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I feel his eyes on me and it shouldn’t matter because everyone’s eyes are on me but Cole’s attention is one of the only things that can still make me feel uncomfortable. I know what he’s thinking. I know that he can’t stand the burning heat; that he wants nothing more than to go back to the hotel bar and order a scotch on the rocks. But he doesn’t. He can’t. He has to wait until we’re done, he has to lean against the Audi in his heat-absorbing black t-shirt and jeans and wait until the photoshoot’s over.

Cole knows me like I know him and it isn’t healthy. We have history. I’ve overshared and maybe he has too but his secrets aren’t worth millions of dollars to gossip magazines. I should keep my mouth shut but what can I say? He’s easy to talk to. He listens. I don’t think I could live without him.


It’s midsummer in LA and we’re shooting outdoors, doing the first cover option for Blank magazine. There’ll be a choice of three covers by the time the day is done, plus ten shots to accompany the interview article inside. I’m wearing a metallic-look multicolored leather jacket and in the heat, it looks as though the colors are literally melting into each other.

I can’t decide which I hate more; the jacket, the Alexander Wang sweater it covers, or the skintight Gucci jeans suffocating my legs. In between shots, I gaze longingly at the clothes rails the stylists are rifling through. T-shirts. Floaty blouses. Maxi-dresses. Anything would be better than leather meets wool meets denim.

The heat is relentless; the sky cloudless and the sun so hot that every five minutes my makeup requires retouching. I am eternally grateful for the wind machine even though the shot calls for it to provide little more than a gentle breeze. The set designer has struggled to diffuse the direct sunlight but Marc, the photographer, is optimistic.

“Beautiful, beautiful,” he yells, “Walk towards the camera, Lana. Slowly! Yes, yes! Perfect!”

Marc Jenkins is the next Mario Testino, Jenny tells me. Jenny’s my agent. She’s also the closest thing I have to a friend and I trust her because if I didn’t, I’d be lost. She organizes everything, even packs my suitcase. Our relationship teeters on the border between professional and social. When she asked for my approval for the engagement announcement, she hesitated a second at the door.

“We don’t have to do it so soon, Lana,” she’d said.

“Why would we wait?” I’d asked and she’d paused like she had something more to say but then she’d nodded and disappeared.

The statement was released yesterday. I approved the final draft a week ago, but seeing it reproduced on the internet and knowing that millions of strangers are reading it feels surreal. Why did I say yes? The answer’s obvious. Brandon is perfect in all the conventional ways. He has money, a good heart, good looks and all of these qualities are wrapped up in a tantalizing promise of security. There’s only one problem. Cole.

I don’t talk to Brandon about the things that worry me. He gets the sunshine, the smiles, the laughter and champagne. Cole gets the rain. He drives, I talk. Sometimes he replies. Most of the time he just listens. I know it’s careless, but I can’t help sharing, unable to shake the feeling that he somehow understands. Perhaps it’s because he’s been the only constant since my professional life began. Two years older than me, his first job came around at the same time as mine, only he had to fight off violent paparazzi for a tiny percentage of the money I got for sauntering down a runway.

Eight years have passed, and I’m pretty sure he’s felt each one of them. Eight years of being dragged around the world, of having to endure endless stalkers and journalists. I know it’s wearing thin on him. He wants more from life. He had a thing with one of the VS hairstylists six months ago and I had Jenny surreptitiously get rid of her. He knew. We didn’t talk about it but the way he looked at me the day after made me feel as though he knew my darkest secrets.

I know he’s seen the press release but we haven’t spoken about it in the same way we never talk about our relationships. I have a feeling it’s the final straw, though. The tension between us has become unbearable; it's reached the point where he puts the radio on when we’re in the car alone. He’s never said, but I know he doesn’t like Brandon, or at least what Brandon represents. I have an uneasy feeling that he’s going to do something radical, something unexpected and unstoppable but why would he? He knows the way the world works.

We had one night and I’ve tried desperately to draw a line under it. But how do you forget something that changed everything you’ve ever believed in? Brandon and I were going steady at the time; had hit a one-year milestone and Cole had been on the verge of moving on, finding a place to settle down, a regular job. I couldn’t lose him. Fucking him hadn’t been an official part of the plan but when it happened, I couldn’t regret it. He knew how to fuck and wasn’t afraid to go hard. Sex with him brought up every emotion I’d ever had even though the act itself was unapologetically physical.

Bodies. Sweat. Desperation. Intimidation. He’s the only man who towers over me. He must be six-four, maybe even six-five and my god, he made me feel everything he had on me. Height, weight, strength. Even his confidence eclipsed mine.

I can’t forget. The memory taunts me night after night, torturing me with what could have been. I know it’s counter-productive but I don’t stop myself dreaming about the way he touched me. Touched probably isn’t the right word. Grabbed. Scratched. Ravaged. Reached in and took everything I could give and then some more too. There’s something addictive about losing responsibility, about being helpless, about being so thoroughly taken.


“Okay, let’s go for the next shot,” Marc yells, finally satisfied with the third cover. “Ten minutes, guys!”

His accent makes everyone smile. It’s cut like glass, so impossibly British like Michael Caine in the movies. He’s handsome in a conventional way. Elise and Sara, the make-up girls, are watching him and laughing, daring one another to ask him out.

“Come on everyone!” Mandy snaps. She’s the producer and her voice immediately moderates my smile. I don’t know if she’s intentionally bitchy or if the stress is getting to her. Either way, I’m not a fan.

I head into the makeshift dressing room, the stylists in tow. Different outfit, different makeup, different hair. We move fast and methodically, keeping on track with the schedule. It’s the second time I’ve worked with Marc and while the energy on set is buzzing, I can’t enjoy it. Everything is in place, I’m comfortable with the crew and the music is pulsing but I don’t feel it. I do my job, of course, but if it were someone other than Marc behind the camera, I probably would have played hooky.

“Beautiful,” he encourages, as we go through the motions of the next shot. “Perfect. Hold that face! Yes! Walk towards me.Gio, keep up! Yes!”

It happened too fast. It’s the first time the thought occurs to me because I’m usually busy telling myself how lucky I am and how I need to appreciate it all. But it’s been too much. Too many castings, photo-shoots, hours in hair and makeup, and way too many bitchy Mail articles. All of it has left no time for me to be me. I’m not even sure who Lana Kent is anymore. The version of myself I recall is still trying to remember her locker code at junior high.

Young. Innocent. Despite my height, I’d felt invisible at school. A giraffe. A freak. The insults stopped when I signed with IMG or maybe I just wasn’t around to hear them. Life changed. Colorado turned into New York City, Paris, London, Milan. At sixteen, I walked twenty three shows at NYFW. Marc Jacobs, Versace, Chanel, Valentino. I met people I’d read about in magazines. I preferred them in the magazines.

High school had to be finished by correspondence and it became a conscious task to stay in touch with my family. The media loves my family. Two older brothers; one a dentist, one a hotshot criminal defense lawyer. Dad’s been an ER doctor his entire life. Mom, an elementary school teacher. Picket fences and apple pies. Birthday parties and neighborhood bake sales. Life goes on.

Everyone uses what they have. Academics use their brains. Athletes use their bodies. Singers use their voices. Girls like me use their looks. It’s typical of society to deride us but there’s nothing wrong with utilizing your qualities. If I wanted to, I could wear unflattering clothes and work at a supermarket but I’d be wasting what I have. When it comes down to it, everyone has something and if you get a chance to use it, you’d be crazy not to.

It’s a self-serving attempt at justification, but what else is there? What else do you tell yourself when you walk down a runway for thousands of dollars while kids are starving the world over? Everyone’s stuck in a loop, chasing work, chasing money, chasing happiness and even though you know fulfillment can only come from within, isn’t it easier when everything outside falls into place?


It’s the last shot of the day and the sun hasn’t waned. The look is sexy-casual, a white tank over ripped denim shorts and wedge sandals. During the Blank interview I said something careless about feeling as though opportunities had come to me rather than being earned, as though I’d been ‘hitching’ rides from people in the industry. The writer made a big hitchhiking metaphor about it in her article and so Marc wants a shot to show it.

The stylists have taken to the theme with joy, draping me in beaded jewelry; going straight for the hippie look. I can’t blame them. Fashion can be so outlandish that’s it’s nice to have an actual story behind a look. My sweat-dampened hair is down in tousled waves, but apparently, it suits the shot. I’ve also been handed a battered old suitcase, the likes of which I imagine as a feature piece in a minimalist NYC loft.

“Isn’t that suitcase too old?” Cole asks. Everyone looks at him, surprise at the interruption quickly morphing into disdain. I can almost hear their identical thoughts: What the fuck does a security guy know?

Mandy looks at the suitcase, then narrows her eyes at Cole.

“Too old?” she snaps.

Cole’s broad shoulders lift in a shrug.

“Well, she’s some rich girl hitching a ride. Her clothes are new, expensive. The case is such an obvious prop.”

I stare at him. He doesn’t look at me.

The prop stylist is making angry noises and the set designer is trying to calm him. Mandy is livid. She hates the heat, she hates Marc and right now, I’m pretty sure she detests Cole. She deploys one of her patented withering stares on him. He looks back at her expectantly.

“The case is fine,” she eventually announces to no-one in particular. “Lana, hold your arm out.”

Marc isn’t happy. He scrutinizes the scene and shakes his head.

“It’s not suggestive enough,” he frowns. “Nobody’s thinking she’s actually gonna get picked up. We need a car in the background.” He spins around and points at Cole.


Cole raises an eyebrow.


“Take your car fifty meters down the road, turn and then crawl it back up. When I say stop, you stop. Okay?”

Cole doesn’t move. He chews his gum with a frown.

“I’m security,” he says but he eventually walks around to the driver’s side of the Audi and gets in, slamming the door shut. He’s pissed off and not afraid to show it. I drop my arm and set the suitcase down. All eyes are on Cole as he starts the car and moves off with unnecessary speed, leaving an angry cloud of dust in his wake. The smell of gas hits me and I can’t help inhaling. It’s almost enough to make my head spin.

“Maybe cross your legs,” Marc deliberates as he surveys me. “Yeah.”

The Chainsmokers pound out of the speakers. The crew is restless, trying to surreptitiously pack up without Mandy noticing. Marc holds up a hand, signaling for Cole to stop. The Audi screeches to a halt, then backs up a little as if to compensate. I resume the pose. Marc starts shooting.

“Beautiful,” he enthuses, moving to get another shot. “Keep that face! Brilliant. Shift your weight to the other leg. Perfect!”

Thankfully, it doesn’t take long until he’s satisfied. I change quickly in the dressing room, not wanting to delay anyone and step outside to let the stylists finish up. Mandy is stomping around the half-dismantled set, yelling at her assistants. Marc is swiping through photos on his tablet.

I take a long drink of water, eyes narrowed against the sun. Cole’s walking over, ready to leave. He looks endlessly attractive but more than that, he looks like home. I try to swallow the thought. It was just sex. Sex is nothing. It doesn’t count. I have a goddamn fiancée. I try to think about Brandon but my mind goes grey with suits and paperwork. What the fuck is wrong with me? As much as I try to stay calm and cool, my heart is thumping faster as Cole gets closer.

His shadow falls over me, blocking out the burning sun.

“Hey,” he says. “Ready to go?”


The paparazzi are outside the hotel so instead of walking into a mob armed with flashing cameras, Cole parks up next to the delivery entrance and we slip inside unnoticed. Apparently, we’re still not safe. Jenny gives word that journalists masquerading as guests are currently loitering outside my suite. We wind up having to go to Cole’s room. It’s small, with no balcony, and definitely no sea view.

I set my bag down tentatively on the floor and watch as he looks out the window. He hasn’t said more than five words to me since we got out of the car.

I swallow hard.

“Cole, is everything okay?”

He scoffs.

“What the hell do you think?”

I watch warily as he stalks across the room and picks up a hold-all.

“I’m through,” he clarifies.“I’m tired of being used. Maybe you don’t even realize you do it but at the end of the day, you’re the one hitching rides to Paris, Hollywood, the goddamn UN. And I'm dragged along like the fucking suitcase, used up and worn-out and I’m not doing it anymore, Lana. I’ve spent too many years kidding myself that something will change.”

I frown.

“So I’ll change it. You want money? What do you want, Cole?”

He throws his few personal items into the bag and zips it up.

“I want to get away from this. From you. You make out like you’ve got it all figured out, like you know how much of yourself is an act but you’ve gone too far.”

My mind is racing. Panic. Anxiety. Is he leaving? What is he saying?

“What d’you mean?” I ask.

“I mean it doesn’t matter what you say to me when I’m driving you someplace. All that matters is what you actually put out into the world. Doesn’t matter if you think you know better. It doesn’t change anything. You’re marrying him, Lana.” He looks at me.“You’re actually fucking marrying the guy.”

We’ve reached the root. No more pretense.

“Brandon’s a nice guy,” I say.

Cole laughs.

“He doesn’t know you, Lana.”

My mouth is dry. “How can you say that? You don’t know him.”

“No. But I know you. I know you don’t talk to him like you do to me,” His eyes meet mine.“Does he fuck like I do?”

We never talk about the sex. It’s an unspoken rule. But things have gone too far; he’s lost it and I’m fast losing him.

I clear my throat. “Cole, you were a mistake.”

He abandons the hold-all and takes a step towards me.

“You cheated on him. With me. Does he know?”

“No, and he doesn’t need to,” I tilt my chin up.“It didn’t mean anything.”

It’s a lie I’ve told myself a thousand times and it sounds even less credible out loud.

“So you don’t think about it?” Cole asks, undeterred. “About the way we fucked?”

I suck in a breath.

“Cole, you’re way out of line, I -”

“Cut the crap, princess,” he snaps.“This is me, okay? I know you. I bet you fake it with him.”

My mouth drops open and he smiles.

“You do, don’t you? God, I knew it!”

“Stop it, Cole,” My voice is weak. “Please.”

He ignores me.

“I’d never let you fake it,” he says and there’s something dark and wistful in his voice. “Lana, you know what you want. You know what makes sense. Why can’t you just – live?”

“You don’t know what I want.”

“I know you want me.”

I let my eyes move over him.

“You?” I breathe, “Why the hell would I want you?”

He doesn’t buy it. He’s not even insulted.

“’Cause we’re both the same. We know how to talk, how to fuck. You keep up this act long enough and it’ll stop being an act.”

“It’s not an act.”

“It isn’t?” He takes another step towards me.“So why’d you get rid of Abby? If I mean nothing to you, why would you interfere?”

Checkmate. It’s hard to look at him.

“You really need to figure yourself out,” he says. His voice has dropped low. “You want me to help?”

I want him. In the small, suffocating hotel room with the broken AC and the closed windows I desperately want him. Part of me is adamant that he’s the only man who can ever really satiate me. And then there’s another corner of my brain which suggests that perhaps my memories of him have been edited by fantasies. Perhaps he wasn’t all that good, only I made it out to be so in my head. And if so, I’ve been willfully dreaming about a man who doesn’t really exist.

Cole exists. But I don’t know if my version of him does. Maybe I’m obsessed with an ideal. Maybe all the lights and flashing cameras and late nights and broken high-heels have gotten to me. Maybe I’ve been dreaming of a dream. It’s plausible. In fact, I’m beginning to think I need an appointment with a $10,000 per hour shrink. But then he makes his move. He doesn’t kiss me in the way Brandon kisses me. His mouth is harder; taking more than it gives, stealing my breath and every coherent thought I’ve ever had. I kiss him back instinctively, my hands moving up to wind around his neck but he catches my wrists before I can touch him. Being overpowered shouldn’t turn me on so much.

I can smell his sweat. He tastes like mint and cigarettes. His fingers are holding my wrists so tight that I don’t even consider trying to pull away. I’m intensely aware of his bulking masculinity and there’s something bizarrely reassuring about it. His teeth catch my lip and tug on it hard, giving me a moment to gasp in air. His body pushes against mine and I feel the hardness in his jeans before I feel anything else. It makes me shudder.

“You want it?” He holds my hands to the small of my back, pulling me into him.

“Cole, I -”

“You want me to fuck you, princess?”

I don’t know what to say. I should protest. It would be the sensible thing to do.

But then he kisses me again, an aggressive kiss, but so full of need and want that I can’t even think of pushing him away. I’ve dreamed of this, thought of it every time I’ve caught him watching me in the rearview mirror, every time he’s shared a cigarette with me, every last goddamn time he’s opened my car door. Cole Nolan. Dark eyes, muscle, secrets, and fantasies.

He releases my wrists but before I can move, he pushes on my shoulders, guiding me to kneel in front of him. I look up at him. He looks down at me. He’s breathing a little hard, hands fumbling with the zipper on his jeans. He keeps me in place with his eyes.

“I didn’t get your mouth last time,” he says as if there’s a need to explain. “And I fucking regretted it.”

I wet my lips and as soon as he’s liberated his hard cock, he pushes into my mouth. The size of him catches me off guard. I’m no stranger to giving head but he’s bigger than anyone who’s come before, in every way possible. And he doesn’t go slow. His hand clamps to the back of my head as he pushes forward forcefully, hitting the back of my throat and almost making me choke. He thrusts a couple of times as though warming us both up before pressing steadily into my throat.

“That’s right,” His voice is a grunt. “Just – take it.”

I take it. His eyes are locked on mine, dark with need and for some reason I feel a need to prove myself; as though I want him to know I can take all he wants to give. It’s violently intimate. His eyes never leave mine, even as he rams in and out of my mouth, even as he lets up and my tongue curls hesitantly against his throbbing cock.

“I’m actually fucking the face of Lancôme,” he says and despite his steely determination, it’s as though he can scarcely believe it. He pauses a second and digs his cellphone out of his jeans pocket.

“What?” he breathes, as my tongue hovers in indecision. “One photo, Lana. No?”

He pulls back to hear my answer. I’m too breathless to reply. He frowns. His hand catches my upper arm and pulls me up off the floor before spinning me around to face the wall. Instinctively, I catch myself on my hands. He pulls up the skirt of my dress and his hand moves between my legs.

“No?” he asks again. “Why not, princess? You don’t trust me?”

His fingers press hard against my damp underwear.

“No – it’s just – I don’t see why,” I gasp.

“Why? ’Cause you made me think it’d all been a dream,” he growls. “The way you were. So fucking uptight. Every girl I hooked up with felt like nothing after you. Nothing. And you acted like it didn’t happen.”

His hand comes down hard on my ass, indecently loud and my heart thumps, terrified that someone will hear. He doesn’t stop and as the burning heat intensifies, I start to worry he might leave bruises.

“Cole, for god’s sake! I have a swimwear shoot in two days!”

He doesn’t let up.

“One photo. That’s all I want.”

As soon as I acquiesce, I find myself on my knees again.It’s not one photo. It’s an endless pornographic reel. He eases in and out of my mouth before making me suck him down to the base. My eyes water but he doesn’t let up and neither do I, almost goading him by holding on every time he gives me a chance to retreat. There’s a desperate urgency fuelling me; something repentant, as though I’m trying to make up for everything I’ve put him through. And then there’s the heat inside me, the cloudy haze of scorching desire, the intrinsic knowledge that I’m as turned on as him. I only have to shift my legs to feel how dripping wet my snatch is.

I feel his cock jerk a little in my mouth and he pulls back almost immediately. He drags his shirt off, tossing it onto the bed with his phone and then he’s hauling me up off the floor, sweeping my dress off just before we land on the bed. I want to touch him but he moves fast, maneuvering me onto my hands and knees. There’s no waiting, no drawn-out moment. He drags off my underwear, moves between my legs and pushes his cock inside me.

It’s like being fucked for the first time. Each thrust hurts in the most beautiful way. He spears into me repeatedly, going so deep that I’m almost afraid he’ll do some kind of damage. There’s a mechanical resilience to the way he fucks; each thrust is timed and every time I think I’m about to catch my breath, it’s taken away all over again. Every searching stroke is like a violation, assaulting and then pacifying as he stills momentarily inside me. He’s forceful, impatient; working up to a demanding rhythm.

“Does he fuck like this?”

It’s a nasty question but there’s a need in his voice, an aching sense of inferiority as though there’s some reason I picked Brandon over him. There’s no good reason. There never has been a decent reason. I’m gasping too hard to reply but he must know my answer; it comes off me like sweat. Nobody has ever fucked me the way Cole does. It’s selfishly mutual; painfully sweet; dirty but purgative; punishment and reward mixed up in a jarring blur of colliding bodies.

“You kill me, Lana,” he grunts. “You fucking know that?”

It hurts to hear him say it. His rough hands dig into my waist, holding me in place on his throbbing cock.

“I’m gonna fuck your ass,”

He says it like the idea’s only just come to him, but I know the thought’s a decision and I can’t stop him. My heart beats faster, protests flickering through my mind like camera flashes. I don’t speak, don’t move. He eases back, leaving me suddenly empty.

I look over my shoulder at him; his impossibly-defined physique, the perspiration shining off his chest.

“Cole,” My voice is thin. “I’ve never – I mean, maybe another time?”

“He hasn’t,” Cole’s voice is low. His fingers ease inside my snatch and drag wetly back over my tight knot. I clench hard and he lets out a constrained breath.

“Sometimes you just have to take,” he hisses.

I’m so wet that I can hear his fingers as they push in and out of me. His thumb presses against my untried hole and then he spits against it. I feel the warm moisture trickle downwards and he does it again, pushing his thumb inside me. His cock isn’t so easy. I squirm as the head presses against my resistant hole and he sucks in a long breath.

“Fucking relax,” he hisses.

His hands move over my body as though he’s trying to reassure me. The more he touches me, the harder he pushes and soon enough, I feel myself yield to the intruder. It doesn’t take long for him to push the length of his cock into me. The intense pressure is fulfilling. He grinds against me as though reiterating possession and then he’s moving back, withdrawing a little before sliding back in, slowly increasing the length of each thrust until we’re fucking again. It’s different; tighter and more thorough. My breathing is erratic, and the sheets are caught up in my clenched, sweaty fists. Cole moves with angry grace, building the speed, his fingers moving to circle my clit.

“You like it?” he demands. “You like my cock in your ass?”

I can only moan. It’s so wrong but nothing has ever felt more right. His free hand is dragging over my body. I feel his touch on my neck and shoulders, before his fingertips dig into the firm flesh of one tit. He fucks hard and without restraint, stretching me out, fuelled on by each gasping moan. He’s everything. I have never felt more in sync with another person.

I feel his cock pulse inside me and yet he doesn’t stop thrusting. His fingers work my clit relentlessly and while I’ve been on the edge of orgasm since we began, it’s tangible now, the first tremors pouring through me.

“Oh god, Cole!”

He shudders out a breath, his orgasm as close as mine.

“What, princess? What?”

The rhythm has become erratic.

“You’re so – good,” I gasp. I’m stating the obvious, but hearing it pushes him over the edge and I hear his long, lamenting groan as he comes deep inside me. After all this time and even though I’ve only heard it once before, the sound is beautifully familiar. His weight pushes down on me as I shudder through an intense, lingering orgasm, the kind that feels as though it should never stop.

He moves to lie next to me.

“You have to leave him,” he says.

It’s a fact, not a request.

I think briefly of Brandon, of our relationship, awards ceremonies, airplanes and separate lives. I don’t really know what I’ll say to him.

Cole is watching me. His phone buzzes, lost somewhere in the sheets but he ignores it.

“I know a lot about you,” His voice is soft. “I don’t want more games. I want you. So don’t push me, Lana.”

I know what he’s saying is something of a threat, but all I feel in that hot, sweaty hotel room is relief. For the first time in years I’m not a name, not a face, not an ambassador, not a brand, but a person. I need Cole. Everything else comes after.



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Tinder hook up

“Stacey, right?” He asked. I nodded and smiled. “Your Thomas?” I asked him back playing with the buttons on my blouse. My tummy was all fluttery I was feeling so excited. I’d never been with a black guy and here I was with five of them. “Stace, how old are you?” He asked coming closer. “I’m nearly 16 why?” I lied starting to unbutton my blouse. “But don’t worry I’m like really experienced.” I shrugged off my blouse and unfastened my short school skirt, and placing them on my school...

1 year ago
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Titty Heaven

“Sit right there and if you can hold on. I promise you heaven.” I sat naked in the chair, my cock standing tall. I could not believe the sight before me. Serena was the one who guided me to the chair. She wore a light blue teddy and a matching thong. Her juicy ass bounced with each step as she slinked to the bed. Jaime waited for her at its edge. Jaime wore a black thong with black stockings. Her 38GG breasts were encased in a sheer bra. Her light pinks nipples just begging to be sucked. Serena...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Paradise FoundChapter 5

The corridor was finished on May 15th, and we decided to take a one-week break before starting the new building. That was one of our luckiest decisions. Sue and I had been volunteered to train the newbies in the use of the armor and the assault rifle. None of them had any shooting experience, so we were training 11 people to shoot from essentially scratch. As a training aid, we started out with the paint-guns. We had a shooting range set up in the basement of the first building, and that was...

2 years ago
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Street Whore Chronicles Micheles Story part 2

"No Anthony, no bodies every fucked me. Nobody ever wanted to." She answered. "You telling me the truth girl?" "Yes Anthony, of course, like I said I'd never lie to you. My mother use to fuck and suck cock all the time in front of me. So did my sister and my older brother to, sometimes. But nobody ever seemed to want to fuck me." Michele wasn't just saying this. Her self esteem and sense of identity was about as low as possible. Anthony was still skeptical however, his past...

3 years ago
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Karen and Penny Naked at the Mall

Monday seemed like the most carefree day in years. I wore clothes all day in school even though I missed the fun I had last week. The girls who were picked to go naked this week were going to have a hard enough time without me taking the attention away from them. Anyway, I was very surprised when the announcement came over the P.A. system during last period: "Karen Wagner, report to the principal's office at the end of classes". I got nervous wondering what was wrong. Then I sort of hoped it...

3 years ago
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Banging on the Telephone

Helen picked up the phone with a tut of annoyance. How was she meant to work with these distractions? 'Yes?' she said abruptly, and then the mask of her irritation slipped away when she heard her boyfriend's voice. 'Baby!' she purred, 'how are you, how was the flight?'Yeah, I'm fine, it was fine, everything's fine.' Jamie's amusement was evident in his tone. 'I'm all alone, here in the hotel, and I was just... you know, thinking of you.' His voice dropped lower as he continued, 'And I was...

1 year ago
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Brews BrushesChapter 7

Larry checked into a hotel with a bottle of cheap whiskey and drank until he couldn’t remember. He passed out, woke up and drank some more. Three days later, Larry crawled out of the shit hole, showered and found his cell phone. He’d turned it off so that he wouldn’t be forced to hear the constant calling and texting from his soon to be ex-wife. He picked it up and turned it on. As it came to life, it buzzed incessantly catching up the notifications from all the missed calls and messages. He...

3 years ago
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A night out

like a complete slut as my lips curled over his purple knob-end and felt the cool night air on my twitching cock, knowing that he could see everything I had as he looked down and watched me."Christ, that feels fucking good." he rasped as he looked down and saw my head bobbing back and forth, "You suck just like a real woman.""That’s because I feel like a real woman." I smiled as I pulled off him and continued to slide my fist up and down his rigid shaft, "And just like any other woman, I love...

2 years ago
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Flasher Lives a Fantasy

I’m a 64 year old closet flasher. I like to think about doing it and read stories here and elsewhere but that’s about it. My wife and I go to a nude resort periodically but they are very straight and things like erections in public will get you thrown out. But my wife likes to flash also does show a bit more opening her legs for an open pussy shot when a guy is staring.But this year things may have changed a bit for me.We have a 69 year old widow living next door. A very nice conservative lady...

4 years ago
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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 42

Bryant was emotionally drained by the time the chat ended more than an hour later. Neither side had asked for pictures or any personal information. Little Darlings 23 said they had two children, both girls. One was eleven and the other was ten. Outside of sharing a few vacation stories and talking in general, there was nothing more gained from the exchange. "We'll be on Saturday night if you want to chat again," the screen read. "Hope to see you then." "Very productive," Tallmadge...

3 years ago
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Kali kalotee chaloo randi bahbi

Hi dosto its suresh from USA 27 year old a professional photo grapher, running my business in USA california living with my uncle and aunt from last 25 years they dont have any kid so they addopt me. This was happend when i was just 23, 4 years back. Mai india apni bhabi sa milna aeya huva tha. Bhabi ki shadee ko 2 saal ho chuka. Maina jab 1st time bhabi ko dekha to mai samja koe nokrani hai ghar ki bhabi ka figure 30 26 30 ka hayin kali kalotee saree hue gandee dakhna ko be dil nahi kar raha...

1 year ago
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Young black man mature white female2

My mature, gorgeous, big breasted, mature white wife was thrilled to have delivered her recent 3 black babies with the young black man Rodwell as of two months ago. He’d like to see his three babies as my wife tells him they’re beautiful. So arrangements are made for Rodwell to visit for a weekend, my wife has arranged for our 3, 17 year olds to be away for a 4 day weekend. I was going to be away on business. Rodwell arrived early Friday morning, was thrilled to see his 3 beautiful babies. He’s...

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Pizza Parlor Pussy

When I saw the help wanted sign in the pizza shop window, I decided to stop in and apply for the job. I knew I could use the extra money and I thought it might be fun. There was always a big bunch of black guys hanging out around the shop and my big white 42DD tits always attracted their attention which I didn't mind at all. I ran a gauntlet of staring eyes and smiling black faces as I entered the shop. A little old man was behind the counter. "Hi, my names Lois Kubik. I stopped in to see...

2 years ago
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“Thank you Grace.” I thanked him back and wished him a good day. With his departure, a smile broke across my face. Our deal concluded, the man would be moving into his new home within a few days. My name is Grace and contrary to my job as a real estate agent, I’m actually an introvert that posses good communication skills. Type of person that stays to herself so much that she has never had a relationship with another person besides her son. Actually he was the reason why I hadn’t....

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The Dare

The weekend came fast and Niki and her husband Karl couldn’t wait for the fun to begin. At least once every month they promised each other that they would have a sex weekend where the doors to the apartment were locked, the phone shut off and they did nothing but have sex all weekend long. They didn’t have children yet but they did have Max their big dog who they spoiled and treated like one of the family. Niki loved Max and often paraded around the house naked without a thought of...

2 years ago
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Ikki Tousen

It was about 90 days after another trap but this time had a strange effect. Yes, they were victorious but turned each girl to dream about there closest person two them at the time. The luck was that, none of the leaders were effected must have been protected by there dragons but could still feel the wrath of the effect. What triggered was a bluish fog and in each case the girls have been fantasizing in what turn them on the most aimed at the closest one, plus an heightened sexual libidos. At...

2 years ago
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Kentucky Derby Week

Ashleigh is the younger of the three and is a virgin, . I had a delimma in deciding which three hot sexy women would join me in Louisville Ky. for derby week. I had a three bedroom suite at the Gait Hotel. Ashleigh was the first to arrive, she tweeted me that she was checked in and on the way up to the suite. I arrived at the suite upon entering Ashleigh looked at me with apprehensive eyes. I smiled at her with barely concealedcontempt that made her both revolt aganist me...and desire me,...

4 years ago
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Another Chance Ch 02

‘To my Hans for all his love and encouragement and editing’ * The next morning, Alicia woke and slowly remembered last night and when she felt Jonathan’s warm arms holding her close to him, relief swept over her and she snuggled against him. She didn’t want to wake him but she wanted to enjoy his closeness as long as she could. She felt his body waking with something hard between her butt cheeks. She just had to see it but it would mean that she would have to get out of Jonathan’s embrace. ...

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Sex At Client8217s Office

Hello guys, I’m new here. This is my first story here and it’s True. This happened to me about a year back. I’m a 23 year old guy from Mumbai. I used to work at a CAs office due to which I would go to different places for Audit. Most of them were in the Suburbs of Mumbai. This incident took place during one such audit routine. I was asked to go alone and audit a company and its subsidiaries. There were around 4 companies which I had to Audit. The office was in the suburbs in a 12 storey...

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My first Bi sub experience

I had only been with 2 guys before I responded to the Craigslist posting for " a bottom who like to be told what to do".   I really did not know what to expect as I knocked on the apartment door.    I am a clean cut married white male, 6-2 and a little stocky.    As I entered I saw Roger standing there waiting for me.   He was in a T-shirt and basketball shorts, standing an inch or two taller and in great shape.   His well groomed black hair and brown eyes along with a stern but comforting face...

4 years ago
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The Voyage of the HawkChapter 22

"Sail on the horizon, off the starboard bow." It was three days later and midmorning. The small armada had made good time heading northward away from Cape Verde and towards home considering the time of year and the weather. The skies had been grey for most of the trip and there had been some rain and drizzle for the first two days but for the most part the seas had been reasonable. Today the weather had broken and the sky was blue. It allowed the lookout to see further for once. To the far...

2 years ago
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Where the Hell Am IChapter 2

You know? The thing I miss the most is grits. I sure wish I knew how to make them. I know, we don't have corn, so we can't make an exact copy of grits, but maybe I could make an acceptable substitute if I just knew how to make the original stuff. At least, I'm getting all of the pussy that I can handle! All four of my wives have gone out of their way to make sex enjoyable for me, and I love them for it. Don't get me wrong. I would love them even if they were not such sex hounds, but it...

1 year ago
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Auntie Paula enjoys my dick

During my young years, every summer time my parents used to go for some vacation at seaside, to stay at my Auntie Paula’s house.I was well into puberty and had been masturbating for two years. My Mom sometimes would forget to close her bedroom door so there were many times when I could see her undressing or getting naked after a shower. I used to feel aroused watching at her; since she was a hot woman…She was just forty years old at that time…But my Auntie Paula was even hotter than my own Mom....

2 years ago
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My Best Students

I was tutoring Leslie in math when she came on to me! I couldn’t resist her.I love tutoring students in math, especially the girls. And Leslie is my favorite because she is so adorable, attractive, and sexy. She has long wavy black hair that I’m dying to sink my fingers into, dark eyes, and a smile that makes my heart sing.I’d been tutoring her for about three weeks when I noticed that she was getting more and more friendly. She would show up early and stay late to talk. When she asked me to...

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The Education of Heather

Introduction: Heather is an inexperienced wife who seeks revenge from a cheating husband. The Education of Heather Part 1Heather is surprised The school day had been over for two hours, but Heather Thompson was still at her desk, finishing the never ending work associated with teaching first grade. As a first year teacher and recent college graduate, she still felt overwhelmed with all the preparation time required to maintain a positive teaching environment. Positive teaching environment??!...

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The Stranger Peers In

Mike watched Jon from the window of the apartment complex. Jon was hugging his wife and kids before leaving them and sneaking his way to Mike’s place. Jon climbed the stairs and Mike could see Jon’s hardness through his pants. He was coming to fuck Mike’s girlfriend, Morgan. Mike was probably harder than Jon. After the last time Jon fucked Morgan she admitted, after being pissed about the condom, that she enjoyed the session. So Mike set up another one. When Jon arrived Morgan...

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Private Silvia Soprano Anal Massage

Today on, Silvia Soprano comes as our latest masseuse to Private Specials, A Private Massage With… and this time the lucky Jesús Reyes is in town for a very special Private treatment! Starting with oil, Silvia gets her client all lathered up ready to show off her cock handling skills, which she soon does with a nice handjob and a spectacular POV gagging blowjob. Then watch and enjoy this sexy brunette in action as she offers up her ass for wet and slippery interracial fuck that...

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His Sisters EyesChapter 12

They gave me a hint as to their feelings and how they intended to spend our holiday by what they wore for the journey over there! First of all the taxi driver who picked us up thought he'd died and gone to heaven as he held the door open and watched as four long legs parted to show off extremely small panties between them and then as we boarded the aircraft, the people behind us were treated to a mind blowing, cock stiffening view underneath two very small denim mini skirts. Both of them...

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Ohhhmommy I Groaned

"Do you think they've been doing it?" "Doing what?" her mother asked. "Cathy and Bobby. Do you think they're... well, you know... having sex?" she asked blushing. "PATTY!" "What? Look at them mom... she's all over him." "They're far too young." "Gina thinks they're doing it. Her sister was in their class this year." "He's still a virgin," the mother insisted as she watched her son Bobby and his girlfriend Cathy kissing through the kitchen window. "When did you see...

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You BetchaChapter 10

“Damn, that’s absolutely beautiful!” I commented as we all watched Paige have her way with Heather. Paige rubbed her juicy twat continually against Heather’s, tribbing her with a vengeance right then. They also kissed each other very hard on the mouth, tongues dancing together as their bodies writhed together in a serpentine manner. Their sweaty flesh wove seamlessly with each other’s, their legs shot up in the air, and their buttocks mooned us all in turns. One minute, Paige was on top, the...

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Earths CoreChapter 30 The Blue Sky

The passageway stretched to a distance of couple kilometers. It was dark, completely void from Sun Stones. WHOOSH! WHOOSH! Supreme Ruler Ariel lead and Zax followed, both extending their Soul Sense and Sublime Soul Sense to perceive their surrounding since there were many twists. Of course, Zax could rely on his excellent vision to see the way, but he was quite fascinated in this one of a kind passageway and wondered if there were interesting stuff in it; such as special stones like...

4 years ago
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First time my gf exposed herself at the mall

I first met my wife when we were college students. We had an instant attraction. She was a freshman and I was a junior. She had come from a very controlling Asian household and had been pretty sheltered before college (she hadn't been allowed to go to sleepovers with her friends or attend sex-ed classes). She and I were living on campus and-without supervision-she was free to explore her new-found sexual identity. It turned out that she has a little bit of an exhibitionist streak... it took me...

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Spanking For A Schoolgirl

Melanie knew she had been naughty. As she sat in the Headmistress's office, she played with the hem of her skirt and listened. From behind the door, she could hear the sound of a very bad girl crying and the rythmic fall of something heavy falling onto soft skin. Her butt tingled. She knew that she and Lauren shouldn't have done it. I mean really, who in their right mind would skip class on a test day! She could still hear Lauren's voice... "Come on Mel! You know you want to give that Max a...

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party gone horribly right

My friend talks me into going to a party with her. I am well aware that the girl hosting the party is a lesbian, and that thought made me skeptical about drinking around her, but my friend insisted it was harmless and she wouldn't make a move on me unless I invited her to, so I finally agreed to go. I wear daisy duke cut off shorts and a tank top, something sexy to show off my legs and fit with the amazing weather. During the party I try to make it a point to avoid the hostess while I am...

1 year ago
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DaddysLilAngel Tiffany Watson Fuck My Ass

Lusty coed Tiffany Watson wants some, and her stepbrother is her first choice to satisfy her lusty urges. When she’s unsuccessful in seducing her stepbrother with the promise of her perfect tits and her sweet landing strip twat, she tries begging. Tiffany’s ratted her out to her stepdad Tony, who confronts Tiffany in her bedroom. He turns Tiffany over and spanks her while spelling out her punishment, and she offers to do anything if he’ll agree not to take her car away. When...

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Love Letters

The sender labeled himself as an admirer, and if I needed to refer to him by a certain title, to simply call him "D." His writing was masculine, calligraphic, intriguing. Even while the handwriting spelt out blood chilling threats, I couldn't say I didn't have an interest in D. An interest that ran skin deep -- as deep as he described every stab wound he would give absolutely anything for to tear on my flesh. Which is why I chose to keep the authorities out of this. I'm no one of...

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The Tails of Master Tram Handler Chapter 5b and 5c Cruise ship wedding Finding the Spa

The next day my uncle and I were playing in a poker tournament on the cruise ship. We ended up at the at the final table which took several hours. I ended up knocking him out of the all of the prize money. At this point majority of my family had left the casino area and either headed to the pool or up to the rooms to relax before getting ready for dinner. Uncle Dan mentioned to me that he was going to hit the spa and asked me if I wanted to go to their private spa in the penthouse area. I...

3 years ago
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Paaru The Beautiful Maid Explored

Hello readers, I am Ashwin from Bangalore. Ever since I attained puberty my life was focused on all beautiful girls. They may be sexy actresses to my maid servants. One such servant of ours was with us for a long time and these days I found her private intimacy that evolved with time. Her name was Parvathi. This is 100% real. She had been my queen because she was raw, sexy and more to that she had no husband. Her husband ran away with some randi. She had 3 children yet she was so sexy that even...

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Badly in Love

BADLY IN LOVE By Ingrid Halb Bunnie Toy walked barefoot through a meadow. The soft blades of grass tickled her calves as she did. The long peasant skirt she wore was blowing in the gentle breeze, as was her hair. Her hair had grown considerably over the four years since her transformation and now the long black tresses played across her exposed shoulders, every now and then threatening her vision as they occasionally blew across her face. Bunnie sighed as she tucked a loose...

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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 32

Shortly after noon on Saturday, July 7, 1877, Tom and Cal, along with the three young Hanks brothers, rode west out of Stockton, Kansas. The brothers didn’t know it at the time, but this would be the start of changes in their young lives that none of them could have ever dreamed. “Tom, how long you figure it’ll take us to drive that herd down to Ellis County? It’ll be nearly sundown when we get over to where they are,” Cole Hanks asked. “Well, it took Cal and me a day to ride from Hays...

1 year ago
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Finding mom

My father was the biggest prick to ever walk the earth. For the last sixteen years he had down graded my mother to the point that, she was thinking of killing herself. It was nothing for him to look at her and say things like, " Damn you’re a fat fucking pig," or " I wish you would learn to fuck so I didn’t have to go out and find pussy." The one that really hurt Mom was, " I guess I could fuck you in the ass so, I don’t have to see your face." Many night I sat up, holding Mom, rocking her and...

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Black Cock Warning Pt2

As I knelt there in the middle of the room, my face wet with Jake'scum and my saliva I realized that I had finally descended into the depthsof total submission and humiliation. In one night, I had become a totalwhore to black cock. I had allowed myself to be treated like a sex slave,to be used for the pleasure of black men and to service their cocks attheir whim. Now I found myself in an incredible position. I was trapped ina black guy's apartment, naked and with no hope of getting my clothes...

2 years ago
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I Shouldnt

"I shouldn't be doing this." "Want me to leave?" "In a bit. But what the heck, finish your wine." "Good, I'm enjoying it and the conversation." "Did you get your car all the way in our garage with the door shut? Neighbors you know." "Yeah, car hidden. Guess I'd like another glass of wine too, if you have it." "Coming up. I shouldn't say this, but relax. Sit on the couch for a few minutes." "Allison?" "Yeah." "I'm not sure what to do next." "Me neither. I,...

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A Cats FancyChapter 6

After two hours of sexual bliss, Brock’s parents come home. And for the next few hours, they don’t have any time alone. Brock spends his time on the back porch talking with his parents. Missy fills that time in his lap, making it her mission to antagonize him and making his cock hard. Though in cat form, she still finds a way to make him hard. When she finally leaves him alone with an erection, she slips from his lap and into the house. She figures it won’t take the boy long to find her. She...

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Family ReunionChapter 5

Jamie took Susan by the arm and marched her out of the big house. He didn't care to stay any longer after his brief but bitter scene with his mother, and he could see that John and Tricia were deep in the midst of a father-daughter conversation that he wanted no part of. His mother was still sulking somewhere and Ike had disappeared. The cool night mountain air did nothing to dispel his anger, and his mother's words kept going round and round in his head until he felt dizzy. All that wine...

4 years ago
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Wife Watches

Note: ——I am NOT the author!, wife watchesI wrote this story because while there are plenty of stories where the husband watches the wife having sex with another man, there are not very many here on Lush that have the wife watching the husband have sex with another woman, which is something that I like. Please enjoy my story; it is based partly on this really vivid dream I had, based on real people. It went something like this...I have been married with my husband for 11 years now. I have...

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The Ghostwriter Part One

July 1822...Percy Shelley had been reckless ignoring the storm warnings, and the violent squall would not be outrun. Moments before tumultuous waves engulfed the Don Juan and its sailors, Percy shoved a book of Keat's poems into his pocket. Most appropriately, poetry would be this Romantic poet's last thought before his death on that fateful day.Adding to the trauma of their loved ones, the uncaring sea wouldn't spit their bodies ashore for another ten days. Shelley’s friends – Lord Byron,...

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A Primitive Hope Ch 04

The atmosphere seemed to perfectly mirror Cindi's demeanor. Large powerful engines, raw and untapped crude oil... manifolds askew... cylinders fabricated to thrust; their sole purpose inside an engine. All working together for the greater cause. Two beings lost amidst machinery and abrasive equipment, broken and in need of repair... Cindi was my mechanic... to repair my inoperable heart that demanded her skillful ability to survive.My neck dangled back, feeling her hunger surge as she devoured...

3 years ago
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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 7 A New Caliph

Umar Dar Hassar, 35th Omniscient Ruler of Creight (called the Caliph), detested this portion of the journey. He dismounted his sedan chair – carried by four of his largest soldier for the past 49 days – and looked at the imposing Alderbrecht Mountain range that separated his country from its neighbor. Or at least it was the border for now. The Caliph had plans to add to Creight’s territory in the coming year – and to double it again a year later. He would have two new concubines to deflower...

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Brents Experience at Slave College

Brent’s Experience at Slave CollegeBy Sarah        Brent was not your normal college freshman.  At 19, he kept himself occupied by daydreaming and writing stories.  His favorite topic was boys forced to live as girls.  Brent was a sissy and his parents, while at first shocked, soon came to accept his unusual desires.  His mom even helped him out by doing his makeup and hair for him.  When the time came to apply for school, his parents registered him for the Slave College, since they felt he...

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