- 2 years ago
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Roses. They’re remarkable when you think about it. All across the world, people present them to the ones they most adore. Not as a mere gift, but as a tangible symbol of sincerest love.
A cynic might call such a universal gift ‘uninspired’. After all, it’s common knowledge that the gesture is replicated millions of times across the world, every year.
Yet the vast majority of people who receive these humble offerings will feel truly special in doing so. To hold one between your fingers is to feel the very affection it represents. Their innate ability to express what is so often inexpressible transcends the borders of spoken language, politics, wealth and even time.
Have you ever wondered why they have such a natural connection to the magic of love? The answer lies in a little-known tale that has never before been recorded for posterity. An ancient tale, that lovers share while embracing naked beneath the stars. A tale of a man named Epimonos.
Epimonos was not a mighty warrior, nor a hero of the great epics. He was a diplomat of no consequence — a minor envoy dispatched by the Athenian assembly to assist with their governance of Corinth.
There came a point in his journey where Epimonos noticed the road to Corinth was becoming overgrown. Within an hour, he had lost the road completely amid the long grass. With no path to guide him, all Epimonos could do was continue walking in the direction of the setting sun.
Epimonos’ wandered across hills and fields until he came upon a lush grove at the foot of a small hill. Trees and bushes of all types and sizes stood all around, yet with enough space between them for a person to move about freely. Melodious birds filled the air with their song as they fluttered between the branches of the taller trees. The ground was covered with grass that was greener that any he had ever seen in his life.
The beauty of this place was almost otherworldly. For a while, Epimonos worried that perhaps he was trespassing on Olympus itself.
Some distance away, behind a dense bush, Epimonos heard what sounded like a soft, distinctly feminine sigh and a simultaneous huff of exertion. As he tentatively ventured towards the odd noise, he was stopped by the most extraordinary sight. Before him, countless patches of clover instantly blossomed into full flower, as if the motions of springtime had suddenly rippled right through the grove.
Epimonos stared at the landscape in sheer amazement, unable to believe his own eyes. He wrestled with confusion until a figure rose up behind the bush where he’d heard the noises. Forgetting about the clovers for the time being, Epimonos strode briskly towards the figure.
As Epimonos came within just a few feet of the bush, the obscured figure suddenly twitched as if it had heard him approaching and been startled. A moment later, it bolted towards a nearby tree, giggling sweetly as it ran. Whoever or whatever it was moved with impressive speed.
Epimonos only caught a brief glance of the figure. But it was definitely a humanoid creature and judging by its slender proportions and hourglass curves, it was female. She seemed to be stark naked and, oddly enough, her shoulder-length hair was the same color as the grass.
Upon arriving at the tree, the creature leapt up the trunk with inhuman swiftness until she had climbed to one of the lowest branches, several yards above the ground.
Driven by curiosity, Epimonos followed her. As he came a little closer he noticed the wide brown eyes staring down at him keenly, from atop the branch. Epimonos was a little uncomfortable being watched from on high like a hawk’s prey. Yet somehow he felt the creature meant him no harm.
A second figure arose from the same place the first one had appeared. However, this one moved at a more relaxed pace. As he stepped out from behind the bush, Epimonos could clearly see that this being was just an ordinary man.
The stranger was tall, with a robust physique and looked to be mid-twenties in age. He was cloaked in a toga that he was still in the process of wrapping.
‘Hail and well met, friend,’ the stranger said as he raised his hand in greeting. ‘I am Odigos of Thermopylae.’
‘Hail! I am Epimonos of Athens,’ Epimonos replied with a nod.
The slight bulge in the middle of the stranger’s toga made Epimonos uneasy. He hoped it wasn’t a sign that the stranger had a carnal interest in him.
‘You, too, have come to partake in the hospitality of the great dryads, Epimonos of Athens?’ Odigos inquired with a smile.
‘Dryads?’ Epimonos repeated in surprise. So that’s what that flighty creature must have been: a dryad, a legendary tree nymph. He turned his head to see if she was still watching him from her tree branch. She was.
‘Uh, no…’ Epimonos continued. ‘It would seem I am lost. I am an envoy making my way to Corinth.’
‘Ah! You haven’t lost your way so much as you’ve been led astray,’ the friendly stranger chuckled heartily. Upon noticing the confusion on Epimonos’ face, he elaborated, ‘Many of us have travelled far and wide seeking this garden. Tales abound of its many beauties and pleasures. But then some visitors come to this place without ever seeking it. They are drawn here deliberately by the dryads, with their magic.’
‘But why? What would they want with me?’ Epimonos asked.
‘They want from you what they want from all of us, friend, to mate,’ Odigos explained with a jolly smile. ‘Every year, at the dawn of spring, the great dryads bring a handful of mortal men into their garden to be their lovers.’
Epimonos now understood why Odigos had had an erection when they’d first met, and was relieved to notice that by now it was almost completely gone.
Odigos continued, ‘These dryads are the mistress spirits of all plants. In order for their species to bloom, they each need a man to fertilize their womanly valleys. We couple with them and flowers all across the world open as we fill them with new life. We are here to bring about spring, and I assure you, friend, it is a most agreeable task.’
Epimonos was speechless. Nymphs were notoriously very attractive and very uninhibited creatures. The dryad sub-class was no exception. To be ‘chosen’ as a consort for a tribe of these women was a marvellous prospect. Yet, an overwhelming one in some regards, also.
‘I mean you no disrespect, but it would be foolish to spend any more time conversing with a man, when there are many sweet maidens around willing to offer their company,’ Odigos said. He was already walking off towards some other area of the grove. ‘Go! Explore the garden! Enjoy its bounty. There is ample food and fresh water and many comely dryads still waiting to be seeded. The ones who have already been tended are not frigid, either,’ he advised, before turning his back on Epimonos and leaving.
‘Th… Thank you,’ Epimonos absently replied, after Odigos was already out of earshot.
He turned his gaze up into the towering tree nearby once more. The dryad was still up there, gazing at him. She flashed him a flirty smile before turning and climbing higher until she disappeared among the leaves.
With a bemused sigh, Epimonos left as well, deciding to take Odigos’ advice and explore the grove for himself. He found the lovely birdsong that flowed throughout the garden particularly charming.
As he made his way through the garden, he passed dozens of dryads, with their numbers seeming to grow denser the further he explored.
Every single one of them was the archetypal ideal in terms of feminine physique. They were all slender, with long legs and fine hourglass figure. Their breast sizes varied, ranging from almost cantaloupe-sized to being virtually flat-chested. But each one knew how to carry her body in a way that made her extremely attractive. They all moved with confidence, and an enticing sway in their hips. Epimonos’ maleness began to grow firm after only a few pas
sing glances at some dryads.
The dryads’ were quite varied in their shades of skin (if one could call it skin). Some were as fair as pine timber, some were as dark as ebony, some were lime green, and there were all manner of shades in between. Yet regardless of her color, each dryad had a ‘grain’ running all across her body, like one would see on a plank of timber. Some even had swirling dark ‘knots’ upon them in place of birthmarks.
In many regards, they had the appearance of wooden sculptures. Some even had a few leaves or small vines growing from their bodies. Yet they moved with the flexibility of a fit human woman. The breasts of the more buxom dryads were a paradox unto themselves. They didn’t jiggle as the creatures walked, suggesting they were solid. Yet Epimonos discovered another human man locked in heated foreplay with a dryad, and he could see her breasts yielding to the man’s caress like tender peaches.
Most of the dryads wandered around nude, but some of them wore flimsy brassieres and loin coverings fashioned from large leaves and held together with thin strands of creeper.
Their faces were each unique, yet similar in their faerie-like sweetness. Their features were delicate and they had doe-like eyes that would captivate any man who gazed into them.
As he explored the garden, Epimonos noticed many of the dryads watching him with bedroom eyes. It seemed that satiation for his sexual cravings would be easy to find.
Apart from the dryads, Epimonos had also noticed many fruit-bearing trees along the way. Some of which bore fruit significantly larger than their mortal-world counterparts. He had also seen several other human men. It seemed that fertilizing every plant on earth was a process that required many sires.
He had not actually seen the fresh water that Odigos had mentioned. But he had heard the sounds of a babbling brook on a few occasions.
The garden catered to a man’s every essential need. It provided nothing more than the simplest comforts, which in a way was what made it so appealing. Epimonos was sure he would be very happy there.
Even though he had not yet seen the entire garden, he had satisfied his curiosity for the time being. He thought about seeking out a comely dryad to proposition. But before he had a chance to do so, he was distracted by the distant sounds of harp music. Suddenly, his curiosity was piqued once more. The prospect of a harp seemed out of place in a garden that spurned civilization.
Epimonos set off to find the source of the music. He soon realized that the sonata was in perfect harmony with the singing birds. As the notes became clearer, Epimonos found the melody more and more delightful.
His investigation bought him to the top of the small hill at the back of the garden. A tall ash tree with a wide trunk grew at the summit. Just in front of it stood a squat bramble bush that looked almost like a couch in shape. Epimonos could see someone sitting on the ‘couch,’ with their back to him. At first, he assumed it was yet another dryad. But then he realized that this creature was unlike any dryad he’d seen thus far.
A long, sharp spire protruded from each of its shoulders and the outer sides of its arms were lined with many smaller spikes. The creature’s back was likewise covered in many pointy spikes, each between 3 and 4 inches in length. Its hair, which reached partway down its back looked like dark brown pine needles, yet somehow seemed far more hazardous, like porcupine quills.
Epimonos kept following the music, soon realizing that the mysterious creature and the music’s source were one and the same. Before the spiky creature sat a shiny golden harp, which she elegantly plucked at with her long, pointy fingers.
As he approached her, Epimonos realized that the creature had much in common with the dryads. Her body was distinctly feminine in shape, with an ample bust swelling above her slender waist. Her olive skin tone had a wooden grain running all across it, too. In fact, the only marked difference between her and the dryads were the spikes all over her body.
Like some of the dryads, the harpist wore a botanical and brassiere and loin covering. Her bra, however, looked like it was made from the tough shell of a seed pod. The cups were covered with thorns, like a prickly pear and the entire neckline looked as if it had been bevelled down to a razor-sharp edge. A skimpy, yet husky plate of bark protected her nether regions. It, likewise, had a razor-sharp edge on top, to cut anyone foolish enough to try to reach inside.
The harpist must have sensed Epimonos’ presence as he came within a few feet of her. The music ended and her head whipped around with anxious speed to look at him.
Her face had foreboding characteristics much like the rest of her body. Big, hook-like barbs curled down and away from her cheekbones. A smaller pair protruded from the sides of her chin. The ends of her eyebrows twisted into long, straight spikes that extended several inches away from her face.
Yet beneath those deterrents, her features were just as gentle and sweet as any of the other plant spirits Epimonos had seen. Perhaps even more so.
Her wide, hazel eyes gazed up at him in alarm.
‘I… I’m sorry,’ Epimonos apologized. ‘I didn’t mean to startle…’
Before he could finish his sentence, the creature sank into the bramble couch and seemed to dissolve into its tangle of thorny vines.
‘No! Please, don’t be afraid,’ Epimonos humbly protested to the brambles. He wasn’t even sure if the creature was still inside. ‘I mean you no harm. I just wanted to see who was playing that music,’ he explained.
There was no reaction whatsoever from the botanical couch.
The sudden silence seemed somewhat eerie compared to the pleasant melody that had accompanied Epimonos up the hill. Even the birds had stopped chirping.
‘Please come back,’ Epimonos pleaded. ‘I won’t hurt you. I promise.’
He stood there for almost a minute, waiting patiently for the mysterious being to emerge from her thorny sanctuary. Eventually he decided that she had either magically disappeared to some other place, or that she still felt threatened despite his assurances of peace. Feeling disappointed and guilty for scaring the poor creature, he started back down the hill.
A few minutes later, as he wandered the garden, the music resumed. Epimonos smiled.
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When Billy awoke the next morning, his entire body seemed to ache. He had never had such intense orgasms as he'd had the night before, and they had left him almost as drained of energy as he suspected Lisa was. He felt as if he could sleep until midnight, but his half-snooze was interrupted by his mother's knock on the door and her voice saying brightly, "I have a surprise, Billy. Will you be down soon?" He mumbled agreement and dragged out of his warm bed. He went into the bathroom and...
Thuy and I walked down the bush path from the carpark down to the sheltered little cove that is Cobblers Beach. We had visited it once before, but it was during a short trip to Sydney and unfortunately the weather was awful – so not only did we not get naked, there was nobody else there – it was not a great start. But this day was different. It was warm sunny afternoon, the temperature in the high 20’s. In the morning we had sex and were lying around masturbating each other and chatting, and...
Es sollte ein schöner Familienurlaub werden, doch es passierte etwas unerwartetes schreckliches und führte meine Schwester und mich zu einer wundersamen Insel. Doch lasst mich von Anfang an erzählen. Ich bin Tom und zu meiner Familie gehören mein Vater Ulf, Mutter Inge und meine kleine Schwester Emma. Mein Vater ist Softwareentwickler und hatte mit seinem neuesten Programm das große Geld gemacht. Er sagte uns nicht wie viel, nur das er nicht mehr arbeiten müsste, wenn er nicht wollte. Noch dazu...
IncestSchematic of the central island of theMississippi. Hexagonal island measures 100 meters on each side.
The doctor was headed out of town for a week and he told me I was to stay at his house. I was informed the nurse was staying as well and I was to do as she told me, anything she asks you do without hesitation. I told him yes master I will obey her. I undressed and started cleaning the office. The nurse, Donna was a a lesbian and her girlfriend arrived and she was not as fat as Donna but she had a shaved head and was uglier. The girlfriend Kat started in on me about my small penis and anything...
Sunday 5 April 2009 Joseph let himself into his cottage mid-afternoon on that now sunny Sunday. Angela had understood that he needed to get back to feed the animals and relieve Elaine. Rain had accompanied his journey, but the cloud was beginning to break as he entered the cottage. Bob went wild with delight, running to him, skirting his legs being too well trained to jump up, his tail lashing in his excitement. Joseph bent down and fondled his ears and neck, and the dog whimpered. He...
The Final VisitAs I open the door to the cabin I am struck once again by the simplistic beauty of it. The flowers are blooming in the meadow; as I open the windows their heady scents drift through. The cabin has lain empty and barren all winter so the cheeriness of it startles me. Has it really been that long? I've brought one of the cats along for company. She slowly circles around, finally selecting a chair to hop into and stretch out for a nap. I put away the supplies I have brought while...
BDSMIt started simply enough. I entered the kitchen after a day at work to find my senior high school son between her legs, leaning firmly against his girlfriend, pressing her against the counter by the sink. They had not heard me come in, and were locked deeply in a kiss. As I rounded the corner, my son's hips arched lower, tilted up as he pushed his crotch into her mound, pushing upwards, grinding his sex into hers. Her hands were on his ass, pulling him hard against her. I heard a stereo groan...
Friday started with the now regular ritual, Mike said as they finished drying him, 'this week has been wonderful but it is definitely going to be a terrible wrench when we go back home, I will be very depressed each morning showering in my little one person cubical all alone. No cheerleader team washing me, no group hugs, we are going to have to get back here as often as possible.' The angels hugged him tight, 'is there a chance we can get time here in the future?' Kelli asked. 'I...
There wasn't much point in telling my backstory. All I was focused on now is where I was, and that was being dragged through the halls of some unknown place by two men. I suppose I would try to fight them off, however my body was limp from the shocking nature of the collar they had strapped around my neck. As far as I could see, there was no way to remove it and even if I tried, well, you know. There was a lady quickly clacking behind us, her heels echoing off the bare walls. She walked...
Gay sauna Most people spend their entire life, wondering what it must be like to??? Do something, take part in something, go somewhere, live somewhere, experience something different, bungee jump, free fall, climb Everest, the list goes on. I always wondered what it must feel like to have another man’s’ cock up inside of me. What it would be like to have, more than one man, freely and sexually, doing whatever he, or they, wished to do with my body. What would they ask me, to do to...
The second set went okay. Perhaps the five of us were a bit too buzzed, tired, or both, but clearly we didn’t command the room quite like we had during the first set. We still had people cheering and dancing, but the intermission had dissipated a lot of the focused energy of the party. Our last song in the short set was Zep’s Dazed and Confused, which seemed like an apt description of the average party-goer by that point. Jocks gesticulated exaggeratedly in groups to impress unsteady girls....
I woke up early and was standing at the front window, staring out at the street, when Kim wandered out of the bedroom."You're up early," she cooed from behind me."Yeah, the driver said he was going to be here at seven." The sky was just beginning to show the colors of dawn. The horizon was an almost majestic purple. "It's six fifteen," Kim slipped her arms around my midsection and nuzzled her face into my neck. I closed my eyes. She was still warm from our bed. She smelled like she had just...
Jennifer had just fucked me senseless. I reached between my legs and slid a finger into my well-fucked pussy. I gathered some of my cum and brought it to my lips, savoring the taste. She had just left and I missed her already. I had never been with a woman before Jennifer but I was hooked on her sweet pussy. She also took control. I needed to let go somewhere. I ran my household, I paid the bills, fed the kids, took care of the dog, and kept my husband happy in bed. I also ran my department...
When Sumathi gives the cup of tea to his son, Ajit sees no unusual sings at her eyes. He is relieved. When Sumathi is giving her the cup, her saree’s pallu fell from her breast, revealing the big mounds of her pair of tits to her son. Sumathi instantly gathered the saree to its right place, but the glimpse was enough for Ajit to guess how big his mom’s tits really are. Even under the blouse and tight nylon bra, they are trying to come out of the confinement. Ajit hard-on just intensified at...
IncestI had just about given up on ever finding a man that would treat me like the slut whore I am. I am five feet two inches tall, 140 pounds, long brown hair, brown eyes, 36D, and a completely shaved cunt. Unfortunately a lot of men are not into BBW's and the ones that are, are not usually into what I need. They just don't understand my need to be treated like nothing more than a piece of fuck meat. I need to be called dirty filthy names, and also be forced to degrade myself, and tell you what a...
Vikki drives. Vikki always drives. Partially because Josh doesn't know how, but also because it's his place as a submissive to sit in the back seat. He's only dressed because he's allowed to be, but he's still wearing his collar (with his name tag, address, and home phone number) and he's holding his wound up leash in his lap. Oh, that and the chastity cage and butt plug he always wears. They're a bit uncomfortable under his jeans, which Vikki chose for him just as she chose his flannel shirt....
Cameron arrived at the arena about half an hour before the opening tip-off and he was greeted by his panicking teammates and the furious coaching staff. They were furious because he had missed the press conferences and practices that could’ve given the team that edge they needed to win, but they found it relatively easy to forgive him seeing as he was their franchise player and all-star. He went to the locker room and started his pre-game routine, which he did religiously. The rest of the Los...
...It’s already near noon and I’ve not caught a glimpse of you in such a long time! Between just knowing how truly HOT you are; and also knowing how much you enjoy sensual, sexual pleasures, I’m nearly beside myself with wanting you. As luck would have it though, when I left the office, I happened to stop at a local store. Walking down the aisle, I spotted you near the back of the store. You’re wearing that silly pink golf tee and khaki’s…and instantly my heart started pounding. The very sight...
EroticThe Amazons continued to watch in disbelief as their Queen and Princess performed sex acts with the dog. Little did they know a ship from Paul Brown Ship Lines, was enroute with a special cargo. Brutus had been right in his thoughts of his mastery of fucking human bitches, Princess Diana was taking forever to come off her orgasm induced high and her pussy was spasming, wanting more. "Brutus, please make me your bitch. Please baby, fuck me. Fire your doggy cum up my cunt, please," she...