My Journey To The Wild Side Part Four free porn video

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Graham called me the following day to tell me that he would be home on Monday and I felt sad because I knew this would keep me from my lovers. I got further disappointment when Gary called me to tell me that his daughter and grandchild were visiting him for the weekend and that he would be away until Monday!

I explained to Gary that my husband would be home on Monday and he eased my sadness by telling me to fuck Dave tonight and Sunday!

I went into town and bought a sexy short black dress for my date with Dave, I couldn’t wait for eight o’clock to get here!

I bathed for over an hour and wore my black half cup bra and thong set under my short black dress. I had cooked a nice meal and I had two bottles of wine in the chiller.

Dave arrived at seven fifty and kissed me passionately as he entered my house. He looked so sexy in his black pants and white shirt and I couldn’t wait to get him out of them. We ate dinner and drank wine before sitting on the couch together to chat for a while.

We would kiss every few minutes and his hands were caressing my breasts, my hands were also very active on his bulge in his pants.

“How long can you stay?” I asked.

“As long as you want me to honey, Dave smiled, "I don’t have any reason to be home. I am yours for as long as you want me here.”

“You can stay all night?”

“I would love that.”

“Oh my gosh, yes, I want you to spend the whole night.”

“Then I will let’s go to bed now. I can’t wait to strip you naked and lick every inch of your amazing body,” Dave smiled.

“And I want to do the same to your body.”

We went to my bedroom where Dave, slowly eased my dress off, kissing my shoulders as he did, my bra quickly followed and he brought me to a wonderful climax as he licked and sucked my nipples.

I tore his shirt off and pulled his pants and shorts off, he eased my thong down and I stepped out of it, I was naked!

“Let’s get into bed,” I smiled, “I want you in my bed.”

Dave quickly removed his socks and we slid into bed together.

We spent the whole night, sucking, kissing, licking and fucking, it was incredible! He kept his promise and did lick every inch of my naked body. He cum inside me three times before we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Dave made love to me again before he left at nine o’clock. We had arranged for him to stay again that night and I was praying that the day would fly past quickly.

I texted Gary to tell him how my night went but I didn’t get a reply, this made me feel sad. I knew that he was with his grandkids and that was probably his reason for not returning my text.

Dave was to arrive around seven so I went into town to buy some more sexy lingerie. I was excited about tonight and found myself daydreaming about the past two weeks. I was sexually alive again!

I finally got a text from Gary around four o’clock and I couldn’t wait to read it.

“Good girl, I want you to be naked as much as you can for him and fuck him as often as you can.”

“I will sir, I love you.”

“I love you too, and remember no sex with your husband when he comes home.”

“I promise sir.”

"He doesn't see your body or touch you!"

“I promise, sir, he won't.”

I bathed and got ready for my lover. I was excited and hot!

Dave arrived at seven and we were naked in bed together by seven thirty. We fucked and sucked all night long, it was amazing. We finally fell asleep around two in the morning and I was pleasantly woken by the feeling of lips on my nipples around eight o'clock.

I opened my eyes and Dave was softly licking my nipples, I could feel his fingers running through my pubic hairs. I smiled and softly kissed his lips.

“Morning sexy,” Dave smiled, “I didn’t mean to wake you. I just had to kiss your amazing nipples.”

“Never say sorry for that,” I said in a soft voice.

I moved my hand to find his hard dick and we kissed passionately. I pulled him on top of me and guided his tool into my wet pussy. His thrusts were soft and exciting, to begin with, and then they got harder and faster. Suddenly, my phone rang and I froze, I recognized the ring tone as my husband’s!

“Shit, that is Graham calling,” I shouted.

"Better answer it, honey," Dave said.

I grabbed my phone and answered the call, Dave’s dick was still in my pussy and he was slowly pumping.

“I have just landed babe, I will be home in an hour,” Graham said.

My voice was shaky, I was still being fucked!

“Okay babe, drive carefully.”

“Are you okay? You sound like you have been running.”

My voice was shaky because I had my pussy filled with Dave's dick and I was being teased!

“I am fine; I was in the bathroom when you called.”

I hung up.

“He will be here in an hour,” I cried.

Dave went to pull his dick from my pussy and I grabbed his ass and shouted.

“I want you to finish what you started.”

“Yes Ma’am!”

Dave continued to fuck me for another ten minutes before shooting his juice deep inside me. We lay there, naked in each other's arms for a further five minutes before he got up to get dressed. I went to put my robe on and he asked me to stay naked, which I did. I walked him to the door and kissed him deeply before he left.

“I will see you when my husband goes away again in a couple of days.”

“I can’t wait.”

My lover was gone! I ran upstairs and stripped the sheets from the bed and quickly put them in the washer. I was still naked as I cleared all evidence from my lover and got my clothes ready. I put new sheets on the bed and started to run the shower. I was just finishing the tidy up in my bedroom when I heard the front door open.

“I’m home babe,” Graham shouted.

“Shit,” I thought, “He can’t see me like this, I don’t want him to see me like this, I won’t let him see me like this.”

I quickly ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I jumped in the shower and a sense of calm took over my body again. Suddenly, there was knock on the bathroom door, it was Graham.

“You in there babe?” Graham shouted.

“Yes, I am taking my shower.”

“You have locked the door.”

“I will be out in a minute.”

Horror filled my body as I realized that the clothes that I was to wear were still on my bed. I would have to leave the bathroom in just a towel! I was praying that my husband had gone downstairs as I slowly unlocked and opened the bathroom door. My heart was pounding and to my horror, he was sitting on the bed.

“Hi babe,” Graham said as he stood up.

“Hi,” I smiled, nervously holding the bath towel tightly around my body.

He went to kiss me and I turned and kissed his cheek, his hands were around my waist and I felt them moving towards my ass. I quickly pulled back and asked him if he had a good flight.

“It was okay, I hate the red eye flights,” Graham said as he looked at me in my bath towel.

He came closer and went to pull my towel.

“Let’s get rid of this and be naked,” Graham smiled, “I could do with a fuck.”

I grabbed the towel tightly and said, “Not now, I need to get dressed.”

“Don’t get dressed, get rid of that towel and let me see that body.”

“No, I need to get dressed and get to the gym.”

I quickly grabbed my clothes from the bed, keeping a tight hold on my towel.

“I am going to take a nap, I have been up all night,” Graham said, as he yawned.

“Good idea,” I smiled. I collected the last of my clothes from the bed and I closed the drapes.

I turned around to head to the bathroom to get dressed and he had already removed his shirt and pants and he was just about to remove his shorts.

“I must not see his dick,” I said to myself, “I must not see it. My master would be angry if I saw his dick.”

“What are you doing?” I shouted.

“Getting into bed,” Graham replied.

“Not naked!” I shouted, “Remember what I told you.

I had stopped him just in time.

“Oh yeah, I remember, no sleeping naked.”

“It’s for our own good,” I smiled as I walked to the bathroom, “Sleep well.”

“Where are you going?” Graham asked as he got into bed.

“To get dressed.”

“Dress here, in the bedroom.”

“I don’t want to disturb you; I will dress in the bathroom.”

“I was hoping to see you naked.”

“You need to sleep, I replied, "I will dress in the bathroom.”

I went into the bathroom and silently locked the door and breathed a huge sigh of relief. He was sleeping when I came out, so I ran downstairs to text Dave.

“I had the most amazing time this weekend, thank you.”

Dave text back, “I did as well. You are gorgeous and I loved making love to you.”

I went for my morning workout at the gym and texted Gary to tell him that Graham was home. I felt very sad that my husband was going to prevent me from my two lovers.

My husband came down after a five-hour sleep and to my surprise, he smiled and asked.

“You use a vibrator now?”

I had left my vibrator on the nightstand. I blushed.

“Yes, I bought it while you were away, I felt horny, so I bought one for when you are on your trips.”

“I would love to see you use it,” Graham smiled.

“I couldn’t use it in front of you, I would be too embarrassed,” I quickly replied.

Graham sat down to read his paper and casually said, “Maybe you need a lover.”

I was shocked and almost died. Could he know? I thought that I had been so careful!

“What!” I quickly shouted, “What did you just say?”

Graham looked over his newspaper and smiled, “I said, maybe you need a lover.”

“What are you talking about?” I asked with a nervous tone.

“It was just a thought,” Graham said, “Someone for you to enjoy on the lonely nights when I am away.”

“A lover? You want me to get a lover?” I asked, in a concerned voice, “Are you serious?”

“It may help you.”

“Help me? With what?”

“You have gone off sex, you don’t sleep naked, and you never want me now.”

“You want me to fuck another guy? Seriously? Have you gone out of your mind?”

“It was just a thought,” Graham smiled, “You have been a bit frigid these past few weeks.”

“Frigid? How?” I shouted.

“Well, you no longer sleep in the nude. I have asked to fuck you and you never want to now. You don’t seem interested in sex at all now.”

"If only you knew," I thought!

"I told you why I wear clothes to bed now," I explained, "As for us fucking, I admit, I don't feel like it nowadays."

I was still in shock and was trying to think quickly. I was not sure if he knew my secret or if he was just testing me.

"I understand the, no nude in bed thing, but you never want to fuck nowadays," Graham said softly, "That's why I suggested that you take a lover."

I sat on the couch and said, “You are serious, aren’t you? You want me to take a lover.”

“It may help,” Graham smiled, “It may get you back into enjoying sex again.”

“I could never let anyone else fuck me,” I shouted, “And I don’t know how you could possibly want that either.”

“Just think about it,” Graham smiled, “You could start off by having an online lover, that way, you wouldn’t physically be fucking, and you would just be enjoying the company.”

“Online lover?” I questioned.

“Yes, there are a lot of sites like that, you just chat and stuff.”

“And you know this, how?” I frowned.

“I do visit them at times, when I am away, just to chat.”

I was shocked and relieved at the same time, he didn’t know my secret, but it appears that he chats to other girls.

“To chat?” I shouted, “You have online sex with strangers?”

“No baby, I just chat to them, I don’t do anything wrong, I just chat to them.”

"So, by me, just chatting, to other guys, this will make me want sex more? How?"

Graham got his laptop and opened it, “Let me show you.”

He went to a site, similar to the one that I had joined and within two minutes he had a webcam open. It showed a girl, dressed in her bra and thong, sitting at her table. They started chatting; it was obvious that they had a history as she knew him by name.

“I want to introduce my wife to you Scarlet, her name is Kerri,” Graham said.

“Hi Kerri, I envy you, you actually have that dick of his,” Scarlet said, as she blew me a kiss.

I walked away, blushing. Graham chatted for a few minutes before closing the site.

“She has seen your dick?” I snarled, trying to be angry.

“Only online, that’s the best part baby, there is no infidelity, just online stuff.”

“And you think that is okay? You don’t think that is cheating?” I screamed.

“No baby, it’s not cheating, it’s just fun.”

“You want me to show some stranger my body? And see his dick?”

“You can just chat baby, you would be in control. You don’t have to show or do anything that you are not comfortable with.”

“And when would I do this?”

“As often as you like baby, you are in control, you can chat when you want to.”

This would give me the opportunity to chat to my master, even when my husband was home, I thought.

“And you want me to do this?” I asked, trying to make him convince me to do it.

"I think it would help you, baby. I'm sure it would help you become sexier."

I thought, "If only you knew just how sexy I really am!"

“Give it a try baby, if you don’t like it, you can stop.”

I spent the next thirty minutes making him convince me to try it.

Finally, I said, “Okay, I will try it, but don’t expect a miracle!”

“Good girl,” Graham said, “Want to try it now?”

“No, I will try it later,” I smiled.

He went to kiss me and I turned my face so that he kissed my cheek.

"You will enjoy it, baby," Graham smiled.

Graham kept on asking me when I was going to go online and chat with a guy. I kept telling him that I would do it later. I told him that I would try it in the privacy of our bedroom and he kept insisting that he wanted to be there while I was online.

“I am not going to do it while you are in the same room,” I told him, “If I do this, it will be in private, I will lock myself in the bedroom!”

Finally, he agreed to my demands and asked me to tell him what I did and chatted about. I agreed, knowing that I wouldn’t be telling him everything! I was sad all day because I was going to miss my neighbor and my master. Graham would only be home for two nights, but that was two nights too much!

I had called Gary, to tell him what had happened and that I could be online later, but I wouldn’t be able to wear the skirt and shirt that I usually wear. Graham and I went out to eat and the entire dinner conversation was about me going online to chat with guys!

“If only you knew,” I thought to myself.

We got home from the restaurant about eight fifteen and he, again, asked me when I was going to go online and find a guy to chat to?

"I am going to take a bath first," I shouted.

“Wear some sexy lingerie,” Graham smiled, “You may end up showing them.”

"I won't be showing anything," I snarled.

I went for my bath and chose my white half cup bra and thong set to wear under a short jean skirt and pink sweater. I dressed in the bathroom and to my amazement, when I left the bathroom, Graham was in our bedroom and had turned my laptop on, he had already loaded the site that he showed me earlier.

“All ready for you baby,” Graham smiled, “All you have to do is sign up and you are set.”

I was furious and let him know.

“I am not stupid, I can do it by myself,” I shouted.

He sat on the bed and I said to him, “I am not doing this while you are in here.”

“I will stay out of sight and keep quiet,” Graham smiled.

“I am not doing this if you are in here.”

He stood up and went to kiss me. I turned my face and he kissed my cheek before leaving the bedroom. I quickly locked the door and closed his site. I logged onto my video chat and paged Gary. I was so thrilled when I saw his face.

“Hi sir, I love you.”

“Hi sexy, I love you too.”

"I have missed you, sir."

“Get out of that sweater.”

"Yes, sir."

I quickly removed my sweater.

“That’s better, now the skirt.”

"Yes, sir!"

I stood up and removed my jean skirt.”

“Nice, did Dave fuck you last night?”

“Yes sir, he stayed all night.”

“Great, I hope that you sucked his dick.”

“I did sir, lots of times.”

“Good, now get rid of that bra and thong, I want you naked.”

"Yes, sir!"

I quickly removed my bra and thong and I was naked, it felt amazing to be naked for him again! I could hear my husband outside, trying to listen, so I kept my voice very soft, and the volume on the laptop was low. He was not going to spoil my time with my master!

“Get your fingers on your clit and work yourself off, Gary ordered.

"Yes, sir!"

I panned the webcam out so that he could see and I rubbed my clit, I climaxed within a minute. I could see Gary’s dick and he was jerking himself off as I did the same. He made me lick my cum soaked fingers and squeeze my throbbing nipples for over thirty minutes before he shot his load onto a tissue.

Graham knocked on the door and I froze! I am naked, chatting to my master and he knocks on the door! I quickly semi-closed my screen and grabbed my robe. I hid my bra and thong under the pillow and opened the door.

“What do you want?” I asked in a stern voice.

"I am going to take a shower," Graham said as he looked at me in my bathrobe.

“Are you doing okay?” He smiled, “Are you naked under that robe?”

“No I’m not naked, and yes I am, or was doing okay!”

He went to walk in and I shouted, “Shower in the guest room, I am not doing this while you are here!”

Graham saw my jean skirt and sweater on the bed and asked, “Has he seen you in your lingerie?”

“Yes, now get out!”

He smiled and said, “He has seen you undress?”

“Yes, I took my sweater and skirt off, now get out.”

I pushed him out of the bedroom and locked the door as he shouted, “Good girl, you can get naked for him if you want!”

I expressed my apologies to my master for the interruption and Gary told me not to worry.

“I will see you on here tomorrow night, sexy,” Gary said, “No sleeping in the nude with your husband, understand.”

"Yes sir, I will wear my panties, bra, and long tee shirt."

“And he does not touch you!”

“He won’t sir, I belong to you!”

He was gone and my heart sank. My husband had broken the moment for me and my master, and I was pissed. I put on my plain bra, panties, and long tee shirt and went downstairs. Graham came down about ten minutes later and asked me how I got on.

“It was okay,” I told him.

“Tell me all about it,” Graham smiled.

I had to endure the next twenty minutes, telling him about my online lover, and how I showed him my lingerie. He wanted to know everything, so I made up stuff to tell him. I told him that Gary, lives in Ohio and he liked seeing me in my lingerie.

“You should have given him your cell number, so he can call you sometimes.”

“I did!” I replied.

“Fantastic baby,” Graham smiled, “Now he can call you and chat as well.”

Graham stood up and pulled me up.

"Let's go and fuck."

I froze, yes; I urgently needed a stiff dick inside me, but, not his! I wanted Dave, or Gary, certainly not my husband’s. I couldn't have my husbands, even if I wanted it.

Sadly, I knew that I would probably have to let him fuck me on this trip home, but what would I tell my master? He was quite firm when he told me that I was not to let my husband see or touch me!

I was in a dilemma! How was I to get out of this?

We went to the bedroom and he started to undress, I took my robe off and climbed into bed.

“You are not naked,” Graham said.

“I’m cold,” I replied.

He had stripped down to his shorts and was just about to pull them off when I shouted, “Don’t take them off, we don’t sleep in the nude now, remember.”

"We are going to fuck, though," Graham said as he let go of his shorts and climbed into bed beside me.

"I really don't feel like it babe," I said softly, "If you hadn't of come in while I was chatting to Gary,” I went on, “I was feeling sexy, but you spoilt it.”

He pulled me so that I was lying on my back and went to kiss me, I turned my face and he kissed my cheek. He put his hand on my tit and I froze!

"Don't!" I shouted as I pushed his hand off my tee shirt and bra covered breast.

“I haven’t seen or touched you in weeks,” Graham said, “Get naked for me.”

“I don’t want to.”

“Are you wearing a thong or those darn panties?”


“At least take that tee shirt off and let me see you like your lover did tonight.”

“I don’t want to.”

He lay on his pillow and asked, "Will we fuck tomorrow before I leave on Tuesday?"

“I don’t know, I don’t want to make promises that I may not keep.”

“Will you sleep in the nude tomorrow?”

“No, I won’t, I won’t ever sleep in the nude again, and you know what I said about that.”

“Well, will I at least see you naked tomorrow?”

“I don’t know, probably not!”

“In your bra and thong then?”

“Good Lord, I don’t know, probably not, and don’t be mad if you don’t!”

“Okay, I won’t,” Graham said softly, “But, I don’t mind if your lover does,” he went on. “It's okay if he see’s you like that, even if I don’t.”

He was enjoying this, he was actually enjoying that I was hiding my body from him! I wasn't going to complain, though, I was worried about how I could keep my body from him and he was playing right into my hand!

I was up first, the following day and took him a cup of coffee up. I got my clothes and went to go into the bathroom to shower and dress.

“Get dressed in here, in front of me baby,” Graham pleaded.

“I am going for my shower,” I smiled.

“But, after you shower, get dressed in front of me.”


"I want to see my wife, naked."

“I thought that you were okay with not seeing me, you said last night that you liked the thought of Gary seeing me in my lingerie and not you.”

“I did?” Graham said, “I said that?”

“Yes, you said that you enjoyed that I let him see me and not you.”

“Oh, I don’t remember saying that.”

I was confusing him and continued.

“Yes you did, when you asked if you would see me naked today and I said, no, you wouldn’t, remember.”

“I think so,” Graham said softly, “So, are you going online with him today?”

“Yes, you want me to, don’t you?”

“Yes baby, I do, will you be naked?”


“Will he see you in your lingerie?”

“He may, would you like him to?”

“Yes, I would, I really would.”

“But, tonight, please don’t disturb me.”

“I promise baby, maybe we can fuck after?”

“I don’t know about that, I doubt it and don’t be angry if we don’t.”

I went to my gym class and then we spent the day working in the yard. He kept talking about me being online with Gary. He loved the idea. I knew that I couldn’t wait for the following day to get here so that he would be away again and I can have my two lovers!

It was about eight o’clock and we had finished dinner and were watching television. I was on the love seat and he was laying on the couch, my phone rang and I froze! My phone was on the couch and Graham picked it up.

“It’s Gary,” Graham smiled.

I blushed and my heart was pounding.

“Is this him?” Graham smiled.

“Err, yes, it is,” I said nervously.

He handed me the phone, smiled and shouted, “Answer it.”

“I can’t.”

“Don’t be silly, answer it,” Graham said in an excited tone.

“I…I, can’t.”

Gary hung up; I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why didn't you answer it?" Graham said, disappointedly.

“I’m shy; I can’t talk to him in front of you.”

“Call him back, I don’t mind,” Graham smiled, “I think it is exciting.”

“I can’t talk to him in front of you, it’s embarrassing!”

“Well, go into the kitchen, but call him, please!”

I took my phone into the kitchen and called my master. I knew that my husband would be trying to listen to our conversation, so I spoke softly. Graham would pop into the kitchen from time to time to get a beer, obviously, to see what I was doing. I was getting lost in this moment and after the third time that he came in, I just continued talking as if he wasn’t there.

He would smile at me each time that he came in and give me the thumbs up to let me know that he was enjoying this. Gary wanted me to go online and gave me a five-minute deadline to be there. I hung up and went into the living room, Graham was smiling.

I was still blushing and said, “I’m sorry about that.”

“About what baby?”

“About him calling me.”

“Don’t be silly, I loved it.”

"It was embarrassing, having a guy call me while my husband was with me."

“I loved it; I want you to speak to him, even when I am here.”

I was still blushing as I told my husband that Gary wanted me to go online, now!

“Well, go; get sexy with your online lover.”

I ran upstairs and opened my laptop. I realized that I was wearing a plain bra and thong. My master would want me in sexy lingerie, so I quickly stripped naked and changed my lingerie, knowing that the clock was ticking. It was seven minutes before I logged on, I was late and I knew that I would be punished!

“You are late!”

“I’m sorry sir; I had to change my clothes for you.”

“I told you, five minutes, you took seven!”

“I know, and I am sorry sir.”

“You will be punished for keeping me waiting.”

“I know sir and I understand.”

“Get naked! Now!”

“Yes sir, completely naked? Or lingerie?”

“I said get naked didn’t I?”

“Yes sir, you did.”

“Well, that means get naked!”

I quickly stripped off my dress and lingerie and stood there, naked in front of the screen.

“Nice, very nice,” Gary said softly.

"Thank you, sir," I replied, "My husband wants’ to have sex with me tonight!"

“Do not! Do not have sex with him!”

"I am trying everything that I know to prevent it, sir."

“If you have sex with him, we are finished, do you understand?”

“Oh my God sir, we can’t finish, I need you and I want you!”

“You belong to me now, I told you, and you only have sex with me and who I choose!”

“I know sir, please don’t finish with me, I beg you.”

“Then, don’t let him see or touch you.”

“I won’t sir, I promise.”

"I told you, he will never see or touch your body again!" Gary went on, "You agreed to that when we started this."

“I know sir, and I am trying so hard.”

“Do not let me down.”

I won’t sir, I promise!”

“Open your legs; I want to see that naked pussy.”

I sat with my legs wide apart, showing my sex.

“Rub that clit; I want to see you work yourself off.”

"Yes sir."

It took me less than two minutes to climax.

“Put your fingers in and lick your cum from them.”

I did as ordered and licked my own cum.

“What time does he leave tomorrow?”

“Around four o’clock, sir.”

“Get him out of the house by two; I will be coming over to fuck you at two thirty!”

"Oh my gosh sir, what if I can't get him out by then?"

“Then, he will see me fuck you,” Gary smiled, “It was not a request, it was an order. I will be at your house at two thirty, to fuck you!”

I was about to answer him, but the feed ended, he was gone.

How was I going to make this happen? I was nervous, excited and wet! I dressed in my plain bra, panties and tee shirt and left the bedroom. I joined my husband in the living room.

“Was that fun?”

“Yes, it was.”

“Did he see you naked?”



“He saw me in my bra.”

“Did you see his dick?”


He continued for almost fifteen minutes with his questions.

I asked him when he was leaving tomorrow and he told me that his flight was at five.

"Maybe you need to leave around two so that you have plenty of time to rest before your flight."

"Two is a bit early."

"I would like you to be there and chill for a while before you fly out."

“I may leave around three.”

“I think that you should leave earlier than that, you don’t know how the traffic will be.”

“That’s a good point, I may leave earlier then.”

“I am going to bed,” I said as I kissed his cheek.

“Are we going to fuck?” Graham asked.

“No,” I am tired.”

We went to bed and, again, he asked me to sleep in the nude.

“No, I will never sleep naked.”

"Let me see your body," he pleaded.

“No, you like me to keep it hidden from you,” I replied, “You told me last night, that it turned you on when I show Gary my lingerie and not you.”

“I guess, I don’t remember, but I guess I did.”

I was thinking quickly!

“You told me, even if you beg me, I must not show you.”

“I did?”

“Yes, you did, so I am keeping my body from you as you wished.”

The following day, I was nervous about my master arriving before my husband had left. I kept on reminding him that he should leave early. I could not have my master arrive while my husband was there!

It was almost two o'clock when my phone beeped with a message. It was my master, telling me that he will be here at two thirty, sharp! My heart was racing. I knew that my master would keep his promise and be here if my husband was here or not!

Finally, at two fifteen, I managed to get my husband to agree to leave at two thirty. It was two, twenty-five when I got his coat ready for him.

“Okay, I had better get going,” Graham said as he came to kiss me.

I turned my face and let him kiss my cheek. He grabbed my ass and I froze. I pulled back and said, “No touching, you agreed.”

As he drove off, I saw my master’s car coming down our road.

“Shit, that was close,” I thought to myself.

My husband had just got out of sight as Gary pulled up. I was in panic mode, that was so close!

“Hi sexy,” Gary shouted as he got out of his car, “Get naked, now!”

I was standing on the path.

“Here, now, out here?”

"You forgot to say, sir," Gary shouted, "As you forgot how to address me correctly, yes, out here and now!”

“I’m sorry sir, I have to strip naked out here?”

“Stop talking and strip naked,” Gary smiled, “I own you, don’t I?”

“Oh my gosh, yes sir, you do own me.”

I suddenly remembered that I was still wearing my gym clothes and a plain white bra and thong. Would he be angry at my plain lingerie?

The thoughts of having to strip naked outside had disappeared. I was now more concerned with my plain lingerie that I was wearing! Slowly, I removed my tee shirt. Gary looked at my plain bra and I eased out of my skirt and smiled. I unclipped my bra and let it fall to the ground, and then I slid my plain thong down, then off.

I was standing outside, completely naked, at two thirty in the afternoon! I quickly collected my clothes and we went inside. We went straight upstairs to my bedroom and kissed passionately. I started undressing him and within two minutes, he was naked as well.

We were kissing, our tongues were entwined and we were one body. Suddenly, I heard the front door open and my husband called out.

“Baby, I forgot my briefcase.”

I froze! I had to think of something, quickly. I ushered my master into the bathroom, quickly collected our clothes and joined him in the bathroom. I locked the door and turned the shower on. My heart was racing and I was in panic mode.

Graham came upstairs and called out for me.

“I am in the shower babe, what is wrong?”

“I forgot my briefcase, I left it by our bed, I have it now.”

“Oh okay babe, have a good flight,” I called out.

“Open the door and give me a kiss.”

“I am in the shower.”

“So, give me a goodbye kiss.”

I put my head under the shower to wet my hair and quickly put my robe on. I opened the door, just enough to poke my head out and kissed my husband, a quick peck on the lips.

“Bye babe,” I smiled, as he walked out of our bedroom.

My heart was racing; I thought that I was going to die. I closed and locked the bathroom door and threw my towel to the ground. I heard the front door close and I ran out of the bedroom to look out of the window. I saw my husband drive away and knew that we were safe.

My master joined me and ordered me to get down on my knees and suck his dick. I did as ordered and he cum in my mouth.

“What time do you have to leave sir?”

“Eight o’clock, tomorrow morning.”

“Tomorrow morning?”

“Yes, you are going to stay naked until tomorrow morning, I am staying the night.”

“Oh my gosh sir.”

“And you have a punishment for not addressing me properly.”

“Oh my gosh sir, what is it?”

“Go out to my car and bring in my overnight bag, now!”

“Like this sir, naked?”

“Yes, like that, naked!”

“It is still daylight sir, anyone can see me.”

I know it is and I want them to see you, now go, or I will have you stand out there for fifteen minutes.”

“Oh my, yes sir.”

I ran downstairs and slowly opened the door; I popped my head out to see if anyone was around. I ran, naked to his car and took his bag out of the trunk and ran back inside.

“Good girl.”

"Thank you, sir."

My master spent the next four hours, fucking me in every position. I was wondering what would happen when Dave came round at ten o’clock. Gary told me that he was going to be in the guest room and I was to fuck Dave, while he was here.

"You will leave the bedroom door open a little so that I can see you fuck him."

“Oh my gosh sir, really?”

“Yes, I want to see my slut, fuck her neighbor.”

I stayed naked for the evening and when Dave arrived, I took him upstairs, as ordered. My master was out of sight, in the guest bedroom. I left the door open a little and Dave fucked me from behind. I could just see my master through the ajar door.

Dave left, and my master told me to bend over the bed, I assumed that he was going to fuck me in the same position as Dave had just done. He spanked my naked ass, hard!

“What is that for?” I screamed, as he spanked me hard.

“He was supposed to cum in your mouth.”

My master spanked me for over five minutes, my ass was burning, and he spanked me hard.

“I didn’t know,” I shouted.

“Is that how you address me?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know sir.”

“Your punishment, for not addressing me correctly is, “Gary smiled, “When I leave in the morning, you take my case to my car, naked.”

"Oh, my gosh sir, at eight in the morning?"

“Yes, and you kiss me goodbye, outside,” Gary smiled, “It will be a long kiss!”

We fucked all night and at eight the following morning, I had to go, naked outside and kiss him goodbye. My heart was pounding, I was nervous but excited at the same time. I loved being naked outside and the fear that someone could see me only added to the thrill.


Same as My journey to the wild side part four Videos

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Loving My Stepfather Part Four

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Journey Of Indian Wife To Whore Part 8211 1

The heroine of the story Priya is a 26yr old Indian wife married to Arjun. They were married for a year now. They had a very wonderful one year. Priya was a bomb. She’s a show stealer right from her college days. The guys always use to imagine what it feels like to see her nude and touch those 34D firm breasts of her. She’s a modern and outgoing girl, so the jeans and t-shirts she used to wear only enhanced her 34-28-36 body size. Her height of 5ft 6in only added to her beauty. She had a few...

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Wild Eyed Southern Boys

The following story is rated G. Anyone looking for sex, gratuitous or otherwise, or violence will be sorely disappointed. Bummer, eh :)? As always, comments, criticisms, and such are quite welcome and encouraged. Flames will unceremoniously be dumped into dev ull - whatever in the hell that is :). This story is copyright (c) 1998 by me. All rights reserved, no deposit no return, and all of that. Permission is hereby granted for any free archive who might so desire to include...

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Aunt Katherin and Her SlavesChapter 2 Katherine

Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Journey From Brother To Hubby Part I

Hi my name is Vikram and 26 male from Delhi. Let me tell you a little more about and as I am Average guy fair color and average 6 inch cock. I am regular reader for ISS and I love incest section the most and after a long thought and discussion with my sister. I decided to pen down my story for you all in this story I am going to share with you about my journey from a loving brother to a lusting husband. All Interested Sisters and Mothers can mail me at And you can make me your brother or son...

2 years ago
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Journey Of A Corporate Guy 8211 Part 3

Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 26 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of my previous saga Journey of a corporate Guy Part 2 (links on top). Readers Above links are for the previous stories. Thank you readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. Guys this a very lengthy incident, hope u guys bear it as it fun being sharing all the things. Just for a recap I was with Smitha in goa. We were in the rain of love. Even smitha was fully tired and was...

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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Clothesline Leather in Lawnville

Clothesline[This story is part of the Leather in Lawnville series.]   Clothesline By DuskPetersonYou can tell a lot about a guy from where he shops. Take my friends, who have specialized tastes. Some of them spend their time at the hardware store, while others take an interest in our town's fabric shop, which has needles and pins that make them drool. Still others hang out at the department store, eyeing the cutlery collection. Somehow all of us end up rubbing shoulders at the town's jacket...

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2 Tag Bonewell The Murder of Wendy Wilde

ALMOST NO ONE has ever heard of Ms. Jennifer Penelope Deaux-Fontaine, but plenty of folks know her alter ego, her nom de plume, her pseudonym, her pen name, Wendy Wilde, the wicked writer of sexually explicit novels and articles. Yeah, that Wendy Wilde. The same offbeat writer who had more people hating her than even Adolf Hitler could ever have imagined. But, as of today, everyone's heard of the woman behind the Wilde mask. Anyone, that is, who bothered to read last night's evening paper....

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Aether Guardians

The Five Kingdoms of Arstoria had been embroiled in the Great Ancient War for centuries. The war came to an end when Kalace, the Wizard King conquered the five lands and brought them under his rule. Kalace, the Wizard King of Arstoria, conquered all of his opponents who were unable to deal with his overpowering magic. When Kalace had united the five kingdoms, he brought peace to the warring kingdoms and was revered and celebrated by his later generation. Kalace, however, had a dark weakness in...


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