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Two Moms, Two Laps, Two Hours

"Harold, this is crazy! We're never going to fit all that in the car."

I had to agree with Mom on this one. We were shutting down the summer cabin early, and as usual, it meant bringing home lots of gear that had migrated there during our multiple 'mini-vacations'. Unfortunately, Dad's workload had exploded with a new contract, and it was unlikely we'd get back out to the house again that summer.

This season we'd accumulated more than ever. The coolers with all the game meat were the main culprits. We'd planned on the wild pig hunt earlier in the summer, but had to reschedule twice, due to weather. Mom and Aunt Marie had conniption fits when they found out we'd be hunting on the last day of our vacation. After a bit they settled down and gave in. Mom was a big believer in 'male bonding'. Dad and I didn't do enough together, other than watch football part of the year, by her way of thinkin'. We'd taken up hunting two years back, and even though it was pricey as hobbies go, it turned out to be good for us. It brought us closer, and though we were usually all business during the hunt, we opened up a good bit during our outings. Truth is, it was kind of cool.

My cousin Colin had never really known his real father, and had never been close with either of his two step-fathers, neither of which were in the picture any more. Aunt Marie welcomed any opportunity for him to hang out with other men. Besides, I think she kinda liked the old man. You can't blame her, he's pretty good as Dad's go, if a little ultra-conservative on occasion.

In the end they let us 'he-men' go with their blessings, insisting that we prove ourselves as 'providers' and bring home the bacon. Literally. In the mean time they'd keep the cave clean, and work on polishing off some of the fermented brew. We'd been derelict in our duties, and they had a good bit of work ahead of them, at least in the drinking arena.

We headed out well before dawn to a local orchard where the owner was having problems with herds of feral pigs. It was my first time hunting hogs, and Colin's first time hunting, period. We'd had him practicing out back on the property, chewing our way through a mess of ammunition. Another manly thing the Mom's thankfully approved of. But the play time was over. Big leagues now. We had no idea what to expect.

If you've never gone wild pig hunting, there's no way I could do it justice in a few paragraphs, never mind an entire novel. It's beyond description. We had the time of our lives. We killed wild b**sts, dragged their massive carcasses across fields, skinned and cleaned them, and all in all felt pretty damn good about ourselves. Nothing like killing critters, especially big mean ones that could tear you open in seconds, to get a man's testosterone and adrenaline pumping. I swear, after one particular episode I could practically feel my voice deepening, my chest hair growing, and my dick swinging free, half-way to my knee.

If any of you 'men' have got some kind of deep-seated issue with me killin' stuff, as far as I'm concerned you can just pull up your panties, shave your goatee, and move to France, ya damn wusses.

Ladies with issues? Understood. It's a man thing. Come sit on my lap, and I'll explain everything. Heh. (It's an inside joke, never mind.)

The day had been incredible, to say the least. We'd harvested eight all told, and spent more time cleanin' them than we had hunting. We'd filled two large coolers to the brim, and still left most of the meat with the property owner. The farmer was pleased as could be with our results. The pig issue was becoming a huge problem, causing massive crop damage and ground erosion. He welcomed us to come back any time, and clear out as many as we possibly could. Dad shook his hand, and told him we might take him up on that.

We were exhausted yet exhilarated. Colin had killed one ferocious boar that weighed in around 200 lbs, and I'd shot a trophy sow that easily exceeded our 250 lb scale. We'd worked our asses off dragging the pigs back to the Jeep, and learning to skin, gut and butcher a hog bigger than me turned out to be a supremely time-consuming and messy effort. I was never more appreciative of that winch on our Jeep. Dad knew what he was doing, and had all the tools we needed. I'm sure he could have finished it in half the time, but our learning was a big part of the process. Dad always took pride in teaching me, and I appreciated it, even if I didn't say so very often.

The sun was hanging low in the sky by the time we made it back to the cabin, which put a damper on our excitement. We were late getting back, and knew it would be a lot later before we got out of there, with at least a 2 hour drive ahead of us before we got home.

Turns out things weren't all that bad. Aunt Marie and Mom had finished up most of the packing and a stupidly large pile of gear was stacked in the car-port, ready for loading. We backed the Jeep in and found the sisters parked on the front porch, beers in hand.

Colin ran over, still completely stoked over his first hunting trip, but before we were 10 seconds into our story we were cut off.

Mom was holding her nose, and pointing to the lake. "Go! In the lake, clothes and all. Now!"

Aunt Marie was no better. "Lord, y'all stink! You're filthier than those pigs you claimed to be hunting. Harold, I gave you my handsome boy and you returned this?"

Dad laughed. "This young MAN shot a 200 lb boar with 5 inch tusks that could tear you wide open faster than you could say 'Woo pig sooie!'" He put his big old meaty hand on the back of Colin's neck and gave him a squeeze. I saw Colin wince. I knew that squeeze well. I'd suffer it happily. It was the closest thing to affection we men are allowed to share.

Ten minutes later we were swimming/bathing off of our dock, with the Moms parked on the end, listening to our tales while still working on their beers. I suspected they'd had more than a few. It was easy enough to see they were feeling no pain.

To hear Colin tell it, we'd killed Hogzilla, and needed a backhoe to drag it back for cleanin'. Dad shed some reality on the stories, but our Moms were happy we'd had a good day, and were clearly pleased with Colin's contagious excitement in particular.

Alright, I'm gonna throw this out there, even though a lot of y'all are gonna think me perverted or something. Try to be open-minded.

Aunt Marie is hot. Her ex-es must have been some stupid sumbitches.

There. I said it. And don't judge me until you've seen her.

If Mom wasn't, well, Mom, it'd be pretty easy to put her in the same category. Hell, except for their boobs and butts, they could almost have been twins. Come to think of it, they are - Irish twins at least, born only about 11 months apart.

They were both wearing bikinis which they had selected to best emphasize their most noteworthy features. They were obviously sisters, with much the same build, and nearly identical features. Aunt Marie had been considerably more blessed when the boob fairy made her appearance, but Mom had the whole package, including the most perfect ass in the free world. Don't believe me? Ask Dad. He pointed it out in the first place.

Aunt Marie's bikini top was barely able to contain her enormous bounty, and for a woman closer to 40 than 30, they stood up firm and proud, defying age and gravity.

Mom's bikini on the other hand, while nicely encasing her more-than-worthy breasts, emphasized her amazing hips and ass. It was small in the back, showing a lot of cheek, which some might have considered overdoing it a bit, with only family around. I personally thought it was a generous gift to all of mankind, to keep those bodacious cheeks on full display.

Bodacious. That was Dad's word for them. Funny the things guys talk about as they get older. Especially while huntin' with all the testosterone pumpin'. Who ever thought my Dad would brag about Mom's bodacious ass? To me?

The ladies where making us scrub some of the filth off our clothes, passing them out piece by piece. We were developing a nice little pile of wet clothing, which may not have been clean, but was a whole lot better than it had started.

Mom got up and took her cover-up off, but before she could jump in, I stopped her. "Mom! Wait!"

"What?" she asked peevishly.

"I, uh - I'm naked in here."

Colin chimed in, "Me too, Aunt Alice."

Mom rolled her eyes and glared at the old man.

Dad laughed. "Hey! Don't blame me. I'm not the one going commando. Looks like you and your sister's bad habits are rubbing off."

Mom blushed mightily, but Aunt Marie just grinned. Mom dug into the tote bag she'd brought down to the water, and came up with a couple of pair of boxers she tossed to Colin and I. Once I noticed that Aunt Marie was getting ready to get in the water too, I almost wished I hadn't said anything. Hell, let's be honest, there was no 'almost' about it.

After a bit they joined us, and we splashed around playfully. Dad was the first to retreat from the cold lake water, and he made his way to the house to get dressed and start the winterizing and car loading.

Mom and Aunt Marie were always competitive, mostly in a good-natured way. Parties, outfits, dinners, hair-dressers, bargain hunting, everything between them seemed to be some kind of competition. To hear the family tell it, they had always competed over everything since they were k**s.

That day was no different and they were soon talking about chicken-fights. We'd done a lot of that the previous summer, and before much longer Mom was up on my shoulders and Aunt Marie was on Colin's, each trying to knock the other one off. Mom was giving me grief, threatening physical injury, grounding, and even starvation if we didn't win.

Like I said, competitive. Especially where her younger sister was involved. So I kinda cheated. Just a little.

I'm about 4 inches taller than Colin, so moving out into water that was just a little deeper gave me an unfair advantage. When the water was almost up to his neck, I turned and forced him backwards. After one step his mouth was at the water line, and after just a few seconds of tussling, and my blocking his way back into shallower water, he was choking. He coughed, turned sideways and started walking away, his mother sliding backwards off his shoulders. Mom grabbed Aunt Marie by the shoulders, leaning over and almost dunking me. She was fighting hard, and her legs were nearly cutting off my circulation, her chest pushing my head almost into the water. When I stood back upright, Mom was crowing over her victory, and I looked up to see Aunt Marie struggling to get back onto Colin's shoulders, half drowning him. It was a few moments before I realized she was topless.

Mom was laughing, waving the bikini top around in the air, while Aunt Marie finally straightened up and covered herself with her hands. "Alice! You rotten little cheat!"

I was walking toward them, for a better look, when Mom threw the top back to her from a few feet away. "You know you love it, Em," Mom laughed. "It's not like you've ever missed an opportunity to show 'em off. Can't say I might not do the same if I had puppies like those."

Aunt Marie struggled to put the top back on, precariously poised on Colin's shoulders. Poor boy. Missed the whole show. And a hell of a show it was. Getting dressed again put her breasts completely on display for me. Her areola were dark and huge, at least 3 inches across, covering half her breast. The cold water had her nipples hard and puckered. They stood out nearly 1/2 an inch, near as big at the tip of my pinky, and begging for attention. I knew it would be a while before I'd be able to get out of the water without embarrassing myself, in spite of the cold.

"Show 'em off? In front of your son? That's pretty outrageous even for you," Aunt Marie answered, tucking her breasts back into her tiny top. "All talk and no action, I'm thinkin'." Even inside her bikini her big nipples poked out deliciously, screaming for more personal attention.

"Jeremy can't see nothin'," Mom teased, "just like poor Colin didn't get to see your big ol' titties bouncin' around." She was wiggling around, and I saw Colin's wide-eyed reaction. "There, now we're even. Both boys got an eyeful. Feelin' better?"

"Jesus, Alice! Put that back on before Harold sees you. That's all I need to hear about on the ride back. You get wild, and I get the blame."

"Spoilsport. Who's all talk now?" I had tilted my head back and was trying to catch just a little view of what the commotion was all about. I had a quick glimpse of Mom's tits, her nipples pink and erect, when she thumped me on the head. "Eyes ahead, Jeremy."

Caught. Damn it.

After the excitement, we all headed back to shore and dried off best we could, before we'd start helping Dad load up the vehicle.

I still had visions of Aunt Marie's amazing boobage on my brain. It was like sunspots; I just couldn't shake it. Of course it didn't help when she snuck up on me, and put me in a head lock, while I was drying off. Getting my face smashed into her breast was too strong a reminder of what I'd just seen.

I love my Aunt Marie. As far as sister's go, she's definitely the fun one. She's doted on me and spoiled me for as long as I remember. She'd always tussled with me, and it still drew Dad's ire that we'd never outgrown it. She had a way of talking to me, when I was younger, that made me feel older, more mature. When things got hairy, I'd sometimes call her and talk it out with her. She was a great listener.

But in the last few years, especially since she split up with husband number three and spent so much time around us, I couldn't help but notice her as a woman. Give me a break, she was ridiculously sexy. You'd feel the same in my shoes. Trust me on this one.

Mom, on the other hand had always been the stable one, the reasonable one, the conservative one. Aunt Marie would show up at our house in Daisy Duke's and a halter top. Mom? Mom dressed like a Mom. Aunt Marie would sneak me a beer, Mom would ground me for having alcohol on my breath. Mom set a 10 o'clock curfew on my dates, even as a senior. Aunt Marie made sure I had a rubber.

Don't get me wrong. Mom was a great mom, and I loved my family like nobody's business. But every boy should have an Aunt Marie in his life.

The head lock was too much. I scooped her up in my arms, and motor-boated her cleavage. She laughed hysterically.

Unfortunately, Mom, who was only about 5 feet away, unbeknownst to me, didn't see it the same way.

"Jeremy! Stop that!" She spoke sharply, through clenched teeth.

The sound of her voice froze me in place, then I set my Aunt carefully down. You could see the tears in her eyes from laughing so hard.

"She started it," I argued weakly.

"And you think that's the appropriate way to end it? With your aunt?"

Aunt Marie tried to come to my rescue. "It's a boob day, Sissy. No big deal. You said so yourself."

Mom was caught. "Alright. I get it. Playin' around. But think, Jeremy. What if your father walked up when you were doing that? What then?"

"He'd have to wait his turn," I quipped. Sometimes my mouth moved faster than my brain.

Mom stared at me, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. She finally just glared at Aunt Marie shaking her finger at her. "You! You're a bad influence." Then she stomped away.

Aunt Marie almost choked holding back her laughter. "I can't believe you sometimes, Jeremy. You're so like your father at your age, it scares me."

"Like Dad?"

"He was just as impetuous, mouthy and confident as you. Jesus, he was something." She had a far off look in her eye. "Your Mom won that one, I'll give her that much."

I put my arm around my diminutive aunt's narrow waist, and tugged her along. "We better get going, no telling what Mom would think we're up to, if we linger longer."

"No telling what we'd get up to either," she teased, goosing me.

"Aunt Marie!" I said, jumping.

"Just keeping you on your toes," she laughed, running away from me so I couldn't exact my revenge. Rotten thing.

* * *

The Jeep Wrangler Rubicon is a decent-sized vehicle. But in this case, not even close to big enough.

"It'll never all fit," Mom continued to argue.

"It'll fit. It's like a puzzle, we just have to find the right combination," Dad argued.

But Mom was right. Five adults and a pile of gear nearly 6 feet high was too much for the old Jeep.

Aunt Marie was the first to suggest collapsing the seat behind the driver. "It'll be a tight squeeze, but maybe we can get the rest in. You'll have to sit three up front and two in back. Someone's going to have to ride on the console."

"Damn it!" Dad growled, re-adjusting some of the gear in the rear. "Nobody's going to be able to sit on the console for over 2 hours."

Mom had a different solution. One I never would have expected to hear from her. "I can sit on Jeremy's lap," she suggested. "If he gets too tired we can take a break, and Colin and Marie can take the front seat."

We were still walking around half-dressed, although I had a t-shirt on with my boxers, and the sisters both had cover-ups, which mostly covered up. Still, looking over at Mom dressed in her bikini, and thinking about her sitting on my lap for 2 hours was a little disturbing. Had to keep my thoughts calm. The boxers wouldn't do a very good job of camouflaging my excitement if things got any worse down there.

Dad grunted, and we tried out Aunt Marie's solution. We soon realized that even with the seat behind the driver collapsed, we still had a lot of gear outside. He was struggling to squeeze the largest suitcase sideways between the front seats, resting on the console, while leaving enough room to access the gear shifter. Even that was a poor fit, pushing the soft top upward to the point where it looked like it might tear.

It was obvious to everyone but my obstinate father, we still weren't going to make it. "Fuck it!" Dad growled. "Let's just leave some of this crap behind, and we'll get it in a couple of weeks."

Now I knew he was getting frustrated. He rarely swore.

Aunt Marie struggled to be the voice of reason. "C'mon Harold, I think we're almost there. If we lay down the other seat in back, instead, I think it'll fit."

I tried to be helpful. "The night's warm. We could ride with the top down. Stack things a little higher. And the suitcase will fit then."

Dad looked tired. It had been a long day. We'd been up since 4:00 a.m. "That seat behind mine is barely wide enough to fit one person, never mind two."

Aunt Marie wasn't giving up. "I guess the boys will just have to suffer through two hours of having their Moms sit on their laps. It'll save you wasting a full day coming back here in a couple of weeks, not to mention a $100 worth of gas." She turned to me and Colin. "Y'all reckon your legs can survive two old ladies sitting on 'em for a couple of hours?"

Maybe it was just the beers talking. The idea seemed beyond crazy to me. I mean, Aunt Marie was always teasing, but this was a new extreme. Especially since Mom would be involved too. But Mom and Aunt Marie seemed to think it the most natural solution in the world.

Colin, on the other hand, seemed to be even more shocked by the concept than me. He kept looking back and forth between our mothers, the mere idea of what they were talking about short-circuiting his brain.

I might as well mention it here, since we're not holding anything back. Colin's got it bad for Mom. I'm not sure what it is, but it's undeniable. He tries to hide it, but in one weak drunken moment, he confessed it all to me. He'd spied on her several times, hell, he'd practically worn a path through the bushes to her bedroom window. He was always snapping pictures of her on his phone, like we couldn't tell what he was up to. He even asked if I had any naked pictures of her. Right. Like I'd share them with him if I did?

It was kind of a family inside joke, but I don't think anyone but me understood just how bad a crush he had on Mom.

As you can imagine, this discussion had him breaking out in a cold sweat.

Mom rubbed her hand in my hair. "Whaddaya say, Jeremy? It won't be that bad. We can take a break if it gets too uncomfortable or your legs fall asleep."

My mouth was as dry as the west Texas wind when I finally agreed. "Sure. We'll be fine. It's not like you're Mrs. Wilson." Mrs. Wilson was our 250 lb VERY friendly neighbor. She'd tried to sit on my lap on the front porch, once. It was a disaster of epic proportions, worthy of its own tale. But not right now.

Aunt Marie giggled. "Hardly. I don't think the two of us combined could make one of her." She was right of course. Mom was a fanatic about her weight, dieting like crazy any time the scale inched over 110 lbs. Aunt Marie might have had her by a few pounds, most of that filling out her bikini top at the moment. The image of her naked tits flashed before my eyes. Damn. I looked at her chest again, trying to make out her protruding nipples. Rats. I guess she'd warmed up.

"It's settled then. Let's get this show on the road," Mom said.

It took another 10 minutes to unload the one side, and reload the other. Somehow, barely, we got it all inside, although we struggled to close the rear passenger door. We reorganized a few things, so the top items wouldn't blow away in the wind now that the top was down, and tied them down so they wouldn't shift too much during the drive. It was getting dark, and we knew it would be late by the time we made it home. Mom and Aunt Marie had finished off the last of their beers, while Colin and I had long ago emptied the one each we were allowed. Dad, on the other hand, was still working on a Red-Bull, looking to stay awake and alert for the long drive ahead.

With the vehicle fully packed it became obvious how crowded the backseat would be. There was almost no leg room, and the space was narrower than either front seat. Mom and Aunt Marie were whispering to one side, and then Mom came forward. "So, who will it be, Colin? You want your Mom back there with you, or would you rather have me sit on your lap for a couple of hours?"

Damn, Mom! Tease the boy much? He'd probably have a brain aneurysm if she kept it up.

It turned out Dad had serious issues in that department.

"I think these boys are a little too old to have their momma's sitting in their laps for that long," he said in his 'and-that's-final' tone.

"But it's Ok for their aunt's to sit on their laps?" Mom asked pointedly.

"Hell. I don't like any of this, but given those two options, I'd say yeah. It's better for their aunt to sit on their lap."

Mom rolled her eyes at him, but she knew him as well as I did. Hell, who am I k**ding? She knew him a whole lot better. This one was a lost cause. She could argue 'til she was blue in the face, but he wasn't going to budge on this issue. Dad was like that. Mom got her way better than 95% of the time, but on those rare occasions that he had his mind made up about something, you'd be better off waiting for the Mississippi to start flowing north than him changing his mind.

Aunt Marie stayed out of the line of fire, and waited for them to come to a decision. Sexy and smart. Dad didn't say a word, he just stood there with that dark look on his face, and his arms crossed.

Like I said, Mom knows Dad, what makes him tick, and how to play him. After just a few seconds, we watched her walk over to him, and put her hands on his arm. "Of course, Dear. I'm sure you know best about these kinds of things. They're not little boys anymore." She tugged his arm and got him walking with her, away from the rest of us, while they chatted back and forth. It didn't look like they were arguing at all, but when they turned back toward us, Mom was wearing that grin of hers that told me she figured she'd forfeited that battle, but was winning the war.

Aunt Marie was standing near me and when they walked away she put her arm around my waist. "You don't mind too much if I sit on your lap, do you Jeremy? I'll try not to make it too uncomfortable for you."

I turned to my Aunt and put my hands under her arms. I lifted her up, getting her to squeal softly, while I gave her a little shake. "Heck, I figure you can't way much more than 150. That shouldn't be any problem."

Aunt Marie glared at me, smacking me on the arm. "150! You take that back! I don't weigh a pound over 110."

"Really? Mom weighs about 110, and I'm pretty certain you have her by a good 20 lbs or so." I gave her another little shake for emphasis, which set her breasts to swaying, hypnotizing me.

In reality, other than their breasts and butts, they were so similar in size and shape it was unlikely their weight varied by more than a few ounces. But Aunt Marie was just too easy to tease. And she had it coming.

"20 pounds!" she shrieked. "Do I look like I weigh 20 lbs more than Alice? Really?"

Mom and Dad were approaching and it only took Mom seconds to see what was up. "Jeremy! Stop teasing your old aunt. There's no way that she's more than 10 pounds heavier than me."

Aunt Marie turned to glare at my Mom, but when she saw that we were all grinning, she stammered over her accusations, and finally turned back and poked me in the chest. "You're going to pay for that one, buster."

"I know. Believe me, I know. Thanks to Dad, I'll be paying for at least 2 hours. Damn 20 extra pounds. You need to lay off the Twinkies."

She smacked me again, this time pretty hard. I know she left a hand mark on my arm for a good bit.

"Alright Colin, why don't you join me up front, and we can load up," Mom announced.

Dad looked apoplectic. "Certainly you're not going to ride home in your bathing suits?"

Mom look surprised. "God, I can't believe we almost forgot. Riding two hours in these wet suits would be miserable. I'm chafing already. Marie, where'd we put the bag with the travel outfits?"

Aunt Marie wore a look of apprehension, before turning to the car. I saw her sigh in relief as she found the tote bag was actually accessible. She struggled for a second to get it loose, then climbed out of the vehicle, bag held high in victory. "Got it."

Mom passed us clothes to wear on the ride home, and she and Aunt Marie moved into the house to change. While they were gone, Colin and I quickly changed into the outfits she'd held out for us. Just a pair of knit shorts and a t-shirt, but way more comfortable than 2 hours of sitting in wet clothing. We were already wearing the boxers, and they were still wet, so they had to go. Truth is, we went commando most of the summer, so it wasn't all that unusual. I personally liked the freedom; I hated encasing the 'boys' in anything tight.

Mom and Aunt Marie showed up just a couple of minutes later, wearing large baggy t-shirts that reached halfway down their thighs. Mom posed for Dad, lifting the edge of her shirt, displaying some God-awful ugly colored shorts. "Better now?"

Colin and I both gave our Ok's. Dad had changed into sweats earlier so he was already set. "That's a little more reasonable," Dad grudgingly admitted. "Let's load up."

The back seat was narrow with the passenger side down. I climbed in, and took a minute to push and tug at the boxes and suitcases next to me, until I had a bit of shoulder room, and a place to rest my arm. Aunt Marie waited patiently, then carefully maneuvered her way in, tucking her t-shirt under her bottom, while we experimented with what worked best for our legs. In the end she sat with her legs outside mine. I was uncomfortable with my legs pressed together, so I opened my knees about a foot, my feet still together. It resulted in pressing Aunt Marie's legs apart, one up against the door, one against the suitcase wedged in between the front seats. Not the most dainty of positions. It gave me a nice view of a lot of smooth bare thigh.

After Dad completed one last check of the house, he climbed in and started up the engine. "Alright, the end of another great summer. Hell of a last day, huh boys?"

I was caught for a second, wondering if he was talking about the current situation, but Colin recovered faster. "No k**ding. We gotta do some more of that pig hunting. That was friggin' intense."

"I'll say," I added, so it wouldn't seem like I was too distracted. Not that I didn't have every right to be. Aunt Marie might not have Mom's 'bodacious' ass, but it felt pretty incredible, pressed against my lap.

The property road was rough, and even off the lane, the main road was still unimproved for the first several miles. It was one of the reason's we'd bought the Jeep Rubicon in the first place. Not the smoothest ride in the world, but it took to off-roading like a pig to mud.

The interior was loud. With the top off, the wind made things noisy and Dad was cranking his classic rock, which thanks to Sirius, he never had to do without.

I think my Aunt and I both understood this was a good bit beyond our typical play. She'd sat in my lap before, watching a movie at home, but this wasn't the same. Not by a long shot. We were in our own little private cocoon, and barely clothed.

Dad pulled out very slowly, and I tried to find a comfortable place for my arms and hands. I finally rested them carefully on her legs, about mid thigh. "Is this Ok?" I asked.

I expected some laughing response, but she just put her hands over mine, sliding them a bit higher. "Nervous?" she asked me.

"A little."

"Don't worry. We'll be fine. I trust you."

My fingers were slowly sliding along her skin, the smooth soft silkiness of her inner thigh. We reached the end of the open driveway, and Dad sped up a bit, as we disappeared into the trees.

Almost immediately we hit a big bump which killed any ideas of propriety we might have had. She bounced across my lap with a squeal, hitting the door hard, her shirt twisting under her. My hands reached out, grabbing one thigh way too high under normal circumstances, and struggling to keep her from falling into the foot-well. Her t-shirt slid almost up to her chest, during a second almost equally bad bounce, and she was lying on her back in my lap, her legs pointed at the ceiling, her knee practically giving me a black eye.

My eyes were drawn between her legs. She wasn't wearing shorts. Hell, she was barely wearing panties. I don't know if Dad would think this was better than bathing suits.

Aunt Marie gasped, struggling to sit upright, and I tried to help, when the next bad bounce turned her sideways on my lap, and I had to grab her butt to stop her from sliding off of me. I gripped her rear tightly, fighting to keep her in place, and miraculously we got her seated again.

Thanks to the panties she was wearing, that grip was more skin then cloth. I didn't want to ever let go.

She had her hands and feet braced against anything she could find, and stared at me with real surprise. I reached forward and pulled her shirt around, where it had gotten twisted, and straightened it out so it covered her pretty little panties again. The bouncing was continuous but manageable for the moment. I held her shirt tail in my hand and on a bigger bounce, quickly slid it under her butt.

"There. Back to PG-13," I teased.

We both started giggling, and she laughed out loud when she was launched, landing hard on my lap.

We tried to settle down. It was a hopeless task. Every few seconds another dastardly road blemish sent us ricocheting off of our surroundings. More than once I had to push the baggage aside to prevent us from getting buried. We were giggling like k**s, struggling to get positioned over and over again, limbs flying everywhere. It was more than a little exciting, with my Aunt's chest obviously unencumbered by a bra, and like to put my eye out on a couple of occasions.

During a brief interlude of near smoothness, Aunt Marie leaned a bit toward the door and twisted her torso, looking at me. "Hang onto me, Jeremy. I don't want you guys to have to recover my broken body after I get ejected from this wild ride." She had her mouth inches from my ear, and I still could barely hear her.

I slid my left arm between her and the door, while my right arm encircled her waist. I tugged her in close. I gave her side a little squeeze, pinching imaginary love handles through her shirt.

"I take it back. No more than 5 lbs difference."

She elbowed me. "Stop it. You're just being mean now."

We hit a particularly bad rut in the road, and we were both thrown toward the middle of the car. I tried to hang onto her, but her arms and legs were flailing, and almost clocked me. I caught a breast flush in the face, and instinctively opened my mouth, clamping on for a moment, until the momentum dragged her away from me.

"Harold!" Mom yelled. "Slow down before you get us killed! Another bump like that last one, and if I don't get hurled out of the car, your nephew's going to learn a lot more about his aunt's anatomy than is proper."

Dad finally slowed down, and probably none too soon. That last lurch left Aunt Marie's legs spread-eagle in the air, and I found myself clutching her to my chest, one hand on her breast, and the other gripping the inside of her thigh just a hair's breadth from her crotch. Her shirt had crawled up past her waist again, and looking down I got a really good look at those panties. Tiny pink ones, with an embroidered red heart and the word 'Me' written in girly cursive below. Heart Me. I'm sure you can understand how that resulted in an immediate change in my status below the waist.

I don't know how long Aunt Marie let me grope her like that, but she eventually peeled my hand off of her thigh, and pulled her shirt down enough to cover her bottom. She reached for my other hand, loosened the death grip I had on her tit, and sat back upright. She smiled at me, as she put my hand back on her breast, patting it softly. I gave her a little squeeze. She moved her lips next to my ear. "Boob day."

That set us to giggling again, and I gave her tit a nice long feel. She put her hand on mine again, "Gentle, Ok? And this stays between us."

"I'll be gentle," I assured her. "I'll be anything you want me to be."

She smiled. "Do you like my panties? I wore them special for you."

"I love them. And I do."


"I do love you."

She moved her mouth to my ear. "It's not about that kind of love. Know what I mean?"

I nodded mutely, while I struggled with the agony of my cock hardening while still bent in half. She must have noticed my discomfort. "Am I too heavy?" she asked, sounding serious for once.

I know I blushed. "Not at all. You feel great." I told her. "Maybe a little too good." I confessed.

She raised her eyebrows, and then grinned hugely. "Jeremy Daniels! Are you getting a hard-on for your aunt?" Her mouth was inches from my ear, and I could feel her breath. It wasn't helping the situation.

"Sorry. Didn't mean for it to happen," I answered lamely.

She was still wearing that silly grin. "Don't be sorry. It's a nice compliment. Makes me feel all gooey down there. Do you need to adjust yourself?"

I nodded, and sighed in relief when she lifted her hips off of me. I straightened myself out, pointing it straight upward, toward my belly. Aunt Marie lowered herself, then wiggled her butt against me, a lot more than was necessary, so that my shaft was resting in her butt cleavage.

The whole boob thing was no longer my main concern. The road was still rough, and I held her by the hips, so she wouldn't bounce away on the deeper ruts. Dad's slowing down made it manageable. Our playfulness had fallen by the wayside, and we sat quietly for a while. Each bump would lift her up, and my arms would pull her back down, rubbing against my raging hard-on. I realized I was no longer pulling her straight down, but I'd ease her forward and slide her back, each time we lost contact.

Aunt Marie had one hand on the door handle, and the other pressed against her chest, to keep her overactive tits moderately under control. I could tell I wasn't the only one getting worked up. She was actively playing along, rolling her hips, wedging me deeper in her crack.

I was going nuts.

Aunt Marie seemed to understand my predicament. I'll say that for a woman who was nearly 40 years old, she was pretty darn flexible. She twisted around, and pressed her mouth to my ear again.

"We're being a little naughty, don't you think?"

"Too naughty?" I asked, hoping she'd say no.

"It's a little much. You're driving me crazy, baby."

Driving her crazy? "Me too." A sudden bump lifted her up, and I tried to be more careful about how I brought her back down. "God, you feel good."

She gave me a little kiss. "And you feel big. Really big. When did my little nephew grow up so damn much?"

Yet another bump had me moan, as I felt the pressure of her ass slide along my shaft. That one was all her doing.

"Listen sugar. We've got a long trip ahead of us, and we need to get comfortable, or we'll both be miserable. We can be grownup about this, right?"

"Sure," I told her.

"Ok. Can you slide down just a bit?"

I struggled to move my hips forward an inch or two. "Like that?"

Aunt Marie nodded. "Trust me?"

"Of course. With my life. You know that."

"I know. But I want you to relax for a second and don't make a scene. Ok?"

I didn't know where she was going with this, but I nodded.

My aunt reached down between us, and I felt her hand slide into the leg of my shorts, searching out and finding my stiffness. She tugged it forward gently, then I felt the material of my shorts move aside, and our connection was skin on skin. She wrapped her warm fingers around my shaft, and held me in place while she sat down in my lap, my aching cock between her legs, pressing back against her soft crotch.

She ground her hips in a bit, her hand pressing my hardness against her crotch. Then she closed her legs, and I peeked around her to see the head of my cock, playing peek-a-boo, between her soft pale thighs.

She leaned back against me, then deliberately wrapped my arms around her body, one around her waist, the other just below her tits. She leaned her head against mine. "As wild as the other was, it wasn't at all comfortable. I couldn't spend 2 hours like that. Isn't this a little more comfy?"

I was trembling. Comfy was NOT the right word for what I was feeling. "Better." I admitted.

I wondered if this wild side of her had anything to do with all the booze she'd consumed. I could smell the alcohol on her breath. I turned my hand upward and gently cupped her tit.

She sighed. "We can't get too carried away now, Ok?"

"What's too carried away?" I asked nervously. I wondered if she referred to where I'd put my hand.

She looked like she was about to answer, when the Jeep came to a near stop, then turned onto the paved road. I held her tight while we got tossed around for a second, before the Jeep started to straighten out and pick up speed. "Everyone doing Ok?" Dad asked.

Mom announced that they were alright up front.

"A little uncomfortable going there for a bit, but everything's fine now," Aunt Marie answered, giving a soft tug on my cock, before tucking it back between her fine legs.

It was full dark now, almost pitch black, with no lights to speak of on the road we were on. The heavily tinted windows didn't help any. There was no moon out, and the stars overhead were our only illumination. "We should make better time from here. That first bit was kind of rough, with Ruby so overloaded."

"I'd say," Mom answered, "I'm afraid poor Colin had his hands full, trying to stop me from bouncing out of the car. This is a lot better."

"Sorry about that, but it should be smooth sailing from here." Dad cranked up his music again, so he could hear it above the noise of the road and the wind.

Aunt Marie didn't seem to mind the way I was holding her, and as my hands wandered a little more, she took it in stride. "Much better," she said to me, now that we weren't being tossed around like the pop-up dice in a 'Trouble' game.

"What's too carried away?" I asked her again, since I didn't want to push my luck.

My aunt gazed into my eyes, then leaned in and pressed her lips to mine. God! I was kissing my aunt! It felt so good, our tongues colliding, her breast filling my hand, my cock hard and warm, trapped between her legs.

It was the longest, best kiss of my life. She felt so good in my arms, and her mouth was warm and yielding. I learned more about kissing in a few minutes with my aunt, than I had in my entire life.

Our lips separated, and she opened her eyes, looking into mine. "You can't fuck me, Jeremy. Not here. Not in the car with Colin right up front."

Her words almost set me off. So much meaning. So much unsaid. I couldn't fuck her. That was the limit? Everything up to that was Ok, then? And it wasn't that I couldn't fuck her. No. I couldn't fuck her right that moment. Not in the car with her son nearby. But afterwards? Elsewhere? Jesus! The implications were mind-boggling.

No doubt about it. My Aunt Marie was a wild one. Bad enough that she was so beautiful, with that tight-ass body, and world-beater jugs. But she looked so much like Mom, I would find myself thinking about how similar they were, and what it would be like to be with Mom instead. I know. Not a proper thought.

Like you'd be any better.

With the implied go-ahead signal, I slid my hands up inside my aunt's shirt, and captured both her breasts, enjoying them to the extent I could. I wanted so much more. I got braver and pulled her shirt up, peeling it off of her. She complied graciously and within moments I was in heaven. I pulled off my own t-shirt, so I could feel our flesh press together.

Her unfettered tits were open playthings now. I couldn't get enough of them, and she didn't seem to mind. No, not in the least. "Having fun?" she asked me, while her hands remained between her legs, idly toying with my cock. At the moment she was rubbing my precum all around the head in little circles that were on the verge of torture.

I was looking at the front seat, wondering how far Dad would have to turn, to see what we were up to. I craned my neck to get a look at the rear-view mirror but it was completely blocked by the suitcase. We were 100% hidden from view. Our own little private island.

"Have I told you lately how much I love you, Aunt Marie?" I answered.

"I know sweetie. And I love you back twice as much."


She giggled. "Did you ever think we'd be in a position like this?"

"Fantasized maybe. But I never thought it would really be possible."

"You fantasize about me?" she asked, as if she didn't know.

"All the time." I hesitated, "Don't be mad, Ok? But when I jerk off, you're who I dream of."

"Mmmm. Now why would I get mad about that? It's hot. How long has that been going on?"

I chuckled. "Ever since my first hard-on."

She moaned. "God, you're making me so horny, Jeremy. How often do you do it?"

"Two, three times a day. Maybe more. A lot more when you're around."

"I..." she hesitated, "I sometimes think about you, when I do it." She gave my cock a squeeze. "Now that I know what you're packing, I'm guessing you'll star in my fantasies a lot more often. I might have to rename my favorite toy after you."

I pressed my lips against her shoulder and caressed her tits, gentler now. She fantasized about me!

I couldn't resist her any longer, and I slid my hand into her panties. She opened her legs a bit, then carefully lifted them around mine, so she was spread wide open. I nibbled on her neck and shoulders, played with her fabulous breasts, and slowly learned my way around her soaking wet pussy, one finger at a time.

I could feel her body respond to my actions, her legs tensing, her breath shortening. Her tight slit moistened and clutched at my fingers as I worked two fingers deeply into her. She twisted her torso, bringing her lips to mine, her eyes blazing.

She had long abandoned my cock, and was just enjoying the attention I was giving her. She was completely at my mercy, and I explored her pussy as much as possible, rubbing, feeling, pulling, pinching, watching her every reaction. I reached further past her pussy, rubbing my finger over her tight butt hole.

"Uh-uh," she warned, "exit only."

I had no problem with that. I was just learning her body, and eagerly went back to finger-banging her. I managed to get the better part of three fingers inside of her, and worked her over hard, twisting and pounding away at her sopping slit. She moaned hard, and pressed back against me.

"Are you going to come for me, Aunt Marie?" I asked teasingly.

She whimpered and nodded.

"You're going to let your naughty nephew make you come? You're getting off on having your sister's baby-boy play with your amazing body, aren't you? You're going to soak his filthy fingers in your cum, you bad girl."

She moaned, pressing against my intruding digits. She nodded again.

"You know you're mine now, don't you?" I told her, stabbing her pussy with my stiffened fingers.

"Jeremy..." she moaned softly, the words whisked away by the wind almost before I could hear them.

Aunt Marie had been single for almost two years. I knew at the moment she didn't have a boyfriend. And she fantasized about me. I was more than willing to step up.

"Mine, Marie." I growled, my fingers pressed deep inside of her, my hand clutching her pussy tightly. "You've given yourself to me, and I refuse to let you go. I can hardly wait until we can be together alone, and I can fuck your beautiful brains out."

She groaned, pressing against my hand, coming intensely. She seemed to come for a long time, but I wasn't sure. It was hard to tell with these things. When her body stopped shaking, and her breath returned to normal, she looked like she was finally back in the real world. I petted her sweet slit and caressed her naked breast, while she relaxed.

With a huge sigh she came back to life. She put her fingers to her lips to hush me, then proceeded to put her body through contortions that would make a Yogi jealous. She was slow and meticulous, and it took me almost a full minute to realize she was turning around. With the final lowering of an outstretched leg, my beautiful aunt, wearing nothing but a pair of thoroughly soaked panties, had straddled my waist and was facing me. Her knees were on the seat on each side of me, tightly wedged between my hips and the car. She reached for my shorts, and pulled them down from the sides. I lifted my hips, and they abruptly slid down almost to my knees. Giving me a huge Cheshire Cat grin, she lowered her hips and ground her steaming crotch against my exposed hardness.

"You really shouldn't fuck me, not here," she told me, her voice soft and sensuous.

Shouldn't? My how things had changed already.

I took her big tits in my hands and lifted them to my lips. It was glorious being able to taste her, lick, suck, and nibble on those beautiful mounds. I found myself getting carried away, sucking as much of her tit into my mouth as possible, pressing my teeth into her skin, tugging strongly on her nipple.

She sighed. "I always knew you were a boob man. I guess that's one place where you and your father differ. You like your aunt's titties?"

I pulled my mouth away long enough to pull her down for another hot kiss. "I love my aunt's big yummy titties," I told her, going back for more.

"I know. When you were a baby, did you know that sometimes I would breast feed you, and your Mom sometimes breast fed Colin? You were both nursing at the same time. You loved my big tits. Can you imagine? Even bigger than these."

"I think I remember that," I teased. "Given half a chance, I'd do it again."

She moaned sweetly, and held my head to her chest.

Aunt Marie was rubbing her crotch up and down my cock, rolling her hips, pressing hard against me. It was obvious how sensitive her tits were, her moans were now continuing almost non-stop. I had a hand inside the back of her panties, clutching and squeezing her ass cheeks, and slid my finger down lower, crossing her tight little pucker, and easing into her pussy.

She reached down between us, and pulled her panty crotch to the side, pressing her naked pussy against my cock. All I had to do was lift her an extra inch or two and I could be inside of her.

Her hips were grinding against me maddeningly and she leaned her head down. "I'm going to come again," she gasped for me.

I wanted to answer her, but not enough to relinquish her tit. I sucked hard, tonguing her nipple, thrusting my cock against her crotch, while my hand pulled her against me, my finger solidly buried. I pulled her higher on my cock, feeling her wetness engulf the head, before maddeningly sliding back down the outside. She did it again, grinding away at the top, the head sliding between her lips. I was about to fuck her. She gasped, pressing hard and the head popped out of her as she slid down my length once more. Her grinding stopped and shifted into a series of short hard thrusts, accompanied by cries, quickly smothered in my shoulder.

"Everything Ok back there?" I heard my father ask.

Aunt Marie was in no shape to respond. She was still cumming against my cock, grinding against me viciously. "We're fine Dad. Just got a bit of a cramp trying to change position. I think we're Ok now." I had to yell to be heard over the noise of the road.

"How 'bout you, Alice?"

"I'm fine. You still OK, Colin?" Mom asked. "I'm not too heavy, am I?"

Colin's voice sounded strained. "I'm good. At least for a little while longer."

Dad seemed mollified. "Great. If y'all can hold out another 15 to 20 minutes, we can take a break at the crossroads, and top off the tank. That's pretty close to the halfway mark."

"Sounds good to me," I answered, while Aunt Marie continued to clutch my body, her mouth clamped on my shoulder, muffling her moans. She hadn't stopped humping me, and it was driving me crazy.

"A break will be nice," Mom answered.

Dad cranked the music back up and the sounds of Boston's More Than A Feeling filled the car.

Aunt Marie had finally calmed down, and she held my face in my hands, staring into my eyes. "Fuck! That was incredible! I can't remember the last time I came that hard, or that long!"

I was holding her ass, and slowly pressing my cock against her. "You're driving me crazy, Marie. I'm really close to coming."

She got a concerned look on her face, and I saw her looking around our small area. "Shit. Can you last until the stop? Otherwise you're going to make a hell of a mess back here. And I don't imagine anyone will miss the smell."

I closed my eyes. "I'll try. But you have to stop moving. I'm almost there now. I can't believe I haven't come already."

Aunt Marie moved back off of me and stopped moving at all. My cock was straining, any touch at all likely to set it off. For several long seconds I hung there on the verge, and felt the immediacy to come recede. I opened my eyes to see her grinning hugely. "I have an idea. Be patient and hold on for a few more seconds, Ok?"

I nodded.

She lifted her leg carefully, pushing mine outward, and then moved hers inside of mine. She did the same for the other leg, moving slowly and carefully. The worst of my impending need was past. I felt the pulse that had been beating in my temple slowly die down. I'd somehow resisted the urge and wasn't going to spontaneously erupt.

Aunt Marie was kneeling between my legs, and she eased her legs off the cushion one at a time, sliding her feet under the front seat until she was kneeling on the floorboards.

She tapped me on the thighs. "Kneel on the seat," she told me.

The words had been a little loud, but fortunately Mick Jagger was louder. No response from up front.

It was awkward, and I was no way as flexible as my loving aunt, but after a couple of tries I managed to get my knees under me. She pushed them outward, widening my stance. I hung onto the roll bar to keep my balance.

Aunt Marie rose up as high as she could and tugged my head down until our faces were only inches apart. She whispered to me. "You can come now, I figured out a way to deal with the mess."

I groaned, as she slid down my body, and took my cock in her mouth. "Jesus!" I shouted.


Dad turned down the music. "You Ok, Jeremy?"

"Yeah," I managed to gasp. "Just a few more minutes, right?"

"We can pull over now, if we need to."

"No! I mean, I'm good. We're almost there."

"Alright." I waited for him to turn up the music, but he didn't. "One hell of a day."

"Incredible," I told him, while my Aunt cranked up the blow-job action. She'd slowed when Dad started speaking, but I watched her grin, her naughty side coming to the fore, and she was pumping her face on my cock.

Dad was on a roll. "I still can't believe our luck. Pretty sensational first time for Colin, don't you think?"

"No k**ding," Colin answered from in front.

We were all practically shouting to be heard above the road noise. I was glad, thinking it did a pretty good job of drowning out any other stray noises. Aunt Marie was going to town on my cock, and even as close as I was, I couldn't hear anything from her.

"What did you think when you saw that big sow just laying there, Jeremy?"

"She was beautiful," I answered, rubbing my hand down Aunt Marie's hair. "I'd never seen anything like it. And so close."

"Yeah. I kept expecting her to spook and you'd lose the opportunity of a lifetime," Dad bellowed.

"I couldn't believe my luck," I told him, getting into the idea of talking to my Dad, and Colin and Mom for that matter, while Aunt Marie's warm mouth was stuffed full of my cock. "We just kept gettin' closer, and closer, and closer," I said, accentuating each 'closer' with a thrust between my Aunt's talented lips.

I think I pressed too hard. I got a smack on the ass for the last one.

"It was like a gift from God," Dad reminisced. "To think we could get within 30 yards before she even moved!"

Colin spoke up. "She was so big! I didn't realize how big she was at a distance, but I was getting nervous as we got nearer. What if she'd turned on us?"

"What were you thinking, Jeremy?"

"I knew I was getting too close. I couldn't wait much longer." That was the truth in more ways than one. "I could feel my heart beating so hard." I had one hand tangled in Aunt Marie's hair, moving her head, thrusting between her lips, her hand and mouth performing miracles on me. I'd never felt anything so good. I didn't think anything could.

"I know that feeling," Dad said. "Massive adrenaline rush."

"Yeah. My legs were practically trembling," I said, feeling my voice start to crack from the strain of talking while getting ready to pop. "I had her in my sights, watching her head, waiting for the perfect moment." I took a deep breath, to try to settle myself, but it was no use, I was on the verge. "I knew I couldn't hold back any longer. I had to take my shot. Fast, before the moment passed." I was looking down at my Aunt and she was watching me, her eyes open wide, her mouth open wider, as her hand pumped me.

"Bang." I practically screamed, feeling my juices rise, my body tensing, as I exploded into my aunt's hot mouth.

"It was a beauty," Dad said proudly. "Perfect head shot."

"Best shot of the day," Colin added. "She just dropped to her knees, looking up for a second, trying to get up. She was done for, and didn't even know it."

Aunt Marie was sucking me dry, and I was trembling all over. "I don't know if anything will ever match that first one," I said, gently caressing my aunt's gorgeous face. "It was almost sad, to think my first one might be my best ever. Where do you go from there? Everything else can only be a letdown."

"A trophy like that? A man could wait his whole life and never bag one half as nice. God was smiling on you today. If you ever top that, you're a better man than I am," he laughed.

"Doesn't mean I can't try." I leaned forward, speaking toward Dad's seat, my message for him. "Thanks Dad, for making the whole thing possible. I know I don't say it enough, but I really appreciate everything. I love huntin' with you. I don't think it gets any better than this."

"You're welcome. We should do these things more often. Go out as a family. It's so much better, when you can share a perfect outing with those you love." Damn. That was about as sensitive as the old man could get. I don't think he'd ever told me he loved me. I knew that he did, and I loved him, but it's one of those things that's understood, and not spoken about. We both told Mom we loved her every day, but that was different. She was Mom. And we were men. Still, I felt a little moisture gathering in the corner of my eye.

Aunt Marie's warm mouth still engulfed me. She was moving slowly, gently, and I was heartbroken to feel her release me.

I lifted my head above the roof line, letting the fierce wind wash over me. I wanted to raise my hands over my head and scream 'I'm King of the World!' I realized that if I stretched up just a bit higher, I'd be able to see into the front seat. I could see the top of Dad's head and leaning to the middle, I saw a view that shook me to my roots. Mom was sitting on Colin's lap, mostly sideways, and his hand was inside of her shirt. It made me tremble to see it.

"Alright. I see the lights ahead. Not a moment too soon, I'd say," Dad announced. "You boys will finally get some relief in a couple of minutes."

Relief? I almost laughed out loud before Dad cranked the music back up.

Aunt Marie and I struggled to get ourselves decent, giggling as arms, legs and sundry body parts were flailing away. We were in a hurry, but it didn't stop us from getting a nice little grope in now and then. We were still putting on our shirts when we pulled into the gas station. Dad stopped at the pumps. "Fill it up, Jeremy? I have to take a leak."

Aunt Marie was in my lap, her breath reeking of my essence, both of us breathing hard from the final exertion. My hand was back inside her shirt, caressing her breast. "Sure. I got it."

I opened the door, but before I would let Aunt Marie off my lap, I pulled her head down to mine. "Thank you, that was incredible."

She smiled. "Don't get too excited, cowboy. That's not usually on the menu. Extenuating circumstances." She climbed off my lap, slithering out the door. I felt myself responding already to the sight of her ass moving away and gave her one last pat. "Need anything from inside?" she asked.

"A Gatorade would be nice," I said. Then I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. I whispered in her ear. "You might want to get some breath mints."

She nodded. "You don't know the half of it. That stuff doesn't sit well in my stomach. And you had to pump out enough to choke a pro. I'm gonna need some pepto, or alka-seltzer or something. I hope you appreciate it."

I gave her a hug. "I hope to show you how much, in just a little while."

She gave me a peck on the cheek, and I looked over to see that Mom was watching our whole little scene. Busted.

Oh well. I happened to know that she hadn't been the perfect little innocent on that trip either. Not with Colin in the state he must have been in. Even she said it, he had his "hands full."

* * *

After filling the tank, I moved the Jeep and parked in front of the building. Stretching gingerly, I realized I had been more uncomfortable than I'd realized, and my legs were aching.

I hit the head, and found Mom and Dad chatting again. Dad seemed preoccupied. I went over to pass him the keys, and he pulled me to the side.

"Listen Jeremy, I need you to do me a favor."

"Of course. What?"

He looked around briefly. "Your cousin was getting a little too friendly with your mother, on the ride. She's a little nervous over the whole thing. Not that I don't understand how that might happen. We all know how he feels about your mother. She's a handful, and for a young man to have that sitting in his lap for such an extended period, you can see how things might, well, come up." He looked at me very directly to make sure I got the point.

"Colin is still immature in a lot of ways. Sometimes he doesn't have the sense that God gave a goose. I don't think your mother should be sitting with him any longer. Can you switch seats with him? Let his Mother deal with his wandering hands. And other things."

"Of course Dad. Why don't I just say something to him?"

Dad shook his head. "I don't want to if we don't have to. This day was too right, too perfect. To mess it up like that. So far there's no damage done. Just some teenage foolishness. Hell, it's his dream come true. Let's just try to keep it in check."

"Alright. I won't say anything tonight. We'll see about tomorrow. It burns me up thinking about him doing anything to Mom."

It was the truth. Maybe not fair or even sensible, but hey, I'm a teenager, and that's my Mom.

"Let it go, for now. Your mother is handling it. Think you can broach the subject of switching places? Be better if it came from you."

I didn't think Aunt Marie would like to hear me suggesting that. I could see inside the store that Mom and Aunt Marie were huddled together like accomplices planning a crime. They looked pretty animated.

"Sure, Dad. I'll take care of it."

He put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm proud of you son. You took an awkward situation and handled it like a man. It'd be nice if you and Colin could spend more time together. Maybe you'd rub off on him a bit."

I was feeling a little guilty now. If Dad knew that my 'manly' way of handling things was getting a blow-job from my MILF aunt, he might feel differently.

When the Moms came out finally, Aunt Marie was blatant, walking right toward me, Gatorade in hand. She had a beer in her other. There was a definite swing in her step. "Ready for hour two?" she teased.

"Dad wants us to change up the seating," I told her, walking with her around the back of the car, to avoid everyone else.

She looked over at him nervously. "Are we busted?"

"I don't think so, but he's acting pretty damned suspicious. We gotta cool it," I said. Seemed better than saying 'your son got too grabby'.

"Crap," she glanced over at my Dad. "I'll make it up to you later, I promise."

"I'm going to hold you to that." I opened the rear door for her. "Hey Colin. Let's switch, Ok? I want to talk to Mom a bit."

I saw him struggle against the urge to argue, but how could he? "Sure," he finally said, sounding more than a little dejected.

I went over and joined Mom. "That Ok with you, Mom?"

"Of course. I'd love to have a chance to 'chat' with my favorite boy." Her tone had a bit of a challenge to it.

I climbed into the front seat, relieved to have a little more room both at the legs and to the sides.

"Ready for me?" Mom asked.

I patted my lap. "Abso

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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 87

Once we were in the air, Jillian walked over to stand behind the young pilot. I couldn’t see her face, but I could see enough of her upper body to tell she has some nice chest muscles under that white shirt she’s wearing. I could see her blonde braid that started high, at the back of her head. I knew her hair was long, I could see the red ribbon tying her braid as it lay over the side of the seat cushion where she sat. I was sitting beside Bailey in the front row of seats when Juliet came...

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BrattySis Chloe Temple Sister Nurse

Chloe Temple and her friend Kyler Quinn dress in scrubs as they chat about their upcoming nursing exam. Chloe thinks it would be a hoot to get her hot stepbrother, Jake Adams, to show off his dick in the name of academics. Jake is hesitant, but the girls eventually coax him into pulling his pants down. When Chloe gets a glimpse of her brother’s cock, she can’t keep her hands off of it. She has Kyler get the hand sanitizer so she can sanitize Jake’s penis, which she rubs with...

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I talked to Jimmy and asked him just how tough a lesson did he want Leslie to learn. He told me he really wanted to give her a wake-up call about how life really is out on the street. He is always telling her about muggers, rapists, and molesters that are out there preying on young children. She always tells him she knows how to take care of herself. I told him I wish I could help him but that I didn't even know his daughter. I then asked him when was his week to have Leslie with him and he...

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Sexy Fairytale part 2

Kristen hurried down the road, hoping that once she got to the village someone could give her directions home. She was also trying to remember the next story in the book that she'd read... that damn old tarot card witch! If she had something to do with this...Suddenly Kristen spied a young man, about her age, walking towards the village with a cow. She hurried forward and caught up with him."Excuse me," she said, "What's that village up there called?"The young man just stared at her, and...

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Cat Fight 12 Ocicat

specton - 2 1/2 minutes Toton -   2 1/2 hours minton -  2 1/2 days daycon -  2 1/2 weeks quant  -  2 1/2 years galant -  2 1/2 centuries Metson  - 2 1/2 inches heckson - 2 1/2 miles tetson -  2 1/2 acres   Bill Axor (AKA Ambrose) - Lion clan King Tomco Traxor - Bill's dead father King Tobias Traxor - Bill's dead brother Queen Niaco Traxor - Tiger clan, Tobias mate, now Bill's Twitty Glax - Grey Tabby clan, bill's body guard and mate Glenna Nox - Bengal clan,...

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weekend trip

It had been a great weekend camping with two friends. We had hiked miles into a relatively secluded section of National Forest and camped beside a beautiful little trout stream. There had been plenty of fishing, sitting around the campfire telling stories, and of course all of the sex that any of us could want. Ted, Chuck (or C.K. as he preferred to be called), and I have known each other since before high school. Somewhere along the line we all discovered that we liked boys as well as girls,...

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Finally have my own Strapon Lesbian

Most people define bisexual as being attracted to both male and female genders. I agree with that definition, but I have an alternate definition of that word. For me, bisexual truly means that I am both male and female at once. I feel as though I am a heterosexual man and a heterosexual woman coexisting within the same body.I don't consider myself as transgender because I don't think that word truly applies to me. In spite of my feelings about women, I've always felt comfortable within my body...

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Dungeon SlutChapter 9

I cleaned my pussy real good, only because I was told to by Candy. Normally I like to proudly walk around with everybody’s dick sauce running out of my holes and splattered all over my body. Because this was a normal, boring party, I do my best to stay clean. I made sure my skirt was in place, my small top covered my giant boobs and I stepped out to my adoring fans. After the screaming subsided a couple of brave guys began grabbing my tempting boobs, I did not stop them, but Candy...

3 years ago
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First Time Gay History 6

Fun on a business trip This is a true story. First HARD anal sex!!I have to go to Myrtle Beach for three nights for a business conference, also hoping for fun and a hook up. As soon as I get in I fire up squirt and change my location, and let people know that I’m there for three nights and that I can host. I deal with a bunch of fakers for the first couple hours and then I find a nice guy who is very willing to come and is also a top. He says he can fuck all night and hard!! Unfortunately it is...

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Antelope FreewayChapter 27

Time: Unknown, transversing a slip channel conduit... Isabelle's mind was filled with wonder as she sped through the column of blue bubbles. She could sense being held tightly by her mother, but that sensation seemed to exist in an alternate reality. Isabelle cried out to her mom, trying to make contact. "Mom! What is this stuff?" Isabelle sensed rather than heard an answer. "I don't know! This isn't what I was expecting! Hang on!" The lights were so pretty, broad swatches of...

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Tales of an American Geisha Slave Boi

Introduction: Collin, a Business School Graduate, goes to Japan, hoping to find his dream job. What he finds instead, is a whole different life, based upon his dreams and nightmares, in a situation that he thought no longer existed in Japan. Tales of an American Geisha-Slave-Boi Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating...

1 year ago
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Hermatus A Futanari Resort

Off the coast of Greece lies a small, privately owned island called Hermatus. This particular island is notable mostly for the crowd it attracts. In a world plagued by prejudice and misconceptions, Hermatus is a safe haven for the type of people that otherwise, would have a very hard time. Ever since Angelique Lovemore used her fortune to buy and convert the island to its current glory, futa women like her have been swarming it. On Hermatus Angelique built a luxury resort outfitted with: a...

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Cheating Wife Gets What She Deserves

He worked on the docks a longshoreman for 20 years, then one day he was in the right place at the right time did a favor for the right person and he had it made. He got the golden ticket; his star was on the rise rapidly moving up in the administration of the union. Why wouldn’t he be James Dunkin was raised in an upper middle-class family was taught all the social graces, was Quarter Back and Captain of the high school football team. He stood 6’3” tall, 180 lbs, brown hair, broad sholders,...

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Not Your Ordinary Doll

Not Your Ordinary Doll by Holly Fairfa Just a bit about me before I start the story. My name is Jimmy. I'm a twelve year old boy living on a farm with my parents and my younger sister, Sally. She's only nine. Our parents aren't rich, but we usually get whatever we ask for. That means we have lots of toys. I have a decent collection of action figures. I have superheroes, wrestlers, Star Trek and Star Wars figurines but I don't play with them like most guys. Okay, now for...

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Caught Used and Loving it Part 2

It had been two weeks since I had been caught and used by the mystery woman and her boyfriend. They had left as quietly as they came, and I was left kneeling on the floor dressed in all my best female clothing, cum dripping off my face, and my own cock dribbling cum on the floor. Since then, I had had only two emails. One was sent immediately after they had left and contained ten pictures of me, starting with me kneeling down, all dressed up and tongue out, ready to lick the mystery woman’s...

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wifes revelation finale

Jack then proceeds to pack up his stuff. Not that he's been around long enough to unpack it all. He proceeds to check out of his hotel figuring either way he's not going to be back. Jack gets into his rental, enters the address into the navigation and is off to find truth or something like that. He's panicking the whole trip wondering what he'll do if the report is right. After a little while, jack turns the corner to where the house where Pam is supposed to be staying. He parks a single...

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House of Whorers

Zack swore when he saw what he thought was a parking ticket under the wiper blade of his wife's car. All the neighbors complained about the local police department handing out citations for petty infractions. Space was limited to one vehicle per family at the apartment complex so everyone used the side street for their other cars with no problems in the past. He walked over and grabbed the paper. It was just like the flyers he'd seen tacked to trees during his morning run a few minutes ago....

4 years ago
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Justin Sleeps over for the First time Revised

My name is Chris,I was 17years old at a height of 5"3. I have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes, with a slim girl like figure, I had a small tan. I was a in good shape because i was on the track team. I was only on the track team because my friend Justin asked me to join with him. He was 17 at the height of 5"4. He had Brown hair and Brown eyes. Justin was a jock so he had a 6pack, He was also tanned skinned From staying at the Beach too long. He was the kind of guy who everyone want to go out...

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ColorsChapter 3 Taste The Rainbow

After leaving Brian, as Leia walked the two blocks to her house, she realized she felt horny and high. She had always felt this way "after", but never to this extent. She could feel her pulse throbbing, and the colors around her were even brighter than she could recall. She made an excuse to her mother as she hurried up to her room, where she locked the door. Leia tossed the Snapple down on the bed, kicked off her sandals, and slid of her jeans and panties. She fell down on the bed and...

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Mels Spankings Part 1

My name is Jim and I met Melissa at University. She was 18 when I met her and I was 19. She was about 5 foot 8 with long straight dark hair and a size 8. We lived in the same student house and after a few months started seeing each other. She was a virgin and we didn’t have full sex for quite a few months but we talked a lot about it and soon after we did have sex for the first time I confided in her that I liked spanking and wanted to spank her. She was very open to the idea but it was always...

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Sow and ReapInterlude 2 Mokubas Perspective

My name is Morio Abdulatem. Actually, it's not but that's the name I signed on the convention register. Mai and I grinned at each other as I handed the pen to her boyfriend Yugi. I don't use my real name anywhere but at home. I have a passport issued in my false name by special Government request. I also have a concealed weapons permit. Both will tell you who I really am if you have the security clearances to find out; not that it ever gets that far. Usually, I get caught with a knife...

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Madison Dares to Stretch her Boundaries

Madison was working for the caterer to earn money for next semester’s books. She really didn’t mind the work, with her great looks she always was assigned to the wait staff. She found it interesting to mingle with the crowd and pick up bits and pieces of the chatter. Her long blonde hair and piercing blue eyes got her the job, as well as a spot on the university cheer squad, all of which she hoped would pad her resume for when she graduated next spring and had to find a real job. She was 22,...

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I Gave My Heart To You

Chapter 1 Annie, my older sister, had once again fallen in love. This time it was a pipe fitter who worked the same night shift as her at Electric Boat. Kevin Hartigan was a tall man at six one or so and was what people called "wiry" back in the 50's. He had too much muscle to be called skinny, but his build was still on the slight side. It was 1957 and Annie was 21 years old. She'd gotten a broken heart a year or so earlier when she'd been engaged to be married, and then,...

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Family Fun

Note: this story is completely fictional. My name is Josh and I am 18 years old. I have a stepsister called Rachel, she’s 20. Ever since we moved in together in my mum and stepdads house I’ve wanted her. Two years I had to wait for a chance to get in her nice, sweet pussy. But one day just a few weeks ago, it came. I was walking back to my room after getting a glass of water at about 3’o’clock in the morning when I saw my sexy stepsister coming out of the bathroom completely naked so I just hid...

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SisLovesMe Katya Rodriguez Stepsisters Sex Filled Black

Katya Rodriguez thought she was taking a nice relaxing shower by herself, but her creepy stepbro had wandered inside and started touching himself to the view of her hot naked body. What a perv! That didn’t stop Katya from asking him for a ride to black friday shopping though. She even asked him to come shop with her, but he wanted something in return. A quick cock suck perhaps? Katya dropped her neck in hopes of getting some company, but that’s really all stepbro wanted out of his black friday....

4 years ago
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Vixen Estimates

At the end of her summer-long stint as a driver, a job the dean had helped her find, Vixen received not only the ten thousand dollars she had agreed to but a thousand more as a bonus for her incredible sexual services to the family. By summer's end, the lusty girl was forgetting the violence of the past winter. Her voluptuous body already had. In her six weeks she had fucked or sucked the cockolded master of the house half-a-dozen times and both of his sons twice that often. She had helped...

2 years ago
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Punishment for copying in exam

My own private heaven and hell. Its not that the kids are rowdy, or that I hate my work, its. She sits there, an innocent angel. Even her name fits, mala. Eighteen years old, and already turning heads. Today she is wearing what must have been her idea of a schoolgirl’s uniform. White shirt that left a small band of skin showing at the bottom. Green plaid short skirt (mid-thigh) & boots. Damn this girl/woman is beautiful! Her hair shines in the light, a chestnut color, and her eyes are a...

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Flexible Morals Ch 07

Malik glassed his gaze over the floor of the kitchen, trying hard as he could to keep the sight from affecting him. The couple lay dead and bloodied. The husband had tried to put up a fight but it was plain that the extent of his magic had never been the in realm of combat. As such, Malik had easily paralyzed the two Vocals while Biris and Firis did the deed. The killing was never easy, though it was certainly easier than when he had first begun. Something about the way a life slowly faded into...

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Edge of ReasonChapter 10

Alma obediently turns her back to her sister and the doctor and bends over the edge of the sofa. Her legs are spread and her feet and knees are firmly on the floor. Her rounded ass is raised high and her heavy breasts sway beneath her. Fiona moves Alma’s skirt up above her ass and around her waist, revealing the nakedness and sexy panties underneath. Alma wears a skimpy pair of almost transparent red panties, cut so low that nearly a third of the crack of her shapely ass is exposed. “Wow!”...

3 years ago
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In This Illness

In This Illness By Throstle Beautiful pebbles of shattered bottles' olive-green glass had been swept into a small pile on a cheap wood coffee table three sides of which had been gnawed on by the large and less than well-trained Labrador of the couple with whom I lodged. The table's only non-gnawed edge faced the couch on which I waited for the effects of my illness to fade. With this illness came a month of insanely vivid dreams. In one, I'm somewhere so charged with the spirit of...

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A Knock At The DoorChapter 24

Janie and Joel had finished their pizza and each had polished off another couple drinks, rum and coke for Janie, beer for Joel. They sat side by side on the couch, completely sated. As they sat, their feet propped up on the coffee table, their fingers intertwined lovingly. It was another peaceful moment for brother and sister, for lovers. Janie's mind was still whirring. The past couple days had been both awful and wonderful. Her mind went to Hank, her now dead husband. She thought she knew...

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My InheritanceChapter 15 Learning From Mary

Something smooth and damp was rubbing my nose as I slept on my back. I was in that groggy, disoriented state when you first awaken from a deep, sound sleep, not knowing where you are or how you got there. When I tried to shake my head, I could not. Something was on each side of it, trapping me. My eyes popped open to see a hairless pussy close up. As my eyes focused, they traveled up the smooth, tight muscles of a female stomach past large, firm breasts with erect nipples to rest on a...

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Professor Prick 17

Mr and Mrs Wilson We slept long into the next day and woke up in time just to catch a light lunch, in truth my mother and Robert looked pretty done in as well so I guessed they had had a pretty passionate night as well. It was a weary group therefore that packed up and left for the airport for our early evening transfer to Bali. A short flight later we landed and grabbed a cab to the hotel which would now be the sight for our honeymoon. As a group we located our rooms and then met...

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Friends with benefits

He was a guy who could make my blood boil just looking at him, short to long dark hair and a bit of scruff on his face that tickled when his face touched my skin. His eyes were the color of melted chocolate, and his body was average, though to me it was extraordinary. He had a bit of a stomach, but he was pretty fit, and when we would wrestle he could keep me pinned, except when I played dirty and tickled or distracted him enough. He was one of my best friends, but he was taken, and I thought...

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about how it all came about

I have been a crossdresser for many years now, since about the age of 5 or 6, I wore my first pair of pantyhose, it made me feel excited inside, I did know if I got caught I would be in trouble,which I eventually did,boy did I get ridiculed for a long time growing up,which I think eventually led me down the road of d**gs and alcohol, burying my thoughts and confusions,i did dress when no one was home and discovered masturbation at about 14,wow do I like did have a friend growing up...

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A night out with office mates

One Friday evening, after a real heavy and hard week at work, I accepted the offer to go out for some drinks after office.Hubby was flying back home that same night and he would arrive early morning; so I figured I would be at home before him…We went to a local club not so far from our office building. My second in command, Wilbur, sat in the back seat with me.Wilbur was a nice guy, a black one, younger than me. He was very hard built and muscled and I knew he had the hots for me…Before I knew...

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my sister and me in the shower

I was in the shower with my head under water enjoying the nice cooling sensations flowing over me. Meanwhile unbeknownst to me my sister had come home an hour early from work. She had had a rough day at work too seeing as how she lost her job and thats why she was home early. Normally our schedules work out so I have time to get a shower and then I leave the water running for her. She called out,"Adam you home?" Yet I didn"t hear it because my head was still under water. She came right in the...

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Mick and KeriChapter 31 Mick and Keri and An Interesting Life

It was Saturday night, Keri and I had the house to ourselves as Sarah and Danny had taken off for the weekend. We were lying on the couch watching “The Quiet Man”. Keri was on her left side with me behind her. She had reached behind her and was stroking my erection and I was softly strumming her pubic hair like it was a guitar. Every once in a while I would tap her clitoris. My head was on one of the huge pillows and my left arm was under Keri so that my left hand was stroking her breasts....

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she made me hers

Last Saturday night turned out to be a very eventful evening, one which will long live in my memory. Like most Saturdays my thirty six year old wife Jane and I sat down to a lovely meal followed by a cuddle on the sofa as we watched a film on TV and then Jane as usual would disappear upstairs to our bedroom to read her book while I stayed downstairs to view the day's soccer action on Match of the Day. It must have been about 11.30 when the soccer finished and although feeling tired I wanted to...

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Blind DateChapter 3 On the boat again

"You seem very perky this morning Claire Causton, and for once I guess that redness in your cheeks is due to the wind and not blushing. I suppose you enjoyed your cuddle with Jerry in the back of the boat while we suffered untold pains in the cabin." Rachel arrived for work a little later than usual and didn't look to have fully recovered from her ordeal. "No doubt he deliberately took us through that storm to get close to you with us out of the way." The hint that Jerry had gone out of...

4 years ago
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Boys Will Be BoysEvery Time 2

A few weeks had passed since we gang banged Julie Shafer in the lockerroom after football practice.Julie's reputation was now solidly cemented amongst the members of thefootball team and I think it's safe to say Steve and I had bonded more withour new Assistant Coach than we had at any other time during the season. I'd discovered Skinner was a wild man. He kept our secrets and Steve and Ikept his. I respected Skinner. But after a while I'd got to thinking thatit was time for little quid pro...

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Killing Time

As I stepped off the train brushing my graying hair from my face, I suddenly realized I didn't know where I was going, or even stranger who the hell I was. Stepping aside I watched as semi well dressed people moved off the train. Sitting down on a nearby wooden bench I thought that it was a lovely antique, I'd sure hate to harm it. Huh? Where had that come from? The bench was practically brand new; there was nothing antique about it. Looking around I saw that all the people were wearing...

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Bla Book 3 Wrinkles in TimeChapter 11

"No, actually, you were pretty easy to find," Tabatha said, shoving another mouthful of glass noodles into her face. "We monitor everyone that's important to maintaining the status quo." "You mean you've got everyone bugged?" Jake asked, chuckling. The more he was with his nurse (captor?), the more enamored he became with her. It was almost like she was 'the other half of my soul!' "You'd be more than a little surprised at how simple it was," Tabatha smirked. "We have agents...

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Becoming Michaels Rapewhore

I was so nervous, so frightened as I sat in my hotel room that I could barely hear the knocks over the pounding of my heart in my ears.  One last glance in the mirror to make sure I looked good enough to fuck, another quick gulp of wine, and I walked to the door to meet my new Master.Before turning the knob I stole a look through the peephole to make sure it was him. It was. Michael looked exactly like his picture and my heart raced at the realization this was about to happen. Two deep breaths...

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The Summer of 76

In the summer of 1976, I was a painfully shy eighteen-year-old boy who had never kissed a girl. I couldn't even start a conversation with a girl without stuttering a bit from nervousness. I was a virgin with no prospects and even less hope. I thought about sex constantly, masturbating several times a day, but there seemed to be no chance that my fantasies might come to life. And what was worse was that in the fog of adolescence I was becoming convinced that this might end up being a lifelong...

First Time
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excerpt 6

i couldn’t help but moan, my hands gripping the sink feeling the cold steel underneath my palms as i leaned into a body that was so much more than mine, definitely masculine. strong hands moved their way over my hips and underneath my shirt just to tease by touching my belly. and then fingers just brushed up against the underside of my left breast only to slowly move their way down. I gasp loudly, breath becoming more panicked with excitement as i feel a warm mouth on my neck, gently biting and...

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Super Powers

Super Powers By Celeste Ann Taylor Intro Jezerek and Tolqid looked down on Earth as they selected a suitable candidate to become the inheritor of vast super powers. They needed to create a successor to the recently defeated Space Minx, who had been beaten in battle by the Time Harlot herself. The two focused in on the females of earth, noting their most athletic women, the most determined sportswomen and their toughest policewomen. They found the perfect candidate Melissa...

2 years ago
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FamilyHookups Briana Banks Busty blonde milf Briana Banks gets railed by her hung stepson

Briana Banks is horny as fuck because her husband isn’t giving it to her. She decides to rub one out on the couch, but she forgot her stepson is home! He walks in on her and she’s embarrassed, but he doesn’t seem to mind. He asks her why she’s masturbating all the time and when she tells him why she’s horny, he decides to give her what she’s after. She’s a little scared at first, but she’s way too horny to stop. Turns out he has a nice big cock and fucks WAY better than his dad ever could. Her...

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My Mother Naked2

As I lay cuddled naked beside my naked mother I felt like I was ten foot tall. I loved her so much and I loved how the day had turnrd out. Finding naked pictures of mum on her computer had opened up a whole new world for me. Mum was still asl**p beside me as I cuddled up to her back with my hand cupping her ample breast, my cock was rising again as I thought about last night and mums mouth on my cock, I recalled how nice her pussy looked and felt and I involuntarily pushed my cock hard againt...

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Becoming Playboy Bosss Whore 8211 Part 2

Rohit, my playboy boss, brought his mouth down, and slowly I raised my chin, making our lips met. I was submitting myself completely to him by entwining him into a deep erotic kiss. I was craving for him since morning, after such unprovoked events in his chamber. My hands started to roam all over his back and broad shoulders. He glided his hands up and down the curves of my side. I moaned into the kiss as his hands trailed over my thighs. Breaking the kiss gasping, Rohit caught my lower lip...

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At The Company Seminar

Hello horny people out there.. This is Arjun here with my first story how i hooked up with an office staff when we met for a 3 day seminar in bangalore…. I am Arjun a merchant navy officer hailing from Kerala…..I was on vacation after my contract when i received a call from office informing me to attend a seminar for fleet officers held in bangalore…. I agreed to attend attend the seminar as all the expenses will be beared by the company…. So finally i flew to bangalore and we checked in to the...

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Drunk Girlfriends Cheats

It was the 29th of October 2005. Me and my girlfriend had been invited to a halloween party two days later so we were discussing what we were going to wear. She said she had it all planned out. She was going to dress up as a naughty school girl. You know, plaid skirt, shirt tied in a knot with all the top buttons open...all the good stuff. Now what made Jessica look even hotter in that dress was the fact she had nice round tits with the perfect ass for an 18 yr old. For the jokes of it, I...

Drunk sex
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Protection and Preservation Book 02Chapter 19

[West Georgia] We woke up wrapped in each other’s arms. It’s a nice way to greet the world. We were talking quietly when there was a knock on our door. We rolled apart and covered up. “Come in,” said Shirley. It was Janice. She was smiling in a big way. “I have news!” She exclaimed. “Bennie came over and we went into the radio room. We were listening slowly turning the frequency knob on twenty meters and heard someone calling ‘CQ.’ We made contact with Jimmy, WB9KLR, in Port Washington,...

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Uncle Randy and the Angry NieceChapter 5

"Sore?" I asked. "My legs and butt hurt a little bit," she said as she switched on her camera, "but it's not bad." After we'd finished with Blaze we'd spent the rest of the morning learning to ride in the paddock and then had lunch after she'd retrieved her things from the dryer. Finally we had embarked on our photography lesson. "No, I meant sore at me for making you ride all the way across the valley." "I should be." She scowled at the horse and then focused that look on...

2 years ago
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Z Facing the World This Time With Her Sister FranChapter 5 Clothing Optional Beach

“Testing 1, 2, 3. Is this thing on? Can everybody hear me? Good. Thank you. Okay, just to be sure – this is the bus for Swensen’s Beach. In case you didn’t get the word, Swensen’s Beach is clothing optional. You will see naked people. So, is anybody on the wrong bus? “My list says 35 people all from the cruise ship. I bet you all don’t know each other. It’s time we got aquatinted. My name is Z. Or at least that’s what everybody has called me from before I can remember. Let’s start on the...

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The Cruise Ch 03

Carter first stared straight ahead glad he had sun glasses on so the size of his eyes were hidden. They had to be the size of saucers when he recognized Kallies voice. He slowly rubbed his hand down his face trying and failing to hide the surprise. He turned his head as he pushed his sunglasses down a little and looked up. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her standing next to him. Her long blonde hair fell well past her shoulders even though it was pulled up in a pony tail. Her smile was...

4 years ago
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Willing slavefrom her point of view

For the first part of this story, see Willing Slave, by dj_oh.My bedroom was ready for him. It's his playground. I always lay all the toys out on the end of my bed. Rope, wrist and ankle cuffs, clothespins, nipple clamps, a couple of dildos, anal plug, wooden spoon, a plastic plumbing tool he likes using on my ass. There's always a red candle lit. I never know what he is going to use or how. He has me lie down across the bed, face down. I'm wearing only a garter belt and thigh highs. ...

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