Dorm, Chapter 1 free porn video

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It was laid out with the typical student accoutrements (a big screen TV and impressive sound system), but we nodded politely as they gave us the quick tour. In the kitchenette they had a full bottle of tequila beside a half-empty bottle of rum, and my wife and I smiled sideways at each other. This was going to be a fun night.

"I bet that sound system gets some good bass," she said. "Let's try it out!" They went back to the living room to get it started and we followed, but not before my wife swiped the tequila. She opened the it as they fiddled with the sound system and took four or five gulps right from the bottle. Then she closed it back up and set it aside just as the music came on. It was Techno, but not the frenetic, heart-attack-inducing stuff; it was medium-light with a solid, slow beat. My wife moaned, "Oooh, yeah!" as her hips started rocking to the beat, and she slid her arms sensually up above her head.

I was already sitting in a comfortable, lounging armchair and our two new friends sat down across from me, ready to enjoy some good beats and maybe have a conversation. Little did they know, they were in for the time of their lives. My wife did not sit but shimmeyed to the middle of the room, and all three of us watched her body intently as it swayed and writhed to the rhythm of the music. Her flirtations were all directed at me, but I could tell her exhibitionist side was loving the attention she was getting from the two guys, as evidenced by the significant bulges their trousers couldn't hide. Every move she made was exaggerated, using her full range of motion, but also smooth and provocative as she thrust out her ass, chest, hips, or hands, turning around and around in an extended bout of sensual dancing.

She wore only a little white spaghetti strap sundress, freehanging from the bustline, with small, colorful flowers all over it, that came up well above her cleavage and down almost to her knees. For a paper-thin dress that hung on her every curve, it was really rather modest. She wore brown stiletto ankle shoes that added about six inches with a big, flashy, brass buckle, and I knew she had a silky black strapless bra on and matching panties. Once when she did a particularly fast twirl with her arms above her head, the hem of her dress flared out and we all caught a glimpse of her gorgeous ass framed by the curved, black line of her panties. She didn't seem to notice and the next time she twirled like that we all tilted our heads a bit to see more.

The next song was a faster and she took one of the guys buy the hand and pulled him to his feet. She led him in a few cha-chas with a laugh and a slow twirl, then bent over to draw me into the ring as well. As she pulled me out of my seat she inadvertently backed up into the first guy and he reached out to steady her, but only managed to hold on to her swaying hips.

Once she was vertical again I pressed into her from the front and together this guy and I squeezed her between us, letting her dancing body grind against ours. She pressed her back into him as she danced, leaving his hands where they were and raising her arms above her head while the second guy watched from his armchair. After a few minutes my wife reached out for the second guy with both hands and with a smile beckoned him to join us. He took her hands and she cha-cha'd with him for half a dozen steps, brushing me and the first guy with her hips as she shimmyed back and forth.

When she returned to slowly dancing with her hands above her head the three of us pressed in close to feel her body against ours. She rotated slowly, trying not to topple in her stilettos, gyrating her hips and snaking her body to the rhythm of the music. Every time she got her back to me she would grind her ass into my crotch, letting the bulge in my trousers ride right along the cleft in her dress, then keep turning with a churlish grin like nothing had happened.

The next time the music changed I slipped out of the circle to get a shot glass and salt shaker from the kitchenette. When I returned my wife was still dancing with the two guys like nothing had happened. Her eyes were closed and she was lost in the music, absent-mindedly grinding her ass on one or the other's bulging crotch every few turns. I smiled and watched her enjoy them for a few minutes before loudly saying, "Shots!"

My wife looked up at me in mild surprise, pulled her ass away from the guy she was grinding on, and fixed her dress that had ridden up to let the bottom curve of her ass just start peeking out from underneath. "Yes, shots!" she said breathlessly and placed one hand on each of the guys' shoulders, letting them trail down their chests to just above the crotch line as she walked over to me.

I put the shot glass and salt shaker down beside the tequila and pulled my shirt off with one smooth motion. "Take 'em off, boys!" I said cockily, "She'll do shots right off your chest." I smiled, they followed suit in stunned surprise, and my wife gave me a sly, wry grin, biting her lip in feigned chagrin. She had never done shots off of anyone as far as I knew, but as I suspected she'd had enough to drink that she was willing to try anything. Without breaking eye contact she licked from my ribs up to my neck and salted the line. Then she licked it again and downed the tequila shot I handed her.

Both guys cheered and she turned toward them with empty shot glass raised, dipping a little at the knees in acceptance of their praise. I led her with a hand in the small of her back over to the first guy, her hips swaying with her small steps in those high stiletto heels. When she bent over to lick his chest as well, she inadvertently went a little farther down than she had on me and licked from his navel up to his ribs. Then, with a sultry wink up at him she salted, licked again, and downed the shot, standing triumphantly once more.

With a giggle she turned to the second guy, but she stumbled as she stepped toward him. She caught herself on his belt buckle and he froze as she sank down to her knees, using a hand on the ground and a hand on his pants to steady herself. She giggled a, "What did I even trip on?!" and raised her head back up to the level of his crotch. We all had hardons from dancing with her and she had pulled the front of his pants down low enough that we could just see the base of his rock hard shaft. Seemingly without noticing she licked from the top of his pubic hair up to his navel, and I wondered if she knew her fingers were laying against his manhood.

She proceeded to salt him, lick him again, and take the shot I handed her, downing it as she pulled herself up on the front of his trousers. All three of us helped her up, and once she was standing again she strutted over to the tequila bottle and upended the empty shot glass beside it. Then she danced back toward the three of us, arms raised above her head, taking tiny steps in those high heels and swaying her hips to the music.

The guys were enamored with her, watching her every move with rapt attention. I was determined to have them inside her by the end of the night, but I knew I had to acclimatize her to the situation, going slowly so she wouldn't be afraid or embarrassed. "Hey, we've got our shirts off, but you've still got yours on!" I said sarcastically, "How is that fair?"

She looked at me with a teasing look and said, "You just want me to take my top off." I shrugged and nodded. She smiled mischeviously and said, "Is that a dare?" I shrugged and nodded again, chuckling.

"We'll all take a shot if you do," I said, upping the ante.

"Deal," she said, and reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. Then she unhooked the straps from her arms, reached between her cleavage, and pulled it out without ever giving us a glimpse of what it previously contained. Then with sticking her tongue out at me in comical defiance, she tossed the bra in a corner and went back to dancing.

I came up behind her and slid my hands up her sides to her shoulders, trapping her arms above her head. "We still have to do our shots," I said. She wrapped her arms around my neck and murmured her agreement. Then I pulled the hem of her dress up to her bust line, exposing her bare, swaying skin from her ribs down to her ankles, broken only by the thin line of her black silk panties.

"Grab her hips and give her a lick," I told the first guy, "Wherever you want." He wasted no time in kneeling in front of her and laying his hands along her hips. He tentatively licked from her panty line up to her navel before salting, and when he saw me smiling and nodding he dipped his tongue down behind her panties for his second lick. She giggled and pressed back against me, wriggling like it tickled and smiling like she enjoyed it.

After he stood up and took his tequila shot I spun my wife around to face me. My hands guided her shoulders down to my waist, and she started kissing at the skin above my belt line. Then I slid her dress up past her bra tan line, exposing her ass pushed out toward the second guy. Her panties only covered half of her ass before, and now they slid up to reveal both beautiful cheeks to the guy stepping up behind her.

"Grab her hips and give her a lick," I told the second guy, "Wherever you want." He placed his hands on the sides of her ass, revelling in the sensation for a moment before bending over her and licking straight up the middle of her back. She giggled playfully under me, and I held her gently until he had finished salting, licking again, and turning to get his tequila shot.

She stood up again, shaking out the sensation down her whole body, and bit her lower lip with a shy smile. "My turn," I said and pressed my body against hers, kissing her neck. She took a half step back into the waiting arms of the second guy and rolled her head back to rest on his shoulder. My arms wandered innocently up her arms, then hooked her dress straps and slid them down her arms taking her dress with them. By the time I had gotten them past her hands the top of her dress had peeled down to her ribs, letting her naked breasts spill out into the warm air.

With a gasp she instinctively covered her breasts with her hands, but before she could do anything else I grabbed her firmly by the hips and ran my tongue between her breasts, clear up to her clavicle. She opened her mouth wide in astonishment and let out a soft peal of incredulous laughter at my audacity, then thrust her chest forward and waited for me to salt and lick again. After salting her tits I placed my mouth at the base of her sternum between her breasts and poured the tequila shot down her chest, eagerly lapping up the salty liquid as it trickled down to me. She let out an "Ooooh," and leaned slightly forward into my mouth. Her fingers relaxed and all three of us glimpsed her nipples through the gaps.

Once I had thoroughly cleaned off her chest with my tongue I pulled the top of her dress back up, making sure to tuck her straps in as I did so. She didn't seem to notice, and when she was covered again she leaned in and kissed me deeply on the lips before turning away to start dancing again. The way she was grinding her legs together and smiling and giggling to herself, I could tell she was really horny and would definitely beg me to fuck her when we got home. But I had other plans.

Now as we danced I made a point of running my hands up and down her body, kneeling all the way down to the floor to tickle her ankles before coming back up. On the way down I would ride my hands over her dress, but on the way up I would slide my fingers along her legs to her stomach, running them along the inside edge of her panties on my way past. The first few times she slid her hands down her dress to make sure it hadn't ridden up, but soon she stopped checking.

The next time I slid my hands up her legs, I pulled her skirt up as well and kept my fingers diddling along her panty line. The two guys straddled her bare legs as they danced and watched my fingers work their way down to start fingering her pussy. Her moan told me how just horny she really was, and she thrust out her pelvis to get my fingers deeper into her snatch. Both of the guys chuckled in amazement, still content to watch me finger-bang my wife in front of them.

Soon my other hand was working its way across her ass, slipping under her panties to finger her from behind as well. She cooed at my touch and rotated her hips, sticking out her ass to let my fingers bury themselves inside her wet womanhood. With her eyes closed she leaned toward one of the guys, a few inches from his face with her mouth half open, breathing shallow breaths as she focused on trying to cum on my hand. After a few moments she realised she should probably be dancing and straightened up, starting to move a little but keeping a space for my fingers to continue their work.

She started turning again, rotating as she danced in the middle of our little three-man circle, and my fingers slipped from her pussy to her thighs. I removed my hands and stepped away to let the two guys close in on my wife, which they eagerly did. And no sooner had they replaced my hands on her hips than she grabbed one and shoved it into her pussy. The shocked look on his face made me smile, and he immediately started fingering her with an eager urgency.

The look on her face changed to one of serenity and she leaned forward to grant better access from behind. The second guy quickly slid his hand around her ass and started fingering her as well. I started stroking my hard shaft through my trousers as I watched these two horny guys dry humping my wife's legs and fingering her pussy from the front and behind.

When I moved back into the circle we all started fingering her as she turned, one at a time, and together we worked her panties down over her ass to her mid-thigh. Her inner thighs glistened with moisture that dripped down from her hungry cunt, begging to be sated by strong, thick cock. I started going up and down as I danced again, running my fingers along her legs and working her panties down to her knees. We kept grabbing her ass and pussy, enjoying the feel of her bare skin until her panties suddenly dropped to her ankles.

She tripped into the first guy and he fell back, landing comforatably in a recliner and catching her bodily on top of him. "I'm sorry," she laughed, "I tripped again," and looked into his eyes in a long, happy stare. I took the opportunity to slip her panties off her ankles and toss the into the corner with her bra before helping her up. She looked around and, not seeing anything that could have made her trip, wrapped her arms around my neck and started slow dancing with me.

"I'm so tipsy," she whispered.

I whispered back, "I know." Then swaying with her I grabbed her hips, petting her ass as we danced. "It'll be ok, just go with it." She looked up at me and smiled, then nuzzled into my chest in complete security. I held her shoulders and spun her around so she could lean back against me and loop her arms back around my neck as we lazily drifted side to side to the music.

I started kissing her neck and sliding my hands under her dress down her back and between her breasts. She moaned and turned her head to kiss me on the lips, and as she did I slipped her dress down over her tits. Her breasts looked magnificent with her arched back, and both of the guys started stroking their bulges through their trousers. I proceeded to slide her dress down over her hips, and dipped down to the ground and back up as she swayed her naked hips. Now she was completely naked except for her stiletto heels, and I ran my hands lustily over her smooth skin. The two guys stared at her gorgeous naked body swaying a foot in front of their faces, reaching their hands down their pants to stroke their rock hard members.

"Let's get you to bed," I said in her ear and took her by the hand to lead her down the hallway. She nodded and muttered in agreement as she let me lead her, swaying her naked hips and taking cute, petite steps in her six inch heels. The two guys followed behind her, eyes riveted to her naked ass as it swayed uncertainly down the hallway. I led her back to the bedroom and she sat down on the edge of the bed.

She lay back almost immediately and let her hands explore her body, skimming over the mounds of her breasts, caressing her smooth hips, and eventually gravitating to her clean shaven pussy. All three of us watched her writhe sleepily for a few moments as she fingered herself on the bed, eyes closed in pleasure, legs parted a little to give access to her nethers. I asked the two guys if they were experienced and their um well's were all the response I needed.

"Well the first thing you always need to do is make the woman cum," I instructed, stripping down to my boxers. They did the same and I knelt down at the edge of the bed between my wife's legs. I showed them where to suck, lick, and nibble before leaning in to give a demonstration. My wife arched her back as I licked in and around her pussy, and started moaning quick shallow breaths when I sucked on her clit. Then pulling away I stood up and turned to the first guy.

"Your turn," I said with a smile, and he knelt wide-eyed in my place. He cautiously leaned in, giving her folds a tentative lick. She moaned at his touch and rolled her hips back and forth to get more of his tongue. Without any more prompting he pressed his tongue fully into her and began french kissing her pussy lips.

With an "Oh yes!" she grabbed the back of his head and pulled him against her, guiding his face to her pleasure. He instinctively slid his hands up her legs to her thighs and gently caressed her skin as he ate her out with gusto. She arched her back more and cried out, "Oh God, you feel good!" in a breathy, lustful voice. She said it exactly the way she talks to me, and I could tell she thought I was the one eating her out.

I smiled and stroked myself through the thin material of my boxers, watching my wife build quickly to an orgasm. After a few minutes her arms and legs tensed up, and she let out a cry of ecstasy as she came all over the guy's face. He stood up with a stupid grin on his face, looked at me, and said, "Holy shit."

I just nodded and chuckled, clapping him on the shoulder and telling him he did a good job. I then proceeded to remove my boxers and tell them about how women can have multiple orgasms if they get aroused again, before climbing onto the bed. I lifted my wife and sat behind her, letting my rock hard cock lay in the small of her back. She lay there happily caressing my legs as I pointed out her nipples and areolas to the guys. They mounted the bed beside her and each took a nipple in their mouths, taking the liberty of feeling up every inch of her body as they sucked on her tits.

She lay there in a drunk, post-orgasmic bliss, and I watched these two guys enjoy her body, taking turns fingering her until she was close to another orgasm. "Ok," I said to the second guy, "Your turn." He climbed off the bed and knelt between her legs, leaning in to lick and suck her pussy like the last guy. It took her longer this time, but they had gotten her close enough that after about five or six minutes she was writhing sleepily against me in a second, softer orgasm.

"Nice," I said to the second guy as he stood, checking his jaw with a grin on his face. My wife was sweating lightly and breathing hard, with her head rolled back on my shoulder. I said, "Condoms," and the first guy produced a box of them. Then dropping their boxers they rolled the latex down their rock hard members. I hooked my knees inside my wife's, sliding her hips to a good position near the edge of the bed and spreading her legs wide. Then I nodded to the first guy, "Go for it."

He took a deep breath and stepped up to her, placing his hands on her inner thighs and laying his cock along her pussy slit. After some maneuvering with his hips he used one hand to line the swollen, purple head of his dick up with the my wife's cock hole that waited to receive him. As he slid himself inside her his face had the look of stunned awe, and I knew this was his first time. He pressed himself in until he bottomed out and held himself inside her, holding her hips and relishing the sensation of having her womanhood wrapped around his throbbing shaft.

My wife nuzzled against my neck and brought her arms across her chest to cover herself up somewhat, leaning back against me. I slid my hands to her wrists and pulled her arms up behind my neck to give the guy a better view of her breasts as he fucked her. "Grab her tits," I told him, and held her under the arms to keep her from covering herself again while his hands happily groped her chest. His hips started lightly thrusting as he played with her breasts, and she squirmed slightly, mewling uncertainly into my ear at this new sensation of having two men pressed against her naked body.

"Just relax," I reassured her, "I've got you," and I spread her legs and pulled her arms back even further. I flexed, holding her securely as the guy started fucking her faster and faster. When I felt her arms hold tighter on around my neck I slid my hands down to her ribs and cupped her breasts. Feeling them bounce in my hands as this guy rocked her body made my dick even harder.

It wasn't long until he held himself balls deep inside her to cum, and his hands darted up to pinch her nipples as I held her breasts steady for him. My wife breathed deeply and moaned, enjoying the feel of a man's cock throbbing its ecstasy into her innermost being. When he finally finished and pulled out, the first guy stepped away and sheepishly went to clean off. The second guy needed no prompting and slid right between her legs, holding his dick straight out and ready to skewer her pelvis.

He slipped the head of his cock inside her, then grasped her hips firmly to pull himself the rest of the way in. My wife sighed and groaned with him as he thrust into her again and again, holding her thighs and pounding her pussy with youthful eagerness. He had been hard all evening and after about half a minute of ramming her with his shaft he shouted, "Oh god, I'm cumming!" and sank himself to the hilt inside her.

She cried out with a "Yes! Yes! Yes!" and arched her back, bucking her hips toward him and coming closer to an orgasm as he pumped her full of his essence. His hands slid up her body to her breasts and I held her arms back as he caressed her globes with rapturous awe. For over a minute he loosed pulse after pulse of himself into her captive, writhing body, feeling the feedback of her pleasure through her panting, gasping cries.

When he finally pulled out I released my wife and she curled her legs, turning to face me and lay her head on my chest. Her legs straddled my thigh and I could feel her panting as she recovered. After a minute or two the guys were cleaned up and standing around trying to nervously hide their cocks that were hard again just from staring at my wife's naked body. Se looked up at me through messy hair and said breathlessly, "That felt SOOOO good." Then, with a sheeping look she said, "Are you sure it's ok?"

In response I looked up with a wolfish smile at the two guys and said, "If you have more condoms you can go again." They looked at each other and practically darted for the box of condoms, putting them on quickly and lining up to fuck my wife. I raised my knee to prop up my wife's pussy, angling her toward their re-hardened cocks, and she looked deeply into my eyes. She leaned slightly forward to kiss me, melting into my lips while the first guy stepped up behind her.

His hands gently cupped her ass and he laid his hard dick between her cheeks as he took the time to savor her. Then taking the base of his cock in one hand and gripping her ass with the other, he placed the head of his manhood agaist her waiting, dripping slit. She broke our kiss and drew in a breath as he started slowly pressing himself inside her, and she maintained eye contact with me until her eyes rolled back in pleasure.

When he bottomed out she closed her eyelids to focus on every detail of his long, smooth fuckstick, letting her mouth loll open in delerium. Her breaths were shallow and coming quickly now as he pulled back out and plunged in again. She braced off my chest to push back against him and draw his member as deep into herself as he could go. I watched her tits jostle and sway gently in front of my face with his next few strokes, and I reached up to stroke their curves and finger their beautiful, rock hard nipples.

After a few moments my wife couldn't take it anymore and in a pleading, commanding voice shouted, "Oh god, fuck me! Fuck me like you mean it! Fuck me hard and deep! Make me feel your balls against my pussy until they fill me up with your cum!"

The guy needed no further encouragement and, gripping her ass tightly in both hands, started hammering into her from behind. Hard and fast he went at her, filling her with his giddy lust that threatened to cream all over the inside of her cum catcher each time his hips slapped her ass. I held her shoulders and helped her brace against the onslaught. Her body was overtaken by a rising cry that turned from suntry moan to a long, gut-wrenching scream and ended in a "Yes! Yes! Yes!" when he finally shot his load.

She kept saying "Yes!" with every pulse of cum his cock shot into her, and when he pulled out she said, "Oh god, don't stop! I'm so close!" As soon as the first guy was clear the second guy jumped in behind her and, as quickly as he could line himself up, thrust himself full bore into her. Her back arched so hard that her tits slapped me in the face, and I knew my cock would explode if I didn't fuck her right then.

The second guy grabbed her hips and started a steady rhythm, bottoming out on every stroke the way only a newcummer can on a woman who's taking her fourth cock of the night. I slid out from under her body as it spasmed in glory, and I knelt in front of her face. Her eyes were closed but her mouth was open as her cries of "Fuck me! Fuck me! Harder! Harder!" turned to a long cry of satiation from her soul.

Taking the opportunity I slipped my hard cock, swollen to the point of bursting, into her gaping mouth. She eagerly sucked me in until my balls tapped her chin, and I immediately stared to stroke in and out of her lips. Seeing her double-teaming me and another guy made me shoot my load after only three strokes. She started to dutifully swallow my creamy bursts, but being double penetrated must have been too much for her because she froze and screamed an long, hard orgasm onto my cum-spurting dick.

Feeling her pussy cum on his raging member, the second guy's eyes got wide and he stuffed his shaft balls-deep inside her to empty his soul into her waiting womanhood. As the three of us came in unison our moans and groans harmonized in a cacauphony of release, and the first guy climbed onto the bed to join me and the second guy in running our hands all over my wife's naked body. When we all finally finished cumming she sat up and smiled, looking at all three of us with my jizz dripping down her chin.

Slightly embarrassed and still more than a little drunk she made her way to the bathroom, took of her high heels, and got into the shower. As she washed away the evening the three of us stood in the doorway, watching her hands glide smoothly over her glistening body and getting hard again. When she had finished she towelled off and got dressed, and I led her stumblingly back to our car and home.

The next morning she came into the kitchen with a massive hangover and over her breakfast sheepishly asked, "Did I really fuck two other guys last night?" I just smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled back lustfully and a shudder of excitement ran through her body as she reminisced. This was going to be the start of something fun.


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Dorm Daze Ch 03

Hitomi and I made it back to her dorm fairly quickly. We had just done some things I’m not too proud of, considering my current relationship status. Looking at her large breasts and thick thighs, I couldn’t say I wouldn’t do it again though. It was clear that I lacked self-discipline and control. She received a text message. ‘Oh shit,’ she said. She was looking very hot and bothered. ‘My roommate is home. I don’t want to do anything with her being there. There’s no privacy in these fucking...

1 year ago
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Dorm Room Blowjob

I was in my dorm room watching a porno – one guy on his knees sucking on another’s large cock – when I heard my roommate’s keys jingling in the keyhole. Completely caught off guard, I fumbled for the remote on the side of my bed but knocked it to the ground. Jumping out of bed as David entered the dorm, I kneeled down for the remote to try and turn off the DVD. When I finally got a grip of it and looked up, David stood right in front of me with his crouch directly in my face. David, as far as I...

1 year ago
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Dorm Chapter 2

I slid my hands up and down her body as we danced, and on one pass I caught the hem of her skirt and gave her a deep kiss as I pulled it up to tuck into the back of her shirt. I scanned the room as we danced for anyone eyeing my wife's panty-clad ass, and saw a group of five guys sitting at a table pointing at her and talking amongst themselves. I made sure to move so that she had to stretch her legs out or bend over, giving them an eyeful and keeping their attention. After a few songs my...

1 year ago
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Dorm Room Blow Job

One evening my wife was in the library on campus. She saw a guy from her biology class she thought was very cute. She told me he was shy, exceptionally shy. She went to the table where he was studying by himself. She sat down at the table across from him, made eye contact and said hello. He responded politely, but uncomfortably. She saw his eyes move from her eyes to her full tits which were thrusting out from her tight clinging t-shirt. She asked him a few questions about their biology class,...

4 years ago
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Dorm Room Blow Job

One evening my wife was in the library on campus. She saw a guy from her biology class she thought was very cute. She told me he was shy, exceptionally shy. She went to the table where he was studying by himself. She sat down at the table across from him, made eye contact and said hello. He responded politely, but uncomfortably. She saw his eyes move from her eyes to her full tits which were thrusting out from her tight clinging t-shirt.She asked him a few questions about their biology class,...

Oral Sex
2 years ago
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Dorm Room Fun

* A true story of my own experience. Some names have been changed to protect that person's privacy.During my first year of college I was dating one of my friend's brother for about 8, almost 9 months. (Now she doesn't know this, so don't tell her.) Anyway, this guy was hot. When I say hot I mean 'damn it almost burns when I touch him!' hot. He was my complete opposite. Where I was 5'2", 120 pounds, he was 6'4" and 185 pounds of pure, tanned muscle. I have black hair, brown eyes. He had blonde...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Dorm Room Foursome

Several years ago... Several years ago while I was in college, I had the best roommate I guy could have. We were in our second semester of our freshman year. I had already slept with his girlfriend several times, we had wild times while he was in class. One Friday night in early spring we were all invited to a party, to celebrate spring break. So all three of us as well as many of our friends decided to go. Once at the party the scene was amazing. Music pumping, the girls and guys were...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Dorm Surprise

Dorm Surprize By Kachakali See a picture and caption of this story at What a bad time to take the TG pill and have the AC in the dorm room go out. My roomate told me to call Maintance. But I have other things on my mind. I'm turning into a girl. I'm nervous and I want the changes in me to start already. I took off my shirt and pants to see what's going to happen to me. I'm just in my underwear now. The ceiling fan is trying its best to cool...

3 years ago
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Dorm Room A Cocksuckers Journey Part 2

From that day on, I became Ryan's cock sucker. It was pretty much an every day thing. He was already naked often in the dorm room, but then it became constant. I would come back from class and he would be sitting there naked, waiting for me to suck him. We would be hanging out, watching a movie, then he would play with himself and I'd start sucking while he just kept watching the movie. We would get back from a party and if he wasn't getting laid, I'd suck him. I was enjoying sucking him so...

2 years ago
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Dorm Room A Cocksuckers Journey part 3

After John had mentioned fucking my ass, I knew I would have to start fingering my ass a bit more in the shower to get used to it. We had community bathrooms with a few different shower stalls. Most of the showers had doors, but one had just curtains on it.One day Ryan had a late class so I wasn't going to be able to suck him for awhile, and I was horny so I figured I'd go take a shower and work on my ass a little bit. The bathroom was empty and I don't know why I decided to use the curtain...

2 years ago
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Dorm Diddling

Whenever my old college days come up I flash back to Diane. It was part way into the spring semester of my sophomore year and I was living in a two-person dorm room when my roommate, whose name I have forgotten, began bringing a cute classic coed brunette to our room. Sometimes it was day and sometimes evening but there were curfews back then so no overnights. At first they were discreet and she’d undress in the bathroom and go to his bed in a robe then get under the covers. They’d get it on...

3 years ago
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Dorms of the University of Alberta

I visited the University of Alberta last summer for a conference. Deciding to make a vacation out of it, my wife of one year, Anne, came along; we were planning to tour the Canadian Rockies after my meeting. We chose to stay in a cheap place in Edmonton so as to have more money for the rest of our trip. While not poor, we were saving our pennies. With this in mind, imagine our surprise when we found out one of housing options was the dorms at U of A. The rooms were cheap--$15 a person a day....

1 year ago
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Dorm Room Fun

This story happened to me awhile ago when I was 20 and going to school at an SEC school. It was pretty much your typical Friday afternoon. Everyone was getting done with classes and starting to drink and party for the night. The difference was, that tomorrow was the first football game of the year and our school was supposed to have a pretty good team this year. This being the case, there were a lot of people that had come into town to watch the game. This always made things more fun around...

1 year ago
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Dorm Story

During practice early in the season, I was talking to some of the older guys on the team. They mentioned how much of a prick Jake was, but that it was typical because he was on the soccer team. Now, for some reason, there existed this horrific rivalry between our basketball and soccer teams for years. I don’t know how it started and even the seniors aren’t quite sure when or how it started. All I knew is that we hated each other. One of the common slangs for our soccer players was “field...

3 years ago
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Dorm Watch

I found out after becoming an instructor that all NCO instructors had to perform dorm watch. This meant that we had to perform bed checks on all students living in the dorms and get a head counts to make sure they were in bed depending on how long they were there, and what phase they were in. The military made sure you had a student present with you as you made your rounds for the students and your protection. But most of them just stood in the common area of each floor as you went from room to...

3 years ago
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Dorm Room Bliss Pt 1

Well needless to say she got completely wasted and being the good older brother I made sure nobody took advantage of her. I pretty much ended up having to carry her back to my room where I laid her down on my bed. I had one of those great 'homemade' beds that I had put together with my roommate; the usual dorm room type bed. I sat on the bed right next to her for a few moments trying to think if I wanted to go to sleep or screw around on my computer for a bit. As I sat there I looked at...

2 years ago
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Dorm Life

Bryan dropped his duffle bag on the floor of the room. He saw two single beds on either side of the room with large bolsters to allow them to be used as couches, two desks, a mini-refrigerator, two closets, and a window overlooking the campus. It looked like his roommate had already moved in: there was a stereo on top of one desk and a suitcase on the bed next to it. This would be his world for the next year at college. Donnybrook Hall was a coed dorm, newer than most on campus, which had a...

1 year ago
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Dorm Room Show

"Damn. Can a man just get some sleep?" I thought to myself exasperated. I had studied for the seven hours prior for a chemistry test I had the next day. I was beat and wanted to get at least four hours of sleep before I got up to go study in the library prior to the exam. Just as I got to sleep, I was awoken by my roommate Ryan and his girlfriend Pam."Shh, be quiet. Mack is asleep." I was happy to hear that at least one of them was trying to be considerate. Pam was whispering."He's alright....

3 years ago
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Dorm Life on an all Male college

Grants Hall was an older building on campus and was not very well liked by those that roomed there and had to endure the chilly walk to the central showers and toilets on each floor in the winter. Many a nights I suck some good cocks in the third floor showers, and on some occasions had my bottom stretched by a virile young college cock. I spent most of my college time in Grants Hall, each year upon my return I would ask for my old room in the hall. In my later years I shared my dorm room...

1 year ago
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Dorm Room Disapline

Despite the efforts ofthe two freshman students entering the residence hall to keep quiet, it seemedlike every motion they made resounded with its own reverberating echo. Theyopened the door as slowly as possible, but it creaked loudly with everymovement. The effortless removal of the key produced a click that sounded tothem like the shot of a starting pistol. As they made their way to theelevator, Becca stumbled into a chair in the commons, yelping as she banged hershin against the back of the...

4 years ago
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dorm fun

This story happened to me awhile ago when I was 20 and going to school at an SEC school. It was pretty much your typical Friday afternoon. Everyone was getting done with classes and starting to drink and party for the night. The difference was, that tomorrow was the first football game of the year and our school was supposed to have a pretty good team this year. This being the case, there were a lot of people that had come into town to watch the game. This always made things more fun around...

1 year ago
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Dorm Room Adventures

This story happened to me awhile ago when I was 20 and going to school at an SEC school. It was pretty much your typical Friday afternoon. Everyone was getting done with classes and starting to drink and party for the night. The difference was, that tomorrow was the first football game of the year and our school was supposed to have a pretty good team this year. This being the case, there were a lot of people that had come into town to watch the game. This always made things more fun around...

3 years ago
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Dorm Daze Ch 01

My name is Jack. I’m 5’8 and thin. Today is my first day of college. My girlfriend’s name is Rachel. We’ve been dating for over a year now, since high school. She’s super thin and pretty, with brown hair and brown eyes. We are going to the same college, Ohio University. The dorms are not coed, so we lived in separate dormitories. I hoped we wouldn’t be super limited in seeing each other, but from what I had heard of college life, I feared the worst. I sent her a text. ME: About to start first...

3 years ago
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Benidorm SlutsChapter 2

Once showered and rested we chatted for ages, telling each other about our lives, family lives and sex lives. Geoff and Mags had three kids and now had four grandchildren too. They came from a seaside town in Yorkshire, England (Scarborough). I told them my hubby was originally from not far away in the North East of England (Newcastle Upon Tyne). We remained naked for the conversation and whilst that may sound odd, with the heat and the situation it felt really natural and comfortable. Mags...

3 years ago
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Benidorm SlutsChapter 3

Tracey and I enjoyed a quiet evening following our afternoon fun with Mags and Jeff. We soaked up a few more rays by the pool, before heading out for a nice evening meal and a few quiet drinks. The same groups of young guys and girls were out and about, and other than a couple of dances nothing sexually happened that night. At breakfast the next morning we sat beside Jeff and Mags, chatting over the naughty fun we had enjoyed the previous day and making plans for that evening. Tracey and I...

1 year ago
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Dormroom Fantasy

This is my first attempt at fiction. I'd appreciate feedback and critiquing, just don't be mean, haha. Enjoy! [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] I walked into my history class and, just like every day before, she sat there in the front row. Ciara was a beauty beyond beauties. About my height, 5’8” with light brown hair down to below her shoulder blades, she didn’t have large breasts (probably A), but her bubble butt was the main attraction. I would wait for her to...

First Time
3 years ago
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Dorm Daze Chapter 2

HITOMI: How's it going? ME: I'm good. How are you? HITOMI: Bored. How were your classes? ME: They were fine. I'm trying to figure out this biology stuff. It's the first class and I already suck. HITOMI: Want help studying? I can be your tutor! ME: I think I could go for that. Want to come over? HITOMI: For sure. We can talk about your payment when I get there. Cya soon! ME: Payment? She never responded to that last question. It was still pretty early in the day. It was a...

1 year ago
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Dorm Daze Chapter 1

ME: About to start first class. Here goes nothing... RACHEL: What class? ME: Biology. Dr. White. RACHEL: Ouch. I heard his class takes a lot of effort. Good luck, I gots ART!! lmao ME: Jelly. Wish me luck? RACHEL: Good luck! Muah! I walked into the classroom. It was a bit different from high school, but nothing too crazy. I was excited to get started. Unfortunately, science was not my strong subject. My major was business. I kept far away from chloroplast and cells and......

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Dorm Life

The morning came when it was time to pack up my entire life into the back of the car and head to the university. I was on pins and needles the entire time. Mom tried to make small talk the entire way there but I just wasn't in the mood. After what seems like days in the car, we finally arrived. After checking in at the front desk, I received my room key and went to find my room before I began unpacking the car. Just my luck, my room ended up being on the third floor-with no elevators. I...

3 years ago
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Dorm Daze Ch 02

I received a text from Hitomi a few days later. HITOMI: How’s it going? ME: I’m good. How are you? HITOMI: Bored. How were your classes? ME: They were fine. I’m trying to figure out this biology stuff. It’s the first class and I already suck. HITOMI: Want help studying? I can be your tutor! ME: I think I could go for that. Want to come over? HITOMI: For sure. We can talk about your payment when I get there. Cya soon! ME: Payment? She never responded to that last question. It was still pretty...

2 years ago
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Dorm Room Fun

* A true story of my own experience. Some names have been changed to protect that person’s privacy. During my first year of college I was dating one of my friend’s brother for about 8, almost 9 months. (Now she doesn’t know this, so don’t tell her.) Anyway, this guy was hot. When I say hot I mean ‘damn it almost burns when I touch him!’ hot. He was my complete opposite. Where I was 5’2′, 120 pounds, he was 6’4′ and 185 pounds of pure, tanned muscle. I have black hair, brown eyes. He had blonde...

3 years ago
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Dorm Room Foursome

Several years ago…  Several years ago while I was in college, I had the best roommate I guy could have. We were in our second semester of our freshman year. I had already slept with his girlfriend several times, we had wild times while he was in class. One Friday night in early spring we were all invited to a party, to celebrate spring break. So all three of us as well as many of our friends decided to go.  Once at the party the scene was amazing. Music pumping, the girls and guys were...

3 years ago
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Dorm Room Access

You're a few weeks into your first term as a college freshman. You live on a co-ed floor, and have really enjoyed the company of your floor-mates so far. You've spent many evenings in the common room, playing games, getting drunk, and getting to know each other. Among them are your next-door neighbors; Emma and Sara. Emma is cute, and you get along with her very well. She was initially soft-spoken and shy at the start of the term, but the more time you've spent with her, the more she's come out...

4 years ago
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Dorm Room Daze

It was Christmas break, and naturally, everyone was leaving- everyone except me. It's not like I lived far from my family or anything- I attend Wayne State University (WSU) in Detroit, and my family lives in the same city- but I just don't want to attend another awkward family function with cousins you don't see or don't care to see and all the fake niceties that come along with it, so I decided to stay. It didn't bother me much- Of course I planned to see my immediate family, but the...

1 year ago
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Dorm Girls

My name is Matt, I am a 6’0’’ senior at State University. After a hard break up with my long-term girlfriend this summer I was looking forward to going back to school. Being a senior I got a double single to live in giving me plenty of privacy as well as enough room to make a nice little pad to live in. The only draw back to the building that I am living in is that there are quite a few undergraduates that live there also including some freshman. In fact there are a pair of freshman girls that...

3 years ago
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Dorm room foursome

It was Halloween night. Actually, this was the first party I'd actually bothered making a costume for. I adjusted the halo on my head again and pulled my white dress a little lower as I twirled in front of the mirror. Little did I know that in just several hours the little angel staring back at me was going to turn into a devil. "Robert needs help with his vampire make-up, do you have any red lipstick?" read the text that I had just received from Alex. Alex is a senior, and I basically consider...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Dorm Dick Discipline

I had always been a respectable girl, fairly modest and not at all forward. Not that I was a virgin or anything, but hardly what anybody would call promiscuous. So how was it that I was now being taken by three boys at once, while a fourth was standing over them and whipping my naked back with his belt? It had started out as a typical fraternity bull session in the dormitory. It was Mike, Tom, Bill, Holace and me, sitting around doing nothing. Holace was a perv, usually looking at porn on his...

1 year ago
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Dorm Room Sex

It was late on a Tuesday night, I had turned in early and was almost sleep when Daryl opened the door and came in with a friend. The lights were already out, only the light that seeped in form the window illuminated the room. I could make out Daryl's body but could not place his friend, except from the fact that it was a male I did not know who. The of them conversed in hush tones. I could see tier silhouettes very well, the two of them embraced passionately and kissed for a seemingly long...

2 years ago
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Dorm Room Fuck

Daryl, my room mate, came home upset that his girl had refused to put out for him. I listened as Daryl ranted and raved about how she was going to get hers and how he wanted to fuck her up. As Daryl came down and became more lucid I tried to reason with him, I told him to get some sleep and see how he felt in the morning. Daryl decided to get a shower and wait till morning to do anything about his girl. I bundled back under the covers and drifted off to sleep, in a semi trance like state, I...

2 years ago
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Dorm StoryChapter 2

Ali froze, her fingers still inside herself. She couldn't take her eyes from Jaime's. She tried to swallow, but her mouth was dry. Jaime's eyes drifted closed and she let out a long loud snore. She had been asleep the whole time, Ali told herself. She slid her fingers from her crotch and put her knees down. Carefully, so as not to get any of the sticky goo on her sheets, she pulled her arm out from under the covers and pushed them back. She got up and her bare feet slapped on the linoleum...

4 years ago
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

4 years ago
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My new wife My new life chapter2

I had been working on damming the stream up and decided to take a break and go to lunch. There was a small diner in town where I haven’t been before so I stopped to have lunch. I was almost done when to my surprise Kathy came in alone and sat down several tables away. At first she didn’t notice me but when she did she smiled,I motioned for her to sit with me and she did. “All alone,” I asked her as she came over. “I was just going to ask you that “she said, sitting down when I said...

3 years ago
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Dee came to visit chapter1

It was Saturday morning when I was sitting at the table sipping my coffee when the doorbell rang. I wasn’t really up for company but after whoever continued to ring it I went and answered it. I was ready to give whoever it was hell until I opened the door, being greeted by a cheerful voice. The arms of my younger sister (Dee)quickly wrapped around my waist and held me tight. A little bit about Dee, she is really my step sister . She is 31;,5’ 1 ,has brown hair and eyes ,She has a thin...

2 years ago
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Chat room slut gets real Chapter2

Jerry also had an idea, coming from a boast that I could still fit into my wedding dress, I had made during our conversations. Jerry always wanted to fuck a white bride and I still had my wedding dress. “You’ll do as my bride, we will collect you at 4 tomorrow afternoon.” And they shipped me home in an Uber, freshly showered, still slightly high, very horny and naked except for shoes, my long blouse and Jerry’s belt. For the Uber driver this was an added benefit as I knelt in the passenger...

3 years ago
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Chat room slut gets real Chapter1

When you have been going into chat rooms from earlier than the age you are allowed, you develop a lust for different and more extreme, so by 29 I would admit online to desires for older men, black guys and rough gang bangs and dogs!. Jerry was black, 64 and had a silky tongue for role plays and sex fantasy chats. Over three months I don’t know how many chats we had and he had got me off (and vis versa). I sent him pictures initially of me clothed and then topless holiday shots and finally...

4 years ago
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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter17

Hailey was meeting the potential guest in a discreet London hotel room which allowed her to undertake a final vetting interview before inviting them down to the cottage to indulge in whatever dog sex fantasy they had. Hailey had already conducted a couple of phone interviews and used the very discrete but very efficient screening service that Julie had introduced her to. Already the company had proved invaluable weening out a couple of attempts by thrill seekers who just wanted to find out...

3 years ago
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Growing Up Chapter3

She sits on the bed and takes me over her knees and gently, with a lot of lube from her nightstand, works her fingers into my butt hole, one and then two. The excitement of being penetrated gets my balls all tingly. Rubbing my crack up and down with lots of slick lubrication she makes sensations zing through my body. I’m grinding into her lap and my dick feels so good through the satin panties I’m wearing added to the silk she’s wearing. “Cindy, do you know where my special drawer is?” ...

4 years ago
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Always Pull Your Curtains Chapter16

***** Deanne had never been to the Sappho club before, but from the moment she had seen the neon sign outside she knew it would be like every other lesbian bar she had ever been to over the years, though perhaps this was a little edgier than normal. The two butch lesbians on the door had looked her up and down and Deanne had to stifle a giggle at their stereotype crewcuts and slicked back hair along with the obligatory boots and braces over checked shirts. “Any weapons or drugs?” the...

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