My Journey To The Wild Side: Part Six free porn video

My bathroom renovation was completed and I reflected on the past few days. The contractors had seen me naked and intimately touched me in every way. I had sucked them both off three times and my master was happy with me .
I couldn’t wait until nine o’clock for my regular video chat with my master; I was eager to hear how pleased he would be with me. Right on the stroke of nine, he was online. I was naked and ready as ordered by him. When he saw me, he woke and he told me that he was very pleased indeed.
“You did very well, my sex slave.”
Thank you, sir.”
“Did you enjoy the contractors seeing and touching you?”
“Yes sir, I did.”
“Get your thong now and put it on, I don’t want to see your pussy until the hair has grown back.”
“Okay sir, but you ordered me to shave.”
“I know I did; that was so that the contractors could see all of my slave girl.”
I ran and got a thong and pulled it on.
“Until it has grown back, I only want to see your tits.”
“I understand, sir; it should be fully grown back within ten days.”
“Remember, no husband rights, he does not see you or touch you!”
“I understand, sir; he thinks that I am denying him as part of a sex game.”
“I don’t care what he thinks; he will never touch you again.”
“I understand, sir.”
The next two weeks went along as usual. I would suck and fuck Dave whenever possible and my master only saw me topless online as we chatted .
My husband came home from his business trip and asked me if I had been online with my man friend while he was gone. I told him that I had a few times and he quizzed me if I had been naked. My husband showed me he actually liked the idea of me showing myself to my online friend and he was disheartened when I told him that my online friend had only seen me in my lingerie.
As usual, he wanted sex with me and I declined.
“I told you that you were on a sex ban.” I smiled.
“I have not fucked you in months now.” Graham cried, “How long before I get to see and touch you?”
“You liked the idea of my online friend seeing me undressed and not you.”
“I know, and I still do, but I need a fuck.”
“We are not going to fuck and you are not going to see me undressed.”
I couldn’t let my husband see me undressed! My master would not like it, and apart from that, I actually didn’t want Graham to see me naked.
In the following days, I would give my master daily updates on the regrowth status of my pubic hair and how I was handling the sex ban on my husband. Finally, my pubic hair had grown back and I was excited for my master to see me naked again.
My husband was home on the day that I was to show my master my pussy again but I didn’t care. I needed him to see me naked and I had been anxiously waiting for almost two weeks for this day to arrive.
I told my husband that I would be going online that evening, and he got excited.
“Does that mean that we will share the same bed and fuck tonight?" Graham asked.
“No, it doesn’t.” I replied, “You will still sleep in the guest room, and the sex ban is still in effect.”
“Can I at least see you naked before my next trip in two days?”
“ No, you can’t!” I answered, “I told you, the sex ban is going to last for a long time!”
“Can I at least sleep with you, then?”
“No, I like to sleep in the nude,” I snapped, "you are not going to see me naked. Only my online lover can see me naked.”
“You mean, he has now seen you naked?”
“Yes, I stripped naked for him last night!”
“Wow, that is so hot.” Graham smiled, “And I am not allowed to see what he can see?”
“ No, you can’t.”
“Thank you, baby,” Graham smiled, “I am loving this.”
So was I, but I couldn’t let my husband know that!
That night, I went online and my master saw me naked again. He made me work myself off in front of the web-cam and I had several shattering climaxes .
“When will your husband be leaving?” Gary asked.
“In two days, sir.” I replied, exhausted.
“Good, I have a job for you.”
“A job sir?”
“Yes, you will be away from home for three nights and four days.”
“I will? Why?”
“You address me like that?”
“Oh! Sorry, sir. Why will I be away, sir?”
“You are going to travel to New Orleans.”
“Oh wow! When sir?”
“In two days, you will meet me at noon.” Gary went on, "I want you to meet me at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in New Orleans."
“My husband does not leave until two-thirty, sir."
“I don’t care!” Gary shouted, “You will meet me in New Orleans at noon!”
“Okay sir. But why?”
“You are going to meet someone.”
“I am? Who, sir?”
“It’s a surprise, but wear a short skirt and button up shirt.”
“Okay, sir.”
“White sexy lingerie, and don’t be late.”
“Okay, sir.”
He repeated the address of where I had to meet him and in a flash, he signed out. I somehow had to get out of the house to do some shopping before my husband left for his next business trip.
I told Graham that I was going out with my best friend Crystal to do some baby shopping. She was having a baby in five months. This would be a perfect excuse. Graham agreed.
I went into town and bought an expensive, sexy, silky bra and thong set along with a white, semi- transparent shirt and a very sexy black skirt.
I began to prepare myself to meet my master for a three night stay in New Orleans and to discover who it was my master wanted me to meet along with him. The night before, I bathed in luxury for over an hour. Thinking of where I was going, wondering what would happen there, I felt my pulse racing in anticipation. My stomach had butterflies.
If I weren't in the tub, my pussy would be drenched! I wanted to, but I decided not to touch myself before I arrived. Exiting the tub slowly I still felt trepidation and nervous excitement. I did not sleep well that night.
That morning, after my shower, I put on my new (and very sexy, I might add) white bra and thong set. While watching myself in the mirror, I added my new button-down shirt; White - just as my master ordered. My attire was completed by a new, very short, flared black skirt and matching high heels. I looked in the mirror again. Who is this person staring back at me? Was I really ready to go on this new adventure?
I was nervous and excited about what my master had in store for me, but I trusted him completely. I was discovering that the more daring and erotic my tasks were becoming, the more I was beginning to crave them. I grabbed my bag that I had ready packed the night before.
My husband always slept in on his last day home. This morning was no different. Quietly carrying my heels and bag, I passed by the guest room door. I heard no sound from the room. As I passed the mirror in the entry hallway, I took one last glimpse of myself, a stranger to the plain housewife of a few short weeks ago. One deep breath and I turned and walked out the door, leaving a short note by my husband's keys.
My husband would be more than a little pissed at me for not being home when he left for his business trip, but I had more important things to do. I couldn't think of that now. The note simply said; "I didn't want to wake you. I won't be back before you leave. I'll see you when you return in a few weeks. Kerri"
He called me while I was driving and indeed he was pissed. I didn't care, I was on an adventure!
New Orleans is only three hours from me, but I left at seven in the morning to make sure that I was not late. I arrived at the door of the hotel by eleven o’clock; the hotel was the Ritz Carlton, a five-star hotel and it was amazing, it was very elegant and strictly for the rich.
I waited in one of the hotel bars with my bag where I was to meet my master. Shortly, before eleven fifty, my master arrived and he was not alone! He was with a guy named Johnny, a very well-built, strong-looking man with a delicious smile.
“Well done, my slave. You are right on time.” Gary smiled, “This is Johnny, and he is from New York.”
I smiled nervously as Johnny hugged me.
“Hi, Johnny,” I simply smiled.
“I assume that she doesn’t know yet,” Johnny said softly, “or she would have addressed me in the correct way.”
“Know what?” I asked nervously.
Gary took my hand and placed it in Johnny’s hand and said, “You belong to Johnny for the next three nights and four days.”
I gulped.
“He is your new master for the next few days.”
Johnny squeezed my hand tightly and I could feel the juices start to flow from my pussy.
“If you think that I am a tough master, just wait until Johnny gives you orders,” Gary smiled.
“Kiss me!” Johnny ordered, as he pulled me to him. “Kiss your Master now!”
He thrust his tongue deep into my mouth and squeezed my ass as he kissed me deeply. I felt his strong hands grasp my ass and in my state of need, I climaxed immediately.
“You will call me Master,” Johnny smiled as he released his mouth from mine.
“Okay, sir,” I replied.
“I told you to call me Master, not sir!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Master.”
“I have only known you for ten minutes and already you have earned a punishment.”
“I have, sir? Why?”
“I am your Master; address me as Master; not sir!”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Master.”
“Undo the top three buttons of that shirt,” Johnny ordered.
“Yes, Master.”
I undid the top three buttons on my shirt and that exposed a lot of my virgin white bra.
“The punishment only gets worse from here.” Johnny smiled.
“I understand, sir.”
“Master. Call me Master, not sir.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Master.”
“Stand up,” Johnny ordered , "I am going to enjoy punishing you."
I stood up and he put his hands up my skirt and took hold of the waistband of my new silk thong. He pulled my thong down and ordered me to step out of them. I did as I was ordered and he held them up to his face and smiled.
“You smell good.”
“Thank you, Master.”
He looked at my sexy thong for a moment before he put them into his jacket pocket. I was now standing there with no thong on and my bra half exposed!
We stayed in the bar of the hotel for an hour before Gary told us that he was leaving. I got very nervous. I thought that he was going to be with us, but alas, the plan was for me to be solely Johnny’s for the whole three nights and four days.
Gary did tell me that he had known Johnny for almost twenty years, and that he is totally safe and trustworthy.
“You are the fourth girl that we have shared, baby. You are perfectly safe with Johnny." Gary reassured me.
“Thank you, sir. I love you, ” I answered with relief.
Johnny and I stayed in the bar for a further hour before we went to the hotel restaurant to eat. We sat in a booth opposite to each other. I was very conscious of the amount of bra that I was showing.
Our waiter took a long, close look at me when he took our order. I tried to close my shirt but Johnny saw me and in front of the waiter, ordered me to undo another button as punishment for trying to cover up. The waiter smiled as he heard Johnny's order.
"Unbutton that shirt one more."
I gave a nervous smile as I unbuttoned the next one down; the waiter was watching very closely.
Most of my bra and cleavage was now very much on show and I was getting very wet and excited about what was going to happen over the next few days!
“Pull your skirt up.” Johnny said in a slightly raised voice, “I want your naked ass on that seat.”
I blushed as I was certain other diners could hear him and I knew our waiter did as he was walking away with our order.
“Yes, sir.”
I realized at once that I had addressed him incorrectly. It was too late. He noticed.
“Sir? Will you ever learn?”
“I’m sorry, Master.”
“I want your bra on this table within two minutes!”
“Master, I will never get to the bathroom and back in two minutes.”
“Did I mention anything about going to the bathroom?”
“No, Master.”
“Get that bra off, right here and now," Johnny smiled, “and I don’t want to see your tits exposed when you take it off.”
“I have to remove it right here, Master?”
“Yes, right here and the clock is ticking. I don’t want to see those tits flashed!”
I moved my hand to the back of my shirt and unclipped my bra; I pushed my hand inside my shirt and struggled to pull my bra off without showing my breasts, but I finally managed it. I placed my white silky bra on the table and smiled.
“Good girl,” Johnny smiled as he looked at his watch, “But, that took you three minutes and twenty-seven seconds.”
He pulled my thong from his pocket and placed it on the table with my bra. I blushed with embarrassment. I was expecting a more severe punishment for taking too long to remove my bra; my relief was short lived.
He reached into his pocket and brought out a small utility knife; he handed me the knife and ordered me to cut off the buttons that I had undone.
“But master, I only just bought this shirt yesterday,” I pleaded, “It cost me over sixty dollars”
“Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?” My new master smiled, “And, lose another button!”
I carefully cut off the five buttons that I had undone and handed them to Johnny. I looked at my shirt and saw that a lot of my now naked breasts were showing; I dare not try to cover them as that would get me another punishment. I loved being on display, it excited me, it kept me wet, and most of all, I loved to be dominated!
We stayed in the restaurant for another hour, drinking wine and chatting. The seat that I was sitting on was now soaked in my love juice; most of my naked breasts were on display and the wine had a soothing, carefree effect on me.
Johnny paid the check and it was time to leave; our waiter smiled at me when he saw my bra and thong on the table and I blushed again with embarrassment. I stood up to leave the booth and Johnny came around to see how wet the seat was where I had been sitting; it was very wet and he slapped my ass and smiled as another bout of embarrassment filled my body.
We went to walk away, and suddenly I remembered my new bra and thong were still on the table.
“We forgot my bra and thong, Master; they are still on the table.”
“I know; we are leaving them there!” Johnny smiled as he squeezed my ass, “We are leaving the buttons there as well!”
“But, I only bought the lingerie yesterday Master; this is the first time that I have worn them.”
“And it is the last time; were they expensive?” Johnny asked.
“They cost me over one hundred and ten dollars, Master.”
Johnny smiled, “Isn’t that a shame.”
Embarrassment filled my body as I looked back at my lingerie on the table; I thought of how long it took me to find the perfect set for my trip and I loved how the silky feel of them felt on my naked skin. Alas, they were mine no longer.
We took the elevator to our floor and found our room; he opened the door and I went to follow him in.
“Stop right there,” Johnny shouted, “you are to be naked whenever you are in this room.”
“Oh my gosh, Master, okay.”
“So, get naked, right now!”
“Out here? In the hallway, Master?”
“Yes, right here, in the hallway; leave your clothes outside the room.”
“Oh my gosh... okay, sir.”
Johnny slapped my ass again and shouted, “I am your Master. You will call me Master!”
“”Oh my, I’m so sorry, Master.”
"You have earned a huge punishment for not addressing me correctly now."
"I understand, Master."
“Now, strip naked out here and knock on the door for me to let you in!”
He walked in and closed the door shut. I was shaking with excitement; I could feel my cum running down my thigh. Shaking, I undid the remaining two buttons of my shirt and eased it off; it fell to the floor.
I was topless, outside in the hallway; I pulled at the zipper on my skirt and slid it down and off. I was now naked and very vulnerable. I felt vulnerable. Anybody could walk past and see me naked; I felt a little frightened, but still very excited. My heart was racing, my juices were flowing.
Suddenly, reality hit me; I am fucking naked! Naked in a hotel hallway, exposed to the world!
I knocked on the door and waited. A minute passed and I was still outside, naked; I knocked again and waited some more! Five minutes passed before the door finally opened, just enough for him to see me standing there naked!
He smiled and said, “Beautiful, just beautiful.”
He opened the door and I began to step forward.
“Stop!” Johnny shouted.
I stood there, startled, half-in and half-out of the room.
“You are not naked,” Johnny said in a raised voice, “You still have your shoes on.”
“I’m sorry, Master; I didn’t realize that you meant my shoes as well.”
I started to remove my shoes and he smiled.
“Go back outside and dress, then knock again.”
He closed the door and I hurriedly pulled my skirt and shirt on; I knocked again and he opened the door.
“That’s a good girl; now strip naked and try again.”
The door closed and I was left outside once more. Quickly, I stripped all of my clothes and, remembering my shoes, I stood completely naked before the door; I knocked again and waited.
Suddenly I heard voices from the hallway and I froze! I didn’t know whether to grab my shirt or stand there naked and brave it out. I knew that if I pulled my shirt on, I would get a severe punishment, so like a brave girl, I stood there in full view of the strangers who were just approaching our doorway.
I was shaking with excitement and nerves; my juices were flowing like crazy as I waited for the inevitable to happen. I turned my back to where I thought the voices were coming from and held my breath.
“Wow, hi gorgeous,” I heard; I looked around and there were two smartly dressed guys walking towards me. I fumbled with the door lock, knowing it was hopeless. They reached the spot where I was standing and asked me if I needed help. I explained to them that my husband would be here any second.
My entire sex was on display to these two strangers and I was powerless.
“My room is down the hallway.” One of the men said with a smile.
Still, they stood there, looking, eyeing me up and down at my nakedness.
“I am fine, thank you,” I smiled, nervously.
Thankfully, there was movement on the door handle and I breathed a sigh of relief ; the door opened and the two strangers hurried away down the hallway. I ran inside our room and shouted.
“They saw me fucking naked! Naked!”
Johnny smiled and said, “Is that how you address me?”
I realized at that moment that, he had hoped for someone to see me naked outside.
I mumbled softly, “I mean, they saw me naked, Master.”
“You never raise your voice to your Master, understand?”
“Yes Master, I am sorry.”
“Go outside again and wait there until you learn your lesson.”
“Oh my gosh.”
Johnny opened the door and I slowly walked out; the door closed on me and I was again, naked out in the hallway. Fifteen long minutes had passed before he opened the door to allow me back in the sanctuary of our room.
“Thank you, Master,” I smiled as I walked in.
“Stand there and let me look at you,” Johnny said softly.
I stood there as he gazed at every inch of my body.
“Beautiful,” Johnny smiled, “Gary was right when he said you are beautiful.”
“Thank you, Master.”
“One thing that I don’t like,” he went on, “I don’t like pubic hairs, I want you shaved!”
“But my Master Gary likes them; he wants me to have pubic hair, Master.”
“I am your Master now. Not Gary! I want them shaved! And, shaved today!”
“Yes Master, I will shave them tonight; do you have a razor, Master?”
“You will not shave them.” I watched him, confused.
Johnny picked the phone and called the front desk.
“Does this hotel offer a barber?”
A moment later, “Good, send him to room three twenty-six .”
He turned to me and smiled, “The barber will be here shortly, he will shave you!”
“What, Master? A stranger is going to shave my pussy?”
“Yes, he is!”
“Oh my gosh Master, really?”
“Yes, really,” Johnny smiled, “Get used to it; a lot of strangers are going to see you naked over the next week!”
“The next week?” I replied, alarmed.
“Yes, all week. I decided we will extend our trip.”
“But, my husband will be home in four days, Master.”
“I don’t care; you will be here with me for a whole week!”
“Oh my gosh; what am I going to tell my husband?"
"I don't care what you tell him, you are mine."
Ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door and I froze.
“That must be the barber.” Johnny smiled, “Go and let him in.”
“Like this Master? Naked?”
“Yes, like that. Naked!”
My juice was visibly running down my inner thighs as I slowly walked to the door.
“Who is there?” I called out.
“The hotel barber,” came the reply.
“Let him in!” Johnny shouted. "He is going to shave your pussy.”
I slowly opened the door, using it as a shield to hide my nakedness. An older gentleman was standing there with the tools of his trade in a neat, shiny, small black case. He was in his late fifties and stood about five-feet, six-inches.
“I’m here to shave a guest. My name is Mark,” the barber behind the door said, and gave a nice smile at me, peeking around the door at me.
“Come in, sir.” I nervously smiled back at him as I opened the door wide, suddenly expo ing my nude body to another stranger.
Mark’s eyes suddenly got huge as he saw my naked body in front of him.
“You are here to shave her,” Johnny shouted, “Come in.”
“Sh... sh... shave her?” Mark stuttered.
Cautiously, Mark walked in and I closed the door behind him.
“Yes, I want her pussy shaved.” Johnny said in a matter of fact way .
“Oh, I see,” Mark murmured, “Okay, sir."
My face was red with embarrassment as Johnny asked Mark where he wanted me to be for the shave.
“We can take a chair into the bathroom, sir,” Mark smiled.
Johnny took a chair into the bathroom and positioned it near the vanity.
Mark followed me into the bathroom and I sat on the chair while Mark opened his little bag and got his tools ready.
“Open your legs wide,” Johnny ordered, “He is going to need them open as wide as you can.”
Embarrassment filled my entire body as I parted my legs and showed this stranger my entire sex; I prayed that Mark wouldn’t notice the juice oozing from my now exposed pussy and I tried to discreetly wipe it.
“Don’t be nervous, Miss,” Mark smiled.
Johnny came and kissed me and squeezed my breasts.
“I bet he has these requests all the time.”
“Actually, sir, this is the first time for me and I have been a barber at this hotel for over fifteen years.”
Mark got his beard trimmer from his little black bag.
“Take your time, we don’t want any accidents,” Johnny smiled, “I need to use that after you have shaved it!”
I almost died with embarrassment!
“I understand, sir,” Mark replied.
He used his small beard trimmer to reduce my pubic hairs to stubble before mixing his shaving foam; he used his little shaving brush and covered my pussy in foam. I climaxed again and let out a little sigh.
My legs were spread as far apart as they could comfortably get. I was scared when Mark pulled the straight r azor from his kit. It looked very sharp and made me very nervous. I held my breath for the first tentative swipe and then as I began to relax, he proceeded to shave me with the utmost care.
He started from the top of my pubic area and slowly moved toward my clit. I could feel his hands shaking as he continued his profession.
“Don’t be nervous about touching her,” Johnny said, “We realize that you will be touching her lips and clitty.”
Again, I nearly died of embarrassment.
“Okay, sir,” Mark smiled, “And I will be extra careful.”
I climaxed again as he pulled my lips to one side and carefully removed the stubble. He did the same to the other side of my labia and once more I climaxed as his gentle fingers pushed against the hood of my clit.
It took him over thirty minutes to shave me; he used some warm water to rinse off the remaining shaving soap and looked at Johnny.
“Would you like to feel and let me know if this is smooth enough sir?”
Johnny smiled and replied, “That’s okay, you can do that, you know better than I do.”
Mark dried off his hands and brushed his soft fingers over my pussy; as soon as he touched my clit, I shuddered and sighed as I climaxed again. Mark looked at me with the smile that he realized what had just happened and I smiled back, acknowledging that I knew that he knew!
He picked up his razor again and went to work on the few hairs that had escaped his first attempt. Again, his soft fingers stroked my pussy and again, I climaxed again as he touched my clit.
“Would you like talcum powder or oil, Miss?” Mark asked.
“Talcum powder will be fine,” I replied.
“Oil!” Johnny shouted, “Put oil on her.”
Mark went to his black bag again and pulled out a small bottle of baby oil.
Johnny whispered in my ear before he went into the bed room and left me and Mark alone.
“Tell him to make sure that he rubs the oil in deep.”
My heart was racing and I could feel my nipples tingling. Mark poured some oil onto his hand and I smiled as I nervously said softly, “He wants me to tell you to make sure you rub the oil in deeply.”
“Oh... okay, Miss.”
“Please call me Kerri. Miss sounds so formal, and we are far from formal!”
“I understand, Kerri,” Mark smiled as he started rubbing it over my pussy; I climaxed again.
He massaged the oil into my labia and clit for over ten minutes and I climaxed a further four times before he finished. His touch was so soft and exciting and I could feel his hand shaking as he massaged the oil into my naked skin. The oil mixed with my love juices and my breathing got heavy as I couldn’t stop myself from climaxing.
I could feel my body tighten and I knew that Mark knew what was happening. He kept smiling at me and I let out a small scream as a huge multi-climax hit me. I felt so embarrassed, but Mark just pressed his hand on my clit and whispered. “Relax, Kerri. Enjoy and don’t worry.”
He had brought me to an amazing plateau and I was exhausted.
Johnny came back into the bathroom just as Mark was finishing.
“That looks perfect,” Johnny smiled, “How much does she owe you?”
Mark muttered, “Eighteen dollars, sir.”
“Pay the man,” Johnny ordered me.
I got up and walked to my purse that was on the bed. I fumbled through my billfold .
“I only have four one-hundred dollar bills and a five dollar bill, Master,” I explained.
“Then give me one of the hundred dollar bills” Johnny smiled as he took the bill from my hand. He then handed the barber the one-hundred dollar bill.
“I can’t break that, sir,” Mark informed Johnny.
“Then you have an eighty-two dollar tip.” Johnny smiled.
“God bless you, sir,” Mark smiled as he put the money in his pocket.
“We will need you back here in two days to shave her again,” Johnny smiled.
“Yes, sir,” Mark smiled.
Johnny ordered me to see the barber to the door and I did as ordered. As soon as Mark had left, I turned around and Johnny was naked.
“Suck my dick now.”
“Yes, Master.”
I walked to my new master and dropped to my knees, I sucked his huge dick and within five minutes he was shooting his warm, salty mixture deep into my throat.
“Now sit there work yourself off until I tell you to stop.” Johnny, ordered.
I sat on the bed with my legs spread wide open and fingered myself for over an hour; he finally told me to stop. He got in position and, slid his now-erect cock deep into my soaking pussy. Fifteen minutes later, he filled me with his cum.
“You are very good,” Johnny smiled as he withdrew his now-limp dick from me.
“Thank you, Master.”
“Now lick my cock clean.”
I did as ordered and licked every last drop of our mixed love juice from his dick.
“I am going to enjoy this next week,” Johnny smiled.
“But Master, my husband will be home and I need to be there.”
“That is not going to happen; you will be here with me for the whole week.”
“What am I going to tell him, Master?”
“I don’t care, but you are not going home until our week is up.”
This was my dilemma and I needed to find a solution, and fast! But right now all I could think of was this incredible exciting and scary adventure.
Next chapter coming soon!

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