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I stepped back out of range of her deadly weapon, I was getting tired, sweat poured down my face and my shirt stuck to me like a second skin.

The girl had now also paused, perhaps to take a rest. Although she didn’t look as though she needed to. The break gave me time to study this African girl who was scowling at me with intensity.

She was tall and slim, almost as tall as me and I’m six foot and two inches. She was certainly considerably younger than me, I thought she looked to be eighteen or thereabouts. Her bearing was very erect and proud. She was a warrior of that there was no doubt.

She wore only a skirt of some sort, of what I’m not sure. There were bangles with large white beads around each ankle and a similar band around her head but with smaller beads. Her skin wasn’t the deep black of the local tribes, more a light chocolate colour. Neither was her hair typical, as it hung straight and long to her shoulder, it was a rich black with a velvety shine to it.

Her breasts were high, tight and pert with quite large nipples. Her legs and arms were long and slim but rippled with muscle.

She watched me studying her, the scowl had turned to a frown. Suddenly she spoke and in English. “I see you look, white man, you think you will rape me as all your kind do before you kill me.”

“You attacked me” I pointed out “and I have no intention of raping anyone. And I certainly don’t want to kill you, why should I?”

“I attack you because I think you hunt me,” she said raising her spear again.

” I’m not hunting you, I have been trailing a gang of raiders but have lost their trail in the rocks. I’ve been searching about trying to pick it up again.”

She studied me while she seemed to consider my words, “Why should I believe you, all white men lie” she snapped back.

She changed her position and I thought “Here we go again.” as she took a step forward. I raised my rifle but not to shoot, I could have done that ages ago had I wanted but I only used it to fend of her spear.

I realised I perhaps should have pointed that out before now but suddenly had no time as she charged. This time I was not quick enough, the spear hit my arm, my sleeve ripped and blood poured from the wound that she cut across my bicep.

But, before she had the chance to pull back, my other hand had grabbed and got a grip on the shaft of her weapon. She heaved back but I was able to pull her in towards me and as she came close, too close to wield the spear, I encircled her with my arms. She struggled, tight against me.

Then I saw her hand reach for the knife at her waist. She pulled it free but as she raised her arm to strike, a rifle shot rang out and a bullet ricocheted off the rock next to us.

I pulled her down with me diving for the ground, as more shots rang out. We lay with her still in my arms for a moment. “It must be the raiders,” I said. “Quickly follow me behind these rocks.”

I scrambled on all fours, seeking shelter and a quick glance told me that she was following.

Bullets continued to hit the rocks, causing dangerous splinters to fly through the air, one hitting me square in the forehead. I wiped the blood away, desperately trying to keep it from my eyes. I peered through a gap, keeping my head low. I could see the smoke from at least three rifles, maybe four.

Easing my rifle into the gap I aimed for where I had seen one of the puffs and there he was. A head just came into view as I took aim. I saw his rifle come up as I squeezed the trigger. I heard the scream and saw a hat go flying.

Taking a quick look behind me to see if the girl was okay I was surprised, she was nowhere to be seen. But I had no time to ponder the matter as more bullets hit close to me. I rolled side over side to take up a new position.

Another bullet ricocheted off where seconds ago I been but this time I saw where the shot came from and was ready and waiting when I saw the rifle next appear. Although I couldn’t see the gunman hidden in shade, I aimed directly at his gun. I don’t suppose I hit the rifle, I’m not that good a shot but I did see the man behind it jump up and then fall.

For what seemed ages but was probably only a few seconds, everything went quiet. Then a guy came staggering from behind a rock and as he fell I saw the spear between his shoulders.

The remaining gunman then made the mistake of turning to look for this new source of attack and in doing so, gave me a clear shot. Which I took and saw him twist and fall.

The girl slowly raised up and moved into full view, carefully looking around. I stood with rifle ready and walked out to meet her.

At that moment another figure rose from behind a rock close to her, a pistol rising in his hand. Without thinking I snatched the rifle to my shoulder and fired.

She dived to the ground glaring at me but then she heard the sound of the body hit the ground. She turned her head to look and then back at me, she just gave a small nod before climbing to her feet. She stopped in front of me, staring intently. Then spoke, “It appears you were telling the truth then, white man. You are wounded,” she stated somewhat matter of factly, looking at the blood running into my eyes, that was now really hampering my vision.

She took my arm and lifted it to inspect the wound there. She said to wait as she went and retrieved her spear, before going to check the gunmen.

Returning with four rifles hanging from her shoulder and a pistol in her hand. She simply said “All dead”

I found a good spot and buried the rifles, She said that she would remember where they were.

We left the dead lying where they were, let the animals clear them away I thought., it's what they deserve.

She took my arm again and said: “Come there is water and shade near, I will fix your wound before arm goes bad.”

After walking for ten minutes or so we came to a little hollow amongst the acacia trees and a couple of giant boababs. A small stream ran through the hollow and had created a pool of crystal clear water. “Wash,” she commanded.

I bent and scooped water to my face.

“No, need to be in water to clean properly, take clothes off and wash.” I hesitated and then saw the impatient look on her face, so I just complied, undressed, then gently eased into the water.

“No crocodiles here, it is safe,” was her only observation.

To my surprise, she removed her skirt and waded in until she came behind me. She scooped water and surprisingly gently washed the now drying blood from around the wound on my arm. “Lucky I not stab good, wound is not bad,” she said.

She continued scooping water over my head and then my back. I felt her fingers stop at an old scar from a gunshot wound I had sustained a couple of years back. She slowly traced the outline of the scar and then turned me sharply round. Her hands went to my forehead, gently probing. I winced but never uttered a sound.

“Stone in there. Must take out,” she said. Her knife was still hanging from a belt at her waist. She took it from its sheath and rinsed it in the pool. “Should use fire but cannot risk now”

Then she reached and probed, not deep but it hurt like hell, I managed to just grit my teeth together and kept quiet. “There she said” satisfied the stone was out, “You brave like warrior and not cry out, it is good.”

We left the pool and sat on the nearby rocks, I completely forgot that I was still quite naked.

She gathered some leaves, what they were, I have no idea. Then cutting a strip from my shirt, she bound the leaves against the wound. “Will be okay until proper medicine. You not lose arm now.”

She sat next to me. The rock was not large so I felt her thigh against mine. It was then I remembered our nakedness.

She was looking into my face as I desperately tried to keep my eyes from her body. “You save my life back there and I now owe you a life.”

“Nonsense,” I said, “it’s just a part of what I do.”

“It is our way,” was all she said.

“Who are you and what is your name?” I asked.

“My name Nandi, Princes Nandi from tribe over distant hills. My grandfather is King.”

I hesitated as maybe my next question was delicate. “But you’re not black are you, I mean not really black?”

“My father is son of King, he had white wife but she is dead now. I have my mother’s hair and half her colour.”

“But you're like a warrior, I thought only the men could be warriors.”

“This true except for Royal family. I am princess so I have right to be warrior if I prove worthy. I am away from tribe looking for my first lion, then I am truly warrior.”

I put my hand on hers, she started and for a moment I thought she would snatch it away but though tense she left it where it was.

“I think you are already a warrior from what I saw today, they never saw you coming until too late, it was magnificent.”

“But I would be dead warrior if not for you, I think those men would have found me anyway, then I raped five times before dying. Maybe not five times, I think I kill one or two before they take me.”

She continued, “I think you good man and brave man, I like that.” Then taking me completely by surprise, she leaned over and planted her lips on mine.

I thought she would pull away again after a quick kiss but her lips remained, so I responded and we kissed properly. She raised an arm around my shoulder and pulled me in, kissing harder. I reciprocated with one arm around her shoulders and the other moved to hold her upper arm.

But again I had forgotten our nakedness until I felt her breasts pushed against my arm. Again I thought she would pull away but instead, she pressed harder against me.

My hand moved slowly from her arm until I cupped a breast. I gently squeezed as I fondled her nipple which was reacting as it grew under the touch. I allowed my fingers to pinch gently and still we kissed. Our tongues now exploring into each other’s mouths.

I could now feel my cock had taken an interest in affairs and was beginning to rise to the occasion. I felt her hand on my chest, moving round in circles, it touched one nipple then the other before it was tickling my stomach which meant my cock came into contact with the back of her hand.

Her lips pulled away from mine and she glanced down. For the first time, I saw her smile and it was as if the sun had suddenly come out. I realised how truly beautiful she was.

Her hand turned as still she looked down, “I have never seen a white one before, it is pretty.”

I’ve never had my cock referred to as pretty I thought.

“And I have not touched one before, any colour,” she said. Her fingers wrapped around my cock and carefully she felt it as if it were a strange object. Then she gave it a rub, just one. It jerked in response and her smile grew even wider. She rubbed again and was met with another twitch, so she began to rub repeatedly, up and down. Firmly but not hard she worked at it. I felt the head start to ooze, she raised a finger to it then tested it between two fingers.

Her hands then gave my cock a hard squeeze and she pushed her fingers towards the tip. She watched the clear liquid which now freely oozed out. She gently spread it down the length and then began to rub again, she had realised there was a purpose to the liquid.

I took my hand from her breast and reached down but she quickly snatched and moved it back again. “Not yet, you must not touch, only when I say.”

She went back to her rubbing, I leaned back as I felt my blood start to pound and the heat rising in my now large and swollen cock. She sensed the time had arrived for her to rub more vigorously. Until my cock started to jerk and the white semen came shooting out. Spurting up over her hands. She continued rubbing until there was no more, bent and give the tip a quick kiss. She released her hold of me, then stood and moved in front of me.

I gazed at her beauty, waiting to be invited to touch.

But instead, she said “Our laws are very strict, young girls are forbidden to try and make babies but we are allowed to ‘ukusoma ukusoma’ and that is what we do now. I touch you and you touch me, it is not make baby.” Then “I have touched you and now you will touch me but you must promise you do not try more or will have to kill you. I do not want that. You can use finger and mouth but not more.”

She placed her hands on my shoulders then moved closer. For the first time, I could see her pussy slit below the small mass of black curly hairs. The lips were quite large and protruded to form two hanging flaps.

Although I thought it all felt a bit mechanical, none the less I reached a hand to her pussy. I gently stroked, she did not move. I brought up another hand and with my fingers, eased the flaps apart. I could now see inside and was surprised to see how pink it was in there.

Lightly I touched, it was moist but not wet. I pulled the lips wider and then I could see the small button that was her clit. My fingers moved towards it, sliding between her lips, slowly upwards until they touched her clit.

Now she jumped and then pushed her hips in closer. With two fingers, I massaged the little button and watched it begin to grow. Her legs spread wider whilst her own hands left my shoulders and reached to pull her pussy lips apart.

She was getting wetter now, my fingers glistened. I began to ease a finger in and as I entered she spoke: “You must not break skin inside me, you understand?”

I just nodded and did not push in far. Instead, I added another finger and then a third and began to slowly push in and pull out again. I leaned forward, easing out my tongue, I found her clit and tasted her. It was delightful. My tongue teased and tickled around her clit, my fingers still performing.

She was now soaking wet, fluids draining out onto my hand. Her hips started to rotate and grind into my mouth, her hands had moved to my head and were pulling me into her. She began to tremble and then shake quite violently. Then she tensed, rose onto the balls of her feet and banged my mouth hard with her pussy.

She convulsed, then relaxed, then convulsed again as I heard her moaning above my head. She shook several times more as she rode the orgasm rising within her. Her legs snapped together trapping my fingers inside of her as she rode herself backwards and forwards on them.

She relaxed back on her heels and the knelt down in front of me. Her hands took my face and she brought her lips to mine and she kissed me passionately. “I have given you the honour of my first ukusoma, no man has touched me before and I am pleased I have done it with you, my warrior.”

I stared at her, completely lost for words which she could see. I held up my arms and she moved into them and we embraced in a lover’s cuddle. “Nandi that will always be special to me, I will never forget this moment.”

“Then I am more pleased that I have found a place in your memory, that is good,” she said, “Now we go back in water to wash and after I take you to doctor.”

We seemed to have been walking for miles. The sun had become relentless and I realised that I was having trouble focusing clearly on the way ahead. I began to filly dizzy and when I stumbled, Nandi took a tight hold of me, a concerned look on her face.

She touched my forehead and wiped away some of the sweat. “You have fever my leaves have not worked, we must get you into shade” as she pointed to a nearby hill, “opening in rocks over there.”

She eased me to the ground in a little shade close to where I could see quite a large opening into a cave. “Need to check inside, no snakes or scorpions. You have matches?”

She took them from me and set about lighting a small fire. When it was freely burning, she touched the stick that she had wrapped grass around one end into the fire. She tossed the stick into the cave and then lit another.

Watching the entrance, nothing came out. She went inside waving the second stick around until she was satisfied that the cave was safe. She came and helped me up and led me inside.

She undid the bandage on my arm, a deep frown crossed her face as she inspected the wound. Taking a thin blanket from my pack, she came and wrapped me. She placed my water bottle next to me after she had made me drink.

I was by now only semi-conscious. I became aware of a tickling and then a sting on my arm, forcing my eyes open and I looked. I must be imagining things I thought. All I could see was a bum close to my face with a small round arse hole peering at me. Then I saw the pee splashing on my wound. (note; urban myth)

I saw Nandi rise and adjust her skirt. “I must go, fetch doctor. You cannot go on.” She leaned in holding my face as she kissed me.

Then she was gone.

The first thing I noticed was the foul smell invading my senses. I struggled awake, the pungent air stung my eyes. I could see this old crone wafting smoke over me.

The smell was from whatever concoction she had applied to my arm and also what she was burning on a closeby fire. I drifted away again as my eyes closed.

I came awake with a start. My body felt as if it weighed a ton, then I realised it was Nandi lying prone on top of me. We were both naked and wrapped tight in the blanket. She was asleep. her head nestling my neck.

Smoke still drifted lightly from a dying fire.

I moved an arm and Nandi snapped awake. her head lifting as she peered at me. A hand touched my forehead, then she smiled. “I did not think you would come back from the land of the dead, the doctor said there was not much chance, the infection had taken your body.”

She reached out and brought the water bottle to my lips, I drank thirstily. She tenderly kissed me and I managed to respond. “Yes, you are back my love,” she said.

She snuggled back down against my body and even in my weakened state, I felt a stirring in my groin. I knew she felt it when she gently rubbed her pubis about on my rising member. Then she stopped and said, “No you need rest.”

Later after I slept for hours, she again gave me water and fed me a sweet gruel. Whatever it was, it certainly made me feel stronger.

Soon I was sitting up and watching Nandi as she moved about. She had still not dressed.

“Your eyes look at me and they see my body, I think you have ukuvusa ucansi, I don’t know word in English but it mean your body is excited looking at mine, I have same feeling, I have tingle here in my ibhentse and is getting wet all the time.”

“Ibhentse, what is that?”

She thought for a moment, “It is my hole here but it is also all of it” she said and pointed between her legs. “It is feeling nice but it is not good. We can have ukusoma in several ways but we cannot do ukulala ngokokuqala ngga even if I feel very strong it is what I want.”

“What did you say, I didn’t understand.”

“Ukulala ngkokuqala ngga it mean to take to mat for first time or maybe it is to try make baby for first time. It is difficult to explain in your language. None of these things is allowed until my family have approved my chosen man and allowed me to be promised as a bride, after that the oldest family woman inspect my ibhentse, to see it is not broken inside. I have already broken the code by having ukusoma with you without their blessing.”

I stared at her astonished. I think this girl was telling me that she loved me or at least had very strong feelings for me. “What do you mean by ukusoma in several ways?”

She was now embarrassed and it was some time before she replied. “We do not talk of these things very much, it is not custom. Ukusoma is what we did at the pool but it can be more. We lay down with woman facing up or down, We must close legs very tight. The man he then lay on top and push his thing ( she pointed at my cock) in between legs but must not enter ibhentse. We move until the white stuff come out. It is good for man but not so much for woman except we make him happy.” she finished eyes to the ground.

I saw her shoulders shaking and she was crying. “Come over here,” I said quietly. She came into my arms sobbing and clung to me.

I kissed and stroked her hair, while my thoughts whirled. What did all this mean I wondered? Did I have the same feelings for her? We had only known each other a few days, yet in that short time, we had saved each other's lives. I didn’t doubt that I owed her my life.

She looked up at me “No it is not right. I must get you stronger and then take you to your own people. I must pretend that nothing has happened.” She pushed me down, telling me to rest.

When I finally woke, I found her lying beside me, an arm across my chest and snuggled up tight to me. Gently. so as not wake her, I stroked her arm. Her skin felt like satin to my touch. I looked at her lovely face, now peaceful in sleep. Then I took in the swell of her breast laid against me. She stirred and moved a little, there seemed to be a smile on her face.

Her hand had moved to my stomach and again she slept breathing gently into my neck. The closeness of her hand had now caused my cock to start growing. Unconsciously her hand had moved a little lower and the tip of my cock just nudged her fingers.

Once again she stirred, still in sleep but her hand came up to just lay over my cock. I lay still, completely unmoving, except for my cock which had a mind of its own. It started twitching at the feel of her hand. Whether or not she had become aware, I don’t know. But her fingers moved to enfold my member and she snuggled tighter against me.

I noticed her eyelids were moving fast and thought she’s dreaming. Her fingers tightened and I gave an involuntary jump. Her eyes came open, she looked at me and then turned her head to look at her hand. For a moment she looked shocked and then smiled. “I was dreaming of him, then I wake and there he is and already in my hand. It is an omen. You are feeling stronger now?” it was a question, not a statement.

I replied that I felt almost fully fit again.

She began to stroke my cock then moved her head down my body. She kissed my tip and then her lips were around the head. Slowly she took me into her mouth, sucking gently. Her tongue explored me. She raised her head away, gave a squeeze to see the clear liquid oozing forth.

With a satisfied nod, she lay her body on mine. Her lips came to mine, as we kissed, she reached a hand down between us and pushed my cock up between her legs. Her legs clamped tight around it, completely trapped between her thighs. She took my hands and placed them on her arse and then was moving her hips up and down, masturbating my cock within the tight grip of her legs.

I gripped her cheeks, one finger exploring the crevice until it found the little opening. I teased it round and round, she seemed to wriggle and push against the finger, So I pressed and then a little more until I felt a give and just a little warmth on my finger. I pushed harder and it was now entering her, she heaved and the finger buried to the knuckle.

By now my cock was responding fully to the feelings generated from her gripping thighs. I could feel that she was trying to grind herself against me as her own passion rose but it seemed a futile effort.

I started to tense as she looked at my face, she now smiled broadly. “It is time my man, now it is time.” And she squeezed hard and moved her hips faster.

My release came and it shot hot and white over her upper thighs and up over her arse. She kept on moving until I dropped back with a groan. She just lay cuddling me tight.

With a slightly worried look on her face, she looked at me asked “Did I do it right, the ukusoma. Was it good?”

“It was wonderful, I don’t know what else to say.”

She went to sit up but said “I cannot move, you still have your finger inside me,” she said.

“Oh sorry,” I said.

“Why sorry? I liked that. It is the only place you can put him inside me, pointing at my shrinking cock and it still ukusoma. Perhaps you like to try later?” The latter with an impish grin.

I pointed out that she had satisfied my needs but asked what about her?

“Oh I have plenty of time, maybe later you make me happy.”

I nodded quite eagerly.

“I go now and catch some food for us to eat.” Taking up her spear, she bent out of the cave and silently like a cat, she was gone.

I had time to myself to think. I knew she would make a wonderful wife and I loved her strange mixture of one-minute childishness and then in an instant, her proud adult way of looking at things. I knew now that I loved her and I was certain she loved me but could I take her from the life she knew and into my world. Would she able to cope.

I would never be accepted in her world but she would not have that problem coming into mine as it was no longer uncommon for a white man with a black wife, anyway she was half white already. Plus the fact I realised, I spent a great deal of my life in the bush a quite solitary existence.

I resolved to fathom her feelings and find out if it were something she might want. Or had I just been fooling myself and got completely the wrong idea.

I never heard her approach but suddenly she was there and proudly holding a young deer. There was still blood on her spear. I could see she desperately wanted my approval. So I clapped and grinned “We eat well tonight.”

Satisfied, her face beamed. “I go clean,” she said. Her sentences were often clipped unless she took time to think. then her English was often much better.

Later we did eat well on beautifully cooked and tender venison.

I took a small bottle of brandy from my pack. This brought a big frown to her face. “Don’t worry,” I said “I’m not a drinker, just the odd sip now and again. Anyway, I need that as I have something important to ask you.”

“Ask me,” she said suddenly looking extremely worried.

I said for her to come and sit with me and then gathered her in my arms. She relaxed and snuggled in.

I had no idea how or where to begin, so gave up trying to consider and simply jumped in. “Nandi can you leave your people, forever I mean and if you could, would you if I asked you to?”

She sat up, faced me and said: “What you mean me come and work for you?” She had misunderstood me.

I took her hand and said, “No silly, as my wife, could you do that, would you want that?”

She sat just staring at me, different emotions running across her face. Then with a little cry, she fell forward and clung to me. She started kissing my chest and I could feel her tears running down.

Eventually, she sat up again. “You do not mean this, you joke or you just want to get him inside me” she stammered.

“Nandi I love you dearly and I want you to live with me and hunt with me as my wife and as my partner, it is our way.”

She took my hands held them to her bosom and sat looking deep into my eyes. After several minutes, she stated “It is true, you do love me. I am honoured beyond words. I also love you my warrior and from the very deepest part of my heart.”

I pulled her back to me and kissed her tenderly.

When she broke away it was with a more serious look on her face. “Can we truly do this? I would have to break with our custom, I cannot take you to my home for their approval, so I cannot go back if I were to be with you.” She pondered for a while. “It not so bad if I not go back, I not much liked by many for my colour” she had slipped back to her clipped English again. “My father maybe only miss me a little bit.” She looked at me “You really want this? You could be happy with white lady, I think, why me?”

“Nandi I know what I want and that is you, not some white lady I haven’t even met yet. We are quite obviously happy together. Yes, some things would be very different for you but you are clever and you will be perfect. It would make me very happy if you would agree to be my wife.”

Again she seemed to think forever. But as her features slowly brightened, I knew I had won her. She squealed in a girlish way and jumped into my arms. “I have decided, you will make me good husband and I will be good wife, you will see.”

“Thank you my love” I answered.

With another serious face, she said “Now we can make Ukulala ngkokuqala ngga” she said coyly. She spread her knees at sat across my legs, took hold of my cock and started to pump it vigorously.

“Hey not so eager love, let me show you,” I said.

I gave the blanket a shake off and lay it out flat. I held out my hand to her and she came to me shyly. I lay down pulling her gently beside me. We lay facing each other. I reached my lips to hers and we kissed lovingly and tenderly.

My hand explored her skin, stroking slowly her hair, her neck, her shoulders and down her back. I fondled her arse. I moved a hand to her breast, gently squeezing, then teased a nipple and still we kissed.

Her hand covered mine and pressed as I felt the nipple hardening under my touch. Her mouth moved to my neck and she dug her teeth in with a soft bite.

I eased her onto her back bringing my own mouth down to a breast, licking and tasting her skin. A nipple was quickly thrusting into my mouth and I sucked and nibbled with my teeth.

Her hand dropped to my cock and she caressed it from top to bottom.

I licked between the valley of her breasts then slowly licked down. Across her tummy and then I found her belly button. I continued down to the curly hair on her mound as her hands now took my hold of my head. My mouth found the butterfly flaps, my lips and tongue lovingly teased.

She pressed my head down as my fingers parted the lips of her pussy and I went straight for her clit. It was already standing proud and wet, so very wet. Still, my tongue teased and her hips thrust against my face jamming her clit hard against my tongue.

I eased two fingers inside of her and caressed the inner warmth. She was beginning to writhe quite frantically under my touch. I withdrew my hand and moving up, I lay gently on top of her as we kissed. Then I raised my body and pushed her legs with mine until they were spread.

Her eyes were locked on mine.

I reached and took my cock to her pussy, gently teasing round her lips. Slowly I entered, just a fraction at a time.

Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she clung to my back. I met resistance and now was the time she was to become a woman, my woman. She flinched just slightly as I increased the pressure. Then she gave a small cry, a hand going to her mouth, a frightened look on her face. But she bit her knuckles as the pain hit her.

With tender care I slowly withdrew, she relaxed, her hand returning to my back. I eased forward again and entered where nothing had been before. I lay still with my cock right inside of her, not moving as it just throbbed in her depths.

A little smile came to her face and she whispered: “Now I am woman and your wife.”

I began to move again, she winced slightly, but I was gentle and began a slow in and out. Gradually she started to thrust against me, then her fingers were digging into my back’

Her eyes were now closed, with an intense look on her face.

Her pussy began to tighten a grip on me and her legs went around my hips to pull me even deeper inside of her. I felt her inner muscles almost massaging my throbbing cock. I was getting near to climax, hoping I hadn’t lost control too soon.

She opened her eyes and between clenched teeth “It is time, now harder.” Her body trembled and her hips tensed, pushed up off the blanket. I thrust deep and hard. She screamed out loud and her nails scratched down my back as she reached her climax, orgasm followed, orgasm as she rode the wave.

She thrashed wildly against me as I also reached my peak, pumping my hot fluids into her. “I can feel you filling me” as she clung to me. With a final thrust from me and a responding surge from her, we were spent.

We lay gasping, I could barely breathe, so tight she squeezed me.

“My love,” she said “I had no idea, I cannot believe or put into words how you have made me feel. I have truly been taken to heaven. If this is my reward for becoming your wife and then let us get married every day from now on.”

I smiled tenderly into her eyes.

“Did I please, was it right, do you still love me?” She asked me.

“How can you ask that, it was......well it was better than anything I have ever known because I’ve never loved before, my warrior.”

“We are both warriors,” she said “And I will always be standing by your side. When I am not it will be because we are lying down for more Ukulala ngkokuqala ngga.”

The end.


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The naughty Princess

It was night in the kingdom of Alltaria. High in the tower of theking’s castle in Tomlin, 18 year old princess Mira could not findsleep. Her young body had awakened to desires new, forbiddenbut exquisite in it’s longing. Many a night she would lie awakenow and remember the strange spectacle she had seen on amorning only a few weeks ago. Vividly she can still recall thesounds that drew her attention to the store room of her tower.Short, sharp yelps of a woman and a regular muffled slappingnoise....

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Princess by Princess Pantyboy This is paradise, a hot four shot mocha with chocolate sprinkles, me sitting here outside on the patio in front of Starbucks on Main Street Huntington Beach Southern California. Yes this is the life, or like they say life is good when the simple things can bring a smile to your face. I pull out my new iPhone X and check my emails and text messages. Yes life is simple after a nice stroll on the beach and now chilling with my favorite drink, especially...

2 years ago
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The Son of Lust Chapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Chapter Sixteen: Taming the Rakshasa Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn't write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah's hand snatched the dagger from...

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Slave for my Princess

So slave, I bet you’ve been looking forward to this day haven’t you, after all, it’s been a whole week since I last released you hasn’t it?”“Yes Princess.”“And have you followed my instructions about not allowing yourself to cum during that time slave?”“100% Princess.”She smiled and allowed her hand to gently slide across my stomach, towards my hard, aching cock.“Good slave, you look so gorgeous tied down like this, I could almost forget myself and…” her voice trailed off and my cock twitched...

2 years ago
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She Ra Prisoner Of The Princess

PERSIAN STYLE VENGEACE  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????? SHE RA ? PRISONER OF THE PRINCESS By Sonya Esperanto? [email protected] She Ra is a Conan the Barbarian type character based on the popular animated series, Masters of the Universe.  Synopsis: She Ra (character from He Man) is on the trail of an evil princess, who had imprisoned her own father and took over the kingdom herself. She Ra...

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I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventionallife I am a 40 year old typical soccer mom who leads a pretty conventional? life.? My stories are based on my fantasies.? Most deal with the humiliation of older women by younger women, in the style of my favorite authors such as Cowgirl, Couture, Phoenix Arrow and Jane Parks.?? This is my first story I hope you enjoy it.? I?m working on further chapters, and I?d enjoy any constructive criticism.? Contact me at...

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Pumpkin Honey and Princess

Story's Title: Pumpkin, Honey and Princess by Honey. Short synopsis: This is a story between Pumpkin, Honey and Princess Pumpkin, aka Princess Tuesday is a professional Femdom. Honey, aka Ryan is Pumpkin’s good male friend. He is annoying, innocent but loveable. Princess is Pumpkin’s slave and used to be Honey’s best friend. Gender Codes: F/f F/m F+/m Sexual Activities: Cbt Modification Spanking Toys Fetish D/s:?Domination/submission B/D:?Bondage and Discipline S/M:?Sado-Masochism...

1 year ago
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"God, I need a cigarette," I thought absentmindedly for the umpteenth time. It's been over 3 months since I quit 'cold turkey'. Sitting in traffic thinking of my snot nosed 20-something boss and what a jerk he is, looking for a convenience store, just one smoke will make me feel better. Me I'm a 41 old married women with 2 teenage daughters. The 'perfect' wife and mother. I've been married for 19 years and still look pretty good, although if I'm honest I could lose 10 pounds...oh alright 20...

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I Princess

I, Princess Autobiography written by Dauphin [email protected] Introduction I have written a few stories under different names. People have always asked me to write about my own experiences. Until now, I have refused, because? my childhood was private. Second it was confusing and even though I was happy, I had a few hard times. Often I think that my childhood has made me what I am now. Another thing is that if I wrote my...

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Carls Princess

Carl's Princess I hate the weekends that Carl comes over to have sex with my wife. He spends the night and it makes so much more work for me. I have to go to the hair salon and have myself done up in lots of curls. Big, blonde Gone-with-the-Wind sausage curls. Carl likes me in curls - he says no man would wear his hair that way, which is why I have to. He also has preferences for my make-up: cherry red lips, robin's egg blue eye shadow, extra-long dark lashes, and pink blush. Not my...

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Summer Princess

Summer Princess Mom thought it might be a good idea to write this down, so I could show it to the therapist. I guess that's ok, and better than having to do some "How I spent my summer" essay for school. I guess there are some advantages to being home schooled, at least for now. My summer started by going to Uncle Mike's place, because my mom was sick, and she wanted me to have a normal summer for once. Little did she know. When I got to his place, it turned out that Uncle Mike had...

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The Pucell Princess

The Pucell Princess Forced destiny: The bars of gold having been stacked neatly against the west wall of the natural cavern picked up and arranged in orderly rows and stacks for the wild dispersal that had occurred in the hectic days of transporting, as well as hectic hours of the fighting and killing, all the accumulated barrels, bags, chests, and boxes. From the devastated wreckage of the once magnificent armed galleon, "Pucell Princess" all these items had been...

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My New Princess

     Ever since puberty I have been enamored with beautiful Dominant Women.  Most of the fantasies I have ever had revolved around being at the feet of, and wrapped around the finger of a statuesque Femme Fatale.  Throughout my entire life I have sought these types of Women but have never found one that really shared my desires.  Sure I have met my share of demanding Women but it usually turned out that they were demanding and controlling in a vanilla way and when I told them of my fantasies...

3 years ago
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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 15 Rewarding the Naughty Princess

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Wood burst, drawing me out of sleep. I groaned, groggy. Men shouted. Fear jolted through me. I sat upright to see men...

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The Male Princess

The male princess By Michelle Kay Chapter one The Year is 2065. In 2045 H1N1 finally went airborne. It was the second great pestilence of 2045 to 2055 in which 70 percent of the worlds population died. A disproportionate percentage of females were victims. Many men found it hard to find suitable female to wed. So, some took men and forced them to be brides. Laws were passed making it legal. The world had pretty much descended back into the 12th century Jason Oak had just...

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The Real Princess

This is the first time I am publishing one my stories. I wrote this particular one around five or six years ago. I wrote this one by taking the story from project Gutenberg archive and giving it TG theme. The Real Princess There was once a Prince who wished to marry a Princess; but then she must be a real Princess. He travelled all over the world in hopes of finding such a lady; but there was always something wrong. Princesses he found in plenty; but whether they were real Princesses...

1 year ago
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The Little Princess

Thursday evening and I got a call from a friend who wanted me to deliver some goods. He asked if I could go round to his place and get some details and paperwork sorted. So as soon as I put the phone down I went to see him, he only lives a few minutes away. My name is Victor; I’m forty four years old, an unemployed van driver. I was made redundant a month ago, so I was looking for a new position. My friend has a small business and when he needs a hand in getting goods to his customers, I help...

Straight Sex
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The Magical Princess

Once upon a time in a far away land, there was a beautiful kingdom surrounded by deserts. People rode around on camels across the desert. The women wore colourful desert dresses that wrapped around their bodies and over their heads so just their faces were visible. And the mens' clothing were dark shirts and trousers and cloaks. Within the kingdom lived a king who had lost his queen while giving birth to their only child - the beautiful Princess Delina. The king cherished and treasured his...

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The Boy Who Became A Princess

Years ago, I wrote another story with the same title as this one; it was about a boy who discovers that he is, in fact, a princess who had been transformed by magic when she was a baby. That version was only a few pages long and this story is a different, and better, take on the same idea. THE BOY WHO BECAME A PRINCESS (c) 2009 by Anthony Durrant As I walked on my regular route through the forest, I happened to notice a poster on a...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 16 Taming the Rakshasa Princess

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis ñ Ankush, the Queendom of Naith Pyrriah’s hand snatched the dagger from the air before it could slam into my face. I swallowed at that point quivering an...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Chapter 4 Fertile Princess

Book Three: The Rogue's Passionate Harem Part Four: Fertile Princess By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this. Chapter Ten: Function and Form Kora Falk – Az, Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch Theophil ran his finger across the facet of the ruby, his blue eyes growing studious. “Biomancer Vebrin...” The way he said the name made my skin crawl. I swallowed, hating that I was so close to him right now. As he moved the gem in his hand,...

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Liaison with a Princess

I had been a member of Lush Stories for not quite one year. I enjoyed writing stories of past sexual experiences and fantasizing about those I'd not had. Being able to express myself and interact with other like minded folks was in some ways relaxing, while also sensually, sexually stimulating. A young woman who went by the screen name of Green Princess was one of the first to friend me online. Over a period of time, Green Princess and I developed a fairly interactive and sensual friendship....

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The Beauty Princess

The Beauty Princess Or (My Ode to Alleta) *Note From Priscilla*: Hi girls. This is a story where I took some ideas from the real life of a very sexy and sweet Trans Girl named Alleta. She is a gorgeous Southern California Filipina Lady Boy Night Club Girl. Much of this is fiction of course. Thank you so much Alleta honey! I hope you enjoy this? I loved writing it girl! Priscilla. A story of change, redemption, and coming of age, by Sissy Miss, Priscilla Gay Bouffant I always...

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Pine Ridge to Princess

From Pine Ridge to Princess. The afternoon sun shone brightly on the Berghoff, its snow covered peak dazzlingly white against the clear blue sky. The city was almost deserted everyone seemed glued to their TVs or lining the streets from the Palace to the Cathedral for today Prince Boris was to marry and they were to have a new princess who would one day be their queen. A glamorous young woman from the USA, Jessica May Blanchard from Pine Ridge Nebraska known to the whole world as US...

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EllenChapter 34 The Royal Princess

It was a week later. Ellen sat in her coach heading towards Kensington Palace, the seat of the Duchess of Kent, the Princess Victoria of Sachse-Coburg-Saalfeld. She was the widow of Edward, Duke of Kent and Strathearne, the fourth son of King George III. Their sole offspring, Alexandrina Victoria, styled the Princess Victoria of Kent, was heir apparent to King William. Ellen was about to meet the fifteen year-old Princess at the behest of the King. The reception was frosty. The Duchess spoke...

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Homecoming Princess

Homecoming Princess By Arecee It was the third week of the new school year and the students were becoming more at ease with each other. Mr. Copeland's English class was becoming somewhat rowdy as the students laughed and joked with each other before class started. Lynn Collins was somewhat of a joker and loved to tease other students. He never did it in a mean fashion but always in fun and the other students loved the way he did it. Lynn was a freshman at a new school and even...

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The Proper Rape of a Princess

***WARNING: This story is actually a short story. If you are looking for instant sex, find a new story or scroll down half a page. This story is longer so that you can be engrossed in it, you can know the characters, their motivations; you can feel their pain and you can understand the plot. All making for a much more sickening and horrible experience when the rape does occur. (Still, it's pretty short.) Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy. The woman walked swiftly through...

4 years ago
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Prom Princess

Prom Princess Three Months Karen was smiling at me. I should have realized it right then and there: if she was smiling at me, it could not be good. She had come over to drop something off from her Mom to my Mom. They have been friends for a long time, which explains why Karen and I have known each other for, well, ages. It looked like she had come over from school since she was still in her Catholic school girl uniform. Since I go to a public school, and since I loved to give...

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Dream Princess

Introduction Over the summer in 2010, I had a very vivid dream that I awoke from with a start, and almost immediately wrote down the details. It was a very transgendered dream, and I think I have only had a few before that I had any post sleep memory of. Anyway, not only did I write it down, but it has become the impetus for the beginning of a story of sorts. The first seven paragraphs of this story are basically the dream as I recalled it from only hours before, embellished...

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The Ebony Princess

The Ebony princess by Jorgan On the African west coast, in one of the smallest nation on earth, witha population of less than 300 000, a spoilt and wicked young princess by theage of twenty-one, named Gw´Neela, inspected her own lion den. She hadalways enjoyed watching her feline predators feeding, how they tore their liveprey apart and consumed them. The beautiful successor to the throne had had all of her suitors turned downby her father, the king. Hence, she was still technically a virgin....

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A Very Sensual Princess

Chapter 1 Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales, wife of the heir apparent to the throne of England, mother of the next King of England after his father, Prince Charles. Diana was an amazing young woman even before she met Charles and through her betrothal, marriage, and then split-up from Prince Charles, she grew and matured into a totally amazing woman and person. Yes, Diana had been a physical virgin when she met and was engaged to marry Charles, the Prince of Wales and future heir to the...

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Playing to be princess

Playing to be princess!I remember when we played with my older sister, I was only 4 years old and she was 8 years old.We went running to her room, I liked to play with her princess or Barby costumes, and she liked to dress and make up like the prettiest princess while I looked in the mirror and I enjoyed being a girl.I remember that I laughed and sang, spinning aimlessly until I fell to the ground, breathless and dizzy. I felt like a Disney Princess. I felt feminine and beautiful, delicate and...

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The Nutcrackers Princess

The Nutcracker's Princess By Paul G Jutras It all started at a castle in a far off land. Queen Lesley sat up on her thrown in a red silk blouse and matching loafers. She wore a black skirt that zipped up the back. Beside her was King Ken wearing royal blue and Princess Sandra who sat between her parents in a royal red dress and heels. "Nice to be allowed to come, Mistress Lesley." My father said as he bowed before the queen and kissed the Princess' hand. "Your daughter...

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The Princess

The Princess Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I took one last look in the mirror before I grabbed my purse and walked out of the bedroom, my heels making no sound on the carpet. The burgundy skirt was just above my knees, cut straight and fit me perfectly; the antique white blouse with the sheer inserts above my breasts hinted, but didn't reveal my breasts, while the high lace collar hid my Adam's apple. I slipped on the jacket and adjusted my clothes one last time before I...

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Pagan Princess

Pagan Princess  It is the year 50 AD; Roman invaders had set up enclaves throughout the southern lands of Briton. They had met with fierce Pagan Kings who fought bitterly against them and also showed the same aggression toward their neighbouring counterparts. One of these Kings was Alfred who had spawned two children, a boy and a girl. His son who was every bit as fierce as his father perished at the hands of the Romans in one of the bloodiest of battles ever to have raged on the south...

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Butterfly Princess

It is a little practice, what I did here. I'm not good in writing stories like this, but I wanted to try. The characters are from a fantasy novel I'm writing, so this story isn't far from realistic. But I hope you like it.____________________________________________________________________„Sakuya? How are you?“ A gentle voice was heard. The young girl turned around, seeing her husband. „I don’t really know. My parents attacked you…You’re just defend yourself“ She turned around, making some...

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Snow White the Naughtiest Princess

Have I ever told you the tale of Snow White the Naughty Princess? No? Well, let’s get started. Once upon a time, there was a kingdom ruled by a great King and his beautiful Queen. One day, when the King returned to the castle from his adventures, the Queen welcomed him with a tiny baby in her arms. The baby was gorgeous, with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as ebony. What a pleasant surprise it was for the King, who hadn’t been home for two years. “My King, I’m...

Group Sex
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Shannons Little Princess

Cameron was sitting at his desk in his apartment, working on his thesis when his cell phone started ringing and vibrating across the desk. Happy for the interruption - the writing was not going well - he glanced at the phone and smiled when he saw that it was his girlfriend calling. He and Shannon had only been dating for a couple months, but things were going exceptionally well, especially compared to Cameron's past relationships. He had always struggled to lead and take charge of...

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The Panty Princess

Jane and I had only been living together for three weeks when I was caught red-handed. I was mortified when I saw her in the mirror, standing behind me with her mouth wide open. She had managed to come through the front door, up the stairs and into the bedroom without making any noise. I tried to explain that it was the first time I’d ever done such a thing, but she was having none of it. For the next hour we sat on the edge of the bed while she bombarded me with questions about my sexuality,...

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The Nervous Princess

Once upon a time, there lived a young princess who surpassed in loveliness all of the days of spring. She was such a beautiful child that when she bathed in the stream beside her father's castle, the sun himself felt unworthy to shine upon her, and he burned more brightly, consuming himself to clothe her in radiance. She was fair-complected, with golden flowing hair, eyes of sapphire and the soft blush of roses in her cheeks. Her hands and feet were delicate, her hips were slender, and her...

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The Princess

Author’s note #1: Thanks to Hollandguy for his help in editing this story. Author’s note #2: Some of you may have seen this story before on a website that is now defunct. However I am the original author of this story. It is not plagiarized. Author’s note #3: Even though some of the characters start out as minors, All sexual acts in this story takes place after the characters have turned 18 years old. Portlanddrew ————————————————– ‘Princess Michelea Jordansa Patricila Smikto, do you take...

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Float Trippy Island Princess

I pulled up in the parking lot and found Tory standing by a battered Jeep SUV. I drove over and parked the Monte Carlo next to it, and he walked over to my car. “Hey,” he said looking in at Bree. “Are you guys passing out dares already? Cause I thought we’d wait until we got to the river." “That’s her fault, because she was running late. Anyway, so where are we headed?” I asked. “Down I-44 to US 19 at Cuba, then State Hwy 8 thru Steelville. You probably know how to get there, you’ve floated...

4 years ago
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Princess By Teri Franken I should have known better than to have that last scotch and soda. The first six or so had gone down so nicely that it did not seem fair to not have another. Looking at the clock, it was time to leave the party, I did have to be at work in the morning and since it was nearing 2am, I decided to pack it in. "Thanks for having me over guys," I said to Steve and Laurie, "I had a great time." Laurie gave me the LOOK and she could tell that maybe I should...

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Special Agent Princess

I grimace as the black hood comes off. For the past eight hours I had been cursing and counting the minutes until someone would finally remove it but for the split second that it's yanked off and the desert sun cooks my retinas, I cannot help but groan and wish I could go back to my stifling little cocoon. The cuffs around my wrists are popped open soon after and I'm allowed the luxury of shielding my own eyes from the sun. Stiff pain arcs down my back and across my shoulders. My legs still...

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The Rogues Harem Book 3 Rogues Passionate HaremChapter 11 Fertile Princess

Note: Thanks to WRC 264 for beta reading this! Aingeal “You can use my bedroom,” Journeyman Carsina said, her fiery hair dancing about her shoulders. “It’s not the biggest bed, and it’s not really fit for a princess.” “Oh, it’ll be fine,” I told her as we walked away from the Vault, my breasts jiggling before me. I put an arm around her shoulder. “You should see some of the wicked places we’ve enjoyed each other. Fields. Forest glades. Libraries.” “Libraries?” gasped the girl, her ruby...

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The Hidden Princess

The Hidden Princess By Alexus Bowles Brian felt his mother staring and turned to see her standing in the door way. She sheepishly smiled, turned and continued down the hall. Money had lost its importance once she had won the lottery and now Brian and his mother were starting over in a new house without Him. The one who claimed to be his father. The furniture was already gone, they were doing everything new including his clothes. (Which had been crated away before he could see...

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Forgotten Princess

Princess Serenity screamed in frustration. She was to be wed to an ally in order to keep the truce. It was not at how Serenity had imagined her marraige to be. For one, she thought that she would be marrying for love. When she told her parents this, they laughed and told her love is just an emotion used as an excuse to get married or to enjoy the lust of the flesh. You don’t need love when you have money and power, they reminded her. ‘I do not wish to be a princess or rich any longer if it...

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Daddys Little Princess

Your eyes slowly awake to the sight of your familiar bedroom as you rise from your night's sleep. As usual, you are instantly greeted with a 2 million dollar chandelier on the ceiling, made out of diamonds, rubies and sapphires that seems to illuminate your room with a beautiful trance. You were about to rise from your bed when you heard familiar footsteps running towards you. "Good morning Daddy!" Greeted your daughter, Sophia Storm, who as usual, is completely nude from bottom to top, her...

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Night Out with Sheetal my adorable princess

Sheetal, age 24, round face, height 5 ft 4 inches, fair is a pleasing personality. Working in MNC at Delhi, living in a common PG for girls. Is a friend of mine and we had chat on xhamster few times here. It is her who actually inspired about to write here, so am writing, with of course, her name changed. Yes, so, once casually chatting here we met here and just shared some hi and hellos. We did chat about fantasies, some sexual encounter in life and all that. I came to know that Sheetal had...

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Daddys Little Princess

We meet at the Safeway by your house. I’m shopping and you come up behind me and ask what my little slut is doing.Just picking up a few things for later. You see that I have some assorted veggies and ask what I plan on doing with those. You then tell me that I am coming back to your house where you will show me how to prepare those veggies. I will save this part for the next story.I’m a little nervous, but my cock is now twitching and growing harder and you can see it through my sweat...

3 years ago
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A Life Ever Changing 35 36 Princess

"Joyfully now to our princess we come Bringing gifts of all good wishes..." -- Disney's Sleeping Beauty A Life Ever Changing #35 & #36: Princess By Angel "My mommy looked like she was hurt real bad..." Do you think I could spend some of my money and send her some real pretty flowers? She loves yellow roses and I think getting them from me would make her happier." Auntie Helen said, "Angel, that is a wonderful idea, we could all send her some flowers and some...

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Another little horny princess

Hello to all ISS readers. Thanks for the hot response you gave to both my stories, Sex Game At It’s Peak and Blind Room Game. Before continuing with the nigh incident with my elder sister Mehak I would like to narrate you another real sex encounter of mine which took place with my Bua’s daughter Chinky. Again, my little angel Guddu was in a way involved in getting me close to Chinky, another little angel aged 18. Chinky had developed a nice pair of breast for her age with a perfect figure too...

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Being Pretty For Princess

Oh no, I thought, my Princess will be arriving shortly and I still haven't even shaved my legs yet. In a panic, I went to the bathroom and ran a very hot bath. As soon as I stepped in, it was almost as if I was in another world. My name, Stephanie, echoed through my head as I reached for the razor and shaving creme. Being generous, I lathed on the creme and started to shave quickly lest my Princess arrived early. I don't know what I had been thinking, but I had been distracted for quite a...

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Greta the Reluctant Princess

In a display cabinet deep in Prussia is a giant bronze cock, well bronze coloured, it is actually cast iron with bronze gilding, Its head is fearsome. its eye seems to follow you around the room and its wings are so exquisitely formed you would almost think it could fly. A giant cock, and why was it made? A simple mistake, but behind it a story of a simple girl who preferred pigs to Princes, a heart warming feel good story and so I have translated the words from the original Hugenot...

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The Paper Bag Princess

The guy at the bar is wearing a T-shirt that says “Honey Badger Don’t Care.” He’s skinny enough for the shirt, but he cringes when he takes a sip from his bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon.I wonder if he can fuck a girl like me and really not care.I like to tell myself that I’m not that ugly. I’ve studied my reflection enough times to believe that my cheeks aren’t that chipmunk-like, that my teeth aren’t too big, that my forehead isn’t too high. Those features are all I know, but self-confidence is a...

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It was time for the princess to take a husband and have an heir. She always had a love for a big cock and knew she would need that in her mate. Six males were brought in to please her. She had them line up then told them to lower their pants. She walked by each one and grabbed a cock and stroked it. She wanted a big hard one. He had to be at least nine thick inches. When she got to the fifth cock she grabbed it and it got rock hard and huge. She felt his nice big set of balls. She pulled him...

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Costume Gun My Little Princess

Costume Gun: My Little Princess By Heather St. Claire Life's a funny thing. Just when you're sure the script has been written and there are no more surprise turns left, life deals you an ultimate surprise. Mine came just a few days ago. I was a not-quite thirty-five year old man, newly divorced, father of a beautiful five year old girl, and I was dying of pancreatic cancer. Charlotte and I married when we were both twenty-eight. Our darling Madison--Maddie-- arrived not quite two...

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