- 2 years ago
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We were surrounded by eight young braves, all pointing weapons at us.
‘Whatever you do, don’t touch your guns.’ Grandpa whispered.
Right after Grandpa whispered that, I heard someone shout, ‘STOP!’
Thinking ‘now we’ve had it’, I had scenes of Indian torture from old movies replaying in my head.
The young braves backed up a step, but didn’t lower their weapons, all the while glaring at us with eyes full of hate. When this older Indian walked up, you could tell he was some kind of leader by the way he gave the young braves hell in their own language.
‘What do you want here, Hawk?’ He asked.
‘What’s happening here, Red Cloud? Is this any way to welcome family? I’ve been your friend for over twenty seasons!’
‘Why you bring stranger? This troubled time. Strangers not welcome!’
‘He’s not a stranger! He’s family! This is Clay – you called him Dirty Hand when he was just a boy.’
‘I remember Dirty Hand. Always dirty when play with other boys. What he doing here now?’
‘We heard Running Deer was hurt so we come to help.’
‘Dove is here. She is helping Running Deer.’
‘Clay is white man’s doctor.’
‘Not see Dirty Hand since boy. How he doctor?’
‘He has been in Army and was an Army doctor. He just got home today.’
Hearing this caused the braves to get restless once again and they started toward me with malice. Once again Red Cloud started giving them hell in their own language.
‘I take you to Dove. You know about trouble with Army?’ He asked Grandpa.
‘I’ve heard. We need to talk later.’
As we followed him, I quietly asked, ‘He hasn’t said a word to me yet, and why’s he call you Hawk?’
‘Around these parts, everyone but family calls me ‘Hank’, but to him it sounds like ‘Hawk’. He won’t talk to you. You’ve never given him a present in friendship or traded with him, so by custom you are a stranger. Since he is Chief of all Sioux, he doesn’t talk to strangers – it’s beneath his dignity.’
‘But he claimed he knew me as a boy.’
‘That was as a man to a boy, not as a Chief to a stranger.’
‘Is that why we brought the trading goods?’
‘No, you always bring stuff for presents and to trade. That’s just good manners. Also, if you’re offered something to eat or as a gift, take it, even if you don’t want it, otherwise it’s an insult. We don’t want the people mad at us, especially now after Custer.’
‘Anything else I need to know before I get to work?’
‘Lots – but for now, just remember I warned ya that the girl that was hurt, Running Deer, and her sister Little Doe, have been chasing Clay since they were kids, claiming someday they would be his wives.’
‘We better watch out then. I ain’t ready to get married anytime soon.’
‘You could do a lot worse. Marriage was the best thing that ever happened to me,’ he laughed.
As we followed Red Cloud into a large skin lodge, Grandpa announced, ‘Dove, do you know who this is?’
A woman in a buckskin dress looked up, puzzled for a few seconds then cried, ‘CLAY! Is that really you? They told us you were dead!’
‘Well, as you can see, I’m not. As I read somewhere, Aunty Dove, ‘reports of my demise are premature’.’
As we greeted each other, I studied my great grandmother quite closely. She stood about five-foot-six, with a figure that most women in my time would have spent a fortune on cosmetic surgery and all their time in a gym to achieve. I knew she was quite a lot younger than my great grandfather Henry, but she still appeared to be somewhere around thirty-five to forty, probably closer to thirty five, much younger than the forty to forty-five I knew her to be. With long black hair flowing to the bottom of her back with just a bit of gray starting to streak here and there, an amazingly clear complexion and startling, compassionate dark eyes, she was a strikingly beautiful mature woman.
‘I’m glad you’re here! You remember Running Deer and Little Doe? Running Deer fell and broke her arm real bad and is running a fever. I don’t know if she will live, and if she doesn’t die, her arm will be crooked and useless.’
‘Let me see what can be done. Uncle Henry would you get my bag?’
‘Sure! Be right back.’
While waiting, I looked at the two sisters. ‘I’ll be damned! TWINS!’ I thought.
They were both just tiny things, about an even five foot, probably not weighing even a hundred pounds soaking wet. Running Deer looked sick, her face flushed with fever and her eyes dull with pain. Her sister was obviously worried, her face drawn with care. Still, despite their obvious pain, they were exquisite. Their long black hair, framing angelic heart-shaped faces, hung in gleaming ebony braids more than six inches below their shoulders. From what little I could actually see of their bodies, shrouded in loose buckskin shifts, these exquisite little beauties were perfectly proportioned for their size. What little skin I could see was baby smooth and flawless. Not immune to the attractions of beautiful women, I felt parts of my body lurch at the delightful double vision they presented. Oddly enough, I also felt a tug on my heart.
Grandpa came hurrying back in with the big Corpsman’s bag. ‘Here ya go, Clay!’
‘Thanks, Uncle Henry.’ I start to exam Running Deer.
‘This is going to hurt. Bite down on this,’ I told Running Deer as I gave her a piece of leather to bite down on.
Wishing I had an x-ray, I had to do this the hard way and hope my sense of touch would be enough. I palpated her swollen and extremely painful right forearm, and could feel that her right ulna, the biggest bone in the forearm, was broken. Luck was with me, at least as it felt like a clean break. For it to be such a clean break, she must have wacked her arm across a branch or rock as she fell and she was lucky she didn’t break the radius as well. It might be cracked, but at least it was aligned. If not it would be a compound fracture, requiring more sophisticated treatment than I could offer.
The break itself should not be causing her fever. I checked closer and found where she had also scraped her hand as she fell. Red and hot, although not bleeding, it looked like it was infected. Thorough cleaning of the wound and treatment with antibiotics was the only effective treatment, even in my time, except she would be in a hospital getting massive doses of antibiotic by IV. I would have to make do with my limited supplies.
As I completed my examination of her injuries, I turned to Grandpa and said, ‘I need some wet rawhide thongs to tie on a splint – they will shrink as they dry, holding it in place. I also need four sticks about three-quarters of an inch across and about a foot long for the splint itself. Have someone bring me some clay mud. I’m going to set her arm and try to make a cast to keep it straight and to cover and protect it. I also need someone to boil some water so I can wash that scrape. That’s where the fever is coming from.’
While waiting for Grandpa to fetch the splint materials, I gave her an amoxicillin tablet and half an aspirin from my bag. I had cut it in half, not knowing if she would have a reaction to it or not. The whole amoxicillin should be OK for her, as it was actually a children’s antibiotic and should work well for her, given her size and that she and her people had never been exposed to modern drugs. I knew I would have to keep a close watch on her for awhile, but I risked the dosages I gave her because I had to get the infection under control and her fever broken.
Soon, an older man entered, bringing me the items I had asked for.
‘Here is the mud-that-dries-hard,’ he said.
Expecting him to leave, I noticed with surprise that he just stepped back to watch. I raised an eyebrow to Grandpa and he said. ‘This is Spotted Owl. He is the girls’ father.’
‘Is he going to be trouble?’
‘No, he’s just worried. H
e loves his daughters very much.’
Turning to Running Deer, I said ‘I’m sorry Little One, but this is going to hurt very badly, but I’ll do it as fast as I can. Don’t be ashamed to cry out if it hurts too much.’
Recruiting the others in the lodge with us as my helpers, I said, ‘I need you all to help hold her down tightly so I can set her arm so it will be straight.’
I instructed them on where I wanted them and how to hold the patient. Then, once they were in position, I slipped off my boots and braced myself by placing my foot in her armpit and pulled her arm straight at a steady pace till I felt the two bone ends slip back in place. You could almost hear them click together, and the obvious distortion disappeared, although her arm was still swollen.
I gently wrapped her arm tightly using gauze from my kit then tied the sticks for the splint in place with the rawhide to keep it straight. With the splint secured, I covered the whole thing with a thick layer of clay to protect it, making a crude cast. During all this she hadn’t let out a sound. Looking down at her I saw why – she had passed out.
Taking advantage of her being passed out, to avoid causing her further conscious pain, I quickly thoroughly scrubbed the scrape on her hand using the hot water and some anti-bacterial surgical soap from my kit. I rinsed the injury thoroughly, dried it with sterile gauze and applied a generous daub of antibiotic cream (Polysporin). I loosely taped a gauze pad over it then checked the blood flow to her hand by squeezing her fingernails. I was concerned that the rawhide thongs securing her splint might cut off circulation.
Knowing that the pain would ease now that it was immobilized, I told her father, ‘Now we just need to let her rest and watch that she doesn’t damage the cast while it dries.’
‘She will need to be watched, and she’ll need more medicine.’ I showed Grandma, as Spotted Owl and another woman watched and listened carefully, how to check the circulation in the injured arm, and what to look for at the scrape if the infection started to spread. I left several amoxicillin tablets and some ibuprofens and explained how often to give them to Deer. ‘I don’t care about the little brown pills. They’re for pain and fever, like willow bark tea, but the big pink ones are for the fever, and she must take them until they’re ALL gone. I’ll check on her before I leave and probably be back a couple times to check on her.’
Grandma Dove came over and gave me a big hug. ‘If she doesn’t die from the fever, she should have a good arm in a couple of months. That sure was some good work you done!’
Grandpa turned to me. ‘Now we need to do some trading, so’s ya can stop being a stranger.’
‘Ok, how do we do that?’
‘First we’ll go out and set with Red Cloud while I jaw with him. They will probably feed us, so whatever you do, eat what they give you. We don’t want them to be insulted. Then after a bit, the trading will start, but remember these people won’t be rushed.’
We left the lodge and saw Red Cloud setting with some of the older braves, so we went over and he motioned us to sit. We did and he started asking Grandpa about the girl and if she would live, still ignoring me.
Soon an older woman I had seen earlier in the lodge with Spotted Owl brought me some food on a piece of birch bark. I smiled and said, ‘Thank You.’ She just smiled and left without saying a word.
Grandpa saw her and said, ‘That’s Rain, the girls’ mother.’
‘I recognized her from inside. Doesn’t she speak English?’
‘She speaks American probably better than I do.’
‘Then why didn’t she say anything?’
‘Here, it’s not the woman’s place to speak to a man that is not family, but once they are family, you can’t get them to shut up!’ he said with a twinkle in his eye.
‘I heard that!’ called Grandma from inside the lodge.
Soon it was time for the trading to start as Grandpa showed me how the trade items were usually laid out on a blanket. He said, ‘Now the way this works is, you put out what you have to trade in small piles and then they will inspect what you have. If they want to barter, they will put a pile of stuff that they want to trade next to yours. If it’s not enough, you either pull part away or add to it. Sometimes, you just split it. Remember, we are here to make friends, not skin these people. Try to make a fair deal but don’t let them get the best of you, because then they will lose respect for you.’
‘OK, sounds easy enough.’
‘It ain’t too hard. Just watch what you are doing. First, why don’t you take a box of those cigars over and give them to Red Cloud? Tobacco is hard for them to get, so it makes for good trade goods and is a valuable friendship gift.’
I picked up a box and took it over to Red Cloud. As he accepted it, he just nodded and smiled at me.
I went back to my place and said to Grandpa, ‘He still didn’t speak to me – he just smiled and nodded.’
‘Remember, he’s still the Chief of the Sioux and he has to show pride to his people. The nod meant he was seeing you no longer as a stranger and the smile meant he was very pleased with your gift.’
We had been trading for a while when Spotted Owl came up leading a fine chestnut mare and handed me the lead rope. Thinking he was trying to make a trade, I picked up the last box of cigars and handed it to him. He thought for a minute, then taking my arm, led me back into the lodge and pointed at his daughters. Believing he was asking if Running Deer was going to be OK, I just nodded to him.
Having followed us, Grandpa busted out laughing. I just looked at him like he’d lost his mind, then I demanded, ‘What’s the hell’s so funny?’
It took him a minute to stop laughing long enough to barely catch his breath and gasped, ‘Hee! Hee! Hell boy, you just bought yourself two wives!’ then started cackling again hard enough to lay an egg.
I just stood there with my mouth hanging open, shocked out of my britches.
I would like to thank my great editors Eviltwin and Ice Wolf they make my scribbling worth reading.
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Sweat trickles down your forehead. The thought of your entire future and dreams depending on the contents of the cold piece of paper in between your hands is almost enough to make you not want to look at it. Let me run you guys through the process behind this. The year is 2420 and humans are now capable of doing extraordinary things. After the gruesome, yet quick, war of 2070 countless died bringing humanity from the billions, down to hundreds of millions. The radiation followed by the atomic...
FantasyJim had found the additional chair and was waiting when Susan and George came in. "George, we've got the most miraculous thing to show you. We recorded this about an hour ago." Using the monster display as the screen, he replayed the man in the park with the "flying carpet." George was a stunned as they had been. Jim then showed him the trip to the store selling the devices. "We've got to have one, but we can't think of a way to get one except steal it or negotiate with a local to...
It wasn't a bad job as jobs go and it kept him in extra money while he was attending the police academy, plus it offered him plenty of time to study during the long nights. Ben worked as a security officer on the 10 PM to 7 AM shift at a very known luxury hotel, he was part of a two-man team of one man inside and one outside in a vehicle. Ben had already attended the private police academy and that allowed him to go armed while on duty which was something that the owners of the hotel demanded,...
UniformHi, this is Deepak again from Bangalore with a new experience. Today, I would like to share a new experience of my mine in the world of Sex and Romance. So at the beginning of the sex story, I would like to say that it is a real-life incident and as I love sharing my sex story over here and hope you readers like it.I was staying in Bangalore and had got a chance to visit Mysore, for a tour for a week as there was no work and I was getting bored in the monsoon season. I packed up my bag for a...
Frank Jackman, CEO of BimboTech Chemicals “I know. By five sexy bimbos,” moaned my bimbo wife Alice from the expensive surround sound. She was on the TV screen dominating the living room cuddled against Director Steffen. He headed the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, who certified all cosmetic products. Like the bimbo serum I wanted to sell and make billions with. “Isn’t that wonderful?” “Yes, it is,” I grinned, my hand bobbing Margarete’s head up and down my cock. I...
My sister and I have always had a close relationship. Whenwe were young we would always cuddle up on the couch and watch TV. More oftenthan not I would be laying on the couch facing up with her on top of me. Shewas much smaller so this was comfortable for both of us. I remember doneafternoon we were just laying together on the couch with me on my back with herlaid out on top of me. She was moving around a bit rubbing againstme. I was 16 at the time and it didn’t take much to get me going....
IncestWendy’s Christmas Light Tour. On a cool December evening, Danny, Tommy and Phil were huddled together, smoking in the parking lot behind the local club. Phil managed the club’s events and as it happened, he and the other two were attending their annual family Christmas party that evening. They had just discussed going for some beer when the back door of the building opened. A woman dressed in dark gray jacket and slacks with black heels stepped into the...
IncestIntroduction: sequal is here yay!!!! The early next morning we awoke naked to see our clothes were all soaked in cum but it didnt matter. We stood up and started to kiss, I slide one finger up her ass as my penis made contact with her virginal lips. Her ass was still full. I grabbed her ass and pushed my morning glory deep inside of her. We stopped as we heard a car pull up&hellip,&hellip,&hellip,.. It was mum and dad!!! We stopped dead in our tracks. We had only one thing going for us, they...
Chapter Eight – Forbidden Fruit Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmf, cream pie, exhib, grope, inc, magic, preg, spank, unif Hermione had been violated by Malfoy for the second time in a few days and although she had no proof or memory of their second encounter, she did have a pussy full of someone’s cum, and it was probably Malfoy’s. Who else but Malfoy could...
The alarm clock clicks on and a slightly manic voice comes out of the speakers, “Good morning, I am the saviour of Radio 1, the one and only Chris Moyes”, “Bugger, that means it’s Monday morning and I’ve got to get my ass out of bed for work” I tell myself! I role over in bed and hit the snooze button, “Ten more minutes and I’ll get up” I say to myself. Just as I role back over I realise I am afflicted with the sign of a man 1st thing in the morning, the timeless duvet tent! “Hmmmm, I tell...
Welcome back readers, to the the dimension in space and time where the elder gods of chaos still exist. These are beings which have existed since the origin of the universe, they have evolved in ways that we can not even begin to imagine. To them we are merely a grain of dust that settles upon them for but a moment, before drifting away into oblivion. However the interaction between us and these elder gods has always led to accelerated evolution. People would gain powers or be afflicted by...
My Three Sons 16: Out of the Bathroom By Ron Dow75 Blond bobbed Jesse jiggled the locked knob and jiggled as she pounded on the bathroom door, "How long are you going to be in there?!" {She was standing in her bare feet sticking out of a gingham dress while forced to pay more attention on what was happening at the other end of her legs.} Brunet Winnie said, "I heard it takes women longer to do things in the bathroom." She was standing near her. {She was standing in black...
HumorMy Parent's Gift To Me Synopsis: When Robin finds the girl inside, it leads to a journey of discovery and acceptance as her parents seek to fulfill her desire for completion which ends in her joy when she finds herself complete. [*][*][*] I can't thank Momma enough for giving me the gift of womanhood, just as I can't thank Daddy enough for calling me Princess. You see, I was born a boy, NOT a girl, like my brother Brian. My name is Robin Leslie Williams, and I am a girl inside. I...
" 20-year-old male. Blond hair and blue eyes. Athletic 6'1" and 175# firm body. Fun to be with and a good dancer and good kisser. Well hung and long lasting. I enjoy spending time with financially secure older women. E-mail me and let's see if we would like to spend some time together. Local or I can travel if you make the arrangements. [email protected]." Jake placed the ads and waited to see what would happen. It only took a couple of days before he got his first reply. ...
Introduction: I had to condense the chain of events a bit, but this story is still true. So&hellip,. Tell me exactly what happened. My husband began. I want to know everything. He seemed too calm. Still crying, still visibly upset, but yet far too calm for a man in his position. I told him the truth, not leaving anything out. I told him all I could about the stranger. I even told him about the drugs, fearing his reaction to that nearly as much as the cheating itself. What were you...
Author's Notes: This is a very old attempt at writing in the first person. A dear friend edited it, but I want it to feel like a diary and not a traditional book. Day 1 Dear Diary, It is strange. I am a grown man, and I am starting to keep a diary. I was asked to keep you by Dana, a man I met today. I agreed to it for it sounded like the right course of action to take after spending today with him. I will get to that story after I write about how it feels to have you. I...
I was 18 and my b*****r was 19 when we found each other. I have always known my b*****r was gay but my parents didn’t. I would catch him surfing gay porn websites all the time and sometimes I would watch him furiously rubbing his huge cock. I would get turned on but I would never wank myself over it, it seemed wrong. There was one time when my b*****r got so horny that, when he thought I was asl**p he started rubbing his cock on my face and in between my lips. I just stayed still I didn’t know...
Greg had been wearing his new gold chain for about a month and during that time things had again changed in his relationship with Jill. She had decided that he should become more of a sissy boy. He had evolved to the point where he enjoyed and looked forward to Jill’s sexual experiences with other men. He enjoyed licking and drinking their semen and had become good friends with Colby, always welcoming him into their home.To further Greg’s change in lifestyle Jill had gone to the mall on a...
CuckoldMera naam Ronit hai, 24 saal ka ladka hu. Yeh story uss waqt ki hai jab mein 19 saal ka tha. Jab bhi chuttiyan hoti thi toh mein apne mami ke yaha chala jata tha. kabhi 15 din toh kabhi ek mahine tak. Ghar me sirf mama mami rehte the, unki ek choti beti bhi hai lekin woh hostel me rehti thi, kabhi kabhi hamari chutti mil jati thi toh hi usee mulakat ho pati thi. Ish bar mein karib 45 din ke chutti par gaya tha. Mama subhah 9 baje khana khake office chale jate thein. Mami ghar ka kam karti...
the school where im'e at is a really posh school and the parents are really stuck up and with me being black some of them look down there noses at me but deep down i know they all want a bit of black.susan is a chubby mummy not fat but a girl with meat on the bones and her husband is a real tool,he works away a lot and she really likes to flirt but nearly all the mums flirt but susan likes to touch when she talks, i was sat in the parent evening and her hubby was away so she came alone and i...
LAST TO KNOW chapter two While we were having our late breakfast we were talking about the event of the morning. Mom ask if I was okay with all that happen so far. I told her Mom, I know I should feel guilty and ashamed about what has happened this morning but I’m not. I feel so close and so much love for all of you and I’m not talking sexual desire. True that is there but it is much more that that. Mom ask if I would like to continue. I said YES, anything and everything you...