Vacation?Chapter 64 free porn video

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Day Sixty-four - Monday

I woke Sue by softly sucking on her distended nipples. She opened her eyes while she was deep in an orgasm. She shivered and said, "Fill me up, lover, but I'm already carrying our son. I know it in my heart that he's in there right now growing, getting bigger by the minute. You're going to be a dad. Make love to me."

Our lovemaking was full of intimate touching and kissing, holding me deep within her as both of us were shaking and shivering through our release. This is the way lovemaking is supposed to be.

We were ready for the crew when they started to show up. Phil and Judy brought breakfast sandwiches and a lot of good cheer, saying it was going to be a great week. Phil felt like he had a great chance to get several government bids, as well as a huge Saudi bid. The Saudi bid was for equipment spanning five years. Each year was enough to make our nut, making everything else we did for the year pure profit.

Phil was excited to be interviewing some Spanish-speaking salesmen to send off to South America to sell more equipment. We had special permission to sell new equipment in several countries without paying a duty fee. Phil was going to focus on those.

Sue was excited that her website would be online today with her new fashions, meaning she should get a slug of new orders. Her company was really booming. She said she was going to be topping a million a month in new orders. She had told me privately how proud she was of both of us, as she didn't need the money that her mom and uncle prized so much. We had made enough on our own to live the rest of our lives without going hungry.

Actually at this point, we could sell out and be very comfortable forever.

At the shop there was a freshness that had invaded the building. Everyone was excited to begin the new week, to produce for themselves and for the company. The excitement seemed to include everyone.

Our race day truck returned to park in our lot. Our two men said that they had been busier than they could ever have expected. They felt as if it would take a four-person crew to work the truck, as the little sales took away from the time they could be spending with a crew chief getting the right part.

They especially wanted a couple of Ford engines, along with at least two Dodge engines. They felt like our reputation was important, but the idea that a team could buy one of our engines, install it, and immediately go racing was a big plus. They said the NASCAR officials all said that there was no reason to tear down an engine, as they knew it was going to be right.

The guys didn't have to leave until Wednesday afternoon so I told them to think about working with their wives. The ladies could sell all the trinkets and pick up items, while the guys could concentrate on taking care of the team buyers. They liked the idea and said they would discuss it with their wives. They collected their pay, doubled, and double commission, heading home with big grins.

Phil said he would have one of his girls inventory the truck and begin re-ordering product, along with the new list the guys had given him. Phil was looking at the truck as an advertising avenue that he wanted to keep in people's minds.

With Gene's help, I was able to buy four Ford crate engines and get the NASCAR specs for the motor. My two militant feminists said they knew Ford motors and wanted to build them. The two gay guys said they wanted to build them too, so that the girls would have someone for checks and balances. If both teams built two motors a piece, it was fine with me.

Debbie said the phone was ringing off the hook from teams that had been at the race this weekend. There were several inquiries as to whether we had less expensive motors and if we do our own financing. I told her I thought our website should be up, so we could put an entire area for race car or motor sports support.

I went upstairs to see Phil about the website. He said he was ready to put other products in it now. He had the Onan line, the various welding supply lines, and the new Truck line, complete with our video, ready to go. I asked whether we could get the race car support group up to include the motors, frames, and sheet metal, and to also feature the truck for Winston cup on site support.

Phil thought that would be good and said he would get the site builder to work on it today. He next told me confidentially, he felt that this week could be one of the highest volume weeks to date as he had already heard from two of his major bids that the folks awarding the contracts were thoroughly investigating us. Phil said Tiny was all over it, making sure our bankers and the county folks lauded us.

Ruth introduced me to her new assistant, Marsha, building her up to me as someone who had extensive experience in human relations. While I was talking to Ruth about whether we should split up faxes, one for race car support and one for everything else, Marsha got up and hopped to the closet, got something out, then hopped back.

Marsha saw me looking and said, "My leg is sore today, so I took my prosthetic leg off for a while. I hope that doesn't upset you."

I smiled at her saying, "One of my best sheet metal men has a fake leg too, so don't be concerned, I was just surprised. You do hop pretty good," I joked.

Going back to the shop through the lunchroom, I thought that we had a pretty diverse group of folks working here. The one group we did not have anyone of was a black. I wondered why none had applied. I was guessing that, since almost all of our employees were the result of a direct referral, we had not advertised for people as yet. We did have a Mexican, a couple of Germans in rebuild, an Oriental of whatever nationality, and a Venezuelan in Phil's customer service area, but no blacks. We weren't against women as we had four of them in motors with a female supervisor there. We weren't against the rainbow crowd as we had three avowed gay couples. We even had a deaf guy.

Speaking of Bob, Sandy was over in the frame area signing to him. Does everyone know how to sign but me? Come to think of it, Sandy has been talking to Bob during most all her breaks and at lunch. Wonder if there is something there? Bob was a nice, good looking, guy, that was respectful and a hard worker. Those two could be a good couple.

I checked with Al and Dan saying that if they were any good, we needed the people that they interviewed Saturday to work with them in utility bed/body building. We would probably need to find a couple more guys to work in sheet metal.

Al asked if I thought that we would really sell that many trucks. I answered him honestly, "I don't know how long the orders will keep up but right now we are only marketing them in the southeast, mostly Florida. All the trucks sold so far are for Florida because we haven't marketed them anywhere else yet. We are about to put the truck on the web and Phil is going to do a mass mailing in the Carolinas, Virginias, Georgia, and Maryland. If there is a big interest, he wants to take a truck to some commercial shows to show off. We have a potential to sell a lot of them, so I think we should be proactive about hiring."

"If we don't sell enough to keep four guys busy, then both you and Dan are good welders. We have several other products I'd like to get out, so I think we'll have enough work for four more guys."

Tiny paged me to call him, so I went to the phone in the sheet metal area to call him. As I did, I looked up toward his window to see him answer the phone turning to look at me.

"The real estate agent for the property next door and the owner are here, do you have time to go look at the property?"

"I do, but before we get into numbers, have you been able to do any research on the property yet? We better know everything about the property we can before we commit to anything."

"I did the title search, county tax collector search, and talked to the building commissioner department who condemned the property. I'm ready for them."

"Good, I'll meet you in the showroom."

The agent was like a puppy dog with his tongue hanging out. The owner was a very old guy named Ernie, he was still sharp as a tack. We walked over the grounds that were grown up in weeds, except the areas that were concrete. He opened the building and showed us a fairly nice building. It had a very small office area and a large open warehouse. The building had been used to repair and store construction equipment, such as expensive cranes, specialized graders, paving, and other equipment.

He showed me the six large rear doors that were nearly forty feet high. Two of the doors were partially off the track. As heavy as they were, the doors could be really dangerous. That was why the building was condemned. The owner said that the tracks that the doors rolled on needed to be replaced as they had let go where joining welds had broken. He said he didn't know whether the motors for the doors would still work or not. The reason he had never repaired the doors was he had trouble finding a company with a crane strong enough to handle the doors. He said he figured that whoever bought the property would probably just tear the building down so he had not pursued repairing the doors for the last couple of years. The building had been empty and for sale now for three years.

The salesman began jabbering about what the owner wanted and how it could be financed and on and on and on. I looked at the owner and winked, then told the salesman that it was a little early for us to discuss money yet. We needed to do some investigating first.

Turning to the owner I asked him if he were hungry. He smiled and asked, "You buying?"

"Sure, let me call my wife and see if she wants to feed us or if she wants to eat over at the little Greek restaurant."

Sue said she would be at the shop in ten minutes, as she would love to eat at the restaurant. By the time we had locked the building and the gate to the fenced property, Sue was pulling up to the shop. She got out of her topless Mustang and gave me a smokin' kiss and hug. Sue was especially bouncy and radiant today. But she is that way every day. The salesman sprouted a boner at the sight of her and the old guy building owner fell in love at first sight. Instead of a bunch of cars, we all got in Tiny's big new Expedition for the short ride to restaurant.

The restaurant owner was happy to see us, Sue mainly, and sat us in what we now considered our special place, close to the kitchen, so he could visit with us. Ernie sat on the other side of Sue, who was displaying some delicious cleavage, as usual. He was cool though, as he was able to keep his eyes up most of the time. The salesman only spoke to her chest whenever he said anything to anyone.

Sue asked the old guy all about the property. When he had bought it, who had used it, and why he had not sold it yet. She told him that we only wanted it for storage right now, but the way we were growing, that could change. Ernie was extremely talkative to Sue, but then who wouldn't be.

By the time we finished lunch I think Ernie was ready to adopt Sue and I. He was very interested in our quick growth, and almost had a fit when he found out that Sue had her own business, as well. He asked us a couple of times if we were in need of a backer, as that's what he did best, investing in growing businesses. Tiny assured him that we didn't need financing at this time. Since Tiny took care of Sue's books too, he told Ernie that Sue's company was in good shape too.

When we went back to the shop, Sue told Ernie that we had a gathering at our home every evening and if he wanted to stop by about five thirty this evening, he would be welcome. She gave him a little map on the back of her business card. We all watched as she got in her Mustang, and there was a collective sigh as she drove off.

Tiny told the real estate guy and Ernie to come in and he would talk to them a little to see where they were on selling the building. I excused myself, saying I needed to check on projects in the shop. Tiny would do a good job setting the folks up for us to get the place for a fair price.

Al and Dan had a stainless steel body almost complete. It was bright, very bright, but looked really neat. I could see a company wanting one, if for nothing else but to show off.

Debbie paged me to the showroom and when I arrived she introduced me to two new owners of our trucks. Both of these men were from Miami and had planned on driving back together. Debbie had two packets made up for them, each containing an itemized list of the accessories and the state paperwork. The new trucks already had temporary tags on them.

Debbie and I took the men through our shop, showing them our various operations. One of the guys said he really liked the stainless steel model. I told him it was an experiment, as we had thought we might see what it looked like and to see if the customers would pay the extra for the metal.

Out back, the two trucks were ready to roll, polished and full of fuel. They looked good, better than our original truck. The guys went over the truck, checking the equipment, opening doors and drawers, until their excitement waned enough for them to say they needed to get on the road. Debbie said that all the paperwork and funds had been taken care of, so I shook their hands and thanked them for their business. We watched as the two trucks left the back lot.

Debbie and I now knew what a car salesman felt when a car they sold was 'over the curb.'

The noises of the shops were addicting. Abe's had enough people, that at least once or twice a day, they were firing up big diesel motors to test the work they had done. The motor shop had their testing noises after an engine was built, doing the run ups and static testing. The welders made some big buzzing noises, along with banging and cutting. The sheet metal area was actually the quietest, as all you heard was the almost melodic bending and forming of panels, after the high pitched cutting. It was a nice working environment.

Debbie said I needed to spend some time answering phone calls, so I went back to our office and worked my way down the list. A couple of calls were from small teams or individuals that wanted to know if we built the entire car. I had to tell them no, as we didn't need to be in the whole car business. I referred them to the guy who was always trying to get me to build something for him for nothing. Perhaps he would see the value of paying a fair price for something.

There were a couple of frame orders and a Ford motor order in the calls, but the nice part was that the calls from various owners, crew chiefs, and track officials complimenting the company for our product and for the trailer store. Some had product suggestions, but most were just praise and hoped we would continue to come to the races.

I called Gene to get his opinion on a truck for the truck event and possibly a separate truck for the Busch series races. He said that one for the truck event would possibly be good, but those owners were pretty cliquish. The suggestion was to have some sheet metal, a couple of motors, and some suspension parts. He thought that a display of one of our frames would be good. We ended the call with him saying, "If you want their attention, you have to show that you are one hundred percent in the truck business and paint up a tractor and trailer with just the trucks."

I went to ask Tiny what he thought, and if he could come to any conclusion as to how much the actual investment was to put the truck at a race. Tiny was still in his office with the real estate salesman and the property owner. The discussion must have been going in our favor or else Tiny would have shown them out a while ago.

I asked Phil if he had any numbers on what the truck cost to go to the races. He gave me a copy of what Tiny had figured, along with the additional cost of the re-supply we sent. It would be fair to think there wouldn't be a re-supply for our intro into the truck races, so I used that figure and about half of the revenue we did for our first exposure. It made sense to try as, with very low volume, we should break even within three races.

I called the Lakeland team owner as he had trucks and had bought two truck frames and a motor already. He thought we would do all right, but he warned me that a lot of the guys racing trucks didn't have a lot of money and were operating on a shoestring. He felt as if everything should be cash and credit card only. While he had me on the phone, he gave me his findings on what I had asked him for as to what panels were replaced the most. This was valuable as we could carry extra of these on the truck, along with a full set.

I made a note to Tiny to lease another truck from Penske and to see if we could get another trailer just like we had purchased before. I made out the order for the sheet metal to sell on the truck, along with the three motors that I wanted to carry. The general parts order that we had made, plus the add-on items the two driver/salesmen brought back, was put in a formal order to all the parts houses we dealt with.

Al and Dan had started two additional guys and Drew was watching them closely, at the expense of slowing down on the utility bodies. He seemed to be happy with their productivity and the observance of our quality standards. I asked that the truck sheet metal order I put in be moved to the front, so we could put it on the new race day sales truck for this weekend.

I called Gary and told him what I was planning. I told him that I needed another ex-crew chief and possible another ex-crew member for a team like he and Sam. He said he would call me back in a few minutes and hung up.

While still musing over the inventory list of the new truck, Gary called back and said he had just the pair. They were a little older, but were dying to get back to being a part of race days. He said he had them coming right in and they could be at my front door any minute.

Same as Vacation?
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When we were k**s, I was pretty familiar with sucking another guys cock, but never really had a sexual romp with more than one guy. My first time was with Mike and his friend Amil. Mike and I had been sucking each other for several weeks. He was new in our neighborhood. he lived 5 blocks away and we met by accident in the swimming pool showers. I saw him on his knees in front of another teen and i peeked under the stall to see what they were doing. I wasn't shocked but the excitement was unreal...

1 year ago
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Eat The Seed

My wife, Jill and I have known Carl and Emma for years. We've gone camping together and, once, the four of us went to a beach resort in Puerto Rico for a vacation. Jill and I have been married for a little over eleven years and our friends have been married for seven. All of us keep in good shape. My wife is five foot three inches, has nice C-cup breasts and a shapely butt. Emma, by contrast, is five foot ten inches, is thin with A-cup tits and a tight ass. Carl, surprisingly, is shorter than...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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The Find Book 2Chapter 3

Meg and Micky left early in the small helicopter and he showed her where he found the shiny stones. After picking for a short while Meg got the bulldozer and started to take thin layers while Micky sifted in the dirt for more stones, at 3-bushel baskets Meg dug a good slice and came up with about a 1,000 pounds and a bunch of small stones. She shut down the dozier and went outside to use the phone. Anna was 1st she told her she had gone no more than 20 feet and what they hit. She told her she...

3 years ago
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My first threesome names changed to protect the

Back in the 90s a friend of mine had dated a goth girl. Very strange departure for him seeing how he was squeeky clean and liked the cheerleader types usually, but for some reason he was drawn to this woman. Her name was Veronica and she had long blonde hair, tats, and several piercings in different places. When introduced my friend told her i was his best friend so she immedietly hugged me and we instantly clicked as friends. I instantly noticed she had a VERY hot body, beautiful breasts about...

3 years ago
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My Wifes CoWorkers Are Making Her Fat

Coworkers Are Making My Girlfriend FatMy wife (then girlfriend) Samantha started at her office as soon as she finished college in her early 20s. She was a shy, thin and genuine girl; a former runner in school, she was by far the youngest and thinnest of all her coworkers. They were 5 married women, all in their forties and ranging from chubby to straight-up fat. She became immediately their "mascot." They would all compete to help her with the new job, make her feel at ease, invite her to...

3 years ago
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Tales of an American Geisha Slave Boi

Introduction: Collin, a Business School Graduate, goes to Japan, hoping to find his dream job. What he finds instead, is a whole different life, based upon his dreams and nightmares, in a situation that he thought no longer existed in Japan. Tales of an American Geisha-Slave-Boi Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating...

1 year ago
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Today, we’re checking out a rather new site with a ton of content centered around facials if you couldn’t figure that out from the name. Well, Facials4K is yet another top-notch studio production website loaded with proper triple-A content that’s sure to make your head spin and your balls empty. Personally, I’ve always been more partial to oral cumshots because that way, the bitches can swallow the cum. Everyone knows that cum belongs down women’s throats. It’s a universal truth. But some...

Premium Blowjob Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Pokimane meets her biggest fan

Poki stretched out her arms, and let out a deep yawn as she finished her stream for the day. That makes the eighth day in a row going at least an hour over her allotted time, but it was worth it. Her fanbase kept on growing even, after being the largest female streamer on Twitch. It wasn’t exactly hard work, all she really had to do was flaunt her body around a bit, but not enough so that people get bored. She just had to feign ignorance to her own actions, and it was golden. Of course, that...

2 years ago
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Life on Bedlow StreetChapter 2

RJ got to his office in downtown Kingsport in record time. He checked his watch. The Number 15 bus hadn't arrived at the stop yet. He watched the street in the reflection of the bank's front window. He gave his reflection his best Douglas Fairbanks look and told himself that he still looked good for a middle-aged bank manager. Casually scanning the area, he sidled over to the newsstand and pretended to browse the stall for magazines. His hands clenched and unclenched nervously. He was...

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My first sex toy Vibrator

My first sex toy (Vibrator)After my bisexual experience with JC, I decided it was time to buy some toy that would keep me company in my solitary games,the idea of having some kind of sex toy always appealed to me, but I never dared to go to the shopping sex-shop,(Many men see them as substitutes when in reality they are just a game that can give a lot, but that is very morbid to a relationship).Due to my work I did not have time to go to a sex shop, and in this matter it is not convenient to...

3 years ago
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How I Satisfied Married Women

Hi all my name is anji not real name changed and my age 25 Na sulli size 6 inches nenu white ga untaanu good body shape. Starting lo konchem bore koduthundhi next meere enjoy chestharu. Nenu cheppaboye story lo heroin peru ramya she is like heroin preeti zinta. So beautiful married lady. Size 34.32.36 chala sexy ga untaadhi, 5.4 height. Present I am living in bangalore. I love to do foreplay and I love married women’s. Yevarikanna interest unte na mail id ki ping cheyyandi Ok coming to the...

4 years ago
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first real home video stepmom doesnt know t

So , how to began , 20 years old i am .. my stepmom 39 bust - 117 you can imagine , its real .. i`m in weelchair you can see from far but independent no one touch me i do my own stuf bla bla . you will see anyway i have the first video!!!! like 40-50 minutes so i catch her other days with the lover on phone speaking .. and simply stayed in house when usualy i was to study .. catch her record her , and then .. haha you will see anyway by the end of the mounth its here .. no joke nothing i...

1 year ago
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The SaviorsChapter 5 The new powers

The next day mid-morning sun blazed down on them before any of the three stirred. Soon they awoke fully to the tempting smells of cooking Tricer steaks. "Good morning sleepy heads," said Kurt. Kathy groaned as she stood up, "My cookie is so sore I don't think I can hike to our next destination today." Getting to her feet Suzie added, "I'm sore too and I reek of sex so I vote we go to that pond and water fall to bathe. That is, if I can walk that far!" Kathy looked at Troy and...

4 years ago
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The Best Day of my Life

I lay back and felt Mackenzie nestle into my arms. We were sitting on Ana’s couch at her graduation party. I looked around as people left. Mackenzie pressed her head against my chest as we both watched Ana waving off family with her boyfriend Max. I felt Mackenzie’s blond hair in my hands while she looked up and smiled at me. "We should have started this a long time ago," she whispered. "It’s taken too damn long." I couldn’t help but grin, squeezing her gently, pressing my lips to her...

First Time
2 years ago
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Highland Fling

Anita wasn’t supposed to be vacationing alone. The trip to Scotland had been planned for months, a fifth anniversary trip, and her husband was supposed to be there. Three months before the trip he transformed from her “husband” into a “low-life, cradle-snatching, liar-cheater, asshole”. Whilst not an unknown transformation in the human species, this was a painful shock to her. For weeks after she found out about the affair with his eighteen year-old blonde Personal Assistant, Anita figured it...

3 years ago
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SyntheticChapter 4

She heard him stand. The water changed settings again, back the way it had been before he'd entered. The light rain rinsed away his mess, warmed her. The door opened. "I'll see you at lunch," he said. It closed. She curled to one side, and lay there long after he had gone. She didn't weep. She was through crying; she had sworn. She tried to forget what had happened. Impossible. She tried to at least stop it from looping through her mind. Nothing. She could still feel his gaze,...

2 years ago
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Camping with Stepdaughter 18

I heated up the coffee and poured a cup. I could not help but smile. These girls were possessed. I could not believe some of the things we were doing together. I heard a voice say You’re the Man. I turned and there was a man in his late 50’s or early 60’s. Then two more guys passed and gave me the thumbs up. I guess that in the backs of our male heads we all have a perverted side. I had run into no one that thought what I was doing was wrong. I could see three men on the other side of the...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut Wife Ashton

It started with my wife coming home from the doctor's and telling me that she had to have a hysterectomy. No biggie, happens to women all the time, right? Emotionally, it was of no concern for either of us because she was long past the age for having children and beside, I'd already had a vasectomy. My major concern was what the operation was going to do to our sex life. Ashton and I, even in our mid-forties, had a very active sex life and she told me that the doctor had assured her that the...

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lifestyle of choice 2

Trying to work during this week is always a chore, my mind going crazy & unable to concentrate are the norm.My phone pinged at 10am & I check my messages, from Vicki, I opened the attachment & my cock went from half hard to blast off. Vicki's face was contorted with her eyes rolled back in her head, her hands had her amazing breasts in them & her red hot finger nails were pulling her pierced nips by the rings in an upward direction. She was in the throes of a mind blowing...

1 year ago
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Pajama party II

Sitting up in the bed,and Sam sitting next to me. He unbuttoned the pajama shirt. Not thinking anything about it I sat still and watched him. He said to lift my arms. As I leaned forward he pulled the shirt off me. Dropping it on the floor he said to lay back down. He looked at my face as he ran his hand over my chest. That feels good,I told him. Fantastic, Sam said with a sheepish grin. He slid both hands down my sides and over my belly, then up to my chest again. Stopping, he moved his...

2 years ago
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Cuckolding Princess Eating The Slops

10. Drank a girl-racer's piss-puddle from the floor of the car park. 9. Wanked off in a used-condom after watching couple fuck in same car park. 8. Me and some mates took turns spunking into our friend's sister's dirty panties. 7. Snogged a woman at a party after two guy's had spunked in her mouth. 6. Had sloppy seconds with a woman at a party. > 5. Licked another guy's cum from girlfriend's pussy.

1 year ago
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Salamander By EMW Ch1 - The Beginning (Mort) When I think back to how my previous life ended, I find it amazing that my prior existence lasted so long, and that I mourned its loss at all, knowing what I know now. In many ways, going through MORFS, and becoming someone else was the best thing to happen to me, even though my birth into my new life was a painful and frightening one. I often wonder if I had been given...

3 years ago
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Adventure of a sexy house wife

Time was almost midnight, 15 minutes since Varun had left and i was dripping wet in my panties with a thought of his arms all around me. Lack of sex or vanilla sex over period of last few years had left me more desired than i had thoughts and such opportunity was not easy to pass by. I kept battling myself inside my mind but folds between my legs kept oozing trail of juices which were now getting hard to control. My nipples were more hard than ever.I stepped away from the bar, passing through...

2 years ago
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Mom In A Tshirt And Panties

Mom In A T-shirt And Panties Almost every day of my life I have seen my mother in just a T-shirt and her panties during breakfast before I went to school. She is an executive and doesn’t want her clothes wrinkled. So she never sits down at work, she puts on a wrap around dress at the very last minute, and doesn’t put on her blouse and skirt until after she actually gets to work. She has a big van with dark windows to change in. She has the back converted into a dressing area...

2 years ago
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Amazing Foreigner Delight

Hi all. I am 29 Delhi guy. I am handsome guy with athletic body. I am well cultured and love to hang out with friends. This incident happened with me 4 years before at Bangalore. I was working in Bangalore at that time and have now shifted to my native city that is Delhi. When I was in Bangalore a few of my friends planned to visit the place. I applied leave for a few days and welcomed my friends. They reached Bangalore in afternoon and I picked them and took them to hotel which was already...

2 years ago
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His Best Friends Weird Sister

Jimmy Johnson was pretty much just an average teenage boy. He had just passed his eighteenth birthday and he planned on going into military service as soon as he graduated. Well, perhaps maybe after a summer of fun when school was finished. He didn't have a real girlfriend but he had been planning on meeting up with some girls during the summer so he would be able to say he knew all about women. Most of the guys he knew who had steady girlfriends seemed all caught up in doing things the silly...

3 years ago
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Adventures of a Greenie Off Planet Vol 2Chapter 18 Tanya Schwartz

Roy was quite angry, partially at the situation, partially at himself but mostly at Paul Masters, Yet he should have known better, he grew up sharing a home with Pau; Masters, who was according to human biology, Union law and common convention, his father, Roy, at first never saw anything unusual in the rather unsocial behavior of his father, but when he started school and heard about how other fathers treated and connected with their offspring, Roy knew his father was indeed not what one...

2 years ago
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Fulfilled Dreams Part One

I must introduce myself better. My name is Chris, and I am an 18 year old student. I live in a small town in England, and live the simple life. All I want in life is to have money and to be happy. I never do anything wrong, and have been on the straight and narrow all my life. However, sometimes I do feel like I want to break free of this reputation and let my hair down a bit. When I was at Knappers last year for the summer holidays I had had a girlfriend. We had never done much, we stayed...

1 year ago
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Work Party

Their eyes met across the room, a glance perhaps, but one thing was for sure. she was beautiful. After several exchanges he finished his drink, avoiding fellow work colleagues as he ventured through the party, she saw him coming but pretended not to. He moved his mouth close to her ear, they met on the balcony, alone. The first exchange was confident exciting, a rush, a thrill. He took her and gazed into her eyes, smiled softly, she bit her lip knowing what she wanted to do, but could she? She...

Love Stories
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Husband In Training Cuckold

When my gym threw the next charity dance I went with my wife. Now we were going to do it again with a bit of a twist.Of course Mindy was the talk of the dance with her new dress and blonde hair. We danced a bit but then I started to hit the bar a bit too much. In truth it was a careful act as my drinks had a lot of ice and were often tossed out when nobody was looking.A bit buzzed I acted roaring drunk. Mindy and I had a staged argument on the dance floor with Henry trying to step in with the...

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