Ainsely 5 free porn video

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A few days later, Ainsely drove up to Louisville with Brenda, the other army wife who was in their program for a bachelors degree. She told me this was mostly an information gathering trip for her, but fortunately the education department was expanding and looking for students. Ains had already finished a couple of years worth of credits at a school back in Carolina before we got married so the counselor she met with thought she'd be a good candidate to enroll in their fast track teaching degree program. She had applications and forms to fill out, but when she saw me that night, it was with a squeal of delight that she announced she was going back to college.

I asked her if she'd told Javon yet. She rolled her eyes at me, “Of course. I couldn't keep anything from him if I wanted to. He call to just talk every day. He always wants to get together again. I kinda like being pursued this hard,” she giggled, “even if I can't meet him every day. It's fun talking with him though. We both have so much to talk about and he never stops teasing me and coming on to me. He always makes me feel good.”

“So what does he think about you taking classes?” She admitted that he wasn't that excited about it. She said he's afraid she won't have enough time for him and worse she'd be up there with all these hot young studs after her. She giggled at that and assured him that she he wanted to see him just as much as he wanted to be with her, and that she'd try to make more time for him.

“There is one problem though,” she said. “He wants to date me in the evenings, but I told him I need to be with you when you're home. After all, I am your wife. Not only that, but I'm getting nervous about how we can keep all this private. I mean, I don't want to turn him down, but I don't want this to be the hottest topic in the rumor mill. That could really be a mess, for both of us.”

'Hmmmm,' I thought. 'Maybe my honey needs another little nudge.'

I drove to work the next morning and got there early. Brown came up to me in the parking lot as I was getting out of the car. “I need to go see her again,” he said, direct as usual. “Gimme your keys.” Charming.

I tried to remember what she'd told me she was doing today. I wish I'd paid better attention when she was telling me about her plans for the day. But she talks so much! I reluctantly handed him my keys. 'Why does he have to be so nasty about it,' I wondered. 'I mean, I'm not blocking him in any way!'

“She might be down at Carolyn's,” I said, suddenly remembering something she'd said, but wasn't sure if that was today or tomorrow.

“Don' worry, I'll find her,” he smiled turning on his heel.

“Oh hey, there's not much gas in the car. I was gonna fill it up on the way home. The PX gas station wasn't open this morning.”

“Then give me some money, dude. I ain't your fuckin' servant but I guess I can put some gas in it. When you gonna get a decent car anyway?” I handed him the only Andrew Jackson I had left. So much for lunch today.

I thought of giving her a warning call but he interrupted my thought, “Don't call her.”

“Okay,” I agreed as he turned and walked off. “Have fun,” I said under my breath.


I was going to go a couple doors down to see Carolyn. I wanted to tell her about going to school again and maybe tell her a little about Javon. I knew that's the main thing she'd want to grill me about. I threw on a blouse and skirt, did my makeup, toasted a bagel and drank a glass of orange juice. I was about to go out the door when it opened in front of me. There was my grinning black lover. Javon took me in his arms and kissed me hello.

Surprised, I blurted out, “I was just going down to see Carolyn.” Sometimes I amaze myself at the dumb things I let slip out of my mouth.

He took a step back, raising his hands and said, “Okay, baby. Go see Carolyn if you want to. Do you want me to leave?”

“Hell no, I don't want you to leave,” I laughed, hitting his arm, then kissing him and grabbing for his big dick. I've been dreaming all week about getting nailed again by my big black stud. I was starting to think you forgot about me. Or maybe some other little white girl got her claws into you.” My clothes started falling to the floor as we kissed and his black hands fondled me all over.

He backed me up to the sofa, his fingers working my wet pussy hard. He stopped making out with me just long enough to turn me around, bend me over it, push it in my soaking ready pussy and started fucking me hard, deep and fast. He grabbed my pony tail and pulled back on it, smacking me hard on my big jiggly white ass. “That's it, white girl. Buck for me. I love the way that fat ass jiggles.”

I couldn't keep my hips from rocking back against him. I let myself get into it completely, feeling deliciously used and soon felt my gut explode with a hard orgasm, so hard it sucked the breath out of me. He was roughly pawing one of my breasts pulling me back in this awkward position as I felt him ejaculate into me. It was exquisite agony.

His orgasm finished letting him relax a moment, bent over me, catching his breath. He plopped down on the sofa, pulling me onto his lap playing with my bare breasts and messy pussy as he said he wanted to hear about this school thing. I babbled on telling him all about it as he sucked on my breast, squeezing my pussy lips and toying with my clit. “You're not paying attention,” I announced in mock disgust.

“Sure I am,” he looked up at me. “You said your hot white ass is going to be wiggling all over some college. An' I ain't gonna be watching those blue eyes glisten as you're sucking my dick near as much.” As he said this he was pulling me down between his knees to bring that scene to life.

I smacked his arm. “You're bad,” I teased, as I took his smelly sticky dick head into my mouth, pushing my tongue up into the foreskin, swirling the head as I gave him the hottest little submissive white girl look I could with my big eyes just the way he wanted.

“You're good,” he riposted, pulling my mouth onto his dick deeper, his hand on top of my head. “You got such a nasty skull, girl.” He took his dick out of my mouth just to pull my smiling face into his smelly nuts. “Oh yeah, girl. Get up in there.” My nasty little well-fucked post-orgasmic self gave it all up, licking and sucking on his hairy balls and not caring about anything but making him want me more and more.

In the midst of my lust, I had this totally random thought about what I must look like doing this. I smiled inside at the thought of shocked people watching me do my dirty thing. Odd thought for me. It wasn't that long ago the very notion would have terrified me. He was so loving and patient as he instructed me on how he liked his dick sucked and his balls licked. How gross that had always seemed to me as a little white goody-two-shoes, but how erotically lovely it was doing it for the man who could make me orgasm so quickly and wonderfully.

After he let me bathe his beautiful masculine genitals with my mouth for a while, he pulled me up on the sofa, french kissed me passionately and laid me out and mounted me missionary style, giving me my second luscious fucking of the morning. It always amazes me how quickly he can produce another big load of sperm. He soon pumped the proof of that ability into me.

I fixed him a sandwich and we shared a beer. He let me clean up a little bit, but kept me naked, telling me how beautiful I was and what a hot girl I was. Boy was this guy good for my self-esteem. We flipped on the TV and just lay there naked on the sofa snuggling together, sipping beers and playing with each other and kind of dozing. We talked while we lay there, about me and Jack, about him, about how this had all happened. He told me he wanted a lot more of me. He wanted to fuck me every day and was always thinking about me. I admitted to him that I had a hard time thinking about anything but sex with him, even when I was with Jack. His slow patient talking and listening made me feel so totally desirable and hungry for him some more. He took me upstairs to our bedroom and fucked me again that afternoon before we showered together and started getting dressed.

He knew I had things to do—I'd been going to see Carolyn—but I also knew that 'things' would have to wait if 'my man' wanted me. He said he wanted to go get some gas in the car and get some cigarettes before he took the car back to my husband. “You can come with me,” he told me, sending me into a little mental tailspin. People would see us together.. in public! Panicky feeling. Word would get out. Rumors would start (if they weren't already running rampant.) The very thought made me nervous, afraid, but he asked me so gently, a request that seemed so natural and innocent. Reading my mind, he told me, “You know it's going to get out sooner or later. Do you want to spend the rest of your life hiding, pretending you don't know me?” Ashamed that I had been trying to do exactly that, I decided to bite the bullet and go with him.

My clothes were still downstairs on the floor. He looked through my closet picking out a dress he wanted me to wear for him. He told me no bra and only bikini panties. He also picked out a pair of Aigner heels, not too high, but just enough to shape my calves in a way he liked. He wanted me to do something wth my hair, but that was going to take too long, so I just brushed it out and pulled my bangs back over the top of my head, clipping it in place with a silver barrette. He liked it, and picked out a silver necklace that went with my barrette. I felt pretty and feminine, showing a little more skin than usual, but not too much.


Walking out to the car with my black...uh...boyfriend, I felt like everyone on the block was watching me, peering out of their windows and doors. I felt a little shudder when I saw someone down the street stop, stare at me, then go in the house and close the door. Fishing in my purse for my keys I headed to the driver side door, but Javon took me by the wrist leading me over to the passenger side. “I'll drive,” he announced as he opened my door for me. No doubt about the fact that he was squiring me around like he owned me! My independent self wanted to protest, but my pussy thrilled at being handled like this, so I just smiled sweetly.

Javon turned on the radio as he started up the engine. The station was not one Jack listens to, thats for sure. The strong beats of the soul music he was blaring were not familiar, but as we listened, they began to grow on me. The lyrics were a little more suggestive than I was used to, but this seemed to be what Javon liked, so I guessed I'd better get used to them. He pulled into the crowded gas station and handed me a $20 bill telling me to go inside and pay to get the pump turned on.

“Take your time, baby. I wanna watch you walk across the apron and back.” I smiled, took the bill and did my best to walk just the way he wanted. My goodness, the feeling. People may not have been watching my every wiggle, but it sure felt to me like they were. I couldn't wait to get my bottom back on the car seat and sat there blushing as he hung up the hose and got in the car. We drove over to the main post PX where he parked about as far from the entrance as he could.

“So I suppose you want to follow me in so you can laugh at my walk again,” I teased.

“We need to get you some higher heels,” he replied watching me struggle to keep my panties from showing as I got out of the car. “You've got the wiggle down, we just need to work on the geometry. A little taller on your toes and you'll sway like a mare in heat!” I guess that's farm humor.

“But no, Ainsely, I'm not gonna follow you. I want you by my side, my arm around you. I'm gonna show off my white girl, baby.” I swallowed hard. After all I'd agreed. I'd bought into this. There was no talking him out of it. I just hoped no one would see me that I knew.

It was a long walk across the parking lot, especially since I wasn't used to walking in heels, and certainly not with a black man's arm around me. But it was fun. He kept chatting with me about what the people who saw us must be thinking, making me chuckle and keeping me turned on. I actually went from feeling self-conscious to feeling kinda hot. Being on the arm of a cute black guy certainly got me noticed and I was starting to thing that we made a pretty hot couple.

In the snack bar, I glanced around nervously for a moment, but didn't see anyone I knew at first. Javon, however was like the star of the bar. It was still work hours, a way before five, but several black guys were sitting around smoking and joking, some drinking, some eating, but mostly just socializing. As Javon led me toward this one knot of guys sitting around a large circular table, I recognized some of them from my husband's company. I didn't know their names, but that was enough to send me running.

I turned out of Javon's arm saying, “I'll go get the cigarettes,” as I walked toward the counter. He was no doubt unhappy with my quick departure, but seemed to be covering it well, telling them he was just in for some smokes, that he'd catch up with them later. Blushing seemed to be my natural state since being with him. I found myself hoping desperately that none of them had recognized me, or if they had that they didn't think anything was going on, or if they did that they would keep their mouths shut. Kind of silly to wish for any of those in the circumstances.

At the counter, I asked for cigarettes, but didn't know what kind. I asked for a lighter—Javon had lost his—and got this plastic affair with a naked girl in a pinup pose on the side of it. Fortunately Javon came up behind me and told the man, “Salems.” I dug into my purse and paid for them looking up at him with a plaintive, 'can we go now,' kind of look. He took me back out to the car.

We parked a couple blocks away from the company. It was just after five and we both knew my husband wouldn't be ready to be picked up. Javon lit a cigarette, examining the new lighter after he'd done so and telling me I belonged on there.

“Huh?” I said, sincerely not knowing what he was talking about.

“I need to get a lighter like this with you on the side of it. I know a guy up in Louisville,” he grinned. Finally it dawned on me what he meant.

“That's all I need,” I stuck my tongue out at him. “A naked picture of me on every lighter all these recruits are carrying around!”

“Well maybe they don't need it, but I do,” he said, pulling me to him for a kiss. I was such a slave to my hormones, or my emotions, I didn't even complain about that.

Arriving in the company area to pick up my husband, we parked opposite the picnic tables, and just sat there in the car. No one was around at the moment. Unusual. He was trying to get his hand up my skirt, but I was too spooked by the chance of being caught to let him even try, so I just hopped out of the car and went over to sit on one of the picnic tables. He let me sit there a few minutes by myself. Guys were starting to come back up from the motor pool. I was getting looked over more than usual wearing a Javon-selected dress and a pair of heels.

Slowly, deliberately, he got out of our car. He walked over and sat beside me on the picnic table, our legs touching. He slipped his arm around my waist, his hand resting on my hip. I was tearing up. “Please, Javon,” I whispered. “Everyone can see. Everyone will know.” He pulled my hip against his in an overtly familiar gesture that no one could miss.

“Everyone already knows,” he whispered back. “I won't do more than this, at least not out here, unless you want me to. But every one of these guys checking you out knows I'm fucking you.” Tears came without sobs, just slow emotional spills. I wanted this, but I didn't want it. I wanted them to know but I'm terrified of them knowing. I'm just a silly confused girl in a lot of ways. I'm nothing like the strong confident independent woman I like to think I am. I let his arm stay around me until my husband came out. When we saw him, I hopped off the picnic table and went to him. He gave me a peck and we got in the car.

He was about to back out of the parking spot when Javon came to the window on my side. I rolled it down, and without a word, he leaned into the car and kissed me goodbye.


“Well that was cute,” he sneered at me. “Now the whole goddam company knows you're fucking that guy.” My emotions were already raw, way to close to the surface, when he dug into me with that. I know he meant to hurt me, and he does. I can't hold it in. I started sobbing as he lost control. “Now every black on post is going to be after you, and most of them will probably get in your pants, won't they?”

“And just wait 'til you show up on campus with all those hot studs after the snow bunnies!” He paused to catch a breath. “Don't you even care what people think? Do you have any idea how bad this can mess up my career, our life and marriage together?”

I just sobbed all the way home. I couldn't think. And the thoughts that were impinging on my mind weren't nice. 'You made this happen,' I kept thinking. 'You wanted this, you moron, you pervert.' I did what I did. I let it happen. And at times I was embarrassed about it, even ashamed. But not now. I didn't cause this. I won't take the blame.

As soon as we got home, I ran up to the bedroom and locked the door.


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Ryan’s pissed because there isn’t any food in the house, all thanks to his roommate and his roommate’s girlfriend Violet Starr. She’s about to step into the hot tub when she walks in on him muttering about the food situation, so she asks him what’s wrong. He tells her, but she finds out that the root of the problem is that Ryan has the hots for her! She struts around with her big natural tits and fat ass poking out everywhere, and he’s relegated to jerking off in his room while his buddy bangs...

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You are sitting on the bed, blindfolded, naked except for the soft, velvet collar at your throat and sheer hold-ups with your high-heeled shoes, in nervous anticipation of what is to follow. Your senses are acute to any changes around you and you hear the door open, with quiet murmurings of several voices. Your heart beats faster and the warmth in your body seems to concentrate in your cunt – sensitive, wet and throbbing in anticipation. You are startled as fingers stroke your arm, the...

First Time
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The Hen House Ch1

Joan in the Desert By Reddear In Las Vegas My name is Joan. For the purposes of this story you don’t need to know my last name, though I shall tell you a few details of my history and myself as they become pertinent to my tale. To start, I graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas not long ago with double BAs in accounting and computer science. As our story begins I was 22 years old and hadn’t found a full-time job in the year since I left college. The economy sucked, of...

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Smitten By Smita

“How do you like my wife’s cunt, boy?” Patrick growled in Ben’s ear, giving his left buttock a fifth spank. His hips thrust forward, with nowhere for the shockwave to go other than into Smita since Ben’s cock was still buried in her pussy, being milked of the last drops of his young seed.“Answer!” SMACK! “Did you enjoy fucking my wife?”To Ben’s great credit, his first thought was of the older woman beneath him rather than of himself — and not just of the jiggle of her brown breasts with each...

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Whore of the Horde Rachel

“My name is Rachel Takahashi. I’m an 18 year old student from Cincinnati, Ohio. Twenty eight days ago, life was normal. Twenty eight days later, the world has gone to shit.” I closed the video camera, as my eyes began to water. I was the last person that seemed to be alive in the entire city. We all knew this day was going to happen, we just didn’t realise how soon it was going to happen. There were reports on the news about cannibalistic attacks in the southern states, but nobody prepared....

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If I Had One Wish

Introduction: All women deserve nothing more than to be worthless cum rags. Pussies deserve to be whipped, cream pied, and imprenanted by any man that desires to fuck them. People often ask if you had one wish, what would you wish for? My wish would be to live out my favorite sexual fantasy for the rest of my life. A world where women are forever treated as inferior to men. Now, this is already not too far off from where we are now, but mine would be far more extreme. In my world, women are...

3 years ago
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The Interns Part 5

It was plain and simple: Jim Scott had given Jaime Regan a blowjob through a glory hole at a gay bar. Levon wasn’t sure if Jim had actually been ok with it, or if he was just so drunk that all of his inhibitions had left him and he had no control over his urges. Either way, Levon felt somehow responsible. Even though Jaime had intentionally gotten their boss drunk and then took advantage of him for his own sexual gains, Levon shouldn’t have let Jim out of his sight, especially considering...

1 year ago
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"What the heck is that?" I sat up in my sleeping bag listening to a low humming sound coming from outside the tent. When I unzipped the corner of the flap and peeked out I thought I could see a very faint light coming from near the top of the mountain. I checked my watch and saw that it was a little after 2AM; it couldn't be dawn. The sound was definitely mechanical and that was out of place this far up in the mountains. I pulled on my jeans and boots and grabbed the flashlight to...

1 year ago
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FaceoffChapter 4

I took my victory march around the stadium, for that's what it was, and then went to find Anslee and Sir Jorst. To my surprise, Sir Jorst was carrying an invitation from the King to visit him after the match. I seems that the King, along with most of the kingdom, had watched the fight on the visionbox. I was an immediate celebrity; there was a list of people from the media who wanted to interview me. Some were even willing to pay for an "exclusive." Sir Jorst advised against the exclusive,...

3 years ago
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It was just a one night stand with my best friend

So, my friend and I were watching a horror movie, and we were cuddling on my bed. She was wrapped around me. Every time there was a scary part, though, she would squeeze into me, feeling me up. I turned to ask her something, and she kissed me. At first I was stunned and didn't move. She smiled and kissed me again. I kissed her back this time. I turned so that I was straddling her on top, and we kept kissing. Her tongue slipped into my mouth, and I moaned. My hands wandered around her body, her...

4 years ago
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Kumar Apartment Part 19 Shobha Ki Hui Halat Behal

Sabko mera bahut bahut thanks mere story ko padhne ke liye, aur also thanks for mail replies. Mujhe aur bhi khushi hogi aur protsahan bhi agar mujhe zyada se zyada mail aaye to. Kisi ko bhi aisa lage ki woh Kumar Apartment ke episodes mein apne vichar ya kahani dalna chahe to mujhe aur bhi khushi hogi. I am really glad to know that you all are waiting for the next part of Kumar Apartment. Aaj ka episode part 15 ka theesra hissa hai aur sath hi Kumar apartment season 1 ka last episode bhi. Hope...

1 year ago
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Cuckolded slowly part deux le Parisian

The flight from Atlanta to Charles de Gaulle was not bad at all. Thank goodness we were in business class. It cost a zillion frequent flyer miles to bring my wife along, but I figured it was worth it. It would be a working trip for me, but I had a couple of days free at the beginning of the trip and would have occasional free time in the middle. For the most part, though, Cindy would have to fend for herself. She assured me she was fine with that and was excited about the trip. Who could've...

Wife Lovers
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Cecaelia by Kachakali See a picture of this story as well as other captions and short stories at my hobby site Enjoy. I need to get to water. The ocean is calling for me. He's calling for me. My long pink tentacles are squirming. They want to drag me out of my cabin and out to sea. I don't know if I can stand upright anymore, but my new appendages look strong enough to carry me. I am moving around in my dark home. My tentacles...

3 years ago
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Robs Fortune

I guess this story starts with a man I never knew. I knew of him, but I'd never seen him or even seen a picture of him. My mother had two brothers named Wendell and James. Some time before I was born James did something that shamed or badly embarrassed the family and he split. As I grew up I would occasionally hear my mother or grandmother say, "I wonder where James is right now" and when I would ask who James was there would be a sudden change of subject. It wasn't until I was seventeen...

2 years ago
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Social butterfly

Amy and Phil had been married for a year and they ran into a huge hurtle. Phil can't get Amy pregnant, its not that she isn't able to become pregnant its that Phil is not able. It had been three months talking to a doctor. Thats when they found out that Phil's sperm count was low. If that wasn't bad enough the doctor discovered amy had a tight cervix and ask when whas the last time she had an orgasm. To Phil's horror she had never had one with Phil. The doctor was blunt. Phil was to wear a...

4 years ago
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Cold Play

When it’s three a.m. in the morning and the stiflingly hot weather is ruining your sleep, the first thing that you do is get out of bed, and go straight for the fridge. Right after a nice and cold shower, of course. That’s exactly what a certain dark-blonde woman was doing on a stiflingly hot night. After a rough day at work, not being able to sleep was making her very uncomfortable. Even as she pulled open the refrigerator door, her ripe and young body was covered in nothing but a brown...

2 years ago
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So You Want To Make it Big a short essay

??As a person who has spent his live in Show Business, I have been asked to impart some advice to young wannabe stars. ?"How do I make it in show business?" I am asked every day by boys from nine or ten up to eighteen or nineteen years of age. The recent influx of teenage films with young filmstars as well as in the teen pop music scene explosion, has inspired many young talents to seek out their fortunes in Show Business. Well, the answer quite simply is SUCK DICK AND TAKE IT UP THE ASS. DRINK...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 86 Cindirsquos Story

July 4, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “It’s not quite that simple,” I replied, keeping my voice neutral. Liv laughed softly, “Remember what I said about listening?” “Sure.” “I had an STD test and it came back clean. It’s in my pocket so I can show you.” “A necessary prerequisite, but not sufficient.” “You want to know why?” she asked, moving a smidgen closer, so her small breasts pressed into my chest. “That’s a good place to start, I think.” “Ever since I first really understood what it...

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Worlds ApartChapter 7 Second Date

Liz arrived right on time, Jamie opening the door to see her massive frame blocking it completely. She leaned down so that she could see him, waving a clawed hand in greeting. He invited her in, and she carefully lowered herself down onto his couch, her hips so wide that she could take up almost the entire thing by herself. “Want anything to drink?” he asked, finishing off the last mouthful of his morning coffee. “Nah, let’s get some breakfast somewhere,” she replied. “There are no pigs on...

1 year ago
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First Time with my MotherInLaw

I had been craving my mother-in-law for years. My wife and I have an excellent sex life, but there was always something about her mom. I loved going swimming at my in-laws’ house, trying to see as much as I could of her pillowy cleavage. I waited for her to wade in, to watch the mini-skirt of her swimsuit float, revealing her luscious thighs and driving me wild with my cravings. My wife used to notice that I would always fuck her harder when we got back from swimming. I told her it was the...

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My SisnLaw

My wife and her sister are both in their mid-30’s and my sister in law is also very attractive like my wife. We are very friendly with each other, but not to this extent and never really sexually. I instantly panicked while sitting there, not knowing what to do. I decided the best thing to do was email her again and apologize for sending her the picture that showed me from the waist down holding my hard cock in my hand. I briefly explained to her this was meant for my wife and I had somehow...

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Law of the BloodChapter 28 Revelations

"My brother and I don't take commands from anyone, no matter if Urgon has the whole godly family as visitors. Urgon's destiny was a certainty the moment he chose to challenge my brother. Your own future doesn't look bright either. Continue to annoy us and you'll make it worse. Now crawl back to your Chieftain and wait for us. We are here and will come to Urgon. That was our decision and we won't change it." Athea proved she could act as overbearing as Iane, not that anyone would have...

2 years ago
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Lusting for Her

It all began years ago, when we were first introduced. At the time, my Alyssa and I loved to hang out with a large group of her friends, and that’s when I first met Fiamma. She was the same build and height as my wife, standing at around 5’3”, about 110lbs, with nice firm C cups that rounded out really nice. She had black hair that ran about shoulder length, and a beautiful smile. Her smile would captivate you when she laughed. We all shared common interests; we loved going for runs, staying...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Ginebra Bellucci For Your Eyes Only

Kristof Cale’s phone blows up with sexy photos of his girlfriend, Ginebra Bellucci, who’s alone in the bedroom and feeling horny. He sends a text back to Ginebra telling her to get down there. When she obliges, she’s wearing nothing but a garter belt and fishnet stockings. Kristof can’t believe his luck as he lays eyes on his girlfriend’s hot body! Ginebra doesn’t waste time on formalities. She struts up behind Kristof and leans in to give him a kiss from...

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Girls Night In part 2

My heart was pounding as I sat before her. I was still breathing faster than usual, due to the unusual yet exciting experience that I just had. I wondered to myself: should I start out slowly? or just go for it. I smiled as I begun, I’ll finally get to experience something that I have always been curious about. I slowly moved up towards her, kissing her pussy through her soft cotton shorts. I looked up at her as she was smiling back at me, still talking to her boyfriend on the phone. Boy, was...

1 year ago
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Mom at the Prom

Edward Morelli heard the phone ringing. It was annoying the 18 year old, both because it was the fourth ring and also because it was interrupting his drinking. He took another swig from his 5 liter bottle of Jack Daniels and leaned across the living room sofa to the irritating telephone and answered it without looking at the caller ID.“Hell-loooo,” he slurred. “Ed?”“Yeahhhh. Who the fuck is this?”“Your mother.”The blatant reply, mixed with a tinge of parental authority, offset his...

2 years ago
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Bhai jaan ke sath ek rath

Hi ISS Readers, this is Uzma Syed from Mumbai. Let me introduce myself to you all. I am an ardent reader of ISS and have really enjoyed reading the incest section and always wanted to share my experiences too. I am currently married to Ameer and have 2 children , Farukh and Sahana. Since this is my first attempt to write about my experience there may be some mistakes.. Request you all to kindly forgive me in that case. As told earlier,I have been enjoying sex for past 15 -20 years ofcourse with...

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ExtraCurricular Part 7

Josh’s cock was a protrusion of aching granite, the pre-cum oozing like syrup all over his knuckles. The scene to which he was bearing witness had all but overwhelmed him. Pretty Christina, his one-off fuck from the restaurant, had been turned into an orgasm-raddled play toy before his eyes, with her precious Miss Winter extracting the climax. The sixth-form student was shuddering out of control, Gavin releasing her breasts so that they could shiver and bounce all through her helpless pleasure....

2 years ago
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Cathy and my sister final chapter

AngelaTerry and I were both filthy, but happy, happy, tired and horny.When Derek told Terry that he'd been given a bedroom with a double bed, I realized that my sister's fiancé was something special, we took our dirty overalls off outside, and I was a very tired but very happy bunny when Terry knelt down and slipped my panties down over my thighs.We got under the shower together. It seemed as though the spray rejuvenated us both. I forgot all about how dirty I was as he leaned me back against...

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Alexis The Dark Fariy Chapter 2

"Wanna see more?" Alexis gigged.After Vanessa finally got her bearings she looked down at her vagina and started poking it."Don't worry honey, the spell was only meant to last 5 minutes or so. Your pretty little pussy is back to normal. At least for now." Alexis said with a sly grin."Holy shit, the-that was amazing." Vanessa stammered."Well, I do aim to please my sexy young vixen and that's merely a fraction of what I can do."Vanessa looked around at her enchanted clothing still floating in the...

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CHAPTER 53A: HARRY, JULI, AND HELEN AT THE HORSE SHOW Life seemed to get back to normal quickly after our return from the island. But, it really had to. Tim had a weeklong swing through all the sites under his management responsibility coming up and that kept him very busy as he got himself ready for those visits with the local management teams. Of course, Helen had classes starting up with the new semester right away and the dogs were returned to our kennel for boarding and training. Within...

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