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Der Regen prasselte heftig gegen die Scheiben der Dachwohnung und der Donner der gelegentlichen in ziemlicher Nähe herunter stossenden Blitze liess die Einrichtung manchmal klirren. Ein Fenster war offen und obwohl es zur Wind abgewandten Seite lag, hatte sich schon eine ziemliche Pfütze darunter gebildet deren Rand sich langsam dem Fuss eine Stehlampe mit notdürftig geflicktem Stromkabel näherte.

Der schubweise herein fegende Wind hatte schon diverse lose herumliegende Notizblätter durcheinander gewirbelt und Magazine umgeblättert.

Es war ungemütlich kalt obwohl die Heizung angestellt war.

Von der gegenüberliegenden Strassenseite drang das aufdringlich helle Licht einer Werbetafel durch die geschlossenen Vorhänge und beleuchtete das innere der Wohnung, die ziemlich spartanisch eingerichtet war.

Es war um kurz vor 23 Uhr, als Geräusche an der Tür verrieten, das sich jemand am Schloss zu schaffen machte.

Als die Tür endlich aufschwang wurde im gelblichen Licht der Flurbeleuchtung die Gestalt der Wohnungsinhaberin sichtbar. Es war hell genug das man ihr ansehen konnte, das Sie einen miesen Tag gehabt haben musste und Sie nun zwar froh war endlich wieder in ihren eigenen vier Wänden angekommen zu sein, aber innerlich kurz davor stand vor Wut zu platzen.

Dieser Laune Ausdruck gebend knallte John die Wohnungstür heftig zu ohne sich darüber Gedanken zu machen das Frau Pelvers aus der Wohnung drunter ihr dafür morgen wieder durch eine Schimpftirade danken würde. Andererseits war das auch egal, denn Meckern war so ziemlich der einzige Lebenszwecke dieser alten Schachtel.

Als Sie das Licht anschaltete, blickten ihre zusammengekniffenen Augen wütend unter strähnigen, tropfenden Haaren aus einem Gesicht mit verlaufendem Make-up hervor.

Als ob es nicht schon genug währe das Sie sich heute Ärger eingehandelt hatte wegen eines Fehlers den jemand anderes gemacht hatte, war heute einer dieser Tage gewesen wo einfach alles schiefgegangen war.

Ein gerade noch verhinderter Verkehrsunfall, eine durch Tomatensuppe ruinierte Bluse und mehrere kaputte Geldautomaten die Sie in herbe Zeitnot gebracht hatten, waren dabei die Hauptattraktionen des Tages gewesen. Daneben hatte es aber noch ein gutes duzend kleinerer Probleme gegeben.

John pfefferte ihre Handtasche mit dem zerrissenen Tragriemen in die Ecke, griff die mit vorbedacht auf einem Regal neben dem Eingang abgelegte Fernbedienung und schaltete schon mal den Fernseher ein.

Natürlich lief gerade wieder Werbung.

Sie hängte den nicht für derartigen Regen gedachten Mantel an seinen Hacken und wollte zum Bad, - sich erst mal aus den nassen Sachen schälen und abtrocknen, - eventuell auch eine warme Dusche nehmen, als Sie das offene Fenster und die Regenpfütze darunter erblickte.

Jetzt konnte Sie ihre Wut nicht weiter zügeln und stiess einen geradezu urweltlichen Brüller aus. Sie stampfte mit dem Fuss auf und brach sich dabei beinah den Absatz ihres Pumps ab.

Mit Wuttränen in den Augen stampfte Sie hinüber und hämmerte das Fenster mit solcher Wucht zu das es fast zersprungen währe.

Sie sah das das Wasser fast das Kabel der Stehlampe erreicht hatte und griff danach um Sie beiseite zu schieben. Ihr Blick fiel dabei zufällig auf die kleine Uhr die auf dem Tischchen an der linken Seite des Fensters stand. Es war 22.52 Uhr.

In diesem Augenblick schlug der Blitz in das Dach ihrer Wohnung.


Es handelte sich um einen merkwürdigen Blitz, denn im Gegensatz zu den anderen Entladungen dieses Gewitters war er von intensiv grüner Farbe und hatte seinen Ursprung nicht nur im Ladungsausgleich zweier Luftschichten sondern im Eindringen eines ungewöhnlichen Kometen in die Erdatmosphäre.

Der Komet war schon vor Monaten entdeckt und im Rahmen der internationalen astrophysikalischen Möglichkeiten analysiert worden. Man hatte seine potentielle Gefährlichkeit erkannt als man feststellte das sein Erscheinungsbild keiner bisher bekannten oder voraus kalkulierten Kometenart entsprach und ausserdem ergaben genaue, mehrfach gegen geprüfte Berechnungen das er auf die Erdatmosphäre treffen würde, - aber anders als in irgendwelchen Hollywood-Schinken würde man keine geeigneten Gegenmassnahmen treffen können um dies zu verhindern.

Die Sache wurde international geheimgehalten, (was zur Abwechslung sogar einmal funktionierte) und man wartete was geschehen würde. Ein grosser Teil der reicheren Länder betrieb lediglich Massnahmen für den Zeitpunkt nach dem Aufprall und dessen möglichen Konsequenzen.

Was tatsächlich geschah war das der Komet zu dem vorausberechneten Zeitpunkt in die Erdatmosphäre eindrang und in mehrere Stücke auseinanderbrach.

Eines der Bruchstücke drang in die Gewitterwolken über der Stadt ein und löste nun eben jenen grünen Blitz aus, dessen Energien, die nur zum Teil elektrostatischer Natur waren, in Johns Wohnung einschlugen.

Der Blitz ignorierte in böswilliger Form den erst vor wenigen Wochen neu und korrekt installierten Blitzableiter und schien auch sonst wenig Interessse an den bisher als allgemeingültig anerkannten Naturgesetzen zu haben.

Er umwob die Dachwohnung fast wie ein Netz. Nur wenige seiner Ausläufer drangen tiefer und brachten zwei Sicherungsautomaten der darunter gelegenen Nachbarwohnungen zum abschalten.

Die restlichen Energien verteilten sich in der Wohnung.

Zwar zuckten winzigen Verästelungen des Blitzes an allen Metallgegenständen entlang, schlossen Stromkreise kurz und überbrückten gewollte und ungewollte Unterbrechungen, - so das sämtliche Lichter und Geräte an gingen. Aber die grünen Lichtbögen zogen sich danach auch über die Wände und an alle anderen Gegenständen entlang, wobei Sie die leichteren Teile herum wirbelten und dabei weniger den gezackten Eindruck normaler Blitze, sondern mehr ein gewundenes Aussehen wie von einem Spinnennetz zeigten.

In sämtlichen Geräten mit komplexeren Schaltungen gab es kleinere Explosionen von durchbrennenden Schaltteilen was dazu führte das es an mehreren Stellen der Wohnung in den Geräten anfing zu schmoren und zu qualmen ohne das jedoch ein Feuer ausbrach. Es klang als würden mehrere Ketten Sylvesterkracher herum knallen.

Die Kochplatten des alten Elektroherdes erhitzen sich jedoch kurzzeitig zur weissglut und platzen wegen der unnormalen Beanspruchung.

John, deren Körper von mehreren, stärkeren Ausläufern des Blitzgewebes getroffen wurde zuckte heftig zusammen.

Erstarrt vor Schreck, spürte Sie aber keine Schmerzen oder Angst, lediglich ein angenehm wärmendes Kribbeln erfüllte ihren Körper.

Die Zeit schien für Sie plötzlich viel langsamer zu vergehen. John spürte wie sich ihre Hand von der Stehlampe löste und ihr Körper mitten ins Zimmer auf den Boden geschleudert wurde. Aber Sie fühlte sich geradezu eingehüllt in einen Kokon aus grünem Licht und erlebte es als würde Sie schweben und durch unsichtbare Kräfte sanft getragen.

Energie schien wellenförmig durch ihren gelähmten Körper zu pulsieren.

Genauso plötzlich wie der Blitz eingeschlagen war und die Wohnung mit unzähligen Ausläufern seiner selbst gefüllt hatte verschwand das Phänomen wieder. Es hatte ebenfalls völlig anders als ein normaler Blitz mehrere Sekunden gedauert.

John verlor das Bewusstsein.

Der helle Fleck der John umgeben hatte schien die Blitze in sich hinein zu saugen und verblasste.

Nach diesem blenden Phänomen wurde es in der chaotisch aussehenden Wohnung fast unnatürlich dunkel und still.

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Sissy Hypnosis Fun

Sissy Hypnosis Bet I have always been something of a night owl, which means that I take a while to get up and going in the morning. My alarm generally goes off at 7am, I hit snooze two or three times, then I finally get up and hop in the shower while my coffee pot starts to percolate. I grab my coffee and try to head out the door by 7:45, which is just barely enough time to get me into the office by my 8am start time. Needless to say, I frequently arrive with my hair still wet and...

2 years ago
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Public Orgy Fantasy

This is something I dearly wish had happened. I can't remember the number of times I masturbated as I wrote this in my sex diary.Twenty or thirty couples were gathered in the lounge area of a medium sized bar. Mary and I were there with the rest, expecting a strip show but not realizing what all was to follow. We watched as a tall, fleshy, Reubenesque blonde woman danced onto the stage, dressed only in G-string, garter belt, and transparent bra. She immediately had all the men's attention,...

4 years ago
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The Rask RebellionChapter 4 Contact

Korbaz gazed out of the slatted window of the conning tower, her furry hands clasped behind her back as she watched the windblown sand tear at the deck of the Wildfire. The command crawler was a little more luxurious than the battleship that she had previously toured. The majority of its deck was taken up by hab modules that practically formed a small settlement atop the vehicle, providing housing for her and her crew. There were barracks, officer’s quarters, even a small banquet hall where...

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Fulfilling Joes Fantasy

After returning from their vacation, Mary set about fulfilling Joe's favorite fantasy. He had admitted to her some time ago that his biggest fantasy was to have someone licking and sucking his balls while he fucked Mary. Unlike her fantasy, they had not found a way to simulate his. She had suggested one of the pocket pussy toys, but he told her that he couldn't make himself fuck a glorified Pringle's can.Mary had considered going online to locate someone to help them out. It was only fair that...

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Deep Tissue

I don't cheat, okay? Let me say it again. I. Do. Not. Cheat. The same way I don't drink-drive or wear yesterday's underpants. It's a built-in rule and one that with a little forward thinking is never broken. I'm engaged now to Amanda and our relationship couldn't be stronger. It's built on honesty and it's built on trust, got me? We have a varied, healthy and satisfying sex-life and we don't screw other people. End of story. This is most reassuring when, for example, I end up talking to the new...

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KindlingChapter 3 Lily

She couldn't understand how all at once a feeling could be so wonderful and so terrible. Wonderful in the way she felt so sexual, so sensual, able to attract anyone she wanted and give them pleasure like nothing they'd experienced. Terrible in the way she was constantly, desperately aroused; frozen on the brink of orgasm in a way her fingers could do nothing about. She'd used her fingers, and her new toys, over and over in the hours since her friends had left, but it hadn't helped. If...

4 years ago
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The Awakening

The Awakening We pulled into Julia's Fathers (David's) place about 4 in the afternoon having taken off work a little early. I had brought some tools as we were going to their lakehouse to fix the sprinkler system and take some things to a donation site, mostly clothes and kitchen stuff. Julia's parents were now divorced and the house there would be sold. Her mother had been staying there till things were finalized, and it was in pretty good shape as we had gone down a couple of...

3 years ago
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Aiko at Home

All her work was done for the day and Aiko didn't have anything more she wanted to do at the office that day so she decided to go home. She had taken her clothes off earlier, she decided not to put them back on. So she, packed up her laptop and called Sammy, her driver, to come pick her up at the office. She gathered her clothes and sat back in her chair to wait for Sammy to arrive. A few moments later Aiko's desk phone rang and she picked it up, listened for a moment, and then hung up...

3 years ago
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The Society of Sex Education Part 1

"Hey are you okay?" asked the boy in front of me. I nodded. The headache seemed to be wearing down. I glanced around as my vision returned at the white cell we seemed to be in. White walls, white floor, white closed door with no handle on this side. I shook the last of the glare from my eyes and with the boy's help, pulling myself to my feet. "What's your name?" he asked. "I'm Ryan." "Lia," I replied. "Where are we?" "No idea, I only woke up a minute or two before you." Just...

2 years ago
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Cheating and naughty

I am married woman with a family. I am 49 years old. Black hair down to the shoulders, slightly plump, round hips, and have a very large bosom (similar Kay Parker). My breasts have made my life very good and exciting. I was young when my breasts started to grow. I got up early attention from guys and older men.What I will tell, my sex experience yesterday. We had a family birthday with my in-laws. I was dressed in low-cut shirt, thigh-length with garters, leather boots and coat. I took the...

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A Golfers Dream Book III The Real Education BeginsChapter 30 The Masters

On Monday morning Dave played his first practice round for the Masters and instantly loved the Augusta National Golf Course. It was long and challenging with lightning-fast greens. He and Alec spent a lot of time taking notes and researching each golf hole. Dave practiced for two hours in the afternoon and was very pleased with his ball striking. His parents arrived that evening and Dave visited with them for a while before he returned to his room and studied for two hours then went to bed....

4 years ago
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"Sweat dripping over my body! Dancing getting just a little naughty! Let's get dirrty!!!" It blared over the stadium loudspeakers. Enticing the crowd to move their asses and get down and dirty. This song was Christina Aguilera's new anthem, her official transformation from "the genie in a bottle" to this sexual beast. This was my first Christina concert but I had admired her music for quite some time, I always thought she had one of the most beautiful voices ever and decided I wanted to...

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Getting Grandpas Help

Nicole and her husband, Phil, had been married for four years and they'd been trying to have a baby for over two years without any apparent success. Every time Nicole would take an early pregnancy test, it would always turn out negative. Nicole and Phil had figured out everything they could to ensure that she got pregnant but so far it just hadn't worked for them. Finally, it became obvious to Nicole that the reason she wasn't being knocked up by her frequent fucks with Phil was because of...

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A mother in law affair 5

In the weeks since the last time Judy and I hooked up, our relationship has been great. We have been together with the family numerous times and there has been no tension and no awkwardness at all. We have both been mature and composed about this. Speaking for myself, I will admit it has not been easy, but I know that our smart behaviour now will pay dividends the next time we are together. I have stolen more glances at her than I used to but that is natural. On Saturday night, my wife and I...

1 year ago
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PrettyDirty Maddy OReilly Gabi Paltrova Teach Me How To Squirt Part One

When newlywed Gabi Paltrova confides that her husband never made her orgasm, sister-in-law Maddy O’Reilly tells her she needs to experience a proper G-spot orgasm, if she wants her marriage to work. Maddy helps her sister-in-law locate the elusive G-spot, lifting Gabi’s dress and showing her where to touch herself down there, and how to slowly rock her hands back and forth. Gabi feels weird rubbing her naked pussy in front of her sister-in-law, so Maddy strips from the waist down,...

1 year ago
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Logan Ch 01

She was walking down the beach, watching her footprints appear in the sand and then seconds later be washed away into nothing. It’s funny how fast things can happen in only a matter of seconds. Her life had changed on that October night, only months after her eighteenth birthday. She had loved her dad, she had loved him a lot and had always stayed true to him, but there were just certain things that they argued about constantly. One of those issues was college, something she didn’t want to do,...

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Connor and Claudia

Introduction: A brother and sister discover the each other sexually–together This is partially based on a true story. The sexual part and the second half are pure fiction. this is my first story, its not perfect, please dont use the comments section for ads. When I was nine years old, my twin brother and I loved to play games. A favorite game was called Naked Boy. We would both go into my parents bathroom and undress. The two of us would strip naked and ignore our clothes for the rest of the...

2 years ago
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Losing My Virginity

If you are under 18 years of age or are not interested in these explicit topics please do not read this story. This story is true- even toned down some what. My first story, hope you enjoy it. I apologize if it is too long. As I said, it is my first writing endeavor of this type. I hope to put some more up-many will be fact some will be fiction. Several years ago I joined a site to finally find an attractive female who was dominant. Someone to help me explore these fantasies, deep desires. I...

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Hot Night With Sexy Chithi 8211 Part 1

Hi ISS sex animals, this Sex Animal returning with my second story. This story is about my long time lust. I am a huge fan of incest sex. I always dreamed of enjoying incest sex. I also had a good eye for MILFS. But one fine day both my dream came true together. This incident happened a month ago. I am 22 years old, from Chennai. Just finished my B.E. and was searching for a job, in the mean time I got an opportunity to do a job related course in Bangalore. My parents permitted me because the...

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Sex With Punjabi Aunty

Hi to all ISS readers. I’m Varun and back with new story which will make you hot. I received a lot of mails from the readers and am very much happy about it. Thanks for everyone. Those who didn’t read my story… please read it before reading this (sex with bhabi and make her pregnant). I will come into the story now. As you may aware that I am working in Dubai, I am living in a shared apartment with Punjabi family. They are 3, wife, husband and two year daughter. His name is Rajinder aged 35 and...

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His Infernal Majestys ServiceChapter 13

Mr. Johnson motioned towards the chairs at the table " Have a seat everybody, and let's get started." Instead of sitting down, mom came over and gave me a hug "Are you ok?" "I'm fine," I said hugging her tightly. Man, it felt so good being wrapped in my mom's arms. I felt the tension that I had held in my body ever since they put the cuffs on me draining out. Dad and the lawyer gave us a moment and then dad said " Honey, let the boy breathe." She stuck her tongue out at him but...

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