Love On A Desert Island. free porn video

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I had seen the sails of the ship as she approached and I had made my way through the forest to the headland, the same headland overlooking where the mutineers had been sunk on the rocks that were hidden just below the surface a few hundred yards offshore.

I knew with certainty that this ship would hit those same rocks. They were sharp steep pinnacles that would rip the bottom out of her. I had once swum out there and seen them about six or a little more feet below.

They ripped into the side of the ship, gouging a hole along her length, the water rushed in so fast that it was a matter of seconds before she was gone. I knew that from after the time the mutineers sank, that there would be useful pickings on the beach over the next few days. At first, I thought there were no survivors until I saw someone swimming awkwardly towards me.

I watched from the safety of the trees and saw the woman dragging herself from the water before she collapsed to the sand and lay still. I didn’t move a muscle, I kept watching for a sign that there might be others but I saw no one.

She was the first living person that I had seen in years, I was happy with my animal friends on the island, I was scared, I now no longer knew how to communicate with another human being, I had almost forgotten how to talk.

So, I just sat and watched her. It was a long time before she stirred, I saw her struggle to a sitting position and watched as she looked around. I could hear that she was crying as she climbed to stand on unsteady legs. She waded back into the water, shouting out names but only the splash of waves on sand answered her. Then just like me, all those years ago, she sat down and sobbed.

Hesitantly, I approached her from behind, to stand and watch, uncertain of what to do next. Finally, I went closer, I laid a hand on her shoulder, it was the wrong thing for me to have done, she squealed as she jumped with shock before turning to look at me. Her eyes were wide with fright as she took in my appearance. My skin was a deep brown colour, burned in by years of sun. My hair was long and tangled and my clothes were made from animal skins. Two large shining curled tusks hung at my chest, I must have been a strange wild sight to her. It didn’t help that I carried a huge bow and a bag of arrows, with a sword hung at my waist.

She cringed away from me as I reached behind my back but I saw her relax slightly when I held my gourd of water out to her. Her eyes never left my face as she drank, when she was finished, I reached a hand to her, after a long pause she lifted hers to mine and I pulled her to her feet.

I beckoned for her to follow, waiting as she looked back to where the ship had sunk, then she turned and followed me.

After a while we arrived at my home, we hadn’t spoken a word on the way. I reached for my hidden rope, gave a tug and the rope ladder came tumbling down. I pointed to the ladder and she peered up with a puzzled look on her face, there was nothing to see from the ground, just a ladder disappearing into thick foliage.

I took hold of the ladder and climbed, when I reached the first leaves I looked down and beckoned her again, when I saw her begin to follow me, not without some difficulty, I carried on.

She came up to gaze in awe at what she saw, my house in the trees. She stepped from the ladder, testing the floor with her foot obviously unsure whether or not it was safe. I sat and watched her as she walked around, taking in the furniture, tapping the walls and roof. She stopped to study the haunches of meat that hung, salted and drying.

At the doorway into my bedroom, she suddenly screeched and jumped back as Frederick, one of my furry friends jumped from a box and out of the window before disappearing among the branches. It was an animal somewhat like a large squirrel, although I had not the slightest idea what it actually was but it was my house friendly pet, not exactly tame nor was it totally wild, just somewhere in between, we got along okay.

I went to her, took her hand and led her to the bench. She watched as I struck two rocks together, the spark lighting the bracken in my cooking fireplace. This was a quite large metal dish, shield-shaped, that I had found in the mountains. It was sat on a circle of rocks to prevent the wood below from getting burned.

I swung the pan of water over after I had added wood to the flames. When the water began to boil, I threw in a handful of berries, allowing them to simmer for a while. I handed her one of the mugs I had filled, she sniffed warily at it before taking a sip, a surprised look on her face, it tasted remarkably like coffee although I had no idea what it really was.

Then I heard the first voice spoken to me in so many years, “Do you speak English? Who are you? Where do you come from?”

I struggled to form the words, to say my name. “L-L-Laura.” I stammered and then I started to cry, it was the first time that I had cried since I buried my parents near the beach so long ago.

I felt her arms around me, holding me tight as I cried, I clung to her as she whispered in my ear, soothing me until I quietened, “My name’s Elizabeth,” she told me, “ it’s okay Laura, I’ve got you.”

“Please tell me what year is it?” I asked her.

“1864, July.”

For a minute, I thought, I wasn’t used to doing sums anymore, “My God, I’ve been here eight years then. Do you know the date?”

Elizabeth had to think as she worked out the date, “It’s the 21st today, why, is it important?”

“Yes, it’s my birthday today, I’m eighteen.” Then I started to cry again.

After a while I calmed myself, before haltingly and with long pauses, I began to tell her my story.


We were three years in New South Wales (later Australia), where my father had been a Lieutenant Colonel serving with the British Army.

I was only seven years of age when we departed from England for him to take up his position, he and my mother were excited at the prospect of the three years accompanied posting to a far away and seemingly exotic place.

Unfortunately, they were sadly disillusioned, it wouldn’t be long before they both wished that they had never seen the place. Fever was rife, food was often scarce with very little choice, convicts and settlers were both a constant cause of trouble. All in all, for them, it was like a hell on earth.

For me, it wasn’t quite so bad, I was shielded from the worst of what went on and my days were spent at the small English school in Sydney colony. Even so, I think we were all glad when the posting came to an end. Certainly, I was excited at the prospect of being back in England and meeting up with my old friends.

Father had decided, that rather than us taking the traditional route back, via South Africa’s Cape of Good Hope, that we would take a ship to Hawaii, spend a few weeks there before travelling on to California, then overland before to then board another ship back to England, the whole thing just sounded so adventurous to me.

The Golden Eagle was a beautiful three-masted schooner with absolutely masses of brilliant white sails. I even had my own cabin, albeit, it was small and cramped what with the bunk, one cupboard and a wash basin but it was mine and I was over the moon.

I didn’t much like the Captain, he was very gruff, bordering on downright rude when he even deemed to answer a question from any of the passengers. I could clearly see my father bristling whilst striving to hold his temper. I soon realised that the Captain was more interested in his cargo than he was in a bunch of unwelcome passengers. There were two other families besides my own, ten of us all told.

We hauled our anchor and set sail on a beautiful sunny day, sailors flying all over the rigging and the masts in response to the Captain’s orders, sails clapped in a thunderous roar as they were unfurled before catching the wind. By evening we were well clear of the bay and heading in an easterly direction.

During the next two weeks, we called at several islands, I can’t remember all their names now but they included, New Caledonia so called by Captain James Cook the famous explorer, he was the first European to land there and he named it after a place in Scotland.

Then on to Fiji where I found the local tribesmen quite frightening, it was said that they were cannibals.

The weather was still fine and sunny when we left Fiji, but the Captain was complaining that there was not enough wind to keep the sails filled, he had every possible inch of sail spread but still, we only seemed to be creeping along. Then on the second day, the wind dropped away to nothing and we were completely becalmed. The water was like a glass mirror, not a single ripple disturbed the surface of the sea. A thick mist appeared as if from nowhere, enveloping the ship.

The following day, the Captain had two longboats lowered, long ropes snaking from them to the ship. Each had ten sweating sailors toiling at their oars as they attempted to keep some way on the ship. To me, it seemed quite pointless, as they made hardly any difference to our progress.

All day and into the night they rowed, with just an occasional pause to swap crews. The poor weary souls struggled to climb aboard, they were so tired.

In the morning, I overheard father saying to my mother that he felt there was trouble brewing. The crew were not happy with their lot. But the Captain appeared to be oblivious to their plight and simply kept on driving them. He even had one man flogged who had refused to go back in the boats, so bad were the blisters on his hands.

On the fourth day, a gentle breeze began to flap the sails and once more we were moving but still only very slowly. The Captain did not recall the boats, still, the men dipped and pulled at their oars.

It was sometime in the afternoon of day five when I heard the lookout shout “Land Ho, fine to larboard.”

My father had overheard one of the officers saying that because of the mist, they had been unable to take a sighting and consequently, they had no idea exactly where we were and they weren’t certain what island it might be that the lookout had sighted. Soon it became evident that there were in fact, a number of very small islands becoming visible, with just one fairly large one.

Meanwhile, the wind had improved to become quite a stiff breeze and I noticed the ship had altered its course and was now heading for the larger of the islands.

As we approached I could see shimmering sands backed by dense forest, it all looked quite stunning. Soon a small bay became evident and the ship’s passage was slowed, by half of the sails being taken in. A leadsman was swinging his line at the bows, calling out the depth of water beneath the ship as we entered the entrance of the bay. We didn’t go very far in before the anchor was dropped.

I saw barrels being loaded into the boats, For water, my father explained when I asked what they were for. Yet again, the sailors were having to row, I saw several with bleeding hands as they climbed over the side and down into the boats. They didn’t look very happy.

Some hours later the boats returned to the ship, a young lieutenant, shouting at the crews as they manhandled the barrels into slings.

I’m not sure how it happened but I heard the loud crash followed by screams and shouts. Two barrels had come loose and crashed back down into the boat below. They killed one man and seriously injured another before smashing a huge hole in the bottom of the boat. It sank very fast as the sailors scrambled for safety.

The Captain had two more men tied up for flogging, he blamed them for the loss of a boat, he didn’t seem at all concerned for the dead or injured men.

The crew stood in surly silence as the first of the two men were fastened to a grating but a rumble of noise began to swell as the bosun raised his whip. He paused to look at the Captain, “Carry out your duty,” the Captain snapped at him. The whip fell, scourging the man’s back as he screamed before it fell again and again.

Of course, I didn’t actually see any of this, I had been hustled below to my cabin but I could still hear quite clearly what was happening.

Then I heard a pistol shot, the same young Lieutenant from the longboat had fired at three men who had rushed the bosun and grabbed a hold of his whip. I heard the Captain shouting “Cease firing” but it was too late, the crew went berserk, attacking any officer in sight. More shots rang out and men screamed as I could hear feet charging along the deck above me. Then, just as suddenly it went quiet.

I could hear my mother and another woman weeping through the thin wall that divided our cabins. My mother was shouting my father’s name before she went, still shouting, up to the deck. I heard her scream his name again, then she was sobbing.

The door to my cabin crashed open and from my hiding place beneath the bunk, I heard someone enter before leaving with a curse. There were more screams from the neighbouring cabins, followed by pistol shots, then the two other wives were dragged away. I was alone as it went quiet below decks.

I crept from my hidey-hole and peaked out of my cabin, nothing moved but I almost screamed out loud at the sight of the two dead men lying in the passageway. It was the husbands of the two women that had been taken away.

I snatched up the large dagger that one was holding, I wasn’t exactly sure what I intended doing with it but it seemed to help calm my nerves. I crept quietly along the passageway, ignoring the first ladder that we usually used, I could hear the drunken shouts just above me. When I reached a second ladder, more to the aft of the ship, I slowly stole up, one gentle step at a time. I poked my head over the rim of the hatch and to my relief, there was no one nearby.

I wasn’t at all sure what I should do but I knew that I couldn’t stay hidden below. I crawled to a cargo hatchway to gingerly peer around the corner. My mother and the two women were tied to masts, their clothes hanging in tatters, my mother was almost naked with her large breasts jiggling about as she struggled.

I almost screamed when I saw my father lying on the deck covered in blood, I was sure he was dead.

There was a strong smell of rum in the air, coming from two barrels that the sailors kept filling their mugs from. I watched as one weaved towards my mother, he offered her a drink from his mug but she spat at him, he slapped her hard across the face and then jammed a hand between her legs while he laughed at her.

Others cheered him on as his hands began to unfasten his breeches. He let them fall to his ankles and his huge penis sprung into view standing out like a canon in front of him. He moved his body forward, his penis pushing between my mother’s thighs. I saw hear lean towards him as he pushed but her assailant got a shock when her mouth enclosed his nose, he screamed as she bit the end of his nose off, blood spurting everywhere as he staggered away.

Another man ran at my mother, his fist connecting with her chin. I saw her head drop as she was knocked unconscious. A red rage came over me, I didn’t wait to think but I jumped from my hiding place with the dagger in my hand and charged the man who was also now lowering his breeches. Before I reached him, a number of the crew began shouting loudly when they saw me, I clearly heard one, “There be the little wench we bin looking for.”

I raised my dagger high as I neared and took a mighty swing down at him. The shouts from his mates made him turn his head towards me, he took a half pace backwards, this causing my downward stab to miss his body, the momentum of my swing carried on down and then his penis was wiggling on the deck, neatly severed by my dagger.

Men were now rushing in a mass to catch me, I swerved aside, stabbing wildly as I ran but there was nowhere to run to. I found myself trapped in the bows as they now cautiously came nearer, several were carrying large wooden belaying pins. In desperation, I searched for an escape but there was none. As the first hand grabbed at me, I stabbed again and then I turned and heaved myself up the railing to then leap into the sea below.

I pushed the dagger inside my blouse and began swimming as hard as I could towards the nearest shore which was perhaps two hundred yards away. I felt myself tiring as I heard the splash of oars behind me and the shouts encouraging the rowers to pull harder.

They were close by the time I felt sand beneath my feet. With a last surge of energy, I forced myself to my feet, wading the last few feet to the beach. As I ran I could hear the shouts getting ever closer, then I felt a hand snatching at my blouse, I twisted away and saw him trip and fall heavily to the sand.

I was now gasping for breath, I thought they would catch me but my luck held, suddenly I was into the trees, curses only feet behind. The thorns tore at my clothing and skin, I was bleeding as I ran into the almost impenetrable barrier. My foot hit something hard and I fell to the ground, immediately I saw my escape, there was a foot or so beneath the thorns and the ground, on hands and knees I scurried forwards. I was rewarded by the receding sounds of their shouts and curses.

I reached a small hollow and rolled myself in where I lay striving to breathe deeply and calm my shattered nerves. I was desperately afraid and wanted to get further away but I had no strength left to move.

For what seemed like hours I lay and cried, still listening to the men as they searched for me. It was getting dark and yet still they were there. I saw a flickering, they had lit a fire on the beach and obviously, they intended staying.

Slowly, I crawled back towards the edge of the trees. I saw another boat had joined the one that had chased me and there was now a large group of sailors sat around the fire. I could smell salted pork roasting on the fire, mixed once more with the tang of rum in the air. I lay and watched, trying to catch what they were discussing.

One, who appeared to be leading the group, called for quiet. I heard him point out that they were now mutineers and murderers, it was time to forget about the girl and get away to somewhere safe. Some argued, that a little longer in searching for the young virgin wouldn’t hurt. But eventually, they put it to the vote and decided they would leave in the morning. Once decided, they got down to hearty eating and drinking.

A couple of hours later and they were all asleep, their drunken snores shattering the night. I crept over the sand towards them searching for anything useful that I might find.

The first thing I came across was a pistol complete with powder pouch, quietly I lifted it away from beside its owner. Then I found a sword, large and heavy. There was still a big hank of pork hanging by the dying fire, I cut it away before quickly making my way along the beach, I was looking for a better route inland, a way to avoid the thorns.

It was then that I saw the tracks left by the water gang earlier, so I turned and followed them in the moonlight. They led between huge trees so dense, that very quickly it was too dark for me to see their tracks. I crawled behind one huge tree and sat down. I was starving and thirsty, I chewed at the pork, the stream quenched my thirst.

The early light filtering down through the branches woke me. I sat and listened for an age but heard nothing except for the wind which had risen in the early hours. I followed the footsteps back to the beach, they were gone, the beach was empty, large waves dashed ashore.

I saw the last boat being winched aboard, then I saw bodies being thrown over the side. A short while later, the sails were being unfurled. As the wind took hold, I could see the anchor leaving the water to be pulled aboard, the ship leaned with the wind and then she was moving fast towards the entrance of the bay.

As the ship cleared the headland I could see massive waves smashing into her. The wind was now like a gale, the ship could not sail into it and it was being pushed sideways but to what still seemed like open water.

Soon she would be hidden by the headland out of my sight. Then I saw her rise up as if lifted by a hidden hand, even with the wind and distance, I still heard the mighty crash of breaking timbers as she crashed back down. The ship lifted once more, then she was leaning over for a brief moment before with a lurch, the ship turned right over. It seemed only seconds before she was gone, not a sign of her remained.

Even with my little knowledge of the sea, I knew she had hit rocks hidden beneath the surface.

I was alone with my grief, I cried and cried, sobbing until I had nothing left, then I crawled back to the trees to escape from both the wind and the rain that was now pouring.

The storm lasted two days, during which time I shivered, seeking shelter where I could, until at last, the sun broke through the clouds and the winds went away. At the beach, waves still lashed onto the sands. The beach was littered with all manner of things washed up from the sunken ship. Instinct told me to gather whatever I found, I soon had several piles well clear of the water.

Then I noticed the bodies, a little further along. The first was Mrs Peterson, one of the other passengers, then I found my mother and father, strangely lying side by side on the sand at the water’s edge. The water had cleaned the blood away and somehow in death, they looked peaceful, it helped me through my grief.


Here, I stopped my story, the memory too vivid in my mind, I had only been ten when I buried my parents. Again she held me as I wept uncontrollably before she led me to my bed, covering me with my blanket. Her hands stroking my hair as I let the years of hidden grief come pouring out.

When I woke, I found her fast asleep, lying on the floor beside my bed, she still had hold of my hand. Quietly, I rose, trying not to wake her but as I lay her arm across her body, I saw the dried salt on her skin and clothes.

I heated water before softly bathing her arms. She must have been exhausted because she never stirred until I washed her face. Her eyes sprung open in alarm before she realised it was me and that I was washing her. As she sat up, her clothes creaked with their stiffness, she didn’t object as I struggled to unfasten the buttons of her dress.

I lowered it off her shoulders then took my cloth to her neck, lifting her hair as I washed. The two thin straps that held her slip up fell down her arms and it dropped to her waist, I washed her back. For the first time in my life, I found myself marvelling at another’s body, no wonder really, she was beautiful and her skin was so soft.

I finished her back and without thought, I moved around to her front as I rinsed the cloth. When I raised my eyes I froze, her breasts were there, right in front of my eyes, they were larger than my own but still firm and erect. I jerked myself back and tentatively reached out with my cloth before continuing to wash her. I saw her nipples stiffen and grow as washed them, I wondered what had caused it, it wasn’t cold.

I motioned for her to stand then eased her stiff clothes to the floor, my washing had got slower as I studied her, for some reason, my eyes kept going back to the two flaps between her legs. I felt her tremble as my cloth rinsed them free of salt, again I wondered why.

I worked down the front of both legs, then pushed her around to face away from me again. As I washed back up, I saw her legs spread wider apart when I neared her backside. I could see the salt caked in the crack of her cheeks. With fresh water I rinsed her, I saw her little private hole as I worked down, soaking the salt away, then I was underneath between her legs with my cloth. My face was close to her backside, I was shocked when I had a sudden urge to kiss her there.

In confusion, I hastily stood. I placed the bowl on the table before gently pushing her to lean her head down so I could rinse her hair.

Once again I was staring at her hanging breasts as they swayed from side to side. I could now feel a strange sensation running through my body. My nipples were hard and erect, dragging on my clothes, there was a tingle between my legs that I had only ever noticed once before when I had watched two of my furry friends mating in the forest.

I carried the bowl away, trying to hide the growing flush I could feel on my face. I didn’t understand my feelings, I felt ashamed, shocked even and yet I knew deep inside, that I had got excited looking at her body, especially her private places.

I went and sat outside, the cool night air easing me back to normality. I had no sexual experience, not even a sexual thought in my life, with a jolt, I knew that’s what I was experiencing. My body was responding to this woman, why? Was it because my body had reached an age of wanting sex and Elizabeth just happened to be the only person available? Or was it actually her that I was attracted to? All I knew, was that the question and answer were beyond me, I simply didn’t have the experience that a normal life may have given me.

When I went back inside, she was curled on my bed, fast asleep with her backside facing me. I sat in my chair, not wanting to look but unable to drag my eyes away. The tingle was back between my legs, almost without thought, I had pulled my short skirt to my hips before my fingers traced over my slit beneath my mound of hair, with a start, I realised I was soaking, liquid was seeping out of me. It smelled strange when I sniffed at my fingers but I liked it, it seemed to make shiver.

My fingers went back to my slit and for the first time in my life I caressed my emerging lips, the touch felt nice. I wasn’t really aware when a finger slipped between the folds of flesh until I felt the warmth, strange feelings now surged through me. I pushed my finger deeper, exploring new territory, searching for the source of the tingle that had now become so intense. I almost jerked up from my chair when my finger found a small lump at the top of my lips. I knew instantly that I had found what I was seeking, I felt it, then caressed it between my fingers and it grew larger as a fire began to build. I had no idea what was happening to me but it did feel good.

My eyes were riveted to the two mounds of her backside, the little hole that I could see and the squashed lips between her legs. My body was consumed, something was happening, I was in heaven. I bit my lips with my teeth so as to prevent myself from moaning out loud, then my whole body shook as instinct caused me to frantically rub at the button.

Slowly, I calmed, my body relaxing, although my legs still trembled. My mind was in a whirl, I didn’t understand what had just happened but I knew it was the most intense and beautiful thing I had ever experienced. Somehow, I knew that I had just grown up.

In the morning I made breakfast, while Elizabeth dressed in her now washed and dried clothes that I had left by the bed.

Her face was still creased with anxiety but her skin had recovered its colour. She looked more relaxed.

For some reason, I found that I couldn’t look at her directly, I was flustered and unsure and I dare not look her in the eye. When I stole hidden glances I felt the tingle beginning to build once more.

When we had cleared away, she asked me if I would continue with my story, I needed a distraction from my thoughts, so relieved, I continued.


For several days, I dragged timbers, ropes, chests, bits of furniture from the water, even a cooking pot floated ashore. Two sails were the hardest to drag from the water, one took me several days, I only managed by getting a bit at a time onto the hot sand, pegging it down until it dried and then pulling more from the water.

I ached from head to toe but as the days went by, I felt my muscles hardening, my strength building. Food had not yet become an issue, there was plenty of fruit about, coconuts by the hundred, some type of banana that I couldn’t eat raw but they were okay baked over a fire. There were other exotic looking fruits that I wasn’t prepared to risk eating just yet.

When I had pulled the last of the sail ashore, I found a number of fish caught up in the folds, one or two looked quite nasty, with vicious spines and large snapping teeth, these I let go. But others looked like what I thought of as normal fish and these I found to be delicious once I got the hang of how to cook them right.

At first, I built a shelter close to the beach, just within the tree line. Piles of everything I had salvaged were covered with a canvas sail.

I had been there about a week, already I was losing track of the days. I sat one evening to ponder on my situation. I had seen no signs to indicate that there might be other people on the island but that didn’t mean there weren’t. I had no idea how large the island was, so far I had only seen my bay and out to the nearest headland by the entrance. Beyond the headland, I could see a sandy tree-lined beach that seemed to go on forever.

I found a tree that looked easy to climb and indeed, so it proved. Soon, I was at the top of the tree, I had picked a good one as it was taller than most. There was only a canopy of leaves to my left and right, stretching as far as I could see into the distance. Inland there were a number of mountains, mostly quite small but there was one that dwarfed the others. The nearest I judged to be only two or three miles away, the trees appeared to stop a short way up its sides, I guessed that it was from the mountains that my freshwater stream originated.

I decided that I needed to climb, at least the nearest mountain, in case I might see any signs of habitation. The next day I set off, following the course of my stream. It seemed the easiest way of getting through the forest without getting lost.

I carried water, food, my dagger and sword. I had only gone a fairly short distance when I came to a small lake that had formed in a natural hollow. It was fed by a waterfall, perhaps twenty or thirty feet high and maybe twenty feet across, there was another stream leaving the lake besides my own. The lake water was crystal clear, a few tiny fish darting here and there.

I made my way around the water’s edge until I came to a clear patch of sandy soil. There were quite a number of animal footprints, two or three different types. Most were quite small but I did see two sets that were large enough to indicate some sort of heavy or bigger animal.

Near the waterfall, I climbed a fairly steep hill which brought me to a grassy flat area, this was split by a wide but shallow river which cascaded over the edge to the lake below.

The trees began again only a few yards back, these were massive trees, their huge trunks further apart so that it was easier to walk below them. However, it was so dense above that it was almost dark where I stood. Where the first leaved branches began above me, I could see no higher.

It was an enchanting place. From above, the sun shining on the lake’s surface created a mirror effect, then there was enough of a pleasant grassy area, backed by the trees. This was where I would build my camp.

I snapped myself away from gazing at my surroundings, for now, I needed to keep going. I hadn’t got very far when I heard a lot of grunting noises that seemed to come from just ahead of me. I crept forward, trying to keep the large trees between me and the noise. Then something was crashing through the undergrowth behind me, coming straight for me.

Desperately, I scrambled for the lowest branch of the tree I was stood by but I was too late, I saw this huge thing charging at me, it’s large curled tusks gleaming. It squealed loudly as it neared, I was rooted to the spot in fear. At the last second, I moved, I jumped to the side of the tree, my sword swing wildly. The stupid animal had been so intent on me that it hadn’t seen the tree until I moved, it crashed headfirst into the tree, it didn’t fall, just staggered about. Now though, it was again looking for me.

I threw my sword, I don’t know why, it was just a reaction. It struck the animal in the neck, I doubt that it actually did much damage but its foreleg caught in the sword’s guard and it went tumbling, it lay still where it fell. The animal’s momentum had driven the blade up through its head and it was quite dead.

It appeared to be some kind of black hairy pig, I knew there wouldn’t have been much left of me had it hit me. The was no longer any grunting noises ahead, they had gone. I retrieved my sword with some difficulty, wiping the blood off on its hairy body, then with still shaking legs, I continued on my way.

I followed the river for about another two miles. Suddenly I was back in daylight, the ground rising quite steeply in front of me. I paused, taking a drink, while I considered my best route up.

It was a hard climb, not so much for its difficulty but more that I wasn’t used to continuous climbing. I rested a number of times, taking the opportunity to look back towards the sea. I could see my bay, it looked to be much closer than for the time it had taken me to get to this point.

Finally, I was at the summit and now I saw the full extent of my island, all except one area hidden behind the larger mountain. It looked to be about five or six miles wide and somewhere between ten or twelve miles long. My bay was almost exactly midway along its length. As hard as I looked, there was no sign whatsoever of there being anyone else besides myself, no smoke, no buildings and no cleared land.

The larger of the mountains was clearly an extinct volcano, at least I hoped it was extinct. Its peak looked lopsided, the side nearest to me was the collapsed rim of a huge crater. Briefly, I thought of continuing my exploration by trekking to the crater but I quickly realised that it would be dark long before I got there. I decided instead, to look for somewhere nearer to hand where I could spend the night.

I descended from my peak by a different route, curiosity, nothing more. The side got steeper, now bare rock not grass and the going got more difficult. I realised that I had made a mistake, if I retraced my steps it would be dark before I reached a safe place to stop. If I pressed on, I could end up in trouble, with nowhere to go in the dark. I had little choice but to gamble on what I might find ahead.

It was a little later when, by accident I found the cave, I had paused to catch my breath, now quite worried by the rapidly fading light. The boulder I leant against moved, first just a couple of inches. I jumped away and it moved several more inches, I heard a cracking noise coming from below, then suddenly, the boulder as if with a mind of its own, slowly rocked before small rocks beneath it shattered and it was rolling, knocking me aside as it disappeared down the cliff.

For several minutes I sat shaking with fright at my near miss, then carefully I got to my feet. My side and an arm hurt where I had been struck but otherwise, I seemed okay. I saw the cave entrance that the boulder had been blocking from view, it was pitch black inside, so I dare not enter any further than just inside the entrance. Exhausted, I settled down and almost immediately I was asleep.


It seemed like a good point to break from the telling of my exploration, although Elizabeth begged me to go on but I insisted, I was both hungry and tired, I had sat in a chair all night while she had slept in my bed, I explained to her.

“There’s plenty of room in the bed, you could have shared it with me,” she said.

I felt myself flush at the thought of her naked body being next to me, I couldn’t look at her, “I didn’t want to disturb you, you needed the rest,” I managed quietly.

I jumped as she took my hand, “Oh you poor thing, you’re shy, I’m sorry, I didn’t realise.”

I could feel my face, red and hot as her hand softly rubbed my arm. Then she leaned and her lips kissed my cheek. The shock that went through me was like a bolt of lightning, involuntarily I cringed away, snatching my arm free. When I looked at her, she had a hurt look on her face, her lips trembled, she was close to tears.

I looked away, until finally, I mumbled, “It’s not you Elizabeth and I don’t think I’m shy, it’s me, I can’t stop looking at you without wrong thoughts, with dirty thoughts going through my mind. I don’t understand what’s happening to me, I’m frightened.”

She sat watching me for a while, considering how to answer me I thought. Instead, she again took my hand, “Come here, let me hold you.” Her arms wrapped around me, my head nestled on her shoulder and she held me tight. She kissed the top of my head while gently rocking me from side to side. I could feel my nipples stiffening at the feel of her breasts against mine.

I heard her saying, “You’re just confused Laura, you’ve been alone for such a long time, that’s all it is.”

I lifted my head, staring into her eyes, her lips so close to mine. I had never been kissed on the lips, I’d certainly never before had the inclination to kiss anyone. Now I wanted her lips, I craved to feel them on mine, I could feel my blood pounding and I lost all control.

My hand went behind her head and I roughly pulled her to me, my lips ground into hers. I had no idea how to kiss, it wasn’t at all subtle, it was a need that I couldn’t resist. Her eyes were wide with shock, her arms and shoulders leaning away from me as she struggled to break my grip.

I broke the kiss but still held her to me, “I’m sorry Elizabeth, I didn’t mean to be so rough, I don’t know what I’m doing, please will you kiss me and hold me again.” Tears rolled down my cheeks as I beseeched her.

Her hands came back to my waist as I felt her relax, my heart soared only to be shattered by her words, “Laura, I’ve never kissed a girl, nor ever wanted to, I’m engaged to be married, that’s where the ship was taking me, to my fiance.”

With a sob, I jumped to the ladder, burning my hands as I slid down and then blindly I ran into the forest. Branches slashed at my face, thorns ripped my flesh in my headlong charge. It was the burning of salt the sea water in my wounds that shook me from my trauma, I was at the bay.

I turned, searching for my mother. The cross at the head of the pile of rocks guided me to her. For ages, I sat and cried and then for the first time since she had left me I spoke to her, “Mama, help me, tell me what to do, I love her, why doesn’t she understand?”

I screamed when a voice whispered, “Perhaps I do.” But it wasn’t my mother, the voice was behind me. “I thought I might find you here at your bay, you scared me something silly.” Her hand rested on my shoulder, I turned to look at her, “Oh my God! Your face, the blood, you’re bleeding everywhere,” she exclaimed with a look of horror. She cried when she noticed the blood dripping down my arms, puddling in the sand.

She helped me stand and pulled me to the original shelter that I had built when I first arrived on the island. I lay on the bare bed as she rushed off to the stream. Although she washed my wounds, most were too deep to stop the flow of blood.

“Cupboard, bedroom, home, bandages and cream.” I gasped out between gritted teeth. The pain from the thorns was searing, I had been cut by them before, even one had hurt but hundreds of cuts at the same time was excruciating.

It was morning when I woke, Elizabeth was lying beside me with a blanket spread over us, her eyes were open, staring at my face. She smiled when I looked at her, a gentle touch as her lips feathered mine before fetching me a drink of water.

I felt much better, the worst of the pain gone. The thorns had something in them that burned when they cut you but they had never seemed poisonous. Now it was a case of keeping the wounds clean and free from infection.

Back at the tree house, she had eased my clothes over the bandages as she undressed me before telling me to lie down, I declined the offered blanket, it was too warm. She seemed to take longer studying my body than was necessary if she were only examining the dressings, she blushed when she saw my nipples stiffening under her gaze and she blushed even deeper when she saw me watching her, but she bent and put a finger to my lips then she went to prepare some food. My eyes followed her everywhere.

After we had eaten our meal, I closed my eyes, tiredness overcoming me, I think I smiled as I felt her hand take hold of mine.

It was dark when I slowly woke from a deep sleep. I became aware of her bare skin touching my side and the hand that cradled my breast, one of her breasts lay over my upper arm. She appeared to be sound asleep so her touch could have been accidental but I didn’t care, I was thrilled at the feel of her hand and her breast resting on me.

I covered her hand with mine, pressing it gently to me, I knew my nipple was hard under her hand, the rise and fall of my chest as I breathed causing my nipple to rub her palm. Never had it felt so sensitive, so in need of caress.

Carefully, I leaned my head to her breast, my mouth stroking the skin until I found her nipple, I took it between my lips and marvelled at the feel before my tongue traced lightly around it. I could feel it getting longer and harder as if I were breathing life into it. I gave it a suck, it seemed the natural thing to do.

I suddenly felt her fingers tighten to squeeze my breast. Was she awake? Did she know? I wondered. My questions were answered when I felt her kiss my hair and her fingers pinched my nipple, I heard a light moan escape her lips, it sounded like a moan of pleasure, so sucked harder, then flicked my tongue, her nipple was now much larger than my own ever were.

I felt the loss when her hand left my breast but it was to lift my chin level with hers. “I want to kiss you now,” she whispered to me. Her lips came to mine and I pressed hard, she pulled back, “gently, like a butterfly,” she told me.

I understood at once when I felt the sensual caress as our lips brushed each other. Then I was shaken as her tongue licked me, teasing between and along my lips. Tentatively my own tongue pushed forward to meet hers, we fenced back and forth before hers plunged inside my mouth. It lasted for a lifetime, my heart thudding with happiness, I loved this woman so deeply.

As we kissed, still she played with my breast, one moment to caress all over, the next to pinch and pull at my nipple, my body was writhing with desire, the tingle between my thighs now buzzed. My own hand took itself to the lips below my mound, my fingers snatching at my button, I felt her hand over mine and she pressed it down, rubbing my own over my sex.

My body went taught, arching up off the bed, then I shook, I shouted out loud “Oh God! Yes, it’s happening.”

I flopped back down but as I did, I felt her pushing her fingers inside of me. I almost panicked at this intrusion of my private parts but just in time I felt the wondrous feelings created by her thrusting fingers, her thumb found my button as her fingers explored me. Another explosion was building like a breakaway galloping horse.

I heard her voice, “Cum again for me my love,” her fingers plunged in and out, faster and harder, “now, cum now.” She demanded.

My thighs locked around her hand, for the first time I felt muscles inside my hole they were clenching and grasping at her fingers. My whole body was now in some place it had never been before, I screamed for God, I screamed Elizabeth and then I was wailing as my body spasmed.

She covered my eyes and lips with gentle kisses, whispering soothing words as I lay exhausted and only semi-conscious.

Then as it began to get lighter in the sky, she was checking my bandages. Except for a couple on my arm that needed refastening, all were fine.

We drank the hot herbal tea she had brewed, then once more she lay beside me, “Sleep some more, my love.” She said to me.

I smiled, she had called me her love, my heart sang, I hoped she meant it. “I love you Elizabeth.” Then I was asleep.

Some years ago, I had built a bench down by the lakeside. It was here that I had become friendly with many of the animals that came to drink. Today Elizabeth was sat close beside me, her arm around my waist. “So, what happened after you found the cave?”


I woke a little cold and stiff, my ribs ached, it took some seconds to remember where I was. The sun was at an angle that only shone a little light into the cave but I thought that in an hour or so, it might light a lot more of the interior. I drank and ate from my supplies, peering into the gloom, straining my eyes in an attempt to identify the shapes that were becoming vaguely visible.

Carefully, I stooped through the opening, standing aside so as to allow as much light as possible. There was only a small flattish area just inside, then beyond that, a gaping black hole disappeared downwards. It was just as well that I hadn’t ventured inside in the dark.

To one side was stacked a pile of small wooden chests, as I walked closer and noticed a torch lying on the ground, I bent to pick it up then screamed, jumping backwards. Slowly I calmed my jangling nerves. “He’s dead, he can’t hurt you,” I told myself out loud, perhaps I was making the point to him as well as myself.

The skeleton lay behind the chests, a sword sticking up from its chest. Its clothes lay in tatters where they had rotted away, it must have been there a very long time.

Finally, after ages of striking my flint stones together, I managed to get the torch lit, its light filled the cave. There was another skeleton a little further away from the first. Several swords and daggers lay on the ground. I went to the chests, I tried to lift a lid but found it stuck solid. The first sword I used trying to pry the lid up snapped in half but a heavy knife did better. I scraped and banged the hinges before trying the lid again, then with a creak, it flew open.

I held the torch high and peered inside, my eyes went wide in shock, bright white, red, blue and green jewels sparkled, silver and gold coins shimmered. Every chest was the same, it was a fortune, a treasure trove. Eventually, I selected a handful of stones, coins and a few pieces of jewellery and stuffed them into my pack.

Exploring the rest of the cave, I only found some kind of large and heavy shield-shaped metal dish, I’ve no idea what it was but I realised it would make a good fireplace. Other than a couple more swords, daggers and a long metal tipped pike, there was nothing else.

Before I left, I tossed a rock down the hole, it was several seconds before I heard it hit, then again, a number of times before it stopped, it was a long way down. I guessed that I was in an old volcano vent hole.

Struggling with the weight of my new fireplace and the pike, I retraced my steps. Several hours later and I was back at the pig, it hadn’t been touched. I knew I couldn’t carry both butchered meat and my metal dish, better to take some meat now and leave the dish I reasoned.

I sharpened my dagger on a rock and then removed the two hind legs of the pig, I also took the tusks. Blood dripping down my back, I made my way back to the bay.

I was freshly washed from the stream, my clothes were hanging to dry, the fire flaming and spitting as the pork fat dripped, so I sat back with a cup of wine that had come from a chest that floated ashore. I had never tasted wine before, I knew it was for grown-ups but today I felt like a grown-up, I was proud of myself and what I had achieved. On top of which, I was rich beyond measure, although when I’d get to spend any of it, who knew?

The next day I returned to the lake, armed with ropes and a few odds and ends. This time I also had the pike with me, just in case I was attacked by another pig.

I climbed a number of trees above the waterfall, I thought several might be suitable for building a tree house, then I found the one. I knew right away that it was perfect, a fairly difficult climb took me up to a point where a number of huge branches spread out. Provided I was strong enough to haul the timber up, I could build a spacious home.

The first thing I did was to hang a knotted rope, this would make it quicker and easier to ascend. Then I cut away some of the smaller branches that would be in my way. Satisfied that there was nothing further to be done that day, I climbed back down to the lake, stripped off my clothes and dived in. The water was cool but clean and refreshing on my naked body. I found a small ledge to the side of the waterfall where I could climb from the water to sit and admire my private lake.

Movement caught my eyes so I sat still and watched as two tiny animals came to the lake and drank. They were some kind of deer-like creature. When I moved a little, they lifted their heads and looked at me with their huge eyes, they were not at all afraid, this fact told me that they had never had human contact and had no reason to be afraid. They just bent again and carried in drinking, their thirst quenched, they both lowered themselves to the ground and watched me.

Even when I slowly dropped back into the water and quietly swam towards them, they didn’t move. I waded to the bank, perhaps fifteen feet away and sat down on the grass. They were a beautiful sight as they nuzzled each other, then one, the female, rose to its feet and slowly trotted towards me, sniffing the air as she came.

I plucked a handful of grass and held it towards her, she came closer to stop a foot away, I saw her tremble slightly as she sniffed again, then she leaned and her tongue took the grass from my hand. I saw the male rise but he didn’t come to join us, he ambled towards the trees. My little female turned and dashed after him. Little did I know then but they were to become good friends to me over time.

Back at the beach camp, I started sorting timber into small piles, pieces that were more or less the same size in each pile. I didn’t have any nails but I did have miles of rope.

The first pieces of timber, I half carried and half dragged all the way to the lake. I soon realised that this would take forever to fetch everything I needed. One evening, I was washing the day’s dirt and sweat away when I say a small branch floating towards me, with a flash of inspiration, there was my answer, I could float and pull my timber planks up the stream to the lake.

It still took many days before I had everything at the site. In between trips from the bay, I had begun the construction. I needed the largest of my timbers for the strong base frame, I would never have got them up without the wooden pulley block that I had found still attached to a bundle of rope I had salvaged. Never having used a pulley before, it took me some time to figure it out but in the end, it worked.

I had strung ropes between the branches so I had guy lines to hang onto as I scrambled about, once the base frame was fitted, laying the floor was fairly easy. I think it took me three or four months to complete the shell of my home and lash rafters in place over which I stretched canvas sheeting to keep the rain out. The interior, I did a bit at a time, as and when I felt like it.

In between times, I made a number of trips up to the cave, gradually bringing back my treasure in canvas sacks I had made. It was a day when I swam in the lake, I’d sat on my ledge by the waterfall when I noticed that it seemed dark behind the thin screen of water. It had been quite easy to scramble along until I got behind. Here I found a small hollow, almost a cave that the action of water had created over the years. This was where I hid my treasure.


It was at the moment that my four deer appeared, yes, now there was a family of four. Elizabeth was startled but I held her hand and quietly shushed her, “Just watch,” I said as I reached for a handful of the leaves I had learned they liked.

The female and two young ones came directly to me, to nibble at the leaves. I took Elizabeth’s hand and moved it to the mother’s head, “Stroke her gently, she likes it.” I told her. They sat around our feet, it was a perfect end to the day.

I undressed before I reached to Elizabeth, pulling her close, “Can I kiss you?” I asked.

She didn’t answer me but instead, her lips came to mine, she kissed me gently until I responded to her tongue, then it became more passionate. My hands gripped her hips pulling her hard to me. One of her hands went around my neck, her fingers entwined in my hair. The other came to my breast, teasing at my nipple, I moaned into her mouth.

It was pure instinct that caused me to rub my front to hers, our mounds grinding together and I felt my needs rising rapidly. I tore at her clothes until she was also naked with our bodies again crushed together. My slit was on fire, now humping her thigh, her own doing the same.

I pushed her backwards until we fell on the bed, her legs bent, hanging down to the floor. I gripped her shoulders revelling in the feel of her body beneath mine. Again we kissed but I wanted to see her body, I wanted to touch her body and most of all, I wanted to kiss her body.

Her neck felt divine as my lips explored, then I kissed her breasts, I brought my hands to them to stroke and gently squeeze, my tongue tracing below them. My mouth was now on her stomach and I plied kisses everywhere I could reach.

I paused when my lips passed over her mound, there was almost no hair, not like my bush, just a tiny fuzz of blonde hairs, I kissed her there. Now I could smell that same aroma I had previously smelled on my own fingers. I lowered my face to breath deeply, God! It was beautiful. I already knew that she had two flaps at her front, unlike my closed slit.

Now I could see them close up just in front of my face. I leaned down to them, her body jumped when my lips touched her. I trailed my lips along the flaps, gently kissing them. A thought crossed my mind, did she have that same little button I had that gave me so much pleasure, I had to know.

I brought my hands down from her breasts, my fingers nervously touching her flaps. Gently I eased them apart, I heard her groan at my touch, her hips moving about. Then I saw the little bump sticking out at the top of her flaps, that must be it, I thought. I touched it with a fingertip, she jumped at the feel. I knew what had felt good for me, so reasoned I should do the same to her. With two fingers I rubbed at the button, I saw the small fold of skin above it and I tried to push it up, her button came fully into view. It was getting larger at my touch, then I leaned and kissed it, she groaned even louder, so I wrapped my lips around it and sucked.

I heard her call to me, “Put your fingers inside me Laura, please.”

So I did, gently at first, I was frightened of hurting her. Her legs spread wide and her hole opened to me and I had more room to feel her, my fingers plunging deep and her fingers were pressing my head down into her. Remembering what she had done to me, I started to work my fingers in and out, marvelling at the wetness that eased the way. She was now writhing furiously, I had trouble keeping my mouth to her swollen button. With my other hand, I grabbed at a cheek of her bottom, trying to hold her steady. I was shocked when I felt my thumb touch her back private hole, I would have moved it away but her hips thrust down and trapped it there.

I felt a naughty thrill as my thumb pressed to her hole, I felt myself teasing it around the opening, I could feel it sort of alternately clenching then opening a little. I forgot the hole as she suddenly shrieked, her mound banging my upper lip, I felt my fingers being gripped inside her hole, then she was shaking just like someone having a fit.

She was calling out my name, over and over, I felt so happy, I was making her cum just as she had done to me, it seemed to go on for ages. One moment I would feel her body relaxing and I thought she had finished but as I still sucked her button and with my fingers trapped inside, she would start again, shrieking even louder than before. Three times this happened before her body finally collapsed and she lay still, her hands dropped from my head. The grip inside of her let go of my fingers.

I moved myself up to lay beside her, my arms took hold of her and I held her tight to me, I kissed her face softly, all over.

Her eyes opened to look into mine, “Oh, Laura, what have you done to me?”

I must have looked worried, “No, I didn’t mean in a bad way, I definitely mean in a good way, I think I do love you.” Then she kissed me, before asking, “Where did you learn to do that? It was so wonderful.”

“I didn’t learn to do anything, I’ve never touched anyone before, it just happened, I needed to touch you there, I didn’t know why.”

“Well, all I know is that I must do it to you now, can I please?”

I smiled at her through my tears, then whispered, “I wish you would Elizabeth.”

As her head disappeared down my body, she said, “Call me Liz, please Laura.”

She had made me feel good the night before but this time my mind and body went berserk, her lips drove me wild, my little button became a big button, the sensations coursing through me were almost frightening in their intensity. I reached my climax with a mighty surge that caused my body to arch so high, I thought my spine might snap in two, tremors racked me, one after another.

Afterwards, as we held each other I asked her, “Liz, do you really love me? I know I love you so much it hurts.”

She pulled me tight, her mouth to my ear and she said, “Yes, I love you, my sweetheart.”

We slept a deep sleep that night, our bodies tangled together.

The next day, after we had washed and eaten, I told Liz that I had something I wanted to show her. I led her to the lake and said we needed to undress. With a puzzled look on her face, she did, then I said for her to follow me.

I climbed onto the ledge before helping her up, then beckoned for her to follow. She was surprised by my small cave, I pointed to the canvas covered pile, “Help me untie the ropes so we can pull the canvas off.”

When that was done I said, “Now close your eyes, no peeking, okay.” She put her hands over her eyes whilst I opened a box. “Keep them closed until I say.” I held her arm and led her forward.

“Okay, now you can look.” Her hands flew to her mouth as she gasped.

“My God Laura, all these jewels, you’re rich,” then she looked at the other boxes, “are they all the same?”

“Yes and I’m not rich Liz, we are.”

“You mean you would share it with me but why? It’s yours.”

“Liz, I’m yours if you want me, this is my dowry so to speak, if you’ll take me, then it’s all ours, yours and mine.” I reached into another box, found what I wanted then offered her my close hand, “Do you want me Liz?”

Tears rolled down her cheeks, “Yes I do, Laura.” Then she held my hand.

“Open it, Liz,” I told her. She opened my hand, the diamonds sparkled brightly on the two rings in the palm of my hand, her fingers lightly touched them, “You said you were engaged to be married, are you sure you want to take one of these rings? If you do then you’re no longer engaged to him but you will be to me. Do you want time to think? I’ll wait while you do.”

She picked up a ring and slipped it on her finger, it was a perfect fit, “It was made for me my love.” She took the other ring, turned my hand over and pushed the ring on, “Now you’re mine, will you kiss me please.”

That evening while Liz sat with the deer, I had told her to stay there until I called her, I cooked a special meal. I had two candles that had come from a chest, I had never felt the need to light them until now, I still had two bottles of wine, I hoped it hadn’t gone bad, I wanted everything to be perfect.

I searched through the boxes stored at the back until I found what I wanted. I packed a small canvas bag and lowered it to the ground below, the remainder of the things I laid out on the bed.

I pulled the canvas screen closed that shut off the kitchen table, then I climbed down. I told Liz that she was to go to the bedroom, she must not go in, nor even look in the kitchen.

I smiled when I heard her squeal of delight, then I washed myself, removing the remaining bandages. After I had dried, I dressed and then combed my hair. It was very awkward climbing the rope ladder in an evening gown but somehow I managed.

“Are you ready,” I called to her.

She walked onto the veranda, a picture of beauty in the gorgeous gown I had left for her. The necklace of rubies almost matched the blush on her face, although I had actually picked them to go with the gown.

She gasped aloud when she saw me for the first time in clothes and not animal skins. The blue sapphires and green emeralds around my neck, nicely offset against my turquoise gown, “Laura, you’re so beautiful, I I I don’t know what to say,” she stammered.

I handed her a glass of wine, “I didn’t ask, I hope you like red wine.”

Eyes wide with yet more surprise, she took the glass, she raised it to mine, the glasses chinked together, “To us my love.”

I went and pulled the screen aside, she saw the set table, “Laura, you amaze me and candles, it’s just so, well you know.”

The meal couldn’t have been better, everything was cooked just perfectly and the wine was delicious, I couldn’t have been more thrilled with myself.

She looked a little shocked when I lit a pipe, she hadn’t yet seen me smoke. My ‘tobacco’ was something I had harvested and dried myself, I don’t know what it was but it certainly smelled like the tobacco the sailors had smoked on the ship, maybe it was tobacco.

She held my hand when we sat back outside on the veranda. “Laura, thank you for such a wonderful evening, it’s been the best day of my life, even if we are stuck on some island.”

“Liz, the evenings not over yet, not until we go to sleep and I’m not sure when that will be.”

She looked at me, she was blushing again. “But I don’t want to take th

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This day was a particularly hot one, temperature soaring faster than the quickest of birds could race across the sky. The day was proving to quickly be one that could not be at all merciful. Yet the hour was young, perhaps no more than two hours past daybreak. It would indeed be another miserable day. A single woman strays from the confines of that which would shelter from the wicked desert heat. Even the desert animals, so used to the heat of this land, could not be seen. Yet one woman, clad...

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Kativa The Desert Rose Ranger Ch 1

Ch. 1 - No Good Deed ... “How goes the hunt Kativa?” An Innkeeper asked the patron who just entered his establishment. The patron was Kativa Swift, a young half-elf Ranger girl who had spent the last three months clearing bandits from the trade routes north of Shutaku, an isolated Merchant city located between viscous mountain range and even more viscous desert. The ranger had just gotten back from her third lone expedition out against them. The rest of the Inn’s patrons all looked at the...

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"Damn it, Philip, don't be so bloody selfish. You've got three months vacation from university, surely you can spare three weeks? You know very well I can't go, I have business to attend to. Your mother can't go down there on her own."It was strange how my father always had "business to attend to" when mother went of on her trips.My mother is Dr.Anna Bridges, a geologist of considerable repute, working for the State Geological Centre. Even on her annual leave she could not stop working, but...

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Tease Island

Tease Island The Early Season "The new boat comes today" M. Fulbright Penopskott commented toDawn as he squirmed on the bed. Dawn nodded, and continued her trail of flicksagainst M.Fulbright's suffering shaft. Dawn leaned closer, staring intentlyunder her platinum blonde bangs, as her pink nails painted to match her tubetop poked and stroked M. Fulbright's purplish shaft. "You betcha, M.,and you're making some nice change from it, huh?" Dawn looked right into M's eyes and licked her full lips...

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Escape though the Desert Pt 02

In Part 1 we met Theresa. Theresa is a schoolteacher with long blonde hair and blue eyes from Germany. Theresa is spending her summer working on an archaeological dig when a revolution breaks out in that country and the airport is closed. She takes up an offer by the leader of a team of securitymen to try to get out of the country by the road south into the desert. The leader of the group who is twice her age protects her against marauding soldiers and keeps her warm in the cold nights when...

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Desert Deception A New Laresa Tale

Sand blew in molten abrasive waves, scouring over the figure of the man as he tried to stay on his feet in the endless dunes around him. It bristled on his skin, irritated him as it got into every crack and crevice in his body. It stung at his lips and burned in his eyes. With a raspy growl, he tried to brush some of it away, but it settled back in, thicker than ever. Just six days ago, he'd been laughing and joking with his friends, amidst a caravan traveling across this she bitch desert,...

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ShipwreckedChapter 7 The Forbidden Island

If anyone had asked Zack, he would have told them he couldn't recall ever being happier with his life. Life on the island was interesting and exciting, as well as relaxing. After their defeat of the pirates, the native men now viewed the two sailors as something between a deity and their chieftain of war. However, best of all was his relationship with Nani whom he found to be an excellent companion while his friendship with Destand continued to grow. Overall, life was treating the two...

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163 AUTUMN ISLAND [A SERIES BUT ONLY IF YOU WISH AND ENCOURAGE,]“WELCOME TO WHAT COULD BE, YOUR OWN ISLAND” Dougy the boatman said helping the agent, who was some-what green around the gill`s it must be said, helping me onto the pier from the small and rocking boat, the sun beat down, as the birds undisturbed for perhaps 10 years wheeled and screamed at us miserable intruders, I motioned him to sit for a moment and his colour began to return, he obviously was not a good sailor! I took from the...

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The Strange Island

This was written as a serial story on my website over a period of several months. The Strange Island Part 1 It had started out as a great day, in fact, one of the best days of my entire life. My name is Lee Carvin and I was a 17 year old guy who was busy having blast. I had just graduated from high school last month, and as a reward my mom and dad sent me and my best friend Eddie off on a vacation. It was a fantastic island resort vacation, with just the two of us, and no...

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Return To Sable Island

Philip Johnson Prologue I won’t say it’s essential that you read Sable Island first but if you don’t I’m not sure you’ll ever be able to fully get into this story. And for me to try to give you a quick thumbnail idea of the first book would take me at least a couple of chapters and still the flavor of Sable Island would almost certainly suffer. I’ve received many very flattering e-mails and comments and a number of those have asked me to write this. So it is with some trepidation that I have...

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The island

The heavy iron belts make it quite difficult to walk The heavy iron belts make it quite difficult to walk. The weight causes problems and I cannot imagine to stay with these terrible belts for a longer time. But there is one advantage of the belt around my waist: As long as I wear the belt I cannot become laced in one of these extremely tight corsetts which I saw on our way throug the yard. These corsetts seem to be incredible tight. One girl was standing, fixed in a frame with her...

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Bestiality in the desert

Scenes from “the hills have eyes” were flashing through my mind as I considered my situation. I was stranded in the middle of the desert, my car was out of commission and the surrounding foothills were rather unnerving. Like a typical horror-movie-fool I had taken a rarely used road across central Nevada, thinking I could save some time and that breaking down only happens in the movies. In the movies they are always, conveniently, driving a beat-up, old clunker that you know will...

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Long Desert HIghway

I am a decent gambler and usually know when to quit. Tonight was not the night. I lost five hundred playing three card poker and video poker. I could not hit a winning hand. The problem was that when I was ahead, I did not quit but overextended myself.  As midnight approached, I got on Arizona route 238 and headed to the I-10. The road was desolate and pitch dark. I switched on the high beams and continued to drive home. After about six miles, my bright lights picked up a solitary figure. It...

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176 AnneMarie and the desert chicken run

176 Anne-Marie and the desert chicken run Well she was a pretty little thing, he could see that as he watched her from the car, she would be up here with him soon, about five feet and a bit high , perhaps five foot two or three, red hair blue wide and liquid eyes, shapely , nice tits, if a bit small, absolutely right for some of his more discerning clients , his experienced eye told him she was about 25,26,27 that sort of age, which meant for him she would last as an escort whore for a few...

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The Secret Island

 The ferry slowly went past the castle to my right and the National museum to my left. It was a quiet Saturday morning; the water was like a mirror and the buildings reflected into it. I shaded my eyes and looked at the castle again. A big brown grey building where the King of Sweden and his family lived and worked. Below it, the traffic flowed with cars and buses making their way to their destinations.Mine was the town of Sandhamn in the archipelago of Stockholm. It was the last major town...

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Selecting the Right GirlChapter 19 Norfolk Island

FRANK WAS SITTING in the Qantas Club in the international terminal at Sydney airport, when he heard his name paged. He quickly stood up and walked to the front desk and there was the tall, athletic and beautiful Sandy, dressed sensibly for travelling, but still looking good. He greeted her with a gentle kiss, showed his membership card to the receptionist and then led her to his table. She accepted his offer of coffee and once she had drunk it they both got up and selected a few things from...

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In the desert

[][/image]20 years ago I worked in the Middle East in a small team of researchers. We were often based in a small camp in the desert, living in tents. The tents were either 2 or 4 person tents and in total out team ranged from 10-15 people, mostly men. However, there were 2 women in the team and it wasn’t long before I hit it off with one of them, I shall just call her D here. Unfortunately, we could not share a tent, partly because the project...

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Thunder Island

Thunder Island is the most beautiful of the coastals. It’s still beautiful, in spite of now being filled with condos, motels, gigantic mansions and tourists ... it’s classy and scenic and just fabulous. You are a lucky motherfucker if you can afford to live there. The foliage is still thick and rich, with red cedar, oaks, loblolly and longleaf pines everywhere. The businessmen that turned the beauty of the island into money were careful, at least, and much of the natural beauty of the place has...

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The Island

The Island The small plane leaped into the air. Roger Kramer watched the dials nervously as his older brother Vince took them out low and fast. Behind him, Dashel Conroy chuckled, running his hands through the money. The armored car job had been perfect. Roger had come home from Iraq with ten kilos of C4 hidden in his bags. He had also spent four years learning how to blow things to hell, and a year disarming IEDs at about two bucks an hour. Vince, his older brother, had been in stir...

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Whipple Island

SEAN: Good gravy it was hot! Oh, sure, there's hot, but then there's the hot you get in the summer in the Midwest. If you didn't grow up here, you wouldn't know what I'm talking about! It's the kind of hot where the humidity is higher than the temperature. Your clothes stick to you. The air doesn't move. You keep hoping to find shade on the trail ahead, but when you get in the shade, it isn't any better. So far, this Independence Day weekend was the hottest weekend of the year. It...

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cuckold island

The breeze that came in from the Atlantic ocean did not do much to quell the baking sun on the beach of Marabogo. The small island laid approximately one hundred miles off the coast of Namibia, Africa.John Morton and Henry Larsen sat on the beach in their sunbathing chairs looking at all the skimpily clad women and ripped black men. Both men were nude, wearing nothing but chastity belts, something that was customary for white men on the island. John felt his penis strain against the inside of...

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PLEASURE ISLAND: THE POOLSIDE ENCOUNTER Chapter 6A Learning More About The Island You both go and take showers to clean some of the mutual cum off and there is plenty of heavy petting and another round of orgasms. Coming out of the shower was when it got interesting for me reasons. "I can't believe that your makeup stays in place and doesn't have to be reapplied. It's not fair. Especially the deep painted red of those lips. It still looks like they were painted next to an old '55...

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Hospital Island

I never used to believe in the spiritual world. Psychics, seances, Voodoo, Santa Rosa and all the rest always bored me. I guess you could say I didn't believe in Ghosts or the Supernatural. What changed my mind about all that was a strange event in my life. It happened the summer after my 25th birthday. It was a warm August day. A couple of my friends and I decided we'd crash a local nude beach. The only place where clothing optional beaches on Long Island where I live, were either...

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Threads The Island

Edwin looked at the pile of paperwork on his desk and rubbed at his eyes. It had been a really long day, and only midway through what was bound to be a long week. It had begun with his friend Danny's death two days ago, and since then the Island had been a hive of activity getting things prepared. In a couple of days time Danny's c***dren would arrive on the Island, having just found out that they were triplets given up for adoption, and they'd be meeting here for the very first time. On top of...

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Visiting The Desert With Kelly

It was July of 1991. Kelly and I took a two-week trip to the southwest with our travel trailer. We absolutely fell in love with the desert, the culture, and the whole vibe of being there. We spent a couple of days camping near Canyon de Chelly. We stayed at a private campground that was owned by a Native American named Howard.Howard was a pretty cool dude. He had native music piped around the campground. Nothing like native flutes and drums to make you feel like you’re in a very different...

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Desert Crossing

Desert Crossing When you think of a desert crossing you probably think of Iraq or some place exotic. Well I have a desert in my own backyard in lower Colorado. I live near the Great Sand Dunes National Park and Reserve. The park is located about thirty-five miles northeast of Alamosa, Colorado. I live about four miles east of Hooper and my land borders the park. I’m pretty lucky because poisonous snakes do not exist anywhere in this high elevation area. I live at about eight...

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Escape though the Desert

Although it was not even noon yet the Roman mosaic floor already felt like an oven. It was almost time to take a long siesta as it would be too hot to continue working at this archaeological dig. Still two weeks to go at this project recovering the old Roman villa surprisingly deep inland. And then she had to return to her boring teaching job in Germany teaching history to bored teens. It was such a joy to spend her holiday helping the two elderly Italians, the professor and his wife, with...

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Desert Heat Pt 5

Desert Heat – Pt 5Saturday, was cold inside and hot outside as usual. Ginger got dressed quickly like she did every morning, only this time she put on a halter top on under her regular top. She was very quiet again and I knew she was still struggling with what had been said last night about if one of the ladies went topless because of the heat, would the other. Ginger knew that Olga would and that the decision rested with her. Once we were out in the field, she again took her outer top off...

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Dinner and Desert Table tease leads to Bathroom

After a long day at my client's office, in a city away from home, I have one night left before I am able to head home. My mind is consumed with the days events... the installation went fine, but so far the training isn't going quite as planned. As I'm walking back to my hotel, I decide to stop into this nice looking restaurant. I've walked past it each and every night of this 5 day trip, but always ended up in the hotel restaurant. I think, I've had a pretty good trip, I could use some fine...

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Dinner and Desert

After a long day at my client's office, in a city away from home, I have one night left before I am able to head home. My mind is consumed with the days events... the installation went fine, but so far the training isn't going quite as planned. As I'm walking back to my hotel, I decide to stop into this nice looking restaurant. I've walked past it each and every night of this 5 day trip, but always ended up in the hotel restaurant. I think, I've had a pretty good trip, I could use some...

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A Night in the Desert

A Night In The Desert Chapter I She had planned it all very carefully. The time, the location,weather, equipment, everything was perfect. Now she faced the one last decisionto put her plan into action, the final moment at which she could stop, backout, and change her mind. Little did she realize how a simple weekend outingwould so profoundly change her life. It had all started months ago. During the week Sue Ann Mendelwas an accountant at a bank in one of the more undistinguished office...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 7 Illusory PassionChapter 5 Desertrsquos Passion

Knight-Errant Angela – Halani Desert Camels moved differently than horses. Their gait rolled, rocking me back and forth as I clutched to the saddle behind its hump. No smooth canter. No proud walk, but a plod across the shifting sands of the Halani Desert. Hargone fell behind us. The sands started an hour from the city, at the edge of the farmland. It was a distinct boundary when we rose out of the floodplain and into the desert proper. The moisture vanished from the air. The temperature...

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The Scat Island

This is not an advertisement for the scat island, but instead description and narration of activities and events that take place there. Somewhere in pacific, there is this island not shown in any maps and can hardly be seen on google-maps! The island has a rim of narrow yellow sand beach and in the middle it is mainly green. On one side the island is slightly elevated like a small hill, and where this elevation starts, there is a small plain strip where woods are less and if you look down...

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The Hidden Island

My name is John. An ordinary name, and it fits, because I'm an ordinary guy. I'm fifty-seven, short, and not particularly well-built; I have thinning hair, a weak chin, and ears that kind of stick out. I'm not exactly ugly; I just have the kind of face you don't remember two minutes after you see it. I'm a corporate accountant, which is every bit as dull as it sounds. I drive a twelve-year-old Toyota, and I live in a small one-bedroom apartment. I have no close friends, no brothers or sisters,...

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Treasure Island

Part one I was born under a lucky star, had a fairy for a godmother, whatever. Anyway,for some reason I'm a winner. And now you expect me boasting about my successfulcareer, how I surged to the top in no time, the power I hold, the fabulousamounts of money I earn. Sorry to disappoint you. I never entered the rat race,actually I'm unemployed, permanently, never in my life had a proper job. Aha,you think, spoiled son of a wealthy family. Nope. My old man was a truck driver,who died of a heart...

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Wonder Womans Sexual MisadventuresChapter 7 Wrong Island

Based on the story line idea (expanded by me) of John T at Used with artist permission. To see his art, go to the above website and click on art/erotic stories. John T will be down in the right hand column. Princess Diana had finally been restored to health by the healing device on Paradise Island. However, her restoration had depleted the Amazons supply of Amazonium. Queen Hippolyta had promised that, if all the Amazonium was used to heal her, Princess Diana would...

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Glimpses of the Island

Glimpses of the Island Prologue Isla Del Sur, known simply as the Island to its inhabitants, was first discoveredin the 16 th century when a Portuguese merchant shipbound for Japan went off course after rounding Africa. Lost in the Indian Ocean,the ship stumbled across the uninhabited island group. The captain marked iton a chart, refreshed his supplies of food and water, and headed due west,eventually finding the African coast, where he continued on his way. Upon hisreturn to Portugal the...

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Sable Island

Chapter One At twenty nine years old Joe and Marcie Streeter were the average couple with aspirations and dreams that so many couples their age had. He was a research executive and Marcie was a staff person in marketing at Fielding and Croft. Joe had sandy hair that he wore a little on the long side and he had a winning smile that he didn’t use enough. Marcie was on the tall side, close to five feet eight inches tall in fact and she was painfully aware of her height. She had a bad habit of...

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Patricias Wild Week On Penkor Island

Patricia felt her heart skip a beat when she caught sight of Dr. Mackenzie coming through the doors of his office the following Monday morning. Having just spent a most enjoyable weekend with him, she thought, WOW... ! Talk about being handsome and sexy... , I go weak in the knees every time he's around me. Looking out his office door, Jordan could see Patricia was busy preparing for their first surgery of the day. Knowing he was unobserved, he couldn't keep his hungry eyes off her....

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Celebrity Island

Chapter 1Karl Newman was pretty messed up – the result of a sexually confused Colorado childhood.  Around the time he hit puberty he was introduced to sex through the keyhole of his mother’s bedroom door.  It was seldom that the single mother needed to satiate her lustful urges but, occasionally, strange men would visit and nights of forceful love-making would ensue.Always curious, Karl would watch through the spy-hole and masturbate as his mother was ridden hard from behind or from the front...

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No Man Is an Island

Greg slowly twisted his hand, slowing the outboard motor behind him to a stop. The vibrations, which had been traveling up his arm and shaking his poor middle aged body for the past half hour, eased as the ship began to coast towards the rocky shore. Ship. Really, that was a grandiose term for the "True Blue". It barely rated being called a boat. Ten or twelve feet long (he'd never bothered to measure it), the True Blue was just an old aluminum rowboat with an outboard motor. His father had...

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Delta OriginalChapter 5 Kazan Island

Nyoni looked up when she heard the noise. Another machine was traversing the sky heading towards the north-east. She had felt a shift in the magical energies from that area and now believed that the visitors had found the Giants. She knew it wouldn’t be long before they found them too. She sighed. Unlike the Giants, it wasn’t a spell that kept her people tied to their islands. It was their fear. Her people hadn’t fared well at the hands of humans in the past. While the Genteli were more...

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B7 Chapter 16 Epilog The Island

Chapter 16: Epilog - The Island Dee Dee placed the copy of the tape backup of her computers onto the shelf, so that it was now a complete set again, with the others. The missing file folder which contained a large number of technical documents on Dee Dee’s lab machines and procedures was now back where it belonged also. Dee was familiar enough with her own work, that a quick inspection of it proved that none of the pages were missing. “It’s good to have you back again where you belong,” she...

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The Island

This story contains graphic sex and the main character is turned into a human toilet. If this does not interest you read no further. THE ISLAND by Lauren Westley Chapter One I'll never forget how it all started. I was in the Caribbean fishing with 5 other guys. We were about 200 miles south of Florida when a squall suddenly appeared making the sky ominous and the waves quite treacherous. Our boat road the waves pretty well and we managed to radio for help but a half hour...

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The Island

Authors note - This was my first foray into writing. I had intended to rework this story after a lot of unfavourable criticism but I could not do it. This is how it was first published and this is how it stands.The Island Chapter 1ArrivalAs Ashley and I stood on the dock waiting for her friend Carol, I wondered why I was here. Was a two-week vacation on a lonely island in Northern Ontario really what I wanted, or had I let Ashley talk me into it? Had I capitulated to this trip in the hopes our...

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Harrigans Island

HARRIGAN'S ISLAND © 2010 by Anthony Durrant Harrigan, the harbour's errand boy, entered the room of David Parker, the first mate of the S.S. Marine, and found him lying on his bed in a drunken stupor. With him was his captain, Jacob Grumbly, an old hand in the Hawaiian Islands waters. Harrigan took one look at Parker and told Grumbly: "It looks bad, doesn't it, Skipper? I came in here and found him this morning. I think he's dead to the world for...

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Desert Motorcycle Part II Sweet

The helmet is painted with the same demon face as the red one. The motorcycle is a big red Honda CR 500. I wonder if you will show. I wonder if it is the police that will come instead. I am confident with the canyons and bluffs in this area I can even loose a helicopter if they try to catch me. Hell, there were likely 20 or 30 other desert riders in the area and you could only give them a scant description at best. DNA would get me but I am counting on you not reporting it. Your...

1 year ago
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Desert Motorcycle Part II

You have had the fantasy of being taken forcefully for awhile and when it actually happened.... 'God'! 'Stop this', you scream in your mind. You are so thankful that David, your husband, is out of town. If he had answered the door how would you have explained the roses and the note? Still it is nagging at you so! You could be killed or worst. Those hard eyes. The hard body. The mystery! I watch from the highest hill top. Dressed in a jet black Moto-X suit, with black helmet and black...

4 years ago
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Whipped int he Desert

The beautiful naked blonde hung on the whipping tripod used for public whippings in this arab country. The tripod was placed on a 3 meter high platform so that the crowd could view the whipping. Her legs were spread wide apart and she hung slightly inclined so that her tits hung freely . It was midday so the sun was at its peak. Christine Jones was the name of the blonde before she was captured by this band of nomads in the year 1876. Now she was the property of Shiek Omar who she had...

3 years ago
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Desert Heat Part 29

Desert Heat – Part 29Monday – Wednesday, August 20-29, 1985Monday morning I again woke early and tried to slip out of bed without waking the girls, but it’s hard to do when sleep cuddled up between them. I thought that I may have succeeded but before I made it to the bathroom I heard Ginger say that I’m not getting away that easily. Pepper sleepily added that I should hurry up in the bathroom because they were going to have me for breakfast before I hit the road. Doing what I had to do, I...

4 years ago
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Desert Heat Part 17

Desert Heat – Part 17Sunday – Wednesday, July 21 – Aug 1, 1985Sunday morning nearly came and went without anyone in the house waking up. When I did finally open my eyes and focused on the clock, it was almost 12 noon. I got out of bed, went to the bathroom and then back to wake Ginger up without waking Pepper. However, I got Pepper to respond before Ginger and the three of us stumbled our way to the kitchen. Ginger made a pot of coffee and we debated on whether to have breakfast or lunch...

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