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For the first time the full story of the Pocono Moonstone has been finally revealed. Rewritten and revised by its original creator. The author indicates that other authors are welcome to make reference to the Pocono Moonstone in their stories. Married Couple Sam and Joy move to the Pocono Mountains where they discover a family artefact known as the Pocono Moonstone. The Moonstone's special powers of transformation are revealed to them in a series of events that feature a guy who becomes a gal and gals that become girls. Once Upon a Moonstone By Candy Lee CHAPTER ONE - The Moonstone Revealed I had finally achieved a long held dream of becoming self- employed as a Home-Worker on the Internet. One of the Internet schemes that I was involved with finally paid off in a big way so I was able to quit my job in the city. Joy and I decided to move into the country and found a nice house in the Pocono Mountains of Upper Pennsylvania. The nearest town was a twenty minute drive away and that suited us just fine. Joy is a successful artist. Her paintings are best described as erotic fantasy and she was able to support herself through her work long before I came on the scene. Joy at 36 years old was as beautiful as she ever was, with a youthful spirit, a quick mind and a gorgeous figure. I on the other hand at 38 was fast beginning to show the ravages of time. We didn't have any children, yet would have welcomed them into our lives. The timing never seemed right. While I had to work in the city as an advertising executive, we didn't want to raise our children there. Up to this point we couldn't really afford to commute. After settling in, this might be our opportunity, but the biological clock wasn't in our favour. Amongst our removals were a large number of boxes that were left to me by my Mother who died six years ago. There were so many that they nearly filled the spare bedroom and I had never gone through them all before. With all the extra space and a bit more time I could leisurely sort through her hoarding. Amongst a box of figurines something caught my eye. It was wrapped in a piece of red velvet. The little bit that peaked out was glowing and seemed to be changing colours. I took it out for a closer look. It was a perfectly round blue stone about the size of my fist that seemed to intermittently glow and change colour. When it glowed it looked more like stained glass and I could sort of feel the light that came from it. Some kind of novelty crystal ball I reckoned. I was amazed it was still working after all these years and tried to find a slot for the batteries. There was none. The pulsing of the kaleidoscopic light was almost hypnotic. I had never seen anything like it before and wondered where my mother had bought it. Putting it aside I continued to rummage through the box and found a folded piece of paper that had an old typewritten message: Dear Sam, In this box you will find the Pocono Moonstone wrapped in a piece of red velvet. I have not told you about it before for good reason. It is a very powerful artefact passed down to me from my Father who as you know was a full blooded Ojibwe Indian. The Moonstone once belonged to the tribe but as their numbers dwindled it was hidden amongst the "Ringing Rocks" gravesite of Shaman White Claw. Your Grandfather found it there after his Mother told him of its existence. You may remember that your Grandpa Jack could spin a yarn but what I am about to tell you is the absolute truth. I warn you to proceed very carefully and under no circumstances should you uncover the Moonstone until you have thoroughly read this letter. The power of the Moonstone is simply this. When a man is exposed to the rays of the Moonstone he transforms into a woman. When a woman is exposed to the rays she becomes younger. After brief exposure the effects wear off in a couple of days, but, the greater the number of times you are exposed to the Moonstone the more permanent its effects are. The power was used to keep a balance of males and females within the tribe as well as keeping the women at a childbearing age for longer. As a young woman I was curious by nature and allowed myself to be exposed to the rays from the stone. So I do know that it does work. Out of vanity I used it for short periods to stay young, but not so much as people would notice. I loved your Father dearly and when he died I felt as though I had lost everything. You were just getting ready to leave home then and were starting a life of your own. I had considered ending it all and felt that my life was over, when I had the idea that with the power of the Moonstone I had the chance to start again. My plan is this; to fake my death and then expose myself repeatedly to the Moonstone. I'm not sure in the end how young I will become. I am writing this letter after 2 hours of exposure and already am unrecognisable in my twenties. A few more times should do it and I can disappear and start a new life. I have attached some information on our family history that I have kept private. It should provide you with more details on your place within the Ojibwe tribe's history and why you will become the Moonstone's new owner. Forgive me for not telling you all this before. You always seemed happy as you were and I didn't want to upset things. It would be selfish of me to keep the Moonstone besides which I may become too young to look after it properly. In this modern world I don't know what the purpose of the Moonstone should be and it will be up to you to decide its future. I will place it with my collection of figurines for you to find. As you have found this letter you are now the, "Keeper of the Pocono Moonstone". Use its power wisely. I love you very much, Your Mother To say I was blown away by the letter was an understatement. I looked for the attachment she mentioned, but couldn't find anything else in the box. Maybe it was in another. I made sure the Moonstone was covered up and wondered about my short exposure to it. I called Joy and read the letter to her. She didn't seem to take it very seriously. "Your Mother was always a bit weird if I remember." Joy said unwrapping the Moon Stone. "It is pretty though, I wonder how it does that?" she said transfixed by the changing colours. I swiped it from her and hurriedly wrapped it back up. I began to feel uneasy, as though something in my past was beginning to make sense yet my mind was blocking it out. "You're right, Joy." I said as I put the stone back in the box. "It's just some kind of joke. We've still got a lot of unpacking to do before supper." After emptying more boxes we decided to eat outside. It was a warm summer's evening and we watched an incredible sunset over the mountain tops. "Better pack up soon." I said, and pointed toward a thick silvery mist that was coming towards the house. "Don't be silly." Joy said, "A little mist never hurt anyone. I'll go get that bottle of wine. We should celebrate." When Joy came outside again we were completely enveloped in the mist. My shirt was soaking wet and the view of the mountains was completely gone. "Maybe you're right," she said looking at my wet clothes, "Let's go inside." Once inside I started taking off my clothes and noticed that my skin felt like it was burning a little. It's nothing; I thought to myself and was distracted by the sight of Joy undressing in the other room. She used herself as a model for her paintings with good cause. She was blessed with classic good looks and a fit young body. I watched as she dried herself with a towel and I started to get a bit excited. I could almost taste her cool moist flesh. "Show's over." she said as she slipped a robe on and pulled it closed around her. CHAPTER TWO - What a Difference a Day Makes The next day I was setting up the computer equipment when Joy walked in holding onto her chest. "Sam, look at this." she said, "Do you think I look any bigger?" I was all eyes and reached my hand out for a free feel. "I'd have to measure them for size." I said as I cupped her right breast. "It's difficult to say," I said, taking hold of her other breast. "It must be the mountain air" Joy said, "I'm feeling really great today!" "I'm feeling pretty good too!" I said as I stood up and ran my hands down Joy's slim frame. I looked down at her and she took my face in her hands. "Nice close shave." she whispered as she reached up and rubbed her smooth face on mine. Only thing was I hadn't shaved yet because I was too busy trying to get the computer to work. I started feeling better than great when Joy began responding to my attentions. Pulling her close, I planted a kiss on her forehead. She then pursed her lips and placed a soft kiss on my neck. Just when I thought things might have progressed further she pulled away slightly. "Sorry Tiger, I've got to get some painting done this morning." Joy reached down inside the waistband of my jeans. "I think you've been losing a bit of weight," she said, feeling the flatness of my abdomen. She was right. The minor paunch that I had been brewing over the last few years was completely gone. Well, more than completely gone. I lifted my shirt and could see that I actually had something of a waist. My hipbones were visibly sticking out and they were probably the only things stopping my trousers from falling to the floor. "Keep up the good work sweetie!" Joy said. She punched me playfully on the stomach, quickly turned and left the room almost skipping. What's gotten into her, I wondered. Sitting back down at the computer I hitched my trousers up and tried to focus on the monitor. A strange nervousness seemed to slowly come over me. It was warm in the room and I unbuttoned my shirt in attempts to get more air. The muscles in my body began twitching a little. I still tried to concentrate on what I was doing on the computer and shakily tried to guide the mouse towards a few icons before realizing I could no longer control it. The shaking continued as I tried to stand. With rubbery knees I was aiming for the bedroom or at least the bathroom; however I got no further than the sofa. I parted company with my trousers and made an unceremonious landing into the soft cushions. My God! This is it! This is the end! I thought to myself. Was I having some sort of a heart attack? It felt as if my brain was going to explode! I tried to call out for help, but nothing came out of my mouth. Slowly the twitching was beginning to subside and I was then feeling incredibly cold. My teeth were chattering as I clambered into a sleeping bag that was airing on the back of the sofa. Something very strange was happening, but at least I didn't feel as though I was dying anymore. I buried myself into the sleeping bag and was feeling warmer. I heard Joy call out, "Do you want some coffee?" When I didn't answer I heard her footsteps enter the room. I peaked out from inside the sleeping bag and saw her coming in my direction. "Come on lazybones. Rise and shine!" With that, she flung the open side of the sleeping bag over the back of the sofa, exposing my half naked body. Joy screamed! I screamed! "What is it?!" I said anxiously clutching at my throat. My voice didn't sound right. "What's... wrong... with... my... voice?" I said, speaking very slowly and deliberately while listening to it's higher pitch. I held my arms at full length. They were pale and thin and the hands connected to them definitely were not mine. I pulled my hands closer to my face. The slim fingers and tapering nails looked like the hands of a... Oh My God!! Searching for more evidence my hands, these hands reached down to my open shirt and gathered up two ample handfuls of flesh. I slowly rolled my eyes downward to reveal the vision of rounded breasts being held by small delicate hands. I took an enormous intake of breath, which pushed them out even further. Joy stood there with her hands over her mouth. Breaking her frozen stance she gasped, "That Moonstone! That Moonstone changed you into a girl!" There certainly wasn't any other explanation for what I was seeing. Instinctively I pulled the sleeping bag back over me and Joy sat on the edge of the sofa staring in disbelief. Seeing my distress or perhaps out of curiosity Joy took my hand into hers. She examined it and caressed it reassuringly. "It's not that bad." she said. "I seem to remember your mother's letter saying that it would only last a couple of days. This will give you the chance to see how the other half lives. Haven't you ever wondered what it would be like?" Her words seemed to unlock hidden thoughts in my brain. I did often wonder what it would be like. So much so, that in the past I was obsessed with the idea. There was something else too, something I couldn't quite remember. Joy brushed my face with the back of her cool hand. "You've got such a sweet face and look at all that hair!" she said as she pulled the brown shoulder length hair into my vision. I clutched the sleeping bag around my neck not wanting to believe the full truth of what I was seeing. "Don't be shy." Joy said, "We're completely alone up here. By the time you change back, no one will ever know." With her encouragement I eased my foot out beneath the sleeping bag exposing a length of leg. I recognised the toes as mine except that now my foot looked tiny. My leg was much slimmer and nicely shaped without any hair on it. Joy ran her hand along the sensitive flesh. "Your legs are smoother than mine now." she said enviously, no doubt recalling her lifelong battle with leg hair. Pulling both legs out to check that I had a matching pair, I slowly sat up, exposing my top half and felt the weight on my chest move with me. There was a slight time lag as I felt my breasts settle into position. "Hey, that's not fair!" Joy said in a mocking tone, "Your breasts are bigger than mine too!" While they didn't look huge, they certainly felt big. They were in fact just about the same size as Joy's and just as round. She was always a bit self-conscious about her breasts and I'm sure would have liked them bigger than their very adequate 35 inches. I started feeling a pressure building down below and knew that I needed to go to the bathroom. Not knowing what I would or wouldn't find when I got there, I held onto my underpants and launched my new frame in the right direction. To my surprise, the shakiness was completely gone and apart from the time lag I felt with my breasts I navigated the journey quite safely. Remembering to sit down, everything seemed to happen quite normally. Something was missing, but surveying my body I felt it wouldn't have looked right anyway. CHAPTER THREE - Clothes Don't Maketh the Man Having taken care of business, I was interested in seeing what I looked like now. The face that I saw in the bathroom mirror was me, but also incredibly different. The face was certainly that of a woman and a very attractive one too. It was like I had somehow become my own sister. Since I didn't have a sister I would guess that this is what she would look like. My soft face was framed with long brown hair. My eyebrows were much sparser and nicely shaped. My eyelashes were incredibly long, eyes bigger, nose smaller softer, my lips were full and my teeth were perfectly white. I was transfixed by my own reflection, but also had thoughts that perhaps I shouldn't be so vain. I could hear Joy rummaging in the bedroom. When I got there I could see that she had little piles of clothes placed on the bed. I scanned them for something that looked familiar and could find nothing. I guessed what she had in mind and I wasn't sure if I was ready to play that game yet. Joy looked up from the bottom of a suitcase. Seeing my look of unease she said, "Well, you certainly can't go around like that all the time." I was still holding my underpants up and my shirt swamped this new frame. "Surely there's something of mine that will still fit." I said as I opened my drawer and pulled out a T-Shirt. "That will fit you fine as a nightdress." Joy said as she approached me and laid a hand on my shoulder. It was the first time I realised just how much I had shrunk. Joy was looking at me straight in the eye. Everything seemed out of kilter. I was 5'9" before and now couldn't be anymore than 5'3". It gave me a very weird feeling, which wasn't entirely unpleasant. "We're near enough the same size now." Joy said as she placed her hands around my narrow waist. "...and that's not all!" She continued as she eyed my ample cleavage. "Well, if it's only for a few days." I said reluctantly. I quickly stepped out of my baggy underpants and slipped on a blue pair of her briefs. Despite their silky feel, I had to admit that it felt good wearing something that actually fit. Without the fear of losing my underpants I felt a bit more confident, so wasn't completely taken aback when she presented me with my first bra. As Joy did the complicated bits at the back I gently dropped my new breasts into the waiting white cups. I was glad to reign in the unrestrained mounds of flesh and noticed that the time lag when I moved was reduced almost completely. I picked out a white top from the pile that Joy had put on the bed. Nothing too fancy, yet it hugged my figure and the neckline was low enough to show off my new cleavage. I reached next for a pair of jeans, but Joy took them from me and handed me a pair of denim cut offs. "It's too hot for jeans today." she said. "Besides, you've got great legs and you should let them catch a bit of sun." I hadn't considered going outside like this, but thought what the heck, there wasn't anyone around for miles, so what did it matter. I sat down on the bed and started putting on my socks and shoes. Joy laughed and handed me a pair of white low heeled sandals. Having put them on, I stood up to try them for balance. They were fine, thank goodness. In the time it had taken me to put on the sandals, Joy had picked out a very similar outfit to mine, including the denim shorts and was dressed waiting at the door. "Now, what about that coffee..." She said, "...and should I call you Sam or Samantha." CHAPTER FOUR - Curiouser and Curiouser We took our coffee out onto the sunny patio turning our legs to take best advantage of the warm summer sun. We chatted merrily about any number of things. Our conversation punctuated by Joy commenting, "I can't believe you really are a girl!" The conversation got round to us talking about having children. We laughed that it might be difficult with the way I was now. Joy said that she wasn't sure yet, but that she might already be pregnant. I tried to sound supportive and positive, but this had happened several times before without success. Each time when Joy found out that she wasn't pregnant she went through terribly depressive phases. It may have been unfair, but I steered her away from the conversation so that she didn't set her hopes too high. She was beginning to blame her age for not being fertile, even though there are plenty of women who have children in their thirties nowadays. I certainly wasn't feeling old in this female body. I can honestly say that I have never felt better. It was perhaps an insult to my male identity, but my female persona was more attractive, more confident and seemed more able to enjoy life to the full. Joy was certainly fascinated with the way I was now and even in the space of a few hours I felt a bond grow between us that wasn't there before. Perhaps my way of thinking had been changed by the transformation, but there were also these niggling impressions that I was also like this before... something way in the past. I wasn't surprised then when I agreed to go with Joy down to the lake for a swim. There would be people there, probably lots of them on a hot sunny day like this. No one would know me there, let alone recognise me looking like this. I also thought it very unlikely that I would change back into a man at least for another day or two. Before we went I tried on one of Joy's swimming suits. I settled for a pale blue shiny bikini that rode quite high on the hip line. It felt as though I wasn't wearing anything at all, but Joy reassured me that all the girls were wearing ones like this at the moment. My 38 years seemed to wear it well and Joy wore a similar one in pale yellow green. We got a picnic lunch together and drove down to the sandy beach that surrounded the lake. Even though it was quite crowded we easily found a spot quite near the water. Everyone seemed preoccupied with their own fun, but for the first time in my life, I felt men's eyes following me wherever I went. If I hadn't been feeling so confident, this would have been very unsettling. We had a swim and I was shocked more than usual when the cool water reached a certain part of my anatomy. I also noticed that I floated much more easily. It must be my new water wings I said to Joy. After applying suntan lotion on each other we stretched out for a nap in the glorious sun. I drifted into a hazy dream that started to piece the vague missing parts of my past together. In my dream I saw a young girl walking hand in hand with a much older man. She was dressed in a red polka dot dress with frilled cuffs and hem. She was also wearing a black beret and white gloves. The two were walking through grass and gravestones. The girl was clutching onto a pretty doll with blue hair. As they got into an old looking car the doll was taken away from her. Half awake and half asleep I called out the name, Lulu?! Why did they take Lulu? Lulu was my doll and that was my dress. I was a little girl or certainly dressed like one. My dreamy confusion was interrupted by a small voice whispering in my ear. "Sam, wake up! Something terrible has happened!" As my eyes became accustomed to the bright sun I could see a pretty young girl wrapped in a towel. She looked vaguely familiar. "Sam it's me, Joy!" My brain tried to take in the impossible. This girl was barely twelve years old and yet stranger things have happened today. "I'm sorry Sam!" She sobbed. "I got out the Moonstone again. I was hoping it would make me younger, but not this young! I knew it worked on you and I thought if I was a bit younger, I would be more likely to get pregnant." Joy said, biting back the tears. "It's okay." I said wiping her tears, "It will only last a couple of days. You might even have some fun being a kid again." "There's something else." She sniffed. "I got the Moonstone out while you were asleep. I thought you wouldn't mind being a little bit younger too. I went back for a swim and found myself getting younger and shrinking while I was in the water. I completely lost my swimsuit and by the time I could get here, I noticed that you were changing too!" I propped myself up on my elbows and could see that my 35" breasts were somewhat smaller than that now, but not by much. The bikini sagged somewhat. It was however, far from falling off. What I did notice was that my skin, besides being reddened by the sun was amazingly soft, even softer than before. "How old do I look?" I asked Joy. "I'm not sure, eighteen, maybe younger. What about me?" She asked in her young voice. "...no older than twelve." I said taking her small hand in mine. "Do you think anyone noticed?" I continued. We both looked around and saw that no one was paying any particular attention to us. "I think we should get out of here." Joy said anxiously. I looked around for the Moonstone, covered it up and placed it back inside Joy's handbag. In total agreement we swept up our things. I threw a towel around my shoulders and we headed for the car. On the way we passed an ice cream van. Joy stopped in her tracks. "Can I have an ice cream?" she asked tugging at my arm. "Are you serious?" I said looking down at her. "You said it might be fun being a kid again." She said in a pleading tone. Her little face lit up when she saw me rifling through her handbag for some change. She ran towards the van and returned lapping happily at a large vanilla ice cream cone and holding her towel tightly together at the same time. With some relief we got into the car. Joy put on her shorts and top which hung ridiculously on her tiny frame. In terms of her dignity, they only afforded a minor improvement to the towel she was wearing. The nearest mall was a thirty minute detour away, but both of us agreed that we would have to get Joy something to wear, even if it was only for a couple of days. We ran the risk of being stopped by a policeman. Even though I probably looked old enough to drive, I sure didn't look like the picture on my driving license and neither did Joy. CHAPTER FIVE - The World Just Got Bigger As we drove along I looked at myself in the rear view mirror. Not only was I a woman, but I was barely eighteen years old. I looked over at Joy who was now at least a foot shorter than me and her figure had lost most of its feminine attributes. "I'll never complain about my breasts again." She said as she stared down into her empty top. Joy agreed to wait in the car when we got to the mall and I prepared myself to go into a public place as an eighteen year old. It took me a while to find the right store. Luckily, no one took any special interest that I was buying clothes that were for someone much younger than me. I may have overdone it for just a few days, but I wanted Joy to have some choice in what she would be wearing. I left the store I and noticed my young reflection in a glass window. I couldn't blame Joy for this, I thought. She was only trying to do what she thought was best for both of us. Still, if I looked any younger I'd have to go back to high school. As I walked on, the bag I was carrying seemed to be getting heavier and nearer to the floor. I looked at my reflection again. I thought for a minute that I looked even younger. Fortunately I was passing the public bathrooms at the time. I went into the ladies avoiding the obvious mistake and looked at myself in the mirror. I had freckles and was getting younger and smaller. I heard the door open behind me and I dashed into one of the cubicles. I heard a female voice call out, "Oh miss and you've forgotten your bag." I opened the door and saw a very smartly dressed woman in her fifties. "Thank you." I said as we exchanged smiles. I placed my hands on the back of the door to steady myself and could see them visibly sliding down as I got smaller. My shorts dropped in a heap around my ankles and everything was looking a lot bigger when it finally seemed to stop. I stepped straight out of my sandals and sat down on the toilet to survey the damage. My skinny bare legs were dangling off the floor. My breasts were practically non-existent. Any shape that I did have earlier in the day was now gone. I was certainly a kid again, but how young, I wondered. I rummaged through the shopping bag and quickly put an outfit together with all the things that I bought. I emerged, dragging the heavy bag behind me. The woman who I had met earlier was just leaving, but saw me struggling with the heavy bag. "Did your big sister leave you to manage that heavy bag on your own?" she said. "Yes, Ma'am." I said in reply, my voice sounding very young. "Well let me help you young lady." she said as she whisked up the bag with very little effort. We walked to the car and the helpful lady even held my arm as we walked across a lane of traffic. When we got to the car I thanked her. She patted my head before she left and said, "You really are a polite little thing! I think you should teach your sister some manners." I could see through the car window that Joy's eyes were nearly popping out of her head. I pulled open the heavy car door with some effort and Joy spilled out. "What happened?!" she gasped. "I think I may have exposed myself to the Moonstone again by accident when I was looking for change for your ice cream" I said offering up my best guess at the situation. "Oh wow! Look we're the same!" Joy said standing in front of me. "...except your clothes fit a lot better than mine." She continued. We were near enough exactly the same height and must have looked about the same age. We both lifted the bag into the car and dipping into the clothes Joy was quickly dressed in an outfit similar to mine. "You did very well!" she said admiring the large heart design that was on her top. "What now?" I asked in my squeaky voice. "I might just be able to drive the car with a cushion to sit on, but if we're seen, we're sure to be stopped." "I know..." Joy offered, "...why don't we go into the mall and have some fun? We can drive home when it gets dark and it would be less likely that we would be seen." It seemed as good a plan as any coming from a twelve year old. Joy was just about to go into her handbag to get some money. I stopped her and lifted the Moonstone from her bag. Being very careful to keep it covered I tied it up with some hair bands that I bought from the shop. I placed it in the trunk of the car between piles of blankets. "We've got to get a box for that thing." I said as we walked arm in arm towards the mall. Our first stop was for something to eat. We found ourselves in the first burger joint surrounded by kids who looked to be about the same age as us. Joy winked at some of the boys and I gently poked her in the ribs. We really didn't want to attract undue attention. We walked on and I picked up a computer game and Joy bought a huge bag of candy. It was the first time I had been out in a while and it certainly was a while ago since I was twelve. I was having a great time and I easily forgot that I was wearing a skirt, let alone being a girl. We joined in with a group of kids in the arcade and everyone was impressed by my high score on Virtual Pinball. They asked us what school we went to and one girl really liked Joy's top. We said we were on holiday with our parents and followed them onto the movie theatre. We had to settle for something with a family certificate but luckily got in on a twelve or under discount. When we left the movie theatre we could see that it was dark outside and decided it was the best time to risk getting home. There were also fewer cars in the car park, so no one saw me as I pulled out onto the dark highway. Thank goodness for power steering, otherwise I would have had trouble turning the wheel with my skinny arms. Once we were on the back roads there wasn't another car in sight so we pulled into our new home safe and sound albeit as a couple of skinny twelve year old girls. CHAPTER SIX - Must All Things End? It was late when we got home and it was without doubt the fullest and strangest day I have ever had in my entire life. It seems totally unbelievable that when the day began, I was a man and then became a woman. That my wife would become a twelve year old and that I would become eighteen and then twelve years old. Yet there I was looking like some kid and my wife was the same. Despite the strangeness of it all I fell asleep very quickly and woke to the smell of bacon cooking in the kitchen. Before I went into the kitchen I checked that I was still the same young girl that I was last night. I wasn't too disappointed to see my freckly face in the mirror and got dressed in some of the clothes that I had bought yesterday at the mall. It seemed strange to see Joy cooking breakfast in her usual way, as she was also still a kid. Her apron swamped her small frame as she put eggs and bacon on the table. "Come and get it before it gets you." she said, throwing a smile in my direction. The entire day was spent in youthful bliss. We went for a walk in the woods, rode our bikes and watched television. We wrestled to see who was stronger... Joy was. We raced to see who was faster... I was. We chatted, giggled and laughed. To see us together, anyone would think that we were the very best of friends, and we were. That night we stayed out to watch the stars and catch fireflies, knowing all the while that tomorrow would most likely find us changing back into who and what we were a couple of days ago. Perhaps we would never be the same again. We had been through so much together that I secretly hoped that the last few days would somehow be more than just a memory. Joy was the first to start to change back. We were sat on the sofa playing a game of cards when we both heard her skirt button pop. It shot across the room followed by an unzipping sound. She ran to the bedroom taking off her tightening clothing as she went. I followed as fast as my little legs would take me, not wanting to miss seeing the transformation. Joy had put on her robe and I could see it filling and rising as she started to grow at an accelerated rate. From her early teens into her twenties she had the full figure and stature of a woman again. Smiling happily she felt her regained curves. Towering over me she looked down in my direction. "Oh honey, you look so sweet!" she said. I gave her a hug that almost felt maternal, except that somewhere inside of me I was still a thirty eight year old guy. I looked up at Joy's face and noticed that she didn't look like a 36 year old yet. She looked more like 26. Maybe those changes would happen later. Taking Joy's cue I got undressed, put my robe on and sat down on the edge of the bed. We sat waiting in silence as hundreds of thoughts seemed to run through my head, when suddenly it started. I saw my legs visibly get longer as they stretched toward the floor. As I grew I could also see that my body was becoming that of a woman again. I guessed that the process had to reverse itself so that I would become a woman and then a man. We sat on the bed for ages just looking at each other, waiting for something else to happen. It didn't. Joy got changed and put on a dress that would show off her womanly figure. I waited a bit longer, when we heard the doorbell ring. I quickly put on a pair of Joy's shorts and a top again and though I could see the door I tried to stay unseen in the dining room. Joy answered the door to a pretty girl in her late teens. The girl seemed genuinely relieved to see Joy and said, "Joy, thank goodness, I found you! Is Sam there?" Even though the woman looked a little familiar Joy's voice went a bit cold. "Do I know you?" she asked. "Yes, you do, only you might not recognise me as I am now. Look, it's taken me eight years to find you. I know about the Moonstone. Please let me in or tell Sam that I'm here!" she said with some desperation. "Yes, but who are you?" Joy continued in her formal tone. "I'm Sam's mother!" She said flatly, "Now will you let me in!" Joy stood completely frozen, realising that this young woman certainly did look like Sam's mother, but so much younger. Joy let the door handle go and the girl let herself in. She saw me standing in the dining room. Walking straight towards me she took me in her arms and hugged me. "Mom?" I said tentatively. "Yes son, it's me. I know I look different since you saw me last, but so do you!" She said looking straight at my chest. "But... how?" I said in total confusion. "Do you still have the Pocono Moonstone?" she asked. I nodded. "Good!" she said, "then, I have time to tell you the whole story. Joy, would you put the coffee on?" Joy was unfrozen by the request and we followed her into the kitchen. The entirety of what my mother told me is too lengthy to repeat here and there are some things about the Pocono Moonstone that should remain a secret. However, for the sake of explanation it seems only fair to the reader and fans of the Pocono Moonstone story to provide some more detail. It seems that I am an Ojibwe Shaman. Besides other things, being such means that my gender is not quite stable in the traditional sense of the word. I was born and brought up as a girl to the age of four. When a battle broke out within the tribe they threatened to kill me, knowing that one day I would be powerful enough to control the Moonstone. To hide my existence, Great Grandfather White Claw insisted that I be brought up as a boy and learn the ways of the new western world. A curse was cast that was meant to erase my memory and give me physical male attributes. Time passed and the tribe died out, things were forgotten. By using the Moonstone intermittently, my mother kept it alive and used me unknowingly as a conduit for its power. If she wanted to use it again, she could only do so with me present. When my mother age regressed to a twelve year old to start a new life, she found herself adopted by a family that she hated. It had taken her all this time to escape from them and to find me. The Pocono Moonstone has unknown as well as known powers. It can act unpredictably at times both for and against people who make wishes upon it. It seems that Joy secretly wished to be ten years younger. That wish was granted. My own situation is somewhat more complicated. It seems that on discovering the Moonstone my hidden gender was released and the curse that was on me was broken. The reason I regressed to the same age as Joy was simply an empathetic response to her situation. It's the same reason that I have also remained ten years younger. Joy and I are very happy as we are. The things we discovered over our two days of transformation have stayed with us. With the power of the Moonstone we can be whatever age we wish and I can appear in the form of a man at will. It seems though that those times are becoming less frequent. We treat the Moonstone with great respect and only choose to use its power for the good of man and womankind. I have been experimenting with the Moonstone over the Internet and have tried to direct its power to help others. I hope also that this story may provide some inspiration for others wishing to write about and perpetuate the Moonstone Legend. As a footnote, Joy and I hope to have children one day. We are however in no hurry, especially since my twelve year old mother has decided to live with us. THE END OF THIS STORY IS THE BEGINNING OF ANOTHER.

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I am Creation, I am the beginning. I made the sun and the moon, Calmyra, the Underworld and Atyseos. I made every mountain and every grain of sand, all the animals and mankind. When all was done, I made myself, Ghania, and then I watched what I had made. I watched it grow and rise, and saw mankind make its own creations. A language, science, arts, and then they looked at the heaven and created the gods. The first man hunting down a deer thanked Nyome. The first two people falling in love...

2 years ago
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Once Upon In Mumbai

Hi am a guy with fair complexion.. With average body structure and had a penis of 7.5 inches and now I am going to share one more sex incident of my past. I am working with a pvt. ltd. co in sales and frequently travel to places. I had posted some stories on ISS and some time back received a mail from a girl who wanted to build up a relationship with me. For quite some time I ignored the same but she was very much adamant to have her way which forced me to relent later on. We were chatting for...

3 years ago
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Once Upon a FantasyChapter 5 Picking up the Pieces

"I'm still having a hard time believing her lawyer agreed to these terms, Norman," Margaret Shadbolt said shaking her head after once again having read the separation agreement. "I have to assume Andrea dictated these terms. They have guilt written all over them." I nodded. "Yeah, that was my interpretation too. I guess I should count myself lucky. All that planning and guessing that Emilio and I did seems to be for nothing." "Well, not nothing," Margaret said, still examining the...

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Once Upon a FantasyChapter 14 The Good The Bad and The Unexpected

"I'm afraid the news isn't very good, Mr. Tyler," Dr. Demby began. "Most of the repair from your first accident has been undone by the second one. We are going to do our best to reconstruct the ligaments and tendons with some synthetic grafts, hoping that will give you some mobility in the knee. Luckily, there is no further sign of bone damage, so we won't need to do any knee replacement surgery yet. What we can't predict is how much mobility and flexibility you will retain. That will...

1 year ago
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Concert Girl GangBang during Rock Concert

She couldn’t believe it was finally de day of the concert! She was a fan of “The Wonders Rock Band” since she was a teenager, what means 5 years ago, as she just turned 21, but for her it was like since she was born. Jane had everything planned for the concert, she convinced Mark, her gay friend to go with her as security. Lonely girls on hard rock concerts are easy preys and Mark was 6,2” and 198lb enough to keep her secure lol. She also had planned the clothes, a jeans shorts as skirts are...

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Concert Fantasies

The music thrummed and the people danced and swayed around me in the large warehouse that had been converted into a concert space. Up on stage, the Foals were doing a fantastic job playing with music, lights, and smoke. The crowd was eating it up, cheering and jumping in time with the beat. Large barn-style doors on either side and at the back of the Goat Farm concert space were open to the clear, cool spring night outside. Bars at either side of the back doors were doing brisk business selling...

1 year ago
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Once Upon A Preggo Daughter

Tara was 11 when her father raped her for the first time. Buck had been fantasizing about popping his prematurely developed daughter for some time now. Finally, on a particularly bad day at work, he’d had a few beers before coming home with the biggest most painful hardon he’d ever had. Tara’s mother had been a good little whore but took off one day and never came back. Buck decided he’d waited long enough and it was time his daughter repaid the food and clothes he provided for her with some...

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Once Upon a Dream

When I dream of you, I relive our last encounter when you appeared suddenly, behind me, waiting for me to realize you were there. I turned to see the broad expanse of your chest and gasped, surprised by your closeness. I looked up at your face and with a squeal of delight, threw my arms around you. The world melts away and all that exists is the peace and safety of being in your arms and the steady beating of your heart. For several minutes I am content to just revel in the feeling of being...

3 years ago
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Once Upon A Preggo Daughter

Introduction: A sexually abusive relationship becomes a family. CHAPTER 1 Tara was 11 when her father raped her for the first time. Buck had been fantasizing about popping his prematurely developed daughter for some time now. Finally, on a particularly bad day at work, hed had a few beers before coming home with the biggest most painful hardon hed ever had. Taras mother had been a good little whore but took off one day and never came back. Buck decided hed waited long enough and it was time...

4 years ago
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Once upon a time in the Sumer

Once, very long ago Sumer, in Ur town there lived a boy and a girl, Balthazar and Ninal. Ninal was the daughter of the high priest, and magician Balthazar came from. They had met for the first time when he entered adolescence, almost immediately fell in love. When they have been seeing each other for ad even. Ninal was a beautiful young girl. Slim and sleek, simple white clothing he wore little jewelry. He wore his hair, which the reader can see most Egyptian drawings, which related to the...

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