Pete Repete And SnookieChapter 4 Pete s Plan
- 4 years ago
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It was at the beginning of the summer, circa 1985, and Pete had just returned home from university. He would have enjoyed spending the entire summer lazing around and taking it easy, but he needed a job. University was expensive and although his parents helped out with the bulk of the cost, they didn’t have the money to allow for anything other than the essentials. He wanted to earn some extra cash for clothing, movies, social events, and a myriad of other things that you can’t get without money in your pocket. He’d written to several companies and prospective employers while he was still in school, but none had responded with a job offer.
He was just about to embark on a visit to several small businesses in the area in search of a job, when the phone rang. He picked up hurriedly and offered a terse, ‘Hello.’
A loud, excited voice on the other end replied, ‘Pete! You’re home from school at last. Are you going to be home for the whole summer?’
Pete recognized the voice immediately. It was John, his best friend. John was also going to university, but in another state. ‘John! How are you buddy?’ he replied exuberantly.
‘Just fine Pete! I’m doing great! I just got home last night. I thought I’d give you a call this morning to see what you’ve got on for the summer. Are you going to be working?’
Pete sighed, and in a voice immersed in disappointment replied, ‘I wish! I haven’t left a stone unturned in my search, but there just doesn’t seem to be anything out there. What are you doing for the summer?’
John chuckled gleefully. ‘I’m a happy guy Pete. My aunt and uncle decided they’re going to run their old upstate diner this summer. Aunt Mable called me last night and asked if I’d be interested in being one of the servers. I jumped at the chance. I’d already tried all of the things you’ve tried and came up empty as well. While I was talking with Aunt Mable, she mentioned that they have a woman who lives up there who’s going to be a server as well, but they’d like to have one more on staff. I told her you might be interested and I’d talk to you about it today. What do you say buddy?’
Pete was almost speechless. ‘Hell yeah John! I was just sitting here lamenting how sad my sophomore year was going to be when I was too broke to buy toilet paper. When do I start?’
‘Umm, that’s the thing Pete. We have to start right away.’ John replied. ‘Aunt Mable and Uncle Jack want to leave tomorrow so they can get things up and running for an early opening. Aunt Mable figures this will be their last year of operating the old restaurant. They’ve had it for years now and it’s getting to be a little too much for them at their age. They’re going to put it up for sale at the end of the season.’
The next morning Pete was waiting on the front porch when Aunt Mable, Uncle Jack and John, drove up in a van. He stowed his bags in the back and two minutes later the four of them were off to cottage country. John’s aunt and uncle had owned the small diner for the past 8 years. Each year they’d go up and run it for just the months of summer. It was located in the Northern Lakes region and they originally ran across it when they rented a cottage that was located near it. When it came up for sale a few years later, they decided to buy it. It was well located and enjoyed an excellent reputation and a high level of customer traffic. It was a small diner, seating only 30 to 35 people but it usually operated close to capacity from late June to early September. There was no competition to speak of and, as John’s aunt and uncle were retiring at the end of that year, they decided to buy the little business to bolster their retirement income and give them something to do.
John and Pete were lifelong friends. They’d met on their first day in kindergarten and formed a friendship that had endured from that day right through to this particular summer. They were both 18 years old and had just finished their first year of university. They were going to different universities but had managed to maintain their friendship through regular telephone and mail contact. The two had few other acquaintances and were inseparable best friends. They had never been a part of the popular group and tended to be somewhat shy and retreating in social settings. It’s likely that their natural shyness was a good part of the reason why they spent so much time together. They had a lot in common and never felt any pier pressure when they were in each other’s company.
John’s aunt and uncle traditionally handled meal planning and preparation and usually hired a few local kids to help out with serving duties. This year, they knew that John would be needing some extra money to help out with the cost of university and had offered him a job.
John’s aunt and uncle had a one bedroom travel trailer that they slept in each summer while they were at the diner. There wasn’t enough room for John and Pete, so they set up a family sized tent in the wooded area behind the restaurant. The tent was a heavy canvas model with plenty of room for the two of them and with summers by the lake being so mild, they would be quite comfortable. The tent was divided into three areas, with two smaller areas for sleeping and a larger common area for eating and relaxing. Each boy had his own bedroom and they slept on cots with comfortable mattresses.
Besides John and Pete, there was one other server. Her name was Millie. She was about 30 years old and lived in the area year around. Her husband was a trucker and spent weeks at a time on the road. She broke up the boredom of being alone for so much of the summer by working at the restaurant. She was quite attractive and had long brown hair, blue eyes, a flawless complexion, and an hour glass figure. John and Pete were immediately taken with her good looks and even more so by her stunning figure. Neither of them had been on more than one or two dates in their entire lives, so Millie never failed to get their attention any time she walked by. The two boys were virgins but it was a condition they were anxious to eliminate.
Once at the diner, it took John’s aunt and uncle no time to get the little restaurant fixed up and ready for business. The gas, water and electric people showed up on the first morning and all of the stoves and fridges were running by noon. They’d placed a sign on the front lawn a week earlier, announcing that the diner would be opening and, at the same time, they placed a notice on the local radio station and in the newspaper. A lot of work went into scrubbing, polishing and cleaning over the balance of the day, but by late afternoon the little restaurant was ready for the next morning’s breakfast crowd.
By about 7:00 p.m., John and Pete headed out to their tent and got things organized for their stay. They showered in the stall behind John’s aunt and uncle’s trailer and at about 9.00 p.m. decided to turn in. Neither of them wore pyjamas, preferring instead to simply wear their jockey shorts to bed.
Pete crawled into the cot and stretched out lazily. It was just about dark outside and he could already hear the sounds of the crickets and tree toads. Neither of the boys was very tired, so as they lay in their beds, they chatted about what they might expect at tomorrow’s opening.
Pete heard John shift restlessly in his cot. ‘You know Pete,’ John remarked, ‘I just hope business is going to be slow enough to let me get the odd peek at Millie’s sweet ass.’
Pete realized that he and John were on the same page. ‘I know what you mean John,’ he replied libidinously. ‘She’s a babe. I love those hips and those fantastic knockers. I figure she’s a 34D.’
John sighed, long and heavily. ‘She’s at least a 34DD Pete. I can almost taste the sweet nipples on those big beauties when she walks by and they’re bouncing, right there in front of my eyes. I got a major hard on today when she bent over to grab some pots and pans from under the counter.’
‘Yeah, I saw that too John!’ Pete remark
ed excitedly. ‘God she’s got a beautiful pair of tits and she’s really pretty as well. I’ll bet she gets really horny when her husband is out on the road for weeks at a time. Maybe she’ll come out to the tent one night and fuck both of us.’
John laughed at his friend’s carnal speculation. ‘I doubt that’s going to happen Pete. What would a great looking babe like her want with a couple of broke dudes like us? She’s probably got a legion of willing local studs lined up at her bedroom door.’
‘You’re right,’ Pete replied ruefully, ‘With a face like hers and those lovely big tits bouncing up and down wherever she goes, she’s not going to do without unless she wants to.’
‘You’re preaching to the choir,’ John snorted. ‘But that’s okay. I’m going to be thinking of her when I Jack off tonight and she won’t even know it. After watching her all day, I’ve got a hard on that’s going to have to be beaten into submission.’
Pete chuckled out loud but never said anything else. He wondered if John really was going to jack off. He was only a few feet away with only a thin sheet of canvas between the two of them. He laid back and closed his eyes, but about five minutes later, just as he was about to fall asleep, he heard John’s cot creaking rhythmically. ‘My God!’ he thought, ‘John is jacking off!’ After years of jacking off himself, Pete had no trouble reading the message that the rapidly creaking cot was sending. He felt his own cock twitch excitedly as the tempo of the creaking increased. Then, no more than two minutes later, he heard John’s breathing speed up, followed a few seconds later by a muted moan of pleasure.
Pete slid his shorts down over his hips and grasped his cock. It had grown to fully erect status when he heard John moaning with pleasure as he went off. The two had only seen each other naked once or twice during their friendship and until now, they’d only talked about sex in guarded terms. Pete found himself somehow titillated by the mental image of John jacking off. He began stroking his cock and was taken aback by the urgency that he felt as his hand moved up and down the rigid shaft, faster and faster. He felt his orgasm coming on much earlier than usual and didn’t have time to do anything to slow down the reaction. Before he knew it, he was laying there with his back arched and his hips thrust up off the cot as several huge dollops of jism exploded from the swollen tip of his cock. They splashed, hot and thick, onto his belly and chest and ran in little rivulets down each side of his waist. He moaned involuntarily and his cock jerked excitedly as each pearly ribbon of semen was emitted from its swollen tip.
As Pete lay their in the darkness, recuperating from the immense ejaculation, he heard John’s voice, ‘Christ Pete! Millie must’ve made you even hornier than she made me. Your cot sounded like it was going to collapse, you were beating your meat so hard and you moaned loud enough to bring the tent down when you shot your load. Shit! You went off so hard that I’ll bet Millie even felt it.’
‘Fuck!’ Pete thought to himself. ‘John heard me!’ At first, he thought it would be best to simply ignore the comment, but instead, he decided to fire back. ‘Listen to who’s talking,’ he remarked. ‘The joints of your cot nearly caught fire when you were jacking off a few minutes ago and I’m sure Millie and everyone else within a five mile radius heard you moan like a fog horn when you blew your wad.’
John laughed quietly. ‘So we heard each other. I guess we’ve got no secrets from now on Pete,’ he replied. ‘Anyway, now that we’ve both shot our loads, we shouldn’t have any trouble falling asleep.’
Pete grabbed a handful of tissues from beside his cot and mopped up the crawly flood of semen that extended from his pubic hair all the way up to his chest. ‘Jeezus!’ he thought to himself, ‘That has to be the biggest load of jism I’ve ever blown.’ At just about the same time, he realized that it wasn’t his thoughts of Millie that had coaxed such a massive amount of cum out of his dick. It was the sound of John jacking off just a few feet away.
The next morning, the boys slept past the time they should have risen. Pete looked at his watch and realized that the diner would be opening in less than half an hour. He grabbed his pants and peeked around the canvas divider. ‘Get up John! We’re late!’ he shouted in a voice that was still hoarse with sleep.
He began to pull on his pants and realized that he had a raging hard on. His balls felt a little sore and swollen, they way they always got when he was horny. Normally, he would have jacked off immediately to relieve the tension. Pete habitually jacked off each morning and each night, but today he was running far too late to take the time to masturbate. He knew from experience that that meant he was going to have to make it through the whole day in a state of constant horniness.
His loud shout had awakened John with a start and by now Pete was in the common area. He could see into John’s sleeping area. John had just glanced at his watch. He was beginning to panic because of the late hour and leapt excitedly from his bed. Pete noticed that John’s jockey shorts were sharply tented in the front by a huge erection and no doubt, he too would have opted to jack off had he not been running so late. Just then, John looked up and when he saw Pete looking at the front of his underwear, he looked down and saw the steel hard erection that was pushing out the front of his underwear.
‘Don’t feel bad,’ Pete remarked. ‘I woke up in the same condition and realized it’s too late to do anything about it. I guess we’re going to have to make it through the day feeling horny and neglected.’
John shook his head drowsily and shoved his hand down the front of his shorts. Pete could see him close his hand around the shaft of his dick and stroke it longingly. ‘Don’t worry big guy,’ he said in a half whisper. ‘I’ll see to it that you get extra attention tonight.’
They both laughed and continued dressing. In about 20 minutes they’d finished their grooming and were fully dressed and ready for the day. Business was fairly brisk given that this was their first full day of serving. The customers were mostly older cottagers and quite pleasant to deal with. Pete fared well with tips as did John, but their gratuities paled in comparison to those of Millie. She knew how to please her patrons. The older men were all smitten by her blue eyes and gorgeous figure. If they were alone, she flirted shamelessly and made sure she leaned over their table frequently, revealing her voluptuous cleavage to their lascivious gaze. If they were with their wives, she reigned in her sensuality and flattered the wives on their hair, their make up and the outfits they were wearing.
By late afternoon, the breakfast and lunch crowds had come and gone and the three servers were busy sweeping, mopping and washing off tables. Millie leaned over to clear one of the tables while John and Pete were behind her. Her dress, which was short to begin with, pulled up as she bent over the table and revealed the lacy trim of her panties. Pete could see the crack of her ass through the thin material. He stood there mesmerized by the erogenous sight of her sexy figure. As she wiped the table top, her hips swayed rhythmically from side to side and he got a long, arousing look at her shapely thighs and lace panties. He could feel his cock stiffen and push impatiently against the front of his jeans. He looked over at John who was also watching Millie. He could see the thick coil of his cock pushing against the front of his jeans as he stood there, salaciously eying her excitingly sensual ass and legs.
As she was wiping the table top, Millie turned and glanced over her shoulder. A look of surprise flashed across her face as she saw John and Pete standing there watching her with the front of their pants bulging from the force of their imprisoned erections and a look of sexual longing burning in their eyes.
To Pete’s sur
prise, all Millie did was smile, almost as if she had no idea what the boys were thinking about as they stood there staring at her lovely ass and legs. They quickly looked away, embarrassment burning their faces to a crimson hue, and resumed sweeping and mopping as if nothing had happened. To Pete’s surprise, Millie moved on to the next table and leaned over it to wipe the surface, however this time she leaned much further over the table. As a result, the two young men’s prying eyes had a greatly improved view of her female assets. Her panties were completely exposed and because she leaning forward and had her legs slightly apart, they were able to see the dark shadow of her pubic hair and the recessed crease of her labia through the virtually transparent material.
Pete’s cock came close to exploding when he saw the delightful view offered by Millie as she lay across the table. He watched enraptured, as her buttocks moved evocatively to and fro while she vigorously scrubbed the table top. As she did, the narrow crotch of her panties slid seductively from side to side, exposing alternating views of the luscious black patch of her pubic hair. Her legs were strong and fit and shaped beautifully. They ran gracefully up into her hips and buttocks, forming a sensual picture that no man could ignore.
Again, she turned her head and looked over her shoulder. Pete was leaning over a table and was able to look down quickly in an attempt to avoid her accusing gaze. He wasn’t sure if he’d fooled her and was no longer convinced that he even wanted to fool her. Her apparent eagerness to move from table to table, giving him and John full visual access to a very enticing area of her body did not seem like the actions of a shy and demure woman. Over the next ten minutes or so, Millie leaned over several more tables, each time ensuring that both boys were behind her and were afforded a stimulating visual treat.
A short time later, the dinner crowd began arriving and the servers traded in their brooms and mops for order pads and trays. Pete was quite aroused by the sights afforded John and him by Millie and looked forward to the opportunity to work out his frustration when he returned to the tent later that evening. By 7:00 p.m. the diner was empty and Pete, Millie, John and his aunt and uncle sat down to have a coffee and relax for a minute after the busy day. John’s aunt and uncle were pleased with the days receipts, while the three servers were pleased with the generous tips the customers had bestowed.
About 10 minutes later, Millie got up and left for the night. John and Pete left just a minute or two later. When they got back to the tent they ate the sandwiches they’d brought back with them from the diner and drank a couple of sodas. As they were finishing up, John abruptly asked, ‘Have you ever fucked a girl Pete?’
Pete thought about lying, but knew he’d have a hard time pulling it off. John and he had always read each other fairly well and he didn’t want to appear a phoney. ‘I’ve come close John, but I’ve never actually been laid,’ he replied. ‘ I try every time I get the chance but so far it hasn’t happened.’ Then he looked directly back at John and asked him, ‘Have you ever fucked a girl?’
John looked dejectedly down at the floor of the tent. ‘I guess we’re both virgins Pete. I’ve been trying to get laid for years now and I thought for sure I’d be getting fucked to death when I went off to university, but like you, I’m still waiting. I guess until I find a babe who opens her legs and puts up a welcome sign between her thighs, I’m going to be pumping my pudding every morning and every night.’
‘Yeah, I know how you feel.’ Pete replied, ‘I wish I had something other than my hand wrapped around my dick once in a while.’
John looked at him curiously and said, ‘It’s interesting that you say that Pete. It gives me an idea!’
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ExhibitionismWe were standing at the airline counter, redeeming our tickets to New York. The clerk was going through his list of canned questions, looking up only to snatch glimpses of the Grand Canyon--the 16 inches of Millie's creamy-white cleavage (I measured it while she giggled). She was wearing a shockingly short microskirt and an incredibly low-cut T-shirt top, with a stretchy sling bra that offered very little support for her swaying, wobbling football tits. Actually, they're bigger than footballs....
ExhibitionismThe poker game wasn't necessary to make her go to the strip club, as it turned out. We still played for chores and for fun, but Millie was so into submission now, she'd do anything I said just because I told her to. Millie was submissive out of sheer devotion to me. Ever since I made her go to Chicas Grandes beach in her G-string bikini, scared to death and crying, and she discovered that I wasn't the only one who thought she was a hottie--well, she'd do anything I said. The first time I took...
ExhibitionismOne night I was talking with the girls at the back door of a club when Millie pulled up in her red convertable with the top down. Millie had a sly grin on her face as she motioned for me to get in. She pulled around to the other corner of the building into some trees where we were completely hidden from view. She threw the car into park and slid across the seat and was unbuckling my pants before the car stopped rocking. Millie immidiately started to give me one of her intense sloppy and loud...
Dear readers: I know this story is rather long, but it would not have made sense if I had put it in two parts. I hope this does not deter you from reading it because I would love comments. It's my first venture into a "mature" story and I think it came out well. I hope you will think so also. Thanks! All Because of Millie Millie had just turned forty-five a month ago. She had been by herself now for three years and quite frankly, she had gotten used to it. The death of her husband had been...
MatureWe were standing at the airline counter, redeeming our tickets to New York. The clerk was going through his list of canned questions, looking up only to snatch glimpses of the Grand Canyon–the 16 inches of Millie’s creamy-white cleavage (I measured it while she giggled). Millie was wearing a shockingly short microskirt and an incredibly low-cut T-shirt top, with a stretchy sling bra that offered very little support for her swaying, wobbling football tits. Actually, they’re bigger than...
One Friday night a few weeks later, we sat down to our weekly poker game. It was late June, and warm outside. Millie was wearing nothing but nylon panties and one of my sleeveless undershirts; it clung to her huge tits like half-transparent paint, with acres of pretty white flesh exposed at the top and sides, and she looked wonderful. I estimated I was looking at eight inches of inviting cleavage. "Uh, Jeff, my face is up here," she laughed as I dealt the first hand. "Um. Sorry," I said. "If...
ExhibitionismMy name is Jeff. My wife Millie is the joy of my life. She's sweet and giving and funny and loving and as devoted as she can be, and I can't imagine life without her. The only thing that ever bothered me was that Millie didn't realize how beautiful and sexy she is. That may not sound like a big problem, but it is. Or was... Millie is what you call a "big-titted plumper," and a more gorgeous specimen of plumperhood you're not likely to see. Imagine this: Shining brown hair in a short pixie cut,...
ExhibitionismMillie's pussy was wet again. Ever since her last stay with Uncle Biff, it had moistened at least once a day, and sometimes more. Without Uncle Biff being there to sort it out for her, she'd found she could do something to help with just her fingers. Before she'd left, Uncle Biff had promised that next time she came to stay with him, he would make sure she had no problem with a wet pussy and no way of sorting it. In the meantime, he suggested, her brothers might help, or even her father –...
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The poker game wasn’t necessary to make Millie go to the strip club, as it turned out. We still played for chores and for fun, but Millie was so into submission now, she’d do anything I said just because I told her to. Millie was submissive out of sheer devotion to me. Ever since I made her go to Chicas Grandes beach in her G-string bikini, scared to death and crying, and she discovered that I wasn’t the only one who thought she was a hottie–well, she’d do anything I said. The first time I...
On the 31th of July Millie Marie closed the shop that bore her name, giving, as was her long tradition, the employs and followers of Millie Marie's Housewives & Others the whole of August off with pay. Millie herself, making sure no one knew where she was going, headed to the airport for her annual pilgrimage to the Greek Isle of Samos. It was there in 1890 that Millie Marie, then known as Sir Miles Jove St. Maris, a member of what passed in that time as the profession...
We sat at the table, her holding my hand me bawling like a baby. "Clarence stop it now. I mean it. It is not the end of the world. I told you because I love you. I do not want to lose you. I do not want you finding out the wrong way about; well, about the things I am doing with Marcus," she said. I'm sure she thought her tone was supportive, but she was killing me. "Millie, you're my wife. Is what you really want a divorce? I mean after all of these years, Millie, twenty-one years!" I...
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It was a long couple of months till the magazines featuring Millie came out. We got them, both at once–the regular monthly, and the special edition devoted only to her–maybe a week before they hit the newsstands, by overnight mail direct from DeMarco’s office at CURVY. I tore the box open eagerly. It contained two copies of each, wrapped in those plastic bags that mask out everything but the title. It wasn’t hard to tell the difference, one said ‘CURVY’ above the black square, with a very...
My name is Jeff. My wife Millie is the joy of my life. She’s sweet and giving and funny and loving and as devoted as she can be, and I can’t imagine life without her. The only thing that ever bothered me was that Millie didn’t realize how beautiful and sexy she is. That may not sound like a big problem, but it is. Or was… Millie is what you call a ‘big-titted plumper,’ and a more gorgeous specimen of plumperhood you’re not likely to see. Imagine this: Shining brown hair in a short pixie...
Chapter 1: Life hasn't been the best Dad and I were returning from our hunting trip. We had just bagged an eight point buck, and I did the actual shooting this time. It was nice walking through the woods with my dad. A chance to get back to nature after a rough couple of years. As dad pulled up at the general store I got out to check in the deer. Dad said he would wait in the truck. Chuck, the store owner, was checking in my deer when I was heard loud voices outside. "Leave me the fuck...
My sweet, big-titted plumper wife, Millie, had changed after her day at the beach. I had once thought she was perfect, but I hadn't known what perfect was before that day. Oh, she was still the same Millie; funny and sweet and giving, and more devoted to me than ever. After her struggle to trust me that day, and her amazing, instant transformation from self-hating "fatandugly" housewife to blazing-hot naked cockteaser as a result of that reluctant trust, she would do literally anything I said...
ExhibitionismThank you to LadyCibelle and Techsan for editing my story and making it a better read for all of us. * Chapter 1: Life hasn’t been the best. Dad and I were returning from our hunting trip. We had just bagged an eight point buck, and I did the actual shooting this time. It was nice walking through the woods with my dad. A chance to get back to nature after a rough couple of years. As dad pulled up at the general store I got out to check in the deer. Dad said he would wait in the truck....
Millie was truly a beautiful mature woman in every way. She had an aura of beauty around her that wasn’t just physical. She gave off vibes of being loving, friendly, gracious, and agreeable to work with. He knew that if he had the right visual sensitivity, he’d probably be able to see a halo over her head, as well as a beautiful aura. Those vibes carried a spiritual element to them that made him feel deeply connected to her in mind, body, and spirit. Millie was wearing Bermuda shorts and a...
Over the weekend, Millie had been feeling horny all the time. She could not stop thinking about Mr.Jenkins or his dick. Whenever she had the house alone, she would strip her clothes off and masturbate while thinking about her teacher. At night time, she would stuff her wet panties in her mouth and finger fuck herself until she screamed. She knew she needed to see him soon.Teacher Dean Jenkins had been worried sick over the weekend, he did not know what to do about Millie, the blackmail or...
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John slumped. The lava lamp glow of the screen on his desk was barely enough to illuminate the keyboard, barely enough to illuminate the scribbled notes that had managed to hold him awake until now; until now when the relentless drip of cheap vodka down his throat had overpowered the passion in the pen. Perhaps John would have called it poison in the pen. Anyone walking into the room would have noted that whilst in general it was tidy, the desk was suffering an overflow of...
By Pilgrim. © Part I - Introductions & Positions Scene 1 So far this had been a day from hell. No scratch that, a week from hell. Hectic, badly planned, too stressful badly timed and to top it all off, we were in London: Home to the beautiful, charismatic, intelligent young woman Millie Bobby Brown. I'm not sure if she was still able to call any place home really. But today really did take the cake. But perhaps I should clarify who I am. I'm Mike, Millie's personal bodyguard ever since her...
My sweet, big-titted plumper wife, Millie, had changed after her day at the beach. I had thought she was perfect before, but I hadn’t known what perfect was before that day. Oh, she was still the same Millie, funny and sweet and giving, and more devoted to me than ever. After her struggle to trust me that day, and her amazing, instant transformation from self-hating ‘fatandugly’ housewife to blazing-hot naked cockteaser as a result of that reluctant trust, she would do literally anything I...
One Friday night a few weeks later, we sat down to our weekly poker game. It was late June, and warm outside. Millie was wearing nothing but nylon panties and one of my sleeveless undershirts, it clung to her huge tits like half-transparent paint, with acres of pretty white flesh exposed at the top and sides, and she looked wonderful. I estimated I was looking at eight inches of inviting cleavage. ‘Uh, Jeff, my face is up here,’ she laughed as I dealt the first hand. ‘Um. Sorry,’ I said....
Seventeen year old Millie woke up late on a Friday morning. She couldn’t risk going to school late again this week. She was lucky last time. The teacher, Mrs. Kim, was very nice and let her off very easily without a detention. But that teacher is no longer at her school; she retired and there would be a new teacher. She hoped she/he would be nice and sweet just as Mrs. Kim.The alarm clock blared noisily near her ear. She groaned and slammed her hand on top of it. She peeked an eye open and saw...
MasturbationMillie is a plain girl-next-door you would not notice twice. Though she had a petite and attractive body, she hardly ever found a guy to her taste. Most thought she is a too shy and introverted. But in reality, Millie had fetishes including handcuff fetish that often threw regular guys off-track. So, every time she started dating a guy, eventually they would run away as soon as she disclosed her kinky side. It was getting frustrating for her so she decided to look for guys specifically based on...
FetishIt was fifteen minutes from quitting time when Millie got called into Mr. Carrolton's office. In the fifteen years of working her way up through the ranks at Carrolton Manufacturing, this was the first time she had ever set foot in his office. She was very nervous, as people rarely got called into that office for good reasons. When she entered, she immediately saw Mr. Carrolton sitting behind his very large desk. Mr. Wallace, her immediate supervisor, was in a chair to her right. Millie was...
It had been two weeks since my wife, Beth and I had last seen our friend Millie. Just when we thought she had forgotten us, we got an E-mail. "Hi Teachers," it read, "I think I'm ready for another computer lesson when you are. I'll be shopping in our usual place tomorrow around ten o'clock. See you there?" Love you guys! Millie To say that Beth and I were pleased would be a definite understatement. We were ecstatic! Beth was especially delighted since she had been shortchanged during...
It was after her school ended when Millie went home alone. She was glad it was the end of the week. She needed to think about her feelings, especially the part where she wanted to touch him. Did she want to blow his mind? Fuck him?“Maybe..” She muttered to herself, biting her lip as she entered her bedroom and falling onto the bed before bringing her mobile phone out of her pocket. She scrolled down to find the picture she wanted to see. On the screen, a picture of her homeroom/maths teacher...
MasturbationMillie’s mum was also called Millie and that could be confusing except for the fact everyone called Millie the daughter “Little Millie” and they called her mum “Big Millie. It was somewhat of an amusing circumstance as “Big Millie” was tiny in comparison to her daughter. “Little Millie was quite tall and had a humongous appetite that caused her to have self-described “big bones” in full explanation for her size. It was Little Millie’s rear-end that made her distinctive when viewed from behind...
“Who are you?” “I’m Alice.” “Are you on the project?” Millie asked despite assuming that everyone there was part of the project. “No. I’m Andrew’s mother.” Not expecting that answer, Millie stared at Alice trying to think of something to say. Finally, she managed, “This is awkward.” “You’re about my age, aren’t you?” “Probably,” Millie said. Being less than helpful, Cat said, “According to Andrew, Millie gives the best blowjob in the world. You might want to take some lessons from her,...
The next time I saw Millie was three days later when she was cutting her grass. Cutting grass right is work but watching Millie cut grass is a pleasure. She was wearing a pair of tight purple short-shorts, a black sports bra and a pair of tennis shoes. She worked fast behind a gas powered push mower. I was going to finish my edging and stuff and blow off the driveway when I saw her. She didn't see me, she was fully focused on what she was doing. Her arm was out of the sling, which surprised...
Connie Eubanks was feeling a little low that morning, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get into her job, and constantly had to remind herself to get back to work! Even while taking phone calls, her mind would wander and she had to ask several clients to repeat what they had just said because she wasn’t paying any attention! At about 11:15 her phone rang and it was her best friend Millie calling to see if they could have lunch together. “Sure Mil,” Connie replied, “why not, I’ll...
The sun was rapidly warming my bedroom when I finally awoke after my first good night's sleep in a week or more. I rolled over and looked at my watch, it was already 10 AM. I was still somewhat tired and might have been able to go back to sleep for another hour or so, but the increasing heat indicated that it was time to get up. The reason for my poor sleep in the days before was my panic efforts to finish out my freshman year at college without flunking out. I believe that I achieved...
the following story is 100% true. this is a story of my first 3-some with my good friend rick and a cross dresser i had been chatting with for some time. the names have been changed to protect the guilty.....lolrick and i have known each other for approximately 20 years. with rick i feel free to explore my gay side. it is for this reason that i now consider myself a bisexual male. rick is gay and we met while working together in a different city where we now live. we had a project to do along...
My kids and I arrived at their cousin Kaley’s birthday party. It had been a few months since the last family event and likewise since we have had Allison stay over with us. I made small talk with a few people there before noticing Patty. Patty is Allison’s mother. I made my way over to Patty in the kitchen, she looked very frustrated. I asked what the issue was then she informed me that Allison was being a handful today, in addition to letting her grades slip, she was in one of her teenager...
Incest"Very," answered Billy "and fun to." "Yes, you certainly looked like you were enjoying yourself. It was almost like you wanted to show yourself to the Dr. and her nurse." Replied Cheryl. "I did mom, there was something very exciting about it." "Maybe you're an exhibitionist Billy, you know someone who enjoys exposing themselves to others." "Well, if that's what an exhibitionist is then I guess I am one." Said Billy. "Is it ok if I'm naked around the house some mom?"...
My senior year in college, I attained employment with Miss Laura as her maid. Miss Laura is 50ish, very rich, very demanding, and also very sexy and beautiful. I cleaned and cooked and did her laundry, etc. The pay rate was much higher than I had expected. My duties revolved around my classes and studying. Miss Laura was very demanding and wanted everything done HER way, but also very understanding. After graduation, she offered me the position of being her personal maid. I had to sign a...
The next week and a half seemed like an eternity to me. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't concentrate in class, I was a mess. The more I thought about what was going to happen that Friday, the more uncertain I became. What if I couldn't figure out what to do? What if I hurt her? Was Pete going to be watching and coaching? Would that make me freeze up? What if she chickened out? What if I chickened out? I avoided the Myer's family as much as I could. Avoiding Pete turned out to be easy. He had...
I never believed finding romance and love online was possible but that's exactly what happened to me. Her name was Allison and the minute I saw her picture I was hooked. She was simply stunning, with the prettiest face and smile I could have possibly imagined. While she lived in Oregon and I lived in England , the distance didn't really matter. After all, it was just a chat site, wasn't it? I thought for ages about a way to say hello that would at least ensure she replied to me. It was pretty...
LesbianAllison was so excited! She slowly pulled on her thong, then her cotton shorts, then her cut off tee shirt which barely covered her braless 32B breasts. She polished her toe ring and applied pink polish to her toenails and put on her little gold ankle bracelet. Then she combed out her shoulder length blond hair and walked to her full length mirror."Hot!" Allison exclaimed as she looked at her tan, scantily clad 13 year old nymphet body. She was about to meet her first online boyfriend, a sexy...
Allison 2 re-writeMy name is Alan Smith, at least I think it still is, so much has happened over the last year, I am beginning to wonder what is real anymore. I suppose it began with my aunt Dolly (moms step-sister, real name Dorothy) aged 37, and uncle Ben two years older at 39, nearly getting divorced, they were constantly arguing, mainly because they had not got any c***dren. Aunt Dolly always wanted a daughter, but were always jealous of my mom and dad who had me. My parents had a varied...
"Can I ask you a question?" I was sitting in my favorite breakfast restaurant when Allison asked me that question as she refilled my coffee cup. "Of course you may, but I don't promise to answer it and depending on the question even if I do answer it I reserve the right to lie." "You have been coming in here almost four years now and not once in all that time have you made a pass at me or even flirted with me and I'm just curious as to why." "Why would you be curious about...
Saturday, September 10 (After Chapter 12 of Triptych) ALLISON: You chose a great time for this. Couldn't we have talked sometime when I was sure and positive and knew what the hell I was doing? This is like the most confusing time of my life and I'm in rehearsal and have my senior project to do and ... Heavenly days! Can't anything be simple for once? aroslav: Hi, Allison. ALLISON: Breathe. That's all I have to do. Just take a deep breath. [Pause] ALLISON: Well if you was a...
"Matt!" I hear someone shout from the crowd of people waiting at the exit to the airport. I look towards the direction of the sound, and I see a blonde woman in her mid-40s, short hair, and in a tight white top smiling at me and waving, and I recognise my step-mom Millie Smith. I smile back and wave, and walk towards her, pushing my luggage cart in front of me until I reach where she is standing. She runs up to me and gives me a hug, and as she is pressing into me, I realise that she has...
MILFAllison walked off the trail and into some densely packed trees. As she walked behind the tree and began to unzip her pants, she noticed a large patch of grass 20 feet away . It didn't seem normal, the grass was much thicker, and way too green to be normal. She walked towards the strange growth, but stopped. She suddenly realized she didn't know which way to get back to Derek, as she was in the middle of the forest, but she was distracted by the plant again. She finally reached the...
I met Allison when I started to date my wife. She is about five foot six, blonde with grayish green eyes, slender, and a cute behind. I am quite a flirt and Allison at first thought that I would end up cheating my wife. The more she got to know me, those thoughts went out the window. I love my wife and she knows that I would never hurt or leave her. A little about my wife and my relationship. We have an adventurist type of relationship when it comes to sex. We have swung a time or two and my...
CheatingWhen the day finally came, she was awfully nervous. After such a long wait, she hadn't expected to have any second thoughts—but she did. She was worried about what might happen afterwards, she was worried about getting caught, but most of all, she was worried that he wouldn't show up. It was a constant source of anxiety for poor little Allison, who had waited for this day for three years. As the final bell rang and she left the building through the back entrance and headed off into the field,...
Love Stories"George," the voice on the telephone was Allison's. "I'm glad I caught you in. I thought you might come to dinner again. I know I wasn't very sympathetic about your condition. Perhaps I can make up for it with another meal? "It wasn't any problem," George said, reluctant to get into any deeper discussion about just why he was wearing the cage over his cock. "Honestly. I'm sorry that I hadn't said anything before." "I don't blame you," Allison replied. "It a very difficult...
I didn't see much of Pete or Snookie for the next few days, which was good. I needed to sort out in my head everything that had happened that night. Toward the end of the week, I was lying on my bed, trying to stay cool, when I glanced out my window. Snookie's room was directly across the street from mine. Her room was on the second floor and mine was on the first, so I had an indirect view through her window. I usually didn't even glance over there because the previous owners had always...
(Due to the fact that quite a bit of time has passed since part I was written, my recommendation would be to read part I before reading part II. Some editing has been done on part I of a technical nature not enough to change the storyline in any way. The “meats” in the title is not a typo but a pun of sorts due to the butcher trade of one of her candidates for lifelong partnership. This will close out this story because there is a decided lack of interest in this style of restrained erotica...
Deceased wife's friend fucks me Allison I am 59 years old and recently widowed. I loved my wife and never defiled our bed with other partners. I wish she would have been more open sexually. I mean she loved it when I licked her to orgasm, but would never suck my cock. Is that something that only girls in porn movies enjoy? It didn’t take long to find out. At her funeral, Allison, one of her coworkers at a seniors home mentioned we should go for coffee sometime. I told her to call me, and...
FriendMillie sat in her living room looking down at the letters on the table with a tear running down her cheek. They were all labelled "last warning", "payment due now", "final warning" and similarly. She thought of her boyfriend that had walked out on her a few weeks ago, breaking her heart, emptying their joint bank account, causing their last two rent checks to bounce, and meaning that the bills were piling up. Millie needed cash, and lots of it, now. She had left the small town she grew up in...
It took us a few days but we soon became comfortable living together. Well not exactly comfortable. I broke out an old pair of pajamas that I hadn't worn in years and wore them in the evening after dinner when I was out about the house. Millie, I think tried to shock me by wearing almost nothing. She usually wore a tee-shirt that almost covered her ass. If the tee-shirt rode up, which it often did, I found myself trying not to stare at a pair of thong panties that barely covered her in front...