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This story is pure fiction. I will appreciate the e-mail and feedback that I receive. Enjoy.

This story was originally submitted to another site. I have reedited some parts, but I hope that you enjoy it regardless.

We got stares everywhere that we went. At first, when we were younger, it bothered us greatly. But, as we got older we didn't care. Let me explain by starting at the beginning.

Our father met our mother while in college getting his engineering degree. He was tall at 6'4", with brown hair, brown eyes, and he wasn't involved in any sports because he really didn't like them too much. What he did when he wasn't studying was lift weights. He wasn't big and bulky like most weight lifters, but he was still big enough to cause people to look. Our mother was almost a foot shorter than my father at 5'6", with the same brown hair and eyes. She wasn't the best-looking female at the school, so many of the students wondered why my father would date someone like her. My mother was on the school swim team, so she kept herself in shape by doing aerobics and light weight lifting. Of course, they meet in the gym. When my mother needed someone to spot for her one time, the first person she saw and asked was my father, and they were rarely apart after that.

When they both graduated from college they got married. At first they didn't want any kids because they were engrossed in their careers. Five years later we were conceived.

They don't know how it happened, because on both sides of the family there was not one multiple birth, ever. You see I am one from a set of quadruplet's, two boys, and two girls. Shawn, Shane, Stephanie and Stacy. I am Shawn. My mother never took any kind of fertility pills to get pregnant, and my father did not believe in drugs. Every one was scratching their heads. My parents, grandparents, doctors, everyone. But we are living proof that it happened. Another thing that had them puzzled is that besides the typical sex difference, we were identical to each other. When we started talking both Shane and I sounded identical and both Stephanie and Stacy sounded identical. We would drive our parents crazy because they couldn't tell us apart. After we were born, my mother had her tubes tied because she thought that four kids were enough.

All four of us had the same brown hair and eyes like our parents. My mother always dressed us differently so that she could tell us apart, but we talked her into letting us have our hair the same. If the girls grew their hair long, we grew ours long. We also thought alike. Often we wouldn't have to say anything to each other, and we knew what each one of us would be thinking or want. That was scary.

One thing that my parents did before we were born was to put in an in ground pool in the back yard for my mother, and build a home gym for my father. When we were young my mother taught all of us to swim, and when they were lifting weights we would bring them the light ones. Of course when we got older, my sisters took more to the swimming and my bother and I took to lifting weights.

The whole time that we were growing up, we spent with each other. When we started going to school, we never made any friends with any of the other kids. We just stayed close and took care of each other. .

In our hometown, our junior high school was in the same complex of buildings as our senior high. Both Stephanie and Stacey were swimming so well by that time that the school wanted to jump them up to the next level. My parents told them no. The girls started getting teased by a lot of the others because they knew that my sisters were better than they were and didn't like it. It never got out of hand because of my brother and me. Both Shane and I were almost as big as some of the kids at school. At 13 we were both standing at 5'5" and didn't have one ounce of fat on us. Just pure muscle from working out with our father. When we saw the other kids gang up on Stephanie and Stacey, we would walk up behind the girls and everyone would get quiet and leave. They knew that we were close, and Shane and I would fight when pushed. My parents didn't like us to fight, but they also taught us to never back down from anything. Like I said, we were real close with each other. In high school we got even closer.

When we were seniors and the school started talking about the senior dance, we talked amongst ourselves and decided that we didn't want to go. We didn't have dates, and the friends that we did have already had their dates set. Just about the whole student body considered us out casts, so we said the hell with it. The dance also happened to coincide with our eighteenth birthday. When mom and dad asked us if we were going to go, we told them no and the reason why. Then my mother made a suggestion that we didn't think of before.

"Why don't you take each other? This is going to be the only time in your life when you will be able to do something like this and I don't want any of you looking back and wishing that you could have gone."

"We never thought of that mom." I replied.

Later on that evening we got together in Shane's room and mine and talked about it.

"You know mom is right. We can go to the prom as each other's date." I started the discussion.

"Yes, but what would everyone think when they say us there?" Stephanie asked.

"I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks." Shane threw in. "There is only a handful of people at the school who I get along with, and if the others don't like it, they can kiss my ass. And I hope that someone wants to start something because I will knock their damn teeth in." Shane was the one who had a temper, while the girls and I could hold it in a little better.

"We are going to go there, enjoy it, and not cause any problems." I told him.

"I think it would be a good idea for us to go there together," Stephanie said.

"Okay, it's a deal then. I have been thinking on it since dinner and if you three agree with me, then Stephanie you and I will go as a couple and Shane, you and Stacy will go as a couple." The three of them nodded their heads and agreed on it.

"Ok. I have also come up with an idea on how to get back at the jerks at school and here it is." I explained to them the idea I had, and the more I told them the more they agreed and the harder they laughed.

We were going to pool our money together and get two separate limousines. But they weren't going to be any ordinary limos. I had heard about a local man who had started a limo business with what I had in mind. They were two 30-foot long stretch Hummer's. One pearl white, the other jet-black. Easily the longest and biggest one's within a 200-mile radius of us.

We were also going to be dressed to the limit also. From years of swimming both Stephanie and Stacy had nice long, toned and sculptured legs. Their breasts weren't very big; maybe a C cup, but they were noticeable. They both stood at 5'6" and were very shapely. Like my mom, they weren't the best-looking girls, but they would be turning heads at the prom. They were going to be wearing strapless, body fitting, mini-dresses. One white, the other black, and the dresses would stop right below their groin. When I told them this, both of them turned crimson red from blushing, but they had a smile on their face that went from ear to ear.

Shane and I would be wearing tuxedo's, but with a slight alteration to them. Both of us stood 6'3" and tipped the scales at an easy 240 pounds. My mom often had to alter our clothes so we could fit into them from years of lifting weights. Instead of a suit jacket with a shirt and bow tie, we would have a tight, sleeveless button down shirt with a bow tie. One white and the other black, this way everyone would see our arms and chest. We weren't big and bulky like our father, but we were still big and solid. Both Shane and I were perhaps the biggest and strongest ones on our weight lifting team.

When everyone agreed on it, we got the ball rolling. The first thing we did was call for the limos. They were still available and we got them for the date of the dance. Stephanie and Stacey next went and got their dresses. When I asked if I could see them, they had a mischievous grin and said that I could see them at the dance. When the few friends we had at school asked us if we were going to the dance we told them yes. When they asked whom we were taking, we just laughed and told them they would find out when everyone else did. We also had a good laugh when word got out that a few of the kids wanted to try and get the stretch Hummer's that we had. But they got upset when they found out that someone had already nabbed them. They kept asking around to see who had them, but everyone said that they didn't know.

The week of the dance, the school was buzzing with activity and people talking. A few days before the date, both Stephanie and Stacey decided to go and get their hair done. Both the girls had theirs cut and trimmed, while Shane and I had ours trimmed down a little. All of us still kept our hair looking almost the same, which now has a little bit past our shoulders. The day of the dance, the whole school was like a 3-ring circus. It was being held on a Friday night, so everyone had plans set up for afterwards. We just wanted to show our faces at the dance and then come back home.

We had an early dinner and then decided to get ready. Shane and I took turns taking a shower and then got dressed. It didn't take us long because we really didn't have to do much to get ready. It took Stephanie and Stacy almost an hour. Shane and I were starting to wonder how much longer they would be when mom came into the living room and told us that they were ready. We saw that my mom had a big smile on her face and looked at us, but we didn't say anything. When we heard the girls get to the bottom of the stairs we both turned around and our jaws hit the floor. They didn't have the dresses that we agreed on, but ones that were even better.

Instead of being strapless mini-dresses, they were full length ones. What had us tongue-tied was that the front was tied behind the neck and had a slit in the middle that went down to their belly buttons. When they turned the backs were completely opened and went down till you could start to see the downward curve of their ass. The dress brought out all their highlights and left little to the imagination.

"Okay you two, close your mouths before a fly flies in and chokes you." Stephanie said while blushing. "Do you like?"

"Damn girl, you look great. We will have to fight off all the wolfs there tonight." I told her.

"Well, as good as you two look, I think you two handsome men will have no problem protecting us."

My mother wanted to get pictures of us so we put up with that for a few minutes. When the limos got there my father pulled Shane and I to the side real quick.

"Ok. I don't need to remind you two to watch out for your sisters tonight. Remember that your mother and I will be out the whole weekend and I want the four of you to take care of the house. We will be gone when you get back."

"Yes sir," both Shane and I replied together.

Since both Stephanie and I were wearing white we got into the black Hummer, and Shane and Stacy got the white one. When we got on the road I put my arm around Stephanie and pulled her to me.

"Damn munchkin, you look beautiful tonight." I told her using my nickname for her.

"You look good also stud."

"How are the two of you keeping those dresses up and everything covered?"

"Female secret hun, and a little help from mom."

"I would like to know something else, but I will just leave that to my imagination."

Stephanie got real close to me and laughed. "Maybe you will find out later tonight."

We talked a little more till we got to the school.

When we pulled into the drive I could tell that a lot of the students and their dates were mingling outside talking with each other. When the limo's pulled in they turned to see whom it was. Word spread fast and when we got closer the crowd grew. I am sure that they were curious on who had rented these monsters. Everyone had to move and back up when we finally stopped because the hummer's easily dwarfed everything around. Both Stephanie and I had to laugh at the facial expressions on everyone while we waited for the driver.

When the door was open I was the first one to step out. As I got out, I saw the expression on some of the faces change from curiosity to one of hatred and envy. All I did was smile as the driver put a set of steps in front of the door and I held out my hand for Stephanie. When Stephanie stepped out, the crowd gasped as one and the whispering started. I put my arm around her, held her close and waited for Shane and Stacy.

To me Stephanie and Stacey were the most beautiful girls there and could tell that by the looks on some of the other girls' faces. Some of the guys were also ogling at them, which made my blood boil a little. When Shane and Stacy joined us, all of us started to walk inside together.

It seemed that the people outside followed us in, and when the few who were inside saw us, they had the same facial expressions. None of us cared, we were here to enjoy ourselves. We quickly found us a table and made ourselves comfortable.

We spent the majority of the evening dancing with each other, sometimes switching partners, drinking the punch, eating what small stuff they had, and talking about some of the others we saw there. Out of some of the whispered conversation of others I knew that the big talk was about the four of us. We didn't care and got a big laugh out of it. When it was time for the pictures, we had them taken as a couple and then decided to get one taken with the four of us. The girls were standing sideways facing each other, and Shane and I were standing behind them with our arms wrapped around them in a hug. Stephanie and Stacy put their hands on top of ours and we had the picture taken like that. When the photographer wanted to take one more, Stephanie pushed herself against me and I knew that she could feel my raging hard on. She didn't say anything but pushed back even harder and grind herself into me. I was kind of embarrassed a little, but didn't say anything.

When we walked back to the table I had to walk behind Stephanie because if I didn't everyone would see the hard on that I had.

"What are you doing walking behind me like that?" Stephanie asked me.

"Ummmm, it's nothing," I managed to choke out.

Stephanie smiled at me and I noticed a twinkle in her eyes that I hadn't noticed before.

We stayed a little longer and then decided to call it a night. We said our good nights to the friends that we had and then walked out to the limos.

"Do we have to go home right away?" Stephanie asked.

"No we don't munchkin. We have the limos for as long as we need them."

"Good. Stacy and I would like to thank both you and Shane for tonight."

"What do you have planned?"

"Oh, you'll see."

After telling the driver where she wanted to go, Stephanie got in the back of the Hummer and got close to me.

"Ok, you want to tell me where we are going now?"


I playfully poked her in her side and she started laughing. "When Stacy and I went to the bathroom we talked about it and wanted to thank both of you. So we came up with this idea."

"Well, what is it?"

"I told you I am not telling."

"Women, you can't live with them and you can't live with out them."

Stephanie laughed at that and poked me in my side.

We rode for a while and I noticed that we were heading away from the city and into the country. We traveled for about another thirty minutes before the limo's slowed to a stop. I looked out and noticed that we were at a nearby lake and we were parked at a spot were the high school kids jokingly called Kissing Point. I looked at Stephanie and all she said was, "Come on."

We got out and walked a little way to where we could look across the lake and enjoy the view. I turned around to see where Shane and Stacy was, and noticed that there had stopped a little back from us. But looked out at the lake also.

Stephanie grabbed my hand. "We planned it this way and wanted to spend sometime alone and came up with this. We left a little early because we wanted to beat everyone here."

"I really appreciate it hun. But you know the both of you didn't have to do this."

"I know, but we wanted to say thank you and this is what we came up with, and here is something else I wanted to do."

Before I could say anything, Stephanie took my hands, placed them behind her on her ass and then threw her arms around my neck and kissed me.

It was not like any other kiss that she gave me while we were growing up. This was a deep passionate kiss and her tongue started to explore my mouth. At first I didn't know what to do, but then let it happen. While we kissed my hands started to roam up and down her back and then I got a little daring. I managed to squeeze my hands down the back of her dressed and grabbed her naked ass. Stephanie moaned in my mouth and then broke our kiss.

"Does that answer your question from earlier?"

"Damn girl yes it does. If you knew what is going through my mind and what you are doing to me."

"Let's go back home and maybe you can show me," Stephanie said with a big smile.

She kissed me again and then took my hand and led me back to the Hummer.

On the way back home we kissed some more, and when I tried to grab hold of her tit's one time, she slapped them away and told me that would have to wait. I smiled and started kissing her again.

When we got back to the house, I paid the driver, gave him a good size bonus and told him that I hope we could use them again.

We walked inside and I saw that Shane had his arms around the waist of Stacy. Stacy kissed me, told me that she had a really nice night and then took Shane's hand and went upstairs.

I took Stephanie into my arms, kissed her and asked her if she had a nice night also.

"Yes I did, but the night isn't over yet."

"What do you mean by that?"

Stephanie kissed me and then took me by the hand. "Come on upstairs with me."

When we got to the door of the girls' bedroom she opened it and started to lead me inside. I pulled back from her and stayed in the hallway.

"What are you doing? Stacy called it the night and is in bed."

"No she's not. Look."

I looked in the bedroom and noticed indeed that the room was empty. I looked at her with a question to ask, but she pulled me into the room and closed the door. Once in, she sat me on the bed, straddled on my lap and started to kiss me again. The magnitude of this kiss was probable the best that she had given me all night. Suddenly she stopped and stood up with her back to me. Stephanie looked back at me, untied the dress from the back of her neck and then it fell to the floor. Slowly she turned to me, and stood there with nothing on but her shoes. My eyes were as big as saucers and I took all of her in. From her beautiful face, to her wonderful tits with the nipples sticking straight out at me, and then down to her shaven mound except for a little bit of hair at the top. I was speechless. She took my hands and stood me up. Then she slowly started to undress me. I started to help, but she slapped my hands away.

"This is my treat for you. Let me do it."

I didn't argue with her. I kicked off my shoes and let her take my pants off. When she pulled my boxers off she was on her knees and my hard dick smacked her in the face. I heard her gasp at the size of it and then grabbed hold of it. When we were both fully undressed she pushed me down on the bed and crawled her way up to face me.

"Stacey and I got together after we decided to go to the prom and decided to do this. You and Shane have always been there for us and we wanted to say thank you and that we love you."

"Hun, we love you too, but you don't have to do this."

"Yes, we want to so enjoy."

Stephanie started to French kiss me again and was sticking her tongue as far into my mouth as she could. After a few minutes she started to kiss my face and neck. She slowly started to work her way down my chest; nibbling on my nipples and making me draw in a deep breath when she did. She tenderly kissed me lower, and when she got to my dick I let out a loud moan.

She took my dick in her hand and licked it from the big swollen head all the way down to my balls. She started to slowly pump me while she was licking, and at one time took my balls into her mouth to suck on. She licked her way back up to the tip and started to kiss the tip and lick away the pre-cum that was flowing. Then she took the tip into her mouth and slowly worked her way down. She got down as far as I knew that she could possible go and then stopped. I felt her work her throat a little, and then she took the rest of it. When she got it all in she started to hum. This drove me up the wall. I grabbed her by the head and held her there.

"Damn girl. That feels great, but if you keep it up too much I am going to be blowing my load."

When I told her this she started to move up and down on my cock slowly. I knew that she had never done this before, but she was using her tongue and teeth like crazy. She wasn't biting hard, but lightly dragging her teeth along the length of it. I could feel the suction that she was using and knew that I would blow at any minute. While she was sucking me, her hands were on my balls lightly playing with them. When she felt them tightening up she knew that I was close. She started to go faster, and was soon moving at a blinding speed.

"Steph, you better stop. I am going to cum at any second now. Oh my God, here it comes."

Right when I blew my load she had only the head of my dick in her mouth. When I started cuming she chocked at first, but then started to drink all that she could. Some of it dribbled out of her mouth and down the side of my dick. When I was done, Stephanie started to suck me again and licked me clean. My dick shrank a little after cuming, but it started to get hard again. When Stephanie had me nice and clean she lay on top of my chest and started to kiss me. I could taste a sweetness in her kiss and knew that it was the taste of my own cum.

"How did you like that stud?"

"Damn girl that was great. Where did you learn to do that? Wow."

"Both Stacy and I read it in some books that we found. Now you can do something for me."

"What's that hun?"


She sat up and put her dripping pussy right in front of my face. I stuck my tongue out and licked her from the bottom of her slit all the way to the top. She let out a loud moan and ground her pussy into my face even more. I grabbed hold of her ass and drove my tongue as far into her tight hole as I could. Stephanie continued moaning and started to hump my face. I licked her as fast as I could, nibbled on her cunt lips and blew into her hole. She was really going crazy now. I looked up at her and she was pulling on her nipples and had her eyes shut. I continue eating her for at least another ten minutes and she starting to get really wet. My mouth and tongue started to get sore and knew that I had to get her to orgasm real quick. I took my right hand and started to run it up and down the crack of her ass. When I got to her tight asshole, I started to play with it. Stephanie started to move even faster. With her juices flowing back to her ass, I had no problem sticking my finger in her ass up to the first knuckle.

"Yes. Stick your finger in my ass Shawn. Yes." she yelled. I knew that the others heard but I didn't care.

I shoved my finger the rest of the way up her ass and at the same time I bit down onto her clit.

"Oh fuck here I cum," she screamed, and then came like a geyser. After that I knew that the neighbors heard. I started to lick up all the juices that I could and she came even more. When she came down from one orgasm she went straight into another on. She had an orgasm I know for a good ten minutes. When she finally stopped she fell over to the side of the bed, and passed out cold.

"Stephanie hun, are you okay?" I asked, but she was out. I was getting worried and started to rub the side of her face when she slowly opened her eyes.

"You know I hope that it will always be like this. That was my first time and I love it."

"I am glad that you like it, but you scared the shit out of me when you passed out. I thought something was wrong."

"No hun, nothing is wrong. It just felt great. Let me rest for a few and then there is one more thing to do."

"Ok hun, come here." I wrapped my arms around her and held her for a while.

When she had calmed down I thought she had fallen asleep in my arms, but she pushed me over and went straight for my cock. After a few minutes of sucking she had me hard again. Stephanie then straddled me and with one hand guided me into her tight hole. She was still wet from her monster orgasm, so she had no problems taking me. She would take a little, then back off. Each time she came down she took more of me into her. I got a few inches into her when I felt a little resistance. Both of us knew that we were about to lose our cherries so she took a deep breath and slammed the rest of my cock into her. Stephanie's eyes flew open, and her mouth opened to a silent scream. Neither one of us moved till she got use to me being in her, and then she started to slowly ride me.

Once we got set into a steady rhythm we looked into each other's eyes and saw the love that we had for each other. We didn't go fast and hard, but slow and steady like two lovers would. I held onto her tits and would massage and pull on the nipples. Sometimes she would lean down and let me suck on them. After a good bit of this I could tell that she was tiring and was worn out from her orgasm she had earlier. While still in her, I sat up and rolled her over on her back. At first she wrapped her legs around me, but I put my hands behind her knees and pushed them up till her legs were resting by her sides. I started pounding into her and could tell that she liked this position.

"Oh yes. Fuck me Shawn, fuck me, hard and fast. Fuck me."

Her talking got me going and I started to pound into her harder and faster.

"Cum with me Stephanie, cum with me."

"Yes ........ faster .... harder ....... yes ......... oh fuck me."

I could tell she was getting close so I was pounding into her like crazy. All you could hear was skin pounding against skin, and her moaning. I could feel my balls tightening and knew that I was close.

"Here I cum sweetie, take it all."

"Yes. Cum in me. Here I cum again ....... fuck me."

I felt her vagina muscles tighten around my cock and that sent me into my orgasm.

"Ah, take it all Stephanie."

I blew about as much cum into her as I did the first time when she gave me the blowjob. We just kept cuming and cuming. Her orgasms came one right after the other. Once we both settle down we lay down next to each other with my dick still buried into her.

"I Love you Steph."

"I Love you too Shawn."

Then we fell asleep in each other's arms.

Sometime during the night I woke with a strange sensation. I was on my back and when I looked down, I could see that I was getting a blowjob again.

"Damn girl, haven't you had enough already?"

"I woke up, saw this terrific dick and had to have it again. I want you inside of me though."

She got on her hands and knees, and I knelt behind her. The first thing I did was to lick her from her clit all the way back to her asshole.

"Please stud, put it in me."

"Okay here it comes," and I shoved my dick into her in one big thrust.

"Yes, fuck me hard."

I started to pound into her from behind, but knew it was going to be awhile because I had already shot my load twice that night already. I started to play with her clit and when I got enough juices to suit me, I shoved my index finger into her ass. I pounded both her pussy and ass at the same time. She was really getting into it. When I felt like I could, I put two fingers in her ass. She buried her face into the bed and screamed. I just kept pounding into her again and again, harder and harder.

"Fuck me in the ass Shawn, please," She begged.

"What?" I asked not sure on what I heard was right.

"Fuck me in the ass. I want to feel you're cum fill my ass. Now."

I pounded into her more, and then stuck three fingers in her ass to get her ready for me. I could see her head laying sideways on the bed and tears going down her face.

"Are you sure you want this hun?"

"Yes, fuck me in the ass, please. I want it."

I pounded into her a few more times and then pulled my cock out of her. I put the head at her ass ring and pushed in slowly till only the head was in. I waited till she got use to me being in her, and then slowly started working my way in and out. It took about ten minutes, but I was finally buried all the way in her ass. I waited till she got use to me and then I slowly pulled out till the head was the only thing in, and push back in again. Slowly I worked in and out, till we both really started to get into it. Stephanie reached between her legs and started to play with her clit. I grabbed her waist and started to go faster and faster into her ass.

"Hun, it won't be long now."

"Cum with me stud."

I started to pound faster and faster into her ass. When I felt her start to let go, I pounded in one last time and unloaded for the third time that night. Stephanie pinched her clit at the same time, and started to have a monster orgasm again. When we finally settle down both of us collapsed on the bed with me still buried in her.

"Damn Stephanie. That was great, but I need to sleep before we go at it again."

"Ok stud, but one last thing though."

"What's that hun?"

"I'm Stacy, and Happy 18th Birthday."

I laughed knowing that they had pulled a quick one on me when I fell asleep earlier, but I didn't care. We fell asleep in each other's arms.

If you would like to hear more from the quad's let me know. If you would like for me to add something to the next story let me know.

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HER BROTHER, PART TWO She woke up in the morning with a dripping wet cunt and something poking into her groin from behind. Instinctively she bucked against it a few times before waking up fully and realising it was her brother's erect cock. He was still asleep, but at some point they had both rolled over during the night. Now Laura was facing away from Daniel, but Daniel was facing her and hugging her. One of his arms had gathered her up into a hug and his hand was resting on her...

1 year ago
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DeepLush Ivy Wolfe This Is Passion

This video features the amazing Ivy Wolfe and I having sex for the very first time. We instantly have really intense chemistry and have fun, aggressive sex all over the couch. She enjoys plenty of spanking and cums multiple times while I hold a hitachi on her clit while fucking and with a hand around her throat. There is a little bit of POV shot during the blowjob and when she’s riding my cock. At the end Ivy begs for me to cum in her asshole. She holds a hitachi against her clit while I...

3 years ago
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Saturday Afternoon

He wakes spooning her with his nose buried in her hair, smelling the scent of her shampoo that lingers in her thick auburn curls. Inhaling deeply, he never tires of her. Raising his head to check the time, the room is oozing with the smell of their sex they had hours before. Her naked sexy ass blocks the view of the clock.Their small bedroom has touches of both of them. Pink replica Venetian masks adorn the wall above his katana. His homemade closet organizer is full of her shoes, jewelry, and...

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The PsychicChapter 10 The Ghosts of Virginia City

Victor Victor turned around to see who had screamed at him, and flew backwards as a stack of books hit him in the chest. 'You missed me Robert Duvall, just like last time!' said a voice with a southern accent. 'Not this time you ... you barbarian!' shouted a voice with a French accent in Victor's mind. 'Sticks and stones, come let's dance, ' the southern voice said. Victor sat up and looked at the two apparitions that were fighting as the patrons screamed and ran for the door or...

2 years ago
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Please Call me Samantha

I began to get that feeling again. The one where my pussy starts to throb when he rambles on about nothing I seem to understand. Just for the fact that he knew what he was talking about made him sexy. Sure, a lot of girls at some point would have petty crushes on their teachers, but what I had was not a crush, I lusted for this man. Everyone in school knew that Mr. Jacobs was sexy. All girls had a slight thing for him and prayed that he was their History teacher. My praying had done me well,...

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The Choir DirectorChapter 3

I emailed Allison and Caitlin Friday evening and admonished each girl not to tell anyone including each other when they were supposed to arrive at my place. Caitlin showed up just before eight Saturday morning. I appreciated that the girls were timely. I was sure it was because they didn't want to displease me. It was a perk. I had slept in the nude and didn't bother to get dressed because of my anticipation of fucking Caitlin. "Shake hands with it," I said. Caitlin wasn't as...

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Battlemage Book 8 Origins and Dark RevelationsChapter 7

Current times ~Interlude~ Dressed in a heavy traveling shirt and loose, but sturdy pants, Kathryn was trying hard to not let her depression get her down. As she trudged on towards the next city she planned to search it was getting harder and harder to stay up beat and positive. She had started her journey after a couple months of moping and self reflection as she realized that she had to make some changes or she would lose what could be what little time that she had with Elliot. Since she...

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It Started Innocently Enough

You see, he's taller then me. Quite a bit taller. I know that doesn't make much difference if we're lying down. In fact, it's nice. I get to tuck my head down under his chin, and stay warm, and I can avoid his cold feet altogether. And it's not like he's without technique, or equipment. And he's got abs as hard as his ribs, and a face like an angel. Oh, and gentle. Strength with control. Perfect, yes? But I have an obsession. It's nothing really kinky, or at least it wasn't. Before....

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Karlee Grey Busty Karlee Grey Earns Her Keep

Karlee has rented a room for a few days from Jason. When he opens up the door to let her in, he recognizes her and asks her if she is the famous KARLEE GREY? She says yes, he is surprised and excited. He lets her in the house, shows her the bedroom where she will be staying. While she takes a shower, he walks by and sees her. He watches for a while as she soaps her prefect body. And those tits are amazing. She notices him and and to his surprise she invites him in. She takes his dick out and is...

2 years ago
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Depth of FieldChapter 1 Splash a Little Water on It

The end is in the beginning and lies far ahead - R.E. “Are you just going to stand there and watch me all day?” I raised an eyebrow at my sister and smiled slightly. “Is that what you want me to do?” Lara grinned impishly before turning back toward the lively river, stepping onto the larger rocks that jutted out from the rapids. The sudden lift of her fishing rod gave away the fact that she’d settled too quickly on an unsteady stone. Her toned leg muscles twitched as they tried to make...

4 years ago
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Rookie of the Year Part 2

For a moment, life seemed surreal as Hideki eagerly teased and sucked each nipple, slowly and skillfully in full and semi-circles. Ashley moaned as he stimulated her nipples and she stroked the back of his head. His lips made their way up from her breasts, to her neck and then to her lips where their tongues caressed each other. Ashley wrapped her arms around him. She could taste his breath as he continued to fondle her with his large hands. Never in her life was she this close to another...

First Time
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Bisexual Mature Guys at the Pool

Monday evening, 9:45 When I moved to Montreal three years ago from Winnipeg, I chose the South West district of the city because of the George-Vanier sports complex and its amazing pool. I retired from competitive swimming after the London Olympic Games and went back to College to finish my MBA. After that, I went to work for Scotia Bank and ... when the opportunity to transfer to Montreal reared its head, I jumped at the chance. Anyway, ever since I’m been coming to this pool, I’ve had...

4 years ago
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MaquisChapter 24

Birmingham. August the same year. The Chief Executive of Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, looked up, startled, as two men entered his office unannounced. “What?” he asked in surprise, before gathering himself. “Who are you and what do you want?” he asked, wondering slightly why his PA had not even tried to inform him. “Mister Sturgeon? Mister Connor Sturgeon?” the taller, younger, of the two men asked. “Yes. Who are you? You need to make an appointment. I’m a busy man, now please...

2 years ago
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Family FunChapter 11

Meanwhile, in the spa room, Debbie and Julie were giving young Johnny a fuck to remember. The boy was on his back beside the tub with his sister's little blonde pussy plastered over his face while Debbie Conroy faced her, bouncing her cunt up and down on Johnny's rigid cock. "Mmmm, that's so fucking good!" Julie breathed as her pussy responded to her brother's tongue with glowing, trembling warmth. "Ohhh, yeahhh Johnny! Suck me, baby! Suck me and fuck Debbie! Uuuhhhh, this is so...

4 years ago
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The Ice Cream ManChapter 4

Jen and I were a bit at odds before she left for her vacation with her parents. Since I found out her friends Nicole and Marty were going I developed a distrust very quickly. That's when I asked my friend Keith, who was a Private Investigator, to get me a background check on Nicole. He previously had gotten pictures for Marty of his ex wife cheating on him. He told me it was a pretty easy gig since Marty had given him all the details of where his wife would be and who she would be with. It...

4 years ago
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Daddys Girls

Divorce is a weird thing. After a year spent finally getting back to ‘single’ status all I can think of is finding a new woman! The trouble with that is guys of forty-four aren’t readily attractive to young women so I went out looking for one of my own age, what a flop that was! Most had masses of baggage, set in their ways or still looking for a handsome young ‘Mr Right’ and that most certainly was not me. Then, at the risk of telling my story backwards, I found not one, but two and not only...

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Naked in School TyshalaThursday

I woke feeling like I didn't sleep at all. The brat must have felt as rotten as I did because I spent the first few minutes in the bathroom dry heaving. Eventually, I was able to brush my teeth and get dressed — one of the new dresses — and go down for breakfast. "There's my little sweetheart!" Mrs. Redmond all but threw her arms around me. "You poor thing! I heard you up there; how are you feeling, any better?" "You definitely did not sound good." Brian remarked. I hadn't seen...

3 years ago
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I was gay up until my first Thai Massage in Los An

This story is 100% true. I was gay up until I was 19. I knew I was different as a k** and as I got into my teenage years I started to experiment with older guys. I was a good looking k**/teenager however very oblivious to it. It wasn't until I was about 18/19 that I realized I was actually good looking, nice body and what would a lot consider a big dick. A little about me. I am half Cuban and half Israeli. I have a swimmers built, I can thank Karate for that. I am about 5'9 with light brown...

2 years ago
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Pyx 2 Training DaysChapter 7 Boot Camp

It was about a half hour before the two filed out and knelt at my feet. After pausing to raise their anticipation, I spoke. "There were two characteristics that make for a good slave: Subservience and masochism. Both of you are masters of one, and lacking in the other. "Pyx, your humility and obedience are the stuff of legend. I couldn't ask for a more submissive slave." Pyx bowed. "Thank you, Master." "But when it comes to getting pleasure from pain, you have only had a taste. We...

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The Backside of Nowhere

I cruised by the little back road bar and then turned my bike around and went back. To this day, I don’t know why but I did and my life changed completely. Whether it was for the better or for the worse is still up for grabs. I will let you decide. ***** Parking my bike, I sat there waiting. For what I wasn’t sure but something told me to wait. In my lifetime, I’ve learned to listen to such things. I pulled a crumpled up pack of cigarettes out of my vest pocket and lit one. I’d been riding...

1 year ago
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Latha The Gorgeous And Massage Therapist

Let me introduce myself my name is Rajesh I am pure south Indian who don’t know Tamil since I was born and brought up in north India. I am working at Chennai staying with friends. Basically I am guy who would like to have aunties and middle aged ladies daily night as my dinner of sex. I am really very horny guy who would like to enjoy sex to the core. Now let me start the story is real story happened last month to me with a lady named Latha (fake name) aged 38. Last month first week after...

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Cheer Raider SABRE Panther Episode 3

EPISODE 3: "Flashback! A Magical Girl is Born! Two Guys at the Same Time?" "Oh God! Yes, fuck me Wade, yes, oooohhh!" screamed Jennifer as her pussy was pounded from behind by the football player's rock hard dick. "Yeah, take it babe, take it! I'm cumming! Aaaaahhh!" Wade yelled in return, as his jism unloaded into her. He pulled out of her and lay back onto her bed. She turned around on her hands and knees and took his shrinking cock into her mouth, licking up the combination...

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Chapter 1 I knew as I watched her walk up to the bar and take a seat about ten feet down the bar from me. I can’t say it was any one thing, it was a combination of several things, the proportions of her limbs, the line of her neck in profile. Like I say I was certain about her and I wanted her. I noticed the girl behind the bar was trying to ignore the girl so I ambled over and attracted the bar girl’s attention. I ordered myself another bottle of San Miguel and turning to the cutie I was...

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Seduced by Teen neighbour 2

I could not sleep! Images of Beki, my 18-year-old teenage neighbour filled my head. Beki with her lips wrapped around my stiff prick. Her pushing her wonderful tits together and allowing me to slide my knob between them. Me pounding into her with a passion I hadn’t known I was capable of. Me lapping at her moist sex as she held onto my head and moaned loudly. “Lick me, daddy! So good!”. Why would an 18-year-old even look at an old man like me? OK I was still in my early 50s so didn’t like to...

3 years ago
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The Day I Waited For

Hi, readers, this is Mahesh. I am an ISS reader for past 6 years. I read so many stories which eventually encouraged me share mine. I am 24 years old from Hyderabad. Average body(trying to be fit asap) with 6-inch dick(I promise you ladies, you will say wow after having it in your pussy). In this story, I want to tell you my dream come to moment with my girlfriend. Her stats are 34-30-36. I don’t want to tell her name because of privacy issues. Without testing your patience more let’s move on...

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Mom My Lover

So there we were, Mom and I, sitting on the edge of my bed. We were talking away, as we usually did, but this time I had a hand inside her soft pink robe, fondling one of her lovely big tits, squeezing its smooth, spongy ripeness and gently pinching the hard nipple, and she was acting as if she didn't even notice. I doubted that she was wearing any panties, and I was determined that I would soon find out. Wait a minute! Maybe we had better go back and see just how this story started. A son...

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Wifes friend

I am living with my wife and three children in UK. Once we received a call from Sameera, an old friend of my wife’s. She said that she was in town and wanted to visit, but didn’t know where we were living. We decided to go pick her up. My wife and I went to receive her, and overjoyed to see an old friend again after so many years. As Sameera shook hands with my wife, I fell in love with her all over again. Unexpectedly, I offered my hand, which she squeezed affectionately. She had money, a lot...

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used at school 8

During their lunch break Olivia got a text telling her to go and give herself to the builders and let them do what ever they wanted to with her, so she got up and left Claire at the diner table and headed towards the gym. Claire sat there a little while before her phone started to ring and when she answered it she heard David's voice."Hello Slave, I bet you have been wandering why I have not done anything to you yet haven't you slut?""Hello Master, Yes I thought you had forgotten about me""Well...

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From her outward appearance you'd never guess that Valerie Hawkins was a predator! Standing five feet six inches tall and weighing in at 125 pounds, she looked a lot like any other pretty thirty year old you'd meet on the street. To many people the word predator brings to mind a ravenous killer, that stalks its prey, killing it with no remorse, no hatred, no greed, just the driving instinct to attack and kill, inbred, with no compunction. No, Valerie Hawkins doesn't fit he normal picture of a...

2 years ago
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The Downfall of Mistress Lisa and her Pet Shelley

This is the story of how my girlfriend Lisa and I had a girl’s night out that we will never forget. It is a story that changed our lives somewhat, and I’m happy to be sharing it with you. One Saturday night, as we occasionally do, we went out to a club to unwind after a long week from work. We wore sexy dresses that barely covered our asses, and we wore them with no panties. It was exciting to think about our bodies being bared for those who just happened to see. Lisa is an Asian woman who has...

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Doctor BrandleChapter 9

Steve thought that the five day continuing education seminar in Hawaii was interesting and worth attending. The various topics discussed resulted in Steve being brought current in a number of important areas. The food and the facilities of the five star resort Steve was booked into made for a pleasant stay. Steve had extend his stay here two more days after the seminar ended as Pat Staley only telling Steve he had a daughter still bothered him. He didn’t know why Pat would tell him something...

3 years ago
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And then there were three

Some six months ago, my girlfriend of three years had split up from me. To this day, I don’t know the real reasons. I’d been very upset for the first three months and all through that time my friends, Jon and Jeni, had offered much support. Enduring my self-indulgent rants, low moods and so on. But time had, as is so often the case, started to heal the inner wounds. Seeing this, they’d invited me to his parent’s holiday home for the week-end with strict instructions that I should arrive for...

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23rd Century Digital Girl Chapter 4

Nicole’s GP arrived about ten minutes after I called her. She was a good-looking woman in her mid- thirties. Not wasting any time, she brushed past me and headed toward the bedroom. I followed her. Nicole was still lying motionless on the bed. Her eyes seemed darkened with anxiety and pain. “What has happened, my dear?” the doctor asked and knelt beside her. “Hi, Nadja! My pelvis is giving me problems again,” Nicole replied shakily. Nadja sat on the bed and pulled back the sheets. Nicole...

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Teaching My Boss a Lesson

Jessica, or Jess to her friends had just graduated from college. She was a wide-eyed optimistic twenty-something determined to change the world. She was not as na?ve as everyone thought, even had a little bit of a dark side that she hid very well. She was about 5'6", average build with long dancer's legs, blue eyes and long straight dark hair that was the envy of all of her friends. The only job she could find in the job market when she graduated was a glorified intern on a senator's r...

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The First Threesome 8211 Part I

This is Arjun here and I’m here with my first story on this site. Please accept my apologies in advance for any mistakes. So, this happened in December 2018. It was a Saturday. I was browsing online on an adult dating site hoping to get lucky. Most of the people on the site were from the US. I searched for the chat room. But to no avail. Disappointed I headed to IM section. There I saw a couple listed in my own city. Normally I don’t contact local folks as most of them do ask for money, be it a...

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Remarkable Quickie

Remarkable QuickieBy: Londebaaz Chohan Percy took every precaution to make sure, nobody saw him coming into Prof. Walker’s office, one late afternoon. They had to be on the road in almost 25 minutes to reach on time to attend the lecture, they were supposed to that evening. Prof. Walker made sure of nobody had seen him coming in, by asking Percy and Percy confirmed for sure. The bulge in Professor’s pants looked huge and agonizing to endure if a relief was not available soon. Percy asked...

4 years ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 10

Love without anxiety and without fear is fire without flames and without warmth, Day without sunlight, hive without honey, Summer without flower, winter without frost ... Chretien de Troyes, 12th century I enter the bedroom to find the men have jumped ahead of me and now Nimrod has Saul on all fours in the middle of the bed and is already pumping into him. I wait for them to slow down before making my move. Coming up behind Nimrod, I lightly stroke my hand down his back. He shudders at my...

1 year ago
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Opus OneChapter 9 Gigue

Dr. Eugene Dobra was everything rumor made him out to be. He walked in at exactly one o'clock. Richard and Sandra had just found two seats in the back corner together, hardly having greeted each other when he asked for silence. "Take out some staff paper," he said. He sat at the piano in the front of the room as people shuffled through their bags for the paper. Richard borrowed a sheet from Sandra. When the rustling and whispering had settled down, Dr. Dobra nodded. "Please write...

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First time going gay

I was in my late twenties, and had a huge circle of friends, mostly male. Everyone was straight, many of the guys having girlfriends or wives. It was a social group too; lots of barbeques, parties and get-togethers; we'd basically use any excuse we could to be together. Sports were a big part of our group; everyone loved the 'Vikes'. I cared about most of the people in our group and I truly enjoyed our time together. I was one of the quieter members of the gang though I wasn't shy. I dated...

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Danny Phantom

To most people, 'saving the world' probably wouldn't be the first thing they thought of when thinking of what they would do with ghost powers - powers that allowed you to control bodies, turn invisible, and walk through walls. However, Danny Fenton was not like most people, and consequently, 'saving the world,' did become the first thing he thought of when gaining his ghost powers. However, he still was a hormonal teenager, and as each day passed, Danny fought tooth and nail to resist the urge...

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KU High School Stories

(for those from less advanced cultural meccas: that’s Klamath Union High School in Southern Oregon, USA) 1.) In freshman year, I went out for track and joined the long distance team. I did this because I wasn’t very fast and really just did it for fitness and to see pretty girls in their track outfits. One day, I just didn’t want to do the 5 mile run so I fell behind and then ran to a nearby minute market, had an iced coffee and a cigarette, then wrote a poem… and ran back toward K.U. (all in...

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What Happened Next

This is the sequel of "How It All Started"I was still in a relative state of shock and embarrassment from the events of the past few hours. I grabbed some clothes and a towel and went into to the bathroom and took a shower. As the warm water ran down my body I closed my eyes and imagined her again and started getting hard again. I turned around to let the water roll down my back as I Washed. When I reached my now rock hard erection I couldn't help but relieve myself again and started stroking...

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1964 The Dairy of DesireChapter 33 Forgiven

That afternoon at milking I was worried Branch would remain upset with me about the experience with the bull during the day. I wasn’t sure about how to approach the subject, was still very embarrassed for being a fool and, I was sure, had lost her respect. I had to bet myself they all knew, were totally aware Betty and I had fucked an amazing amount in the pasture. I was surprised, however, none of my milk mates were acting as if anything was different, as if anything had happened to upset...

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High TidesChapter 32 Cool Frugal Conscience

Carla? Of course, Carla! She’s mine again. Alive again. I missed her so much. I gave Kathy’s reanimated dispossessed body to my murdered wife Carla. Holding her n my arms again, kissing her, is a joy. Carla clings just as tightly to me. Why give her Kathy’s body? Same size and very similar around her eyes as the original Carla. Carla wasn’t blond of course, but she can dye her hair if she wants. Carla’s skin was light brown. Kathy’s lost her suntan, her present pallor is frozen turkey pale....

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ReplayChapter 14

It was a rarity. All four of the family sat down together for breakfast at nine on a Sunday morning fully dressed. It was expected of Zoë. She had chapel at eleven and had to get her charges sorted. Jerry and Emma had to collect the dogs at ten. Joanna had to be ready for Simon in six hours time. Zoë left soon after they finished giving each an almost perfunctory hug and kiss. Joanna's hug was a little longer and a little tighter. "Good luck, Jo love," she whispered in her ear. Joanna...

2 years ago
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A Crazy Bus Ride

Hey hi…Sam here…ive been a regular visitor to ISS…well here’s my story which happened bout a month back. (women in mumbai/pune looking for discreet relationship can get to me on To start with im not a chiselled guy, im kinda chubby 25yr old…this happen when i was travelling to Bombay from pune.. As a regular guy was waiting at the bus station to board the bus.. but being a sunday the buses were all going full… so i was waiting to get on a bus… finally i got a bus after about an hour waiting…as...

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The Slave Princess Part 5

What raiment does the breeze wear On this first day of spring? A fine spun, fragrant mantle Borrowed from the swaying blooms! - The Canticle of Menkeret. Night. I lie in my pallet and, as is now my custom, I listen closely to the nocturnal sounds of the house of Heshuzius. But, after an hour or so of this, my mind inevitably wanders to former times, to the days before my enslavement, to the house where I grew up and its life of happy, carefree idleness. In...

4 years ago
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Me And Sam Chapter 15

Chapter 15 You Say It's Your Birthday! Friday morning arrived and I hopped out of bed excited about the pending events. I ran to the bathroom, took care of business and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. A raccoon stared back at me. In a way, it wasn't as bad as I'd expected. The dark circles under my eyes made me look like a member of the walking dead. A pity that today wasn't Halloween. I laughed aloud at my own insanity and made my way into the...

1 year ago
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Kristi and the high school boy

My wife and I have been married for 11 years now she is 32. Kristi is 56, weighs in a 118 dripping wet and has looks to match. She is brunette, top and bottom with a neatly shaved pussy. We have had great sex for years, 3 to 4 times a week, but sometimes she gets really aggressive and we spend a whole day trying to set a record for how many times we can make each other cum. I got her to 7, she got me up to 6 times in 18 hours. I love those days. Last week we got a card with a family photo...

4 years ago
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Rita is a recent addition to our family of hot ladies and wow...what an addition!!! She is beautifully slim,about 5'5” with a 34B bust...aged 50,but you would not think so,with her dark walnut hair in the classic bob style enhancing her exquisitely attractive face. I knew as soon as I laid eyes on her that here was a lady of quality,the way she carried herself,the way she walked so effortlessly and with such ease in those high heels,her elegant couture,the way her make-up had been perfectly...

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Mary Ann

Bob has been happily married to his wonderful wife, Franny, for close to fifteen years. They have three children, aged sixteen, eleven, and five. Franny is in the Air Force as a technical sergeant, and Bob is a software engineer. When the Gulf War broke out, Franny got orders and left with 24 hours’ notice. That is how much time the military gives you when you are on active duty. Franny was a payroll clerk and the primary point of contact for contractors working with the military during the...

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Sex With ISS Reader Sonali Bhabhi

Hello friends, it’s Rudy and I am back with another sex story. This is a real life experience which I tried to narrate with utmost sincerity. Please forgive me for any mistakes. It was a fine Monday morning and I have finally reached Mumbai. I called Sonali bhabhi but she didn’t pick the call. Maybe she was busy with her son getting ready for the school. So I didn’t bother to call again. I dropped few msgs on her WhatsApp regarding my arrival and that I would be checking in the hotel...

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Kellys Bad Day at the Office

The bank was busy with costomers, so Kelly did not notice the five men that walked in and positioned themselves throughout the bank. One stayed near the door, one walked to the drinking fountain, one went towards the other door, one went to the loan desk, and one got in line for a teller. As if on que they all pulled ski masks over their faces and pulled out guns. Everybody hit the floor, this is a hold up!!!! yelled the man in the teller line. Everyone do as your told, and no one...

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