Once Upon An AlienChapter 17: Welcome To Egypt free porn video

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"They took off from Beirut over three hours ago," Juno Baccus pointed out to the Imam, the worry clear in his voice. "Maybe they went to a different airport. Or maybe the jet shot them down, and they've already crashed."

"Their aircraft did not crash, and they are coming to an airport in Egypt." Imam Niu Almasi replied calmly.

"But they should have been here by now," Juno protested. "They could have already landed at another airport."

"Sons, and soldiers loyal to the Islamic Brotherhood, are on duty at the Air Control Center," the Imam replied with an overly patient tone. "They know of every aircraft that enters Egyptian airspace. They have been directed to notify me as soon as any C-130 enters Egyptian airspace. The aircraft will be instructed to land at the International Airport for their customs inspection. The customs inspector, for which position I am duly sworn, will meet them in a hangar with plenty of our men to subdue them."

"And if they refuse to land at this airport?" Juno asked.

The Imam shrugged, and said, "A flight of Egyptian Air Force jets is on standby to encourage their compliance. Also, this airport is central to the area. If they land at another airport, we will know in sufficient time to get there and be waiting for them."

"They are devious," Juno said doubtfully. "Don't expect them to react the way you want them to."

The Imam turned his head slowly to look at Juno Baccus. His gaze was cold and angry. Niu was not accustomed to being questioned, and he fought the fury that suddenly surged through him. He made a decision while angry, which was never a good idea.

"I have seen it," Niu Almasi grated in a low voice. "I have seen their leader, a man from a far off land, tall, and with dark hair. In my vision, I have seen him stand in front of me, and I fired my pistol. Do not question me, Juno Baccus, for I have seen the future. I know the truth of what the future brings. Do not question me again," he ordered coldly.

Juno knew of Imam Almasi's ability to foretell events. The Imam's esoteric talent had enriched the Sons beyond belief, and much, much more.

In the 1950s and early 1960s, the Sons of the Viper had been little more than a struggling, secret cadre of hopeless children. Their failures during World War Two and the Korean War had decimated their ranks. Their efforts to oppose the infidels that dared reach for the knowledge of the gods could be described as ineffective, at best. Many Sons described their leadership in much harsher terms, and assassination was the primary means of advancement. Then a ray of hope, in the form of a young Iranian, who joined the ranks of the Sons of the Viper. Initially his visions were ignored, to the detriment of the Sons' leadership. The old leadership's replacements were more attentive to Niu Almasi's predictions. The Sons of the Viper began seeing small victories in their battle against the infidels. They were able to disrupt the execution of the war in Viet Nam, and to instigate disorder in the support for the war in the United States. Niu was able to plant the seeds for the eventual downfall of the United States, while America's protectors were distracted by events in Southeast Asia.

Niu Almasi rapidly solidified his place in the upper hierarchy of the Sons, and assumed full control after being named Imam in 1976. Three years later, in 1979, the Sons of the Viper struck their first major blow against the greatest infidel country, the United States, and secured a solid base of power. The US supported Iranian government was overthrown, and the US Embassy was captured. The Sons of the Viper solidified their hold over Iran, and began sending tentacles of power into other countries, all based on Niu's visions.

Niu surprised the Sons when he moved his seat of power to Egypt, after solidifying their hold over Iran. His second in command maintained control of Iran, carefully following Niu's orders. Iran's influence in the world continued to grow, until many considered the country a world power. While Iran remained the Sons' most public hidden face, the real power was grown in the shadows, in Egypt. Imam Almasi took control of a little known group that had been founded in the 1930's, called the Muslim Brotherhood. Throughout the Sons' growth in members, territory controlled, and power gained, they remained true to their roots, and always operated in the shadows. They always remained the power behind the throne.

The Imam's visions had solidified the Sons, and in the last fifty years, had advanced their goals to near world domination. The loss of Iran was a setback, but it didn't slow their growth in other countries. The new openings in the Sons' command structure were filled by Niu's handpicked supporters, and the power of the Sons of the Viper continued to grow. Members of the Sons of the Viper were ensconced in every government around the world. Nearly every major military organization had Sons in key positions. Every major company, in every country, had Sons guiding, or suggesting actions, and always reporting to the Imam. Confederates that didn't know of the Sons' existence supplied information, though few knew that his desk was the destination of their reports. Those same confederates also provided material support in the form of money, participation in civil actions such as demonstrations, and outright rebellion. Sons of the Viper kept the world at a slow boil, to reduce resources available for technological research, and to maneuver countries into position for the Sons to take complete control.

The Imam's visions fueled the perpetual battles that made the dream of peace in the Middle East little more than a nightmare. His visions nurtured the seeds he had planted, fracturing the United States. His instructions, fueled by his visions, kept the warring U.S. factions at each other's throat. He had described the peace-making efforts of the divided United States to Juno as 'forcing someone to play chess against themselves'. Wars and corruption in Central and South America were the product of the Imam's visions. Infighting between the countries of the EU was the Imam's work. The consumption of Britain by Islam in a semi-bloodless coup had been guided by the Imam's visions. The Imam's crowning achievement was the worldwide economic collapse, and seemingly perpetual recession. Juno Baccus did not doubt the power of the Imam's visions.

"Yes, Excellency," Juno said bowing low, and reverently, to the old cleric. "I will be patient and will await their arrival."

"Come in Egyptia ... Control. Come in ... Air Control. This is fli... 53 ... flight 253 ... Air Emergency. I am declaring and Air Emerg ... Can you hear me?"

The Co-Pilot, William (Wild Bill) Hitch, sat back in his seat and grinned. He had been flipping the broadcast switch off and on to simulate a bad radio.

"It looks like I haven't lost my touch," he commented to the Pilot with a smile.

The Pilot, Stan Rogers, smiled back and started to say something, but the radio crackled, "Flight 253. This is Egyptian Air Control. Do I understand correctly, that you are declaring an air emergency?"

Stan engaged his headset, and Bill leaned forward, grabbing the transmit switch again. Stan had to suppress a snort of laughter.

"You guys are nuts," Cody muttered, but he couldn't suppress a smile at their antics.

Stan and Bill were trying to ensure the Egyptians believed they were damaged badly enough to make their ruse work.

Stan regained control of himself, and keyed the headset before saying, "Egyptian Air Control. This is flight 253. Confirm. We have an air emergency."

Due to Bill's manipulation, the Egyptians heard, " ... tian Air Cont ... This ... flight 253. Confir ... have ... air emergency."

A moment later the radio crackled again before saying, "Flight 253, what is the nature of your emergency."

"Ask them to repeat that," Cody suggested. "Let them know the radio reception is messed up, too."

"Say again Egyptian Air. We have intermittent radio reception. Are you receiving my transmission?" Stan said, while Bill was carefully flipping the switch off and on.

The Egyptians heard, "Say again Egyp ... ir. We have intermittent rad ... rec ... tion. Are you receivi ... transmiss... ?"

"Negative on your reception," the radio crackled. "Your transmission is intermittent. What is the nature of your air emergency."

"Roger, Egyptian Air," Stan replied. "Transmission and reception are intermittent. Air emergency consists of damage to radios, engines, landing gear, and control surfaces. Repeat, damage to radios, engines, landing gear and control surfaces."

Bill had judiciously continued flipping the transmit switch to continue the fiction of the damaged radio. He also ensured the Egyptians received enough of the transmission to understand the damage report.

"Roger 253. It sounds like extensive damage," Egyptian Air said. "Please describe the degree of damage so we can pass it to the Damage Control Chief."

"Roger Egyptian Air," Stan said. "I think I heard, degree of damage required. Damage is as follows. Port engines are dead. Starboard engines functional, but damaged. Low fuel, less than forty minutes. Control surfaces damaged. Limited elevation control. Zero azimuth control. Landing gear deployed, but not confirmed to be locked in place. Radio transmission and reception intermittent. Current position, thirty-one degrees sixteen minutes north, thirty-two degrees sixteen minutes east. Current heading, 222.87 degrees. The only airport directly in our flight path is Cairo International. Request a cleared runway for an emergency landing."

Wild Bill's manipulation of the toggle switch was nothing less than masterful.

"It looks like you've done that before," Cody said with a smile.

Cody was surprised when Bill shot Stan a guilty look before saying, "Well, during CWII, you know, Civil War II, um ... some of the orders didn't set right. I didn't want to get thrown in the brig, but I couldn't follow the orders either."

"Neither of us could," Stan said sullenly, as unpleasant memories flashed through his mind. "They shouldn't have told us to fire on our own countrymen."

"I'm not complaining," Cody said, holding up his hands. "I was simply commenting on a surprisingly welcome skill set. That whole business was disgraceful, on both sides. You might be glad to know that it may not have been all our countrymen's fault. They may have been stupid, but they may not have purposefully betrayed our Constitution. The people that we're running from claim to be responsible for CWII. I believe them."

Bill snorted in disbelief, and started to say something, but the radio interrupted him.

"Flight 253. This is Egyptian Air Control. We have runway number two cleared, and show your arrival at Cairo International in twenty five minutes."

"We need to talk about that later," Stan growled, before he took a breath to steady his voice and turned his headset back on.

"Roger Egyptian Air Control. Cairo International, runway number two. Repeat, Cairo International, runway number two. Request medical assistance upon landing. We have fifteen wounded and seven dead," Stan reported.

"Roger, flight 253. Medical assistance required," Egyptian Air Control answered. "How were you damaged, Flight 253?"

"Roger, Egyptian Air Control. After action report required. A fighter jet used us for target practice," Stan reported. "On his third pass, he misjudged how close we were to the water. He couldn't pull out of his strafing run in time, and flew into the ocean. I never did see his markings, so I don't know who he belonged to. He may have already killed us. I'm not sure I can get this bird on the ground in one piece."

"10-4, Flight 253. All assistance will be made available at Cairo International," Egyptian Air Control replied.

Stan settled back in his seat, and said, "Now all we need to do is look like a wounded bird. Bill, feed some fuel to one of those port engines and try to generate some smoke."

"Aye, aye, sir," Bill said with a grim smile.

"You were right," Juno said excitedly, when they received the report of a C-130 entering Egyptian airspace.

The Imam frowned at the younger man for a moment in disapproval, and his eyes widened slightly as a sudden vision flashed through his mind.

"Put the communications on the speakers in the lounge," the Imam ordered over the telephone.

Then he settled back in his plush chair, and listened to the exchange between the damaged aircraft and Egyptian control.

"Very good," Imam Almasi murmured in satisfaction when the damage report came over the speakers.

Colonel Baccus frowned when he heard the report of the jet crashing. Dying in battle was acceptable. Dying of stupidity was ... stupid. He cursed the pilot under his breath.

Niu waited until the exchange was completed before he picked up the phone and ordered his senior Muslim Brotherhood commander, "Surround the airport with all available reserves. Absolutely no one leaves the airport until I personally approve it. I will personally shoot any man that allows anyone to leave. Do you understand?"

He must have received a positive response because he hung up the phone. The Imam quickly picked up a radio and said, "Major Rashida."

An answer quickly came back, saying, "Major Rashida, here."

The Imam continued with, "Move all strike personnel to stage at the airport tower."

"Does that include the men positioned at the hangar?" they heard from the radio, presumably the words of Major Rashida.

"Yes, all the men at the hangar too," the Imam answered. "A damaged aircraft will be landing. Immediately after it stops, I want the aircraft surrounded, and everyone on the aircraft captured. I want them alive. I will kill any man that kills one of them. There are injured on the aircraft, so medical personnel will be integrated with you. Do you understand?"

There was a slight pause before the answer came back, "Understood, sir."

Niu nodded and said, "I'm sending Colonel Baccus and his men to your position. They will work with your command."

He didn't wait for an answer before setting the radio down and turning to Colonel Baccus.

"Take your men to the tower," he ordered the Colonel. "Bring the Order leader to me when they land."

"I thought that we would provide security for you," Juno protested.

Same as Once Upon an Alien
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Once Upon A Frog

Once Upon A Frog by Bill Hart Ribbet... Ribbet... At the sound of the frog, Jennifer Wrigley glanced out and saw it sitting peacefully on the lily pad lazily floating on the still water of the pond. "My aren't you a chubby little fella." she said. "As if you're tiny, Miss Boobs. I'd hate to have you fall on me. You'd flatten me like a pancake. And even if you missed, you might bounce about for several weeks." replied a voice. Jennifer was startled. There was no one...

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Once Upon a FantasyChapter 2 Look What I Found

"You'll never guess who I ran into this afternoon," I said to Andrea as I arrived home that Saturday afternoon. "Who?" she asked disinterestedly. "Janice LeDane." I'd no sooner got the name out of my mouth when Andrea's head snapped around and gave me a look I don't think I'd ever seen on her before. I'm not sure if it was fear or shock or what. "Oh," Andrea stammered. "What did she have to say?" She looked worried now. I really couldn't understand her reaction. "We sat...

2 years ago
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Once Upon a FantasyChapter 8 The Date

I don't have any great recollection of how I felt about my getting ready for dates with girls when I was in high school. Probably because I was pretty shallow as a teenager and had no sense that this was a big deal either for me or the girl. But getting ready for my date with Kim produced nerves that I was unaccustomed to. Maybe when I proposed to Andrea, or on my wedding day, but not since had I been anticipating anything quite as much as this evening. My tan suit had been returned from...

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The house had liquid colored chandeliers. They sparkled when the lights in the parlor were flipped on. The carpet was a rather luminous shade of aqua. It was scrubbed every week. It had a healthy shimmer and a rather antiseptic smell. It had a new carpet sort of smell. The carpet was installed everywhere. Everywhere except the kitchen and the upstairs den. It was laid perfectly on each step of the staircase. The staircase had shiny, newly polished banisters. Valerie and Michele were holding...

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Authors Note: This probably won’t make sense if you haven’t read ‘Hold Me Tight’. — Helen walked home in the early morning light, tired and aching. She’d gone to Bryan, needing to feel closeness, comfort… Love. And she’d found all of it with him. Sighing, the blonde rummaged around in her bag, looking for her keys, and opened the door to her shared apartment slowly. The sound of raised voices greeted her, and the young woman shook her head, tiptoeing through the hall and into the smaller...

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Conceus God of Impregnation

Lying on her bed; Nyx rubbed her big, round belly. Greek Pantheon just went through a big change: Cronos, the youngest Titan, has just overthrown his father Uranus and declared himself as the new King of Gods. The day Uranus was crowned as the King of Gods; his mother and Queen of Gods, Gaia, foretold that one day he would have to back down from the throne. Worrying about the prophecy, he imprisoned the strongest among his sons, Hekatonkheires, in Tartarus. That action offended Gaia greatly....

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Beyonce Becomes a Ponygirl

Part IV Beyonce lay out in the afternoon sun. The island had a hot, tropical climateand although she had been kept in the shade for the hottest part of the day,it was still uncomfortable and humid. The sweat was pouring off her and shehad no way to wipe it off. She had always liked hot holiday destinations andwas therefore no stranger to sunning herself. She had even bathed topless before,but never like this. As part of her acclimatization process, Jen had explainedthat it was necessary for...

1 year ago
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Innoncent Cum Slut

So little about myself. My name is Becca. I am 19 years of age. I have long blond hair, light brown eyes and a tiny little body. I'm roughly 5'2" tall, weighing 103 lb. At first glance I may seem like a pretty innocent girl, but the inside is a whole different story. I have a 34C chest, 25 and half inch waist, and a few body piercings. Over the summer, I got my nose studded, barbells on both my tongue and my nipples, and a dangling belly ring. Oh wait I almost forgot, I also had my inner labia...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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The Fucking Welcome Wagon

I take a long, cold sip of my lemonade (spiked with vodka), wipe the beads of sweat from my forehead, and silently curse the previous owners of my new house for letting their garden go to hell. It is a brutally hot afternoon, but I am bound and determined to rid my flowerbeds of these God-forsaken weeds. My tank top and running shorts are plastered to my skin and I just tossed my hair up in a ponytail to get it off my neck. I had no idea when I moved here that it could still be so blazing hot...

2 years ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 13

A few minutes later, Connie and Tyler were ushered to a table toward the rear of the bistro. Two hosts held their chairs out for them as they sat down. Tyler was careful to hold his long, sequined skirt behind him as he sat, making sure the back end of the skirt didn't fall off the chair while also making sure to drape the front of the skirt as far over his freshly-shaven left leg as he could. It was such a complicated gown! Everything else he had worn since arriving on Saturn Beta had...

1 year ago
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Ecstasy Upon the Seventh Scaffold

Ursula’s cunt tingled wildly, her clitoris poking its beak-like protrusion hard against the rub of her fingers, as she savoured the delightful magnitude of what her dominance was to reward him with, and her anticipation of his reaction to absolute defeat when he faced what he’d earned. In a spiteful tease to deceive him initially, the cart had set out on a route in the opposite direction to that which it now headed, but now, having taken a circular route, the cruel pleasure of his mistress...

4 years ago
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Once Upon A Time In Las Vegas

Once Upon A Time In Las Vegas by The Rebel Adam Hughes checked into the Starglow Hotel in Vegas and he found his room dull, and without charm. Two Double beds, TV set chained to a bureau, bathtub, bathroom and a couple of nightstands. Done in a tacky turquoise shade of blue green, God. "All the rooms in rooms in this town look alike," he sighed as entered. 5'11" and just a little overweight at 32 he felt his body complaining about the weeks constant on- the -go activity. He...

3 years ago
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Once Upon a Wish

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Anyone wishing to archive this story is free to do so. Anyone not wishing to archive this story, is also free to do so. So there. ----------- ONCE UPON A WISH By Gunslinger The computer hummed as it came to life, the screen blooming into phosphorous glow. Steve rolled his shoulders, relaxing himself, as he lowered himself to his chair. With quick use of mouse and keys, he was soon connected to the 'net, doing his usual routine. One of which, of...

4 years ago
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Welcome to the Sisterhood

Chapter 1 As his train pulled into the station, Chris's heart sank. He'd not been to this part of town before and the graffiti, boarded up windows of the former waiting room and general decay everywhere reminded him why not. Still, he'd been out of work for four months and, by the time the agency phoned him about the role the previous week, he was getting desperate for work. So he gathered his belongings, stood up and left the train. The 10 minute walk to the offices of Glow...

1 year ago
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Editing Reailty Book 1 Chapter 14 Naughty Welcome Home

Book One: Naughty Fantasies Created Chapter Fourteen: Naughty Welcome Home By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Linda Davies I had so many questions. It was so strange to realize that I had lived another life. That Steve knew it and I didn't. I glanced at him as we left behind the naked woman. We had sex in public, and no one cared because he edited reality. The power my husband had. A strange, dizzy sway rushed through me. My husband had all...

3 years ago
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Welcome to Saturn Beta part 9

Tyler and Renee walked over to the man in the suit, Renee moving quite easily in her wedges and jeans while Tyler was still getting used to the tightness of the pencil skirt paired with the height of his pumps. He knew he was getting better at walking in this outfit, but it slowed him down so much. Renee reached the man in the suit several steps ahead of him. "Hello," Renee said, leaning in to examine the badge hanging from the man's lapel - it had the letters 'AG&M' laser-cut into...

4 years ago
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Once Upon an AlienChapter 18 Secret of the Sphinx

"Thank you, my friend," Gabir responded to the man that towered over him, as he clasped the big man's forearm in return. "It is good to be here." He looked over his shoulder and said, "Seeker. This is Jabari Tarik. He commands the Order of the Seeker in Egypt." "It is my honor to meet you," Cody said formally, in Egyptian so precise that it wouldn't have been out of place on any street in Cairo. "Is he truly the Seeker?" Jabari asked Gabir with a frown. "He is, without a...

2 years ago
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Cyber Junkie Boarding at Dupont Circle

Shelby stood on the edge of the platform at the Dupont Circle Station. The warning lights in the floor began to flash, informing passengers that a train was approaching. The speeding subway train swished to a stop and sent a whirlwind underneath Shelby’s full knee length skirt exposing her naked ass a bit and cooling her sodden throbbing pussy. The doors parted and she located two seats at the very end of the train behind a half barrier that would hide her activities. She planted her bottom in...

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Cyber Junkie Boarding at Dupont Circle

Shelby stood on the edge of the platform at the Dupont Circle Station. The warning lights in the floor began to flash, informing passengers that a train was approaching. The speeding subway train swished to a stop and sent a whirlwind underneath Shelby’s full knee length skirt exposing her naked ass a bit and cooling her sodden throbbing pussy. The doors parted and she located two seats at the very end of the train behind a half barrier that would hide her activities. She planted her bottom in...

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Welcome to Sun City

This is where Sonja wants to be this weekend. Sun City is the place to be if you are looking for fun in the sun. Sun City offers visitors an incredible combination of services and facilities including quality hotels, golf courses, a water park, wildlife and other excellent entertainment options. Sonja has been dreaming of such a weekend for some time now and with all her spare money in her bag, she is finally here. She wants to stay in one of the four deluxe suites but she has no intention...

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Welcome to Gateway

Welcome to Gateway By Lissa The July sun beat down mercilessly on the streets, making the asphalt walkways feel like they were about to melt into a tar swamp. The people of Gateway, Kansas were steaming as well, seeking refuge in air-conditioned houses or shops, while the farmers in the outlying areas desperately kept watering their crops. Gateway had been founded along one of the old pilgrim trails west, and then kept alive by an old fort which grew into a military base. Apart from...

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Once Upon an AlienChapter 7 Lebanon

Cody's plan, when he left Peru, was to get contact information from his mother and fly the group to Lebanon via commercial airlines. The saying that applies here, is; 'to make God laugh, tell him your plans.' Coach class on commercial airlines couldn't be called comfortable, but they would have been a lot more comfortable than the slung canvass seats in the C-130 cargo plane that Cody found himself in. The discomfort wasn't what was aggravating him. He glanced at his mother, before...

4 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IVChapter 10 Welcome to Tapato

Wednesday, July 13, 1971 It took us quite some time to make our way through the throng of Tapatoans, to a small covered grandstand on the side of the airfield that had been erected to protect the queen and her party from the mid-day sun. When my family had all reached the queen’s covered pavilion, I bowed low, as did the rest of my party. “Welcome home, my daughter,” Kalani said as she stepped to the front edge of the platform. “I am glad to be home, and delighted to see that the Queen, my...

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Let Me Gaze Upon You

Faint hues of gold and copper began to streak across the horizon as the sun began its climb in the sky. Birds perched on long branches began their morning conversations, starting with soft chirps and whistles. The world outside was slowly waking. Aurora, however, was tangled in her taupe colored sheets, her long auburn hair curled around her face and neck, long dark lashes pressed to her cheeks as her eyes remained closed. When the soft amber light began to filter through the openings of her...

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