A Young Man's Beautiful Boss free porn video

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At the interview I hadn’t really realised how attractive my now-boss was. It’s probably because she wasn’t my boss at the time but since I have started at work I can’t get enough of looking and talking to her.

Yeah, yeah, the sexy female boss thing is such a cliché but there must be something in it because, while I wouldn’t look at Jackie twice in the street, it’s different at work. Add to this her extremely down-to-Earth and playful nature and I ended up with a boss I do some serious fantasizing about.

Maybe another thing that turned me on was her accent, if you’re familiar with English accents it was strong Manchester or ‘northern’ and that just made her seem a bit more... accessible. I’ve said to friends before that if she and I are alone in a room together, it weirdly seems like there is sexual tension but I was convinced it was all one way, ie me thinking she was hot. But she had always been slightly, how should I put it, motherly. She was always remarking how she loved how polite I was, and how she’d like a son like me. Saying that bothered me because she was only 38 and I hoped she didn’t consider the difference in our ages to be that great.

Either way, I had always just kind of felt like it was a stupid, typical infatuation with my first boss. After all, she wasn’t a supermodel by any means but there was something about her...

She wasn’t tall at only about 5’ 3” but wore two or three inch heeled ankle boots most days. Me being tall, this shortness I found kind of cute and it certainly suited her. Despite being short you couldn’t really call her petite, she had curves in all the right places and a chest to match.

She usually wore her golden-brown, tightly curled hair up in a clasp and dressed smart-casually but her gorgeous brown eyes the colour of a deep, dark wood grain looked like those of a much younger woman. They were somehow innocent and pretty but when she smiled, which was often, became wicked and kind of sexy.

I had contented myself with idly looking at her when she couldn’t catch me and occasionally fantasizing about her but put the idea of some porn-film-like, ludicrous office fuck out of my head. That wasn’t going to happen, surely.

For the first 6 months of work, it was just that, work. The others in the lab were a nice bunch of people but all had their own families and their own lives, including Jackie, and we didn’t even go out at Christmas.

There was a feeling in the early months of the new year though that it was a shame we never socialised outside of work and, surprisingly, one of the technicians got around to organising a lunch away from work one Friday.

This being the case, when that Friday rolled around, I eschewed my work boots and company shirt for casual boots and a button-down and a couple of the other guys did, too. Jackie being the supervisor, she usually wore smart-casual clothes anyway and came in quite tall but conservative black leather ankle boots, really quite tight black trousers and a ridged, turtle necked sweater just snug enough to accentuate her really quite large breasts. Saying that, she would have had quite a job hiding them.

Leaving work on quite a high, simply because we’d never done this before, we made our way to an American-style diner nearby because their ribs were ‘famous’ and it was a convenient place. Standing in the car park at work I reminded everyone that I came in on the train every day and would need a lift. Everyone who was driving offered but we were standing closest to Jackie’s huge sport model 4x4.

With a little bit of joy I declined the other guys’ offers and said, “Jackie’s car is closer, I’ll just jump in here if that’s...” I looked at Jackie.

She laughed, “I offered didn’t I? Get in the fuckin’ car!”

She did have a bad mouth, at least as bad as any of the guys, but I did kind of like it.

I was enjoying just being in the car with her on the 5 minute drive there. The interior did smell of her very womanly and expensive smelling perfume. Her husband must have had a pretty good job too for her to be wearing it and driving a car like this.

I cast a sidelong glance at her legs as she worked the pedals, appreciating the snugness of her pants and struck up idle conversation. She was engrossed in driving, just making short but not unfriendly answers, disappointing me slightly as I felt I had missed out an opportunity to have her pull over and tell me she’d always wanted me. Why did I always think stupid stuff like that? Why would that happen? Realistic or not it did very quickly make me semi-hard and I was glad of sitting down and being able to conceal it.

As we neared the restaurant however I got nervous that it wasn’t going away and that just made it worse. Was I ever going to get rid of it? As I hopped from the car I’d just have to hope she didn’t notice. I was ‘adjusting myself’ when she came around the bonnet of the car quicker than I’d thought and saw me trying to sort myself out. I instantly held my coat in front of my crotch and she hesitated, eyebrows raised for a very tense second before making some joke about not understanding why men were always messing around down there.

‘Fuck, I’d love for you to mess around down there,’ I instantly thought. But laughed politely and apologised in an embarrassed tone instead.

As my other colleagues had gone in before us we took the only two spots left at the table, next to each other on a wall bench. I stood back and let her in first. She laughed lightly, teasing “Ooh, what a gentleman. You could all learn from this one, fellers!”
I could have sworn she checked out my crotch as she slid her ass along the bench. If she had she’d have seen the semi-hard outline of my cock.

It wasn’t easy for me to talk to anyone else as I was on the end and I started to feel a little apprehensive that I would only really be able to talk to Jackie. It dawned on me that people had been talking for a while and I hadn’t said anything until Jackie turned an almost sympathetic smile on me. Everyone else was discussing the menu and I blurted out an offer of a drink.

I instantly felt stupid. I offered to buy my boss a drink, in front of everyone but I luckily extended the offer to everybody almost instantly so it looked like I was just being a good sport. When I looked back to Jackie however, those gorgeous brown eyes were still smiling at me and I think she knew that I’d only wanted to buy her one.

Excusing myself and walking to the bar I cursed myself in my head but when I glanced back at the table everyone was in deep conversation, except Jackie... who was watching me go.

I muddled through the drinks order and was told they’d be brought over so walked back to the table, sliding in to my place.

I now found it easier to join in the idle chit-chat and was fairly relaxed by the time the drinks came. As Jackie’s was set down I almost jumped as she softly said, “Thanks, Joe,” and put her petite little hand on the top of my thigh, giving it an oh so slight but undeniable squeeze. I instantly looked down to where it lingered for one...two... three seconds! Then my eyes shot up to hers and she was smiling a smile I could only describe as truly affectionate.

The lunch went on as I suppose you’d expect, conversation swerving inevitably to talk about work but I got the distinct impression, hoping it wasn’t wishful thinking, that Jackie made a special effort to talk to me. I enjoyed it and she was easy to talk to, with a wicked sense of humour that I could fully take advantage of to make her laugh every minute. With most of her laughs she put that hand back on my thigh with an affectionate squeeze.

Some people were just tactile but she usually wasn’t and it felt almost like she was testing to see if I’d object. Was that a shy look I detected every so often? It was almost like she was unsure of herself even though I’d always assumed that she was an in-control sort of person.

Leaving my mind racing, we paid the bill and left. To the surprise of everyone present, Jackie announced in the car park that she had to go. She seemed flustered somehow, like something was on her mind, and kind of in a hurry. So we all exchanged confused glances and shrugs and wished her a safe drive home. I jumped in to one of my colleague’s cars and tried to hold a normal conversation on the way back to work.

It wasn’t helping that he was asking, “What was up with her? What’s got in to her? She wasn’t meant to go home at lunch time. I thought she was doing a full day today.”

I couldn’t provide any answers and those questions were the ones swimming intensely around my head. I worked the rest of the day in a daze.

The next week or so passed without event; so much so that I managed to convince myself that nothing had happened. The only unusual thing, which I tried my hardest to put out of my mind, was that Jackie started to wear a little eye make-up.

She also wore ear-rings and for the first time I’d ever seen she wore a moderately low cut top, although nothing unprofessional. It was obvious she was wearing a new bra which was really very enhancing, giving her the breasts of an 18 year old. I’d never thought they looked at all bad. In fact I’d spent a lot more time than I should admiring their size and roundness underneath her tops and jumpers. This new push-up underwear certainly drew the eye but the fact that the other guys mentioned it and said it wasn’t suitable for a 38 year old kind of made me angry. Didn’t they see that she was actually extremely attractive?

I, somehow, managed to push the events of that lunch out of my mind and got back to admiring her as an unattainable fantasy until it came around to my night shift.

I came into the lab and dropped my bag in the break-room. I bent down to sign in and noted on the rota that the guy I expected to be in with hadn’t. He was supposed to be there before me and I sighed heavily, despairing that he’d forgotten to turn in and that I’d be on my own.

It was then that I noticed a signature in curled, feminine script. Reading across the sheet I saw it was in the row reading ‘Jackie’ and double checked the signature itself. It was definitely hers.

I took off my coat and went into the lab hesitantly, hearing the tapping of a keyboard from the doorway of the office. I paced across to the doorway and leaned around to see unbound, tight, pretty brown curls with blonde highlights just about resting on narrow shoulders and slender calves in snug black trousers visible below the chair.

“Hi, Jackie.”

My voice cracked stupidly like a teenager’s and before she had even turned around I had time to figuratively but violently kick myself in my mind. I had to quickly catch my breath though as an elegantly made-up face with deep black mascara, subtle brown eye shadow and a lipstick a shade darker than her natural complexion turned to face me with an adorable smile.

“What are you doing here?” I continued and she frowned mockingly.

“Sorry, ‘boss’. Fucking he-“She paused and looked incredibly shy. “I mean... Sorry ‘boss’, but I can do what I like.”

Was she trying to play down her ‘common’ accent?

“Sorry,” I laughed. Instead of nervous I actually felt genuinely happy to see her, her smile put me at ease. “Right, I’ll get right on it then.”

“Sure,” she said. Adding, “Coffee in an hour?”

“Sure thing,” I agreed and with a smile, left her to her work while I went to get on with mine.

For half an hour I was counting down the minutes. I was impatient and I wanted to talk to her, just look at her, be in the same room as her. How did this admiration from afar turn in to that feeling you get around girl you want to be with? But when there was only 15 minutes to go I got nervous. My mind had wandered and images of her bra slung over the back of a chair in the break room while we made crazy love on the floor flashed ridiculously through my mind.

No matter how silly, these images had made me harden. I made my way to the break room and paused at the door, checking myself. It was obvious, really obvious, that I’d been thinking about things I probably shouldn’t at work and at a loss for what to do, tucked my now quite large erection up in the waist of my jeans.

Opening the door I saw her sitting in the nearest chair, smiling up at me. I smiled dumbly back and went to the counter to make coffee, her not saying a word behind me. It began to dawn on me that she was feeling more awkward than I was.

I turned and set the coffees back on the coffee table and sat heavily in the chair next to her with a fake deep sigh trying to trigger conversation.

“Bet you were wishing to get some peace and quiet!” She began, nervously. “You know... no women around. Get away from your girlfriend.”

I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, tell me about it! Things hadn’t been going great on that front for a while, but no, I’m glad you’re here.”

I glanced up at her eyes to find them fixed on me. I felt shy. Were we flirting like teenagers?!

“Aww, well she’s lucky even if she gets on your nerves.” There was that playful, youthful, beautiful smile. We definitely were flirting like teenagers.

Jackie shifted a little in her seat and reached for her coffee, giving me a second to ‘check her out’ for want of less juvenile phrase. I didn’t regret it.

She was wearing a tight white tee shirt, her arms modestly covered by a thin black cardigan but her breasts looking fuller and larger and more pert than ever. Just enough cleavage was showing so as to be tasteful but when she leaned down the very top of a royal blue coloured full-cup bra was visible encasing one of her beautiful tits.

My eyes snapped down to her usual tight black trousers and black leather ankle boots and when they came back up to her eyes I was suddenly flushed with embarrassment to see that she’d been looking at my eyes for a few seconds. We both laughed and her cheeks flushed a little as she sipped from her cup.

“Sorry.” I smiled. She knew, there was no point trying to pretend I wasn’t looking.

“Don’t be sorry for looking,” she sang, suddenly confident, “just be sorry for being so bad at hiding it... I’m much better at it.”

I raised an eyebrow, “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah... you haven’t noticed me once.” She put her cup down and we were finally at an understanding. I shifted closer to her and she dipped her chin shyly, her face tilted a little side but her eyes turned to look full in to mine. I explored them for seconds that seemed like minutes, so much youth and happiness in those chestnut brown eyes. I leaned in.

They were the softest lips I’d ever kissed and as they touched mine, surprisingly cool, she barely perceptibly kissed back. My hand rose to slide under her pretty curls, tousling them slightly and cupping her cheek, my other hand leaning across the space between us to rest on her opposite thigh.

She moaned a little moan on to the light kiss, the sort of satisfied little noise one makes at the release of some kind of tension or suspense. It just felt right. I caressed her slender little thigh tenderly and pressed her bottom lip between mine, intensifying the kiss a little as I toyed with her pretty hair.

We kissed for minutes in the silent room, forgetting that we were in work, forgetting that we were anywhere, the only noise the soft sounds of our lips parting and connecting. She tasted sweet, of lip balm, and smelled only subtly of her usual perfume. I broke the kiss to look in to her eyes once more, dropping them to take in her heaving chest as her breathing deepened. She dropped her eyes too to where my cock had hardened to such a degree that it had slipped from my waistband and lay thickly across the top of my thigh under my jeans.

Another little appreciative moan escaped her lips and she asked coyly, “Should we go to my car...?”

There was all the excitement of a teen’s first time in her gorgeous eyes and I smiled at the near role reversal, her timidity and wanting. I simply nodded. She stood up and, taking hold of my large hand with her little one, tugged me up and I stood tall over her, taking hold of her hips and leaning her back and kissing her deeply. She flicked her hair and giggled, pushing open the door of the break room, pulling me down the corridor and out the building.

She turned to look at me and giggled, breaking in to a skipping little jog, her heels clicking over the tarmac of the car-park towards the large dark shape of her car. I felt giddy, striding behind her until we reached her car and she turned suddenly, leaning back against the car door and pulling me in for a kiss. My hands slid down her sides and around to cup and squeeze her perfectly round little ass, making her squeal a little and throw her head back, opening up her neck for me to kiss and nuzzle, laughing while I did.

Her hands ran up the fronts of my thighs and over my fairly firm stomach untucking the front of my work shirt with a tug. She suddenly bit my lip and tugged with a little feminine growl as a cold little hand slipped up the front of my shirt to play over my tense stomach.

I laughed and, encouraged, she growled again and scratched just a little with her nails, pushing me back, turning me around and pushing me against the side of the car bonnet. It seemed she’d suddenly found her confidence and was showing herself to be incredibly feisty as she looked me up and down with a raised eyebrow. When she moved back in, allowing me to run a hand up the side of her stomach to cup a magnificent breast, she kissed and nipped at my neck. She untucked the front of my shirt completely and, provoking a very sudden and involuntary gasp went straight for my belt.

Her fingers deftly worked the buckle and I couldn’t help but glance around the deserted car park as I leaned against the side of the bonnet, my hands back against the cold front wing as the boss I’d fantasized about was excitedly trying to get in to my pants.

I glanced back down at her stunning cleavage, rising and falling heavily as her hot breath steamed a little in the cold and she sunk to her knees.

My jeans slid down only very slightly and the front fell open to reveal the hugely bulging front of my trunks. Those deep innocent eyes, twinkling by the faraway lights of the buildings looked up at me as she took hold of my waistband.

A long tug down and my already completely solid shaft came free with an appreciative moan escaping my mouth and a pleasantly surprised gasp escaping hers. I could feel her steaming breath on my large head as her warm soft lips hovered tantalisingly close. She had paused to gaze at my achingly hot, hard cock and tentatively raised her hand to softly cup my smooth balls and with a long low “mmmm” and a glance in to my eyes she then wrapped her fingers gently around the base of my shaft.

I groaned and tousled her beautifully curly hair as she ever so softly began to work my cock, her hand gliding gently up and down, each downstroke pulling back my skin and revealing my head dripping with precum.

“Mmm,” she smiled again, “this will do very nicely.”

She bent to kiss a drop of wetness off the tip of my cock before she parted her perfect, warm, soft little lips to engulf my cock head in a velvet mouth.

I gazed down at her breasts, her cleavage full and her nipples straining against her tight tee shirt. The perfectly wet, hot dream of her mouth glided easily down the first 3 or 4 inches of my shaft provoking a long growl from me as she began to massage my balls.

She swirled her tongue delicately but hungrily around me and enveloped the next inch, and the next. With the seven inch thickness of my cock disappearing between her lips I felt myself press against her throat. Fully withdrawing my cock from her mouth smoothly and steadily she used her arms to plump up her already impressive breasts and run the underside of my shaft slowly up and down the top of her cleavage.

I groaned deeply and took her hand from where it held my shaft. “Get in the car.”

I whirled her around as I opened the back door, grabbing her hips and hitching her up on to the leather seats, getting in after her. The door slammed behind us and we both shivered from the cold, my body inches above hers.

I instantly pushed the cardigan from her shoulders and slid my hand under the small of her back, the other wandering over her upper thighs, trying to find the buttons of her trousers. Our lips met again passionately and she giggled as I found her buttons and tugged at them enough to loosen the front of her pants.

Her tongue darted along my lips and slid between them as my hand slipped between her thighs, beneath her pants but over the royal blue lace of her knickers. My mouth dropped to kiss and lick along the top of the cups of her bra and she pushed her chest up in response, giggling at the sensation on her now cold skin.

I rubbed the damp knickers over her warm soft mound in small circles as she scratched her nails across my broad back under my shirt and kissed my ear, breathlessly whispering, “Oh God, just do it.”

I leaned up a little to shift her pants down the silky skin of her legs, kissing the insides of her warm thighs as I went then back up to the lace at the tops of her legs. I nuzzled and kissed between her thighs before she ran her hands through my hair and mewled desperately, “Stop fucking around. Fuck me.”

My throbbing cock twitched at those words and I moved back up her body, taking the bottom of her shirt with me to just above her large tits, revealing them encased in the elegant bra. Dropping my hand to back between her thighs I lowered my hips and pulled the crotch of her knickers aside.

The underside of my shaft slid easily along her now soaking slit, stimulating her sensitive clit and bringing a little fit of moans, giggles and mewls. Looking down her body I could see she was very neatly trimmed and her hot clear juices of desperate excitement were glistening all up my shaft. Her little body shivered and I ran a hand up the now bare smooth skin of her tummy to one of the lacy bra cups. Firmly caressing one of her now very sensitive tits I looked at her pretty face. She smiled shyly but it turned in to a sexy little grin as I gasped at the sudden sensation of her small hand wrapping softly around my solid, pulsing cock.

I let out a low moan of sheer delight and smiled in to her eyes, working my thumb over her bra cup where her solid nipple was causing it to bump before I lowered my hips and plunged my thick hard, head between her pink little pussy lips.

She arched her back and pushed her tits up and on to my mouth. I yanked down one cup of her bra to suck hard on a stiff nipple as my stomach tensed and I deeply growled at the feeling of her perfect pussy enveloping my raging shaft and her hot juices running down it. Her body bucked and wriggled as I smoothly entered her, having to push my hips really quite hard to get in to her surprisingly tight slit.

“Fuck, Jackie you’re so god damned tight!” I growled on to her pink stiff nipple, sucking and biting on it.

She mewled and uttered, “Ohh, you have no idea how long I’ve fucking wanted this perfect big cock inside me,” the sound of her breathless voice and accent turning me on even more.

Sinking the final thick inches of my cock in to her right up to the base, my swollen balls pushing against the bottom of her pussy I savoured the moment. Laying my sexy, cheeky, quite clearly dirty little boss down on the plush cream leather back seats of her husband’s car and impaling her soaking, hot little pussy with my aching hard rod was hotter than I’d ever even dared to imagine.

She pulled up the bottom of my shirt to stroke and lightly rake her nails across my bare chest and stomach and I helped her by taking it all the way off and slinging it over the driver’s seat. She gazed sexily at my young smooth torso, drawing swirling patterns with her nails while she moaned little contented moans at every intense twitch of my firm cock deep inside her. Every tiny movement I made with my hips made it feel like her perfect pussy was hotly and wetly caressing, massaging and so tightly enveloping my large, throbbing shaft and head.

I bent my head again to her immense cleavage, burying my mouth in its softness and pushing a bra strap off one of her narrow shoulders, pulling down one cup so that a beautiful breast was fully exposed to the warmth of my wandering lips and tongue.

I withdrew my cock smoothly only half way, my stomach tightening hard as it felt like every inch eased out with a rippling caress of the inside of her amazing pussy. She giggled then even squealed with ecstasy as my cock head stretched and stimulated her.

I felt her little hands wrapped around me, over my shoulder blades and as I began to push my hips back with a deep sigh, they dug in to me skin, intensifying the sensation. As I filled her out her body reacted with strong bucking of her little but curvy hips and I placed one large hand firmly on the bottom of her tummy to keep them down.

Holding her body down in the perfect position but feeling it writhe and resist the strength of my arm as she almost lost control, I began to fuck her very slowly but rhythmically, getting used to her tightness as she got used to my very thick cock.

Nuzzling her chest and sucking on her nipple still I moaned on to it, “You feel so fucking good; I’ve always wanted to fuck you hard.”

She dug her nails in hard at these words and grabbed my face with one hand, pulling it up to kiss me fully and passionately on the mouth.

“Fucking do it then,” she said in to my eyes.

Kneeling up slightly with one of my hands on the back of the seats, the other holding down her sensitive, wriggling, bucking little body I took longer strokes, penetrating her balls deep over and over.

One of her hands clawed at the leather of the seat beneath her and the other tried to pull my hips towards her, desperate for my solid thick inches but not strong enough to control my pace. She gazed wide eyed at my midriff tightening and tensing with every deep thrust in to her and I could finally get a clear view of her whole, sexy little body.

With the thumb of the hand holding the bottom of her bare, smooth tummy down, I began to work her clit through her knickers which I’d roughly pulled aside. Letting my eyes wander from her beautiful pussy, lips now parted and stuffed with my aching cock, they roamed over her curved hips, her cute little tummy and her enormous but perfectly round tits. They were now bouncing in rhythm to the intensifying fuck, the whole of her magnificent chest responding to the pounding of my cock. As I fucked harder and deeper, tightening my grip on the back of the seat and holding her down more strongly my balls slapped firmly against her slit. It began to feel like I was pinning down and using this fucking amazing little body I’d wanted for months to pleasure my desperate, sensitive, large cock.

And she was loving it. One of her hand slammed up against the inside of the door above her head to steady her own body, to let me get deep. The other began to tug at her exposed nipple and massage her bare breast. She gazed up in to my eyes with hers, beautiful and deep, and implored me in a breathless and desperate moan to “Penetrate me deeper, harder, don’t fucking hold back, use me.”

My thighs and stomach tensed hard as I watched her soft, pretty but dirty little mouth form those words. My thumb slipped under her knickers to work her sensitive clit and even against the immense pressure of me holding her little body down it bucked and rolled.

I couldn’t control her body any more as she began to gasp and cry my name, screwing up her eyes one second and opening them to watch my body work above hers as I slammed my cock closer and closer to orgasm.

I was struggling to hold on but the flashes in her eyes and the jolts through her body told me I wouldn’t have to hold it much longer. She bit her lip and squeezed one of her bouncing tits hard. I watched her thick outer pussy lips and her delicate pink inner ones resist, then part for the unstoppable piston of my huge cock over and over, making it drip with her hot heavy juice, mixing with precum and coating her inner thighs.

I saw the delicate muscles in her thighs and tummy ripple and a gasp of my name broke in to a loud squeal of sudden and piercing pleasure. Her hips shuddered violently and I gazed in to her face as reckless submission to incredible pleasure washed over it. I felt the pulses radiate outward from her hips and her whole little body was racked with passionate electric jolts.

I felt and even saw her pussy tighten hard, sudden streams of her juice flowing out around my buried shaft and soaking her knickers all over again. I couldn’t hold on any longer.

With her body in the midst of a wild, passionate and full-body orgasm I growled her name as pleasure took over me. I immediately erupted a torrent of intensely hot and thick cum deep in to her, bringing on another, harder wave of climax in her.

I held her down hard while I filled her perfect, impaled slit with huge spurts of fresh, hot cream. Unable to control my rippling body as it unloaded jet after jet of semen deeply in to her. With us both coming violently we watched each other’s bodies as they tensed and shook animalistically, taking in the wonderful power of each other’s passionate orgasm.

Her tightness began to subside but her pussy rippled over ever contour of my cock as aftershocks still shook and paralysed her hot little body, a tear running down her cheek from the intensity. Each ripple brought forth another shudder of my hips and deep throbbing pulse of my cock as I unloaded my balls inside her. Cum and her hot juices began to pool on the leather underneath her as it flooded from her overfull pussy.

For minutes all we could do was let our tight muscles relax, our bodies now glistening with sweat in the car that smelled hotly of sex mingled with her beautiful perfume.

Eventually I dropped my body so that I lay on top of her, my arms either side to hold up my weight, my cock still buried in her. I stroked her cheek and brushed her hair away, kissing her softly on the forehead then on the mouth.

“Oh that was perfect,” she sighed, dreamily.

I laughed lightly, still a little breathlessly and smiled widely as I saw her glazed over eyes light up and she returned to reality.

“You’re incredible,” I agreed as I slid out of her with a deep sigh. I slid her to the side a little and lay across the seat beside her, slipping an arm around her little shoulders and bringing her body on top of me a little in a cradling hug. My large still semi-hard cock rested against her beautifully smooth thigh and we kissed deeply again.

“I’ve wanted you for so long,” I whispered.

“Well now you fuckin’ got me,” she smiled, beginning to return to her cheeky self, “and am I fuckin’ glad you did,” she added. “We shouldn’t stay here, I could fall asleep and that wouldn’t look good for us in the morning when the car park fills up.”

I agreed but held a little tighter and kissed the top of her brown curls, content to lie a little longer.

“Just a little longer...” I sighed contented to hold that beautiful, feisty woman that I’d wanted for so long in my arms. Breathing in the scent of the gloriously passionate sex we’d just had and relishing in the feel of her gorgeous little body against mine we both accidentally drifted off to sleep...

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AS SOON AS I GOT OUT of the arena and we headed back to our room, I started texting Lissa and Melody to tell them what had happened during the morning. It was so cool. I knew Melody was still in class, but I expected a response from Lissa. It didn’t come for quite a while. Then... “I’m so sick. Boys are running around like crazy. Jack and I are taking turns puking in the bathroom. Wish I was there. Congrats.” I was going crazy. It was just coming up noon on the coast and I waited till it...

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I CRASHED AND BURNED against the thirteenth seeded player from Loyola Marymount in my first match of the morning. I played well, but I was just plain out of my league. The guy had an incredible match. It made me wonder how I’d ever managed to hold my own against Karl on Monday morning. I guess I just wasn’t in the zone. That put the pressure on for my next match. I had no time for remorse, as the next elimination round was at eleven and I was fighting for my life. This was another of the...

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ALLISON’S EYES BURNED INTO ME. I cringed, at least in my head—yeah, if looks could kill. I could almost feel my brain frying. Great timing. Does this feel right? “I hope you mean: are you hard; am I wet; and is your cock lined up to penetrate my steaming twat?” Allison growled. She thrust her hips toward me, trying to force me into her. I backed off. I wasn’t teasing, exactly. Crap! What was I doing? “I’ve wanted this for a month, Tony. It feels good. Don’t get all moralistic on me now.” “I...

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ALLIE LEFT THE SHOWER before I did and used the hair dryer. I kissed the back of her neck as I slipped past her out of the bathroom. I dressed for a day with the ‘rents and held a whispered conversation with Lissa and Melody before Melody had to go to class. The two-hour time difference meant that I caught them just after they’d stepped out of the shower. “Well, lover-boy, how did it go last night?” Melody asked. “Not like you expected,” I said. “You mean you didn’t... ?” “Not...

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“WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?” Lissa asked. We were cuddled in the bed, hot and sticky from hours of making love, but unwilling to break the contact among us for even as long as it took to go to the shower. The two-hour time change for Lissa and Melody had worked in their favor as midnight didn’t seem late and one a.m. was still prime time. “We could just stay like this and order room service again,” Melody suggested. She was completely relaxed and still enjoying having me attend to her right...

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“MELLY!” LEXI SAID as she approached us across the hotel lobby. When she released her mother from a hug, Melody went on to the formal-looking man behind Lexi and greeted her father. Who wears a suit on vacation? I thought. “Hi, Daddy,” she said, smiling at him. He didn’t hug her, but put both hands on her shoulders and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. Lexi had moved on to give Lissa a hug and then smiled at me and did the same. She glanced over her shoulder as if to make sure her husband...

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A BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE was on ice in our room with three glasses and a box of dark chocolate truffles. The truffles were my Dad’s idea and he’d taken care of it. “More of Allie’s admirers?” Lissa asked, surprised. I acted all innocent and just shrugged my shoulders. “Was she singing or having an orgasm?” Melody asked. “Mmm. Truffles!” We decided to take a shower before we indulged in any kind of decadence, but the lure of champagne and chocolate—and our overfilled stomachs from pizza—kept...

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“TONY!” DAMON YELLED into my ear. I held the phone away slightly. I’d surprised the boys by calling to read them a bedtime story over the phone. “Did you go away?” he asked. “Just for a while, buddy,” I explained. “I needed to come and visit my mommy and daddy.” “Meddy is with Gramma Lexi,” Drew supplied. He was already sounding more grown up than when I left him. “When you coming home, Tony?” Damon asked. “We miss you.” I almost broke down crying. “Soon, buddy. Soon.” I’d been home...

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AT SIX-THIRTY SHARP, a bright red pickup truck came tearing down our driveway in a cloud of dust. Beth’s Dad bought her the 4x4 for her eighteenth birthday. “Boys love girls in trucks,” he’d said as he handed her the keys. We’d all laughed because she had to have the seat customized so she could reach the pedals and still see out the windshield. Beth barely topped five feet, but she loved that truck. I stepped off the front porch and sauntered toward where she’d stopped, but I was still...

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“OH MY GOD!” she gasped. She stood studying the painting. “Oh my god,” she repeated. She moved back from the painting and then moved forward again. “Oh my god.” She sat on the foot of my bed. “She’s crying for you. God, Tony, why is your girlfriend crying for you. She’s begging you. Oh my god.” Tears ran from Beth’s eyes. “Beth. Hey Dumpling,” I said as I stroked her shoulder. “That isn’t my girlfriend ... exactly.” “Exactly? What does that mean? Wait!” Beth hadn’t stopped looking at the...

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I STOOD IN THE DOORWAY, staring again at the little twin bed in the room I’d grown up in—Allison’s picture no longer draped. I’d been ‘home’ for more than a month and I wasn’t sure how I could bear to go into this room again. I had to talk to Mom and Dad today about going back to Seattle. And somehow I had to get Melody there with us. Mom and Dad had come in to see the painting when I told them about the unusual night I had with Beth. Dad had given me a hug. Not just a squeeze or a man-hug,...

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SUNDAY AFTERNOON, I was getting a little anxious. After a weeklong, 3,000-mile roundtrip to Boston, I was bringing my girlfriends—my family—home to my parents’ house in Nebraska. I pointed out sights to them as we entered Nebraska. From the time we turned west on U.S. 30, I was like a three-year-old at the steering wheel, even pointing at the horses and cows in the field. “There’s where I went to high school,” I said. “Man, it’s changed already. Big renovation this year.” “Aw, that’s...

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MOM’S IDEA of a little Fourth of July barbecue amounted to about thirty people gathered in our backyard gabbing and eating for six hours. Many of the people who were watching the game in the morning were also at the barbecue. In addition to ribs, burgers, and dogs on the grill, Mom had baked apple, cherry, and strawberry/rhubarb pies. Everyone who came brought food, too. It was a Midwestern spread that you can only dream about in Seattle. Baked beans, potato salad, deviled eggs, macaroni and...

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I THOUGHT ABOUT TALKING the girls into losing their jeans, but it was cute the way they were wading in the creek with their pants legs rolled up. They continued to cluster around the rock where Beth sat and I figured that would be as good a setting as any. I got my sketchbook set and then plugged my mp3 player into a tiny speaker I’d seen advertised on late night TV a couple of weeks ago. It filled the clearing with an eerie note of flute music. “Shakuhachi!” Beth shouted. “Beautiful. A...

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Loving Mansi 8211 Part 1

I am Raj and any comments, feedback is welcome to incident is about my wife’s beautiful friend and of course me. Let me start with some background. This happened few year back when I was in Singapore with family. My wife as well use to work off and on when she feels like. We had a maid so that she can work when she wants. My kids were in UKG and we decided to give them some basic Hindi knowledge. Though we weren’t sure if we are ever returning back to India if this Hindi knowledge is going to...

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How dave fucked his hot new employee mansi in sa

Mansi came for interview dave asked her name and you said "Mansi",Dave saw that she dont have any skills and dave seemed upset about how to say no, and said that "sorry" Mansi pushed her sarree pallu a little away and do I have really no chance?Dave licked his lips and said, come from tomorrow, we'll see, and mansi goes back happily.Mansi came next day and they couldnt meet, and after 3 days, Dave call mansi "please come" from her desk,Mansi came and Dave saw her hot saree, but acted like he...

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Mansi8217s Special Way To Celebrate Valentine8217s Day

Guys and girls and this is Rahul here from Mumbai, aged 28 years and this is a story of my Junior College days. I had a big time crush on one of my school girls. Her name Mansi Bhatia. A gujju to the core. She stayed in Andheri. Any young and lusty females feel free to contact me at rahulkhanna311 @ gmail.com. It was after my FYJC exams that i proposed Mansi. She asked me for a few days to answer and finally her friends coaxed her to say YES. That was the best day of my life. Mansi is 5’4″...

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Uncle fucked Mansi Part 2

Hi everyone, this is ishan again going to continue the 2nd part of “Uncle fucked mansi”. For those who didn’t read the part 1 please read it first (uncle fucked mansi-part 1) then continue this part. So coming to the story. As uncle’s blowjob session was interrupted by the door bell, uncle was left disappointed. Mansi was asked to open the door and let in her parents as the maid had left. After getting freshened up, they all met at the dining table to have dinner together. Her parents started...

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First Love And Sex Experience With My Unmarried Mausi Mansi 8211 Part 1

Hello friends…. I have been following ISS for a very long time and enjoy the stories and comments here. Presently I am living near RAIPUR Chhattisgarh. This story happened to me when I was very young (18 years old).. Against all the claims of the ISS story writer I am a 32 year old man of average built 5-5” and have working tool of 5.5 Inches. I have a pleasant smiling appearance and an average body (although I had no interest in providing these details but I do understand while imagining some...

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Mansi Ki Chut Ka Pehla Lund Poojan

Hi to all friends and readers of ISS and ye meri pehli story. I hope apko pasand ayegi. Ye meri aur mansi k pehli chudai k kahani h mansi mere se 3 saal badi h vo mujhe apna bhai manti h apr mai to use mansi ka figure kuch khas nai h par ha uske boobs acche h. Story- ye baat 1 saal pehle k h jb mai delhi gaya tha college mai admission lene. Vaha pe mai sbse pehle mansi se mila jo k meri senior thi usne hi mujhe help k sb arange karne mai admission se le k flat dhudne mai maine Ek 2bhk ka flat...

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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi Part 8211 4

Hey, guys, this is arav, once again I am here to share my further experience after a long time with my gorgeous, bold, beautiful girlfriend Mansi, Please read the previous 3 parts for more pleasure and excitement and also do likes and comments. This is a continuation of the third part and I began with that horny evening, As this part is most exciting and hornier please read as whole to enjoy. After that evening we again busy in our exams schedules because every weekend we had back to back exam...

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Uncle Fucked MansiPart 1

Hello, everyone, this is Ishan again going to continue with my sex story. So after sharing my experiences on the farewell night then last on graduation day, I am going to share with you all today about what happened to Kavya (name changed) after we parted. Well, today I will be using the real name of Kavya in the sex story as suggested by some friends. So the real name of the girl of all my stories I have submitted so far is Mansi. Those who have read my last sex story will be knowing that...

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Shamans and Harpies

Foreword: I first began this story on a free site I created. It was a captioned story line, so the story was woefully condensed due to it being captioned. I loved the overall story line, which is the reason for in me bringing it to a greater degree of life via this format. Join with me as we see Tammy Wallace aka Cindy Williams reflect on her past year. A year of where; hers, a fake husband that she's come to love, two beautiful little girls, one having been a friend of many years,...

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My Family Holiday With Boss

25 years ek mahanati employee tha but bahut chalak bhi use pata tha ki uske boss ke dimag main kya chalta rahata hai use bhi uski boss ki tarah company main ucha mukam hasil karna tha and who kuch bhi karne ke liye tayyar tha.uski wife usha 21 years bahut sundar thi par sath main bahut aalsi.gahr ka kam chod tv and makeup main hi jada time bitati thi aur high standard life jine ke sapne dekhti thi. Who jada kamuk nahi thi, balki uska dimag bacche jaisa tha kapil ki Tarha samjhdar aur chalak bhi...

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Mansi Bhabhi Ki BraPanty Ki Shopping

Hi, dosto, mera name Sushant hai, main West UP se hu. Mera lund 7 inch lamba aur 2 inch mota hai. Meri lambai 5 feet 8 inch hai, main dikhne mein smart hu.  Yeh kahani mere tau ke ladke ki wife Mansi ki hai. Mansi ko main bhabhi kehta tha. Bhaiya ki shadi ko abhi ek sal hua tha. Bhaiya subh office chale jate aur sham ko ghar aate the. Rat ko kabhi-kabhi hi bhabhi ko chodte the. Yeh bat bhabhi ne mujhe bad mein batayi thi. Bhabhi ghar par akeli rehti thi, kyoki mere tau aur tai gaon ke rehte...

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My Wife Became Personal Secretary Of My Boss

Previous stories: My Family Holiday With Boss: Mera naam raja hai main paiso k liye bahut poesssive hu.hamesha bivi kamaya ko job karne ke liye kahata hu par who nahi manti. Meri salary kam hai 6k/month isliye main condom bhi afford nahi kar pata. Waise kamala ke dad se paise lete rahata hu, thoda bahut aish karne ke liye main off main accountant hu aur sham ko ghar 8 tak aajata hu. Ek din mujhe pata chala ki off main mere boss ki personal secretary 6 month ka maternal leave par hai. Kisi kam...

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Caroles Story 07 The New Boss

For those of you who have not read any of what I have already chronicled about my wife I will give you some background and a deion. I found my wife when she was only eighteen, working as a secretary. She was, and still is, beautiful. She has long thick brown hair that flows down below her shoulders. Her breasts are large, full, and natural with just a hint of sag. Each breast is tipped by large round light-brown areola that forms big beautiful circles around her protruding hard nipples. Her...

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Sex sith Boss

indian storyNote: ——I am NOT the author!I am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereI signalled BINDU to go and open the door.she opened the door and welcomed myboss saying "aaiye sir most welcome".but when she saw that baburao was alsothere with the boss she got a little bit confused, because she was expectingonly one person.my boss also understood her predicament and said smilingly"ohmrs harish,he is my friend baburao,he has come with me ,if you...

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My girlfriends turn a fuckslut for my old boss

This is the story of how my eighteen-year-old girlfriend turns a complete fuckslut for my very old big dicked boss.My name is Seth.i'm an average 20-year-old guy.I met my girlfriend Lisa a couple a years ago at school. We met in the marching band of all places.I thought it was strange that a hot girl like her was in the marching band. She has long blond straight hair. She's small. only 1,60meters "tall" got a flat stomach, tight bubbly butt and loves yoga, so she's flexible too.This story takes...

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Mom Gave Her Pussy To My Boss

Hi friends this is Vicky again with my another story aapne agar meri sari stories padhi hongi toh samajh gaye honge ki meri mummy kitni badi chuddkar hai bahut mardo se chud chuki hai.mujhe unki chudi dekhne me bahut maza aata hai maine khud unko kai mard ke sath chudte dekha hai Mai aapko fir se mummy ke bare me bata du unka naam varsha singh hai aur is bar unki chudai kisi aur ne nahi mere boss ne ki jiska naam raj Sharma hai pahle mai aapko kuch details bata du maine kuch din pahle ek...

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Mom And Her Boss

Hello all the readers of iss , this is saahil here and I am a big fan of this site , as this is providing an easy and safe opportunity for everyone to share his/her sex experiences and even fantasies . I , like most of us have got few real experiences in life but today I am here to tell abt something that is quite different . The story is abt my mom sarita . Let me introduce first myself nd mom . My age is 19 and mom is 39 Although mom is 39 but she don’t look more than 30 , her figure 36D 30...

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Cooking Wwith My Boss

Cooking with My Boss        My life changed one night when I was simply leaving work with my boss.  It had been a good day.  I even had a successful flirting session with two ladies, who I supposed where friends.  One was an Asian woman, older than me, but very attractive.  Her friend, a blond with short hair and pretty green eyes, seemed to be more around my age.         My boss had been in one of her moods that day.  She ran a small retail store and thought she was queen of the world.  I...

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Cooking with My Boss

My boss had been in one of her moods that day. She ran a small retail store and thought she was queen of the world. I knew she had been irritated when she saw me talking to the girls. Her name is Annie, and I would guess she is about 37, ten years my senior. I have to admit she's attractive, though it annoys me to do so. She's taller. Her hair is cropped short on the sides, longer and tinted red on the top. It comes down in perfectly straight layers to just above her pretty brown...

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Mom Fucked By Boss

Mera naam sumit hai mai Indore me rahta hu meri family me mai aur mom hai. Mere dad ki death 5 years pahle hi ho chuki hai. Meri mom ka naam divya hai. Unki age 40 yrs hai.wo mnc me job karti hai. Mom ka figure bahut hot hai unka figure size 34 30 36 hai. Unke boobs bade hai unke hips bahut phule hue aur bahar ki ore nikle hue hai.Mom saadi pahnti hai unki skin ka rang fair hai wo dikhne me vidya balan jaisi hai. Unko dekh ke koi bi mard ka lund khada ho jayega. Ye ghatna kuch mahine pahle ki...

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My wife an my boss

MY WIFE AND MY BOSS By Distant LoverWhen my wife and I had been married for nearly a year we began to look forward to our anniversary. No, this was not our wedding anniversary, although we were looking forward to that as well. The anniversary we were really looking forward to was of an evening a month before we got married when my boss took my finance's virginity while I watched.At the time neither of us really wanted it to happen. Because I was a virgin myself, I wanted to marry one, and...

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A love of boss

A love of boss ... 1 of 31 ... Submit by: belle_ame Author: Bilitis A love of boss ... 1 31 ... Bilitis Chapters 1-3 In the real Christine, who has been my model; to Evelyn who both helped me in my difficult times, Natacha At my tender without which life would be so different. To all those and all those who try to overcome the difficulty of loving 'differently', despite the prejudices and who do not give face still many obstacles on our path. 1. A new chief of staff The news was finally...

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My Mean Boss

My Mean BossI was lucky to get this job since I didn't have great grades in school inspite of spankings by my parents for bad grades. They at least respected mymodesty by having me go to my room and putting on my pajamas before goingback down to lean over the back of the couch for my spanking. They justused a ping pong paddle which wouldn't have been too bad if there hadn't beenso many spanks. They based it on my grades. "A" no spanks, "B"20 spanks"C" 30 spanks and "D" 40 ...

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The Boss

Introduction: A young virgin. A horny mob boss. Need I say more? I awoke to a throbbing headache. Every heartbeat was an explosion of pain. It took all the strength I had just to sit up. My head spun for a second before I allowed my eyes to flutter open. Tears blurred my vision, making the world appear as a distorted mess. All I could see were colors and shapes. I tried to speak, but only a faint squeal escaped. My throat was dry, keeping the words that difficultly formed within my brain from...

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My wife and boss

I am working in a private company. My wife is beautiful with perfect figures. I have been having sex with my wife everyday but I also fantasize about my having sex with another guy. I work for a big private company, and we colleagues at work normally sit together during weekends and my boss also sits with us. In a chat my boss casually told that he has a huge dick of 10 inches, and I realized this is the one that should ram into my wife’s pussy. I went home and told manju about my boss and how...

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pleasing her boss

Pleasing Her BossIt was another hot day in the Florida sunshine. Keith looked up at the clear blue sunshiny sky as he closed his tool box up for the last time. He’d been working down in Southwest Florida for the past several months working on construction sites. He was really going to miss this hot weather. Sometimes it became a little unbearable in the summer but you couldn’t beat working outside here during the winter months. Keith couldn’t wait to get back home to his wife Michelle. He sat...

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Showing Abby Whos Boss

Introduction: A young girl takes an office job with an old friend. Five years ago, Abby strolled into the meeting room and into my life as a 18-year old having just completed high school. I still remember what she wore: red gym shorts, a blue tank top and black flip flops. Her light brown hair came down loose to her shoulders, swaying as she sat down in the seat next to me while we both prepared for the first day of orientation for a summer job for which we had both been hired as temporary...

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Pleasing Her Boss

It was another hot day in the Florida sunshine. Keith looked up at the clear blue sunshiny sky as he closed his tool box up for the last time. He’d been working down in Southwest Florida for the past several months working on construction sites. He was really going to miss this hot weather. Sometimes it became a little unbearable in the summer but you couldn’t beat working outside here during the winter months. Keith couldn’t wait to get back home to his wife Michelle. He sat down on the...

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Miss Manson Gets Caught Out

Ms. Jasmine Storey, the Deputy Head Mistress in charge of student behaviour at St Katherine’s School sat behind her desk in her office in disbelief. Never in her seventeen years as a teacher, and even in her seven years as Deputy Head Mistress, had she heard anything like it. She could not believe what the young Head of Music, Miss Mulligan, had told her that morning. Even when Rebecca had presented her with overwhelming evidence that one of the teachers at St Katherine’s had been over-stepping...

4 years ago
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Wife Dominates With Help Of Her Boss

It is happened and still happening at my place. I am a guy working in a private firm. I married and brought my wife to my work place. She worked earlier with some company as receptionist cum secretary. She was little extrovert and I am not. To support family, I told her to look for some job. During that time I happened to meet my boss in some shopping mall, he saw my wife for the 1st time. Our firm is a proprietary firm and he is the owner of the firm. We chatted for some time. He was speaking...

2 years ago
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Office Lesbian Boss

Hi this is Neha with a new story. It is a must read story on lesbian love. I must request my readers not to come ip with fuck proposals. I am a 100% lesbian and don’t need any male invitation. Please email me at [email protected] was working late on a Saturday. Mithali, her beautiful boss had a huge project that had to be completed by night. Sushmita loved working for her boss, Mithali, a strikingly beautiful woman, in her mid-forties. Mithali is almost 5 feet 6 inches, nice legs,...

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Office Lesbian Boss

Hi this is Neha with a new story. It is a must read story on lesbian love. I must request my readers not to come ip with fuck proposals. I am a 100% lesbian and don’t need any male invitation. Please email me at Sushmita was working late on a Saturday. Mithali, her beautiful boss had a huge project that had to be completed by night. Sushmita loved working for her boss, Mithali, a strikingly beautiful woman, in her mid-forties. Mithali is almost 5 feet 6 inches, nice legs, firm thighs, slim...

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Treating My Boss

Disclaimer: This story involves cuckold, interracial, and old vs young themes. If you dislike these genres, please don’t continue to read. Being a new home owner can be stressful. It can be even more stressful if your job was on the line. That was the case for me as my workplace was downsizing and changing into new management. They were already firing people and I didn't know my standing in the company. My wife Lisa was worried that I may lose my job and wanted me to inquire with my...

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Slutting Out To The Boss

She sat on the bed, her rump still stinging from the discipline John had meted out to her. She was still aghast that he had brought his boss to observe. From the kitchen, she heard John and his boss chatting. Some muted discussion, some laughter, then silence. The sound of footsteps began echoing down the hallway. The volume rose until the light was blocked out by the boss. In the doorway stood a tall silhouette of a man in a suit. "One thing I always look for is a person who knows how to take...

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A Visit To Miss Manson After School Part One

Unlike my initial thoughts, finding Miss Manson after twenty-eight years had not been difficult. All it seemed to take was a Facebook message that my friend had found and then a Google search. Turned out that my ex-History Mistress and the lady who had smacked my bottom five times in after school detention, was still doing what I had heard she was, and Google had revealed exactly where she was based. I had managed to find an address for her goat farm on the internet and had even driven up...

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Sex With My Lusty Old Boss

Hello guys. I am Maya. I am from Mumbai. I am a happily married woman. I am 36 years old and my hubby is 37 years. I have a voluptuous body and my figure is 40c-30-41. I am 5’9 in height, fair looking with long hair. My hubby is also a smart guy. He works as an IT manager in a MNC. I am a secretary in a production house which is into movies and modeling. I myself do a little bit of modeling sometimes. I have been working here for the past 5 years and its fun. Let me share with you a little more...

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Ana surrendered to my Boss

Just in time, the doorbell announced the arrival of my Boss and his wife.I rushed to open and, to my surprise, I found just Nathan standing there alone. No traces of his sexy redhead wife Suzanne.My Boss said he was sorry about his wife; but Suzanne had one of her headaches so he hoped we would not mind him just coming alone to our invitation for dinner.I just said we were fine, hoping his wife would be better…Nathan and I sat down to have some drinks.Then my gorgeous Ana walked in to greet...

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My Virgin Neighbour Mansi 8211 Part 3

Hi,  friends, this is a continuation of my previous stories in which I share my further experience with my gorgeous chubby neighbour mansi with whom I am deeply in love so as she,u people already know her age, figure, and our sessions.If don’t know please read previous two parts for more enjoyment and excitement. Guys this is a hottest session and I want to share every moment so please read fully you all will enjoy after reading full Please read whole As we all know that after defloration and...

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Seduced and Laid by Boss

Hello friends… this is rajesh, thanks for your feedback on ‘feelings of my cousin’, am now posting my cousin sisters experience here as she has no time and posting in her own words. My name is Haritha and is 26 years old. I am married for 6 months and happy. The story that I am going to tell you happened 1 week ago. I am a very happily married woman with a very good husband who cares me and satisfies me all the time. Coming to about I am 5’3″ height with a structure of 32 28 34. Though I am so...

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