want me to call the police?” “No, I’ll come down,” I said. I didn’t put on my blazer or a sweater as I usually did to hide my pistol, but I changed shoes and then went downstairs to where Eve Falvey was sitting. “I need you to come with me,” I...

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Apocolypse chapter 9 10

Chapter 9 (Ok just a little background to the characters of the story so far incase you can' remember who's who or if I have failed describe them enough. Derrik, he's a typical American teen age boy. 13 years old 5 foot 5 tall around 115 pounds. Light brown hair and hazel eyes and is our lead character. Chris was the next boy to come into the story. He was found locked in the freezer at the school. He's 11 with short darker blonde hair and blue eyes weighing around 80 pounds or...

2 years ago
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Now or Never

This is the first story I've posted online anywhere, so I would appreciate your feedback. As it's my first time too, please be gentle! She looked innocent enough, Kaitlyn thought as she made big round eyes at herself in the little mirror on the car visor, pouting her lower lip ever so slightly. She pinched her cheeks and the rosy glow added to the illusion, a carefully crafted one. She had paid an enormous sum for the shiny locks she was sporting. It took more than three hours in the chair to...

3 years ago
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Every Time It Rains

For many people, a rainy day can be sad or depressing. To me, a rainy day always brings back a particular memory that was scorched into my brain many years ago. Maybe because the memory is so sweet... It was September 1992 and I was traveling on Route 70 somewhere between St. Charles Missouri and Kansas City... in an area called "Tornado Alley". It had been a glorious day, up to that point, with little sign of the storm clouds to come. As I sped down the highway, I didn't have a care in...

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Dragons of Arma Part 5

I did have one post asking if I was going to do a new story and I do have one in the planning stages and I will run the premise by you guys and see if you would want to read it. - Title pending - Time frame is Near future ten years give or take Arcturis Pendragon a reputed thief- main character work in Excalibur (not mystical sword but technogical) finds he is the descendant of Merlin "Mere'lin" and Arthur of old Excalibur was meant for the true king not Arthur. Excalibur opens...

2 years ago
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The nasty EXGF

We all have heard the stories, XGF who never did the nasty things we wanted to do, she told you that it was disgusting or perverted. Yea, only time can erase that lie. Went to New Orleans few months ago, needed the break and to see the seedier side of the quarter. Walking thru the quarter I was inundated with all forms of humanity, some beautiful, others of questionable heritage but all were enjoying themselves. One particular bar was of interest and featured excellent drag shows. After getting...

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Strip Club Sex

My GF went on a trip for her job. I was home alone. Being a lesbian I usually don't look at str8 porn. But that fateful Saturday night I decided to look at str8 porn and I must admit I was turned on. I love the way a man responds to a woman gripping on his cock with her pussy. When I was with men, I enjoyed the sex soooooooo much but I couldn't find a guy that didn't have a wondering eye or penis. I was heartbroken for the last time and I decided to try a woman as a lover. So soft and...

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Moving Day A Naughty Nicola Story

Nicola had just finished unpacking and putting everything in its place in her new flat. She put the coffee percolator on and went to her newly decorated bathroom. She wanted the loo urgently. She sat down on the toilet seat and looked at herself reflected in the mirrored wall opposite. She'd had it put in so she could exploit an occasion like this one. She watched herself in the mirror as she pulled up her pleated skirt with her right hand and plunged the fingers of her left into the front...

3 years ago
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Stop WatchChapter 9

The next morning the only thing I could think about was what had happened the night before. It was all a lust-filled blur, and I almost couldn’t believe it had actually happened. I knew I was beginning to regard Kara as a desirable woman first, and a daughter second, but I no longer cared. The brief flash I’d had last night of both Linda and Kara in my bed, had struck a low pit of excitement and disbelief in my belly that wouldn’t go away. I had to make that happen. But I didn’t want to...

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Haunted mansion

It was a cold Halloween night. April was standing in front of the abandoned mansion at the very end of the neighborhood. It had stood there since she was a child. The city had apparently torn it down one time and it showed up again the very next day. The owner clearly didn’t like company as it was miles away from anyone else. She used to go inside it all the time growing up and nothing bad ever happened, but there’s been stories of strange things occurring here on Halloween, ranging from lights...

4 years ago
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Copyright 2003 It seemed so surreal and dream like. I felt strange and detached. I was in a room, this much I knew. There were other women in the room with me. I sensed them rather than saw or heard anything that would have cause me to have noticed their presence. If I looked around, all I saw was light and mist. There was no sound and everything was misty and hazy. It was like being in a smoke filled room but there was no smell of smoke. Or, imagine a room with so much dust in the air, the...

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Dog day afternoon0

by Styxx Her cunt was stretched beyond any limit it had been before. The dog's knot had at last been pushed into her, past her tight lips and beyond the muscle of her opening. The slightest movement of either her or the dog sent new waves of pleasurable thrill through her system and made sure she climaxed over and over. The dog heaved one last time and, if it was at all possible, shoved the huge purple weapon further into her and through the neck of her womb. A deep pain immediately told...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 467

Six Little Life Wisdoms Once all villagers during a drought decided to pray for rain. On the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella. That's FAITH When you throw a baby in the air, she laughs because she knows you will catch her. That's TRUST Every night we go to bed, without any assurance of being alive the next morning but still we set the alarm to wake up. That's HOPE We plan big things for the New Year in spite of zero knowledge of the...

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Sex in the Bar

Being a old Ex sailor it is no surprize to me that I am not shy.I live in Thailand and worked there a couple of time over the years.Down south near the Malay border there is a great little town where a lot of expats work and live.I am a sociable guy and love a few beers with the boys/girls/ anybody who wants a drink.We have a bar in one of the darkside of town where anything goes.After dark or even during the day you can do anything in the bar.Lady boys sucking you, young girls sucking you in...

1 year ago
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EroticaX Judy Love Do You Need A Hand

When Judy’s best female friend, Holly, fails to show up for a shopping spree, she discovers Holly’s older brother is studying to be a massage therapist, and is seriously eager to let him practice his craft of her tight, teen, and magnificently horny body. Feeling a strong man’s hand grabbing and grinding her muscles, then finding their way into her pleasure zones is almost too much erotic excitement for her. But she manages to get through it, and returns the favor by grabbing...

2 years ago
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Sarahs MountainChapter 3

It was getting late in the day when Wendell, tired but happy, put the tools back in the shed and knocked on the door. 'Mona' stepped out on the stoop and handed him five twenties, saying, "I know you only worked seven hours but you did such a good job, we figured it would only be fair to make it an even hundred. Aunt Sarah says to tell you she'll be calling you about more jobs if you'll give us your telephone number." "Gosh Mona, tell Sarah thank you so much! We can sure use it. If...

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Bell Whistles SecretsChapter 5 The Map Puzzle Solved

Later that morning I managed to slip away and get back to work on the map. Before finding the map I had never even considered that the shoreline that I had looked at my entire life was not the same one seen by our forefathers. I knew that the earth's continents had changed over millions of year. After all, I did watch The Discovery Channel, but I had no idea that such a change could occur over such a relatively short period of time. It was fortuitous that whoever had drawn the map located...

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Sahara A Star Wars Story Chapter 1 Command am

The black expanse of inter stellar space above the moon of Jedah glitters with the diamond bright light of distant stars. Suddenly a grey, knife like prow cuts across the void, heralding the impossibly vast bulk of an Imperial Star Destroyer as it powers into view. The characteristic whine of twin ion engine or TIE fighters precedes a patrol of three Square winger star fighters in tight formation. The Imperial military are here in force, and that can never be a good thing for any...

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Tami Gets Even

There was one park in particular that she really enjoyed since it was always empty. She never saw the need to leash her two retrievers and would let them chase squirrels and birds to their hearts content. This March afternoon though she was surprised to see several cars in the parking lot. She muttered to the dogs as she walked past the parked cars to the trailhead, “Must be a walking club boys, we need to make sure we don’t spook anyone.” She knew the dogs were friendly but the last thing she...

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It was the top of the ninth inning, two strikes, two outs and the home team was winning again. I stood up from my seat behind home plate and watched intently as my boyfriend readied to throw his next pitch. Through the distance, I could see the look of determination on his face as he studied the catcher’s signals. I bit my lip as he made the throw. In an instant, the pitch was made. His amazing speed and accuracy ended the game as the umpire signaled strike three. The game itself was over. But...

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