A Different Kind of Employment Relationship
- 2 years ago
- 13
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I have my own landscape design studio. It’s quite small since I’m the only employee, but the benefits can’t be beat. A few years ago, I was asked to do a renovation design for someone I probably wouldn’t have if I hadn’t needed the money during the Winter. I like to get design jobs in the cold part of the year to keep myself busy. This usually insures that I have installations during the Summer months. Oregon isn’t a fun place to work outside during the winter especially in soil that becomes mud. Nurseries shut down so there's very little plant material available for installations. Doing designs and installations means I have a monthly income year round.
One memorable client and her husband had moved up from California during the Fall. They had sold their multi-million dollar home in San Jose to semi-retire here in Oregon. It seems that’s been the case for quite a few years and will continue until Oregon is full of ex-Californians.
I received the call for a bid unexpectedly. Most of my clients are referrals by word of mouth, this was an exception. I had remembered back a few months earlier when a persistent sales woman had stopped by practically begging me to place a small ad in a local throw away. The throw away paper had folded, but that ad apparently found it's way into the new owners hands.
My potential new client seemed quite nice on the phone telling me their situation along with their needs prior to my site visit. I explained my fees and how the whole process worked. We agreed to meet to go over her ideas and for me to make notes and sketches.
This was in late January, I finally had some free time in mid February so we set a date. I arrived at her “McMansion”, parking on the street. I knew my old pick up truck leaked oil and I didn't want to lose a job by leaving a spot on their driveway. For the uneducated, “McMansions” are those five thousand square foot houses built on lots for houses half their size. This one was no exception.
Her husband had made a large profit in Silicon Valley from some quirky idea. They both had grown tired of the traffic plus the hectic life that came with that area. Moving to Oregon allowed her to stay home to do whatever she pleased and for him to work as much or as little as he wanted. He was barely ever home.
She greeted me at the door, I wasn’t surprised in the least; she looked just like she sounded on the phone, youngish, in her mid thirties. She was dressed casually for California in tight designer jeans, heels, and a very snug fitting sweater, which accented her perfectly round breasts. She had very little if any make-up on her face.
In fact, she looked as if she had walked right off the centerfold of any high-class men’s magazine. Her face was tan; her long blonde hair fell straight down her back to the middle part of her butt. I wondered if she had implants but didn’t have the nerve to ask, her breasts seemed a bit too large for her body shape and size. I knew that right away she had no children. Giving birth and breast-feeding would have spoiled her perfect body. Her shoes were somewhat out of place for lounging around, pumps with a 3” heel. Her whole outfit fit her well and showed her off without being too slutty.
I didn’t think I would mind working for her at all just as long as she paid her bills on time. She knew what she wanted renovated in her yard and didn't want to take low bidder. We had talked a bit about backgrounds during our telephone conversations. I would have guessed just meeting her she was a trophy wife but I was mistaken, she was definitely a smart woman, her MBA from UCLA testified to that.
“Hi, I’m Marla. Marla's Designs, we talked about a design for your backyard?” I knew I had the right address, but one never knows when someone answers the door if they are the owner.
She smiled looking me up and down, “Hello Marla, I’m Yvette nice to meet you.” She extended her well manicured nails to shake my hand. I have clean hands, but I would bet a month's profit she paid more than I bring in during a good month for that manicure. “Come on in and I’ll show you the area I need to have redone.
I walked in and followed her to the backyard. The house was magnificently decorated with all the newest electronic gadgets, very stylish furniture strewn about, definitely no kids. I thought to myself even if I had the money I wouldn’t live like this, so cold and not like a home at all.
Looking down as I followed her, I enjoyed the way her cheeks moved in those tight jeans, I was hoping she didn’t notice my gawking at her rear as we headed through the house to the backyard. Luckily, for us we picked one of the few rainless days in the month, a bit chilly but without rain.
We walked outside onto the patio, I was surprised. I had expected the typical tiny yard with very little open space, instead I found they had purchased the lot behind them extending the yard. A black bottom pool with an in-ground spa, topped off by a natural rock waterfall were the focal points. She told me they entertained quite a great deal. They wanted more privacy from the neighbors but still have sun lit areas around the spa and pool.
“This is very nice, Yvette,” I smiled while looking around. Noticing plenty of room to try out my ideas and make something worth showing off happen.
“Thank you Marla, I didn’t have any of the old plants put back. I wanted to start from scratch which probably makes it easier for you,” she replied sure of my answer.
“Yes, it gives me a clean slate, so to speak.” We both grinned at each other knowing we had begun to think along the same lines.
We went over a few do’s and don’t, then I measured the borders so I could begin on drawings. We went back into the house after a few minutes in part due to the cool air becoming cold. It was easier to discuss initial ideas in a warm kitchen rather than a cold backyard.
She already had coffee perked for us, she poured two cups then we sat at her kitchen table discussing ideas. She had a custom blend and I was quite amazed at how good it tasted and asked where I might pick some up. She smiled then wrote down the name of the store. She even gave me a small package with enough in it for a few pots. I thanked her, blushing a bit with this unexpected gift.
I made notes as we talked, feeling more at ease with her as we discussed the yard face to face. I began to notice after a few ideas she really liked that she would inch her chair closer and closer to glance at my notes. Her hand would brush mine every so often as I wrote down plant and color scheme ideas. I assumed she wanted more involvement with the process and planning.
Finally, after about two hours I had enough information to put some sketches together for her. She thanked me, as she showed me to the door and bid me good-bye. I didn’t think too much about her actions and went on with my day.
I spent the next few weeks drawing and revising the various ideas we discussed and narrowing my perspectives for her to view down to four. We talked on the phone discussing more of her ideas, with me explaining the good or bad points about them. When I had a design I liked I sent my oldest daughter who was finishing college and working for me part-time over to drop them off with for Yvette to comment on. After the fourth set was complete and revised, I called and made an appointment with her so we could go over the ideas.
It was now early April and she was anxious to get started on the work. Her husband had decided that a July 4th party was a good idea to show off their new landscape to impress a few new clients. If they accepted the bid, I had a deadline to meet.
We went over the various plans making small changes to each one even though she had already done this via Lindsey, my daughter. Finally, one stood out above the rest and she was happy. I left all four drawings with herb and she paid me for them. She said she would talk over each one with her husband and call me with their choice.
I was paid for my work and that’s all that really mattered to me. I have been shortchanged a couple of times when I first started my design business letting people have complete sets of plans and not paying me for them. I have learned from my mistakes.
She called me that evening to confirm the plan we discussed earlier that day, her husband was pleased with my work. He wondered if I employed any contractors on a regular basis and to have them submit competitive bids. I smiled after hearing the news and made a note to call all the subs I planned to use for this job. It had turned out to be a very good day. I have several favorite contractors that I have worked with in the past and know very well. I like the quality of their work and their prices. Just because a client likes, your design doesn’t mean they will use your favorite installers, but they did.
During the next week, I made a complete set of plans. I sent them to all the interested contractors so they could look them over and bid the job. Yvette seemed to take special joy in touring all the various workers around her yard and giving them insight into what was expected along with her quality standards. I don’t know to this day if this was just for show or not, but all of my suggested contractors got the jobs.
The work began in early May, it all went very smoothly. Of course, there were a few unforeseen problems but nothing out of the ordinary for a job of this type. Yvette and I met weekly over her special coffee, discussing the progress and any changes she had dreamed up during the previous week. When I couldn’t meet with her and it was something, she required in writing I’d use Lindsey as our courier. Most of her ideas I explained away or took care of with a phone call. At each meeting, she seemed to get friendlier and friendlier as we talked. We grew to know each other better, relating stories along with our life frustrations and accomplishments. She seemed very interested in my life and my family. I kept the answers to her questions a bit vague but answered her honestly. I didn’t want to start up a friendship during the installation for various reasons.
Finally, June rolled around, the job was coming in early and on budget. Both of them were very pleased, I even received a small bonus check for an item she really wanted. She had to talk me into incorporating into my plan but it was well worth the effort. We met for the last time I thought, June 15. We did a final walk through noting any deficiencies. At last everyone was paid so I filed this job away. I asked if I could use her for a reference since the job had gone so well and was actually in early, she agreed and was thrilled to be on my list.
Within two days, I received a call from Yvette asking me for a second set of completed plans. I was busy and sent Lindsey over to deliver the set. I was very surprised when Lindsey returned and told me of her encounter with Yvette.
It seems when Yvette met Lindsey at the door she was dressed only in a sheer camisole to cover her. Under which she wore a tiny bikini. Lindsey didn’t need to use her imagination; Yvette was there in all her hard body glory. Yvette was greatly disappointed I hadn’t showed up, she took the plans, nearly slamming the door in poor Lindsey’s face. Lindsey is no prude, at 22 years of age has seen enough to know this woman had something on her mind and it wasn’t just the plans. I chuckled at her story and told her that Yvette probably had been entertaining her husband. Since I wasn’t the one delivering the plans she may have felt slighted since she now considered me a close friend.
Lindsey nodded giving me the “Yea right, mom” look. I called Yvette to apologize. I made an appointment for the following afternoon so we could discuss the plan request and talk for a bit.
Since it was the end of June, the weather was warm, I wore sandals with some shorts with a loose fitting blouse. I had planned to complete some errands after our brief meeting and wanted to be comfortable.
I arrived at Yvette’s house and rang the doorbell. She slowly opened it, peeking through the small gap to be sure it wasn’t Lindsey standing there this time. When she opened the door fully, I was shocked and then amused that she actually dressed this way to open the door. Lindsey had neglected to or forgotten to mention the “stripper heels” Yvette wore that accentuated her muscular calves on her firm tanned legs. It made her quite a bit taller. My jaw felt like it hit the walk as she stood there smiling. I nearly giggled as she invited me in but figured that would be rude. Besides, I really enjoyed seeing her body through that sheer camisole wondering why she had gone to all this trouble.
We went through the house and I asked if her husband was home hoping that this would be a short meeting. She turned, flashed a smile telling me no, he was in Detroit on business for the rest of the week. I began to wonder whom she was hiding upstairs.
We toured the landscape finally stopping over by the spa. She had continually complained about this area's lack of privacy. We finally came up with some solutions that gave her the privacy she wanted along with sunlight during her “tanning” hours. This was my “special” bonus and worth every cent for the headaches, she caused me.
Standing there next to each other she talked about happy she was with the results. We laughed at the different problems we ran into. She pointed to a few areas away from us, as I looked away I commented on her point. When I turned back around to face her, I discovered she had taken off the sheer camisole. She was standing there in her tiny bikini. Her hands were reaching around her back untying the top. I stood there in complete awe or shock I don’t know which. After successfully undoing the knot, she slipped the tiny cloth triangles off her arms, tossing it just past me.
My eyes widened as I stared at the two snow-white triangles in the center of each breast. They encircled her very large and pink aureola. Creamy delicious white, which contrasted her bronzed body. I stood there staring, dumb founded with the realization that her exquisite breasts were real. I’m sure my mouth must have dropped while I licked my lips unconsciously, I could only stand there and stare.
She smiled moving closer, whispering to me as I stood there, “Marla sweetie, these are the reasons I wanted this privacy, I hate tan lines.”
I stuttered when I replied, “I can see that now, but I think tan lines have their place they add a bit of contrast to the skin.”
Yvette moved closer. “So, you think these tan lines are a good thing?”
I looked her in the eyes then told her in a very soft and yearning voice, “I think they look delicious Yvette.”
As I looked back down at Yvette's amazing breasts, her hands grasped mine. She slowly placed them where I was thinking my mouth should be. She pressed them over her nipples, dropping her hands from mine. She leaned into me placing her succulent lips on mine. Her so very soft lips brushed mine as if a fairies wings had moved against them. My breath quickened as we stood there kissing, my palms enjoying the soft firm feeling of her. I felt her nipples harden as she guided my thumbs over them. We moaned in unison while my hands took over from hers, caressing, playing with each mound of perfection. My thumbs massaged each nipple as we continued to explore each other’s mouths with our tongues.
After what seemed like forever, we broke our kiss to look each other in the eyes. I was blushing deep red not knowing what to say.
“I had a feeling you might enjoy that.”
I swallowed hard trying to catch my breath as she leaned in and kissed me again. This time her hands wrapped around my waist pulling me close to her. My hands fumbled for a second, but then found a home on her firm cheeks massaging them as we kissed.
We paused for a second, she smiled at me once more, taking my hand to lead me back into the house.
On the way to her bedroom she commented, “I was a bit disappointed when you sent your daughter. She is a doll. But, I wanted you.”
“I was very busy, and I had no idea this is what you wanted to meet about,” I managed to say trying not to stammer too much.
”I knew when I first saw you I wanted to have you. You never discouraged my closeness, so I thought I'd take a chance,” she confessed.
“I wasn't sure about you. You're married, I do have to admit this had crossed my mind from time to time,” I said as we walked in one of the largest bedrooms I had ever seen.
She turned kissing me again, sending shockwaves throughout my body. My eyes were fixated on her; I hadn't ever been with a woman who had a body like hers. I had always scoffed at women who looked too perfect but now I wanted what I saw. She moved closer to me, reached down taking the bottom of my blouse. She inched it up a bit then began un-buttoning it. I raised my arms to help her. I heard a slight gasp with approving murmur as she discovered my breasts awaiting her in my bra.
I reached around behind fumbling for a second with the clasp. She smiled as I began to shrug my shoulders slipping the bra off. She looked exactly like a stripper from the Sopranos TV show, long sensuous legs, her calves accented by her shoes, firm large round breasts that begged for attention. A tiny waist and of course that flat tummy.
She delighted at seeing my middle-aged breasts. They had begun to sag mostly due to breast-feeding my wonderful daughter and of course, my age, which then was 45. I was a bit self-conscientious of my body standing next to hers but she didn’t care. She moved in and began suckling me before my bra hit the floor.
I didn’t mind one bit, my hands ran through her long straight deliciously golden hair. It felt so smooth through my fingertips. She tasted, moaning at how wonderful my breasts were and how much she had been yearning to see them, let alone have them in her mouth.
I enjoyed the attention and couldn’t wait for more. As she suckled, I managed to slip my hands to my shorts. I fumbled with them, finally getting them loose. I let them drop to the floor and stay put at my ankles. I leaned back and let her consume me enjoying every flick of my nipple along with each gentle tug of her teeth.
I nearly lost my balance when she realized we would be better off in her bed. She looked up at me and smiled, motioning her head towards our new resting place. I smiled back then crawled on top of the king sized bed, just after she pulled down the comforter and sheets.
I moved the pillows against the headboard waiting for her to join me. I should have known what was going to happen next, the other reason behind her outfit. She stood there topless, her firm breasts jiggling as she began to dance a bit trying to excite me more. Her heels were too tall and I don’t think she was very experienced wearing them. I had to stifle laugh as she almost fell trying to tempt me. I had to ask her to stop. I didn't need her to dance for me and to get her ass in bed or I was going to go home.
She apologized sheepishly then crawled into bed next to me. Her face was flush as she looked up at me as if she were a child scorned. I took her pretty face between my hands gently pulling hers to mine. We kissed for a bit, and then I smiled at her and told her it was okay. She didn’t need all that extra stuff to impress me or to make me want her.
She smiled back, then renewed her lust for my breasts. She lay on top of me, her delicious body against mine. Slipping her leg between mine she began sliding it up and down massaging my mound.
This excited me more as I whispered to her, “Maybe we should remove something.” She giggled then stopped.
After raising herself up onto her knees, she slid off the back of the bed. She stood there at the end of the bed waiting for me to watch. Moving her hands to her hips, her fingers caught the ends of the bottom ties. She gave them a quick tug, the loosely tied bottom fell to the floor. I could barely make out a tan line just around a perfectly trimmed landing strip above her lips and below her tummy.
My expression must have given away my delight because her grin widened as I gazed at her. She smiled then crawled back onto the bed. She headed straight for my panties, playfully tugging at the elastic, working them down my hips. I lifted up helping her ease them down my legs. She tossed them across the room then looked back at my dark bushy mound. I had trimmed a bit for the summer but not to the extent, she had. She then dove between my legs kissing and pressing her face between them. I opened my legs wider for her lifting my butt by placing my hands under my cheeks.
She teased me for a few minutes licking, kissing, biting then slipping her fingers over my lips, making me wetter and wetter each delicious time. I moaned softly as she continued with her quest to give me multiple orgasms. I didn’t argue one bit as she placed a finger inside me discovering my spot. I shuddered, arching my back and confirming her goal. Quaking as she played with my clit, she provided me with the first of many delicious orgasms. My body ached with delight as she licked and sucked in what seemed like forever. Her hands reached for my breasts, she ate and massaged me as I buckled and came for the third time.
My hands moved from under my ass and gripped the sheets as she brought me to the final and most glorious orgasm I had ever had. My whole being seemed to quiver and shake as I begged her to stop to let me catch my breath. I rolled into a fetal position as wave after wave of sensuous bliss coursed its way through my veins.
She lay there next to me, holding and softly kissing various parts of my back and neck. I slowly caught my breath then turned over to face my goddess. She looked me in the eyes asking in a most child like voice if she had pleased me.
I had to laugh because she knew it was a loaded question. I kissed her forehead and told her it was the most wondrous feeling I had ever had. She smiled back at me snuggling closer, I took her in my arms and held her tight.
My gentle strokes on her firm body eventually became more focused, arousing for her. I knew the only thing I could do was make her feel as wonderful as she made me feel. I began kissing her face, softly as the back of my fingers brushed her twin little white triangles. I could feel her nipples stiffen as my touch excited her. She moaned softly as I continued to caress her bronze skin.
My hands and my lips eventually worked their way down her front. I needed to feel those lovely orbs between my lips. I softly blew warm breath on each breast while my hands slipped over her finely trimmed pubic hair. It pointed the way to her pleasure zone as if I needed directions.
I suckled each breast taking time to pause and gaze at her snowy soft triangles that fascinated me so much. They were such a delicious contrast to the rest of her body. The two tiny pieces of imperfection stood out on something that wasn’t supposed to have flaws. I finally had enough of her delicious breasts. I think she was growing anxious for me to move further south so, I obliged.
I moved my hands to massage the twins taking my lips South below her tummy. I kissed her firm thighs, teased her pubic hair and generally working her up into a frenzy. I thought she enjoyed the teasing but after a bit she growled for me to make her cum. I dove between her legs, inserted my rolled tongue, sliding it up and down her moist lips. She squirmed, arching her back, growling something I couldn’t understand. My hands parted her legs further. I placed my finger up under her to tease her rosebud. She moaned loudly then lifted her cheeks up allowing me easier access as I licked and teased more.
I sucked on her juices a bit as my cheeks became soaked with her sweetness. My teasing and licking combined to send her into orbit. She arched her back as she screamed with delight cumming hard, soaking me with her juices. I pulled back waiting for her spasms to subside. After a few moments of thrashing about she regained her breath. She opened her eyes, then her arms reached out for me to cuddle.
I gladly moved up next to her holding her tight. We softly kissed, whispering thank-yous. We giggled when we both said the same thing at the same time. We lay there holding each other nuzzling and cooing until we both fell asleep.
When we awoke, we began another love making session, after a second nap; we noticed that the room had grown darker. We looked at her bedside alarm clock noticing it was almost 8 pm. We had been making love for almost eight hours. We laughed and decided to take a shower and call out for dinner. I ended up spending the night.
We ate, made love, slept, made love. It was just an incredible day and night. The following morning I made it back home to collapse in my own soft bed. Lindsey came in and asked where I was all night. Then she remembered my appointment with Yvette. She started laughing, then blushed very embarrassed. I looked up at her through my tired, blood shot eyes. She just smiled asking me if she could get some “stripper heels.”
I threw my pillow at her as she backed out of the doorway to avoid the soft projectile.
This story is one of my firsts from 2005, I hope you enjoy it.
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Introduction: Hey guys, this is my first story, so please be easy on it:) thx Lindsey stared at the job listings bulletin board in the entrance of her grocery store, looking for a suitable job. She had just gotten married to Eric, her husband, just a year ago, who worked as a teacher. In the beginning, the plan was that Lindsey was to stay at their new single home and take care of things there, but the one teacher salary was barely enough to keep their married life going, let alone have kids....
Looking out into the mass of students, I only really see one: Luke Davis. Believe it or not, he is my boyfriend. Now, he is 18, a legal age, and he is graduating from high school on the 24th of this month, but a part of me doesn’t want him to leave. When he’s here, I can always be around him, and if he’s away for college, anything can happen. I know that I’m supposed to trust him- and I do- but I don’t trust the countless number of girls he’ll encounter. He’s temptation in human form: 6’2′,...
You stand in the middle of your new office, and slowly turn in a circle, taking in every detail. You still can't believe the events of the last few days, and how you got to this point. It seems like a dream, and yet when your eyes settle on your new desk, you know this is absolutely real. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT You pick up the sign from your desk, and twirl it over in your fingers. When your father, the previous president of your country, had called you to his death bed you had expected the...
(All characters in this story are 18 years of age, there is no underage sexual activities allowed. Chyoa nor I condone this.) Writers Note: Always happy for others to add on and add on as you see fit but please stick to the story. No one really talks about there job at Disney, or they all say the same thing, "We create kid shows and movies" or "I design art for animated films". But that's all that's really know about working there. No one talks about the other things that they do at there jobs....
I started giving the ride share thing a try on weekends because I wanted to save up for a nice trip this summer. Friday and Saturday nights are usually slow for me and I figured I may as well use the time productively, rather than out drinking and spending money on $4 beers and $10 mixed drinks. I also figured driving the partying crowd around could be kind of fun. So far I’ve been right. I’ve met some interesting people. Most of them have had a few drinks in their system, but none have been so...
A fictional storyHi my name is Alan, after getting made redundant I decided to take a little holiday and re think what I would like to do next, I had been in my job for 35 years from when I left school, and had worked my way up to a divisional manager, the company I had worked for was being relocated abroad, and was looking for voluntary redundancy’s with a healthy little pay off, I decided to snap their hand off.On my first day of unemployment I did the usual stuff, sign on as unemployed go...
Looking out into the mass of students, I only really see one: Luke Davis. Believe it or not, he is my boyfriend. Now, he is 18, a legal age, and he is graduating from high school on the 24th of this month, but a part of me doesn't want him to leave. When he's here, I can always be around him, and if he's away for college, anything can happen.I know that I'm supposed to trust him- and I do- but I don't trust the countless number of girls he'll encounter. He's temptation in human form: 6'2",...
TabooI’m just over 5 foot tall, dark long straight hair, hanging to my shoulders - olive complexion. With the help of a skilled plastic surgeon, I also have a nice set of double D tits and long always hard nipples. Graduating with a degree in law, instead of going into practice, I applied for a position in the police academy, being accepted starting out as a beat cop. I had only been in this position for a few months, still considered a rookie, when one evening my partner and I found a young lady,...
The birds were chirping, and the sun was shining. It was eight o'clock in the morning, and the red numbers on the clock were shining bright. David Rolo opened his eyes and smiled. He was now an adult. Today was his eighteenth birthday, and as usual, he awoke with his morning wood.David's cock was hard as a baton. He grabbed his shaft and masturbated until he felt pre-cum on the tip of his cock. He imagined his mother in her lingerie that he sometimes looked at when he did the wash. His...
IncestThe only person that rings our doorbell is Mickey; everyone else just bangs really hard. So last night when the doorbell rang Frank and I were very suprised, being a school night. (collage) Mickey is a that has a less than perfect girlfriend and he comes over for a rest from the crap and to have a drink ever once in a while. It all started out pretty normally, beers were passed around and the conversation began. The talk turned to Mickey’s girlfriend and how she is never in the mood for sex. I...
EroticLisa stood with the door open with a look of surprise on her face. Standing in the hallway was her boss’s wife Ellen. “Come in Ellen. Is there something wrong?” Lisa asks. “No” replies Ellen “Barry has gone to the meeting out of town and will be away until tomorrow night. I was feeling lonely”. Lisa was unsure what to think. Ellen had been against Barry employing her and had remained hostile although she had relaxed a little lately. Now she was wanting Lisa’s company. All very unusual. Lisa...
I had been sent by my employers, a well known U.K. bank, to Bangkok in Thailand for a few days work. First a little about myself. I had joined the bank straight from school and had worked myself up to be Manager International Far East. Although based in London I travelled extensively around the Far East, to include Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore amongst other places. I am a widower my wife having died prematurely a couple of years ago. I was 45 back then and found it difficult to...
Chapter 1 "My name is Sonja, I haven't seen you before?" "I'm Dorothy, no I've just been hired. You?" "In here? Many times, It's the only way you can keep your job with this company and there is a depression out there, so you submit." They were both handcuffed side by side to a bar on a wall, forcing them to bend over displaying their naked rear charms to the room. "I work in the mail room and the personal manager told me when I was hired that these sessions with senior...
Missy got on the bed with me, and we had a long talk. I explained to her that my name was Brian Thomas, and I'd taken my brother's place because, at the last minute, he preferred to remain at home for the summer instead of taking the job his professor had arranged for him. "It's our secret, okay?" I asked, and Missy nodded her head. "How old are you, really?" she asked. "Eighteen, but that's our secret, too, okay?" Again, she nodded, and that prompted me to ask the big...
David and I have been married for about 10 years. We don't have any children, yet; as neither of us are home long enough to think about timing the perfect moment for pregnancy. We were getting ready to refinance our home to lower the mortgage rate, so we scheduled an inspection with the loan company. Every day we had another inspector of some kind coming in to check on something. Today the exterminator was coming to make sure we didn't have any termites or excessive water damage. I reminded...
EroticLisa has visions of pleasure with Andy taking her but Isobel tells her again that Andy likes to watch. Watch what she wonders and her question is answered when Isobel again begins to fondle her breasts and rub her clit. She returns the favour and soon they are kissing and fondle each other. Andy watches intently as the two women pleasure each other. “Lick my pussy” insists Isobel. Lisa hesitates. “I know this is a first for you darling. Just lick me like you like to be licked”. Lisa realises...
Lisa headed out of the office, corporate credit card burning a hole in her handbag. Taking a taxi to the shopping centre she thought about what was necessary to look sexy and please Barry, her boss. Lots of cleavage? Tick. Lots of leg? Tick. She looked in a few places but the clothes seemed rather mundane. Then she found a small shop tucked away in a corner. The front window looked promising but some of the clothes inside were, well, practically obscene. She looked through the racks and picked...
Barry, sorry Mr Anderson, and I went into the meeting room and met Mr Walter. He was a high flyer who Mr Anderson wanted to have him invest in a company he was representing. Probably late 40s, quite imposing, tall and well dressed. “Hello Mr Walter. Pleased you could make it to this meeting. My assistant, Lisa, is here to observe. I hope that is ok”. Mr Walter nodded and they got down to business. I was meant to just sit and listen. I had gotten some background in Barry’s company so I had an...
I am Marsha and this is my story of my rebirth. You may judge me, you may be disgusted or you may think I have taken the wrong path. The fact is I am very happy and it is you who have a problem. I was 22 and been dumped by yet another idiot boyfriend. I was having a habit of getting it wrong. No matter what I did or how hard I tried it was never enough. They wanted more. This latest one complained because I did not agree to anal sex. How can anyone think it is sexy to be fucked in the bum?...
I stood next to the car and drank my coffee while waiting for Mrs. Tucker. She appeared, dressed in a short summer skirt and tight top that accented her breasts. Not wanting to be berated by her sharp tongue, I lowered my eyes. Anyway, Tuck was with her. "What do you think of my young wife this morning, Victor?" Tuck asked from the backseat. "I picked out her outfit and made her wear it for you." I froze, not knowing if an answer to his question was required. Sneaking a look at them in...
Missy met me at the back door with a coffee and my usual muffin in hand. "He didn't call, so I couldn't make it last night," she said, wistfully. I took the coffee and muffin from her, too stunned to know what to say. Why was she playing dumb? "That's okay. I know you would have come to the cottage if you could have." "Maybe tonight," she said, expectantly cheerful. "I hope so," I said, backing away. "Hey, aren't you going to check to see if I'm wearing panties this...
It was a Saturday morning. The office should have been quiet, but for the first hour, I was so busy sorting the mail, delivering faxes, and dodging Trudy that I didn't have time to consider what I'd let Elizabeth talk me into. I kept telling myself that having one day off per week was not important. Elizabeth had conceded to give Missy Mondays off, to pay her for the days owed, and to let her visit me in the cottage three nights per week. I'd given up my day off for Missy. I only hoped...
Elizabeth embraced our night together like it would surely be our last. She said she believed me when I told her that Tuck had endorsed our sleeping together. She was concerned that he wouldn't remember asking me to fuck the bitchiness out of his wife when he woke up the next morning. It was after two-thirty when I climbed in bed with her, and I dare say it was after three when I went to sleep. Elizabeth let me sleep until eight-thirty before I woke to find her sucking my cock. "I still...
Elizabeth rode in the front seat on the way to work. We had her husband's permission to have sex, any time I wanted to fuck her, and there was no reason to keep up appearances. "Did Tuck remember giving me permission to fuck you any time I want?" I asked. "Yes," she said, grinning from ear to ear. "I woke him up this morning, and reminded him of what he'd said. Would you like to sneak down to the van at lunchtime, or do you want to wait until tonight to take advantage of your...
I'd told Elizabeth to come to the cottage after dark, but when I heard a splash in the pool outside, I decided not to make her wait for me, even though it was barely dusk. I removed my clothes, went out and jumped in. She was waiting at the deep end. "What do you want?" she asked as I approached her. "I want the same as you," I said, attempting to kiss her. She pulled away from me, pretending to play hard to get. "It's unlikely that we have anything in common. You're my husband's...
Wearing the utilitarian robe, Marta found the farthest spot from the activities of the bedroom and the spying walls, beyond which Harry's adjoining suite hid. She made herself small in the corner and called Joe on her cell. "Hey," said Joe, sounding quiet yet excited to see her name across his cell phone. "Hey," said Marta. "You okay?" "I miss you." "I miss you too. Can I see you?" "Not now," answered Marta sipping her champagne. "Oh." "Later I promise. I have...
Having a shitload of work to do distracted Joe over the weekend. However, the pain of separation and not knowing when or if it would conclude anytime soon caused the work to suffer. Joe usually shut the world out and concentrated exclusively on the task, enabling a thoroughness and brilliant conciseness few if any associates could match. Thoughts of Marta, words of anger exchanged repeated a hundred times, lengthened the work and lowered its concision. Like he had in school, his genius could...
Tuesday at noon Marta arrived at Joe's firm. She'd never visited before and realized immediately stepping from the elevator that it presented itself as the high class firm Joe had suggested. She smiled at the beautiful receptionist. "Laura I presume." "Yes. Have I met you?" "You shagged my fiancé," Marta leaned down and whispered. "Oh fuck!" Laura jumped back. "I'm sorry. It's just that me and Debra ... Oh shit!" Marta laughed making Laura look cross eyed in confusion yet...
Catharine Willows was the second most senior crime scene investigator in the Las Vegas CSI Division's night shift. She'd worked hard to turn her life around from her late teenage years and her early twenties when she'd been one of the hottest and best-known exotic dancers in Las Vegas. She'd finally managed to pull herself out of the strip club culture as she approached 30 and had made a successful career for herself in CSI. Catharine had found a career in crime scene investigation...
Catharine Willows' first night performing as an exotic dancer again after being out of the industry for a decade had turned out to be a night she would never forget. Very soon into her first performance, Catharine had begun to feel like she'd never left exotic dancing. By her third performance, she could feel her steps, her rhythm and the pacing of her gradual removal of her clothes and her titillation of her viewing audience all beginning to work together smoothly and achieving the desired...
Catharine Willows couldn't believe how wonderfully her exotic dancing career had taken off again. She had only been back on-stage a few weeks and already she was far more famous and more popular with the club audiences than she'd ever been in her earlier days of stripping for a crowd. She was loving how quickly her sexy reddish-blonde hair was growing and she had gotten it trimmed just a bit to help it look hot, but she intended to let it grow much longer than it had ever been while she...
Catharine Willows tried to relax a little after her first performance that evening, but it was hard when she was so turned on and sexually frustrated. She knew the evening's dance sets were only going to take her even higher in her sexual needs to get off. Catharine thought about getting one of the other strippers, Lydia, a known bisexual, to go in one of the spare rooms in the back of the building and have sex with her. She got up from her dressing table, and walked over to where the sexy...
That night with Gil Grissom had changed Catharine Willows life in unexpected directions. She had never expected to see her former CSI boss there in the crowd as she did her exotic dance routines at the Maverick Club. She certainly never expected her own deep-held secret sexual fantasies about Gil to actually come anywhere close to becoming a reality. And, Catharine had to admit to herself that she'd never expected to have the chance to fuck Gil, much less to do it there in the club after one...
The aftermath of Catharine's all-night fuck session with Gil Grissom hadn't been what she might have expected. Yes, she and Gil had fucked that night until they were both exhausted. But, it was not the beginning of a serious romantic or even lustful sexual relationship; Gil Grissom was far too complex for something like that to develop, even with a woman as hot as Catharine. He'd be around again; she felt sure of it, but for now, Catharine was free to pursue her own life and her new-found...
Dorothy got a late call Tuesday afternoon from Tania to report to the president's office after work. She swore silently, why after work now? Wasn't it bad enough during working hours? Tania wore a mischievous smile as she led her into the president's inner office. She thought she knew the reason the sadistic woman was smiling. The whip was her way of venting her frustration with not being his favorite. A well-dressed woman in her forties sitting at the president's desk surprised her. "Thank you...
Bisexual"My name is Sonja, I haven't seen you before?" "I'm Dorothy, no I've just been hired. You?" "In here? Many times, It's the only way you can keep your job with this company and there is a depression out there, so you submit." They were both handcuffed side by side to a bar on a wall, forcing them to bend over displaying their naked rear charms to the room. "I work in the mail room and the personal manager told me when I was hired that these sessions with senior management were compulsory. He...
Bisexualself-control have met me in the supermarket, he didn´t know me, haven´t ever seen me before. I was choosing candles for a romantic dinner, would i have with a close friend, and he was staring me a few minutes, and approached me and asked: "It is a very special person, isn´t it?"I kept looking self-control a few seconds, downing my dark glasses from my face and just responded: "Yes!"...I´ve got the candles, while he left and i have looked him again while he walked away...A few days later, i was...
Self Bondage Randomiser.First a little bit about myself.I am a heterosexual male in my mid 30's and I am an average hight of 5ft 10 and weight of around 180lb. I live with my girlfriend in our own home in a typical western town.My sex life is good but not kinky that often. I love my girlfriend dearly and while she knows of my kinky side its not often I get to tie her up or get tied up by her. My thought and fantasies about bondage and bdsm started at an early age, at first it was a thrill of...
Julia stares blankly at her tv. She's already watched the only good show for the day, and she has no other plans for the day. she suddenly thinks about a bondage video she saw last night. In the video, the gil was tied up with a vibrator in her pussy. the girl couldn't get out till she eventually found a knife,and ended up having multiple orgasms. "I should try something like that" Julia says to herself.
BDSMI was just 16 years old, still slim and quite flexible. I went through puberty early at 13 and as my hormones went into overdrive a lot of things started changing, My pubes grew in and my cock grew out, I would get a boner every time in the showers after GYM class surrounded by all the other guys in my class. My best friend at the time was also in a similar way. He live a block over from me and we would often camp out in my tent in the back yard. I kept a stash of girly magazines for us to look...