My Cowboy, My Heart free porn video

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Man this sucked! I was stranded in the middle of nowhere. Farmington, TX. That’s the last sign that I had passed. This was the town that my Uncle was supposed to own a ranch in. According to my directions I had another thirty miles to go… and now my old truck had finally given up on me. I cussed myself for not taking mom up on her offer of bringing her new Lexus for the trip. But how would it look if I showed up on a ranch in a Lexus?

It was raining. No, scratch that, it was pouring. Thick drops of rain pounded my windshield unmercifully. I sighed and looked around. It was dusk, the sun was slowly slipping down out of sight. Bluebonnets were being ruthlessly slammed around by the gusty wind. Why did my old truck have to break down in the middle of what seemed like a hurricane?

I turned to the passenger seat of my truck and reached for a hooded sweatshirt in my bag. I tugged it over my head and then pulled the hood up. I had to figure out what was wrong with this piece of junk. Luckily, thanks to my step-dad, I knew a little about engines. I looked down at my legs, the short denim shorts I had on weren’t going to be much protection against the storm but they would have to do.

Just then lightning flashed and thunder cracked above me, scaring me half to death. Good grief, this was bad. I hurriedly jumped out of my truck and pushed up the hood. I immediately saw what was wrong… one of the belts was broken and dangling. I had no idea which one it was, but I knew I wouldn’t be going anywhere soon. I wasn’t a girly girl, so I had no panty hose with me to make a makeshift belt, if that even really worked!

I darted back into the truck and slammed the door, rain dripping off of my nose and hair, soaking the interior. I growled in frustration and reached for my phone. No service. Great, wasn’t this just the perfect scenario for a horror movie?

I lay my head against the headrest and thought hard. What could I do? There was no way I’d be able to walk thirty miles by dark, and I was NOT walking alone in the dark in this storm at night. I resigned myself to waiting out the storm, and night, if need be.

I saw headlights approaching from behind me about an hour later. Relieved I immediately hit the four-way flashers on my truck hoping the person would stop and help me. But I wasn’t a complete fool, I knew what could happen to a nineteen year old woman alone at night. I grabbed the pocket knife I kept in my glove box and slid it into my sweatshirt’s pocket. Thankfully the truck pulled over and I saw a large figure emerge from the door. No, not large, massive.

He had to be 6’5, 200 lbs, and I say he, because there is no WAY a woman is that big. I could make out a cowboy hat pulled low, so the brim was shielding his face as he approached. I rolled my window down halfway as he reached me. I could just barely make out his face from my interior light. From what I could see the man was a hunk.

Now I live on a small farm in Maryland, I’ve seen guys who work outdoors every day. But this… this man was a true and tried cowboy. His features were rugged, too sharp to be considered handsome by most standards, but to me, he was gorgeous. His body, I could tell, was sculpted from hard work. His clothes, soaked from the rain, stuck to him enticingly in all the right places.

‘Are you alright ma’am?’ he asked in a loud voice, to be heard over the pounding rain. It had a southern twang, a Texas drawl, to it.

I gave him a sheepish smile and replied, ‘No, not really. I’m afraid my truck has broken down. I’m trying to get to the Triple M, I think it’s about thirty miles ahead.’

A smile slid across his face as he spoke again, ‘Well you’re in luck, I happen to be the foreman of the Triple M. But you’re wrong. The entrance is about sixty miles that way.’

I was relieved hear that he not only knew where the ranch was, but worked on it, but being cautious, I asked him softly if he could prove he was the foreman. He chuckled softly and pointed to the truck behind us. Sure enough it had the Triple M brand on the side of it. Three M’s interlocked in a triangle form.

‘C’mon, let me grab your stuff and we’ll head that way,’ he said before opening my door and letting me out. I went to grab my stuff and he shook his head pointing to the truck. I got his message. I go to the truck. He grabs my things. Hmm, a gentleman, I like that.

I hurriedly ran to his massive truck, and scrambled into the passenger side. I sank into the soft leather seat and watched as he brought my two bags and threw them into the small backseat before clambering in himself. He was soaked, but in the interior light of his truck, I could clearly see that I had been right, he was the most stunning man I’d ever seen.

He gave me a devastating grin as he shook the rain off of his hat.

‘Now, little lady, how’d you manage to get stuck in this torrential downpour?’ he asked after he’d dried off with a towel from the backseat and handed me another one to dry off with.

I explained to him my relationship with the owner of the Triple M, and how my truck had given out on me. He listened intently as I explained.

‘Ah, so you’re the boss’s ‘little’ niece, Erin?’ he asked after I was done. His gaze told me he didn’t think of me as ‘little’ at all.

I nodded, ‘I was little the last time I saw him I suppose. Of course that was ten years ago,’ I said with a soft laugh. He chuckled as well, a low rumble that sent shivers down my already chilled skin.

He noticed and instantly concerned flipped the heat on. ‘Look, if you have extra clothes and want to change, I can go around the back of the truck while you do,’ he said, and then added, ‘By the way, my name’s Seth.’

I was pleased at his generosity but told him that he did not have to go back in the rain for me, I’d change while he was in the truck if he promised not to stare. He seemed relieved to not have to get back out and agreed. He immediately averted his eyes to the dark landscape as I dug for my clothes and started to change. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a tank top to slip into. Just as I had removed my sweatshirt and t-shirt, I noticed a large form just on the other side of the road from my window. I let out a startled scream and Seth immediately spun towards me, and saw what I was terrified of. He laughed out loud, and for a second I totally forgot that I was in just my bra. I figured out the large form was a steer, inside a fence. I was embarrassed but laughed it off with him.

After he finished laughing at me, I saw his eyes gaze at my tight stomach and then up to my 36c tits enclosed in only a thin, silk bra. I was mortified to realize how I was dressed and quickly tugged my tank top over my head, and muttered an apology to him.

Another low chuckle. ‘Honey, trust me, I didn’t mind one bit,’ he said with a wink as he pulled the truck back out onto the road. We drove in comfortable silence for about ten minutes before he started asking me questions about my home life. We began chatting and in no time pulled into the lane of the Triple M.

We pulled up in front of the massive two story house and he helped me take my stuff in. After being engulfed in hugs and kisses from my uncle, aunt and cousins, I walked over to him again.

‘Hey Seth, I just wanted to say thanks for helping me out back there,’ I said as I approached him. He was leaning against the wall, his booted feet crossed at the ankles and his arms crossed across his muscular chest. As I walked up he stood up straight and smiled down at me.

He leaned his head down and whispered in my ear, ‘I’m always glad to help out an amazingly beautiful girl’. With that comment he winked and strode out the door, hollering a good night to my family before disappearing out into the rain.

The rest of the night passed in a blur as I was welcomed by my family. We ate dinner, played games, and watched TV together before I decided it was time to hit the sack. I was g
oing to go on a ride tomorrow and explore the ranch so I needed my energy. As I walked into my makeshift bedroom I walked over to the window and looked out into the now-clear night. I could make out the lights of the foreman’s cabin in the distance and saw a shadow moving about behind the closed curtains. I smiled to myself as I watched him.

That night I went to sleep with thought’s of Seth on my mind. I dreamt about him as well. Not the innocent kind of dreams that little girls have, but the kind that grown women have of a man they are sexually attracted to.

The next morning I awoke with a smile on my face, and quickly jumped in the shower, ready to begin exploring. I dressed in a pair of worn Levi jeans and a button up shirt over a tank top. The button up shirt would protect me from the slight chill of the Texas morning, but I could take it off when that chill turned into blistering heat of the afternoon.

I jogged downstairs and was welcomed by the cook of the ranch, who gratefully prepared me a light breakfast and a bagged lunch to take with me. My uncle knew I was an accomplished rider and trusted me to navigate alone around the ranch. I knew how to find my way back when I was done.

I grabbed up my bagged lunch and also some sunscreen and headed out to the barn. I cussed as I realized I’d forgotten a hat, necessary to keep my face and head from being sunburned. Just as I was about to head back in and find a hat I felt one land on my head at a tilted angle. I righted it and was happy to realize it fit perfectly. I turned, expecting to see my uncle but was surprised to find Seth smiling down at me.

‘Can’t forget that,’ he said. He hadn’t shaved that morning, leaving a five o’clock shadow that managed to make him look even more handsome in my eyes.

I smiled up at him. ‘I was about to go grab one but this is perfect, thanks again,’ I said.

‘Want me to help you find the perfect horse?’ he asked casually and I nodded eager to spend as much time as possible with this cowboy.

I nodded and followed him through the barn to a stable door with a plaque on it. The plaque simply read ‘Diego’. Inside was a beautiful black stallion. He was prancing around restlessly. His long mane and forelock were groomed nicely and hung like silk around his face. I smiled to myself. The animal was gorgeous.

‘This is Diego,’ Seth said. ‘He’s a handful sometimes, but he’s trained to perfection and loves to be ridden all day. You’re a good rider, your uncle says?’

At his question I nodded and smiled at him. I was a good rider and prided myself on the fact. Seth seemed to approve and asked me to follow him to the tack room. I picked out a worn leather saddle, polished to a gleaming brown and lugged it to Diego’s stable, Seth protesting behind me, saying he’d gladly carry the heavy piece of equipment. I just laughed and placed it on the saddle rack. I wasn’t a girl that did not pull her weight.

As I walked into Diego’s stall and acquainted myself with him, I saw Seth lug a large saddle into the stall across from me. In it was a beautiful paint gelding named Dallas. I asked Seth if he was getting ready to ride out and was answered with a chuckle and a yes. He then proceeded to tell me that he was coming with me.

I was shocked, but thrilled. A whole day with Seth! After we had saddled up and mounted our rides we headed out into the countryside. It was gorgeous. Softly rolling hills covered in green grass and a few trees dotting the horizon. Cattle milled about eating and resting. We chatted about random subjects as we rode. I realized I had a lot in common with this rugged cowboy.

After about two hours of riding, I noticed a glistening lake in front of us and gasped softly at its beauty. Seth smiled and said ‘I hoped you would like it.’ I was touched that he’d bring me to such a magnificent, romantic place. There were a few trees planted along the shore and fish splashed in the lake. We allowed to horses to wander off and graze as we went down and sat side by side on the shore of the lake. I dipped my toes into the cool water and sighed. It was lovely feeling and I wanted oh-so-bad to dive in. But I didn’t have a bathing suit.

Seth must have realized this and smiled over at me. ‘You know, I promise not to look if you wanna jump in, with or without clothes,’ he added belatedly, blushing softly. I giggled and nodded my head. I quickly stripped and dashed into the cool welcoming water. I yelled out it was ok he could look now. He then stood up and stripped off his shirt and jeans leaving him in a pair of boxer briefs. I quickly turned around and then heard those too, hit the ground before he plunged in behind me. I heard him swimming towards me and turned smiling. Just as I spun around he splashed, sending tons of water all in my face. I coughed and sputtered then splashed him back.

We ensued in a water fight until we were both exhausted and swam back to shore. I was no longer embarrassed about being naked in front of this cowboy and stepped right out into the warm air. I lay down on the bank and stretched lazily in the sunlight. I heard him slowly exit the lake and felt his gaze burning into my body, worse so than the sun.

I opened my eyes and saw him stretched out beside me, as gloriously naked as I was. My eyes took in his lean, muscular form and I quickly became aroused. I felt my nipples harden and in between my legs got damp. I groaned to myself, this wasn’t what I needed right now.

Seth propped himself up on his elbow and let his gaze travel lazily over me and I unwillingly moaned softly. This man had power over me. That simple moan seemed to be taken as approval and Seth leaned over and brushed his lips lightly over mine. My arm snaked around his neck and pulled him into an even deeper kiss. This time it was his turn to growl softly. His one hand traced over my side and hip then back up to the outer curve of my breast. I arched my back and he allowed my breast to fill his palm. His thumb flicked lightly over my nipple and I sighed softly. One of my hands was clinging to his neck, the other was lazily tracing circles over his broad chest and tight abs. I could feel his growing arousal pressing into my thigh as we kissed and petted.

Suddenly, Seth flipped us over so he was on top of me. Before I knew what was happening he had my arms pinned above my head and was kissing me from my forehead to my ribs and every spot in between. I was writhing in pleasure beneath this powerful male body.

He maneuvered around so he held both my hands with his one and then reached down and lightly stroked my slit with his other hand. I gasped audibly and arched into his touch. One of his fingers plunged into me and my wetness. I cried out softly as he began to finger fuck me slowly. Two fingers were then entered, and then three. The whole time he was sucking on my nipple. I could feel myself quickly approaching a climax and began to shake softly. He continued the onslaught of pleasure. I reached the peak and cried out his name softly as I trembled beneath his hands.

Seth continued to stroke and hold me until my orgasm had subsided then looked down at me with a lopsided grin. He kissed the end of my pert nose and then reached down with one hand and pressed the head of his raging hard-on to my opening. He looked into my eyes as if seeking permission and I gave it to him with a soft nod. Slowly, he filled my body with his huge, 9′ pole. I gasped at the feeling of being completely full.

He then began a slow, arousing rhythm that was so utterly sexy I began reaching another peak almost immediately. I held myself back. Wanting to wait for him. And after a bit of slow thrusting I felt his rhythm begin to pick up pace a bit. I smiled as I saw his muscles begin to tremble. I then let myself go and came hard, my pussy clenching his cock. This seemed to push him over the edge and he came hard inside of me. I could feel his sperm filling me. We both lay there, completely spent, in each others arms for an
other ten minutes.

We both began to get dressed. As I pulled on my bra panties and jeans I heard a low groan from him.

I turned and look and saw fear on his face. Confused I asked what was wrong.

‘Erin, are you on birth control?’ he asked softly.

My heart skipped a beat. We hadn’t used a condom. And no I wasn’t on the pill, patch or anything.

I shook my head no, my heart pounding frantically. Oh god, what if he hated me now? What if I got pregnant? What if I’d just ruined both his and my lives?

I felt tears of fear prick my eyes and wrapped my arms around my body. Seth strode over and wrapped me in his big, strong arms.

‘Its ok baby, don’t cry. Please don’t cry. Maybe you’re not pregnant. Maybe it’s a safe time. Even if you are… we… we’ll make it. I have a good job. The only problem would be distance. But I will quit and move if I have to. I promise. We’ll be ok. And Erin…’ he hesitated. I looked up in his eyes. ‘Even if you are, or are not, pregnant, I care about you a lot. Maybe more than I should within such a short time. But you’re special to me already’.

My heart lifted with every word he spoke. I knew if I was pregnant, we’d be ok. I would move here, he would not have to quit his job. We’d have enough money, and I cared a lot about him too already. Maybe this was a blessing in disguise.

I hugged him tight and kissed him again, a loving embrace. We gathered up our horses and took a slow leisurely ride back to the main house. The rest of my three weeks in Texas were spent between time with family and time with Seth. My family knew there was something between us and they were thrilled.

My last night there, my family threw a huge dinner, and Seth was there. We sat next to each other holding hands throughout it. Finally, it was time to go back to Maryland. My truck was now fixed, and in better shape than ever, thanks to Seth’s mechanical abilities.

I stood by the driver side door and faced Seth, dread in my heart. I had to leave him. And he was already SO important to me. He reached out to me and I burst into tears. God how was I gonna leave him?

We embraced for a long while and Seth gave me a passionate kiss, salted with the taste of mine, and surprisingly, his, tears. He opened the door for me and turned to face me.

‘Erin, I love you’ he said, and I busted into more tears.

‘I love you too, Seth. More than you can know,’ I whimpered, clinging to him.

‘Go home, Erin. But please. Please call me as often and possible. And please come back to me,’ he said with anguish in his eyes. I nodded quickly, promising.

We both knew my period was due to start in three days. Three agonizing days. I took a deep breath and got in my truck. I waved goodbye sadly as I drove away.

I arrived back in Maryland two days later and was embraced by my immediate family. We had a dinner that night for me and I had fun, but man I missed Seth.

The next morning I awoke with a nauseous feeling in my belly and quickly ran to the bathroom and vomited. I then realized it was the day my periods was due, and there was no trace of it to be found. Oh god. Morning sickness, I realized.

Mom heard me and came into see if I was sick. I shook my head no and explained everything to her. She immediately took me to the drug store to purchase a pregnancy test. I took it and… low and behold, I was pregnant, with Seth’s child.

I sat down and cried, whether it was happy or sad tears I don’t know. Maybe both, maybe scared tears. I picked up my phone and dialed Seth’s all too familiar number.

‘Erin? How are you?’ he asked as soon as he answered. I knew what he was asking.

‘I… I’m fine Seth. And hopefully, so is our baby,’ I said on the verge of tears again.

I was completely shocked when I heard a whoop of joy and excitement cross the line.

‘I’m gonna be a daddy!’ I heard Seth shout to whomever was nearby and I heard applause erupt from the background. It was my family I realized. They now knew I was pregnant.

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D and I had been together only a short time, about two months. We had met on an online dating site and surprisingly got along great. The let down came when I realized that he had an array of emotional conflicts, and try as I might he wasn’t going to be the fire blooded Dom I needed. My family loved him, my heart cared for him but I sensed I needed more. August came around and that is when things changed. I was trying to introduce him to my dark desires. Wearing more revealing clothing, buying...

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The air shimmered under a relentlessly harsh and beating sun as, from high above, they watched. Theirs was a view unrestricted by hills or clouds as they silently watched and waited, patiently, every so patiently. Beady eyes watched as small dust clouds, raised by the hooves of the tired horse plodding along the desolate landscape of the Arizona desert, hung suspended in the still hot air. They watched and waited for the horse to stumble and fall, spilling it's rider, slumped and swaying, from...

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CowboyChapter 2

Mrs Marie Johnson was entirely unaware of the state of their finances. She had met Mark Johnson in Boston when he worked as assistant manager for Crumblies, a department store that supplied all the haberdashery needs for a segment of the middle class of the region. Mark Johnson was handsome and helpful, it made him popular with the ladies, who often found reasons to need to ask for his especial help in discovering just the right shade of blue cloth or understanding the cleaning requirements...

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CowboyChapter 3

Cavendish Young was a man on an adventure. He had, at his father’s request, gone up to Oxford and had stuck it for fully 7 weeks, though by the end of the first week he knew he could not stand being there. He still regretted that he had not then upped and left. Instead he had stuck out 6 more excruciatingly boring weeks. At 11 he had won a scholarship to the local Grammar school and had done well. He was clever, keen on sport and good to look at. That was what the school liked. Cleaver, his...

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CowboyChapter 4

“So, I’ve arrived. What now?” Cavendish said to himself. He was alone in a vast city. At least they spoke English he had thought when he had docked, but so far he had heard Russian, Polish, German, French and something that might have been English but, spoken as it was by someone from the West of Ireland, it was impossible to be sure. He walked down a street looking for a cheap hotel, rounding a corner he came across a be-whiskered man backed against the building on the pavement. Two men...

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CowboyChapter 5

“Mr Young, whilst the ladies are on one of their ‘essential’ shopping trips – a new hat I believe is the order of the day - perhaps I may have a word?” Haberdash’s Southern drawl had a hint of menace in it, not helped by the pistol in his hand; he saw Cavendish looking at it “Oh this? This is one on my samples, but we may come to that. First, I should say I went to my daughter’s room last night to make sure she was comfortable. I received no reply to my knocking. I surmised she was either...

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CowboyChapter 7

“So, Mrs Johnson, how can we enable you to clear the debts?” “Is there no work I could do? I would even work in the saloon” She phrased that badly, it made him bridle. He had little patience with the ‘holier than though’ superiority of these church going people. “My girls in the saloon are not the dregs Mrs Johnson. Frankly I doubt that you have the required skill or knowledge to carry a tray of drinks on each arm without spilling a drop.” “I did not mean to imply anything, forgive me.”...

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CowboyChapter 8

It was night time; with the men at the head of the animals, Mrs O’Hara took a breath and started. “You should know, I am expecting again. I haven’t been checked, but I am sure. I can feel it, as I felt you. Two months” Mrs O’Hara started in on a difficult conversation. The girls calculated back and realised it had been the time they had settled for a short time, minding a farm whilst the family went back East. Their parents had risen late every day, and every night the creaking of their bed...

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CowboyChapter 10

One of the Livonite families rebelled, the man said he would fight. Later the others would have a hearing and decide to expel them. Still, it meant there were 10 men with out of date weapons to help defend the band. Hank arranged them as best he could. Cavendish went to the O’Hara women, cowering behind their wagon. He gave Sinead the single shot. “Here, if any of them get this far, take off the safety catch. Not Now! The trigger is very sensitive. Then point it and pull the trigger. It...

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CowboyChapter 11

The wagon train started up again the next day. It was painful for the injured, but all agreed that they should put some distance in, in case the bushwackers came back. Hank didn’t call them bushwackers, he called them frigging, mother-fucking, cock-sucking, minge-loving, shit-eating, pissheads. A description that turned a few women’s ears bright red. Others nodded. These women were starting to become independent. They did all hustle their children out of earshot though. They turned up the...

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CowboyChapter 13

They slept peacefully that night. As expected, no-one thought of looking at the old ranch; had they done so they would have caught all three easily as they were all fast asleep. Cavendish woke to find the young girl curled up in his arms. She saw him for what he was, a decent man protecting her and her mother. Her mother saw him too – she saw the fuller picture of the decent man with normal libido; but she was grateful that his decency held sway where her daughter and she were concerned. She...

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CowboyChapter 16

They had been there nearly year, the drift had gone further but there was still no sign of the gold; perhaps that was why McKinley hadn’t returned, perhaps he was thinking that she was on a losing streak and why invest? She’d give up soon, he hoped. The weather began to get colder, the animals fewer. They had a couple of wild meadows nearby and spent time cutting and sheeving the hay for winter feed. The first flakes of snow fell. “Conference time” said Mary whilst they were taking turns to...

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CowboyChapter 17

Jesse, to her disgust, was still told she was too young to have sex with Cavendish. All of the other three agreed. There were physical reasons – “If you got pregnant you could be damaged when so young”; and emotional – “you’re so young, you don’t know what you want”. But of course this all just made her more determined. Finally a compromise was reached; under protest from both Marie and Jesse. Marie thought the compromise arrangement would be impossible for Cavendish to stick to; Jesse...

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CowboyChapter 18

They began to make preparations, and then Jesse announced “No! I’m not going!” Marie: “But why Jesse? Surely you don’t want to stay here? It isn’t much better than where we started” She meant the town when they both nearly ended up as whores “You know why. Cavendish promised! I’m fourteen and still he’s refusing me. It’s not fair!” At one and the same time she was acting like a child refused a particular treat and demanding to be treated like a full-grown woman. “I’m not leaving!” Mary...

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CowboyChapter 19

They boarded the train for the journey back to the east. All those who had made the journey by horse and wagon were enthralled by the prospect of whistling across the continent as fast as the wind. It would take only four weeks to travel from west to east coast. Nevertheless, they planned to break the journey. As Jesse put it (and had to be reminded that young ladies back East did not say such things) “sitting on a seat for four weeks would make my arse as sore as a new whore’s”. She felt...

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CowboyChapter 20

“ALL ABORRRRDDD!” Shouted the conductor, theatrically and somewhat needlessly. Everyone who was travelling had long ago made sure they were on the train. It wasn’t like there would be another past that day. The engine complained, puffed and skidded the wheels; then gained a grip and they began to move out. At last they were moving away from the wild west towards the civilised east. Or, as Jesse and her new friend Melissa agreed they were moving from fun towards boredom, from excitement to...

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CowboyChapter 21

She had written the letter and the return had been that they should meet at the Hotel Superior. Mrs Van Buren arrived alone “Father could not bring himself to come, he is an elder in the church and felt it might...” she left unsaid the fact that Mr Van Buren had said his own daughter’s return would bring shame on the family. “I understand Mama” Marie understood only too well “This is Jesse, you granddaughter, this is my dearest friend, Mary, and may I introduce you to Cavendish Young? The...

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CowboyChapter 22

And so the final chapter appears of this journal. The ship sailed with two state rooms taken by the extended group of Cavendish Young, Mrs Mark Johnson, Mrs Mary Damson (promoted to Mrs by virtue of her pregnancy), and Miss Amelline Circumvia Deidre Collumba Brace. The two younger girls had been put into a double room with a sea view of their own. The female stewards appointed to the group were never sure who they would find in which room; but they both kept entirely quiet of this, as...

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Cowboy WayChapter 3

In my senior year of college at UEC, I developed bone spurs in the vertebrae of my neck. I wasn't really surprised because dad and one of my elder brothers suffered from the same condition. It wasn't ordinarily a problem but I quickly discovered the muscles I used to throw a football pulled on my neck enough to prevent me from throwing the long rifle like passes spectators loved to see. The medium to short range passes still looked good and we won games but about two thirds through the...

1 year ago
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Cowboy WayChapter 5

We were certain that our primary problem was acceptance from the family. To the best of my knowledge, incest had never been debated or discussed much less mentioned during family gatherings. The closest thing I could come up with was one time, Dave mentioned he thought mom was beautiful and I agreed. Mom was beautiful in those days Dave and I were teenagers. In the present though, she had aged and matured into a graceful woman who was matriarchal in behavior and quite beautiful except she...

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Cowboys New Slave

Hanna is a college educated black woman from Georgia. She is a healthy 30 year old petite woman, 5'4" 105 pounds, beautiful brown eyes, black hair, and a sexy smile. Never married and no children since she had dedicated her life to school and work. She, like a lot of women, felt as if something was missing in her life. She is a supervisor at her work place controlling several employees and responsible for their actions. Even though she has to be a dominant person at work Hanna new her...

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Cowboys Story

{This story takes place in the Old West. All characters are over 18} Robert Lee Jackson, who was later known as “Snake Jackson” was born in July 1862 on a small ranch just outside of Amarillo, Texas. His Daddy, wounded earlier in the war, struggled to support his wife and four children on the hardscrabble land. As the war ended, times got harder, but the Jackson family survived. Robert’s story really begins in the fall of 1880 when he was attending a one-room school six miles from his home. 19...

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This story was previously posted on this site. The text below has been re-edited. *** ‘You’re a heartless bitch,’ he shouted as he stuffed his male parts into the jeans he had just snatched on over his legs. He yanked the fly closed and grabbed his T-shirt off the floor. Cramming his arms into the sleeves, he yanked it over his head, dragging it down to cover his torso. ‘They’re right about you. You’re the queen of glaciers.’ He dropped into a chair and pulled his shoes onto his feet without...

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A widower is seduced by his teenage daughter. (M/f-teen, ped, inc, exh, 1st, oral, mast, anal, rom)***I guess it was all my fault. My wife walked out on my daughter and me, four years ago. Kasey was only ten at the time. My Ex had found a new life and one day when we got home she was gone. A note that didn’t say enough was on the kitchen table. My daughter took it very hard. Me, I never saw it coming.When my wife first left, our daughter was so upset she got in the habit of climbing into bed...

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Thief of Hearts

Author: Slaveboyusa Please send comments to: [email protected] Title: Thief of Hearts Summary: At age 38, Tina Harlot is ready to settle down. But, what you don’t know about her is that she is an international jewel thief. She has stolen priceless diamonds from all over the world. But, she has not captured the most valuable jewel of all, the human heart. Tonight, Tina does her final job.        It is 6pm on a December night and Tina Harlot is perched on the roof a Central City bank. There...

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Muemen opened his eyes and lay enjoying the familiar and constant roll of the sea. The hazy gray light of early dawn seeped into his dark cabin through the cracks and edges of the door and thin brown curtains of the lone, paneless window. He rolled from his hammock and stretched his stiff muscles, scrounged through his bare pantry for a quick breakfast of blue tubers and a few sardines, and sat himself at his small table before the window. He peeked outside as he ate, the sun had not yet broken...

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Beneath me I could feel her. Her breath such a silk as it caressed my neck, the tender kisses falling from our lips to meet each other’s bodies, our necks. She paid close attention to there, just gently letting her kisses touch against my skin and running them up and down my neck. Then she turned her attention up to my face, the kisses, so sweet, connecting with my cheek and meeting my lips in the softest of ways felt like a bliss that shouldn’t ever end. Our lips parted and she entered me with...

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It was not too far from the middle of nowhere. I stood beside the rented truck, arms folded protectively against the wind, eyes searching the landscape for any sign of life. North, south, nothing but pale, dead fields. East, west, only a slim gray road. Both views for as far as the eye could see. ‘Well, Sanvalle is about ten miles west.’ I turned quickly to face the only other soul on this desolate patch of land, and the only person I’d spoken to in over eight hours. ‘Straight down this road,’...

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Gossip City Chapter 1 Revenge of the Kindhearted

In this segment, Mayor Meg helps Gina, (an innocent girl, accused of sluttiness, who had been framed by an actual slutty bitch) escape from prison. There have been many times in my life, when I found myself dreaming of a world without bitches. Then one night, I woke up from one of those dreams, and had an epiphany. I sat up in bed, and an invisible light bulb, as bright as a helicopter search light went off above my head. ‘What if all the raving bitches could all be contained in one place?’ I...

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It's pretty gimmicky sounding, you conclude as you step into the store, immediately bomboarded by an onslaught of business talk, high tech mumbo jumbo, and an almost too good looking saleswoman with words emitting from her mouth like shots off a sling. And yeah, that's true. It is pretty sketchy--the idea, at least. (and they could go with friendlier sales associates...) But being one of a select few to have received an exclusive offer to test one of these babies out for the low low price of...

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The Great Adventures of Marcus Lionheart

Marcus Lionheart, a sorcerer from the village of Redwood, was lounging on the ground next to Crystal Lake. He yawned as he thought about all the hardships his party had experienced so far. They had risked their lives (most of them had almost died), fought hoards of monsters, solved masterful traps, and even killed a Lich. And for what? Some mythical item that might not even existed. The idea of even seeing the magic device was enough to cause the young mage to laugh out loud. The device in...

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DRAGONHEARTINTRODUCTIONBY IKEMANUnlike many of my stories, this is a stand-alone, single, long chapter story. This is a fantasy story with sex but has large portions that is story-telling. I would appreciate not having it rated negatively simply because of the amount of sex having given this warning ahead of the story. I do hope you will enjoy it as a story, though.This story takes place in a mythical time and place. Mankind is the same as mankind seems to have always been. Mythology, beliefs,...

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Redenhart The music throbbed around them. Ray was in a daze. The heavy bass had numbed his senses and unconsciously he moved through the crowd, more a part of the aimless crowd than his own self. Was it the alcohol that had killed his senses or was it the atmosphere of the nightclub. She moved behind like an animal stalking its prey. She knew what she wanted and how to get it. She closed behind Ray weaving her magic; even so nothing about this encounter would be memorable to the...

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Gossip City Chapter 1 Revenge of the Kindhearted

In this segment, Mayor Meg helps Gina, (an innocent girl, accused of sluttiness, who had been framed by an actual slutty bitch) escape from prison. There have been many times in my life, when I found myself dreaming of a world without bitches. Then one night, I woke up from one of those dreams, and had an epiphany. I sat up in bed, and an invisible light bulb, as bright as a helicopter search light went off above my head. "What if all the raving bitches could all be contained in one place?" I...

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Blackheart by captv8td [email protected] 1 – BedeviledShe leaned out over the edge of the ship and drank in the salt air as the breeze tousled her hair.  Her jet black mane flowed and ebbed with the air currents and stray tendrils of her hair whipped at her face.  She took in a deep breath.  It had been a long day.The Bedeviled was at anchor now.  She and her officers had seen to the securing of the ship for the night.  Now the duty watch was doing what duty watches do and the rest...

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