Once Upon A Time... free porn video

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A draught from the window touches my cheek and plays with the candle beside me. The flame flickers, its dance reflected on the crystal wine glass I'm holding aloft. I twirl the cut-glass, watching the translucent burgundy liquid swirl inside. A beautiful colour. My favourite. Raising the rim to my lips, I take a sip. Umm… I'm beginning to get into 'the mood'.

Her lips were red as Shiraz and her kisses as intoxicating…

I set the glass down on a cardboard coaster, adding another red ring to the concentric stains. I waggle my hands then stretch out my arms, fingers linked, palms flat.

"Okay, think." I crick my neck from side to side and shuffle on my chair, getting comfortable. I cross my legs. The movement swooshes my pussy lips together. That's right, think sexy…

The burgundy dress clung to her curves and all heads turned as she slowly advanced…

Now, more detail. For starters, who is this girl? Who do I want her to be? My brain cells slowly stir... how about a sexy young virgin experiencing her first time? Or a lusty Cougar seducing her neighbour? What about a nun with a devilish naughty side? I bite my lip, deep in thought. The possibilities are endless. Wanton slut on a wild night out, suggests a voice in my head. I ponder that idea and, liking it, flex my fingers, preparing to type.

"Wait a minute,” I mumble. My brow furrows. Not a night out. I've written that before. I need something new. Something original. Okay, a slut having fun at the office? Yes. I haven’t done that. That could be fun to write. Images spring forth, instantly turning my unwitting character into a brazen office slut with a dangerously daring need for exhibitionism. A sly smile curls my lips.

In the centre of the room, a spot visible from every angle, she unzipped her dress, pushed it from her shoulders and let it fall…

My brain fizzes, alive with ideas. They tumble from my mind, jostling and colliding, the little jolts stimulating my creative juices. A tingle trickles down my spine spreading across my skin like oil on water. Eager to write, my hands hover over the keyboard. Ready.

I stare expectantly at the blank white page on the laptop's screen. I clench my teeth, concentrating. My fingers twitch but nothing else happens. I clear my throat, blink, and stare again. Still nothing — except the damn blank page seems to grow bigger, brighter. It dazzles me. So much white. No black. No words.

The candle flickers and the flame sputters. Distracted, I glance towards it, noticing as I do that the heavy curtains drawn across the window aren't quite closed. The fraying edges of the worn blue velvet drapes don't meet, leaving a sliver of the outside world visible. The moon, perfectly positioned in the gap, peeps at me from behind scudding clouds, its image overlaid with reflections from my study. A dog barks somewhere close and a light clicks on downstairs in the house opposite. I crane my neck as I see movement but the light goes off again.

Snapping back to reality, I turn away. "Honestly," I mutter angrily, "you're so easily sidetracked." I am. Tipping sideways on my chair, I manage to reach the curtains and close them properly. "There. Now concentrate. Write."

I take a moment to sip more wine. As the liquid trickles down my gullet, I lean back, resting my head against the padded back of my faux leather swivel chair. I inhale slowly, savouring the fruity tang of my wine and the sweet vanilla of my scented candle. Delicious. So relaxing. My eyelids feel heavy and the temptation to close them almost gets the better of me. Almost…

Standing in the middle of the busy office, dressed only in her underwear, the girl waited for something to happen…

"Ugh… come on."

Sitting erect, I set my glass down again and gaze once more at the screen. Brightly coloured tropical fish swim across it. I watch them, mesmerised by their movement, then tap a random key to banish them. The blank screen returns. The daunting emptiness still entitled 'generic template'. I think I prefer the fish. Too bad. With mounting trepidation, I reposition my hands over the keys and wait. Inspiration will come, it always does. Then whoosh… I'll write.

Darn it! There's a clock ticking somewhere. It's not in here, there isn't a clock in the study or anywhere near that I'm aware of. Oh no… I try to ignore the relentless ticking but, now I've heard it, I can't shut it out. Standing, pushing back the chair, I march to the door and close it. I stand, ears straining, listening. Nothing. No ticking. Good.

Back at my desk, I reposition my hands and try again. Okay. This time, I actually brush the plastic keys. I feel them depress and the letters K and O appear at the top of the screen. Two stark black shapes against the brilliant white. KO? I roll my eyes. Had it been OK I'd have seen it as a good omen and carried on typing but KO? It couldn't be worse - knocked out. Flattened. Defeated.

That about sums things up. Puffing out my cheeks, I slump back, vacantly staring at the ceiling. My mind's as blank as the laptop screen and that's not good for a writer. Hell, what am I doing wrong? I've got wine, candles, peace and quiet – I should be able to write. Think passion, think steaming erotica… create something hot.

"Like what?" I spit through gritted teeth.

I cover my eyes with my hands. I take a deep breath and hold it… one, two, three and breathe out. Maybe I'm rushing. If I take my time, drink more wine, get myself aroused... I slide my hands down my body, touching my skin, experimenting. They rest on my breasts. I cup them gently, feeling my soft orbs rise and fall as I breathe. Ahh, it's working… my mind becomes active again. Questions form. What would my character's breasts feel like? Firmer? Smaller? Larger? Could she be a blonde with enormous breasts? I giggle. That's a fantastic image to play with.

Her mountainous breasts heaved against the flimsy lace bra as, turning her head, she silently counted each wide-eyed watcher…

Sitting forward, I determinedly touch the keyboard. I’m suddenly bursting with ideas and once the dam breaks, words will pour from me in a literary torrent.

They don't. I freeze, not a key pressed. The connection between thought and action appears to be severed. Exasperated, I run my hands through my hair, pushing it back into a pony tail. I twist it tightly around my fingers. "For goodness sake." The pony tail unravels and swishes free. "Just do it."

I shake my hands again. It's their fault. Must be. Come on, wake up, hands. Get to work. Type something. Anything. I touch the plastic squares again, pressing until I feel them give. One key, another, another… several depress in quick succession and a quiet, familiar tapping ensues. Yes! It's a blissful sound. I'm relieved to hear it.

My happiness, however, is short lived. It's abruptly shattered as I read the words at the top of the screen - Once upon a time…

"Once upon a time?" I glare, disbelieving. "What the fuck is that? I write erotica, not fairy tales!" Anger surges through me then, shaking my head, I snort with laughter. It's a reflex reaction. Better than crying. "Damn. What's wrong with me?"

Muttering profanities, I lower a finger onto the delete key and keep it there. The offending sentence disappears, letter by letter. A blank screen glares back once more. This isn't working. Sighing, I power down my laptop and close the lid. Perhaps the study is the problem? Would I have more luck writing in my bedroom? Worth a shot...

I dip my head and blow out the candle. A thin trail of smoke curls from the glowing wick. The scent of burning tickles my nostrils, followed by a strong whiff of vanilla. It's funny how scented candles do that, give off a last blast of scent as they die. Is it something to do with the change in temperature? Does the fragrance escape as the wax solidifies? I don't know. I'm also not sure why I'm sitting there, gazing into space, thinking about it.

I rise from my chair and stretch. I'm tired but I'm not ready to give up. Not yet.

There's a stack of A4 notepads on the shelf above my desk. I grab the top one and flip it open. It's used. Most of the pages are written on but there's space at the back. I select a biro from the jar beside my laptop and, clicking the end, scribble circles on the notepad's tattered cover. The black ink leaves smooth, even squiggles with no nasty blobs. Perfect. All set.

Oops… nearly forgot my wine. Plucking up the half-empty glass, I pad towards my bedroom, carpet squishing beneath my toes. I elbow open the bedroom door and back-heel it shut. My bed awaits. The white duvet and plump pillows are tantalisingly inviting.

"You’re here to work, not sleep," I murmur, fighting the urge to slide into bed and snuggle down.

Sleep can wait. Tossing notepad and pen onto the bed, and depositing my wine glass on the nightstand, I turn my attention to the polished pine chest of drawers. More specifically, the bottom drawer. I drop to my knees in front of it. A tug on the brass handles and it slides open.

A tiny flutter of excitement, like a butterfly awakening, stirs inside my ribcage. I love this drawer. It's an Aladdin's cave of impractical, beautiful underwear. Tiny thongs, satin Basques, lacy peep hole bras so revealing there's little point wearing them. Little practical point, that is. I finger the silky lingerie, rousing my imagination.

Twenty-five. Not bad. Twenty-five sets of eyes all focussed on her. Heart beating wildly, she trailed her fingertips languidly over her lacy bra. Juices moistened the crotch of her tiny panties…

I rummage through the drawer uncovering old friends and forgotten delights. Frowning, I hold up a brand new body stocking still in its packet. When did I buy that? The leggy blonde modelling this item looks great but it's not very me. Probably why it's never been worn. My busty office slut wouldn't wear it either.

"That's more like it," I say, unearthing a white lace bra and panties set. It's much more her and me.

It’s also new, bought to replace identical items I'd discarded after a red T-shirt materialised in my whites wash. I rip off the tags and hold the underwear aloft. Inspiration bubbles inside me. The cogs are turning, building my character, creating the setting. A girl, a slut – a blonde bombshell with a voracious sexual appetite. A man-eater.


A coherent storyline is emerging. Not only that, a tingle of arousal is tickling my sex. Getting to my feet, I hastily unbutton my work clothes. My shirt flaps open and, unbelted, my trousers slide down my legs. A few shimmies later, I'm standing in bra and panties. The set is practical – plain black cotton – not sexy. I strip and reach around my back to fasten the new bra.

Wow! That feels good. The material is so flimsy, it barely contains my breasts and my nipples, caressed by the patterned mesh, quickly harden. I brush a hand over the solid little bullets. Umm… they ache deliciously. I pinch my nipples, rubbing them between thumb and forefinger. Ooh… nice.

With my heart rate increasing, I slip on the panties. They're tiny and they're crotchless. Daring? Lewd? I don't care, I feel sexy wearing them. And naughty. Yes, very naughty. I close my eyes, encouraging my imagination to soar.

Hearing a cough, she turned. A saucy smile blossomed across her pretty face when her gaze met the lustful stare of her boss. Head held high, she strode confidently towards him. Her pussy lips protruded from her crotchless panties and to her delight, his gaze dropped…

I shiver. Such wicked behavior is quite delightful. But what happens next? A frantic fuck in his office? Possibly. It could work. Naughtier still, why not keep the exhibitionist element? Her boss could fuck her in the boardroom in front of a room full of dumbstruck board members. Yes! A dozen silver-haired fat-cats sat around an oval table, their cocks, hidden from view, straining against their handmade suits. This is more like it. Now I'm starting to flow.

Entering the boardroom, she sashayed past the refreshment stand with its neatly stacked china coffee cups and plates of sticky Danish pastries. She crossed the room, ignoring the men gaping at her from their plush, leather chairs. She glanced back and seeing her boss following, walked to the head of the conference table and adopted her favourite position – hands flat on the desk, feet shoulder width apart. Her body quivered with anticipation…

My pussy's throbbing. I'm warming to this theme now. In fact, I'm finding it most arousing. Flopping onto the bed, I finger my pussy through the slit in my panties. I'm wet. Slippery. I lift a finger to my lips and suck it. Ooh, I taste good. Kneeling, thighs spread, I lift my hair. I hold it up, posing, while I stroke my sex with the other hand.

Umm… how I long to be that slutty blonde. Or should she have red hair? I grasp my hair with both hands, letting a lock fall over my face. I squint at it, imagining. I wonder… a redhead… a slender redhead with a lithe body. Yes, that's better…

Tossing back her long, auburn locks, she waited. Not a muscle twitched as she listened to his footsteps – unhurried, even – moving closer. She gasped as he touched her back, the downy hair on her neck prickling. His fingertips lingered on her upper spine before tracing the contour of each vertebra right down to her tailbone. She heard the tinkle of a belt buckle, the swish of leather. His hot breath kissed her cheek and almost immediately, he grasped her hips, his cock making contact with her pussy. He pressed hard against her wetness, sliding inside...

I finger my clit, rubbing in circles. The steady movement sparks a tingling sensation inside my lacy bra and I snake my spine, increasing the friction between my sensitive nipples and the material. The bra is tight and the clasp digs into my back but I don't care. It feels wonderful. Sexy. Letting my hair drop, I grasp a nipple, pinching hard.

She heard him grunt and felt him tense as he came inside her. Lifting her gaze, she met a dozen lustful expressions. Horny men; mouths agape, drooling. All of them eager for a piece of the action. The redhead smiled.

I plunge my fingers inside my sex. Two fingers. Buried deep. I thrust them in, fucking my hole, the soft squelch of juices accompanying my moans.

She moaned, long and low, as the first, lusty fat-cat drove his cock inside her. She rocked back and forth, jolted by the rhythmic fucking. All around her the fat-cats unzipped. Fists worked feverishly, priming cocks. The scent of sex hung heavy in the air. Her heart thumped against her ribcage. She was ready — ready to take them all…

A yearning groan rumbles in my throat. The pressure is building inside me. I long to come. I want to feel the pleasure of release but I can't. Not yet. I need to write while I'm on the edge. It's when I'm most creative. With difficulty, I force myself to abandon play and, rolling over, snatch up my tatty notepad. I flick past scribbles, abandoned stories, and poems scattered among the pages of scrawled notes. Finding a blank page, I grab the pen and click the end.

I lower the point to the page, gradually increasing the pressure. My head is bursting with sordid images - fucking, sucking, sweating, groaning I have to write them down. The pen suddenly moves as if enchanted. Ink flows across the white page, arching, circling. My heart soars… but all I've done is draw a large smiley face.

For fuck's sake! What the hell is that?

I throw the notepad at the door. It hits hard, splaying out like the stupid dove that hit my kitchen window that morning. It thuds to the floor, loose pages fluttering in its wake. The pen, gripped in my right hand, is about to suffer a similar fate when the door opens a crack, disarming me. A familiar face peeps cautiously around.

"Trouble?" An arm slides around the door. A shoulder. "Ooh…" The face grins. "What are you wearing?" The grin widens. "Is it my birthday?"

I bite my lip, cheeks growing hot. "When did you get home? I erm-" I cough, clearing my throat. "I wasn't expecting you. I thought you'd be gone for hours."

My partner leans against the doorjamb looking most amused. "Evidently." Sky-blue eyes twinkle mischievously while he gazes over my body. "Do carry on. Please, don't let me stop you doing," he waves his hands in my general direction, "whatever it is you're-"

"Writing." I shake the pen in my hand. "I'm writing. Trying to, anyway. I put this on for inspiration."

"Inspiration? Is that what you call it?"

"Yes. I put these on to get into charac-" I stop abruptly when his eyebrows arch. Seeing the incredulous look on his face, I dissolve into girlish giggles. "Come here, you," I say, spreading my arms. "Why don't you inspire me instead?"

"Me?" He doesn't move but tips his head to one side. "You sure? You seem to be doing fine on your own."

"I'm not. I need you." I bat my eyelashes. "Please?" I offer my best 'kitten' face but he doesn't move. He remains in the doorway, his look impassive. One foot toys with the notepad on the floor as if it's more interesting than me. Oh, I see… Two can play this game. With a dismissive "hum," and a shrug, I say, "Actually, you're right. I'm doing okay without you."

"Can I watch?"

"No." Narrowing my eyes, I point my finger menacingly. "Out, unless you plan to help." Backing up my argument, I grab a pillow and lift it up over my head, aiming it at his face.

"Okay, okay," he says, defensively stretching out his arms, "don't throw that." Pushing away from the door, he comes closer, stopping at the foot of the bed. "What now?"

Teasing bastard! He knows what I want, what I like. He's playing a game… and I love it. He's being the boss and I'm… I'm the redhead with the long, wavy hair and the perfect figure. Yes, I'm her – why not? I'm that gorgeous, slutty secretary dressed in white lingerie with her plush, pink sex on show. And I'm going to be fucked – fucked 'till I come – like her. Reaching out, gripping a hand, I draw him near and see my lustful, hungry look reflected in his shining eyes.

"I want you," I say softly. My lips twitch, saliva pools in my mouth. "I want your cock." It's a favourite of ours: I like to suck and he loves being in my mouth. "I want it now."

My words have an immediate effect. There's no joshing me now. He flips off his shoes and hastily unbuckles his belt. I hold his gaze, remaining steady, waiting for him to finish unzipping.

"Shit!" He gasps, looking pained. "Fucking hell!"

Alarmed, I look from his face to his crotch. He's shaking a hand, then lifts it to his mouth and sucks his thumb.

"Jeez, that fucking hurts." He examines his hand and wipes away a drop of blood. "Caught my bloody thumb in the zip, didn't I?"

I have to smile. I'm tickled by life's little mishaps. Always have been. I love those unexpected, comic moments that never happen in stories. This wouldn't happen to my characters, would it? The redhaired office slut would be fucked by men who could all undress without the slightest calamity. They'd be trousers down, cocks out quicker than you could blink. I watch my darling partner shaking his hand. Bless him. Red-faced and cursing, he resumes his battle with the zip.

"Got my shirt caught too," he grumbles. Tugging and wrestling with the little metal tab, he yanks so hard that his shirt rips. "Bloody thing." He inhales deeply. Calmer now, he pushes down his pants and boxers, kicking the garments clear. "There, that's sorted." He's smiling again, his gaze feasting on my exotic lingerie. "I'm ready."

I'm ready. His choice of words amuses me too. I think of the redhead braced against the table ready to be fucked by each fat-cat in turn. Ready to be fucked by all of them. I'm ready too but I'm not exactly in her situation, am I? I stroke my hair. I'm not even a redhead...


I look up, almost startled to see him there. I meet his eyes… bright, enquiring eyes, the colour of the sky. I love his eyes.

"I'm ready," he repeats.

Yes, he is. My gaze drops. I can't help it. How can I possibly look at his face when his cock is out? I stare at it, fixated. Screw the story. It can wait. The redhead isn't going anywhere and I have reality to attend to. That's better than a story any day. It's time to be me. Just me. A loud, satisfied sigh vibrates between my lips followed by the words, "Fucking gorgeous.”

I take his hand in mine. Our palms come together, fingers entwined. Guiding him onto the bed beside me, our bodies touch. The skin against skin contact sends shivers through every sinew of my body. My pulse races, blood singing in my ears. I want him. I need him.

Cupping his face, I kiss him. It's a hungry kiss. Needy. I press my lips hard against him and gasp when he parts his lips. I probe with my tongue and meet his. We taste each other, our tongues writhing like dancing snakes charmed by the lilting melodies of passion. I slide my hands around his neck and hold him close. I feel his breath on my lips and I want more.

Gripping his shoulders, I ease him backward onto the pillows. With desire erupting uncontrollably, I tear my lips away from his and hear him exhale sharply. A smile flickers at the corners of my mouth. He's as aroused as me. Good. I attack again, planting kisses all over his face – nose, forehead, cheeks – then downward. I cover him in kisses that travel in patterns over his soft flesh. I trace shapes, letters, words onto his skin. Whole sentences loop across his downy haired chest. I pause when I reach his belly button. I flick it with my tongue and, giggling playfully, deposit a sloppy, wet full-stop directly inside it.

"Ooh!" He squirms. "That tickles."

I look up, briefly, then carry on. I cover his lower abdomen with more kisses. I spell out the words I love you making him wriggle beneath my greedy lips. I pause again. Closing my eyes, I inhale deeply. Ah, I thought so… it’s the scent of pre-cum invading my nostrils. "Umm…" It’s intoxicating. Moving swiftly down his body, I sink my lips over his swollen cockhead.

I hear groans; I can taste his pleasure. Sweat moistens his flesh as his excitement mounts. It glistens as he slowly writhes. I slide my lips down his shaft and suck. This is reality. It's happening and I love it.

I sink his cock to the back of my throat and suck hard. I grapple with his thighs, seeking purchase as I bob my head, lips gliding up and down the shaft, tongue swirling greedily. He moans louder. A low, rumbling moan. His body tenses, muscles flexing, and pre-cum coats my tongue. I pause to swallow and, as I'm about to suck again, he grabs me around the waist and flips me roughly onto my back.

"What the-"

"Not yet." He holds my wrists and, puffing, mutters, “There’s something I must do.”

I lie still. "Okay…"

I watch as he kneels at my hip. He cups my mound and his middle finger finds the opening in my crotchless panties. “Hmm,” he sighs, a finger sliding between my swollen, sensitive lips. “Love these knickers. What an invention.” He smiles at me and my heart races at the love light in his eyes.

Wow! I automatically arch off the mattress in response to his sudden penetration of my wet hole. He goes deep and curls his finger to caress my hot spot. “Oh yes, right there,” I mutter, eyes wide open in delight.

I gently rock and roll my hips, keeping a rhythm with his probing, rubbing finger. I squelch and he smiles. “Beautiful,” he says and slowly withdraws. “I need a taste of that.”

He kneels between my spread legs, sensually strokes my inner thighs and dips his head to my crotch. I feel his fingers tugging on the opening in my naughty panties and then… oh my God, his tongue laps along my pussy's lips. I hold my breath, sling my arms wide, grip the sheets, and close my eyes.

He laps and licks, pokes his tongue into my hole, flicks it over and around my bud, sucks, kisses and blows. Oh my! I raise my hips, I need his mouth hard on my mound. I thrust at him and almost immediately my trembling thighs herald an impending orgasm.

He sucks my clit, strokes a finger inside, and that’s me done. It’s not a dramatic climax, no cymbals clashing, bells ringing and lightning flashing. But it’s a much-needed release, satisfying and soothing, like waves rippling onto the shore.

Looking up, lips glistening and eyes twinkling, he grins. “That was excellent. For starters.”

I relax into the mattress and place my hands on his shoulders, urging him to rise. “Starters? You have something else in mind?”

“Sure do,” he says, scrambling up and settling back onto his haunches. His throbbing erection points at me, the dome smeared with pre-cum. I lick my lips. Oh my, I do so love his cock. “But first, let’s take these off.” He fingers the waist of my panties. “They’ve done their job. Now I want to feel all of you, nothing between us, not even bits of lace.”

In seconds, my exotic panties and bra are off, discarded, tossed to the floor. “Gorgeous,” he says as I settle back, open and eager to be taken.

“Thank you,” I say. “You’re not so bad yourself. But I need you inside me. Right now.” I tap fingers on my naked mound. “Come on.”

He shares my urgency, quickly moving into position above me, his cock nosing my slit. He pushes. “Yes," he grunts. "Yesss…"

There’s no resistance from me. His cock slides between my swollen petals, gliding on a thick film of hot, viscous juices. He penetrates deep. Withdraws. Thrusts again. The headboard beats against the wall – thump, thump, thump – the rhythm increasing as he fucks me hard. Grunts join the thuds, both mine and his, interspersed with gasping breaths.

"You feel so good, so good," I cry through snatched breaths.

Spasms tear through my body, driven by the friction of his pounding cock. The rhythm reaches a crescendo and I feel his body tense. I'm ready to peak too. Arms around him, I hug him close. This time I’m ready for a tumultuous climax. It doesn’t take long. I feel the first wave of orgasm building and contract my pussy, squeezing his cock. Gloriously, he ejaculates. Perfect timing! Superbly orchestrated, we experience that moment of ecstasy together - grunting, gasping and sighing, those wonderful, special sounds of shared, loving pleasure.

I gradually come down. My breathing steadies and the sweat evaporates, leaving me cool. His arms tighten around me and he kisses my forehead. But I'm not quite done. Sassy now, I roll him over, slide down, and take his cock into my mouth once again. Still semi-erect, he's covered in juices and I want them. I suck and lick greedily, hoovering up every drop. Slick secretions fill my mouth and, tossing back my head, I swallow.

In that moment, I'm as slutty as the redhead, as randy as the buxom blonde, and luckier than both. Satiated, I lower my head onto his body and close my eyes. I'm relaxed, content. And in that quiet moment, new images for my story infiltrate my mind. I smile as the images form pictures, the pictures form words and I silently round off the narrative.

Her body trembled, overpowered by the blissful waves crashing through her for the third time in succession. She gripped the table and gasped for breath while the last of the fat-cats grunted and stiffened, his fingernails digging into her flesh as he deposited his load into her sodden depths. When he withdrew, the sweat-drenched redhead slumped over, resting her head on the polished oak table. A satisfied smile illuminated her face...

Rolling onto my side, I snuggle against my darling lover. We spoon together, our bodies fitting perfectly. My thoughts wander… no-one cuddled the redhead, did they? Her boss didn't wrap her in his arms and hold her as she came down. No. He wouldn't do that. None of them would.

She caught her boss's eye but he quickly looked away. Turning, he poured himself a coffee and selected a Danish pastry. The fat-cats dressed and resumed their places around the oval table. No-one looked at her. She smiled, unperturbed. She understood. Her 'bonus' would be added to her pay cheque and she'd receive a text when she was next 'required'. They'd fuck her again. All of them... 

Okay, so she's happy. She's fulfilled her fantasies but her story's no fairy tale. I don't want to be the redhead anymore. Or the blonde with the enormous breasts. I prefer my story, my ending. I close my eyes relishing the heat of my partner's body and basking in the warmth of his love.

"Thank you," I murmur.

"What for?"

"Oh, you know."

"Providing inspiration?" He kisses my back, then suddenly rolls away from me.

"Where are you going?" I ask, turning sharply. "Don't go."

"I'm not." He smiles, his blue eyes shining. "I'm not going anywhere. Here." He holds out my notepad, the tattered cover bent backward. "And this." He hands me my pen. "Did I help? Have I inspired you?"

Smiling, I nod. "Definitely."

“Do you need to be alone now? To write, I mean.”

I shake my head and pat the bed beside me. Accepting the invitation, he plumps up the pillows on his side and pulls back the duvet. I snuggle beside him. We settle, him dozing, me idly flipping through my notepad to find a clean page. As silence descends, I hear a faint ticking. I recognise it now. It's the wall clock in the kitchen, the one he bought for me. Leaning over, I kiss his shoulder.

"You okay?" he mutters sleepily.

"Yes. I'm fine. Everything's fine.”

I click the end of my pen and press the point against the clean white paper. This time, the words flow…

A draught from the window touches my cheek and plays with the candle beside me. The flame flickers, its dance reflected on the crystal wine glass I'm holding aloft…



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Author's note: This is my second story, both in the Virtual Vacation Universe. Please consider this an open universe freely available to one and all who would like to use it as the basis for a story line. No hard and fast rules, just the basic concept. --- The Dinner Group (A Virtual Vacation Coupon) By Xyzzy It was a normal Saturday summer afternoon. I was making the last pass over the lawn with the mower. Hey, it's green, it grows, therefore it's a lawn; even if grass...

1 year ago
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Once Upon a Time

‘Twas a different time, a different place. Where mythical creatures lived, sorcerer’s reigned and royalty ruled the day and others. ‘Tis a tale filled with magic, deception, pain, pleasure and perhaps love. A story which is as old as time itself but as fresh as the morning dew. It all begins, once upon a time. The young woman who lived here did so reluctantly. You knew you came from royalty, ’twas a burden you had worn as easily as the finery which adorned your body every single day. Yet you...

1 year ago
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Elizabeth Fleming told me some of this story in the years before she died, aged eighty, in 2010. The more graphic scenes are mine but the emotions and surrounding history are hers. She was my Great Aunt, great in so many ways for she was the third family member I ever revealed my sexuality to, the first two being my parents. I had known since girlhood that she shared a cottage in Hampshire with her friend, Portia, but had never known their relationship was more than sisterly. When I told her...

4 years ago
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Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time... All good stories should start that way don't you think? Once upon a time, there was a fine maid. Fair of face and stunningly brunette, the type of maid that made others smile when they saw her. She was friendly and outgoing, a pillar of the community. But deep inside, under the conservative dress and the unassuming front she put forward, there was a minx with a wild streak that few knew about and even fewer were able to bring out in her. She would deny it, if asked; hiding...

1 year ago
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Ecstasy Upon the Seventh Scaffold

Ursula’s cunt tingled wildly, her clitoris poking its beak-like protrusion hard against the rub of her fingers, as she savoured the delightful magnitude of what her dominance was to reward him with, and her anticipation of his reaction to absolute defeat when he faced what he’d earned. In a spiteful tease to deceive him initially, the cart had set out on a route in the opposite direction to that which it now headed, but now, having taken a circular route, the cruel pleasure of his mistress...

2 years ago
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Cyber Junkie Boarding at Dupont Circle

Shelby stood on the edge of the platform at the Dupont Circle Station. The warning lights in the floor began to flash, informing passengers that a train was approaching. The speeding subway train swished to a stop and sent a whirlwind underneath Shelby’s full knee length skirt exposing her naked ass a bit and cooling her sodden throbbing pussy. The doors parted and she located two seats at the very end of the train behind a half barrier that would hide her activities. She planted her bottom in...

3 years ago
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Cyber Junkie Boarding at Dupont Circle

Shelby stood on the edge of the platform at the Dupont Circle Station. The warning lights in the floor began to flash, informing passengers that a train was approaching. The speeding subway train swished to a stop and sent a whirlwind underneath Shelby’s full knee length skirt exposing her naked ass a bit and cooling her sodden throbbing pussy. The doors parted and she located two seats at the very end of the train behind a half barrier that would hide her activities. She planted her bottom in...

1 year ago
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Younger Than Springtime

The door was open. I had no reason to have it closed. We were all in this together. So I was sitting in the large chair as my nurse prepared to access my port to begin the first liter of Cisplatin. The cancer center had been busy today and I glanced out the doorway as several people passed by. Then I noticed a woman pausing as one of the nurses escorted her somewhere.It was Katherine. I recognized her at once even though it had been so many years ago. Then I heard her laugh as her companion...

College Sex
4 years ago
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Let Me Gaze Upon You

Faint hues of gold and copper began to streak across the horizon as the sun began its climb in the sky. Birds perched on long branches began their morning conversations, starting with soft chirps and whistles. The world outside was slowly waking. Aurora, however, was tangled in her taupe colored sheets, her long auburn hair curled around her face and neck, long dark lashes pressed to her cheeks as her eyes remained closed. When the soft amber light began to filter through the openings of her...

3 years ago
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Master of All Timelines

Your name is Edward Richardson. You're 20 and you've been fascinated by history ever since you're 11. You're also good at making inventions as well. As you're growing up, you usually found that at various points in history of each country, things always turned ugly at many points. And you wanted to change that. You decided to use your intelligence you create the device called the T.O.S, abbreviated for Timeline Opener and Stopper, that can make you travel back in time and alter the histories...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Fraternization Is Frowned Upon

New faces applied for jobs at my work place daily. I never paid too much attention because as soon as they started they’d be going. Young people looking to make some quick, easy cash, party for a few months and then quickly move on to the next trend or fad. Latisha wasn’t one of those young people. Everyone else that started with her already left, but she’s stuck it out for the last six months and impressed the higher ups and fellow staff.Anyhow, who gives a shit about all of that?About 5’5”,...

Office Sex
1 year ago
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Coming Upon Celeste

After I let myself in, I stealthily made my way into her spacious bedroom, expecting to find her still sleeping. I looked to see Celeste reclining on her bed peacefully, lying on her side, presenting me with a delightful view of her superb ass. Although there were no lights on, the early morning sun was spreading out over her bed through the horizontal blinds. She hadn't realized that I was in the room with her yet, and as I took in the sight of the graceful curves of her shapely derriere, I...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Once Upon a Trans Cinderella

Once Upon a Trans: Cinderella Once upon a time in a faraway land there lived a wealthy lord in blissful happiness with his wife and young son. One day, however, the wife grew sick and died shortly afterwards. The lord married again and soon they were a whole family once more with the young boy gaining a stepmother and two stepsisters. Everything was fine and all seemed happy until, after around a year of marriage, the father sickened too and soon he died as well, leaving all his wealth...

3 years ago
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Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Timeby The Duck1930Once upon a time and long long ago, there was a very young girl and a very young boy, who next door to each other. They were both 4 years old. The little boy had a goldfish pond and little girl had a movie projector and some cartoon films. They both liked each other quite well and played together almost every day.The little boy really liked to watch the little girl’s cartoons and spent every afternoon he could watching them with her. The little girl would come...

4 years ago
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This sex story is based upon my experiences in South Korea

Introduction During the early 1980’s I lived and worked for a year in Korea, in a small provincial capital as a professor in a nursing school. I was taking a year off before finishing my medical residency, and I wanted to get some non-Western hands-on experience to go with my training. At the nursing school, my official duties included teaching several courses for the nurses, plus English conversation. However, it came to include much more than that. *** My daily schedule was not...

3 years ago
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Some time ago while taking a college history course I was researching some of our founding fathers. While it was very interesting, it was at the same time, a bit boring. I was hoping to find some juicy details of their personal lives, but other than some offhand comments about their sexual proclivities (Ben Franklin commented to a younger friend that "all cats are grey in the dark" meaning a pussy is pussy no matter the color of the skin) and a few others that perhaps made hardly a mention in...

2 years ago
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Once Upon A Time In Vadodara

There is real motive in getting sex in any situation, what if people call sex can be overrated, maybe sex has its own charm which smitten many in its ambush. And I too fall in that. I recall a phrase which will slightly associated with this story on other site this phrase would be censored but here I can freely write it out. Part 1 I didn’t know other way to start this story it flow with my emotion and experience. It begins some two years ago as I act as narrate my experience. As far as I...

1 year ago
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Wish Upon a Star

Wish upon a Star by The Princess Kylie was depressed. Here she was just eighteen years old and the mother of two children under two years old to two different fathers. She was living in a filthy housing commission flat with a man who treated her like shit and with whom she stayed with because she had nowhere else to go. When she had become pregnant with her first child, Cody, her parents had begged her terminate her pregnancy stay at school and make...

4 years ago
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Darkness and LightChapter 28 Once Upon a Time

I am Creation, I am the beginning. I made the sun and the moon, Calmyra, the Underworld and Atyseos. I made every mountain and every grain of sand, all the animals and mankind. When all was done, I made myself, Ghania, and then I watched what I had made. I watched it grow and rise, and saw mankind make its own creations. A language, science, arts, and then they looked at the heaven and created the gods. The first man hunting down a deer thanked Nyome. The first two people falling in love...

3 years ago
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The FavorChapter 35 The Coupon

It was late on a Thursday evening in the middle of January when I got a phone call. "Jeff, could you please come spend the night?" Jess asked me. I thought about it, and decided, 'Why not?' Jess had not asked me like this before, and the thought of that beautiful, mature woman asking me to spend the night with her had me quite hard. Jess met me at the door with a smile and a big kiss. She helped me undress right there, and led me upstairs. She stopped me before we entered her room and...

2 years ago
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Once Upon a Time at a Swing Party

The craigslist post read: Bi-sexual Swing Parties Every Monday and Thursday 11:00 am to 3 PM and Saturday’s 1 pm to 5 pm. No Alcohol allowed, food and sodas provided, towels, lube & condoms provided. Men will strip upon entering (can wear towel); women will strip or be in lingerie. Anything goes (with consent) inside house, no sex outside house or in pool or hot tub, nude sunbathing allowed “No” means “No” will be strictly enforced! $20.00 donation for couples $20.00 donation for...

1 year ago
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Once Upon a Time is Forever

Victoria Francis was born on February fourteenth and almost any father would have called her his “little valentine”. Her father, however was comfortably drunk and nestled between the thighs of a panting, blonde-tressed librarian in the next state. He never heard of the birth, nor would he have cared much, the impregnation of Victoria’s mother was the conclusion of two weeks of nurturing the eighteen year old woman’s naiveté with his natural charm. He forgot about Barbara as soon as he left town...

2 years ago
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Once Upon a Time at a Swing Party

The craigslist post read:Bi-sexual Swing PartiesEvery Monday and Thursday 11:00 am to 3 PM and Saturday's 1 pm to 5 pm.No Alcohol allowed, food and sodas provided, towels, lube & condoms provided.Men will strip upon entering (can wear towel); women will strip or be in lingerie.Anything goes (with consent) inside house, no sex outside house or in pool or hot tub, nude sunbathing allowed"No" means "No" will be strictly enforced!$20.00 donation for couples$20.00 donation for single menSingle...

1 year ago
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Upon Reflection Ch 01 Through the LookingGlass

Upon Reflection by Fidget CHAPTER 1: Through the Looking-Glass "Well I hope you're happy, Darren, because we're through, you stupid-head!" Maddie yelled, slamming the door to his dorm room and walking quickly back across the quad, trying to hold back her tears. Everything had been going so well with Darren, and when she had opened the door to his room and caught him with his tongue in Amber's mouth, and his hand exploring underneath her tight tank top, Maddie had been absolutely...

3 years ago
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Once Upon A Moonstone

For the first time the full story of the Pocono Moonstone has been finally revealed. Rewritten and revised by its original creator. The author indicates that other authors are welcome to make reference to the Pocono Moonstone in their stories. Married Couple Sam and Joy move to the Pocono Mountains where they discover a family artefact known as the Pocono Moonstone. The Moonstone's special powers of transformation are revealed to them in a series of events that feature a...

2 years ago
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Green upon green

Green upon green "The Order is in shambles in here! What were you thinking? You have no foothold, the Assassins have all but destroyed our contacts and there is no one in the King's Court! I came here only to see how Portugal is doing in the hands of our noble leaders, but you have done NOTHING!" The Pope was fuming in the old decorated halls of the Templar Order in the middle of Lisbon. The room was dimly lit, with only a few candles on the large carved dining table in the middle,...

4 years ago
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The Door Upon Which I KnockChapter 8

After a day of skydiving Patrick was exhausted, and was fast asleep when they got home late in the evening. He was awakened on Sunday to Patricia knocking on his door, "Patrick, are you up?" Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he groaned and said, "I am now, why?" Through the door Patrick heard six words that scared the shit out of him. "We are going on dates today." Patrick rolled over and said, "Can we do it like, next year?" "Sure, I'll cancel the date with Robert," she said,...

4 years ago
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Once Upon an AlienChapter 18 Secret of the Sphinx

"Thank you, my friend," Gabir responded to the man that towered over him, as he clasped the big man's forearm in return. "It is good to be here." He looked over his shoulder and said, "Seeker. This is Jabari Tarik. He commands the Order of the Seeker in Egypt." "It is my honor to meet you," Cody said formally, in Egyptian so precise that it wouldn't have been out of place on any street in Cairo. "Is he truly the Seeker?" Jabari asked Gabir with a frown. "He is, without a...

4 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess11e09 Lana Garland 36 from StratforduponAvon

We start this week’s show with something of a tourism montage – showing off old Tudor buildings, Shakespeare gifts, then a shot across the flat green lawns beside a slow moving river, infront of an impressive looking theatre complex ... A sign on a wall reads, “Swan Theatre”. Walking toward us across the lawn, the even more impressive figure of a brunette bombshell – slim, with fantastic boobs and a tight arse - wrapped in the slinkiest, tight-fitting dress ... It’s Renae, our former...

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Sweet And Sentimental

Sweet And Sentimental by Throne I was at my computer, dressed in panties and my long, pink-champagne nightgown. What I was wearing felt so good against my smooth satiny skin. Instead of one of my wigs I had my natural hair, which is collar- length, up in ponytails at the sides of my head. For make-up I had on just a touch of blush and some pink-tinted lip gloss. I was in the middle of reading a newly posted story on my favorite site, Make Believe Mania, when I heard the front door...

2 years ago
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Stuck with tidying the sports storage shed, Lewis moaned and grunted with anger as his mates ran back to the changing rooms to get changed and go home. The only upside was he was alone with miss crow, a young thin sports teacher that was extremely atractive. Miss crow was about 25, 5’3 and had curves in all the right places. Her breasts were DD her waist was thin while her hips were wide for her size. In contrast with Lewis he stood at 6’7 and his shoulders were wide and waist was thin. Even...

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SPELLS r' US: Showtime By Raven Jeff was a drama student at the university. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to be an actor. Jeff grew up watching all of the old greats: Errol Flynn, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and all of the swashbuckling heros. In truth, that is how he pictured him- self. The modern movies just couldn't capture the "daring-do" of the old black and whites! Jeff was convinced that when he became a star, he would be able to bring...

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Saving Amy Part 5 Showtime

SAVING AMY PART 5: SHOWTIME "So you will tell me if she does anything stupid, right?" Even through the tinny speaker, there were clear overtones of concern in the question. Alyssa glanced down at the phone on the dressing table, then resumed brushing her lustrous hair. "Sure," she replied, but then sighed. "Only..." "Only what?" Alyssa hesitated. "Only, by 'stupid', I assume you mean something other than letting herself get fucked by fifteen horny old dudes and swallowing so...

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Showtime "Gentlemen and lady. We have a new delight for you for one night only. Fresh from the streets of downtown Bangkok I give you an English whore originally known as Thomas but as you can see from her tattoos now known as Felicity." Collared I was led out onto the stage wearing just a black bra filled with large breast forms and black nylon bikini panties. I had been abducted and now I was to be the star of a seedy sex show. I was forced onto my hands and knees. Whilst most Thai...

2 years ago
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“We are both naked sitting on high stools facing each other. We are both going to watch each other receive oral sex from people we have never met before. “A male we have never met before is standing behind me teasing my nipples with his fingertips. His lady is watching as she prepares to tongue fuck me. “Or perhaps a female we have never met before is is standing behind me teasing my nipples with her fingertips. Her man is watching as he prepares to tongue fuck me. “And the same for you. A...

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Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, in a castle far, far away, a little baby girl named Daisy was born. She had three siblings, Roy, nine, Iris, eight, and Genevieve, six. Daisy was the little doll of them all, and as any doll, when they got too tired to play with her, they just put the doll aside to direct their attention to another, more interesting toy.This is a fairytale, and, as any fairytale, there is a happy ending. Before the happy ending, though, there is a Magic spell to tear up. It was the envious...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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The sun was just peaking through the over cast sky, pushing its way in through the curtains and across my sleep crusted eyes. I blinked and stretched up, arching my back as the soft cotton sheet slipped down. It felt luxurious and I reveled in the rare opportunity to sleep in with no obligation, school, or extracurricular activity to take my time. Rolling over, my legs rubbed against each other smoothly as they tangled in those worn sheets. I yawned and listened carefully. No sounds permeated...

2 years ago
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Last October at my sister’s 35th birthday dinner, my brother feels the need to inform the entire table of my old thumb-sucking habit. I was really surprised anyone remembered, but apparently the way I went about my little rituals, is strange and fun to bring up at inappropriate times. My family, especially my brother, enjoys watching me squirm and fidget because I am the only one left with secrets apparently. I sat across the table a bit embarrasses but struggled with the comments. I look to my...

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Thank Goodness for Bathtime

We lived with our parents, Jayne and Dave. My brother and I are the only two children. We live in the South of England, so in the winter months, it is usually cold, and raining a lot, which meant that there was little to do except stay inside and play video games. It was mid-December, not much more than a month after my 13th birthday, when, on the last day of school before the Christmas holidays, I played football with some friends. Unlike my friends, I didn’t exactly have a masculine...

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Omegle ChatTimes

You and the stranger both like Roleplaying. Stranger: hi I'm Marcus 22 m US You: Ok so Im your son's girlfriend, Alex. 5'5 Wavy red hair, Nice tits D-Cup. You hate me because you think im only dating your son for his money. Your son is on a trip and asked me to check on the house. You come home and find me sitting on the couch in a tight, white tank top, a lacy red bra, and shorts that barley cover my ass, which has nothing but a black thong on it, doing my nails and reading fashion...

3 years ago
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Deep Secret Ch 04 Primetime

‘You’re thinking about Simone again, aren’t you?’ Amanda asked me. My wife had this uncanny way of knowing my thoughts regardless of what I was thinking. She knew me well. She could tell if I was thinking about putting on the winter tires, buying an overly expensive gift for one of the kids, moving money from one investment to another, or, in this case, thinking about Simone. Of course she knew all about my history with Simone and that there were things about her with which she could never...

1 year ago
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Deep Secret Ch 28 Mealtime

After the workout, the three of us went upstairs and had some juice and coffee. Joa said she’d make breakfast for us, but wanted to shower first. A good idea, we all agreed, was putting showers on the morning’s agenda. Once upstairs in our room, I stripped out of my workout clothes. Simone had done the same before me and I enjoyed watching her naked body do the mundane things that two people do when they’re close. She brought over a basket for my sweaty clothes and threw them in on top of...

3 years ago
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Robert and Clara Bathtime

The arrival of the Earl of Oxbridge and his lady at the George and Dragon caused more excitement than the freak show with the pig faced lady. Ned Briarly, the peddler who had found them limping at the side of the road and given them a lift to the village, basked in the reflected glory and didn’t have to pay for a drink for the rest of the week. The Earl lived up to everyone’s expectations of what a real life Earl would be like. Even dripping wet and supporting a lady so cold she was turning...

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It was her Saturday morning. She awoke early with her man already awake beside her. Brushing him with a hand, he reached for her and held her. She reached for his cock and knew it would be hard when she found it. He held her tighter when she moved to go down on him. He wanted to lie there just a little longer. Playfully, she broke away from his grip and took his cock in her mouth slowly. It had been awhile since they’d done it in the morning. She knew he loved it and she was gonna give it to...

3 years ago
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Sunday Morning It was almost 2.30 in the morning when Lauren told me a cab would be waiting outside the Grant to take me home. How did she know? I hadn’t heard her make a call. I dressed, putting my skirt and blouse on over my stockings and collecting my coat. As I was about to leave she called me back into the bedroom of her suite and I found her standing. She took me in her arms and held me tightly to her and kissed the top of my head. ‘We’re going to be good together, babe. Call me on...

2 years ago
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School Timestop

Today is Sunday and your 18th birthday. You have never had sex or seen a naked girl in real life. When the day is over, you fall asleep and start dreaming. It is pitch dark and you cannot feel your body. You hear a voice start talking. You cannot discern any qualities about it, even its volume. "I have given you the abillity to stop time. You can now stop time whenever you want by wishing it. When you stop time, people will do everything you tell them to. In addition, people's bodies will...

1 year ago
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Family Bathtime

Lance was a middle child. His older sister Stephanie had graduated high school 3 years before him, and his younger sister Michelle had graduated just the last year. Lance had graduated 3 years ago, but was still living at home - having dropped out of school due to poor grades and many un-mentioned issues with his roommates. He was an average 20 year old, blonde hair that was short, a thin, somewhat wirey build, and a small cock that grew to about 5 inches when properly aroused. In Lance's case,...

4 years ago
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Katee Platime

Katee is a beautiful 18 year old girl. Her heart shaped face, big green and full pouty lips set off her long curly red hair. A full C-cup, slim waist, and tight ass sure help to draw the eyes of those passing by. Katee is quit, and prefers the companionship of a few close friends, but all that might change. You see Katee has a secret. She loves getting Naked! From a young age she didn't like being clothed. This became a BIG problem when she was about 14. She already had nice breast. Well, her...

2 years ago
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This story is meant for everybody to use it freely. Make it funny, or tragic, make it epic or silly, open your own arcs or help me completing mine. Just have fun telling the story of a girl fucking her way through time. Amy is a history student with an odd genetic disorder. When she falls asleep during her studies, she travels through time and space. Only by fucking the right people and changing history can she hope to return. The problem is she never knows who to fuck and needs to find out.

4 years ago
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beep beep beep You moan as your alarm-clock rings. "Always this stupid school... If it was at least a bit interesting" you thought on your way to the bathroom. Not only thinking about what this morning happens. You eat your ordinary breakfast, rush to the bus (as always) and hear the same music on your way to school as the last 300 (felt) years. Coming to school, you thought how good it would be to go home earlier. As you watched at the table of cover you saw that Mr. Smith you geographic...

Mind Control
2 years ago
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Its Partytime

‚Phu, endlich Feierabend’, denke ich bei mir, als ich mein Büro verlasse. Heute war mal wieder einer von diesen Tagen, an denen einfach nichts passieren wollte. Ich konnte mir nicht mal an meiner Mitarbeiterin aufgeilen, da sie gerade in den Ferien ist (… denn sonst würde mir, wie so oft, zufällig der Kugelschreiber auf den Boden fallen, damit ich einen Blick zwischen ihre gespreizten Beine werfen kann. Da sie meist kurze Röcke trägt sieht man dann schön auf ihre von feiner Seide eingehüllte...

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At 18 years of age, I was soaked through and freezing cold when I finally arrived home, I was cursing whoever had hidden my coat as I pushed open the front door. The warmth hit me like a sledge hammer; making my body burn painfully. "My god Josh your soaked, what happened to your coat?" My mom asked. Through chattering teeth I tried to tell her but to no avail. "You're not dripping over the carpets, get out of those wet things." Shivering, I undressed with mom's help standing by the front door;...

3 years ago
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I don't need reminding I'm different from the other kids, but they do it anyway, eroding my self-confidence like waves pounding the headland. Sure I wear black jeans, trench coat and eyeliner. Docs, not Converse. Trivium on my playlist over Bieber or Swift. But so what? Dad understands. Says I should live each day in the moment. Carve a niche in the world and to hell with what others think. Mum would have hated such spontaneity. The dark irony being the day she deviated from habit, Travis...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
1 year ago
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Rent that apartiment

My wife became a star fan of the new night club and they of her. They sent a group over to rent an apartment for a playhouse for their little sex parties! They have gotten smart to the fact if someone complained about the club being frequented by young white bitches wanting big black cock! They could lose their liquor license and have to close their club as well as lose all that sweet pussy. My wife set them up with an apartment even helped by demonstrating it fucking the two owners all...

2 years ago
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Grannys Timeshare

For the past 5 years my friend Sam and his grandmother Barbara have been taking a trip to Vegas for 2 weeks to just hang out and enjoy life. Barbara has had the Timeshare for about 10 years and used to go with her husband Sam's grandfather Fred before he passed away. This year Sam invited me and my grandmother Alice to join them. I thought it would be a great time to get granny out the house and since the Time Share is already paid for that makes it even better.My granny Alice is 72 and Barbara...

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