John, His Sexy Student His Dog Rocco free porn video

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John and his Dogs it had been a crazy past two months for him as he was getting used to this new school and trying to and aspire to students. He had just gotten his teaching degree the last semester before school started he was likely to get hired at this at this high school. The had been going pretty good at school so far but his personal life had been a wreck him and his longtime girlfriend had been fighting like cats and dogs and finally broke up about a week or two ago.he had a beautiful black lab that he was known to bring on campus there was football games and soccer games named Rocco. Which one of the things that he did in his spare time was help train Seeing Eye dogs and Rocco was his companion in crime. He was about 25 years of age he had beautiful blue eyes and dark black hair which he kind of short and generally through a little bit of jail and his hair. He wasn't the type of teacher that normally wore those stuffy old close he was a bit more hip and what with the newer style fashion of dress shirt for men gave him a bit of a cooler edge of the kids. He generally wore a nice pair of slacks and a black pairs of shoes to match. While the soccer game was going he had heard a few kids making a ruckus under the bleachers as he had climbed down to investigate and quickly cleared out the situation with the help of Rocco. After he cleared out the students he leaned up against one of the metal brace ears for a second as he was rubbing his temples.[

Alena Asakura: Elena had decided on a black halter top, that crisscrossed over her neck, and a white and black checker skirt. Silver heels were on her feet, having preferred to look nicer at the game than some of the other girls. She had heard there was going to be some fun under the bleachers, and had decided to head down. The guys were known to play with girls, so she was looking for something to take her mind off her crush for a while. However, once down there, the blonde saw the boys were gone and grinned sneaking up on him. "Everything alright Mr. John." She had her arms behind her back, leaning forward slightly to show off her well endowed chest. "Hi Rocco." She greeted the dog, more than eager to play with him. Kneeling down infront of the lab she grinned petting his head. "Did you chase a squirrel or raccoon down here big guy?" Looking up at her teacher she tilted her head slightly, green eyes curious and eager, her pigtails swaying. "You...looked stressed out, everything alright?"

John and his Dogs rubbed his temple for a few more seconds and he smiled and turned around to see Elena. She was one of his favorite students she always seem to be inspired by his lessons was always wanted to raise her hand and answer a question when no one else would." now we spoiled all of the high school fun of making out under the bleachers, they had gotten a bit too noisy and weren't being discrete enough apparently. I'm fine just been a bit crazy getting used to being a teacher, doing my other job on the weekends. But kids like you generally make the day worth it". Donna always just a bit better than the other girls she was always classy yet he showed off her lovely frame she was quite beautiful and cute for her age and she was the envy of several of the guys in his classes.

Alena Asakura: Elena smirked at the mention of it. "To be honest..that was part of what brought me down here. I wanted in on some of the fun." Standing up, the tip of her skirt close to Rocco's muzzle. Watching him, her arms went behind her back again, unable to notice that her nipples had hardened slightly under her tail. Licking her lips slightly she looked over at him. "I could help you relax you know? I came down here for some fun, and got you instead, which is just as good." Moving closer, stopping just a few inches from him. "I'm not just a child anymore. And I can be discrete unlike the others you chased from here. Please Mr. John?" this was the boldest she'd ever gotten with him, flat out offering to make out with him at the very least, but she couldn't take it anymore.

John and his Dogs was a bit shocked as his cue respectable student Elena had slowed down behind the bleachers to make out with the boys. He was even furthermore shocked as she and her own suite bold way laid out her confession to her teacher. He was a teacher after all as he was supposed to be a role model. There she was such a beautiful smart girl had such a loving future in front of her with a gorgeous young body pleading with him. His brain was yelling at him No No No. But on the other hand his body was screaming Yes. It had been almost a complete month of the last time that he had had sex and him and his ax generally had it on a quite regular basis. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing really came out it is, upon their open looking at her as he was blinking. She could almost see the wheels in his brain turning. She did begin to see the outline of his cock as it softly pressed against the thin fabric of his dress pants.

Alena Asakura: Elena waited, his silence worrying her slightly since he seemed to be about to turn her down. Though when she saw the outline of his cock forming she grinned brightly moving the last few inches and stood on tiptoe to kiss him on the cheek before whispering. "I'll be a good girl, I don't expect grades or anything for this. I just want to make my favorite teacher happy." She was surprising herself by being so open about it, but loved it. Kneeling down infront of him she blushed licking the outline of his cock through his pants, green eyes watching him as she did it. Keeping her voice low. "I'll do anything you want too, but I do want this big guy in my mouth." She claimed before taking the zipper with her teeth and pulled it down slowly, giving him time to stop if he wanted.

John and his Dogs brain was swirling in the motions as his heart was beating so loud she could almost. Be through his chest. As the body began to shake as his brain was running all types of scenarios one part of his brain going there this was a horrible bad idea the other part screaming yes. When she kissed him on the cheek and whispered into his ear he completely turned beet red. As she got down on her knees and began to undo the zipper with her teeth. His primal need for sexual contact seem to slightly take over as there really wasn't enough blood in the man's brain for both brain to be working at the same time his hand softly stroke who her hair pushing it out of her eyes as he looked deep into her beautiful eyes as he was being drawn into the the lust.

]Alena Asakura: Elena watched, her teeth still clinging to the zipper as it reached its stopper. Green eyes were alight with excitement since he hadn't stopped her yet. Feeling him stroking her hair she took it as a good sign. Grabbing the sides of his hips, and using only her mouth, nose and tongue, she worked his cock out from the slit in his underwear and his fly in his pants to pull it out completely. The tip in her mouth, with her tongue flicking the center of it. Moving her left hand from his hip she held onto his cock, her tongue running along the underside of it. "Mmm...yummy. I've wanted to do this since you started coming here." She admitted arching her back, making her ass skirt out slightly, which lifted her skirt. It exposed her smooth rear end and glistening slit, her inner thighs soaked. Leaning back slightly she got her mouth back to the tip taking the first few inches as she sucked on him, panting eagerly. Her left hand still working on the part not in her mouth, her right hand moving to massage his balls, her thumb making small circles on them, keeping her eyes on his.

John and his Dogs as his mind was still swirling in thoughts his body was reacting quite well to her touch. And she seemed to be quite more talented and this particular area then he would have ever expected. He will never know how she managed to pull his cock out without using her hands but whatever it was it felt quite wonderful it made his knees go slightly weak as he bent down just a little bit. As her beautiful soft hand was wrapped around his cock he began to grind his teeth as his back began to arch slightly. When she took his cock and her mouth he bit down on his lip arch his back as one of his hands reached up to grab the aluminum bracer on the bleachers as other hand frantically moved around as it was fun trying to find something to grab her other hand was massaging his balls while she was still stroking up and down his cock as she was looking up at him with those beautiful green eyes.she did begin to smell his manly scent it wasn't as strong as any of the anamorphic boys that she had encountered. It was a bit more soft yet still had the subtle scent of a man as her hand moved up and down is completely shaved balls. Rocco was still wandering around under the bleachers sniffing as he was slowly beginning to make his way back towards her.

Alena Asakura: Elena shut her eyes spreading her lips wider trying to take more of him in. The sound of his cock hitting the back of her throat could be heard as she gagged slightly. Her hands still massing his balls and his cock when she couldn't attend to it properly. The smell coming from him turning her own even more. Moaning she let go of his cock moving her hands back to his hips. Keeping her tongue along the underside of his cock she gagged a bit more till she had taken every inch down her small throat. Shutting her lips tightly around him, her tongue now trapped between the base where it connected to his balls, and the underside of his cock. She managed to flex it as she held tightly to his hips, her eyes wetter as she softly bobbed her head. Her throat had bulged out from his size and girth, but she refused to come up for air yet, nor was she aware of Rocco coming her way.

John and his Dogs was starting to moan as she was pushing his cock into the back of her throat. His left hand came up quickly as he bit down in between his thumb and his pointer finger trying to keep the sound from escaping his mouth. As she pushed his cock all the way down into her throat he bit down so hard on his hand at it of blood began to trickle into his mouth. His knees got a little bit more week as his other hand was firmly wrapped around the support beam trying to keep his body study. As she Keeping herself from coming up her throat naturally began to squeeze an attempt to push the cock back out of her mouth which was causing such an intense sensation that was sending waves of pleasure through his body. Rocco had gotten down on all fours and prep up on her in a bit of a Army dog crawling style. He pressed his cold nose up against her sweet panties as his nose was firmly pressed against her sweet lips as long flat rough tongue leaned down and began to lick her sweet young folds

Alena Asakura: Feeling Rocco's tongue and nose on her pussy lips she shivered, bobbing her head back and forth faster. Gagging even more, but not caring. All she wanted was to make him feel better. To give him something that he seemed to have missed. Without thinking, her left hand moved to tug at her panties and got them down between her inner thighs, shifting her legs so that as she lowered her panties, the fabric was out of his way as she continued to throat fuck herself on John. Finally, she needed air and pulled up for air, a line of spit connecting his cock to her mouth as she gasped. Her hands moving to jerk him off. "Am...I good?" She panted out before spitting on his cock jerking him off still as she lowered slightly to lick at his balls, wanting to not leave any part of his cock untended. "And...Rocco' pussy.." Elena panted out, loving how it felt to have him lapping at her pink little pussy. "I've only ever sucked on my dildo's..I've never fucked though. I wanted you to get my holes first..Mr. John. But Rocco's allowed to play too. I think thats hot to have your dog fucking me."

Superstar gasp as his knees almost buckled as his hand tightened even more around the been keeping him from falling. As her beautiful soft hands move up and down her his cock that was completely soaked in her saliva as it dripped off his balls. He opened his mouth to respond to her as his eyes started to flutter in the back of his head. Her soft hands stroking up and down his cock her beautiful lips wrap around his balls and her beautiful eyes looking up at him and seeing out of the corner of his eyes with Rocco's face buried into her sweet lips. As her sweet voice rang into his ears that was all he could possibly take. His balls began to pull up and tight around the base of his cock. The precum started to thicken and leak out of the head of his cock. He threw his head back as he bit down on his hand even harder. A muffled bunch of sounds" Mummmmummmumm" could barely be heard leaking out of his mouth over his hand.

Alena Asakura: Elena panted as she sucked harder and faster, keeping her green eyes on him as she worked. Her cheeks puffing out as she worked. Her hands moving even more along the few inches she wasn't managing to get down her throat, twisting them in different directions gently to give different friction. Seeing the drip of precum she quickly latched back onto his cock, the tip only, her hands moving up and down in different side to side directions as she eagerly swallowed drop after drop that he shot into her mouth. Shutting her eyes she savored the thick, creamy, salty taste that exploded on her tongue moaning as she felt Rocco lap even mroe at her tiny little pussy, her hips bucking as he licked.

John and his dogs as his eyes rolled back of his head big spurts of cum shot out of the head of his cock into her warm waiting mouth as she did her best to swallow. Her hands either pumping up and down his cock as if she was trying to milk every last bit of cum out of the head of his cock. Doing everything he can to keep his wits and keep from losing all the strength in his hands and knees and falling to the floor. Her cheek slowly began to get full of his seat as of that was pushed out of her mouth and dribbled down her chin. When he finally was done shooting his thick load and her sweet little mouth his brain began to work once again." Elane, why don't we clean you up a little bit and then be you and Rocco me out behind the trailers. I want to fuck that sweet little pussy of yours so bad while you wrap those beautiful lips around Rocco's cock."

Alena Asakura: Elena swallowed every bit till it over flowed, whimpering at the fact that she couldn't just take all of it like she wanted. Once he finally finished, she swallowed the last she could, pulling back, a string of cum and spit continued to keep her lips tied to his cock. Panting for air she watched him before nodding. Wiping her chin, she licked up the string of missed cum, and the bit that connected her to his cock and smiled. "Oh course Mr. John." Hearing he was going to fuck her made her want to cum, shivering in pleasure. "Hmm, tilting her head, she licked his cock completely clean, before putting his cock back into his pants and zipped him up. Leaving her panties off, she picked them up and stuffed them into his pocket. "You can fuck my ass too if you want. Fuck me senseless, I want you to use me, you and Rocco both." She said quietly, before standing on tiptoe and whispered in his ear. "I'll be your little slut all you want. And I'll do anything you want."

John and his dogs he looked around seeing that he got lucky realizing that looked like no one saw him and his moment of weakness under the bleachers with this beautiful teenage girl. he knew the game was going to end in a few minutes and it was best as he was going to finish finish this lovely teacher and student taboo. That he was going to have to take it somewhere more private. He never thought that he would end up having sex with one of his students nonetheless his biggest weakness of sharing a woman with his dog. He made his way out of one side of the bleachers hoping that she would quickly follow on the other side. The game ended in about 5 min. as once the crowd had dispersed he made his way back to the trailer classrooms they have behind the school. He pulled his tee out of his pocket as he began to unlock the door. As Rocco set beside him wagging his tail.

Alena Asakura: She had been glad no one saw, this was for his eyes only. Once he left one way, she headed the other, it took her slightly longer to get around, since a few people had stopped her to talk. But just as he was putting the key in the door, she managed to join him at the trailer, no one seeing her join him. Once inside she looked over at him. "We...are going to do this more than once, right Mr. John? I don't care about doing this for grades, all I want is to have sex with you and Rocco." Once sure the door was closed and locked, she sat on one of the desks by the front, spreading her legs so he can Rocco could see her pussy already dripping wet, since she hadn't cummed yet. "Want me on the floor with my ass in the air? Or did you want to do more before that?"

I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did


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John and Brianna Part 3 The Complete Sauna Experience

Late in the evening, when it is getting colder, they move inside. The moment they are inside, John grabs Brianna's ass and pulls her close and kisses her. Brianna pushes him away."Sorry John, I guess the pool made my pussy a bit sore, so I am afraid it won't happen again tonight." She kisses him, but he looks quite disappointed.Now Brianna lets her hand slide over his dick. "Don't look like that, John. I know what you want, but I might have something else for you."Brianna pushes him...

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4 years ago
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John CarterChapter 10

The funeral had been a very private affair. It had been held in a small chapel in the Arizona town they called home. The body had been laid to rest in a small corner of the local graveyard. Beth’s mother and the Carter Clan were the only ones in attendance. The rest of the town respected their wishes and did not attend. The public memorial service would be held when her father left the hospital. The entire town would be invited as well as her colleagues from the hospital. In the mean time,...

3 years ago
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Sexy student

Hello ISS readers my is Divya & I live in Mumbai, I read ISS. And by fascinating I am writing first story of mine. I am 28 yrs old now widow and in search of sex partner, I am a lecturer by profession in one of the classes in Mumbai . My husband was a Govt. Servant & died two years ago. I first enjoyed sex when I was 18 with one of my student who was use to come for tuition at my home. I have lesbian experience with two female lecturers who are working with me in the same Classes. The story I...

4 years ago
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John Nee Rosy Kee Dhkadhak Chudayee Kee

Hi! Mera naam Vinod haa par mee apnee nickname Suckhot01my email se apnee nett dostto see chat kartaa huu. Voo apnee chudeeyee kee story mujhee brief mee batatee haa ferr mee us chudeeyee par ek spicy story develop kartaa huu. Meree saree stories sacch haa readers manee yaa naa manee ye un par nirbhar kartaa haa. Meree abhee ek nayee net frend baneee haa.Uskaa naam ha- Rosy. Ab aagey kee story Rosy kee Shabdoo mee-Hiee , mee Rosy Mumbai see huu.Meeree hott nd horny frends ek hott gal readers...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 13

John leaned against a boulder watching the evergreens sway in the breeze. Occasionally, handfuls of snow would cascade down from a tree. The snow in the area was over two feet deep and powdery. The footprints that Rover made when he had charged into the woods were visible as dark spots in the snow. He could hear the few birds left in the woods singing. It was peaceful and as quiet as nature allowed. It was never perfectly silent in the woods. Leaves rustled, birds sang, the wind blew, and...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 4

Doug strode into the room with an undisguised sense of authority. He was a short man, with a neatly trimmed mustache that exaggerated his frown and short black hair that gave him a distinguished look. He looked around and noticed a man changing the sheets on the only bed in the room. He cleared his throat and asked, “Where’s John Carter?” Nurse John turned and examined the intruder. He didn’t know what to make of the man. He answered, “He’s in the next room reading to the Wilson girl. She...

3 years ago
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John Carol Ch 02

Author’s note:This is the second part in a three part trilogy. I usually try to make each part stand alone but in this case it’s better if you’ve read part one. This is a long story about the beginning of a relationship between two unlikely people that find each other and live through some trying times. There is sex sprinkled throughout but it’s not your typical stroke story. If you like the story and want the concluding part three please let me know. This story is intended for adults over 18...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 6

John stood in line at the cafeteria with his tray full of food on the waist high shelf in front of him. It was a standard southern cafeteria where you push your tray along a shelf, selecting the items that you wanted to eat. The person behind the counter would serve up a single portion. At the end of the counter, you paid for your meal based on what you had taken. More often than not, a person would select a lot more food than they could eat. John looked at his tray and wondered how he was...

1 year ago
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John CarterChapter 18

The wedding ceremony was a quiet affair, attended by the parents of the new bride and groom. Linda and Leroy glowed with happiness. Linda looked gorgeous in her white robe, the white contrasting nicely with her dark skin. Leroy looked handsome, but felt a little uncomfortable wearing a white robe as it raised thoughts of racist organizations. Ling wore a white robe and shifted nervously, as this was her first time through the ceremony as well. John wore his brown robe and looked impressive...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 9

John wandered down the hall of the Burn Unit carrying two books. The books had been delivered to him by the owner of the local bookstore that he visited almost daily. The owner gave him the books free, with the promise that he would donate the rest of the series to the burn ward when he was able to locate them. John was about to protest, but the owner told him that it was a good tax write-off. John thanked him for his charity. The day nurse, Nurse Betty, was at the other end of the hall and...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 14

Rover lay on his back, sleeping. His tail thrashed and his paws clawed the air. John was asleep on his sleeping bag. His sleep was not peaceful. They weren’t bothered by heat. It was early spring and the weather was wonderful. The front and the back doors were open. A wonderful breeze blew through the house keeping it cool. The screen doors kept the bugs and wild animals out of the house. It was the time of the new moon, so it was very dark outside. The darkness tended to make the...

3 years ago
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John CarterChapter 4

John sat on the steps of the porch that was part of a beat up wooden house. It hadn’t been painted in years. What little paint remained was cracked or peeling off. The windows hadn’t been cleaned in just as many years and were covered on the inside with newspapers taped to the glass. A casual passerby would have sworn the house had been abandoned for at least a decade. The only external sign that someone lived there was the oil drippings on the dirt driveway and the fresh refuse beside the...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 3

John, Ed, Beth, and Kelly sat on one side of the conference table in the library. John, dressed in his robe, held his hands in his head and groaned occasionally. Beth and Kelly, dressed in their work clothes, kept looking at each other and giggling. Ed, dressed in his normal blue jeans and work shirt, did his best not to look across the table. The staff filled the other side of the table. All of them were naked. Cathy was saying, “From my discussions with Marguerite, it was my understanding...

4 years ago
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John CarterChapter 20

The middle of the afternoon is a quiet time in the living quarters of the President of the College. John, the President, was on his back, in the middle the living room. Little Beth, now four years old, was curled up inside one arm and little John, now three years old, was curled up inside the other. All three of them were asleep. Ling and Kelly stood at the door watching them. Ling whispered, “It’s hard to be a mother when the fathers spend all their time with the kids.” Kelly giggled, “Yes,...

1 year ago
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John Skype idol

I have lived a hetrosexual life for all my years but when I struck my thirties my curiosity began to nag away. When much younger, I had lived in Amsterdam for a while and frequented the red light district often. At first, the excitement of the women on view drew me in but then I became aware of the gay scene and in particualr the S&M scene. I became absorbed in watching films, videos and flicking through magazines portrayig extreme gay S&M but never ventured further. Worrying for me...

1 year ago
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John Millie Pete Allison

It was at the beginning of the summer, circa 1985, and Pete had just returned home from university. He would have enjoyed spending the entire summer lazing around and taking it easy, but he needed a job. University was expensive and although his parents helped out with the bulk of the cost, they didn’t have the money to allow for anything other than the essentials. He wanted to earn some extra cash for clothing, movies, social events, and a myriad of other things that you can’t get without...

2 years ago
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John knew from a young age he liked cock. When he was young he always was rubbing his and playing with it. In his teens his friend Mike and he would get together and suck each others cocks and jerk them. As they learned more they would fuck each other in the ass. They lived in Las Vegas and when they started driving they would go to a male sex club. The men there loved the young guys and every Saturday they would suck cock and get their asses fucked many times. One Saturday as Mike was sucking...

4 years ago
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John And Brianna Part 4 Swinging Hot

A few weeks after the sauna adventure, the school holidays are over. This is something both John and Brianna had been looking out for, as they were not used to having the kids in the house anymore, although they loved to have them around.They are picked up by some other students, and Brianna and John kiss them and wave them goodbye. The moment they are out of sight and the door is closed Brianna almost jumps onto John and he grabs her and pulls him hard against his body."This was such a long...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 2

John sat in his Jeep staring at the main entrance of the Federal Building in Phoenix. He didn’t want to enter, but knew he couldn’t postpone it any longer. For the past three days, he had been driven by the urge to come to this place. He got out of the car slowly and looked at his walking stick. He thought he wouldn’t be allowed to bring it through security, but decided to try it anyway. Rover leaped out of the car and stood next to him. He closed the door. People stared at him as he walked...

1 year ago
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John and Jenny Part I

The moment Jenny knocked on the door she immediately felt her pussy flush. Despite the incredible amount of detail with which she and John discussed everything, she still felt she had no idea what to expect. She stood patiently, her bag full of clothing weighing her shoulder down – and waited. When he finally opened the door, he stood there in his loose-fitting sweatpants and tight T-shirt. He smiled knowingly at Jenny but didn’t move or say anything. Jenny sensed some slight awkwardness and...

4 years ago
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John CarterChapter 22

Kelly dreamt that she was riding in a small fishing boat in the middle of a massive storm. The boat was purple. The waves were pink and they seemed to reach the sky. Her stomach tightened as seasickness threatened to overtake her. She was trying to find a life preserver that fit her, but her breasts were so huge that all of them were too small. Throughout her search, the boat seemed to rock in every direction. She was shaken awake by Ed. He was shouting, “Get up, Kelly.” She sat up thinking...

2 years ago
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John Smiths Space Diary

Chapter I , Year 1, CARGO HAND There was a low hum, there always was. It was constant to the point that you simply stopped hearing it. What was slightly harder to ignore was the constant drips on ice cold water that fell every where. Third or fourth hand water that comes from the condensation of constantly re-breathed air. The walls were rusty with it, the thin mattresses damp with it, and the skin clammy with it. No electric lights, or rather there was electric light that had to be...

4 years ago
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John CarterChapter 7

John parked his car in front of the Sheriff’s office. He had no idea why he had returned. There was only a singled-minded urge to come to this place. He got out of the Jeep followed by Rover. From experience, he was sure that he would be the subject of curiosity, but people walked by without taking much notice of him. He looked around the town and felt that something was subtly different. He entered the Sheriff’s office with Rover following behind him. Rover sat down in a corner to watch. He...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 22

John stared at the cream colored envelope as if it were a serpent about to strike. He knew the gist of the contents. It was an invitation to spend the night with one of the staff. The only question remaining concerned the identity of the individual who had sent the invitation. Each staff member was allowed to issue an invitation once a month to one of the family members. Since the extended benefits program had gone into effect three months ago, he had not received an invitation. This was his...

3 years ago
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John Carol

Note from Author: It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. This story is a relatively long romance story about the blossoming of love between two unlikely characters. There is sex in it but if that’s all you want look in the latter pages. I hope you like the story, I’ve lived vicariously through it while writing it. If you like it or not please let me know. As always this is a work of fiction, any similarity to any persons is purely coincidental and this story is intended for adults, and...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 8

John sat at his desk in his laboratory at the University of Texas. He examined the blueprints that he had created for his device very carefully. He then examined the part that he held in his hand. Using the calipers, he double-checked the dimensions for a third and final time. He was now satisfied that all parts were within the tolerances specified in his design. He assembled the device and held it up to examine the final product. It was about the size of a walnut and cost close to two...

1 year ago
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John CarterChapter 20

The incessant ringing bell was an irritation that could not be ignored. John woke wondering why he had set the alarm clock. He felt Beth stir beside him. He looked at the clock and saw that it was only three in the morning. It then dawned on him that the alarm clock was not making the ringing. He sat up and said, “Shit.” He shook Beth gently and then a little rougher. He hissed, “Wake up! Wake up!” He climbed out of bed and then turned on the light. Beth complained in her sleep. John shook...

2 years ago
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John CarterChapter 17

Ed drove the Jeep into the driveway as the garage door opened. He pulled into John’s normal space. Turning off the Jeep, he sat back in his seat and rubbed his eyes. He and Leroy had taken turns driving home while John slept in the back seat. Leroy stretched and yawned. Ed looked in the back of the Jeep at the sleeping form of John. He reached back and shook John awake. “We’re home, John.” Yawning, John sat up and stretched his arms, as much as was possible within the tight confines of the...

4 years ago
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John And Brianna Part 6 Swinging Again

A couple of months after their visit to the swingers club they get a text message from Luke asking them if they want to join him and his wife, as they will be visiting the club during the weekend. They both like the idea, so they make arrangements to meet Luke and his wife at the club on SaturdayWhen they arrive the parking lot is almost full and after dropping their clothes in the lockers they enter the bar area. Luke is already there and they go over to his table and are greeted by his wife,...

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