PalimpsestChapter 20: Another Employment Benefit (Doubled) free porn video

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Having a shitload of work to do distracted Joe over the weekend. However, the pain of separation and not knowing when or if it would conclude anytime soon caused the work to suffer.

Joe usually shut the world out and concentrated exclusively on the task, enabling a thoroughness and brilliant conciseness few if any associates could match. Thoughts of Marta, words of anger exchanged repeated a hundred times, lengthened the work and lowered its concision. Like he had in school, his genius could have allowed him to sleep walk though his work and created above par results, but he chose to put every effort possible into whatever he did. He had never given less than 100 percent. It made him uncomfortable. For the first time he felt like giving up but couldn't. His career depended on the weekend's work. He battled through his inadequate concentration and produced excellent work, far above par, but not the usual exceptional work he expected of himself.

Several times he thought his cell buzzed, but found it to be phantom sensations like an amputee feeling pain in his absent hand. He thought about calling Marta or even Mary or Marianne to find out how she responded to the separation. He forced himself not to. It may have been stupid to label her a whore or whatever he accused her of, but the feeling existed and he'd communicated it and left her to decide if he didn't deserve her. Problem was he wasn't sure he did.

The law library closed at five on Saturday leaving him cast out onto the breezy autumn streets. Every bar he passed walking or on the bus beckoned him. He resisted. He still needed more time for research on the internet and to pull things together.

He could have procrastinated some, throwing things together Sunday night, but he wanted Sunday to be free of any need to work. He'd worry around noon that the plan might have backfired endangering Marta as well as Mary and Marianne and Margie and even L, women new to his life yet as important to him as his parents or Roger. Not being there would only make it worse. He couldn't help them nor could he know what happened until sometime afterward. The thought made his tummy burn a little on Saturday, and would only get worse Sunday, another new sensation.

This love thing definitely had its downside. He'd go through any hell confronting him as a result of meeting his love. He only regretted not being perfect and letting her ignoble past bother him.

Ironically he admired her toughness and her worldly awareness, things she'd gleaned from becoming a dancer and a prostitute. He loved her because of it along with her tenderness and inner and of course outer beauty. He loved all of her.

There would be things he found grating, though few if any had appeared yet. Even her flirty dancing he found cute and charming and sexy. And she would find irritants in him as well. Being in love meant accepting and communicating and living with these anomalies and not letting them grow to cleave their love.

He hoped they'd struggle through this first major rift and love each other somehow stronger. Unfortunately he had to wait for her.

Glancing at the corner of his laptop screen, he noticed the time. He had put the finishing touches on his presentation and felt it complete. The digital numbers read 9:00 PM. The night before at that exact hour Marta honked the distinctive horn of their Mustang letting him know to rush out and slide into the passenger seat Margie had been gracious enough to vacate and head to Roger's Chicago debut.

He wondered if Marta would spend another night there and would she be alone. He realized she and Margie had bonded. The way they shared smiles revealed it. If she went, and strangely Joe hoped she did, Margie would be company. He wanted her to go because she had fun and would again. She loved to dance and to flirt and to let go inhibitions. She looked fantastic doing it. She glowed even more than usual.

If she encountered some guy? To Joe it meant they weren't meant to be no matter how it hurt. And if it was some one night drunken sex fest? He had been with four other women since they met, five if he added L who he never really touched. Sure Marta had been with guys as well, but exclusively in professional, non loving situations.

Except for Marcie, although by the end the businesslike fuck seemed to soften as did her heart, the women shared a love with him. And with Marta too he realized. She loved sharing love with him and the women they loved. His heart nearly burst with the thought.

"Fuck it," he mumbled to himself. He grabbed his leather jacket, put it on over his casual outfit of slacks and heavy cotton shirt he'd worn all day to keep warm and headed to the bar restaurant four blocks away where he and Marta had met.

The usual professional workers' meat market, mostly lawyers like him both male and female along with secretaries and receptionists looking for a step up or a rich fuck stood two deep around the bar. Being Saturday night, the place reverberated with conversation.

The juke box, a colorful CD playing Wurlitzer with an interesting variety of music dating from his teenage years back to the twenties, a selling point for Joe, played loud over the loud conversations making them louder. Joe fed a couple dollars worth into the machine waiting for a table to clear so he could eat. Most of the focus for customers had become the bar, dinner having been eaten an hour or two before, so the wait wasn't long. He found himself directed to the same table in which the disastrous blind date had turned into the turning point of his life. He smiled sadly at it and the hostess.

"Is this okay?" she shouted.

"Perfect!" he responded.

He ordered the shepherd's pie, not nearly as good as at the Irish pub, Marta's favorite restaurant and becoming Joe's. It also conspired against the Long Island Ice Teas he ordered, being stick to the ribs food. But after two teas, the third did the trick.

The tumultuous world around him became hazier, his consciousness thickened, the world becoming a slightly wobbling place subtly trembling like Jello. He felt like one of the more sour berries immersed in it.

And after an hour of not noticing the women at the bar and being aware of his lack of interest in imagining them naked--his lover would overmatch any of them--his unsteady eyes began taking that tack.

The third woman he studied studied him back. It turned out they knew each other. The pretty albeit slightly chunky secretary from the firm met his eyes and smiled. She tapped the shoulder of another woman, the receptionist, a lithe blonde beauty, statuesque, small boned, subtly curved and with a model's eye catching face, and pointed Joe out. The blonde waved and returned to chatting with a well dressed and handsome man probably an inch shorter than her. Feeling like a third wheel, Debra, the brunette, headed to Joe's table.

Joe didn't mind. Even the receptionist who had been at the firm a lot longer than Joe did her job as well as any receptionist anywhere. The firm knew to hire quality. Debra may have been secretary for a junior partner, but only experience kept her from working for a partner lawyer, and if she wanted to she'd probably be hired at a higher level at most firms. Intelligent conversation wouldn't be a problem.

"Hey Joe, I've never seen you here before," said Debra excitedly as she plopped down at his table.

"Last time someone said that I had a clever retort. Unfortunately it's useful no more."

"What did you say?"

"It's because I haven't been here before."

"It needs work," said Debra smiling.

"Probably. I'm not good at bar conversation."

"I'd give you lessons, but I'm feeling a little inadequate myself."

"I noticed."

"She tends to take attention from me."

"So why..."

"We're best friends Joe. We're roommates."

"I didn't know."

"We have fun. We're as different as we look and somehow that works great. We fascinate each other with our different perspectives."


Debra laughed. "She's jealous of me."


"These," she said, lifting her breasts covered by her deep blue silk shirt. Even hidden they looked buoyant and unrestrained. "It's too loud for secrets here."

"I'm ... unavailable."

"I thought so. I used to catch you watching me. You're very discrete. Not lately though. It's serious hunh? So what are you doing here?"

"Good question. Maybe I..."

"Don't leave please. She's not here."

"No she's not."


"Look Debra, I know you're a nice girl. I like you. I'm sure if ... I'm not the type to start anything, to pursue a girl I'm attracted to. I've stumbled into relationships. A couple turned serious, and ... you grow out of it. This one though, it's..."

"You're in love Joe and it hurts. I was hurt more than once. I lost trust. Laura probably has the right attitude: fuck 'em and forget 'em. Not that she's a tramp. I am more than her, I'd say. I'm hornier. I'm getting to that age you know."


"Late twenties. The desire begins to ramp. She's young and I guess it's easy for her to say no because it's available."

"You're kidding. You're a lovely woman and you move ... sensuously. And you look barely drinking age."

"It's the fleshiness. I could lose a pound or two, but like they say in those escort ads: curves in all the right places."

"I noticed."

"I know." She winked. "But the extra padding keeps me looking young. As far as getting men to notice, it's the crowd. Laura's got the classy look, looks good with gentlemen, you know. I attract ... men who know what to look for ... I mean sexually. That's why it never works. They like variety and know how to get it. Of course I thought giving them everything they want would keep them interested. Not the type I meet and fall on love with."

"You should meet my brother."

"No I shouldn't. If he's anything like you and a predator, I'd be lost. I check you out too, Joe. Why else would I notice you're roving eye? So where is she?"

"I don't know. I guess I insulted her."

"Is she beautiful?"

"Yes. Very."

"That's a problem."

"I trust her. I mean maybe some guy might fuck her, maybe tonight. She's ... Let me show you."

Joe extracted his cell phone and showed Debra Marta.

"Wow. She looks ... fun."

"She was having fun. A minute later she ran out the door."

"She looks stoned and well fucked and stunning."

Joe blushed. "You're ... very observant."

"And very horny. I want to look like that; I mean the well fucked part. Although looking that beautiful wouldn't hurt."

"I can't believe how blunt you're being."

"Me neither. I've had a few. Speaking of which..." The waitress approached. "Two more of those please."

"I ... okay," stuttered Joe.


"Are you driving?"

"I live near by," she said suggestively.

Joe laughed. "Me too. And about being blunt, I like it."


"I'd be lost without it, though I'm not looking..."

"We'll see," Debra smiled. It turned into a frown when Laura appeared.

"Hey Joe."

"Hi Laura. Grab a seat."

"No room," suggested Debra.

Laura found a chair and sat. "I heard Mr. Phillips put you on the Stiles case. That's fantastic."

"Really? I heard that's a major coup for the firm!" Debra exclaimed.

"I know, and Joe's the youngest lawyer. Impressive."


"I work hard. It seems to be paying off."

"In droves, Joe," said Debra. "John's jealous. He's accusing you of all sorts of things, and I know the boss ain't gay."

They laughed. "I don't mean to step on any toes."

"Fuck that. We're all ambitious at the firm except for Miss Receptionist here."

"Hey, I like my job. I'll have one of those," Laura told the waitress.

"You like being leered at by old rich men."

"Old rich married men. A couple of the younger men treat me like a bimbo, like your boss John for instance, but most of them give me respect. They know my importance. I know how to cheer people up early in the morning and not with some saccharine smile. Clients get an eye full, but I put them at ease. They flirt and I flirt back. It's fun and it works."

"I haven't met many, but you're the best receptionist I ever saw."

"Thanks Joe. You can keep going."

"Why? You know how beautiful you are."

"It doesn't hurt to be reminded."

"Yes it does. What happened with the stud at the bar?"

"He knows he's handsome and successful and the greatest whatever he is alive."

"You didn't catch his profession?" asked Joe.

"Lawyer," both women spoke in unison, laughing.

"Sometimes I'd rather talk to a janitor. At least I might impress him beyond the looks."

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind," suggested Joe. The women thought that amusing. "But isn't confidence sexy? I mean I'm confused. First of all I'm not feeling confidant or happy or sociable, and this lovely sexy vision comes to me and sits with me and flirts shamelessly with me. And then the other vision joins her. I thought if a man isn't confidant and cocky, the girl doesn't look twice."

"You are confident, Joe," explained Debra. Laura nodded. "Maybe not cocky or aggressive or rude like most of the assholes here, but you're completely aware of your brilliance. You know you're smarter than the rest of us."


"Yes you do," said Laura. "And you are. But it's not a mean sort of confidence. In fact it's a so fucking what if I'm smarter, I'm just one of the guys so fuck you if it intimidates you sort of thing. Obviously you're ambitious or you wouldn't have picked us. But your ambition involves proving your worth, not stabbing people in the back like John. You don't need to move up by pushing people aside. Although I guess you probably have."

"I don't think so," said Debra. "If anyone in the firm or anywhere is as smart as Joe, it's Mr. Phillips. He knew who he hired. He needed Joe to grow the firm, to gain more prestige and clients and money. Joe's on a fast track."

"I hope I can keep up."

"See. It's sexy. True modesty is sexy," hummed Laura. "Of course you can."

"Indeed," murmured Debra. "Uhm ... Your place or mine?"

"I have a bigger bed I bet," Joe proclaimed, the alcohol lubing his tongue and his libido.

"A big man deserves a big bed," Debra intoned.

"I make a mean omelet too."

"Goddamnit!" spouted Laura.

"What?" asked Joe.

"You're perfect! Tall and handsome and smart and you can cook!"

Everyone laughed. Joe settled the bill with generous if unsolicited assistance from the two women. "I only paid for one drink tonight," reasoned Laura. He ended up leaving a hefty tip.

The three staggered humorously through the cold windy night the four blocks to Joe's apartment.

"An impressive bed," remarked Debra bouncing on it. She'd removed her jacket and shoes and started unbuttoning her blouse before realizing it wasn't time yet. "Oops," she giggled, leaving it half unbuttoned and exposing her ample and firm cleavage.

"Show off," spat her roommate.

"Regular or decaf?" asked Joe.

"Neither. A big glass of water. Do you have any aspirin?" asked Debra.

"Good idea," Joe agreed. He fetched a bottle.

"That's what I was talking about Joe," Debra began. "Laura's gorgeous, but God put all his efforts on her face and forgot the rest, and left her a very tall stick. At least that's her opinion."

"She's right Joe. Even my legs are too skinny and as endless as they are they should have been my second best part."

Joe struggled putting together the omelets. "Maybe I could use some coffee."

"No. Caffeine will impinge on the night," Debra spouted mysteriously. "Make some toast. It'll help sober you."

"Let me," said Laura, standing in the kitchen area looking for something to do. She leaned against Joe. "You're the perfect height," she cooed.

"Bagels in the keeper," Joe informed her, pressing against her briefly before pointing to a large drawer. He handed her a bread knife. She managed not slicing herself slicing them and popped them in the toaster oven.

"That's the cruel joke of us Joe," Debra continued. "She's got the face and I've got the body. She advertises and I'm the item to sell, except they get her."

"I think you're both beautiful," said Joe.

"Of course you do. Most don't. Let's show him what they're missing Laura."


They undressed. "Uh..."

"You don't mind?" asked Laura.

"I guess I don't." The women laughed. Neither wore bras. Neither needed them for two different reasons. Laura had little to hold and Debra's C cup breasts stood proud and strong. Her nipples elongated upwards in a sweeping arc. Laura's pointed straight ahead with more length and half the areolas of Debra. Her breasts dropped softly but formed a nice petite hemisphere at the bottoms. The softness matched her soft pale flesh, thin but not emaciated like the poor starving waif Marta had rescued recently.

Like her breasts, Debra's flesh appeared firm and strong with more color. She had a pronounced tummy but it didn't appear to be flabby in the least. Robust best described it and it suited her full shape when she removed her jeans and showed her strong healthy ass, a perfect counterpart to her breasts.

Both women wore tiny bikini panties stretched across Debra's sexy ass and looser on Laura. Again Laura's ass resembled her breasts, petite, a little loose but resilient at the base.

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The Benefit Dinner with Katy Perry

I’ve lived in LA for the past three years now as an aspiring screenwriter. Things have gone okay so far, mostly landing a few assistant director and second AD jobs and as of right now one of my screenplays is being considered for purchase by a major studio. But believe it or not, the highlight of my time in LA was last weekend, at a benefit dinner…I don’t want to bore you with details, so I’ll keep this short and sweet. Having worked on quite a few movie sets I had made friends with a lot...

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Made 8216Friends With Benefit8217 With A Girl At The Gym

Hello all. Let me introduce myself as this is my first story. This is Paritosh here. I am from Indore, M.P. Height 6 feet 3 inch, weight 90 kgs, age 25 years old. Well built with dick size 6 inch. Now lets come to the story. I was an active guy and has always been in sports like swimming, tennis. Now I started to build muscles. So I started to hit the gym on a regular basis since last 3 years. This story is about a girl whom I met in the gym and started dating. I ended up having sex a lot of...

3 years ago
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My Best Friend Becomes My Benefit Friend

Hi friends!! This I’m going to share story of mine. But before that thank you for giving so nice feedback. I’m really happy to get all yours message and I had good conversation with some people and also exchanged numbers. So if anyone interested to chat or enjoy sex can message me on my mail ID now coming to the story. As I told you that me and my girlfriend is very open to sex and want to explore different body and enjoy sex. I have a very close friend of mine name mansi. I even had a crush...

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Office Colleague Turns Into Friend With Benefit

Hello all of you!! I have been an avid reader of ISS past many years, and thought of writing about my experiences but somehow I managed to skip that all this time. However today I finally managed to let the world know about one such adventure. So guys and girls, hope that you enjoy my experience written below to satisfy your urge & yes please do not forget to send me your feedback / likes / queries & requests(Girls or Ladies who wish to have some fun with discretion) at I am about to tell you...

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The Benefit of a Storm

The Benefit of a Stormby Jena121© A dark and heavy cloud had hovered for days, although patches of sunlight appeared spontaneously through the short breaks. A pile of washing begging for me to attend can wait for now. What the hell it's Saturday, time for a coffee and read up on what's news.... I glance at the wall clock, and surprise myself by seeing that the morning is almost over, the dark skies disguising the time. Hell! I'd better get a move on or I won't get my housework done by this...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Unemployment Benefits Part II

Thursday had become my usual day off during the week. Saturday was my other day off, and these had also become my usual days for an early dinner or late lunch with the girls, as they insisted I call them. That Thursday, Lindsey and Belinda were supremely irritated with each other, sniping at each other four times in three minutes once they arrived at my table, and shortly after Lindsey went to use the facilities, Belinda said, “Sorry about that. She’s been riding my ass all day, and not in the...

Love Stories
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The Benefits Of Living A

I shut the laptop with slightly shaky hands. I was wet. Ridiculously so. I could feel my pussy lips smoosh against each other as I scooted back on the couch and replayed his words in my head. He always had this effect on me. It was just words on a screen, but without fail I'd find myself getting wet when he told me what he wanted to do to me. It wasn't everyone I talked to. Just him. He had a way.Most nights after I shut the computer down I'd head to bed and fall asleep after fucking myself...

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An employment change Chapter 5

Lisa has visions of pleasure with Andy taking her but Isobel tells her again that Andy likes to watch. Watch what she wonders and her question is answered when Isobel again begins to fondle her breasts and rub her clit. She returns the favour and soon they are kissing and fondle each other. Andy watches intently as the two women pleasure each other. “Lick my pussy” insists Isobel. Lisa hesitates. “I know this is a first for you darling. Just lick me like you like to be licked”. Lisa realises...

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An employment change Chapter 3

Lisa headed out of the office, corporate credit card burning a hole in her handbag. Taking a taxi to the shopping centre she thought about what was necessary to look sexy and please Barry, her boss. Lots of cleavage? Tick. Lots of leg? Tick. She looked in a few places but the clothes seemed rather mundane. Then she found a small shop tucked away in a corner. The front window looked promising but some of the clothes inside were, well, practically obscene. She looked through the racks and picked...

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An employment change Chapter 2

Barry, sorry Mr Anderson, and I went into the meeting room and met Mr Walter. He was a high flyer who Mr Anderson wanted to have him invest in a company he was representing. Probably late 40s, quite imposing, tall and well dressed. “Hello Mr Walter. Pleased you could make it to this meeting. My assistant, Lisa, is here to observe. I hope that is ok”. Mr Walter nodded and they got down to business. I was meant to just sit and listen. I had gotten some background in Barry’s company so I had an...

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An employment change

I am Marsha and this is my story of my rebirth. You may judge me, you may be disgusted or you may think I have taken the wrong path. The fact is I am very happy and it is you who have a problem. I was 22 and been dumped by yet another idiot boyfriend. I was having a habit of getting it wrong. No matter what I did or how hard I tried it was never enough. They wanted more. This latest one complained because I did not agree to anal sex. How can anyone think it is sexy to be fucked in the bum?...

2 years ago
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Summer EmploymentChapter 2 Elizabeth

I stood next to the car and drank my coffee while waiting for Mrs. Tucker. She appeared, dressed in a short summer skirt and tight top that accented her breasts. Not wanting to be berated by her sharp tongue, I lowered my eyes. Anyway, Tuck was with her. "What do you think of my young wife this morning, Victor?" Tuck asked from the backseat. "I picked out her outfit and made her wear it for you." I froze, not knowing if an answer to his question was required. Sneaking a look at them in...

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Summer EmploymentChapter 3 More Elizabeth

Missy met me at the back door with a coffee and my usual muffin in hand. "He didn't call, so I couldn't make it last night," she said, wistfully. I took the coffee and muffin from her, too stunned to know what to say. Why was she playing dumb? "That's okay. I know you would have come to the cottage if you could have." "Maybe tonight," she said, expectantly cheerful. "I hope so," I said, backing away. "Hey, aren't you going to check to see if I'm wearing panties this...

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Summer EmploymentChapter 5 Sloppy Seconds

It was a Saturday morning. The office should have been quiet, but for the first hour, I was so busy sorting the mail, delivering faxes, and dodging Trudy that I didn't have time to consider what I'd let Elizabeth talk me into. I kept telling myself that having one day off per week was not important. Elizabeth had conceded to give Missy Mondays off, to pay her for the days owed, and to let her visit me in the cottage three nights per week. I'd given up my day off for Missy. I only hoped...

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Summer EmploymentChapter 6 Elizabeth Tuck Missy

Elizabeth embraced our night together like it would surely be our last. She said she believed me when I told her that Tuck had endorsed our sleeping together. She was concerned that he wouldn't remember asking me to fuck the bitchiness out of his wife when he woke up the next morning. It was after two-thirty when I climbed in bed with her, and I dare say it was after three when I went to sleep. Elizabeth let me sleep until eight-thirty before I woke to find her sucking my cock. "I still...

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Summer EmploymentChapter 7 The Tucker Sisters

Elizabeth rode in the front seat on the way to work. We had her husband's permission to have sex, any time I wanted to fuck her, and there was no reason to keep up appearances. "Did Tuck remember giving me permission to fuck you any time I want?" I asked. "Yes," she said, grinning from ear to ear. "I woke him up this morning, and reminded him of what he'd said. Would you like to sneak down to the van at lunchtime, or do you want to wait until tonight to take advantage of your...

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Summer EmploymentChapter 8 Vera

I'd told Elizabeth to come to the cottage after dark, but when I heard a splash in the pool outside, I decided not to make her wait for me, even though it was barely dusk. I removed my clothes, went out and jumped in. She was waiting at the deep end. "What do you want?" she asked as I approached her. "I want the same as you," I said, attempting to kiss her. She pulled away from me, pretending to play hard to get. "It's unlikely that we have anything in common. You're my husband's...

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CSI Change of EmploymentChapter 1

Catharine Willows was the second most senior crime scene investigator in the Las Vegas CSI Division's night shift. She'd worked hard to turn her life around from her late teenage years and her early twenties when she'd been one of the hottest and best-known exotic dancers in Las Vegas. She'd finally managed to pull herself out of the strip club culture as she approached 30 and had made a successful career for herself in CSI. Catharine had found a career in crime scene investigation...

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CSI Change of EmploymentChapter 2

Catharine Willows' first night performing as an exotic dancer again after being out of the industry for a decade had turned out to be a night she would never forget. Very soon into her first performance, Catharine had begun to feel like she'd never left exotic dancing. By her third performance, she could feel her steps, her rhythm and the pacing of her gradual removal of her clothes and her titillation of her viewing audience all beginning to work together smoothly and achieving the desired...

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CSI Change of EmploymentChapter 3

Catharine Willows couldn't believe how wonderfully her exotic dancing career had taken off again. She had only been back on-stage a few weeks and already she was far more famous and more popular with the club audiences than she'd ever been in her earlier days of stripping for a crowd. She was loving how quickly her sexy reddish-blonde hair was growing and she had gotten it trimmed just a bit to help it look hot, but she intended to let it grow much longer than it had ever been while she...

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CSI Change of EmploymentChapter 4

Catharine Willows tried to relax a little after her first performance that evening, but it was hard when she was so turned on and sexually frustrated. She knew the evening's dance sets were only going to take her even higher in her sexual needs to get off. Catharine thought about getting one of the other strippers, Lydia, a known bisexual, to go in one of the spare rooms in the back of the building and have sex with her. She got up from her dressing table, and walked over to where the sexy...

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CSI Change of EmploymentChapter 5

That night with Gil Grissom had changed Catharine Willows life in unexpected directions. She had never expected to see her former CSI boss there in the crowd as she did her exotic dance routines at the Maverick Club. She certainly never expected her own deep-held secret sexual fantasies about Gil to actually come anywhere close to becoming a reality. And, Catharine had to admit to herself that she'd never expected to have the chance to fuck Gil, much less to do it there in the club after one...

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CSI Change of EmploymentChapter 6

The aftermath of Catharine's all-night fuck session with Gil Grissom hadn't been what she might have expected. Yes, she and Gil had fucked that night until they were both exhausted. But, it was not the beginning of a serious romantic or even lustful sexual relationship; Gil Grissom was far too complex for something like that to develop, even with a woman as hot as Catharine. He'd be around again; she felt sure of it, but for now, Catharine was free to pursue her own life and her new-found...

1 year ago
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Employment Conditions II

Dorothy got a late call Tuesday afternoon from Tania to report to the president's office after work. She swore silently, why after work now? Wasn't it bad enough during working hours? Tania wore a mischievous smile as she led her into the president's inner office. She thought she knew the reason the sadistic woman was smiling. The whip was her way of venting her frustration with not being his favorite. A well-dressed woman in her forties sitting at the president's desk surprised her. "Thank you...

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Employment Conditions I

"My name is Sonja, I haven't seen you before?" "I'm Dorothy, no I've just been hired. You?" "In here? Many times, It's the only way you can keep your job with this company and there is a depression out there, so you submit." They were both handcuffed side by side to a bar on a wall, forcing them to bend over displaying their naked rear charms to the room. "I work in the mail room and the personal manager told me when I was hired that these sessions with senior management were compulsory. He...

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Friends with benefits The girl next door

Introduction: This is the first story Ive written in a while. Its 100% true apart from our names. Please leave comments below and rate the story. Thank you. This is how I got my friend with benefits&hellip,. Ive always wanted a friend with benefits, but I never thought it would be so easy to find one. Im Ryan, Im 16 years old and I live in England. My life is fairly boring, Im not hugely popular and Im a virgin. My best friend is Sam who lives down my road and is three years younger than me....

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Adventures in Swinging Ch 04 Friends With Benefits

Ron and Charlotte seemed like a perfect match for us. They were around our age, lived fairly nearby, and had little swinging experience. He was handsome, fit, and bald – Kathleen’s favorite traits. She was very cute, petite, and had a beautiful smile and gorgeous eyes – my favorite traits. When we exchanged messages online, they seemed intelligent, honest, and genuine. In our lengthy search for “friends with benefits,” they seemed almost seemed too good to be true.As attractive as Charlotte...

Wife Lovers
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Friends with benefits Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

It was a lazy morning, I was sipping cola when my phone vibrated, someone had pinged me on Instagram. The notification flashed on my screen. Alex had sent me a ‘hey’, I jumped on my seat, my heartbeat pace increased. Numerous questions were popping in my head all at once, ‘why would he text me?’, ‘he might want something from me!’. ‘But what can he want?’, I push back all my thoughts and try to think of what to do next. I don’t want to text him instantly, that would show him my eagerness....

Real Hookup
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Friends With Benefits2

Around the beginning of year 11, a girl named Jess transferred to our school. She was incredibly pretty, easy to get along with, quite the tomboy, and had no problems getting physical with guys. She wasn’t a virgin, but certainly didn’t sleep around. She didn’t really like the popular groups, so started hanging around with me and a few of my friends. Soon everyone was after her, and who could blame her, she was about 5’4” had long brown hair, a firm ass, and about a 32D size bra. She was...

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First time experimenting with anothery hand jobs and blow jobs at age 12

If you’ve read another of my true stores, you will already know a tad about me. If not, Hi! My name’s Josh, I’m an actor and I live in the south of England. You will probably also know that I like to detail my stories very much, so it may seem very long but if you want the full benefit of it I do suggest you read all of it (if you can last!) I was 12 at the time of this story, and so was my best friend, Cameron, who this story involves. I didn’t think I was gay. Neither did he. In fact I...

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Friends With Benefits0

Friends With Benefits Tammy is not your typical girl next door. She is fourteen years old, just a little bit heavy, and she wears glasses and braces. Her face is okay but nothing to write home about. Even her hair sucks since her mother messed with it. I am also fourteen but unlike Tammy I am fairly good looking from what I’ve been told. Tammy and I have been friends since the day we were born. Our mothers were in the hospital at the same time but I am two days older than Tammy...

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A return to Js nanother true story

Here I am back at “J’s” the Guy that took my anal virginity.I have used his bathroom and ensured I am squeaky clean were it matters.Today he already has a friend staying with him so I know I will be busy. ”S” is his name and I know they have been friends and fuck partners for many years so they know what they want and how to get it.It starts the second I enter the bedroom I am encouraged to get on my knees and I am presented with two cocks to suck on. I opt for “J’s” as it is almost 10” long...

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